HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 4408 ORDINANCE NO. "4408 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 17.06.020 (ZONE MAP NO. 103-25) OF TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE BY CHANGING THE ZONING R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING) ZONE TO AN R-2 (LIMITED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING) ZONE ON 0.33 ACRE GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7400 NILES STREET, APPROXIMATELY 0.5 MILE WEST OF MORNING DRIVE (FILE # 06-1766) WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedure set forth in the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on a petition to change the land use zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield generally located at 7400 Niles Street, approximately 0.5 miles west of Morning Drive as shown on Exhibit "B"; WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 237-06 on December 7, 2006, the Planning Commission recommended approval and adoption of an ordinance amending Title 17 of the Municipal Code to approve the zone change as delineated on attached Zoning Map No. 103-25 marked Exhibit "C", by this Council and this Council has fully considered the recommendations made by the Planning Commission as set forth in that Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, as a result of said hearing, did make several general and specific findings of fact which changes in zoning of the subject property from R-1 (One Family Dwelling) to R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone and the Council has considered said findings and all appear to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, the general plan designation for this area allows multiple residential condominium development; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered and hereby makes the following findings: 1. All required public notices have been given. 2. The provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been followed. 3. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this request is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3), General Rule, because it will not affect the environment. 4. The public necessity, general welfare and good zoning practice justify the requested change of zone from the existing zoning district to R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) zone. 5. The overall design of the project, as conditioned, is consistent with the goals and policies of all elements of the general plan. -1 - X ~f>..K~1> () ~ >- - I- m - r- o CJ ORIGINAL 6. The conditions of approval, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" are needed to provide for orderly development, and the public health, welfare and safety; and SECTION 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. That the above recitals, incorporated herein, are true and correct. 2. That the project is exempt from CEQA. . 3. Section 17.06.020 {Zoning Map) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield be and the same is hereby amended by changing the land use zoning of that certain property in said City, the boundaries of which property is shown on Zoning Map. No. 103-25 marked Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and are more specifically described in attached Exhibit liD". 4. That Zone Change No. 06-1766, as outlined above, is hereby recommended for approval with conditions of approval shown on Exhibit "A". SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective not less than thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. ---000........ .. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on fEe 7 2007 by the following vote: ~ NOES: ABSTAIN: ~SENT~ v- t..-- I--- - "...---""'----- COUNCILMEMBER: CARSON, BENHAM, WEIR, COUCH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SCRIVNER COUNCILMEMBER: COUNCILMEMBER: COUNCILMEMBER: ~~ ~Ll'~ PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield FEB 7 2007 - 2 - X ~f>..k~~ o ~ ;:.... 'fI I- "'" _ m o S ORIGINAL HARVE L. HALL Mayor of the City of Bakersfie APPROVED as to form VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By. ~ 1ft- ~ Exhibits: A. Conditions B. Location Map C. Zone Map D. Legal Description Prepared by madams \ December 12, 2006 \ S:\ZonechangeWr 2006\06-1766\CC\OlC:CC.DOC - 3 - << 'OAk~1> () <p >- -0 I- - _ m o ,.... (:) ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ZONE CHANGE #06-1766 PUBLIC WORKS 1. Along with the submittal of any development plan, prior to approval of improvement plans, or with the application for a lot line adjustment or parcel merger, the following shall occur: a. Provide fully executed dedication for Niles Street to arterial standards for the full frontage of the area within the zone change request. Dedications shall include suffICient widths for expanded intersections and additional areas for landscaping as directed by the City Engineer. Submit a current title report with the dedication documents. If a tentative subdivision map over the entire zone change area is submitted, dedication can be provided with the map. b. This zone change area is within the Pioneer Drainage Area. The developer shall follow the requirements of this PDA. Submit a comprehensive drainage study to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. The study shall be approved and any required retention site and necessary easements dedicated to the City. c. Sewer service must be provided to the zone change area. Submit verification to the City Engineer of the existing sewer system's capability to accept the additional flows to be generated through development under the new land use and zoning. d. In order to preserve the permeability of the sump and to prevent the introduction of sediments from construction or from storm events, all retention and detention basins (sumps) shall have a mechanical device in the storm drain system to remove or minimize the introduction of oil, grease, trash, and sediments to the sump. This device shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer, and shall provide the greatest benefit to the storm drain system with the least maintenance cost. 2. The entire area covered by this zone change shall be included in the Consolidated Maintenance District. The applicant shall pay all fees for inclusion in the Consolidated Maintenance District with submittal of any development plan, tentative subdivision map, Site Plan Review, or application for a lot line adjustment for any portion of this zone change area. 3. Payment of median fees for the arterial frontage of the property within the zone change request is required prior to recordation of any map or approval of any improvement plan for the zone change area. 4. This area shall follow the requirements of the site plan review. CITY ATTORNEY 5. In consideration by the City of Bakersfield for land use entitlements, including but not limited to related environmental approvals related to or arising from this project, the applicant, and/or property owner and/or subdivider ("Applicant" herein) agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its officers, agents, employees, departments, commissioners or boards ("City" herein) against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this application, including without limitation any CEQA approval or any related development approvals or conditio~Jk~ ~ 1>0> -0 Prepared by madams \ December 12,2006 \ S:\Zonechange\Yr 2006\06-1766\CC\Exh-A.00c @ ~ ORIGINAL Exhibit" A" ZONE CHANGE #06-1766 Page 2 of 2 whether imposed by the City, or not, except for CITY's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. This indemnification condition does not prevent the Applicant from challenging any decision by the City related to this project and the obligations of this condition apply regardless of whether any other permits or entitlements are issued. The City will promptly notify Applicant of any such claim, action or proceeding, falling under this condition within thirty (30) days of actually receiving such claim. The City, in its sole discretion, shall be allowed to choose the attorney or outside law firm to defend the City at the sole cost and expense of the Applicant and the City is not obligated to use any law firm or attorney chosen by another entity or party. Prepared by madams \ December 12,2006 \ S:\Zonechange\Yr 2006\06-1766\CC\Exh-A.Doc X ~AK~1> ,0 ~ I- m - r- o CJ ORIGINAL U) U) t-- ~ . U)- <:) m W !:: C) !!! 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M&P.IO~~INAL EXHIBIT D LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR ZONE CHANGE # 06-1766 R-1 to R-2 ZONING BEING A PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST MOUNT DIABLO BASE MERIDIAN IN THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION THENCE NORTH 89053'06" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 151.00 FEET ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF NILES STREET, ESTABLISHED PER PUBLIC HIGHWAY EASEMENT FORMERLY STATE HIGHWAY 178 COUNTY ROAD NO. 2879 DATED SEPTEMBER 7, 1973 PER BOOK 4803 PAGE 344 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; mENCE NORTH 00037'49" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 700.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID BEARING NORTH 00037'49" EAST A DISTANCE OF 50.00'; THENCE NORTH 89053'06" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 284.22 FEET; ffiENCE SOUTH 00037'10" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89053'06" WEST A DISTANCE OF 284.23 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.33 ACRES MORE OR LESS h\w~~ G. William Rose, LS 3479 WRA Engineering, Inc. license Expires June 30, 2008 X 'OAk~~ () 0> >- -0 I- - _ m o r- CJ ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. County of Kern ) PAMELA A. McCARTHY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 8th day of February, 2007 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 4408 passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 7th day of February. 2007 and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 17.06.020 (ZONE MAP NO.1 03-25) OF TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE BY CHANGING THE ZONING R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING) ZONE TO AN R-2 (LIMITED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING) ZONE ON 0.33 ACRE GENERALLY LOCATED AT 7400 NILES STREET, APPROXIMATELY 0.5 MILE WEST OF MORNING DRIVE (FILE # 06-1766) PAMELA A. McCARTHY City Clerk and Ex Officio of the CO~ City o! Bakersfield By: Lit'. DEPU Y Cit Clerk S:\DOCUMENT\FORMS\AOP .ORD.wpd ~fl..K~1> ~ ~ ;:.... - t- m _ r- o 0 ORIGINAL