April 9, 2007
1. Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call:County:
2. Present: Mr. Sprague, Ms. Wayne, Mr. Belluomini, Ms.
Babcock, Mr. James, Ms. Oviate, Mr. Divelbisc
Absent: Ms. Pitts
Present: Commissioners Lomas, Blockley, Johnson,
McGinnis, Spencer, Tkac
Absent: Commissioner Tragish
3. Opening Remarks by Chair Peter Belluomini:
None other than this meeting is an introduction and a meeting of information from
4. Opening Remarks by Chair Barbara Lomas:
Chairman Lomas _____ inaudible…..
5. Public Statements:
David Dominguez from Chumash Council of Bakersfield thanked them for
allowing attendance. He stated his concern is how the City and the County is
going to address cultural resources and making them better, and having policies
addressed and having better affluent talks to make sure that their concerns are
addressed, and to even allow some education to go on as far as Senate Bill 18 is
concerned. He stated that he thinks communication needs to be a little bit more
brought up, and would like to see more talking going on.
6. Business Items:
A. Joint Workshop – Metropolitan General Plan Update:
Mr. James explained that Staff would be making a Power Point
presentation to set the stage for the duties in subsequent meetings. He
stated this is an effort to the Metropolitan General Plan. He identified the
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project team as Laurlyle Oviat with the County will be the project manager,
Jim Movius with the City of Bakersfield, Jim Eggert with the City of
Bakersfield and Karen Northcutt, a private consultant, will be assisting
both the County and City.
Mr. James pointed out that Vision 20/20, represented by Sheryl Barbich,
will be involved in this program. He also pointed out that the Kern Council
of Governments is a partner in this program as well and that there will be a
project consultant, but that individual has not been selected as of today.
Jim Movius explained the purpose of the update, pointing out that the
General Plan is at the top of the hierarchy providing the community’s
development goals and policies, as well as being the foundation for land
use decisions that are made by the Planning Commission, County Council
and Board of Supervisors.
Mr. Movius explained that there are seven required elements of the GP
and the ones that get the most attention are the land use and circulation
elements, and the other elements are more of a support role but are
important conservation deals with agricultural uses, open space policies.
He stated that the housing element is a specialized element and is on a
separate tract and needs to be approved according to State regulations by
June 2008, and will not be under consideration at this time, but will be
under a separate tract. He explained that additional elements include
public service and facility elements and the Kern River Plan element.
He said the GP was last updated in 2002 and there were more than 33
miles of trails planned along the Kern River. He stated that the planning
area is 408 sq. miles which is a large planning area, and right now there is
121 sq. miles, of which 30% of that is within the City of Bakersfield, and
the city’s sphere of influence of 308 sq. miles in size which is 75% of that
planning area.
Mr. Movius stated that the value of joint planning provides for open
communication between agencies. He stated there is a lot of consistency
between development standards, but there are some inconsistencies, and
they are looking at the best way to do things to bring it to consistent
developmental policies. They also have consistent mitigation strategies
whether in the County of City, concerning habitat and transportation.
Another value to joint planning is consistent inventories of what they have
and what they’re planning for, as well as infrastructure planning. Mr.
Movius commented there is some cost sharing.
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Mr. Movius showed a map of what the County and City have right now as
far as different land use classifications. They are also concerned with the
experience on the ground concerning pedestrian activity, mixed uses, etc.
Mr. Movius further commented that they are adding about 14,000 people a
year, and developing about three sq. miles a year. He stated that the
density is about 2,500 persons per square mile, and they are looking at
possible ways to increase that densification and ways to encourage that.
Since the last GP update in 2002, they have issued 17,000 single family
building permits. They figure they will reach their population goals before
they thought they would reach them because of the recent growth, and it
is expected to reach a population of 500,000 people by 2020.
Mr. Movius commented that one value of the GP is the CEQA document,
which is a master look at all of the environmental impacts of build out of
the planning area, or expected growth within the planning area.
He stated that many goals and policies have been implemented and they
are realizing what is working and what is not.
He stated that the objectives of the GP is to provide guidelines for
decisions effecting the character of the future land uses in the GP area, by
providing an official statement of the community’s physical development,
as well as economic, social, environmental and quality of life issues. The
GP allows any member of the community to know what is expected of
their government and developers. The GP is a document that can be
used in both jurisdictions as a shared document for consistent
Karen Northcutt discussed about the process and project schedule. She
stated that they are estimating that to get through the EIR review and
adoption process will take between 18 and 24 months. She stated that
are starting one of four phases, which are not linear as things will be
happening in phase two while things in phase one are going on. She
commented that they divided the work effort into four general phases so
that it’s grouping the type of activities.
Ms. Northcutt explained that phase one is the report card of where they
are today. She stated they are going to start it with a series of public
community workshops which will be held during the month of May. She
stated that Vision 20/20 will be facilitating that series of workshops
because of their previous success in that effort back before the previous
GP was adopted. She stated also in these May meetings they will be
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looking at where they want to be in the future for the remaining 25% land
area in metro Bakersfield that has not been developed.
Ms. Northcutt stated that the time frame for phase one is about six
months, but also during that time they will have started the GP document
preparation so the consultant will be able to take information from the
initial series of workshops and developing goals, objectives, policies and
new changes to the text of the GP, and will also be helping to develop the
land use alternatives.
She indicated that phase two is preparing the draft General Plan Update,
and that will involve meetings with joint bodies and will verify the
communication that has been provided and the direction given by the
public. She indicate that the culmination of phase two will be a draft
General Plan which will be used for the CEQA process, and after the
entire CEQA process it will be adopted through a hearing, and throughout
this process the public will be able to participate and the Planning
Commissioner jointly will have an opportunity to participate as well.
Ms. Northcutt stated that the CEQA process is a time consuming
component. She said there will be a scoping meeting during the
preparation process, and then there will be an adequacy hearing which
will be another opportunity for the public to participate and will be held
during the time that the draft EIR and draft GP is out for the 45 day review.
She also stated that the public will have an opportunity to provide
comments on the draft EIR and draft GP update, and then the staff and
consultant team will review the comments, make changes to the EIR and
draft GP and that will be the document that is forwarded to the PC and
County Planning for adoption. She concluded by stating that the City
Council and Board of Supervisors will have their own separation adoption
Mr. James pointed out that attorney Bruce Stibelbeiss with the County is
present, as well as attorney Bob Sherfy with the City.
Mr. James explained the roll of the Planning Commissions. He stated as
they go forward they want to provide sufficient opportunities for public
input. He stated in addition to the joint meetings there will be four
community workshops that will be scheduled.
Sheryl Barbich with Vision 20/20 stated it is very important to continue the
visioning of the community. They will continue to solicit comments, and
prioritize the concerns of the citizens.
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Mr. James indicated that as their consultant comes on board they will be
able to do better scheduling and make it available on the website.
Public comments now taken, Julie Culfers, Senior Health Education
Specialist for HealthNet and chair of Get Moving Kern. She stated that Get
Moving Kern is a community coalition that has a vision that Kern County
will be a community that embraces healthy eating and active living. She
stated that the city and county have an opportunity to make this vision a
reality through this update.
Louise Brewer, registered nurse at CCI, stated she sees too many blocked
cells where there’s too many prisoners who are competing for space, and
when the city and county look at the values of protecting the environment,
community values, regional strategy, and conservation they should look at
the disappearance of orchards where FHA are effected. She would like
the planners to take into consideration the people around the surrounding
area that still want to live that kind of lifestyle so that there can be a happy
environment between city and rural.
Public comments concluded at this time.
The meeting was opened for commissioner comments.
Mr. Sprague commented that there was no mention made of LAFCO, and
thinks it would be interesting to see their comments so they can see the
sphere of influence and where projections are going, and let the public
know where the transportation issues stand. Mr. Sprague mentioned that
he thinks they should take into account what other cities have done in
regards to new types of suburbanism and walkable communities.
Commissioner Wayne welcomed the City Planning Commissioners. She
commented that one reason the initial Vision 20/20 was so successful is
because the city council representative and the member of the Board of
Supervisors for each of those areas was present to kick off the meeting,
and she would like to see invitations go out to each of the policymakers
and each of the commissioners so that they can be present and be
involved. She commented that there are only four scheduled, and there
are five supervisorial districts, with seven wards, and inquired how they
were selected and is there an opportunity to add more. Mr. James(??)
responded that they were selected because of the four quadrants of the
Bakersfield Metropolitan area. He stated that if they need amend their
process to create other forums they are cognizant of that and will respond.
He stated that Ms. Wayne’s comments about making sure the
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policymakers are aware of the forums is a good one, and they will make
sure that each of the City Councilpersons, as well as the Board of
Supervisors are aware of those. He stated that their intent is to widely use
the media as well.
Commissioner Wayne inquired if there is a group that is watching tonight,
or reads about this, and wants to have an opportunity to have input, other
than the website, is it a possibility that they could call for a meeting, or will
they be restricted to the four. Mr. James responded that if there is a
group that would like staff to come and talk with them, and solicit comment
they will respond to that.
Commissioner Johnson thanked both the city and county for facilitating
this meeting, and also thanked those from the community who spoke.
Commissioner Tkac reiterated what he has heard over his nine years on
the City PC as concerns from the community. He stated that he wants to
keep this a business friendly community. He stated there is a lot of
controversy about traffic, and the pollution, and he hopes that they are
able to sufficiently take funds from federal and/or state to help our
community with pollution. He stated that moving our traffic would help the
pollution issues. He commented the process and time it took to get
Seventh Standard Road approved took a ridiculous amount of time. He
said that beltways and traffic will make this a much nicer place. He said
that he thinks we have some sprawl and need to look at more infill. He
suggested maybe giving incentives for the infill. Commissioner Tkac
stated we need to keep industry here, and some of the plans can push
away business. He suggested that perhaps since the Sierra Club is
getting some money that perhaps they could subside the solar panels. He
stated that they need to make decisions about eminent domain to move
our roads because our pollution problem is going to get worse, and our
population is going to get worse unless we address these things.
Commissioner Tkac further commented that he has also heard about trails
and the river and keeping our trees. He stated with regard to agriculture,
no farmer in their right mind wants to sell their property unless they are
getting a better price for it than they are for the product they are selling.
He stated that he would like to keep the farm land as well, but it is up to
the individual farmer as to whether he wants to make a profit. He stated
that they also hear that nobody wants to pay more taxes.
Commissioner Tkac further pointed out that Sheryl Barbich is a tireless
champion and a cute cheerleader for our town.
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Commissioner Spencer stated he helped make the first General Plan. He
stated his areas of concerns are including an ag boundary between urban
uses and farming uses. He stated he wants them to get down on the
circulation element, and do not come up with a firm agenda as to where
it’s going to be located. He reiterated establishing the sphere of influence
that does not necessitate urban development, but rather protect urban
development from occurring unnecessarily without urban services first.
Commissioner Spencer stated that he would like staff on both sides to be
concerned as to whom they have as a consultant for this project so that
the consultant is very familiar with Kern County and the City of
Commissioner Blockley congratulated the staff for taking this on. He
stated he feels this will be a real benefit to our community. He commented
that land use will address sprawl as well as circulation, and the cost
involved. He further said that open space addresses sprawl, and
preserving ag land issue will also be addressed in this element.
Commissioner McGinnis stated that he would like to get together with a
more united approach, and while talking is a good place to start, action is
what needs to be done as one group/body.
Mr. Babcock stated his sentiments are echoed. He stated that of the
seven required elements, in his mind, the circulation is the most important
for this county and city. He stated that Kern County has been behind for
years with the inability to fund. He stated that while there are funds set
aside for parks, there is no money to maintain them. He commented that
the challenge is funding mechanisms. Mr. Babcock encouraged residents
to talk to their local leaders, business people, and hopefully have some
workshops that parallel this plan in ways that rethink how they are going to
fund these programs. Mr. Babcock stated that with regard to ag
conversion a person has the right to do what they want with their
properties, and possibly with the ethanol plants there will be more
economical value to farming, as well as assist in our pollution issues. Mr.
Babcock stated that more sewer is vitally important.
7. Closing Comments by Chair Peter Belluomini:
Mr. Belluomini echoed previous comments.
Mr. James commented that attached to the agenda is the upcoming community
workshops that will begin in May.
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8. Closing Comments by Chair Barbara Lomas
Commissioner Lomas thanked county staff and the commissioners. She
encouraged the public to become involved.
9. Adjournment:
Commissioner Lomas asked for a motion to adjourn.
Commissioner McGinnis moved, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adjourn.
Motion carried by group vote.
Commissioner McGinnis moved to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Tkac.
Motion carried by group vote. Meeting adjourned at 6:52pm.
JAMES D. MOVIUS, Secretary
Planning Director
June 15, 2007