HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 2444ORDINANCE NO. 2444 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING SECTION 10.16.020 OF CHAPTER 10.16 (DISCHARGING FIREARMS) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REGULATING THE USE OF FIREARMS IN THE CITY. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 10.16.020 of Chapter 10.16 (Discharging Firearms) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is amended to read as follows: 10.16.020 Purposes For Which Permit Granted--Rules and Regulations. The Chief of Police shall establish rules and regulations approved by the City Council establishing the conditions under wlhich a permit to discharge a gun will be granted. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall become effective thirty days and after the date of its passage. from .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was and adopted by the Council of the meeting thereof held on the 20th the following vote: passed City of Bakersfield at a regular day of September , 1978, by CIT~ERK a~cio Clerk of the Council of the ~ity of Bakersfield APPROVED this 2~kL1L_~ay of~_September M~bf t~4{ City of Bakersfield , 1978 APPROVED as to form: C~TY ATTORNEY of the C~ty of Bakersfield RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS WITHIN CITY LIMITS. Pursuant to Section 10.16.020 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bak~,rsfield, the following rules and regulations for the discharge of firearms within l:be City limits are hereby established: I TYPES OF PERMITS: The Shooting Permit Bakersfield for cf hunting fowl. The Ch£ef of Pelisse may also issue Special Permits (Shooting) as provided herein. II PEr, SONS TO WHOM A SHOOTING PERMIT MAY BE GRANTED: The Chief of Police lnay grant a Shooting Permit for discharging of firearms for the: purpose. of eliminating pests or hunting fowl within City limits to any landown(~r, lessee, or person designated by such landowner or lessee as being Jn control of the land, if the Chief of Po] ice determines that the discharge of firearms on such property wJ 11 not create a hazard to adjoining property or roadways. A Shooting Permit for the purpose of hunting will only be issued for agricultural. zones or open areas. IlI SPECIAL PERM1TS (SI[OOTIN(_]) : When the Chief of Police determines that there is no detriment to the public, the following Special Permits may be issued to ,7, qu;]lJfJed ~pplicant: (]) E]imin~ltion of Pests. The Chief of Police may issue a special permit authorizing any toerson who engages in the business of el im.inatin~) certain pests by the use of firearms, and who the Chief determin.~s is q%lalified to discharge a firearm on land other than land owned or leased by the applicant for the purpose of eliminating pests,tO include, but not necessarily be limited to, pests causing crop destruotion, birds creating property damage, rats, rabbits, etc. Chief of Police may issue a allowin¢l the discharge of a firearm in the City of the purpose of elim.inating pests or for the purpose (2) Esta_bli.s__h_m/!n_t~_._o_[f_Fir!_n~_j__Rg!_nge. The Chief of PolLice may issue a special permit authorizing the discharge of firearms within the City of Bakersfield to any person, club or organization for the purpose of establishing a qualified firing range. Said firing range must have proper safety features' and be so located so as to minimize public danger and must follow rules and regulations as to hours of operation, as specified by the Chief of Police~ so as not to CONDITIONS OF be a public nuisance., authorize others using eharqe a firearm. PERM iTS: The Such a permit would the facility to dis-. Shooting Permit or Special Permit (Shooting) shall specify the location and the conditions under which firearms may be discharged; the period for which the permit is valid; the time during which firearms may be discharged; the type(s) of firearm(s) and ammunition for which the permit is issued; and any other limitations the Chief of Police may deem appropriate. Under no circumstances will hunting be authorized by other than shotgun with specified size pellets no larger than number six. V AGENTS AND GUESTS OF PERMITTEE: Any person to whom a Shootinsi Permit is issued may authorize agents, or, if applicable, guests to discharge firearms upon that property for which the per- mJt is inrq]ed. It shall be the obli,jation of the permittee to assure thaf the conditions of the permit are not violated. All agents or guests will hay© [n their of the p(~rmittee. vl REVOCATION OF PERMIT: possession the written permission In addition to the remedies provided in Section 10.16.010 of the Municipal Code, any violation of the conditions of any permit issued pursuant to these rules and regulations shall result in immediate revocation of the permit. VII LIABilIq~Y 0[:' PE~%~4IT HOi,DiU~: The qr;]nting of a permit does not relieve the p~'r~i[~t, ,~ or his aq~nts or guests of any liat0ility what:~o,,w::,r c]~(: ~o l'.c:,qlLq,~t~t, c,~rc]oss or any other use or misuse reqard ~ ng the di s;charge .:Dr f.i ~-ear'~s. Furthermore, a permittee is mot act~nq as an agent of thc City of Bakersfield. The City, tts ag~,~ts and ,_~m[>loy~-c.~; ass~;mo no ]i. abll[ty in the., qrant- ing of such permits% and make no findinq as ~o the safety of the dis- charge of any firearms. VIII DEN[;iL OF PERMIT: The C'h[c~f of PolJce may deny a permit to any person wh(> has beton convicted of a felony, who has been con- vic. ted of any cr~me ~nvolving the 4se of a weapon, who has violated any of these rulers and regulations, or who is mentally or physically unfit to handle ,~ ~ irearm. IX COMP],IANCE WITH STA'I~'E /~ND [;EDI~xL I,AWS: Nothing in these rules or r,'gu].ations ~:~qall roiieve a permit holder from complyinq with any local, state or federal laws or regulations. Affibaui! of 1os ing r inan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, t County of Kern ss. H. E. BERGEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that oa ..........................................~.e.l~.Y~e. mb.e.~c._2.1 .......................................19Z8..... he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the C~uncil of said City at a mceting thereof duly held on .......... Sep. Z.exab~2....2.0 ................................, 19...7.~.., which ordinance was numbered .......... .~.4z~ .........New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING SECTION 10.16.020 OF CHAPTER 10.16 (DISCHARGING FIREARMS) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REGULATING THE USE OF FIREARMS IN THE CITY. ~ Cit y~__~~e r k Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~j MY COMMItION ~XPIRE5 JUNE 17 t979 I