HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 4393 ORDINANCE NO. 4 S 9 3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 11.12.040, 11.12.010, 11.12.050 AND 11.12.070 BY ADDING ANNEXATION NO. 473, 478 AND 489 TO WARD 4, ANNEXATION NOS. 487 AND 497 TO WARD 1, ANNEXATION NOS. 468 AND 502 TO WARD 5 AND ANNEXATION NO. 488 TO WARD 7. WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) adopted a resolution for Annexation Nos. 473,478,489,487,497,468,502 and 488 recently ordering the territories annexed to the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, the territory ordered to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield is required to be within a City Council Ward Boundary; and WHEREAS, the LAFCO recently completed the annexations for the territory to the City of Bakersfield, the exterior boundaries of which are described in the attached Exhibit "A" for Annexation Nos. 473, 478, 489. 487, 497, 468, 502 and 488 shown in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated as though fully set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: Section 1. All of the foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2. Annexation No. 473 shall be included in Ward 4. Section 3. Annexation No. 478 shall be included in Ward 4. Section 4. Annexation No. 489 shall be included in Ward 4. Section 5. Annexation No. 487 shall be included in Ward 1. Section 6. Annexation No. 497 shall be included in Ward 1. Section 7. Annexation No. 468 shall be included in Ward 5. !< 'QAKC'1>, <:) ~ ~ - .... m - t- o C;) ORIGINAL Section 8. Annexation No. 502 shall be included in Ward 5. Section 9. Annexation No. 488 shall be included in Ward 7. Section 10. Section 1.12.040, 1.12.010, 1.12.050 and 1.12.070 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding thereto the legal descriptions set forth in Exhibit "A". Section 11. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Cede and shall become effective upon the annexation of the above-described territory to the City of Bakersfield, but not less than thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. 000- 2 !< 'QAKC'1>. <:) ~ ~ - .... m - r- o t::7 ORIGINAL I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on r.tQV 2 9 2006 by the following vote: ......- v-- .......--- ........-........- ---- c-AYES:) COUNCILMEMBER COUCH, CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SCRIVNER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER ABS;ENT: COUNCILMEMBER ~ PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CITY CLERK and Ex OffiCIO lerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield NOV 2 9 2006 HARVEY L. HALL Ma.yor of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By: J~ Attachments: EXHIBIT "A" - Legal Descriptions. EXHIBIT "B" - Maps. DL:jc S:\Annexatlon\Ordlnances\Ann 473, 478, 489. 487,497, 468, 502 & 488 ordlnance.doc 3 !< 'Q~l(c1>. <:) ~ ~ - .... m _ r- o t::7 ORIGINAL exhibit "A" Legal Description Annexation No. 473 - Calloway No. 11 Being a portion of the North ~ of the Southeast ~ of Section 6, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat there of and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the centerline interseetion of Etchart Road ~d Calloway Drive, said point of commencement being the East ~ comer of said Section 6; thence North 00052'55" East along the centerline of Calloway Drive, 30.00 feet to a point of interseCtion with the Northern right of way ofEtchart Road; thence North 89051'00" West along the Northern right of way ofEtchart Road, 30.00 feet to a point of interseetion with the Western right of way of Calloway Drive, said point being existing City Corporate Boundary and the true point of beginning; (I) Thence departing said City Corporate Boundary, South 00052'26" West along the Western right of way of Calloway Drive, 1,040.19 feet to a point ofintersection with the Southeast corner of Parcel B of Lot Line Adjustment 46-04 recorded November 22, 2004 as Document No. 0204286474 of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder; (2) Thence North 89051' 17" West along the Southern boundary of said Parcel B, 730.11 feet to an angle point in the existing boundary of said Parcel B; (3) Thence North 00052'13" East along the Southern boundaly of said Parcel B, 50.12 feet to an angle point in the existing boundaly of said Parcel B; (4) Thence North 89"51'17" West along the Southern boundary of said Parcel B, 1906.10 feet to a point being the existing City Corporate Boundary and the intersection with the West line of the Southeast ~ of said Section 6; (5) Thence North 00052'26" East along said existing City Corporate Boundary and the West line of the Southeast ~ of said Section 6,930.07 feet to a' point of intersection with the Southern right of way of Etchart Road and also being said existing City Corporate &~ary; , (6) Thence South 89051 '17" East along the Southern right of way of Etchart Road and said existing City Corporate Boundary, 30.00 feet to the prolongation to the Eastern right of way of Verdugo Lane and said existing City Corporate Boundary; (7) Thence North 00059'07" East along the prolongation of the Eastern right of way of Verdugo Lane and said existing City Corporate Boundary, 60.00 feet to a point of intersection with the Northern right of way of Etchart Road also being said existing City Corporate &undary; (8) Thence South 89051'17" East along the Northern right of way of Etchart Road and said existing City Corporate Boundary, 2606.09 feet to a point of intersection with the Western right of way of Calloway Drive, said point being the true poin . ing. ~~~ \ !< 'O~l(c-2 <:) ~ ~ - .... m _ r- o t::7 ORIGINAL Contains: 60.71 Acres .CHECKED by KERN COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFiCe Date SO' 0'3. oS --~ -. ,. , I' I I t I i.I.! , , , I I I I' , I , , I I , , I , I' I , , I , , , , , I , I' , , I I , , , , , , I' , , I , I I I , , , I' I I , , I , , I , , i I : , : I : I I , I , ~ i Ii d I I : i I i '" I I i: I I 1 ~ ! 11 _I I I ~ ! Ii ~ : I : ~ i I ~_.--.-. t; : I : ~ i I : Co>" , ~~ f , I I , , , , I , 11 , , , , , , , , , , I , i I i : I : I , I I , I , , , I I , I , I I' I I I , , , , , , I' I , , : t t I , I' , , , , , I , I , I' I I , I , I : I, i , , I , i'p'.l-__.__. .= , "<-- rr r---L- i: : ., , it I I I !: I : ::;.: : " , j i I i ~ ~ I ~ 1'1 i , I II' ! , , I I J "\1 i . I I. ' I i.'.i I ) lAllIQ AVMO'T1't:> 1"""\ ____.....n_____~.. ttl ( 66 'ON .Oll_~~~.?__'_______n____.-r-:~ _ ~ _ . -------* --- ".....,. ----- - - :, - ~ ,. ~, -- --~uil. 'I~~i~ ,:-..~,~ . , :",,:-; , I, t:: il : C:.. I I t= I : I ~ ~ : ~. : ll"~. I r= I i= I t t.::: ! I~ : II~ I t=. , = : II~ , i= I i= I I r::: I r=.: t:::: : t-:: : I~ ! I ~ : 1 t'::" ! I ~ I C" ':\'.g : '~ I~ : ,~ ~!I::. I I ~ !ilW i '~!;Ii i I~ w. , ,= : E I t= >- , ~c ! i~ \ il ~ ! i~ ~ :II~ , = I r:::. ;I,I'~ ;;S J::'" c:i: I c:: ~: I ~ I "': t::: i i! i i ! 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EXBIBlT "A" CITY ANNEXATION NO. 478 CALLOWAY DRIVE NO. 12 AND NORTH OF THE RIVER SANITARY DISTRICT NO. 1 ANNEXATION NO. 72 That parcel of land being a portion of the South ~ of Section S, T. 29 S., R. 27 E., M.D.M. in the County ofK.em, State ofCalifomia more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest comer of the South ~ of Sc:ction 5, also being the intersection of the centerline of Calloway Drive (County Road No. 99) and the centerline ofEtchart Road (County Road No. 719) thence; South OOOS2'00" West along the centerline of Calloway Drive a distance of 30.00 to the true Point of Beginning. Then~ (1) South 880S8'13" East, a distance of2,481.71 feet along the south right of way of said Etcbart Road; to a point on the west right of way of the McCord Canal; Thence (2) Along said caaal right of way the following courses; South 42050'34" East a distance of 227.49 feet; Thence (3) South 44035'34" East a distance of 411.10 feet; Thence (4) South 02005'34" East a distance of 1,267.20 feet; Thence (5) South 04054'26" 'West a distance of447.50 feet; Thence (6) SQuth 3100S'34" East a distance of289.00 feet; Thence (7) South S40S0'34".East a distance of313.71 feet to a point on the north right of way of Snow Road; Thence (8) Along said north right of way of Snow Road, North 88054'32" West a distance of 733.44 feet; Thence (9) Departing said north riaht of way of Snow Road, along the centerline of Quail Creek Road, North oooSO' 13" East a distance of 1,290.13 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 21 of Sales Map ofKem County Land Company; Thence (10) Along the south lines of Lots 21-24 of said sales map, North 8SOS4'22" West a distance of2,673.81 feet; to a point on the west right of way of Calloway Drive; Annex..caIlowayI 2-L&l !< 'OAKC'-9 <:) ~ ~ - .... m _ r- o t::7 ORIGINAL Thence (11) North 00051'50" West a distance of 1,290.17 feet; aloog said west right of way of Calloway Drive to a point on the south right of way ofEtchart I I Road, said point beiq the intersection of the south right of way ofEtcbart Road aDd the west right of way of Calloway Drive; . . Thence (12) 'Aloog the south right of way ofBtchart Road South 880S8' 13" East a distance of 30.00 feet to the True Point ofBegjnnil1g. ,\ Contains 97.35 Acres CHECKED by KERN COUNTY SUAVE'tORS OFFi:- :: Dale ~ <..1-0Cc Annex-Calloway12-L&l !< ~"/(c-9 <:) ~ ~ ..- .... rn _ r- o t::7 ORIGINAL il~~ I ~ ~ ", . I~ :1 II I, il I, " 11 : I .. - .. - .. _. . _~..... _ .~ _ _ . 1! :1. I' il I, I ! i I . I !i c f~ I ~i n~~ V II i; ~: n 1~1!!; ~1I1~ii! t' ~, " !< 'O"K~~ <:) ~ rTi t: r- (.) t::7 ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "A" ANNEXATION NO. 489 "EL TORO VIEJO NO. I" All that portion of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 10070 filed for record on October 14, 1994 in Book 46 of Parcel Maps at Page 197 in Kern County Recorder's office, excepting the North 30.00 feet of said Parcel 2, also being a portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, also more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the North quarter comer of said Section 29, thence South 00"13' 51" West along the centerline of EI Toro Viejo Road (County Road 3467), a distance of 30.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, said point also being an angle point in the existing city corporate boundary; Thence (I) continuing South 00'13'51" West along centerline of said EI Toro Viejo Road (County Road No. 3467) and existing city corporate boundary, distance of 374.90 feet to the Southeast comer of said Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 10070; Thence (2) departing said city corporate boundary, North 89'44'39" West along the South line of said Parcel 2, a distance of 195.00 feet to the Southwest comer of said Parcel 2; Thence (3) North 00.13'51" East along the West line of said Parcel 2, a distance of 374.91 feet to a point on a Southerly line of existing city corporate boundary; Thence (4) South 89044'32" East along said Southerly city corporate boundary, a distance of 195.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 1.68 Acres CHECKED by KERN COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFlCE Date S. J"O') ~~~A. !< fQ~Kc-9 <:) ~ ~ -- .... rn _ r- c,) t::7 ORIGINAL 1-, ).. 10 >- Q:: ,<..) ct <:( a It.... <:( ~ ~. ~ I . ::J 6 I'=~ ::J () ~~. I Cl en j::.:: 0 Cl:l Q 0 ,.... C:l ~ 5 :z: c> -J ~ ~ I <~ ~ ~ ~ LJ l2 ],1N.~ Jl'If,JfI'-dJ I c: <:( ~ ~~ < gs <: () lI) g Cl Vi ~.- I...... f5 N ::: ~ ~ ~. (!"f)1I JJJ.J'J' ::) ~ ~ I:::) ~ ~ <:( Q.. -J ~ lI) <( ","0 Cl ~ ~ C) ~ ~ ::x:: u rol9 8 u) <: CIl rol Cl l...J I:::) ca Q:: .~I 0 r.. II (.:) U u <: Vi ~ Q- I::::: YJ (j x i!'i7:l i=::: () It.. "'l.: Q -.J ~ Z Cl., ~ .5 Vi (3 ~. <;( ::i C) <C ~ () u 0) :><( CD tl: g:: Lw ~........on"J 0:) d Lw S: I~ >- tn -.J ,- ~ <: i-- ~- I ~ (:) <: G ~ <;( ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ '- ;: 0 ~ .. C) f::: ~~ oj c). LJ K ~ <;( ---._----_._---~--- ; ':l _w._____ _ !,~li(!..:'Z!2d~" .. ..~ ~~ [I , i I~. I I!. I I: I I' I ~ l~, ~. I ~ I:nl, I 1:: I. ,:' ~~'I -r: !;.~ : I 'u 1ft'. : -J' 'I ~ !IL':, Sl ~~. JI, Cl Vi ~ I Cl:: - ~ I ! I' I II:: ~ 9. t5l~ ~ ~ o a.. 0:( ~ d u ll:: 0:( Q lOci " ~o a, -..-) ")~C'oj\() ogs<'oJ~ :2:Q)>-l<J 7- ~ ~ t:l o <<( i::: 00 Q ~G~~ '-U ~ l<J IX) ~ ~cr") <(' ~ l<: 00 Uo CO _..~------------- " " ~~ ~~~,~,~~" ~ _~ L 91'~ ~Q~ 'Q:J QVO~ gr3111 Q~.9~ ~- ; 8 I ;,. gill:: I ~.nC\j ~ 0:('" ; ~~'-'.a.. I I I I I i I i es " :2: ll:: o II ll:: ~ l<J ll:: " <( -<'oJ :::>g:ll:: o~vi :COOl :;:;i:::~ of;:Jt..... :2:VlO I II! , ,I I i I: 1-'- I I I I I: ! ' I: ~! ~ I.~~ ~~ ;.,. "'8 ~~ .... ... ~~ ~ .b ~ 10 "l 1-. <: <:( -J Q ~ <:( ~ V) 2: ~ ~ ~ ~~ I. ~ c ..J tj ll::C'Ij ~ ~ I ~~ I ~ .16'rtC 3.lS,Ct.OON e o "'- o o Q <( ::E d o 0::_ 0:( a.. ; I ~9 * G:J u 0::: <( Q lOci " ~ci 0' -..-r ")~t'J\() . ll::C\j 0 00 C\j :2; CD ). L.u :2;0:(<(t:l o ..J ~ <( i=: 00 Q ~J:~\() L.u(JL.u" :2; :2; -J IX) :2;<(a..U'l <(~~~ 00 llO CD III [Xl ~ :f ~ ~ I ~~ I ~ i !<~AI(C'-^ <:) ; '{sl ~ : ~ .... ' - , m - t- O (:) ORIGINAL DSUdT .... ~JSOJt..:r ~'fIQfItJ: _;47.' '1'bIt pmd. .GtJ.li4", '~~.cl:.$icdtd oS, T~,iG .tG.~,.... 2I..BIIiCr, ~... .J:)iablo ...;..... :--I~~-:;.a:"":.,,~ '"..--i..4-. v_ :...... of c.HfaI. 1IIDt'e. . .. ~ .. ~ ..... ....--. .. t!IID .~.;J .\1& --. ~.. '. .' . ................ '. ~.'" .............: . yva---.&y . .' .. "~'I!l'. .CC1 m' ~.... U'....... . .... . of'~ ~. . or ....:.I~. c..u . . 1lQ~.,.I. ." ~~...1"-IIJ ~" .. 'Y.'. ... . ',' ". .,~ .. ~ ~~.~ .#Oim:..Waa,..'....*tDH)t..~.ot~__(CoMty.1tM&t1333) 811d'~f:"]1 .' ...~_..... D:.-;".2U\......_.~ ........~ . ~. 'JLOt20 Of . .:~I!Iil:.....(~.1.~. ....,h-:III!!Il"'..~:~+,,~~....~.; '.' tbe ~:=.' .'. .........,110.1 d'LtiiddiJ:efH~,'lI~~..iIWd.. fti1Ciiid OIl'.,,,,. '.. "".. lOL_' . . .... . .... . ." .... .. ,'. v~., "1" '~B'" . . _::.1'. . ''UIIJ . .... '. . . nanD' .' VII" ., ..... l_.JIl. ......1)f......ea.ty.~~..., .00 :tr.p," .. ~~~~l"W. ~ a;~:.af~3Q~.k. ~'~tJ3O" &M4I? a; poiDt... .~...bU)f'.,.otBo..t..........6..;'or30.Ql)...... poi#t. lItDw.&tIie,"'UB'JQlNT.OP~~ . 'I1Mmce.(I) NaIda Sr4'1tWE8It>aloqIlid:flGlthed.trialUVWlIJ ofBelJeT...... .. of5.a22" . ~........;,.. Theaco (3) .G......;,;&L~ "ai". f;&tA................, 01.* .. ~.v.liwv::..r ",.,a. .....~..~'" ...,,1D:.....,poiIit.: .:. '.. ... . . ..' : ~. ~~. .,....r..T~;'~.1b.*......O~..f .thI.am.a'W~~:8W~1er.'" CIIl~:t.O"l'" .Boo.t:l..'DIoilliloo:tlS...,---.,.;*..........~~:~_.. .slidKaln;o;;.":~f~r.;;otna~ ". " '. 'SoIDh 52'17'00-.. .............. _,.~ oC76.79:friet to'apoiat..OIl dJe,S"UiDo 01.1420; ~.(~).. 1"mace (4) ......OO'lO~~Vi.......aid:.B8Ir JiDlotLot 20,;. diltlDceot3n.80 ~ .:,.......;.......... .~ '. .. TIteDce la :NOIdt"41..:rt~j.a:..i" ":'f'5.t7'A.~tQ':' ~"_":W.t:1i. . .....v;. ..... '.' .,' ....,.,.., ~-.q... ..~~Ilift!'L. ~~.. ,. . ".' . :of':Be& T.... S_~pr died .......m JJcd;5262 ~;43.1; .of nm":-I D:-. .... .al;.;.l" A...I'\M- -'t'bo.... - l"t--*u~ '\oo!~~-.....~~",. .. ..,~..~~, '. ...... TbeJIce (6) South OD'23~ Welt.... _\VeIt _ a cJiitaDce. of126.81feet to .the~~of...aene T~.$1ImJ>>;: ~(1) .Nd:_~1".3Cr." i....... SoiIttl. "'ot.,BoUe:'T~ ~.1.1 ........ofMS~OO.Ret.<...So1Itbeut.COIiIIl' oIBe1leT__~ aid '. ... '_I__,&...;l:__,.. ....., ':'IL.._. fD-'i1:.....,.".....~:" ....deed' ...~ .~ "'-"'-"'v" QIl 'JU'Iil."......O ~,,"'.nIft"" " ~ . ~ . !< 'OAKt~ <:) ~ ~ - t:: ~ o C;) ORIGINAL ~(.) Theace(~) ~. . . '11~\; . ~~~ . ~ TbiJQce (11) 'Ibcluco (1:2) 1hilDce-(l3) '1'heQce(14) ~(5) 'bI ,~'3'8.S1-" .WI.. GltO.i.t...... .fiIed 'iiI: .. ~of:'''. Ita~Co1uaty~} Soudl OO~.OV' W.tl_ -4 W-:.. ofllid BeDeTen:e PIIk, .. di8IaDce of2l8.84 &.Uo"; SOudi....caDiCt .f;~If{T.,. Park; Nord... W.l'3r .s. '... .. Scrcitfi......Of.... t.- ....... ~:"~7~$l"'.U.~__.of"T"'~, . N.~. ., OO~;'SaII.i.-ft<...:&It"IIae-,J'.:D--h";':'T~""""':di. ..-.- UPIJ. . ;,4;J;;,~. -... va' "IJWI!J. ~ IF." e... .~ of~_:." . NCWdi r.rltr s.t a ~.~of'~OO feet to ..poiDt OIl'tho west fi8ht:ofW8J"or~Roed(CQa,Dty""3.); . . .....oo-U.,.. W.....:-.id;W.~d...,Of:"V.oftJ.~ lbt\;. a~:of80..01"to.the~~.,:...."W:'~u_.u. QOfU' . . .' . ~ ... ~..~ ~ ~~o. WV"'" ..:~:~_~.. I_J..Book.4l.:.......,.., t20mtheOftbot..~.~~. . ~.~4l~3.frW..:I_.~~d...~....Wepl\(o..~.: ~(of44O.do,..;f6,_,N___~~ot_~lMllp; SoIth:'otr2J-ocr W-.t,..,theWeltUDeOfliid ~ M8p. ..~ of41Ul ,..10 aNCJI1h'.I4.~.of'Tr8atNo.l"l(filed.farftlGQld all ~.~ 1954 ill ,~'..'-11o. Of........ .." om....kem ~.~ ...,....32'3~: w_ lIbw:a.Nd...)illie;-: ot':l8icf .Tniot. No.l~h. .~ 9f ~43 :_ to"~.'.aQIkt.~~ ..w;)kdr&.,cit.TRlDl NO. 17'l~ . . ..' ,. .Jouth 4r01.1t..W..~'~1._.11$d ~:Iine:ofTncfN(). 1741,. a;~"'" of 8.55:feet tothebepmil1a of a DDD-tlDpat curve . . '.a~--....1 .~., ndius ot'570.54 ~ .....10 said..-ift+. . coocave ~~Y __y..,. a . .... ~... pw- ...~.. 5O~:r~BIIt; . -n.c:(l1J~y .....a ceDtr8i ......f.~~l'.., .)._..4i~"of~ 23~~_. .' Theuce(t6) 1'1aeIICeJl8} ~4~.$:rll"'W:. ..~;of17l.W:fMt..~-.~ liDeortbelCa&.~',.~. TbeDce'(l9) Nordl54.52'23"'West II..,. aid Saferly line ofbn Iahmd c-l, 8. diItmce. of 266.80 feet 10 Ii point OIl the Soudl' Uileof Lot 19 of the Kent COUDty'~MlpHo. lqfJ;.8ocJa.or1.a~ !< 'O~K~~ <:) ~ .::.. -. .... rn - r- (.) t:) ORIGINAL TheDce (20) SOutb 89-.',49" West eioaasatd South IiDi otsaid Lot 19, a diStInct 'Of :2S1.01 fiiettodle,Southweat__'.ofLc)tl'; ., ~,C2t)NOrtb oo.lcroo~EIIt liaacibcfWlltlm. of 14: 19. ..diitiinceOf.l97.05 f.Uo:a~.''''BMtfdy._,of'X..w.lc..t n.ce(22.)Narth .,..t...". ... 'h'~b .. oI...~ latP1: Ceaal. '. ~:~(j"~l$_, .'. . 1'be.iIce M~..) ~.' 391)7'3rW..CCJ.i'itii..... .:.;_I........,.~:.~~ .u.o- of Dna IIJ8acl \...., n....w. ." ..... ...1 ~ ....., ~q .... .... . Gmal,a dillliP' of23lM feet to a:polDt:OOlltM Sut.ript of way of MadiIOll Street..(CoImty 1oId.13~3); .1'beIK,te(24)' NQrth..W.t~'" '1bIs ..w Siatriaht C)fey of'M.. s-. a ~"7$...,leet :~OO ~;ar4lTW"a,~,ct"41_tb..:~~"~~: ot.~, StMt..(COuidJ ltoIdlS)3).; sail.poiDt aa.o ~.beiDg..-dIe; i2...........'I~.:I',.....:A'.~'Lo~ ""~I. .' ' ~!T'~"":"""'.',"...." .~"~ t' 'Nd '$.F39.00""W.t,.__." ~y.JfDe :of~: 1I1md' c-I, a ctistIDce'410.61 .. to.:. poiDt..OIl ibe Buterlydpt'of'ftyofSoutbem. Pdio~ AIphaIto e.ch;. ," North .,.'n-Wllltia..,.tt.e:of.t06J.t;~;OIl_'W~ ri;ljto.f_,()f:......~~~;:..... ....,~.---~, 11m beiDJ1.UI.EIIitIrly~;of1lw,~;.City4Ol".~ NGdh;4C)..:"OQ"':a.. .. ~.W. "Dt't ot.,~'~,'P8cIfic'. 1biInJI4~" _:....J.Iid.~.~y~ a .... '()f7Sl.83. to':' poirit C)D':" B8t ri&ht otway of.MaJtip Sttwt(CouatyI.oed: 1333); , . ,AleDa .. 'BIIl _.of,'ft}'ofM~,. Stleet {0J.uDly I.GId 133~. ~OO"WW_'a~((~a;9.';"'..~ n(JB.PDJN'J' 0' :.~. ~(26) n.ce(~7) 'l1aeaee{2') TheDce'(29l .CoataiDina,41~64' Aer.o. CHECl$br' ICER8COd11Y8ORYEY0RS,0FFICE ,811- ....,- I~. ;~". '.. ~" ..... . .",.... ... ,'t. ~. !< 'OAI(~'9 <:) % ,).. - .... IT - r- <.:> l::) ORIGINAL IS' I~ I~ ~~ ~ ". &\ ~. ~ p: B~~!~ ..~;~~ " ~ ). ~ !t ;: 0-" I~ =i ... :. ~... is ~ ~ :~ P- i' ,'4 :i! " IL III I l II ; I II ! ~ II e _L I --. ~ 1\1_ I _ -III I ,.1." i ' , .1 tI -, -+ Ie ! . ----- I !L 'W II i ! .~ ~- <( ==' ~ !< 'O~l(c~ <:) ~ ~ - .... '" _ r- o (;) ORIGINAL I I LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT-ZONE CHANGE #04-1570 PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3 OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 300, AS EVIDENCED BY A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED NOVEMBER 13, 1981 IN BOOK 5418, PAGE 915 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, BEING PARCELS A, BAND C OF PARCEL MAP NO. 3913, IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED SEPTEMBER 6, 1977 IN BOOK 19, PAGE 40 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, lOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, M.D.M., IN THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT OF SAID LAND APPROVED BY THE SURVEYOR GENERAL JANUARY 28, 1868. ALSO THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29. TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, M.D.M., IN THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT OF SAID L.AND APPROVED BY THE SURVEYOR GENERAL JANUARY 28. 1868, EXCEPT THE NORTHERLY 165 FEET THEREOF, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL.LOWS: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence Noo01'4911E along the West line thereof, 1157.02 feet; thence N89054'4611E, 1319.73 feet to the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence SooOO'2311W along the East line thereof, 1156.91 feet to the North line of said Southwest Quarter; thence N89054'29"E along said North line, 713.53 feet to the Northeast corner of said Parcel "A"; thence along the boundary of said Parcels "A", "B" and "C", the following courses: SooOO'52I1E, 1982.73 feet; S89054'25'W, 1705.25 feet; Noo02'17"E, 640.89 feet; S89054'54I1W, 272.35 feet; Noo01'45"E, 20.00 feet; N89054'22"E, 302.98 feet; N89054'48"E, 302.98 feet and NooOO'42'W, 1321.86 feet to a point on said North line; thence S89054'29"W along said North line, 662.77 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 102.66 Acres, More or Less. DELMARTER AND DEIFEL. ~t~'fr"^ 1(. {tJtirft4 ftl J~s K. Delmarter . R.C.E. 17564 Expires: 6-30-2005 !< 'OA/(C'~ <:) ~ ~ - .... "' - r- o t) ORIGINAL I I I I I I I I I I I I i (i6 "ON 'OM '0:> ),J~NJ^:;' ~.9.'~~~~ f--- - -- --~--------T--=--- ~ '" '" ~ i ~ U l" ~ ~ S ; I E z 5' ~ \1"Mu & '" ~ g ~ ~ I ;I I u'" ~~ ..:;;: ..... - -ll> ",'" ZUi5 ",Ill", "'..IS i5 ";:-,;: ..~ti .....z~ ;~~ l!;i5i . ..~ on..... r-_ ~.I- "''' .. tj .~j~ NlIJlI. Io!MI'tl:IQ 19u ..,lO.DDflI (I) ~1IO.u.C1 301/0 .~'~II 3nlG\'t' NOINn 'OS ]Nil lS3No 'Y'O 0~~tt~~6LO 'ON ':>00 n-t L -6 0301lO031l Z5-6~L NOu.n1OS311 H 'ON 't'WVNVd m '011 NOIl't'X3NNY · \ J.II. I~~ ~ A ~t 8 --:1. : '- ; . I ,S_I I , : ~ I: ~ ~ : ~~ ~ . I - - - - - - - --, i~ ! : ... - r .-t;. " I ~~ !l!~ ..: 9. I Q. ~ ~ I ~~ I;;~ · ~, ~. NlD : 3i~ I':~ t : ~i I ~ I w, <~ ~ I if : U': I , I . i I : I JlII!.jlI ...~ 133!1l.S NV\r" 110 L_______________ ----- i .. . o Z 51.1 At J:______________________________ r-~-~--- I ! I I I I I I I I I '" ::l I ~ 1 < I 0 : W. :S I I Q. <: :i.~ ~ 11l z g <:3 5' ~ g" II II 9 * ! c J,.L\, '9~ ;l... ~ t: ~ o C;) ORIGINAL EXHffiIT "A" "McCUTCHEN NO.3" ANNEXATION NO. 468 That parcel of land being portions of the south Vz of Section 29 and the west Vz of the northeast ~ of section 32, T. 30 S. R. 27 E., M.D.M., County ofKem, State ofCalifomia, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast comer of said Section 32, also being the point of intersection of the center lines ofGosford Road (Co. RD. No. 40 & 238) and McCutchen Road (Co. Rd. No. 35 & 1222), said point being a monumented section comer calculated to be 2,290,595.796 feet North and 6,235,706.719 feet East per California Coordinate System (N.A.D. 83), Zone 5; Thence N 000 35' 45" E, along the east line said Section 29, a distance of 30.00 feet. Thence N 890 17' 50" W, a distance of 1319.29 feet along the north right of way line of McCutchen Road (Co. Rd. No. 35 & 1222) to a point on the east line oflot 30 of "Sales Map of Lands of Kem County Land Company" in Section 29, filed for record June 16, 1897, in the Office of the Kem County Recorder, also being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence (1) S 000 22' 34" W, a distance of2674.08 feet along the west boundary line of Parcel Map No. 9739 per map filed for record in Book 46 of Parcel Maps, Page 144, and Parcel Map No. 10573 per map filed for record in Book 50 of Parcel Maps, Page 29 in the Office of the Kem County Recorder, to intersect the south line of the northeast quarter of said Section 32; Thence (2) N 890 14' 06" W, a distance of 1420.50 feet along the east/west mid-section line of said Section 32 to the west right of way of Sunset Rail Road. Thence (3) N 000 24' 08'" E, a distance of2612.53 feet along the west line of Sunset Rail Road right of way to the south right of way line of McCutchen Road; Thence (4) N 890 17' 50" W, a distance of 1220.98 feet more or less, along the south right of way line of McCutchen Road to a point of intersection with southerly extension of the west line oflot 31 of ' 'Sales Map of Lands ofKem County Land Company" in Section 29, filed for record June 16, 1897, in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (5) N 00034' 37" E, a distance of 30.00 feet along said southerly extension to a point of intersection with the north line of said Section 32; Thence (6) continuing N 00034' 37" E, along said west line a distance of 1320.00 feet more or less, to northwest comer of lot 26 of the "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Company" in Section 29; L:\ProjCl:tS\2004\04292\DOCS\EXHIBIT A.doc Page 1 of2 !< 'OAKC'-9. <:) II ~ ... .... f' (3 f, ORIGINAl Thence (7) S 890 17' 50" E, a distance of 1381.08 feet more or less, along the north boundary of said lot 26 and prolongation thereof to intersect the east right of way line of Progress Road (Co. Rd. No. 195); Thence (8) S 000 35' 24" W, a distance of 1290.00 feet more or less, along the east right of way line of Progress Road (Co. Rd. No. 195) to intersect the north line of the south 30 feet of said Section 29, said north line also being the north right of way line of McCutchen Road (Co. Rd. No. 35 & 1222); Thence (9) S 890 17' 50" E, a distance of 1259.29 feet along the north right of way line of McCutchen Road (Co. Rd. No. 35 & 1222) to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 121.71 acres (more or less) L:\Projccts\2004\04292\OOCS\EXHIBIT A.doc Page 2 of2 !< 'O"l(c~ <:) ~ ~ - .... ITl - ,.. o C;) ORIGINAL l')9 I' I~iiel i ~ ~t5 ~ i j::: l!s "l: i! ~ 2 ~I~~ ~..: ~ ~;c: O~ tJ ;~ ~ S! .. , Ii , I Il!~ a 4 Ii III ~I It:! r .. ~ ~I II . 0 I , II q ~! nil! ~ li" ei 15 ~ ~ Q ~ l'i ~ i ~ i ~ Q: e i! 'O! 31: l"' ~ ~ ~ ... C t ... ~ ~ I'l ~ ~ I I I I ---------1----------- I I I I I I ---------+~---------- C : I I I I : . ----------r---------- ~ I ~ l"ICl ~ 1" ~ : 100:1 I I N89'17'50.W 1J79.29' 1I€ IN 1'+ ./f ~ I I : LY .I--------~----- I ."ot : 'I' 1'. I I I I g !:i ~ ~ ~ - - ~-- .... i ci ./4 ./. Q ~ If ,f. t C i iflC &r i~ 0:0: l"' III ~ 10 !'l ~ ; ~! , ,: c i~ : f J ~ f j 51 } '0 I(C'~ ~ m r- t::7 ORI INAL , EXHIBIT" ~' LEGAL DESCRIPTION ANNEXATION NO. 502, PANAMA NO. 17 BEING PARCEL B OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 09-04, AS EVIDENCED BY THAT CERTAIN CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE JULY 11, 2005 PER DOCU- MENT NO. 0205177733, 0.It., BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUAR-: TER OF SECTION 30, T. 30 S., It. 27 E., M.D.M. AND BEING A PORTION OF mE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, T. 30 S., It. 26 E., MD.M., IN THE UNINCORPORATED COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALlFORNIA,.MORE PAR.- TlCULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 30, SAID POINT BEING THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PANAMA LANE AND BUENA VISTA ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 8~06'34" EAST ALONG THE NORTII LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 30 AND THE CENTERLINE OF ' PANAMALANE, 1512.20 FEET; TIJENCE SOUTHoooS4'46" WEST, 30.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EXISTING CORPORATE BOUNDARY, ALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; TIlENCE (1) FOLLOWING ALONG THE EXISTING CORPORATE BOUNDARY SOUTH 00054'46" WEST, 1289.94 FEET; 1HENCE (2) LEAVING THE EXISTING CORPORATE BOUNDARY NORTII 8go07'42" WEST 1543.24 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE 30.00 WEST OF AND pARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, SAID LINE BEING THE WEST RIGHT- OF-WAY OF BUENA VISTA ROAD; . THENCE (3) NORTH 00057'29" EAST ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF BUENA VISTA ROAD, 1290.45 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE 30.00 FEET soum OF AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, SAID LINE BEING TIlE SOUTIIRIGHT-OF-WAY OF PANAMA LANE, ALSO BEING A POINT ON mE EXISTING CORPORATE BOUNDARY; THENCE (4) SOUTH 89006'34" EAST ALONG THE soum RIGHT -OF-WAY OF PANAMA LANE AND THE EXISTING CORPORATE BOUNDARY, 1542.22 FEET TO TIm TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINS: 45.69 ACRES, MORE OR LESS QEQ<ED- KERNCXUfrf~OM Of.fi\.::: , DIf- 10-1-.5-05 ~ PASCOE-A.NNEX(2)-LGL '.:~ - -:: . . ~. .": . .,'. ::.0 t":.,. f> '.~ ~ .. /. .' ; ~: " . . . "0'. . . ' al .tl~t I~~'j I... II.~.. I . p;. f . 11.' '. ';. iOIl~' "- . . . '. . II ." '.. . .i1i . ". " . l fl' n ~~"~:tt:-=.;.~~: . . I. u . m,:'t '. I . I . I . I . I~. . . lL, IT7'T'I , rrt'"r, 'Y"P'M , ~, ,"""'/"IItII-rt , 1"P"rY', , ~ , ~,., , __, ,~ ~ T 1:1 e '. t. ~ ; ~I , 3 ,; . ~l: Iii: . 1:2 : ;J, !~ pi:- ~, I II-!Ii ., f ~." ,. I!'!~",. I ~ i 'II I '~'~'~'~~.., .f: "r : I.:", I. I t lil~ i~1 ~i I I I'II ~ii .Wi' I. f to. I! I ; ~I " II ____~ ____________ _______~____t~--o.~--- -.:-~-:.===--= -,: r-----= -- - --- .---, II '. o ~ 'OA/(c~ <:> ~ .).... . -- I- m - t- o C) ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "A" ANNEXATION NO. 488 McKEE NO.5 All those portions of Lots 30, 31, and 32 of the Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J.B. Haggin, filed for record on May 3, 1889 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder, said lots also being portions of the southeast quarter of Section 36, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest comer of the Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter of said Section 36, said point also being the Northwest comer of said Lot 31, and also being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence (l) South 89005' 19" East along the North line of said Lot 31, a distance of 433.28 feet to a point on the Westerly right of way of State Highway 99 filed for record on January 18, 1962, in Book 3453 at Page 106 of Official Records; Thence along said Westerly right of way of State Highway 99, along the following courses: (2) South 08039' 14" East, a distance of 451.48 feet; (3) South 02008'08" West, a distance 134.24 feet; (4) South 15042'29" West, a distance of99.03 feet; (5) South 29032' 16" West, a distance of 364.94 feet to a point on the East line of the West 300.00 feet of said Lot 32; Thence (6) North 00036'23" East along said East line, a distance of 3.65 feet to a point on the North line of the South 300.00 feet of Lot 32; Thence (7) North 89002'42" West along said North line a distance of 300.00 feet to a point on the West line of Lot 32, said point also being on the East line of Parcels I and 2 of Parcel Map 8250 filed for record on January 28, 1992 in Book 43 of Parcel Maps at Page \ 02 in said Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (8) North 00036'23" East along said West line of Lot 32 and said East line, a distance of \41.6\ feet to the Northeast corner of said Parcel Map 8250; Thence (9) North 89005'41" West along the North line of Parcel Map 8250. a distance of 330.32 feet to the Northwest corner of Parcel Map 8250, said point also being on the centerline of Michelle Street; !< 'O"KC'-s>, <:) ~ ~ - .... rn - r- o t::7 ORIGINAL Thence (10) North 00036'23" East, a distance of 850.05 feet to a point on the North line of said Lot 30; Thence (11) South 89005'19" East along the North line of said Lot 30, a distance of 330.32 feet to the northwest comer of Lot 31 and TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 16.70 Acres CHECKED by KERN COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE Date S - J ~. 0.5 t2Jt~~ !< 'OAkC'1>, <:) ~ ~ - .... m - r- o C) ORIGINAL I I I I I I I I I I I ----_______--1-- I '..~ ! ;.~) 2i (,,) a is '" <: tj Q. i~ ~ ;! t...1 loi f'"~ ~ t~ --( Q: Cj (~ ~~ <<} ~ ::t ("'j t.) ~t ~J (: (') -, t:) ~; ~,~ ~ . , II) It, u) f~ ~~ cs ~ ~! l" ,~ <: <n '-j 0: ~ L. "t I:": UJ () (.J ~:::I1P-~ " ~; ~ Ci . ~2"{~~~ --~. ,. .~. ~ ~ ~ .~:, ~..:.. ;: "-, *~. 'I () k I I ! I I I I _____------ ~ o ... ; ~$ ~ t j _____.__m__+ I I I 1 I ! i i I r: -. It -, - ! I i~ ,; ~ I " t. ~ ~ m i: ~ ~l ~ I I j( I ~ 6 ... sam 3. , Q ..... ~ i --l- - T-. I I J - Lr- - fJ- _ L !< 'OAI(~ <:) ~ ..... m _ r- <.) C) ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. County of Kern ) PAMELA A. McCARTHY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 30th day of November, 2006 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 4393 passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 29th day of November, 2006 and entitled: ORDINANCE AMENDING BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 91.12.040, 91.12.010, 91.12.050 AND 91.12.070 BY ADDING ANNEXATION NO. 473, 478 AND 489 TO WARD 4, ANNEXATION NOS. 487 AND 497 TO WARD 1, ANNEXATION NOS. 468 AND 502 TO WARD 5 AND ANNEXATION NO. 488 TOWARD 7 PAMELA A. McCARTHY City Clerk and Ex Officio of the Council of the City of Bakersfield By: ~ ~L DEPUT City rk S:\DOCUMENT\FORMS\AOP .ORD.wpd !< ~~Kc-'9 o % .l>.. _ .... rn - r <,;) (:) ORIGINAL