HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY 2000-01 City of Bakersfield Adopted BudgetCITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADOPTED BUDGET FY 2000 - 01 MAYOR Bob Price CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Irma Carson Patricia J. DeMond Mike Maggard David R. Couch Jeffrey A. Green Jacquie Sullivan Mark C. Salvaggio Councilmember, Ward 1 Councilmember, Ward 2 Councilmember, Ward 3 Councilmember, Ward 4 Councilmember, Ward 5 Councilmember, Ward 6 Councilmember, Ward 7 Submitted by Alan Tandy City Manager CITY OF BAKERSFIELD EXECUTIVE STAFF Alan Tandy Bart Thiltgen John W. Stinson Alan Christensen Gene Bogart Eric Matlock Stan Ford Ron Fraze Jack Hardisty Gregory Klimko Raul Rojas Alan Christensen City Manager City Attorney Assistant City Manager Assistant City Manager Water Resources Manager Police Chief Recreation and Parks Director Fire Chief Development Services Director Finance Director Public Works Director Acting Economic Development Director TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Letter of Transmittal .......................................... v Organizational Chart ........................................ xvii Employee Incentive Program ................................. xviii BUDGET SUMMARIES General Fund Overview ....................................... 1 Transient Lodging Tax Fund Overview ............................ 2 General Fund Budget Graphs ................................... 3 Operating Funds Graphs ....................................... 4 Operating Funds Distribution Graphs ............................. 5 Departmental Appropriations by Fund ............................. 6 General Fund - Appropriations by Department ..................... 10 Financial Summaries - by Fund ................................. 13 Estimated Balances .......................................... 17 Interfund Transfers .......................................... 18 Appropriations Limits ......................................... 20 REVENUES Revenue Summa~ .......................................... 21 Revenue Graphs ............................................ 24 GeneralFund- Revenues by Source ............................ 28 Revenues by Fund .......................................... 30 LEGISLATIVE ....................................................31 Mayor ..................................................... 34 City Council ................................................ 37 EXECUTIVE ......................................................39 City Manager ............................................... 42 City Clerk .................................................. 45 Human Resources ........................................... 47 Risk Management ........................................... 50 Management Information Services .............................. 52 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED FINANCIAL SERVICES ...........................................55 Administration .............................................. 58 Accounting and Reporting ..................................... 60 Treasury .................................................. 62 Pumhasing ................................................. 64 CITY ATTORNEY ................................................. 67 Legal Counsel .............................................. 71 POLICE SERVICES ...............................................75 Headquarters ............................................... 78 Support Services ............................................ 80 Operations ................................................. 84 Investigations ............................................... 87 FIRE SERVICES ..................................................91 Administration .............................................. 94 Fire Safety ................................................. 96 Fire Suppression ............................................ 99 PUBLIC WORKS ................................................103 Administration ............................................. 107 Engineering ............................................... 109 General Services ........................................... 113 Streets ................................................... 116 Equipment ................................................ 119 Wastewater ............................................... 122 Solid Waste ............................................... 125 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED WATER RESOURCES ...........................................129 Agricultural Water .......................................... 132 Domestic Water ............................................ 135 RECREATION AND PARKS ..................................... 137 Administration ............................................ 140 Parks .................................................... 142 Recreation ................................................ 144 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ..................................... 147 Planning .................................................. 150 Building .................................................. 152 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ................. 155 Community Development .................................... 158 Economic Development ...................................... 161 NON-DEPARTMENTAL Non-Departmental .......................................... 165 SPECIAL FUNDS Special Revenue Funds ..................................... 167 Internal Service Funds ....................................... 176 Fiduciary Funds ............................................ 179 Capital Improvement Program Funds ........................... 181 Debt Service Funds ......................................... 189 Schedule of Long-Term Debt Outstanding ....................... 192 Schedule of Long-Term Debt Maturities ......................... 193 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds ........................................... 195 REDEVELOPMENT Redevelopment Funds ...................................... 203 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) Letter of Transmittal ......................................... 211 CIP Summary by Fund ...................................... 215 Key to Funding Codes ....................................... 216 Comprehensive Summary of Projects ........................... 227 APPENDICES Operating Budget Overview .................................. 235 Budget Calendar ........................................... 236 City Council Goals and Policies ................................ 237 Miscellaneous Statistics ..................................... 243 Graphs ................................................... 244 Personnel Complement List .................................. 246 Salary Schedule ........................................... 248 GLOSSARY Glossary ................................................. 263 iv BUDGET MESSAGE FROM CITY MANAGER B A K E R S F I E L D TO: FROM: SUBJECT: _,,./,~Y 1, 2000 / FISCAL YEAR 2000-01 ADOPTED BUDGET Transmitted heroin for your review and consideration is the Adopted Fiscal Year 2000-01 Budget Document. The adopted budget represents a continuation of moderate but steady gains in sales tax and property tax resulting in equivalent growth in General Fund services. Overall the City is continuing to experience positive financial growth consistent with national and statewide trends. When staff began proparation of the budget in November 1999, departments were asked to be conservative in their roquests for incroased funding over and above current service levels to match the modest projected increases in revenues and population. Overall population growth was at about 2.8 percent (not including the roduction in population due to the outcome of the Palm and Olive elections). Sales taxes have continued an upward trond, with a significant incroase in vehicle sales during the curront year. Sales taxes are projected to incroase approximately 5.5% in the next fiscal year. Property taxes have remained stable, consistent with property values in our aroa. The general budgetary picturo is one of consistent economic growth, The City has continued work on important community projects, including the construction and anticipated completion of the Amtrak Station and Q Street Grade Separation, completion of the wastewater treatment plant expansion, completion of the skateboard park, major road repair and reconstruction efforts, the attraction of a grocery store to southeast Bakersfield, and maintaining quality service to the public. This budget hopes to continue to build on these activities and successes. BUDGET OUTLOOK Positive Notes Positive state and local economic trends will allow the City to maintain service levels within available revenues as well as address additional personnel needs to deal with service growth and Council priorities This is reflected in the number of new positions proposed for V Honorable Mayor and City Council 2000-2001 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1,2000 the coming year and the departments for which they are recommended. This year, we are adding 26 new positions concentrated primarily in Police, Fire, Human Resources, Management Information Services, Public Works, Recreation and Parks, and Development Services departments. In addition to these new positions, staff is also processing a separate proposal that would convert a significant number of existing temporary employee positions to full-time positions using budgeted temporary salaries or overtime to offset the cost of the conversion. There are 64 positions City-wide being considered for conversion. They include 3 in Management Information Services, 7 in Police, 24 in Public Works, and 30 in Recreation and Parks. In order to reduce training and other costs associated with the use of temporary positions in key areas within these departments we are recommending they be converted to full-time positions. This will also more accurately reflect the workload being performed by the departments and will better reflect comparisons of the number of employees per 1,000 population. Last year's budget specifically addressed several goals established by the City Council during the goal setting session. Included were additional funds to attract a grocery store to southeast Bakersfield, enhancement ofeconomic developmentefforts, providing support for a new terminal at the Kern County Airport, joint meetings between the Council and the Kern County Board of Supervisors, completion of the Recreation and Parks Master Plan, development of a red light traffic enforcement program, updating the City's disaster management plan, a contribution to the Vision 2020 community visioning project, underwriting an event at the Centennial Garden Arena as part of the First Night Celebration, a contribution to support public ice skating at Centennial Garden and making significant road repairs throughout the community. Staff continues to work to bring these and other Council goals to their completion. Included in the adopted budget are funds for two city monument entry signs and to continue streetscape, median, and street lighting improvement projects to improve safety and promote pride in our community. There is a significant upgrade of the computerized Records Management System and the addition of a Crime Analyst position proposed for the Police Department to enhance community oriented policing efforts. Funds continue to be set aside for future construction of new fire stations in the southwest and northeast areas of the city. Public Works is continuing the Traffic Operations Interconnect project and will be adding several new traffic signals. There is a portable stage proposed for the Recreation and Parks Department to enhance the availability and quality of concerts and programs throughout the community. Funds are budgeted for tree replacement, and an Urban Forester position is proposed in the Recreation and Parks budget. The Water Department is proposing construction of a 2 million gallon water tank in northwest Bakersfield. vi Honorable Mayor and City Council 2000-2001 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2000 Much progress was made last year in road resurfacing and repair work. Public Works has budgeted $960,000 for street resurfacing materials in the Streets Division Budget in the Gas Tax Fund. As part of the effort to balance the budget in 1992 when the State budget capture shifted property taxes, the City funded the Traffic Engineering division with gas tax funds to free up General Fund resources. Due to the availability of sufficient General Fund revenues and the Council's goal to increase read resurfacing, staff is recommending that Traffic Engineering be again funded by the General Fund. This will increase Gas Tax Funds available for road resurfacing by $757,233. These funds, combined with other gas tax funds and $2 million in ISTEA funds, will provide a total of $3,174,000 for reconstruction and resurfacing projects City-wide in the Capital Improvements budget. This budget continues to reflect positive trends in the operations at Bakersfield Centennial Garden and Convention Center by Ogden Entertainment. The operation of these City facilities by Ogden continues to be a success. They continue to bring diverse and quality entertainment to our community and their management of the Centennial Garden and Convention Center is projected to result in a reduction of the operating deficit of $690,455 for fiscal year 2000-01, as compared to the last year of operating the Convention Center priorto privatization. The savings continue to be budgeted to maintain other General Fund services. Staff has continued the policy of budgeting funds in the Facilities Replacement Reserve. Staff is recommending that $1 million be added this fiscal year within the Capital Improvements budget. This increases this reserve to a total of $3.2 million. Budgeting these funds in the Facilities Replacement Reserve will allow us to replenish previously expended funds and plan for major facilities replacements over the coming years. Pursuant to Council direction, staff has also budgeted $500,000 for the first of five contributions to Kern County for the City share of improvements to the Kern County Airport Terminal Project and $200,000 for the City contribution for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Transportation Systems Study. This budget also includes $581,300 for the purchase of three additional street sweepers and street sweeper operators along with associated operating costs. Inadditionthisbudgetincludesa$911,123contributionfrom Kern County for the purchase of equipment and increased operating costs associated with the expansion of the wood waste diversion program. A total of $699,945 has been set aside in Council Contingency. Council Contingency allows for add itional flexibility for items that will require Council approval outside the normal budget process. Fundsare included inthisaccountfor possible employee compensation changes and salary settlements. There is approximately $314,000 of this amount set aside for unanticipated items that may come up during the year or items that are difficult to budget for in the regular operating budget. vii Honorable Mayor and City Council 2000-2001 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2000 Considerations As this budget was being prepared, the Governor's proposed State budget is being revised to reflect updated information, and any changes will be submitted to the legislature in May. The Governors proposed budget did not include any significant funds for cities, nor any continuation of ERAF relief. It is possible that, with anticipated State budget surpluses, some additional funding for cities could be included in the state budget, as revised by the Governor, or through legislative budget negotiations. It is uncertain how it would be structured (i.e. limited to specific purposes, such as public safety or road projects) or at what funding level. Staff continues to monitor the State budget process and work with the League of California Cities on these funding issues. In the recent statewide election, Propositions 12 & 13 (the Park and Water Bonds) were passed by the public. These two bond issues provided for large amounts of funds, both statewide and locally, for park and water projects. They also specifically included $2.5 million in the park bond and $2.5 million in the water bond for Kern River Parkway projects. Staff has indicated that the Governor's revised budget may include the $5.0 million in appropriations for these projects in the 2000-01 state budget. If that occurs, we will bring forward budget amendments to include projects for the use of these funds. Potential project ideas are being developed by staff. There remains several million dollars in grant funds available to the City through these bond issues. State agencies are preparing the regulations for their distribution and they will likely be appropriated as part of the 2001-02 state budget, so no funds are included in the budget at this time. Staff is continuing to monitor the grants and is developing projects which may compete for these grant funds. BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Total approved appropriations in FY 2000/01 for all City funds reflect a increase of about $22.5 million or 9.9 percent more than FY 99/00. Approximately half of the increase is within the Capital improvements Program. The total proposed appropriations for FY 2000/01 for both operating and capital expenditures is $250,695,326, including $22,878,393 in interfund transfers. The operating budget is proposed at $199,048,542 which reflects a 6.7 percent increase over FY 99/00. The City's budget is organized by groups of funds. Each fund is considered a separate accounting entity with its own assets, liabilities, equity, revenue and expenses. The major fund groups and some divisions within the funds are described below, highlighting any significant changes over the prior year. viii Honorable Mayor and City Council 2000-2001 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1,2000 General Fund Major revenue sourues for the General Fund are real and personal property tax, sales and use tax, business licenses tax, utility franchise tax, licenses and permits, State motor vehicle in lieu tax, miscellaneous charges for services and interdepartmental charges. General Fund Revenues are projected at $101,010,000 (including $7.3 million in beginning fund balance and transfers). This is an increase of about $7 million, or about 7.5% above proposed budget revenues for the 1999/00 fiscal year. Items contributing to General Fund revenues include: $40.3 million in sales and use taxes, $18.5 million in property tax, $7.3 million in other taxes and fees, and approximately $27.6 million in various other revenues. General Fund Expenditures are projected at $101,010,000, including $4.1 million in transfers to other funds. This is a 7.5% increase over the FY 99/00 adopted budget General Fund expenditures of $93,966,000. In addition to ongoing operating expenses and personnel costs, new personnel costs are estimated at $1,237,830, and $699,945 has been set aside for Council Contingency, Cash Basis Reserve is used for the purpose of placing the City, as nearly as possible, on a cash basis to avoid borrowing for operating purposes. In addition, the Cash Basis Reserve acts as a revolving loan account which makes short-term cash advances to other funds which experience a temporary cash deficit. During the first four to five months of any fiscal year, expenditures may exceed revenues in the General Fund. This is due primarily to the first large payment of the City's share of property taxes from the County that occurs in mid to late December. The cash basis reserve balance as of January 1, 1999 is $6.2 million. This budget includes an additional $300,000 to increase the cash basis reserve account. We note, however, that the amount should, ideally, be ten percent of the General Fund operating budget. In future fiscal cycles we need to continue to advance toward the achievement of the full ten percent. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) The CIP provides long-range capital planning for projects that are expected to service the City of Bakersfield's infrastructure over a considerable period of time. Revenue sources identified within the CIP may be from grants, taxes, user fees, bond issues, transfers from other funds, or assessments. ix Honorable Mayor and City Council 2000-2001 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2000 The Adopted CI P budget for FY 2000/01 totals $29,238,391. An itemized listing of projects recommended for approval, projects which were proposed by departments and not funded, and projects included in the Five-year Plan are presented in the CIP section of this document. A few major projects, however, are discussed below. The largest of the proposed CIP projects is the construction of the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Line for $8.7 million. This project will provide a direct connection to Plant #3 and will serve the needs of future growth. Another major sewer project is the rehabilitation of the South Chester Avenue sewer main for $1.8 million. This project will rehabilitate/replace existing concrete sewer lines which are deteriorating due to gases in the line. This is the third year of a multi-year project to rehabilitate these sewers. In addition to the $3,174,000 for reconstruction and resurfacing projects City-wide mentioned earlier, $250,000 has been budgeted for the improvement of various railroad crossings. Also budgeted is $700,000 for the completion of the project report, environmental document, and property acquisition forthe Highway 178/Fairfax interchange project. $210,000 has been budgeted for the completion of the project report and environmental documents for the Hageman Road at State Route 99 project. $200,000 has been budgeted for the City contribution for the Metropolitan Transportation Systems Study. $524,000 has been budgeted for the Traffic Operations Center Interconnect project which will install conduit and conductor for the interconnection of traffic signals to improve signal operations. Additionally, $945,000 has been budgeted for seven new traffic signals. This budget includes funds for several beautification projects, including two City entry monuments totaling $175,000 and downtown streetscape projects totaling $667,000. Also included is $150,000 forstreetscape improvements on CaliforniaAvenue between Chester and Union Avenue, which will include trees, grates, and decorative street lighting. $20,000 has been budgeted to install decorative street lights on Baker Street between Highway 178 and Truxtun Avenue. A total of $300,000 has been budgeted for median island improvements throughout the city, consistent with the new standard to be adopted by the Council for improving existing median islands. Several streetlight projects have been budgeted, including $33,000 for street lighting improvements in the downtown and $66,000 for a second phase of street lighting improvements in the Baker Street area. $77,320 of CDBG funds have been budgeted for streetlight upgrades in the Lincoln School area. Redevelopment funds are budgeted for $75,000 of street lighting improvements in the Baker Street area and $75,000 of street lighting improvements in the Lakeview area. X Honorable Mayor and City Council 2000-2001 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2000 Also, planned is an upgrade of the Police Department Records Management System for $500,000 using State law enforcement grant funds. This budget also enables the City to set aside an additional $300,000 for eventual construction of a temporary fire station at White Lane and Buena Vista. This is the fourth annual set-aside for this purpose. With this contribution, funds set aside for the station total $650,000. Also included is $100,000 towards the eventual construction of a future fire station location in northeast Bakersfield. Another major project is the upgrade of the HVAC unit for City Hall which has been deferred for several years. An additional chiller will be added which will provide more efficient operations and will be connected to the energy management system. $125,000 has been budgeted for an emergency generator to serve the City Hall Annex. Several maintenance and repair projects have been budgeted for the Centennial Garden Arena to resolve operational problems which have become apparent since the building has opened. These include the smoke evacuation system and replacement of the sub-floor used to cover the ice for basketball, concerts and other events. Additional portable staging has also been budgeted. Recreation and Parks has budgeted for the acquisition of a northeast park site, swimming pools repair, and $66,599 for tree replacement. Funds have been budgeted to upgrade computer network cabling at the corporation yard to improve the reliability of computer network systems. The Water Department has budgeted $1.8 million for the construction of a 2 million gallon water tank in the northwest to address water quality issues. DEPARTMENT HIGHLIGHTS As mentioned previously, 26 new positions were added for FY 2000/01. These include: 1 in Human Resources, 2 in Management Information Services, 8 in Police, 2 in Fire, 8 in Public Works, 2 in Recreation and Parks, and 3 in Development Services. A few of the highlights of major department budgets are listed below. Police. Eight positions are recommended for the Police Department - Included is a Detective position in Internal Affairs, a Crime Analyst, one Clerk Typist for Operations and two Clerk Typists for Investigations, a Senior Records Clerk and two Lab Technician positions. These positions are needed to address the overall needs of the City. Also included in the budget are funds to upgrade six existing Police Officer positions to Police Sergeants. This would change the ratio of sergeants to sworn officers from 11 officers per supervisor to a ratio of 1:8.4. There are concerns that the current span of control is too high and, based on surveys of other agencies, the lower ratio is more typical. This would xi Honorable Mayor and City Council 2000-2001 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2000 result in one additional Sergeant per shift and one in the Vice-Narcotics Unit. This upgrade will be made from the existing complement with no new entry positions created. The total operating budget for Police is proposed at $39,775,656, which is a 82 percent increase over FY 99/00. This increase is, primarily, due to the proposed red light traffic enforcement program which has been budgeted with costs of the program offset with traffic fine revenues. In addition, reductions in Police Safety PERS rates offset a portion of increases in the budget for additional personnel. Fire. Two additional positions are recommended for the Fire Department. There is an additional Training Captain position proposed to address increased training requirements. A Fire Captain position was deleted as part of the 1992 State budget capture. This replaces the eliminated Fire Captain position. There is also a Plan Checker position to bring the fire plan check function back under the Fire Department from the Development Services Department to improve service in that area. The operating budget is $19,297,555, which is a .7 percent increase over FY 99/00. This limited increase is primarily due to reductions in Fire Safety PERS rates which offset other increases to fire personnel costs. Recreation and Parks. Recreation and Parks staff are continuing to improve and expand recreational activities and other facilities based programs. The Recreation and Parks Master Plan was completed and the Skateboard Park was recently opened. Two additional positions are proposed for this department, a Recreation Specialist position and an Urban Forester position. The addition of the Urban Forester position has been a goal of the Council and community groups to address the maintenance of the urban forest. Also included in the budget is a self contained portable stage to enhance concerts in the parks. The budget for the department is $10,429,045, which is a 15.1 percent increase over FY 99/00. The primary reason forthis significant increase is due to the shift in the temporary employee benefit mark-up costs to the department budget, resulting from the use of an outside temporary agency to hire temporary employees. Recreation and Parks employs the largest number of temporary employees in the City. Offsetting costs under the previous budget procedure appeared in other sections of the budget, such as unemployment compensation insurance in non-departmental and worker's compensation in Risk Management insurance payments so, to some degree, it is a shift of where monies appear rather than an increase. Public Works. Eight new positions are recommended for Public Works. The positions include three motor sweeper operators and an additional sewer maintainer in the Streets division, a Sanitation Worker III for Solid Waste to add an additional refuse collection route, a Heavy Equipment Operator, Service Maintenance Worker and Laborer for the expanded wood waste diversion program. All additional positions are in response to City growth in service. The operating budget for Public Works is $56,450,300, which is a 9.7 percent xii Honorable Mayor and City Council 2000-2001 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2000 increase over FY 99/00. This is primarily due to increases in service demand due to growth and increased replacement equipment purchases compared to last fiscal year. Development Services. Three new positions are recommended for Development Services. They include a Permit Technician position and a Building Inspector I to respond to increased service demands. There is also an additional Code Enforcement Officer position. Both the Code Enforcement Officer and the Building Inspector will be partially offset by savings in temporary salaries. The total department operating budget is $5,116,963, which is a 2.9 percent increase over FY 99~00. Executive. A Human Resources Analyst l position is being recommended forthe Human Resources Division to assist with employee recruitments. In addition, a Senior Office Systems Analyst and an Information Systems Analyst is proposed for MIS in order to provide support to the Police Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management Systems. These systems have become much more technically complex and require a higher level of technical support and staff backup through the MIS division rather than continuing to use Police Department personnel with other responsibilities. The total budget for the Executive Department is increasing 7.7 percent over FY 99/00. The increase is primarily due to additional positions in Human Resources and Management Information Services, as well as increases in the Risk Management budget. City Attorney. Due to changes in staff assignments within the City Attorney's office, the deletion of a vacant Legal Secretary position is recommended. The total budget for the City Attorney's Office is increasing 3.3 percent over FY 99/00. Water. Included is $1,200,000 for new domestic water wells, $320,000 to begin the reservoir and pump station for the Northeast Water Project. The operating budget for the Water Department is $9,422,073 which is a 3.7 percent increase over FY 99/00. Enterprise Funds Enterprise Funds account for business-like activities supported primarily by user charges, such as water and wastewater utilities, refuse, and airport. Agricultural Water Fund primarily comes from users of the agricultural water service. No increased rates are proposed for agricultural water. The proposed budget includes $100,000 for outside legal counsel for the First Point Lawsuit and a $325,000 transfer to the General Fund for in-lieu contributions and franchise fees. Domestic Water Fund No increased rates are proposed for domestic water. The proposed budget includes $100,000 for outside legal counsel for the First Point xiii Honorable Mayor and City Council 2000-2001 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2000 Lawsuit and a $546,700 transfer to the General Fund for in-lieu contributions and franchise fees. Refuse Fund rates are recommended to increase 1% this year to continue the current level of service. This will increase residential rates from $138.00 to $139.50 per household annually. The increase also includes the cost of an additional City route (truck and driver) and increases in the haulers' contract of 2.2% last year and 2.3% next year. Wastewater Treatment Fund residential sewer user fees are recommended to increase by 1.8%. This will increase the rate from $113 to $115 per residence. The increase is needed in order to collect sufficient funds for both operations and future replacement to existing treatment plant facilities and equipment. Sewer connection fees, however, will increase approximately $100 per single-family household. These increases fulfill the fifth year of a multi-year financing program, and are consistent with the Brown and Caldwell consulting firm recommendation to finance needed plant expansions and/or upgrades. Internal Service Funds These funds account for services provided to City departments to support operations such as vehicles and communications equipment, computers, and liability, property and workers' compensation insurance. Equipment Management Fund rates are based on actual costs for depreciation, improvements and replacement, and are billed to departments on a monthly basis. This year the budget provides for $1,460,000 in new equipment; and $3.7 million in replacement equipment where the useful life has been expended. The Equipment Management Fund not only provides for funding of vehicles and telecommunications equipment, but it also includes computers and copier equipment. The Management Information Services (MIS) computer replacement program covers ongoing maintenance of hardware and software programs. This budget year we are planning to replace 200 personal computers and 35 printers. Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted to expenditure for a specific purpose. Examples are Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Gas Tax, Intermodal Surface Transportation Funds and the new Transient Lodging Tax Fund. xiv Honorable Mayor and City Council 2000-2001 Adopted Budget - Letter of Transmittal July 1, 2000 Community Development Block Grant comes from the Federal Government for the elimination of slums and blight, housing conservation, and improvements of community services. Our allocation of CDBG/HOME funds for FY 2000/01 is $3,980,000. These funds will primarily be spent on housing and capital projects such as street repairs, sidewalk improvements, street lighting, and upgrading of park facilities. In addition, these funds will be used to fund $100,000 in downtown streetscape improvements; $275,000 in street resurfacing in the Casa Loma area; $50,000 for street improvements on Lake Street; $275,000 KCEOC for consolidation of the Food Bank and administrative offices at a new location; $30,000 to the Housing Authority of Kern County for HVAC improvements to the Oro Vista Recreation Center, and $152,000 for the business attraction program. Transient Lodging Tax Fund was established in July 1998 to account for the general revenues provided by a 12 percent room tax (M.C. 3.40) and the operation and debt related to the Convention Center and Arena. This includes the contract with Aramark SMG forprivatizationoftheoperationsofthefacilities. Revenues from operation ofthe complex will also go into this fund. This fund also includes debt service payments on the new arena facility. Surplus TLT funds at year end have been budgeted to maintain other general City operations. The proposed budget includes a proposed increase in the base percentage of TLT funds given to the Convention and Visitors Bureau from 10% to 11% to enhance the marketing of convention and related activities and is consistent with amounts given to them over the past several years. The budget also includes $46,000 for the Bakersfield Symphony to offset the costs associated with their use of the Convention Center, similar to past years. This amount will also provide for the addition of a special "Kid's Concert." A request for funding for paving and curbing by the Kern County Soccer Foundation was not recommended. Included in the Adopted budget is an increase of approximately $4,500 for the SPCA contract to address increased costs of animal control services. CONCLUSION The City of Bakersfield continues to address the growing needs of our community, both in terms of the budget and management. Because of conservative budgeting practices and maximum leveraging of City resources, we have been able to respond quickly to new and exciting projects in the past and look forward to new opportunities to better serve the community. This budget represents significant efforts to work in harmony with other governmental agencies, including Kern County. The staff and I continue to place a high priority on maintaining current service levels and enhancing those which are top priorities for the community, such as public safety, and those services which improve the quality of our community life. Staff remains committed to the advancement of customer service, Honorable Mayor and City Council 2000-2001 Adopted Budget- Letter of Transmittal July 1,2000 efficiency and cost-effectiveness by City departments and our outstanding employees. As always, we will continue throughout the fiscal year to keep costs down, streamline operations, and, most importantly, maintain the high level of service that residents of the City deserve. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS As is the case every year, this document represents the compilation of many hours of work by many people throughout the organization. My thanks to the department heads and their business managers, division managers and staff for submitting thorough and well-prepared budget proposals. Thanks also goes to the budget team headed up by Assistant City Manager John W. Stinson and including Finance Director Gregory Klimko, Assistant to the City Manager Darnell Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director, Georgina Lorenzi, Engineer IV Ted Wright, Administrative Analyst Trudy Slater and Secretary Amber Lawrence. Finally, my continued appreciation to the Mayor and City Council for your leadership and direction in the budget process and throughout the year. xvi City of Bakersfield FY 2000-2001 Organizational Chart i Citizens of Bakersfield ~ I I Mayor j CityCouncil IBa~em~eld Rede~elopmeni Boards and Asst. City ManagerJ ~ Asst. Cffy Manager] m~Managementlnfo Sn~s L Building Employee :entive Committee HIGH FIVE The High Five award is for immediate recognition of City employees for their quality of work, high levels of productivity, notable customer service~E' or an old-fashioned "Thank You." Over 300 employees were nominated for High Fives in FY 1999-2000 WELL DONE! BRIGHT IDEAS The City of Bakersfield is fortunate to employ individuals who are think beyond the box. If employees see something that needs to be achieved or improved, they are encouraged to submit a Bright Idea. Some of those Bright Ideas that have been recognized are: Improving the system for fast and accurate transcription of Police report tapes by utilizing court reporting machines and software; E-mailing the Employee Newsletter and other office memoranda as a means to reduce paper costs; and Providing additional funding for the maintenance of the parks and bike path by selling memorial bricks that would be placed in our parks, and collecting small contributions for the chance to sign names in fresh cement along new portions of the Bike Path - starting with the Mayor! The City wishes to thank all those who have submitted their ideas for consideration. Pictured are employees that have submitted Bright Ideas. Please - keep them coming! From left to fight: Bob Meats, Recreation and Parks,' Debra Ogle, Po~ce Department; Karen Crawford, Fire Department; Kevin Bames, Public Works. xviii BUDGET SUMMARIES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 2000-01 GENERAL FUND - OVERVIEW RESOURCES Sales Tax Property Tax Other Taxes TOTAL TAXES Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services Fines and Forfeits Miscellaneous Revenues TOTAL OTHER REVENUES TOTAL REVENUES Beginning Balance Transfers in TOTAL RESOURCES $40,330,000 $18,480,000 $7,320,000 $66,130,000 $2,282,000 $13,595,000 $9,140,000 $600,000 $1,963,000 $27,580,000 $93,710,000 $5,700,000 $1,600,000 $101,010,000 APPROPRIATIONS Police Fire TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY Public Works Recreation and Parks Development Services Economic Development General Government Non-Departmental TOTAL TOTAL OPERATING Contingencies Transfers Out TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $38,092,736 $19,297,555 $57,390,291 $11,759,414 $10,429,045 $5,116,963 $733,570 $7,854,105 $2,936,667 $38,829,764 $96,220,055 $699,945 $4,090,000 $101,010,000 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 2000-01 TRANSIENT LODGING TAX FUND - OVERVIEW RESOURCES Transient Lodging Tax Centennial Garden Complex Miscellaneous: Contribution - Public Finance Authority Interest on Investment TOTAL REVENUE Beginning Balance TOTALRESOURCES $ 5,000,000 3,977,655 300,000 20,000 9,297,655 664,950 $ 9,962,605 APPROPRIATIONS Centennial Garden Complex Non-Departmentah Convention and Visitors Bureau Symphony Capital Leases - Facility Expansion: Ballroom, 1994 Meeting Rooms, 1994 Arena, 1997 TOTAL OPERATING Transfers Out (To General Fund) TOTALAPPROPRIATIONS Fund Balance - June 30 $ 4,425,140 550,000 76,000 233,445 74,328 3,148,502 8,507,415 550,000 9,057,415 $ 905,190 Analysis of Fund Balance Tax Accrual Reserve Prepaid Lease Reserve Unreserved TOTAL FUND BALANCE - JUNE 30 440,000 460,000 5,190 $ 905,190 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 2000-0'1 GENERAL FUND BUDGET Where it comes from... L'censes & Perm ts (2.26%)~"' ~...,~ , Misc. & Other (9.19%) "~ _ Beg. Balance 7.23%~ 'nes & Forfeitures (0.59';,,'S0) Prope~y Tax (18.30%) Where it goes... Economic Development (0.73%) .... _ ..... ._~,,/,..:,.Recreation and Parks (10.32%) Public Works (11.64%) --}~ Non-Depa~mental (7.65%) Police (37.71%) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 2000-01 OPERATING BUDGET Where it comes from... Taxes & Assessments (38.10%) Licenses and Permits (1.04%) / Intergovernmental (13.47%) Misc. Revenue (3.44%) /' Fines and Forfeits (1.27%) ~ _~Charges for Service (42.67%) Where it goes... Non-Departmental (17.92%) Development Serv. (4.61%) ' ;- "" L!llli i!fillltlzll.u,,,,,-,,....' Recreation and Parks (7.48%) --"' ,~ ' Water (4.74%)--' Public Works (28.43%)" General Government (7.07%) Police (20.03%) " Fire (9.72%) * Does not include interfund transfers 4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 2000-01 Operating Fund Distribution All Funds Capital (16.24%)~ Operating (44.23%)~-- (39.53%) General Fund Capital (0.71' Operating (23.58%) Personnel (75.70%) 5 Budget Summary Operatincl Budqets City of Bakersfield $14,040,699 Police $39,775,656 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 2000-01 ADOPTED BUDGET Departmental Appropriations by Fund Public Water Recreation Fire Works Resources and Parks $19,297,555 $56,450~300 $9,422,073 $14,854,185 Development Non~ Services Departmental Total $9,028,830 $52,357,445 $215,226,743 Bakers~eldRedevelop. Agency $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $116,492 $6,113,700 $6,230,192 Total Operating $14,040,699 $39,775,656 $19,297,555 $56,450,300 $9,422,073 $14,854,185 $9,145,322 $58,471,145 $221,456,935 Capital Improvements City of Bakersfield $1,092,600 $500,000 $503,000 $21,494,520 $4,432,500 $705,771 $360,000 $0 $29,088,391 Bakersfield Redevelop. Agency Total Capital Improvements $0 $1,092,600 $0 $0 $150,000 $0 $0 $500,000 $503,000 $21,644,520 $4,432,500 $705,771 $0 $360,000 $0 $150,000 $0 $29,238,391 TotalAppropriations $15,133,299 $40,275,656 $19,800,555 $78,094,820 $13,854,573 $15,559,956 $9,505,322 $58,471,145 $250,695,326 City of Bakersfield Operatinq Budqet General Fund Transient Lodging Taxes Gas Tax Traffic Safety Municipal Improvement Debt Public Financing Authority Capital Outlay Fund Arena Project Fund Transportation Development Agriculture Water Domestic Water Parking Lots/Structures Park Improvement Fund Refuse Collection Aviation Fund Self Insurance Supplemental Law Enforce, Equipment Management Wastewater Treatment Plant Community Dev. Block Grant Assessment Districts Total Operating General Government $7,854,105 $24,000 $5,164~584 $882,172 $35,100 $80,738 $14,040,699 Police $38,092,736 $1,682,920 $39.775,656 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 2000-01 PROPOSED BUDGET Departmental Appropriations by Fund Fire $19,297,555 Public Water Recreation Development Works Resources and Parks Services $11,759,414 $10.429.045 $4,425,140 $2,295,827 $5,850,533 $200,000 $3,076,154 $6,345,919 $145,691 $22,031,423 $122~813 $13,008,716 $7.032,107 $3,032,606 $19,297,555 $56,450,300 $9,422.073 $14,854,185 $9,028,830 Non- } Depa~nta| To~| $7,726.612 $101,010,000 $4,632,275 $9,057.415 $2,295,827 $1,050,000 $2,732,920 $340,373 $340,373 $12,703,500 $12,727,500 $0 $0 $2~024,932 $2,224,932 $1,131,200 $4,207,354 $1,196,838 $7,542,757 $145,691 $1,451,213 $1,451,213 $140,000 $22,171,423 $122.813 $5,164,584 $0 $13,890.888 $13,338,420 $20,405,627 $340,373 $3,372.979 $6,281,709 $6,362,447 $52,357,445 $215,226,743 City of Bakersfield Capital improvements SurFact Transportation (ISTEA) Transportation (TDA) Gas Tax Park Improvement Capfial Outlay Fund Arena Project Fund Transportation Development Road and Bridge Bond Funds Agriculture Water Domestic Water Parking Lots/Structures Refuse Collection Aviation Fund Amtrak Railway Public Facilities Equipment Management Wastewater Treatment Rant Community Dev. Block Grant Supplemental Law Enforce. Assessment Districts Total Capital improvements Total City of Bakersfield $1,092,600 $1,092,600 $15,133,299 Police 500,000 $500,000 $40,275,656 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 2000-01 PROPOSED BUDGET Departmental Appropriations by Fund Fire Public Water Recreation Development Non- J Works Resources and Parks Services Departmental Total $3,805,300 $503,000 $2,207,400 $273,508 $1,055,000 $395,763 $1,888,500 $503,250 $3,929,250 $122.000 $60,000 $11,456,000 $900,320 $36,500 $20,000 $340,000 $503,000 $21,494,520 $4,432,500 $705,771 $360,000 $19,800,555 $77,944,820 $13,854,573 $15,559,956 $9,388,830 $3,805,300 $0 $2,207,400 $273,508 $3,066,363 $0 $1,888,500 $0 $503,250 $3,929,250 $0 $122,000 $60,000 $0 $0 $0 $11,456,000 $1,276,820 $500,000 $0 $0 $29,088,391 $52,357,445 $244,315,134 Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Operatinq Budqet Downtown Oldtown Kern Pioneer Southeast Housinq, Downtown Oldtown Kern Pioneer Southeast Debt Service Total Operating Capital Improvements Oldtown Kern Pioneer Southeast Total Capital Improvements Total BRDA General Government Police CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 2000-01 PROPOSED BUDGET Departmental Appropriations by Fund Public Water Recreation Development Non- J Fire Works Resources and Parks Services Deparb31enta| Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $75,000 $75,000 $34,793 $1,585,000 $1,619~793 $13,479 $69,300 $82,779 $18,220 $71,400 $89,620 $50,000 $50,000 $4,388,000 $4,388,000 $116,492 $6,113,700 $6,230,192 $75,000 $75,000 $0 $0 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 $0 $0 $150,000 $0 $0 $116,492 $6,113,700 $6,380,192 Programs Mayor City Council TOTAL LEGISLATIVE City Manager City Clerk Human Resources Management Info. Services Risk Management TOTAL EXECUTIVE Administration Accounting and Reporting Treasury Purchasing TOTAL FINANCIAL SERVICES Legal Counsel TOTAL CITY ATTORNEY Administration Operations Investigations Support Services TOTAL POLICE SERVICES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FISCAL YEAR 2000-01 General Fund - Appropriations by Department Adopted Amended Actual Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 $126,777 $138,354 $133,556 $172.677 $184,310 $184,310 $299,454 $322,664 $317,866 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $156,960 $241,328 $398,288 $677,679 $662,020 $670,460 $675,599 $555,264 $578,008 $578,349 $612,106 $869,079 $1,032,116 $1,065,679 $1,071,834 $1,356,220 $1,558,360 $1,583,223 $1,740,739 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,458,242 $3,830,504 $3,897,711 $4,100,278 $256,485 $291,498 $298,256 $308,078 $722,443 $730,605 $738,012 $737,893 $477,752 $496,783 $496,947 $519,226 $189,105 $214,619 $215,015 $225,946 $1,645,785 $1,733,505 $1,748,230 $1,791,143 $1,395,694 $1,514,059 $1,565,726 $1,564,396 $1,395,694 $1,514,059 $1,565,726 $1,564,396 $3,832,278 $3,755,443 $6,308,415 $7,214,444 $24,648,351 $25,614,733 $23,132,166 $22,776,099 $7,373,976 $7,403,739 $7,801,016 $8,102,193 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,854,605 $36,773,915 $37,241,597 $38,092,736 Programs Administration Safety Services Fire Suppresion TOTAL FIRE SERVICES Administration Engineering General Services Streets Equipment Wastewater Solid Waste TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS Convention Center TOTAL CONVENTION CENTER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD General Fund - Appropriations by Department Adopted Actual Budget 1998-99 1999-00 $776,100 $783,121 $1,997,539 $2,056,328 $15.944,417 $16,320,454 $18,718,056 $19,159,903 $296,905 $458,442 $3.075,444 $3,124,193 $4.575,502 $4,637,025 $2,300,843 $2,241,705 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,248,694 $10.461,365 $281,065 $281,065 Amended Budget 1999-00 $791,141 $2,161,399 $16.446,425 $19.398,965 $475.219 $3,144,914 $4,725,322 $2.244,008 $0 $0 $0 $10,589,463 $55,287 $55,287 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $804,966 $2.263.269 $16.229,320 $19,297,555 $393,229 $4,110,994 $4,835,321 $2,419,870 $0 $0 $0 $11,759,414 $7,006,961 $795,008 $2,627,076 $10,429,045 $1.445,294 $3.671,669 $5,116,963 Parks Recreation & Parks Administration Recreation TOTAL RECREATION AND PARKS Planning Building TOTAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES $5,976,965 $6,260,681 $6,288,071 $470,179 $636,465 $737,752 $1,990,231 $2,162,131 $2,267,260 $8,437,375 $9,059,277 $9,293,083 $1,217,825 $1,464,338 $1,889,385 $2,968,310 $3,508,974 $3,546,162 $4,186,135 $4,973,312 $5,435,547 Programs Community Development Economic Development TOTAL ECONOMIC/COMMUNITY DEV. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD General Fund - Appropriations by Department Adopted Actual Budget 1998-99 1999-00 Amended Budget 1999-00 $665,394 $769,890 $835,373 $665,394 $769,890 $835,373 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $733,570 $733,570 $93,283,388 $3,636,612 $0 $0 $4,090,000 $101,010,000 TOTAL BY DEPARTMENT Non-Departmental Debt Service Contingencies Transfers Out TOTAL GENERAL FUND $85,190,499 $88,598,394 $90,378,848 $2,091,348 $2,937,106 $2,859,128 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,005,000 $2,430,500 $4,840,500 $89,286,847 $93,966,000 $98,078,476 Estimated Balance 07101100 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Financial Summary - All Funds Estjmated Transfers Revenues In Out Budget Appropriations Operating C.LP, Estimated Balance 06/30/01 Fund Group Governmental Funds General Operating $11,900,000 $93,710,000 $1,900,000 $4,090,000 $96,920,000 $6,500,000 Special Revenue 2,307,307 24,396,570 1,940,373 15,518,768 7,789,520 1,455,216 Debt Service 6,022,191 370,669 6,340,373 6,743,873 5,989,360 Capital Project 9,273,060 11,156,843 2,830,000 6,000,000 4,000, 145 5,228,371 8,031,387 21,591,079 58,077,468 9,151,020 9,854,241 19,185,684 1,035,000 Proprietary Funds Enterprise Internal Service 9,226,020 1,622,000 $22,878,393 Fiduciary Funds Improvement Districts Redevelopment Agency TOTAL ALL FUNDS 14.810,898 6,805,809 952,297 5,239,002 1,622,000 $761711,073 $218,942,045 $22,878,393 45,369,645 19,055,472 16,070,500 18,153,402 11,019,453 6,362,447 15,254,260 4,608,192 150,000 1,433,107 $198,578,542 $29,238,391 $67,836,185 Fund Title General Operating Funds General Cash Basis Reserve Special Revenue Funds Community Development Intermodal Surface Transpodation Gas Tax Traffic Safety Supplemental Law Enforcement Transient Lodging Tax Debt Service Fund Municipal Improvement Debt Public Financing Authority (PFA) Debt Capital Project Funds Capital Outlay Park Improvements Transpodation Development Road and Bridge Bond Fund Public Financing Authonty (PFA) TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Financial Summary - Governmental Fund Types Estimated Balance 0710'1/00 Estimated Transfers Revenues In Out $5,700,000 $93,710,000 $1,600,000 $4,090,000 6,200,000 300,000 485,756 4,179,000 340,373 3,805,300 962,784 4,020,000 1711226 2,572,105 1,050,000 22,591 522,510 664,950 9,297,855 550,000 340,373 6,022,191 370,669 6,000,000 192,886 105,000 2,830,000 4,136,128 1,868,213 3,116,602 2,720,000 1,827,444 6,463,630 6,000,000 $29,502,558 $129,634,082 $11,070,373 $12,030,373 Budget Appropriations Operating C.t.P. Estimated Balance 06130/0'1 $96,920,000 3,032,606 2,295,827 1,682,920 8,507,415 340,373 6,403,500 1,451,213 2,224,932 324,000 $123,182,786 1,276,820 3.805.300 2,207,400 500,000 6,500,000 14,957 479,557 10,411 45,101 905,190 5,989,360 3,066,363 61,523 273,508 4,279,620 1,888,500 1,723,170 1,967,074 $13,017,891 $21,975,963 Fund Title Enterprise Funds Wastewater Treatment Sewer Connections Refuse Collection Agricultural Water Domestic Water Airpark Offstreet Parking Internal Service Funds Equipment Management Self-Insurance TOTAL PROPRIETARY Estimated Balance 07101100 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Financial Summary - Proprietary Fund Types Estimated Transf~ra Revenues In Out Budget Appropriations Operating C.I.P, $12,061,804 $18,075,000 $8,543,420 $11,862,207 514801739 4,450,000 8,543,420 22,228,868 65,000 140,000 22,031,423 345,015 3,920,500 5421600 4,207,354 3,077,613 9,170,000 542,600 7,000,157 535,878 1471000 122~813 90,030 86,100 145,691 9,664,886 14,135,290 1,035,000 13,890,888 189,355 5,050,394 5,164,584 $31.445,320 $77,263,152 $10,186,020 $9.226,020 $64,425,117 Estimated Balance 06/30/01 $11,456,000 $15,362,017 1,387,319 122.000 445 503,250 97,511 3,929,250 775,606 60,000 500,065 30,439 10.944.288 75,165 $16,070,500 $29,172,855 Fund Title Improvement District Funds Assessment Districts Estimated Balance 07101/00 $14,810,898 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Financial Summary - Fiduciary Fund Types Estimated Transfers Revenues in Out $6,805,809 Budget Appropriations Operating C.LP, $6,362,447 Balance 06/30/01 $15,254,260 Redevelopment Agency Funds Operating Downtown Old Town Kern-Pioneer Southeast Housing Downtown Old Town Kern-Pioneer Southeast Debt Service Downtown TOTAL FIDUCIARY 81,802 861,495 9,000 $15,763,195 1,715,500 165,000 170,000 40,000 3,148,502 $12,044,811 320,000 33.000 34,000 1,235,000 $1,622,000 1,555,000 64,793 177,509 33,000 49,779 75,000 7,221 34,000 55,620 75,000 5,380 $1,622,000 50,000 1,171,495 33,000 34,000 4,388,000 4,502 $10,970,639 $150,000 $16,687,367 Fund Title Cash Basis Reserve Community Development Gas Tax Traffic Safety Supplemental Law Enforcement Transient Lodging Tax PFA Debt Service Capital Outlay Park Improvements Transportation Development Public Financing Authority Wastewater Treatment Sewer Connections Refuse Agriculture Water Domestic Water Airpark Offstreet Parking Equipment Management Self Insurance Assessment Districts Redevelopment Operating: Downtown Old Town Kern-Pioneer Southeast Redevelopment Housing: Downtown Old Town Kern-Pioneer Southeast Redevelopment Debt- Downtown Total $6,500,000 14,957 479,557 10,411 45,101 905,190 5,989,360 61,523 4,279,620 1,723,170 1,967,074 15,362,017 1,387,319 445 97,511 775,606 500,065 30,439 10,944,288 75,165 15,254,260 177,509 7,221 5,380 1,171,495 33,000 34,000 4,502 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Estimated Balances JUNE 30, 2001 Unreserved Reserved $0 14,957 479,557 10,411 45,101 5,190 124,360 17,523 4,279,620 1,723,170 0 (6,401,541) 1,387,319 445 (6,429,779) (9,342,553) (625,171) (1,039,561) (10,691,388) 75,165 6,914,630 57,509 7,221 5,380 1,171,495 33,000 34,000 4,502 $6,500,000 900,000 5,865,000 44,000 1,967,074 21,763,558 6,527,290 10,118,159 1,125,236 1,070,000 21,635,676 8,339,630 120,000 Comment Cash required prior to Tax Turnover Tax accruals and prepayments Debt Service Econ Dev Loan Reserve Debt Service Reserves Accumulated Depreciation Reserve @ 06/30/99 Accumulated Depreciation Reserve @ 06/30/99 Accumulated Depreciation Reserve @ 06/30/99 Accumulated Depreciation Reserve @ 06/30/99 Accumulated Depreciation Reserve @ 06/30/99 Accumulated Depreciation Reserve @ 06/30/99 Debt Service Reserves Plus Debt Due 09/02/001 Parking Reserve Housing setaside Housing setaside Housing setaside ,,~ TOTAL BALANCES $67,836,185 ($18,139,438) $85,975,623 CITY of BAKERSFIELD INTERFUND TRANSFERS Adopted Budget 2000-2001 Fund Title General Cash Basis Reserve Traffic Safety/O.T.S T.O.T. Capital Outlay Refuse Equipment Management CDBG Municipal Debt PFA Debt PFA Operating RDA Debt RDA Operating RDA Housing Sewer Plant #2 Sewer Plant # 3 Sewer Connections Agriculture Water Domestic Water TOTAL TRANSFERS Transfers In 1,600,000 A 300,000 2,830,000 65,000 1,035,000 B 340,373 6,000,000 1,235,000 387,000 C 892,425 7,650,995 542,600 22,878,393 Transfers Out 4,090,000 1,050,000 550,000 140,000 340,373 6,000,000 1,622,000 8,543,420 542,600 22,878,393 D E CITY of BAKERSFIELD INTERFUND TRANSFERS Adopted Budget 2000-2001 Fund Title Transfers In Transfers Out Traffic Safety/O.T.S. T.O.T. General Fund 1,050,000 550,000 1,600,000 A Cash Basis Reserve Capital Outlay Refuse Equipment Management General Fund 300,000 2,830,000 65,000 895,000 4,090,000 D General Fund Refuse Equipment Management 895,000 140,000 1,035,000 B RDA - DTPA Operating RDA - DTPA Housing RDA - SEPA Operating RDA - SEPA Housing RDA - OTKP Operating RDA - OTKP Housing RDA 320,000 34,000 33,000 387,000 C 1,555,000 34,000 33,000 1,622,000 E $160,000,000 $140,000,000 $120,000,000 $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 City of Bakersfield FY 1999-00 Appropriations Limitation $144 080,859 91 9~2 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 Fiscal Year Ending The Appropriations Limitation imposed by Propositions 4 and 11 creates a restriction on the amount of revenue which can be appropriated in any fiscal year. The Limit is based on actual appropriations during the 1978 - 79 fiscal year, and is increased each year using the growth of population and inflation. Not all revenues are restricted by the Limit; only those which are referred to as "proceeds of taxes." Some examples of proceeds of taxes are sales tax, property tax, transient occupancy tax, and state motor vehicle in lieu tax. During any fiscal year, a city may not appropriate any proceeds of taxes they receive in excess of their limit. If they do receive excess funds in any one year, they can carry them into the subsequent year to be used if they are below their Appropriations Limit in that year. Any excess funds remaining after the second year have to be returned to the taxpayers by reducing tax rates or fees. As an alternative,a majority of the voters may approve an "override" to increase the Appropriations Limit. The City has experienced steady growth in population which has enabled us to spend at levels well below our limit. With the passage of Proposition 111, the gap between the Appropriations Limit and the City's expenditures which are subject to limitation has widened. Appropriations Limitation Appropriations Subject to Limitation 20 REVENUES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REVENUES These revenues are the primary sources which make up General Fund and Transient Lodging Tax Fund Revenues. The first eight years of all charts beginning with Property Tax Revenues through Motor Vehicle-In-Lieu Revenues reflect actual data, the ninth year is projected data based on the latest information available at budget preparation time, and the final year is proposed. The CDBG and Home Funds chart reflects the actual entitlement approved by the Housing and Urban Development Department, but may not reflect the amount received by the City of Bakersfield within that fiscal year. Property Tax Revenues - Property taxes are imposed on real property and tangible personal property located within the state. Property is assessed annually on March 1 by the County Assessor. The State Constitution limits the real property tax rate to one percent of the property's value, plus rates imposed to fund indebtedness approved by the voters. Cities, counties, school districts and special districts share the revenues from the one percent property tax. The County generally allocates revenues to these agencies based on their average property tax revenue in the three years preceding 1978-79 and in each year thereafter according to the proportion of property tax revenues allocated to each agency in the previous year. When territory is incorporated into a new city, the City receives a share of the property tax revenues based on the costs of services assumed from other governments and the proportion of these costs which had been funded by the property tax. The use of property tax revenues is unrestricted. Sales Tax Revenues - The sales tax rate is generally 7.25 percent statewide. The City's sales tax revenue is realized from the 1.0 percent local government portion of the total rate and the .5 percent rate (¼ cent) increase approved by the voters in November 1993 for public safety. The local 1.0 percent is distributed based on "point of sale" while the ¼ cent for public safety is distributed 95 percent to counties and 5 percent to cities. The one percent local sales tax revenue is distributed by the Board of Equalization. Cities receive payments on a quarterly basis, with monthly estimated "advance" payments and a subsequent "settlement" payment to cover the difference based on actual collections. The ¼ cent sales tax is distributed monthly. The largest single classification contributing to sales tax revenues is the sale of automobiles. The uses for sales tax are unrestricted, but must be received into the City's General Fund. Charges for Service - A service charge is a fee imposed upon the user of a service provided by the City. Generally a service charge can be levied when the service can be measured and sold in marketable units and the user can be identified. The rationale is that certain services are primarily for the benefit of individuals rather than the general public. Individuals benefitring from a service should pay the cost of that service. Fees charged are limited to the cost required to provide the service as prescribed by Article XIIIB of the State Constitution. These fees are often determined by cities through a cost accounting analysis of the specific service. Service charges differ from license and permit fees in that the latter are designed to reimburse the City for costs related to the regulatory activities. Service charges, on the other hand, are imposed to support services to individuals. Some of the fees for service included in revenue are: Maintenance district services - Reimbursements for costs operating and maintaining all public improvements which benefit a specific area. Interdepartmental charges (Self-insurance and equipment maintenance) to account for the financing of goods and services provided by one department to another City department on a cost- reimbursement basis. Convention Center charges - revenues received from the use of the Convention Center. CDBG and HOME Funds - The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds and HOME Funds are federal funds from the Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) and are provided to meet national objectives such as benefitring low- and moderate-income families, eliminate blight and/or address an immediate or urgent need in the community. While CDBG and HOME have the same national objectives, they differ in focus, CDBG funds are more flexible and can be used for a variety of purposes including capital projects, economic development, assistance to non-profit groups and housing. HOME is designed primarily for housing related assistance for the elderly and low income. The City began receiving HOME entitlement funds in 1992-93, which accounts for the dramatic increase in revenue beginning in that fiscal year. 22 Transient Occupancy Tax - The transient lodging tax is imposed for the privilege of occupying a room or rooms in a hotel, motel, or other lodging facility, unless such occupancy is for a period of 30 days or more. In 1986, the average rate in California was 7.3 percent. The City of Bakersfield has a transient lodging tax rate of 12 percent. It was increased from 10 percent in FY 1993-94. The use of revenues is unrestricted, however, some cities earmark these revenues for certain business activities, such as business development purposes, Convention Bureau, etc. License and Permit Revenue - The California Constitution gives cities the authority to charge license and permit fees as a means of recovering the cost of regulation. The fees which make up "License and Permits" include: Building permits Plumbing permits Electrical permits Mechanical permits Street and curb permits Other use permits, licenses The City requires that building permits be obtained to ensure that structures meet specific standards. The City requires various additional construction permits for activities such as the installation of electric, plumbing, and sewage facilities. The City charges a fee for issuing these permits in order to recover the costs incurred. Motor Vehicle-In-Lieu Revenues - A special license fee equivalent to two percent of the market value of motor vehicles is imposed annually by the State in lieu of local property taxes. Originally motor vehicles were counted in the assessment of property taxes, but for ease of administration and conformity, the State now collects these fees through the in-lieu tax. Revenues derived from the motor vehicle license fees are apportioned monthly and distributed near the 10th of each month. Section 11005(a) specifies that 81.25 percent of the revenues are to be divided equally between cities and counties and apportioned on the basis of population. The use of revenues received from the motor vehicle in-lieu tax are unrestricted. They are included in the General Fund to help support fire and police services, as well as quality of life services. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Prope~y Tax Revenues $20,000,000 $18,000,000 I1 !mem $16,000,000 '~$14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 ~ 92 ' 93 94'95'96'97'98'99'00 Fiscal Year Ending 01 Sales Tax Revenues $45,000,000 -- $40,000,000 $35,000,000 t $30,000,000 26,500,000 $25,000,000 ~:1 I' $20,000,000 . $15,ooo,ooo~ II $10,000,000~ ,,,ooo,ooo- II ,, 92 93'94'95'96'97'98 99 00'01 iscal Year Ending 24 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD $5,000,000 $4,000,000 3,100,000 $3,000,000 ~ $2,000,000 $1,000,000 Transient Lodging Tax ..... 3,900,000 $0 92'93 5,000,000 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 Fiscal Year Ending License and Permit Revenue $2,400,000 $2,200,000 $2,000,000 c $1,800,000 O -~$1,600,000 $1,400,000~ $1,200,000 $1,000,000 1,700,000 1,792,500 92'93'94'95'96'97 98'99'00'01 Fiscal Year Ending 25 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Motor Vehicle-in-Lieu Revenues $12,000,000 - $10,000,000 $8,000,000 - 11795000 :_- $6,000,000 t II ' ~ $4,000,000-. ; L $2,ooo,ooo I II allaa $0 92 93 94 95 96"'9 ' ' ' 7 98 99 O0 01 Fiscal Year Ending $10,000,000 $9,000,000 Charges for Services $8,000,000 s7,ooo,ooo $6,000,000 $5,000,000 859280 $4,000,000 ; r $3,000,000: 92 93'94'95'96'97'98 99'00 01 Fiscal Year Ending 26 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CDBG/Home Entitlement 3,9B0,000 $4,000,000 ~ $3,000,000 :~$2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 93 94 95 96 97 9~ 99 O0 01 Fiscal Year Ending 27 Taxes: Sales and use tax Revenues Property taxes: Current year secured Current year unsecured Delinquent taxes and penalties TOTAL PROPERTY TAXES Other Taxes: Utility franchise tax Business licenses tax Real property transfer tax Payments in-lieu of taxes Transient lodging tax TOTAL OTHER TAXES TOTALTAXES Licenses and permits: Building permits Electrical Permits Plumbing permits Mechanical permits Street and curb permits Other use permits Alarm permits Storage tank permits Other licenses and permits TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD General Fund - Revenue by Source Adopted Actual Budget Estimates 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 $34,440,631 $35.375,000 $38,370,000 $40,330,000 19, 125,638 17,270,000 17,340.000 17,080.000 831,142 790.000 840.000 840,000 531.903 580,000 575,000 560,000 20,488.683 18,640,000 18,755,000 18,480,000 2,695,468 2,765,000 2,910,000 1,831,753 1,840,000 1,930,000 486,863 400,000 485,000 1,555,000 1,710,000 1,710,000 464,751 7,033,835 6,715,000 7,035,000 61,963, 149 60,730,000 64, 160,000 2,920,000 1.935,000 420,000 2,045,000 7,320,000 66, 130,000 (Continued Next Page) 1,188,918 1,100,000 980,000 950,000 341,580 300,000 300,000 300,000 402,779 325,000 325,000 350,000 238,492 200,000 200,000 210,000 116,745 100,000 90,000 90,000 60,265 51,000 47,000 44,000 174,255 175,000 180,000 180,000 83,012 75,000 75,000 108,000 50,888 40,000 48,000 50,000 2,656,934 2,366,000 2,245,000 2,282,000 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD General Fund - Revenue by Source Revenues Adopted Actual Budget Estimates 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 Intergovernmental revenue: State motor vehicle in lieu tax Homeowners subvention Grants Reimbursements TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 9,760,139 11,155,851 11,137,200 11,795,000 352,621 330,000 320,000 320,000 839,699 820,353 867,463 430,000 350,772 1,758,843 1,817,624 1,050,000 11,303,231 14,065,047 14,142,287 13,595,000 Charges for services: Maintenence district services Interdepartmental charges Building and planning fees Recreation fees Fire Charges Police Charges Other charges TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,628,820 1,510,000 1,630,000 1,630,000 3,389,443 3,370,000 3,100,000 3,200,000 1,880,992 1,546,000 1,779,000 1,799,000 359,562 483,500 495,500 414,000 1,314,183 1,133,000 1,212,700 1,395,000 742,340 650,000 585,000 620,000 83,505 108,000 81,200 82,000 9,398,845 8,800,500 8,883,400 9,140,000 639,842 674,200 673,365 600,000 Fines and forfeits: Court fines and asset forfeitures Miscellaneous revenue: Interest income Contributions Reimbursements Sale of property Other revenue TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 701,066 550,000 667,000 650,000 18,074 208,351 357,124 40,000 785,899 1,050,000 1,225,000 1,220,000 45,110 30,000 20,000 20,000 75,330 47,825 48,425 33,000 1,625,479 1,886,176 2,317,549 1,963,000 $87,587,480 $88,521,923 $92,421,601 $93,710,000 TOTAL REVENUES Fund Title Taxes and Assessments CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Estimated Revenue by Fund 2000-01 Licenses Inter- Charges Fines and Governmental for and Permits Revenue Services Forfeits Miscellaneous Revenue Financing Salrces Total General Community Development Intermodal (ISTEA) Gas Tax Traffic Safety Supplemental Law Enf. Transient Lodging Tax PFA Debt Sen/ice Capital Outlay Park Improvements Transportation Development Public Financing Authority (PFA/ Wastewater Treatment Sewer Connections Refuse Agriculture Water Domestic Water Airpark Offstreet Parking Equipment Management Self Insurance Assessment Districts Redevelopment Operating: Downtown Old Town Kern-Pioneer Southeast Redevelopment Housing- Downtown Redevelopment Debt- Downtown TOTAL REVENUE $66,130,000 5,000,000 1,664,213 2.600,000 5,998,309 1,700,000 165,000 170,000 $83,427,522 $2,282,000 $2,282,000 $13,595.000 4,079,000 3,805,300 4,000,000 132,105 512,510 2,000,000 875,123 10,000 486,400 500 $29,495,938 $9,140,000 250,000 3,977,655 6,354,130 15,382,000 4,215,000 21,271,745 3,842,500 8,868,000 111,000 86,100 12,183,890 4,600,394 3,148,502 $93,430,916 $600,000 2,180,000 $2,780,000 $1,963,000 100,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 320,000 370,669 105,000 204,000 120,000 109,500 693,000 235,000 82,000 78,000 302,000 26,000 1,465,000 450,000 807,500 15,000 40,000 $7,525,669 $93,710,000 4,179,000 3,805,300 4,020,000 2,572,105 522,510 9,297,655 370,669 105,000 1,868,213 2,720,000 6,463,630 18,075,000 4,450,000 22,228,868 3,920,500 9,170,000 147,000 86,100 14,135,290 5,050,394 6,805,809 1,715,500 165,000 170,000 40,000 3,148,502 $218,942,045 LEGISLATIVE Legislative Organizational Chart I Mayor ~ I Support Staff Citizens of Bakersfield ~ I I t. City Council Ward 3 F Ward 4 ~' Ward_...6_j ward7 Legislative DEPARTMENT GOAL To serve as the legislative and policy making body of the City; enact ordinances, resolutions and orders necessary for governing the affairs of the City; and promote the economic, cultural and governmental well being of the City of Bakersfield. FY '1999-2000 ACCOMPLISHMENTS The full City Council met with the County Board of Supervisors twice in open meetings to discuss areas of mutual interest and concern. The City Council committed up to $3 million over several years to support of the Kern County Airport (Meadows Field) expansion and upgrade. Televised Council meetings began in December 1999 to enhance communications between city government and Bakersfield area residents. 32 LEGISLATIVE DIVISIONS: Mayor City Council Total SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Mayor City Council Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $126,777 $138,354 $133,556 $156,960 $172,678 $184,310 $184,310 $241,328 $299,455 $322,664 $317,866 $398,288 $299,455 $322,664 $317,866 $398,288 $299,455 $322,664 $317,866 $398,288 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 33 1011 - Mayor 1051 - City Council DIVISION GOAL Enhance the City's transportation network; provide quality public safety services; continue positive development trends for downtown; plan for growth and development; maintain and upgrade the City's infrastructure; ensure efficient use of fiscal resources; attract and foster a qualified work force; improve city government communications with its citizens; strengthen and diversify the City's economic base; support positive intergovernmental relations; and promote community pride. Formulate City policies which reflect the needs and priorities of the community. Establish and promote efforts to enhance community pride and improved communications between government and its citizens. FY 1999-2000 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Prepared and took action on issues in a timely manner at regularly scheduled and special Council meetings. 2. Provided Council direction to staff through Council committees. 3. Adopted the City's annual Operating and Capital Improvements Program budgets prior to June 30. 4. Served in a ceremonial capacity for City events and away from home as a City representative. 5. Appointed citizens to represent the community on various boards and commissions. 6. Served as spokesperson for City affairs with all segments of the media. 7. Strengthened the City's position in local and state legislative arenas through representation at National League of Cities meetings, League of California Cities' meetings, and at state and regional public hearings. 1011 and 1051 - Mayor and City Council con't. FY 2000-2001 ACTION PLAN Prepare and take action on issues in a timely manner at regularly scheduled and special City Council meetings. Provide Council direction to staff through Council Committee meetings. Adopt the Annual Operating and Capital Improvement Program budgets by June 30. Serve in a ceremonial capacity for City events and away from home as a City representative. Appoint citizens to represent the community on various boards and commissions. Serve as spokespersons for City affairs with all segments of the media. Meet with the County Board of Supervisors to discuss and consider proposals for joint efforts on issues of interest and concern to the area residents of Bakersfield and Kern County. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Approved City budgets (Operating, CIP, CDDA) by June 30 Council Meetings Held Proclamations Issued FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 1 I 1 31 25 27 107 106 108 35 MAYOR EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Actual 1998-99 $76,098 $50,679 $126,777 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $80,702 $53,652 $4,000 $138,354 Amended Budget 1999-00 $80,702 $48,854 $4,000 $133,556 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $91,216 $65,744 $156,960 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total $126,777 $126,777 $138,354 $138,354 $133,556 $133,556 $156,960 $156,960 36 CITY COUNCIL EXPENDITURES: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 Personnel Operating Capital $76,091 $79,956 $79,956 $90,435 $96,587 $104,354 $104,354 $150,893 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $172,678 $184,310 $184,310 $241,328 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund $172,678 $184,310 $184,310 $241,328 Total $172,678 $184,310 $184,310 $241,328 37 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 3~ EXECUTIVE Executive Organizational Chart I F Assistant City Manager -- Budget I -- City Clerk City Manager I Assistant City Manager Human Resource~s~ Risk Management___~ Management Info Se Executive DEPARTMENT GOAL To provide professional leadership in the management of the City and execution of City Council policies; to provide effective municipal services through the coordination and direction of all City activities, finances and personnel; to act as liaison between the City and other governmental agencies, citizens, business and community groups and the media; and to provide administrative support to the City Council and City departments in matters relating to maintenance of City Council records, elections and personnel, FY 1999-2000 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Facilitated the completion and opening of the AMTRAK Station in a timely and cost- efficient manner. 2. Worked with the County regarding funding and design for the new County Airport Terminal. 3. Continued an in-house employee computer training program. 4. Renewed the City's Health Plans for the 2000 plan year. 5. Strengthened the City's financial position by increasing the Facilities Replacement Reserve. FY 2000-01 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES 1. Changed the budgeting for temporary employees from an internal salary projection process to a temporary employee outsourcing program. 2. Coordinated the conversion of 64 temporary positions to regular full time. 4O EXECUTIVE DIVISIONS: City Manager City Clerk Human Resources Risk Management Management Info. Services Total Actual 1998-99 $677,679 $555,264 $869,079 $4,906,170 $2,470,784 $9,478,975 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $662,020 $578,008 $1,032,116 $4,754,713 $2,339,160 $9,366,017 Amended Budget 1999-00 $670,460 $578,349 $1,065,679 $5,014,896 $2,444,555 $9,773,939 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $675,599 $612,106 $1,071,834 $5,164,584 $2,558,739 $10,082,862 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund State Gas Tax Sewer Service - Plant #3 Equipment Fund Self Insurance Fund Total $3,449,293 $4,863 $1,118,651 $4,906,169 $9,478,976 $3,830,504 $780,800 $4,754,713 $9,366,017 $3,897,711 $861,332 $5,014,896 $9,773,939 $4,100,278 $35,100 $782,900 $5,164,584 $10,082,862 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: City Manager City Clerk Human Resources Risk Management Management Info. Services Total 7.28 7.00 9.33 3.34 13.50 40.45 8.00 7.00 9.00 4.00 14.00 42.00 8.00 7.00 9.00 4.00 14.00 42.00 8.00 7.00 10.00 4.00 19.00 48.00 41 1331 - City Manager DIVISIONAL GOAL Participate in intergovernmental activities to represent the City's interest and influence policy and legislation; provide public information services for the community and City staff; assist Council in formulating long-term community policies and strategies; and administer and prepare all budget procedures and documents. Maintain a sound fiscal position forthe City through preparation of and recommendations to the City's Operating and Capital Improvement Program budgets; and continual monitoring of financial conditionsthroughout the year. Provide legislative and policy assistance to the City Council and staff; develop and enhance administrative policy; and perform special assignments. FY 1999-2000 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Prepared and distributed the proposed and annual operating budgets for fiscal year 1999-2000. Prepared and distributed the annual Capital Improvement Program budget forfiscal year 1999-2000. Prepared budget amendments and submitted for Council adoption twice during fiscal year 1999-2000. Staffed the following Council Committees: Legislative and Litigation; Budget and Finance; Urban Development; Intergovernmental Relations; Personnel; Water Resources; Community Services; and the Ad Hoc Committee on Crime Weapons, Gang Violence, and Community Relations. Reviewed, analyzed and made recommendations regarding existing or pending state and federal legislation. Administered contracts for animal control services with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). 7. Administered cable franchise agreements. Continued the implementation of the City's annexation informational campaign, and implemented changes to the annexation process. 9. Participated in the Vision 2020 community visioning process. 1331 - City Manager con't. FY 2000-200'1 ACTION PLAN 1. Prepare and distribute the proposed and annual operating budgets for fiscal year 2000-01. 2. Prepare and distribute the annual Capital Improvement Program budget for fiscal year 2000-01. 3. Prepare and submit for Council adoption budget amendments twice a year. 4. Evaluate citizens survey to determine citizen satisfaction with existing City services and preferences for City services. 5. Continue to work closely with Aramark SMG to ensure the successful and economic operation of the Convention Center and the Centennial Garden, 6. Administer contracts for animal control services and cable franchises. 7. Produce and distribute an annual City-wide information newsletter. 8. Develop and coordinate additional avenues for citizen participation in the City government process through the City's Internet website. 9. Analyze City Charter, Ordinances, and AdministrativeRules for internal consistency, and recommend changes where possible. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Annexation Growth - Population Annexation Growth - Square Miles General Information Memoranda Employee Newsletters Produced FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 54 0 0 0.48 1.62 0.26 52 52 52 12 12 12 43 CITY MANAGER EXPENDITURES: Actual 1998-99 Adopted Budget 1999-00 Amended Budget 1999-00 Adopted Budget 2000-01 PerSORRel Operating Capital $605,627 $70,242 $1,810 $573,166 $85,854 $3,000 $578,300 $86,212 $5,948 $587,655 $82,962 $4,982 Total $677,679 $662,020 $670,460 $675,599 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund $677,679 $662,020 $670,460 $675,599 Total $677,679 $662,020 $670,460 $675,599 44 1341 - City Clerk DIVISION GOAL Maintain a complete and accurate record of Council proceedings; preserve official City records; conduct municipal elections; provide administrative assistance to the City Council and Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency and provide prompt and courteous service to citizen's requests for assistance. FY 1999-2000 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Conducted Election for Mayor's Primary. 2. Updated and revised format of complete Municipal Code and distributed 120 Code Books. 3. Placed Municipal Code on line via the City's Web Page. 4. Placed computer at front counter to provide public access to City records. 5. Modified and updated City Council policy manual, distributed revisions and placed on line. FY 2000 -2001 ACTION PLAN 1. Conduct Election for possible Mayor and Council Wards 2, 5, & 6. Prepare Council agenda and distribute agenda packets by 5:00 p.m. on the Friday prior to a Council meeting. Respond to subpoenas and requests for public records according to the requirements of the California Public Records Act and within the legal deadline of 10 days, 100 percent of the time. Prepare and distribute Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency agenda packets by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday prior to the Monday meeting. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Prepare and post Council agenda Council Elections City Ordinances adopted City Resolutions adopted Contracts & Agreements FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 30 27 27 1 1 1 59 65 77 204 199 228 946 1,004 1,152 45 CITY CLERK EXPENDITURES: Actual 1998-99 Adopted Budget 1999-00 Amended Budget 1999-00 Adopted Budget 2000-01 Personnel Operating Capital $284,263 $267,151 $3,850 $331,315 $246,693 $0 $331,315 $247,034 $0 $336,283 $259,133 $16,690 Total $555,264 $578,008 $578,349 $612,106 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund $555,264 $578,008 $578,349 $612,106 Total $555,264 $578,008 $578,349 $612,106 46 351 - Human Resources DIVISION GOAL Provide the City with quality human resource management services in the areas of recruitment and selection, classification and compensation, labor relations, discipline, performance evaluation, training, benefits and affirmative action. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Published RFP and selected Temporary Service Agency. 2. Handled 40% increase in recruitment activity for the second consecutive year. 3. Guided City departments in handling a substantial number of disciplinary actions leading to increased performance levels. Developed and implemented new parking policy for City Hall. Broadbanded Community Relations Specialist job classification. Established a presence on the City web site that includes job openings, job specifications, salary schedule, application, etc. Participated in a consortium to recruit and test firefighters resulting in a broader range of minority and female applicants at a significantly reduced cost. Provided Customer Service Training for four major divisions. Renegotiated contracts for providers of: a. City physician services b. Labor negotiations services 10. Provided Critical Incident Briefing Training - annual recertification for safety staff. 11. Renegotiated healthcare and employee assistance plan rates. 12. Commenced work on management salary survey. 13. Finalized remodel of Human Resources Division. 14. Initiated Laserfiche backlog conversion. 47 FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN 1. Provide quality employees to City departments through effective recruitment and selection processes. Provide quality City-wide training programs. Continue to effectively and qualitatively advise City Management on employee coaching, development and discipline. Continue to pursue effective resolution of labor relations issues. Actively monitor all human resources practices for compliance with all applicable State and Federal laws. Identify barriers to equal employment opportunity. Make outreach efforts to underutilized minority and female groups as recruitments occur. Continue to actively pursue human resources streamlining opportunities such as Consistency Review and revising the Bakersfield Municipal Code's areas on discipline and compensation. 7. Implement and monitor Temporary Employee Outsourcing Program. 8. Continue to assist with the development and implementation of employee recognition and performance reward program. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted Regular Employees Hired 91 84 174 Temporary Employees Hired 580 153 25 Regular Recruitments Conducted 56 54 75 Regular Applications Received 1,864 3,435 2,500 City-Wide Training Classes Offered 12 5 50 4~ HUMAN RESOURCES EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $525,961 $575,266 $580,295 $642,681 $332,447 $456,850 $461,440 $429,153 $10,671 $0 $23,944 $0 $869,079 $1,032,116 $1,065,679 $1,071,834 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total $869,079 $1,032,116 $1,065,679 $1,071,834 $869,079 $1,032,116 $1,065,679 $1,071,834 49 1361 - Risk Management DIVISION GOAL Protect the assets of the City from potential loss either by purchasing insurance, self- insuring or transferring the risk of loss to others; to promote safety and well being for City employees by designing training and educational program for handling hazardous situations, and respond to all claims filed against the City and limit amount of loss through effective claims management. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS An audit of the City's Workers' Compensation files resulted in a claim reserve reduction of over $700,000. Progressive administration of the City's back to work program resulted in a cost savings to the City of over $150,000. Bi-monthly meetings were held between Risk Management and the Legal staff to review lawsuits filed against the City. Monthly safety meetings were attended by each City Division, keeping employees informed on accident reports filed, OSHA issues, and upcoming safety and training classes and events. Random drug and alcohol testing on commercial drivers, as required by the Department of Transportation, were conducted on a regular basis. 50 FY 2000-01 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES 1. Further reduce the amount of Temporary Disability Payments made to employees by encouraging the use of the City's Modified Duty work program, 2. Reduce the number and cost of workers compensation claims by encouraging the promotion of safety at the Division level. 3. Reduce the number of Supervisor Accident Investigation Reports filed by using an Employment Agency for temporary employee work assignments. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Workers' Compensation Claims Filed Liability Claims Filed Against the City Property Damage Accounts Opened FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 259 234 250 154 170 170 159 126 150 RISK MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 Personnel Operating Capital $1,326,122 $1,335,338 $1,335,338 $1,354,043 $3,580,048 $3,419,375 $3,679,558 $3,808,541 $o $o $o $2,000 Total $4,906,170 $4,754,713 $5,014,896 $5,164,584 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Self Insurance Fund $4,906,170 $4,754,713 $5,014,896 $5,164,584 Total $4,906,170 $4,754,713 $5,014,896 $5,164,584 1371 - MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION GOAL Aid all City departments in the delivery of services and products by providing development, administration, installation and maintenance of information technologies; to represent the City in dealings with outside agencies regarding information technology issues. Ensure a reliable, secure, and responsive centrally managed, computing environment to meet the continuing needs of City departments. FY 1999-2000 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Ensured all programs and systems were Y2K complaint. 3. Completed Police Department Computer Aided Dispatch upgrade. 4. Added video broadcast of City Council Meeting on the City's Internet web site. 5. Completed the purchase and installation of HTE Parks & Recreation Software. FY 2000-2001 ACTION PLAN 1. Evaluate customer response tracking software and implement Citywide. 2. Improve the connection speeds of networked workstations at the Corporation Yard by installation of a Fiberoptic link and new office cabling. 3. Upgrade 200 older personal computers, 35 printers and 5 servers. 4. Begin replacement of data terminals, and choose technology for installing mobile data computers in Police Department vehicles. 5. Develop the ability to pay for services and fees, such as building permits, police fines and reports and recreation fees, via the internet. Move GIS database onto DB2 platform for easy access by departments. Complete the cabling and upgrade of Development Services to 100 MB network speeds. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS FY 98-99 FY 99-00 Actual Actual Install replacement computers 218 210 Install new computers 50 10 Number of new printers 27 3 Number of replacement printers 30 26 Number of help desk calls processed 3,642 4,374 FY 00-01 Adopted 200 18 3 35 5,253 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $687,732 $809,595 $863,713 $1,126,604 $1,222,544 $798,753 $753,056 $716,635 $560,508 $730,812 $827,786 $715,500 $2,470,784 $2,339,160 $2,444,555 $2,558,739 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund State Gas Tax Sewer Service - Plant #3 Equipment Fund Total $1,347,269 $1,558,360 $1,583,223 $4,863 $1,118,651 $780,800 $861,332 $2,470,784 $2,339,160 $2,444,555 $1,740,739 $35,100 $782,900 $2,558,739 53 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 54 FINANCIAL SERVICES Financial Services Department Organization Chart Accounting and Reporting I Finance Director Administration '1 Treasury I Purchasing_L__j Financial Services DEPARTMENT GOAL To provide support to the City Council and City departments in matters relating to revenue generation, budgetary accounting and reporting, investments, business licenses and permits, purchasing, and real property management. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Sold last two homes acquired as part of the burn dump mitigation. 2. Issued $2,310,000 special assessment district bonds (one issue). 3. Processed 10,700 Business License renewals in a timely manner. 4. Processed 6,500 purchase orders. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN Secure Revenue Bond proceeds for projects as directed. Issue special assessment bonds directed by the City Council. Acquire/dispose of real property in a timely manner. FINANCIAL SERVICES DIVISIONS: Administration Accounting Treasury Purchasing Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $347,262 $344,937 $381,695 $412,816 $722,442 $730,605 $738,012 $737,893 $477,751 $496,783 $496,947 $519,226 $300,115 $348,619 $351,427 $325,218 $1,847,569 $1,920,944 $1,968,081 $1,995,153 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund PFA - Operating Fund Sewer Fund - Plant #3 Equipment Fund Assessment Districts Total $1,645,785 $1,733,505 $1,748,230 $1,791,143 $5,879 $13,000 $23,000 $24,000 $111,012 $134,000 $136,412 $99,272 $84,896 $40,439 $60,439 $80,738 $1,847,572 $1,920,944 $1,968,081 $1,995,153 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Administration Accounting Treasury Purchasing Total 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 30.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 57 1991 - Administration DIVISION GOAL Provide for effective and efficient management of the City's fiscal resources through leadership and direction of staff resources; provide support to the City in matters relating to real estate and the purchase, sale and leasing of City-owned real property; and administer the protective provisions of City indentures. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Acquired property for Kern River Parkway Expansion. 2. Acquired four water well sites. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN 1. Acquire/dispose of real property in a timely manner. 2. Secure revenue bond proceeds for projects as directed. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Property Acquisitions Property Disposals FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 8 14 12 16 3 3 ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 Personnel Operating Capital $232,561 $255,139 $259,834 $114,701 $88,798 $120,861 $1,000 $1,000 $270,657 $142,159 Total $347,262 $344,937 $381,695 $412,816 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund PFA - Operating Fund Assessment Districts $256,486 $291,498 $298,256 $308,078 $5,879 $13,000 $23,000 $24,000 $84,897 $40,439 $60,439 $80,738 Total $347,262 $344,937 $381,695 $412,816 1992 - Accounting and Reporting DIVISION GOAL Provide forthe accurate and timely accounting and reporting of all fiscal transactions of the City and related agencies. Monitor special assessment district financing for investment compliance and timely bond calls by September of each year. Process bi-weekly payroll checks, weekly vendor payments and accounts receivable billings as scheduled. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Issued Comprehensive Annual Financial Report on December 10, 1999. Processed all debt service payments when due. Revised the City's record retention policy. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN 1. Prepare a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, in conformance with generally accepted accounting principals by December 8th in order to qualify for special recognition programs at the State and National level. Process all required debt service payments by due date. Implement new financial reporting requirements per GASB #34. 3. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Assessment District Bonds Assessment District Parcels Checks Processing FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Adual Adopted $7,730,000 $2,310,000 $4,330,000 18,700 21,000 20,000 70,000 72,000 75,000 60 ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $628,952 $636,399 $636,399 $639,919 $93,490 $93,646 $101,053 $95,474 $560 $560 $2,500 $722,442 $730,605 $738,012 $737,893 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Sewer Fund - Plant #3 Total $722,442 $730,605 $738,012 $737,893 $722,442 $73O,605 $738,012 $737,893 1994-Treasury DIVISION GOAL Provide centralized cashiering and check distribution and investment of idle funds. Administer and enforce the provisions of the Municipal code relating to business licenses, transient occupancy tax and business regulatory permits. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. On line cash receipting was implemented at the Public Works Department. 2. Processed 10,700 Business License renewals. 3. Mailed 1,500 final delinquent notices on Business Licenses in November 1999. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN 2. 3. 4. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Receipt all payments by the end of each day. Provide an investment policy to the City Council by November 1. Issue Business Licenses within 7 days of application. Issue permits within municipal code time limits not to exceed 30 days. Business Licenses Alarm Permits Development Permit Payments FY 98-99 FY 99-00 Actual Actual 13,000 13,400 8,900 9,200 8,900 9,200 FY 00-01 Adopted 13,800 9,400 9,400 62 TREASURY EXPENDITURES: Actual 1998-99 Adopted Budget 1999-00 Amended Budget 1999-00 Adopted Budget 2000-01 Personnel Operating Capital $421,989 $53,289 $2,473 $430,583 $65,400 $800 $430,583 $65,400 $964 $441,202 $70,024 $8,000 Total $477,751 $496,783 $496,947 $519,226 SOURCE OF FUNDS: GeneraiFund $477,751 $496,783 $496,947 $519,226 Total $477,751 $496,783 $496,947 $519,226 1995 - Purchasing DIVISION GOAL Administer the provisions of the City Charter and Municipal Code relating to the procurement of materials and services at the best value to the requesting department. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Dispensed bid information (bid list updates and addenda) to project plan holders via network fax within eight hours of request. 2. Processed bid projects and notified potential bidders within three days of request. 3. Worked with bidders and insurance companies to process contracts within one month of bid opening date. 4. Processed approximately 6,500 purchase orders annually. 5. Approximately 90% of all requisitions processed within three working days. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN Evaluate the use of credit cards for making small dollar purchases to eliminate paperwork and pay vendors faster. Provide, collect, and evaluate survey forms to get feedback from City departments and the public to find ways to better serve and support their purchasing needs. Results to be available by September, 2000. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Projects Bid Contracts Purchase Orders FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 109 100 100 80 90 90 6,229 6,500 7,000 64 PURCHASING EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Actual 1998-99 $166,887 $91,233 $41,994 $300,115 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $190,686 $107,933 $50,000 $348,619 Amended Budget 1999-00 $190,686 $110,576 $50,165 $351,427 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $201,517 $114,201 $9,500 $325,218 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Equipment Management Total $189,103 $111,012 $300,115 $214,619 $134,000 $348,619 $215,015 $136,412 $351,427 $225,946 $99,272 $325,218 65 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Organizational Chart VCity Attorney I Assistant City Attorney I Administrative Assistant Clerk Typist Deputy City Attorney~__~ City Attorney DEPARTMENT GOAL To represent, support and provide legal advice to the Mayor and City Council, department heads and staff members of the various City departments; to aggressively defend its client in litigation; to initiate litigation at the direction of the City Council; to render timely legal advice to City boards, commissions and committees; to research and provide information on legal issues; to prepare legal documents, including ordinances, resolutions and contracts; and to review and prepare amendments to the City Charter and Bakersfield Municipal Code to maintain consistency with current state and federal laws. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Provided numerous conflict of interest opinions in response to inquiries from the California Attorney General's Office and to address Council concerns. Obtained Internet access to legal research programs to replace CD Rom access for greater accessibility and to alleviate the maintenance required of MIS staff. Conducted a review of Council processes utilized in handling matters before them and, at Council's direction, determined no changes were deemed necessary. Created a team of City Attorney staff members to investigate and select available resources to create a usable opinion database. Reviewed and extensively revised the City's Deferred Compensation Plan to comply with new law. Acquired numerous properties via eminent domain proceedings for: (a) Amtrak Station relocation; (b) "Q" Street grade separation project; (c) additional parking on "P" Street for Centennial Garden; and (d) Calloway Drive widening grade separation project. Assisted the Redevelopment Agency with agreements for 80 senior housing units north of Central Park. Assisted the Planning Department in processing South Beltway EIR through the Planning Commission. FY 2000-01 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGE The City Attorney's Office has been operating efficiently for the past two years without filling a vacant legal secretarial position. This is due primarily to: (1) the change in office management; (2) the way in which attorney assignments have been balanced among the existing staff; and (3) proper utilization of the Administrative Assistant as the City Attorney's personal secretary. It has become apparent that the legal secretarial position is no longer needed for the successful operation of the office. Therefore, the City Attorney's Office requests Council approval to eliminate the position in its entirety. This would produce an annual budget savings of approximately $35,000. CITY ATTORNEY DIVISIONS: Legal Counsel Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $1,879,275 $1,879,275 $1,514,059 $1,514,059 $2,073,724 $2,073,724 $1,564,396 $1,564,396 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Self-Insurance Fund State Gas Tax Sewer Service-Plant 3 Refuse Fund Assessment Districts General Fund Total $84 $165,975 $317,522 $1,395,694 $1,879,275 $1,514,059 $1,514,059 $52,424 $455,574 $1,565,726 $2,073,724 $1,564,396 $1,564,396 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Legal Counsel Total 17.00 17.00 17.00 16.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 16.00 ?0 1211 -- Legal Counsel DIVISION GOAL To serve as legal counsel for the City in civil and criminal litigation and workers' compensation; to issue legal opinions and prepare ordinances, resolutions, contracts and other documents requested by the Mayor and City Council, department heads and staff members of the various City departments; and to implement the legal aspects of various policies and programs established by the City Council. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Conducted two workshops for City staff to provide training on contract procedures. 2. Collected $25,000 on a lien after the abatement action forced the sale of the Casa Royale property. 3. Revised several ordinances to address Council concerns, including bidding design build projects, vehicle parking and sale, vicious dogs, alarms, sound, and emergency powers. 4. Continued collection procedures resulting in $180,000 in worker's compensation judgments and $45,000 in property damage settlements. 5. Collected an additional $300,000 in insurance monies for condemned homes on Panorama Drive through litigation against the insurance companies. 6. Successfully defended the Police Department at trial by prevailing in two civil rights CaSeS. 7. Convinced the court to overturn a plaintiffs trial verdict of $3 million and to enter judgment in favor of the City. 8. Successfully disposed of seven cases through aggressive use ofthe law and motion process. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN 1. Implement a program to expand the quantity of preventative legal advice and seminars provided to City departments. Enhance the cross-education of staff attorneys to expedite legal service provision to all City departments. 3. Finalize review of available resources and make selection of best resource to utilize in creating a usable opinion database. Continue providing increased legal support to the City Council to recognize conflict issues. Continue to explore technological advances and available resources to enhance office efficiency in handling legal matters. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Litiqation: FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted Cases Filed and Served Average Active Caseload 32 26 30 53 50 55 Cases Resolved: Cases Dismissed (No Funds Expended) Cases Settled (Funds Expended) Judgments in Favor of the City Judgments Against the City 11 9 12 15 15 14 7 12 8 2 2 1 Municipal: Ordinances Resolutions Written Legal Opinions: · Provided to Departments · Provided to the City Council 59 65 77 180 199 228 95 91 90 9 59 40 72 LEGAL COUNSEL EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $1,187,382 $1,354,032 $1,385,699 $1,391,417 $688,079 $152,807 $680,805 $160,035 $3,814 $7,220 $7,220 $12,944 $1,879,275 $1,514,059 $2,073,724 $1,564,396 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Self-Insurance Fund State Gas Tax Sewer Service-Plant 3 Refuse Fund Assessment Districts General Fund Total $84 $165,975 $317,522 $1,395,695 $1,879,275 $1,514,059 $1,514,059 $52,424 $455,574 $1,565,726 $2,073,724 $1,564,396 $1,564,396 73 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 74 POLICE SERVICES Police Services Organizational Chart rCHIEF of POLICE Support Services 10peration~s: r ~ S W A.T/BOmb Squad ~ Sergeant Investigations Captain rCdmesAgans Pesons~"~ I , Cro oo~. i Police Services DEPARTMENT GOAL To provide for the safety and welfare of the citizens of Bakersfield through maintenance of effective law enforcement systems, including: crime prevention, patrol, traffic enforcement, follow-up criminal investigations, vice and narcotic enforcement and community relations. FY 1999-2000 ACCOMPLISHMENTS The Headquarters Section processed seventy-three permits to conduct business with the City of Bakersfield. The Training Staff developed and presented two 120-hour P.O.S.T. Public Safety Dispatcher Training Courses and coordinated a 784-hour P.O.S.T. approved Basic Academy Course. Crime Prevention Section presentedfour8-hour Crime Free Multi-Housing Program Training Seminars designed to assist tenants, owners and managers of rental properties. Representatives from 109 apartment complexes/rental properties attended the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program Training Seminars. The K-9 Unit returned to full staffing with seven Patrol Dog Teams and one Narcotics Detection Team. The Canine Unit handled 2,764 calls as assigned officers and assisted on 3,500. The unit conducted 350 narcotic searches resulting the seizure of 21,478 grams of methamphetamine, 19,710 grams of marijuana, 14 grams of cocaine base and $60,933 in currency. The Investigations Division was able to maintain a 29.70% clearance rate on all Part I Crimes reported; the national average is a 21% clearance rate on Part I Crimes. Part I crimes include: murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, auto theft and arson. All registered sex offenders within the City limits were contacted to confirm their places of residence and to ensure they are in compliance with the terms of their Sex Registrant status. FY 2000-01 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGE In July, 1999 the Police Department began major organizational restructuring. An Assistant Chief of Police position was eliminated and a Captain's position was added. The remaining Assistant Chief of Police now oversees the Support Services, Operations and Investigations Divisions which are under the command of Captains. This on-going restructuring will allow for the better flow of work assignments and oversight of organizational issues. POLICE SERVICES DIVISIONS: Administration Operations Investigations Total Adopted Amended Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $3,832,271 $24,648,347 $7,373,976 $35,854,594 $3,755,443 $25,614,733 $7,403,739 $36,773,915 $6,308,415 $23,132,166 $7,963,821 $37,404,402 $7,214,444 $24,459,019 $8,102,193 $39,775,656 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Traffic Safety Fund General Fund Total $35,854,594 $35,854,594 $36,773,915 $36,773,915 $37,404,402 $37,404,402 $1,682,920 $38,092,736 $39,775,656 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Administrative Svcs. Operations Investigations Total 53.00 273.00 72.00 398.00 53.00 281.00 73.00 407.00 53.00 284.00 73.00 410.00 63.00 285.00 77.00 425.00 77 2011 - Headquarters DIVISION GOAL Provide direct assistance and support to the Chief of Police; investigate personnel complaints; investigate government code claims for damages against the Police Department; provide investigative assistance to the City Attorney's Office; disseminate information to the media and release information made through public inquiries. FY 99-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Responded to twenty-three citizen inquiries. Processed seventy-three permits to conduct business within the City of Bakersfield. Provided investigative assistance on thirty-one claims against the City. FY 00-01 ACTION PLAN 1. Receive, investigate and process all personnel complaints and strive to complete them as mandated. 2. Receive, investigate and process all investigative requests from the City Attorney's Office and Risk Management, and the monitoring of such requests to ensure they are completed in a timely manner. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS 1. Complete al personnel complaint investigations within thirty days. 2. Complete all investigative reports requested by the City Attorney's Office and Risk Management within five days. 3. Conduct at least one random inspection on a quarterly basis to review Police services. Headquarters- continued 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Fiscal Year Comparisons 155 q,~ ~1~ ~,~ FY 97-98 66 57 461~ 36 r 21 FY 98-99 73 2i:3115 23~i FY 99-00 [] Citizen Complaints ~'~-~ Pitchess Motions 7// Citizen Inquiries Claims Internal Affairs Investigations Permits 79 2011 - Support Services DIVISION GOAL Provide administrative support necessary for effective operation of the various departmental units; provide mandated and additional training to all employees of the department; provide 24-hour emergency and non-emergency telephone answering and radio dispatching; disseminate information crucial to the effective enforcement of law; develop and update department policy and procedures; conduct efficient records managementpractices; and provide crime prevention programs forthe community, schools and businesses. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS The Training Staff developed and presented two 120-hour P.O.S.T. Public Safety Dispatcher Training Courses and coordinated a 784-hour P.O.S.T. approved Basic Academy Course. The Training Staff presented 16 hours of Management and Supervisory training on Problem Oriented Policing and Customer Service issues. Reserve Police Officers provided over 15,000 hours of volunteer service to the Bakersfield Police Department and the community. The Reserve Unit was responsible for organizing, developing policies and guidelines and scheduling Police and Reserve Police Officers to staff the new Park Patrol Program which was implemented on October 16, 1999. Crime Prevention Section presented four 8-hour Crime Free Multi-Housing Prog ram Training Seminars designed to assist tenants, owners and managers of rental properties. Representatives from 109 apartment complexes/rental properties attended the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program Training Seminars. Remodeled the 2,500 square foot Police Activities League (P.A.L.) Center, Sixty individual computer workstations were installed to facilitate and enhance the tutorial program offered through P.A.L. Implemented the "Juvenile Impact Program," a one-year pilot partnership between the Bakersfield Police Department and the Bakersfield City School District. One full-time officer was assigned to the Rafer Johnson Community Day School (RJCDS), a highly structured and disciplined environment for students who were facing expulsion or were unable to conform to a regular school environment. The Juvenile Impact Program initially had an enrollment of 39 students in September, and has a current student enrollment of 165. Support Services - continued 10. The Special Enforcement Unit obtained Grand Jury indictments on 12 active gang members for participating in criminal street gangs, with over half pleading guilty to prison terms. Staff coordinated and completed the upgrade of the Communications System, as mandated by the State and Federal Departments of Justice. The Transcribing Section reduced the backlog of reports awaiting conversion into the Records Management System. FY 2000-2001 ACTION PLAN Develop and conduct training opportunities for all Department personnel, including training mandated by the State. Present one P.O.S.T. Basic Academy Course and two P.O.S.T. Public Safety Dispatcher Training Courses. Maintain an average "receipt to dispatch" time of less than two minutes for priority one calls a minimum of 75% of the time. Complete and disseminate the Communications Operations Manual to all Com- munications employees. Develop a public service announcement in English and Spanish explaining the value of Neighborhood Watch. Update all Neighborhood Watch handout material. Achieve a 25% increase in the number of youths involved in P.A.L. programs. Work closely with the Los Angeles Terrorism Task Force and the Los Angeles FBI in developing a preparedness plan for dealing with weapons of mass destruction and domestic terrorism. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS 1. Mandated training to sworn personnel / civilian (hours) 2. Monthly Training Bulletins 3. Basic Academy Course 4. Public Safety Dispatcher Course FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 32/10 16/8 24/16 12 38 24 1 2 1 0 2 2 Support Services Service Level Indicators - continued FY 98-99 FY 99-00 Actual Actual Reserve Police Officer Hours Donated 15,036 15,204 15,600 Transportation Officer Hours 6,730 4,934 5,200 Number of 4-hour Park Patrol Shifts 0 77 336 (Reserve Police Officers Only) (Partial) FY 00-01 Adopted RECORDS SECTION FY COMPARISONS Lines Typed 1.891.835 1,932,059 1,990,021 Case Numbers Issued 50,831 49,257 47,779 Teletype Service 64,272 68,391 72,494 RMS File Entry 300,852 456,050 611.107 Total Receipts Issued 7,826 9,431 10,657 30 Day Vehicle Impounds New Statistic 4,052 6,888 30 Da Impound Cost Recovery Receipts 1,555 2,629 4,443 Issue~/ Notice of Stored Vehicle Notifications Mailed 3,770 7, 112 11,308 Fl's Filed 4,189 6,069 8,132 Subpoenas Processed 18,926 17,471 17.122 Sales of Copies of Reports 5 062 4.781 5 259 HEADQUARTERS AND SUPPORTSERVICES EXPENDITURES: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 PerSORRel Operating Capital $2,966,845 $2,848,675 $5,168,042 $6,003,289 $862,828 $900,568 $1,130,473 $1,185,091 $2,598 $6,200 $9,900 $26,064 Total $3,832,271 $3,755,443 $6,308,415 $7,214,444 SOURCE OF FUNDS: GeneraiFund $3,832,271 $3,755,443 $6,308,415 $7,214,444 Total $3,832,271 $3,755,443 $6,308,415 $7,214,444 2021 - Operations DIVISION GOAL Protect life and property; investigate crimes and apprehend criminal violators; provide for the safe and orderly flow of traffic; provide police canine service and support to the Police Department and the community. FY 99-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS The Operations Division was reorganized to provide streamlined and efficient front end delivery of police services to the public. The Division now consists of Patrol, Traffic and Canine Unit. The K-9 Unit returned to full staffing with seven Patrol Dog Teams and one Narcotics Detection Team. The Canine Unit handled 2,764 calls as assigned officers and assisted on 3,500. The unit conducted 350 narcotic searches resulting the seizure of 47.5 pounds of methamphetamine, 43.5 pounds of marijuana and $60,933 in currency. The Traffic Section progressed far into the Community Oriented Policing/Problem Solving model of policing by virtue of a variety of non-traditional/problem solving deployments. The section conducted eleven DUllDriver License Checkpoints, one DUI Sweep and two Red Light Enforcement Operations. There was a reduction of 5.5 percent in fatal accidents and a reduction of 11.5 percent in injury accidents. FY 00-01 ACTION PLAN Increase efficiency and effectiveness in graffiti prevention and enforcement via the assignment of an additional officer to the Graffiti Program, for a total of two. The officers will increase the number of arrests/clearances, as well as the number of public education presentations on graffiti. Achieve a further reduction in traffic related property damage, death and injury through a 5 percent reduction in fatal, injury and property damage traffic accidents. 3. Achieve a 25 percent reduction of citizen complaints against Operations personnel. 84 Operations - continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS 1. Non-Injury Accidents 2. Injury Accidents 3. Fatal Accidents 4. Personnel Complaints FY98-99 .Actual 2,244 742 5 FY99-00 Actual 3,239 1,230 17 41 FY00-01 Adopted 3,078 1,169 16 30 85 OPERATIONS EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Actual 1998-99 $20,233,693 $4,397,526 $17,128 $24,648,347 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $21,104,461 $4,501,972 $8,300 $25,614,733 Amended Budget 1999-00 $18,792,258 $4,310,360 $29,548 $23,132,166 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $18,331,069 $6,115,548 $12,402 $24,459,019 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Traffic Safety Fund General Fund Total $24,648,347 $24,648,347 $25,614,733 $25,614,733 $23,132,166 $23,132,166 $1,682,920 $22,776,099 $24,459,019 86 2031 - Investigations DIVISION GOAL Effectively assess preliminary crime reports, conduct follow-up investigations, identify and apprehend suspects. Maintain the highest standard of service to the community in the areas of identifying and prosecuting major distributors of narcotics; controlling gambling activity, prostitution and other illegal activities. Continue to provide a high standard of crime scene processing and crime analysis. Receive, maintain and disposition evidence and property. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS The Investigations Division was able to maintain a 29.70% clearance rate on all Part I Crimes reported; the national average is a 21% clearance rate on Part I Crimes. Part l crimes include: murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, auto theft and arson. All registered sex offenders within the City limits were contacted to confirm their places of residence and to ensure they are in compliance with the terms of their Sex Reg istrant status. The General Investigations Detail conducted a successful sting operation at the Swap-O- Rama in which several thousand pieces of counterfeit merchandise was seized from vendors, and over a dozen arrests made for the sale of the merchandise. Seizure often labs, the majority of which were located in residential neighborhoods, exposing not only occupants but the entire neighborhood to toxic substances. The formation of the Southern Tri-County HIDA Task Force, in which the Vice/Narcotics Unit has contributed one Sergeant and one Detective. The Kern Narcotics Enforcement Team (KNET) seized over 8.6 pounds of methamphetamine and 35.6 pounds of marijuana - the most frequently encountered drugs of abuse - during various searches of mid-level narcotic traffickers. FY 2000-2001 ACTION PLAN Continue to maintain a clearance rate on all Part I Crimes, above the national average of 21%. Provide training to financial institutions and community groups to heighten the awareness of the growing number of identity takeovers, and steps that can be taken to protect individuals from becoming victims. 87 Investigations - continued Monitor all sex offenders living within the City limits, to ensure compliance with terms of their status. A liaison with Parole, Probation and the Sheriffs Department will be established to ensure those individuals released to this area are identified and monitored. Acquire an AFIX computer system to allow for an internal data base of fingerprints that can be utilized to compare fingerprints seized at crimes scenes with those on file at the Police Department. Increase the number of methamphetamine manufacturing related investigations by twenty percent. Increase the seizure of street value narcotics by five percent. Kern Narcotics Enforcement Team (KNET) will continue utilizing assistance of the Kern County Probation Department in targeting probation violators and assist the California Department of Corrections to monitor parolees. KNET will provide in-service briefing on a quarterly basis to Operations Division personnel in the area of narcotics enforcement and investigative techniques. KNETwill coordinate and participate in a minimum offour probation sweeps in cities throughout Kern County. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS 1. Warrants Received 2, Warrants Cleared 3. Methamphetamine Manufacturing Investigations 4. Street Value of Narcotic Seizures 5. Parole/Probations Searches FY98-99 FY99-00 FY00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 7,842 7,632 7,600 5,710 5,090 5,000 5 10 12 $1,586,000 $1,735,000 $1,821,750 104 120 130 88 INVESTIGATIONS EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Actual 1998-99 $6,336,945 $1,015,782 $21,249 $7,373,976 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $6,179,928 $1,169,211 $54,600 $7,403,739 Amended Budget 1999-00 $6,353,486 $1,191,030 $419,305 $7,963,821 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $6,854,227 $1,204,721 $43,245 $8,102,193 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total $7,373,976 $7,373,976 $7,403,739 $7,403,739 $7,963,821 $7,963,821 $8,102,193 $8,102,193 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 90 FIRE SERVICES Fire Services Organizational Chart I Business Manager I Fire Chief I i Assistant Fire Chie i I Fire Suppression Services I Administrative Services ! Assistant F~ I Fire Safet~ Fire Services DEPARTMENT GOAL To serve citizens by protecting lives and property against the effects of fire, other emergencies or hazards, to assure the orderly growth of the City of Bakersfield with regard to life safety and levels of service by working in cooperation with other departments and agencies. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Received Weapons of Mass Destruction Grant and conducted training workshops and exercises. Received grants of extrication equipment, public education, Y2K preparedness, accelerant detector, mapping software, defibrillators, and an Arson Technical Assistance program from various agencies. Implemented the first Administrative Enforcement Order by a Unified Program Agency in the State. This is part of a State mandate to enforce Class 1 hazardous waste violations. Increased public education by 20%, now reaching more than 50,000 residents annually. Received a Technical Assistance Grant from the United States Fire Administration for consultants review of organizational and operational practices in the Arson/Prevention Division. 6. Implemented the "21n/2 Out" mandate and assessed compliance and effect. Responded to 17,874 emergency calls, 8% fires, 50% medical aids, and the remaining 42% were responses for rescues, hazardous conditions, hazardous material incidents, public service, and other miscellaneous calls for assistance. FY 2000-01 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES 1. An additional Training Captain position was approved to assist the Fire Department with increased State mandates and employment outreach efforts for minority candidates. 2. A Fire Plans Checker position was approved to improve the Fire Code plan checking process. FIRE SERVICES DIVISIONS: Administration Fire Safety Fire Suppression Total Actual 1998-99 $776,097 $1,997,534 $15,944,419 $18,718,050 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $783,121 $2,056,328 $16,320,454 $19,159,903 Amended Budget 1999-00 $791,141 $2,161,399 $16,446,425 $19,398,965 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $804,966 $2,263,269 $16,229,320 $19,297,555 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Capital Outlay Fund General Fund Total $18,718,050 $18,718,050 $19,159,903 $19,159,903 $19,398,965 $19,398,965 $19,297,555 $19,297,555 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Administration Fire Safety Fire Suppression Total 8.00 23.00 154.00 185.00 8.00 25.00 157.00 190.00 8.00 25.00 157.00 190.00 8.00 26.00 158.00 192.00 3011 - Administration DIVISION GOAL Provide leadership and administrative support for the operation, growth, and development of the Bakersfield Fire Department; develop and administer policies and procedures as set forth by the City Council, City Manager, and the Fire Department; provide fair and applicable promotional testing; encourage employee developmentin all ranks; and promote teamwork among all City departments. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Received Weapons of Mass Destruction Grant and conducted training workshops and exercises. 2. Received grants of extrication equipment, public education, Y2K preparedness, accelerant detector, mapping software, defibrillators, and an Arson Technical Assistance program from various agencies. 3. Increased involvement in community organizations and events. 4. Participated in team-building exercises/workshops. 5. Developed a comprehensive program for investigation/evaluation of Firefighter candidates. 6. Conducted three promotional examinations and one Firefighter entrance examination. 7. Revised Police and Fire Alarm Ordinance. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN 1. Expand Traffic Signal Preemption Program by including the Kern County Fire Department. 2. Purchase and equip three replacement fire engines. 3. Develop design for future Fire Station 13. 4. Continue to search for new funding sources. 94 ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 Personnel $659,443 $644,067 $651,915 $685,206 Operating $116,655 $118,854 $119,026 $118,410 Capital $0 $20,200 $20,200 $1,350 Total $776,097 $783,121 $791,141 $804,966 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund $776,097 $783,121 $791,141 $804,966 Total $776,097 $783,121 $791,141 $804,966 95 3021 ~ Fire Safety Services DIVISION GOAL Provide for a safe community through fire code enforcement and aggressive arson investigation; provide an effective public education program to increase safety awareness in the community; support the Hazardous Materials Team with technical information; administer the unified programs for environmental regulations within the City; maintain a joint dispatch and communication system; provide Iogistical support for emergency operations; and to maintain all equipment and property. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Implemented the first Administrative Enforcement Order by a Unified Program Agency in the State. This is part of a State mandate to enforce Class 1 hazardous waste violations. Initiated the coordinated and cooperative inspection process with Development Services on inspections of multistory hotels 40 years or older after recent fire deaths. Increased public education by 20%, now reaching more than 50,000 residents annually. Participated in Federal Excess Property Program with the Kern County Fire Department and received approximately $90,000 in equipment, parts, and supplies. Received a Technical Assistance Grant from the United States Fire Administration for consultants review of organizational and operational practices in the Arson/Prevention Division. 6. Inspected all new construction within 48 hours 90% of the time. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN Implement the new Universal Waste Rule Program prescribed by State and Federal Law. Establish a City Industry Advisory Council addressing environmental issues within the City. Implement the Weapons of Mass Destruction Anti-Terrorism Grant Program within the greater Bakersfield Metropolitan Area. 96 Inspect all new construction within 48 hours of being notified 100% of the time. Develop a Gated Community Ordinance for emergency access. Expand our Car Safety Seat Inspection Program whereas citizens can frequent any City fire station for an inspection of their child safety seats. Also, work with the Police Department at Car Safety Stops in relation to child safety seats. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Citizens impacted by public education Permit hazardous waste facilities Emergency calls dispatched Total fires investigated Building inspections by Prevention Services FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 39,900 40,000 50,000 0 350 750 17,939 18,016 21,000 216 199 350 2,156 1,242 2,300 97 FIRE SAFETY EXPENDITURES: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 Personnel Operating Capital $1,383,107 $1,446,037 $1,446,037 $1,630,152 $478,876 $440,273 $450,967 $465,335 $135,551 $170,018 $264,395 $167,782 Total $1,997,534 $2,056,328 $2,161,399 $2,263,269 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Proposed Total $1,997,534 $1,997,534 $2,056,328 $2,056,328 $2,161,399 $2,161,399 $2,263,269 $2,263,269 3031 - Fire Suppression Services DIVISION GOAL Provide the citizens of Bakersfield with fire protection, emergency medical life support services, hazardous materials emergency response, and assistance with other exposures to dangerous conditions. Insure all Suppression personnel are properly trained to the highest level to provide for both personal safety and the safety of the public. 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Implemented the "21n/2 Out" mandate and assessed compliance and effect. 2. Developed specifications with the Fleet Services Division and ordered three replacement engines. Anticipated delivery is the winter of 2000-01. 3. Received and placed into servicefourType III Engines and oneAir/LightApparatus. 4. Completed testing of 15 fire department pumping apparatus, two aerial apparatus, 66 ground ladders, and 116,400 feet of fire hose. 5. Trained all Suppression personnel to meet State mandates. Trained all Suppression personnel to national Wildland Firefighter II Level. 6. Responded to 17,874 emergency calls, 8% fires, 50% medical aids, and the remaining 42% were responses for rescues, hazardous conditions, hazardous material incidents, public service, and other miscellaneous calls for assistance. 7. Conducted 25 fire safety/public education presentations per engine company for a total of 300 presentations. 8. Conducted two recruit Firefighter Academies and two college Firefighter I Academies. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN Provide approximately 250 hours of individual training and required certification to Suppression personnel in order to maintain or improve the level of service to the public. Conduct a minimum of 24 fire safety and public education presentations per engine company for a minimum total of 288 presentations. These programs are targeted for schools and the general public. Provide research and development of new emergency operations and equipment to remain abreast of new trends in the fire service. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Emergency responses Structure fires Medical aids Training hours FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 18,200 18,076 18,500 370 267 288 8,000 9,322 9,500 32,000 31,980 33,143 100 FIRE SUPPRESSION EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $14,301,542 $1,567,212 $75,665 $15,944,419 $14,473,422 $1,717,867 $129,165 $16,320,454 $14,479,122 $1,759,882 $207,421 $16,446,425 $14,391,364 $1,745,011 $92,945 $16,229,320 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Capital Outlay Fund General Fund Total $14,993,909 $14,993,909 $16,320,454 $16,320,454 $16,107,387 $16,107,387 $16,229,320 $16,229,320 101 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 102 PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Organizational Chart Engineering Manager Design Engineering Public Works ' I Assistant to the Public Works Director ~ Traffic Engineer Construction/Survey Equipment Director ~Administrative Assistant Public Works Operations Manager Fleet Operations Telecommunications Wastewater Manager Solid Waste Director I I General~ervices Wastewater Treatment Solid Waste J Public Works DEPARTMENT GOAL To provide for quality infrastructure design, construction and inspection services; to design, install and maintain traffic control systems; to provide maintenance of street surfaces, publicly-owned facilities, and street lighting; to monitor, operate and maintain the wastewater treatment plants, sanitary sewer and storm drain systems, and recycling center; to ensure an adequate inventory of safe and efficient motorized fleet, equipment and telecommunications systems; to ensure that public inquiries are handled in a timely and professional manner; and to provide exceptional customer service department-wide. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Resurfaced 50 centerline miles of local streets with the one-time General Fund contribution of $2.1 million. This is in addition to the $2 million of paving done on major streets with the bulk financed through federal funds. Awarded over $20 million in contracts for Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). Major projects to be substantially complete by the end of this fiscal year include the: Bakersfield Amtrak Station, Q Street Grade Separation and Allen Road Trunk Sewer projects. Analyzed traffic operations at 12 elementary school locations during the year, identifying safety needs and implementing traffic control improvements in cooperation with the schools and the City Police Department. Placed 40,000 tons of asphalt concrete and oilsand (cold mix) on City streets and alleys in the form of thin overlays, pothole patching and section repairs. Minimized potential liability by repairing reported hazardous potholes within a two day period. 6. Completed construction of the $29,300,000 Plant 2 Upgrade/Expansion Project. Developed and published, in print and on the City website, a series of ten informational brochures explaining how traffic signals operate, the use of speed bumps, school pedestrian safety and other traffic subjects. Published current Subdivision and Engineering Design Manual on City's website with current updates. 104 Public Works - continued Installed additional lighting in the area bounded by M Street, 19th Street, P Street and Truxtun Ave. 10. Completed the installation of all CDBG-funded street light installations in various annexed areas (Casa Loma and Union 10). 11. Placed into service 3 street sweepers and 10 pickup trucks which operate on a dedicated compressed natural gas engine. 12. Installed TV broadcast system to televise City Council and Planning Commission meetings. 13. Installed first phase of SCADA system for Street sewer lift stations. This system will automate monitoring of the lift and pump stations to ensure problems are promptly identified. 14. Began implementation of soil testing program for drafting of the final landfill closure plan for the former Bakersfield landfill. 15. Implemented the curbside collection of used oil and used oil filters. 16. Assisted with development of a privately-owned recycling facility for construction and demolition debris, to increase the City's recycling rate. FY 2000-01 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Increased Equipment Fund appropriations forthe purchase of three diesel-powered street sweepers and one-time equipment purchases funded by Kern County for the Green and Wood Waste Diversion Program Expansion. Increased Refuse Operating Budget for Kern County's Share of Cost for the Green and Wood Waste Diversion Program Expansion (Includes additional Heavy Equipment Operator, Service Maintenance Worker and Laborer positions). Proposed rate increases include a 1.8% increase for the residential sewer user fee, bringing the current fee of $113 to $115. In addition, the budget includes a 1.1% rate increase for the residential garbage fee, bringing the current fee of $138 to $139.50. 105 DIVISIONS: Administration Engineering General Services Streets Equipment Wastewater Solid Waste Total PUBLIC WORKS Actual 1998-99 Adopted Budget 1999-00 Amended Budget 1999-00 $296,903 $3,814,065 $5,739,226 $8,011,217 $15,874,139 $5,094,941 $18,198,829 $458,442 $3,935,667 $5,842,095 $7,176,666 $11,127,325 $4,583,021 $18,348,484 $475,219 $4,112,505 $5,972,402 $7,363,561 $14,531,822 $4,818,503 $18,618,368 $57,029,320 $51,471,700 $55,892,380 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $393,229 $4,310,994 $6,042,761 $7,325,736 $13,008,716 $5,119,291 $20,249,573 $56,450,300 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Dev. Services Fund State Gas Tax Transportation Dev Aviation Fund Sewer Service-Plant 2 Sewer Service-Plant 3 CDBG - Block Grant CDBG - Home Equipment Fund Refuse Fund Assessment Districts Total $9,543,570 $9,586,562 $9,708,872 $705,124 $873,218 $880,591 $2,701,888 $3,079,708 $3,115,832 $47,200 $236,303 $118,421 $141,971 $2,874,359 $2,051,130 $2,251,851 $5,210,512 $4,510,513 $4,569,603 $41,801 $258,199 $65,000 $15,874,140 $11,127,325 $14,531,822 $19,742,275 $20,124,823 $20,314,890 $99,348 $0 $6,549 $57,029,320 $51,471,700 $55,892,380 $10,814,635 $944,779 $2,295,827 $200,000 $122,813 $2,408,309 $4,623,798 $13,008,716 $22,031,423 $0 $56,450,300 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Ad m in istration Engineering General Services Streets Equipment Wastewater Solid Waste Total 7.00 50.00 55.oo 60.00 48.00 27.00 52.00 299.00 7.00 51.00 57.00 60.00 49.00 27.00 53.00 304.00 7.00 51.00 57.00 60.00 49.00 27.00 53.00 304.00 7.00 51.00 61.0o 67.00 52.00 27.00 71.00 336.00 106 4011- Administrative Services DIVISION GOAL Provide administrative support for the effective operation of the various departmental divisions; develop and administer policies and procedures; monitor department operating and capital improvement budgets; and administer all departmental contracts. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Provided administrative support for Departmental Divisions, 2. Monitored CIP expenditures. 3. Continued cross-training of all administrative/clerical staff. 4. Submitted reimbursement claims on a timely basis to enhance cash flow. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN 1, Respond to City Council inquiries within 10 days from receipt of request. 2. Prepare monthly comprehensive CIP Status Report for distribution to the City Council and City Manager's Office. 3. Coordinate preparation of administrative reports and supporting documentation for placement on City Council agenda. Complete Departmental Emergency Response Manual for employees' use. 107 ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Actual 1998-99 $254,032 $38,687 $4,185 $296,903 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $391,430 $65,512 $1,500 $458,442 Amended Budget 1999-00 $396,966 $61,080 $17,173 $475,219 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $314,434 $61,013 $17,782 $393,229 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total $296,903 $296,903 $458,442 $458,442 $475,219 $475,219 $393,229 $393,229 108 4031 - Engineering DIVISION GOAL Provide design and project management services for CIP projects; ensure proposed new developments are in compliance with generally accepted engineering standards, City ordinances and other statutory regulations; provide surveying and inspection services on capital improvement projects and developer public improvements to ensure conformance to construction standards, plans, specifications and statutory regulations; and provide for the safe and efficient movement of people and products through traffic engineering operations, design and planning. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Designed and awarded 34 CIP projects, totaling over $20 million in contracts. Awarded the Bakersfield Amtrak Station Project in August, 1999, for $5.1 million; completion date for this project is projected to be July 4, 2000. 3. Completed construction of the Q Street Separation of Grade by June, 2000. 4. Completed construction of the Allen Road Trunk Sewer Project in December, 1999. Recorded 9 Parcel Maps dividing 906 acres into 44 parcels. Recorded 73 Final Maps dividing 862 acres into 2,235 lots. 6. Published the annual booklet of traffic volume counts by February, 2000. Analyzed traffic operations at 12 elementary school locations during the year, identifying safety needs and implementing traffic control improvements in cooperation with the schools and the City Police Department. Analyzed 30 intersections for traffic signal warrants and updated current traffic signal priority list, adding the new locations that meet warrants, for consideration in subsequent CIP project lists. Developed and published, in print and on the City website, a series of ten informational brochures explaining how traffic signals operate, the use of speed bumps, school pedestrian safety and other traffic subjects. 10. Installed Global Positioning Satellite System for use by surveying crews. This system will reduce the field survey data collection time for various projects. 11. Published current Subdivision and Engineering Design Manual on City's website with current updates. 109 4031 Engineering - continued FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN Complete construction of the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer, Phase 2 Project by June 30, 2001. Complete design and award of all FY 00-01 budgeted CIP projects before June, 2001. 3. Complete review of maps and improvement plans within four weeks of submittal. Respond to 95% of all permit inspection requests within four hours, and all others within 24 hours. Begin working on requests for preliminary surveys within two weeks of receipt. Respond to construction survey requests within 24 hours. Analyze traffic operations at 14 elementary school locations during the year, identifying safety needs and implementing traffic control improvements in cooperation with the schools and the City Police Department. Analyze 36 or more intersections for traffic signal warrants and update current traffic signal priority list, adding the new locations that meet warrants, for consideration in subsequent CIP project lists. Enact 6 month review/adoption cycle for Subdivision and Engineering Design Manual updates, per the Development Streamlining Subcommittee of the Urban Development Committee. 110 4031 - Engineering continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Improvement Plans and Final Maps Checked & Returned Within 4 Weeks Permit Inspection Requests Responded to Within 4 Hours Elementary Schools Analyzed for Traffic Operations Intersections Analyzed for Traffic Signal Warrants Budgeted Public Works CIP Projects Bid During Fiscal Year FY 98-99 Actual 40% 95% 12 20 87% FY 99-00 Actual 50% 95% 12 30 100% FY 00-01 Adopted 50% 95% 14 36 100% 111 ENGINEERING EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Actual 1998-99 $3,179,268 $609,396 $25,401 $3,814,065 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $3,237,066 $582,366 $116,235 $3,935,667 Amended Budget 1999-00 $3,253,878 $655,991 $202,636 $4,112,505 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $3,477,146 $794,441 $39,407 $4,310,994 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Dev. Services Fund CDBG - Home Transportation Dev Sewer Service-Plant 3 State Gas Tax Assessment Districts Total $2,370,326 $705,123 $639,267 $99,349 $3,814,065 $2,249,390 $873,218 $813,059 $3,935,667 $2,264,323 $880,591 $65,000 $47,200 $20,000 $828,842 $6,549 $4,112,505 $3,166,215 $944,779 $200,000 $4,310,994 112 4051 - General Services DIVISION GOAL Provide high-quality customer service in the maintenance of City-owned facilities, traffic control devices, street lights and the removal of graffiti from City-owned facilities and private property. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Washed and re-lamped all City traffic signals. Installed additional lighting in the area bounded by M Street, 19th Street, P Street and Truxtun Ave. Completed the installation of all CDBG-funded street light installations in various annexed areas (Casa Loma and Union 10). Completed the replacement of obsolete HVAC units at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Community Center. 2000-01 ACTION PLAN 1. Complete the installation of all new style street signs in various downtown areas. 2. Establish 2 anti-graffiti removal teams, for painting and pressure washing, to better respond to graffiti removal requests. 3. Complete the remodel of the City Clerk's Office. 4. Continue the process of replacing old wiring at traffic signals. 5. Install additienal lighting in the areas budgeted for improvement within the Capital Improvement Program. 113 4051 - General Services continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Graffiti Removed (million sq. ft.) Street Lights Re-lamped Striping of City Streets (miles) Graffiti Education (# of students) FY 98-99 Actual 4.2 1,400 700 10,000 FY 99-00 Actual 4.0 1,450 600 11,000 FY 00-01 Adopted 4.2 1,600 600 12,500 114 GENERAL SERVICES EXPENDITURES: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 PersoRRel Operating Capital $2,908,880 $3,002,890 $3,004,180 $2,798,241 $2,799,205 $2,887,215 $32,105 $40,000 $81,007 $3,050,222 $2,938,447 $54,092 Total $5,739,226 $5,842,095 $5,972,402 $6,042,761 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund State Gas Tax Aviation Fund $4,575,500 $4,637,025 $4,725,322 $927,424 $1,086,649 $1,105,109 $236,302 $118,421 $141,971 $4,835,321 $1,084,627 $122,813 Total $5,739,226 $5,842,095 $5,972,402 $6,042,761 115 4052 - Streets DIVISION GOAL Provide for safe and efficient vehicular movement on City streets; operate and maintain sanitary sewer systems and storm drainage system. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Completed 95% of budgeted street improvements in the Casa Loma area. 2. Maintained a 45-minute time limit in responding to emergency sewer stoppage calls. 3. Placed 40,000 tons of asphalt concrete and oilsand (cold mix) on City streets and alleys in the form of thin overlays, pothole patching and section repairs. 4. Implemented a method of reducing hydrogen sulfide within the City's sewer system, This helped to alleviate odor control problems. 5. Minimized potential liability by repairing reported hazardous potholes within a two day period. 6. Maintained a safe working environment for employees by consistent training sessions and safety meetings. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN 1. Continue evaluating the City's storm system where flooding problems exist and recommend appropriate corrections. 2. Continue reviewing the current sweeping routes and adjust them as necessary to maintain once a month sweeping of residential areas. 3. Continue street preventative maintenance program for residential streets by establishing priority list for those streets in need of repair. 116 4052 - Streets continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Residential Sweeping Cycle Miles of Street Resurfaced/ Reconstructed Miles of Sewer Line Inspected Respond to Emergency Calls for Sewer Maintenance Service FY 98-99 Actual 22 days 26 miles 40 miles 195 FY 99-00 Actual 23 days 18 miles 37 miles 210 FY 00-01 Adopted 23~25 days 20 miles 35 miles 220 117 STREETS EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Actual 1998-99 $2,858,194 $5,151,543 $1,480 $8,011,217 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $3,012,452 $4,109,714 $54,500 $7,176,666 Amended Budget 1999-00 $2,974,175 $4,268,886 $120,500 $7,363,561 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $3,222,616 $4,077,138 $25,982 $7,325,736 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund State Gas Tax CDBG - Block Grant Sewer Service-Plant 3 Refuse Fund Total $2,300,843 $1,135,196 $41,801 $2,989,931 $1,543,447 $8,011,217 $2,241,705 $1,180,000 $1,978,622 $1,776,339 $7,176,666 $2,244,008 $1,181,881 $258,199 $1,982,951 $1,696,522 $7,363,561 $2,419,870 $1,211,200 $1,912,816 $1,781,850 $7,325,736 118 4053 - Equipment DIVISION GOAL Provide all using Departments/Divisions with the vehicular, non-vehicular and telecommunications equipment needed to meet their objectives, within the bounds of the approved budget; and procure, repair and maintain all equipment within the City in a safe and reliable manner. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Placed into service 3 street sweepers and 10 pickup trucks which operate on a dedicated compressed natural gas engine. Continued to meet and exceed the clean air standards as they pertain to the City of Bakersfield by placing alternative fuel vehicles and equipment into service. Monitored time standards on a quarterly basis for preventative maintenance work and routine repairs to ensure compliance with industry standards. Goal was to comply with industry standards 100% of the time for preventative maintenance work and 80% of the time for routine maintenance. Division staff has consistently achieved these goals. Installed TV broadcast system to televise City Council and Planning Commission meetings. 5. Replaced Zetron alerting system for the Fire Department. Installed first phase of SCADA system for Street sewer lift stations. This system will automate monitoring of the lift and pump stations to ensure problems are promptly identified. 119 4053 - Equipment continued FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN Complete construction of the new Downtown Fleet Services Facility by December, 2000. Continue to monitor rental rates to ensure accurate and timely replacement of worn equipment. Maintain an appropriate fund balance in the Equipment Management Fund to meet established replacement schedules. Continue to install and fine tune supervisory control and data acquisition system for sewer lift stations, water wells and pumps, and City's microwave system. Convert microwave link from the Corporation Yard to the Police Department to a fiber optic line. 5. Replace one-half of the Police Department's portable radios. 6. Produce TV broadcasts of City Council and Planning Commission meetings. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Perform preventative maintenance and routine repairs of all vehicles in the fleet Procure additional/replacement equipment by the end of the fiscal year and place equipment in service within 15 working days - vehicles and communications equipment FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 1,401 1,500 1,537 175 185 220 120 EQUIPMENT EXPENDITURES: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 Personnel Operating Capital $2,566,106 $8,011,958 $5,296,075 $2,665,772 $4,426,281 $4,035,272 $2,665,772 $4,435,135 $7,430,915 $2,786,923 $4,515,923 $5,705,870 Total $15,874,139 $11,127,325 $14,531,822 $13,008,716 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Equipment Fund $15,874,139 $11,127,325 $14,531,822 $13,008,716 Total $15,874,139 $11,127,325 $14,531,822 $13,008,716 121 4071 - Wastewater DIVISION GOAL Provide operation and maintenance of wastewater facilities for the purpose of treating, reclaiming, and utilizing wastewater and its by-products in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements; plan for future wastewater treatment needs to meet anticipated growth; monitor and regulate industrial waste dischargers; and establish sewer user fees for properties receiving City sewer service. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Performed state required laboratory analysis of wastewater and submitted the results each month to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB). 2. Completed construction of the $29,300,000 Plant 2 upgrade/expansion project. Performed State required sampling and inspections of all permitted industrial waste dischargers. Updated the flat rate and surcharge sewer billing lists, and billed septage haulers monthly. Initiated the $75,000 design phase of the conversion of the Plant 2 aerated lagoons to a storage reservoir. 6. Completed an audit of sewer users within the City limits for billing purposes. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN Provide continuous operation and maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Plants 2 & 3; perform State-required analysis ofwastewaterto demonstrate compliance with Discharge Requirements; and submit results monthly to the CRWQCB, Complete construction to convert the Plant 2 aerated lagoons to a storage reservoir. Preliminary estimate from the City's Wastewater Services Master Plan was $1,600,000. Conduct at least one compliance sampling and facility inspection annually of all permitted industries and submit results to the CRWQCB. Review monthly City Building Department reports and annual water consumption records to update the flat rate and surcharge billing lists. Bill septage haulers by the 15th of each month. 122 4071 - Wastewater continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Wastewater Treated Million Gallons Per Day Plant 2 .................. Plant 3 .................. Permitted Industrial Dischargers Parcels Served Incorporated Area (on special assessment list) FY 98-99 Actual 16.25 10.27 21 59,792 FY 99-00 Actual 15.77 11.13 21 61,272 FY 00-01 Adopted 15.87 11.43 20 63,026 123 WASTEWATER EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Actual 1998-99 $1,549,592 $3,493,051 $52,298 $5,094,941 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $1,557,909 $2,961,812 $63,300 $4,583,021 Amended Budget 1999-00 $1,557,909 $3,196,801 $63,793 $4,818,503 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $1,603,964 $3,428,627 $86,700 $5,119,291 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Sewer Service-Plant 2 Sewer Service-Plant 3 Total $2,874,360 $2,220,581 $5,094,941 $2,051,130 $2,531,891 $4,583,021 $2,251,851 $2,566,652 $4,818,503 $2,408,309 $2,710,982 $5,119,291 124 4081 - Solid Waste DIVISION GOAL Provide quality and cost-effective solid waste and recycling services citywide, through a balanced combination of services by contract and municipal forces. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Continued support for sale of homes to new owners after remediation of the Panorama Burn Dump last year. 2. Began implementation of soil testing program for drafting of the final landfill closure plan for the former Bakersfield Landfill. 3. Implemented the curbside collection of used oil and used oil filters. 4. Assisted with development of a privately-owned recycling facility for construction and demolition debris to increase the City's recycling rate. 5. Expanded the Mt. Vernon Greenwaste Recycling Facility to accommodate growth and future changes in the waste stream. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN 1. Expand the curbside used oil and filter collection program. 2. Increase public awareness of the need for clean greenwaste recycling, to reduce handling costs. 3. Combine all refuse service, billing and contractor payment data to ensure accurate charges and payments. 125 4081- Solid Waste continued SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Total Homes Served Homes on Automated System Greenwaste Recycling: # of Vehicles Admitted at Gate Curbside Greenwaste Processed (tons) Compost Produced (Cubic Yards) FY 98-99 Actual 64,118 100% 140,614 23,369 20,829 FY 99-00 Actual 69,500 100% 190,000 25,000 26,000 FY 00-01 Adopted 71,000 100% 220,000 33,000 34,000 126 SOLID WASTE EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Actual 1998-99 $3,038,170 $14,345,796 $814,862 $18,198,829 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $3,369,363 $14,724,971 $254,150 $18,348,484 Amended Budget 1999-00 $3,408,930 $14,890,382 $319,056 $18,618,368 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $3,901,160 $15,766,624 $581,789 $20,249,573 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Refuse Fund Total $18,198,829 $18,198,829 $18,348,484 $18,348,484 $18,618,368 $18,618,368 $20,249,573 $20,249,573 127 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 128 WATER RESOURCES Water Resources Organizational Chart Water Resources Manager I Business Manager I Support Staff I Administration Water Resources Director I Water Superintendent B I ;Agricultural Waterm I Operations ~ I Hydrographics ~ Water Resources DEPARTMENT GOAL To supply and conserve water for the benefit of present and future citizens of Bakersfield; to ensure the orderly regulation and distribution of Kern River water, including the preservation and augmentation of the underground water supply; to provide flood control management and maintenance of d rainage basins; and to administer basic water contracts to agricultural districts. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Completed the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System report as required by the California Regional Quality Control Board. 2 Completed Kern River Parkway Water Management Agreement with the Kern County Water Agency to establish more flow throughout the Parkway during the peak recreation season. 3 Completed investigation and draft report of the Rosedale Recharge Area for compatibility of additional recharge facilities located north of Stockdale Hwy and east of Allen Road. FY 2000-01 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Reduced funding in outside legal service as a result of the Superior Court decision regarding Kern River First Point water rights, with less activity occurring in the current appeals process in the case of North Kern Water District vs. Kern Delta Water District. 2 Increased funding in power costs has been requested for the Domestic water system due to continued growth throughout the service area. 3 Additional resources allocated to Northeast Bakersfield Water Supply Project to begin phase two, which includes completion of earthwork portion of the new reservoir site. 130 WATER RESOURCES DIVISIONS: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 Agricultural Water Domestic Water $3,458,123 $6,287,559 $3,220,221 $5,868,427 $3,255,841 $5,869,136 $3,076,154 $6,345,919 Total $9,745,682 $9,088,648 $9,124,977 $9,422,073 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Agricultural Water Domestic Water $3,458,123 $6,287,559 $3,220,221 $5,868,427 $3,255,841 $5,869,136 $3,076,154 $6,345,919 Total $9,745,682 $9,088,648 $9,124,977 $9,422,073 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Agricultural Water Domestic Water 18.45 18.45 18.45 18.45 2.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 Total 21.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 131 DIVISION GOAL 4511 - Agricultural Water Provide for the proper distribution and delivery of water from Isabella Reservoir to canal headgates and agricultural customers. Perform scheduled and required repairs to river weirs, canal banks and facilities. Maintain and repair drainage basins located throughout the City. Ensure the efficient use of Kern River water, supplies, personnel and equipment in the performance of all operation and maintenance functions. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Completed acquisitions of three privately-owned parcels in the Kern River Parkway utilizing the balance of Proposition 204 funding. Completed construction of the Kern River intake structure as part of the Northeast Water Supply Project located between CALM and the Kern Soccer Complex. Completed and implemented Kern River Parkway Flow Agreement with Kern County Water Agency to provide water in the river channel during the peak recreation season. Completed major reconstruction of seven basins to restore basins to original design capacity, and established inventory and maintenance schedules for seventeen new basins acquired through annexations. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN Complete reservoir earthwork and final design of the low-lift pump station for the Northeast Water Supply Project. Install road base on existing dirt roads in neighborhood drainage basins to provide for dust control and to allow all weather vehicle access to sump sites located throughout the City. Complete merger and consolidation of Kern River Levee District into the City of Bakersfield Kern River operations. Complete transfer of all documents, records, easements, and begin inspection and maintenance functions of the Kern River levee by City personnel. 132 SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS FY98-99 FY99-00 FY00-01 Actual Actual Adopted Reconstruct Drainage Basins 3 Replace and Repair Canal and Basin fencing (in feet) 5,96O 6,490 5,500 133 AGRICULTURAL WATER EXPENDITURES: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 Personnel Operating Capital $1,034,407 $1,108,015 $1,108,015 $1,171,677 $2,410,138 $2,097,206 $2,131,156 $1,881,077 $13,577 $15,000 $16,670 $23,400 Total $3,458,123 $3,220,221 $3,255,841 $3,076,154 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Agricultural Water $3,458,123 $3,220,221 $3,255,841 $3,076,154 Total $3,458,123 $3,220,221 $3,255,841 $3,076,154 134 4521 - Domestic Water DIVISION GOAL Provide a safe and dependable water supply in sufficient quantities to meet customer demands for high quality drinking water at a competitive price; maintain and upgrade standards for distribution system design and modernization; provide for future growth and the increasing water supply demand; and accurately bill in a timely manner to customers. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Completed and brought into production two water wells, one located in the City's 2,800 acres and, the other located at Calloway Rd / Norris Rd. Completed the Ashe water and Fairhaven water systems interconnection, which included a major crossing of the Kern River and installation of approximately 8,500 feet of 16 inch diameter water main. Completed installation of three granulated activated carbon vessel water treatment facilities in the northwest area to ensure continued high quality water deliveries to customers. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN Complete design and begin construction of a 2 million gallon storage tank in the northwest to provide adequate storage and water supply to serve continued growth in the northwest area of the domestic water system. Construct three additional water wells to increase production capacity to serve new growth occurring throughout the City's domestic water system. Implement a preventive maintenance and replacement program to upgrade aging electrical panel boards and controllers at water well facilities in the City's domestic water system. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS New Service Connections Water Wells Constructed FY98-99 FY99-00 FY00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 1,370 1,190 1,226 4 2 3 135 DOMESTIC WATER EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget t 998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $255,929 $277,173 $277,173 $290,861 $6,013,553 $5,591,254 $5,591,680 $6,055,058 $18,077 $283 $6,287,559 $5,868,427 $5,869,136 $6,345,919 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Domestic Water Total $6,287,559 $6,287,559 $5,868,427 $5,868,427 $5,869,136 $5,869,136 $6,345,919 $6,345,919 136 RECREATION & PARKS Recreation and Parks Organizational Chart Youth Sports After School Programs Adult Sports _Director of Recreation and Parks Business Manager and Support StaffFJ Assistant Director _ 1 Director of Operations ~ !Recreation Division~ Satellite Recreation Facilities Centers Contract Administration Aquatics ParWStreetscape Special Events Maintenance Parks Divisio Construction Project Maintenance Urban Forest Management Districts Management Recreation and Parks DEPARTMENT GOAL To provide the highest quality service, facilities, parks and programs possible. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Completed the Recreation and Parks Master Plan. 2. Completed the Children's Survey of Park Use and Recreational Programs. 3. Constructed and opened a skating facility at Beach Park. 4. Achieved state and national awards, including National Recreation and Park Association Kudos award for best web site and program brochure, California Park and Recreation Society Awards for the Chester Avenue Streetscape, web site and Regatta event; and Ellis & Associates Silver Award for aquatics (a bronze was awarded last year.) 5. Acquired a 30-acre site to be developed as an expansion of the Kern River greenbelt. FY 2000-01 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES 1. Establishment of a mobile recreation program to bring the benefits of recreation to underserved populations in the city. 2. Expanded concerts and special events in parks, featuring the use of a self- contained mobile stage, sound and lighting system. 3. Additional positions and reclassifications to enable the highest degree of coordination and service provision. 138 RECREATION AND PARKS DIVISIONS: Administration Parks Recreation Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $470,178 $5,976,966 $1,990,290 $8,437,434 $636,465 $6,260,681 $2,162,131 $9,059,277 $737,752 $6,288,071 $2,267,260 $9,293,083 $795,008 $7,006,961 $2,627,076 $10,429,045 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Capital Outlay Fund CDBG Block Grant Park Improvement Fund General Fund Total $59 $8,437,376 $9,059,277 $9,293,083 $8,437,434 $9,059,277 $9,293,083 $10,429,045 $10,429,045 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Administration Parks Recreation Total 0.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 63.67 61.00 61.00 88.00 10.67 12.00 12.00 17.00 74.34 82.00 82.00 114.00 139 DIVISION GOAL 5041 - Administrative Services Provide administrative support for the effective operation of the Recreation and Parks divisions; promote synergy between the divisions to enhance the services provided by each; establish and implement policies and procedures; monitor operating and capital improvement budgets; provide excellent customer service in accepting reservations and activity enrollments and responding to complaints and inquiries. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Established administrative efficiencies in the functioning of recreation and parks. Continued emphasis on customer service, coordination of departments, and development of quality programs and facilities. Implemented PARCSoft automated system for facilities reservation and program registration. FY 2000-0'1 ACTION PLAN 3. 4. 5. 6. Increase community awareness, participation, and use of recreation programs and park facilities. Begin implementing recommendations of the adopted Master Plan. Develop programs, using the children's survey information. Implement an orientation program for all new employees. Complete a senior citizen survey city wide, Increase employee training with the goal of reaching 3% of department resources dedicated to training. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Program brochures distributed: (3 issues per year) Training hours per permanent employee per year FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 246,000 249,000 252,000 25 25 30 140 ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $431,241 $451,605 $455,917 $590,297 $38,938 $113,860 $208,495 $203,211 $71,000 $73,340 $1,500 $470,178 $636,465 $737,752 $795,008 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Total $470,178 $636,465 $737,752 $795,008 $470,178 $636,465 $737,752 $795,008 141 5021- Parks DIVISION GOAL Provide a high-quality maintenance program throughout city parks and streetscapes, while maintaining and creating more efficiency in the division operation. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Implemented new park maintenance standards. 2. Installed new playground equipment at University and Wilson parks. 3. Re-sodded Beach and Yokuts soccer fields. 4. Renovated Beach picnic areas and completed phase one of playground improvements. 5. Awarded Tree City USA designation and tire recycling grant, each for the second year. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN 1. Design elements for the 30-acre park site at Stockdale Highway and Buena Vista Road. 2. Continue to improve playgrounds to meet ADA standards for accessibility and ASTM and CPSC guidelines. Continueto improve supervision and maintenance practices throughout the division. Implement training and standards for city wide tree pruning and tree replacement program. Proceed with replacement, including along the Truxtun medians. 5. Increase rate of greenwaste recycling and efficiency of operations through the implementation of new equipment. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Maintenance District Acres Maintained Non-Maintenance District Acres Maintained FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 257 278 295 310 310 310 142 PARKS EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Actual 1998-99 $3,586,397 $2,378,551 $12,018 $5,976,966 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $3,915,439 $2,327,842 $17,400 $6,260,681 Amended Budget 1999-00 $3,880,439 $2,370,590 $37,042 $6,288,071 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $4,355,996 $2,609,001 $41,964 $7,006,961 SOURCE OF FUNDS: CDBG Block Grant General Fund Total $5,976,966 $5,976,966 $6,260,681 $6,260,681 $6,288,071 $6,288,071 $7,006,961 $7,006,961 143 5031- Recreation DIVISION GOAL To provide leisure services at the highest standard possible while involving participants, staff, and groups in the creation and production of these services. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. 2. 6. Increased children served by after school programs. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN Continued building successful city wide recreation programs and activities. Expanded aquatics program, providing lap swimming year round, as well as swimming lessons in fall and spring. Recognized for a second consecutive year for a national aquatics safety award. Established new city wide concert series, including Rockin' by the River and Travelin' Tunes. Remodeled Martin Luther King, Jr., Center kitchen and renovated room facilities. Enhance the quality of recreation programs. Initiate more formal training activities for temporary employees. Continue to develop a variety of youth and adult sports programs. Implement a mobile recreation program. 2. 3. 4. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS After-School Program (Daily Average Attendance) Summer Game Center/Playgrounds (Daily Average Attendance) FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 600 1170 1210 270 270 310 16 23 32 Park Concerts 144 RECREATION EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Actual 1998-99 $1,192,388 $738,124 $59,778 $1,990,290 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $1,333,426 $800,405 $28,300 $2,162,131 Amended Budget 1999-00 $1,333,426 $886,541 $47,293 $2,267,260 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $1,687,724 $906,270 $33,082 $2,627,076 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Park Improvement Fund CDBG Block Grant General Fund Total $59 $1,990,231 $1,990,290 $2,162,131 $2,162,131 $2,267,260 $2,267,260 $2,627,076 $2,627,076 145 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 146 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Development Services Organizational Chart i Development Services Director Business!' :' Manager ~ I Planning Division I I I , I ! I Curent i Advanced ' Fcc New ' Code Planning i Planning SupportedConstruction E Development Services DEPARTMENT GOAL To provide professional and technical oversight and support to achieve a balanced community with a land use plan that combines the preservation of existing communities with opportunities for growth and that is responsive to the needs of the community; and to ensure that buildings and their environments are constructed and maintained in conformance with the adopted codes, standards, permits and policies. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Received an ISO rating of Number 2. 2. Successfully mitigated the Hale Street Legacy Tire Site. 3. Completed Environmental Review for the AMTRAK Station. 4. Executed an agreement with the County of Kern for joint funding of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan update, and contracted with a consultant to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for the project. FY 2000-01 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES 1. Adopt the South Beltway Specific Plan line. 2. Implement an Integrated Voice Response System for scheduling building permit inspections. 3. Support the Census Bureau's efforts for an accurate population count in the Year 2000 Census. 4. Complete Environmental Impact Report for North of the River Sanitation District Property Annexation, General Plan Amendment and Zone Change. 148 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISIONS: Planning Building Total Actual 1998-99 $1,217,822 $2,968,307 $4,186,129 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $1,464,338 $3,508,974 $4,973,312 Amended Budget 1999-00 $1,889,385 $3,546,162 $5,435,547 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $1,445,294 $3,671,669 $5,116,963 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Development Srvcs. Fund Capital Outlay Fund Total $1,726,740 $2,459,389 $4,186,129 $2,013,837 $2,959,475 $4,973,312 $2,115,731 $3,319,816 $5,435,547 $2,439,029 $2,677,934 $5,116,963 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Planning Building Total 19.00 39.00 58.00 19.00 39.00 58.00 19.00 39.00 58.00 19.00 42.00 61.00 149 6011 - Planning DIVISION GOAL Manage the orderly growth of the City through the development and implementation of the City's General Plan and specific plans; administer planning and zoning laws; and regulate the subdivision of land. FY 1999- 00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Executed an agreement with the County of Kern for joint funding of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan update, and contracted with a consultant to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for the project. 2. Revised project application packets and made them available on the internet. 3. Completed a new Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA) Ordinance for State approval. 4. Completed Environmental Review for the AMTRAK Station. FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN 1. Complete Environmental Impact Report for North of the River Sanitation District Property Annexation, General Plan Amendment and Zone Change. 2. Complete Environmental Impact Report for property in Section 17 in Northeast Bakersfield north of Freeway 178 which includes a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change. 3. Support the Census Bureau's efforts for an accurate population count in the Year 2000 Census. 4. Conduct an Urban Design and Downtown Planning Charrette for Downtown Bakersfield. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Application Type FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted General Plan Amendments 24 Zone Modifications 9 Home Occupation 692 Land Division 86 Conditional Use Permits 33 Site Plan Review 76 Zone Changes 10 15 15 8 10 650 675 80 75 35 30 80 75 10 10 150 PLANNING EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Actual 1998-99 $1,053,123 $158,612 $6,086 $1,217,822 Adopted Budget 1999-00 $1,131,301 $312,937 $20,100 $1,464,338 Amended Budget 1999-00 $1,137,949 $729,069 $22,367 $1,889,385 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $1,145,979 $294,980 $4,335 $1,445,294 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Development Srvcs. Fund Total $734,777 $483,045 $1,217,822 $988,380 $475,958 $1,464,338 $1,087,509 $801,876 $1,889,385 $1,052,575 $392,719 $1,445,294 151 DIVISION GOAL 6021 - Building Promote health and safety in the construction and maintenance of buildings and structures, and the maintenance of property through the enforcement of uniform building construction codes, conservation standards, regulations and ordinances. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Received an ISO rating of Number 2. 2. Migrated to the Windows version of the permit tracking software (Permits Plus). 3. Implemented the Waste Tire Enforcement grant program and the Waste Tire Cleanup grant Program in Code Enforcement by May 1, 2000. 4. Successfully mitigated the Hale Street Legacy Tire Site. FY 1999- 00 ACTION PLAN 1. Implement an Integrated Voice Response System for scheduling building permit inspections. 2. Implement a hand held computer links program for recording field inspection results. 3. Continue to develop a system for utilizing the Internet for the permit application process and data inquiries. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Permit Valuations Permit History S3oo ~S250 -°$2oo ~ 1tS0 $t00 $50 So 1995 1996 1997 1998 !_' $Valuation 7,ooo , 5,000 1,000 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1999 ~ #Of Permits 152 BUILDING EXPENDITURES: Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 Pemonnel Operating Capital $2,368,372 $2,475,105 $2,485,711 $2,689,094 $588,201 $617,069 $628,322 $962,643 $11,734 $416,800 $432,129 $19,932 Total $2,968,307 $3,508,974 $3,546,162 $3,671,669 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund Development Srvcs Fund Capital Outlay Fund $991,963 $1,976,344 $1,025,457 $2,483,517 $1,028,222 $2,517,940 $1,386,454 $2,285,215 Total $2,968,307 $3,508,974 $3,546,162 $3,671,669 153 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 154 ECONOMIC/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Economic & Community Development Organizational Chart ,E?on?~i~ ~evelopment DireCtor Business Manager and Support Staff I Principal Planner Economic Development _! Community Development Coordinator! I Administration I Programs I I l Redevelopment Administration Economic and Community Development DEPARTMENT GOAL Provide the administrative direction, control and coordination necessary to facilitate the management of the Economic Development, Redevelopment, and Community Development activities for the City of Bakersfield; to improve the economy of Bakersfield by eliminating slums and blight by providing housing programs and services benefitting low and moderate income citizens; and to give staff assistance to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency and Historic Preservation Commission. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Completed financial assistance to rehabilitate the Golden Empire Gleaners' new location and the Bakersfield Senior Center. 2. Accomplished the approval of two new redevelopment project areas. Formulated and obtained approval for the new Five-Year Implementation Plan for the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area. FY 2000-01 SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES Receive first year's tax increment payment for the newly established Old Town Kern - Pioneer and Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Areas. Reduced program income projected in CDBG due to significantly reduced number of CDBG-funded loans remaining on the books. Housing related loans are now generated from the HOME fund. 156 ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISIONS: Community Development Economic Development Total Actual 1998-99 $2,329,643 $1,765,343 $4,094,986 Adopted Amended Adopted Budget Budget Budget t999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $2,976,048 $1,287,731 $4,263,779 $5,359,203 $2,800,783 $8,159,986 $2,882,606 $1,145,753 $4,028,359 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund CDBG - HOME CDBG - Block Grant RDA-DTPA - Operating RDA-DTPA - Housing RDA-OTKP - Operating RDA-SEPA - Operating Capital Outlay Fund Parking Lots/Structures Total $665,395 $769,890 $835,373 $733,570 $895,014 $1,305,000 $2,723,660 $1,498,228 $1,910,981 $1,956,301 $3,531,964 $1,534,378 $30,668 $40,588 $50,589 $34,793 $344,696 $50,000 $867,000 $50,000 $13,479 $18,220 $64,466 $183,766 $4,094,986 $142,000 $151,400 $145,691 $4,263,779 $8,159,986 $4,028,359 FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Community Development Economic Development Total 11.60 11.00 11.00 11.00 6.45 7.00 7.00 7.00 18.05 18.00 18.00 18.00 157 6570 - Community Development DIVISION GOAL To provide a suitable living environment by improving the safety and livability of neighborhoods by expanding economic opportunities and assisting low and moderate income residents to obtain affordable and fair housing as well as eliminating slum and blight. FY '1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Rehabilitated 14 homes through the Housing Rehabilitation Loan program. Continued administration of the First Time Home Buyers Program by leveraging 8.5 million to assist 107 home buyers with the purchase of their first home. Contributed ESG funds for the implementation of non-profit public facility services for the Alliance Against Family Violence, Kern County Mental Health Association and Bethany Services. Coordinated and participated in 7 Good Neighborhood events, including 34th Street Partnership, Hispanic Trade Show, Looking Good Neighborhood Festival at MLK Park, and assisted in the Fair Housing Arts Contest. Contributed $162,000 to the graffiti removal program within CDBG eligible neighborhoods of Bakersfield. Provided services to over 5,000 consumers and providers of housing, offered information and counseling on fair housing, technical training, and fair housing law compliance activities. Provided technical assistance to 6 local, non-profit service providers in developing a HUD supported housing grant application, resulting in an award of over 1.6 million dollars. 8. Provided funding for 11 CIP projects totaling $832,835. Contributed HOME funds for the acquisition and development costs for the Golden Empire Affordable Housing, Inc., providing 80 senior housing units for low and very- low income seniors. 158 FY 2000-01 ACTION PLAN Prepare the annual funding application process for federal entitlements of Community Development Block Grant funds, Home funds and the Emergency Shelter Grant. Maintain the division's housing programs and projects, including First Time Home Buyer's assistance, Home Access Grants, Housing Rehabilitation Loans, and the Lead-Based Paint Abatement program. Develop and implement public facility assistance for 3 non-profit organizations providing emergency shelter and transitional support, and affordable housing. Conduct 3 Good Neighborhood events and participate in the coordination of the Fair Housing Arts Contest. 5. Continue to provide funding for the Graffiti program in CDBG eligible areas. Increase the overall level of fair housing law knowledge to all community residents by providing service, information, technical training, and counseling on fair housing related issues. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS PROJECT/ACTIVITY FTHB Loans Processed Home Access Grant Modif. Fair Housing Calls Houses Rehabilitated FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 170 112 135 51 49 80 743 1,167 1,200 9 20 20 159 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $643,456 $731,693 $728,154 $666,759 $1,683,306 $2,239,355 $4,535,049 $2,214,947 $2,881 $5,000 $96,000 $900 $2,329,643 $2,976,048 $5,359,203 $2,882,606 SOURCE OF FUNDS: CDBG - Block Grant Capital Outlay Fund CDBG - HOME Total $1,370,164 $64,466 $895,013 $2,329,643 $1,671,048 $1,305,000 $2,976,048 $2,635,543 $2,723,660 $5,359,203 $1,384,378 $1,498,228 $2,882,606 160 6580 - Economic Development DIVISION GOAL Plan and implement economic development activities which protect, improve and diversify the economy of Bakersfield. FY 1999-00 ACCOMPLISHMENTS The Economic Development division assisted in the relocation and expansion in the City of Bakersfield for Stier's RV Sales, Sangera Buick, Inc., Guy Chaddock & Company, and Bakersfield Music Theater. These efforts created increased job opportunities for low-and moderate-income individuals. The Economic Development division completed and established two new redevelopment project areas, and continues to work with Project Area Committees in the Old Town Kern-Pioneer and the Southeast Bakersfield redevelopment projects. Planning and implementation of First Night Bakersfield 2000 was spearheaded by the Economic Development division. The inaugural New Year's Eve celebration attracted between 10,000 and 12,000 attendees to the downtown area who enjoyed 24 visual artists and 89 performing groups during 185 scheduled performances at 26 venues. Economic Development division staff closed out the Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Incentive Program, which provided financial assistance to owners of URM properties to help meet the City's URM ordinance. Division staff expanded the Enterprise Zone area to assist local business Kern Steel with expansion 31ans and a new business, Ennis Paints to locate in the city. Staff commissioned a one-day workshop presentation, "How Redevelopment Works: From Plan Adoption to Implementation" to inform public officials and interested citizen on redevelopment implementation. The program topics included an Overview of Redevelopment, Redevelopment Financing, Redevelopment Housing and a presentation of the Essential Legal Elements of Redevelopment. Division staff developed an Owner Participation Agreement for a five story, 68,000 sq. ft. commercial office building with adjacent 215 space parking structure at 2000 "K" Street in the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area. 161 SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS Respond to requests from businesses Conduct tours for business clients Prepare mailings to new business owners Process URM Applications FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 Actual Actual Adopted 266 305 320 13 15 20 1,300 1,475 1,400 28 35 N/A* * program has expired 162 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES: Personnel Operating Capital Total Adopted Amended Adopted Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $460,371 $464,549 $468,305 $480,004 $1,227,365 $820,682 $2,328,830 $663,249 $77,607 $2,500 $3,648 $2,500 $1,765,343 $1,287,731 $2,800,783 $1,145,753 SOURCE OF FUNDS: General Fund CDBG - Block Grant RDA-DTPA - Operating RDA-DTPA- Housing RDA-OTKP - Operating RDA-SEPA - Operating Parking Lots/Structures Total $665,395 $769,890 $835,373 $540,817 $285,253 $896,421 $30,668 $40,588 $50,589 $344,696 $50,000 $867,000 $183,767 $142,000 $151,400 $1,765,343 $1,287,731 $2,800,783 $733 570 $150 000 $34 793 $50 000 $13479 $18 220 $145 691 $1,145,753 163 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 164 NON-DEPARTMENTAL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NON-DEPARTMENTAL This section includes expenditures which cannot be attributed to a single department or division. These expenditures are for services which may impact a number of City departments and functions. Retiree Medical Benefits - This item provides for medical insurance coverage for retired City employees with 15 or more years of service credit. Currently, the City provides benefits to over 300 retired employees. Elections - This item includes funds for the planning and execution of all City elections. Property Tax Administration - Section 97 of the Revenue and Taxation Code allows the County to charge all districts in the county for their share of the County's "Property Tax Administration Cost." This cost commenced with the 1990-91 fiscal year as a result of state budgetary action. The cost to each district is based upon its share of the current AB8 tax dollars, plus a share of the countywide Unitary Tax Allocation. Community Promotions - This item provides funds for the purpose of supporting promotional, informational and community activitieswhich benefit the citizens of Bakersfield. This item also contains funding for the annual newsletter to all City residents informing them of City projects and programs. Contingency - The Contingency Fund is intended to cover unanticipated expenditures which the Council decides to fund throughout the fiscal year. Funds for items which are unresolved at the time the budget is developed, such as salary settlements with bargaining units and position reclassifications, are also included. Animal Control - The City has a contract with the Bakersfield Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) for animal control services. The services that the SPCA provides includes handling of stray and dangerous animals, pet licensing and sheltering and adoption of animals. 165 Non-Departmental* Total SOURCE OFFUNDS: NON-DEPARTMENTAL Adopted Amended Proposed Actual Budget Budget Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $2,091,348 $2,937,106 $2,859,128 $2,091,348 $2,937,106 $2,859,128 $3,636,612 $3,636,612 General Fund Total FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: Non- Departmental Total $2,091,348 $2,091,348 $2,937,106 $2,937,106 $2,859,128 $2,859,128 $3,636,612 $3,636,612 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 * Does not include debt service or interfund transfers 166 SPECIAL FUNDS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS These funds account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specific purposes. Community Development Block Grant Fund is used to account for resources provided by the Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 for the elimination of slums and blight, housing conservation, and improvements of community services. Intermodal Surface Transportation Fund is used to account for resources provided by the Federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991. These resources include four programs comprised of the Surface Transportation Program (STP), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ), Transportation EnhancementActivity (TEA), and Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation (HBRR). Street and Road Transportation Fund is used to account for the City's allocation of 1/4 percent of sales tax authorized by SB 325 Transportation Development Act (TDA). State law requires these sales tax revenues be used for street related purposes. State Gas Tax Fund is used to account for the City's share, based upon population, ofstategasolinetaxes. State law requires these gasoline taxes be used to maintain streets or for major street construction. State Park Fund is used to account for the resources provided by the Land and Water Conservation Act of 1965, the California Park and Recreational Facilities Act of 1984, and the Community Parklands Bond Act of 1988. Traffic Safety Fund is used to account for the City's share of traffic fine resources which are transferred to the General Fund to assist in funding the cost of traffic safety and traffic control devices. State Law Enforcement Fund is used to account forthe City's share, based upon population of the Supplemental Law Enforcement Block Grant commencing with the State's 1996-97 fiscal year. Transient Lodging Tax Fund is to be established in July 1998 to account for the general revenues provided by a 12 percent room tax (M.C. 3.40) and the operation and debt related to Centennial Garden complex (Convention Center and new arena). Activities include funding for the Greater Bakersfield Convention and Visitors Bureau as well as a contribution to the Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra. These items were previously accounted for as part of the General Fund. 167 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $251,345 $473,129 $473,129 $485,756 5,190 5,000 5,000 3,429,622 4,479,470 9,305,032 25,737 20,500 20,500 696,950 291,500 171,500 4,157,499 4,796,470 9,502,032 4,079,000 100,000 4,179,000 Expenditures Personnel 645,240 728, 154 728, 154 666,759 Operating 2,126,461 2,464,622 5,639,669 2,364,947 Capital Outlay 76,156 96,000 211,000 900 Total Operating 2,847,857 3,288,776 6,578,823 3,032,606 Capital Improv. Projects 746,799 840,210 2,574,165 1,276,820 Total Expenditures 3,594,656 4, 128,986 9, 152,988 4,309,426 Transfers Transfers out (341,059) (336,417) (336,417) (340,373) Fund Balance-June 30 $473,129 $804,196 $485,756 $14,957 168 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY INTERMODAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $o $o $o $o 2,604,942 3,566,117 8,436,570 3,805,300 2,604,942 3,566,117 8,436,570 3,805,300 2,604,942 3,657,870 8,436,570 3,805,300 2,604,942 3,657,870 8,436,570 3,805,300 $0 ($91,753) $0 $0 169 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY STREET AND ROAD TRANSPORTATION FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $4,099 ($508) $3,789 16,586 175,000 258,200 1,994 18,580 175,000 258,200 $0 Expenditu~s Capitallmprov. Pr~ects TotalExpenditures Fund Balance-June 30 18,890 181,000 261,989 18,890 181,000 261,989 $3,789 ($6,508) $0 $0 170 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY GAS TAX FUND Fund Balance - July I Actual 1998-99 $1,982,229 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue 7,515,257 Fines &Forfeits 113,765 Miscellaneous Revenue 285, 135 Total Revenues 7,914,157 Amended Budget 1999-00 $942,635 3,840,000 650,000 4,490,000 Revised Estimates 1999-00 $2,281,543 6,556,135 27,597 877,453 7,461,185 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $962,784 4,000,000 20,000 4,020,000 Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers In 1,077,500 1,616,977 12,358 2,706,835 5,108,008 7,814,843 200,000 1,210,984 1,764,694 104,030 3,079,708 4,001,318 7,081,026 2,155,000 1,210,984 1,780,720 124,128 3,115,832 7,819,112 10,934,944 2,155,000 610,966 1,678,861 6,000 2,295,827 2,207,400 4,503,227 Fund Balance - June 30 $2,281,543 $506,609 $962,784 $479,557 171 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY STATE PARK FUND Fund Balance-July 1 Revenues Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $5,674 $0 $0 $0 321 321 Expenditures Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Fund Balance - June 30 5,995 5,995 $0 $0 $0 $0 172 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Charges for Services Fines and Forfeits Miscellaneous Revenue Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $51,387 $105,816 $105,816 $171,226 160,000 405,410 132,105 121,175 200,000 250,000 250,000 505,045 550,000 500,000 2,180,000 1,869 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total Revenues 628,089 920,000 1,165,410 2,572,105 Expenditures Operating Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers out Fund Balance - June 30 1,682,920 1,682,920 (573,660) (1,100,000) (1,100,000) (1,050,000) $105,816 ($74,184) $171,226 $10,411 173 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers out Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $976 $81 $81 $22,591 500,041 495,000 512,510 512,510 9,376 5,000 10,000 10,000 509,417 500,000 522,510 522,510 (510,312) (500,000) (500,000) $81 $81 $22,591 500,000 500,000 $45,101 174 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY TRANSIENT LODGING TAX Fund Balance - July I Amended Revised Adopted Actual* Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $0 $688,020 $688,185 $664,950 Revenues Taxes 4,671,885 4,600,000 4,835,000 5,000,000 Cha~esfor Services 3,300,513 3,714,940 3,714,940 3,977,655 Miscellaneous Revenue 327,240 315,000 315,000 320,000 Total Revenues 8,299,638 8,629,940 8,864,940 9,297,655 Expenditures Personnel 1,996,775 2,290,357 2,290,357 2,289,699 Operating 2,228,410 2,490,293 2,490,293 2.761,441 Capital Outlay 2,966 7,770 7,935 Capital Leases 1,323,302 3,449,590 3,449,590 3,456,275 Total Operating 5,551,453 8,238,010 8,238,175 8,507.415 TFaRSfeFS TFaRSfeFS OUt Fund Balance - June 30 (2,060,000) (650,000) (650,000) (550,000) $688,185 $429,950 $664,950 $905,190 * Previously accounted for in the General Fund prior to the 1998-99 fiscal year. Analysis of Fund Balance Tax Receivable Reserve Suite Lease Reserve Unreserved Total $430,916 $440,000 $440,000 $440,000 456,469 460,000 460,000 460,000 (199,200) (470,050) (235,050) 5, 190 $688,185 $429,950 $664,950 $905,190 175 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD INTERNALSERVICE FUNDS These funds are used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the governmental unit on a cost-reimbursement basis. Equipment Management Fund is used to account for the cost of maintenance, purchase and replacement of equipment and fixed assets such as copiers and computers used by all City departments. Such costs are billed to the departments via established rates, which are based upon actual maintenance and replacement costs. This fund covers vehicles, communications equipment, copiers, small machinery and computers. Self-Insurance Fund is used to account for the cost of operating a self- insurance program as follows: The City is self-insured for Workers' Compensation for the first $500,000 of each accident or occurrence and purchases $1,000,000 of excess insurance coverage to protect against catastrophic type losses. Funding for this program is provided by rates varying by employee classification and their exposure to accidental injury or disease. The City is self-insured for general and auto liability for the first $1,000,000 of each accident or occurrence and is a member of the Authority for California Cities for Excess Liability (ACCEL) for excess commercial insurance in the amount of $9,000,000. Funding for this program is provided by allocation from the various City programs. 176 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Fines and Forfeits Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Loans Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers in Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $13,334,598 $8,462,051 $11,869,923 $9,664,886 20,913 165,565 165,565 486,400 11,585,121 12,238,500 12,238,500 12,183,890 320,000 320,000 1,912,514 1,387,725 1,789,375 1,465,000 13,518,548 14,111,790 14,513,440 14,135,290 2,566,104 2,665,772 2,665,772 2,786,923 4,393,309 4,665,281 4,677,272 4,763,095 5,805,911 4,876,637 8,186,522 6,340,870 2,442,248 15,207,572 12,207,690 15,529,566 13,890,888 461,151 910,000 1,532,911 15,668,723 13,117,690 17,062,477 13,890,888 685,500 305,500 344,000 1,035,000 $11,869,923 $9,761,651 $9,664,886 $10,944,288 177 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY SELF INSURANCE FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital Total Operating Transfers Transfers in Transfers out Transfers In/(Out) Fund Balance - June 30 Actual 1998-99 $140,013 4,224,224 2,784,265 7,008,489 1,326,122 4,282,569 5,608,691 (1,650,000) (1,650,000) ($110,189) Amended Budget 1999-00 ($130,372) 4,782,440 1,198,000 5,980,440 1,335,338 3,695,375 5,030,713 500,000 (1,295,000) (795,000) $24,355 Revised Estimates 1999-00 ($110,189) 4,812,440 1,255,000 6,067,440 1,335,338 3,637,558 4,972,896 500,000 (1,295,000) (795,000) $189,355 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $189,355 4,600,394 450,000 5,050,394 1,354,043 3,808,541 2,000 5,164,584 $75,165 178 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIDUCIARY FUNDS Assessment Districts Fund - To account for capital improvements and subsequent debt service as a result of the issuance of special assessment bonds and collection of assessment liens to retire the maturing principal and interest. 179 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Taxes and Assessments Charges for Services Fines and Forfeits Miscellaneous Revenue Other Financing Sources Total Revenues Expenditures Operating Debt Service Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers Out Fund Balance - June 30 Amended Revised Actual Budget Estimates 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 $20,841,736 $14,231,971 $27,317,062 5,915,995 4,653,800 5,940, 100 324,221 90,506 1,056,047 499,700 1,275,350 7,730,000 2,310,000 6,525,000 15, 116,769 7,463,500 13,740,450 345,577 137,792 545,302 6,447,156 7,231,877 7,677,364 6,792,733 7,369,669 8,222,666 1,823,710 1,863,531 18,023,948 8,616,443 9,233,200 26,246,614 (25,000) $27,317,062 $12,462,271 $14,810,898 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $14,810,898 5,998,309 807,500 6,805,809 80,738 6,281,709 6,362,447 6,362,447 $15,254,260 180 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROGRAM FUNDS Capital Outlay Fund - To account for the cost of capital projects financed by General Fund revenues. Arena Project Fund - Arena Project Fund is used to account for the City's contribution from various sources to the Convention Center Expansion - Arena Project. Park Improvement Fund - On November 7, 1990, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 3327 establishing a fee for the purpose of developing, improving and/or enhancing public parks and recreation facilities serving the residential development. The fee is calculated in relationship to the number of people residing in the development and the current estimated cost of constructing a park. The fee is set by resolution on a per unit basis. Transportation Development Fund - The adopted Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan mandated that a Transportation Impact Fee be developed to mitigate impacts of new development on our regional circulation system. The City Council adopted the fee program January 28, 1992 and the Kern County Board of Supervisors adopted a similar fee program April 6, 1992. The fee is collected at the building permit stage and the amount of the fee is directly related to that individual project's traffic generation potential. Road and Bridge Bond Fund - To account for the $10,345,000 "Local Obligation" bond proceeds issued primarily for construction of the Calloway Drive Bridge and the Coffee Road overcrossing. Public Financing Authority Operating Fund - To account for the proceeds of $61,025,000 Revenue Bonds issued to purchase City Debt Instruments (Local Obligations) and the subsequent repayment there of. Amtrak Railway Fund - Established in March 1998 to account for State Transit Capital Investment, Inter City Rail Program and Proposition 116 grant proceeds for the construction of a multimodal facility to service Amtrak. 181 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Fines and Forfeitures Miscellaneous Revenue Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $1,238,023 $195,200 $2,510,003 $192,886 267,624 10,000 94,507 110,614 162,805 402,035 336,968 50,630 137,643 Total Revenues 715,206 223,435 634,185 105,000 105,000 Expenditures Operating 64,466 Capital 162,805 162,805 Total Operating 64,466 162,805 162,805 Capital Improv. Projects 1,183,760 2,502,431 5,111,688 Total Expenditures 1,248,226 2,665,236 5,274,493 Tranfers Transfers Out (200,000) Transfers In 2,005,000 2,323, 191 2,323, 191 Transfers In/(Out) 1,805,000 2,323, 191 2,323, 191 3,066,363 3,066,363 2,830,000 2,830,000 Fund Balance - June 30 $2,510,003 $76,590 $192,886 $61,523 Analysis of Fund Balance Econ Dev Loan Reserve $14,600 $44,000 Unreserved 2,495,403 32,590 Total $2,510,003 $75,590 $44,000 148,886 $192,886 $44,000 17,523 $61,523 182 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY ARENA PROJECT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $5,395,878 $58,360 $88,911 $0 20,000 678,362 698,362 9,640 9,640 9,640 9,640 Capital Improv. Projects 7,205,329 59,809 90,360 Total Expenditures 7,205,329 59,809 90,360 Transfers Transfers in 1,200,000 Transfers out (8,191) (8,191) Transfers In/Out 1,200,000 (8,191) (8,191) Fund Balance - June 30 $88,911 $0 $0 $0 183 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Assessments Miscellaneous Revenue Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $3,445,590 $3,917,577 $4,075,590 $4,136,128 657,866 865,000 1,031,850 1,664,213 235,308 200,000 318,000 204,000 Total Revenues 893,174 1,065,000 1,349,850 1,868,213 Expenditures Operating Debt Service Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Fund Balance-June 30 362,850 362,850 1,026,213 169,740 365,000 365,000 425,000 169,740 727,850 727,850 1,451,213 93,434 403,449 561,462 273,508 263,174 1,131,299 1,289,312 1,724,721 $4,075,590 $3,851,278 $4,136,128 $4,279,620 184 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Assessments Miscellaneous Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $1,715,183 $3,297,029 $4,447,349 $3,116,602 4,776,884 2,600,000 2,800,000 2,600,000 278,137 40,000 153,000 120,000 Total Revenues 5,055,021 2,640,000 2,953,000 2,720,000 Expenditures Operating Capital Leases Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers in Transfers out Transfers In/(Out) Fund Balance - June 30 47,200 47,200 200,000 2,034,623 2,034,736 2,034,736 2,024,932 2,034,623 2,081,936 2,081,936 2,224,932 238,232 1,071,491 2,161,811 1,888,500 2,272,855 3,153,427 4,243,747 4,113,432 10,000 10,000 (5O,OOO) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (40,000) (40,000) $4,447,349 $2,743,602 $3,116,602 $1,723,170 Analysis of Fund Balance Debt service reserve Unreserved Total $1,524,932 $1,524,932 $1,524,932 2,922,417 1,218,670 1,591,670 $0 1,723,170 $4,447,349 $2,743,602 $3,116,602 $1,723,170 185 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY ROAD AND BRIDGE BOND FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Miscellaneous Total Revenues Expenditures Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $1,426,336 $519,086 $1,087,717 1,810,335 221,478 2,031,813 26,531 26,531 2,370,432 515,000 1,114,248 2,370,432 515,000 1,114,248 $0 Fund Balance - June 30 $1,087,717 $4,086 $0 $0 186 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY OPERATING FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Charges for Service Miscellaneous Revenue Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $1,472,994 $1,680,024 $1,670,024 $1,827,444 7,426,693 7,263,220 7,345,620 6,354,130 96,216 80,000 100,000 109,500 Total Revenues 7,522,909 7,343,220 7,445,620 6,463,630 Expenditures Operating Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers Out Fund Balance - June 30 305,879 323,000 323,000 324,000 305,879 323,000 323,000 324,000 (7,020,000) $1,670,024 (6,965,200) $1,735,044 (6,965,200) $1,827,444 (6,000,000) $1,967,074 187 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY AMTRAK RAILWAY Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Fund Balance - June 30 Actual 1998-99 $0 2,707,760 351,039 3,058,799 3,058,799 3,058,799 $0 Amended Budget 1999-00 $0 2,306,000 280,000 2,586,000 2,586,000 2,586,000 $0 Revised Estimates 1999-00 $0 11,422,438 280,000 11,702,438 11,702,438 11,702,438 $0 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $0 $0 188 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEBTSERVICE FUNDS Municipal Improvement Debt Fund - To account for the annual debt service to retire a $2,500,000 HUD Section 108 loan of 1994 due in annual principal installments of $190,000 to $305,000 commencing August 1, 1994 through August 2003, with interest ranging from 3.82 percent to 6.53 percent. Public Financing Authority Debt Fund - To account for the annual debt service to retire $61,025,000 in Revenue Bonds of 1994 (Series A $36,415,000, Series B $22,285,000, and Series C $2,325,000) due in annual principal installments of $2,065,000 to $9,120,000 commencing September 15, 1995 through September 2010, with interest ranging from 3.6 percent to 9.5 percent. 189 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT DEBT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $o $o $o $o Expenditures Debt Service 391,059 386,417 386,417 340,373 Total Expenditures 391,059 386,417 386,417 340,373 Transfers Transfers In 391,059 386,417 386,417 340,373 Fund Balance - June 30 $0 $0 $0 $0 190 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY DEBT FUND Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 Fund Balance - July 1 $6,012,584 $6,027,521 $6,027,521 $6,022,191 Revenues Miscellaneous Revenue 370,669 370,670 370,670 370,669 Total Revenues 370,669 370,670 370,670 370,669 Expenditures Debt Service 7,375,732 7,341,200 7,341,200 6,403,500 Total Expenditures 7,375,732 7,341,200 7,341,200 6,403,500 Transfers Transfers in 7,020,000 6,882,800 6,965,200 6,000,000 Fund Balance - June 30 $6,027,521 $5,939,791 $6,022,191 $5,989,360 Analysis of Fund Balance Debt service reserve $5,865,000 $5,865,000 $5,865,000 U n reserved 162,521 74,791 157,191 Total $6,027,521 $5,939,791 $6,022,191 $5,865,000 124,360 $5,989,360 191 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SCHEDULE OF LONG-TERM DEBT OUTSTANDING JUNE 30, 2000 General Fund: Compensated Absences - Accrued Sickleave and Vacation Transient Occupancy Tax Fund: Capital Leases: Convention Center Expansions: 1994 Ballroom and Meeting Rooms 1997 Arena Project Community Development Block Grant Fund: HUD Section 108 Loan, 1994 Transportation Development Fund: Installment Purchase Agreement, 1994 - Calloway Bridge and Coffee Overcrossing Wastewater Treatment Fund: Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1994 - Treatment Plant No. 3 Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1997 - Treatment Plant No. 2 State Water Resources Loan Agricultural Water Fund: General Obligation Water Bonds, 1976 Parkway Acquisition Note, 1998 Domestic Water Fund: State Water Conservation Loan, 1997 Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency: Property Tax Abatement Contracts: Porter-Robertson Office Project KGET Office Project Pavilion Development II Consumer Science Corp. Chamber of Commerce Allen School Partners Reimbursement Agreement, 1997 Arena Project Special Assessment Districts (21) Principal Interest Total 8,597,489 8,597,489 2,030,000 723,487 2,753,487 38,795,000 30,442,622 69,237,622 1,160,000 151,988 1,311,988 1,965,000 59,932 2,024,932 15,855,000 6,892,531 22,747,531 10,990,000 1,774,280 12,764,280 13,273,154 2,655,268 15,928,422 6,375,000 1,283,003 7,658,003 46,000 46,000 2,720,751 1,207,217 3,927,968 13,194 154,294 9,088 22,500 40,635 975,000 26,550,000 25,625,081 47,370,000 13,194 154,294 9,088 22,500 40,635 975,000 26,550,000 72,995,081 192 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SCHEDULE OF LONG-TERM DEBT MATURITIES FISCAL YEAR 2000-01 Principal Interest Total Transient Occupancy Tax Fund: Capital Leases: Convention Center Expansions: 1994 Ballroom and Meeting Rooms 170,000 1997 Arena Project 965,000 Community Development Block Grant Fund: HUD Section 108 Loan, 1994 275,000 Transportation Development Fund: Installment Purchase Agreement, 1994 - Calloway Bridge and Coffee Overcrossing 1,965,000 Wastewater Treatment Fund: Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1994 - Treatment Plant No. 3 1,035,000 Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1997- Treatment Plant No. 2 1,380,000 State Water Resources Loan 890,000 Agricultural Water Fund: General Obligation Water Bonds, 1976 760,000 Parkway Acquisition Note 46,000 Domestic Water Fund: State Water Conservation Loan, 1997 150,533 Bakersfield Redevelopmerit Agency: Property Tax Abatement Contracts: Porter-Robertson Office Project 2,246 KGET Office Project 20,865 Pavilion Development II 9,087 Consumer Science Corp. 5,329 Chamber of Commerce 4,573 Reimbursement Agreement, 1997- Arena Project Special Assessment Districts 1,200,000 137,773 2,183,502 65,373 59,932 1,068,863 447,130 326,325 163,705 307,773 3,148,502 340,373 2,024,932 2,103,863 1,827,130 890,000 1,086,325 46,000 314,238 2,246 20,865 9,987 5,329 4,573 1,200,000 3,650,000 3,330,205 6,980,205 193 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 194 ENTERPRISE FUNDS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ENTERPRISE FUNDS These funds account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or where the governing body has decided that period ic determination of net income is appropriate for accountability purposes. Wastewater Treatment Fund is used to account for the provision of sewer service to the residents of the City and some residents of the County. This fund also accounts for the activities related to the debt issues which provided for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities. Sewer Connections Fund is used to account for connection fees dedicated to capital projects and debt service. Refuse Service Fund is used to account for the collection and disposal of refuse within the City. All activities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in this fund. Agriculture Water Fund is used to account for the provision of water service restricted primarily to agricultural purposes to users within the City and some users within the County (some Kern River water is exchanged for California State Aqueduct water for domestic water purposes.) All activities necessary to provide such service are accounted for in this fund, Domestic Water Fund is used to account for the provision of water service to some residents of the City and County. All activities necessary to provide such service are accounted for in this fund. Airpark Fund is used to account forthe acquisition and operation of the Bakersfield airpark. The majority of acquisition and improvement financing forthe airportfacility is to be provided by an annual grant from the Federal Aviation Administration, Offstreet Parking Fund is used to account for the operations of a parking garage located on 18th Street between "H" and Eye Streets and various surface parking lots within the City. 195 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY WASTEWATER TREATMENT FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Other Financing Sources Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $30,008,072 $3,547,692 $12,638,874 $12,061,804 35,110 3,000 2,000,000 11,317,184 11,769,000 11,893,000 15,382,000 2,684,592 579,000 2,320,150 693,000 8,786,581 7,500,000 1,500,000 Total Revenues 22,823,467 19,848,000 15,716,150 18,075,000 Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Debt Service Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers in Transfers out Transfers In/(Out) Fund Balance - June 30 2,485,604 2,514,124 2,514,124 2,689,427 3,588,262 4,156,419 4,236,161 4,267,880 53,777 123,100 123,593 109,900 3,938,076 3,958,741 3,958,741 4,795,000 10,065,719 10,752,384 10,832,619 11,862,207 33,795,736 6,152,000 19,358,601 11,456,000 43,861,455 16,904,384 30,191,220 23,318,207 3,945,000 3,918,000 13,918,000 8,543,420 (276,210) (20,000) (20,000) 3,668,790 3,898,000 13,898,000 8,543,420 $12,638,874 $10,389,308 $12,061,804 $15,362,017 196 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY SEWER CONNECTION FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $13,552,973 $4,865,061 $14,865,061 $5,480,739 4,472,845 4,000,000 3,815,000 4,215,000 759,243 200,000 718,678 235,000 Total Revenues 5,232,088 4,200,000 4,533,678 4,450,000 Transfers Transfem out (3,918,000) $5,147,061 Fund Balance - June 30 (13,918,000) $5,480,739 (3,920,000) $14,865,061 (8,543,420) $1,387,319 197 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY REFUSE SERVICE FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Debt Service Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers in Transfers out Transfers In/(Out) Fund Balance - June 30 Actual 1998-99 $559,015 359,470 19,457,969 111,347 19,928,786 3,839,343 15,405,592 814,862 243,890 20,303,687 178,152 20,481,839 650,000 (520,000) 130,000 $135,962 Amended Budget 1999-00 ($320,472) 480,000 20,064,000 90,000 20,634,000 4,221,205 15,941,468 257,150 243,890 20,663,713 154,000 20,817,713 295,000 295,000 ($209,185) Revised Estimates 1999-00 $135,962 537,300 20,399,200 83,985 21,020,485 4,221,205 16,230,203 319,056 243,890 21,014,354 398,593 21,412,947 295,000 (38,500) 256,500 $0 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $0 875,123 21,271,745 82,000 22,228,868 4,787,852 16,661,782 581,789 22,031,423 122,000 22,153,423 65,000 (140,000) (75,000) $445 198 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY AGRICULTURAL WATER FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $1,944,578 $1,229,408 $1,453,206 $345,015 347,601 194,400 3,746,710 3,717,000 3,277,000 65,371 68,000 84,128 3,842,500 78,000 Total Revenues 4, 159,682 3,785,000 3,555,528 3,920,500 1,034,409 1,108,015 1,108,015 1,171,677 1,970,582 2,087,206 1,877,156 1,881,077 13,577 15,000 16,670 23,400 1,079,024 1,127,000 1,127,000 1,131,200 Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital Outlay Debt Service Total Operating 4,097,592 4,337,221 4, 128,841 4,207,354 Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers in Transfers out Transfers In/(Out) 769,462 820,000 1,057,878 503,250 4,867,054 5,157,221 5,186,719 4,710,604 216,000 540,500 540,500 542,600 (17,500) (17,500) 216,000 523,000 523,000 542,600 $1,453,206 $380,187 $345,015 $97,511 Fund Balance - June 30 199 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY DOMESTIC WATER FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 $4,493,738 $2,591,280 $4,750,015 $3,077,613 Revenues Charges for Services 7,791,578 8,010,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 263,831 252,000 8,600,000 277,000 8,868,000 302,000 Total Revenues 8,055,409 8,262,000 8,877,000 9, 170,000 Expenditures Personnel 255,928 277, 173 277,173 290,861 Operating 5,065,073 5,591,254 5,591,680 6,055,058 Capital Outlay 18,077 283 Debt Service 584, 169 654,240 654,240 654,238 Total Operating 5,923,247 6,522,667 6,523,376 7,000, 157 Capital Improy. Projects 1,644,255 1,320,000 3,478,026 3,929,250 Total Expenditures 7,567,502 7,842,667 10,001,402 10,929,407 (231,630) (548,000) (548,000) (542,600) $4,750,015 $2,462,613 $3,077,613 $775,606 Transfers Transfers out Fund Balance - June 30 200 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY AIRPARK FUND Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Total Revenues Expenditures Personnel Operating Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Actual 1998~99 $543,393 10,000 109,561 30,110 149,671 24,763 68,950 93,713 67,502 161,215 Amended Budget 1999-00 $508,299 10,000 111,000 20,000 141,000 31,627 86,794 118,421 118,421 Revised Estimates 1999-00 $531,849 10,000 107,000 29,000 146,000 31,627 110,344 141,971 141,971 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $535,878 10,000 111,000 26,000 147,000 32,246 90,567 122,813 60,000 182,813 Fund Balance - June 30 $531,849 $530,878 $535,878 $500,065 201 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY OFFSTREET PARKING FUND Amended Actual Budget 1998-99 1999-00 Fund Balance- July 1 $843,050 $146,430 Revenues Charges for Services 94,401 84,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 35,419 6,000 Total Revenues 129,820 90,000 Expenditures Operating 112,317 151,400 Capital Outlay 1,450 Total Operating 113,767 151,400 Capital Improv. Projects 648,062 395,000 Total Expenditures 761,829 546,400 Transfers Transfers in 400,000 Fund Balance - June 30 $211,041 $90,030 Revised Estimates 1999-00 $211,041 84,000 6,000 90,000 151,400 151,400 459,611 611,011 400,000 $90,030 Adopted Budget 2000-01 $90,030 86,100 86,100 145,691 145,691 145,691 $30,439 2O2 REDEVELOPMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENTFUNDS Redevelopment Operating Funds - To account for the cost of various capital projects and programs within the redevelopment project areas. Financing is provided by the issuance of tax allocation bonds and tax allocation revenues. Redevelopment Housing Funds - To account for the mandatory twenty percent (20 percent) of Tax Increment Revenue set-aside for low- and moderate-income housing. RedevelopmentArena Project Fund -To accountforthe $40,650,000 Certificates of Participation proceeds issued in April 1997 to provide $12 million to advance refund agency debt with the remainder dedicated to the Convention Center Expansion - Arena Project within the Downtown Project Area, funded interest and relate issue costs. Redevelopment Debt Service Fund - To account for the payment of principal and interest on the Redevelopment Tax Allocation Bonds, Certificates of Participation, Owner Participation Agreements, Notes and Interagency loans. 203 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OPERATING FUND DOWNTOWN PROJECT AREA Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 Fund Balance - July 1 $57,631 Revenues Taxes 1,354,014 Intergovernmental Revenue 440 Miscellaneous Revenue 18,493 Total Revenues 1,372,947 Expenditures Operating 61,951 Total Operating 61,951 Capital Improv. Projects 3,736 Total Expenditures 65,687 Transfers Transfers out Fund Balance - June 30 $29,890 $39,891 $81,802 1,530,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 500 500 500 15,000 15,000 15,000 1,545,500 1,715,500 1,715,500 73,588 83,589 64,793 73,588 83,589 64,793 73,588 83,589 64,793 (1,325,000) (1,481,000) (1,590,000) (1,555,000) $39,891 $20,802 $81,802 $177,509 Analysis of Fund Balance Parking Reserve $20,000 Unreserved 19,891 Total $39,891 $0 $70,000 $120,000 20,802 11,802 57,509 $20,802 $81,802 $177,509 204 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OPERATING FUND OLD TOWN KERN-PIONEER Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Taxes Total Revenues Expenditures Operating Total Operating Capital Improv. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers out Fund Balance - June 30 Adopted Budget 2000-01' $0 165,000 165,000 49,779 49,779 75,000 124,779 (33,000) $7,221 * This fund has been established for the 2000-01 fiscal year 205 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIALSUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OPERATING FUND SOUTHEAST PROJECT AREA Fund Balance - July 1 Revenues Taxes Total Revenues Expenditures Personnel Operating Total Operating Capital Improy. Projects Total Expenditures Transfers Transfers out Fund Balance - June 30 Adopted Budget 2000-01' $0 170,000 170,000 55,620 55,620 75,000 130,620 (34,000) $5,380 * This fund has been established for the 2000-01 fiscal year. 206 FINANCIAL SUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING FUND DOWNTOWN PROJECT AREA Amended Revised Adopted Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 Fund Balance -July 1 $1,337,334 $511,495 $1,328,495 $861,495 Revenues Miscellaneous Revenue 60,857 60,000 60,000 40,000 Total Revenues 60,857 60,000 60,000 40,000 Expenditures Operating 344,696 50,000 867,000 50,000 Total Expenditures 344,696 50,000 867,000 50,000 Transfers Transfers in 275,000 306,000 340,000 320,000 Fund Balance - June 30 $1,328,495 $827,495 $861,495 $1,171,495 207 FINANCIAL SUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING FUND OLD TOWN KERN-PIONEER Fund Balance - July 1 Transfers Transfers in Fund Balance - June 30 Adopted Budget 2000-01 * $0 33,000 $33,000 * This fund has been established for the 2000-01 fiscal year, 208 FINANCIAL SUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HOUSING FUND SOUTHEAST PROJECT AREA Fund Balance - July 1 Transfers Transfers in Fund Balance - June 30 Adopted Budget 2000-01' $0 34,000 $34,000 This fund has been established for the 2000-01 fiscal year. 209 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FINANCIAL SUMMARY BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEBT SERVICE FUND DOWNTOWN PROJECT AREA Amended Revised Adopted Total Actual Budget Estimates Budget 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 Fund Balance - July 1 $1,688,157 $3,116 $3,116 $9,000 Revenues Charges for Services 1,010,724 3,141,508 3,141,508 3,148,502 Miscellaneous Revenue 26,536 1,876 Total Revenues 1,037.260 3,141,508 3,143,384 3,148,502 Expenditures Debt Service 3,772,301 4,315,000 4,387,500 4,388,000 Total Expenditures 3,772,301 4,315,000 4,387,500 4,388,000 Transfers Transfers in 1,050,000 1,175,000 1,250,000 1,235,000 Fund Balance - June 30 $3,116 $4,624 $9,000 $4,502 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS B A K E R S F I E L D Alan Tandy · City Manager TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ly 1, HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY C ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FY 2000-2005 CAPITAL IMPR PROGRA SUMMARY / 2000 Submitted for your information is the five-year adopted Capital Improvement Program (CI P) for the period of 2000-2005, which totals $ $124,463,806. The CIP provides the Iong- range capital planning for projects that are expected to service the City of Bakersfield's infrastructure over a considerable period of time. Revenue sources identified within the CIP may be from grants, taxes, user fees, bond issues, transfers from other funds, or assessments. Those projects proposed for FY 2000-01 total $29,238,391 and are designated within the following City departments: City Manager $ 1,092,600 Development Services $ 20,000 Economic & Community Development $ 340,000 Fire Services $ 503,000 Police Services $ 500,000 Public Works $21,664,520 Recreation and Parks $ 503,771 Water Resources $ 4,432,500 Centennial Garden $ 202,000 TOTAL $29,238,391 A listing of projects by department is included in this section and reflects all of the projects planned by each department over the five-year period. While the Council will be approving funding for FY 00/01 only, it is important to identify all costs for a project each applicable yearofthefive-yearplan. Projectswith"unknown"fundingsourceshavebeenpushedinto FY 01/02 and beyond. These projects have been identified as viable, but because of lack of funding or their placement in the overall priorities of the department, they cannot be 211 funded this year. Should additional funds be identified, these projects are available for inclusion back into the FY 00/01 budget. A listing of these projects is also included in this section among the future years proposed projects. Project Highlights The proposed Capital Improvement Program for FY 2000/01 totals $29,238,391. For the coming year, our major focus will be to complete several of the large multi-year projects and continue to improve and maintain our infrastructure. In addition to the $3,174,000 proposed for reconstruction and resurracing projects city-wide, $250,000 has been budgeted for the improvement of various railroad crossings. Also budgeted is $700,000 for the completion of the project report, environmental document, and property acquisition for the Highway 178/Fairfax interchange project. $210,000 has been budgeted for the completion of the project report and environmental documents for the Hageman Road at State Route 99 project. $200,000 has been budgeted for the City contribution for the Metropolitan Transportation Systems Study. $524,000 has been budgeted for the Traffic Operations Center Interconnect project which will install conduit and conductor for the interconnection of traffic signals to improve signal operations. Additionally, $945,000 has been budgeted for seven new traffic signals at various locations citywide. Also, planned is an upgrade of the Police Department Records Management System for $500,000 using State law enforcement grant funds. Several departments are also requesting CIP projects in FY 00-01. Among the more noteworthy are: Sewer Construction Main- Buena Vista. The largest of the proposed CIP projects is the construction of the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Line for $8.7 million. This project will eliminate the need to have effluent by-passed through the White Lane trunk line and will provide a direct connection to Plant #3 which will serve the needs of future growth. Sewer Rehabilitation Main - South Chester Avenue. Another major sewer project is the rehabilitation of the South Chester Avenue sewer main for $1.8 million. This project will rehabilitate/replace existing concrete sewer lines which are deteriorating due to gases in the line. This is the third year of a multi-year project to rehabilitate these sewers. Street Beauti~cation Projects. This budget includes funds for several beautification projects, including two city entry monuments totaling $175,000 and downtown streetscape projects totaling $667,000. Also included is $150,000 for streetscape improvements on California Avenue between Chester and Union Avenue, which will include trees, grates, and decorative street lighting. $20,000 has been budgeted to install decorative street lights on Baker Street between Highway 178 and Truxtun Avenue. Atotal of $300,000 has been budgeted for median island improvements throughout the city, consistent with the new standard to be adopted by the Council for improving existing median islands. Street Lighting Projects. Several streetlight projects have been budgeted, including 212 $33,000 for street lighting improvements in the downtown and $66,000 for a second phase of street lighting improvements in the Baker Street area. $77,320 of CDBG funds have beenbudgetedforstreetlightupgradesintheLincolnSchoolarea. Redevelopmentfunds are budgeted for $75,000 of street lighting improvements in the Baker Street area and $75,000 of street lighting improvements in the Lakeview area. Future Fire Stations at Buena Vista and White Lane and Northeast Bakersfield. This budget also enables the City to set aside an additional $300,000 for eventual construction of a fire station at White Lane and Buena Vista. This is the fourth annual set-aside for this purpose. With this contribution, funds set aside for the station total $650,000. Also included is $100,000 towards the eventual construction of a fire station location in northeast Bakersfield. Emergency Generator and HVAC Upgrade - City Hall. Another major project is the upgrade of the HVAC unit for City Hall for $410,000 which has been deferred for several years. An additional 50-ton chiller will be added which will provide more efficient operations and will be connected to the energy management system. Also, $125,000 has been budgeted for a 250 kilowatt generator to serve the City Hall Annex in case of emergencies. Centennial Garden Arena. Several maintenance and repair projects have been budgeted for the Centennial Garden Arena to resolve operational problems which have become apparent since the building has opened. These include the smoke evacuation system and replacement of the sub-floor used to cover the ice for basketball, concerts and other events. Additional portable staging has also been budgeted. The total cost of the proposed projects is $202,000. Various Park Improvements. Recreation and Parks has budgeted for the acquisition of a northeast park site for $171,000, swimming pools repair for $122,351, and $66,599 for tree replacement. Corporation Yard Network Upgrade. $92,600 Funds have been budgeted to replace the network cable for all corporation yard buildings. A fiberoptic cable will be extended between City Hall and the corporation yard to improve reliability, response time and performance of all computer network systems. 2 Million Gallon Storage Tank. The Water Department has budgeted $1.8 million forthe construction of a 2 million gallon water tank in the northwest to address water quality issues, provide adequate storage and water supply due to growth in the northwest. This project will also allow necessary domestic water for fire flow should the need arise. Domestic Water - Water Wells. Three additional water wells are required to increase production capacity due to growth throughout the system. It is anticipated that one well will be located south of Brimhall Road and east of Jewetta, the second well site will be located in the vicinity of Ridgeview High School and the third well will be located near Panama and Buena Vista Roads. The installation of water wells is an on-going program that is 213 necessary to maintain current service levels due to continued growth throughout the domestic water system. The project cost is $1.2 million. Summary In summary, staff is pleased to present the five-year CIP and the FY 00/01 proposed CIP budget, which represents a wide range of projects that improve our infrastructure and ensure safety of City facilities while enhancing the aesthetics of our community. As the needs of the community change, the plan can be adjusted to reflect those changing priorities. Since the intent of the CIP is to facilitate long-range planning, staff has attempted to provide Council with the necessary information to allow that flexibility. Thanks to Assistant City Manager John W. Stinson, Assistant to the City Manager Darnell Haynes, Public Works and Civil Engineer IV, Ted Wright, Data Processing Supervisor T. S. Liew, and City Manager's Office Amber Lawrence, Secretary I for their hard work in developing this information 214 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. SUMMARY BY FUND Fiscal Year 2000 - 01 Supplemental Law Enforcement Fund ($500,000.00) Transportation ($5,693,800.00) Southeast Project Area ($75,000.00) Water Revenue Funds ($4,432,500,00) General Aviation Fund ($60,000.00) CDBG ($1,276,820.00) Refuse/Sewer ($11,578,000.00 ) Capital Outlay Fund ($3,066,363.00) . .'!~iF~i~iii~i'\ Gas Tax Fund ($2,207,400.00) . ... ~'Old Town Kern-Pioneer ($75,000.00) .' Park Improvement Fund ($273,508.00) Total: $29,238,391 KEY TO FUNDING CODES CODE DESCRIPTION SOURCE NUMBER ATF AWF BRA CCE CDBG COF DWF EF GAF GTF ISTEA PLF PIF RBBF RDA-DTPA RDA-OTKP RDA-SEPA RF SEF SLEF TDF TOT UNK Amtrak Railway Fund State Agriculture Water Fund Local Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Local Convention Center Expansion Local Community Development Block Grant Federal Capital Outlay Fund Local Domestic Water Fund Local Equipment Fund Local General Aviation Fund Local Gas Tax Fund State Intermodal Surface Transportation Env. Act Federal Parking Lots Fund Local Park Improvement Fund Local Road and Bridge Bond Funds Local Redevelopment Fund - Downtown Project Area Local Redevelopment Fund - Old Town Kern-Pioneer Local Redevelopment Fund - Southeast Project Area Local Refuse Fund Local Sewer Enterprise Fund Local Supplemental Law Enforcement Fund Local Transportation Development Fund Local Transient Lodging Tax Fund Local Unknown - Source not available at this time 336 431 395 315 111 311 441 511 451 151 121 461 321 332/333 391 393 397 421 411 181 Various 191 216 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY 2000 - 2005 SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT FY 2000-2001 CITY MANAGER $1,092,600 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES $20,000 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $340,000 FIRE SERVICES $503,000 POLICE SERVICES $500.000 PUBLIC WORKS $21,644.520 RECREATION AND PARKS $503,771 WATER RESOURCES $4,432,500 CENTENNIAL GARDEN / CONVENTION CENTER $202,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $29,238,391 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $627,450 $501,100 $175,000 $0 $0 $0 $17.096,000 $29,625,000 $22,647,000 $5.566,637 $1,721.428 $311,400 $2,639,000 $2.499,000 $1,569,000 $0 $0 $0 $34,346,528 $25,929,087 $24,702,400 FY 2004-2005 TOTAL COST $0 $1,092,600 $0 $20,000 $0 $340,000 $100,000 $1,906,550 $0 $500,000 $7,953,000 $98,965,520 $669,400 $8,772,636 $1,525.000 $12,664,500 $0 $202,000 $10,247,400 $124,463,806 NORTH BAKERSFIELD RECREATION AND PARKS $1,026,213 $362,844 $0 $0 $0 $1,389,057 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FY 2000 - 2005 FUNDING SUMMARY FUNDINGSOURCE FY 2000-2001 AWF AGRICULTURAL WATER FUND $503,250 CDBG COMMUNITY DEV BLOCKGRANT FUND $1,276,820 COF CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND $3,066,363 DWF DOMESTIC WATER FUND $3,929,250 GAF GENERAL AVIATION FUND $60,000 GTF GAS TAX FUND $2,207,400 ISTEA INTERMODAL SURFACE TRANS ENV ACT $3,924,800 OTKP OLD TOWN KERN-PIONEER $75,000 PIF PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND $273,508 REF REFUSE ENTERPRISE FUND $122,000 SEF SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND $11,456,000 SEPA SOUTHEAST PROJECT AREA $75,000 SLEF SUPP. LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND $500,000 TDF TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND $1,769,000 UNK UNKNOWN $0 TOTALS $29,238,391 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 $578,000 $857,000 $227,000 $1,636,210 $620,000 $620,000 $1,575,583 $1,266,460 $325,000 $2,174,000 $1,764,000 $1,434,000 $66,000 $60,000 $0 $3,950,300 $4,884,000 $3,819,000 $1,684,700 $1,428,000 $12,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,374,570 $1,410,028 $0 $85,000 $10,560,000 $0 $7,256,000 $6,002,000 $180,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,000,000 $5,289,000 $5,786,000 $3,443,364 $311,400 $311,400 $34,451,888 $25,823,727 $24,702,400 FY 2004-2005 TOTAL COST $285,000 $2,450,250 $470,000 $4,623.030 $320,000 $6,553,406 $1,390,000 $10,691,250 $0 $186,000 $3,203,000 $18,063,700 $0 $19,037,500 $0 $75,000 $358,000 $3,416.106 $0 $10,767.000 $300,000 $25,194.000 $0 $75,000 $0 $500,000 $3,610,000 $18,454,000 $311.400 $4,377,564 $10,247,400 $124,463,806 NORTH BAKERSFIELD RECREATION AND PARKS $1,026,213 $362,844 $0 $0 $0 $1,389,057 NUM SRC CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: P6K008 FACILiTiES REPL RESERVE CW COF Q1B001 CORP YARD NETWORK UPGRADE 2 COF CITY MANAGER FUND 2000-2001 NUM 311 $1,000,000 311 $92,600 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-=,J20.-200, ~0~,~;. $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $92,600 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: $1,092,600 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,092,600 NUM CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: POD001 REPLACE PRKG GARAGE FENCE 2 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COF 311 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 $0 $20.000 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: $20,OOO $0 $0 $0 ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NUM SRC NUM CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: P1L001 PROPERTY ACQUISITION 1, 2 CDBG 111 $340,000 $o $o $o $0 $340,000 $0 $340,000 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: $340,000 $0 $0 $0 FIRE SERVICES CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: POH012 P1H004 P1H005 P8H001 P8H007 Q1H001 WARD FUND FUND NUM SRC NUM STATION 12 (NE area) PALADINO 3 COF STATION 4 ELECTRICAL 2 COF STA 5 DOOR RETROFIT 7 COF FIRE STATION B VNVHITE 6 COF ENCLOSE TURNOUT LOCKERS 7 COF HOSE TOWER STATION 13 6 COF 311 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $500,000 311 $23,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $23,000 311 $40,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,000 311 $300,000 $350,000 $0 $0 $0 $650,000 311 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $0 $0 $60,000 311 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: $503,000 $470,000 $120,000 $100,000 $100,000 $1,293,000 FUTURE YEARS PROPOSED PROJECTS: P7H002 REPAVING FiRE STATIONS 6 COF QZH001 MDC/AVL'S CW COF QZH002 SCBA AIR COMPRESSOR 2 COF TOTAL FUTURE YEARS PROPOSED PROJECTS: 311 311 311 $0 $0 $100,000 $75,000 $0 $175,000 $0 $89,450 $281,100 $0 $0 $370,55O $0 $68,OOO $0 $0 $0 $68,000 $0 $157,450 $381,100 $75,000 $0 $613,550 TOTAL CURRENT AND FUTURE YEARS PROJECTS: $503,000 $627,450 $501,100 $175,000 $100,000 $1,906,550 CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: Qll001 RMS UPGRADE/REPLACEMENT POLICE SERVICES WARD FUND l FUND NUM SRC NUM CW SLEF 181 $500,000 $o $o $o $0 $500,0OO $0 $500,000 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: $500,00O $0 $0 $0 ~,~ PUBLIC WORKS T1K011 T1K011 T1K012 T1K012 T1K013 T1K013 T1K014 T1K014 T1K015 T1K016 T1K017 T1K018 T1K019 T1K020 T1K020 T1K021 T1K022 T1K022 T1K023 T1K024 T1K024 T1K025 T1K026 T1K027 T1K028 T1K029 T1K030 T1K031 T1K032 T1K033 T1K034 T4K055 T7K021 T9K011 SIG NEWAUBURN / EISSLER SIG NEW AUBURN / EISSLER SIG NEW WHITE / GRISSQM SIG NEW WHITE / GRISSOM SIG NEW MING/SCARLET OAK SIG NEW MING/SCARLET OAK SIG NEW FAIRVIEW/MONITOR SIG NEW FAIRVIEW/MONITOR SIDEWALK RECONSTR FY00-01 SIG MOD MISCELLANEOUS IMPROV CITY SIDEWALK ST IMPROV MISC CHIP/SLURR ST IMPROV MISC CONST BAKER STREET LIGHT IMPROV BAKER STREET LIGHT IMPROV CALIFORNIA AVE STREETSCAP IMPROV MEDIAN ISLAND IMPROV MEDIAN ISLAND ST IMPROV HAGEMAN SIG NEW VERDUGO/HAGEMAN SIG NEWVERDUGO/HAGEMAN ST IMPROV CALIF RR XING ST IMPROV GOLDEN GATE ST IMPROV RAILROAD XINGS ST IMPROV COLLEGE/FAIRFAX ST LIGHT UPGRADE LAKEVIEW ST LIGHT IMP LINCOLN SCH BRIDGE CONST, KROLL WAY STREET RESURF/RECQNSTRUCT ENTRY MONUMENTS ST IMPROV MING EXPANSION ST IMPROV LAKE ST AREA BRG CONST FAIRFAX/SR 178 TRAFFIC PREEMPTION FUND SRC 3 ISTEA 3 GTF 6 ISTEA 6 GTF 4 ISTEA 4 GTF 7 ISTEA 7 GTF 1 CDBG CW GTF CW GTF CW GTF CW GTF 2 CDBG 2 RDA-OTKP 1 CDBG CW CDBG CW GTF 4 TDF 4 ISTEA 4 GTF 1 GTF 6 GTF 4, 6 TDF 3 TDF 1 RDA-SEPA 1 CDBG 4 GTF CW GTF VAR COF 2, 5 TDF 2 CDBG 3 TDF VAR COF 2000-2001 121 $119,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $119,500 151 $15,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,500 121 $119,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $119,500 151 $15,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,500 121 $119,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $119,500 151 $15,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,500 121 $119,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $119,500 151 $15,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,500 111 $81,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $81,000 151 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $500,000 151 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $250,000 151 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $1,000,000 151 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $500,000 111 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $100,000 393 $75,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $75,000 111 $100,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $0 $550,000 111 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $750,000 151 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $750,000 331 $34,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,000 121 $119,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $119,500 151 $15,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,500 151 $70,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $70,000 151 $50,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,800 331 $250,000 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $400,000 331 $290,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $290,000 397 $75,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $75,000 111 $77,320 $75,000 $0 $0 $0 $152,320 151 $35,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,000 151 $850,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $850,000 311 $175,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $175,000 331 $119,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $119,500 111 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 331 $700,000 $400,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,100,000 311 $60,000 $65,000 $70,000 $75,000 $80,000 $350,000 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: $21,644,520 $11,442,000 $20,153,000 $6,470,000 $1,390,000 $61,099,520 CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: ELK002 ELK003 ELK004 ELK005 ELK006 ELK014 E6K004 E7K002 E7K005 E7K012 E8K008 POK005 P1K001 P1K003 P1K006 P1K007 Q1K001 TOK006 TOK012 TOK017 TOK138 TOL002 TOL002 T1K002 T1K003 T1K004 T1K005 T1K007 T1K007 T1K008 T1K008 T1K009 T1K009 T1K010 T1K010 t~ SEWER IMPROV GWENDOLYN ST 1 SEWER IMPROV PACHECO #10 7 SEWER LIFT IMPROV/MISC CW TRUCK LOADING RAMP 3 DIESEL FUEL TANK 1 STORM IMPROV WIBLE/PLANZ 6, 7 PLANT 2 EXPANSION -25MGD 1 SEWER CONST MAIN/BUENA VS 4 SEWER REHAB MAIN/SO CHEST 1 PLANT 3 EXPANSION - 16MGD 6 SANITARY LANDFILL CAP 3 ROOF REPAIRS, CITY BLDGS VAR ELEV UPGRADE; CH ANNEX 2 HVAC UPGRADE, CITY HALL 2 GENERATOR-CITY HALL ANNEX 2 AIRPORT DRAINAGE & PAVING 1 MICROWAVE SYSTEM REPLACEM CW ST WIDENING ROSEDALE HWY 4 BRG CONST, HAGEMAN RD 4, 5 STCKDL CALLWY MEDIAN IMPR 4 ST IMPROV/CASA LOMA #6 1 DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE II 2 DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE II 2 SL UPGRADE BAKER PHASE 2 2 ST LIGHT UPGRADE DOWNTOWN 1 & 2 ST LIGHT UPGRADE BEALE 2 SIGNAL CONDUIT UPGRADE 2 STREET RESURFACING CW STREET RESURFACING CW TOC INTERCONNECT CW TOC INTERCONNECT CW SIG NEW MT VERNON/PANORAM 3 SIG NEW MT VERNON/PANORAM 3 SIG NEW CHESTER / 8TH ST 1 SIG NEW CHESTER / 8TH ST 1 PUBLIC WORKS CDBG 111 $14,000 $201,000 $0 $0 $0 $215,000 CDBG 111 $33,000 $493,000 $0 $0 $0 $526,000 SEF 412 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $500,000 REF 421 $22,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $22,000 REF 421 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 SEF 412 $71,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $71,000 SEF 411 $169,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $169,500 SEF 412 $8,720,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,720,000 SEF 411 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 $1,600,000 $0 $0 $5,000,000 SEF 412 $595,500 $5,100,000 $3,900,000 $0 $0 $9,595,500 REF 421 $85,000 $85,000 $10,560,000 $0 $0 $10,730,000 COF 311 $60,000 $190,000 $140,000 $75,000 $140,000 $605,000 COF 311 $75,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $75,000 COF 311 $410,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $410,000 COF 311 $125,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $125,000 GAF 451 $60,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,000 COF 311 $150,000 $150,000 $450,000 $0 $0 $750,000 TDF 331 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 TDF 331 $210,000 $0 $500,000 $5,000,000 $0 $5,710,000 GTF 151 $24,900 $0 $0 $0 $0 $24,900 CDBG 111 $275,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $1,475,000 CDBG 111 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 ISTEA 121 $567,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $567,000 GTF 151 $66,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $66,000 GTF 151 $33,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $33,000 GTF 151 $40,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,000 GTF 151 $18,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $18,000 ISTEA 121 $2,057,400 $1,428,000 $1,428,000 $0 $0 $4,913,400 GTF 151 $266,600 $185,000 $185,000 $0 $0 $636,600 ISTEA 121 $463,900 $0 $0 $0 $0 $463,900 GTF 151 $60,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,100 ISTEA 121 $119,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $119,500 GTF 151 $15,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,500 ISTEA 121 $119,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $119,500 GTF 151 $15,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,500 PUBLIC WORKS FUTURE YEARS PROPOSED PROJECTS: FUND ~J~.J~d~ 2000-2001 SRC 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 I~OV~AR~,L~L EZK001 EZK002 EZK002 EZK003 EZK003 EZK004 EZK004 EZK005 EZK005 EZK006 EZK007 EZK011 EZK011 EZK012 EZK013 EZK013 EZK014 EZK014 EZK015 EZK015 EZK016 EZK017 EZK017 EZK018 EZK019 EZK020 EZK020 EZK022 EZK022 EZK023 EZK023 EZK024 EZK024 EZK025 EZK026 EZK027 POK003 STORM IMPROV N OLIVE LIFT 4 STORM IMPROV ALMNDRNPINO 5 STORM IMPROV ALMNDRNPINO 5 STORM IMPROV ELMNVILLBERY 5 STORM IMPROV ELMNVILLBERY 5 STORM IMPROV HAHN/ESTERO 6 STORM IMPROV HAHN/ESTERO 6 STORM IMPROV JASTRO PARK 2 STORM IMPROV JASTRO PARK 2 SEWER IMPROV ARROW LIFT 5 STORM IMPROV CHSTR/32nd 2 STORM CONST H ST/TRUXTUN 2 STORM CONST H STFFRUXTUN 2 STORM IMPROV PLANZ PARK 7 STORM CONST FREMONT/CUSTR 7 STORM CONST FREMONT/CUSTR 7 STORM IMPROV HALEYNAN DER 3 STORM IMPROV HALEYNANDER 3 STORM IMPROV STINENVILSON 6 STORM IMPROV STINENVILSON 6 PLANT 3 SHOP EXPANSION 6 STORM IMPROV VANDERBILT 3 STORM IMPROV VANDERBILT 3 SEWER IMPROV EUCALYPTUS 3 STORM IMPROV GOLDN STATE 2 STORM IMPROV PLANZ/STINE 5 STORM IMPROV PLANZ/STINE 5 STORM IMPROV COLMBUS/PASA 3 STORM IMPROV COLMBUS/PASA 3 STORM IMPROV IVAN AV/SO H 7 STORM IMPROV IVAN AV/SO H 7 STORM IMPROV MT VERNONNA 2 STORM IMPROV MT VERNONNA 2 SEWER IMPROV GOSFORD 6 SEWER IMPROV 24TH ST 5 STORM CONST, HALEY/SUMNER 1, 2 MEZZANINE @ P ST STOR BLD 2 SEF 411 GTF 151 AWF 431 GTF 151 AWF 431 AWF 431 GTF 151 GTF 151 AWF 431 SEF 411 SEF 411 AWF 431 GTF 151 SEF 411 AWF 431 GTF 151 GTF 151 AWF 431 GTF 151 AWF 431 SEF 412 GTF 151 AWF 431 SEF 411 SEF 411 AWF 431 GTF 151 GTF 151 AWF 431 GTF I51 AWF 431 GTF 151 AWF 431 SEF 411 SEF 411 SEF 412 COF 311 $0 $107 $0 $61 $0 $61 $0 $20 $0 $20 $0 $15 $0 $15 $0 $17 $0 $17 $0 $107 $0 $107 000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $135,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,000 000 $0 $0 $0 $107,000 000 $0 $0 $0 $61,000 000 $0 $0 $0 $61,000 000 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 000 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 000 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 000 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 000 $0 $0 $0 $17,000 000 $0 $0 $0 $17,000 000 $0 $0 $0 $107,000 $0 $0 $0 $107,000 $0 $0 $150,000 $150,000 $0 $0 $150,000 $150,000 $133,000 $0 $0 $133,000 $49,000 $0 $0 $49,000 $49,000 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $37,000 $0 $37,000 $0 $37,000 $0 $37,000 $12,000 $0 $0 $12,000 $12,000 $0 $0 $12,000 $0 $0 $0 $135,000 $56,000 $0 $0 $56,000 $56,000 $0 $0 $56,000 $107,000 $0 $0 $107,000 $107,000 $0 $0 $107,000 $5,000 $42,000 $0 $47,000 $5,000 $42,000 $0 $47,000 $0 $3,000 $0 $3,000 $0 $3,000 $0 $3,000 $0 $6,000 $0 $6,000 $0 $6,000 $0 $6,000 $0 $4,000 $0 $4,000 $0 $4,000 $0 $4,000 $0 $80,000 $0 $80,000 $0 $0 $200,000 $200,000 $55,000 $0 $0 $55,000 $0 $0 $0 $60,000 POK005 POK005 PZK001 TOK013 T7K021 TSK002 T8K064 T8K076 T8K077 TZK001 TZK002 TZK003 TZK006 TZK008 TZK009 TZK009 TZK010 TZK011 TZK012 TZK013 TZK014 TZK016 TZK017 TZK018 TZK019 TZK020 TZK022 TZK023 TZK024 TZK025 TZK026 TZK028 TZK029 TZK032 TZK033 TZK034 TZK036 TZK037 TZK038 JPROJECT TITLE ROOF REPAIRS, CITY BLDGS VAR ROOF REPAIRS, CITY BLDGS VAR AIRPORT HANGARS 1 BRG CONST, OLIVE/CALLOWAY 4 BRG CONST FAIRFAX/SR 178 3 BRG WIDENING WHITE/99 7 BRG CONST MOHAWK ST 5 ST CONST OLD RIVER/SJRR 4 ST CONST MTN VISTA/SJRR 4 SIG NEWALFRED HARRELL 3 SIG NEW BRIMHALL/MONDAVI 4 SIG NEW COFFEE/DOWNING 4 SIG NEW PLANZ/REAL 6, 7 SIG MOD CALIF/OLEANDER 1,2 BRG IMPROV ALLEN RD WIDEN 4 BRG IMPROV ALLEN RD WIDEN 4 ST IMPROV 21ST/Q ST 2 ST IMPROV 30TH/BEECH 2 ST IMPROV BEALE/MONTEREY 2 ST IMPROV 11TH STREET 1 ST IMPROV BEALE/GRACE 2 ST IMPROV EL PORTAL/OUTNG 4 ST IMPROV ELM/24TH 5 ST IMPROV HALEY/PANORAMA 3 ST IMPROV L ST/30TH 2 ST IMPROV L ST/34TH 2 ST IMPROV LENNOX/CALIFORN 5 ST IMPROV LILY DR/WHITE 6 ST IMPROV MANOR/COLUMBUS 2 ST IMPROV MOHAWK/BUS PARK 5 ST IMPROV MONTALVO/EL VER 4 SIG NEW CALLOWAY/NORRIS 4 ST IMPROV WHITE/STINE 6 SIG NEW HAGEMAN/JEWETTA 4 SIG NEW HAGEMAN/VERDUGO 4 SIG NEW MCDONALD WAY 5 SIG MOD MING/GOSFORD 5 SIG MOD MING/ASHE 5 SIG MOD MING/NEW STINE 5 PUBLIC WORKS FUND ~2000-2001 SRC CDBG 111 $0 GAF 451 $0 GAF 451 $0 TDF 331 $0 ISTEA 121 $0 TDF 331 $0 TDF 331 $0 TDF 331 $0 TDF 331 $0 TDF 331 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 TDF 331 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 CDBG 111 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 TDF 331 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 GTF 151 $0 2001-2002 $30,000 $15,000 $51,000 $1,050,000 $0 $400,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $120,000 $0 $121,000 $66,000 $0 $0 $87 000 $121 000 $15 000 $57 000 $141 000 $170 000 $152 000 $81 000 $25 000 $25 000 $91 000 $84 000 $0 $26,000 $60,000 $0 $109,000 $0 $121,000 $135,000 $0 $250,000 $0 2002-2003 2003-2004 Jl2°°4'20°5 $0 $0 $0 $30,ooo $60,000 $0 $0 $75,000 $0 $0 $0 $51,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,050,000 $0 $12,000,000 $0 $12,000,000 $4,000,000 $0 $0 $4,400,000 $50,000 $250,000 $3,610,000 $3,910,000 $172,000 $0 $0 $172,000 $93,000 $0 $0 $93,000 $130,000 $0 $0 $130,000 $0 $0 $0 $120,000 $0 $0 $108,000 $108,000 $0 $0 $0 $121,000 $0 $0 $0 $66,000 $0 $28,000 $0 $28,000 $0 $12,000 $0 $12,000 $0 $0 $0 $87,000 $0 $0 $0 $121,000 $21,000 $0 $0 $36,000 $0 $0 $0 $57,000 $0 $0 $0 $141,000 $0 $0 $0 $170,000 $0 $0 $0 $152,000 $0 $0 $0 $81,000 $0 $0 $0 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $91,000 $0 $0 $0 $84,000 $0 $0 $268,000 $268,000 $0 $0 $0 $26,000 $0 $0 $0 $60,000 $130,000 $0 $0 $130,000 $0 $0 $0 $109,000 $130,000 $0 $0 $130,000 $0 $0 $0 $121,000 $0 $0 $0 $135,000 $250,000 $0 $0 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $250,000 $0 $0 $250,000 $250,000 PUBLIC WORKS ~J ]PROJECT TITLE TZK041 TZK044 TZK047 TZK048 TZK049 TZK050 TZK051 TZK052 TZK053 TZK054 TZK055 TZK056 TZK057 TZK058 TZK059 TZK060 TZK061 TZK063 TZK064 TZK066 TZK067 TZK071 TZK072 TZK073 TZK074 TZK075 TZK076 TZK077 TZK078 TZK080 TZK081 TZK082 TZK083 TZK084 TZK085 TZK086 TZK088 TZK089 TZK090 ST IMPROV CHRISTMAS TREE ST IMPROV HALEY/COLUMBUS ST IMPROV UNION/WHITE SIC NEW AKERS/PACHECO ST IMPROV WHITE/DOVEWQOD ST IMPROV AKERS/MING ST IMPROV AUBURN/LA COSTA ST IMPRO V FAIRFAXNL VIEW SIC NEW ASHE/HARRIS SIC NEW ASHE/PANAMA SIC NEW FAIRFAX/HIGHLAND SIC NEW WILSON / SOUTH K SIC NEW COSFORD/HARRIS SIC NEW COSFORD/PANAMA SIC NEW HAGEMAN/PATTON SIC NEW HARRIS/WIBLE SIC NEW HWY 178/MORNING SIC NEW PANAMA/MONITOR SIC NEW PANAMNRELIANCE BRG IMPROV PANAMA LN WIDN BRG REPL MING AVENUE CLVT ST IMPROV 20TH/F/CHESTER ST IMPROV 20TH/M STIR ST ST IMPROV 22ND/CHESTER/M ST IMPROV MONTCLAIR/STO CK ST IMPROV N STINE/CHSTR L ST IMPROV N STINE/STOCKDA ST IMPROV OLYMPINS HLFMN ST IMPRQV OSWELL/BERNARD ST IMPROV WIBLE/BRUNDAGE ST IMPRO V N ST/21ST/23RD ST IMPROV Q ST/20TH/21 ST ST I MPROV P ST/20TH/21 ST ST IMPROV R ST/17TH/21ST ST CONST CASA LOMA/MT VER ST CONST OSWELLNVWTP #2 ST IMPROV COLLEGE-FAIRFAX ST IMPROV FAIRVIEW/MIDAS ST IMPROV H STFFRUXTUN FUND ~2000-2001 SRC 2001-2002 3 GTF 151 $0 $119,000 3 GTF 151 $0 $115,000 1 GTF 151 $0 $15,000 6, 7 GTF 151 $0 $0 6 GTF 151 $0 $100,000 6 GTF 151 $0 $35,000 3 GTF 151 $0 $163,000 3 GTF 151 $0 $97,000 4, 6 GTF 151 $0 $0 4, 6 GTF 151 $0 $0 3 GTF 151 $0 $0 7 GTF 151 $0 $0 4 GTF 151 $0 $0 4 TDF 331 $0 $0 4 GTF 151 $0 $0 6, 7 GTF 151 $0 $0 3 GTF 151 $0 $0 7 GTF 151 $0 $0 4 GTF 151 $0 $0 4 TDF 331 $0 $0 1 GTF 151 $0 $115,000 2 GTF 151 $0 $0 2 GTF 151 $0 $0 2 GTF 151 $0 $0 5 GTF 151 $0 $0 5 GTF 151 $0 $0 5 GTF 151 $0 $0 4 GTF 151 $0 $0 3 GTF 151 $0 $0 1, 5 GTF 151 $0 $0 2 GTF 151 $0 $0 2 GTF 151 $0 $0 2 GTF 151 $0 $0 2 GTF 151 $0 $0 1 GTF 151 $0 $0 1 GTF 151 $0 $0 3 GTF 151 $0 $0 7 GTF 151 $0 $0 2 GTF 151 $0 $0 2002-2003 $0 $0 $157,000 $130,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $120,000 $131,000 $120,000 $111,000 $121,000 $132,000 $110,000 $120,000 $0 $121 000 $121 000 $17 000 $115 000 $52 000 $63 000 $40 000 $131 000 $45 000 $51 000 $36 000 $107 000 $71 000 $31 000 $13 000 $13 000 $52 000 $72 000 $0 $170,000 $34,000 $0 2003-2004 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $195,ooo $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $900,000 $o $o $520,000 $o $119,ooo $o $115,ooo $o $172,ooo $o $13o,ooo $o $1oo,ooo $o $35,000 $o $163,ooo $o $97,000 $12E 300 $131300 $120300 $111 3oo $121 ooo $132 ooo $11o ooo $12o ooo $195 ooo $121 ooo $121 ooo $17 ooo $230 ooo $52 ooo $63 ooo $40 ooo $131 ooo $45 ooo $51 ooo $36 ooo $1o7 ooo $71 ooo $31 ooo $13 ooo $13 ooo $52 ooo $72 ooo $900 ooo $17o ooo $34 ooo $520 ooo TZK093 TZK096 TZK097 TZK098 TZK104 TZK105 TZK106 TZK106 TZK107 TZK108 TZK109 TZK110 TZK111 TZK112 TZK113 TZK114 TZK115 TZK116 TZK117 TZK118 TZK119 TZK120 TZK121 TZK123 TZK124 TZK125 TZK126 TZK127 TZK128 TZK130 TZK131 TZK132 TZK134 TZK135 TZK137 TZK137 PROJECT TITLE ~ FUND SRC ST IMPROV WHITE/UNION 1 GTF ST IMPROV MING/STINE 5, 6 GTF ST IMPROV L ST/CALIFORNIA 2 GTF ST IMPROV A HARRELL/178 3 GTF ST IMPROV STOCKDALE/CALIF 5 GTF SIG NEW PLANZANILSON 5, 6 GTF SIG NEW RENFRO/STOCKDALE 4 GTF SIG NEW RENFRO/STOCKDALE 4 TDF ST IMPROV FAIRVIEW/MONITR 7 GTF SIG NEW ALLEN/JOHNSON 4 GTF SIG NEW BERKSHIRE/SOUTH H 7 GTF SIG NEW HIGHLAND KNOLLS 3 GTF SIG NEW HOSKING/STINE 6 GTF SIG NEW HOSKINGNVIBLE 6, 7 GTF SIG NEW HOSKING/SOUTH H 7 GTF SIG NEW JOHNSON/RENFRO 4 GTF SIG NEW LILY/WHITE LN 4 GTF SIG NEW OLD RiVER/PANAMA 4 GTF SIG NEW OLD RIVER/WHITE O 4 GTF SIG NEW BUCK OWENS/RIO 5 GTF ST IMPROV PALADINO/MORNIN 3 TDF ST IMPROV PANORAMNCHRSTM 3 GTF ST IMPROV MING/N STINE 5, 6 GTF SIG NEW BRUNDAGE/WASHINGT 1 GTF ST IMPRQV PANORAMA/WENATC 3 GTF ST IMPRQV RIO BRAVQ/HESKE 5 GTF ST IMPROV SO H/MING/PLANZ 7 GTF ST IMPROV SO H/PLANZ/PACH 7 GTF ST IMPROV S REAL/WHITE 6 GTF ST IMPROV UNIVERSITY/RIVR 3 GTF SIG NEVVSAN DIMASNVCOLUM 2 GTF SIG NEW HAGEMAN/MAIN PLAZ 4 GTF SIG NEW AUBURN/LA COSTA 3 GTF SIG NEW CAMINQ MEDINCSUB 4 GTF BRG CONST KROLL NE CANAL 5 ISTEA BRG CONST KROLL A/E CANAL 5 GTF PUBLIC WORKS ~',l~J~,~ 2000-2001 2001-2002 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 331 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 331 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $130,000 151 $0 $0 151 $0 $130,000 121 $0 $256,700 151 $0 $33,300 2002-2003 $0 $292 000 $107 000 $40 000 $34 000 $109 000 $98 000 $65 000 $48 000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $130,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $130,000 $0 $130,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $212,000 $212,000 $0 $0 $292,000 $0 $0 $107,000 $274,000 $0 $314,000 $348,000 $0 $382,000 $0 $0 $109,000 $0 $0 $98,000 $0 $0 $65,000 $0 $0 $48,000 $121,000 $0 $121,000 $121,000 $0 $121,000 $121,000 $0 $121,000 $143,000 $0 $143,000 $143,000 $0 $143,000 $121,000 $0 $121,000 $121,000 $0 $121,000 $125,000 $0 $125,000 $143,000 $0 $143,000 $121,000 $0 $121,000 $121.000 $0 $121.000 $524,000 $0 $524,000 $177,000 $0 $177,000 $221,000 $0 $221,000 $0 $0 $130,000 $184,000 $0 $184,000 $34,000 $0 $34,000 $111,000 $0 $111,000 $207,000 $0 $207,000 $28,000 $0 $28,000 $114,000 $0 $114,000 $0 $0 $130,000 $0 $0 $130,000 $0 $0 $130,000 $0 $0 $130,000 $0 $0 $256,700 $0 $0 $33,300 TOTAL FUTURE YEARS PROPOSED PROJECTS: TOTAL CURRENT AND FUTURE YEARS PROJECTS: $0 $5,654,000 $21,644,520 $17,096,000 $9,472,000 $29,625,000 $16,177,000 $22,647,000 $6,563,000 $37,866,000 $7,953,000 $98,965,520 CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: RECREATION AND PARKS 2000-200, 200,-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 P1C006 P 1 C007 P 1 C008 P1C010 P1C013 P1C014 P1C016 P1C017 P1C019 P1C020 P1C108 BEALE DRIVEWAY 2 CANOPY COVER 6 POOL DECKING RESTORATION 1,2 TREE REMOVAL/REPLACEMENT 1,2 POOL EQUIPMENT 1-3,5,7 BEALE,WILSON TENNIS COURT 2,7 MOWING RAMP/CONCRETE PADS 4,5,6 TRUXTUN TREE REPLACEMENT 2 NORTHEAST PARK SITE ACQ 3 DEVELOP 30 ACRE PARK SITE 4 MLK EXTERIOR RESTORATION 1 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: FUTURE YEARS PROPOSED PROJECTS: P1C018 POC004 POC021 POC030 POC202 POC203 PZC003 PZC004 PZC005 PZC011 PZC021 PZC022 PZC024 PZC025 PZC026 PIF 321 $23,808 $0 PIF 321 $40,700 $0 COF 311 $23,665 $0 COF 311 $44,424 $0 COF 311 $57,986 $0 COF 311 $23,513 $0 COF 311 $22,000 $18,000 CQF 311 $22,175 $0 PIF 321 $171,000 $0 PIF 321 $38,000 $659,670 CDBG 111 $36,500 $0 AKERS MCKEE PARK ACQ 7 COF 311 GRISSOM PARK PLAYGROUND 6 PIF 321 CENTENNIAL PARK PLAYGROND 5 PIF 321 PORTABLE OFFICE BUILDINGS 5 COF 311 MLK PLAYGROUND ADA 1 CDBG 111 JASTRO PARK PLAYGROUND 5 CDBG 111 AQUATIC CENTER W/SHELTER 4 UNK 969 PARK ACQ/MTN VISTA & CAMP 4 PIF 321 PARK DEV/MTN VISTA & CAMP 4 PIF 321 PARK DEV/BERKSHIRE & SO.H 7 PIF 321 GROUP PICNIC AREA 5 COF 311 PLAYGRD ADA MODIFICATIONS 1-7 UNK 969 RESTOR BEALE PK RESTROOMS 2 COF 311 BEALE,JASTRO SIDEWALK RMV 2,5 COF 311 BEACH PARK FACILITIES 5 COF 311 $503,771 $677,670 $0 $0 $0 $23,808 $0 $0 $0 $40,700 $0 $0 $0 $23,665 $0 $0 $0 $44,424 $0 $0 $0 $57,986 $0 $0 $0 $23,513 $0 $0 $0 $40,000 $0 $0 $0 $22,175 $0 $0 $0 $171,000 $0 $0 $0 $697,670 $0 $0 $0 $36,500 $0 $0 $0 $1,181,441 $0 $105,360 $0 $0 $0 $105,360 $0 $89,7OO $0 $0 $0 $89,7OO $0 $69,200 $0 $0 $0 $69,200 $0 $45,000 $0 $0 $0 $45,000 $0 $90,100 $0 $0 $0 $90,100 $0 $70,110 $0 $0 $0 $70,110 $0 $3,131,964 $0 $0 $0 $3,131,964 $0 $0 $0 $0 $320,000 $320,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $38,000 $38,000 $0 $38,000 $563,608 $0 $0 $601,608 $0 $79,805 $0 $0 $0 $79,805 $0 $311,400 $311,400 $311,400 $311,400 $1,245,600 $0 $27,720 $0 $0 $0 $27,720 $0 $21,698 $0 $0 $0 $21,698 $0 $105,360 $0 $0 $0 $105,360 RECREATION AND PARKS 2000-2001 2001-2002 PZC401 PZC402 PZC403 PZC405 PZC406 PARK ACQ/PANAMA-MONITOR 7 PIF PARK ACQ/BERKSHIRE-SO, H 7 PIF PARK DEV/PANAMA & MONITOR 7 PIF INTERACTIVE WATER ELEMENT TBD COF NW STO RAGE FAC I LITY 4 COF 2o02-2003 2003-20o4 2o04-2005 TOTAL FUTURE YEARS PROPOSED PROJECTS: 321 $0 $320,000 $0 $0 $0 $320,000 321 $0 $160,000 $0 $0 $0 $160,000 321 $0 $38,000 $846,420 $0 $0 $884,420 311 $0 $66,550 $0 $0 $0 $66,550 311 $0 $119,000 $0 $0 $0 $119,000 TOTAL CURRENT AND FUTURE YEARS PROJECTS: $0 $4,888,967 $1,721,428 $311,400 $669,400 $7,485,835 $503,771 $5,566,637 $1,721,428 $311,400 $669,400 $8,667,276 CURRENT NORTH BAKERSFIELD REC. PARK PROJECTS: P1Clll P1Cl12 P1Cl13 P1Cl14 P1Cl15 NBRPDIEMRLD CV PLAY PH 1. 4 PIF 321 $81,470 NBRPD[RIVERLAKES PHASE I 4 RF 321 $402,887 NBRPDIMONDAVI PARK CONSTR 4 PIF 321 $47,488 NBRPDILIBERTY PARK CONSTR 4 PIF 321 $437,845 NBRPDIALMONDALE PARK PH 1 4 PIF 321 $56,523 TOTAL CURRENT NBRPD PROJECTS: FUTURE NORTH BAKERSFIELD REC. PARK PROJECTS: POClll POCl13 POCl14 POCl15 NBRPDIEMRLD CV PLAY PH 1. 4 PIF 321 NBRPDIMONDAVI PARK DESIGN 4 RF 321 NBRPDILIBERTY PARK CONSTR 4 PIF 321 NBRPDiALMONDALE PARK PH 1 4 PIF 321 TOTAL FUTURE NBRPD PROJECTS: TOTAL CURRENT AND FUTURE NBRPD PROJECTS: $0 $0 $0 $0 $81,470 $0 $0 $0 $0 $402,887 $0 $0 $0 $0 $47,488 $0 $0 $0 $0 $437,845 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,523 $1,026,213 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,026,213 $0 $25,824 $0 $0 $0 $25,824 $0 $63,960 $0 $0 $0 $63,960 $0 $108,240 $0 $0 $0 $108,240 $0 $164,820 $0 $0 $0 $164,820 $0 $362,844 $0 $0 $0 $362,844 $1,026,213 $362,844 $0 $0 $0 $1,389,057 Note: The North Bakersfield projects are not City capital improvement projects; however, they are funded by park improvement fees collected by the City on behalf of the North Bakersfield Recreation and Parks District. These figures reflect contributions made by the City to North Bakersfield Recreation and Parks District from park development fees, and are budgeted within the Non-Departmental Operating Budget. The amounts are not reflected in the City Capital Improvement Budget totals. WATER RESOURCES PN~OMJ ] PROJECT TITLE WARD FUND NUM SRC CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: FN~J~ 2000-2001 EOJO03 E1JO01 E1JO02 E1JO03 E1JO04 E1JO05 E1JO06 E1JO07 E1JO08 E1JO09 E1J010 E1J011 E1J012 E1J012 E6JO02 E6JO07 E7JO07 E7JO09 E9JO02 P6JO01 REFURBISH ELECTRIC PANELS 4,5,6 DWF KERN RIVER CHANNEL IMPROV 2,4,5 AWF 2 MIL GALLON STORAGE TANK 4 DWF RETROFIT GATE ON 36" LINE 4 DWF INTERFACE BOOSTERS 4 DWF FLOWMETER UPGRADE PROGRAM 4,5,6 DWF DEDICATED SAMPLE SITES 4,5,6 DWF CHLORINATOR UPGRADES 4,5,6 DWF ULTRAVIOLET UNiT 4,5 DWF TWO BLOCKHOUSES 5 DWF REMOTE INTERFACE ACCESS 4 DWF PUMP STATION LIGHTING 4,5,6 DWF PAINT WATER RES BUILDINGS 4 DWF PAINT WATER RES BUILDINGS 4 AWF CANAL/STORM DRAIN FENCING CW AWF WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS 4,5,6 DWF KR LAND ACQUISITIONS 2,4,5 AWF WATER WELLS 4,6 DWF NE WATER INTAKE FACILITY 3 AWF ROAD BASE CW AWF 441 431 441 441 441 441 441 441 441 441 441 441 441 431 431 441 431 441 431 431 $74,000 $55,000 $1,800,000 $65 000 $227 000 $30 000 $50 000 $35 000 $40 000 $170 000 $20 000 $20 000 $8,250 $8,250 $75,000 $190,000 $25,000 $1,200,000 $320,000 $20,000 $44,000 $44,000 $44,000 $0 $206,000 $55,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $185,000 $500,000 $150,000 $0 $0 $2,450,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $65,O00 $150,000 $150,000 $0 $0 $527,000 $30,000 $30,000 $0 $0 $90,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,OO0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,OOO $40,000 $0 $0 $0 $80,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $170,000 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $40,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,00O $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,25O $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $335,000 $190,000 $190,000 $190,000 $190,000 $950,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $125,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $6,000,000 $300,000 $600,000 $0 $0 $1,220,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $100,000 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: $4,432,500 $2,639,000 $2,499,000 $1,569,000 $1,525,000 $12,664,500 PN~OMJ 1 PROJECT TITLE CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: POC009 P1C021 P1C022 CG-SMOKE EVAC SYSTEM CG-SUBFLOOR CG-STAGING CENTENNIAL GARDEN / CONVENTION CENTER [~D ];y,~D ~;D [2000-200, 200,-2002 2002-2003 ~003-~00, ~00,-~00, ~O~, 2 COF 311 $32,O00 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,000 2 COF 311 $120,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $120,000 2 COF 311 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $202,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $202,000 TOTAL CURRENT YEAR PROPOSED PROJECTS: THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 234 APPENDICES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OPERATING BUDGET The City of Bakersfield's Operating Budget is a planning document that mirrors the City Council's established goals and policies. By providing service delivery based on City Council Goals and Policies, City departments ensure that the activities they undertake are those that are articulated by the City Council, and are important to the community. Since the Operating Budget implements Council Goals and Policies, it is only natural that the budget document highlight specific program service objectives and action statements that demonstrate how those goals and policies will be realized. Annually, City departments develop action plans that target progress toward or successful completion of Council goals. While funding for departmental budgets is prepared using a line-item budget -- a budget that focuses on what is to be bought -- overall decisions and long-range planning efforts are concentrated at the program level. This essentially means that the City Council is looking at service delivery from the perspective of providing viable, quality programs to the citizens of Bakersfield. Structure of the Ol~eratina Budget Within each department category is a hierarchy of what constitutes the Operating Budget. This hierarchy, which is detailed below, provides a basis for how programs are structured and service is delivered to the community. Goal. A goal represents a long-term condition or end result. It describes a vision or philosophy about major social and environmental concerns of the community. Significant Budget Changes. A significant budget change represents a major departure from historical practice or treatment of a program or line item within a department's budget. Action Plan. An action plan qualitatively or quantitatively identifies the service to be provided. Action plans are specific in nature and directly correlate to achieving the results of the department or division goal. Service Level Indicators. The service level indicators describe in specific and measurable terms the results a program (within a particular division) is expected to achieve within a given time frame. Service level indicators are derived from the action plan. Expenditure Line Items. Within each department are divisions and programs. At these levels is a summary of costs by personnel, general operating and capital expenditures. 235 BUDGET CALENDAR JANUARY Budget Kickoff Meeting Departments Receive Budget Preparation Instructions FEBRUARY Internal Service Budget Requests Due Personnel Requests Due MARCH Department Budget Proposals Due APRIL City Manager Budget Hearings with Departments Maintenance District Workshop MAY City Manager Budget Overview to City Council Department Budget Presentations to City Council JUNE CIP Presented to Planning Commission and City Council Maintenance District Public Hearing Public Hearing on City Manager Proposed Budget Council Adopts Operating, CDBG and Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency Budgets CIP Adopted by City Council 236 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD City Council - Goals and Policies GOAL #1: ENHANCE THE CITY'S TRANSPORTATION NETWORK 1. Maintain and improve the quality of existing surface streets and arterials A. ENHANCE THE ROAD RESURFACING PROGRAM, INCLUDING A SIGNIFICANT REDUCTION OF THE MAINTENANCE BACKLOG B. INCREASE FUNDING FOR STREET MAINTENANCE C. adopt funding mechanisms for new roadway construction D. increase education efforts with the community and the opportunity for public input 2+ Support the development of beltways A. secure necessary rights-of-way and adequate funding B. provide periodic workshops to update the Council on status of the freeway and beltway projects as outlined in the MTIS 3. Support the development of an Intermodal Transportation Hub A. actively pursue high speed rail system 4. Promote and encourage public transportation 5. Support efforts for adequate air transportation A. work with the county to retain jet service at Meadows Field; and for the construction of a new terminal B. develop a policy that encourages City use of air transportation at Meadows Field as a preferred travel alternative C, encourage Kern County businesses to adopt similar policies GOAL #2: PROVIDE QUALITY PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES 1. Proactively plan to reduce gang violence, domestic violence and child abuse A, enhance city-wide efforts to address gangs and drugs B, increase the number of neighborhoods participating in the Neighborhood Watch program C. Establish performance measures for police services D. establish a five-year target plan for police protection 237 E. provide City Council workshops on Police and Fire department standard response times F. expand enforcement of drivers running red lights, and study video camera enforcement at intersections Establish standards for fire safety and employee performance A. implement new station development plans: 1. funding for future fire stations and locations 2. use technology to develop faster, safer, and more efficient responses to emergencies B. establish comprehensive database for emergency information: 1. plan for access of information to in field crows and E.O.C. operations C. update disaster plan Citywide: 1. obtain compliance with State OES and FEMA D. refine entrance qualifications and promotion procedures GOAL #3: CONTINUE POSITIVE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT 1. Continue to build on the success of the Convention Center Hotel, Centennial Plaza, Centennial Garden and Amtrak Station A. develop concepts for projects which contain the following elements: entertainment, trees, family activities, pedestrian-friendly, safety, attractiveness, and making railroad tracks positive rather than negative B. study a Town Square or downtown park concept proactively clear blight from the redevelopment areas around the arona, Amtrak Station and Hotel 2. Support continued enhancement of the Fox Theater 3. Address downtown parking needs A. enhance and improve parking opportunities for the public during downtown events 4. Develop a quality downtown housing project that brings families to the downtown area 5. Evaluate the termination of new funding for the URM program, including funding alternatives and report back to Council 6. Expand Chester Avenue Streetscape GOAL #4: PLAN FOR GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 1. Provide annual General Plan updates 2. Determine the future growth patterns of the City for the next 20 years 238 Facilitate annexations where staff is sensitive to the areas and where support starts with the neighbors A. educate the public on the community-wide advantages of in-fill development (County islands) B. for urban area annexations, provide a process that is neighborhood based C. develop an informational packet that compares tax bills, services, and costs between City and County Support affordable housing for seniors and low/moderate income residents Use redevelopmerit project areas to promote development in the Old Town Kern- Pioneer and Southeast areas of Bakersfield GOAL #5: MAINTAIN AND UPGRADE THE CITY'S INFRASTRUCTURE 1. Maintain open space throughout City 2. Review and update the Kern River Parkway Plan A. maintain water in the Kern River as often as feasible B. complete the Kern River Parkway project C. increase recreational activities along the River D. make Parkway a tourist attraction and accessible from the downtown E. develop Parkway from Gosford Road east to Beach Park as a greenbelt area 3. Incorporate recreational trails into the City's infrastructure A. maintain/construct trails for bikes, walking, jogging and equestrian 4. Establish acceptable level of maintenance for existing properties, including curbs, gutters and alleys 5. Develop a comprehensive master plan for all infrastructure A. plan for construction and future funding of water facilities, fire stations, etc. GOAL #6: ENSURE EFFICIENT USE OF FISCAL RESOURCES 1. Remain fiscally solvent A. pursue grants and private donations prior to reducing service level B assess the need for matching subsidies to private sources for cultural activities 2. Establish administrative/financial policy of full cost accounting A. review and prioritjze each service: real cost, level of service 239 B. maintain lowest possible fee structure for all services Streamline government operations to be more responsive A. develop process for all non-profit agencies to access General Fund monies B. establish benchmarks for financial responsibility of departments C, design department budgets based on need and equity D. encourage utilization of local vendors wherever possible Develop an investment policy that provides opportunities for City funds to be invested locally if all other conditions such as rate of return are the same GOAL #7: ATTRACT AND FOSTER A QUALIFIED WORKFORCE 1. Create an environment that encourages employees to achieve A. provide customer service training for employees B. explore incentives for employees to reside in the City 2. Establish labor negotiation strategies to ensure effective resolution 3. Involve all staff equally in implementing the goals and objectives of the City A. develop a mission statement that promotes cultural equity in employment GOAL #8: IMPROVE CITY GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATIONS 1. Design ways to educate the citizenry on the City Council's role A. promote successful projects/programs/legislation B provide more positive council interaction with public 2. Utilize surveys to obtain feedback from residents and businesses about living and working in Bakersfield 3. Improve internal Council relations B. C. D, E, promote common goals respect individual positions reduce the level of "political" decision-making design process to assist in resolving difficult and controversial issues meet twice a year for team building and goal setting 240 GOAL #9: STRENGTHEN AND DIVERSIFY OUR ECONOMIC BASE 1. Enhance the City's economic development opportunities A. give businesses reasons to feel good about residing in Bakersfield B, assist in business expansion C. attract industries which best suit our Iocational advantages D. focus on improvements and opportunities within the Southeast and Old Town Kern Redevelopment Project areas, and the Incentive Area E. recruit and locate a grocery store in the Southeast area 2. Review and enhance the TEAM BAKERSFIELD concept A obtain input and feedback from customers on permit processing B. review business license fee structure and policy C. provide City procurement information to local vendors 3. Continue a program that focuses on job creation A. set aside additional funds to be used for business attraction efforts B. create higher paying jobs that can support families, such as professional high tech jobs GOAL #10: PROMOTE COMMUNITY PRIDE 1, Establish a comprehensive community relations program A. deliver a customer attitude survey to residents and report results to City Council B. promote customer service orientation C. implement a plan to improve the image of the City D. design media packet and news releases E. perhaps sponsor a concert or event at the Centennial Garden which is free to the public using talent from the local community 2. Develop a campaign against littering 3. Facilitate the development of cultural and recreational facilities baseball complex cultural arts encourage corporate capital investments 241 GOAL #11: ENHANCE CITY-WIDE RECREATION SERVICES 1. Develop a comprehensive recreation plan for all citizens 2. Promote programs for children and families focusing on honesty, ethics and respect A. develop a youth service plan to include recreation and health B. identify role models to assist in youth outreach efforts 3. Pursue building a regional park in West Bakersfield A. evaluate the feasibility of a North Chester park facility B. evaluate the feasibility of a downtown park and town square GOAL#12: SUPPORT POSITIVE INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS 1. Work with the County to provide efficient government services for metropolitan area A. support universal garbage system and recycling mandates B. reduce duplication of services Proactively pursue intergovernmental legislation at the county, state and federal levels A, monitor, take a position and actively pursue pending legislation B. expand annual lobbying effort with state representatives C. invite legislators to Council workshops or other activities Hold joint City Council/County Board of Supervisor meetings to discuss various issues A. work harder at City/County relations B. discuss joint participation in updating the 2010 General Plan C. discuss solid waste issues and encourage the County to adopt universal refuse collection Partner with school districts on recreation and education programs to reduce youth violence, drugs and crime 242 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS DATE OF INCORPORATION CHARTER ADOPTED FORM OF GOVERNMENT POPULATION (Projected 1/1/00)* CITY EMPLOYEES/1,000 AREA (1/1/00) MILES OF STREETS NUMBER OF STREET LIGHTS (1/1/00) MILES OF STORM DRAINS NUMBER OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS (12/31/99) MILES OF SANITARY SEWERS NUMBER OF PARKS AND ACREAGE 1898 1915 COUNCIL-MANAGER 233,696 5.44 114.15 SQ. MI. 848.73 11,050 134.81 254 781.45 43 PARKS (393 AC.) *State of California Department of Finance Note: Figures reduced to reflect change in the Palm/Olive area Prepared by the City Manager's Office 243 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 City Square Miles 111 95 96 97 98 99 End of Calendar Year Annual Population Growth $240,000 217,300 95 $210,000 230,771 221,700 ~ 96 97 98 End of Calendar Year 233,696 99 City Employees per 1,000 Population 7 6 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.16 5.44 95 96 97 98 99 End of Calendar Year 244 · City of Bakersfield Total Miles of Sewer Lines 800 781 ~ 750 O2 z 700 711 650 ~ 93 94 95 96 97 98 End of Calendar Year 99 275 250 ~ 225 -r 200 175 223 93 Total Traffic Signals 94 95 96 97 98 End of Calendar Year 254 99 900 850 800 750 700 650 City Street Miles 751 93 849 94 95 96 97 98 99 End of Calendar Year 245 Divisions Mayor Total Legislative City Manager City Clerk Human Resources Risk Management Managment Info. Services Total Executive Administration Accounting and Reporting Treasury Purchasing Total Financial Services Legal Counsel Total City Attorney Administration Operations Investigations Total Police Services Administration Fire Safety Fire Suppression Total Fire Services Administration Engineering General Services Streets Equipment Wastewater Solid Waste Total Public Works CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PERSONNEL COMPLEMENT BY DIVISION Authorized FY q 998-99 Authorized FY 1999-00 Change in Positions 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.28 8.00 7.00 7.00 10.33 9.00 3.34 4.00 13.50 14.00 40.45 42.00 1.00 5.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 14.00 14.00 9.00 9.00 3.00 4.00 30.00 31.00 Adopted FY 2000-01 1.00 1.00 8.00 7.00 10.00 4.00 19.00 48.00 4.00 14.00 9.00 4.00 31.00 17.00 17.00 -1.00 16.00 17.00 17.00 -1.00 16.00 53.00 53.00 10.00 63.O0 273.00 284.00 1.00 285.00 72.00 73.00 4.00 77.00 398.00 410.00 15.00 425.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 23.00 25.00 1.00 26.00 154.00 157.00 1.00 158.00 185.00 190.00 2.00 192.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 50.00 51.00 51.00 54.00 57.00 4.00 61.00 60.00 60.00 7.00 67.00 48.00 49.00 3.00 52.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 52.00 53.00 18.00 71.00 298.00 304.00 32.00 336.00 246 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PERSONNEL COMPLEMENT BY DIVISION Authorized Authorized Change in Divisions FY 1999-00 FY 1999-00 Positions Agricultural Water Domestic Water Total Water Resources Convention Center Total Convention Center 18.45 18.45 3.55 3.55 22.00 22.00 16.00 8.00 16.00 8.00 Adopted FY 2000-01 18.45 3.55 22.00 8.00 8.00 Administration 9,00 9.00 9.00 Parks 61.00 61.00 27.00 88.00 Recreation 12.00 12.00 5.00 17.00 Total Recreation & Parks 82.00 82.00 32.00 114.00 Planning 19.00 19.00 19.00 Building 39.00 39.00 3.00 42.00 Total Development Services 58.00 58.00 3.00 61.00 Community Development Economic Development Total Economic/Community Dev. TOTALPERSONNEL 11.60 11.00 6.45 7.00 18.05 18.00 11.00 7.00 18.00 1165.50 1183.00 89.00 1272.00 *Note: Remaining City employees that did not become employees of Ogden Entertainment 247 PREPARED 4/20/00 , 16:55:48 City of Bakersfield PAGE 1 PROGRAM pRSALSCH Salary Schedule o8 ioH ..... .............. 4 S EP 5 OT 26030 ACCOUNTANT I 180 57950 ACCOUNTANT II G30 26050 ACCOUNTING CLERK I 030 26059 ACCOUNTING CLERK I-TEMP 030 26060 ACCOUNTING CLERK II 055 26070 ACCOUNTING CLERK II - CGCC 055 26069 ACCOUNTING CLERK II-TEMP 055 57960 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR G45 26040 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST I 235 26110 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST II 285 56130 ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST III G30 22010 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I 180 22019 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I-TEM 180 22020 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II 215 14140 AIR CONDITIONING TECH I 200 17570 AIR CONDITIONING TECH II 230 59020 AIRPORT SUPERVISOR G30 88330 ASSISTANT BUILDING DIRECTOR M33 88090 ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY M60 57440 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK G15 89120 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER M60 88070 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR M24 88120 ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF M45 88122 ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF-SUPPRESS M03 16.2330 17.0460 17.9010 18.7940 19.7350 A 21.9220 23.0180 24.1700 25.3780 26.6480 C 11.0970 11.6490 12.2350 12.8480 13.4880 A 11.0970 A 12.2620 12.8750 13.5230 14.1950 14.9060 A 12.2620 12.8750 13.5230 14.1950 14.9060 A 12.2620 A 24.1820 25.3910 26.6610 27.9950 29.3960 C 17.9790 18.8790 19.8160 20.8060 21.8500 A 19.2340 20.2080 21.2310 22.3100 23.4360 A 21.9220 23.0180 24.1700 25.3780 26.6480 C 16.2330 17.0460 17.9010 18.7940 19.7350 A 16.2330 A 17.3980 18.2710 19.1810 20.1390 21.1450 A 16.5540 17.3880 18.2550 19.1710 20.1340 A 17.7520 18.6390 19.5720 20.5450 21.5730 A 21.9220 23.0180 24.1700 25.3780 26.6480 C 33.6090 35.2920 37.0530 38.9080 40.8560 D 39.3220 41.2890 43.3560 45.5240 47.8010 D 18.6840 19.6210 20.6020 21.6340 22.7150 C 39.3220 41.2890 43.3560 45.5240 47.8010 D 30.7710 32.3100 33.9280 35.6230 37.4010 D 36.4840 38.3130 40.2260 42.2340 44.3520 D 26.0600 27.3630 28.7320 30.1700 31.6760 D PREPARED 4/20/00 , 16:55:48 City Of Bakersfield PAGE 2 PROGRAM PRSALSCH Salary Schedule .................. PS I iON # 'Po i:rio ':r :r/,E .............. ............... .... 2' STEP 3 S EP 4 Sr P 5 oT 25040 ASSISTANT pL~NNER 235 17.9790 18.8790 19.8160 20.8060 21.8500 A 88320 ASSIST~LNT PLu~2~NING DIRECTOR M24 30.7710 32.3100 33.9280 35.6230 37.4010 D 88520 ASSISTANT POLICE CHIEF M66 40.8070 42.8480 44.9920 47.2430 49.6060 D 90119 ASSISTANT POOL MANAGER 843 7.7500 A 57150 ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDEbFf G45 24.1820 25.3910 26.6610 27.9950 29.3960 C 89330 ASSISTANT TO T~E CITY MANAGER M12 28.1260 29.5320 31.0110 32.5610 34.1890 D 27060 ASSOCIATE pLANNER 360 22.5930 23.7260 24.9100 26.1570 27.4680 A 27069 ASSOCIATE pLANNER TEMP 360 22.5930 A 27070 ASSOCIATE PIJ~NNER-COMM DEV 360 22.5930 23.7260 24.9100 26.1570 27.4680 A 88900 ASST DIRECTOR REC & PARKS M27 31.0580 32.6100 34.2400 35.9550 37.7530 D 88050 ASST PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR M54 38.7390 40.6750 42.7100 44.8470 47.0900 D 87890 ASST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIR M06 26.7890 28.1260 29.5320 31.0130 32.5610 D 24340 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS SPECIALIST I 050 12.1790 12.7840 13.4210 14.0890 14.7970 A 26470 BENEFITS TEC}{NICIAN 285 19.2340 20.2080 21.2310 22.3100 23.4360 A 58620 BLDG INSP III- PLMBG & MECH G40 23.7100 24.8960 26.1430 27.4490 28.8240 C 58610 BLDG INSPECTOR III - ELEC SPEC G40 23.7100 24.8960 26.1430 27.4490 28.8240 C 57100 BOX OFFICE b~NAGER - CGCC G15 18.6840 19.6210 20.6020 21.6340 22.7150 C 89150 BUILDING DIRECTOR M48 36.5040 38.3310 40.2470 42.2590 44.3730 D 27080 BUILDING INSPECTOR II 265 19.0370 19.9920 20.9880 22.0410 23.1390 A 27089 BUILDING INSPECTOR II-TEMP 265 19.0370 A 58600 BUILDING INSPECTOR III G40 23.7100 24.8960 26.1430 27.4490 28.8240 C 58609 BUILDING INSPECTOR III-TEMP G40 23.7100 C 13100 BUILDING NAI~FTAINER I I 030 11.0970 11.6490 12.2350 12.8480 13.4880 A 27169 BUILDING PERMIT TECH TEMP 210 17.3070 A PREPARED 4/20/00 , 16:55:48 City Of Bakersfield PAGE 3 PROGRAM PRSALSCH Salary Schedule POSITION ~ POSITION TITLE GRADE STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 OT 27160 BUILDING PERMIT TECHNICIAN 210 17.3070 18.1830 19.0960 20.0660 21.0870 A 57880 BUSINESS MANAGER G45 24.1820 25.3910 26.6610 27.9950 29.3960 C 27520 BUYER I 060 13.1730 13.8340 14.5280 15.2560 16.0170 A 27540 BUYER II 180 16.2330 17.0460 17.9010 18.7940 19.7350 A 13350 CANAL TENDER II 090 13.6980 14.3820 15.0970 15.8610 16.6480 A 90069 CASHIER 800 5.7500 A 26129 CASHIER-RECEPTIONIST-TEMP 015 10.5940 A 57270 CHIEF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER G50 24.8960 26.1430 27.4490 28.8240 30.2660 C 89200 CITY ATTORNEY M83 46.7910 49.1320 51.5900 54.1720 56.8800 D 89250 CITY CLERK M09 27.3310 28.6970 30.1350 31.6420 33.2230 D 89300 CITY MANAGER M89 72.5840 D 89960 CITY TREASURER M09 27.3310 28.6970 30.1350 31.6420 33.2230 D 58360 CIVIL ENGINEER III G60 27.7520 29.1410 30.6000 32.1320 33.7380 C 58369 CIVIL ENGINEER III-TEMP G60 27.7520 C 88380 CIVIL ENGINEER IV M42 34.9590 36.7070 38.5450 40.4710 42.4960 D 90239 CLERICAL AIDE/RECEPTIONIST 827 6.2000 A 26180 CLERK STENO I 015 10.5940 11.1270 11.6810 12.2640 12.8810 A 26220 CLERE TYPIST I 005 9.6640 10.1510 10.6550 11.1900 11.7510 A 26221 CLERK TYPIST I T-STEP 700 8.6970 A 26228 CLERK TYPIST I TEMP-T 700 8.6970 A 26229 CLERK TYPIST I-TEMP 005 9.6640 A 26230 CLERK TYPIST II 025 10.9470 11.4960 12.0750 12.6740 13.3080 A 26239 CLERE TYPIST II-TEMP 025 10.9470 A 27250 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I 250 18.1830 19.0960 20.0660 21.0870 22.1410 A PREPARED 4/20/00 , 16:55:48 City of Bakersfield PAGE 4 PROGRAM PRSALSCH Salary Schedule P6S TlO ................ ............... 2 "STEP 4 STEP 5 27260 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER II 295 19.9920 20.9880 22.0410 23.1440 24.3020 A 27259 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFR I-TEMP 250 18.1830 A 27379 COMMUNICATION TECH I - TEMP 210 17.3070 A 79950 COMMUNICATIONS CENTER SUPV N15 18.6840 19.6210 20.6020 21.6340 22.7150 C 89940 CO~FjNICATIONS COORDINATOR M06 26.7890 28.1260 29.5320 31.0130 32.5610 D 57900 COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEER G45 24.1820 25.3910 26.6610 27.9950 29.3960 C 79970 COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS SUPV N45 24.1820 25.3910 26.6610 27.9950 29.3960 C 27389 COMMUNICATIONS TECH II-TEMP 300 20.4490 A 27370 COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN I 210 17.3070 18.1830 19.0960 20.0660 21.0870 A 27380 COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN II 300 20.4490 21.4700 22.5430 23.6680 24.8510 A 89340 COMMUNITY DEV COORDINATOR M24 30.7710 32.3100 33.9280 35.6230 37.4010 D 21500 COMMUNITY RELATIONS SPECIALIST 092 13.8310 14.5260 15.2540 16.0190 16.8170 A 21509 COMMUNITY SERVICE SPECIALIST-T 092 13.8310 A 25200 COMPUTER DRAFTING TECH I 115 15.0500 15.7970 16.5890 17.4190 18.2860 A 25209 COMPUTER DRAFTING TECH I-TEMP 115 15.0500 A 25240 COMPUTER DRAFTING TECH II 225 17.6390 18.5200 19.4450 20.4180 21.4390 A 25250 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I 210 17.3070 18.1830 19.0960 20.0660 21.0870 A 25259 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I-TEMP 210 17.3070 A 25260 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR II 265 19.0370 19.9920 20.9880 22.0410 23.1390 A 88460 CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT M18 29.5760 31.0580 32.6100 34.2400 35.9550 D 99989 COUNCILMEMBER 887 100.0000 A 51440 CRIME PREVENTION SUPERVISOR G35 22.4700 23.5970 24.7750 26.0140 27.3140 C 26170 DATA ENTRY CLERK 030 11.0970 11.6490 12.2350 12.8480 13.4880 A 26179 DATA ENTRY CLERK-TEMP 030 11.0970 A PREPARED 4/20/00 , 16:55:48 City of Bakersfield PAGE 5 PROGRAM PRSALSCH Salary Schedule 89900 DATA PROCESSING MANAGER M06 26.7890 28.1260 29.5320 31.0130 32.5610 D 57130 DATA PROCESSING SUPERVISOR G30 21.9220 23.0180 24.1700 25.3780 26.6480 C 88260 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY I M39 34.2870 36.0050 37.8080 39.6960 41.6850 D 88080 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY II M54 38.7390 40.6750 42.7100 44.8470 47.0900 D 26350 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 070 13.4740 14.1490 14.8580 15.5970 16.3740 A 88280 DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF M57 39.4960 41.4730 43.5480 45.7250 48.0130 D 41040 DETECTIVE P25 22.8350 23.9910 25.2090 26.4850 27.8240 A 41049 DETECTIVE - TEMP P25 22.8350 A 25070 DEVELOPMENT ASSIST~/~T 235 17.9790 18.8790 19.8160 20.8060 21.8500 A 25060 DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE 360 22.5930 23.7260 24.9100 26.1570 27.4680 A 25069 DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE-TEMP 360 22.5930 A 89460 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR M63 39.8670 41.8610 43.9540 46.1530 48.4600 D 57010 DIR OF BOOKING EVENTS - CGCC G15 18.6840 19.6210 20.6020 21.6340 22.7150 C 88040 DIR OF OPERATIONS REC & PARKS M18 29.5760 31.0580 32.6100 34.2400 35.9550 D 58200 DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL SVS G60 27.7520 29.1410 30.6000 32.1320 33.7380 C 89000 DIRECTOR RECREATION & PARKS M48 36.5040 38.3310 40.2470 42.2590 44.3730 D 89360 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR M63 39.8670 41.8610 43.9540 46o1530 48.4600 D 14130 ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN I 205 16.8600 17.7120 18.5890 19.5160 20.4990 A 14139 ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN I-TEMP 205 16.8600 A 14100 ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN II 263 18.9920 19.9330 20.9320 21.9780 23.0750 A 25120 ENGINEER I 315 20.9570 22.0060 23.1090 24.2640 25.4750 A 25129 ENGINEER I-TEMP 315 20.9570 A 25150 ENGINEER II 375 24.1020 25.3060 26.5720 27.9040 29.2960 A 25180 ENGINEERING AIDE I 050 12.1790 12.7840 13.4210 14.0890 14.7970 A PREPARED 4/20/00 , 16:55:48 City of Bakersfield PAGE PROGRAM PRSALSCH Salary Schedule 25189 ENGINEERING AIDE I-TEMP 050 12.1790 A 25210 ENGINEERING AIDE II 090 13,6980 14.3820 15.0970 15.8610 16.6480 A 25220 ENGINEERING AIDE III 115 15.0500 15.7970 16.5890 17.4190 18.2860 A 88390 ENGINEERING SERVICES MANAGER M48 36.5040 38.3310 40.2470 42.2590 44.3730 D 25270 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I 265 19.0370 19.9920 20,9880 22.0410 23.1390 A 55300 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II G40 23.7100 24.8960 26.1430 27.4490 28.8240 C 13500 FACILITY WORKER 010 10.1210 10.6260 11.1560 11.7150 12.3040 A 13509 FACILITY WORKER-TEMP 010 10.1210 A 89350 FINANCE DIRECTOR M63 39.8670 41.8610 43.9540 46.1530 48,4600 D 26080 FINANCIAL INVESTIGATOR 070 13.4740 14.1490 14.8580 15,5970 16.3740 A 68130 FIRE BATT CHIEF-DAYS F65 31.0400 32.5930 34,2240 35.9390 37,7310 D 68132 FIRE BATT CHIEF-SUPPRESS F60 22.1720 23.2810 24.4450 25.6700 26.9500 C 67180 FIRE CAPTAIN - DAYS F55 25.5210 26.8110 28.1620 29.5860 31.0880 A 67182 FIRE CAPTAIN - SUPPRESSION F50 18.2280 19.1560 20.1140 21.1400 22.2110 A 89400 FIRE CHIEF M74 45,3660 47.6310 50.0180 52.5160 55.1430 D 26260 FIRE DISPATCHER I 045 12.1500 12.7560 13.3970 14.0680 14.7710 A 26269 FIRE DISPATCHER I - TEMP 045 12.1500 A 26290 FIRE DISPATCHER II 075 13.4890 14.1670 14.8740 15.6200 16.3990 A 26299 FIRE DISPATCHER II TEMP 075 13.4890 A 32150 FIRE ENGINEER - DAYS F30 21.3570 22.4470 23.5750 24.7720 26.0290 A 32152 FIRE ENGINEER - SUPPRESSION F15 15.2560 16.0280 16.8310 17.6930 18.5900 A 21470 FIRE INSPECTOR 135 15.5760 16.3540 17,1730 18.0330 18.9340 A 21479 FIRE INSpECTOR-TEMPORARY 135 15.5760 A 68440 FIRE MARSH/~L/TR3%INING OFFICER F70 32.5610 34,1890 35.9020 37.6990 39.5780 A PREPARED 4/20/00 , 16:55:48 City Of Bakersfield PAGE 7 PROGRAM PRSALSCH Salary Schedule ............... ............... .... .... .... .... OT " 32202 FIREFIGHTER - SUPPRESSION F10 13.8240 14,5200 15.2560 16.0270 16.8310 A 32260 FIREFIGHTER TRAINSE - DAYS F20 15.4950 16.2760 17.1050 17.9710 18.8800 A 32262 FIREFIGHTER TRAINEE ~ SUPPRESS F05 11.0630 11.6280 12.2170 12.8280 13.4940 A 14330 FLEET MECH~NIC I 110 15.0320 15.7830 16.5670 17.3980 18.2710 A 14280 FLEET MECH3~NIC II 245 18.1950 19.1020 20.0590 21.0560 22.1110 A 14300 FLEET MECPL~/qIC III 260 18,8790 19.8310 20.8380 21.8880 22.9990 A 14060 FLEET SERVICE WORKER I 050 12.1790 12.7840 13.4210 14.0890 14.7970 A 14061 FLEET SERVICE WORKER I T-STEP 715 10.9600 A 14069 FLEET SERVICE WORKER I TEMP 050 12.1790 A 14068 FLEET SERVICE WORKER I TEMP-T 715 10.9600 A 14460 FLEET SERVICE WORKER II 090 13.6980 14.3820 15.0970 15.8610 16.6480 A 22130 FLEET SERVICES SYSTEMS ANALYST 145 15.7280 16.5150 17,3430 18.2090 19.1200 A 88400 FLEET SUPERINTENDENT M18 29.5760 31.0580 32.6100 34.2400 35.9550 D 88510 GENERAL SERVICES SUPT M27 31.0580 32.6100 34.2400 35.9550 37.7530 D 25140 GIS ANALYST 220 17.4520 18.3220 19,2380 20.1970 21.2120 A 57140 GIS COORDINATOR G30 21.9220 23.0180 24.1700 25.3780 26.6480 C 27230 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST 315 20.9570 22.0060 23.1090 24.2640 25.4750 A 90809 HEARING OFFICER 884 18.0000 A 13220 HEAVY EQUIP OPERATOR - WATER 183 16.4140 17.2290 18.0930 19.0030 19.9460 A 13230 HEAVY EQUIP OPR-SW & RECYCLING 183 16.4140 17.2290 18.0930 19.0030 19.9460 A 13210 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPR - PARKS 183 16.4140 17.2290 18.0930 19.0030 19.9460 A 13200 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPR - STREETS 183 16.4140 17.2290 18.0930 19,0030 19.9460 A 27010 ~ RESOURCES ANALYST I 235 17.9790 18.8790 19.8160 20.8060 21.8500 A 27019 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST I TEMP 235 17.9790 A PREP~RED 4/20/00 , 16:55:48 City Of Bakersfield PAGE 8 PROGRAM PRSALSCH Salary Schedule 26440 HUM~N RESOURCES CLERK 070 13.4740 14.1490 14.8580 15.5970 16.3740 A 89910 HUMA~ RESOURCES MA/qAGER M42 34.9590 36.7070 38.5450 40.4710 42,4960 D 57020 HUFL~N RESOURCES SUPERVISOR 045 24.1820 25.3910 26.6610 27.9950 29.3960 C 26400 HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICI~/q 215 17.3980 18.2710 19.1810 20.1390 21.1450 A 26409 HU~L~N RESOURCES TECHNICI~N-TEM 215 17.3980 A 56990 HYDROGRAPHIC SUPERVISOR 045 24.1820 25.3910 26.6610 27.9950 29.3960 C 14350 INDUSTRIAL WASTE INSPECTOR 165 16.1280 16.9350 17.7810 18.6670 19.6050 A 14359 INDUSTRIAL WASTE INSPECTOR-TEM 165 16.1280 A 25090 INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYST 220 17.4520 18.3220 19.2380 20.1970 21.2120 A 26310 LEGAL SECRETARY 095 14.1480 14.8570 15.6010 16.3780 17,1910 A 26319 LEGAL SECRETARY-TEMP 095 14.1480 A 90079 LIFEGUARD 830 6,5000 A 13180 LIGHT EQUIPMENT 0PR - PARKS 094 14.0410 14.7420 15.4740 16.2580 17.0640 A 13170 LIGHT EQUIPMENT OPR - STREETS 094 14.0410 14.7420 15.4740 16.2580 17.0640 A 13179 LIGHT EQUIPMENT OPR-STREETS-TE 094 14.0410 A 14200 MAINT CRAFTWORKER I 201 16.5610 17.3920 18.2560 19.1740 20.1280 A 13080 MAINTAINER - CGCC 030 11.0970 11.6490 12.2350 12.8480 13.4880 A 14220 MAINTENANCE CRAFTWORKER II 229 17.7400 18.6380 19,5730 20.5680 21.6140 A 90269 MAINTENANCE WORKER-EQUIPMENT 839 7.2500 A 90249 MAINTENANCE WORKER-GENERAL 839 7,2500 A 90279 MAINTENANCE WORKER-PARKS 839 7,2500 A 90259 MAINTENANCE WORKER-STREETS 839 7.2500 A 89870 MANAGEMENT INFO SERVICES DIR M42 34.9590 36.7070 38.5450 40.4710 42.4960 D 99999 MAYOR 890 919.5400 A PREPARED 4/20/00 , 16:55:48 City of Bakersfield PAGE 9 pROGRAM PRSALSCH Salary Schedule Pos~T~o~ ~ PosI~o~ ~LB ......... ~[jG~ ..........S~'1 "S~EP 2 "S~EP 3 STEP 4 "S~EP ~' OT .... 13270 MOTOR SWEEPER OPER3~TOR 160 15.7930 16.5830 17.4120 18.2770 19.1940 A 25100 OFFICE SYSTEMS kNALYST 220 17.4520 18.3220 19.2380 20.1970 21.2120 A 25089 OFFICE SYSTEMS SUPP ASST-TEMP 085 13.6740 A 25080 OFFICE SYSTEMS SUPPORT ASST 085 13.6740 14.3610 15.0810 15.8360 16.6280 A 25110 OFFICE SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN 130 15.4580 16.2310 17.0500 17.8990 18.7970 A 25119 OFFICE SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN-TEMP 130 15.4580 A 90153 OFFICIAL I 872 12.0000 A 90163 OFFICIAL II 881 15,0000 A 26410 PARK & LANDSCAPE DESIGNER 300 20.4490 21.4700 22.5430 23.6680 24.8510 A 13320 PARK MAINTAINER II 090 13.6980 14.3820 15.0970 15.8610 16.6480 A 13310 PARK MAINTAINER III 115 15.0500 15.7970 16.5890 17.4190 18.2860 A 24440 PARK TECHNICIAN 265 19.0370 19.9920 20.9880 22.0410 23.1390 A 88480 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT M27 31.0580 32.6100 34.2400 35,9550 37.7530 D 27050 PLAN CHECKER - RESIDE~ITIAL 325 21.6730 22.7710 23.9250 25.1380 26.4070 A 89450 PLANNING DIRECTOR M48 36.5040 38.3310 40.2470 42.2590 44.3730 D 25030 PLANNING TEC~ICIAN 185 16.5150 17.3380 18.2050 19.1120 20.0710 A 90409 POLICE CADET 800 5.7500 A 88530 POLICE CAPTAIN M51 37.0060 38.8550 40.7970 42.8400 44.9800 D 89500 POLICE CHIEF M80 48.1080 50.5160 53,0430 55.6970 58.4780 D 21200 POLICE LAB TECHNICIAN 245 18.1950 19.1020 20.0590 21.0560 22.1110 A 88540 POLICE LIEUTENANT M30 33.2420 34.9070 36.6530 38.4860 40.4160 D 41250 POLICE OFFICER P10 20.2880 21.3110 22.3870 23.5210 24.7120 A 77360 POLICE SERGEANT P55 26.5570 27.8830 29.2800 30,7450 32.2860 C 21450 POLICE SERVICE TECHNICIAN 060 13.1730 13,8340 14.5280 15.2560 16.0170 A PREP/LRED 4/20/00 , 16:55:48 City Of Bakersfield PAGE 10 pROGRAM pRSALSCH Salary Schedule ..... ................. ................ .... .... .... .... ............ 21459 POLICE SERVICE TECHNICIAN-TEMP 060 13.1730 A 41430 POLICE T}~AINEE P05 16.6890 17.5220 18.4000 19.3210 20.2880 A 90139 POOL MANAGER 854 9.0000 A 59890 PRINCIPAL pL~/qNER G55 27.2070 28.5680 29.9970 31.4960 33.0710 C 59899 PRINCIPAL pLAXgNER TEMP G55 27.2070 C 90019 pROGR/~M AIDE 800 5.7500 A 90059 pROGRAM COORDINATOR 860 10.0000 A 90029 PROGPJ%M LEADER 830 6.5000 A 57350 PROPERTY ROOM SUPERVISOR G20 19.2360 20.2000 21.2090 22.2690 23.3810 C 89560 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR M77 45.3730 47.6420 50.0260 52.5280 55.1540 D 88060 PUBLIC WORKS OPEPj~TIONS MGR M48 36.5040 38.3310 40.2470 42.2590 44.3730 D 27510 pUBLIC/FIRE SAFTETY EDUC SPEC 092 13.8310 14.5260 15.2540 16.0190 16.8170 A 59920 pURCHASING OFFICER G30 21.9220 23.0180 24.1700 25.3780 26.6480 C 26000 REAL PROPERTY AGE~Ff I 100 14.3480 15.0710 15.8190 16.6150 17.4470 A 26010 REAL PROPERTY AGENT II 202 16.6390 17.4710 18.3470 19.2640 20.2270 A 57910 RECORDS SUPERVISOR G45 24.1820 25.3910 26.6610 27.9950 29.3960 C 26020 RECREATION SPECIALIST 180 16.2330 17.0460 17.9010 18.7940 19.7350 A 88590 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT M18 29.5760 31.0580 32.6100 34.2400 35.9550 D 27100 REHABILITATION SPECIALIST 265 19.0370 19.9920 20.9880 22.0410 23.1390 A 26390 REVENUE PROGR3~M AIDE 065 13.3660 14.0310 14.7250 15.4680 16.2420 A 86020 RISK MANAGER M06 26.7890 28.1260 29.5320 31.0130 32.5610 D 13420 SANITATION WORKER II 090 13.6980 14.3820 15.0970 15.8610 16.6480 A 13429 SANITATION WORKER II-TEMP 090 13.6980 A 13430 S~_NITATION WORKER III 115 15.0500 15.7970 16.5890 17.4190 18.2860 A PREPARED 4/20/00 , 16:55:48 City of Bakersfield PAGE 11 pROGRAM PRSALSCH Salary Schedule ..... 13439 SANITATION WORKER III TEMP 115 15.0500 A 90143 SCOREKEEPER 837 7.2000 A 26450 SECRETARY I 055 12.2620 12.8750 13.5230 14.1950 14.9060 A 26459 SECRETARY I-TEMP 055 12.2620 A 26490 SECRETARY II 070 13.4740 14.1490 14.8580 15.5970 16.3740 A 26500 SECRETARY II - CGCC 070 13.4740 14.1490 14.8580 15.5970 16.3740 A 26499 SECRETARY II-TEMP 070 13.4740 A 25139 SENIOR OFFICE SYS ANALYST-TEMP 285 19.2340 A 25130 SENIOR OFFICE SYSTEMS ANALYST 285 19.2340 20.2080 21.2310 22.3100 23.4360 A 41170 SENIOR POLICE LAB TECHNICIAN P20 22.3870 23.5210 24.7120 25.9650 27.2790 A 41270 SENIOR POLICE OFFICER P15 21.3110 22.3870 23.5210 24.7120 25.9650 A 26460 SENIOR POLICE RECORDS CLERK 070 13.4740 14.1490 14.8580 15.5970 16.3740 A 27340 SENIOR PROPERTY TECHNICIAN 150 15.7490 16.5430 17.3620 18.2320 19.1450 A 56100 SENIOR REAL PROPERTY AGENT G40 23.7100 24.8960 26.1430 27.4490 28.8240 C 13709 SERVICE MAINTENANCE WKR-TEMP 050 12.1790 A 13708 SERVICE MAINTENANCE WKR-TEMP T 715 10.9600 A 13700 SERVICE MAINTENANCE WORKER 050 12.1790 12.7840 13.4210 14.0890 14.7970 A 13701 SERVICE MAINTENANCE WORKER-T 715 10.9600 A 13460 SEWER MAINTAINER II 097 14.2470 14.9570 15.7010 16.4990 17.3140 A 13470 SEWER MAINTAINER III 140 15.6520 16.4300 17,2520 18.1160 19.0180 A 90049 SITE DIRECTOR 851 8.5000 A 89130 SOLID WASTE DIRECTOR M48 36.5040 38.3310 40.2470 42.2590 44.3730 D 88560 SOLID WASTE SUPERINTENDENT M18 29.5760 31.0580 32.6100 34.2400 35.9550 D 13640 SPRAY RIG OPR/PEST CONTROL ADV 105 14.3810 15.0980 15.8560 16.6480 17.4820 A pREP~a~ED 4/20/00 , 16:55:48 City of Bakersfield PAGE 12 pROGRAM PRSALSCE Salary Schedule ........ 57410 STAGE M~uNAGER - CGCC G25 14440 STAGE TECHNICI~N - CGCC 150 90509 STAGEH3~ND I 863 88640 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPT M18 90389 STUDENT HELP 800 90439 STUDENT INTERN 827 59880 SUPERVISING FIRE DISPATCHER G05 57110 SUPERVISOR I G15 57080 SUPERVISOR I - CGCC G15 57210 SUPERVISOR I - RECREATION G15 57119 SUPERVISOR I-TEMP G15 57120 SUPERVISOR II G30 57830 SUPERVISOR II - RECREATION G30 55470 SUPERVISOR-SURVEY OPER3%TIONS G35 57840 SUPV II-W W PRETREAT REV PROG G30 25280 SURVEY PARTY CHIEF 190 90099 SWIM INSTRUCTOR 839 26370 TELECOM~K/NICATOR I 075 26379 TELECOM~JNICATOR I-TEMP 075 26380 TELECOM~FUNICATOR II 100 26389 TELECOMMD'NICATOR II-TEMP 100 90329 TICKET SELLER 830 14470 TRADES ASSIST~/qT 090 14471 TRADES ASSISTANT T-STEP 720 20.6350 21.6680 22.7490 23.8900 25.0840 C 15.7490 16.5430 17.3620 18.2320 19.1450 A 10.7500 A 29.5760 31.0580 32.6100 34.2400 35.9550 D 5.7500 A 6.2000 A 15.6620 16.4470 17.2710 18.1360 19.0450 C 18.6840 19.6210 20.6020 21.6340 22.7150 C 18.6840 19.6210 20.6020 21.6340 22.7150 C 18.6840 19.6210 20.6020 21.6340 22.7150 C 18.6840 C 21.9220 23.0180 24.1700 25.3780 26.6480 C 21.9220 23.0180 24.1700 25.3780 26.6480 C 22.4700 23.5970 24.7750 26.0140 27.3140 C 21.9220 23.0180 24.1700 25.3780 26.6480 C 16.5480 17.3760 18.2450 19.1570 20.1170 A 7.2500 A 13.4890 14.1670 14.8740 15.6200 16.3990 A 13.4890 A 14.3480 15.0710 15.8190 16.6150 17.4470 A 14.3480 A 6.5000 A 13.6980 14.3820 15.0970 15.8610 16.6480 A 12.0300 A PREPARED 4/20/00 , 16:55:48 City of Bakersfield PAGE 13 pROGRAM PRSALSCH Salary Schedule PosiTioN ~ POS~T~ON ~I~LE ........... ~i~ ................~'~ ....~'~ .... ~'~ .... ~'~ .... ~'~"'OT ...... 14478 TRADES ASSISTANT TEMP-T 720 12.0300 A 14479 TRADES ASSISTANT-TEMP 090 13.6980 A 88370 TRAFFIC ENGINEER M42 34.9590 36.7070 38.5450 40.4710 42.4960 D 25290 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS TECHNICIAN 263 18.9920 19.9330 20.9320 21.9780 23.0750 A 14190 TRAFFIC PAINTER II 090 13.6980 14.3820 15.0970 15.8610 16.6480 A 17190 TRAFFIC PAINTER Ill 115 15.0500 15.7970 16.5890 17.4190 18.2860 A 15310 TRAFFIC SIGNAL TEC}rNICIAN 263 18.9920 19.9330 20,9320 21.9780 23.0750 A 41060 TRAINING OFFICER P25 22.8350 23.9910 25.2090 26.4850 27.8240 A 26250 TRANSCRIBING TYPIST 040 11.6690 12.2500 12,8650 13.5050 14.1840 A 26259 TRA/~SCRIBING TYPIST-TEMP 040 11.6690 A 90209 TRANSPORTATION OFFICER I 866 11.0000 A 90219 TRANSPORTATION OFFICER II 869 11.5000 A 90229 TRANSPORTATION OFFICER III 872 12.0000 A 13620 TREE MAINTAINER II 097 14.2470 14.9570 15.7010 16.4950 17.3140 A 13630 TREE MAINTAINER III 115 15.0500 15.7970 16.5890 17.4190 18.2860 A 13480 UTILITY WORKER 030 11.0970 11.6490 12.2350 12.8480 13.4880 A 13489 UTILITY WORKER-TEMP 030 11.0970 A 14360 W W TREAT PLANT LAB TECH 0PR 165 16.1280 16.9350 17.7810 18.6670 19.6050 A 14390 W W TREATMENT pLANT OPR I 065 13.3660 14.0310 14.7250 15.4680 16.2420 A 14420 W W TREATMENT PLANT OPR II 115 15.0500 15.7970 16.5890 17.4190 18.2860 A 90349 WARDROBE 857 9.1000 A 88690 WASTEWATERMANAGER M54 38.7390 40.6750 42.7100 44.8470 47.0900 D 14290 WASTEWATER pLANT MECHA/qIC 245 18.1950 19.1020 20.0590 21,0560 22,1110 A 88680 WASTEWATER TREATMENT SUPT M18 29.5760 31.0580 32.6100 34.2400 35.9550 D pREPARED 4/20/00 , 16:55:48 City of Bakersfield PAGE 14 pROGRAM PRSALSCH Salary Schedule .... 89110 WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR M48 36.5040 38.3310 40.2470 42.2590 44.3730 D 89160 WATER RESOURCES MANAGER M71 42.7660 44.9060 47.1540 49.5100 51.9880 D 88570 WATER SUPERINTENDENT M18 29.5760 31.0580 32.6100 34.2400 35.9550 D THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 262 GLOSSARY BUDGET GLOSSARY ACCOUNT CODES - A system used in determining how funds are spent in a given area. ACTION PLAN - An action plan qualitatively or quantitatively identifies the service to be provided. Action plans are specific in nature and directly correlate to achieving the department or division goal. APPROPRIATION - A legal authorization granted by the Council to make expenditures for specific purposes. ASSESSED VALUATION - The value assigned to property by a government as a basis for levying taxes. BUDGET - A plan describing how funds will be accumulated and spent during a given period. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET - A plan describing how funds will be accumulated and spent for major infrastructure projects and purchases. CAPITAL OUTLAY - Expenditures used to purchase fixed assets costing more than $600. CARRYOVER - Funds budgeted but not encumbered for a project, that must be carried into the following fiscal year to complete the project. CONTINGENCY - Funds set aside for unforeseen emergencies or unanticipated uses. DEBT SERVICE FUND - A fund established to finance and account for the payment of interest and principal on outstanding bonds. ENCUMBRANCES - Funds set aside for future payment of purchase orders and contracts. ENTERPRISE FUND - A fund established to account for a service which should be paid for by those who use the service. EXPENDITURE - Use of funds for payment of current operating expenses, payment of bonds, and payment of major purchases. FEES - Monies paid to the government for expenses incurred for providing special services. FISCAL YEAR - A 12-month period of time to which the annual budget applies and at the end of which a governmental unit determines its financial position and the results of its operations. For the City of Bakersfield, this is the period beginning July 1 and ending June 30. FUND - A separate accounting of a specific service or purpose. GENERAL FUND - The fund used to account for all transactions of a governmental unit which are not accounted for in another fund. 263 BUDGET GLOSSARY (CONTINUED) GOALS - A long-term condition or end result. It describes a vision or philosophy about major social and environmental concerns of the community. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS - A fund established to account for a service used by all departments of the City. It is financed by charging the departments that use the service. OBJECT - A term used to designate an asset, liability, revenue or expense. OPERATING BUDGET - A budget which applies to all costs other than those for capital improvement projects or major purchases. OPERATING EXPENDITURES - Those costs which are associated with the general operations of departments, exclusive of personnel and capital expenditures. Typical examples include materials and supplies, contractual services, travel, and other miscellaneous expenses. PERSONNEL EXPENDITURES - Those costs which are associated with the payment of salaries and benefits to employees. PROGRAM SERVICE OBJECTIVE - The program service objective describes in specific and measurable terms the results a program (within a particular division) is expected to achieve within a given time frame. Program service objectives are derived from the mission statement, PROGRAMS - Major areas of function within the organizational structure of a division of a department. REVENUE - Income received by the City government from sources such as property taxes, fees, user charges, grants and fines which are used to pay for the services provided. SERVICE LEVEL INDICATORS - The service level indicators describe in specific and measurable terms the results a program (within a particular division) is expected to achieve within a given time frame. Service level indicators are derived from the action plan. SIGNIFICANT BUDGET CHANGES - A significant budget change represents a major departure from historical practice or treatment of a program or line item within a department's budget. TAXES - Charges made against the public by a government to obtain the money it needs to finance its activities. Generally includes property taxes, sales taxes, franchise taxes business license taxes, real property transfer taxes, and transient occupancy taxes. USER CHARGES - These represent payment for services which would not be provided to the individual if the charge were not paid. 264