HomeMy WebLinkAbout0CT - DEC 1983Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 7:00 P.M., October 12, 1983. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shell, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Reverend Larry Chapman of the First Assembly of God Church. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: Mayor Shell. Councilmen Christensen, Means, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Barton Absent: None Minutes of the regular meeting of were approved as presented. September 14, 1983, SCHEDULED PUBLIC STATEMENTS Martha Walters, 3301 Dwight Street, requested that future be set, beyond the joint public hearing set Mrs. a date in the for October 18, 1983, on the proposed Truxtun Galleria Project, to reflect on and study facts and information that may be presented at that joint public hearing. Matters of this magnitude cannot be resolved in one hearing or meeting. Mrs. Walters felt the entire Council has a conflict of interest because it is not humanly possible for busy professionals to have a dual role as an elected official and member of the Redevelopment Agency, and, simultaneousl~ be expected to, comprehensively, study all aspects of what should be an objective viewpoint. She believes the City could get along without the Redevelopment Agency, as it now exists, and it must be very dif£icult for the Council to disengage themselves from either role to conduct the business of the other, particularly, to give the needed time to make responsible decisions affecting either or both. The Council and Mayor are elected officials and she would like to be assured that their responsibility to the electorate is first priority. Councilman Rockoff stated what Mrs. Walters said is important. The Council should give the Truxtun Galleria Project their undivided attention. The Council and Redevelopment Agency, Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 - Page 2 at the public hearing, will have an opportunity to decide whether or not they wish to continue the matter to a future meeting for final discussion and deliberation. This is not the appropriate time to set a date after the public hearing. It will be appropriate to make that decision at the public hearing. Councilman Ratty stated before Mr. Dickerson speaks that he hopes what he has to offer is not a political statement, because this is not a forum for campaign speeches. Mr. Mark Dickerson, 5404 Krista Street, stated he is trying to resolve a political issue before it becomes a political football and that is why he is present tonight. He would like to see all of the Council Standing Committee meetings open to the public, minutes taken and published. He feels closed meetings are not an ideal setting for the Council to receive input and gather information. The best possible way is in the public realm, so the press and public can see what is coming to the Council for decision. Mr. Dickerson requested that the Council vote to open all Standing Committee meetings to the public. Councilman Payne stated Mr. Dickerson is correct, when he was running for the office of Councilman of the 6th Ward he campaigned to open Council Standing Committee meetings to the public. The first two years he was in office he attempted to adhere to that, however, the workload increased from 20 to 40 hours per week and decisions, instead of being rendered within 2 to 4 weeks, went on for up to a year. The Council did not really receive input, they received argumentative stances in many cases. It weakened the ability of the Council to accomplish anything constructive. Council[- man Payne stated he has explained to Mr. Dickerson before that he is Chairman of the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee and there are many matters that come before that Committee related to personnel that cannot be discussed in public. On any occasion, when personnel matters or pending litigation are not being discussed, Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 - Page 3 the public can attend the meeting by making a request, and that has been applied to every Council Standing Committee meeting time and time again. Mr. Dickerson has failed to avail himself of that opportunity, until he decided it could become a campaign issue. In answer to a question by Mayor Shell, City Attorney Oberholzer stated there is a State law that applies to local jurisdictions, the Brown Act. It does not apply to State legis- lative bodies. They can hold closed meetings without the same constraints as local legislative bodies. Local legislative bodies must comply with State law. The State law allows unannounced or closed meetings by less than a quorum. The Council has availed themselves of those procedures specified by State law. It is a legal procedure that the City follows. Mr. Dickerson requested that the Council set a policy on public attendance at Council Standing Committee meetings. Councilman Ratty stated this matter has been discussed on the Council floor numerous times and the Council does abide by State law. The Chairman of a committee can open the meeting to the public if he so desires. CORRESPONDENCE Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, communication from Dennis W. DeWalt, Consulting Civil Engineer, on behalf of Atlantic Richfield Company, dated September 30, 1983, requesting a General Plan Amendment for property bounded on the south by Pacheco Road, on the east by South "H" Street, on the west by Hughes Lane and on the northwest by the southerly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, containing approximately 127.3 acres of land, was received and referred to the Planning Commission for study and recommendation. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, from Kern High School District, dated September 30, a Notice of Availability and Option to Purchase certain School District land, was received and ordered placed on file. communication 1983, submitting Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 - Page 4 Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, communication from Rosedale Union School District, dated October 6, 1983, requesting adoption of an ordinance, in compliance with Senate Bill 201, requiring dedication of land or fees, or both, by subdividers and builders whose new housing developments are causing overcrowding in existing school facilities and will impact an area in the Rose- dale Union School District located south of Stockdale ttighway between Renfro and Allen Roads, was received, referred to the Budget Review and Finance Committee and the Committee was requested to consider other School Districts at the same time. COUNCIL STATEMENTS Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, communication he received from Charles Tingey Associates, Inc., dated August 10, 1983, requesting a traffic change at the intersection of Truxtun Avenue and Mohawk Street, was received and referred to the Budget Review and Finance Committee for study and reconm~endation. Councilman Ratty stated at the Annual League of California Cities Meeting he talked to a person representing the company who furnishes the City's street sweepers. They furnished a prototype model that was used in Bakersfield and several were used in New York to see how they operated. The New York model lasted approxi- mately 500 hours and the City's was still operating after 1,500 hours. This gentleman stated the City of Bakersfield's maintenance is fantastic and the machine will perform well if handled adequately. Councilman Ratty stated he felt this was a compliment to the Public Works Department's Equipment Division and shows how they protect the taxpayer's investment. Upon a motion by Councilman Means, the issue of setting guidelines on what can and cannot be discussed publicly after a Closed Session, was referred to the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee to meet with the City Attorney and come back to the Council with recommendations. Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 - Page 5 REPORTS Councilman Barton, Chairman of the Business Development and Parking Committee, read Report No. 21-83 regarding Sale of City Owned Property on Brundage Lane at Mr. Vernon Avenue, as follows: Recently, this Committee discussed the selling of certain property owned by the City between the 58 Freeway right-of-way and Brundage Lane, east of Mt. Vernon Avenue. In December, 1982, at the request of staff, this Committee recommended the subject property be considered for possible development or sale. Staff was directed to explore the various avenues open for better utilization of this land, either through development or as part of the larger economic development plan for the southeast portion of the City. From time to time, a number of organizations have submitted requests to the City asking for consideration of sale or use of the subject property. Among the requests was a proposal from a potential user of the land for industrial purposes. Inasmuch as this Committee felt that the primary purpose for considering this type of activity is providing jobs, we asked staff to consider only those proposals that would create a labor intensive use of the property and would provide for significant improvements to the land. With the preceding as the basic criteria, in June, 1983, the City Council rejected all pro- posals except a proposal being investigated by the City for a manufacturing facility. Pursuant to Council action, staff has been working with Westminster Ceramics, from Orange County, in an effort to negotiate and arrive at acceptable terms and conditions for the sale and use of the property. Subsequent to the negotiations, we have met with staff to review and discuss the proposed terms of the sale. The general terms are as follows: Approximately 15 acres of property to be sold to Westminster Ceramics at the appraised value. Payment to be on terms and at an interest rate acceptable to the City and Westminster Ceramics. Community Development Block Grant Funds to be used to finance on- and off-site improve- ments, including providing the site with the necessary water supply requirements. Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 - Page 6 City will loan Westminster Ceramics the Federal "Jobs Bill" money (approximately $500,000), at an interest rate and terms acceptable to the City, Westminster Ceramics, and HUD. If Westminster Ceramics desires to obtain additional financing through an SBA loan, the combined interest rate of the SBA loan and City loan will be equivalent to a rate of an Industrial Development Bond. How- ever, at this time the management of Westminster Ceramics does not feel an SBA loan will be necessary. The Board of Directors of Westminster Ceramics has recently approved the above terms in principle. This Committee noted Westminster Ceramics currently has approximately 65 employees and anticipates as many as 200 employees at the proposed facility when fully developed. We further noted the employees are made up of approximately 95% nonskilled. As such, this labor intensive facility fits into the City's program of revitalization for the Lakeview and Southeast Bakersfield areas. Therefore, we recommend the City Council approve, in principle, the above-stated terms and direct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate documents for approval by Westminster Ceramics and the City Council. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, Business Development and Parking Committee Report No. 21-83 regarding Sale of City Owned Property on Brundage Lane at Mr. Vernon Avenue, was accepted; the terms as stated in the report, were approved in principle; and the City Attorney was directed to prepare the appropriate documents for approval by Westminster Ceramics and City Council. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, City owned property on Brundage Lane at Mr. Vernon Avenue was declared surplus, by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, ~eans, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Barton Noes: None Absent: None Councilman Rockoff, Chairman of the Budget Review and Finance Committee, read Report No. 27-83 regarding Report on Data Processing Department, as follows: Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 - Page ? In addition to awarding the contract for the annual audit of the City's accounting records, the City Council authorized Bailey, Ruppel & Nunneley to proceed with preliminary work necessary to prepare a proposal with regards to evaluating the City's computer hardware and so£tware. In general, the report was to address the following: Assess the performance on the contract between CR~C (software contractor), and the City of Bakersfield. 2. Assess the current status of data processing. 3. Evaluate the expansion capabilities of the present hardware. On September 7, 1983, the audit firm submitted its report and findings to this Committee. Subsequent to receiving and discussing the report with the auditors, we met with City staff to review the report's contents and recommendations. In summary, we were pleased to note CRMC delivered the software which was purchased by the City. Although completion of the software applications fell behind schedule and in many cases have been modified and enhancements made by City personnel, the software is currently operating in a satisfactory manner. Additionally, we noted the present hardware is capable and has the capacity to perform the functions and tasks presently expected as well as having the expansion capabilities for future needs. The auditors' report suggested the £ormation of a policy committee. We were advised by City staff that a Data Processing Policy Committee exists and is made up of: Assistant City Manager/Finance Information Systems Manager Public Works Director Chief of Police Director of Fire and Development Services Finance Operations Manager. We believe the policy committee should proceed with formalizing a data processing plan to serve and prioritize the information needs of all the departments in the City. We further recommend the City Council direct the policy committee to make quarterly progress and status reports to the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Budget Review and Finance Committee Report No. 27-83 regarding Report on Data Pro- cessing Department, was accepted; the Data Processing Policy Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 - Page 8 Committee was directed to proceed with formalizing a Data Pro- cessing Plan to serve and prioritize the information needs of all City departments and make quarterly progress and status reports to the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee. City Attorney Oberholzer reported that last week Kern County Superior Court informed the City they were completely out of courtrooms and, although it is the responsibility of the Board of Supervisors, they have been unable to locate a place for Superior Court. Commencing last Monday a jury trial has been held in the Council Chambers on an interim basis. Even though it had not been approved by the Council, they were allowed to use the Council Chambers, when not being used by the Council or other City functions, because it was felt it was a service the City could provide the community and court system. It would be appropriate, at this time, to request the Council to concur in the use of the Council Chambers by Superior Court on an interim basis and also request the Council to consider authorizing staff to provide them with a schedule and possibly provide facilities on a rental basis in another building owned by the City. Councilman Rockoff stated he is very pleased to hear of this cooperative effort between the City and County, and felt the Council should do everything necessary to implement the City Attorney's recommendation, as long as it does not interfere with the efficiency of City operations. Councilman Payne stated it is a constructive use of a government facility and the Kern County taxpayer's money. He agrees with Councilman Rockoff and hopes this type of cooperative effort continues. City Attorney Oberholzer stated the court indicated they would be willing to contribute to the cost of electricity, main- tenance, etc., if they are going to be using the Council Chambers more often than originally anticipated. 400 Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 - Page 9 Councilman Barton stated he could support the use of the Council Chambers or other facilities on the basis that it does not interfere with City government. If there are going to be ongoing expenses then the Council should discuss a rental fee, etc. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton the Council supported the use of the Council Chambers, on an interim basis, by Superior Court as long as it does not interfere with City operations and staff was authorized to discuss with the County the use of other City properties for use by Superior Court. Councilman Means stated he read an article in the news- paper regarding the County discussion on their need for space and whether or not to lease space in the proposed Truxtun Galleria Project. The Council has not discussed whether or not to approve the Truxtun Galleria Project, continue the hearing, etc., and its' approval is not a foregone conclusion. important project for the downtown area. Board of Supervisors to lease expensive not needed. However, it has turned out Clearly, it is a very He would not expect the space nor lease if it is that the space will not be expensive and from their own estimate they need approximately 140,000 square feet of space. It seems as if they feel pressured to save the downtown and are reacting by going in the other direction. He feels that is inappropriate and hopes they see downtown as the City's responsibility, however, it is the largest City in the County and there should be a spirit of cooperation. If they have a need and the deal is good, he hopes they will go a little overboard and become involved in the project. Councilman Means asked if the Board of Supervisors are going to discuss this matter next Monday. City Manager Kelmar stated he is not sure, because he understands Supervisor Mitchell will not be present and they may hold off until he can be present. Upon a motion by Councilman Means, the Mayor was authorized to attend the Board of Supervisors meeting when this matter will be Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 - Page 10 discussed to represent the City's desire to promote cooperation. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar: (a) Allowance of Claims Nos. 1345 to 1534, inclusive, in the amount of $694,992.68. (b) Claim for Damages and Personal Injuries from JoAnne Harris, 1000 Pacheco Road, Apt. 117, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (c) Claim for Damages from Pacific Gas and Electric Company, 1918 "H" Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (d) Claim for Damages and Personal Injuries from Sharon Menashe, 2108 St. Clair, Simi Valley, California. (Refer to City Attorney) (e) Claim for Damages from Vonya Woods, 27478 County Glen Road, Agoura, California. (Refer to City Attorney) (f) Claim for Damages from Charles Drew, 14360 Vose Street, Apt. #114, Van Nuys, California. (Refer to City Attorney) (g) Claim for Damages from Red Lobster Inn, c/o Robinson, Palmer & Stanton, Attorneys at Law, 1326 "H" Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (h) Claim for Damages from Diana Marie Timmons, 6709 Caswe11, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (i) Claim for Implied and Comparative Indemnity from Tenneco West, Inc., and Tenneco Realty Development, c/o Clifford, Jenkins & Brown, Attorneys, 1605 "G" Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (J) Claim for Damages from Marjorie C. Griffith, 8535 Kern Canyon Road, Space 60, Bakers- field. (Refer to City Attorney) (k) Claim for Damages from Eugene Livio Palla and Palla Rosa Farms, c/o Robinson, Palmer & Stanton, Attorneys at Law, 1326 "H" Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (i) Claim for Damages from Darold L. Young, 7504 Pembroke Avenue, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (m) Claim for Damages from Esther M. Lozano, 3325 Elm Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 - Page ll (n) (o) Grant of Easement £rom Tenneco Realty Development Corporation for water pipe- lines, as required by the Planning Com- mission for Parcel Map No. 6791, located on south side of Truxtun Avenue and west side of Mohawk Street. Improvement Agreement for Parcel Map No. 5944 with Villa-Loma Development for construction of improvements therein, located south of State Highway 178 on east side of Fairfax Road; and Street Right-of-Way Deed from Saroyan Develop- ment Company and Rolling Woods Condominium providing additional right-of-way on Fairfax Road required for Parcel Map No. 5944. (p) Notices of Completion and Acceptance of Work on: (q) (r) (s) (t) (u) Adjustment of Tailwater Pump Station Nos. 9, 11 and 12, Contract No. 83-129 with J. L. Myers Company. Bakersfield Senior Citizens Center, Contract No. 82-216 with Jerry McLaughlin. Tract No. 4472, Contract No. 83-33 with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation, located at Ming Avenue and Haggin Oaks Drive. Parcel Map No. 5339, Contract No. 79-109 with Mrs. Sara Adler, located at Oswell and Bernard Streets. Application for Encroachment Permit from Stephen & Rebecca Hawthorne, 4500 San Miguel Way, Bakersfield, for construction of a 6 foot high wood fence on side yard of Sunview Street, at 4500 San Miguel Way, behind existing sidewalk. Application for Encroachment Permit from Rodney Welch, 4501 Siam Court, Bakersfield, for construction of a 3 foot high open pattern wrought iron fence behind sidewalk on Calcutta Street and Siam Court, at 4501 Siam Court. Application for Encroachment Permit from Goldie Thompson-Loveland, 2517 Alder Street, Bakersfield, for construction of a 6 foot high wood fence along side yard behind sidewalk on 6th Street, at 631 Eye Street. DELETED Plans and Specifications for construction of Fire Station No. 3, located at Saunders Park. Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 - Page 403 (v) Consent to Common Use Agreement with Pacific Gas and Electric Company for the Pacheco Greenbelt Storm Drain. Upon a motion by Councilman Means, Items (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (q), (r), by the following roll call vote Ayes: Councilmen Christensen Barton Noes: None Absent: None (f) (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (1), (m), (n), (o), (p), (s) (u) and (v) of the Consent Calendar, were adopted Means, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Upon ACTION ON BIDS a motion by Councilman Payne, low bid of Three-Way Chevrolet, in the amount of $6,981.58, for Lightweight Pickup Truck for Building Department, was accepted and alI other bids rejected. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, usual bidding require- ments were dispensed with, in accordance with Section 3.20.060 of the Municipal Code, and the Finance Operations Manager was authorized to negotiate a price for Seven Used Cars for Undercover Work (two for Fire Department and five for Police Department), not to exceed the budgeted amount of $70,000. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, low bid of Kern Delta Equipment Company, in the amount of $33,750, for Annual Contract for Operated Drag Line for the Water Resources Department, was accepted, the other bid rejected and the Mayor was authorized to execute the contract. DEFERRED BUSINESS Adoption of Ordinance No. 2878 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Title Seventeen of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the Land Use Zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield located on the east side of Stine Road, 800 feet south of Harris Road. 404 Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 - Page 13 The Srour and would change subject properties from an "A" Zone to an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) Zone. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this amendment. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Negative Declaration and Ordinance No. 2878 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Title Seventeen of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the Land Use Zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield located on the east side of Stine Road, 800 feet south of Harris Road, finding said zoning consistent with the General Plan, were adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Means, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Barton Noes: None Absent: Councilman Christensen Adoption of Ordinance No. 2879 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Ordinance No. 2848, New Series, to correct boundary description of property rezoned thereby. This ordinance amends the legal description of a prior ordinance rezoning property at the northwest corner of White Lane and Wible Road. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Ordinance No. 2879 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Ordinance No. 2848, New Series, to correct boundary description of property rezoned thereby, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Abstaining: application for this amendment was made by Sami C. (Agricultural Ratty, Rockoff, Barton Councilmen Means, Payne, None None Councilman Christensen Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 - Page 14 NEW BUSINESS First reading of an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.06.020 of Title 17 of the Municipal Code changing the Land Use Zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield located on the north side of College Avenue, 800 feet east of Fairfax Road; and making findings in connection with a P.U.D. Zone. The application for this amendment was made by James L. Holloway and would change subject properties from an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and R-2-D (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling - Architectural Design) Zones to a P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) Zone, consisting of 79 duplex structures containing a total of 158 single family dwelling units. The Planning Commission recommended approva~ of this amendment, subject to 9 additions to the plan, and made findings delineated in Section 17.52.070 of the Municipal Code. First reading was considered given an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.06.020 of Title 27 of the Municipal Code changing the Land Use Zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield located on the north side of College Avenue, 800 feet east of Fairfax Road; and making findings in connection with a P.U.D. Zone. Approval of Agreement between the City of Bakersfield and Quad Con- sultants for preparation of a Draft and Final Environmental Impact Report on the Pavilion Project - a proposed commercial development ~ocated on the west side of Manor Street, south of the Kern River requiring a General Plan Amendment. Quad Consultants prepared an Environmental Impact Report for a 60-unit housing project on subject property in 1981. Quad has estimated the cost to revise the E.I.R. for the Pavilion Project, not to exceed $12,000. The developer has provided assurances that they will pay for all costs up to $12,000, incurred by the consultant in the preparation of the E.I.R. An initial Bakersfield, California, October 12, 1983 - Page 15 deposit of $8,000 has been received and placed into the City's E.I.R. Account. The Planning staff will be responsible for keeping track of the account and requiring additional funds from the developer, as required. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Agreement between the City of Bakersfield and Quad Consultants for preparation of a Draft and Final Environmental Impact Report on the Pavilion Project - a proposed commercial development located on the west side of Manor' Street, south of the Kern River requiring a General Plan Amendment, was approved and the Mayor was authorized to execute same. Adoption of Emergency Ordinance No. 2880 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Sections 8.32.030 A.1., B., C.l., D., Section 8.32.040, and Section 8.32.050 relative to Refuse Collection Charges. This Emergency Ordinance reduces, by one-half, the Refuse Collection Charges previously established by Emergency Ordinance No. 2863 New Series, retroactive to September 1, 1983. Such reduction is warranted, because since adoption of Emergency Ordinance No. 2863 New Series, the City has been assured of receipt of additional revenue from the State of California. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, Emergency Ordinance No. 2880 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Sections 8.32.030 A.1., B., C.l., D., Section 8.32.040, and Section 8.32.050 relative to Refuse Collection Charges, was adopted by the following roll Ayes: Councilmen Noes: Absent: call vote: Christensen, Means, Payne, Barton Ratty, Rockoff, None None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the !07 Bakersfield, California, October 12, lg83 - Page 16 Council, upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M. ATTEST: MAYOR of~ City of Bakersfield, ~'i~ ~-~ CITY CLE d ~ Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California ma Calif. 4O8 Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 Minutes of a Joint Public Hearing of the Council of the City of Bakersfield and the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 7:00 P.M., October 18, 1983, regarding a Disposition and Development Agreement on the proposed sale of certain real property in the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area by the Redevelopment Agency to the Moreland Corporation (Developer), for development and construction by the Developer of the Truxtun Galleria Office/Retail Complex, bounded by Truxtun Avenue on the south, Chester Avenue on the east, 17th Street on the north and "H" Street on the west, excluding the north half of Block 285 on which the California Republic Bank and adjacent parking structure are located. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shell and Agency Chairman Barton, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Mayor Shell. The City Clerk called the roll of the Council, as follows: Present: Mayor Shell. Councilmen Means, Payne, Rockoff, Barton Absent: Councilmen Ratty, Christensen The City Clerk called the roll of the Agency, as follows: Present: Agency Members Barton, Means, Payne, Rockoff Absent: Agency Members Christensen, Ratty STAFF REPORTS City Manager and Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency Kelmar reported that a few weeks ago he indicated that there was some interest on the part of a Developer to remove and rehabili- tate the Hall of Records Building. There have been concerns ex- pressed regarding the historical significance of that building by certain segments of the community. He met with Mr. times and it has been agreed, in principle, on the action. Mr. Gannon plans to move and rehabilitate, exterior, of the Hall of Records Building to the same status it was many years ago. If the Development Agreement is favorably acted on this evening the City Attorney's Office will be directed Gannon several terms for that trans- at least the Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page 2 to prepare the necessary documents to bring back to the Council and Redevelopment Agency for consideration. In answer to a question by Mayor Shell, City Manager and Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency Kelmar stated the Hall of Records Building will be moved to a downtown site. Mr. David Beatty, Consulting Attorney for the Redevelop- ment Agency, reported that the following technical changes will be made to the Disposition and Development Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and Moreland Corporation: Page 6 - First paragraph: Presently states In accordance with and subject to all the terms, covenants and condi- tions of this Agreement, the Agency agrees to sell, and the Redeveloper agrees to purchase and develop, Parcels A and B of the Site for the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) (the "Parcel A and B Disposition Price"), however the Agency shall retain the air rights over Parcel B in order to construct additional parking as specified in this Agreement. Corrected to state In accordance with and subject to all the terms, covenants and condi- tions of this Agreement, the Agency agrees to sell, and the Redeveloper agrees to purchase and develop, Parcels A and B of the Site for the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) (the'~arcel A and B Disposition Price"), however the Agency shall retain all the air rights over the parking structure to be built on Parcel B prior to the conveyance of Parcel C. Page 6 - Second paragraph: Comma deleted after the wording ONE DOLLAR ($1.00),. Correction of typographical error in the word specified. Page 32 - Paragraph (c): Insert the word o~r after the word Agreement. Page 33 - First full paragraph: First sentence presently states - In the event of termination under subdivisions (a), (b), (d), (e), (f) or (i) of this Section, the Deposit may be retained by the Agency as liquidated damages and as its property without any deduction, offset or recoupment whatsoever. Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page 3 Corrected to state - In the event of termination under subdivisions (a), (b), (d), (e) or (f) of this Section, the Deposit may be retained by the Agency as liquidated damages and as its property without any deduction, offset or recoupment whatsoever. Mr. Beatty stated the correction to Page 33 clarifies an ambiguity. If the Agency does not sell the Parking Bonds and the development cannot go forward the Developer will get the "good faith deposit" back, because it is not his fault. Attachment No. i - Site Plan: Insert a new Site Plan, which clearly deletes from the parcel to be acquired by the Agency and conveyed to the Developer the parking ramp owned by California Republic Bank. Mr. Beatty stated this is the way it was intended and so states in the agreement. In most of the maps it is clearly identified as land that will not be acquired by the Agency. It is still part of the project, but it is not land to be acquired by the Agency and conveyed to the Developer. Attachment No. 3 - Schedule of Performance: No. 9 - Fill in blank space to read "Within 180 days after execution of this Agreement by the Agency. Attachment No. 5, Page 3 - Method of Financing - Section B. - Sale to Tax-Exempt Entity - Second Paragraph: Presently states - Prior to the conveyance of property on Parcels A, B or C to a tax-exempt entity after the Redeveloper receives a Certi- ficate of Completion, the Redeveloper shall notify the Agency which shall determine whether the conveyance will reduce the property taxes to be received from the Site. If the Agency determines the property taxes will be reduced, the Agency shall also determine whether the remaining property taxes to be received after the reduction are sufficient to pay the Agency's debt service. If the Agency determines that the remaining property taxes are insufficient to pay the Agency's debt service, the Redeveloper shall, prior to the conveyance, either (a) make payments to the Agency in a sufficient amount to reduce the outstanding debt so that the property taxes received by the Agency are sufficient to pay the reduced debt service or (b) in a manner approved by the Agency assure that the purchaser will pay the lesser of either the property taxes which would be paid Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page 4 by an owner which was not tax-exempt or an amount sufficient to enable the Agency to pay its debt service. Corrected to state - Prior to the conveyance of property on Parcels A, B or C to a tax- exempt entity the Redeveloper shall notify the Agency which shall determine whether the con- veyance will reduce the property taxes to be received from the Site. If the Agency deter- mines the property taxes will be reduced, the Agency shall also determine whether the remaining property taxes to be received after the reduction are sufficient to pay the Agency's debt service. If the Agency determines that the remaining property taxes are insufficient to pay the Agency's debt service, the Redeveloper shall, prior to the conveyance, either (a) make payments to the Agency in a sufficient amount to reduce the outstanding debt so that the property taxes received by the Agency are sufficient to pay the reduced debt service or (b) in a manner approved by the Agency assure that the purchaser or lessor will pay the lesser of either the property taxes which would be paid by an owner which was not tax- exempt or an amount sufficient to enable the Agency to pay its debt service. For the purposes of this Section (III. B.), the term conveyance shall mean lease, sale or any other trans£er of interests in Parcels A, B or C. Mr. Beatty stated this section is designed to protect the Agency if the property is transferred or sold from the Developer to a tax-exempt entity. Attachment No. 5, Page 4 - ~ethod of Financing - B. Adjustment Purchase Price: Presently states - If on the calculation date the average rent of space actually occupied in the office tower constructed on Parcel C is at least $1.80 per square foot of leasable space, as part of the Option Parcel Disposition Price specified in Section 201, the Redeveloper shall pay an additional sum (Adjustment Purchase Price) for the purchase of Parcel C and the air rights above the parking structure constructed on Parcel B, in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the ownership interest of the developer. Corrected to state - If on the calculation date the average rent for the first five years of the lease of space actually occupied in the office tower constructed on Parcel C is at least $1.80 per square foot of leasable space, as part of the Option Parcel Disposition Price specified in Section 201, the Redeveloper shall pay an additional sum (Adjustment Purchase Price) for the purchase of Parcel C and the air rights above the parking structure con- structed on Parcel B, in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the ownership interest of the developer. Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page 5 Mr. Beatty stated this paragraph determines whether or not the Redeveloper must pay the additional adjusted purchase price on the Phase II parcel. If the rents in the project on Phase II average $1.80 per square foot the adjusted purchase price or in- creased purchase price must be paid. Attachment No. 5, Page 5 - Method of Financing - E. Note and Deed of Trust: Presently states - Prior to the closing of escrow on Parcel C and the air rights on Parcel B, the Redeveloper shall execute a note in the form set forth in Attachment No. 6 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, secured by a deed of trust in the form set forth in Attachment No. 7 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference which shall secure the obligation of the Redeveloper to pay the Adjustment Purchase Price. Corrected to state - Prior to the closing of escrow on Parcel C and the air rights on Parcel B, the Redeveloper shall execute a note substantially in the form set forth in Attach- ment No. 6 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, secured by a deed of trust substantially in the form set forth in Attachment No. 7 attached hereto and incor- porated herein by reference which shall secure the obligation of the Redeveloper to pay the Adjustment Purchase Price. Mr. Beatty stated there are documents which will actually be executed a number of months, if not years, from now and, there- fore, it is necessary to be able to make technical changes without having to come back and get the Development Agreement amended each time. All of the changes that have been itemized have been reviewe.d with the Developer and he has agreed to them. Mr. Calvin Hollis, representing the firm of Katz Hollis the Redevelopment Agency's Financial Consultants, stated the Redevelopment Agency has had on file with the City Clerk's Office for the last two weeks two documents entitled "Analysis of the Cost of the Disposition and Development Agreement for the Proposed Truxtun Galleria in the Bakersfield Downtown Redevelopment Project -- pursuant to Section 33675 of the California Community Redevelopment Law" prepared by Katz Hollis and "Reuse Analysis - Multi-Use Office/ Retail Center, Bakersfield, California" prepared by Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. These two documents are required by the Health Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page 6 and Safety Code in situations where the Agency is to convey properl~y acquired in whole or in part from tax-increments, which is the case in this proposed Development Agreement. This project is proposed to be a two phase office/retail project. The first phase will consist of an office tower con- taining approximately 14 stories, with not less than 150,000 square feet of leasable office space. Part of the first phase is a multi-level retail mall of approximately 53,000 square feet of leasable space and 19,000 square feet of retail common area. The first phase will also contain a combination of subterranean and structured parking of not less than 716 spaces. Under the agreemerit the Developer has the option to purchase the second phase site within 60 months of completion of the first phase. Although not required by the agreement, the second phase is currently envisioned to be a project of approximately 20 stories with 270,000 square feet of office space, 41,000 square feet of retail space, 19,000 square feet of retail common area and subterranean and structured parking of not less than 682 spaces. The combination of those parking spaces are required by the City's codes. The direct cost to the Agency for this agreement is shown on Table I contained in the Analysis of the Cost of the Disposition and Development Agreement. The Agency is required to; assemble the site for the project, relocate any tenants on the site, demolish the structures and some utility responsibilities. The total of those costs are estimated to be $4,096,000. Included within those acquisition costs are the costs of City owned property, which, in Phase I, includes portions of an alley and street to be vacated. Phase II includes that property which is now a City parking lot. In addition to those direct costs, a contingency has been allowed for, in the amount of $350,000, and cost of administering the acquisition program of $150,000, for a total estimated site assembly cost of $4,596,000. All of the direct costs, with the Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page 7 exception of the City owned parking lot, are required for Phase I. The only additional requirements the Agency has in the site assembly cost for Phase II is the City parking facility. In addition to the direct costs the Agency has, under the agreement, is the responsibility to make annual lease payments for certain public parking spaces within the above-grade parking garage. To determine the total cost of the agreement to the Agency, Katz Hollis took the present value of both sets of lease payments, using a 10% discount rate, which is approximately $654,000. Under the agreement it is contemplated the Agency will be responsible for debt service on Industrial Revenue Bonds, which will help finance part of the acquisition of the site. The Agency will have interest costs associated with those payments. The other source to the Agency for funds to assemble the site is to use a portion of the Tax Allocation Bond that the Agency issued in April, 1983. It has been estimated that approxi- mately $2,700,000 of that Bond issue will be used for this project and Katz Hollis has included, as a cost to the Agency, the interest: on those bonds over the term of the Bonds. The Agency will receive certain revenue as a result of this project. Those revenues come from three sources: property taxes from the develop- ment; the Developer has agreed to make an in-lieu payment to the extent that the property taxes on either Phase I or combination of Phase I and Phase II do not equal $500,000 per year, beginning the first year Phase I is completed; and the agreement provides that in the event the Developer exercises his option on Phase II that the Agency will receive a purchase price from Phase II under certain conditions. Those conditions are spelled out in the agreement. If the development of Phase II commands rents in excess of a $1.80 per square foot the Agency will receive, additional purchase price, the value of 5% of the project, of any debt on the project. It as an exclusive is a method of determining that Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page 8 purchase price today, etc. in the future, when there are a lot of unknowns as to what the project will look like, what rents will be, The total cost to the Agency, prior to consideration of additional purchase price for tax increments or in-lieu payments, is approximately $10,100,000. Those are the total costs to the Agency for the project and includes interest on bond financing over a 25 year period. That is the present value of those costs. Katz Hollis has estimated the value to the Agency of tax increments generated by the project in the in-lieu payments from the Developer over the life of the project to be approximately $3,500,000. That is exclusive of any payment made by the Developer for Phase II. The net cost to the Agency for this agreement over the life of the project is approximately $6,500,000, exclusive of any consider~L- tion for the sale of Phase II. Mr. Hollis stated the purpose of the Reuse Analysis is to estimate the value of the site for the proposed use. The reuse is defined as being the highest price which a property is expected to bring for a specific use in a competitive and open market under the reuse conditions established by the Agency. The value of the property at this location is being determined for this development that has been proposed under the conditions spelled out in the Disposition and Development Agreement. Those conditions are that a specific type of development must be built. A minimum amount of development must be built at one time. The parking must be of a certain nature, structured and underground. The project must go forward immediately and no speculation on the land is allowed under the agreement. The Reuse Analysis looked at several methods of valuing the property. The first is a comparable approach; that is, to look at what other developements of this type, in this area, have paid for land. This type of project has not been built in this area. Other projects in this area, not similar to this one, were 416 Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page 9 looked at. per square per square The Analysis shows that the cost for land and parking foot in the suburban area has been approximately $21.00 foot of leasable area. This project commands a cost to the Developer of approximately $32.00 per square foot. This Developer, in this location, is paying more for land and parking than other Developers of office space in the Greater Bakersfield Area. In other developments, particularly those in the suburban Bakersfield area, the major cost for land and parking has gone for land. The parking has been mostly surface parking. In this project the predominant portion of the contribution of land and parking is into parking. The parking is either structured or below grade. However, in total land and parking costs the Developer in this location is paying more than a Developer in a suburban area. Looking at it from a comparable standpoint, this project is at least com- parable to what other Developers are paying from a land and parking cost standpoint. The project was then looked at from an income standpoint to determine, after looking at the cost and rents associated with the project, what income was available to support the land. After accounting for the cost of the project, revenue from rents generated by the project, parking payments that the Agency would be making to the Developer and accounting for the obligation the Developer has to make payments to the Agency on Phase I that are in excess of the taxes generated from Phase I, it was determined that Phase I actually had a negative land value. The income generated was not sufficient to support all the costs of the project, exclusive of land. When Phase II was looked at, as a total project, the con- clusion as to land value using the income approach, was that the combined project had a value of about $50,000. That assumed that Phase II went ahead at the same time as Phase I. In looking at this project, now that it is a phased project, it was concluded that if the Developer had only the rights to build Phase I and no option on Phase II, the land value would be Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page l0 negative and the Developer would probably not go forward with it. Therefore, it was concluded that the appropriate land value for Phase I is minimal or a $1.00 land value. The proper value for Phase II should be determined at the time it goes forward. There is a formula in the agreement that will calculate what the Phase value is for land, depending on what rents are at that point in time, what the project is in terms of square footage, what the use of the property is, etc. The last portion of the report concerns the value of the property at its highest and best use. The highest and best use is defined as the legal use that yield to the l~.nd the highest value. It does not take into account any restrictions on the property that the Agency would place on it. Of all the land uses permitted by the Zoning and Redevelopment Plans, it only looks at which of those uses generates the highest land value and what is that land value. It was concluded that the highest and best use for that piece of property is probably an office project of approximately 250,000 square feet with structured parking and no subterranean parking or enclosed retail mall area and the value of that property would be approximately $1,300,000, if that was the development being proposed. CORRESPONDENCE Communication from Bianco, Means & McBurnie, Attorneys at Law, l107 Truxtun Avenue, dated October 17. 1983, requesting a review on behalf of their client, California Republic Bank, of the proposed Disposition and Development Agreement concerning a portior~ of Parcel A. In answer to a question by Councilman Rockoff, Mr. Beatty stated the concerns expressed in the letter have been eliminated due to the change in the map. The agreement clearly states that none of California Republic Bank's property is to be acquired by the Agency and the map has been corrected to be consistent with that. Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, communication from Biance, ~eans & McBurnie, Attorneys at Law, 1107 Truxtun Avenue, dated October 17, 1983, requesting a review on behalf of their client, California Republic Bank, of the proposed Disposition and Development Agreement concerning a portion of Parcel A, was received, ordered placed on file and referred to staff. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, communication from Norman ~4. Walters, 3301 Dwight Street, dated October 12, 1983, expressing opposition to the proposed Truxtun Galleria Project, was received and ordered placed on file. Mr. Beatty stated, for the record, each Councilman received a copy of Mr. Walters' letter expressing opposition to the Truxtun Galleria Project due of the Hall of Records Building, prise, etc. pation. Agency, to concerns with the change of use interference with private enter- PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Shell delcared the hearing open for public partici- Dr. Glenn Puder, former member of the Redevelopment stated he is familiar with some of the procedures that have taken place tonight and was on the Agency for eight years because he was and is interested in Downtown Redevelopment. He felt this project is viable and should be pursued with vigor. Mr. Richard McBurnie, Attorney with the firm of Bianco, Means & McBurnie, stated he appreciates the efforts made by the Counsel for the Agency to revise the draft agreement to cover the problem raised in their correspondence. On behalf of California Republic Bank, he still has a slight concern regarding the legal description of Parcel A contained on Attachment No. 2 of the Agreement. That Attachment includes Parcel A and a slight revision might be appropriate. Mr. Beatty sugggested that when the motion is made on the agreement, if the Council desires, it can be made subject to any Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page revisions in the legal description which are necessary to clearly exclude that parcel of land from the property to be acquired by the Agency. Mr. John Brock, owner of Brock's Department Store, stated if the costs are not out of line he feels the Galleria Project proposed by Mr. Moreland, at least Phase I, would be one of the first steps that might get downtown off the ground. They have been waiting a long time and people are needed downtown. He is not for spending a lot of the taxpayers money, however, something is needed to start the ball rolling if the City is going to have a viable downtown, centrally located. He is for this project proposed by Mr. Moreland. Mr. Dick Crow, Vice-Chairman Society, stated they would like to see preserved in a reasonable sort of way. of the Kern County Historical the Hall of Records Buildin~ The report made several monthsago by Mr. Richard Monje of the City's Historical Preservatic. n Commission was very comprehensive, brought up a lot of problems concerning the Hall of Records Building and recommended it be preserved. City Manager Kelmar's report this evening regarding moving and rehabilitating the Hall of Records is probably sufficient for many of them to support moving that building and restoring it. In order to reinforce this position it is suggested that the project being discussed tonight be contingent upon the successful execution of an agreement with Mr. Gannon for the moving and restoration of the Hall of Records Building. Mr. Mark Lutrel stated he is not totally against the Galleria Project. He is concerned with the Hall of Records Building. He felt redevelopment, as a whole, is good and there are certain areas in the City that need it. He felt removing the Hall of Records Building is not good for maintaining the historical signifance of the City for future generations. ~r. Lutrel read a portion of an article that appeared in the May issue of Bakersfield Lifestyle magazine entitled "Downtown A Turning Point," by Bruce E. Keith. Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page 13 Mrs. Jeanne Foth, former member of the Redevelopment Agency, speaking in opposition to the project, stated she feels the Truxtun Galleria Project is a beautiful dream and hopes it does not become a nightmare. She felt concern when talking about leasing to the County of Kern, because of the unknowns. They are talking about money that belongs to the taxpayers through tax increments, etc. Mrs. Martha Walters, 3301 Dwight Street, asked what site is being proposed for the Hall of Records Building. City Manager and Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency Kelmar stated it will be relocated on 17th Street between "F" and "G" Streets, which is presently a City parking lot and the Developer would pay the City for almost all of the land. Mrs. Walters, spoke in opposition to the Truxtun Galleria. Project and stated she did not feel downtown is a blighted area by definition in Health and Safety Code Section 33320.2. She stated her main objection is the use of taxpayers money to create a subsidy for a private developer. No further protests or objections being received and no one else wishing to speak in favor, Mayor Shell closed the public portion of the hearing for Council and Agency deliberation and action. Councilman and Agency Member Means asked where the City is at in discussions with the County about leasing space. City Manager and Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency Kelmar stated the City is not involved in any of those discussions. That discussion is the responsibility of the Developer. He understands there is suppose to be a report filed, this week, by the County Administrative Officer in response to questions on the proposal made by the Developer to the County. The Board of Super- visors is suppose to discuss the issue at their meeting either Monday or Tuesday of next week. Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page 14 Councilman and Agency Member Means stated he has heard or seen in the media that there was some discussion about whether the offer that was made to the County was reasonable or whether they need that space. One of the concerns to the County seems to be that the deal they are being offered in terms of price per square foot is out of line, too high. Mr. Terry Moreland, Developer of the Truxtun Galleria Project, stated they have been apprised of the County needs for a number of months. They were in the process of looking at the opportunity to buy the Westchester property, which contains approximately 100,000 square feet. There have been numerous articles written, and have come across the medi~ of other space that they are looking at, so he put together a proposal that would meet their space requirements and a financial proposal to meet their economic needs. That proposal included numerous amounts of contengencies that would make it a viable proposition to the County. There was a $1.85 lease with the opportunity for them, after a 10-year period, to have ownership in the building. With- out that it would not be possible for the County to enter into a serious lease negotiation with the Galleria. Councilman and Agency Member Means stated any project like this is complex. Clearly, this is a situation where the City, through the Redevelopment Agency, is going to have to assist if downtown is going to be redeveloped. The City is in the process of seeing a landmark project that can get underway and allow the rest of downtown to develop. He hopes the Council and Agency will support this project and then the Council can turn to the County. Not ask them to do something that is not in their best financial interest. He recognizes the City has not had the best relationship, with the County in the past, but he feels the City has to assume 50% of the responsibility for that, whether it is the dump or any other item. He hopes the County does not go overboard by not getting Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page 15 into this proposal and recognizes that the City of Bakersfield is in the County and what may be in the interest of downtown may also be in the interest of other people in the County. The Board of Supervisors represent people who also live in the City. Those people are voting for some of the Council as well as the Board of Supervisors. It seems a little bit strange to him that there are some members of the Board of Supervisors who have some extended concerns, yet the Council members representing those same constituents are in support of it. He hopes any lack of coopera- tion in the past will be overlooked and the project is evaluated on its merits. It is something that is very critical for downtown and he feels it is, in fact, the last chance. It is the City's last hope and he hopes people will support it. He hopes the County also cooperates with Mr. Moreland in his project. COUNCIL AND AGENCY ACTIONS Adoption of Resolution No. RA14-83 of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency approving and authorizing the execution of a Disposition and Development Agreement between the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency and Moreland Corporation. Upon a motion by Agency Member Rockoff, Resolution No. RA14-83 of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency approving and authorizing the execution of a Disposition and Development Agree- ment between the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency and Moreland Corporation, including the technical corrections made to the Disposition and Development Agreement by the Redevelopment Agency's Consulting Attorney and any possible technical revisions that may be needed to exclude any land from Parcel I by California Republic Bank, Ayes: Noes: Absent: was adopted by the following roll call vote: Agency Members Barton, Means, Payne Rockoff None Agency Members Christensen, Ratty Bakersfield, California, October 18, 1983 - Page 16 Adoption of Resolution No. 123-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field approving and authorizing the execution of a Disposition and Development Agreement between the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency and Moreland Corporation. Upon a motion by Councilman Means, Resolution No. 123-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield approving and authorizing the execution of a Disposition and Development Agreement between the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency and Moreland Corporation, including the technical corrections made to the Disposition and Development Agreement by the Redevelopment Agency's Consulting Attorney and any possible technical revisions that may be needed to exclude any land from Parcel I by California Republic Bank, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Means, Payne, Rockoff, Barton Noes: None Absent: Councilmen Ratty, Christensen Adoption of Resolution No. RA15-83 of the City of Bakersfield Redevelop- ment Agency authorizing the entering into of Financing Leases or Agree- ments for the purpose of financing construction of office building facilities to be constructed and developed by Moreland Corporation. Upon a motion by Agency Member Payne, Resolution No. RA15-83 of the City of Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency authorizing; the entering into of Financing Leases or Agreements for the purpose of financing construction of office building facilities to be constructed and developed by Moreland Corporation, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Agency Members Barton, Means, Payne, Rockoff Noes: None Absent: Agency Members Christensen, Ratty Adoption of Resolution No. RA16-83 of the City of Bakersfield Redevelop- ment Agency authorizing the entering into of Financing Leases or Agree- ments for the purpose of financing construction of parking structure to be constructed and developed by Moreland Corporation. Bakersfield, California, October i8, 1983 - Page Upon a motion by Agency Member Payne, Resolution No. RA16-83 of the City of Bakersfieid Redevelopment Agency authorizing: the entering into of Financing Leases or Agreements for the purpose. of financing construction of parking structure to be constructed and developed by Moreland Corporation, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Agency Members Barton, Means, Payne, Rockoff Noes: None Absent: Agency Members Christensen, Ratty ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion by Agency Member Means, the Redevelopment Agency's portion of the joint public hearing regarding the Disposition and Development Agreement for the Truxtun Galleria Project, was adjourned at 8:43 P.M. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, the joint public hearing before the Council and Redevelopment Agency regarding the Disposition and Development Agreement for the Truxtun Galleria Project, was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. MAYO C~tv'~of~~ AYOo~C~ y akersfield, ATTEST: CITY CLERK and/Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California ma Calif. Bakers~ie~ld; California, October 19, 1983 25 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 7:00 P.M., October 19, 1983. The meeting was called to order by:Mayor Shell, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Dr. Clyde Wasdin of The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: Mayor Shell. Councilmen Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Means Absent: Councilman Christensen Minutes of the Special Joint Meeting of September 27, 1983, and regular meeting of September 28, 1983, were approved as presented. CORRESPONDENCE Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, communication from Bakersfield Art Association, Inc., 1930 "R" Street, dated October 7, 1983, thanking the Council for the City's continued excellence in maintaining the building and grounds of the municipal art gallery and submitting the Director's Report of gallery activities for 1982-83, was received and placed on file. Upon a motion by Councilman Means, communication from Mr. Robert K. Aldrich, 1801 E1 Portal Drive, dated September 21, 19~3, requesting assistance for the hearing-impaired community of Bakers- field to obtain closed-captioned service from the local television stations and cable television companies, was received and referred to staff. Upon a motion by Councilman Means, communication from Mr. Jacques P. Thiroux, President of Kern Community Colleges, lB01 Panorama Drive, dated October 17, 1983, requesting the Council's support by writing a non-partisan letter to the state Legislature regarding support of the :~iern Co~m'unity College System was received and referred to the Legislative Committee. HEARINGS This is the time set for public hearing before the Council on Resolution of Intention No. 975 of the Council of the City of the First Assembly of God Church. Bakersfield, Cali£ornia, October 19, 1983 - Page 2 Bakersfield declaring its intention to order the vacation of a 20-foot alley within Block 236 located between 19th and 20th Streets and "H" and "G" Streets. This hearing has been duly advertised and posted.~ The application for this alley vacation was submitted by LRG Properties and Gannon Enterprise, Inc., 1925 "H" Street. Mayor Shell declared the hearing open for public partici- pation. No protests or objections being received and no one wishing to speak in favor, Mayor Shell closed the public portion of the hearing for Council deliberation and action. Upon a motion by Councilman Ratty, Resolution No. 124-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield ordering the vacation of a portion of the 20-foot alley within Block 236 located between 19th and 20th Streets and "H" and "G" Streets, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Means Noes: None Absent: Councilman Christensen This is the time set for continued public hearing before the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on any evidence for or against a proposal by the City of Bakersfield to change the zoning boundaries from a C-2 (Commercial) Zone and ff C-C (Civic Center) Zone to a C-3 (Central Business) Zone, affecting those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield located between "H" and "N" Streets and between Truxtun Avenue and 20th Street. This hearing has been duly advertised, posted and the property owners notified as required by law. This hearing was continued fro~ the Council Meeting cf September 14~ 1983. Planning Commission recommended the proposed C-3 Zoning not be adopted. The Commission was of the opinion the adoption of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan would be a more comprehensive approach for the central business district. Bakersfield, California, October 19, 1983 - Page 3 Councilman conflict of interest, discussion. pat ion. to speak Ratty stated that due to a real or imaginary he would not participate in the following Mayor Shell declared the hearing open for public partici- No protests or objections being received and no one wishing in favor, Mayor Shell closed the public portion of the hearing for Council deliberation and action. Councilman Barton stated he still has doubts about the adequacy of a Downtown Redevelopment Plan addressing all the CC Zoning needs in the downtown area. The Planning Commission has studied this issue and came up with a recommendation, therefore, he would go along with the Planning Commission's recommendation and see how it goes to meeting the needs of a C-3 (Central Business) Zoning. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, the Council did not (Central Business) Zone, by the following roll call adopt the C-3 vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Abstaining: Councilmen Payne, Rockoff, Barton, Means None Councilman Christensen Councilman Ratty ADJOURN)~ENT There being no further business to come before the Council, upon a motion by Councilman Payne, the meeting was adjourned at 7:12 P.M. ATTEST: the City of Bakersfield, Calif. CITY CLERK~ and ~k Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California CW 428 Bakersfield, California, October 26, 1983 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 7:00 P.M., October 26, 1983. The meeting was called to order by ~ayor Shell. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a minute of silent prayer. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: Mayor Shell. Councilmen Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Means, Payne Absent: Councilman Christensen Minutes of the regular meeting of October 12, 1983, were approved as presented. STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY PARTICIPANTS Mayor Shell welcomed and introduced the student counter- parts for Mayor and members of the Council, who will be participating in the Annual Student Government Day, November 9, 1983, as follows: Mayor Councilperson Councilperson Councilman Councilperson Councilman Councilman Councilperson Advisor Matt Jones Helen Chao Ida Franco Jack Coronel Sharon Reese Darin Poe Joe Bariffi Kimi Kingsbury Bill Jones SCHEDULED PUBLIC Bakersfield High School East Bakersfield High School Foothill High School Garces High School Highland High School North High School South High School Wes~ High School West High School STATEMENTS Mr. Tommy Townsend, Contractor and Developer, requested an amendment to an ordinance that would require cable television companies to pay for trenching in newly developed areas. All other utility companies are required to pay their share of the trenching. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, request of Mr. Townsend to amend the ordinance to require cable television companies to pay their share for trenching in newly developed areas, was referred to the Budget Review and Finance Committee for study and recommendation. CORRESPONDENCE Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Paul E. communication from Zeltner, Mayor of the City of Lakewood, California, dated Bakersfield, California, October 26, 1983 - Page 2 October 19, 1983, regarding Cable TV Resolution at National League of Cities, Congress of Cities Meeting, .to be held in New Orleans on November 27-29, 1983, was received and referred to the Budget Review and Finance Committee. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, communication from Gary Gatone Farms, dated October 24, 1983, regarding Municipal Sewer Farm Lease No. 78-165, was received and referred to the Water and City Growth Committee. Upon a motion by Councilman Means, communication from Mental Health Association in Kern County, dated October 25, 1983, requesting use of the former Easlings' Building at 2022 "L" Street, and also requesting endorsement of a Mental Health "Consumer Speaks" Conference to be held in February, was received and referred to staff and Redevelopment Agency. COUNCIL STATEMENTS Councilman Payne, on behalf of the entire Council, com- mended Police Chief Price and his department for their successful efforts to decrease the crime rate. Councilman Payne stated he wanted to set the record straight on a controversial issue, without turning it into a political football. There have been several drastic and demeaning statements made regarding the City of Bakersfield and their lack of interest in the situation at the intersection of White Lane and Akers Road. It has always been the No. 1 priority of this Council and staff to protect life and property. There are certain guide- lines that must be followed and State traffic warrants that must be met before the Council can arbitrarily institute traffic con- trols at any intersection. Until the recent construction in that area was completed and properties occupied, there was not sub- stantial traffic, pedestrian or vehicular, to justify installation of a traffic signal. Those warrants have now been met and the signal will be installed early next spring. The School Crossing Guard Program has been expanded so that Crossing Guards are at Bakersfield, California, October 26, 1983 - Page 3 their stations earlier and remain later in order to protect the junior high school students crossing that intersection to attend Thompson Junior High School. This Council has never ignored a matter of public safety. It has always been the No. 1 priority, but the Council must work within the framework of the law. Simply because a matter is a popular issue the Council cannot ignore the law and responsible action must be taken, even when it is not the most expeditious or popular thing to do. Council- man Payne commended Traffic Engineer Jerry Hahs and City staff for their assistance in reaching a successfu~ conclusion to this problem. Councilman Means stated he has a concern that came up at a recent discussion with the Kern County Water Agency. This City placed an advisory measure on the ballot concerning the Zone of Benefit No. i Tax and the people supported it two to one, indicating they wanted the City to make every effort to get out of paying the tax. With the City Attorney's assistance a process was started to participate in that process legally. The City did not appropriate funds to hire a consultant to review their report, therefore, there is now a situation where City residents will end up paying more on the Water Tax than they would have if we had not gotten involved before. He feels this is a very unfortunate situation. It is very clear the people of Bakersfield do not want to pay that Water Tax and now it will be even higher. It is amazing that the Water Agency is a body that can raise taxes when City and County government cannot do it. Most people do not even know who is on the Kern County Water Agency, much less who repre- sents their area. So, it is an unknown body who continues to raise taxes. After going through this reassessment they will be charging more than before. Councilman Means asked the City Attorney if the City has totally lost the ability to proceed in any legal manner. Bakersfield, California, October 26, 1983 - Page 4 City Attorney Oberholzer stated it is back to the old issue again, exhaustion of the administrative remedies along the way. ?herb must be some basis upon which to proceed if the assessments they have determined are going to be challenged. In order to do that there has to be some kind of technical ground to proceed on. The Kern County Water Agency hired what are considere,~ to be competent individuals to prepare their report and he is not sure the City has anything to rebut it with. There has to be a basis on which to pursue a challenge. If the City were going to attack the report, upon which they are relying for their assess- ment, there would have to be some kind of factual basis on it and it would require some kind of expertise in order to be able to establish that factual basis. Councilman Means stated, problem in the City is, it was just as he understood it, the an advisory election. It makes it difficult to interpret what should be done after an advisory election. He asked, if the City wanted to remove the I.D. No. 4 residents from paying the tax or subsidy, what kind of vote would it take. City Attorney Oberholzer stated he is not sure, but he does not think any vote will do anything other than advise, be- cause, essentially, the legislative act that established the Kern County Water Agency will have to be changed by a referendum of some sort. There are also obligations that have been incurred that will have to be satisfied. City Attorney Oberholzer stated he would have to refer to his notes on this issue before answering Councilman Means' questions. Councilman Means asked what remedy is left to the City. City Attorney Oberholzer stated the problem is, the City does not have any power, because the City does not make a deter- mination of the rates. The City does not even have any input as to the rates. The only thing the City can do is spend taxpayers' Bakersfield, California, October 26, 1983 - Page 5 money to desires. Board of that the legally pursue it, if that is what the City Council The real responsibility rests with the Kern County Supervisors. Councilman Means stated he believes one aspect was, City could petition LAFCO for an election. City Attorney Oberholzer stated that is for deannexation. There are still obligations incurred and someone has to of those obligations and he does not know how it can be Councilman Means asked, assuming that the users assume the full burden of the obligations, could the City and stop paying that tax through a petition to LAFCO. take care resolved. could deannex City Attorney Oberholzer stated he could not answer question tonight, but would get an answer November 9, 1983. Councilman Ratty stated this is that for Councilman Means by strictly a political problem. It is in the Board of Supervisor's ballpark. The City does not have any power, except to strenuously object. It is a political football over there and the Board of Supervisors are making political hay out of it by saying who will pay. Evidently, the City does not count in this regard, in some of their minds. It is up to the citizens to put the pressure on the Board of Supervisors and remember them at the next election. Mayor Shell requested the students participating in Student Government Day, in the audience, to stand and be recognized. REPORTS Councilman Barton, member of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, read Report No. 3-38 regarding Library -- Downtown Branch/Headquarters, as follows: Recently, this Committee met with the Inter- governmental Relations Committee from the Kern County Board of Supervisors to review and discuss the present as well as the growing needs of the Kern County Library and the down- town branch. Also present were members of City staff and County staff, including Library personnel. Bakersfield, California, October 26, 1983 - Page 6 Our discussions included, but were not limited to, such items as the present downtown library location, the growth of the City and County and the demand for additional library services the growth has created, and additional space needed to satisfy future library demands. Realizing the complex nature of the issue, both com- mittees concur that citizen input and partici- pation are desirable and necessary. Therefore, this Committee recommends the City Council approve the concept of a "Citizens Committee" and direct this Committee to return to the Council with specific recommendations. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, Intergovernmental Relations Committee Report No. 3-83 regarding Library -- Downtown Branch/Headquarters, was accepted; and concept of a "Citizens Committee," was approved and the Intergovernmental Relations Committee was directed to return to the Council with specific recommendations. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar: (a) Allowance of Claims Nos. 1535 to 1881, inclusive, in the amount of $576,071.60. (b) Claim for Damages and Personal Injuries from Wehrle Delano Peppars, 1127 - 3rd Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (c) Claim for Wrongful Death from Joan Black- wood, an adult; Tiffany Dawn Blackwood and Brian Robert Blackwood, minors; Charles Blackwood; and Michael Blackwood; c/o Chain, Younger, Jameson, Lemucchi & Noriega, 1128 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (d) Notice of Completion and Acceptance of Work on Tract No. 4544, Contract No. 83-35 with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation, located at White Lane and Park View Drive. (e) Application for Encroachment Permit from Karl Brueckner, P.O. Box 2776, Bakers- field, for construction of a 6 foot high wood fence behind sidewalk on Kramer Drive at 7317 Budge Way. (f) Application for Encroachment Permit from Gerald Clifford, 1831Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, for construction of a steel frame canopy, swinging doors at entry, quarry tile paving and new landscaping behind sidewalk area at 1909 - 16th Street. Bakersfield, California, October 26, 1983 - Page 7 (g) Downtown Historic Survey Project Agree- ment with the State Department of Parks and Recreation, Historic Preservation Office, providing an extension of time to complete the Historic Structure Survey. Upon a motion by Councilman Means, Items (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (£) and (g) o£ the Consent Calendar, were adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Means, Payne Noes: None Absent: Councilman Christensen ACTION ON BIDS Upon a motion by Councilman Ratty, all bids for contract for culvert widening at Wible Road and Branch 1 of the Kern Island Canal, were rejected and staff was authorized to re-evaluate the project. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, usual bidding require- ments were dispensed with, in accordance with Section 3.20.060 of the Municipal Code, and the Finance Operations Manager was authorized to negotiate a price with Motorola Communications for fourteen radios, one pager and one service monitor, not to exceed the budgeted amount of $46,410.00. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, low bid of Halprin Supply, in the amount of $11,163.92, for Fire Hose, was accepted and all other bids rejected. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, low bid of Kawasaki Sportcycle, in the amount of $85,958.74, for fifteen Police Special Motorcycles, was accepted and all other bids rejected. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, all bids for con- struction of Bernard Street Storm Drain, Phase I, were rejected and the staff was authorized to re-evaluate the project. Bakersfield, Californ±a, October 26, 1983 - Page 8 DEFERRED BUSINESS Adoption of Ordinance No. 2881 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.06.020 of Title 17 of the Municipal Code changing the Land Use Zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield located on the north side of College Avenue, 800 feet east of Fairfax Road; and making findings in connection with a P.U.D. Zone. The application for this amendment was made by James L. Holloway and would change subject properties from an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) and R-2-D (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling - Architectural Design) Zones to a P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) Zone, consisting of 79 duplex structures containing a total of 158 single family dwelling units. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this amendment, subject to 9 additions to the plan. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Negative Declaration and Ordinance No. 2881 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.06.020 of Title 17 of the Munici- pal Code changing the Land Use Zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield located on the north side of College Avenue, 800 feet east of Fairfax Road; and making findings in connection with a P.U.D. Zone, finding said zoning consistent with the General Plan, were adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Means, Payne Noes: None Absent: Councilman Christensen NEW BUSINESS First reading of an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.06.020 of Title 17 of the Municipal Code changing the Land Use Zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield located southeast of the intersection of Harris Road and Stine Road; and making findings in connection with a P.U.D. Zone. Bakersfield, California, October 26, 1983 - Page The application for this amendment was made by Sequoia Engineering, Inc., and would change subject properties from an MH (Mobilehome) Zone to a P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) Zone, consisting of 62 detached single family dwellings. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this amendment, subject to l0 additions to the plan, and made findings delineated in Section 17.52.070 of the Municipal Code. First reading was considered given an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.06.020 of Title 17 of the Municipal Code changing the Land Use Zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield located south- east of the intersection of Harris Road and Stine Road; and making findings in connection with a P.U.D. Zone. First reading of an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.08.175 C. of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Clear Sight View. This amendment clarifies wording in the ordinance and does not change any of the standards requiring clear sight distances at controlled intersections. Following a public hearing held October 6, 1983, the Planning Commission, by their Resolution No. 67-83, approved and recommended adoption by the City Council. First reading was considered given an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.08.175 C. of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Clear Sight View. Approval of Agreement with Ed Rodgers, Auctioneer, for rental of City property at 16th and "S" Streets (Old City Corporation Yard) for a public auction. As on previous occasions Ed Rodgers, Auctioneer, is requesting to rent the City property at 16th and "S" Streets for a public auction. City staff considers a daily rental of $75.00 to be acceptable and recommends Council approval. Bakersfield, California, October 26, 1983 - Page 10 Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Agreement with Ed Rodgers, Auctioneer, for rental of City property at 16th and "S" Streets (Old Corporation Yard), for a public auction- was approved and the Mayor was authorized to execute same. Approval of Quitclaim Deed from the City of Bakersfield to Loma Vista Construction for an existing City owned drainage sump site in exchange for additional land area and con- struction of a new drainage sump in adjacent Tract No, 4181. This exchange will allow the combining of two sumps into one basin, thereby, reducing the City's maintenance costs. The City has received the deed for the additional land area in Tract No. 4181. The property appraisal indicates the transfer is a fair exchange. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Quitclaim Deed from the City of Bakersfield to Loma Vista Construction for an existing City owned drainage sump site in exchange for additional land area and construction of a new drainage sump in adjacent Tract No. 4181, was approved and the Mayor was authorized to execute same. Approval of Lease Agreement with the County of Kern providing for the County to construct and maintain storm drain lines and pump station for the Hart Street drain across City owned property located north of the Kern River and east of Chester Avenue. This agreement has been reviewed by the City Water Resources Department and they recommend approval. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Lease Agreement with the County of Kern providing for the County to construct and maintain storm drain lines and pump station for the Hart Street drain across City owned property located north of the Kern River and east of Chester Avenue, was approved and the Mayor was authorized to execute same. ~-OO Bakersfield, California, October 26, 1983 - Page ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, upon a motion by Councilman Barton, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 P.M. AYOR~0the City of Bakersfield, Calif. ATTEST: CIT Ex ~fficio Clerk of the Council of the City of BaKersfield, California ma Bakersfield, California, November 9, 1983 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Council o£ the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 7:00 P.M., November 9, 1983. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shell, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Chaplin Ed Meissner of the First Assembly of God Church. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: Councilmen Rockoff, Barton, Christensen, Means, Payne Ratty Absent: None Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, ~4inutes of regular meetings of October 19 and 26, 1983, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Joint Public Hearing of October 18, 1983, were approved as corrected. CORRESPONDENCE Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, communication from Bill Carter, dated October 31, 1983, submitting his resigna- tion from the Golden Empire Transit District Board of Directors, effective November 16, 1983, was received, resignation accepted and the Mayor requested to send a letter of appreciation for his service to the City of Bakersfield. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, communication from American Baptist Homes of the West, P.O. Box 6669, Oakland, Califor- nia, requesting waiver of the Panama Union School District fee for their new construction project at 1301 New Stine Road, was received and referred to the City Attorney. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, communication from Gannon Enterprises, Incorporated, 4101 Union Avenue, dated November 3, 1983, requesting a General Plan Amendment from M-1 to high density multi-family for 13 acres bounded by 38th Street and Jewett Lane, 40th and "K" Streets, was received and referred to the Planning Commission for study and recommendation. 44O Bakersfield, California, November 9, 1983 - Page 2 Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, communication from James Redstone, 7209 Outingdale Drive, dated November 3, 1983, submitting his resignation from the Planning Commission, effective November 3, 1983, was received, resignation accepted and the Mayor requested to send a letter of appreciation for his service to the City of Bakersfield. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, communication from Bill L. Williams, Superintendent of Panama Union School District, requesting facilitation of the request by American Baptist Homes of the West for waiver of the Panama Union School District fee for their new construction project at 1301 New Stine Road, was received and referred to the City Attorney. COUNCIL STATEMENTS Councilman Payne requested Staff look into the possibility of the Council holding a special or a regularly scheduled meeting somewhere in the Sixth Ward in the near future to discuss some of the issues raised during the campaign and of concern to the Southwest Citizens' Group. Also, have members of the Public Works Department present to explain the Capital Improvement Budget, the improvements scheduled for the Sixth Ward, and why it takes time to accomplish some of these things, and possibly open up the lines of communication. If a meeting in the Sixth Ward is not possible, Councilman Payne stated he would look at other alternatives, but requested staff report back, if possible, by the next Council meeting. Councilman Payne stated he would make a list of issues available to staff. Councilman 14eans thanked his family, friends and the voters who gave him the opportunity to represent the Fifth Ward. He stated that serving as Councilman has been an experience of being in a position of not being able to accomplish things alone, It requires the help of other members of the Council. Every single person on this Council, as well as the Mayor, has been helpful and cooperative and in what he felt, were the best interests of the people of the Fifth Ward and the City as a whole. He stated he has Bakersfield, California, November 9, 1983 - Page 3 at times been a harsh critic of City Staff, but felt the City of Bakersfield has a Staff that cannot be beat anywhere, and every member of Staff has been supportive of him. Councilman Christensen stated that Councilman Means would be greatly missed by Council and Staff. He has been a disturbing influence, for the good, not only on Staff and Council, but even on the community. He wished him well in whatever his line of endeavors. Councilman Rockoff stated that Councilman Means and he probably have political differences, or at least the approaches to the problems that have to be solved come from different directions:, but that he has always handled the differences in a gentlemanly manner and he appreciated that. Councilman Payne stated Councilman ~eans has made tremendous accomplishments during his tenure in office. He and Councilman Means have not always agreed, and seldom on major issues. It is not the end result, or in what was trying to be accomplished, but in how to achieve the end result. Councilman Payne wished him luck in whatever his future endeavors might be and stated his last tenure on the Council has done nothing but benefit the constituents of this City. REPORTS Councilman Payne, member of the Legislative Committee, read Report No. 4-83, regarding State Funding for Kern Community Colleges, as follows: The Legislative Committee met on October 31, 1983 to consider the letter submitted to the City Clerk by Jacques F. Thiroux regarding state funding for the Kern Community Colleges. The Committee reviewed the memorandum written by Mr. Thiroux to faculty and District Board ~embers, dated October 13, 1983, subject: Political Action. While the Committee concurs that the community college system faces serious financial considera- tions in the future, the plight of the community colleges is not much different than that faced by most agencies relying on taxes as a source of operational revenue. The Committee believes that it is not appropriate for the City Council to take a position endorsing or opposing funding requests by other governmental agencies. The Committee, therefore, recommends that each Councilmember take action, as an individual, as that Councilmember deems appropriate. 4.42 Bakersfield, California, November 9, 1983 - Page 4 Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Legislative Committee Report No. 4-83 regarding State Funding for Kern Community Colleges, was accepted, and recommendations as outlined in the report were approved, by the following roll call vote: Ayes Noes Councilmen Rockoff, Barton, Payne, Ratty Councilmen Christensen, Means Absent: None Councilman Rockoff, Chairman of the Budget Review and Finance Committee, read Report No. 28-83 regarding Lerdo Facility Trustee Labor Utilization, as follows: During the past year, and in some cases more than one year, various operating departments throughout the City have availed themselves of the trustee labor available from Kern County Jail Facility at Lerdo. There is no cost to the City; however, it is necessary the City provide transportation to and from Lerdo Facility for the trustees. We met with members of the City staff to review the use of trustee labor and noted various departments are presently using twelve trustees on a daily basis. We further noted the City is currently using an older Police Department paddy wagon which will only accomodate transportation for eight of the trustees. The Lerdo Facility transports the Police Department's four trustees but is requesting the City provide transportation in the future. Further, we noted departmental requests for an additional seventeen trustees to be used throughout the City (refer to October 21, 1983 attached memo). We concur with staff in that the use of the trustee labor is very beneficial to the City, and we encourage the City staff to use the trustee labor wherever possible to increase service without increase in City costs. In order to utilize the additional trustees, City staff are requesting authorization and funding for the purchase of a used school bus. Preliminary inquiries by staff indicate a used school bus satisfactory for our need can be purchased for an amount not to exceed $4,300. We concur with this request and recommend the City Council authorize the purchase and approve funding from the Council contingency in an amount not to exceed $4,300. Further, inasmuch as the purchase of a used school bus does not lend itself to usual bidding proced~ ures, we recommend City Council dispense with the bidding procedures in accordance with Section 3.20.060 of the Municipal Code and authorize the Finance Operations Manager to negotiate a price not to exceed $4,300. Bakersfield, California, November 9, 1983 - Page 5 Upon a motion by Councilman Rockof£, Budget Review and Finance Committee Report No. 28-83 regarding Lerdo Facility Trustee Labor Utilization, was accepted; and recommendations as outlined in the report were approved. CONSENT CALENDAR (a) Allowance of Claims Nos. 1882 to 2154, inclusive, in the amount of $716,321.90. (b) Claim for Personal Injuries from R. L. Fritch, 3619 Elcia, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (c) Claim for Damages from Jack Saba, 915 Baker Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) Claim for Wrongful Death from Rebecca L. Sikola, individually and as personal rep- resentative of the Estate of William Leonard Sikola; Daniel M. Sikola, a minor, April L. Sikola; a minor, and Amber M. Sikola, a minor, c/o Edward J. Quirk, Jr., 1600 "M" Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (e) Claim for Personal Injuries from Curtis Lee Christian, c/o McKnight and McKnight 303 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (f) Claim for Damages from Ruth A. Poor, 3529 Country Club Drive, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) Claim for Damages from Robert E. Stricker 3904 Rickey Way, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (h) (i) Claim for Damages from Joe Louis Wooten, 128 "U" Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) Claim for Damages from Farmers Insurance Group, 21920 Nordoff Street, Chatsworth, California 91311. (Refer to City Attorney) (J) Quitclaim Deed from the City of Bakers- field to Tenneco Realty Development Corp- oration for quitclaim and release of a water pipeline easement in exchange for flowage/storm drain easements granted to the City of Bakersfield and accepted at City Council meeting of September 28, 1983. Said exchange of easements is required for Parcel Map 6791, located on the southwest side of Truxtun Avenue and ~ohawk Avenue. (k) Street Right-of-Way Deed from Sandon Invest- ment Group to the City of Bakersfield for public street right-of-way as required by the Planning Commission for Parcel Map 7044, located on the north side of Shandon Lane northeasterly of Fairfax Road and Panorama Drive. 444 Bakersfield, California, November 9, 1983 - Page 6 (i) (m) (n) (o) (P) (q) (r) (s) Map of Tract No. 4647 and Improvement Agree- ment with U.S. Home Corporation, for con- struction of improvements therein, located on Westfield Road northeasterly of Stockdale Highway and Coffee Road. Map of Tract No. 4540 with Stockdale Partners, is located north of District Boulevard, east of Stine Canal. Maps of Tract No. 4568, Unit 2; Tract No. 4593; and Tract No. 4610; and Improvement Agreements with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation for construction of improvements therein. Tract 4568, Unit 2 is located on the east side of Gosford Road, south of Stockdale Highway. Tract 4593 is on the south side of District Boulevard between Fosford Road and Old River Road. Tract 4610 is located on the south side of Ming Avenue east of Old River Road. Notices of Completion and Acceptance of Work on: Construction of improvements on the Land- fill Access Road, Contract No. 83-143, with Granite Construction Company. Tract No. 4181, Contract No. 82-169, with Loma Vista Construction, located at south- west corner of Fairview Road and Hughes Lane. Tract No. 4532, Contract No. 82-126, with Barrett Northern California, Inc., located at Fairview Road and Osborn Street. Parcel Map No. 5179, Contract No. 83-122, with Peter P. Mosesian and Vons Grocery Company, located at Real Road and Wilson Road. Application for Encraochment Permit from Russell E. Dean, 13605 Warrenton Avenue, for construction of an 18 inch high retain- ing wall along the back of the sidewalk at 13605 Warrenton Avenue. Application for Encroachment Permit from Dianne Eash, 1001 Oberlin Court, Bakers- field, for the construction of a 6 foot high wood fence on the side yard along Annapolis Drive, 5 feet from the curb at 1001 Oberlin Court. Plans and Specifications for construction of Phase I of 2800 Acre Groundwater Re- charge Facility consisting of river weir, headgate and earthwork. Plans and Specifications for the recon- struction of Calloway River Weir located 1/4 mile west of Chester Avenue. Bakersfield, California, November 9, 1983 - Page 7 445 (t) Plans for Median Modifications at Cali- fornia Avenue and Chester Lane; Cali- fornia Avenue and Mohawk Street; and Stine Road and Ming Avenue. Upon a motion by Councilman Means, Items (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (1), (m), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r), (s) and (t), of the Consent Calendar, were adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Rockoff, Ratty, Noes: None Absent: None Upon Barton, Christensen, Means, Payne, ACTION ON BIDS a motion by Councilman Payne, bid of Urners Appli- ance Center, in the amount of $5,316.70, for video equipment for Fire Training Center, was accepted. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, low bid of Webb Electrical Construction, in the amount of $55,734, for traffic signal system on Bernard Street at Oswell Street, was accepted, all other bids rejected, the Mayor was authorized to execute the contract, and authorization granted to use $15,734 available in Account No. 34-77500-292-1093. Upon a motion by Councilman Means, low bids of Bower Wholesale Company (one line item), in the amount of $4,437.16 and The Ammo Dump (eight line items), in the amount of $442.57, for ammunition, were accepted and all other bids rejected. Upon a motion by Councilman Ratty, low bids of Van Waters and Rogers (two line items), Chemical (three line items), Chemical (one line item), in in the amount of $3,374.25; Target in the amount of $4,860.90, and Helena the amount of $5,571.36, for chemicals for weed control, were accepted and all other bids rejected. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, low bid of Highway Sign and Supply Company, in the amount of $4,501.29, for signs and aluminum plates, was accepted and all other bids rejected. Bakersfield, California, November 9, 1983 - Page 8 Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, low bid of ISCO, Inc., in the amount of $4,757.28, for refrigerated composite sampler for Water Resources Department, was accepted and the other bid rejected. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, low bid of Davis Company (one line item) in the amount of $6,217.70, and Pacific International Merchandising Corporation (one line item) in the amount of $449.65, for fifteen weapons, Colt #0811iFS, for the Police Department, were accepted and all other bids rejected. DEFERRED BUSINESS Adoption of Ordinance No. 2882 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.06.020 of Title 17 of the Municipal Code chang- ing the Land Use Zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield located southeast of the intersection of Harris Road and Stine Road; and making findings in connection with a P.U.D. Zone. The application for this amendment was made by Sequoia Engineering, Inc., and would change subject properties from an MH (Mobilehome) Zone to a P.U.D. (Planned Unit Development) Zone, consisting of 62 detached single family dwellings. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this amendment, subject to 10 additions to the plan and made findings delineated in Section 17.52.070 of the Municipal Code. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Negative Declaration and Ordinance No. 2882 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.06.020 of Title 17 of the Municipal Code changing the Land Use Zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield located southeast of the intersection of Harris Road and Stine Road; and making findings in connection with a P.U.D. Zone, finding said zoning consistent with the General Plan, were adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Rockoff, Ratty Noes: None Absent: None Barton, Christensen, Means, Payne, 447 Bakersfield, Cal±forn±a, November 9, 1983 - Page 9 Adoption of Ordinance No. 2883 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.08.175 C. of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to clear Sight View. This amendment clarifies wording in the Ordinance and does not change any of the standards requiring clear sight distances at controlled intersections. Following a public hearing held October 6, 1983, the Plan- ning Commission, by their Resolution No. 67-83, approved and recom-- mended adoption by the City Council. Upon a motion by Councilman Ratty, Ordinance No. 2883 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.08.175 C. of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Clear Sight View, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Councilmen Rockoff, Barton, Christensen, Means, Payne, Ratty Ayes: Noes: None Absent: None NEW BUSINESS First reading of an ordinance of the City of Bakersfield repealing Sections 10.48.030 and 10.48.040 of the Bakers- field Municipal Code relative to Pedestrians. This ordinance repeals two sections dealing with matters covered by and preempted by the California Vehicle Code. Since ordinances addressing matters preempted by the State are unenforceable the two affected sections should be repealed. First reading was considered given an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield repealing Sections 10.48.030 and 10.48.040 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Pedestrians. Adoption of Resolution No. 125-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield authorizing City Manager to make appli- cation for Block Grant under Roberti- Z'berg Open Space and Recreation Program. The State has Roberti-Z'berg funds in the City of Bakersfield notified the Public Works Department that the amount of $6,142 have been set aside for for park improvements. These funds will be 448 Bakersfield, California, November 9, 1983 - Page 10 used for lighting improvements for energy conservation at various City parks. This project is included in the present capital improve- ment program. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, Resolution No. 125-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield authorizing City Manager to make application for Block Grant under Roberti-Z'berg Open Space and R~creation Program was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes Councilmen Rockoff, Ratty, Noes None Absent: None There being upon a motion by Councilman at 7:35 P.M. Barton, Christensen, ~leans, Payne, ADJOURNMENT no further business to come before the Council, Christensen, the meeting was adjourned AYOR o~~~ C~Tty of Bakersfield, Calif. ATTEST: / / CITY CLERK and ~x Offycio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakergfield, California CW Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 7:00 P.M., November 16, 1983. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shell, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Reverend Larry Chapman of the First Assembly of God Church. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: Mayor Shell. Councilmen Barton, Christensen, Ratty, Rockoff Absent: Councilman Means Minutes of the regular meeting of November 9, approved as presented. Payne, 1983, were NEW BUSINESS Reception of Certificate of Election from Kern County Clerk of Results of General Municipal Election for the Office of Councilman in the Second, Fifth and Sixth Wards, Special Muni- cipal Election for the unexpired term of Councilman in the First Ward and Special Municipal Election for City Measures "A" and "B", held on the 8th day of November, 1983. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Certificate of Election from Kern County Clerk of Results of General Municipal Election for the Office of Councilman in the Second, Fifth and Sixth Wards, Special Municipal Election for the unexpired term of Councilman in the First Ward and Special Municipal Election for City Measures "A" and "B", held on the 8th day of November, 1983, was received, ordered placed on file and spread in full in the minutes Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 2 CERTIFICATE OF KERN COUNTY CLERK TO RESULT OF CANVASS OF CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD NOVEMBER 8, 1983. State of California) ) ss County of Kern ) I, GALE S. ENSTAD, duly elected and acting County Clerk-Recorder do hereby certify that I have canvassed the returns of the General Municipal Election held on November 8, 1983 in the City of Bakersfield and that the total number of votes cas~ for candidates in Wards 2, 5, and 6, and votes cast for and against the charter amend- ments, Measures A and B, city wide, and in each of the respective precincts therein, are as shown on the state- ment of the vote attached hereto and made part of this certification, and the totals in said statement are full, true and correct. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of November, 1983. /s/GALE S. ENSTAD GALE S. ENSTAD County Clerk-Recorder 451 Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 3 CERTIFICATE OF KERN COUNTY CLERK TO RESULT OF CANVASS OF CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - WARD 1 HELD NOVEMBER 8, 1983. State of California) ) ss County of Kern ) I, GALE S. ENSTAD, duly elected and acting County Clerk-Recorder do hereby certify that I have canvassed the returns of the Special Election held on November 8, 1983 in the City of Bakersfield - Ward 1, and that the total number of votes cast for candidates in said Ward, and in each of the respective precincts therein, are as shown on the statement of the vote attached hereto and made part of this certification, and the totals in said statement are full, true and correct. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of November, 1983. /s/GALE S. ENSTAD GALE S. ENSTAD County Clerk-Recorder 452 Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 4 STATEMENT OF ALL VOTES CAST AT THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION AND SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS HELD NOVEMBER 8, 1 9 8 3 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STATE OF CALIFORNIA Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 5 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVE~BER 8, 1983 WARD NO. 2 CONS. PRECINCT REGISTERED NO. VOTERS VOTES CAST CHRISTENSEN FOTH McCABE 27 699 221 127 28 716 231 140 29 697 190 111 30 373 96 48 31 541 85 50 32 587 130 48 33 563 159 86 34 393 38 19 35 42 23 11 36 320 46 26 37 639 82 47 38 547 77 51 39 629 110 66 40 418 63 43 41 308 55 34 42 9 4 2 43 2 1 0 Absentees TOTAL 7,483 PERCENT 23.2% 130 69 1,741 978 83 5 79 2 67 4 36 3 29 5 74 4 66 2 13 4 9 1 13 4 19 l0 17 0 39 3 12 1 ll 2 0 2 0 1 46 9 613 62 WARD NO. 5 CONS. PRECINCT REGISTERED NO. VOTERS VOTES CAST g{ENDOZA MOORE 44 539 97 10 82 45 540 134 17 113 46 650 140 17 109 47 27 7 0 6 48 823 121 20 90 49 349 70 8 54 50 820 168 19 130 51 406 89 14 68 52 633 217 7 206 53 761 222 5 215 54 666 154 12 137 55 479 49 6 39 56 55O 55 10 43 57 505 122 8 111 58 435 73 3 65 59 580 208 7 198 60 576 212 8 198 Absentees TOTAL 9,339 PERCENT 24.8% 186 22 148 2,324 193 2,012 BakersfJeld~ California. November 16, 1983 - Page 6 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 8, 1983 WARD NO. 6 CONS. PRECINCT REGISTERED VOTES NO. VOTERS CAST BAILEY DICKERSON HINDENBURG PAYNE 61 685 98 16 20 8 48 62 35 11 3 0 0 6 63 948 247 13 156 19 55 64 820 195 13 53 l0 ll3 65 707 154 15 86 7 43 66 676 95 15 25 11 42 67 699 136 8 33 30 59 68 569 159 8 41 42 67 69 615 137 8 51 24 50 70 541 103 14 24 13 47 71 410 86 4 14 8 52 72 506 99 13 21 17 33 73 432 88 7 20 14 38 Absentees 87 22 27 4 29 TOTAL 7,643 1,695 159 571 207 682 PERCENT 22.1% SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 8, 1983 WARD NO. 1 CONS. PRECINCT REGISTERED VOTES NO. VOTERS CAST CHILDS DEAN POWELL ROBINSON WILLIAMS 13 4 14 763 219 114 23 63 1 5 15 335 106 63 14 11 0 2 16 737 239 71 55 93 i 2 17 607 227 97 49 60 i 4 18 646 178 61 40 66 1 2 20 801 217 117 15 61 3 4 21 826 267 159 25 57 ll 0 22 810 196 109 20 51 3 3 23 569 123 85 5 19 5 1 24 525 158 88 9 51 1 1 25 780 126 75 13 25 2 4 26 381 67 42 4 13 1 2 Absentees 86 49 14 11 1 3 TOTAL 7,784 PERCENT 28.3% 2,209 1,130 286 581 31 33 Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 7 SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 8, 1983 CHARTER AMENDMENTS CITY WIDE CONS. PRECINCTS NO. REGISTERED VOTES MEASURE "A" MEASURE "B" VOTERS CAST YES NO YES NO All 60,961 PERCENT 20.7% 12,672 7,765 4,220 7,343 . ~,597 Adoption of Resolution No. 126-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field declaring the results of Canvass of Returns of the General Municipal Election for the Office of Councilman in the Second, Fifth and Sixth Wards, Special Municipal Election for the unexpired term of Councilman in the First Ward and Special Municipal Election for City Measures "A" and "B", held on the 8th day of November, 1983. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, Resolution No. 126-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield declaring the results of Canvass of Returns of the General Municipal Election for the Office of Councilman in the Second, Fifth and Sixth Wards, Special Municipal Election for the unexpired term of Councilman in the First Ward and Special Municipal Election for City Measures "A" and "B", held on the 8th day of November, 1983, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barton, Christensen, Noes: None Absent: Councilman Means The results of the General follows: WARD NO. 2: J. M. "Chris" Christensen D. Jeanne Foth Roger Elwood McCabe Payne, Ratty, Rockoff Municipal Election were as 978 613 62 456 Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 8 WARD NO. 5: Jose Mendoza 193 Rowland Wesley Moore 2,012 WARD NO. 6: Nancy Bailey 159 Mark M. Dickerson 571 Bruce James Hindenburg 207 Thomas Anthony Payne 682 The results of the Special Municipal Election for the unexpired term of Councilman were as follows: WARD NO. l: James Henry Childs 1,130 Marvin Dean 286 Art Powell, Jr. 581 Henry Lee Crisp Robinson II 31 Ronald Lumore Williams 33 The results of the Special }~unicipal Election for the Charter Amendments were as follows: Measure "A" Measure "B" The following persons are hereby YES NO TOTAL 7,765 4,220 11,985 7,343 4,597 11,940 declared to be elected to the office of City Councilman for J. M. "CHRIS" CHRISTENSEN ROWLAND WESLEY MOORE THOMAS ANTHONY PAYNE a full term of four years: SECOND WARD FIFTH WARD SIXTH WARD The following person is hereby declared to be elected to the office of City Councilman for an unexpired term: JAMES HENRY CHILDS FIRST WARD The results of the Special Municipal Election for the Charter Amendments were as follows: MEASURE "A" PASSED MEASURE "B" PASSED ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the 34th Council of the City of Bakersfield, upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, the Council was adjourned. Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 9 NEWLY ELECTED COUNCIL ~EMBERS SWORN IN BY ASSISTANT CITY CLERK Assistant City Clerk Anderson administered the Oath of Office to the following newly elected Councilmen: Present: Absent: James Henry Childs J. M. "Chris" Christensen Rowland Wesley Moore Thomas Anthony Payne Councilman First Ward Councilman Second Ward Councilman Fifth Ward Councilman Sixth Ward Mayor Shell convened the 35th Council of the City of Bakersfield at this time. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Mayor Shell. Councilmen Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff None SCHEDULED PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mr. Rudy Arambula, South Bakersfield Kiwanis Club, presented Mayor Shell with a Sterling Silver Official Bakersfield Belt Buckle. Mayor Shell accepted the Belt Buckle on behalf of the City of Bakersfield and thanked the South Bakersfield Kiwanis Club for their generous gift. Peggy Buckley, 4235 Bonaire Street, Officer of the California Association of Community Colleges and member of the Political Action Committee of Bakersfield College, stated a~ the last Council Meeting action was taken on a Legislative Committee report regarding State Funding for Community Colleges. Several Councilmen indicated strong support for adequate State funding, however, the action taken by the Council gave the impression that the support was less than enthusiastic. Mrs. Buckley clarified the issue the Council is being requested to support in case there may have been a misunderstanding. Mrs. Buckley presented a copy of a resolution of the Kern Community College District Board of Trustees encouraging the Legislature to meet immediately to resolw~ the California Community College financial crisis and requested the Council adopt a similar resolution and communicate their support to the Legislators. Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 10 Adoption of Resolution No. 127-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field urging resolution of the Kern Community College Crisis. Councilman Payne stated he looked into this matter and, along with Councilman Barton, wrote a letter to Governor Deukmejia~., as a private individual, requesting restoration of the $108,000,000. The Legislative Committee did not fully comprehend the community college's position on this legislation. Councilman Payne recom- mended that this matter be referred back to the Legislative Committee for further consideration. Councilman Barton presented a copy of his letter to Governor Deukmejian to Mrs. Buckley and stated he supports sending this matter back to the Legislative Committee for reconsideration. Councilman Rockoff stated he was not aware of the details of Mrs. Buckley's request until tonight and he would be willing to act on the resolution tonight. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Resolution No. 127-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield urging resolution of the Kern Community College Crisis, was adopted by the following roll call vote and copies of the resolution are to be forwarded to the Governor and Legislature: Ayes: Councilmen Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff Noes None Absent: None Reverend Ralph Anthony, President of Lakeview Corporation, requested that he or his attorney be allowed to speak at the time the Lakeview Rezoning issue is heard. Mr. Gary Gibson, President of Bakersfield Board of Realtors, requested to be allowed to speak at the time the Lake- view Rezoning issue is heard. ~r. Norman Walters, 3301 Dwight Street, expressed his dissatisfaction with the Redevelopment Agency and land banking Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983- Page that results in loss of tax revenues. Mr. Wa~ters stated the business people in the downtown area are being held back by the Redevelopment Agency and not knowing what the future holds. CORRESPONDENCE Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, communication from Richard S. Calgu~ri, Mayor of Pittsburgh, A. Starke Taylor, Jr., Mayor of Dallas, Ronald F. Gillham, Mayor of Huntington Woods, Bernie Simon, President of the City Council of Omaha, Lewis Murphy, Mayor of Tuscon and Tom Volgy, Councilman of the City of Tuscon, dated November 9, 1983, requesting support of a resolution to be introduced at the National League of Cities Congress of Cities in New Orleans on November 27-29, 1983, regarding Cable TV, was received and referred to the Budget Review and Finance Committee. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, communication from Golden Empire Transit District, dated November 9, 1983, for- warding their Proposed Revised Budget for Fiscal Year 1983-84, was received and ordered placed on file. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, communication from Mr. & Mrs. D. K. Sharma, 1423 Lake Street, dated November 10, 1983, regarding a complaint against a Police Officer, was received and referred to the Chief of Police. COUNCIL STATEMENTS Councilman Payne expressed his appreciation to all the people who supported him during his recent campaign endeavors. He particularly wanted to thank his wife Cheryl, two sons, unofficial daughter Brenda and his Campaign Manager Cindi Moore, who stood by him during this very hectic and trying campaign. Councilman Payne also thanked Mayor Shell for the beautiful flowers. Councilman Christensen welcomed Councilmen Childs and Moore to the Council and stated he hopes they bring with them some workable answers to the many problems facing the Council. Councilman ~oore introduced his wife Dottie and thanked her for all the help she rendered during his campaign for Councilman Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page of the Fifth Ward; and thanked his Campaign Managers Milo Hall and Mary Caratan, Precinct Chairman Hilaire Geraldine, workers, con- tributors and electorate for their vote of confidence. Councilman Moore pledged to do everything within his power to live up to the trust and confidence bestowed upon him. He looks forward to working with the Mayor and other Councilmen to solve the many severe problems that lie ahead for this community. Councilman Childs stated there are a lot of people he would like to thank, particularly, Campaign Manager Lynn Edwards, Co-Campaign Chairman John Fulton, Office Manager Diane Dotson, Ralph Coston, Joe Coley, Publisher of the News Observer, and Opal Buchanan. Councilman Childs promised that Ward 1 will work together with the rest of the Council to make this the best City Council the City of Bakersfield has ever had. Councilman Rockoff read into the record the following paragraph from an article appearing in the Sunday, November 1983, issue of the Bakersfield Californian: "According to the California analysis of the report, Bakersfield is able to spend a higher portion of its' budget for such services as Police, Fire, Storm Drains and Street Paving, considered more essential services, by keeping its management costs down and by not offering any support for other costs of municipal services, such as airport, golf course and electric utility." Councilman Rockoff stated much of this is a continuation of prior Councils and present and prior administrations. Bakers- field has been fortunate to have general benefit of all citizens. he hopes the same goals are kept straight forward goals for the There is now a new Council and in mind, because there are many problems to be solved. It is hoped that the Council sticks with the issues, facts, and does not get personalities involved and then there will, again, be paragraphs like this in the future. Councilman Barton stated he furnished a proposed resolu- tion to each Councilman supporting the League of California Cities' position and most of the Governor's Task Force on Long-Term Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 13 Financing for local governments. The resolution covers most of the points supported by the League. It is being presented to the Council for study and action at the Council Meeting of November 30, 1983. Councilman Ratty stated at last month's Kern COG Meeting a representative from the State Division of Highways informed them that some of the 5% increase in the Gas Tax will be spent for projects that otherwise would not be considered for cities. He informed Kern COG that they should develop a series of priorities in order to receive the money and have it programmed out, because projects of major consequence takes years. It has come to his attention that the project on Highway 178 between Freeway 99 and "M" Street (23rd and 24th Streets), should be made a thoroughfare. If downtown is to redevelop that problem will have to be solved. Councilman Ratty made a motion that he be given permission to request Kern COG to fund monies from the Transportation Act Fund to study this proposal to find a solution to the problem for the future. It will not have a financial impact on the City. This motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Ratty stated last spring there was a lot of heated debate regarding the In-Lieu Parking Fees and it was referred to a committee and is being discussed and a resolution to that problem may be forthcoming. Councilman Ratfy stated he feels something should be done about .it, because people do not understand it and, possibly, it should be totally eliminated. He just wanted to let the downtown people know the matter has not been forgotten and it will be addressed. Councilman Barton requested a report from the Director of Public Works regarding the flooding situation on Sandra Drive. Director of Public Works Hawley stated the Sandra Drive Pump Station serves 162 acres or one-quarter square mile. The low point along the entire drainage system is at the intersection of Sandra and Meredith Drives. There is not a storm water disposal Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 14 area in that vicinity, therefore, it is necessary to pump the water into the Kern Island Canal, approximately one-half mile away. Fortunately, the houses in the area are elevated and to his know- ledge no flooding has occurred to the houses. However, flooding in the streets is a nuisance and from time to time cuts off access to some of the houses near that intersection. Also, maintenance costs to the City are high and there has been occasions where the flooding has caused damage to vehicles parked in the street. About 4 years ago a detailed study of that area was made and due to the cost it was necessary to phase the construction in three phases. Phase I was completed two years ago and Phase II w~s completed in June of this year. Phase III, the last phase, was included in the Preliminary Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 1983-84, however, during the budgeting process it was necessary to defer it to fund other City operations. Phase III was estimated to cost $175,000. Since installation of the 100 horsepower pump, which was part of Phase II, there has been flooding at the intersection. The operation of the pump has been observed during storm situations: and it appeared to the Public Works Department that the new pump recently installed was not functioning properly. The pump was tested under field conditions, with the pump supplier observing the testing. As a result the supplier has agreed to remove, dis- assemble, repair and reassemble the pump. This is scheduled for next Tuesday, if weather permits, and unless a major problem is found the work should be completed in one day. With the 100 horse- power pump operating properly there should be a 65% improvement in the flooding problems that have occurred in this area. However, to substantially improve the situation the City needs to proceed with Phase III as soon as funds become available. In answer to a question by Councilman Barton, Public Works Director Hawley stated Phase III will be recommended by the Public Works Department for the next Fiscal Year. Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 15 Councilman Payne stated last week he requested that staff investigate the possibility of using one of the Panama School District structures to hold a Council Meeting in the 6th Ward, so the Council and staff could address problems and questions raised during the recent election campaign. City Manager Kelmar has advised him that School Superintendent Williams is more than willing to provide a facility. It has been agreed that Sandrini School would be centrally located and could handle a large crowd of people. City staff will be available to address all the Capital Improvement Budgets and other budget and City related items. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Wednesday, November 23, 1983, at 7:00 P.M. in the Sandrini School Library, 4100 Alum Avenue, was the time and place set for a Special Council Meeting to address issues related to Ward No. 6. Councilman Childs stated he wanted to thank Jasephine Triplet, Treasurer of his Campaign Committee, Vera Ward and his wife for all their help during the campaign for election in the First Ward. Councilman Childs also thanked Mayor Shell for the flowers. Geri Spencer addressed the Council regarding a resolutio~ commemorating the work of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in his courageous and affective leadership in the field of human relations. This resolution is being submitted, with the approval of the East California Advisory Committee and numerous persons in the City of Bakersfield, requesting that the Council rename the California Avenue Park and Neighborhood Facility in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mr. Lynn Edwards presented the Council with copies of the resolution and read it into the record as follows: WHEREAS, the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., has been recognized for his courageous and affective leadership in the field of human relations. 464 Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 16 WHEREAS, his dream of mankind living in harmony and free of racial prejudice is a dream shared by all persons of good conscience. BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Bakersfield, deems it appropriate to accord recognition to DR. KING, as follows: BE IT RESOLVED, that the East California Avenue Facility and Park be renamed in memory of DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., and the advisory committee of the building be authorized to designate, subject to the approval of the Director of Recreation, to name the seven major rooms inside of the building in honor of appropriate individuals. SUPPORTED AND SUBMITTED BY: Vernon D. Strong, Former City Councilman, 1st Ward James Childs, Newly-Elected City Councilman, 1st Ward Irma Carson, Board of Education, BCSD Sherman Tyler, Golden Empire Transit Board Glenda Rust, Planning Commission Johnnie M. Parker, Sunset Mayflower Progressive Club Lynn Edwards, Chairman, California Avenue Advisory Committee The following persons spoke in support of renaming California Avenue Park and Neighborhood Facility to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Park and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Community Center: Reverend George Lartigue, President of Black American Political Association of California. Reverend Lartigue requested that the record show that this resolution is for the people and for the people of the City of Bakersfield. Mrs. Rebecca Wilson, representing the Executive Board of the N.A.A.C.P. Mrs. Georgia Hysaw Adoption of Resolution No. 128-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field changing the name of California Avenue Park and Neighborhood Facility to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center. Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page Upon a motion by Councilman Childs, Resolution No. 128-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield changing the name of California Avenue Park and Neighborhood Facility to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center, was adopted by the £o~lowing roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff Noes: None Absent: None Mrs. Johnnie Mae Parker, representing the Sunset May- flower Progressive Club, outlined the history of the development of the California Avenue Park and thanked the Council for renaming the park. Councilman Moore stated he also read the article in the Bakersfield Californian last Sunday regarding the City's Budget and commended the prior Council and staff. He feels it is incumbent on the Council to continue to monitor the financial status of the community. Councilman Moore requested, as part of an ongoing budget review, that each Councilman give some thought as to what information would best assist them in accommodating a real time status of the City's financial picture and he will make a recom- mendation at the next Council ~eeting. Appointment of Council Standing Committees. Councilman Barton stated during the last year different Councilmen have discussed the Council's Standing Committee structure. Presently there are nine Council Committees and t.hey have been restructured and renamed as follows: Auditorium Committee to Auditorium and Com- munity Services Committee - covering parks, social services, etc. Budget Review and Finance Committee and Voucher Approval Committee to Budget and Finance Committee. Business Development and Parking Committee to Growth and Development Committee. Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 18 Water and City Growth Committee to Water Resources Committee. Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee remain the same. Intergovernmental Relations Committee remain the same. Legislative Committee remain the same, except it will be comprised of three Councilmen. Councilman Christensen stated the Energy Committee has been deleted and should be considered somewhere, however, it is very difficult to know where to put it. Councilman Christensen requested that the Council consider this matter for action at a later date. Councilman Christensen proposed the appointment of the following Council Standing Committees: AUDITORIUM AND COMMUNITY SERVICES J.M. "Chris" Christensen, Chairman James Henry Childs Arthur L. Rockoff BUDGET AND FINANCE Arthur L. Rockoff, James J. Barton Donald K. Ratty Chairman GOVERNMENTAL EFFICIENCY AND PERSONNEL Thomas A. Payne, Chairman James Henry Childs J.M. "Chris" Christensen GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT James J. Barton, Chairman Arthur L. Rockoff Rollie Moore INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Donald K. Ratty, Chairman Rollie Moore J.M. "Chris" Christensen LEGISLATIVE James Henry Childs, Donald K. Ratty Thomas A. Payne Chairman WATER RESOURCES Rollie Moore, Chairman Thomas A. Payne James J. Barton Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, the assignment of Council Standing Committees, as proposed, were approved. In answer to a question by Councilman Rockoff, Councilman Barton stated approval of the Council's representatives to the Planning Commission and Kern County Council of Governments (Kern COG),would be appropriate at this time. Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page Councilman Christensen reminded the Council there are numerous appointments that should be made to various Board and Commissions. He did not want the Council to make the appointments tonight, but consider persons for those appointments between now and the next Council Meeting and submit names at that time for consideration. Mayor Shell stated the Council has an unofficial policy of submitting names and resumes for a vacancy on a Board or Com- mission at one meeting and take action at the following meeting. Councilman Christensen stated he hopes that the Council seriously considers submitting names of persons for appointment to Board and Commissions who understand the problems and have the expertise to serve on that Board or Commission. Mayor Shell stated she hopes the Council will consider open Committee Meetings. REPORTS Councilman Payne, Chairman of the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee, read Report No. 14-83 regarding Attorney for Water Issues, as follows: The Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Com- mittee recently met with the staff to consider an additional position in the City Attorney's Office to handle water-related matters. Since the inception of the City's interest in Kern River water, including the subsequent purchase of Kern River water, the City has engaged outside legal counsel. The City's reliance on outside counsel has steadily in- creased over the ensuing years. The cost for these services in Fiscal Year 1982-83 was in excess of ~129,000, and for the first three months of this fiscal year (July through September, 1983), the cost for outside legal services was in excess of $45,000. It is foreseeable that these legal costs will continue to increase due to the ongoing legal issues in the water community. By hiring a staff Water Attorney we will have someone readily available on a timely basis, and we will be able to reduce the costs in the future for outside counsel. After consultation with the City Attorney, the Committee believes that now is the appropriate 468 Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 20 time to consider hiring a full time attorney to handle water matters. It will be necessary to recruit an attorney with prior water litigation experience. Consequently, it is recommended that a position be established in the City Attorney's Office at a salary schedule com- mensurate with the position of Assistant City Attorney. Funds for this position are avail- able in the Water Resources Enterprise account. In order to effectuate this matter, we are recommneding Council approval of this report, approval of one additional Assistant City Attorney-Water position at a monthly salary range of $3,214 to $3,886, and approval of the job specifications. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee Report No. 14-83 regarding Attorney for Water Issues, was accepted; additional position of Assistant City Attorney-Water at a monthly salary range of $3,214 to $3,886, was approved; and job specifications for Assistant City Attorney-Water, were approved. Councilman Payne, Chairman of the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee, read Report No. 15-83 regarding Water Department Reorganization, as follows: Since the reorganization of the Department of Water Resources last year, the new Director has had an opportunity to evaluate the existing organizational structure of this department. Recently, this Committee met with the staff to review a further reorganization which the Director has recommended and one which we feel has merit. Attached to this report is a copy of the existing and the proposed organizational chart. Be eliminating the position of one Heavy Equipment Operator, the following changes will result in a savings to the City of approximately $15,000 and will provide for a more manageable operation: 1. Eliminate one Heavy Equipment Operator position. 2. Eliminate the Hydrographer I classifica- tion. 3. Eliminate the Water Dispatcher classifi- cation. o Create one Hydrographic Dispatcher posiiton at a monthly salary range of $1,289 to $1,567. Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 21 o Create one Water Supervisor III position at a monthly salary range of $2,039 to $2,484. Reclassify two Water Supervisor positions to Water Supervisor II at a monthly salary range of $1,891 to $2,304. Create a classification of Water Supervisor I for underfilling purposes at a monthly salary range of $1,625 to $1,981. 8. Reclassify the Secretary II classification to Personnel Clerk at no change in salary. In order to implement these changes, we are recom- mending Council approval as follows: 1. Acceptance of this report. 2. Approval o£ the changes in the salary resolution. Approval o£ job specifications for Hydro- graphic Dispatcher, Water Supervisor III, Water Supervisor II, and Water Supervisor I. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee Report No. 15-83 regarding Water Department Reorganization. was accepted; and job specifications for Hydrographic Dispatcher, Water Supervisor III, Water Supervisor II and Water Supervisor I, were approved. Adoption of Resolution No. 129-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field amending Resolution No. 99-83 setting salaries and related bene£its for Officers and Employees of the City of Bakersfield. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Resolution No. 129-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Resolution No. 99-83 setting salaries and related benefits for Officers and Employee~ of the City of Bakersfield, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff Noes: None Absent: None 470 Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 22 Councilman Payne, Chairman of the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee, read Report No. 16-83 regarding Data Processing Reorganization, as follows: During the last two months the City's new Information Systems Manager has had an oppor- tunity to assess the staffing needs of the Data Processing Division. At the present time a vacancy exists in a supervisory position which the Manager feels could be better utilized by downgrading this classification to a Senior Programmer/Analyst. By doing so the City would not be totally dependent on the present programmer to do all of the necessary programming of the computer. This position would also be available to provide backup assistance to the computer operator. The Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee has met with the staff regarding this matter, and we are of the opinion that these changes will result in a more efficient operation at a savings to the City of approxi- mately $10,500 annually. Therefore, we are recommending Council approval as follows: 1. Acceptance of this report. 2. Eliminate the classification of Computer Operations Supervisor. Create the classification of Senior Programmer/Analyst at a monthly salary range of $2,091 to $2,548. Change the title of the existing Data Processing Programmer classification to Programmer/Analyst. St Approve the job specifications for the classification of Senior Programmer/ Analyst. 6. Approval of the changes in the salary resolution. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee Report No. 16-83 regarding Data Processing Reorganization, was accepted; classification of Computer Operations Supervisor, was eliminated; classification of Senior Programmer/ Analyst at a monthly salary range of $2,091 to $2,548, was approved; title of existing Data Processing Programmer classification to Programmer/Analyst, was approved; and job specifications for classification of Senior Programmer/Analyst, were approved. Bakersf±eld, Cal±forn±a, November 16, 1983 - Page 23 Adoption of Resolution No. 130-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field amending Resolution No. 99-83 setting salaries and related benefits for Officers and Employees of the City of Bakersfield. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Resolution No. 130-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Resolution No. 99-83 setting salaries and related benefits for Officers and Employees of the City of Bakersfield, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff Noes: None Absent: None CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar. (a) Allowance of Claims Nos. 2155 to 2308, inclusive, in the amount of $341,891.71. (b) Application for Encroachment Permit from Westar & Associates, 4425 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach, California, for construc- tion of a 6 foot high "screen wall" fence behind sidewalk area on north side of the "unnamed" street connecting Balboa Drive and Palmacia Drive, south of White Lane. (c) Application for Encroachment Permit from Coleman Company, 4301Stine Road, P.O. Box 9336, Bakersfield, for construction of a temporary wrought iron type fence surrounding a new home model complex located behind sidewalk on Chaucer Street and Southampton Boulevard, at 8208, 8204, 8200, 8120 and 8112 Chaucer Street. (d) Plans and Specifications for the City of Bakersfield Communication Tower, located northeast of Bakersfield, 9 miles from the intersection of Rancheria Road and Freeway 178. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Items (a), (b), (c and (d) of the Consent Calendar, were adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff Noes: None Absent: None Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 24 ACTION ON BIDS Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, low bid of Crown Industries, in the amount of $7,870.50, for Auditorium Booth Drapes, was accepted and all other bids rejected. Upon a motion by Councilman Ratty, bid of Doff-Oliver, Inc., in the amount of $24,464.84, for repair parts £or Sludge Digestor for the Water Resources Department, was accepted. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, low bid of Advanced Electronics, in the amount of $10,059.82, for noise cancelling microphones and crystal filters for Police Department, was accepted and the other bid rejected. DEFERRED BUSINESS Adoption of Ordinance No. 2884 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield repealing Sections 10.48.030 and 10.48.040 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Pedestrians. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Ordinance No. 2884 New Series of the Council of the City o£ Bakersfield repealing Sections 10.48.030 and 10.48.040 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Pedestrians, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barton, Ratty, Noes: None Absent: None Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne, Rockoff Deferral of action on Lakeview Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy and Rezoning. At the Council Meeting of August 24, 1983, the City Council deferred until this meeting, for discussion purposes, the Lakeview Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy and Rezoning. Councilman Childs stated at the Council Meeting of August 24, 1983, the Council delayed any proposed rezoning per- taining to the Lakeview Revitalization Strategy until a Councilman for the First Ward was seated. During the hectic election campaign if: ~ · Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 25 there was not time for any of the candidates to make an indepth study with staff on the different proposals for the revitalization of the Lakeview Area. Upon a motion by Councilman Childs, action on the Lake- view Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy and Rezoning. was delayed for 90 days. Lawrence Teeter, Attorney representing the Lakeview Community Corporation, expressed some of the concerns people in the neighborhood have regarding the existing plan, so they can be considered during the study process. The Planning Commission rejected a down zoning from R-1 to R-2 in the residential portion of the Lakeview Area and down zoning of the commercial strip from C-2 to R-2. There are some serious political ends and legal concerns that arise in connection with both components of this plan that should be considered during the 90 day period. The commercial aspect would obliterate the only area in the City of Bakersfield that constitutes a black business district. That raises some disturbing political questions as well as possible problems under the Federal Civil Rights Act, because the proponents of that plan had contemplated using that strip of land for construction of a large number of low-income, HUD subsidized, housing developments. Although housing for the poor is definitely an objective that should rate very high, particularly with the current status of the economy, the Federal Courts have imposed upon HUD and City governments, an affirmative duty to avoid the creation of over-concentration of subsidized units in minority and poor communities. Concentration of such units in minority or poor communities reinforces existing patterns of racial segregation in residential communities and, therefore, violates the 1968 Civil Rights Act, subjecting a City and any of its agencies, which authorizes such over concentration, to possible liability. The residential component of the plan--it is very unusual for a residential community to be faced with that kind of down zoning. Generally, the zoning is raised to permit increased density in Bakersfield, California, November 16, 1983 - Page 26 residential communities. It is rarely lowered. When people purchase a property that is zoned R-2 they do so with the expectation of adding a unit on the property. When government comes along, after people have relied on existing zoning and remove that possibility from the purview of potential land uses. it under- mines the expectation that prompted the purchase to begin with. There is a clear element of unfairness in that. The impact of such down zoning would lower property values. It is hoped when an alternative plan is considered the Council seriously considers the concerns he expressed. CLOSED SESSION Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, the Council recessed to a Closed Session at 8:55 P.M. to discuss a personnel matter. The regular meeting was reconvened at 10:15 P.M. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, the meeting was adjourned at 10:16 P.~4. ATTEST: PHILIP KELMAR CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California ! ~ I ~SSISTANT CITY CLERK ma Bakersfield, California, November 23, 1983 Minutes of a special meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Sandrini Elementary School Library, 4100 Alum Avenue, at 7:00 P.M., November 23, 1983. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shell, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: Absent: The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Mayor Shell. Councilmen Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Barton None Mayor Shell introduced the Council and staff to the residents of the 6th Ward. DISCUSSION REGARDING WARD NO. 6 City Manager Kelmar explained the process of establishing priorities for projects to be included in the Capital Improvement Budget, which includes streets, sewers, storm drains, parks, traffic signals, etc. The Capital Improvement Budget is then sub- mitted to the Planning Commission for review and then sent to the Council for hearing and final approval. The 10 Year Capital Improvement Program, for this Fiscal Year, was in excess of $77,000,000 and the funds available are approximately $5,000,000 per year. Half of those funds are received from the Federal Revenue Sharing Program and, hopefully, that Program will be con- tinued for another 3 years. Projects with the highest priorities are selected from the requests made by various City departments and that is a very difficult task. Director of Public Works Hawley, referring to a map of the 6th Ward, outlined various traffic signals and street con- struction projects in the current year's Capital Improvement Budget. Major intersections within the 6th Ward are being monitored to determine if traffic signals are warranted; such as, White Lane and Stine Road, Planz and Akers Roads, Planz and Stine Roads and Planz Road and Hughes Lane. Studies for the intersection of White Lane and Stine Road indicate that it now meets the warrants for a traffic Bakersfield, California, November 23, 1983 - Page 2 signal, which will be recommended for funding in the next Fiscal Year, as well as others that meet the warrants. Mrs. Stephanie Thiessen a~ked if there is currently a project to widen Stine Road between Planz Road and White Lane. Director of Public Works Hawley stated that particular project is not in the current Capital Improvement Program. Mr. Earl Keefer asked about the traffic situation at the intersection o£ Wible Road and Pacheco Road on Sundays. Director of Public Works Hawley stated that is one of the intersections that is within this year's Capital Improvement Program. One of the items is realignment of that intersection due to an offset. Traffic Engineer Hahs outlined the warrants that must be met before a traffic signal or stop sign can be approved. Warrants are minimum traffic conditions that indicate a possible need for various traffic controls. Mr. Hahs referred to several manuals that are used for guidelines to determine the need for traffic controls. They have had reports on the intersection of Wible and Pacheco Roads and it presently does not meet the warrants. Due to the offset of that intersection he is not sure a multi-way stop sign would be an appropriate device. Mr. Mark Dickerson stated he understands there is not a complete traffic count on traffic turning movements at the inter- section of Pacheco and Wible Roads. Traffic Engineer Hahs stated the City does not have a turning movement count at that location. Mr. Dickerson stated because of the people in his area who have to use that intersection at various times during the weekends, when Swap-O'Rama and the Drive-Inn are operating and due to the offset and railroad tracks, he would hope the Council and staff would re-evaluate and complete the background study on traffic flow at that intersection. Bakersfield, California, November 23, 1983 - Page 3 Mr. Dickerson, in regards to the three traffic signals being proposed at the Council Meeting of November 30, 1983, stated he has reservations about the signalsat "H" Street and White Lane and Ashe Road and White Lane, because there is twice the traffic flow at the intersectionsof White Lane and Stine Road and White Lane and Planz Road. Mr. Dickerson felt the traffic signals should be installed at the intersections of White Lane and Stine Road and White Lane and Planz Road, instead of the ones being proposed. Mr. Dickerson also commented on the Harris Road construction project. Director of Public Works Hawley outlined the Street Maintenance Program and storm drainage problems pertaining to the 6th Ward. Director of Public Works Hawley, referring to a map, pointed out several parks adjoining the 6th Ward, however, there are no parks in that Ward. Several years ago the City established a policy of not acquiring parklands until provisions were made for construction and maintenance of the park. The City also established a procedure for forming Maintenance Districts for parks, if the residents in the area wanted it. Since that time eight Maintenance Districts have been formed where the parks have been constructed by the developer, or, in some cases, by State Park Bond Funds that were available, where the benefiting homeowners pay an annual fee for maintenance. To date this has been done on a voluntary basis, where the developer constructs the park and the property owners pay maintenance costs. The City is working on a Recreational Element to the General Plan, which, if adopted, would require the developer to set aside land or in-lieu fees for acquiring and developing parks. The Recreational Element would not apply to tracts already filed. There is a need for parks south of Pacheco Road. The staff has met with the developer of a large parcel west of Stine Road and it has been recommended that a park be constructed as part of that development. The area east of Stine Road is mostly Bakersfield, California, November 23, 1983 - Page 4 small tracts and it would not be economically feasible for one developer to set aside land and develop a park. Mr. Dickerson suggested that the City sell the surplus 5 or 6 acres of land off Akers Road and 3 acres adjacent to Green- field School and use the funds to purchase an area large enough for a park, adjacent to Harris Road or south of Pacheco Road, east of Stine Road. Public Works Director Hawley stated several years ago the City and County had a cooperative project for construction of a drainage system and acquired property for the drainfield, which is the property ~r. Dickerson referred to. There has been dis- cussion about developing that property as a park. It is the City's policy not to construct parks, unless property owners in the area form a Maintenance District to maintain it. More thought will have to be given to see if it is desirable to sell one property to acquire another. The other parcel, on Pacheco Road, is in a similar situation as the one along Harris Road. There are a lack of parks in that particular area. The City owns another small parcel, which is also part of a drainfield, that could be sold or developed as a mini park, depending on whether or not the residents in the area want to form a Park Maintenance District to maintain it. Mr. Keefer asked why the City permits development if parks are not going to be developed. Public Works Director Hawley stated the Council and staff are concerned about areas being developed without parks and that is why the City established a procedure whereby Park Maintenance Districts can be formed. Staff has been directed to prepare a Recreational Element of the General Plan to provide a mechanism to require developers to set aside land or pay a fee. At the present time the City cannot require a developer to set aside land and develop a park, unless it is of benefit to that property only. Mr. Keefer asked why the City cannot provide a City maintained park for their area, like they are provided in other areas of the City. Bakersfield, California, November 23, 1983 - Page 5 Councilman Rockoff stated Proposition 13 changed a lot of things. Property taxes would have been a lot higher today than they were 3 years ago if it had not been for Proposition 13. ?here is a limit on the amount of money available to provide many of the facilities that people always thought were free. City Manager Kelmar stated the City received approximately $9,000,000 in Property Taxes. The combined cost of Police, Fire and Refuse is approximately $25,000,000. Just those three services, alone, are almost three times the Property Tax revenues for types of services normally considered basic property related services. The revenues are just not there. Historically, due to the vitality of the economy, the City's Sales Tax had grown considerably through- out the years. Due to the downturn in the oil industry and general economy, the City received $1,500,000 less in Sales Tax for Fiscal Year 1982-83 than in the prior year. It was $3,000,000 less than estimated in the budget. The position the City is in, is that, Sales Tax, basically, accounts for 50% of the City's revenue. When there is a significant downturn in the economy, as there was a couple of years ago, it severely impacts the City's ability to finance the services, even to a point where the Council was forced to levy a small refuse collection fee. Councilman Barton stated he agrees with Mr. Keefer, it is hard to understand why some areas have City maintained parks, however, the Property Taxes only pay for a minimal type of services. It is a new ball game these days and people are going to have to start paying more of their own way. City Manager Kelmar pointed out that the State has taken back funds that, historically, went to local governments. The City lost approximately $2,000,000 in State subventions because of their fisca~ problems. Mayor Shell stated that Bakersfield has its' problems, but it is better off than some cities in California. Bakersfield, California, November 23, 1983 - Page 6 Director of Fire and Development Services Needham ex- plained the developer fees pertaining to school in the Panama School District. This was due to the overcrowding in the schools. The problem was how to obtain the funds to build additional schools, classrooms, etc. The State passed legislation in 1982 allowing schools to levy fees, at the time Building Permits are issued, for construction of schools and/or temporary classrooms. After a request was received from the Panama School District the Council took action to allow the Building Department to collect those fees at the time the developer applies for a Building Permit. Since that time the City has been collecting those fees. In October, 1983, Tenneco started collecting fees from developers building in the area where they own land, because they agreed with the School District to build a school. Planning Director Sceales pointed out two maps showing active Tentative Subdivision Maps and zone changes that have taken place since January, 1983, with the 6th Ward. Mrs. Stephanie Thiessen asked the status of a large parcel in Section 22. Planning Director Sceales stated that is Panama No. 3 Annexation and a revised development plan has been submitted for review. At the present time it is being reviewed by staff. Mr. Dickerson stated there will be additional schools built in the Campus Park and Laurelglen areas sometime in the future and he feels, with the planned 800 homes, those schools will reach a saturation point. He felt increasing the density from R-1 to R-3 will continue to saturate the School District and there should be.better planning. Director of Fire and Development Services Needham stated he wanted to clarify that this is not a decision that is totally left up to the Council. This School District and they bear mendations. The City has not type of decision must come from the the responsibility of making recom- had a request from the School District Bakersfield, California, November 23, 1983 - Page 7 to stop or restrict building. The City has only been asked to help obtain funds to take care of overcrowding. Mr. Leland Campbell asked why the City does not alleviate some of the problems with housing development before they saturate an area. Planning Director Sceales explained the minimum lot size for homes and stated that developments must meet all the require- ments of the law before being approved. Director of Fire and Development Services Needham explained the various layers of bureaucracy and public hearings a developer must go through before a subdivision is approved. Mrs. Sandra Campbell stated their home is on a 21,000 square foot lot and three homes in the subdivision in question could be placed on their lot and she does not feel that is comparable. Planning Director Sceales stated anything less than 6,000 square foot can be approved by the Planning Commission, if they feel it is compatible with the neighborhood. If a person submits a plan with a 6,000 square foot, or more, lot they have met the City's requirement for lot size. Mr. Campbell asked what happens to homeowners in the area, who have animals, when a subdivision of this type is developed. Will they have to get rid of their animals just because this one subdivision is developed? City Attorney Oberholzer stated if people have animals and there is a subsequent zone change, those people in that zone are classified as legal nonconforming. They are legal because they are operating under the prior zonining. In other words, they continue to live in that particular area under the restrictions they had before they became more restrictive. Councilman Payne stated the purpose of this meeting at Sandrini School is, during the recent election campaign it was brought out that something needed to be done to open the lines of Bakersfield, California, November 23, 1983 - Page 8 communication and this was one of the recommendations. The Council felt it was a very good recommendation and staff agreed. The meeting was held tonight because it was the first unscheduled Council Meeting night for at least 2 months. It was a night that the majority of the Council was willing to cancel their Thanks- giving travel plans and come to the 6th Ward to participate in an official Council Meeting. It was indicated, during the campaign, that some o£ the needs and matters should be addressed as soon as possible. tie felt it was better to call the meeting on the night before Thanksgiving than ignore it for 2½ to 3 months. Anything that can be learned tonight gives the Council and staff a head start and he felt that is an advantage. Councilman Payne thanked P~nama School District Superintendent Williams and Sandrini School Principal Charles Young, Council, staff and residents of the 6th Ward for their help and attendance at this meeting. This is probably not the only meeting that will be held in the 6th Ward. They realize there are problems. A lot of the 6th Ward was recently annexed or assigned as a result of redistricting, based on the population shift. There was approximately $4,500,000 in the Capital Improvement Budget and there are 7 Wards in the City, representing approximately 120,000 people and each Councilman is fighting for the largest share of tax dollars that they can obtain. The 6th Ward was fortunate to obtain in excess of $1,000,000 for Capital Improvements, which is almost one-fourth of the entire budget. All of the items were in the budget long before the election campaign commenced. It was not an attempt to gain support from other Councilmen to strengthen the campaign. The Council is doing the best they can to establish Capital Improvements on a priority basis with the funds available. Bakersfield, California, November 23, 1983 - Page 9 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. ATTEST: o if PHILIP KELMAR CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California BY ma Bakersfield, California, November 30, 1983 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 7:00 P.M., November 30, 1983. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Mayor Barton, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Reverend Ken Miller of the First Assembly of God Church. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: Mayor Shell (seated at 8:17 P.M. while the Council was in Closed Session). Councilmen Christensen, Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Childs Absent: None Minutes of the regular meeting of November 16, 1983, were approved as corrected. SCHEDULED PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mr. Gonzalo Ramirez, representing United Communities Coalition, stated they are requesting that the Council and Board of Supervisors allot Community Development Block Grant Funds for their Fair Housing Proposal submitted in July, 1983. The United Communities Coalition is concerned about the recommendations sub- mitted to the Intergovernmental Relations Committee on October 10, 1983, by the Director of the Kern County Community Development Program Department. Mr. Ramirez reviewed what has transpired on the issue of Fair Housing in Kern County. They believe the local housing industry's concern is to maintain the status quo, by doing nothing. They feel the Council should re-examine priorities and moral obligations to assure that people's civil rights are not violated. The eradication of discrimination is and should continue to be the first priority in this community. The recommendations made to the Intergovernmental Relations Committee do not reflect the immediacy of the problem or their concerns. They are concerned with a lack of a specific course of action to be taken by the City or County. Mr. Ramirez asked why action has not been taken to eliminate the illegal discrimination on access and occupancy of Bakersfield, California, November 30, 1983 - Page 2 housing in this community, as stated in the recommendations. They are requesting that, if the City has any problems with their proposal to please contact them so the matter can be discussed and also set some deadlines for some type of action. Mr. Abdul Rahim Mustafa Muhammad, 128 Lakeview Avenue, requested an investigation into the death of Lawrence Roberts in the Kern County Jail and read a prepared religious statement. Mr. Muhammad stated he would like to try very hard to help the people in the Lakeview Area to turn away from wickedness and clean up that area. Upon a motion J. Ronald Evans Company, CORRESPONDENCE by Councilman Ratty, communication from Inc., dated October 24, 1983, regarding annexation of property located in the Gemco Shopping Center Development, was received and referred to the Planning Commission. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, communication from Freedom Homes, Inc., dated October 28, 1983, regarding annexation of property located in the Gemco Shopping Center Development, was received and referred to the Planning Commission. Upon a motion by Councilman Moore, communication from JoAnn Van Horn, 221 North Real Road, dated November 18, 1983, regarding water standing around the northeast corner of Stockdale Highway and Real Road, was received and referred to the Public Works Department. COUNCIL STATEMENTS Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, the Council concurred with the appointment of Police Chief Price by Governor Deukmejian to the California Council on Criminal Justice. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, the Planning Com- mission was directed to conduct a study on the best uses of the Old Bakersfield Landfill when it becomes useable for something other than a landfill. Bakersfield, California, November 30, 1983 - Page 3 Councilman Rockoff stated he thought the Council Meeting held in the 6th Ward on the night before Thanksgiving was very educational, unfortunately, it was not well attended. He stated he would like to see Council Meetings held in all Wards o£ the City. Councilman Moore stated there has been some confusion in the public regarding the procedure for seating of the Council in the Council Chambers and requested that the Council consider seating arrangements by Ward number, with the exception of the Vice-Mayor. Councilman Moore stated at the Council Meeting of November 16, 1983, he requested the Council consider what items would assist them in a regular and routine monitoring of the budget. Upon a motion by Councilman Moore, staff was requested to provide the following items on a monthly basis in order to assist the Council in the routine monitoring of the budget: Revenues to date. Revenues the same date the previous year. Total revenues estimated for the year. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Expenditures Expenditures Total budget Councilman Moore to date. the same date the previous year. figure. stated if anyone has any ideas or other figures that might be helpful to the Council in monitoring the budget on an ongoing basis it would be appreciated. Councilman Moore stated the Water Board is made up of three Councilmen and two staff members, who all have equal voting status. Staff is placed in an awkward position by being able to vote and establish policy when they are not elected members of that body. Councilman Moore made a motion that the Water Board review this matter at their next meeting. This motion was unanimously approved. Bakersfield, California, November 30, 1983 - Page 4 Councilman Moore announced that the Water Resources Committee will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, December 7, 1983, at 1:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers to discuss Sewer Connection Fees and requested that staff advertise this meeting to the fullest extent possible. Councilman Christensen stated at the last Council Meeting he brought up the importance of appointments to various boards and commissions and how he felt they should have a great deal of consideration given to them prior to nominations. Councilman Christensen read a portion of a letter from a group of citizens with the common concern of insuring the quality and competency of individuals who staff City and County boards and commissions. They feel it is essential that a broad community representation base be maintained so that the stated goals can effectively and efficiently be accomplished. The letter contained a list of suggested individuals that might be appointed to the screening committee for members of various City and County boards and commissions. Councilman Christensen requested that the Council table the appointments to the various boards and commissions for another week in order to study the information contained in the letter or assign the matter to a Council Committee. Councilman Payne stated he would like to wait one week to give people time to submit names to the Council or the group who submitted the letter regarding a screening committee and it should be kept in mind that persons who are appointed to City boards and commissions must be a City resident. Councilman Christensen made a motion that the matter of screening applicants or nominees for appointment to City boards and commissions be referred to the Growth and Development Committee. Councilman Childs offered a substitute motion that the matter of screening applicants or nominees for appointment to City 488 Bakersfield, California, November 30, 1983 - Page 5 boards and commissions be held over until the Council Meeting of December 7, 1983, in order to allow time to study the matter and at that time a decision can be made what Council Committee it will be assigned to. Councilman Christensen withdrew his motion. Councilman Childs' substitute motion was unanimously approved. Councilman Childs stated he agrees with the other Council- men regarding holding Council Meetings in the various Wards and he intends to request a meeting be held in Ward 1 in the near future. Councilman Payne stated he felt the turnout at the meeting held in the 6th Ward was tremendous considering it was the night before Thanksgiving. Unless there is a major issue on the Agenda, 30 people attending a meeting is far greater than the normal turnout at regular Council Meetings. APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO THE KERN COUNTY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Councilman Donald to the Kern K. Ratty was appointed as the Council's representative County Council of Governments. APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Councilman Rockoff made a motion to appoint Councilman Thomas A. Payne as the Council's representative to the Planning Commission. Councilman Christensen offered a substitute motion that Councilman Arthur L. Rockoff be appointed as the Council's repre- sentative to the Planning Commission. Councilman Rockoff stated he would only serve if Council- man Payne did not wish to serve as the Council's representative to the Planning Commission. Councilman Payne indicated he did not wish to serve on the Planning Commission. Bakersfield, California, November 30, 1983 - Page 6 Councilman Christensen's substitute motion that Council- man Arthur L. Rockoff be appointed to serve as the Council's representative to the Planning Commission, was unanimously approved. REPORTS Councilman Rockoff, Chairman of the Budget Review and Finance Committee, read Report No. 29-83 regarding Consultant for Site Plan Review Policy, as follows: Recently, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 111-83 which approved and adopted the Site Plan Review Policy adopted by the Planning Commission requiring major retail projects to pay a share of the cost of public facilities which would be needed either wholly or partially attributable to such projects. Further, the City Council authorized and directed the City Engineer to request and return to this Committee with proposals from consultants to assist staff and the Planning Commission Committee in estab- lishing parameters for application of the policy. The Public Works Director (City Engineer) solicited and received two proposals from firms interested and qualified to establish the parameters necessary for application of the Site Plan Review Policy. Both consulting firms were interviewed by staff members from the Public Works Department, Planning Department, City Attorney's Office and Finance Department. During the interview, the firms' experience with public facilities such as streets, bridges, signals, sewers, water, landscaping, etc., was reviewed and discussed. Although City staff members conducting the interview felt both firms could prepare an acceptable report, they recommended the City Council enter into an agreement with Linscott, Law and Greenspan, Inc., Engineers. This firm has substantial experience in traffic engineering, including major retail developments. The firm has also done work on off-site improvement policies for other cities and has done traffic studies in this area. The cost for their consulting services is to be based on hourly rates not to exceed a total fee of $6,000. The $6,000 is based upon the development of criteria only. In the event the consultant is required to participate in City Council and Planning Commission hearings, the total fee is not to exceed $10,000. This Committee has reviewed the selection process carried out by the City staff and concurs in the recommendation and would, therefore, recommend the City Council accept the proposal from Bakersfield, California, November 30, 1983 - Page 7 Linscott, Law and Greenspan, Inc., Engineers, direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary agreement, authorize the Mayor to execute, and approve a transfer from the Council Contingency Fund for an amount not to exceed $6,000. We further recommend the City Council authorize a transfer of the additional $4,000, if necessary. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Budget Review and Finance Committee Report No. 29-83 regarding Consultant for Site Plan Review Policy, was accepted; proposal from Linscott, Law and Greenspan, Inc., Engineers, was accepted; the City Attorney was directed to prepare the necessary agreement and the Mayor was authorized to execute same; and Budget Review Transfer from the Council Contingency Fund for an amount not to exceed $6,000 and an additional $4,000, if necessary, were approved. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar: (a) Allowance of Claims Nos. 2309 to 2493, inclusive, in the amount of $976,002.91. (b) Claim for Damages from The Sub Station Restaurant, 2901 "F" Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) <c) Claim for Damages from James J. Shodgrass, dba Westchester Flower and Gift Shop, 2915 "F" Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (d) Claim for Damages from Bob Campbell, dba Campbell's Pharmacy, 2809 "F" Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (e) Claim for Damages from Jaserjian Bros., Inc., dba Carpeteria, 2929 "F" Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (f) Claim for Damages from Jess Smith & Sons, Inc., 2905 "F" Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (g) Claim for Damages from William H. Davies Interiors, Inc., 2819 "F" Street, Bakers- field. (Refer to City Attorney) (h) Claim for Damages from Sidney S. Gonick, 2805 "F" Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (i) Claim for Damages and Personal Injuries from James Arthur Blair, 1400 Gorrill Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) Bakersfield, California, November 30, 1983 - Page (J) (k) (i) (m) (n) (o) (P) (q) (r) (s) (t) Claim for Damages from George Edward Uhler, Route 9, Box 101-A, 5501 Spyglass Hill Road, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney Claim for Damages from Beatrice May Sanders 4809 Margalo Avenue, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) Claim for Damages from Kern-Tulare Water District, Great Western Savings Building, 1415 - 18th Street, Room 314, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) Claim for Personal Injuries from Delbert Dewey Clinton, 546 Price Street, Bakers- field. (Refer to City Attorney) Claim for Damages from John J. Gil, 504½ Acacia Avenue, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) Street Right-of-Way Deed from Sunrise Unlimited, a joint venture, providing dedication of Fairfax Road from approxi- mately ~ mile north of College Avenue to approximately ½ mile north of College Avenue. Map of Tract No. 4366 and Improvement Agreement with Bakersfield Country Club Development, Ltd., for construction of improvements therein, located west of Fairfax Road and south of Highway 178. Map of Tract No. 4404 and Improvement Agreement with Dickinson-Wadsworth Associates for construction of improve- ments therein, located east of Fairfax Road, approximately i mile north of Panorama Drive; and Street Right-of-Way Deeds from Robert A. Wadsworth and B. L. Dickinson for Paladino Drive from Tract No. 4404 to Fairfax Road, as required by the Planning Commission. Map of Tract No. 4464 being developed by the Development Group, located south of University Avenue, one quarter mile east of Columbus Street. Map of Tract Nos. 4594 and 4602 and Improvement Agreements with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation for construction of improvements therein, located south of White Lane between Gosford Road and Old River Road. Improvement Agreement for Parcel Map No. 6722 with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation for construction of improve- ments therein, located east of Old River Road between Ming Avenue and White Lane; and Road Easements from Tenneco Realty Development Corporation as required by the Planning Commission for Parcel ~{ap No. 6722. Bakersf±eld, California, November 30, 1983 - Page 9 (u) Notice of Completion and Acceptance of Work on Tract No. 4587 with Covington Technologies Corporation, located at South "H" Street and Pacheco Road. (v) Plans and Specifications for Traffic Signal Systems at White Lane and Akers Road, White Lane and Ashe Road, and Planz Road and Wible Road. Councilman Payne, referring to Item (v), stated at the meeting held in the 6th Ward there was a request made for the Traffic Engineer to review the warrants for the traffic signal at White Lane and Ashe Road. The person felt it was possible the warrants were due to one or two unusual isolated situations and it would be better to locate the traffic signal at another inter- section. Assistant Public Works Director Schulz stated the Traffic Engineer re-evaluated the intersection of White Lane and Ashe Road and still considers it to be the one to proceed with for signaliza- Lion. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Items (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (1), (m), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r), (s), (t), (u) and (v) of the Consent Calendar, were adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Moore, Payne, Barton, Childs Noes: None Absent: None Ratty, Rockoff, ACTION ON BIDS Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, low bid of L. N. Curtis, in the amount of $10,356.20, for Breathing Apparatus and Spare Cylinders, was accepted and all other bids rejected. Upon a motion by Councilman Ratty, low bid of O. B. Nuzum Tire Service, in the amount of $36,700.98, for Annual Contract for Tire Recapping, was accepted, all other bids rejected and the Mayor was authorized to execute the contract. Bakersfield, California, November 30, 1983 - Page Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, low bids of B.C. Chemicals (12 items), in the amount of $19,023.23, and McKesson Chemical (3 items), in the amount of $1,568.46, for Annual Contract for Water Treatment Chemicals, were accepted, all other bids rejected and the Mayor was authorized to execute the contracts. Upon a motion by Councilman Childs, low bid of Granite Construction Company, in the amount of $277,591, for resurfacing Union Avenue between Manor Street and Bernard Street and Manor Street between Union Avenue and the Kern River Bike Trail, was accepted, all other bids rejected and the Mayor was authorized to execute the contract. Upon a motion by Councilman Moore, low bid of Tejon Maintenance & Construction Company, in the amount of $18,540.46, for Metal Control Weirs for Water Resources Department, was accepted and all other bids rejected. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, low bid of Gamcon Company, in the amount of $20,065, for construction of Bernard Street Storm Drain, was accepted, all other bids rejected and the Mayor was authorized to execute the contract. Upon a motion by Councilman Moore, low bid of Griffith Company, in the amount of $51,437, for construction of Parking Lot at Saunders Park, was accepted, all other bids rejected, the ~ayor was authorized to execute the contract and expenditure of additional funds from Account No. 58-79400-192, was authorized. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, bid of Ray Gaskin Service, in the amount of $59,732.27, £or 488 Refuse Con- tainers for the Public Works Department, was accepted and all other bids rejected. Upon a motion by Councilman Moore, low bid of Gen Par Construction, in the amount of $302,767, for construction of Fire Station No. 3 located at 3400 Palm Avenue, adjacent to Saunders Park, was accepted, all other bids rejected and the Mayor was authorized to execute the contract. 94 Bakersfield, California, November 30, 1983 - Page DEFERRED BUSINESS Adoption of Resolution No. 131-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field requesting Long-Term Financing Legislation. This resolution was placed on the Agenda at the request of Councilman Barton at the meeting of November 16, 1983. Upon a motion by Councilman Ratty, Resolution No. 131-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield requesting Long-Term Financing Legislation, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Childs Noes: None Absent: None NEW BUSINESS Adoption of Resolution No. 132-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field amending objectives, criteria and procedures and the preparation of environmental documents, supple- mentary to California Environmental Quality Act and the State CEQA Guide- lines and superseding City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 60-80. This action amends the City of Bakersfield's environ- mental review procedures in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, effective August l, 1983. Adoption of these procedures is required by State regulation. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Resolution No. 132-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending objectives, criteria and procedures and the preparation of environmental docu- ments, supplementary to California Environmental Quality Act and the State CEQA Guidelines and superseding City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 60-80, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Moore, Barton, Childs Noes: None Absent: None Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Bakers£ield, California, November 30, 1983 - Page 12 Adoption of Resolution No. 133-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field adopting report relative to Federal Clean Water Act Grant. The Water Resources staff completed a report required by a contract with the Cali£ornia Water Resources Control Board on a study of groundwater at the City's "2,800 Acre" recharge site. The report has been reviewed by the State Board staff and is con- sidered acceptable to meet the contract requirements. City Council Resolution No. 78-80, dated December 17, 1980, authorized the Water Board to perform the study and the Director of Water Resources to sign the contract. Adopting the resolution will be the final procedure required by the City. Upon a motion by Councilman Moore, Resolution No. 133-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield adopting report relative to Federal Clean Water Act Grant, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmen Christensen, Moore, Payne, Barton, Childs None None Ratty, Rockoff, Presentation of $14,000 Energy Rebate Check from Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Mr. Howard Polland, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, presented a $14,000 Energy Rebate Check to the City of Bakersfield for energy conservation efforts through street lighting. This check represents the City's conversion of 200 older street lights to high pressure sodium vapor lights. The City will be receiving another $5,000 check, which represents almost 10% of the total budget that P. G. & E. has issued for the State of California. The City of Bakersfield is doing a fine job and by reducing the size of the street lights the City is also reducing the street light bill by almost 50%. Mr. Polland thanked the Public Works Department for doing a fine job with the Energy Management Program £or the City of Bakersfield. Bakersfield, California, November 30. 1983 - Page 13 CLOSED SESSION Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, the Council recessed to a Closed Session at 8:15 P.M. to discuss a personnel matter. The regular meeting was reconvened at 11:00 P.M. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, City Manager Philip Kelmar's contract was terminated, by the following roll call vote: Ayes Councilmen Christensen, Moore, Payne, Ratty, Barton Noes Councilmen Rockoff, Childs Absent: None Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, Assistant City Manager-Personnel Richard R. Russell was appointed as Acting City Manager, by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Childs Noes: None Absent: None Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, Acting City Manager Richard R. Russell's salary was set at 5% above his present salary or a step of the City Manager's salary, whichever is greater, and the matter of the Acting City Manager's salary was referred to the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee for final consideration, by the following roll call vote: Ayes Councilmen Christensen, Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Childs Noes None Absent: None Mayor Shell stated Acting City Manager Russell will not be applying for the position of City Manager. Councilman Payne stated in the new spirit of cooperation, agreed upon by the entire Council, a decision was made in Closed Session that any member of the Council who desires to discuss any or all portions of a Closed Session with the news media may do so. Bakersfield, California, November 30, 1983 - Page 14 This was done so no accusation can be made that certain Council- men violated the confidence of the Council or a Closed Session. Councilman Moore requested that Acting City Manager Russell hold an emergency preparedness drill as soon as possible so he can become familiar with the forces available to him if an emergency or disaster should arise. Councilman Moore stated he wanted to assure the community that the Council is united and a take charge Council. They are in a position of providing leadership and intend to do so. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 P.M. ATTEST: MAYO~f ~ City of ~akersfield, Calif. AS IST~NT CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California ma Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 7:00 P.M., December 7, 1983. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shell, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Chaplin Ed Meissner of the First Assembly of God Church. The City Clerk called the roll Present: Mayor Shell. as follows: Councilmen Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Childs (seated at 7:05 P.M.), Christensen Absent: None Minutes of the special meeting of November were approved as presented. CORRESPONDENCE Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, 23, 1983, communication from the Kern Mosquito Abatement District, dated December 1, 1983, calling attention to the expiration of John E. Chafin's term as a member of the Board of Trustees of District on December 31, 1983, was file. Upon Ralph Andersen the Kern Mosquito Abatement received and ordered placed on a motion by Councilman Barton, communication from & Associates, 1446 Ethan Way, Suite 101, Sacramento, California, dated December 2, 1983, submitting a suggested work program relative to the recruitment of a City Manager for the City of Bakersfield, was received and ordered placed on file. Councilman Barton stated that Mr. Chafin has expressed an interest in serving another term on the Kern Mosquito Abatement District Board of Trustees. COUNCIL STATEMENTS Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, Meeting scheduled for December 14, 1983, Councilman Moore nominated Mr. the Council was cancelled. Bruce L. Nybo, 3501 Planz Road, Jones, the Golden Empire to fill a vacancy on the Planning Commission and Mr. Lee 7101La Hacienda Street, to fill a vacancy on the Board of Transit District. 2 Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 2 Councilman Ratty made a motion that the names of all persons desiring to serve on various boards and commissionsare to be submitted to the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee for screening and interviews and the Committee is to submit a list of recommended persons back to the entire Council for consideration. Councilman Christensen stated the Committee should submit; the names of at least 2 or 3 persons for each vacancy on a board or commission. Councilman Payne stated each Councilman would be contacted prior to the interviews to make sure they want considered. In answer to a question by they have submitted all names Councilman Rockoff, City Attorney Oberholzer stated an individual Councilman could talk the candidates, if he so desires. After discussion, Councilman Ratty's motion that the names of missions to all persons desiring to serve on various boards and com- are to be submitted to the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee for screening and interviews and the Committee is tQ submit a list of recommended persons back to the entire Council for consideration, was unanimously approved. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, Director of Public Works J. Dale Hawley was reappointed to the Board of Zoning Adjust- ment, term expiring December l, 1986. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, Assistant Public Works Director Edgar W. Schulz was reappointed as the Public Works Director's alternate to the Board of Zoning Adjustment, term expiring December l, 1986. Councilman Childs stated recently there has been a rash of accidents across from Bessie Owens School and thanked the Police and Public Works Departments for their response to the problem. Director of Public Works Hawley stated the problem is still being evaluated. There were two incidents where children were hit by automobiles within a short period of time. The Public Works Department is looking at several things that could improve Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 3 3 the situation in that area. Meetings have been held with school representatives and the Police Department and they are considering marking an area for unloading and loading school children. There are no defined areas for loading and unloading children and that is one of the problems. They are also investigating the possibility of eliminating a crosswalk in order to encourage the children to use a different route to school. Councilman Childs stated the people in the community are very pleased with the immediate response from the Police and Public Works Departments. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, contracts with the City of Taft and City of Shafter for services rendered by the City Attorney's Office were referred to the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee for evaluation and recommendation back to the Council. REPORTS Councilman Rockoff, Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee, read Report No. 1-83 regarding Fire Department Telephone System, as follows: For the past several months, remodeling work of the general office area of the main Fire Station has been under way. Due to the up- coming completion of the remodeling work, City staff felt it imperative to investigate all alternatives with regards to the telephone system at the Fire Department facility. Staff members from the Fire Department and Finance Department contacted vendors and requested proposals for a telephone system for the facility. Proposals were received from four prospective vendors as noted in the summary. City staff have reviewed the proposals and recommend that the City accept the proposal from Continental Telephone. During our discussions with City staff, we noted the present monthly cost for telephone services for the main Fire Station is in excess of $900.00. We further noted the monthly cost of the Continental system will be $707.66 (including the annual maintenance charge), with the City owning the system at the end of seven years. Additionally, this system integrates with the telephone system throughout the City and will be compatible with future changes. 4 Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 4 This Committee concurs with staff and would, therefore, recommend the City Council accept the proposal of Continental Telephone and approve the acquisition of the telephone system through a lease-purchase plan. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Budget and Finance Committee Report No. 1-83 regarding Fire Department Telephone System, was accepted; proposal of Continental Telephone Company, was accepted; and acquisition of the telephone system through a lease-purchase plan, was approved. Councilman Barton, Chairman of the Growth and Develop- ment Committee, read Report No. 1-83 regarding Ambulance Rates, as follows: As required by ordinance, the private ambulance companies providing ambulance services in the City of Bakersfield requested the City Council approve rate increases. Additionally, it was requested the City ordinance be changed to eliminate the requirement that the rates follow the allowed rates for the City of Los Angeles. The matter was referred to the Growth & Development Committee for study and recommenda- tion. This Committee has had several meetings to review the requests. Our meetings included City staff personnel, as well as, representatives from the ambulance companies. We discussed such items as the ambulance rates in the City of Bakersfield, the rates in the City of Los Angeles and how they are established, the type of service provided in each City, and equipment requirements as set forth by Bakersfield's ordinance. Paramount in difference between ambulance service in the City of Los Angeles and the City of Bakersfield is that local ambulance operators in the City of Bakersfield maintain paramedic service. Ambulance operators in the City of Los Angeles are required to maintain neither paramedic service nor paramedic qualified individuals. The Los Angeles Fire Department provides all paramedic service. Consequently, the overhead cost of maintaining an ambulance operation in the City of Los Angeles is considerably different from the costs associated with the private ambulance service in Bakersfield, which provides full and exclusive paramedic service. We also instructed staff to contact other cities and compile all necessary information to assist us in determining our recommendations. After considerable review and discussion of the information obtained, we concluded an adjustment in the rates allowable for the ambulance operators is justifiable. We further believe Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 5 the City's ordinance should be amended to allow adjustment in the ambulance rates to take place by way of resolution and be reviewed from time to time. These determinations and con- clusions have been reviewed with and concurred in by the private ambulance companies. Therefore, we recommend the City Council con- sider this first reading of the ordinance and upon adoption of the ordinance, direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary resolution to establish rates as enumerated in the attached Exhibit A and that the rates be inclusive of all services. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, Growth and Developme~t Committee Report No. 1-83 regarding Ambulance Rates, was accepted; and upon adoption of the ordinance relative to Ambulance Services Charges the City Attorney was directed to prepare the necessary resolution establishing rates as enumerated in Exhibit "A", attached to the report and the rates shall be inclusive of all services. First reading of an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield relative to Ambulance Service Charges. First reading was considered given an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield relative to Ambulance Service Charges. Councilman Barton, Chairman of the Growth and Development Committee, read Report No. 2-83 regarding Building and Planning Staffing, as follows: At the request of City staff, this Committee has discussed, in detail, the "Site Plan Review Process" and the time necessary to approve plans and ultimately issue appropriate building permits. In reviewing the process and procedures, we took special note of the high level of service which the builders, developers, and general public have traditionally received and come to expect from the City. This Committee believes it important to continue the high level of service being offered to the com- munity; however, with the continued growth and ever-increasing activity in the Building and Planning Departments it is becoming more and more difficult to provide quality service with current staffing levels. Pursuant to our discussions and review, this Committee believes additional staffing should 6 Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 6 be considered in the area of reviewing and approving plans and drawings. Therefore, we recommend the City Council refer this matter to the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee for study and recommendation. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, Growth and Develop- ment Committee Report No. 2-83 regarding Building and Planning Staffing, was accepted; and the matter of staffing for the Planning and Building Departments was referred to the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee for study and recommendation. Councilman Moore, Chairman of the Water Resources Committee, read Report No. 1-83 regarding Request of John Carollo Engineers for Approval of Subcontractors for Waste Water Treatment Plant No. 3, as follows: On September 28, 1983, the City of Bakersfield entered into an agreement with John Carollo Engineers to act as prime contractor to perform certain engineering services related to Waste Water Treatment Plant No. 3 improvements. The referred-to agreement requires John Carollo Engineers to obtain approval from the City for all subcontractors they propose to employ with regards to the improvements at Treatment Plant No. 3. As noted in the correspondence from John Carollo Engineers, they are requesting the approval of Quad Consultants and BSK and Associates to perform certain functions as subcontractors. City staff have reviewed the request and qualifi- cations of the proposed subcontractors and consider the subcontractors to be acceptable. Therefore, this Committee recommends the City Council approve the request of John Carollo Engineers for the use of Quad Consultants and BSK and Associates to act as subcontractors in the areas as identified in the correspondence. Upon a motion by Councilman Moore, Water Resources Committee Report No. 1-83 regarding Request of John Carollo Engineers for Approval of Subcontractors for Waste Water Treatment Plant No. 3, was accepted; and request of John Carollo Engineers to use Quad Consultants and BSK and Associates as subcontractors in the areas identified in their letter, was approved. Councilman Payne, Chairman of the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee, read Report No. 17-83 regarding Recruit- ment for City Manager, as follows: Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 7 In order to assure the citizenry of the City of Bakersfield an orderly and timely replace- ment for the position of City Manager, the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee met yesterday to organize recruitment efforts. After consideration of several alternatives, we are recommending Council approval of the proposal submitted by the firm of Keil & Avery. Mr. William Avery is presently under contract with the City as our Chief Negotiator for Labor matters. In addition to labor, his firm has represented various cities throughout the State in recruiting personnel for top manage- ment positions. Under the terms of this proposal, Mr. Avery will accomplish the following: Conduct a City review in order to develop a close understanding of the City's organization. 2. Prepare a candidate profile listing the desired traits and skills. 3. Assist the Council in outlining a compen- sation package. 4. Conduct an active recruitment throughout the State. o Conduct an initial screening to eliminate those candidates who do not possess the minimum qualifications. Work with a screening committee to develop a list of approximately 15 to 30 finalists for Council's final determination. This screening committee is to be made up of top management executives in this community and shall be appointed by the City Council. Prepare interview booklets and coordinate the scheduling of interviews for the Council. 8. Assist the Council on final reference checks, compensation, and negotiations. The GEP Committee is of the opinion that Mr. Avery has the best qualifications to handle this task. Having worked in this community over the past two years, he understands the needs of the citizenry, Council and staff. We are, therefore, recommending Council approval of the proposal from Keil & Avery and instruct the Mayor to execute this agreement. The $7,100 cost for professional services and direct expenses for advertisements, travel, clerical services, telephone costs, and postage is to be paid from the Council's Contingency Fund. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee Report No. 17-83 regarding Recruitment for City Manager, was accepted; proposal of Keil & Avery was approved Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 8 and the Mayor was authorized to execute the agreement; and cost, in the amount of $7,100, for professional services and direct expenses for advertisement, travel, clerical services, telephone costs, and postage is to be paid from the Council's Contingency Fund. Councilman Rockoff, Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee, read Report No. 2-83 regarding Multi-Family Housing Bond Issue, as follows: On November 30, 1983, and December 7, the Budget and Finance Committee met the Multi-Family Housing Bond Issue. 1983, to discuss On November 30, the Budget Review and Finance Committee determined that the documents sub- mitted for public hearing before the City Council did not satisfy the objections pre- viously expressed by the Budget Review and Finance Committee. These objections deal with the responsibilities of the City, which continue beyond the date of issuance of the bonds. In addition, the Budget Review and Finance Committee believes that the developer should be required to submit plans and specifications to the City Council for approval of the project prior to the City's participation in Multi- Family Bond financing. On November 30, the Budget Review and Finance Committee was advised that unless the issue was completed by December 31, 1983, that the program would terminate and no bond issue would take place. On December 7, the Committee met with three developers who had previously been issued Inducement Resolutions. These Inducement Resolutions contain provisions which clearly stated that unless an acceptable agreement was reached between the developer and the City that no bond issue would be approved. In addition, the resolutions provided that the City was under no obligation to participate in any bond issue on the project. The Committee informed the developers of the concerns previously expressed dealing with the inadequacy of the documents submitted for the approval in public hearing. The developers agreed that unless the Committee and the City Attorney were satisfied that the questionable provisions could be legally removed, that no bond issue would be made. However, due to the December 31, 1983, deadline, the developers requested that the City Council authorize the publication of notice of public hearing for the issuance of the Multi-Family Bonds. The Committee, therefore, recommends that the Council authorize the advertising for December Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 9 27, 1983, at a special meeting, for a hearing on the issuance of Multi-Family Bonds, only if the objections to the present documents can be resolved on or before December 12, 1983. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Budget and Finance Committee Report No. 2-83 regarding Multi-Family Housing Bond Issue, was accepted; the Council authorized the advertising of December 27, 1983, for a special meeting for hearing on the issuance of Multi-Family Bonds, only if the objections to the present documents can be resolved on or before December 12, 1983. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar: (a) Allowance of Claims Nos. 2494 to 2598, inclusive, in the amount of $317,000.72. (b) Claim for Personal Injuries from Roberto Chavez and Margarita Chavez, c/o Law Offices of George A. Boyle, 416 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (c) Claim for Damages from Henry R. Yniguez, 3424 Elm Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (d) Claim for Damages and Personal Injuries from Jack D. Moffat, Jr., 4505 Isla Verde, #A, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (e) Claim for Damages and Amended Claim for Damages from Butt Francis Frilot, c/o Kern County Jail, 1415 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (f) Claim for Damages from Farmers Insurance Exchange on behalf of Henry Yniguez, P.O. Box 2285, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (g) Grant Deed and Sewer Easement from Tenneco Realty Development Corporation providing for a sewer line in Parcel Map No. 7112, located south of Truxtun Avenue, east of Mohawk Street, and drainage retention basin in Tract No. 4610, located south of Ming Avenue, west of Scarlet Oak Drive. (h) Map of Tract No. 4609 and Improvement Agreement with Bojak Development, Inc., and Pierce Lathing Co., dba Pierce Enter- prises, for construction of improvements therein, located on the south side of Fairview Road, between South "H" Street and South Union Avenue. 10 Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page l0 (i) ~aps of Tract Nos. 4611 and 4612 and Improvement Agreements with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation for con- struction of improvements therein. Tract No. 4611 located on the south side of White Lane between Gosford Road and Old River Road and Tract No. 4612 located at northeast corner of White Lane and Old River Road. (J) Improvement Agreement for Parcel Map No. 6963 with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation for construction of improve- ments therein, located at northwest corner of District Boulevard and Ashe Road; and Easements required for roads, line of sight and public utilities for Parcel Map No. 6963. (k) Improvement Agreement for Parcel Map No. 6987 with J. L. Denio, Inc., for con- struction of improvements therein, located on south side of Planz Road, 700 feet east of South Union Avenue; and Street Dedica- tions, Easements and Deeds for Parcel Map No. 6987. (1) Notices of Completion and Acceptance of Work on: Parcel Map No. 5551, Contract No. 82-136 with Vernon No. 1, located at Mt. Vernon Avenue and Bernard Street. Parcel Map No. 6642, Contract No. 82-170 with Rosedale Business Center, Ltd., located at Rosedale Highway and Camino Del Rio Court. (m) Plans and Specifications for Interim Discharge System at Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3, Phase 2. (n) Agreement with Southern Pacific Transpor- tation Company granting the right to operate and maintain the Kern River Bike Trail across Southern Pacific right-of-way adjacent to Golden State Avenue. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Items (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (1), (m) and (n) of the Consent Calendar, were adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen Noes: None Absent: None ACTION ON BIDS Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, bid of Engineering Systems Division/3M, in the amount of $22,533.48, for Microfilm Equipment for Building and Planning Departments, was accepted. Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page ll 11 Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, low base bid of James G. Francis, in the amount of $110,125, for construction of the ~aywood Drive Storm Drain between Auburn Street and University Park, was accepted, all other bids rejected and the Mayor was authorized to execute the contract. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, usual bidding requirements were dispensed with, in accordance with Section 3.20.060 of the Municipal Code, and the Finance Operations Manager was authorized to negotiate a price with Motorola Communications for Fifty Mobile Radios for the Police Department, not to exceed the budgeted amount of $100,000. NEW BUSINESS Adoption of Emergency Ordinance No. 2885 New Series amending Sections 3.36.040 B.4. and 3.36.050 B.3. of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to exemptions to Sales and Use Taxes. As a result of legislation, effective January l, 1984, State exemptions from Sales and Use Taxes for waterborne vessels are repealed. It is necessary to amend Sections 3.36.040 B.4. and 3.36.050 B.3. of the Bakersfield Municipal Code to conform to State Law. Such conformity is a condition of the obligation of the State Board of Equalization to collect such taxes for the City, and failure to conform the City's ordinance, effective January l, 1984, might result in the City's loss of some Sales and Use Tax revenues. Any impact on the City from this technical change will be minimal. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Emergency Ordinance No. 2885 New Series amending Sections 3.36.040 B.4. and 3.36.050 B.3. of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to exemptions to Sales and Use Taxes, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Moore, Payne, Christensen Noes: None Absent: None Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, 12 Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 12 Adoption of Resolution No. 134-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field directing Finance Operations Manager to transfer to the General Fund of the City the balance of funds carried for Public Improvement District No. 801-A. This resolution directs the City's Finance Operations Manager to transfer the balance of funds, $82,685, in the account for Public Improvement District (P.I.D.) 801-A to the City's General Fund. Public Improvement District No. 801-A was estab- lished by Council Resolution No. 19-69. The bonds for the improvements were paid off in 1978. No claim has been made for any portion of the balance of such funds. State law directs that this transfer be made. Upon a motion by of the Council of the City Operations Manager to transfer to the General Fund of the City the balance of funds carried for Public Improvement District No. 801-A, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Councilmen Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen Ayes: Noes: None Absent: None Councilman Childs, Resolution No. 134-83 of Bakersfield directing Finance Deferral of action on Agreement with Valley Plaza Associates for construc- tion of street improvements relating to expansion of Valley Plaza Shopping Center until later in Council Meeting. This agreement provides for Valley Plaza to pay for, and the City construct, specified street improvements required by conditions of Site Plan approval for the Valley Plaza expansion. Valley Plaza is required by this agreement to pay 100% of the costs of these improvements. The City's assumption of the obligation to construct these improvements is to facilitate coordination of construction and certain off-site improvements for which Valley Plaza has been assessed, pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 55-83 and Council Resolutign No. 111-83 (Site Plan Review - Major Retail Projects). Valley Plaza and the City Engineer have agreed to the amount of that assessment. Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 13 '13 December Traffic, Acting City Manager Russell read a memorandum dated 7, 1983, regarding Valley Plaza Expansion - Ming Avenue as follows: Background Under Planning Commission Resolution No, 55-83 and City Council Resolution No. 111-83, Valley Plaza has been assessed $208,930 by the City Engineer as its proportionate share of the costs of off-site street improvements, the need for which is wholly or partially attributable to the projected Valley Plaza expansion. That assessment, embodied in an agreement between Valley Plaza and the City Engineer, includes an amount for widening of the Ming Avenue/ Freeway 99 overpass. The agreement between the City and Valley Plaza on tonight's agenda provides for Valley Plaza to pay for and the City to construct certain street improvements in the streets adjacent to Valley Plaza (the "on-site" or "Traditional Improvements"). The site plan approvals for Valley Plaza expansion are conditioned upon Valley Plaza both (a) paying the assessment for its proportionate share of off-site improve- ments required under the above-referenced resolutions, and (b) constructing specified on-site improvements. The agreement submitted for City Council action this evening provides for satisfaction of condition (b). The City is willing to agree to make such improvements so that the City can coordinate their con- struction with its construction of the improve- ments for which Valley Plaza has been assessed (condition (a)). Problem Though Valley Plaza has been assessed its proportionate share of the costs of off-site street improvements, there is no guarantee that the City will have the balance of such costs available to complete construction prior to the opening of the department stores being added to Valley Plaza by the expansion. If such funds are not available, an already congested Ming Avenue will become even more so, and its ability to function as a major traffic arterial will be seriously compromised. Though Valley Plaza's obligation for off-site improvements under the site plan review process is satisfied, the potential for major disruption of traffic along Ming Avenue resulting from Valley Plaza expansion will remain until the funding of the balance of the costs of off-site improvements, especially the Ming Avenue/Freeway 99 overpass widening, is assured or the opening of the new depart- ment stores is tied to actual completion of the off-site street improvements. The failure to mitigate a recognized problem prior to 14 Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page operation of the cause of the problem could jeopardize other businesses and related developments in the area. The present site plan review process does not provide a vehicle for totally mitigating such problems. Recommended Action Defer for two-weeks' consideration of the agreement with Valley Plaza for construction of on-site improvements, direct staff to advise Valley Plaza of the City Council's concerns as stated above, and refer to the Growthand Development Committee for report and recom- mendation the issue of preserving Ming Avenue's (and any major arterial's) integrity as a traffic arterial by requiring that the on- site and off-site improvements be completed before any major retail development or expansion may be opened. Councilman Christensen made a motion to defer action on the Agreement with Valley Plaza Associates for construction of street improvements relating to expansion of Valley Plaza Shopping Center until the Council Meeting of December 21, 1983, instruct staff to advise Valley Plaza of this action and refer the matter to the Growth and Development Committee for study and recommendation. Councilman Payne stated he did not know about the recom- mendation concerning the additional traffic problems that would be created by the expansion of Valley Plaza until this evening. Mr. Pete Ramirez, General Manager of Valley Plaza Shopping Center, stated in a telephone conversation today with staff, after reading the article in the Bakersfield Californian, he was advised that this recommendation would be made this evening. They feel they have fulfilled all the obligations under the Site Plan Review process and the required improvements. They are ready to proceed with the project and the department stores have been advised that all the conditions required by the City have been met. Councilman Payne stated he is concerned because Valley Plaza is in his Ward and there were implications in today's news- paper article that were not particularly appealing. He does not want a newspaper article to appear tomorrow indicating that the Council had a strategy going on. Acting City Manager Russell stated he discussed this recommended action with Mr. Ramirez today. Staff is concerned Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 15 because this agreement calls for a large City expenditure that has not been budgeted and the matter should be discussed with a Council Committee. Hopefully, it will not be more than a two week delay. Staff was concerned about moving ahead without the Council's full awareness. Councilman Payne requested that action on this item be deferred until the Attorney representing Valley Plaza can confer with his client. Councilman Christensen withdrew his motion. Approval of Water Supply Agreement between the City of Bakersfield and California Living Museum for purchase of Kern River water for landscape irrigation purposes. The California Living Museum (CALM), located just east of Hart Park along the Kern River, desires to purchase river water for landscape irrigation purposes and the City has, under existing conditions, a supply of water available. This agreement would allow CALM to obtain Kern River water for use at their facility for 29 years. The City's Special Water Attorney has reviewed and approved the agreement. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Water Supply Agreement between the City of Bakersfield and California Living Museum for purchase of Kern River water for landscape irrigation was approved and the Mayor was authorized to execute purposes, same. Mayor Shell declared a recess at 8:10 P.M. and reconvened the meeting at 8:45 P.M. Approval of Agreement with Valley Plaza Associates for construction of street improvements relating to expansion of Valley Plaza Shopping Center. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen the matter of delaying action on the agreement with Valley Plaza Associates for construction of street improvements relating to expansion of Valley Plaza Shopping Center and matters brought out in the memorandum from Acting City ~anager Russell are to be discussed before the Council tonight. 16 Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page City Attorney Oberholzer stated this is a situation where the City recognizes there is a problem and has not solved it. The City recognizes there is an expansion problem in the Valley Plaza area. The current rules give the Public Works Director the authority to enter into an agreement with the developer, even though the agreement may, at sometime, cost the City hundreds of thousands of dollars to follow through and mitigate the problem that has been identified. In this particular circumstance the Public Works Director and Valley Plaza people followed the resolution in the negotiations. It has gotten to a point where a potential traffic problem has been identified and everyone agrees there is a traffic problem out there. The question is, how will it be mitigated. The resolution provides that a developer of a retail center, of a certain size, makes a contribution to the City proportionate with the developments' impact on the City streets. Unfortunately, simply making a contribution does not solve the problem. It requires some kind of other action and, unfortunately, that issue was never addressed in the resolution. He stated he does not know, and is not sure, anyone knows the solution to the problem. What staff is saying, without proceeding further and obligating the City for $600,000, it is being requested that action on this be delayed for 2 weeks to see if a solution can be found to this problem. Staff is not finding fault with anyone and is not attempting to hold up the project. The resolution only identifies the problem, it does not provide a solution. Councilman Moore made a motion that action on the agree- ment with Valley Plaza Associates for construction of street improvements relating to expansion of Valley Plaza Shopping Center be deferred and the entire matter referred to the Growth and Development Committee for study and recommendation back to the Council at the meeting of December 21, 1983. City Attorney Oberholzer stated he wanted to make it clear that the Public Works Director is authorized to sign an agreement, but he cannot obligate the funds of the City. That is Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 17 17 the problem. He is authorized to sign an agreement before the problem is solved. Councilman Childs stated if the procedure is incorrect the Council will have to correct it. Valley Plaza entered into an agreement with the City and it seems they have fulfilled their obligations. Does the Council enter into agreements and then backout when the other party enters into it in good faith? City Attorney Oberholzer stated the City is not backing out of the agreement. That is not the recommended action. The agreement before the Council, this evening, is an agreement, whereby, the City performs the street work, in-lieu of Valley Plaza doing it, and they pay the City for that work. Staff has now seen some problems in the solution being handled this way. Staff does not know if the Council understood that a problem has been identified with no solution. Staff is requesting that before the agreement is signed, and the Council takes the responsibility of doing the work, that action be delayed for 2 weeks and study the matter. Councilman Childs stated he feels the developer has ~ulfilled all their obligations, followed the City's instructions and put up the required funds. The Council may have an obligation to work out a solution tonight rather than send a message of bad faith to the Valley Plaza people. Councilman Payne stated he would like to make it very clear that he is not challenging the integrity or judgment of any staff member. City Attorney Oberholzer is doing exactly what he is suppose to do by advising the Council of the potential negative consequences of the Council's action tonight. Acting City Manager Russell did absolutely the right thing by bringing the problem to the attention of the Council. Public Works Director Hawley operated well within his scope of authority when he signed the agreement with the Valley Plaza group. The problem tonight is a matter of integrity with the Council. The former Council knew what they were doing when the Council's intent was sent to the 18 Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 18 Planning Commission and they acted responsibly. The Council does not like the end result. This should not become a contest between Downtown Redevelopment and the expansion of Valley Plaza and he hopes that is not the issue. He believes, concerned, that is not the issue tonight. that, as far as Valley Plaza is concerned, as far as staff is There is an agreement is a legal binding good faith agreement. There is no doubt that there is something wrong with the process. There is a giant loophole in the process, when a staff member and the Planning Commission can obligate the Council to unknown financial expenditures without the Council's full knowledge and approval. He agrees with Councilman Childs, a solution has to be reached tonight, because if it is delayed it becomes a major issue between Downtown and Valley Plaza and that should be avoided. Valley Plaza can wind up with J. C. Penney's, to their benefit, however, it will not change the Council's direction, policy or opinion on Downtown Redevelopment. It will not cripple the City's potential projects. It is a temporary setback, but the Council is not here to manipulate the free enter- prise system. If Penney's wants to locate at Valley Plaza and Valley Plaza has a viable project, then they should be allowed to go. That is exactly the message the Council is sending to the public, if some kind of action is not taken tonight. City Attorney Oberholzer stated that the issue being discussed by Councilman Payne is an issue that does not pertain to the legal aspect of this matter that the Council is being advised of tonight. Whatever action is taken, he wants to make sure the Council understands that, what may be a procedural problem, has been identified and deserves some determination as to an appropriate solution. The agreement between Valley Plaza and the City, signed by the Public Works Director, was entered into pursuant to the resolution. That is not being acted on tonight. Staff wants the Council to be aware that the adopted procedures came from a resolu- tion of the Planning Commission that identified the problem, but does Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 19 19 not solve it. It provides for a contribution from the developer, but does not take care of the problem that has been identified, until such time as the City comes up with the appropriate funds or uses some other method of solving the problem. Councilman Payne stated the Council knows the problem, but an attempt must be made to find a way to honor a moral obliga- tions, if not legal, to the Valley Plaza group and, at the same time, plug a loophole so all the City's revenue does not flow out. Councilman Christensen stated the matter was discussed thoroughly before the Planning Commission with one of the City Attorneys present and then it was brought before the Council. The Council was not informed of anything being illegal and it was adopted. Councilman Christensen stated he feels the Council has to honor commitments that were legally arrived at under the due process of serving as a Council. Mr. Tom Fallgatter, Attorney representing Valley Plaza, stated he wanted to stress that the agreement, on the agenda tonight, does not obligate the City to spend one dime for improvements around Valley Plaza. The agreement indicates that the on-site improvements are going to cost $330,000, as estimated by the City Engineer, with a cushion for inflation. Valley Plaza has agreed to put up every single dime of that money. There has been talk about the City being obligated to spend money by an action of the City Engineer and that is not correct. The thing that seems to be troubling staff is this newly discovered problem. It is the identical problem that was worked on last June, July and August by everyone. This is not a newly discovered problem. Last June, when Valley Plaza came in for the expansion, there was concern that the expansion would generate some traffic impacts and other possible impacts in that area of the shopping center. This City Council asked the Planning Commission to come up with a vehicle to require Valley Plaza to make some contribution for improvements that are traditionally not required under the Site Plan Review process. That went to the Planning Commission and it was decided the best 2O Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 20 way to do this was to modify the Site Plan Review process and that was done. The resolution went through 6 drafts in the City Attorney's Office, so it was fairly thought out as to what it was to provide. The solution was, that there should be some mechanism to require a developer to pay its proportional share of the improvements that were necessary as a result of the fact the City was growing and the proposed development. Everybody understood., at the time, that any particular development should not be required to pay 100% of the cost of improvements. In other words, everyone agrees that there is a traffic problem on the overpass at Ming Avenue and Highway 99 and it is due to all kinds of development up and down Wing Avenue. It will also be impacted by development in the future. The Council, staff and Planning Commission all agreed it would be unfair to require one particular project to bear the entire cost of those improvements. The City was concerned about what should be done if a developer makes a fair contribution and the City does not have the funds to finish the improvements. The solution was, that the developer would be required to leave his money in the fund for 10 years, while the City made appropriations or other developers made the additional contributions to accumulate the money to complete the improvements. It was also agreed that after l0 years, if the City has not made the improvements, the money contributed would be returned to the developers. It was understood. and agreed upon by everybody, last July, that there would only be a proportionate contribution, the City might not have the money to complete those improvements and the money should stay for l0 years then go back to the developer. It does not provide an immediate solution, if the City does not have the other funds. The overpass on Ming Avenue cannot be fully funded right now. Everybody under- stood that this was the best vehicle and it would be unfair to expect any single development to contribute 100% of the cost. The City Engineer did not sign an agreement. The only thing the City Engineer did was what he was authorized to do, which Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 21 21 was to agree with the developer as to what proportion of the cost of these improvements this project should bear. In other words, in regards to the expansion of the overpass over Highway 99, it was agreed that the Valley Plaza expansion should not bear the full cost of that expansion. Mr. Fallgatter then explained how it was determined what share the Valley Plaza should bear. They sat down with the City Engineer and through a long series of negotiations agreed with the City Engineer as to what the appropriate allocation would be. They never did agree with the City Engineer on the right formula for making this determination. However, when it came to the bottom line the number being suggested by the City Engineer was determined to be appropriate and they agreed to it. They were anxious to get on with the project. So the City Engineer, acting as the Council authorized him to do, did not enter into any agree- ment and has not obligated the Council to spend a dime. All he did was agree on what the proportionate assessment should be against Valley Plaza. A letter agreement was signed stating the proportior~ate share for Valley Plaza is $229,000, and this money has to be con- tributed to the fund before their project can be built. Valley Plaza will pay 100% of the on-site improvements. The project cannot go forward until the money is paid. Their concern, is that, if the Council defers this agreement, based on the staff report, which is really just a mechanical agreement to handle the physical improvements, the only conclusion that can be reached is that this Council and staff want to renegotiate the amount of contribution that Valley Plaza is going to be required to make. There can be no other reason for deferring this agreement. If the Council does that, the only conclusion he will be able to make, is that, there has been tremendous pressure put on City staff by the developers of downtown to come up with something to cause the Council to renig on an agreement in order to attempt to defer the Valley Plaza expansion. The Council will be sending a clear message to J. C. Penney's and Valley Plaza that the Council will renig on the agreement that was entered into Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 22 and they are attempting to delay and obstruct the development and expansion of Valley Plaza with the hope of preserving the down-- town project. They are requesting to send a clear message and go forward and complete that process. If the Council feels the resolution adopted last July is not the appropriate way, it is suggested that it be referred to Committee for further study for a different procedure. There were other procedures suggested last July and there are other solutions to this that may be just as fair, however, this is the one that the Council came up with and the one that Valley Plaza agreed to abide by and it is hoped and expected that it will be abided by and the project will be allowed to go forward. Councilman Christensen offered a substitute motion that Agreement with Valley Plaza Associates for construction of street improvements relating to expansion of Valley Plaza Shopping Center, be approved and the Mayor authorized to execute same. Councilman Payne stated he supports Councilman Christensen's motion and requested that it include a recommendation to refer the matter back to the appropriate Council Committee for further con- sideration so this type of problem can be eliminated in the future. Councilman Christensen stated until the downtown parking problems are solved he is convinced that if J. C. Penney's moves to Valley Plaza, with all the other improvements out there, that the Sales Tax revenues accruing to the City will be much larger. Councilman Moore stated, so there is no misunderstanding, his concern is in no way a reflection against Valley Plaza. His concern is merely a procedural one, because there was no supportive material regarding the agreement and he has trouble making a decision of this magnitude when staff has advised the Council to take another course of action. Councilman Barton stated there are two things wrong with the Site Plan Review process: 1. The City of Bakersfield is eliminated from the appeal process on this type of project. Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 23 23 2. The staff can financially obligate the City. If the City cannot come up with the money it is refunded to the developer in l0 years. That means there is still a tremendous problem that has to be mitigated. He has a problem with the fact that a staff member, by entering into an agreement, can, by reference, obligate the taxpayers to come up with the funds. The Council is elected to represent the people and set the budget to migitate problems in the City of Bakersfield and a nonelected staff member should not have that authority. Mr. Gordon Gill, 8000 Dos Rios Way, stated he uses Ming Avenue on a daily basis. There are two issues that need to be resolved. One is the staff's ability to obligate the City to substantial financial problems in the future, based on the authority given in the ordinance. The second issue is the timing of improve-- ments. There does not seem to be anything in the ordinance that requires the improvements to be done in a timely manner. The Valley Plaza expansion could proceed and the overpass and off-ramps may not be improved. If that occurs there is going to be a serious environmental impact in that area. Staff has requested a week delay and that is appropriate in this matter so an analysis can be made, report made on the financial obligations imposed on the City, how it might be settled and how the timing of improvements can be settled. It is essential that off-site improvements be completed at the time the new expansion takes place. Councilman Rockoff stated the Council has just gone through several weeks of gathering ulcers over the fact that the Council has not been given information and did not have a proper basis to make decisions. Now staff has presented information and expressed the fact that there is a problem. If the Council is true to the feeling that seemed prevalent in the past, that the Council wants to be subjected to knowledge of potential problems and staff has provided that information, it would be shortsighted not to spend 2 weeks studying the matter. A 2 week delay is not sending out a signal that the Council is trying to stand in the 24 Bakersfield, California. December 7, 1983 - Page 24 way of improving Valley Plaza. It is possible that after 2 weeks it could be interpreted that an action of the Council might have that implication. Certainly, a 2 week delay to discuss a problem that seems to be very serious is not a signal that the Council is trying to kill a project. The Council owes it to the staff to respect the fact that they are willing to submit problems. Mr. Fallgatter stated Mr. Gill is employed by Eddy, Paynter and Renfro, the Architectural firm that is going all the drawings for the Downtown Mall that stands to make a substantial amount in commissions if that project goes forward. Councilman Christensen's substitute motion that the Agreement with Valley Plaza Associates for construction of street improvements relating to expansion of Valley Plaza Shopping Center, be approved and the Mayor authorized to execute same, carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Payne, Ratty, Childs, Christensen Noes: Councilmen Moore, Rockoff, Barton Absent: None Mrs. Martha Walters, 3301 Dwight Street, stated she agrees with Mr. Gill and delaying the agreement with Valley Plaza would not have done anything to prevent that project. The Council should not have voted on this matter without sufficient information. As a taxpayer she objects to decisions being made without sufficient information and requested that a public hearing be scheduled for reconsideration of the agreement. Mr, Lynn Edwards expressed his concern regarding the screening of applicants for appointment to City boards and com- missions and the possibility of eliminating the ordinary citizen from serving and he felt these boards and commissions should represent the total community. Mr. Edwards also asked about the seating arrangements of the Council in the Council Chambers and stated he felt they should be identified by name and Ward number. Mr. Edwards asked what the procedure is for a person to give a public statement, if he is not scheduled on the agenda. Bakersfield, California, December 7, 1983 - Page 25 25 Mayor Shell stated they could be recognized by a Council-- man, however, people are asked to schedule their statements ahead of time because of the size of agendas. If there is an urgent matter a citizen should be recognized, but people usually know ahead of time that they have a matter to bring before the Council. Councilman Ratty stated he has no trouble with anyone expressing an opinion about City matters. However, randomly jumping up and talking to the Counci~ because a person is moved by a Council statement is not appropriate. The Council will recognize anyone who has a statement under a particular topic. There is an appropriate procedure and there is no control over the Council Meetings at the present time. The Council needs to get a handle on this. Mayor Shell stated, ordinarily, a person comes before the Council because they have either a request for a service or a complaint. It is a courtesy to stay on a subject matter that the Council is concerned with. Mr. Abdul Rahim Mustafa Muhammad, 128 Lakeview Avenue, read a prepared statement regarding man's full potential. Mrs. Walters asked if it is proper for the Council, during a recess, to go into the hall and discuss a matter that should be discussed on the Council floor. City Attorney Oberholzer stated he was discussing the Valley Plaza matter with their attorney and there were no more than three Councilmen present at one time. There was never a quorum present and it would be inappropriate for four Councilmen to be discussing an issue, unless it is done in a public meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, upon a motion by Councilman Moore, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. '~ MAY R o the~ty of ~akersfield, Calif. ATTEST: ASSISTANT CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California ma 26 Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 Minutes of a Joint Public Hearing of the Council of the City of Bakersfield and the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 3:00 P.M., December 15, 1983, regarding a Disposition and Development Agreement on the proposed lease of certain real property in the Downtown Bakers- field Redevelopment Project Area by the Redevelopment Area to the Bakersfield Metropolitan Association (Developer), for development of a full service convention-type hotel bounded by Truxtun Avenue on the north, "Q" Street on the east, Civic Auditorium property on the west and the Santa Fe Railroad right-o£-way on the south. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shell and Agency Chairman Barton, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Mayor Shell. The City Clerk called the roll of the Council, as follows: Present: ~4ayor Shell. Councilmen Payne, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore Absent: Councilman Ratty The City Clerk called the roll of the Agency, as follows: Present: Agency Members Payne, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore Absent: Agency Member Ratty STAFF REPORTS Economic Development Coorinator Kennon briefly described the changes that have taken place on the project since it was last reviewed by the Council and Redevelopment Agency. The project was a hotel complex containing a banquet hall, ballroom type facility and meeting rooms. It was to be built on the property east and adjacent to the existing Civic Auditorium. It was determined, in the feasibility study by the developer and consultants, that the project had economic difficulties in terms of meeting market demands and certain economic criteria. Therefore, the project was restructured to include the development of a hotel with separate banquet facilities and meeting rooms (removed from the hotel), to be placed within the Civic Auditorium property. As presently Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 - Page 2 27 proposed, the meeting space would be located in the large portico area that is in the front of the Civic Auditorium. The banquet hall would be located adjacent to the Auditorium on the triangular parking area that is northeast of the Civic Auditorium. It is proposed that the Agency take on the responsibility of creating that space, as well as, making certain modifications and refur- bishing existing facilities within the Auditorium. In addition to the changes in the physical design of the development, it is also proposed that the City and Agency enter into a Joint Operatior~ and Maintenance Agreement for the new facilities, which would basically divide responsibility for the maintenance. The drawings were not received from the architect, but will be available for the Council and Agency prior to execution of the Disposition and Development Agreement. The bulk of the hotel will remain the same as first reviewed, except it will be located a little closer to the Civic Auditorium and enlarged from 230 to 297 rooms, and will be eleven stories high. Mr. Calvin Hollis, representing the firm of Katz, Hollis, Coren and Associates, the Redevelopment Agency's Financial Con- sultants, referred to two documents: one from Keyset Marston Associates, Inc., dated December l, 1983; and, the second from Katz, Hollis, Coren and Associates, dated December 2, 1983, entitled "Analysis of Cost of Second Implementation Agreement for the Disposition and Development Agreement for the Convention Center Hotel." The information in these two documents is to satisfy the requirements of Section 33433 of the Health and Safety Code, which require the cost of any such agreement to be analyzed and the information made available to the Council and Community, that the lease value of the site also be determined, and if that lease value is less than the proceeds the Agency will receive from the site, an explanation as to why there is a difference. The Keyset Marston letter is a result of an analysis of the terms of the lease being proposed between the Agency and the Developer. The Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 - Page 3 lease provides for a base rental, beginning at $50,000 per year, rising to a base rental of $200,000 per year. The lease also provides for an additional rental, based upon the operating income from the hotel. The Agency would receive 7% of room sales and 3~% of all other sales. This is primarily food and beverage sales from the £acility above certain minimums, which are called break- even levels. Keyser Marston made an analysis of the project, projected future revenues of the project and estimates the present value of that income to the Agency, which is approximately $3,700,0,30. Keyset Marston has also conducted an analysis of the site to deter- mine the highest and best use and concluded that the value is approximately $2,500,000. The compensation is higher than the fair market value of the unusual for a Redevelopment Agency to be in In the course of the negotiations, in order the Agency will receive site. It is a bit that kind of situation. to make this type of development work, the Developer indicated they believe it is a better transaction to trade-of£ future income for some early release on the amount of payments the Developer must make from the hotel, especially during those first years of operation. The Developer has made an economic decision that he would rather share more of the income in the future than pay a higher up-front price. The result is, at the present value, in determining what today's value is of the income the Agency is likely to receive, the Agency will actually receive a higher amount than it would receive at the highest value the site indicates. The Katz Hollis analysis describes the agreement. The primary dif£erence between this agreement and the one previously approved by the Agency, is that, it requires the Agency to finance the cost of the meeting and banquet rooms. Under the previous agreement it was the Developer's responsibility to provide those meeting and banquet rooms. For consideration of the Agency's obligation for the additional cost, the Agency's lease partici- pation and income is higher than what was previously approved. Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 - Page 4 29 The cost of this agreement includes the Agency's obligation to acquire, demolish and relocate the occupants; provide a minimum of public improvements; and the administrative cost to the Agency for implementing the site assembly. The total of those costs is approximately $1,620,000. The Agency has two additional costs in the agreement, direct and indirect. The direct cost is the meeting: and banquet facilities. The contract the Agency is considering requires the Agency to spend up to $1,000,000 for those costs. The Agency, in order to facilitate this agreement, has agreed to expand some of the conference facilities to provide a storage area, which will be lost because of a portion of the site being used for the hotel. While the agreement, per se, does not require the Agency to provide those storage facilities, the Agency has agreed with the City to provide those facilities and has included those costs, as an indirect cost of this agreement. The cost of those storage facilities has been estimated to be an additional $800,000. The total cost to the Agency is approximately $3,400,000. In determining the net costs to the Agency, that is the cost to the Agency after consideration of both the amounts it will receive from the Developer as lease payments, which has been estimated at a present value of $3,700,000, and the additional tax increments, which has been estimated at a present value of approximately $2,100,000. The Agency will, therefore, receive a total of $5,800,000 and will have costs of approximately $3,400,000. There- fore, the revenues from the project exceed the costs by approximately $2,400,000. Mr. David Beatty, Consulting Attorney for the Redevelop- ment Agency, stated the banquet and meeting rooms will be owned by the City. The Agency will cause the improvements to be constructed. Mr. Hollis stated the improvements are listed in the Third Implementation Agreement~ Attachment No. 3, Page 6, as follows: Redecorating and refurnishing of existing meeting rooms; 3O Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 - Page 5 2. The addition of a sufficient number of conference and meeting rooms to provide a total of thirteen (13) to fifteen (15) rooms of various capacities; and 3. The construction of an approximately 8,000 square foot ballroom facility. Mr. Beatty described the basics and short changes made to the agreement because of last minute negotiations. The basic agreement presently calls for concept drawings to be submitted to the Agency at this time, "not later than December 15, 1983." It is being requested to change the agreement to: "Prior to execution of the agreement by the Agency, but in any event prior to December 31, 1983." The key for the entire Development Agreement and hotel project going forward is the issuance of Industrial Development Bonds prior to the end of the year. This is how it is going to be financed and both the Developer and Agency have the ability to terminate the agreement if Industrial Development Bonds, satisfactory to the financing of the hotel, are not issued prior to the end of the year. This Implementation Agreement, the prior Implementation Agreement, as well as the original Development Agreement, are with Bakersfield Metropolitan Association. The Third Implementation Agreement is with the same Developer, however, there is also a requirement that the partnership enter into a partnership with Associated Inns and Restaurant Company of America (AIRCOA). The Development Agreement is to be assigned to AIRCOA and they will assume the responsibility for implementation of the Development Agreement within 45 days o£ this agreement. Submission o£ drawings, both for the basic project and Civic Auditorium, are to be presented. 60 days after execution. At that time the Agency commences to acquire the property they do not own, however, in no event until after the bonds have been sold. There is an execution of the Operation amd Maintenance Agreement; evenutal execution of the Lease, after the bonds have been issued; commencement of construction of the improvements to the Civic Auditorium by the Agency; and finally, the entire project is planned to be completed 18 months after commencement of construction. Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 - Page 6 Mr. Beatty explained the following changes to the Third Implementation Agreement between the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency and Bakersfield Metropolitan Association and requested the Council and Agency approve the Development Agreement, but the consultants have the authority to go back and make whatever technical changes are necessary on Attachment No. 4 to implement those ideas: Attachment No. 5, Page 1, Action l: Presently states - Execution of Second Imple- mentation Agreement by the Agency. Corrected to state - Execution of Third Imple- mentation Agreement by the Agency. Attachment No. 5, Page 1, Action 2: Presently states - Not later than December 15, 1983. Proposed change - Prior to the execution of the Agreement by the Agency, but in no event later than December 31, 1983. Attachment No. 4, Page 7, First Paragraph: At the end of the first paragraph it refers to interest. It is not defined how the interest is to be calculated. It has been agreed it should be calculated annually at a rate equal to the Bank of America Prime Rate. Attachment No. 4, Page 7, Paragraph (g): Paragraph (g) revises the base rent in the event the Lessee or Developer decises to take an option of ten years. They have two option periods. If they take an option, this revises the method by which the base rent is calculated. Presently states - The base rent would be no less than $500,000 per year and for the second period, it wou~d be $1,000,000 per year. It is a stated flat amount. Proposed change - Instead of the flat amount, the base rent will not be less than 80% of the last two years of the initial term. Economic Development Coordinator Kennon stated it has ~ong been the desire of the City to upgrade the Civic Auditorium and make if a full service convention facility. The concept of locating a hotel adjacent to this facility has been under dis- cussion for years. In attempting to create a full-fledged, viable convention center complex, the Agency has agreed to provide these 32 Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 - Page 7 public facilities and also take under consideration a division of responsibility, relative to the maintenance and operation of those facilities. The Memorandum of Understanding describes, basically, in substantive form, what should be considered when the final agreement for this operation is developed. Page 2 of the Memo- randum of Understanding deals with an important policy issue in terms of the use of the Transient Lodging Taxes that the City collects from the hotel-motel industry. What is proposed in this Memorandum of Understanding is an effort to promote a higher level of maintenance for the Auditorium by investing a portion of those Lodging Taxes back into the Auditorium Convention Center Complex for increased levels of maintenance. Basically, the use of the public spaces, such as, the ballroom and meeting rooms, would remain the same as it is now described under the Municipal Code. The basic change deals with the control of the calendar for booking of those spaces. The hotel operators have indicated they would feel more comfortable, and be in a better position to plan operations of their facilities, if they had a degree of control over the ball- room and meeting rooms. The City would maintain control of the booking and calendar for the Civic Auditorium Complex. This is spelled out in the Memorandum of Understanding. The cost and allocation of the use of those spaces would remain the same. The hotel operator will pay the same fees as any other operator. Mr. Hollis stated that in the agreement, the Agency's lease payments are calculated upon the revenues from the hotel. The Developer has asked that any revenues that are subject to the 10% facility fee the City currently charges be excluded. So, the Developer does not, on one hand, pay 10% of the banquet revenues to the City and, on the other hand, pay another 3½% of those same banquet revenues to the Agency. The Developer will be making the same payments as any other user of that facility, but he would not make double payments by having that income to the hotel counted within the income the Agency receives in lease payments. Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 - Page 8 Economic Development Coordinator Kennon stated that, based on the language in the Memorandum of Understanding, in terms of maintenance, the City will take on responsibility for the major structural, utility and environmental systems throughout the entire convention center. The owner, hotel operator, would be responsible for the setup, takedown and routine cleanup responsibilities of the banquet hall and meeting rooms. Mr. Hollis stated that it is also the hotel owner's responsibility to replace hotel furniture, fixtures and equipment necessary for the operation of the ballroom and meeting rooms. In answer to a question by Councilman Rockoff, Economic Development Coordinator Kennon stated the wording on Page 6 of the Memorandum of Understanding, "conferences booked..." can be broadened to include other uses besides conferences. In answer to a question by Councilman Moore, Economic Development Coordinator Kennon stated that what comes out of todays' meeting, will be placed in legal language within a final agreement. This Memorandum of Understanding is not the final form and there is some latitude within the very general language of this document. Mr. Gordon Bell, representing Associated Inns and Restaurant Company of America (AIRCOA), and the local Bakersfield partnership that has been involved in the development of the hotel, stated that in the current City policy the use of the convention center establishes convention uses as the first priority. The reasons the December 31st date becomes important is because Congress has before it legislation that would dramatically change what has been historical regulations governing the use of Industrial Revenue Bonds. Some of the wording in that legislation would make Industrial Revenue Bond financing very difficult, if not impossible for this type of project. One o£ the reasons they are interested in this project is that they see a close working relationship between the private and public sector, combining the assets already in existence and the convention center augmented with the suggestions of improving its multi-use capability, along with a larger hotel Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 - Page 9 facility, that would service the convention center function, as well as, being competitive in the hospitality market place. Specifically, in terms of financial structure, the Developer anticipates using Industrial Revenue Bonds. The general structure of the financing involves two partnerships working together, which is why there are two Inducement Resolutions before the Council and Agency tonight. Each partnership will own 50% of the hotel and in each case will be responsible for development not to exceed $10,000,000 in value, which is the Internal Revenue Service limi- tation on Industrial Revenue Bond useage. Each partnership has two general partners composed of a local Bakersfield general partner- ship, as well as, AIRCOA. The overall cost of the project will be $18,000,000. There will be a $4,000,000 cash equity. The bonds expected to be issued will be $14,000,000. AIRCOA is providing a million dollar cash loss guarantee should the early years of the hotel not be what is anticipated. So, the total commitment to the hotel will be $19,000,000, although the actual cost of construction of implementing the hotel will be $18,000,000. Dean Whitter has made a commitment, good until the end of the year, for the under- writing of the bonds with a couple of conditions attached to their commitment. The most important condition is that they require the bonds be rateable. Essentially, what they are looking for is a minimum of Single A Rating, obviously, a Triple A Rating is the most desirable. The significance is marketability of the bonds on the open market. In order to achieve a rating on the bonds, the Developer must secure a Letter of Credit, guaranteed for the full $14,000,000, from a rated institution, which would be typical of any large bank or insurance company. AIRCOA has been focusing on the problem of obtaining the Letter of Credit during the last month with a great deal of effort, and at the same time, working with the necessary legal counsel to get the logistics of the legal work lined up to the point where, when the Letter of Credit commitment is received, that work can be completed in a very rapid fashion to Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 - Page 10 meet the December 31st deadline. The reality is, if the Letter of Credit commitment is not received, at the latest, by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, there will not be enough time. If the deadline is not met, there is the option for both the Developer, City and Agency to terminate the agreement. Given the interest rate differentials between Industrial Revenue Bond financing and market financing, there is not much hope for but AIRCOA would be willing to work with the that. PUBLIC HEARING pation. Commerce a restructured project, Agency in attempting Mayor Shell declared the hearing open for public partici- Mr. Larry Moxley, President-Elect of the Chamber of and Convention Bureau, stated both organizations have, historically and consistently, endorsed the hotel civic center project in concept and will continue to do so quite strongly. At this time, because of the changes and lack of time to digest them, there has been light given to several questions: 1. Part of the concern is if the Convention Bureau is out pursing convention business, who has the priority in booking conventions and what is the final authority for conflict resolution? Economic Development Coordinator Kennon stated that the priorities do not change from what they currently are. It is a function of time, who asks for and reserves a particular time. There really is no change over how it presently functions. It is a correct assumption that if the Convention Bureau is out booking several years in advance, the hotel will not bump those reservations. 2. Will there be a guarantee by the complex on reservations, when the Bureau is out booking a headquarter facility? Will there be a required two-thirds guarantee of the rooms? Mr. Hollis stated that issue is between whomever is booking the conventions and the hotel they choose to deal with. The City is not a party to those kinds of discussions. 36 Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 - Page ll 3. How specifically will the Hotel Bed Tax be used? For the hotel itself, or the main- tenance of the civic center and new additions only? Economic Development Coordinator Kennon stated it is specifically stated, in the Memorandum of Understanding, that it would not be used for the hotel, but for the maintenance of the convention facilities, auditorium and arena. 4. There has been some concern by the Chamber and Convention Bureau, as to relocating either the Chamber or Bureau facilities in the hotel or hotel complex. It is addressed in the documents we have received. Does that refer to hotel people or the existing Bureau into that facility? Economic Development Coordinator Kennon stated the language in the Memorandum of Understanding addresses the Hotel Convention Manager. However, there have been discussions regarding the Chamber and Convention Bureau and that issue is still open for discussion. Mr. Moxley stated that, again, he would like to reiterate that the Chamber and Convention Bureau are in support of this project. In answer to a question by Mr. Hulen Burcher, 24 Oregon Street, Economic Development Coordinator Kennon stated the language of the Memorandum of Understanding states that the City of Bakers- field will be responsible for the maintenance of the structure and environmental systems. The hotel operator will be responsible for daily setup, takedown and cleanup of the ballrooms and meeting rooms. In addition, the hotel operator will be responsible for replacing furniture and furnishings on a routine basis. This is an agreed upon responsibility of the hotel operator. Pursuant to the existing ordinance, there is a fee charged the user to com- pensate for the expense of cleanup. The hotel will be a separate, free-standing facility, with a possible covered walkway connecting it to the civic center facility. No further protests or objections being received, and no one else wishing to speak in favor, Mayor Shell closed the public portion of the hearing for Council and Agency deliberation and acti,3n. Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 - Page 12 37 COUNCIL AND AGENCY ACTIONS Adoption of Resolution No. RA17-83 of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency approving and authorizing the execution of a Third Implementation Agreement to the Disposition and Development Agreement between the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency and the Bakersfield Metropolitan Associa- tion. Upon a motion by Agency Member Moore, Resolution No. RA17-83 of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency approving and authorizing the execution of a Third Implementation Agreement to the Disposition and Development Agreement between the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency and the Bakersfield Metropolitan Association, with the three previously described amendments and the technical changes to be made on Attachment No. 4, Page 7, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Agency Members Payne, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore Noes: None Absent: Agency Member Ratty Adoption of Resolution No. 135-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field approving and authorizing the execution of a Third Implementation Agreement to the Disposition and Development Agreement between the City Council of the City of Bakers- field and Bakersfield Metropolitan Association. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Resolution No. 135-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield approving and authorizing the execution of a Third Implementation Agreement to the Disposition and Development Agreement between the City Council of the City of Bakersfield and Bakersfield Metropolitan Association, including three previously described amendments and the technical changes made to be made on Attachment No. 4, Page 7, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Payne, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore Noes: None Absent: Councilman Ratty 38 Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 - Page 13 Adoption of Resolution No. 136-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field declaring its intent to issue Industrial Development Revenue Bonds in connection with the project of Bakersfield Heritage Hotel Associates, LTD. I. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, Resolution No. 136-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield declaring its intent to issue Industrial Development Revenue Bonds in connection with the project of Bakersfield Heritage Hotel Associates, LTD. I, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Payne, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore Noes: None Absent: Councilman Ratty Adoption of Resolution No. 137-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field declaring its intent to issue Industrial Development Revenue Bonds in connection with the project of Bakersfield Heritage Hotel Associates, LTD. II. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, Resolution No. 137-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield declaring its intent to issue Industrial Development Revenue Bonds in connection with the project of Bakersfield Heritage Hotel Associates, LTD. II, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Payne, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore Noes: None Absent: Councilman Ratty Approva~ of Memorandum of Under- standing between the City of Bakers- field, Redevelopment Agency of the City of Bakersfield and Bakersfield Metropolitan Association for Operational and Maintenance Agreement. In answer to a question by Councilman Barton, Economic Development Coordinator Kennon reviewed the Memorandum of Under- standing, pertaining to the administration of bookings, The way the Memorandum of Understanding is structured, the City would maintain control of the calendar for the bookings in the Auditorium Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 - Page 14 39 and arena complex. The hotel operator would retain control of the calendar for booking of the ballroom and new meeting rooms. Basically, any disputes that would arise would have to be resolved between the Auditorium Manager and the Hotel Manager. Auditorium Manager Graviss stated that under discussion is the booking of conventions, which are usually booked at least one year in advance. Currently, under the existing ordinance, conventions booked one year in advance have priority and can obtain any date on the calendar. He did not feel there would be a problem. The hotel will have the booking rights on the ballroom. The hotel will be able to pencil in six months in advance, and if there is any conflict, it would be negotiated and worked out. Me did not feel there would be any problem. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, the concept of the Memorandum of Understanding between the City o£ Bakersfield, Redevelopment Agency of the City of Bakersfield and Bakersfield Metropolitan Association for Operational and Maintenance Agree- ment, with appropriate and final language to be subject to approva~ of the City Attorney, was approved by the following roll call vote: Ayes Councilmen Payne, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore None Councilman Ratty Upon a motion by Agency Member Moore, Noes Absent: the concept of the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Bakersfield, Redevelopment Agency of the City of Bakersfield and Bakersfield Metropolitan Association for Operational and Maintenance Agreement, with appropriate and final language to be subject to approval of the City Attorney, was approved by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Agency Members Payne, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore None Agency Member Ratty 4O Bakersfield, California, December 15, 1983 - Page 15 ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, the Joint Public Hearing before the Council and Redevelopment Agency re- garding the Disposition and Development Agreement on the proposed lease of certain real property in the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area for development of a full service convention-type hotel, was adjourned at 4:52 P.M. Upon a motion by Agency Member Moore, the Redevelopment Agency's portion of the Joint Public Hearing regarding the Dis- position and Development Agreement on the proposed lease of certain real property in the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area for development of a full service convention-type hotel, was adjourned at 4:53 P.M. ATTEST: ~SSIST~NT CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California cw/ma Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 41 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 7:00 P.M., December 21, 1983. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shell, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Dr. Clyde Wasdin of the First Assembly of God Church. Present: Absent: The City Clerk called the roll Mayor Shell. Councilmen Ratty, None as follows: Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne Minutes of the regular meetings of November 30, 1983, and December 7, 1983, were approved as presented. CORRESPONDENCE Upon a motion by Councilman Ratty, communication from David B. Harvey, Route 1, Box 56M, Lake Isabella, California, dated December 9, 1983, expressing his views on the proposed Pavilion Complex to be built on river bottom land near Manor Street, was received and ordered placed on file. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, communication from Shirley Fae Steele, 729 Quincy Street, and Reverend Joseph J. Madera, St. Josephs Church, 1515 Baker Street, dated October 27, 1983, requesting the abandonment of a portion of Quincy Street between Baker and King Streets, was received and referred to the Planning Commission for study and recommendation. Upon a motion by Councilman Ratty, communication from Panama Union School District, dated November 15, 1983, submitting a report required by Ordinance No. 2780, regarding collection of fees for Panama Union School District, was received and ordered placed on file. COUNCIL STATEMENTS Councilman Ratty requested the Police regarding the Wards. Chief to give a report cost to the City for holding Council Meetings in various 42 Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 2 Police Chief Price stated the meeting held in the 6th Ward required a complete microphone harness system because the building was not set up for recording the meeting and that was a one time cost of $724.00. The City now has that equipment and it wiil be available for future meetings in the Wards. The cost for overtime and labor for employees to run that meeting was approximately $250.00. It will probably cost about the same for future meetings that are held in the various Wards. It could be higher depending on the facilities and ability of the radio people to hook up the equip- ment. If a meeting is being held in the Council Chambers on the same day that a meeting is planned for one of the Wards that equip- ment cannot be used and will have to be borrowed from another depart- ment. If the Council plans to hoid these meetings on an ongoing basis, the Police Department will probably make a recommendation to budget equipment, costing approximately $2,500, that will be portable and can be used for a backup in the Council Chambers. Councilman Barton stated at a previous meeting the Council dealt with a Site Plan Review for a Major Retail Project and it was approved. However, some serious issues concerning this matter came to light. Assistant City Attorney Saalfield has written a report highlighting the problem that the City Engineer, in a way, can obligate the City to fund projects. Elected officials are the only ones who should have the authority to obligate the budget taxpayers money. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton the matter of Site Plan Review for Major Retail Projects was referred to the Growth and Development Committee for study and recommendation. Councilman Barton stated during the last heavy rain there was a problem with the Sandra Drive Pump Station that has been going on for a number of years. Phase II has been completed and it has not cured the problem. Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 3 Upon a motion by Councilman Barton the Sandra Drive Pump Station improvements was referred to the Budget and Finance Committee to investigate the possibility of funding those improvements in a more rapid manner and come back to the Council with a recommendation. Councilman Barton stated it has been brought to his attention by a number of developers and builders that with all the increases in fees and new fees there is concern that the housing market will be out of the competitive market. They feel some time could be saved on the off-site improvement scheduling, which will save home buyers money. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton the matter of various fees for developers and builders was referred to the Growth and Development Committee for study of off-site improvement scheduling. Councilman Christensen stated he feels the Council and staff has lost its credibility by passing ordinances without proper thought and consideration. Most of the ordinances are passed under the guise of fear or emergency, when in reality the fears and emergency are not always founded. In checking the Sewer Connection Fees it was found the emergency was not needed. Councilman Christensen stated he will make a motion at the proper time regarding the Sewer Connection Fees and request that no ordinance involving fees be adopted until a minimum of 30 days has elapsed. Councilman Childs stated he was happy to learn the cost of holding Council Meetings in the Wards was not as much as he thought. Councilman Childs stated he would like to have a meeting in the 1st Ward on January 18, 1984, at the Senior Citizens Center on 4th Stre,~t. Acting City Manager Russell stated that facility is available and it will have to be a Special Meeting according to the City Attorney. In answer to a question by Councilman Ratty, City Attorney Oberholzer stated it will have to be a Special Meeting because the ordinance specifies the time, date and place of Regular Meetings. The place for Regular Meetings is in the Council Chambers of City Hall. If that varies a notice will have to be published of a Special Meeting, according to the Brown Act. The agenda must be specific as to the items covered. 44 Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 4 Councilman Childs made a motion that a Special Meeting be called in the 1st Ward on January 18, 1984, at the Senior Citizens Center. City Attorney Oberholzer stated public hearing notices may have been sent out that specify that will be held in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor Shell stated she is concerned that people will not be able to find the place of the meeting because they are use to coming to City Hall. City Attorney Oberholzer stated it would be preferable to not have hearings on a night when meetings are going to be held at a location other than City Hall. Assistant City Clerk Anderson stated notices of public hearings specify they will be held in the Council Chambers of City Hall and was not sure if any notices had been mailed for the meeting of January 18, 1984. Councilman Childs withdrew his motion. Councilman Ratty stated people are use to meetings being held in the Council Chambers and will be a disservice to the public. If Councilman Childs wants a Special Meeting in his Ward, it should be on some night other than a regularly scheduled Council Meeting night. Councilman Childs requested that staff come up with a dat,~ in January, 1984, to hold a Special Meeting in the 1st Ward. He does not want to create a problem. He only wants to inform the residents of Ward 1 of progress in that area. Councilman Rockoff nominated Councilman Barton for the office of Vice-Mayor of the City of Bakersfield. Councilman Payne stated three Councilmen, including Councilman Barton, would like the election of the Vice-Mayor held over until the Council Meeting of January 4, 1984. Councilman Rockoff withdrew his motion. Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 5 45 Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, a Special Meeting was called at 5:00 P.M., December 28, 1983, to meet with the Redevelop- merit Agency for the purpose of reviewing the bond issue for the hotel project within the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area. REPORTS Councilman Payne, Chairman of the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee, read Report No. 18-83 regarding Resolution Setting Council Meeting Dates, as follows: Attached to this report is a memorandum from Assistant City Clerk Marguerite Anderson regard- ing public hearings. Mrs. Anderson has brought to our attention that there have been numerous problems with hearings being scheduled for only one Council meeting per month. If the timing is not right, the hearings sometimes cannot be scheduled until the following month, which can cause a delay from six to eight weeks. This delay is causing developers concern as it is costing them time and money. Due to this and other problems, the Acting City Manager has requested that the City's prior procedure of holding public hearings during each Council meeting be reinstated. This will allow the Clerk's Office time to schedule the workload in an equitable manner and be more responsive to the public. The GEP Committee has discussed this matter with City staff, and we are in complete agreement with this request. We are, therefore, recommending Council approval of the attached resolution set- ting Council meeting and public hearing dates. Acting City Manager Russell stated that a Workshop Session will be held at 6:00 P.M. on January 18, 1984, regarding the Union Avenue Grade Separation Project. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee Report No. 18-83 regarding Resolution Setting Council Meeting Dates, was accepted. Adoption of Resolution No. 138-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field amending the dates of Meetings of the Council during the months of January, February, and March, 1984. Councilman Payne made a motion to adopt the Resolution amending the dates of Meetings of the Council during the months of January, February, and March, 1984. 46 Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 6 out the sometimes hours, before they are heard. Councilman Payne stated that Councilman Rockoff suggested that the ordinance setting the Agenda procedure be amended so that hearings are held in early portion of the meeting and people will not have to wait, in the past the Council has simply made a motion to move the it has worked well. Councilman suggestion of making hearing forward on the Agenda and Christensen stated he prefers Councilman Payhe'S a motion to move the hearing forward on the Agenda. Councilman Christensen also suggested that the time of Council Meetings be changed to start at 5:00 P.M. instead of 7:00 P.M. The Redevelopment Agency meets at that time and it has worked well. Councilman Moore suggested that the ideas presented tonight regarding changes in the Council Meeting Agenda and time for the meetings be referred to a committee for study and recommendation. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Resolution No. 138-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending the dates of Meetings of the Council during the months of January, February, and March, 1984, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne None Noes: Absent: None Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, the matter of changing the order of business for Council Meetings was referred to the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee. Councilman Christen- sen voted in the negative on this motion. Councilman Payne, Chairman of the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee, read Report No. 19-83 regarding Contract Attorney Services for the Cities of Shafter and Taft, as follows: On December 15, 1983, the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee met to consider extension of contracts for legal services with the Cities of Shafter and Taft. The committee considered a letter received from Steve Wright, City Manager of the City of Taft, requesting an extension of the contractual arrangement. Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 7 47 The City of Bakersfield has billed the Cities of Shafter and Taft in excess of $7,000 for legal services for the first five months of the current agreement. Of that billing, the City of Bakersfield's general fund received in excess of $5,000. The committee does recommend that any new contract include a provision for reimbursement of telephone charges incurred by the City of Bakersfield with respect to services provided to the contracting cities. The committee also concurred that the services rendered to the contracting cities are provid- ing a benefit to those cities while providing the City of Bakersfield with a source of revenue for the daily operations of the City Attorney's Office. The committee, therefore, recommends that the Mayor be authorized to enter into an agreement for one year with each of the cities with a 60-day termination clause. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee Report No. 19-83 regarding Contract Attorney Services for the Cities of Shafter and Taft, was accepted; and agree- ments with the Cities of Shafter and Taft for services rendered by the City Attorney, were approved and the Mayor was authorized to execute same. Councilman Moore, Chairman of the Water Resources Committee, read Report No. 2-83 regarding Sewer Connection Fees, as follows: The City of Bakersfield currently operates two waste water treatment plants with a combined treatment capacity of approximately 24 million gallons per day (MGD). The design capacity of Waste Water Treatment Plant #3, in the Southwest, was originally 3.5 MGD. Pursuant to a staff report to City Council in June, 1980, the capacity has been extended, through interim improvements, to 4.8 MGD, and the plant currently provides secondary treatment to an average of 4.2 MGD. The existing capacity of Plant #3 must be expanded to serve the proposed residential growth. Air pollution problems at Plant #3 have been mitigated by the March, 1983, separa- tion of yeast waste discharges from the Anheuser- Busch plant. The June, 1980, report provided preliminary recommendations for long-range solutions by expanding and upgrading Waste Water Treatment Plant #3 and further recommendations to address disposal of the effluent. In February, 1983, the City entered into an agreement with John 48 Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 8 Carollo Engineers to provide a prelim- inary design and financial plan for expan- sion of Plant #3. Included in the financial plan was the recommendation to impose an increase in sewer connection fees. Effective July 1, 1983, the City Council approved the increase in sewer connection fees from $100 to $850 for single family dwellings, $350 per acre to $640 for multi-family dwellings, and $350 per acre to $40 per fixture unit for commercial and industrial. Subsequent to the City Council approving the increase in sewer connection fees, the staff has monitored the revenues being generated by the increase. This committee has met with staff members to review in detail their find- ings with respect to the revenues generated as well as future projections. In addition to our discussions with staff, this committee held an open committee meeting where we invited and received input and questions from all those wishing to address the issue. Pursuant to our review and discussions, this committee has noted the building activity in the City has exceeded the original projections and as such has resulted in higher revenues from the sewer connection fee than originally antici- pated. Consequently, we have concluded an adjustment in the sewer connection fees to be appropriate. We recommend the increase in the sewer connection fees be reduced to 50% of the incremental increase approved by the City Council effective July l, 1983. We recommend the adjust- ment be retroactively effective July l, 1983. through June 30, 1984 and appropriate refunds be made to those parties having p~id the previously approved fee. We further recommend the sewer connection fee be adjusted to 75% of the approved amount for the period July 1, 1984 through December 31, 1984 and then increase to the present rates effective January 1, 1985. This committee's recommendation will establish rates as follows: July l, 1983 July 1, 1984 Through Through June 30, 1984 Dec. 31, 1984 Jan. 1, 1985 Single Family Dwellings $475.00 $662.50 $850.00 Multi-Family Dwellings 320.00 480.00 640.00 Per Fixture for Commercial and Industrial 20.00 30.00 40.00 We recommend the City Council adopt the attached resolu- tion which incorporates the recommended changes contained herein. Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 9 49 Councilman Moore stated he wanted to assure the rest of the Council, staff and citizens that the Committee is still concerr~ed about this matter and will monitor it very closely. Staff has beer~ requested to find some additional information and if it is found that a further recommendation can be made to reduce the fees further it will be done as soon as possible. Upon a motion by Councilman Moore, Water Resources Commit- tee Report No. 2-83 regarding Sewer Connection Fees, was accepted. Adoption of Resolution No. 139-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field suspending Sewer User Char~es previously set by City Council Resolution No. 105-83 and setting reduced charges for the period July l, 1983, through December 31, 1984. Upon a motion by Councilman Moore, Resolution No. 139-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield suspending Sewer User Charges previously set by City Council Resolution No. 105-83 and setting reduced charges for the period July l, 1983, through December 31, 1984, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes Councilmen Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne Noes None Absent: None Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, the City Attorney was instructed to draft an ordinance indicating that no ordinance regarding fees be adopted until proper notification, a minimum of 30 days, be given persons involved. Mr. Bill Avery presented a report regarding City Manager Recruitment, as follows: Per the approved work program, I have completed interviewing with the Mayor, City Council, and Department Heads. Following, in brief summary form, is an outline of the profile recommended for use in seeking and screening applicants. EDUCATION BA/BS degree in Administration or a related :field. Master's degree preferred. 5O Bakersfield, California, December 2~, 1983 - Page 10 EXPERIENCE California municipal management as a City Manager or Assistant City Manager highly desirable. Exceptional candidates from other areas (geographic or professional) may be considered. Experience should be 1) significant in terms of agency size and 2) involve increasing levels of responsibility, Specific requirements in terms of number of years of experience, employee supervision, etc., are not recommended. RECRUITMENT PATTERN Emphasis to be placed on advertising for and solici- ting applicants within California. SPECIAL SKILLS Possession of all basic management skills is, of course, expected. In addition, the following skills and/or traits have been identified as deserving of special emphasis in the recruitment process. Strong Communication and Interpersonal Skills * An ability to work with Department Heads using team management concepts. An ability to work with the Mayor and City Council as a group, including the ability to accurately distill and present to the City Council all information necessary to the decision making process. * An ability to work well with other govern- mental entities. An ability to work cooperatively, honestly, and openly with the press, business com- munity, community groups, and the public. Budget-Finance * Exceptional knowledge of budgeting and financial forecasting techniques. Ability to plan effectively for provision of acceptable service levels given the financial constraints facing California public entities. Development * An understanding of and ability to deal with the issues facing a rapidly developing City. * A knowledge of California Redevelopment law. The ability to work with the Mayor and City Council in accurately planning, evaluating, and carrying out a redevelopment program. Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 51 COMPENSATION Open, depending upon qualifications. Advertise the current range for reference. Per my original proposal, I will be presenting a group of approximately 25 recommended semi-finalists to the City, along with a listing of the applicants. The City Council should decide: l) How many finalists it wishes to interview; and 2) Whether the City Council or some other group is to choose the finalists. If another group is to be used, its composition should be decided upon. A closing date for applications of February 17, 1984, has been established. Following City Council approvaL, after any necessary modification of the above, the recruitment process will begin. Mr. Avery stated he needed to know who would select the finalists for Council interview and if their travel expenses would be paid by the City. After discussion, upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, the matter of evaluating the field of finalists and procedures to be used in the recruitment of a City Manager, was deferred until the Council Meeting of January 4, 1984. Councilman Christensen, member of the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee, read Report No. 20-83 regarding Candidate Recommendations for Various Boards and Commissions, as follows: At the Council's request, the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee has spent the last two weeks screening and interviewing potential board and commission members. This is the first time that this procedure has been followed, and it has proven most worthwhile. Based on our assessment of the City's needs, we are now able to recommend new members to the various boards and commissions which will represent all sectors of the community. We would like to thank each of the individuals who expressed an interest in serving the Bakers- field community in this capacity. Our final selections were most difficult to make as all of the candidates were well qualified. At this time we are recommending Council approval of the following nominees: Planning Commission - Bruce Nybo to fill the unexpired term~Clarence Westra, and Kay Madden to fill the unexpired term of James Redstone. 52 Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 12 Golden Empire Transit Board - Howard ~ilver to fill the unexpired term of Bill Carter. Fire Department Civil Service Board - Harold Matlock to fill the vacant position. Resumes of each recommended nominee are attached to this report. Upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee Report No. 20-83 regarding Candidate Recommendations for Various Boards and Commissions, was accepted. In answer to a question by Mayor Shell, City Attorney Oberholzer stated there would have to be separate motions to appoint the persons nominated for the various vacancies on City Boards and Commissions. Councilman Childs made a motion to appoint Bruce Nybo and Kay Madden to fill the vacancies on the Planning Commission. Councilman Rockoff requested that the appointments be delayed until he could meet with the individuals nominated by the Governmental Efficiency and Personnel Committee. After discussion, tufe motion that action on to the Planning Commission, Councilman Christensen offered a substi- the candidates recommended for appointment Fire Department Civil Service Commission and Golden Empire Transit District Board be deferred until the Council Meeting of January 4, 1984. This motion was unanimously approved. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar: (a) Allowance of Claims Nos. 2599 to 2892, inclusive, in the amount of $920,812.39. (b) Claim for Damages from Kentucky Fried Chicken or Perry Richards, 2402 Columbus Avenue, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) (e) Claim for Damages and Personal Injuries from Erlinda Mora, 2522 - 8th Street, Laverne, California. (Refer to City Attorney) (d) Claim for Damages and Personal Injuries from Yadira P. Mora, 4600 Napal Court, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) Bakersfield, California, December 25, 1983 - Page 13 5g (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (J) (k) (1) (m) (n) Claim for Damages from Rachele Ann Miller, 423 Tulip Street, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) Claim for Damages from Kenneth A. Wyss, D.D.S., Inc., 2330 Truxtun Avenue, Suite B, Bakersfield. (Refer to City Attorney) Corporation Quitclaim Deed from Tosco Corporation quitclaiming to the City a portion of the pipeline license, ease- ment and right-of-way previously granted to Tosco by the City of Bakersfield. First Amendment of Pipeline Easement from Tosco Corporation revising the legal description of a portion of that ease- ment to conform to actual pipeline location. Street Right-of-Way Deed from.C~ntral California District Advisory Board, Church of the Nazarene, providing additional street right-of-way on west side of South "H" Street, as required by the Planning Commission, for lot line adjustment #130 located at southwest corner of South "H" Street and Faith Avenue. Maps of Tract Nos. 4436 and 4437 and Improvement Agreements with Ameri-Kern Financial, Inc., and Regional Mortgage Company for construction of improvements therein, located on north side of Panama Lane, westerly of Wible Road. Map of Tract No. 4604 and Improvement Agreement with Challenge Builders for construction of improvements therein located on south side of Fairview Road, approximately one quarter mile east of South "H" Street. Maps of Tract Nos. 4619 and 4620 and Improvement Agreements with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation for construction of improvements therein, located southeasterly of Old River Road and White Lane. Improvement Agreement for Parcel Map No. 7087 with Safeway Stores, Incorporated, for construction of improvements there- in, located at southeast corner of White Lane and South "H" Street; and Street Right-of-Way Dedication and Sewer Line Easement for said Parcel Map. Notices of Completion and Acceptance of Work on: Tract No. 4561, Contract No. 83-37 with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation, located at Old River Road and Ridge Oak Drive. (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 54 Bakersfield, California, December 2~, 1983 - Page 14 (n) CONTINUED Tract No. 4562, Contract No. 83-92 with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation, located at Ridge Oak Drive and Mountain Oak Drive. Tract No. 4494, Contract No. 83-36 with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation, located at Old River Road and White Oak Drive. Tract No. 4584, Contract No. 83-117 with Vallado Del Rio II, located west of Allen Road and south of Stockdale Highway. Tract No. 4585, Contract No. 83-118 with Vallado Del Rio II, located west of Allen Road and south of Stockdale Highway. Tract No. 4420-A, Contract No. 82-162 with Highland Real Estate Corporation, located at Panorama Drive and University Avenue. Tract No. 4251 Contract No. 80-101 with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation, located at Westfield Road and Qualridge Drive. Parcel Map No. 6672, Contract No. 82-123 with California Plaza Investors, Ltd., located at California Avenue and Marella Avenue. (o) Agreement between Chief of Police and Bakersfield Community College for the services of City of Bakersfield Peace Officers at certain functions, activities and public gatherings conducted or sponsored by the College. (p) Agreement between Chief of Police and Kern Union High School District for the services of City of Bakersfield Peace Officers at certain functions, activities and public gatherings conducted or sponsored by the District. (q) Agreement between Chief of Police and Auditorium Manager for the services of City of Bakersfield Peace Officers at certain functions, activities and public gatherings at the Civic Auditorium. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Items (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (1), (m), (n), (o), (p) and (q) of the Consent Calendar, were adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Christensen, Moore, Payne Noes: None Absent: Councilman Childs Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 15 55 ACTION ON BIDS Upon a motion by Councilman Moore, usual bidding require- ments were dispensed with, in accordance with Section 3.20.060 of the Municipal Code, and the Finance Operations Manager was authorized to negotiate a price with Louis Allis for modifications and repairs to equipment at Wastewater Treatment Facility, not to exceed the budgeted amount of $40,112.00. Upon a motion by Councilman Moore, bid of Bessen & Associates, in the amount of $21,848.22, for repair parts for Clarifier at Waste- water Treatment Plant No. 2, was accepted. Upon a motion by Councilman Moore, low bid of Conejo Con- struction Company, in the amount of $779,958, for construction of Phase I of 2,800 Acre Groundwater Recharge Project, was accepted, rejected and the Mayor was authorized to execute the all other bids contract. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, bid for Calloway River Weir on the Kern River, in the amount of $998.157, was rejected. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, low bid of Wester Information Systems, in the amount of $22,903.78, for Word Processing System for the Police Department, was accepted and all other bids rejected. Electric, Lights), Upon a motion by Councilman Childs, low bid of Graybar in the amount of $10,017, for Cobra Head Luminaires (Street was accepted and all other bids rejected. DEFERRED BUSINESS Adoption of Ordinance No. 2886 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 5.10.120 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Ambulance Service Charges. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Ordinance No. 2886 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 56 Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 16 5.10.120 of Service Ayes: Noes: Absent: the Bakersfield Municipal Charges, was adopted by the Councilmen Ratty, Rockoff, Moore, Payne None None Code relative to Ambulance following roll call vote: Barton, Childs, Christensen, On November 9, 1983, the City Council adopted a resolution Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmen Ratty, Rockoff, Moore, Payne None None authorizing an application for Block Grant Funds from the State Department of Parks and Recreation. The State has advised that the original resolution does not appoint, as required, an agent of the City "to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents...necessary for the completion of the project." Before the approval of the grant application can be made, the State requires an amended resolution be approved by the Council. The amended resolution appoints the City Manager as the agent for the City. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Resolution No. 140-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield authorizing City Manager to make application for Block Grant under Roberti-Z'Berg Open Space and Recreation Program, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Barton, Childs, Christensen, NEW BUSINESS First reading of an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 2.18.010 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Water Board Membership. Adoption of Resolution No. 140-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field authorizing City Manager to make application for Block Grant under Roberti-Z'Berg Open Space and Recreation Program. Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 17 57 At the regular meeting of the Water Board on December 14, 1983, the Water Board passed a motion recommending to the Council the proposed amendment to the ordinance establishing the Water Board. This amendment removes from the membership of the Water Board the staff members in the position of City Manager and City Attorney. It was the Board's opinion that the staff members could better serve the City and Water Resources Department as consultants or advisors to the Water Board instead of voting members. Upon adoption of this ordinance, the Water Board will consist entirely of three members c.f the City Council. First reading was considered given an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 2.18.010 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Water Board Membership. First reading of an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 8.32.100 D. of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Interest on Delinquent Refuse Charges. This ordinance imposes a one percent per month interest charge on delinquent refuse charges. The Refuse Collection Ordinance (Chapter 8.32) presently has no provision imposing interest on delinquent charges. First reading was considered given an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 8.32.100 D. of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Interest on Delinquent Refuse Charges. First reading of an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 16.32.070 D. of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Fees for construction of Planned Drainage and Sanitary Sewer Facilities pursuant to adopted plans, and adding reference to plans adopted for 16th Street - Elm Street Planned Drainage Area. This ordinance adds the 16th Street - Elm Street Planned Drainage Area to the list of planned drainage areas and planned sani- tary sewer areas for which subdividers are assessed to pay the cost of constructing the planned facilities. 58 Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 18 First reading was considered given an Ordinance of the Council of the City o£ Bakersfield amending Section 16.32.070 D. of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Fees for construction of Planned Drainage and ~anitary Sewer Facilities pursuant to adopted plans, and adding reference to plans adopted for 16th Street Elm Street Planned Drainage Area. Adoption of Emergency Ordinance No. 2887 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.54.200 (g) (2) of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Removal of Nonconforming Signs. This emergency ordinance extends the removal or conform- ance date for signs to September l, 1984. The 1976 Sign Ordinance required conformance or removal of specified nonconforming signs within five years. Beginning in 1981, that deadline was extended by ordinance to January 1, 1984. A committee of the Planning Commission, working with staff, reviewed the existing Sign Ordinance and will soon recommend revisions to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation to the City Council. It is anticipated that a revised Sign Ordinance can:bein effect by September 1, 1984. At its meeting of December 15, 1983, the Planning Commission recom- mended to the Council adoption of this emergency ordinance. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Emergency Ordinance No. 2887 New Series of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amend-- ing Section 17.54.200 (g) (2) of the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Removal of Nonconforming Signs, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes Councilmen Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne Noes None Absent: None Bakersfield, California, December 2]., 1983 - Page 19 59 First reading and referral of an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield adding Section 17.58.080 G. to the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to Quarterly Payment of In-Lieu Parking Fees. This ordinance allows businesses, subject to paying In-Lieu Parking Fees during their first 5 years of operation, to pay such In-Lieu Fees quarterly in advance, rather than annually in advance. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, considered given an Ordinance of field adding Section 17.58.080 G. relative to Quarterly Payment of first reading was of the City of Bakers- to the Growth and Development Committee for study and recommendation. First reading of an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Title Seventeen of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the Land Use Zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield located 450 + feet east and 450 + feet north of the--intersection of Sha~don Lane and Stonybrook Road. The application for this amendment was made by Shandon Investment Group and would change subject properties from an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) Zone to an R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwell- ing), or more restrictive Zone. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this amend- ment, subject to the condition that the owner record a deed restric- tion upon the property, which will prohibit the issuance of a Build- ing Permit and further subdivision of said property until and unless the owner of the property has constructed or contracted and bonded to construct additional access to property as outlined in Planning Commission Resolution No. 80-83. First reading was considered given an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Title Seventeen of the Bakersfield Municipal Code by changing the Land Use Zoning of those certain properties in the City of bakersfield located 450 + feet east and 450 ~ feet north of the intersection of Shandon Lane and Stony- brook Road. the Council to the Bakersfield Municipal Code. In-Lieu Parking Fees and referred 6O Bakersfield, California, December 21, 1983 - Page 20 Adoption of Resolution No. 141-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field proposing proceedings for annexation of territory to the City of Bakersfield identified as Annexa- tion No. 289 (Buena Vista No. 1). This is an uninhabited annexation located south of Fraser Road and east of Buena Vista Road. Upon a motion by Councilman Payne, Resolution No. 141-83 of the C~uncil of the City of Bakersfield proposing proceedings for annexation of territory to the City of Bakersfield identified as Annexation No. 289 (Buena Vista No. 1), was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Ratty, Rockoff, Childs, Christensen, Moore Payne Noes: None Absent: Councilman Barton Adoption of Resolution No. 142-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field declaring the Park Stockdale Lighting District dissolved. At the time annexation of Park Stockdale was concluded, in May of this year, a lighting district established by Kern County for most of the annexed area was not dissolved. This resolution dissolves that district. The City performs the functions previously performed by the district. Upon a motion by Councilman Childs, Resolution No. 142-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield declaring the Park Stock- dale Lighting District dissolved, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Ratty, Rockoff, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne Noes: None Absent: Councilman Barton Adoption of Resolution No. 143-83 of the Council of the City of Bakers- field adopting Drainage Plan for 16th Street - Elm Street Planned Drainage Area and making findings relative thereto. Bakersfield, California, December 2~, 1983 - Page 21 61 This resolution adopts a Drainage Plan for the 16th Street - Elm Street Planned Drainage Area and makes findings required by St~Lte Law. Upon a motion by Councilman Ratty, Resolution No. 143-83 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield adopting Drainage Plan for 16th Street - Elm Street Planned Drainage Area and making findings relative thereto, was adopted by the following roll call vote: Councilmen Ratty, Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne Ayes: Noes: None Absent: None Approval of Special Facilities Agree- ment with Tenneco Realty Development Corporation for construction of Ashe Water Transmission Line. This agreement will allow Tenneco Realty Development Corporation to design and construct a water transmission pipeline for Ashe Water to serve varioas subdivisions. The City will pay back the cost of the pipeline installation on a per metered connec- tion basis with the balance due at the end of three (3) years. The estimated cost of the pipeline is $80,000. The agreement follows Public Utilities Commission procedures for such facilities. Upon a motion by Councilman Moore, Special Facilities Agreement with Tenneco Realty Development tion of Ashe Water Transmission Line, was authorized to execute same. Approval of Agreement between the City and State Department of Trans- portation for funding of the Chester Avenue/Southern Pacific Grade Separation Project. The agreement provides for a supplemental allocation of $1,363,931.30 for the completed Chester Avenue Underpass. This allocation is being made pursuant to the Council's request of April 20, 1983. This allocation completes the State's funding obligation for the project. Corporation for construc- approved and the Mayor was 62 Bakersfield, California, December 2~, 1983 - Page 22 Upon a motion by Councilman Ratty, Agreement between the City and State Department of Transportation for funding of the Chester Avenue/Southern Pacific Grade Separation Project, was approved and the Mayor was authorized to execute same. Approval of Agreement with Ed Rodgers, Auctioneer, for rental of property at 16th and "S" Streets. As on previous occasions, Ed Rodgers, Auctioneer, is requesting to rent the City property at 16th and "S" Streets (Old City Corporation Yard), for a public auction. City staff considers a daily rental of $75.00 to be acceptable and would recommend Council approval. Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Agreement with Ed Rodgers, Auctioneer, for rental of property at 15th and "S" Streets, was approved, the Mayor was authorized to execute same, and the City Attorney was instructed to change the date of January 3, 1983, o January 3, 1984, and the 7 consecutive days of rental be added to the agreement. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, upon a motion by Councilman Christensen, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. MAYO~~e~oe ity of Bakersfield, Calif. M A YOR o C~ -~ ATTEST: ASSI~TAN~ CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Council of the City of Bakersfield, ma/cw Clerk of the California Bakers£ield, California, December 28, 1983 63 Minutes of a special meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 5:00 P.M., December 28, 1983. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shell, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Father Craig O'Neill of St. Philip The Apostle Catholic Church. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: Mayor Shell. Councilmen Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne Absent: Councilman Ratty STAFF REPORTS Mr. Tom McBride, Hedrick and McBride, Developers of the Heritage Hotel Project, stated he felt they would be able to meet the criteria set out by Dean Whitter by Friday, December 30, 1983. ~r. Bob Casaro, Bakersfield Metropolitan Associates, stated he also felt they would be able to meet Dean Whitter's requirements of the two Bond Resolutions, being proposed for adoption tonight, and the Letter of Credit. The total financial package on each bond issue is $7,000,000 in Industrial Development Bonds, $2,000,000 from each limited partnership and $500,000 reserved by AIRCOA, for a total package of approximately $19,000,000 for the entire project. Mr. Fritz Stradling, Stradling, Yocca, Carlson and Rauth, Bond Counsel for the Redevelopment Agency, stated the bonds have to be issued prior to January l, 1984. New pending Federal Legis- lation might delay it or make it more difficult to obtain the bonds. The structure of this financial package is the issuance of bonds by the City to provide a loan to the two partnerships. Due to Internal Revenue Law, each partnership cannot exceed more than $10,000,000. Dean Whitter agreed to take these bonds, subject to the developers obtaining a Letter of Credit. The developer must deposit, with the Trustee, $140,000 to cover the exepense of preparing the bonds. One question that has not been answered is, 64 Bakersfield, California, December 28~ 1983 - Page 2 whether payment the $140,000. present form, 4 on Page 4. for City's Bond Counsel's services is included in If the City Council adopts the resolutions in their they should delete Paragraph 3 on Page 2 and Section Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmen Rockoff, Payne None Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Councilman Ratty In answer to a question by Councilman Rockoff, City Attorney Oberholzer stated that in order to remove the City and Redevelopment Agency from any possible liability for payment of Bond Counsel fees, the Council should name Stradling, Yocca, Carlson and Rauth as Bond Counsel and their fees would be paid out of the bond issue or by the developer. NEW BUSINESS Adoption of Resolution No. 144-83 of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of not to exceed $7,000,000 principal amount of City of Bakersfield Flexible Demand Economic Revenue Bonds (Heritage Hotel Project) 1983 Series A and approving certain documents and authorizing certain actions in connection therewith. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, Resolution No. 144-83 of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of not to exceed $7,000,000 principal amount of City of Bakersfield Flexible Demand Economic Revenue Bonds (Heritage Hotel Project) 1983 Series A and approving certain documents and authorizing certain actions in connection therewith, was adopted; the Firm of Stradling, Yocca, Carlson and Rauth was named as Bond Counsel; Bond Counsel fees shall be paid out of bond proceeds or be the responsibility of the developer to pay; and deletion of Paragraph 3 on Page 2 and Section 4 on Page 4 of the Resolution was approved, by the following roll call vote: Bakersfield, California, December 28. 1983 - Page 3 65 Adoption of Resolution No. 145-83 of the City Council of the City of Bakers- field authorizing the issuance, sa~e and delivery of not to exceed $7,000,000 principal amount of City of Bakersfield Flexible Demand Economic Revenue Bonds (Heritage Hotel Project) 1983 Series B and approving certain documents and authorizing certain actions in connection therewith. Upon a motion by Councilman Barton, Resolution No. 145-83 of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of not to exceed $7,000,000 principal amount of City of Bakersfield Flexible Demand Economic Revenue Bonds (Heritage Hotel Project) 1983 Series B and approving certain documents and authorizing certain actions in connection therewith, was adopted; the Firm of Strad~ing, Yocca, Carlson and Rauth was named as Bond Counsel; Bond Counsel fees shall be paid out of bond proceeds or be the responsibility of the developer to pay; and deletion of Paragraph 3 on Page and Section 4 on Page 4 of the Resolution was approved, by the following roll call vote Ayes: Councilmen Rockoff, Barton, Childs, Christensen Moore, Payne Noes: None Absent: Councilman Ratty There being no Council, upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, adjourned at 5:40 P.M. ADJOURNMENT further business to come before the the meeting was MAYOR o~f e City of Bakersfield, ATTEST: ASSISTANT CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California cw/ma Calif. 66 Bakersfield, California, January 4. 1984 Minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, held in the Council Chambers of City Hal~ at 7:00 P.M., January 4, 1984. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shell, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Pastor Ken Miller of the First Assembly of God Church. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: ~ayor Shell. Councilmen Barton, Childs, Christensen, Moore, Payne, Ratty, Rockoff Absent: None Minutes of the joint public hearing of December 15, 1983, and regular meeting of December 21, 1983, were approved as presented. SCHEDULED PUBLIC STATEMENTS Mr. Mark Dickerson, 5404 Krista Street, outlined the details of a traffic accident he had on Friday, December 30, 1983, in very dense fog, on Wible Road near Harris Road. Mr. Dickerson requested that a traffic signal or street light be installed at that intersection, because there is nothing on the right side of Wible Road to indicate when a person is at that intersection. In answer to a question by Councilman Payne, Director of Public Works Hawley stated as part of the development of the south- west corner of Wible and Harris Roads a street light will be in- stalled. The last he checked that intersection it did not meet the warrants for a traffic signal. Councilman Payne requested that the intersection be constantly monitored and reviewed, and as soon as it meets the warrants that the appropriate action be taken. CORRESPONDENCE Upon a motion by Councilman Rockoff, Ed Rodgers, Auctioneer, requesting a change in Yard, was received and communication from 2413 Spruce Street, dated January 3, 1984, rental dates of the Old City Corporation the change in rental dates was approved.