HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 2607ORDINANCE NO. 2607 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REPEALING SPECIFIED SECTIONS OF TITLE 11 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO THE CITY TRAFFIC CODE, AMENDING SPECIFIED SECTIONS OF SAID TRAFFIC CODE, AND AMENDING SECTION 11.12.050(d) RELATIVE TO PARKING TIME LIMITS AND SECTIONS 11.16.030 AND 11.16.090 RELATIVE TO PARADE PERMITS. BE as follows: IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield SECTION 1. The following sections of Chapter 11.04, Traffic, hereby repealed: 11.04.020(a) Devices; 11.04.020(f) are Alley; 11.04.020(e) Official Traffic Control Official Traffic Signals; 11.04.020(g) Parkway; 11.04.020(i) Pedestrian; 11.04.020(j) Police Officer; Stop; 11.04.020(1) Stop or Stand; 11.04.020(m) Park; Traffic; 11.04.020(p) Street or Highway; 11.04.020(q) 11.04.020(k) 11.04.020(n) Sidewalk; 11.04.050 Obedience to Police; 11.04.080 Vehicle Damage to Public Property--Reports; 11.04.110 Unauthorized Signs, Lights or Markings; 11.04.120 Signs Required; 11.04.140 Turn Markers; 11.04.150 U-Turns in Certain Districts; 11.04.180 Driving Wrong Way on One-Way Streets and Alleys; 11.04.200 Stopping at Through Streets or Stop Inter- sections; 11.04.210 Emerging from Alley or Driveway; 11.04.220 Interference with Fire Apparatus; 11.02.250 Riding on Motorcycles and Bicycles; 11.04.260 Clinging to Moving Vehicle; 11.04.270 Coasting Devices in Residential Neighborhoods; 11.04.290(b) Areas Prohibited to Driving (b only); 11.04.320(1) Vehicles Used For Advertising--Vehicles From Which Merchandise is Sold (1 only); 11.04.330 Animal Drawn Vehicles; 11.04.380 Pedestrians stopping or Standing on Sidewalk; 11.04.420(a) and (b) Parallel Parking-- Exception (a and b only); 11.04.460 No Parking Signs; 11.04.490 Effect of Permission to Load or Unload; 11.04.510 Obstructing Traffic; 11.40.515 Parking for Purpose of Repair, Overhaul, etc.; 11.04.520 Parking in Loading Zones and Near Schools; 11.04.530 Vehicles Backed to Curb; 11.04.540 Stopping or Parking in Passenger Loading Zones; 11.04.580 Obedience to Traffic Signs; ].1.04.630 Early Morning Parking; 11.04.640 Right Turns Against Red Lights; 11.04.710 Parking on Highway 99; 11.04.720 Parking on Golden State Highway Between "N" and "0" Streets; 11.04.722 Parking Prohibited on Brundage Lane Adjacent to "A" Street Intersection; 11.04.723 Parking Prohibited on Portion of Brundage Lane--Exception; 11.04.724 Parking Prohibited on Brundage Lane Adjacent to "H" Street Inter- section; 11.04.725 Parking Prohibited on Portion of Twenty-fourth; 11.04.726 Parking Prohibited on a Portion of the 1400 Block and 1500 Block of Brundage Lane; 11.04.727 Parking Prohibited on a Portion of the Curve Between 24th and 23d Streets Between "B" and "D" Streets; 11.04.728 Parking Prohibited on a Portion of Union Avenue; 11.04.731 Parking Prohibited on Brundage Lane Adjacent to Vernal Place Intersection; 11.04.739 Traffic Restrictions on Service Roads Adjacent to South Chester Avenue; 11.04.762 Parking Prohibited on Portions of Brundage Lane; and 11.04.795 Owners' Responsibility. SECTION 2. Sections 11.04.020 (b) , (c) , and (h) of Municipal Code are amended to read as follows: the Bakersfield 11.04.020 Definitions. (b) CENTRAL TRAFFIC DISTRICT. All of the area within the boundary of the following streets: From the west line of "F" Street to the east line of "Q" Street, from the north line of 25th Street to the north line of 15th Street (Santa Fe Railroad Tracks), except 23rd and 24th Streets. (c) HOLIDAYS. All legal holidays recognized as such by the State of california shall be considered holidays within the meaning of this chapter. (h) PASSENGER LOADING ZONE. That space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers or the depositing of mail in adjacent mail boxes. SECTION 3. Section 11.04.040 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 11.04.040 Duties of Police--Enforcement--Directing Traffic. (a) It shall be the duty of the officers and community service technicians of the Police Department to enforce the provisions of this chapter. (b) Officers and community service technicians of the Police Department are hereby authorized to direct all traffic by voice, hand, whistle or other visible or audible signal. (c) In the event of fire, or other exigency or emergency, police officers and community service technicians may direct traffic as conditions may require notwithstanding the provisions of the traffic laws. SECTION 4. Section 11.04.070 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 11.04.070 Vehicles Exempt. (a) The provisions of the chapter regulating the operation, parking, and standing of vehicles shall not be applied to any emergency vehicle as defined in Section 165 of the Vehicle Code when such vehicle is operated in the manner specified in the Vehicle Code in response to an emergency call, or while engaged in any public duty which would make obedience to the provisions of this chapter impracticable. (b) The provisions of this chapter regulating the parking or standing of vehicles shall not apply to any vehicle of a city department or public utility while necessarily in use for construc- tion or repair work, or any vehicle owned or operated by the United States while in use for the collection, transportation, or delivery of United States mail, or any vehicle of a city department used for parking control. SECTION 5. Section 11.04.280 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 11.04.280 Use of Bicycles, Coasters, Roller Skates and Similar Devices Restricted. It is unlawful for any person upon bicycles, roller skates, or riding in or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device to go upon any sidewalk in any business district. SECTION 6. Section 11.04.350 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 11.04.350 Pedestrians Crossing in Central Traffic District, Business Districts and School Zones. No pedestrian shall cross a roadway other than at a crosswalk in the central traffic district or in any business district or in a school zone. This section shall not apply within any parking mall. SECTION 7. Section 11.04.370 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 11.04.370 Pedestrians in Roadways. (a) No person shall stand in a roadway. (b) NO person shall play in a roadway. (c) Where sidewalks or sidewalk areas have been provided, no person shall walk in a roadway except to cross a roadway or unless such roadway is closed to vehicular traffic. SECTION 8. Section 11.04.700 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 11.04.700 Applicability to State Highways. Any provision of this chapter which, pursuant to the provisions of the Vehicle Code of California, requires the written approval of the Department of Transportation prior to becoming effective with respect to State highways within the corporate limits of the City of Bakersfield, shall cease to be operative with respect to such State highways six (6) months after receipt by the City Council of written notice from said Department of the withdrawal of said Department's approval of any such provisions or of this chapter. SECTION 9. Section 11.12.050(d) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is amended to read as follows: 11.12.050 Parking Time Limits. (d) The basic unit of parking time on off-street parking meters shall be one-half hour, which parking time shall be secured by the deposit of one five-cent coin in the parking meter adjacent to said parking space, and each additional unit of one hour or one- half hour parking time, as the case may be, shall be secured by the deposit of an additional five-cent coin. SECTION 10. Section 11.16.030 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 11.16.030 Application For Permit. Any person desiring to conduct or manage a parade shall, in not less than three business days nor more than ninety days before the date on which it is proposed to conduct such parade, file an application with the Traffic Authority for a permit. If such parade is designated to be helped by and on behalf of or for any organization other than the application, the applicant for such permit shall file a communication in writing for such organization, authorizing the applicant to apply for such permit on its behalf. 5e SECTION 11. Section 11.16.090 of the Bakersfield Municipal amended to read as follows: 11.16.090 Traffic Authority May Consider Late Applications. good cause, the Traffic Authority shall have power in its dis- cretion to consider any application~to conduct filed less than three business days before the conducted. Code is For a parade which is parade is to be SECTION 12. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... 000 .......... o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the ~ day of December , 1980, by the following vote: NC~S: COUNCILMEN A~STAINING; COUNCILMEN: keco~ncil of ty APPROVED this ]gth day of December / - / ty of Bakersfield · 1980 A~PPROVED as to form:  ~ Bakersfield CI AT~~f the Ci~o~ ..... AffiXal! of Iosttng r tttan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, f County of Kern ss. H. E. BERGEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that oa .............................~.~.~..e..~.~..~L...~.~ ..............................................19_.q.0.. he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .......... ..D....e..~.~.~!~..~.~._.~ ..........................., 19..~.~..., which ordinance was numbered ........ .~..~)7 ................New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REPEALING SPECIFIED SECTIONS OF TITLE 11 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO THE CITY TRAFFIC CODE, AMENDING SPECIFIED SECTIONS OF SAID TRAFFIC CODE, AND AMENDING SECTION 11.~2.050(d) RELATIVE TO PARKING TIME LIMITS AND SECTIONS 11.16.030 AND 11.16.090 RELATIVE TO PARADE PERMITS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16~h ... day of. Dec~m~0e.~ ............... 19..~.0.