HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 2454 ORDINANCE NO. 2454 , NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING PORTIONS OF TITLE 13, INCLUDING CHAPTERS 13.01, 13.04, 13.16, 13.30, 13.40, 13.60, 13.64 AND 13.66, CONCERNING BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS; ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1976 EDITION, AND THE APPENDIX THERETO, THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, 1976 EDITION, AND THE APPENDIX THERETO, THE UNIFORM SIGN CODE, 1976 EDITION, THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1976 EDITION, AND APPENDICES A THROUGH H THERETO, THE UNIFORM HOUSING CODE, 1976 EDITION AND THE UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, 1976 EDITION. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 13.01.010 of Chapter 13.01 of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended as follows: 13.01.010 Findings. The City Council does hereby expressly find and determine that the changes and modifications to the 1976 Editions of the Uniform Codes, 1976 Editions, as adopted by refer- ence by the ordinance codified in this Title pursuant to Sections 17922, 17958 and 17958.5 of the Health and Safety Code, contained in this Title are reasonably necessary because of local conditions. SECTION 2. That subsection (c) of Section 13.04.120 of Chapter 13.04 of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended as follows: (c) That the Board of Building Appeals created herein shall serve in the place of and have the powers and duties of the Board of Appeals created by Section 204 of the Uniform Building Code, 1976 Edition; by Section 203 of the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1976 Edition; by Section 103(c) of the Uniform Sign Code, 1976 Edition; by Section 20.14 of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1976 Edition; by Section 205 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Build- ings, 1976 Edition and Section 14 of the Uniform Electrical Code, 1975 Edition. The Board of Building Appeals herein created shall also have responsibility of resolving any interpretations of the rules made by the Building Director, for resolving decisions made by the Building Director upon the approval of equipment and materials and for resolving any questions concerning the granting of the special permission contemplated in a number of rules or suitability of alternate methods, in connection with the enforcement of the Uniform Electrical Code, 1975 Edition and the National Electrical Code, 1975 Edition. SECTION 3. (c) of Section That subsection of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield hereby amended as follows: (c) dollars. 13.04.135 of Chapter 13.04 is the City of Sections: 13.16.010 13.16.020 The mobilehome installation permit fee shall be thirty SECTION 4. That Chapter 13.16 of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 13.16 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE Uniform Building Code Adopted by Reference. Certain Provisions of Uniform Building Code Deleted. 13.16.030 Modifications of Uniform Building Code. 13.16.010 Uniform Building Code Adopted by Reference. Except as hereinafter provided, that certain Building Code known and desig- nated as the "Uniform Building Code," 1976 Edition, which Code was sponsored and copyrighted by the International Conference of Build- ing Officials and 1976 Standards including the Appendix thereto, three copies of which are filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, for use and examination by the public, and each portion and provision thereof is hereby adopted by reference as modified and amended in this Chapter, and is hereby declared to be the Building Code of the City of Bakersfield for the purpose of regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, use, height, and maintenance of all structures and certain equipment therein specifically regulated, within the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield, and providing for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefor. 13.16.020 Certain Provisions of Uniform Building Code Deleted. The following sections and chapter of the Uniform Building Code, 1976 Edition, or the Appendix thereto, are not adopted as part of this ordinance and are hereby deleted: Section 204, Board of Appeals; Section 205, Violations and Penalty; Section 302(b), Retention of Plans; Sections 5101 through 5104, Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving Walks; and Chapter 51 of the Appendix; Section 7006(g), Issuance; Section 7007, Fees. 13.16.030 Modification of Uniform Building Code. The following sections of the Uniform Building Code, 1976 Edition, as adopted by reference, are amended as provided herewith: (a) Section 202 is amended by adding paragraph (i) thereto, as follows: (i) The Building Official shall have the authority to require any reasonable means, including the use of water, to prevent dust or other particles from polluting the air and to prevent or abate any nuisance caused by the performance of any of the building or work authorized by this code. Any person engaged in the doing or causing such building or work to be done shall, by the use of water or other means approved by the Building Official, prevent dust or other particles from polluting the air or becoming a nuisance. (b) Section 302(a) is amended by adding the following para- graphs thereto: (1) Building permits for conversion of private garages to any other use shall not be issued until all necessary clearing and grading of the new parking area has been accomplished and access has been provided thereto from a public street and such work has been approved by the Building Official. (2) Building permits for construction, installation, or placement of any building for sale, lease, or financing on any lot or parcel, except for model homes, or to allow occupancy thereof, for which a final map or parcel map is required by Title 16 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, shall not be issued, until such map thereof in full com- pliance with said Title 16 and the Subdivision Map Act has been filed for record by the County Recorder. (3) Building permits shall not be issued if the use thereof on the land proposed is in violation of the provisions of Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. (c) Section 303(b) is amended to read: "(b) Plan-Checking Fees. If a plan is required to be sub- mitted under subsection 301(c), a plan-checking fee shall be paid to the Building Official at the time the plans and specifications are submitted for checking. The fee shall be one-half the applicable building permit fee calculated from Table No. 3-A. Exemptions: 1. Where a plan submitted is substantially similar, with like soil and terrain characteristics, to a plan on which a permit has been issued within the preceding sixty days, the plan-checking fee shall be one-quarter of the applicable build- ing permit fee calculated from Table No. 3-A. 2. A plan-checking fee shall not be required for altera- tions and repairs of a minor nature. 3. A plan-checking fee shall not be required for any dwelling or accessory building thereto of Type V construction of less than three thousand (3,000) square feet in floor area and not more than two stories in height." (d) Section 303(b) is amended to include a new paragraph, as follows: o "Rechecking Plans. Corrections required by the Building Department shall be checked without additional fee. If plans are resubmitted with changes from previously approved or checked plans, a rechecking fee shall be paid; the fee shall be based on the valuation of all the members or portions redesigned without reduc- tion for any member or portion replaced or omitted." (e) Section 305(b) is amended to read: "(b) Special Inspector. The special inspector shall be a qualified person approved by the Building Official and shall be chosen by and responsible to the architect or engineer responsible for designing the structure." (f) Section 305(f) is amended by adding an unnumbered para- graph as follows: "EXCEPTION: The Building Official may accept fabricators approved by other authorized agencies." (g) Section 901 is amended by amending Divisions 1 and 2 to read: "Division 1. Nurseries for the full-time care of children under the age of six (each accommodating more than six persons). "Hospitals, sanitariums, nursing homes with nonambulatory patients and similar buildings (each accommodating more than six persons). "Division 2. Nursing homes for ambulatory patients, homes for children six years of age or over (each accommodating more than six persons)." (h) Section 1503 is amended to read: (Section 1503. For fire-resistive protection of exterior walls and openings, as determined by location on property, see Section 504 and Part V. EXCEPTION: Exterior wall fire protection for one story unenclosed, accessory use, patio roofs, canopies, awnings, carports, arbors, lath houses, greenhouses and other special purpose roof structures classed as M occupancy may be waived upon approval of the Building Official." e (i) That subdivision (d) of Section 1601 is amended by adding the following two paragraphs: "Residential buildings used solely for the purpose of display as a model residence, may be erected or placed upon land for a period of time not to exceed twenty-four months, without the con- struction of the required concrete foundation, in Fire Zones 2 or 3, upon issuance of a permit by the Building Official. The Building Official shall approve the temporary foundation to be used for, and the proposed location of, any such building. No permit hereunder shall be granted by the Building Official unless and until the appli- cant files with the official, a faithful performance bond in the amount of fifteen hundred dollars, guaranteeing the removal of the building." "Prior to construction of tions for the building at or before the required concrete the expiration of the founda- twenty- four month period, in the event the building is to remain permanently at this location, all permits required under this code for the con- struction of the foundation and the installation of all other facili- ties to complete the building on its permanent location, shall be obtained from the Building Official." (j) Section 1807 is amended as follows: "Special Provisions for High Rise Buildings." Section 1807(a) is amended to read: (a) "Scope. Buildings having floors used for human occupancy located more than 75 feet above or below the lowest level of Fire Department vehicle access shall conform to the requirements of this Code." entirety. 1807(m) Section in addition to other applicable requirements of this Section 1807(b), "Compartmentation" is deleted in its The heading and introductory first paragraph of Section is amended as follows: "m" "Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems. Every high Housing Group B, Division 2 Occupancies used primarily rise building, o as office and Group R, Division 1 Occupancies shall be protected by an automatic sprinkler system designed in accordance with the follow- ing:" (k) Section 1907 is amended to read: "Special Provisions for High Rise Buildings." Section 1907. Type 11-F.R. Buildings shall comply with the special provisions on high rise buildings in Section 1807, as amended. (1) A new Section 2313 is added to read as follows: "Section 2313 Geological or Flood Hazards. If in the opinion of the Building Director, a structure to be used for human habitation or occupancy is proposed to be located such that it would be subject to geological or flood hazards or mud slide, to the extent that it would endanger human life or safety, a permit to construct shall be denied, unless corrective work satisfactory to the Building Director can be done to eliminate or sufficiently reduce the hazard. No structures shall be permitted where prohibited under the City flood plain ordinance." "The Building Director in formulating his opinion as to the extent of the hazard may take into consideration such data as is available from federal, state, and local agencies, having infor- mation and knowledge relative to such hazardous conditions. He may require applicants to furnish geological and/or engineering studies, reports and recommendations for corrective work, sufficient to establish the safety of the proposed structure, and for which a qualified registered geologist and/or engineer shall assume full responsibility." (m) Section 2604(c) (2)G is amended, to add the following paragraph: EXCEPTION: The Soil Engineer stipulated in Chapter 70 Appendix, may substitute approved alternate methods of construction for requirements of this Section and Section 2604(c) (2)F. (n) Section 2905 is amended by adding a second paragraph to subsection 2905(a) to read: 7 o "All perimeter concrete or masonry foundations or foun- dation walls for buildings of Group R Occupancies, including garage attached, shall be reinforced with a minimum of two continuous one- half inch reinforcing bars. One bar shall be placed two inches from the top and the other bar three inches from the bottom of the foun- dation or foundation wall." (o) Section 3802(b) (8) is amended to read: 8. Throughout all new buildings having a total floor area more than 10,000 square feet, area separation walls notwithstanding. The respective area and height increases specified in Sections 506 and 507 shall be permitted and other reasonable reduction of other fire protection requirements may be permitted as specified in this Code when in the opinion of the Building Official and the Fire Chief, the level of fire protection required is substantially maintained. EXCEPTION: Buildings primarily used as R occupancy, two stories and under. (p) Section 3802(b) 9 is amended to read: 9. Throughout all new buildings containing a Group A-l, or A-2, or A-2.1 Occupancy in any portion of the building. (q) Section 3802(b) is further amended by adding a new para- graph 12 to read: 12. Existing Buildings. In buildings where a full auto- matic sprin ler protection system exists and where said buildings undergo remodeling and/or alterations or additions, the automatic sprinkler system shall be kept in good operable condition and be extended to include additions, area separation walls notwithstanding. In buildings where an automatic sprinkler system does not exist and the floor area is increased 50 percent or more and the floor area exceeds 10,000 square feet before or after the addition and/or where the total occupancy load of the building is increased 50 percent or more and the building total floor area exceeds 10,000 square feet before or after the occupancy load increase, an automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout the total building. (r) Section 1313(f) of the Appendix is amended by adding thereto the following: "The exceptions stated in paragraph (i) of this section shall apply." (s) Section 4901 of the Appendix is amended by amending the last sentence thereof to read as follows: "Patio covers shall be used only for recreational, out- door living purposes and as carports but not as garages, storage rooms or habitable rooms." (t) Section 7002, Appendix, is amended by adding a second paragraph to read: "The Building Official may, after acceptance and approval of a civil engineer's report, waive or modify any requirement of this Chapter if he determines the modification or waiver will pro- vide for the public safety and will not violate good construction practices." Section 7002 is further amended by substituting the word "approvals" for the words "issuance of permits." (u) The heading of Section 7003 is amended to read: "Approvals Required." Section 7003 is amended by substituting the words "an approval" for the words "a grading permit." (v) Subsections (a), (b), and to read as follows: Approval Requirements (c) of Section 7006 are amended Section 7006(a) Approval Required. Except as exempted in Section 7003 of this Code, no person shall do any grading without first obtaining approval from the Building Official. A separate approval shall be required for each site, and may cover both exca- vations and fills. (b) Application. The application for approval shall be in the form of a preliminary report indicating grading work to be done. (c) Plans and Specifications. When required by the Building Official, each application for approval shall be accom- panied by two sets of plans and specifications, and supporting data consisting of a soil engineering report and engineering geology report. The plans and specifications shall be prepared an~ signed by a civil engineer when required by the Building Official. In Section 7012(d) substitute the words "Public Works for "Building Official and/or other appropriate jurisdic- (w) Director" tion." (x) In Section 7014(a) substitute the words "an approval" for the words "a permit." In Section 7014(b) add the words "and for new subdivisions" after the words "cubic yards" and the word "applicant" for "permittee." (y) In Section 7015(b) substitute the word "applicant" for the word "permittee" and add the following paragraph: "The Building Director of the City of Bakersfield shall not approve any building permit on any lot within any new subdivi- sion until the final grading report as required has been submitted to him, approved by him, and final grading report certificate, signed and issued by the City Engineer, has been recorded with the County Recorder of Kern County." (z) A new Section 7016 is added to read: "Section 7016. Preliminary Soil Report (a) A preliminary soil report, prepared by a soil engineer, shall be made of every new subdivision. This report shall be based upon adequate test borings, excavations, soil and chemical tests approved by the Building Official. EXCEPTION: The Building Official may waive the require- ments for a preliminary soil report if he determines there is adequate knowledge available to the department of the soil qualities of the particular subdivision or lot." "(b) Corrective Action Recommendations. If the pre- liminary soil report indicates the presence of critically expansive soils, soil sulfate or other soil problems which, if not corrected, 10. would lead to structural defects, the soils engineer in his report shall recommend corrective action to prevent structural damage to each building or structure proposed to be constructed on the soil investigated. Required corrective work shall be done under permit and in compliance with all applicable provisions of this Code. SECTION 5. That Chapter 13.30 of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 13.30 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE Sections: 13.30.010 Adoption of Uniform Mechanical Code by Reference 13.30.020 Certain Provisions of Uniform Mechanical Code Deleted 13.30.030 Modifications of Uniform Mechanical Code 13.30.010 Adoption of Uniform Mechanical Code by Reference. Except as hereinafter provided that certain Uniform Mechanical Code known and designated as the "Uniform Mechanical Code, 1976 Edition," which Code was sponsored and copyrighted by the International Con- ference of Building Officials and the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, three copies of which are filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, for use and examination by the public, and each portion and provision thereof is hereby adopted by reference as modified and amended in this chapter, and is hereby declared to be the Mechanical Code of the City of Bakersfield for the purpose of regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, use, height and maintenance of all structures and certain equipment therein specifically regulated, within the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield, and providing for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees thereof. 13.30.020 Certain Provisions of Uniform Mechanical Code Deleted. The following sections of the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1976 Edition, are hereby deleted: 11. Section 202, Violation and Penalty Section 203, Board of Appeals Section 303(b), Expiration of Permit Section 304(1), Permit Issuance Fee 13.30.030 Modifications of Uniform Mechanical Code. The follow- ing sections of the Uniform Mechanical Code are amended to read as follows: (a) Section 302 is amended by amending the first paragraph of subsection (b) thereof, to read: "(b) Plans and Specifications. When required by the Building Official for the enforcement of any provisions of this Code, plans and specifications for the installation of comfort heating systems, comfort cooling systems, absorption systems, ventilation systems and hoods, shall be submitted. Items 22 and 23 are hereby added to Section 304, as (b) follows: 22. New Single Family Dwellings and Apartment Units. 0 - 1800 sq. ft. $13.00 1800+ sq. ft. 18.00 23. Combination Heating and Refrigeration Unit. Less than 100,000 BTU heating, less than 3-ton refrigeration $ 8.00 More than 100,000 BTU hearing, more than 3-ton refrigeration 14.00 (c) Section 710 is modified by adding a second paragraph to subsection (e) to read as follows: "EXCEPTION: A platform shall not be required for an appliance serving a Group "R-3" or "M" occupancy or serving a maxi- mum of three dwelling units of a Group "R-l" occupancy of one story in height." That Chapter SECTION 6. 13.40 of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as follows: 12. Chapter 13.40 UNIFORM SIGN CODE Sections: 13.40.010 13.40.020 13.40.030 13.40.040 13.40.050 13.40.060 13.40.070 13.40.080 Adoption of Uniform Sign Code by Reference Certain Sections of Uniform Sign Code Deleted Exemptions to Permit Requirements Fees for Permits Plan Checking Fees Modifications of Uniform Sign Code Restriction as to Zoning Regulations Construction - Approval of City Council 13.40.010 Adoption of Uniform Sign Code by Reference. Except as hereinafter provided that certain Uniform Sign Code known and designated as the Uniform Sign Code, 1976 Edition, sponsored and copyrighted by the International Conference of Building Officials, as modified and amended in this Chapter, three copies of which are filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield for use and examination by the public, is hereby adopted by refer- ence and is hereby declared to be the Sign Code of the City of Bakersfield for the purpose of regulating the construction, main- tenance, use and removal of signs. 13.40.020 Certain Sections of uniform Sign Code Deleted. The following provisions are hereby deleted from the Sign Code: Section Section Section Section 103(c), Board of Appeals 103(d), Violations and Penalties 301, Electrical Permits Required 303, Exemptions (last sentence) Section 304, Fees 13.40.030 Exemptions to Permit Requirement. The following signs shall not require a sign permit. These exceptions shall not be con- strued as relieving the owner of the sign from the responsibility of its erection and maintenance under this Chapter and compliance by the owner with the provisions of this Chapter or any other appli- cable law or ordinance regulating the same. (1) The changing of the advertising copy or message on a painted or printed sign only. Except for theater marquees and similar signs specifically designed for the use of replaceable copy, electric signs shall not be included in this exception. 13. (2) Painting, repainting or cleaning of an advertising struc- ture or the changing of the advertising copy or message thereon shall not be considered an erection or alteration which requires sign permit unless a structural change is made. (3) Signs less than six feet above grade. (4) Real estate signs not exceeding twelve square feet in area which advertise the sale, rental or lease of the premises upon which said signs are located. (5) Professional name plates not exceeding two square feet in area. (6) Bulletin boards not over twelve square feet in area for public, charitable or religious institutions when the same are located on the premises of said institutions. (7) Signs denoting the architect, engineer or contractor when placed upon work under construction and not exceeding twelve square feet in area. (8) Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and date of erection when cut into masonry surface, or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials. (9) Signs of public service companies indicating danger, and aids to service or safety. (10) Small portable signs under twelve square feet inside or outside a building, not over public property. (11) Construction signs for duration of construction project in residential area. 13.40.040 Fees for Permits. paid to the building official as No. 3-A. A fee for each sign permit shall be set forth in the Schedule Table 14. TABLE 3-A BUILDING PERMIT FEES Total Valuation $1 to $500 $501 to $2,200 $2,001 to $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $100,001 and up Fee $5 $5 for the first $500 plus $1 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 $20 for the first $2,000 plus $4 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000. $112 for the first $25,000 plus $3 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof to and including $50,000 $187 for the first $50,000 plus $2 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $287 for the first $100,000 plus $1.50 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof 13o40.050 Plan Checking Fees. in accordance with Section 303(b) amended. Plan Checking fees shall be paid of the Uniform Building Code as 13.40.060 Modifications of Uniform Sign Code. (a) Table No. 4-B is amended as follows: TABLE NO. 4-B PROJECTION OF SIGNS Clearance Less than 8 feet 8 feet 8 to 16 feet Over 16 feet Maximum Projection Not permitted 1 foot 1 foot plus 6 inches for each foot of clearance in excess of 8 feet At least 2 feet back of curb line (b) Table No. 4-C is amended as follows: TABLE NO. 4-C THICKNESS OF PROJECTING SIGN Projection Maximum Thickness 5 feet + 2 feet 4 feet 2 feet 6 inches 3 feet 3 feet 2 feet 3 feet 6 inches 1 foot 4 feet 13.40.070 Restriction as to Zoning Regulations. All signs shall comply with the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield. (Zoning Regulations) 13.40.080 Construction - Approval of City Council. No permit for any sign exceeding a height of fifty feet from ground level shall be issued without prior approval of the City Council. SECTION 7. That Chapter 13.60 of Title 13 City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to of the Municipal Code of the read as follows: Sections: Chapter 13.60 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 13.60.010 13.60.020 13.60.030 13.60.040 13.60.050 13.60.060 13.60.070 13.60.080 13.60.090 13.60.100 Adoption of Uniform Plumbing Code by Reference Modifications and Deletions of Uniform Plumbing Code Administration and Enforcement by Building Director Rules and Regulations Nonliability of City for Damages Issuance of Permit Not Authority for Violations Corrections of Error Permit Duration Special Owner's Permit Schedule of Fees 13.60.010 Adoption of Uniform Plumbing Code by Reference. Except as herein otherwise provided, that certain Plumbing Code, known and designated as the "Uniform Plumbing Code, 1976 Edition," 16. with appendices A through I), sponsored and copyrighted by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, three copies of which have heretofore been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield for use and examination by the public, is hereby adopted by reference and enacted as the Plumbing Code of the City of Bakersfield, for the purposes stated therein. 13.60.020 Modifications and Deletions of Uniform Plumbing Code. The following sections of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1976 Edition, and amended as provided here- as adopted by reference, are modified with: (A) Section 609 (Cooling Water) is amended to read as follows: "609 (a) Water which has been used as a cooling medium in any cooler, appliance, device or other apparatus, shall not be connected to the drainage system on the premises where the cooler, appliance, device or other apparatus is located and used, nor shall the water be in any manner discharged into the sanitary sewer system of the City of Bakersfield, provided, however, that water which has been used as a cooling medium in any cooler, appliance, device or other apparatus, must be disposed of in a manner approved by the Building Director of the City of Bakersfield. (b) All connections heretofore made or existing at the time of the effective date of the ordinance codified herein, as mentioned in this section, shall be disconnected from the sanitary sewer system of the City of Bakersfield and the discharge of water from the coolers, appliances, devices and other apparatus, shall be effected in a manner approved by the Building Director." (B) Section 903 is amended by adding a paragraph as follows: "Overflows are required on all bathtub installations." Section 1008(c) (Installation of Water Piping) is amended to (c) read as follows: "1008(c) concrete slab or in the ground No water piping shall be installed within a under a concrete slab of a building. 17. (D) Add the following paragraph and tables to Appendix I-4 (b) to read: In order to determine the absorption qualities of ques- tionable soils the proposed site shall be subjected to percolation tests made in accordance with the U.S. Public Health Service test procedure (Manual of Septic-Tank Practice, Part I). For purposes of standardization, the following table shall be used to correlate percolation rates with Uniform Plumbing Code soil types: Percolation Rate Minutes/Inch UPC Soil Type Less than 1 1 1 to 3 2 3r to 10 3 10T to 25 4 25~ to 60* 5 Greater than 60 Unacceptable *Unacceptable for seepage pits. UPC Soil Type in Disposal Area Required Minimum Size Of Disposal Site (Square Feet)* 1 2,000 2 2,500 3 4,500 4 9,000 5 16,000 *Exclusive of any areas which are unsuited for disposal system installation in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code and these standards. 18. EXCEPTIONS: If required by structural conditions, water piping may be installed in chases, sleeves, ducts, or may be pro- tected by an approved pipe wrapping material with the prior approval of the administrative authority in accordance with the following requirements: (1) approved type, Ferrous piping shall have a protective coating of an machine applied and conforming to recognized stan- dards. Field wrapping shall provide equivalent protection and is restricted to those short sections and fittings necessarily stripped for threading. Zinc coating (galvanized) shall not be deemed adequate protection for piping or fittings. (2) Copper tubing shall be protected per paragraph (1) and shall be installed without joints where possible. Where joints are permitted they shall be brazed and fittings shall be wrought copper." 13.60.030 Administration and Enforcement by Building Director. Whenever used in the Uniform Plumbing Code, the terms "Administrative Authority" and/or "Plumbing Official" mean the duly appointed and acting Building Director of the City of Bakersfield, his duly authorized representative, or such persons as hereafter may be authorized by law to perform the duties now being performed by that official in the City of Bakersfield. 13.60.040 Rules and Regulations. The Building Director may pro- mulgate rules and regulations, subject to the approval of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, not in conflict with the pro- visions hereof, to facilitate the enforcement and administration of the Uniform Plumbing Code. 13.60.050 Nonliability of City for Damages. This Chapter shall not be construed as imposing on the City of Bakersfield or its officers or employees any liability for damage resulting from defective plumbing work; nor shall the City of Bakersfield or its officers or employees be held to assume any such liability by reasons of the inspections authorized hereunder. 19. 13.60.060 Issuance of Permit Not Authority for Violations. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and/or specifi- cations shall not be deemed or construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code. No permit or approval presuming to give authority to violate or can- cel the provisions of this code shall be valid except insofar as the work or use which it authorizes is lawful. 13.60.070 Corrections of Error. The issuance of a permit upon approval of plans and specifications shall not permit the Building Director from thereafter requiring the correction of error in the plans and specifications or from preventing construction or installa- tion operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of this code or of any other ordinances or from revoking any permit or certificate of approval when issued in error. 13.60.080 Permit Duration. Every permit issued by the Building Director under the provisions of this code shall expire by limita- tion and become null and void, if the work authorized by the permit is not commenced within one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of the permit, or, if the work authorized by the permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days, before the work can be recommenced a new permit shall be first obtained to do so. 13.60.090 Special Owner's Permit. The Building Director may issue to an individual a special owner's permit authorizing the individual to do the plumbing or drainage work in, on or about a building of which the individual is the owner; provided, that no plumbing or drainage work authorized under any such special owner's permit shall be done, nor shall the owner holding any such permit allow any such work to be done, except personally by the owner to whom the permit is issued, or by a member of his immediate family; the issuance of such permit shall conform to the State Contractors License Law; and if this or any other provision hereof shall be violated by the holder of the special owner's permit, the permit shall be subject to immediate cancellation by the Building Director, and the holder thereof shall be liable to the penalty provided for violations in this Title. 20. 13.60.100 Schedule of Fees. Plumbing permit fees shall be paid to the Building Director as set forth in the Schedule of Fees as printed in the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1976 Edition. In lieu of this Schedule and where new dwelling units are plumbed the following schedule may be used: 1. NEW DWELLING UNITS 1 - bathroom . 2 - bathrooms. 3 - bathrooms. 4 - bathrooms. 5 - bathrooms. fee of fees where $12.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 A permit fee of $3.00 for each building and a sewer line $5.00 for each building must be charged in addition to these such new dwelling unit schedule is used. That Chapter the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as Sections: 13.64.010 13.64.020 13.64.030 SECTION 8. 13.64 of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of follows: Chapter 13.64 UNIFORM HOUSING CODE Uniform Housing Code Adopted by Reference Certain Provisions of Uniform Housing Code Deleted Modification of Uniform Housing Code 13.64.010 Uniform Housing Code Adopted by Reference. Except as herein otherwise provided, that certain Housing Code known and designated as the "Uniform Housing Code, 1976 Edition," sponsored and copyrighted by the International Conference of Building Officials, three copies of which have been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, for use and examination by the public, is hereby adopted by reference, as modified and amended in this Chapter, and is hereby declared to be the Housing Code of the City of Bakersfield, for the purpose of providing requirements for the protection of life, limb, health, property, and safety and welfare of the general public and the owners and occupants of residential buildings. 21. 13.64.020 Certain Provisions of Uniform Housing Code Deleted. The following sections of the Uniform Housing Code, 1976 Edition, are not adopted as part of this ordinance and are hereby deleted. Section 203, Housing Advisory and Appeals Board Section 204, Violations Section 502(b), Yards Section 502(d), Projection into Yards 13.64.030 Modification of Uniform Housing Code. The following sections of the Uniform Housing Code, 1976 Edition, are amended as follows: Section 201 is amended by adding subsection (b) thereto, as follows: (b) County Health Officer. The enforcement of this Housing Code by the Building Director shall not prevent the enforcement of the State Housing Law and applicable regulations by the County Health Officer. Section 203 Section 203 is added to read as follows: Housing Advisory, Finance and Appeals Board. The Board created by Chapter 1.86 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, known as the Housing Advisory, Finance and Appeals Board, shall have the power and duty to provide for final inter- pretation of the provisions of the Uniform Housing Code, 1976 Edition, and to hear appeals provided for thereunder. That Chapter the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as SECTION 9. 13.66 of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of follows: Sections: 13.66.010 13.66.020 13.66.030 Chapter 13.66 UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS Uniform Code For The Abatement of Dangerous Buildings Adopted by Reference Certain Provisions of the Uniform Code For The Abatement of Dangerous Buildings Deleted Modification of Uniform Code For The Abatement of Dangerous Buildings 22. 13.66.010 Uniform Code For The Abatement of Dangerous Buildings Adopted by Reference. Except as herein otherwise provided, that certain Code entitled "Uniform Code For The Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1976 Edition," sponsored and copyrighted by the Inter- national Conference of Building Officials, three copies of which have been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield for use and examination by the public, is adopted by reference and enacted as the Uniform Code For The Abatement of Dangerous Buildings of the City of Bakersfield, for the purpose stated therein with the excep- tions and subject to the amendments and deletions of the provisions thereof hereinafter in this Chapter provided. 13.66.020 Certain Provisions of Uniform Code For The Abatement of Dangerous Buildings Deleted. The following provisions are hereby deleted from the Uniform Code For The Abatement of Dangerous Build- ings, 1976 Edition: Section 203, Violations Section 205, Board of Appeals 13.66.030 Modification of Uniform Code For The Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. (a) Section 201 is amended by the addition of a second para- graph to subsection (a) to read as follows: "The enforcement of this Uniform Code for the abatement of Dangerous Buildings by the Building Official shall not prevent the enforcement of the State Housing Law by the County Health Officer. (b) Section 801(a) is amended to read as follows: (a) Procedure. "When any work or demolition is to be done pursuant to Section 701(c) 3 of this Code, the Building Official, who shall, for the purposes of Chapters 8 and 9, be known as the Director, shall cause the work to be accomplished by private contract under his direction. Plans and specifications therefor may be pre- pared by said Director, or he may employ such architectural and engineering assistance on a contract basis as he may deem reasonably necessary. Standard City of Bakersfield contractual procedures shall be followed." 23. (c) Section 802(a) is amended to read as follows: (a) General. "The City Council shall establish a special fund to be designated as the Repair and Demolition Fund. Payments shall be made out of said fund upon the demand of the Director to defray the costs and expenses which may be incurred by the City in causing to be done the necessary work of repair or demolition of dangerous buildings." (d) Section 901 is amended to read as follows: 901 Account of Expense; Filing of Report; Contents. The Building Official shall keep an itemized account of the expense incurred by the city in the repair or demolition of any building done pursuant to the provisions of Section 701(c)3 of this Code. Upon completion of the work of repair or demolition, said Director shall prepare and file with the City Clerk a report specifying the work done, the itemized and total cost of the work, a description of the real property upon which the building or structure is or was located and the names and addresses of the persons entitled to notice pursu- ant to subsection (c) of Section 401. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall become effective thirty days from and after the date of its passage. .......... o0o .......... 24. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 11~h day of October , 1978, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIt ',.'~EN BARTON, CHRISTENSEN, CITY C a erk of Council of the City of Bakersfield the APPROVED this ~th day of October y of Bakersfieldi~ , 1978 APPROVED as to form: CItY ATTORNEY of th~i%yf~f Bakersfield STATE OF CAL/FORNIA, 1 County of Kern ss. H. E. BERGEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that or~ .......................................................Q..q.~..o....b...~._r.....~:.~ ................................., 19..~.~... he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the CounciI of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ......... .l~.Q.~_.o..~..~.~....~.~ ............................................, 19..ZB..., which ordinance was numbere~ .............~J.5~ ...............New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING PORTIONS OF TITLE 13, INCLUDING CHAPTERS 13.01, 13.04, 13.16, 13.30, 13.40, 13.60, 13.65 AND 13.66, CONCERNING BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS: ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1976 EDITION, AND THE APPENDIX THERETO, THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, 1976 EDITION, AND THE APPENDIX THERETO, THE UNIFORM SIGN CODE, 1976 EDITION, THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1976 EDITION, AND APPENDICES A THROUGH H THERETO, THE UNIFORM HOUSING CODE, 1976 EDITION AND THE UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, 1976 EDITION. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .!2.Z.h...... day of .....Oc.J~.O]~.~.~ ..............,19.