HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 011-07 RESOLUTION NO. 0 1 1 - 0'" RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS, ADOPTING THE SPECIFIC PARKS AND TRAILS PLAN FOR THE OLD RIVER RANCH DEVELOPMENT AREA IN SOUTHWEST BAKERSFIELD (FILE NO.06-0818) WHEREAS, SmithTech USA, filed an application requesting adoption of a Specific Parks and Trails Plan for Southwest Bakersfield, in the vicinity of the Old River Ranch development, which identifies alignments and cross-sections of multi-purpose trails, Class /I bike lanes, and park locations, on certain property in the City of Bakersfield as shown on the attached Exhibit "2", and more specifically described in attached Exhibit "7"; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, through its Secretary, did set, THURSDAY, October 5, and 19,2006 at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the time and place for a public hearing before said Planning Commission on said application, and notice of the public hearing was given in the manner provided in the Bakersfield Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, said project is an associated project known as the Old River Ranch development and General Plan Amendment/Zone Change # 03-1528 to allow residential and commercial development; and WHEREAS, a condition of approval of General Plan Amendment/Zone Change # 03-1528 required the project area known as the Old River Ranch development area prepare a Specific Parks and Trails Plan for Southwest Bakersfield, including and in the vicinity of the Old River Ranch development; and WHEREAS, the application was deemed complete on August 28, 2006; and WHEREAS, testimony was given in support and in opposition on said project during the public hearing held on October 5, 2006 and October 19, 2006, before the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to CEOA and the City of Bakersfield's CEOA Implementation Procedures, have been duly followed by city staff and the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the project is exempt from CEOA pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3), General Rule; and WHEREAS, the facts presented in the staff report and evidence at the above referenced public hearings support the findings contained in this resolution; and !( fQfl.l(t~ ~ 1 ORIGINAL WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 214-06 on October 19, 2006, the Planning Commission recommended approval and adoption of said Specific Parks and Trails Plan for the Old River Ranch area in Southwest Bakersfield the subject to conditions listed in Exhibit "1" and this Council has fully considered the finding made by the Planning Commission as set forth in that Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with the provisions of Section 65355 of the Government Code, conducted and held a public hearing on WEDNESDAY, January 17, 2007 on the above described Specific Parks and Trails Plan for the Old River Ranch area in southwest Bakersfield, notice of time and place of the hearing having been given at least ten (10) calendar days before the hearing by publication in the Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered and hereby makes the following findings: 1. All required public notices have been given. 2. The Specific Plan is consistent with the goals and policies of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and found by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals and findings incorporated herein, are true and correct. 2. That the map is exempt from the requirements of CEQA, pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3), General Rule. 3. The report of the Planning Commission, including maps and all reports and papers relevant thereto, transmitted by the Secretary of the Planning Commission to the City Council, is hereby received, accepted and approved. 4. The City Council hereby approves and adopts the Specific Parks and Trails Plan Old River Ranch development area for Southwest Bakersfield, incorporating the revisions and conditions of approval shown in attached Exhibit "1". ....-....()()()--------- !< ~t>.I(~-s> o ~ >- - I- m _ r- o (:;) ORIGINAL I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on :IAN 1 7 2007 by the following vote: ~ ~ ABSTAIN: ABSENT: APPROVED ........- V--'--- ~ ,..-- v--- V-- COUNCllMEMBER: CARSON, BENHAM, WEIR, COUCH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SCRIVNER COUNCllMEMBER: COUNCllMEMBER: COUNCllMEMBER: f1.~dA~_ PAMELA A. McCARTHY, C C CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield JAN 1 7 2007 ; HARVEY L. HALL Mayor of the City of Bakersfiel APPROVED as to form VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney ,00J ~ By: /-1.rUe1J:;-1Jl. . Resolution with Exhibits: 1. Conditions and Recommended Revisions to Plan 2. Location Map 3. Park locations (Exhibit 3 of SP) 4. 24-ft. Wide Trail (Exhibit 4 of SP) 5. 20-ft, 6-in Wide Trail (Exhibit 5 of SP) 6. 14-ft Wide Trail (Exhibit 6 of SP) 7. Proposed Specific Parks and Trails Plan for Southwest Bakersfield in the vicinity of the Old River Ranch development area. S:ITRACTSIORR TrailslccIRES-CC.DOC January 2, 2007 ~fl.I(E'~ ~ ~ >- rn I- r- c:; (:;) ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "1" CONDITIONS AND REVISIONS TO SPECIFIC PARKS AND TRAILS PLAN FOR SOUTHWEST BAKERSFIELD IN THE VICINITY OF THE OLD RIVER RANCH DEVELOPMENT AREA PARKS DEPT. 1. Notes" on pages 17-20: change tree species of Liquidamber Styraciflua 'Palo Alto' to 'Rotundiloba' (Sweetgum). 2. Exhibits shall be clarified to show actual landscape area widths from back of curb to trail. PLANNING 3. The Class II bike lane designation along all collector streets shown in the plan shall be eliminated. 4. The trail alignment along Berkshire Road, between Buena Vista Road and Old River Road shall be on the south side of Berkshire Road. The trail may be improved within the City standard right-of-way adjacent to Vesting Tentative Tract 6577, which was approved prior to the approval of this Specific Parks and Trails Plan. 5. Applicant shall provide updated copies of the Specific Parks and Trails Plan, as approved by the City Council, within 30 days of City Council approval. Actual number and format of updated copies shall be as directed by the Planning Director. CITY ATTORNEY 6. In consideration by the City of Bakersfield for land use entitlements, including but not limited to related environmental approvals related to or arising from this project, the applicant, and/or property owner and/or subdivider ("Applicant" herein) agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its officers, agents, employees, departments, commissioners or boards ("City" herein) against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this application, including without limitation any CEOA approval or any related development approvals or conditions whether imposed by the City, or not, except for CITY's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. This indemnification condition does not prevent the Applicant from challenging any decision by the City related to this project and the obligations of this condition apply regardless of whether any other permits or entitlements are issued. The City will promptly notify Applicant of any such claim, action or proceeding, falling under this condition within thirty (30) days of actually receiving such claim. The City, in its sole discretion, shall be allowed to choose the attorney or outside law firm to defend the City at the sole cost and expense of the Applicant and the City is not obligated to use any law firm or attorney chosen by another entity or party. Jeng S:\TRACTSIORR TrailslcclEx 1 conditions. doc December 28, 2006 ~ ~"'(~-S> o ~ >- - ~ m _ r- (.) (:;) ORIGINAL ::r: o ~z o~ LLc::: Z <cW ...J~ a.c::: 00 -...J ~O U. ~WO II a. ...J mcn~ . %00 u.. )(...J 00 LU_ c::: ~W I-~ O~ Zt- <Coo OOW ~~ D:::::r: ~~ o 00 ...I ::j ~ :j ~ ~ ~ w 0 ~ ~ fr? 0 .., b .., ..... 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E.xhibit j: OLD RIVE.R RANCH F ARK LOCATIONS ., ~~~wned Go maintained ~a r"an~"m..; L..:=lIne ~:;,;-:"j to Kern River Regional Trail ',:V-:":: ..... - .,~-~ -,;I ~ , 0 r------. ~ , y > i..2 -,;I G """"' v ~ ci: ~ < ~I ~ or, >i 2 g A;:&r Lxisting E.state I I - i . ! : Delhh,r~ K".,d rt1ASI:. .1 -- t/ Pi-'" \..~'::' . f''''"'''"':"'~l r.ir'~~ '::..,.~-, ~, ' - ~ - McKee R03d -c :? ci: 'J < .~- r .~ -c;~..( T.,ft ri,ghw.'f) . BE.If '-~~~~."" ,'" ':~:, ; ~_.----'~ . ~~I(~ nld River~~n<;~ ~13a~neld5 ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "4" L~l~~_~FE.dt~0; Exhibit +: DETAIL OF MUL TI-FURrOSE TRAIL I +' EASEMENT [5. 10' r ARKW A Y (2+' overall width) !< ~fl.I{~<9 o 1 -..~~~~~~~~/;t; . oRiGml rLANVI~W l-tl LAND5C.AfE. EASE.MENT 2+' OVERAlL SE.CTION ftlllf. ~.~," THEME WALL Notea: See Lxhibit 2. for propoaed location. Street treea along r ark Loop Road North and South, e,erkshire Road and McKee Road will be made up of rlata.nua Acerifolia '51oodgood', UCjuidambar St9radAua 'r alo Alto', and SeCjuoia Sempervirena or Spe- dea Approved b9 5alc.eraHeld. r arks Department. T reea will be planted in random groupinga h-om I' Gallon and 2.+" box apecimena. ~antitiea ahall be baaed on trcca being planted, " EXHIBIT "5" F .6KK.S & TMIL55FI2Q;It3l~[ff~ ..- '-~_..---- Exhibit 5: DETAIL OF MUL TI-FURFOSE TRAIL 10'-6" EASEMENT & 1 0' F ARK WAY (20'-6" overall width) ~ .~K~~ <:5 ~ >- - ~~-~~~. , FLANVIE.W RU N 10'6" LAND.sc:ArL. fMKWAY EASEMENT 6. 20' " OVLRAlL SECTION ~... ......~' UNITY THEME WALl l-rURrOSE TRAIL eRE TIJ AND GUTTER L LANE T TREE Notes. See Exhibit 2 for proposed location. Street trees along F ark Loop Road North and South, 5erkshire Road and McKee Road will be made up of Flatanus Acerifolia '51oodgood', U9uidambar S~raciAua 'r alo Alto', and Se9uoia Sempervirens or Spe- cies Approved b,!/5aker&field F arks Department. Trees will be planted in random groupings from I' Gallon and 2+" box specimens. ~antities shall be ba&ed on trees being planted ~" EXHIBIT "6 fA~S & TRAILS5FE.Glmm:~f ..;,;",~'.--:e,.......,.-....,...-'-------"--"-'. Exhibit 6: ALTER.NA TE TR.AIL DETAIL +, EASEMENT & 10' F AR.KWAY (1 +' overall width) CURE> AND/OR DRAINAGE DEVICE .ftAAK WA Y WITH STREET ".])REEAND TURF . MUL ,I-FURFOSE TRAIL ~.(CONCRElTI CURE> AND GUTTER +' rAAKWAY 1+1 OVE..RALL SECTION Notes: See Exhibit 2. for prorosed location. Street trees along f ark Loop Road North and South, E>erkshire Road and McKee Road will be made up of flatanus Acerifolia 'E>loodgood'. U'juidambar St9raciAua 'f alo Alto', and S5uoia Sem- pervirens or Species Approved b9 E>akersfield f arb Department. Trees will be planted in random groupings from I' Gallon and 2.+n box specimens. Quantities shall be based on trees being planted, " apart, however actual spacing will var9 according to site conditions. ~... <o~I(~-s> ntd Riv~ Ran~ .'--~~--'BJfirifie~ ORIGINAL . EXHIBIT "7" DRAFT PARKS AND TRAILS SPECIFIC PLAN FOR OLD RIVER RANCH LOCATED IN SOUTHWEST BAKERSFIELD !< fQt>.I(~-2 o ~ >- - '= ~ o (:;) ORIGINAL - r arks & Trails S~ecific rlan for 'Z ., OLD KIVEK RANCH located in Southwest 5akerstield AFFROVED _______ F repared b,y ~ CQN.UL.TING August 2006 tBakerflefd Development Services Department - Flanning Division 111 5 Chester Avenue 5akersfield,Ca. 9~~OI 661.~26.~1~~ ~ 'O"K~-9 o ~ r: ~ '" 0 ORIGINAL f' AKKS & TRAILS Sf'ECIFIC f'LAN 1 T A5LE. OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Mission State me nt/f' u rpose... ...... ..................... ................................. ....... ............. .................. ... ............2 Su mma r~ ot Spe citic f'la n........ ...... ......... ............................. ......... ............... ............. ................. ................ 2 5a ckgrou n d..................................................................................................................................................... ~ Co n nectivit~................................................................................................................................................ ~-+ f'OLlCIES &ST ANDARDS Amend ment f' roced u re.. ............. .......... ......... ........ ................ ............ ............... ...... ..... ............................ 5-7 Imp I e me n tati on f' 0 I icies.. ............................................................................................................................... 8 A9 u ISltJon & Improve ments... ..... .... ......... .............. ................ ...... ..... ......... .... .............. ................................ <) Ma inte na nce & 0 peration........ ..... ................................................. .......... ... ............... ............ ......... ........ 1 0 f'ARKS& TRAILS SYSTEM Exhibit 1 : 5ikewa~s & T rails.................................................................................................................. 1 1 Exhibit 2: f' ark & Trail Link.ages...........................................................................................................1 2 f' arks....... ................ ........................................ ........................... ....................... ......... ................................ 1 ~- 1 5 Exhibit ~: Old River Ranch f' ark. Locations........................................................................ 1 + Trails.. ............ ........ ....... ...... ... ... ..................... ........ ................... ........... ............ .................. ....................... 1 6-20 Exhibit +: Detail ot Multi-f' urpose T rail- 2 +' overall width.......................................... 1 7 Exhibit 5: Detail ot Multi-f' urpose T rail- 20'-6" overall width.................................... 18 Exhibit 6: Alternate Trail Detail at 1 +' Overall................................................................ 1 <) Exhibit 7: Detail ot Multi-f' urpose Trail at Corner........................................................20 f' arks & T r~il~ DeveloE~ent Schedule...............................:.......................................................21-22 Exhibit 8: Old Klver Ranch Development f'haslng..........................................................22 .~ c;a...UI.T'". !< fQt>.I(~~ o ~ Old Kive~Kanc;hm 13a~~~~ f' AKK.S &- TRAILS Sf'E.CIFIC f'LAN 2 - --~~"-"- ~ INTRODUCTION MISSION ST A TEMENT /FURFOSE The purpose ot this Specific f'lan is to provide access to a vari- et,y of natural resources, open spaces, interpretive and recreational amenities within and surrounding the Old River Ranch communit,y through an interconnected s,ystem of parks and trails. In addition, this I?ark. and trail plan will integrate into the larger context of 5a- kerstield and provide important linkages between the 5akersfield Regional Sports f' ark. and the Kern River Corridor. SUMMARY Of SFEClflC FLAN The Old River Ranch f' ark and Trail Specific f'lan is composed of two main parts. f' art one of the Specific f'lan is identified as 'F olicies and Standards.' This section includes the dedication and development of parks and trails, development schedule, and general maintenance and operations re9uirements. f' art two, 'F arks & Trails S,ystem,' identifies the parks and trails of the Old River Ranch communit,y, including a description and location, an overall parks and trails plan, references to t,ypical design standards, and an anticipated parks and trails development schedule. !< cot>.I(~~ o ~ >- - Old l7 iV6r 17 ancHi J13~ FARKS &- TKAILS SFE.CIF1C FLAN J INTRODUCTION 5ACKGROUND The Old River Ranch communit,y was aprroved b,y the Flanning Commission in October, 2005, and the Lit,y Council in November, 2005. It will become home tor over 2 1,000 residents, and otters a variet,y ot recreational activities tor public use. The approval ot Old River Ranch brings torth a uni9ue opportunit,y to access a diverse range ot recreational amenities not onl,y tor its residents but tor all ot Southwest 5akerstield. This will be accomplished b,y providing a network ot parks interconnected b,y a s,ystem of trails. When com- plete, this s,ystem will provide connections to two significant amenities in the Cit,y ot 5akerstield, the new 5akerstield Regional Sports F ark and the existing Kern River Corridor. CONNECTIVITY ~ r ark .so Trail Connectivit,y Old River Ranch otters a "s,ystem ot parks" that all work. together to provide an amenit,y base tor all residents. E.ach park otters a uni9ue set of amenities, with the intent ot providing a broad range of activi- ties throughout the s,ystem. 5ic,ycle circulation is encouraged in the communit!;l' tunctioning both as a means to connect this "park net- work" and encourage alternative modes of transportation. All major roads include a class 2 (on-street) bike lane. In addition to ~ ~fl./(~~ Old R~r.R<!,,~. h ~kersf1ee- ORiGiNAL f AKK5 5- TKAIL5 5fECIFIC fLAN 4- ~ INTRODUCTION CONNE.CTIVITY (Continued) these class 2 lanes, the Old R.iver Ranch communit,y teatures a multi- purpose (ott-street) trail s,ystem along f ark LooE Road, extend- ing easterl,y along 5erk.shire Road and McKee Koad to Gostord Road, thereb,y providing a direct link to the proposed 5akerstield Regional5ports f ark.. Residents and visitors will have the uni9ue opportunit,y to walk or bic,Ycle trom their homes to this regional park, located 1 mile east ot Old River Road. This trail will become the tirst leg ot an enhanced regional trail s,ystem tor southwest t)akers- tield and will serve as an important linkage the the Kern River Cor- ridor. Access to the Kern River Corridor Composed ot over 600 acres ot trails, parks and waterwa,ys, the Kern River Corridor extends approximatel,y )0 miles. 5eginning at the mouth ot Kern Can,yon on the east and extending west to Inter- state 5, the Kern River Corridor is an extensive multi-purpose trail s,ystem that provides a variet,y ot both passive and active recreational opportunites along the River. linkage to Kern River trom Old River Ranch will occur via planned or existing class 2 bike trails on Allen Road, t)uena Vista Road, and Old River Road. This connectiv- it,y provides important connections and access be,yond the immedi- ate neighborhood, encouraging public access and enjo,yment ot the Kern River Corridor and the opportunit,y to increase pedestrian and bic,ycle circulation throughout the Cit,y. ~ <o"'K~-s> Old R,&er .Rq~.!J h ':Ba kerSh&t ORIGINAL F AKK.S & TKAILS SFECIFIC FLAN 5 FOLlCIES &ST ANDAKDS AMENDMENTFROCEDURE Amendment F rocess The placement ot parks and trails shall dosel~ match the loca- tions and alignments shown in this Flan, and be su~ect to design standards. Deviations in the alignments ma~ be approved based on tactors such as public satet~, topographic constraints or sound design and engineering practices. If deemed necessar~ b~ the Flan- ning Director, such a change ma~ re9uire public notice and hearing in accordance with the amendment provisions ot this Flan. An application to amend this Flan shall be made in writing to the Flanning Director. The Flanning Director shall provide the torms tor such an amendment, and ma~ f?rescribe filing deadlines, collection ot processing tees, the t~pe of information to be provided, and an~ administrative procedure necessar~ to compl~ with federal, state and local regulations. The Flanning Director shall determine application completeness. Upon said completeness determination, and in accordance to the t~pe ot re9uest as described below, the matter shall be set and no- ticed tor a public hearing betore the appropriate Advisor~ Agenc~. Said notice shall be advertised in a newspaper of local distribution at least ten (1 0) da~s prior to the hearing date. F ropert~ owners within JOO teet ot the prc:ject site and su~ect trail staging area or park location shall be notified b~ mail at least ten (1 0) da~s prior to the hearing date. Amendments are subject to environmental review in accordance with state and local regulations and policies. Cit~ Council The Cit~ Council shall consider applications which do not have related applications as described in the tollowing paragraphs. Cit~ Council shall be authorized to review, amend, conditionall~ amend, or den~ an~ re9uest tor amendment, and hear appeals ot decisions ~ ~ft.K~~ Old Riv~Kqn~ ~J&er1iel~ ORIGINAL F ARKS & TRAILS SFECfFIC FLAN 6 FOLlCIES & STANDARDS AMENDMENT FROCEDURE (continued) made b,y the Flanning Commission or {:)oard ot Zoning Adjustment. The Cit,y Council ma,y also initiate review or amendment ot this F arks and Trails Flan. Flanning Commission The Flanning Commission shall have authorit,y to initiate amend- ments, amend (with or without conditions) and den,y amendments to this F arks and Trails Flan upon determining whether such amend- ment is consistent with the purpose ot this Flan. Second, the Flanning Commission shall have authorit,y to review, amend, conditionall,y amend, or den,y amendment re9uests to this F arks and Trail Flan concurrentl,Y with a related pr~ect that is sub- ject to Title 1 6 ot the {:)akerstield Municipal Code. An example ot a pr~ect subject to Flanning Commission review under this circum- stance includes an application tor a tentative tract map, which, upon engineering design or other protessional evidence, indicates a park or trail alignment as shown on the F arks and Trails Flan should be relocated. Third, the Flanning Commission shall have authorit,y to review, amend, conditionall,y amend, or den,y amendment re9uests to this f' arks and Trails Flan tor "develof:ment" projects, which have been appealed to them pursuant to the {:)akerstield Municipal Code. The decision ot the Flanning Commission is tinal it not appealed to the Cit,y Council in a timel,y manner and in the p~opertorm in accor- dance with Chapter 16.52 ot the {:)akerstield Municipal Code. I)oard of ZoningA~ustment The {:)oard ot Zoning Adjustment shall have authorit,y to review, amend, conditionall,y amend, or den,y an amendment re9uest when such re9uest is related to and concurrentl,y heard with application tor a conditional use permit or zoning moditication to be heard b,y the {:)oard ot Zoning Adjustment. ~ !< fQt>.I(~~ c ~ >- - m Old River ~n<;h 6 '13akeJ~~NAL F ARK.S & TRAILS SFECIFIC FLAN 7 FOLlCIES & STANDARDS AMENDMENT FROCEDURE (continued) Development Services Director The Development Services Director shall have authorit.!::j to review, amend, conditionall,Y amend, or den.!::j amendment re9uests to this F arks and Trails Flan when such re9uest is related to and concur- rentl.!::j heard with application tor site plan review. ~ '=.C..C.ULT.... ~t>.I(€ Old Kive.,ffi'1.)1<;\ 13a Ii8rshela 5 ORiGINAL F AKK.5 &- TKAIL5 5FECIFIC FLAN 8 FOLlCIE5 &- 5T ANDAKD5 IMFLE.ME.NT A TJON FOLICIE.S -F ark sites shall be located in the general vicinit!:j depicted on Lxhibit 7: Old Kiver Kanch F ark Locations. -Gated subdivisions within the planning area shall be designed to provide public access to parks and trails and allow traillink.ages through subdivisions, where needed. -Where possible, road crossings tor trails should be at controlled intersections. -The multi-purpose trail illustrated in this plan shall be tor the use ot pedestrians, hikers and bikers. - T emporar!:j or permanent limitations on trail use shall be established b!:j the Cit!:j where deemed appropriate due to user conflicts, impacts on habitat, erosion, maintenance or operational tactors. ~ L, ~fl.K~~ ~ CP- Old.Ri~r RC!rr.8, 2)i~atifl F AKK.S & TRAILS SFE.CIFIC FLAN 9 FOLlCIE.S & ST ANDAKDS ACQUISITION & IMFROVEMENTS: F ARKS AC9uisition: F ark acreage dedication/in-lieu fee re9uirements within the plan area shall be provided in accordance with E>akersfield Municipal Code Chapter 1 5.80. Improvement: -lark improvements shall be funded in accordance with E>akersfield Municipal Code Chapter 15.82, or developer ma'y enter into an agreement with the Cit.Y to provide park. improvements and receive a park development fee reimbursement or waiver. ACQUISITION & IMFROVEMENTS: TRAILS ACCJuisition: T rail dedications consistent with the policies and standards in this plan shall be re9uired of development projects. Development plan applications shall depict trail alignments. Improvement: -Where trails occur along the frontage of improvements such as multiple famil'y residential, offices or commercial development, the trail shall be constructed b'y the developer of the propert.Y and maintained b'y the end user of the propert.Y' -Flant materials utilized in areas with improved trails shall be selected from the plant palette associated with the a~acent subdivision. -Trail enhancements ma'y be funded from park development fees. ~ CON_TI... !< fQt>.I(~~ Q ~ Old Rive~Rqnc;~ 1iaflfr~"~ F AKKS & TRAILS SFECIFIC FLAN 10 FOLlCIE.S & ST ANDAKDS ~NTENANCE&orERATIONS New development within the plan area shall be re9uired to annex to the consolidated maintenance district tor the purpose ot providing tunds tor maintenance and operations ot the trails. The method ot maintenance ma,y also include provisions tor parks, landscaping or othertacilities ot public benetit. Maintenance and operations costs and exrenses include, but are not limited to, erosion control, litter contro, necessar,y repairs or replacements, utilities, care, supervision and an,y or all other items necessar,y tor the proper maintenance and operation ot the trails. .~ CD...U...Tl.... ~ ~t>./(~~ o ~ Old Rivi-. K R~qn<;~ ~a~t<<. \ --------'f li! v' ,_- Hi ~ , I ! ~\ ~ r>____t_ ~ " I I \: .! I f I" .w -""Iw, W :IT"!"" I " L - ~_._J I..^ --- j II . ~ \----'11: J I fi r---.-j ~ ( ~ ~\-/ '::1-- r~r .. \mJ ... l\ .< \.t-d~..:~i:lll- ~J-Ul ~~~_~~~it~(: ~ --~---- ~rr~" ~ ~,x. 'i... Nn)....t..!g1,...!~~. !l!.. I. ,It ---.L-~~~~~1~Jr I; 'H r:~' . 'V'I I I,'i.~,:n <0:. ,,' 'l:.l~~,c.,I." I'.!l!., 1 '4 HI'J~~I;i,;'Yi Ii,::>;: k:v?'"', "..... .1 l-,.;-~. .i,i........~! . -:' .,/ :.! :i;i':'lA',! : n"i,p." Q",T, \ ~<.i. I'!. ,ii:J -',., .,i', ',/ ! '," ,;"; .... '] \> ~ :.1':" 1M )~ i':" I:",I!-: :'7'9::,,'," " "~', . ..~. '.L.". ":-':"F~;. ~o n!' .2~.J l' ..' 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The Old River Ranch pr~ect provides parks and greenbelts dis- tributed evenl,y thoughout the communit,y tor eas,y access b,y walking or bic,ycling. These communit,y farks work in collaboration with the planned 21 2-acre 5akerstield Kegional5ports f ark being devel- oped b,y the Cit,y to provide a network ot multi-generational activi- ties. r ark Ownership The parks within Old River R.anch var,y in size, and as noted above, are located through out the communit,y. Generall,y, parks that are 6- acres or larger in size will be owned and operated b,y the Cit,y. An,y p~rks that are smaller than 6-acres will be owned and operated b,y the Mome Owner's Association. Regardless ot the ownership and/or maintenance responsibilit,y, parks will be open tor the use and enjo,y- ment ot the public. r ark r rogramming Old River Ranch is tortunate to be located onl,y one mile west of the new 21 2-acre Regional Sports f ark being planned along Gostord Road. In addition, the communit,y is within "'I- miles ot the Kern River Corridor, a ,O-mile regional trail teaturing access to man,y natural resources. These two regional amenities provide recreational op- portunities within eas,y access ot the communit,y, and theretore have a signiticant impact on the t,ypes ot park improvements being planned within the project. f ark programming considers the entire network ot parks so that a s,ystem ot parks providing a variet,y of amenities can be developed. f roposed imp-rovements should be caretull,y planned in collaboration with Cit,y staff to distribute tacilities throughout the communit,y and to provide multi-generational activities. Exhibit, locates each park and a list ot possible park programs is included on the tollowing page. ~ fQ"'I(~~ o ~ >- - Old RiverKanch g CBake~AL F AKKS & TKAILS SFECIFIC FLAN Exhibit): OLD RIVER RANCH F ARK LOCATIONS I to Kem River Regional Trail f:'tan,.'1nl..'1 I .;'Jn~ -- QPAlAClD-IS2t c:PAt~:t:, -r, ::i ;~ eLl r f D } <~ I l ;: eL """'" ~... " ~ fHA.St:. I :>- ~ Lxisting g Lstate <2> fHASl:.l c.- ~1 J: ~ ~ ~'\cCukhc' J\.o3d ; eL ~ L rt1A.5I:. , ~~~" .-- Md(oe J\.".,d .-- -i <: """"'- ':='.,:~~~;"'"_:~:.'O~~~~';_. Taft r'h,J,,,aq ~, CQN......TfN. 1+ I city,-owned & maintained parks I :.% t --- i<'.! I ,~ tj , ~ c.- 1 ----- ~ "... ~ (.2 " -r-z .J """'" b(,:,-lshw~ K.d"1(~ ~l ~1 .....~c.~'<~'. -="~1 c+ . '.. .',' rt1ASt..., " r il;. ~,.- ~ ~~kE'~ o ~ Old River ~qn~h if! (D '~{fnf;.r (:;) .Dal\.-Lr~NAL f AKKS & TKAILS SfECIFIC fLAN fOTENTIAL OLD KIVEK KANCH f AKK fKOGRAMS C 1 = 6 acres Tennis Courts Off-Street f arking Kestroom/Maintenance 5uilding ficnic Areas Off-Leash '5ark f ark' Tot-Lot f ark Gateway C2 = I 2 acres Skateboard f ark Entr.o/Staging Area f arking tor 50 cars Kestroom/Maintenance 5uilding ficnic Area Soccer Field Adventure fla,yground f ark Gatewa,ys C, = 6 acres Softball Field Adventure fla,yground Restroom/Maintenance 5uilding Hardcourt fla,y ficnic Area f ark Gatewa,ys C 4- = 6 acres Hardcourt fla,y Restroom/Maintenance 5uilding ficnic Areas Tot Lots This is a preliminar'y programming plan and is sulject to change. Actual improvements, design, configuration and location ma'y var'y from what is depicted. RE.If :1;......"".". 15 !< fQt>.I(E'~ o ~ Old fZive~q,!<;h ~ (Ba~AL F AKKS & TRAILS SFECIFIC FLAN 1 6 ~ C."".l.I...T'.... F ARKS & TRAILS SYSTEM TRAILS r urpose So O~ectives To develop a 'walkable' communit,y through a network of multi-pur- pose and class 2 trails that promote communit,y access to a variet,y of amenities within and surrounding Old River Ranch, including parks, schools, stores, and other destinations. The trails,Ystem planning expands be,yond the limits of the communit,y and will provide links to a new 2 I 2-acre 5akersfield Regional Sports F ark to the east, and the 70-mile Kern River Corridor to the north. If full,y implemented, this trail network will help develop the first linkages between north- east and southwest 5akersfield, and prove to be an asset to not onl,y its residents, but also to the communit,y ot southwest 5akers- field, and ultimatel,y, the entire Cit,y. Trail Classification So Location Old River Ranch provides over I 6 miles of class 2 bike lanes (refer to Exhibit 2: F ark & Trail Unkages).The major feature in this plan is the connection to the new 5akersfield Regional Sports F ark. through F ark LO:T Road, 5erkshire Road, McKee Road, and Gostord Road. rhe trails plan consists of two trail t,ypes: Multi-F urpose Trails: Exp~nded parkwa,ys along F ark Loop Road, 5erkshire Road, and McK.ee Road provide up to a I 2' wide mult~urpose trail. Refer to exhibits +-7 for multi-purpose trail details. I hese standards have been developed to address specific existing conditions, and will be located as depicted in Exhibit 2. Class 2 5ike Lane: Class 2 bike lanes will be located on F anama Lane, McCutchen Road, Taft Highwa,y, Allen Road, 5uena Vista Road, Old River Road, and the unnamed collector roads as depicted in Exhibit 2. Old Riv~~~~<;h ~kersf1~ !:: - r- o (:;) ORIGINAL F AKKS &jRAllS SFECIFIC FLAN Exhi6it+: DET AllOF MUl TI-FUKFOSE TRAil I +, EASEME.NT & 1 0' F AKK WAY (24' overall width) 17 .... FEFARKWAY rLANVIEW .: '.. ".':. I 1+' LANDSCAlL EASE.MENT 2+' OVERALL SE.CTION ~ .D"fU~TIN. Notes: See Exhibit 2 for proposed location. Street trees along F ark Loop Road North and South, 5erkshire Road and McKee Road will be made up of Flatanus Acerifolia '510odgood', U<juidambar St~raciAua 'F alo Alto', and Se<juoia Sempervirens or Spe- cies Approved b~ 5akersfield F arks Department. Trees will be planted in random groupings from 1 5 Gallon and H" box specimens. Q!-,antities shall be based on trees being planted, 5' !< fQt>.I(~~ o ~ Old River gg!1~h ~ ~ake'a~A~ f AKKS & TRAILS SfECIFIC fLAN 18 Exhibit 5: DETAIL OF MUL TI-fUKfOSE TRAIL 10'-6" EASEMENT & 1 0' f AKKWA Y (20'-6" overall width) MUNITYTHEME WAll 5CArE. r AKKWA Y l-rUKr05E TRAIL eKE TEJ AND GUTTEK fLANVIEW Notes: 5ee Exhibit 2 for proposed location. Street trees along F ark Loop Koad North and South, I:)erkshire Koad and McKee Koad will be made up of Flatanus Acerifolia 'f)loodgood'. U9uidambar 5t,yraciAua 'r alo Alto'. and 5e9uoia 5empervirens or 5pe- cies A..eproved b,y f)akersfield r arks Department . Trees will be planted in random groupings from l' Gallon and 2...." box specimens. (1..antities shall be based on trees being planted}" SECTION ftIlIf ;,..eo.....,l,n"'G ~ ~"I(E'~ o ~ Old Rive~qnc;b ~ ~a~WAL F AKKS & TKAILS SFE.CIFIC FLAN 19 E.xhibit 6: AL TE.RNA TE. TKAIL DE. TAIL +, EASEME.NT & 1 0' F ARK WAY (1 +' overall width) CURE> AND/OR DRAINAGE. DE. VICE. r ARK WAY WITH STREET TRE.E. AND TURF MUL TI-FURFOSE. TRAIL (CONCRE. TEJ CURE> AND GUTTER +' f' AAKW A Y 1+' OVERALL SE.CTION Notes: See Exhibit 2 tor proeosed location. Street trees along F ark Loop I\oad North and South, 5erkshire Koad and McKee I\oad will be made up of Flatanus Aceritolia '5Ioodgood', U9uidambar St'yraciAua 'F alo Alto', and S~uoia Sem- pentirens or Species Approved b'y 5akerstield F arks Department. . r rees will be planted in random groupings trom 1 5 Gallon and 2+" box specimens. Q!-,antities shall be based on trees being planted, 5' apart, however actual spacing will var'y according to site conditions. .-. C_O;I.T."'D !< fQt>.I(~~ o ~ >- - I- m Old fZiveeK.~6~ 'BaIMQrc1']f F AKKS & TKAILS SFECIFICFLAN 20 Exhibit 7: DETAIL OF MUL TI-FUKFOSE TKAIL AT COKNEK CUR5 AND GUm LANDSCArE. r AAKWAY COMMUNITY rERIME. TER WALL MUL T1-ruRrOSE. TRAIL (CONCRE.TEJ TRA VE.L LANE. Notes: See Lxhibit 2 for prorosed location. Street trees along F ark Loop Road North and South, I)erbhire Road and McKee Road will be made up of Flatanus Acerifolia 'I)loodgood', Uquidambar Styraciflua 'f alo Alto', and S:suoia Sem- pervirens or Species Approved b,y I)akersfield F arks Department. I. rees will be planted in random groupings from I , Gallon and 2+" box specimens. Q~antities shall be based on trees being planted", apart, however actual spacing will var,y according to site conditions. ~ C_"'_ULT'N.. Old Ri!(~~'f(~<;h fakeY5h~l "0 - (:;) OR\GINAL F ARKS & TRAILS SFE.CIFIC FLAN 21 FARKS& TRAILSSYSTE.M r ARKS & TRAILS DEVELOrMENT SCHEDULE F arks and trails are to be developed in the + phase development plan established tor the Old River Ranch communit,y. Reter to the Old River Ranch Development Fhasing (E.xhibit 8) tor the scheduled development ot individual parks and trails. The Old River Ranch developer will be responsible tor the coordination ot these improve- ments and/or agreements. ~ J:ON_I.TIN8 !< ~t>.I(~"9 o ~ Old Kive~R.<:!nd~ 1ia~~~i~ F ARKS &- TRAILS SFECIFIC FLAN 22 Exhibit 8: OLD RIVER RANCH DE VELOFMENT FHASING to Kem Kiver Kegional Trail f' ;Jl1':"Hlld Lane _ fHASE. I _ fHASE.2 _ fHASE.; _ fHASE.+ fL: S1w"AC'&-if& Lrn<r -... GPNACCW-I.llW .,..""" -,::; L Lrn<r _m ........ .-:1 ...1. 7 " E.xisting E..tate """'"" CL r J ? " ~- "r .:..,I-t Hj~!J1W:"1lj This is a preliminar,y conceptual plan and is subject to change. Actual improvements, design, configuration and location ma,y var,y from what is depicted, AE.lf ^__;""TI"'~ ~ 4bM'E'~ <:j ~ ).. - i= rn Old KivJl~~~ 13aftBJsj1aa