HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/01/96 BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM November 1, 1996 FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The DTSC has completed the soil sampling on Panorama. The samples will now be analyzed, and we expect to receive a draft report by mid-December. If soil remediation is necessary, the DTSC is optimistic that it can take place in the spring. Last week we reported that, by request of the LEA, we would be installing more landfill gas probes. We began the process, only to receive more probe comments from the California Integrated Waste Management Board. Because the LEA acted independently of the CIWMB, this has caused wasted time, money, and effort. We have again requested that the LEA function properly under the CIWMB in the future. Correspondence is enclosed. 2. A status report from EDCD on the Unreinforced Masonry Incentive Program is enclosed. Completion by property owners has been slow, and we may consider notifying all URM applicants that funding will terminate in Spring '97 to accelerate their decisions/actions and make any unspent funds available for higher priority downtown projects. 3. Enclosed is a very complimentary letter from the City of Los Angeles - Chief Legislative Analyst's office regarding the City's efforts on behalf of the successful passage of SB 2023, the enterprise/incentive zone bill. Particular thanks were directed to David Lyman for his contributions. 4. The CIP Status Report from Public Works for October is enclosed for your information. 5. The more things change, the more they remain the same! Enclosed you will find some articles from the 1959-60 City Annual Report. Under consideration was building the Convention Center and a streetscape (on 19th). Also involved was a then staffmember named Irma Carson. Councilmember Carson and the Convention Center look much the same - 19th Street, not so. It's interesting that 36 years later we are contemplating a streetscape and a Convention Center expansion with Councilmember Carson having a vote on each. Honorable Mayor and City Council November 1, 1996 Page 2 6. We are renewing staff efforts to simplify and make more understandable our fee recovery system. It's just too complex, time consuming and hard to understand. 7. Development Services had water damage this week due to the contractor working On the roof and the rains. We will expect the contractor's insurance to pay the costs. 8. Due to timing issues we submitted a grant application for initial work to move the Amtrack station. We clarified that, with development prospects downtown, the site may have to be open for modification. 9. Enclosed is a response to a Council request regarding analysis of traffic at LaCosta/Eissler School for possible signal addition, crossing guard/Nichols School, possible warning light/turn lane at Highway 178/Commanche, and analysis of traffic at Fairfax and College for a possible signal addition. 10. Also enclosed is a letter of appreciation which EDCD received from the County for our contribution to last week's tree planting project in southeast Bakersfield. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, Acting City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager Raul Rojas, Public Works Director~/~~__~ FROM: DATE: October 28, 1996 SUBJECT: LANDFILL/BURN DUMP PROGRESS REPORT The DTSC's burn dump soil sampling in all nineteen yards was completed Wednesday - two days ahead of schedule. The samples will be analyzed in the lab and a draft report is expected by mid-December. In the meantime, there is no field work or public participation work to be done. After the DTSC reviews the lab report, we will schedule the next public information release and Kleinfelder will draft the action plan. Overall, the DTSC is optimistic that soil remediation, if necessary, can take place in the spring. The Property Manager reports that the City now owns a total of eight homes, including the one purchased last year. The property management firm is in the process of setting up maintenance functions. Last week we reported that the LEA has requested more landfill gas probes to be installed. Just as we responded to the LEA and had Kleinfelder begin preparing to add the probes,' along came more probe comments from the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB). This caused double work and a delay, and is attributable to the LEA acting independently of the CIWMB, instead of as the Local Enforcement Agency as an arm of the CIWMB. We have again asked that the LEA function in a proper relationship under the CIWMB in the future. ff KB/mmm cc: Judy Skousen Don Anderson Landfill File S:\WPDATA\L UPI028.MEM OCT 2. 9 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 RAUL M. P, OJAS. DIRECTOR · CITY ENGINEER October 28. 1996 Bill O'Rullian Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M"Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 RE: Coordination of Regulatory Oversight Functions for the Bakersfield Sanitary Landfill Dear Mr. O'Rullian: The City of Bakersfield requests your assistance in understanding the regulatory structure and relationship between the City, the County EHS as the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA), and the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB). It is our understanding that the intent of the regulations governing landfills is for the LEA to function as an extension of the CIWMB. However. experience indicates that the CIWMB and LEA seem to review and comment on the City's landfill matters independently of one another. For example, the City recently received and began acting your September 23, 1996 letter regarding additional landfill gas probes. Then the City received an October 22, 1996 CIWMB letter on the same subject, with differing comments. As a result, we have delayed our planned action until both CIWMB and LEA comments can be satisfactorily addressed. Unfortunately, this resulted in wasted time, money and effort for the City and the landfill gas consultant. While the City appreciates the thoroughness and expertise of review provided by the CIWMB. it Would reduce confusion if the LEA combined it with their own work in order to function as the City's designated entbrcement agency. To be most .effective and responsive in its efforts to comply with landfill regulations, the City needs to receive clmr and complete direction in these matters. October 28, 1996 Mr. Bill O'Rullian Page Two If our understanding is not correct and the City should expect separate review and requirements for CIWMB and LEA, please indicate. Thank you tbr your assistance. Sincerely, / KEVIN~t BARNES Solid Waste Director KB: mmm cc: Peter Janicki. CIWMB Daphne Washington, KCWMD Dave Norman. Kleinfelder Company Alan Tandy, City Manager Judy Skousen. City Attorney Ralph Huey, Fire Department Landfill File S:\WPDATA\L ORULL2.LTR B A K E R S F I E L D " O~'f28~90~ Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM October 25, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~ FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Directo SUBJECT: ACTIVITY REPORT FOR UNREINFORCED MASONRY INCENTIVE PROGRAM According to the Building Department there were originally 199 properties identified. Currently there are 142 properties requiring work. As you recall, the URM Incentive Program was introduced in November of 1993. Over the course of the program we have received applications from 89 individual properties. Since the time of the introduction of the program, we have issued reimbursement Checks for 9 applicants. One dozen property owners have completed their requirements of the program and have been granted notices to proceed. However, the oldest notice to proceed is February '95 and the most current dates back to April '96. Although this office noticed an increase in activity after the September 24, 1996 letter from the Building Department, activity for completion has been slow. Currently 30 property owners are awaiting their initial assessment from their engineer and an additional 13 applicants have only applied and no action has been taken to activate the account any further. Finally, 20 applications have been determined inactive or ineligible. Over the course of the program, we have sent out repeated status inquires. While these letters have generated a limited immediate response, the interest to proactively move forward rapidly tapers off. We currently have $179,050 of CDBG URM funds remaining. Given a rising need for CDBG funds, we may wish to consider spurring immediate interest by notifying all URM assistance applicants that funding will terminate in the Spring of 1997. I believe this would result in the following: 1) Accelerate either decisions or actions by the applicants in advance of the 1998 deadline for compliance with City's seismic safety ordinance and; 2) Unspent funds could be made available to faster moving high priority downtown prospects. Please advise as to your thoughts. A:UPDATE10.25 ( CITY OF LoS ANGELES OFFICE OF THE CHIEF LEGISLATIVE ANALYST RONALD F. DEATON 1400 K STREET, ROOM 208 ~' SACRAMENTO 95814 CHIEF LEGISLATIVE ANALYST (916) 44~-2533 NORMAN d. BOYER October 22, 1996 FAX (916) 448-7 ! 62 CHIEF LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVE I---.'~ ~ [-% ~-~ Ur. Al~ randy ~ I -~ Z City Manager ~ ~ .... ;, ............ City of B~ersfield *~ C~TY Fz.~A,~/: ~:5i 1501 Truxt~ Avenue ..... ~ B~ersfield, California 93301 De~ Mr. randy: I work in Sacrmento as a legislative representative for the City of Los ~geles: In that capacity, I had the fo~unate oppoA~ity to be on the sine "tern" with David Lym~, Principal Plier in yo~ City's Economic ~d Community Development Dep~ment. On behalf of our . two cities, we collaborated on moving Senator Costa's SB 2023 t~ough the Legislature this past session in order to unify progrm areas ~d entecrise zones into a single economic development program. I co--end your City for pursuing this'muCh-needed, long over-due ch~ge. I also want to p~icul~ly highlight David's contribution to our wi~ing tern. He consistently showed an astonishing ability to grasp the legislative process and respond quickly with well-~iAen updates or phone conversations on what course of action was needed. He always went the extra mile to keep all of the us "suppoAers" focused ~d infomed t~oughout the legislative session. This was an invaluable se~ice to me because I worked on several dozen other bills at the sine time (including a vew controversial one you might find of interest that would have prevented only the City of Los ~geles from denying ~y proposed detac~ent under LAFCO). ~en he came to the StYe Capitol to testi~ in suppoA of SB 2023, I was always relieved to hav~ him there because his testimony was cle~ and vew subst~tive. It was much more effective to have a practitioner testi~ at the legislative he~ings th~ a lobbyisd David is extremely competent ~d professional. In my opinion, he is a real asset to the City of B~ersfield. Working with him this past ye~ on SB 2023 was ce~ainly a highlight for me. "''VeWtml~y°urs' ,' . -' Legislative Representative 1301 PENNSYLVANIA AVE., N.W. · SUITE 4~ ROOM 255 * CITY HALL · LOS ANGELES, CA 9~12 WASHINGTON, D.C. (213) 485-6622 (202) 347-0915 FAX (213) 485-8983 FAX (202) 347-0919 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Darnell W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director {,~ ~ THROUGH: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: October 28, 1996 SUBJECT: CIP STATUS REPORT - OCTOBER 1996 Attached is the new version of the CIP status report. The intent of this version is to better inform the users of the various milestones a capital project goes through. The CIP status report is comprised of the following sections: I. Notices of Completion filed and Plans and Specifications approved 2. Status of all 1996-97 and Pre-FY 96-97 Carryover CIP sorted by design squad ~l~ 3. Status of Pre-FY 96-97 CIP projects under construction · i 4. Construction Inspection Status Report ~ 5. Financial Summary of 1996-97 CIP projects by fund 6. Financial Summary of Pre-FY 1996-97 CIP Carryover projects by fund If you have any questions or suggestions for improving this report, feel free to contact me. cc: G. Waiters T. Slater D. Teubner BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Darneil Haynes - Assistant to the Public Works Director FROM: Theodore D. Wright - Civil Engineer IV ~ DATE: October 22, 1996 SUBJECT: 1996-97 CIP STATUS REPORT Attached are the current schedules for Fiscal Year (FY) 1996-97 CIP projects, as well as pre-FY 1996-97 projects that were carried over from pnor years and that are currently under construction. Since the last ClP Status Report, the following projects have had Notices of Completion filed: T6K075 Stockdale Highway Intersection Widening Sewer Rehabilitation - Main (Ming Avenue). Q7C003 Convention Center Video System The following plans were approved since the last CIP status report: E6K001 Storm Drain Rehabilitation - Landfair Retention Basin T6K071 Street Improvements - Alta Vista Area When pnnting these schedules, we expenenced some problems with the consistency of the colors being pnnted by our plotter. We hope to have this corrected by next month's pnnting. OCT-- 2--96 WE~D i 2 : 44 P . 02 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS SUBDIVISION " 10101196 ....... . ............. P.M-"~. 0R ....... ' '" t DEVELOPER/ % 'TRACT #'S LOCATION I CONTRACTOR- ....... INSPECTOR COMP, PM 10173 COFFEE RD. & HAGEMAN RD. 1ME'I~CER CONSTRUCTION LESH PM 9329 STOCKDALE HWY, CSUB - 0_L0..R!VER CASTLE & COO~ TR 5018-D HAGEMAN RD. & FRUITVALE DEVILLE HOMES LESH ' 95%/' TR 5245-C S/O BRIMHALL ~) MONDAVI .... CASTLE & COOKE LESH ;.. 95% TR 5290 GRAND LAKES & CHAMBER-OFFSITES CASTLE & COOKE LESH 60% TR 5369 MONITOR & PACHECO ~-MERIcAN HOME ALUA~i~ ......... ~i0~TE 80% TR 5418-2 CALLOWAY & NORIEGA KYLE CARTER LESH I', 60% TR 5425, A-D GRANDLAKES - N/O MING AVE. CASTLE & COOKE LESH ! 60% ......... ' .......... [ 45% .T.R._.5:4_.26-._A ...... HOWELL a OLD RIVER . ................ CASTLE a COOKE i LESH .T.R 5432-3 STIHL & BERKSHIRE .............. _CHAMBERS FUND PIERCE ...... I 40%f TR 5433 AKER$ - N/O BERKSHIRE [NNIS DEVELOPMENT .... P.!EB.~E' .. ,. 45%I [s/o PANAMA - F. JO Al(ERS DELFINO DEV, PIERCE 100% TR 5528-3 TR 5528-4&S ... S/O PANAMA - E/O AKERS DELFINO DEV, PIERCE :tt 25%t 'TH 5544-D BRiMHALL ROAD & VERDUGO LANE ....... _C_.A..S..TLE a COOKE ... L._E.S,.H ............. . 50%. TR 5552-A&B RENFRO RD. & STOCKDALE HWY. WEST KERN DEVELOPMENT LESH 30% TR 5565-3 ~AGEMAN RD.-E/O OLD FARM RD. U.S. HOMES LESH 50%i TR 5597 JEWETTA - N/O BRIMHALL CARRIAGE HOMES LESH 100% .-.T.-~'_..5~._O.~B__ .... E/O AKERS, S/O HOSKING J.L DANDY PIERCE 0% TR 5611-2 CALLOWAY DR. (~ NORRIS RD. KYLE CARTER 'EES'I~ 100°/o TR 5640-2 COFFEE N/O HAGEMAN ................................... I[LES"H .... J" 30% mR 5646-2 FAIRFAX RD (~ VALLEYVIEW DR W.D.J. CORPORATION IPIERCE' 50% TR 5673-1&2 HARRIS & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE PIERCE 100% TR 5673-3&4 HARRIS & RELIANC..E ......................... .CASTLE & COOKE .................... I.PIERCE . .' 0% TR 5679-3 GOSFORD @ SO. LAURELGLEN KYLE CARTER PIERCE 40% TR 5688-0 N/O HARRIS - W/O STIHL EPCO _~E~RC,_E_.. 100% TR 5698 SEASONS W/O STIED ST, CLAIR ......... _[P!ER. CE 30% TR 5719-1 PATTON, S/O HAGEMAN RD. PROBUILT I LESH 100% TR 5728-2 JEWETrA & HAGEMAN i DEWALT LESH 20% ~_~ 5799 HAGEMAN RD.- E/O FRUlTVALE DEVIl I F_ HOMES LESH 100%' !TH $804 MESA MARIN _. NICHOL/MARTIN PIERCE 30% TR 5809-A UNION AVE. ~:~ PANAMA LN. WATTENBARGER PIERCE 99% CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 10/O1 ]-- , START [ EST. COMP'! TYPE ~ CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE ' DATE COMI PROJECTS ~' ~ . 19TH STREET @'L' STREET i TRAFFIC SIGNAL , A-C ELECTRIC . -.i ROBISON ,~. 07/08/96 I'~ 08/23/96 _, ~0 BAILEY'S SEWER LIFT STATION t MODIFICATION :TYNING BROTHERS, INC. ', ROBtSON ! 09/03/96 ! 10/16/96 BAKERSFIELD AIRPORT ! REMOVE FUEL TANKS j STATE ENVIRONMENTAL ~ CALLOWAY OR.- STOCKOALE TO BRIMHALL BRIDGE & ROADWAY ' GRANITE CONST.- .__ , CALL 05/30/95 . 08/12/96 10' · CENTRAL BAKERSFIELD CURB & GUTTER GRANITE CONSTRUCTION i BOLANOS ' f ' CHINA GRADE LOOP @ BEARDSLEY CANAL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT BANSHEE CONSTRUCTION HUMMEl_ 09!10/96 06/30197 CITY ATI'ORNEY'S OFFICE i REMODEL : LADCO CONST. 08/28/96 10~ CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1, RESTROOM REMODEL i LADCO CONST. -. CHOATE i 08/26196 11/21/96 CITY HALL ENTRANCES ~ ADA RAMPS i PIPER & DEVRIES I CHOATE ! 09/10/96 11/05196 COFFEE ROAD @ AT&SF RAILROAD i BRIDGE OVERCROSSING i GRANITE CONST. ! CALL ~ 08/05/96 05/23/97 1' DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BLDG. ENCING AND ..... SIDE GATE ! MARR & BOESE ENG. il CHOATE 08/06/96 09/03/96 10{ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BLDG. ,o ;'IRE--ROOF D Fi-- A NN |GARYA.c. ELECTRIcLASATE" CO NST. i PATTESON __ EAST BRUNDAGE LANE @ LAKEVIEW AVENUEI ~tGNAL . FIRE STATION NOS. 2 & 7 TANK INSTALLATION ]: LUTREL SERVICES. INC. ' MITCHELL 09/03/9§ ~ 10/08/96 7.' D GREENWASTE RECYCLE CENTER EXPANSION l GILUAM & SONS ,' PATTESON. 07/16196~_! O9/11/96 10( ~ KERN ISLAND CANAL SEWER REHABILITATION . W. M. LYLES 'HACKNEY 09/03/96 12/01/96 N MANOR STREET @ CARRIER CANAL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT ; GRANITE CONSTRUCTION HUMMEL 09118/96 I 06/23/97 3~ ~ MING AVE. - CASTRO LN TO S CHESTER SEWER REHABIUTATION T~RMAN CONST. : DICKERSON 0~/05/96 O9/17196 7,- ~ MT. VERNON AVE. @ CHRISTMAS TREE LN. TRAFFIC SIGNAL ! A-C ELECTRIC i DICKERSON 08/29/96 : 10/22/96 ! .... 2__~ IJJ OLD RIVER @ HOWELL 'TRAFFIC SIGNAL ' DELTA ENGINEERING ,!FICK 08/26/96 10/30/96 i ~ ~ ' ' i 07/10/96 10/11/96 1 PACHECO RD. ~ MONITOR ST. TRAFFIC SIGNAL ~, LOOP ELECTRIC ~ CHOATE ~) PANAMA. STINE, AKERS. WlBLE, SO. 'H' ST. BRIDGE WIDENING t. GRANITE CONSTRUCTION i, MOORE i 07/08/96 04125/97 i! 32._ I PANAMA LANE- GOSFORD TO STINE WIDENING ROADWAY .! GRIFFtTH COMPANY ALLEN ttO8/19/96 01/07197 ~1 PANAMA #10 STREET RECONSTRUCTION GRANITE CONSTRUCTION ~ FtCK 09/30/96 11126/96 i I PATRIOTS PARK SUMP IMPROVEMENTS ! BROWN & FOWLER MITCHELL O8/12/96 11/O6196 L 50 I- FIANCHERIA ROAD BRIDGE PAINTING 'MERZI PAINTING . DICKERSON i O9/O3196 IO/08/96 ! CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 10/01~ · START EST, COMP i % PROJECTS TYPE CONTRACTOR !INSPECTOR DATE DATE COMI · .~TOCKDALE HWY. @ CALIFORNIA AVE. WIDENING INTERSECTION , GRIFFITH COMPANY MILLWEE O7/22/96 10/30/96 SUNDALE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS i PUMP STN. IMPROVEMENTS KERN BACKHOE ~ ROBISON 07/08/96 09/10/96 TERRACE WAY - PHASE I ~ STORM DRAIN PACIFIC RESOURCES !: HACKNEY 09/05/96 10/25/96 PARK SITE GILLIAM & SONS, INC. ~ FICK 03/25/96 07/01/96 TEVlS RANCH PARK TRUXTUN AVENUE [ MODIFY PUMP STATION SCADEX CORP. ROBISON 05/20/96 06/17/96 10, UNION AVE.. COLUMBUS-BERNARD i SEWER REHABILITATION W.M. LYLES CO. HACKNEY VARIOUS STREETS ~ RESURFACI NG GRIFFITH COMPANY MAHAFFEY 07/08196, 09/17196 9' i . VARIOUS STREETS : RESURFAClNG - STP GRIFFITH COMPANY ' MAHAFFEY O8/21/96!' 10/25/96 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT #3 ' ADMIN. BLDG. EXPANSION JTS CONST. :' KLOEPPER 07/29196 I 11/27196 4: I W I I I- (J ,,~ City of Bakersfield Public Works Department Pre 1996-97 Capital Improvement Projects Under Construction - 10/22/96 ~ I July 1996 I August 1996 September 1996 I October 1996 I November 1996 December 1996 I January 1997 I February 1997 I March 1997 ~ April 1997 I May 1997 'June 1997 I July 1997 I August 1997 I September 1997 I October 1997 I November 1997 ] December War.~d Proj, No. TaskName 301 7 14',i24 1281 4 141 148125 4 I 8 1451221291 6 143120127I 3 [10117J24 1 I 8 1451221291 5 142149126I 219|461231 2 1,9 1461231 0'1 6 143120127l 4 141 14~t25 4 118 1451221291 6 143120127l 3 140147124134 J 7 144121 1281 5 1421491261 2 ] 9 1161231301 7 114 4 P5C006 Park Development - Tevis Ranch Park Site (Zone 1) Park landscaping ~urrently in 1 ~: :. i :, contractor maintenance period ............./ i ..................................... [' ............................ i ................... i ................. Construction q~ Notice of Completion i 2 i! ......... i ....... i .... i ....... |Bonding Company Construct on . . : : .~ .' .... i... : L ~ i . ; ~ ~ Nonce or.om ,,er, onii iI ! i .... :: 6,7 Various Canal Bridges at Arvin-Edison, Various Locations ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... . ~ Notice of Completi-n Construction ~ed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~ 1 E6K007 WoodwastelGreenwaste Facility Improvements i. i i i! i i i i Construction iroceed ~ i:: ............ i: ......... ,.~ ...................... <, ~ Notic~ of Co_pletionm~. ..................................... iii ............................. ii ...... ::i .. i 6 E6K005 WWT Plant 3 Building Expansion i ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ i : Construction iticetoProceed ~": . : : ..~' ' !'. "" ~ ! q.~ Noticeofcompletion i i 4 T6K075 Stockdale Highway Intersection Widening ................................................................... , ............................ ! Construction NoticetoProceed~~ ~ 5 No:t, ce oEO' ~P :,e,/O. ,. ~., .~e,~lacemen~ - Main (Ming ~ ~venue~ i i ! : i i i i 7,1 Sewer ~ ................................ :~ ......................... ~ ~ ........ : ................................ ~ ....................................... ~ ......................... ~ ~ ~ ~ ............................................................ i" Construction Notice to Proceed i i Notice ,f Completion i i 6 T6K074 Panama Lane Widening (Ashe Rd/AE Canal) ii :i il i i i :i :: ~ Construction Notice to Proceed ~ ..... ~ q~ Notice of CompletiOn i 5 E6C001 Patriots Park- Pump Station :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ........................................ Construction Notice to Proceed :~ ..................................... ~' :~ ............ :: i: ............. <, ~ Notice o. ~ ....................................... Completion ~:: ............................ ~ .......... ~ .... 2 P5K009 ADA Imp. at Council Chambers Ph. 1 Construchon NotiCe to Proceed~' : ' : /' : ~'~ Notice of Completion :' :: :: :: :: i :: i :: Var. Various r~esunacmu - STP/Gas Tax .... : ~ ........... Construct on Not/ce to Proceed :. ~.. Notice of Completion i ii il 3 T3K002 Bridge Replacement- China Grade Loop ~ i i : : : : : : Construct,on' NotiCei to Proceed .... ~' ....... i .................................... ! .................... , , i~ .............. .... :i · -i: . ....... !i (,,-~ Noticei ............................... of Completion 1 E6K010 K.I. Canal - Sewer Reconstruction i ~ i i i ~ i i Construction ! Notice to Proceed ~ " :: ~ Ni,tice o~ Completion i i i i 1 E6K003 Storm Drains - Terrace Way i i ~ ~ ~ :~ i i : i i : Construction i Notice to Proceed ~ i ~ i Notice of Completion i : 4 T4K052 Coffee Road Grade Separation i ~ :~ ~ i ~ ~ Construct on i i NoticetoProceed .~_ ' ~ : .: , ~: : " :. : 2 T3K039 Bridge Replacement- Manor St at Carrier Canal : ii i i i i i i i Construction :: Notice to Proceed ~'' ! i i · i, i ~:q ~ Notice of Corn iletion C:\WlNPROJ\MULTI3.MPP Page 1 of Construction .,, City of Bakersfield Public Works Department Pre 1996-97 Capital Improvement Projects Under Construction - 10/22/96 · ~ July 1996 I August 1996 September 1996 I October 1996 I November 1996 December 1996 I January 1997 I February 1997 I March 1997 I April 1997 I May 1997 ~June 1997~ ! July 1997 I August 1997 September 1997 I October 1997 2611 November 1997 I December War_cl. Proj. No. TaskName 301711412112814111118125 1181151221291611312012713110117124 1]8115122129151121191261219/1612312191161231301611312012714111118125 11i8115122l 91611312012713110117124 31 7 1412112815]121191 21911612313017114 Construct,on i Notice to PrOceed ~ : : · <.~ Notice Of Completion i i 3 T4K037 Rancheria Road Bridge ii ii ! ! ii i i[ Construct,on i Notice to Proceed ~__ ' ~ : ~.~ Notice of comPletion i i i i i i I il i : 5 E6KO01 Storm Drain Rehabilitation - Landfair Lift Station........... i Notice to Proceed ~ ~ Notice of COmpletion :, i ! i i ~ :: i :: Construction i i Notice to Proceed ~ ' :: i ' ::<,~ Notice of completion 2 T6K001 20th Street Area Curb and Gutter i i i i ' i 2 T6KO02 Baker Street Handicap Ramps i ' ! : :: Construct,on i i Notice to Proceed ~ . - .... . ' ~ Notice of Completion :: :: i :: :: :: ~!' :: P5K006 Airpark Fuel Tank Removal 2 T6KO09 Lake Street Reconstruction i i i i [ := [ ' ,, Construction " Notice to Proceed ~ ...................................................................................... ~'N~)ti~e'o;com~letion C:\WINPROJ\MULTI3.MPP Page 2 of Construction ® City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 10/19/96 July 1996 August 1996 September 1996 October 1996 November 1996 December 1996 January 1997 February 1997 March 1997 April 1997 May 1997 i June 1997 July 1997 August 1997 September 1997 October 1997 November 1997 I December Ward Proj. No. Description 30I 7 /14121 1261 4 Ill 118125 1 I8 1151221291 6 131~0127 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 16 25 1 I 8 15 22129 6 1131201271 3 1101171241311 7 114121 128[ 5 1121191261 2I 9 116123130 7 114 2 E7K008 Sewer Replacement- Main (Union Avenue) i i ' i :i i i :: :i i i i t i i i ii :: Design ...... Plan Approva~ i i :: :: ...................................... :: .............................. :: ............... ~ ...................... i ...................................... : ................................... i'" i i i i :: Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids ~ ' ~ ~ Award of Bid i: !i ii ! i! !: i ii i :: i i ii Construction : i!Notice to Proceed ~ : ! ~ Notice of completion i i i i i ii ii i i i 7 T7K022 Street Improvements- Panama No. 10 i ! i i [~esign i ..................................... i ',,. .... ~: .......................... !! ........................... i! ........................... i i ~Panama ~ane portion of proje(~t to be bid as separat~ ~ ~,~ Plan ApprovalJ i .............. i ................................... i i ......... i ............................... i ................................... i .................. L project pe~nding resolution of R~OW and easements._ .................................................i i ' Bid Request/Award i AdVertise forBidS ~ : ~ Award ofBid i i i i i Construction Notice to Proceed C ~ ~ Notice Of Completion i i i !i ii i ii ii : ii :; 2 T6K071 Street Improvements - Alta Vista Area ' ii ii I Design .. i i i,,,~ DJ=,, a ....... ~ i I Project will bid in spring due to climate t i i i i i i i i i ~" · i'{ --'"" ~"'"~'-- ........... ! temperature constra nts for pav ng i i i . . i i i i .................. Bid Request/Award i ! : : ~ ~ ' . : : . : : '. : : , ' Construct,on il :i i i i i i i i Notice to Proceed ~) ' ! ~:~;:: : ~.-~ Notice of Completion :: ii 7 T5K038 Bridge Widening - Panama Ln. at SR 99 i :. !i ! [Pr°ject °ut t° bid 1 i ' ' i : ~ i ................................. ~ i ....... i ................... ~f 10~1j ~ !. Design I I~ Plan Approval i : i Bid Request/Award ii ....... il ................................ Advertisei forBids ~2. i ........... ' ' i~i .............................................................................. AwardofBid ii .................................. ~i ............................................................................. i i~i i ................................................... Construction iI ii i i Notice to Proceed ~ ......... : : ~r ~ <.~ Notice of Completion 2.5 T6K073 StreetWidening (Calif0rniaAve.. OakSt. toA St.) !! :i !i il :!ii ~ ii~ Pla, APProvai ii i: ii ii ii iI ii i ii Design ~ ............ I "'"' ........................... ' ..................... i ................................................................ : Bid Request/A~rd i ................ i ..................... i .................. i ............ i .................................. i ............................... i ................. i i ......... i ....... ii .... ~'"'"i ..... l ............................. i~' ............................. i i ............................. i ......... i i .............. i :: :: i i i ! i i ! Advertise for Bids ~.~ I ~.~ Award of Bid i i :: :: :: i i i i i ! ! i ! ! i i~ Notice to Proceed ~ :: := ~ Notice Of Completion Construction 5 T6K076 Street Widening (Oak St. at Truxtun Ave.) i i :i i i ,.~ ~ ! i i i i ,.~ i ii i Design i ' i ' :' ~ !~ ~: ...... :' :-~,',::, ". ,', <,~," Plan Approval i i i i i ii ii :~ Bid R;quest/Award i ...................... ~ ........................ ~ ............... i .................................. i ......................... ~ ' i ~i ' i · :: ' i' 't ............... i ...................................... i ............... ~ ........................ ! .......... ~ ....... ~ ........... i ! i i i i i i i i Advertise forBids ~ : ~? :,:',~ AwardofBid i i i :: Construction i ! i i i i ! i i i i i Notice to Proceed ~ : : ' ~.~ Notice Of Completion 4 E6K018 Sewer Rehabilitation - Main (Buena Vista Phase I) :: i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Design :: I ..... ,:,, ~ PlanAPproval i i ii !! iii ii ii ii :. i Bid Request/Award i i :: i Advertise for Bids ~2 ~,~ Award of Bid :: i i i i :: :: :: :: :: Construction i i i i ii i! :i N°tiCe t° Pr°ceed ~: ~: i ~: }~'~ :' ':. ,~ Notice of Completion i i .... ' ' :i ii i i i Awaiting c01or selection and trim ' ] i: [ i i i ii i: 2 Repa~nbng F~restatlon No 1 Exterior Aw d ~ ................................. ~ .................... i ~details from Fire Department. J .................................. i .................................. ~ ...................................... i ................................ i ............. i ............ i ......................... i ...................................... ~ .................................................................... Design : : : " * : : : : : t i i i i : :: :: I ..... ~ : ' ~ Pla~ Approval :: :: i i ' B~d Request/Award ........ · ' i i AdvertiseforBids ~ ~ :: ~ AwardofBid i ii ! ii i C:\WINPROJ\MULTI1.MPP Page 1 of Design 1 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 10/19/96 July1996 I August1996 I September1996 I October1996 I November1996 December1996 I January1997 I February1997 I March1997 I April1997 I May1997 i June1997 I July1997 ! August1997 September1997 I October1997 I November1997 t December Ward Proj. No.Description 3017 /14121128141111181251'11811512212916113 2012713110117124 11811512212915112119126121911612312191161231301611312012714111118125 11181151221291611312012¢1311011712413117114 21 2815112119126121911612313017114 2 T7K001 Signal, New - 28th Street at F Street i i i i i i i i i ......... i . .... ..-....... . . ii ......... B d Request/Award :: ................... ~: ................. i .............. :: ............. i ............................. i ................................. i ..... i [ :: .......... i ........... : ................................ i .............. ..... i i i ; Advertise for Bids ~ - ~ ; ~ ' ~ Award .......... construction i i ........................ i .............. i", ............ i ............................... i .......... ..................... .Oti~e"toPr°ceed ~i' ' , :' ' ~ N°tice°fcOmPle~i~ ......... 5 E7KO04 Sewer Rehab I tation - Lift Station (19th Street) Pro ect rem ~ & ~ __ :: ! i i :: i :: ~ :' I :: :: i :: :: j oved from FY 96-97 CIP program :: ~ i i i i i ~ i i i :, :: ..... Desgn ........... f at cc mtg. of 10/9/96 and replaced with lift .............. i ......... ~"~ i i' ~ .................................. i .................................... i .... : ....................... i ..................... i ...................... :: ................ i station at Panama Ln. New lift station project i I . ,~ ~ ~ ~.~ Plan~ ~ ? ' i i - i i i ': :: i :: ..... .... ~:;'::. ;~ , will be added to November C P Schedu e I ................... i , ........ ~~ ' ~ ....................... ' .................................. ' ...................................... ' ..................................... ' ........................... ' ..... il .......................... i ......... i ................... ........... ii ........... ~la I~equesT.,/-,,wara :: ~ J :, i i i i i i ::~ ~ i i Notice to Proceed ~' , ' .... ~.~ iNotice o ~ i i :: 2 E7K003 ; Sewer Rehabilitation - Main (Haley Street) ! i ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ Des gn i ~ I ~ ' '; '~i'~ ~ ('~ : :: ~ ~ ,r Plan Approval ! ii i: :: ii i .......................... :! ' .................................................. Bid Request/Award : ' i i :: Advertise for Bids ~.2' :,:i ~ ~,.~ AwardofBid :: ~' :: :: :: i Construction i :: .................................... :: ............. :: .................................. F i ............ i ..................................... i .................................... :: ................................... i J :: ................ [ .............................. :: ........ i :: :: :: :: Notice to Proceed ~, ': ., ~.~ Notice of Completion :: :: :: :: :: 1 E7K005 Sewer Rehabilitation - Main (South Chester/Planz) ~ i ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ I ~ i Design ~i ................ i .......................... ii I ~i ............................ , ::: ......... ~PlanAppr°val i ...................................... ii. i ...................... i:i ii i . . iii i : Bicl Req~eSt~Award i ................................ ii ............... ! ..................... i ................... i .................. :: i .............................. :: ....................................... i ...................................... :: ....................................... i , ...... i Advertise for Bid. ~2 :. , ~ AWardofBid ! i i i ...................... ii ' i ......................... Construction i i [[ [[ i i~ Notice to Pr°ceed ~ " ' :~' ~ Notice of C~.pletion ii t ii ii 2,5 E6K013 Sewer Rehabilitation - Main (Westchester Area) ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ i ~ ~1 ~ Des.gn ?: ii i I ' :, :. '' ~ Plan ApProval ii !i ii :i ................................... ................................................. ~ : : : : : : : : I : : ~ i : ...... Bid Request/Award i i i :: :: ~ i ................... ~ ....................................... [ ................................... i .................................... i ...... i ......................... i i . i i i i AdvertiseforBids ~ : ~ AwardofBid ! i i ; i i Construction : : : : : , , . . _ . ~ ..... ., , , , .~. ) . . . , : : : : i i i i i i :: Notice to ~'rocee~ ~..2 .... :' ~.: ', ,, ~-:' , ...... .~," ' ~..~ Notice of Completion :: ALL T6K066 Resurfacing Streets- Chip/Cape Seals ~ i ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ i i i ~ ~ , I : ,,~/, ,,'~: :~ ~, : ,: ::' ~ Plan Approval i i i i i i i i i , Bid Request/Award ..... ,, A ard o Bid : ~ ..... ii :i ii i Advertise for Bids ~ : !:~ ' ~ w f ' i i i i Construct on ........................... :: .......................... [ ........................ :: ................. i .................................... ': ...... :: i .~ :: ....... i' '"~ :: :: i i i i i i Notice to Proceed ~ ~ :, , : ~ ! ~ Notice of completion i : : : :: 1,2,3 T7K012 ResurfacingStreets(ISTEA&GasTax) !i i i i i i i i i i i. ! i i i : T7K013 Des gn i i i i i i i ~ . :. ! i ! i i . , . i I : , ~ '. : ~ Plan Approval i i i ! i i i i . Bid Request/Award i ! i i i i Advertise for Bids ~ ' :: - ~ Award of Bid i il ii ii , , i i i i i i Notice to Proceed ~ : : ~,;~' · ~,~? Notice of ComPletion 1,5.6 Q7K014 Removal of Fuel Tanks - Stations 3, 6 & 9 i i ii ii ii :i ii ii ii ii :i i! . i Design I . ~" ' ',:, , ~ Plan Approval 'B d'Req~est/Award :: ................. ~. ...................... i ........ ! .................. ~ ............................ i ............ i -i................ ~ .............. ~ ................~ :: .................................. rr ........................... ! i i ii i i i~ AdvertiseforBids ~: i , :~ AwardofBid i i i ii i Construction :: :: i i Notice to Proceed ~ : : ~ Notice of comPletion i :: C:\WINPROJ\MULTI1.MPP Page 2 of Design 1 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 10/19/96 July 1996 I August 1996 September 1996 ] October 1996 I November 1996 December 1996 I January 1997 ] February 1997 March 1997 I April 1997 I May 1997 i June 1997 I July 1997 I August 1997 I September 1997 I October 1997 I November 1997 I December Ward Proj. No.Description ~017/1412412814114148125 11814sl2212916113 2012713110147124 4 1~145122129151421491261219/4612312191~6123130~6t~312012714111~1~125 ~1~,1~512212916~3~20127131~01~71241311711412112~15112119126121911~12313017114 ALL T5K056 Sidewalk Reconstruction Project - Phase II ~ 'r ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Design ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ :: : ~' Plan Approval ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bid Reques~Award ~ ~ .......... ~ ....................... ~ .................... ~ ........................ ! ..................... ~ ..................... ~ .................. ~. ...................... ~---~ ................. ~ ................................. ~ ............... ~ ...................... : ~A~e~iseforBids ~. : .:~ '~, ~ AwardofBid ~ : : I : : ~ 7 T7K023 Street Widening (Panama Lane - Wible Rd to SR 99) ~ ~ , ....... ~ .................... : ...................... ~ ................... ~ .................... ~ ................ ~ .......................... ~ ....................... ~ .......... ~ .......................... : ................. ~ ~ .... : ................ : . . Design ~ :.1: ' :, -~ ,~ :' ' : %~ Plan ApprOval ~ ~ i ~ . :~ ~ :: Bid RequesFAmrd ~ ~ ~ :, A~e~ise ~r Bids ~,:'*: -: ~ .... ~. q Award of Bid :: :: :: :: Construction ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ Notice'to Proceed ~) :. ~ ~ ,, , ::.:: ..,~ ~ Notice of Comple.on 4 T7KO02 Signal, New - Brimhall Rd at He.est Creek Rd ~ ' ' Design ~ ~ , ~ ~:: ......... ~PlanApproval ~ :: ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~ ............ B~ ~;q~esEAward ~ ..................... ~ ................ ~ ...................... ': ...................... :: .......................... ~ ................... ~ .............. ~ .................... ~ ............................ ~ ..................... ~ .................... ~ ............. ~ .................................... :r .............. ~ --- ~ .................................. ~ ...................... ~ ~ ~ A~e~ise for Bids ~): ~ ~ Award of Bid ' :: :: ~ Construction .........::~ ............... ::~ ................... ::~ .......................................... :: ~[ ........................................ Notice to Proceed:: ............... ~ ~ {~ .... ......................... ~ .............. ' ~ Notice of Completion~ ........................... ~ ..................................... 5 E6K012 Sewer Rehabilitation - Lift Station (Bank St.) ~ ~ DeSig'n ~[ ................................... ~ .................. ~ ................... :: .................. [ .................. '~ ................... :: ............... ~ ......................... ~ .................... '~ ............. ~ .......................... :, .............. { - - ~ ~ ~ I " : ' : ~ ~PlanApproval ~ *: ~ [ ~ ~ Bid Reques~Award ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A~e.ise for Bids ~ : ~ Award orBid ~ ~ ~ ~ Construction ~ ............................................ ~ .................. ~ ..................... ~:~ ..................... :: ................... ~ .............. :: .................. Notice to Proceed:: ......................... ~ ::~ ~; .................... :~ ................ ~ Notice:: of Completion .................... ~ ..................................... I P7C016 MLKCenter Improvements ........................................................................... Design ~ ~ ~ ~ :. :. :~ Plan Approval ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: Construction . ................................................ ~ .................... ~ ................... ~ .......................................................................... ~ ~ ~ Notice to Proceed~ .................................... ~ ~, ~: : ~.:':~ .............................. : ~ Notice of Comple.on~ ................... ~ ..................................... ~ ...... ~ ................................ ~: ................... 2,3 P5C002 Median Reconstruction - No~heast ~ ' Bid Reques~A~rd ~ ~ ~ A~e~is~ for Bids ~ .~ ~ Award of Bid ~ ~'"~ ..................... ' ........ ~ ............. ~ ...................................... ~[ ......... ~ ...................... ~ ........... ~ ............... Construction .............. ~ ..................... ~ :: ......................... :: ............................ ~"'i ........... ~ .................. :: .................. ~ ................................... ~ ............... ~ ........... ~ " :: :~ :: :: :: Notice to Proceed ~ . ' ~ Notice of Completion ~ :: :: ~ :: :: 2 P7KO02 Roof Repair- Convention Center Dome ~ Design ......................................................................................... ' ~ ................ ~ .................. ~ .................... ~ .................... ~ ........................ ~ ................. ~ ......... ~ ....................... :: .................... ~ .............. ~ ..... ~ .................... ~ ............ :: ............ ~ ~ ~ I ~ :: :~ Plan Approv~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ......................................... : ................... ~ ....................... ~ ........................... : ..................... : ..................... ~ ................... ~ ....................... : ..................... ~ ............ ~ .................................. ~ .......................... ~ ......... ~ .................................... ~ .... ~ ................... ~ ....................... ~ .......... Construction ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ No.ce to Proceed ~ ~ ' : ~ ~ NO.ce of Comple.o~ ~ 5 07K015 Corporation Yard Wash Rack Upgrade ~ ~ :: :: :: :: ~ ~ :: ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ : ~ ~PlanApproval ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ : ..... : ................ ~ ............... ~ ............................... ~ ...... ~ ....................................................................... Construction ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Notice to Procee~ ~ - : : : ~ No.ce of Completion C:~WlNPROd~MULTH.MPP Pa~e 3 of Design 1 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 10/19/96 130 Ju1¥1996 I August1996 J September1996I October1996 { November1996 December1996 I January1997 I February1997 I March1997 I April1997 I May1997 I June1997 I July1997 ~ August1997 I September1997 I October1997 I November1997 I December Ward Proj. No. TaskName ]7 114121 1281 4 I~ ]18]25 1 Is 115122129] 6 1~3 20127l 3 {10117124 1 ]8 1~51221291 5 J12119]26] 2 I 9/16]231 2 19 1161231301 6 ]13120127] 4 lll ]~8125 ~il8 115]22129l 6 ]1312012 13 J10]17J241311 7 ]14]21 1281 5 l~21~91261 2 19 2 Q7C003 Convention Center Video System ! : i i i i i i i i i i ! Consultant Procurement ii ...................... I :i ................... ~ Award of Contract :: ................::i ..........::i ' ..............................ii .......................... Design ~: Notice to Proceed ~ ' '~ Notice ..... of ? Completion .......... i! ........................ i! ......................... ii ................ ii ........................... =:i ............................ ::i .............. il .................. , !i .................................... ii ...................... ii ........... ii ................................ :i ................... :i ................. Construction ~ NoticetoProceed~ : ~ ~ ............. [[ ~ ................ ~ .............. 2 P6KO06 Roof Repair - Development Sewices Bldg. ~ ~ ' Bid RequesFAward : A~e~iseforBids ~ AwardofBk ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ .............. ~ .................... ~ ~'"' { .................. ~ .............. ~ ................. ~ ...................... ~ .............. ~ ................... ~ ............ Construction ~ ................ ~ ....................... :: ............... ~ ........................ :; ........... [ ........................ :r ............ ~ ............ ~ .................... ~ ....................... [ ...................... ~ ....................~ ~. ....................... ~ ............... ~ .......................... ~ ............. ~ ................. '. .............. , ~ ~ Notice to Proceed C ~ ~. ~ Notice of Completion ~ ~ ~' ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 E6KO01 Storm Drain Rehabilitation - Landfair Retention Basin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ' ~ ~ D;sign [ .................. ~ ................... ..................... ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ................ ~ .............. ~ - · Bid RequesFA~rd ~ ~ A~e~ise for Bids ~ : ~ Award of Bi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) ~ Constr~fion . ............................................ ~ ............. No~Ce~ ................ to Proce~ ~'~ .................. , ::: .................... ' ~ Notice Of~ .................... Completion ~:: ................... ~:: ............. ~ ................. ~ ~~ .................. ~: .................... ~ ................... ~ ............ ~ .................... 2 T6LO01 Chester Avenue Streetscape Design = " : ' ~ ~ Plan Approval ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bid Reques~A~rd ~ ,~ A~e~isef°rBids~. ~ ~ ~ AwardofBid ~ ~ ~ ~ :, ~ ~ ~ Construction ~ ~ Notice to PrOceed ~ : : ' .... ' : : ~ Notice of Completion 7 T6K083 Bridge Widening - SR 58 at the Friant-Kern Canal :: :: [ ~ ~ :, :: :: I :: ~ ~ : DeS~g'~ I "'~ .............. ~ ....................... ~ ................. ' ~ .................... i ~ ............. ~ ~ .......................... Plan Approval ~ ................... ~ ................ ~; ................. ~; ....................... ~i ~ ......................................... Bid Reqaes~A~rd '~ ...................................................................... ~ ~ ....................... ~ .................. ~ ............. ~ ....................... ~ ............... :: ...................... ~ ........................ ~ ~ .................... ~ ............... ~ ................. ~ ..................... ~ ..................... :: .... :: i ~ ~e.iseforBids ~ ~ ~ AwardofBid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Construction ~ :' ~ Notice to PrOceed ~2 ~ ~ - . ' ~ ~ Notice of CompletiOn 2 P7K001 Installation of Restrooms- Annex Basement ~ = ' Design ~' .................. !~ ....................... ~: " .............. "'"~ ............ ~ ,~ :~ ~: '"~PlanApproval~ ................ ~,~ ....................... ~ .................. :~ .................... ~ ................... ~ .................. ~[ .................. ~ ~ ........................................ Bid Reques~A~rd ~ - ~ A~e./se for, ~ids ~ ~ ~ Award of Bid ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ Construction .............. ~ .................... ~ .................... ~ ............... ~ ............. :: .................... ~ .................. :: ................ ~ ........ : ...................... ', ................... : .................... ~ ................... ~ ...................... ~ ............. :~ ~r Notice to Pr~eed ~'~ ' : ; :,r ':. ~ Notice of Completion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 E7K011 Waste~ter Treatment Plant No, 2 Rese~oJr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DeS~g'~ ~ .................... ~ ....................... ~ ................... , ::~ ...................... Plan Approval:~ ............. ::~ "i delayedeXisting irrigatiOnproject, system has · ~ ................... ~ ~ ~ ~ A~e.i~eforBids ~ ~ AwardofBid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Construction ..... ~ ................... ~ .................... ~ ................... ~ ........................ ~ .................... ~ ........................ ~ ........................ ~ ............................ ~ ................... ~ ............... :: ........................ :: ................ ~ ....................... ~ .............. ~ ~ Notice to Proceed ~ : ~ NotiCe of Completion 3 T6K008 ChannelizatJon S R 178 - Faiffax Rd. to 1000' West I ~ :: ~ ~PlanApprOval ~ ~ ~ ~ ~id Requ~rd ~ ~w~i~ ~o~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~w~ 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .............................. C°n~;~ti°n ~ .......................................................................... :~:' ........... ~ ......................... :: ............. Notice to Proceed~ ...................... ~2 :~ ....................... ' ' :~ ................ ;~ ...................... ~ NoticeofcompJ~tion~ .................. ~ ............................ ~ ........................ ~ .................... ~ ....................... C:~WINPROJ~MULTI2.MPP Page 1 of Design 2 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 10/19/96 July 1996 I August 1996 September 1996 I October 1996 [ November 1996 December 1996 I January 1997 I February 1997 I March 1997 I April 1997 I May 1997 ~ June 1997 I July 1997 I August 1997 I September 1997 I October 1997 I November 1997 I December _Ward Proj. No. TaskName 30I 7 /14J21 1281 4 Ill r18125 1 18 1151221291 6 1431201271 3 110117124 1 18 1151221291 5 1121191261 2 191461231 2 I 9 1161231301 6 1131201271 4 I1~ 118125 111 8 1151221291 6 1431201271 3 1401171241341 7 114121 1281 ~ 1121491261 21 9 1161231301 7 144 3T7K021 Street Imp. - Fairfax at SR 178 Project Study Reporti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :r ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Consultant Pi0curement , . } i . iI i i(,~_~ Award of contract i i ! i :: i i :: Study Preparation i !! Notice to Proceed i~'2 ' ~ ~tudy Approval ii i i i ii · Construction ........... i .................................... i ............................. :: ............................. i ................................ :: ................................... i ..................................... 4 T7K004 Signal, New- Hageman Road at Calloway Drive : ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ Design ::: ............ :~ ............................... I.::: .......... i . ' ~ ............ ~ Plan i .......... Approval i: i:: :i ................... i; :: Bid Request/Award : ~ dye.iS ~ ~ ~ : !i i ~ : i A e for Bids ;~ : .... ~ ~'~' ~ Award of Bid : i ...................................... 2 TSK057 Downtown Construction Street Improvements Phase II (Fox Theatre) ~:: ....................................... i~ ....... i~ ......... ~; ..................................... ~:: ...................................... ~ ...................................... Notice!:~ ................................... to Proceed ~i~ ...................................... , , ,.~:~ ........... ,- ~ Notice of ' Completi°~' ~ ................................................................................................................. , .......... : ............................ i ................ i ................... i, .................................... i' ' ;i .... :! i r Awaiting a~proval of maintenanc~ [ ...................... i! ...................................... i ~ ii .................................... ! ............... :: .................. il .......................... i .......................... i ....... Des gn I :: :: "" ~ Plan Approval l agreem~nt'~vith Fox Theatre Group. / :: I :: B,d Request/Award !i i i i !AdvertiseforBids ~ ::' ':::.; ,..~ AwardofBid i i i i i i Construction 'i i~ :i ~ i Notice to Proceed ~;> : '," (,~ Notice of Completion 5 E6K015 Sewer Rehabilitation - Red Lion Sewer Replacement i i ~ ~ ! i i : Design : I : ~,~ Plan Approval Bid Request/Award i!~i i i:: i AdvertiseforBids~2 : '~ ~AwardOfBid i i i mO"';ti i Construction i i i i i i :: Notice to Proceed ~) ' ,~ Noii~e ~f Co p ' i All Q7K003 Pavement Management System ~ i ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ Consultant Procurement i I : <, Award of Contract implementation ii i i '~ i i Notice to Proceed ~ - i. ! .: ~ ~ ' -: : ,;:;~ ~,~ Notice of Completion i Construction ................................... } ..................... i ....................... i ........................... i' ; ' ' 'i i .... i i i ....... i"i .................................. i'""i ......... i .................... i .................. i ................................................. 4 E7K001 Sewer Construction- Main (Allen Road) i i i i i i ': ' i i i i i i ii Desgn ii! ....... !i .................................... iii ..... i;:~.i ...................... ..., ! ...................................... ! ,,, , ~ ...... .,, ; ,,,.,,i ......................................; ~ ~i~:..ii .............................. .,: ,:, :""il .................................... , ~ PlanApprovali ............... ii' ' iil { ......................... ii! .................... ii ........................... :::i ........... ii:: ........................................................................ i ::! ................... Construction i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r: ~ ~ ~ Notice to Proceed ~;> 4 E7K002 Sewer Construction - Main (Buena Vista Phase II) , ~ Plan App vel ~ :: Bid Request/Award , i i ii i ii !i i ! Advertise fo:r Bids ~ , i ,1!:~.~ *~ Award of Bid ii ...................................................................................................................................... Construction i i ' ......... il ................ ~i ............................. i! ...... ii .... ii .................... !ii ....................... 1 iii Notice to Proceed! ~ 2 T7K003 Signal, New - Flower St at Owens St ~ i ........................... i ........... i .......... : : : : : : : : I : : Bid Request/Award i :: :: Advertise forBids ~.>' ":,'~ *:,% ..... . ~ Award of Bid :. i :: i i Construction i :: :: :: i i i NotiCe to Proceed ~ '* i ~ i Nqtice of Completion i! C:\WINPROJ\MULTI2.MPP Page 2 of Design 2 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 10/19/96 July1996 / August1996 September1996 ! October1996 I November1996 I December1996I January1997 I February1997 I March1997 I April1997 I May1997 , I, June1997 I July1997 ~ August1997 September1997I October1997 I November1997 I December War~ddProj. No. maskName 30I 7 J14121 128 14 1~4 148i25 1 18 1151221291 6 113120127I 3 140117124t 1 I 8 1151221291 5 1121491261 2 I 9|161231 2 19 1161231301 6 1~3120127I 4 Ill 1481251 ~ 18 1151221291 6 1~3i2012f -t3 110117J24 31 7 14121 1281 5 1~21491261 2 19 1161231301 7 144 5 E7K010 Storm Drain Construction - Main (Ashe Road) Bid' Request/Award ...................... =:: ...................................... :i ........ i ................ !i ............................... i! ......... ii ..................................... Advert/se for! ....... Bids ~ ;i ..... ~ Award! ............................ of Bid i! ..................................... !i .................................................................................................................................. Construction .. :~ i i i i i Notice ~;~ ...... '~'~ ~ Noti pleti i : i : to Proceed ce of Corn on 6 T7K005 Signal, New- Harris Rd at Stine Rd i i i ~ ~ i ~ i ~ ~ i i ~ B,dRequest/Award .... i i ! AdvertiseforBids ~' " ':: ~ AwardofBid i i i i i ' i i . c0r~si~-L~Cii~3n i i i i i i '. i i Notice to Proceed ~ - :. : ~ Notice of Completion i 5 E7KO09 Storm Drain Rehabilitation - Lift Station (Beach Park) i ~ ~ i ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ i ! i S,d Request/Award ii i i: !i i ii i Advert/Se for Bids ~ : ~ Award of Bid i i i i i i ! i i i i Notice to Proceed ~ ~: ~ Notice of Completion i 1 P7KO04 Exterior Door Replacement- MLK Center i i i i i i i i i i i i i , , . :: , i i I : ~ Plan Approval ! i i i i i B,d Request/Award . ! i i i ! Advertise for Bids ~2 :: ' <,~ AWard of Bid ! i ! i i · Construction :! i= i i i i i NOtice to Proceed ~ ~ Notice of Completion i i Var. P7K011 Building Inventory Study ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ Consultant Procurement i i i i i i ii i <.~ Award of Contract i i ', i i. i Study Preparation i !: i Notice to Proceed ~ ~ : ' <.~ Notice o~ Completion i i i ALL E6K008 Sewer Construction- Telemetry City Wide i i : ii :i ii Design i ii i :~1 : ' ' ' : r <,.~ Plan Approval i i i i B d Request/Award : : ; : : : : : ' : : , : : : : :: :: :: i Advertise forBids ~ ' ' ~.~ Award of Bid i i i :: :: :: i i ~otice to ,'rocee~ L.~ ~.~ Notice of Compmtion 1 E6K004 !WWT Plant 2 Upgrade/Expansion i i :i i i :: i i i [ i -- i i '-- i i i i Advertise forbids ~ : ~'.~ AwardofBid i i i i I ! i i Construction " i Notice to Proceed ~ ' 6 E7K012 WWT Plant 3 Upgrade/Expansion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ Design ...... - - . ' : - ' .... ' ~ Plan Approval i ' i :~ :: :: :: Bid Request/Award : : : : : : _ '. _ . ~. : , : ~ . .: : · :: :: :: :: :: i Advertise for uias ~.;> ~ ~,' - ~,.~ Awaro ofBiu i i C:\WINPROd\MULTI2.MPP Page 3 of Design 2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY FY 96~97 PROJECTS AND FY 95-96 CARRYOVERS .. ....... . ....... ~ ~ ~ ~p ~ - ~:~ ..... COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND ~K007 UNION #10 WATER MAIN 111 CDBG FIRE SERVICES $225,000 $225,000 0.O0% 7C016 MLK CENTER IMPROVEMENTS 111 CDBG COMM SVCS $25,000 $25,000 0.00% 7C023 CENTRAL PARK POOL DEMOLITION 111 CDBG COMM SVCS $34,000 $34,000 0.00% tK055 LAKE STREET AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 111 CDBG PW/ENG $110,000 $366,136 -232.85% $K056 SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT 111 CDBG PW/ENG $85,000 $85,000 0.00% :~K057 DOWNTOWN STREET IMPROVEMENTS PHASE II 111 CDBG EDCD $50,000 $50,000 0.00% iL001. CHESTER AVENUE STREETSCAPE 111 CDBG EDCD $332,000 $332,000 0.00% IK010 NEIGHBORHOOD STREET I..IGHTING IMPROVEMENTS 111 CDBG PW/ENG $52,000 $52,000 0.00% ~K022 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - PANAMA # I 11 CDBG PW/ENG $394,100 $258,461 34.:42% TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND: $1,307,100 $1,427,597 -9.22% · ISTEA FUND ~K053 SIGNAL. INTERCONNECT - TOC 12'1 CMAQ PW/TRAFFIC $433,500 $433,500 0.00% 3K063 SIGNAL OPERATIONS - TRAFFIC OPS 121 CMAQ PW/TRAFFIC $199,200 $199,200 0.00% ~K013 RESURFACING STREETS - ISTEA 121 STP PW/TRAFFIC $706,900 $706,900 0.00% TOTAL ISTEA FUND: $1,339,600 $1,339,600 0.00% TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND 7K010 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - MAIN 141 TDA PW/ENG $71,825 $71,825 0.00% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND: $71,825 $71,825 0.00% GAS TAX FUND 5C002 MEDIAN RECONSTRUCTION - NORTHEAST 151 GT PW/ENG $100,000 $100,000 0.00% 7B105 PC UPGRADES 151 GT CITY MGR'S OFC $41,700 $41,700 0.00% ,7B107 NEW PCS FOR ClYY COMPUTER NE[WORK 151 GT CITY MGR'S OFC $33,800 $33,800 0.00% ~7K003 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM '151 GT PW/ENG $144,000 $144,000 0.00% 5K038 BRIDGE WIDENING PANAMA LANE 151 DEV PW/ENG $100,000 $100,000 0.00% 6K053 SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - TOC 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $56,500 $56,500 0.00% 6K063 SIGNAL OPERATIONS - TRAFFIC OPS 151 GT PWFrRAFFIC $25,800 $25,800 0.00% 6K066 RESURFACING STREETS - CHIP/CAPE/SLURRY 151 GT PW/ENG $104,000 $103,816 0.18% 6K067 SIDEWALK REPAIR - MISCELLANEOUS. 151 GT PW/ENG $50,000 $43,807 12.39% 6K068 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 151 GT PW/ENG $50,000 ($4,871) 109.74% 6K071 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - ALTA VISTA 151 RRR PW/ENG $100,000 $100,000 0.00% 6K073 STREET WIDENING (CALIFORNIA AVE.) 151 RRR PW/ENG $96,000 $88,252 8.07% 6K076 STREET WIDENING (TRUXTUN AVE.) 151 RRR PW/ENG $128,000 $110,777 13.4,6% 7K001 SIGNAL, NEW - 28TH STREET AT F STREET 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $130,000 $129,884 0.09% CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY KO02 SIGNAL NEW- BRIMHALL ROAD AT H 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $100,000 $100,000 0.00% KO03 SIGNAL NEW - FLOWER STREET AT O 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $135,000 $135,000 0.00% KO04 SIGNAL NEW - CALLOWAY DRIVE 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $145,000 $145,000 0.00% KO05 SIGNAL NEW - HARRIS ROAD AT STINE 151 DEV PW/TRAFFIC $4,000 $4,000 0.00% KO05 SIGNAL NEw - HARRIS ROAD AT STINE 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $136,000 $136,000 0.00% K006 SIGNAL UPGRADE - CONVERT DOWNTOWN 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $55,000 $55,000 0.00% KO07 TRAFFIC CONTROL MODIFICATIONS - VARIOUS 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $100,000 $89,380 10.62% K012 RESURFACING STREETS - GAS TAX 151 GT PW/ENG $386,800 $386,800 0.00% K013 RESURFACING STREETS - ISTEA 151 GT PW/ENG $91,600 $91,600 0.00% K023 STREET WIDENING (PANAMA LANE) 151 RRR pW/F I IG $276,000 $276,000 0.00% TOTAL GAS TAX FUND: $2,589,200 $2,492,245 3.74% CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND C002 KERN RIVER LANDSCAPING 311 COF COMM SVCS $20,000 $20,000 0.00% C004 KR PARKWAY GROUP PICNIC AREA 311 COF COMM SVCS $105,000 $103,603 1.33% ;KO06 ROOF REPAIR - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 311 COF PW/ENG $60,000 $70,000 -16.67% ;KO08 FACILITIES REPLACEMENT RESERVE 311 COF PUBLIC WORKS $497,000 $497,000 0.00% 311 COF CITY ATTORNEY $8,000 $5,000 37.50% 'A834 OFFICE IMPROVEMEN1 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $60,000 $56,646 5.59% 'B100 MIS REMODEL 311 COF COMM SVCS $45,000 $45,000 0.00% 'C016 MLK CENTER IMPROVEMENTS 311 COF COMM SVCS $61,000 $61,000 0.00% 'C018 CC DISHWASHER 311 COF COMM sVCs $51,000 $51,000 0.00% 'C020 CC LIGHTING 'C021 CORP YARD BLDG A REMODEL 311 COF COMM SVCS $12,000 $12,000 0.00% 'C022 MLK BUILDING REMODEL 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $6,500 $6,500 0.00% ~H002 REPAVING - FIRE STATIONS 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $147,600 $147,600 0.00% 'H003 DRIVEWAY REPAIR - STATION #3 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $4,000 $4,000 0.00% 7H010 SEWER LATERAL - STATION #10 3'11 COF FIRE SERVICES $8,360 $8,360 0.00% ~H211 BLOCK WALL FENCE - STATION #1 I 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $28,000 $28,000 0.00% q001 BULLET CONTAINMENT SYSTEM 311 COF ADMIN SVCS $37,000 $37,000 0.00% tKO01 INSTALLATION OF RESTROOMS - ANNEX 311 COF PW/ENG $69,000 $45,889 33.49% tKO02 ROOF REPAIR - CONVENTION CENTER 311 COF PW/ENG $406,000 $243,345 40.06% tK004 EXTERIOR DOOR REPLACEMENT - MLK 311 COF GEN SVCS $21,000 $21,000 0.00% zK011 BUILDING INVENTORY STUDY 311 COF PW/ENG $40,000 $40,000 0.00% 7B101 CITY WIDE DOCUMENT IMAGING 311 COF EXECUTIVE $74,000 $74,000 0.00% 1B102 CITY WIDE CD ROM SERVER 311 COF EXECUTIVE $20,000 $20,000 0.00% 7B103 CITY WIDE SOFTWARE SUITE 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $66,000 $51,683 21.69% 7B104 UPGRADE ALL 386 COMPUTER SYSTEMS 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $225,000 $185,459 17.57% GE2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY 311 COF CITY MGR S OFC $24,300 $24,300 0.00% ~B106 NEW PRINTERS FOR CITY DEPARTMENT 15.06% .'B107 NEW PCS FOR CITY COMPUTER NETWORK 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $74,200 $63,028 '~C002 CC FLOORING SYSTEM 311 COF COMM SVCS $45,000 $28,013 37.75% 311 COF COMM SVCS $162,000 $300,431 -85.45% zC003 CC VIDEO SYSTEM ~C004 CC SEAT RISER REPAIR 311 COF COMM SVCS $28,000 $18,262 34.76% ~H001 HOSER TOWER - STATION #8 31 ! COF FIRE SERVICES $20,000 $20,000 0.00% ;K054 SIGNAL, MODIFICATION - INSTALL EMERGENCY 3! I COF PW/TRAFFIC $50,000 $76,750 -53.50% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND: $2,474,960 $2,364,869 4.45% PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND $100,000 0.00% ~C006 PARK DEV/SILVER CREEK PARK 321 PKF COMM SVCS $100,000 iC007 PARK DEV/SEASONS PARK 321 PKF COMM SVCS $60,000 $60,000 .. 0.00% ~C009 PARK DEV/AKERS RD NO OF MCKEE 321 PKF COMM SVCS $35,000 $35,000 0.00% ~C003 PARK IMPROVEMENTS 321 PKF COMM SVCS $100,000 $100,000 0.00% 321 PKF COMM SVCS $25,000 $25,000 0.00% TC006 PARK DEV/PANAMA-MONITOR ~'C008 PARK DEV/AKERS-TAFT HIGHWAY 321 PKF COMM SVCS $20,000 $20,000 0.00% ~'C010 RESURFACE BASKETBALL COURTS 321 PKF COMM SVCS $20,000 $20,000 0.00% ?C011 PARK DEV/BERKSHIRE-SOUTH H 32 ! PKF COMM SVCS $25,000 $25,000 0.00% ~'C013 REPLACE PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 321 PKF COMM SVCS $32,000 $32,000 0.00% ~'C017 PARKS FENCING IMPROVEMENTS 321 PKF COMM SVCS '$21,000 $21,000 0.00% - $438,000 $438,000 0.00% TOTAL PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND: TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND ~KO05 LAND ACQUISITION FREEWAY RIGHT OF WAY 33 ! TDF PW/ENG $40,000 $40,000 0.00% 5K038 BRIDGE WIDENING PANAMA LANE 331 1DF PW/ENG $2,800,000 $2,800,000 0.00% 3K073 STREET WIDENING (CALIFORNIA AVE) 331 TDF PW/ENG $71,900 $71,900 0.00% 5K076 STREET WIDENT (TRUXTUN AVE) 331 I'DF PW/ENG $103,700 $103,700 0.00% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND: $3,015,600 $3,015,600 0.00% ROAD BRIDGE BOND FUND 5K008 CHANNELIZATION STATE ROUTE 178 332 RBBF PW/ENG $354,000 $354,000 0.00% $K083 BRIDGE WIDENING STATE HWY 58 332 RBBF PW/ENG $396,000 $395,800 0.05% 7K021 PROJECT STUDY REPORT - SR 178 332 RBBF PW/ENG $157,500 $157,500 0.00% TOTAL ROAD BRIDGE BOND FUND: $907,500 $907,300 0.02% CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT DIST AGENCY FUND ,_001 CHESTER AVENUE STREETSCAPE 391 CDDA EDCD $148,000 $298,000 -101.35% TOTAL CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT DIST AGENCY FUND: $148,000 $298,000 -101.35% SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND KO01 STORM DRAIN REHABILITATION - LIFT $ 41 I SE PW/ENG $100,000 $104,044 -4.04% K004 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 2 41 I SE PW/ENG $10,445,000 $9,005,000 13.79% KO04 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 2 41 ! SE PW/ENG $15,000,000 $15,000,000 0.00% K008 SEWER CONSTRUCTION - TELEMETRY 411 SE PW/ENG $150,000 $150,000 0.00% K012 SEWER REHABILITATION - LIFT STATION 411 SE PW/ENG $215,000 $215,000 0.00% K013 SEWER REHABILITATION - MAIN (WES) 411 SE PW/ENG $245,000 $245,000 0.00% K018 SEWER REHABILITATION - MAIN (BUE) 411 SE PW/ENG $1,660,000 $1,612,772 2.85% KO01 SEWER CONSTRUCTION - MAIN (ALLEN) 411 SE PW/ENG $210,000 $210,000 0.00% KO02 SEWER CONSTRUCTION - MAIN (BUEN) 411 SE PW/ENG $450,000 $450 000 0.00% KO03 SEWER REHABILITATION - MAIN 411 SE PW/ENG $179,020 $179,020 0.00% K004 SEWER REHABILITATION - LIFT STATION 411 SE PW/ENG $106,400 $106,400 0.00% KO05 SEWER REHABILITATION - MAIN (SOUTH) 411 GE PW/ENG $910,500 $910,500 0.00% KO08 SEWER REPLACEMENT - MAIN (UNION) 411 SE PW/ENG $211,800 $39,946 81.14% KO09 STORM DRAIN REHABILITA rlON - LIFT S 411 SE PW/ENG $106,400 $106,400 0.00% K010 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - MAIN 411 SE PW/ENG $158,700 $158,700 0.00% K011 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 2 411 SE PW/ENG $96,000 $85,500 10.94% B107 NEW P(~?, FOR CITY COMPUTER NE1-WORK 411 ,?,E CITY MGR'$ OFC $6,000 $6,000 0.00% TOTAL SEWER ENfERPRISE FUND: $30,249,820 $28,584,282 5.51% SEWER REVENUE BOND FUND K012 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 3 412 SRB PW/ENG $570,000 $570,000 0.00% TOTAL SEWER REVENUE BOND FUND: $570,000 $570,000 0.00% REFUSE FUND K013 LANDFILL - BURN DUMP REMEDIATION 421 RF SOLID WASTE . $1,299,914 $1,299,914 0.00% K014 LANDFILL DRY WELL REMEDIATION 421 RF SOLID WASTE $20,000 $0 100.00% KO03 MT VERNON RECYCLING FACILITY 421 RF SOLID WASIE $30,000 $13,133 56.22% 'B106 NEW PRINTERS FOR CITY DEPARTMENT 421 RF SOLID WASTE $3,000 $3,000 0.00% B107 NEW PCS FOR CITY COMPUTER NETWORK 421 RF CITY MGR'S OFC $3,400 $3,400 0.00% TOTAL REFUSE FUND: $1,356,314 $1,319,447 2.72% ~E4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY FY 96-97 PROJECTS AND FY 95-96 CARRYOVERS AGRICULTURAL WATER FUND i J001 WEIR RECONSTRUCTION 431 AWF WATER $610,000 $610,000 0.00% ;JO02 CANAL/STORM DRAIN FENCING 431 AWF WATER $90,000 $54,444 39.51% 'J004 2800 ACRE BASIN CONSTRUCTION 431 AWF WATER $220,000 $220,000 0.00% 'JO06 KR EQUESTRIAN TRAIL 431 AWF WATER $37,000 $37,000 0.00% 'JO07 KR LAND ACQUISITIONS 431 AWF WATER $125,000 $125,000 0.00% iCO04 KR PARKWAY GROUP PICNIC AREA 431 AWF COMM SVCS $50,000 $42,096 15.81% ~J001 DRAINAGE BASIN IMPROVEMENTS 431 AWF WATER $28,000 $28,000 0.00% 'KO10 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - MAIN 43'1 AWF PW/ENG $57,775 $57,775 QO0% TOTAL AGRICULTURAL WATER FUND: $1,217,775 $1,174,315 3.57% DOMESTIC WATER FUND ~JO07 WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS 44! DWF WATER $190,000 $190,000 0.00% ~JO09 WATER WELLS 441 DWF WATER $720,000 $719,900 0.01% ~J010 WATER QUALITY CONTROl_ SYSTEMS 441 DWF WATER $400,000 $400,000 0.00% ~J011 PUMP PLANT RETROFIT 441 DWF WATER $77,000 $77,000 0.00% 7J012 STORAGE TANK RETROFITS 44 1 DWF WATER $113,O00 $113,000 0.00% TOTAL DOMESTIC WATER FUND: $1,500,000 $1,499,900 0.01% EQUIPMENT FUND /HO03 FUEL TANK - ST. ATION #13 511 EF FIRE SERVICES $19,500 $19,500 0.00% 7K012 UPGRADE CNG FUELING SITE 511 EF PW/EQUIPMENT $100,000 $100,000 0.00% ?K013 UPGRADE AUTOMATED FUEL MANAGE 511 EF PW/EQUIPMENT $75,000 $75,000 0.00% ?K014 REMOVAL OF FD FUEL TANKS 511 EF PW/EQUIPMEN¥ $255,000 $255,000 0.00% 7K015 CORP YARD WASH RACK UPGRADE 511 EF PW/EQUIPMENT $84,000 $84,000 0.00% TOTAL EQUIPMENT FUND: $533,500 $533,500 0.00% RAND TOTAL - 96197 BUDGETED PROJECTS: $47,719,194 $46,036,480 3.53% FY 95~96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND P5H002 TRIDATA STUDY 31 t COF FIRE SERVICES $5,047 $5,047 0.00°~ P6H001 ABOVE GROUND TANKS 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $47,954 ($3,576) 107.46°~ PSK003 KERN RIVER PARKWAY PICNIC AREA-ADA FUNDS 31 I ~OF PUBLIC WORK5 $1~,043 $8,554 28.97°~ P3C001 BEACH PARK IMPROVEMENTS 311 COF COMM SVCS $99,042 $99,042 0.00°~ P6C01~ PATRIOTS PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 311 COF COMM SVCS $55,000 $5,366 90.24°~ N/A TREE REPLACEMENT.WINDSTORM DAMAGE 311 COF COMM SVCS $14,119 $14,119 0.00°~ P5C015 COMPUTER SYSTEM-CONVENTION CENTER 311 COF ~OMM SVCS $15,097 $15,097 P5C004 CHILLER REPLACEMENT - CONVENTION CNTR 311 COF COMM SVCS $~9,20~ $5,125 82.45°~ P6K008 FACILITIES REPLACEMENT RESERVE 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $799,000 $799,000 T6K072 STREET LIGHT ACQUISITIONS - ANNEXATIONS 311 COF PUBLIC WORKS $75,000 $75,000 0.00°~ P6K006 ROOF REPAIR - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BLDG. 311 COF PUBLIC WORKS $34,545 ~33,634 P51001 POLICE BUILDING EXPANSION 311 SAF POLICE DEPT $1,169,840 $~1 ,~60 98.18°/ P6K00~ POLICE STATION REMODEL 311 SAF POLICE DEPT $188,030 $186,858 Q61001 POLICE BUILDING EXP. - FURNISHINGS/EQUIP. 311 SAF POLICE DEPT $77,850 $77,850 0.00°/ Q61002 POLICE BLDG. REMODEL - FURNISHINGS/EQUIP. 311 SAF POLICE DEPT $51,530 $48,463 5.95°/ N/A COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $60,600 $60,600 0.00°/ N/A STATION 1 IMPROVEMENTS 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $48,1 i0 $48,110 TOTAL cAPITAL OUTLAY FUND: $2,782,009 $1,499,549 46.10~ GENERAL FUND N/A MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. SERVICE DRIVE 011 GF COMM SVCS $7,900 $7,900 0.00°, N/A BRIMHALL ROAD SOUTH EIR 011 GF DEV SVCS $14,200 $14,200 0.005 N/A CODE ENFORCEMENT REMODEL 012 DSF DEV SVCS $22,900 $22,900 0.00°, N/A CITY WIDE COMPUTER REPLACEMENT 011 GF CITY MGR'S OFC $144,200 $144,200 0.00'~ TOTAL GENERAL FUND: $189,200 $189,200 $0 PAGE! FY 95~96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS ~~..,,.i i i ~! ~..,..! ~ i~.,,.~[~i i [ ,,,i ! i~?~i ~ ~ ~ ~i i ~:,...~ :,..~ [ :~ii![i ~[i[i[~ii[i~ii[[il i !:...~..~.~..~..~i ! i [ [[~ .~...~.i i i i ii~,~.:-:~, ::, ,~,~[. ,'~.:..~.:.:. · ,<~,'..:~.:.:: ~:.~::.:..:,' q.:..:...'.. · ~,,..,I.:.::::::: .:.:..., .: .:.:..:.:-. ~.~:~.~:: · ~.,-..:~.'.~:k~::. q.:.':.:.:.:.:q::. · ::... · <' ':':':':::S::,': -:. · .:.. · .:...:.:':.:..' ::' ~: ' ·: ': ':::::::::: ::: ::.: · .:.:- .:.:.:.:-:.:.:..:.:. · · · · · · ' ':':':-:':::':':':':::[ ii i i.~::..~ ~[~ii[ii!? [ [ i !.~ i i i~~..~....~i i iii!ii!iii[iii:. .:.:-:.:.: '"'-:'"'"'"'":' ":: ' .............. > ' ' ' ': ":-:':'::.:::::. · · .:. [~[iii~ ~ ! [~i [i~i[[~,,,}~~ii~ ~.~.~ ~ ,,,:' - · · ":':~>S~::.: · -".>~.~I:~ ~ . ~~¢[~::~[~[~:~:~:~[~[g[~[~[~[~[~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~[~[~[~[~[~i~[[[[~:~:~:::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:[:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:i:::::~:[:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..:.~..~:.....---::-:-:~:.:-:.:.:.::...-.-.-.-. :..:.:.:.:.:.:..---`..``..~-.`....--'-...... -'.'~- ,-~'-.".'.'.'.', .................. AGRICULTURAL WATER FUND E6JO01 BELLVIEW RIVER WEIR CONSTRUCTION 43! AWF WATER $44,930 $44,930 0.00% TOTAL AGRICULTURAL WATER FUND: $44,930 $44,930 $0 DOMESTIC WATER FUND E6J004 KERN RIVER TRANSMISSION WATER MAIN 441 DWF WATER $168,097 $167,451 0-38°/; E6.I005 STORAGE RESERVOIR IN1-ERFACE 441 DWF WATER $4,439,330 $606,213 86.34°/` E6J006 THREE WATER WELLS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS 441 DWF WATER $640,120 $332,790 48.01°/, E6J007 WATER MAIN EXTENSION.-VARIOUS LOCATIONS 441 DWF WATER $202,834 $181,630 10.45°A TOTAL DOMESTIC WATER FUND: $5,450,381 $1,288,084 76.37°/ PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND P6C008 TEVIS RANCH-PHASE II DEV 321 PRK COMM SVCS $94,476 ',: 17,113 81.89°/' P6C005 DESTECT CONSTRIBUTION - SIEMONS AND 321 PRK COMM SVCS $170,000 $i70,000 0.00°/ UNIVERSITY PARKS N/A DESTEC CONTRIBUTION.- KERN SOCCER PARK 321 PRK COMM SVCS $100,000 $,(J0,000 0.00°/, N/A DESTEC CONTRIBUTION - HIGHLAND HIGH 321 PRK COMM SVCS $230,000 $.:30,000 0.00°/ TOTAL PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND: $594,476 $517,113 13.015 PARKLAND BOND ACT FUND P5C001 KERN RIVER PARKWAY-BIKEPATH 163 ST COMM SVCS $36,843 $0 100.005 TOTAL PARKLAND BOND ACT 1988 FUND: $36,843 $0 100.00~ ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUNDS E8K001 HOSKING CONSTRUCTION 654 AD PUBLIC WORKS $87,583 $19,951 7.7.22~ P4K003 CAL/OAK CONSTRUCTION 658 AD PUBLIC WORKS $339,500 $300,613 11.45°, TSK058 SClBNISOISL CONSTRUCTION 662 AD PUBLIC WORKS $4,696,078 $4,696,078 0.000, T6K074 PANAMA LANE WIDENING 662 AD PUBLIC WORKS $694,838 $72,822 89.52°, TOTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUNDS: $5,817,999 $5,089,464 12.52', PAGE 2 FY 95~96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS P6K007 UNION #10 WATER MAIN 111 CDBG FIRE SVCS $297,596 ~-$297'596 0.00% T5K056 SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT 111 CDBG PUBLIC WORKS $75,900 $0 100.00% T5K057 DOWNTOWN STREET IMPV-PHASE 2 111 CDBG ED/CD $15,000 $15,000 0.00% TOTAL CDBG FUND: $388,496 $312,596 19.54% SURFACE TRANSPORTATION FUND T5K051 TOC ARTEFHAL INFRASTRUCTURE CONDUIT 121 CMAQ PUBLIC WORKS $32,429 ~ $0 100.00% ,, 121 CMAQ PUBLIC WORKS $497,800 $497,800 0.00% T6K053 SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - TOC 12 i CMAQ PUBLIC WORKS $140,000 $140,000 0.00% T6K063 SIGNAL OPERATION - TOC 121 CMAQ PUBLIC WORKS $251,948 $221,300 12.16% T4K053 F ST ~ 14TH TO 24TH RESURFACING 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $21,676 $8,801 59.40% I'5K014 21ST STREET RESURFACING 121 S'I[' PIIBLIC WORKS $6,031 $2,816 53.31% T5K016 FAIRVIEW ROAD [~ESURFACING 12t SII' PtJBI.IC WOHKS $15,791 $5,413 65.72% T5K017 MONTEREY RESURFACING 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $7,186 $2.697 62.47% T6K006 CHANL, SIGNING, MARKING - BIKE LANE 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $272,000 $272,000 0.00°/` T6K023 WHITE LN - OLD RIVER TO GOSFORD RESURF 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $205,145 $49,695 75.78°/, TOTAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION FUND: $1,450,006 $1,200,522 17.21°/, GAS TAX FUND T5K051 TOC AR'Ir'ERIAL INFRASTRUCTI. JRE CONDUIT 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $4,201 $0 100.00°/, ,, 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $64,440 $64,440 0.00°/, T6K053' SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - TOC 15'1 GT PUBLIC WORKS $13,000 $13,000 0.00°/, T6K055 SIGNAL, NEW-~ 19Tt-! AT L ST 15l GT PUBLIC WORKS $62,593 $1,844 97.05°/` T6K056 SIGNAL, NEW - CAMINO MEDIA 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $90,756 $3,248 96.420/, T6K057 RIGNAL, NEW - XMAS TREE LANE 151 G'I- PUBLIC WORKS $79,311 $4,000 94.960/, T6K061 SIGNAL, NEW - HOWELL/OLD RIVER 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $100,307 $4,000 96.01°/` T6K062 SIGNAL, NEW - MONITOR/PACHECO 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $98,902 $3,520 96.440/, T6K063 SIGNAL OPERATION - TOC 151 Gl' PUBLIC WORKS $32,644 $28,673 12.16°/` T6K064 SIGNAL UPGRADE - BRUNDAGE LANE 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $80,130 $3,404 95.750/` T5K028 WIDENING - WHITE/WIBLE 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $29,449 $9,544 67,590/` PAGE 3 FY 95~96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS TOK0fi6 RESURFACING STREETS-CHIP/CAPE/SLURRY 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $57,361 $4,672 91.86% T6K006 CHANL, SIGNING, MARKING - BIKE LANE 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $68,000 $67,997 0.00% T6K007 CHANL., SIGNING, MARKING - OLEANDER 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $35,000 $34,646 1.01% T6K024 RESURF. - WILSON, SOUTH H/CHESTER 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $10,995 $1,669 84.82% T4K037 BRIDGE MOD. - RANCHERIA AT KERN RIVER 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $19,682 $5,000 74.60% P5C008 MEDIAN LANDSCAPE STOCKDALE/GOSFORD 151 GT COMM SVCS $51,854 $39,030 24.73% P5C010 MEDIAN LANDSCAPE ROSEDALE/OAK 151 GT COMM SVCS $15,929 $6,656 5821%. P6C010 MEDIAN LANDSCAPE WHITE LANE 151 GT COMM SVCS $20,707 $20,706 0.00% T3KO04 WHITE LANE MEDIANS 151 GT COMM SVCS $18,124 ($34) 100.19% T4K048 MEDIAN CONSTRUCTION - VARIOUS 151 DEV PUBLIC WORKS $200,943 $10,291 94.88% E6C001 PATRIOT'S PARK PUMP INSTALLATION 151 GT COMM SVCS $60,148 $4,806 92.01% P6K003 REMODEL CORP YARD BUILDING C 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $13,712 ($267) 101.95°/~ T6K068 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - MISC· CONST 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $34,868 $4.635 86-71°,~ TOTAL GAS TAX FUND: $1,263,056 $335,480 73.440/ TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND 0.00o/, T6K073 STREET WIDENING-OAK TO A STREET 331 TDF PUBLIC WORKS $71,900 $71,900 T3K036 WIDEN INTERSECTION STOCKDALE AT CALIF. 331 TDF PUBLIC WORKS $562,675 ($40,570) 107-21°/ TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEV. FUND: $634,575 $.31,330 95.06e/ CALLOWAY BRIDGE FUND T6K073 STREET WIDENING - OAK TO A STREET 332 RBB PUBLIC WORKS $136,848 $134,848 1.46°/ T6K074 PANAMA LN- ARVIN/EDISON CANAL TO ASHE 332 RBB PUBLIC WORKS $472,734 $32,598 93.10~/ T6K076 STREET WIDENING - TRUXTUN AT OAK 332 RBB PUBLIC WORKS $189,572 $189,572 0.00°~ T4K011 CALEOWAY DRIVE BRIDGE AT KERN RIVER 332 RBB PUBLIC WORKS $580,679 $54,785 90.57°~ TOTAL CALLOWAY BRIDGE FUND: $1,379,833 $411,803 70.16~ COFFE ROAD oVERCROSsING FUND T4K052 COFFEE ROAD OVERCROSSING 333 CRO PUBLIC WORKS $4,519,609 $283,282 93.730, T3K016 COFFEE RD AND BRIMHALL WIDENING 333 CRO PUBLIC WORKS $58,292 $8,494 85.43°, PAGE 4 FY 95~96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS ........ ov .c.oss . SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND ~_6K015 SEWER REHAB - RED LION SWR RPLCMNT 411 SE ~UBLIC WORKS $345,500 $345,500 0.00% E6K006 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPAN. 412 SE ~UBI_IC WORKS $788,000 $0 100.00% E6K005 WWTP #3 BUILDING EXPANSION 412 SE ~UBLIC WORKS $192,402 $125 99.94% E6K002 STORM DRAIN TRUXTUN LIFT 411 SE ~UBLIC WORKS $5,022 ($1,451) 128.89% E6K013 SEWER REHAB-WESTCHESTER 411 SE ~UBLIC WORKS $198,314 $0 100.00%' E6C001 PATRIOT'S PARK PUMP INSTALL 411 SE ~UBLIC WORKS $34,701 $0 100.00% E6K012 SEWER REHAB - LIFT AT BANK STREET 411 SE ~UBLICWORKS $10,750 $211 98.04% E6K001 STORM DRAIN LANDFAIR LIFT 411 SE ~UBLIC WORKS $146,600 $104,044 29.03% E6K010 SEWER REHAB-KERN ISLAND 411 SE P[I[)t.IC WORKS $199,22f) $2,338 98.83% TOTAL SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND: $'! ,920,511~ $450,767 76.53% AG WATER FUND E6C001 PATRIOT'S PARK PUMP INSTALL 431 AWF WATER $69,992 $0 100.00% TOTAL AG WATER FUND: $69,992 $0 100.00% GENERAL AVIATION FUND P6K004 ACQUISITION OF AIRPORT CLEAR ZONE 451 GAF PUBLIC WORKS $1,26~,000 $1,262,800 0.41% P5K006 FUEL TANK REMOVAL- AIRPORT 451 GAF PUBLIC WORKS $199,784 $180,680 9.56% P5K004 · CONSTRUCT AIRPORT RESTROOM FACILITY 451 GAF PUBLIC WORKS $35,000 $35,000 0.00% N/A AIRPORT MARKETING GRANT 451 WALMART EDCD . $7,000 $7,000 0.00% GRANT TOTAL GENERAL AVIATION FUND: $1,509,784 $1,485,480 1.61% GRAND TOTAL - FY 95~96 CARRYOVERS' $28,109,999 $13,148,094 53.23% PAGE 5 This report has been prepared by the Office of the City Manager and printed by The Californian at regular advertising rates. Additional details about any aspect ~-~ - of this report-may be obtained by calling lhe depa~:lment concerned. -~--- Planning Today for Bakersfie, ld's Future LONG RANGE PLANNING, flowntow~ malls, nde- of a'downtown mall and possible urban renewal. These quate parking, and civk~ centers! Thee ~I~ ~ studl~ a.re still in often used in conJunet/o~ with such term~ ~ ~aburb~a Other activitle~ of the Department Included cre~tYm sprawl, con~ted ~ blight m~d de~. o/. ~w zon~ o/civic cen~er and ~uburb~n re~tdentl~ to Peopl~ eve~wh~ hav~ ~ ~ ~ th~ ~ o~dinanc~, ~tudy which led ~o the real.on o/ the~tern~Ther~appem~toll~an~Uo~wtd~e~.~ . .~hemlbdivi~onordinan~,moderni~tiooo/O~t~ii~ for the phy~l weli-~q~ o/ci~ mM ~ . ' park o~d/mmce, and re~onin~ o{ a portkm o~ ~ dow~ In Bakersfield the~e m~t~e~ in ~lditlo~ ~-m h~t o/ tow~ ~r~ from light Indusielal ~ commerr~! u~. A related topic~ h~v~ I~ ~ ~ foe ~ ~ z0~ln~ ~ady o~ the area encompall~M by Union Avemae It i~ ~he primary du~y ~ oooe~ ~ t2~ C~! l~'~fl~ an~ Highway I~ o~ ~he north and c.~t ~nd 'l'roxtu~i ~ Department to ~ and maintain · c'o~p~et~/v~, Q on the ~outh and we~t was stared ~a~t fl~:~l ye'ar and long.range gt. netmii plan for lhe phy~ieM ~ o~ Bait- i~ continuing. er~{ield. And. to ~ eared, the ~t duri~' th~ ~'uture activity of the Department will include con- past fiscal year completed an lmpo~aat ~m~nt ~ the centrated attention on the general plan and continuing general plan---the ch'culation elen~nt study on urban renewal, parking, zoning, and the civic The circulation clem*mt i~ am ~ pl~ o~ st~em center. ~nd highways, .showi~ th~ ~t~n~ Io~tio~ and extent of existin~ and proposed major thorough/ar~ and tran~ of ~hl.~e principM elements by the Planning ~ommission thc Cily's goals for future development. lq:mnin~ of the nature required for the circulation /~--~x~ ~~~ ,qn,.,inR C .... issl .... d the CityC .... iL These plans ti,,n {o parking the PlanninR Department started studies Tyl~{cot of the ~p* of  . {er~i~ of 19th and K. F~ or, u~er ,~dy by ~ . I nlng ~la~f and fhe planning -' Safe Buildings... BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND the growth of the City have a direct relationship to the work load of the Building Department. In 1959-60 total construction amounted to $14 000,000, approximately $1,000,000 more than last year. This overall building activity closely reflects and follows the pattern of population expansion. And, in view of conlinuous and increasing building activity, a building department is essential so that substandard and dangerous structures are not erected. The prinmry fu..nction of the Building Department is to control and regulate building and land use development. Such regulation is aimed at protecting the economic stability of the community and to assure its orderly development with a minimum of hazard to human life and property. To accomplish these ends, the Department utilizes the latest developed, accepted standards in building regulation, standards used ~/§ guides in building regulation are the Uniform Building, Plumbing and Electrical Codes, the State Housing Act, Electrical Safety Orders, and the City's Sign and Zoning Ordinances. These 'tools have proved adequate for past activity. New building techniques and new installations and contrivances, however, require that even the existing codes need some up-dating. Modern advances in mechanized equipment, and in heating, ventilating and refrigera- tion require new approaches in regulation because of continuous operating changes. New building equipment brings about an increase in health and safety problems. Heat pumps, forced air attic furnaces, interior and exterior refrigeration equipment, swimming pool filters are typical of the new contrivances being installed in residential dwellings. All problems generated by such new equipment must be brought into conformity with requirements of safe and desirable living standards. Phil White, senior building inspector, and Nick Greer~ associate planner, che~k One of the problems now facing the Department is that of. noise the noise level of an outside air conditioning unit. created by exterior reft'iteration units. The Department has purchased a sound level meter and in co-operation with the Planning Department is in the process of studying measures of control, year include the new Bank of America building at 101 Chester Avenue, Channel 17 TV Station, and the million-dollar Montgomery \Vard During the past fiscal year, the Building Department issued 1,540 building, both in the Westchester area and a half-million-dollar Title building permits. Of this number 770 permits were for residential Insurance Company building at 17th and Chester. Also, 63 permits Swellings. The Department also effected the demolition of 71 blighted were issued for the construction of private swimming pools, more than cesidential structures that were in such a state they could not be ever issued during any single year in the past. cehabilitatcd to acceptable standards. Fees charged for permits amounted to about $4,000 more than the Build!xngs of particular interest for which permits were issued last cost of the operation of the Building Department last year. · ,.. Centralized Buying GROW~'H AND COMPLEXITY has not destroyed the responsive- Assume that a department needs an additional vehicle because ~ess of democratic procedures in'the City of Bakersfield. ° of increased workload. 'The department head cannot requisition a A good example of the ever continuing responsiveness to the new auto merely on this basis alone.. .lectorate by city government is the following situation ]n the Pur- First, the department head includes the auto in his proposed budget hasing Department. for the next fiscal year. His proposed budget is submitted~to the City It is commonly known that the Purchasing Agent purchases goods Manager for approval. In the Manager's analysis of the department's nd services for the various City departments. Few people, however, proposed budget a determination is made whether the increased work- now of the checks and balances that are employed to protect public load exists and whether the increase is let:ge enough to justify the .ands from being misused in such purchases, purchase of another vehicle. -: ......... After his analysis of this request and all other departmental budgets, the Manager submits a proposed City-wide budget to the Council. The proposed budget is reviewed by the Council at public hearings. ' During the budget hearings ~he Council may approve' or modify the proposed budget of the department requesting a vehicle. If the request is approved funds are appropriated for the vehicle in the department's budget for the next fiscal year. The funds cannot be used for any other purpose without Council approval. The next step is for the ~department head to requisition the vehicle from the Purchasing Agent. The Purchasing Agent must determine th9 type of vehicle necessary to perform the function required by the department, A set of specifications are then drawn up by the Pur- chasing Agent't}> assure that the vehicle will perform satisfactorily. Every effort is .made in drawing the specifications to include only essential requirements and to avoid calling for more than is needed. : ......The nex~ step :is~to in~,ite bids. This is done by newspaper ~d~ve~- tisement~ the'posting of.notices and sending notices to knqwn vendors. .The notice will tell how to obtain specifications and will have instruc- tions fo~ bidding on'the vehicle. · All bids received remain sealed until the time and date specified. The bids 'are then opened and read at a public meeting of the City Cquncil.. The Council's usual.procedure 'is to refer. all bids for staff · chedkKng and. 'the preParation of a complete summary of the bids. ': TliiS SUmmai-y is'fumislied to ~ill interested bidders and to all members of the Council. The Council, at a subsequent public meeting, makes an award after consideration of price, .quality, adaptability and other factors that have a bearing'on the purchase. h O.n th..e purchases of supplies and le~sxexDensive items the Put casmg Department uses a less formal system of biddihg but follows the~same basic procedures of'competitive bus;iqg. The Purchasing Department serves as a focal'point for all vendors that wish to cOmpeie for the City's business an~ is always l~eady to · help them with' any procedural information. The door of the Pur- ~. Irma Car~on of the Purchasflg Office recleves a ~hil>ment of etatloflery, chasing Ddpartment is always open and its records are public. lgA B A K E R S F I E L'D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ,~/~'~_~. DATE: November 1, 1996 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC ISSUES (Ward 3) Council Referral Record No. WF0012138 / 001 Attached is a status report from the Traffic Engineer regarding various traffic issues as requested by Councilmember Patricia Smith. Please contact me should you have any questions regarding the report. R0012138.001 Attachment BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: October 29, 1996 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEERing) SUBJECT: CITYCOUNCIL REFERRAL No. WF0012138/001 - UPDATES TO PREVIOUS REFERRALS AND TRAFFIC ISSUES - WARD 03. COUNCIL REFERRAL/REQUESTS: "SMITH REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE UPDATES ON THE FOLLOWING PREVIOUS REFERRALS: 1) TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT LA COSTA BY EISSLER SCHOOL; 2) CROSSING GUARD AT NICHOLS SCHOOL; 3J POSSIBLE WARNING LIGHT OR TURN LANE AT HWY 178/COMMANCHE; AND, 4) TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT FAIRFAX AND COLLEGE." RESPONSE: 1) TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT LA COSTA, BY EISSLER SCHOOL (old referral No. WF0011913/001). In March, 1996, the intersection of La Costa at Auburn Street was determined to have satisfied one of eleven warrant conditions for a traffic signal. The location was added to the list of warranted signal locations for consideration of funding with future CIP budgets. Currently, the intersection ranks 19th out of 30 warranted signal locations. Based on projected funding availability, the project may remain unfunded until after 1997 or later. 2) CROSSING GUARD AT NICHOLS SCHOOL (old referral No. WF0011909 to Police DepartmentJ. The Traffic Engineer and staff have been working with Nichols School and Principal Vanessa Miller for the past month regarding school traffic problems. Changes are being made to parking areas at curbside and the crosswalk areas enhanced. Since Traffic Engineering had not received any requests for crossing guards, Principal Miller was asked if the school had requested, or would be requesting, any crossing guard studies. Principal Miller told Traffic Engineering staff that no crossing guard studies were requested and none were anticipated at this time. Since the school had not identified a crossing to be studied and does not see the need for one at this time, no crossing guard study is proposed. As always, should the school, or school district, change their mind and identify the need for a crossing guard study, Traffic Engineering will perform a standard study and make a recommendation. No further action required. 3) POSSIBLE WARNING LIGHT OR TURN LANE AT HWY 178/COMMANCHE (old referral- no number assigned). Traffic Engineering contacted Mr. Rod Cruz at CalTrans District 06 offices in Fresno regarding the project at State Route 178 and Commanche Road. The project for safety lighting and road improvements was included in the budget proposal sent to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) last month. The CTC will review and make recommendations for the various projects, including this one, and propose their funding. At this time, CalTrans does not know if this specific project has been approved for funding. We will check with them again in a few weeks to update the status. 4) TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT FAIRFAX AND COLLEGE (new referral). The intersection of Fairfax and College was analyzed for traffic signals in January, 1994 and found to meet several of the eleven warrant conditions. The location was added to the unfunded traffic signal list and prioritized in relation to the other 30 unfunded locations. At this time the location is rated at number 18. Based on projected funding availability, the project may remain unfunded until after 1997 or later. The intersection currently functions under a four-way stop control with only moderate delays and few reported traffic accidents. cc: Jacques-LaRochelle, Engineering Services Manager Bruce Deeter, CE III, Traffic Engineering Brad Underwood, CE III, Traffic Engineering PW Memo Files Traffic Engineering File - Council Referral No. WF0012138/001. Updates Wd3 slw: P:\DATA\WP\1996\WF012138.ref City.of Bakersfield *REPR~N~~ · ?~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 ~REQ/JOB: WF0012138 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 10/25/96 REQUEST DATE: 10/23/96 CREW: STARTSCHEDULE DATES : i0/23/96 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 11/04/96 GEN. LOC: WARD3 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - SMITH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: PREVIOUS REFERRALS/TRAFFIC ISSUES REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC*** SMITH REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE UPDATES ON THE FOLLOWING PREVIOUS REFERRALS: 1) TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT LA COSTA BY EISSLER SCHOOL; 2) CROSSING GUARD AT NICHOLS SCHOOL; 3) POSSIBLE WARNING LIGHT OR. TURN LANE AT HWY. 178/COMANCHE; AND, 4) TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT FAIRFAX AND COLLEGE. JOB ORDER DESCRIPTION: PREVIOUS REFERRALS/TRAFFIC ISSUES Category: PUBLIC WORKS TASK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL ASSIGNED DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / County of Kern OFFICE OF THE Bakersfield, California FIFTH DISTRICT SUPERVISOR MARY K. SHELL October 29, 1996 I-':!. L:, %, h*,. ' .... '., ..' Mr. J~e Wager City of B~ersfield . Economic Development Dept. i 501 Tmxt~ Avenue B~ersfield, Ca. 93301 De~ J~e: I w~t you to ~ow ~e recent plating ~d disMbution of 635 trees to org~izations ~d individuals in the southeast B~ersfield Incentive ~ea last weekend was vew success~l. Bill Reifel, president of the Southeast Bakersfield Neighborhood Partnership, has been working for several months to secure locations for the balance of the trees that the Incentive Area received last year from the Texaco "Let's grow" project. More than 600 trees have been stored at the county detention Facility at Lerdo since April. They were transported there by the Kern County Parks Department and have been under the care of Jim Ingram. Last Friday, the Kern County Parks Department transported the 635 trees from Lerdo to the Claude Richardson Center on Feliz Street. Helping in this operation were several Lerdo inmates, supervised by a Detention Officer. A tag bearing the name of the recipient was prepared in my office for each tree. After the trees were transported, they were tagged and segregated in preparation for distribution Saturday. Some 800 stakes 'for the trees were furnished by the Kern County Community Development Department. ~ The humus, provided by the City of Bakersfield, arrived on schedule Friday and was bagged by juvenile offenders. They were supervised by the Probation Department. 1115 Truxtun Avenue ~, Bakersfield, California 93301 · (805) 861-2290 FAX (805) 631-2716 On Saturday we had volunteers from State Farm Insurance Company, The California Conservation Corps, AmeriCorps, the Housing Authority and the neighborhood. Bill Reifel and I provided the volunteers with a hot dog and beverage lunch. The operation was completed by 1 P.M. The people of southeast Bakersfield appreciate the humus >roved by the City .of Bakersfield. And I, personally, thank you for your help. Sincerely, Ad hoc Tree Committee Southeast Bakersfield Incentive Area Citizen Advisory Committe cc: Martin Castro, Chairman Southeast Bakersfield Incentive Area Citizen Advisory Committee MEMORANDUM. October 31, 1996 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER /,,,--'~ ~/ / /Z FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIREC~r /r SUBJECT: SHAFTER SPHERE OF INFLUENCE AMENDMENT DIRE~FED BY THE / URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE The City of Shafter sent city staff notice of a proposed negative declaration for a sphere of influence amendment, annexation, general plan amendment and a zone change. This is a first step in the process to annex the property comprising the foreign trade zone. A response was prepared and delivered to the City of Shafter on October 18, 1996. The Urban Development Committee has been following this matter and discussed it in the committee meeting of October 16, 1996. In the meeting the committee directed staff to prepare a response to the Shafier proposal which would convey the committee's and staff's concerns.. Staff will continue to monitor the progress of this proposal as it proceeds through the review process with the City of Shafter and LAFCO. There will be various milestones along the way allowing for public review and comment. As they occur the committee may want to have staff review the material with them so that they can give direction as to whether they woUld like the city to submit comments. The Council for the City of Shafter approved the General Plan Amendment and held the 1 st reading for the zone change and environmental document for the projects, on October 29, 1996. City staff attended this meeting and confirmed for the record the October 18, 1996, letter had been received. The next step would be to have the 2nd reading for the zone change on November 12, 1996. The City of Shafier staff anticipates that the application for Sphere Amendment and Annexation will be submitted to LAFCO on November 13, 1996. SG:pjt m\mat23