HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 14, 2007 AGENDA BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT Council Chambers, City Hall Tuesday, August 14, 2007 3:00 p.m. 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 1.ROLL CALL MEMBERS: DONNA KUNZ, Chairperson PHIL BURNS RAUL ROJAS ALTERNATE MEMBERS: VINCE ZARAGOZA CHRIS LEE JACK LA ROCHELLE 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 3. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Non-Public Hearing Items: 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meetings held June 21, 2007 and July 10, 2007. B. Public Hearing Items: File No. 07-1226: 1. A zoning modification to reduce the required side yard (Ward 5) setback from 10 feet to 4 feet to allow the construction of a carport in an R-1 (One-Family Dwelling) zone district located at 7512 Dos Rios Way. (Owner / Applicant: Mark Dewey/Mark Dewey) CEQA: Exempt Note: Application has been withdrawn. File No. 07-1174: 2. Approval of a zoning modification to increase the (Ward 2) height of an existing 12-story office building from 176 feet to approximately 200 feet to permit the construction of an additional story in a C-O (Professional and Administrative Office) zone district located at 5060 California Avenue. As a courtesy to those in attendance, please turn off or silence all cell phones and pagers. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at (661) 326-3733 Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda Page 2 Meeting of August 14, 2007 (Owner / Applicant:Skarphol Associates/Moreland Corporation) CEQA: Exempt File No. 07-1372: 3. A conditional use permit to expand an existing (Ward 1) automobile dismantling business (Pick Your Part Auto Wrecking) by approximately 2.5 acres in M-1 (Light Manufacturing) and M-2 (General Manufacturing) zone districts located at 5311 S. Union Avenue. (Owner / Applicant: Pick Your Part Autp Wrecking/Gerardo and Nelly Maya) CEQA: Mitigated Negative Declaration Note: Continue to September 11, 2007. File No. 07-1276: 4. Approval of a conditional use permit to allow (Ward 3) construction of a 9,826 sq. ft. science classroom building, an approximately 2,500 sq. ft. development office, and modification of an existing parking lot on the Garces Memorial High School campus in an R- 1 (One-Family Dwelling) zone district located at 2800 Loma Linda Drive. (Owner / Applicant: Ordiz Melby Architects/Roman Catholic Diocese of Fresno) CEQA: Exempt File No. 07-1275: 5. Approval of a conditional use permit toconstruct a 13 (Ward 2) space off-site parking lot for St. Francis Church, situated approximately 130 feet north of the church in an R-3 (Multiple-Family Dwelling) zone district located 1011 Eye Street. (Owner / Applicant: Ordiz Melby Architects/Roman Catholic Diocese of Fresno) CEQA: Exempt RECOMMENDATION: Approve Consent Calendar 5. COMMUNICATIONS 6. BOARD COMMENTS 7.ADJOURNMENT __________________________________ JIM EGGERT, Assistant Planning Director