HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 310-06 RESOLUTION NO. 310-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ACCEPTING CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATION, DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR THE ELECTION OF COUNCILMEMBERS TO THE CITY COUNCIL IN THE FIRST, THIRD, FOURTH AND SEVENTH WARDS, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HELD ON THE 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2006. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Council of the City of Bakersfield does hereby find, determine and declare as follows: SECTION 1. That pursuant to applicable law, a General Municipal Election was held in the City of Bakersfield on the 7th day of November 2006, for the purpose of electing Councilmembers to the City Council in Wards 1, 3, 4 and 7; and SECTION 2. Said election was held and conducted in conformity with all applicable provisions of law; and . SECTION 3. That pursuant to direction of the City Council, the County Clerk of the County of Kern has conducted a Canvass of Results, attached to Exhibit "B", which has been examined and accepted by the City Clerk; and SECTION 4. The City Council does hereby accept the City Clerk's Certification of the Canvass of Results, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and does hereby resolve, determine and declare the results of said General Municipal Election for the Office of Councilmember to be as follows: Ward 1 - Irma Carson Ward 3 - Ken Weir Ward 4 - David Couch Ward 7 - Zack Scrivner SECTION 5. The City Clerk does hereby declare the persons elected to the Office of Councilmember in Council Wards 1, 3, 4 and 7 shall serve a full four-year term, and shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified in 2010; and, SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original Resolutions. ------000------ 1 ~ fQAl(c~ <:s % ~ - I- rn _ r- <.) b ORIGINAl I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on DEC 13 2006 , by the following vote: ~: ~: ~~ -- o.rd\ ~ COUNCIL MEMBER CAR~, ~HAM, ,^(;.~~OUc;;, HA~N, SULLIVAN, SCRIVNER COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCILMEMBER COUNCIL MEMBER ~!)JlM~ APPROVED DEC 13 2006 ~ ,J!j~ I PAMELAA.MCCAR+~rr ~ CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield By Exhibit "A" & "B" Attached S:\ELECT ION\RESOLUTN\2006\DECLARE.11-2006 12/1/2006 2 ~ fQAl(c~ <:s % ~ - I- m - r- <.) b ORIGINAL CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF CANVASS I, Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, authorized by Resolution No. 185-06, adopted by the City Council on July 19, 2006, do hereby certify to the City Council for the City of Bakersfield, the Certificate of the County Clerk to the Result of the Canvass of the State of California General Eledion and held on November 7, 2006, find that the number of votes given at each precind and the number of votes given in the City to persons voted for, the respedive office for which the persons were candidates were as follows: FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Ward 1: Irma Carson 3083 Ernest V. Morse 911 Ward 3: Ken Weir 5897 Chad Louie 4053 David Tapia 1414 Ward 4: David Couch 10890 Ward 7: Zack Scrivner 4500 Sheryl Mitchell 2175 Dated: December 6, 2006 Isl Pamela A. McCarthv Pamela A. McCarthy, CMC City Clerk EXHIBIT" A" , !( ~AI(~~ a ~ 5 ~ ORlGlNAL S:\Election\MISC\2006\ 11-2006CLKCANVASS.DOC CERTlFICATE OF COUNTY CLERK TO RESULT OF THE CANVASS OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD GENERAL ELECTION HELD NOVEMBER 7, 2006 STATE OF CALlFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF KERN ) I, ANN K. BARNETT, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk, County of Kern, State of California, HEREBY CERTlFY that I have canvassed the returns of the votes cast at the GENERAL ELECTION held on November 7,2006 in the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, and that the whole number of votes cast for each candidate, as shown, are full, true and correct. IN WITNESS HEREOF I do hereby set my hand and the Official Seal of the County of Kern this 5th day of December 2006. ~ rr!AJtlAAI~t ( ANN K. BARNETT Auditor-Controller-County Clerk County of Kern State of California ~ fQAl(c~ <:s % ~ - I- m - r- <.) b ORIGINAL KERN COUNTY ELECTIONS GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 2006 ELECTION RESULTS BULLETIN OFFICIAL FINAL Date: 12101106 Time:08:27:39 Page:7 of 12 Registered Voters 289233 - Cards Cast 152683 52.79% VINELAND SCHOOL BRD MBR-SHORT TERM Number of Precincts Precincts Reporting Vote For MARCO A. DELGADlLL( JEANETI'E DHALIWAL ANNITA V. VELASQUEZ Total 8 8 100.0 % 1 124 44.60% 96 34.53% 57 20.50% . WASCO UNION SCHOOL . GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER Number of Precincts Precincts Reporting Vote For DARRELL VOTH ALICE STOWE DANNY M. RUEDA EDWARD S. GRANT PAUL S, HUSSEY MARK BERGSTRASSER Total 14 14 3 1275 824 819 798 770 438 100.0 % 25.84% 16.70% 16.60% 16.17% 15.60% 8.88% SHERIFF-CORONER- PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR Number of Precincts Precincts Reporting Vote 'For DONNY YOUNGBLOOD MACK WIMBISH Total 605 605 1 85822 58969 100.0 % 59.08% 40.59% . CITY OF ARVIN COUNCll..MEMBER Total Number of Precincts 7 Precincts Reporting 7 100.0 % Vote For 3 JOSE C. FLORES ' 481 14.81% RAJI BRAR 421 12.96% STEVEN OJEDA 342 10.53% ANGE MC NEll..L 276 8.50% SCOTI' GURNETI' 257 7.91% JESS ORTIZ 243 7.48% VICTOR GARCIA 240 7.39% DONNY HORTON 240 7.39% SALVADOR PARTIDA 230 7.08% RENE GARCIA 199 6.13% PETER FLORES 156 4.80% ALBERTO SERNA 154 4.74% Num. Report Precinct 605 - Num. Reporting 605 100.00% CITY OF BAKERSFIELD COUNCll..MEMBER, WARD 1 Total Number of Precincts 35 Precincts Reporting 35 100.0 % Vote For 1 IRMA CARSON 3083 76.83% ERNEST V. MORSE 911 22.70% CITY OF BAKERSFIELD COUNCILMEMBER, WARD 3 Total Number of Precincts 31 Precincts Reporting 31 100.0 % Vote For 1 KEN WEIR 5897 51.81% CHAD LOUIE 4053 35.61 % DAVID TAPIA 1414 12.42% CITY OF BAKERSFIELD COUNCILMEMBER, WARD 4 Total Number of Precincts 30 Precincts Reporting 30 100.0 % Vote For 1 DA VID COUCH 10890 98.50% CITY OF BAKERSFIELD COUNCILMEMBER,W ARD 7 Total Number of Precincts 26 Precincts Reporting 26 100.0 % Vote For 1 ZACK SCRIVNER 4500 67.25% SHERYL MITCHELL 2175 32.51% CITY OF CALIFORNIA CITY MA YOR-2 YEAR TERM Total Number of Precincts 9 Precincts Reporting 9 100.0 % Vote For 1 DA VID EVANS 1327 52.76% LARRY M. ADAMS 1183 47.04% CITY OF CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCILMEMBER Total Number of Precincts 9 Precincts Reporting 9 100.0 % Vote For 2 CA THY A. STRONG 1187 28.46% MICHAEL S. EDMISTON 1107 26.54% DUSTIN L. RICHARDS 1011 24.24% C. CHEBAHTAH 832 19.95% .s- '9~ <:s ~ ~ m !:: r- " b ORIGINAL KERN COUNTY ELECTIONS Date: 11/30/06 GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7,2006 Time: 17:07:38 Page:1 of 159 STATEMENT OF VOTES CAST OFFICIAL FINAL - SUMMARIZED BY MAJOR DISTRICTS TURN OUT Reg. Voters Cards Cast % Turnout County .0 0 KernCountV. 289231 1526111 ~2.79"ft Total 289233 152683 52,79"A United States Renresentative .1200 20th Conaressional District 58167 21637 37.200/0 .122 0 2'nd Conar....io""1 District , 11066 1311l.!1i 56.71% Total 289233 152683 52.79o/c State Senator .216 0 16th Senatorial District 64460 23959 37.17"A .217 0 17th Senatorial District 9 6 66.67"A .218 0 18th Senatorial District 224764 128718 57.27"A Total 289233 152683 52.790/0 Member ofthe State Assemblv .330 0 30th Assemblv District 52941 20060 37.89"A .3320 32nd Assemblv District 221365 124356 56.18o/c .3340 34th Assemblv District 14918 8261 55.380/0 .337 0 37th A.....mhlv District 9 6 /iii.67. Total 289233 152683 52.79o/c County Suoervisor .401 0 1st SUnPrVisorial District 55628 31763 57.10o/c .402 0 2nd Suoervisorial District 58345 30794 52.78o/c .403 0 3rd Suoervisorial District 65451 35634 54.44o/c .404 0 4th Suoervisorial District 71160 40696 57.19"A "405 0 5th Suoervisorial District 38649 11796 35.70o/c Total 289233 152683 52.79o/c Cities .501 0 Ci v Of Arvin 2846 1228 43.15o/c .502 0 Ci v Of Bakersfield 72757 37279 51.24o/c .503 0 Ci >v OfCalifomia City 4338 2574 59.34o/c .5040 Ci v Of Delano 9882 4276 43.27o/c .5050 Ci v Of Maricona 470 278 S9.15o/c .506 0 Ci v OfMc Farland 2498 997 39.910/0 .5070 Ci v OfRidllecrest 12897 7944 61.60o/c .508 0 Ci v Of Shafter 4125 1837 44.S3o/c .5090 Ci v Of Taft 2967 1843 62.12o/c .510 0 Ci v OfTehachani 3331 1937 S8.l SO/C .5110 City Of Wasco 4873 2044 41.9So/c .5120 Unincomorated Area 114350 62312 S4.49o/c No Matchinll District 53899 28134 52.20"A Total 289233 152683 52.79"A !( ~~K~~ o % 5 g 0NGtW.