HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/23/95 BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM June 23, 1995 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL~ FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT' GENERAL INFORMATION 1. In last week's memo, I mentioned the Casa Royale and code enforcement problems there. Two wings of that structure currently cannot be occupied because of non-compliance. The County Health Department was cooperative in inspecting, with us, for multiple kinds of violations and life safety conditions. 2. A copy of the letter to the refuse haulers is enclosed for your information. 3. We met with the Kern County Association of Cities Association relative to the complaint on LAFCO's proposed new rules on spheres of influence. We got unanimous support to object to the new policies. We will appear next week. 4. Responses to Council inquiries and referrals are enclosed regarding revenue collected from the wood/green waste facility, refuse/greenwaste service in the Beech Street area, median landscaping requirements, the Calloway Drive construction timeline and a status report on the repair to a railroad crossing on "L" Street. 5. Exchange of draft tax split settlement agreements with the County continues. We have turned around a draft from them and have given it back to them for comment. If the next stage goes well, the issue should, essentially, be settled. There are still some delicate aspects yet to deal with, however. 6. Enclosed is the May report from our Washington lobbyist. 7. Trudy Slater has had some discussion with the County's Environmental Health Specialist regarding the feeding of transients in Central Park. A memo on their conversation is enclosed. 8. A memo is enclosed regarding the status of donations for the Cancer Survivors' Plaza at Beach Park. 9. A status report on CIP projects for the second quarter of fiscal year 1994-95 is enclosed. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL June 23, 1995 Page -2- 10. Fair Housing staff from Economic/Community Development have developed a newsletter to educate the public on Fair Housing issues. The summer issue is enclosed for your information. AT.alb Enclosures cc: Department Heads Trudy Slater Carol Williams BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ~501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 RAUL M. ROJAS, DIRECTOR · CITY ENGINEER June 23, 1995 Kern Refuse Disposal Incorporated P. O. Box 5875 Bakersfield, CA 93388 NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR Dear Kern Refuse Disposal Members: The City of Bakersfield hereby notifies Kern Refuse Disposal Incorporated, as the City's contractor under Agreement No. 91-71, to begin implementation of automated or semi- automated residential refuse collection. We understand that procurement of equipment may take considerable time, and therefore will allow up to 180 days for procurement of equipment beginning on July 1, 1995. We realize that there will be aspects of this matter where you wish to negotiate financial issues. The 180 days can be used for said discussions. City staff is available to meet for said discussions immediately, and as frequently as you wish. Said discussions; however, do not modify the contractual requirement to begin conversion as of January 1, 1996 and to have 20% of the routes converted by January 1, 1997, and each year thereafter. As you are aware, the standard residential service level consists of one tan-colored 96 gallon cart serviced once a week for refuse, and one green 64 gallon vented cart serviced once a week for greenwaste. Various accommodations are made for customers with special circumstances. These can be identified as you begin to work with City staff to coordinate your implementation. Please contact Mr. Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director, at (805) 326-3114 in order to coordinate activities. Thank you for your assistance and we look forward to working with you to modernize solid waste collection for the City of Bakersfield residents. Very truly yours, Public Works Director KPB:smp:mro KERNREFU. LTR c: Alan Tandy, City Manager Alan D. Daniel, Assistant City Attorney Kevin P. Barnes, Solid Waste Director " ,, JUN B A K E R S F I E L D i l, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M !:.C~TY h~AN~Gc~R~S OFFfC' TO: ALAN TANDY~ CITY MANAGER. /// DATE: ~une 21, 1995 SUBJECT: ~SPONSE TO INQUIRY AT COUNCIL WO~SHOP OF ~UNE 14~ 1995 ~GA~ING 1993-1994 ~NUES COLLECTED FROM WOOD & G~EN WASTE FACILI~ AT MT. ~ON Pursuant to an inquiry from Councilmember McDermott at the Council Workshop of June 14, 1995, staff has compiled revenue data for calendar years 1993 and 1994. Since revenue generation at the Wood and Green Waste Facility is seasonal, fiscal year data is misleading. It should also be noted that revenue information as of January 1995, would also be misleading since the majority of compost sales takes place in the late summer and ' early autumn. For 1993: Co-generation fuel $123,337 Compost 35,470 $158,807 For 1994: Co-generation fuel $136,370 Compost 29,654 $166,024 Sales of co-generation fuel were, obviously, the most important to the City, until PG&E received permission from the Public Utilities Commission to buy electricity from Canada, and other sources. The co-generation market has plummeted. For 1995, staff is focusing more of its marketing efforts on sellin_~ compost and mulch. c: Kevin P. Barnes, Solid Waste Director ~ GW_REV /' x BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~ DATE: June 15, 1995 SUBJECT: ALLEY SERVICE Attached is a copy of a letter dated May 29, 1995 written by Ruben A. Plummet of 141 Beech Street to Councilmember Irma Carson. In response, also attached is a copy of the Solid Waste Division's letter dated June 9, 1995 to the neighborhood around Beech Street and Brundage Lane on "alley service". If there are any questions, please contact Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director at 326-3114. PLUMMER.MEM Attachment c: Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director 06/14/95 WED 12:59 FA~. 805 322 7503 _ CITY BKFD SANITATION DIV ~oo4 B A K E R $ F I E ,,L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I~01 TRUXTUN' AVENUE I~AKER$flELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (Sf~) 32~.3'J'2'~ RAUL M. ROJAS, DIRECTOR * CITY ENGINI~I:K Ju~e 9, 1995 Dear Resident: We have found it necessary to service the new refuse and greenwaste carts in the alley behind your home instead of at the street. The reason for this change is that several of the homes on your block have no side yard passage to store the containers out of view. We are therefore asking that you place your cart~ in the alley on .pick up day beginning Monday, June 12, 1995. The green cart i~ ~erviced each Honday and the tan refuse car~ is serviced each Wednesday. After pic~ up, please remove the carts from the alley to keep the alley clear and to prevent unauthorized use of your cart. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping Bakersfield clean. Sincerely, Public WorRs Director KJB: cram alley.memo1 06/ 5 WED 12:59 FAX 805 322 7503 CITY BKF]) SANITATION DI¥ ~]003 . _~..~. ~.~_~~...~-~~-. B A K E R,S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTMEMORANDUM ~ c/~"~'~'~ TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director ~~/~ DATE: June 14, 1995 SUBJECT: COUNCIL INQUIRY MEDIAN LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS This information is in response to an inquiry from Councilmember Mark Salvaggio regarding the requirement for landscaping in medians. Median landscaping is required by the 2010 General Plan. Chapter III (Circulation), page 18, policy statement 18 states, "Provide and maintain landscaping on both sides and in the median of arterial streets within incorporated areas". Median and median landscaping requirements are approved by the Planning Commission. LD~MEMO\CCINQ.SAL CHAPTER III CIRCULATION/STREET .. (POLICIES) i8 -~r°Vide and maintain landscaping on both sides and in the median of arterial streets within incorporated areas. In unincorporated areas, landscaping within road right-of-way may be allowed and shall be limited to low shrubs; .blank irrigation conduit only will-be-prov'.u~ed-~ithin the median of arterial streets (I-15). ' 19 Provide and maintain landscaping on both sides of collector streets. In unincorporated areas, landscaping within road right-of-way may be allowed and shall be limited to low shrubs (I-16). 20 . Prohibit' parking on new arterials, in incorporated areas. In unincorporated areas, prohibit parking when traffic studies warrant elimination. Allow parking on collectors and on residential streets (I-17). 21 Route traffic around, rather than through, pedestrian-oriented areas (I-18). 22 Design tranSportation improvements to minimize noise impacts cn adjacent uses ( 1-19). ~ 23 Provide freeways in a manner similar to that shown on the Circulation Plan Map. Actual alignments to be determined by ~ specific corridor·studies (I-20)- 24 Identify route alignments and right-of-way needs (I-21). 25 Identify interchange locationS and preliminary designs (I-5, 1-21). 26 Preserve freeway and interchange rights-of-way consistent with corridor study alignments and specifications (I-22). 27 Work with Caltrans to have the freeways constructed (1-23). 28 If no specific line has been adopted, future road reservations · or other accommodationS may be required to preserve freeway/expressway alignments as shown on the circulation map ( 1-21, 1-22). 29 Upon the adoptiOn of a specific plan line for a freeway/ expressway alignment, developers will be required to make reser- vations preserving the alignment of any subdivision map. In addition, develo~ent restrictionS on general plan amendments, zone changes and the issuance of building-permits will also be required (I 24) ~ .-'~zc. ?i 30 The need for a north/south freeway/expressway and an east-west freeway (178) are conceptually shown on the circulation map. .Alternative alignments are under study and upon completion of corridor studies the actual alignment will be adopted and dedi- cations or reservations of right-of-way may be required (1-22, I-·24) ' III-18 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~ FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ~~/~//~..~· DATE: June 19, 1995 SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO COUNCIL INQUIRY Attached is the Calloway Drive construction timeline as requested by Councilmember Kevin McDermott. CALLOWAY.RMR Attach. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM June 15, 1995 TO: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director FROM: Fred L. Kloepper, Assistant Public Works Directo~/~. SUBJECT: Calloway Drive Construction - Timeline Granite has begun work only on the portion of roadway north of the Cross Valley Canal. They will complete work in that area in about 60 days providing utility companies are able to relocate their facilities in a timely fashion. Work on the bridges cannot begin until flows in the Kern River diminish to 175 cfs or less. This is expected to occur about mid-July. If cool weather persists the start-up date could be pushed forward. Granite will have about nine months to complete that portion of the work. This could put paving operations in the foggy period, preventing completion. I am convinced that Granite's interest and intent is to complete the project prior to 1995 expiring. BAKERSFIELD. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: June 16, 1995 SUBJECT: STATUS REGARDING RAILROAD CROSSING ON "L" STREET Attached please find a copy of the status report, dated June 13, 1995, from the Kern County Department of General Services regarding requests made to The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company (AT&SF) to repair railroad crossing on "L" Street. Attach. c: Bob Price, Mayor STEVEN G. LAr-)D I I I 5 Truxtun Avenue Director Bakersfield, California 93301 RONALD A. JAMES Telephone (805)861-2481 Assistant Director FAX (805) 633-1809 COUNTY OF KERN DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL June 13, 1995 JUN 1 1995 Stanley H. Reidenbach The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 740 E Carnegie Drive San Bemardino, CA 92408-3571 SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER (Repair Status of Railroad Crossing on L Street) On May 23, 1994, the County of Kern's General Services Department notified Joe Mejia of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company (AT&SF) by letter that the railroad crossing at "L" Street in downtown Bakersfield was in very poor condition. From May through September 1994, the General Services contacted AT&SF by correspondence, telephone, and a meeting to express the County's concern regarding the hazardous condition of the railroad crossing. Your letter dated October 7, 1995, stated that your AT&SF planned to retire the southerly track and make the "necessary" road crossing repairs. You indicated flint work on the "L" Street crossing was to begin in the first part of May 1995. As of the date of this letter, I am unaware of any physical work having been done. Thc urgency for need of the improvements was recently made apparent by a frightening situation. The General Services Department was informed that on June I, 1995, a possible fatal incident occurred during the noon hour. An individual's wheelchair got caught m thc considerable gap adjacent to the railroad tracks on "L" Street. A train was approaching. Two individuals helped carry the man to safety. " The railroad crossing on "L" (as well as "K" and "lq" Streets) are in temble condition. Vehicles take a beating crossing these lxacks. More importantly, pedestrians, including jurors, who might cross thc tracks four times a week day, cross these tracks with significant risk of injury and inappropriate risk to their life. Please be advised that the County wants these railroad crossings to repaired as soon as possible so that the possibility of personal injury to individuals and damage to vehicles is dimimshed beyond reasonable cause. Please advise when you plan to start and what .type of crossing repairs and improvements you contemplate. The COunty hopes to see a railroad crossing similar to the one installed in 1994 on Coffee Road south of Rosedale Highway. Sincerely, · Mitchell Van Wyk, Chef' Property Management Division MVW:mvw:F-2b\atsf4 cc: Supervisor Shell County ^dminigtrative Officer County Counsel, Trish Randolph City of Bakersfield Joe Mejia, Road Master AT & SF Railroad 2650 Tular¢ Street Fresno, CA 93271 Architectural Services · Construction and Inspection · Emergency Services · Facilities Management Fleet Management · Property Management O Purchasing E. DEL SMITH AND COMPANY, INC. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS 1 ! 30 CONNECTICUT AVENUE, N.W. SUITE 650 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 (202) 822-83OO FAX (202) 822-83115 June 8, 1995 Memo to: Alan Tandy, City of Bakersfield From: Del Smith, Washington Representative Subj: Report for I~lay on Federal Advocacy Activities performed by E. Del Smith & Com.Dany for the City of Bakersfield In Washington, D.C. 1. Trans.Dortation Funding- Liaison continues with the House and Senate committees to encourage inclusion in an Authorizing Bill for draw down from the highway trust fund or in an appropriations bill for direct transportation allocation for State Route 58 construction. 2. Crime Bill Grants - This office monitors the ongoing crime legislation working its way through Congress for the possibility of additional funding for police officers. 3. EDA Grant-De_Dartment of Commerce -It appears as though the Department of Commerce funding will be discontinued in FY1997 and therefore funding as sought in FY1996 should be completed as soon as possible. This office should be notified with respect to its liaison with Charlie Oaks, District EDA Director in Los Angeles. BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM June 22, 1995 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: TRUDY SLATER, ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST III ~~ SUBJECT: SOUP KITCHENS IN CENTRAL PARK - FOR INFORMATION ONLY During a discussion with Mike Chapman, Chief Environmental Health Specialist with the County's Environmental Health Department, Mike relayed to me that the dispensing of the food in the Park is not in compliance with state law. They made an investigation and it appears that there is a lack of protection for the food while it is being distributed. The Church's kitchen seems to be in good shape (close compliance) and the preparation of the food is not a problem. If .there is a menu change, there may be a problem. Mike indicated that this was a sensitive area and that other communities are facing similar difficulties and that several lawsuits have been filed (San Francisco, other counties). Environmental Health tries to be sensitive to everyone's needs. They have contacted the church food service workers and senior pastors on East Brundage for inspection purposes. Mike wants to meet with them to discuss avenues to bring them into compliance. Generally speaking, to bring everyday feeding in the park into compliance a number of options are available, such as pre-packaged unit servings, renting or leasing a food preparation unit (i.e., catering truck); renting a building renovated for serving food. They can 'also reduce the number of days the church is feeding to 25 days or less within a 90- day period. I indicated to Mike that individuals would be at next Wednesday's Council meeting to speak on problems with feeding of the transients in the park, and he indicated that he would try to have a letter to us before then. He wants to meet with them first to try to work out acceptable solutions. He will copy us and the church on all letters regarding the issue. Mike reiterated that this was a sensitive area and that Environmental Health tries to accommodate all parties in reaching solutions. (M0622951) June 20, 1995 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~ ,/ FROM: LELAND J. ANDERSEN, COMMUNITY SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT: CANCER SURVIVORS' PLAZA Thought you might be interested in the attached cost estimate forwarded by Mr. Scott Garrison of Leadership Bakersfield, regarding the Cancer Survivors' Plaza. It lists estimates provided by S. C. Anderson and other organizations who are contributing in- kind donations. It appears they still have quite a ways to go but looks like they are making good progress. As I receive additional information, I will forward for your file. canc.plaza JUN.-09'95(FRI) 15:46 A (3 N TEL:805 631 1235 P, 002 QUANTITY LABOR DONOR/ MATERIAL DONOR/ ACTIVITY' UNFF ESTIMATE PROVIDER ESTIMATE PROVIDER MONUMENT SIGN BASE 2 EA $2,025.00 GOLDEN EMPIRE CONCRETE $1,145.00 GOLDEN EMPIRE CONCRETE STATUE FOUNDATION 15 EA $685.00 $145.00 · PLAQUE BABE 1 EA $285.00 FLATWORK 1736 SF $2,433.00 $1,473.00 GOLDEN EMPIRE CONCRETE STAMPED CONCRETE .2520 SF $11,600.00 EMPIRE CONSTRUCTION $6,000.00 GOLDEN EMPIRE CONCRETE MOW CURB (6'X6') 490 LF $1,975.00 $475.00 GOLDEN EMPIRE CONCRETE CURB IN PARKING LOT 210 LF $1,980.00 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD $540.00 CrTY OF I~AKERBF~ELD SAND & GRAVEL 30 TONS $200.00 $450.00 CONCRETE TOTAI.~ $18,083.00 $10,273.00 3'X,3°X3/16' ANGLE 35 EA WITH $t50.00 3/4'X8' ANCHOR BOLT 60 EA CONCRETE $,300.00 12"X12'X1/2' S.S. PLATE 15 EA · $850.00 12'X12'X;~/8' S.$. PLATE 1~ EA ' $945,00 ,3/8' S.S. THREADED ROD 60 EA ' $120,00 REINFORCING STEEL 500 LBS $4,-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-~3.00 $150,00 MISC. STEEL TOTAL $450.00 $2,515.130 BRONZE PLAQUE (10'X15") 15 EA $1,1,35.00 $5,000.00 BLOCH FOUNDATION BRONZE LETTERS - 8' 19 EA $1g0,00 $380.00 BRONZE LETTERB -4" 20 BRONZE LE'r'I'ERB - 2' :~0 EA $150.00 $!540,0o * ' SIGNAGE TOTALS $1,585.0o $6,420.oo LIGHT BOLLARDS 14 EA $700.00 A-C ELECTRIC $7,000.00 A-C ELECTRIC LIGHTING AT STATUE,.~ N/A A-C ELECTRIC N/A A-C ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL TOTALS $700.00 $7,000.00 PAVING ;3000SF $850.00 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD $~',100,00 CITY OF BAKERBFIELD STRIPING - STANDARD 10 EA $100.00 CITY Oi~ BAKERSFIELD $20,00 cr'rY OF BAKERSFIELD STRIPING. HANDICAP ~Z EA $60,00 CITY' OF BAKERSFIELD $40.00 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HANDICAP PARKING SIGNS 2 EA $100,00 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD $200.00 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD A.C. PAVING TOTALS $1,110.o0 S2,360.00 HEDGE (5 GALLON) 98 E.A $980,00 ELLIOTT'S BPR[NKLER & ES. $1,960.00 TREES (24' BOX) 16 EA SE~O0.00 ELLIOTT"S SPRINKLER & Ea. $3,200.00 KERN TREE FOUNDATION ANNUALS 1 LB $260.00 ELLIO'FI"B ~PRINKLER & LO, $500.00 CRICKLEWOOD NURSERY IRRIGATION 2000 SF $4.50,00 EI,LIOTF'S SPRINKLER & L,S, $550.00 WATER WAYS IRRIGATION LANDSCAPE TOTALS $2,480.00 $6,210.00 PRECAST CONC. BENCH 12 EA $1j.~0,00 GOLDEN EMPIRE CONCRETE $4,800.00 GOLDEN EMPIRE CONCRETE COMPUTER W/ENCLOSURE 1 EA $1,2oo,00 SANTA FE ENERGIY $,.3,o00.00 SANTA FE ENERGY MI$O, ITEM TOTAL $2,400,00 $7,800.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE $26,808,00 $42,578.00 B A K E R.S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM June 19, 1995 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: ~11~ Darnell W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director THROUGH:~d~'l' Raui M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: 1994-95 CIP Status -Through June 16, 1995 Attached are two versions of the 1994-95 CIP programs. Both schedules are intended to be executive summaries, the first schedule shows all projects by order of design schedule within the fiscal year. The second is grouped by project engineer with each engineer's schedule in order of design schedule. Also enclosed is a construction inspection status report, a memorandum listing all Plans and Specifications as well as Notices of Completion and Acceptance of Work approved by the Public Works Director or his designee. If you have any question, I am available at your convenience. cc: G. Waiters T. Slater D. Teubner MEMORANDUM DATE: JUNE 16, 1995 TO: DARNELL HAYNES, ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FRO QUE$ R. LaROCHELLE, CML ENGINEER IV-DESIGN SUBJECT: 1994-95 CIP STATUS Attached are two variations of the 1994-95 CIP schedule. The first shows all projects by order of design schedule within the fiscal year. The second is sorted by project engineer. As shown the majority of projects are on schedule. Following are projects of special interest: PROJECTS BEHIND SCHEDULE 1. White Lane median narrowing (Wible to South H) and widening Northwest Comer @ Wible Road. Design approximately 95% complete. Still awaiting results of landscape maintenance district survey in order to finalize design. Surveys have been mailed and at this time only three surveys have been returned. 2. Stockdale Highway @ California Avenue-Widen Intersection. Awaiting right of way from property owned by Smith's Food Center. 3. Coffee Road Widening Project has been delayed while we await the results of the soil contamination report. PROJECTS ON SCHEDULE 1. Stockdale Hwy at Cross Valley Canal sewer reconstruction. _ Project completed early due to emergency need for construction. 2. Convention Center reseai of arena floor. Award of Contract will be on the June 28, 1995 Council Agenda. Construction should begin mid July 1995. 3. Group picnic area playground equipment. .. Plans completed early. Parks will install by force account. 4. Women's Shower Facility-Corporation Yard Construction should begin around the first week of July 1995. 5. Union 10 Sewer Project Design complete. PROJECTS DESIGNED BY CONSULTANTS 1. Stoekdale Highway Reconstruction/Coffee Road Median Improvements Plans are complete. 2. Tevis Park Design Plans Specifications and Estimates are due June $0, 1995. Fire Station 13 Consultant has submitted Plans and Specifications for first plan check. Plans could possibly be advertised before the end of the month. 4. Chester Avenue Bridge Seismic Retrofit Award of Contract will be on the June 28, 1995 Council Agenda. 5. Green Waste Facility Currently under redesign due to budget reduction. 6. Police Station Building Expansion Bidding date is set for July 18, 1995. 7. Bridge Replacement-China Grade Loop @ Beardsley Canal Plans have been returned for final draft, submittal to Caltrans anticipated during the first week of July 1995 8. Widening of Canal Bridges-Arvin Edison Canal (So. H, Stine, Panama, Wible, Alters) Plans 90% complete. 9. Widening of Canal Culvert-Farmer's Canal (Panama Ln.) Plans 90% complete. 10. Panama Lane Interchange Widening @ Freeway 99 Preliminary plan complete. Draft Combination Project Study Report/Project Report has been sent to Caltrans for review. Project on schedule. 11. California Avenue Interchange Widening @ Freeway 99 Construction has begun. 12. Coffee Road Grade Separation Plans underway, right of way appraisals nearly complete, environmental work nearly complete. 13. Modify Lift Station - Gosford Rd @ District Bird Study complete, currently implementing solution proposed by consultant. 14. Architectural Barrier Removal-Various Locations Ramp designed. Bids rejected because low bid was three times higher than budget. City's annual contractor has begun work in cooperation with City forces. 15. Convention Center HVAC Consultant interviews have been completed and scores for both the Request for Qualifications and the interviews have been tallied. A recommendation by staff in memo form will be forwarded to Mr. Rojas by 6-20-95. REPORT DATE: 06/15/95 1994-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE (ENGINEER NG DIVISION) 5 i PARK STOCKDALE AREA: RF~'URFACE - VARIOUS LOCATIONS .... SADOWSKY 95 CONSTRUCTION SUSPENDED DUE TO WEATHER '- '9~0-- ~ ~ Scheduled P. S. & F_. 2 ~1.~ TRIJXTUN AVENUE: ROOF REPLACEMENT · _ _ __ SADOWSE~ 9.~ CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED llY19 -- Scheduled Award of Coulr~ct ~ . ~ STREET: BRIDGE REPLACEMENT- fw EAST~IDE ~ .... ~MMING 9.~ UONSTRUCTION COMI~LETED ~ ~ 9~ P.S.&E. Approved ? ~rmL~ ROAD.' LA~SC~W~ ~.O~S - A~rro ~V~L TO ~O,~ .... ~OC~TT ~3 CO--CT AWA~OED ~ ~d'~NEX BUILDING: INSTALL SHOWERS - 2nd FLOOR ~kDOWSI~Y 95 ~ ~ ~ i 9/28 Thru dat~ ts lh~ actual dat~ thai ~ CO~-T~'-'~ ~ ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ' P.S.&,.E. was approved Or ~ co~rr[oN CUm'TER: P~S'EAL ~LO0~ ~ ~;AS~U~T ~ ~ .... ~..~ · 5 RO~DALEHIGHWAY: LANDSCAPE~S-~OD~.RIOTOOAK ~ ~ 1~ PLANT2: SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - GREEN WASTE FACILITY RAnG 95 ~ -- ---- ~ , 4rtl ~ mv~s AnEA: v,~m: CONSTRUCTION- A~A ~ ~ -~- PS~ DUE srao -- ~ ~ ~:5~-~' I OLEANI)I!~JSUNS~T: CURBS AND Gm - PART "A","B","C" ~ -~- ~ -- --~ .... , , . 2 ~s"rATiO~n: co~sumucr~os~Tow~ s"rAaiV~s -~- ~ -- ~ · :~ I LAND FENCING: ~EWI~R - SECTION 4 wI.OEI'pF_Ji 95 ~___~____STOCKDALEIIIGliWAY: WIDENINTEE,~CTION-a CALIFORNIA~EWS"FINE RAMblING 9.~ REPROGRAI~TOI99~96 ~========:~=:~=~~ 2~ CONVENTION CENI'~: REPLACE ACOUSTIC Cgn.~NG STARI~ES 95 II~YERVIEV~S COMPLETED ~ STOCKDALEmGH~VAY: RECONSTRUCTROADWA¥-I400'E/OOLDRIVERTO~.RD STARNES 9S B¥CONSULTANT PROCURED) BEGAN WORK ---- { ' 4~ COFFEE ROAD: MEDIANIMPROVEMENTS-STOCKDALETOBRIMItALL . ~i'Ai~V7_~ ~ BY CONSULTANT (PROCURI~) ---- ~ ' '---~---- ~ v~ous: P.~L~^c~ ~aRoup ~- VARIOus _ mC~O~ -~- ~ ~==:== ~ :===.~ 4 COFFEE ROAD: V~rlDENROADWAY-BRI~LLTOROSEDALE . RAMMING 94 ~ ---- ~ 4 STOCKDALEtHGHWAY: LANIISCAPEMF. DIANS-GOSFORDTO1400'ETOELRIO HOC, GATT 9.~ DROPED/LACKOFCOM~b~RT ~ -- ~ ', ,a~,s,? wnuous: n~sun~^cz- VARIOUS ~,OOWS~V -~- ~ -- -- ~ ~ _2 MANOR STREET: BRIDGEREPLACEMENT-t~C_,ANAL RAM~VIING 93 AWA1TI~GCALTRANSAPPROVAL ..... ~ ~ 4 CALLOWAY, ~AG~fAIV, STOC~])A[~: WD)E.N ROADWAY - VAI~OUS ~ 9~ ..... ---'[ B , I REPAINT C'LAI~-IERS: WTP IMPROVEMElgI'S - PLANT 2 STARNF~ 9'~ REPROGRAMMED WITH PLANT EXPANSION ~ " VARIOUS VARIOUS: LANDSCAPE MEDIANS HOGGATT 94 WHITE LANE PS&E DUE 6f30 (BY CONSULTANT) " 45,6,7 VARIOUS: RE,gURFACE (GROUP 2) - VARIOUS ERICI~ON 9~ REPROGRAMME TO 199F,-96 ~ ~ 6,7 SO.IL AKERS, PANAMA, STINF_~ WIBLE: CANAL BRIDGF~ - .~_] ARVIN-EDISON CANAL RAMMING 95 UN'DER DF~IGN BY CONSULTANT -- 6 PANAMA LANE: CANAL BRIDGF~ - (~ FARMERS CANAL RAMMING 95 UNDER DESIGN BY CONS~'LTANT 3 no~Ck'~VIHDGE P.D~A.: LAND ACQUISTrION STARNES 94 REPROGRAMM~ 4 ~ RIVER: CONSTRUCT mk~ PATH - TUlVNEL AT TRUXTUN & QLLaI{.i~rnGE HO(GATT 95 REPROGRAMMED $ k'~l~N RIYER: WIDEN RIg~ PATH - BEACH PARK TO S.P.R.R. HOGGATT 9.~ REPROGRAMMED I ~ECON~TRUCT SEwI~S: SEWER - KERN ISLAND C~JVAL CROSS1NG~ ERICKSON 95 REPROGRAMMED TO 199~96 7 PANAMA LANE: lcwY BRIDGES (DESIGN) - ~ FREEWAY 99 UNTERCHANGE STARNES 9.~ BY CONSULTANT (PROCURED) DN GOINGl $ TRUXTUN AVENUE: WH)EN INTERSECTION - ~ OAK STREET (PHASE I RfW) NIETO 95 Rg_l.g_Agg. r~ TO PROPERTY MANAGER DN GOING ; 2 CALIFORNIA AVENUE: WIDEN ROADWAY - OAK TO A (RIGHT OF WAY ONLY) NIETO 9.g RELEASED TO PROPERTY MANAGER DN-GOING 4 COFFEE ROAD: GRADE SEPARATIONS - ~ A. T. & 8~ F. KLOEPPER 94 BY CONSULTANT (PROCURED) DN GOING 4 MODWY LIFT STATION: S~k'ER _ SYE CORNER GOSFORD & DISTRICT RAMMEVG 9~ BY CONSULTANT (PROCUI~ZD) DN GOING ; VARIOUS VARIOUS: ARCFL RARRIER REMOVAL S'TARNES 95 BY CONSULTANT (PROCURED) DN-GOING ; 3 'BrvI78~P. Ll]VESTUDY: FREE~AYS"FUDY-MESAMAR1NTORANCU~I~IA S~IA~~ 9~ COMPLETE VARIOUS VARIOUS LOCATIONS: MISC. CONCRETE CONST. ALL 95 DN-GO1NG ; 2 KERN RIVER: CONSTRUCT RIk'l~ PATH - MANOR TO CHINA GRADE LP STARNES 9.~ DESIGN COMPLETE -AVVARD 2Y22 I ~ GROUP PICNIC ARF~: ~ RIVF. J! PARK'~%¥. pI..~.¥GROUN~ EQUIPMElhrr ItOGGATT 9~; DESIGN COMPLETE - CONSTRUCTION BY PARK1 2 ~N1N~X BUILDING: REMODEL BUILDING - 2ud FLOOR ~ADOxA'SK'Y 9.~ CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED OCTOBF. R ........ 4 RECONSTRUCT SErA,RS: SLr~A~.R - STOCK'DALE H~A~Y ~'., C. V. CANAL ERICKSON 9.~ PROJECT COMPI~]TE I .~ PATRIOTS PARK: PUMP INSTALLATION ~I)O~A~Sk'Y 95 TO BE RE-BUDGETF~D --~ ~ { i .... t ~ JUN[ ]5, q995 P:~OTUS~CIP-95A.VVK4 09:24 AM 'EEPORT DATE: 06/15/95 1994-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE (ENGINEER NG D V S ON) VARIOUS VARI__,.OuS LOCATIONS: MISC. CONCRETE CONST. ALL 95 ON-GOING -" S~heduled P. S. & E. 6' ,AI~KI~)O~ N SEWER: SEWER - McCU'f~ :H ~:N MAIN-~,~r~ TO STINE ERICKSON 95 PROJECT COMPLETE ~-.~ ~ ~;~',1~ ~ Scheduled Award of Conlrnct I REC~ONSTRUCT SEWERS: SEWER - K'~,RN ISLAND CANAL CROSSINGS ERICKSON 95 REPROGR~MM~ TO 199~96 P.S.&E. Approved 4 RECO~NSTRUCT SEWERS: SEWER - STOCltT~LE HWY ff,~ C. V. CANAL I~I¢'~',,~ON 95 PROJECt COMPLETE -" Contract Awarded I RESTRooMs: BUILDING. CONSTRUCTION - AIRPORT ERICKSON 95 REPROG.RAMMED TO 199~96 ~ .......~..~ ~ ~ ~ ~n.-. ~ ~ ~....~n..~ ...ns~.nn ~ 5 RESTROOM~: WOMEN*S SHOWER FACIL - CORPORATION YARD ERICKSON 95 PROJECT COMPLETE x, ~ / The shading shows [he planned month. 1,2~,S VARI~ous: RESURFACE (GROUP 1) - VARIOUS ERICKSON 95 REPROGRAMMED TO 199~96 ~ · The da~ is the actual date that the 4,S,6,7 VARI.__OUS: RF_~'URFACE (GROUP 2) - V~RIOUS ERICKSON 95 REPROGR~r~ TO 199~9§ ' ~ i P.S.&E. was approved or the construction S GRO~ PICNIC AREA: K"k'~ RIVER PARKWAY - PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT HOGGATT 95 DESIGN COMPLETE - CONSTRUCTION BY PARK~ ~ ~ contract was nwardrd, $ KERN RIVF~: CONSTRUCT ]~nT~ PATH - FWY 99 TO 2400~ WEST HOC, GATT 95 FUNDING UNCERTAIN 4 KERN~R1VER: CONSTRUCT Rm'~ pATH - TUNNEL AT TRUXTUN & QU~HJ~mGE HOGGATT 95 REPROGRAM~r~ 5 KERN~: WIDEN BIKE PATH - BEACH PARK TO S.P.ILR. HOGGATT 95 REPROGRAMMED --~-~-~.~~~ ~~..~..~..~. ~~..~..~ ' 2,$ NORTH AND NORTHEAST: LANDSCAPE MEDIANS - STAMPED CONCRETE ONLY HOGGATT 95 ~IDS OPENED 5/31 ,~ ROSF_~ALE HIGH~VAY: LANDSC..a~E MEDIANS - CAMINO DEL R.[O TO OAK HOC, GATT 95 ~'~ '~\ · 4 STOCI~ALE HIGHWAY: LANDSCAPE MEDIANS - GOSFORD TO 1400' FJO EL RIO HOGGATT 95 )ROPED/LACK OF COMMUNITY SUPPORT ~ I '~--' VAmOUS VAmOUS: LA~SCA~. M~S ~ HO~aATT ~4 0vmTE LA~ PS~Z rue aa0 (BY CO~SULXA~ ~" ~ ~ 7 ' WIBLE ROAD: LANDSCAPE MEDIANS - AUTO MALL TO PANAMA LN--_HOGGATT __93 CONTRACT AWARDED ~,~..,~,,~:~:~:~2~"~:~:~:~:~ ~ __ .... .... ~ .................. ;__-- 4 ~OFFEE ROAD: GRADE SEPARATIONS - ~ A. T. & S.F. I~LOEPPER 94 BY CONSULTANT (PROCURED) ON GOING '~ ~ ; 2 CAI.~oRNIA AVENUE: WIDEN ROADWAY - OAK TO A (RIG.HT OF WAY ONLY) NI~TO 95 RELEASED TO PROPERTY MANAGER ON-GOING ....... ..~.~ ! 4 CALLOWAY, HAGEMAN, STOC~XDALE: WIDEN ROADWAY - VARIOUS NIETO 95 ~ 1 : ' $ CORP. YARD, POLICE STA.: FUE~ FARM CONSTRUCTION - REPLACE FUEL TANKS NIET~O __ 95 CONTRACT AWARDED ~ 1 ~ 3 MODIFY LIFT STATION: SEWER - FAIRFAX f,~ PALADINO NIETO 9'-'~'-DESIGN COMPLETE ..... ~/~/ 7 MODIFY LIFT STATION: SE'~,~_,R - SANDRA ~ FALCON. MONITOR S/O WHITE NIETO 95 DESIGN COMPLETE ..... , ~fj~ __ 3 RANCHERIAROAD: BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION - ff,~W KERN RIVER .~NI]gTO 94 SENT TO STATE FOR APPROVAL 3116 ~~ ~,2 STOCKI)ALE HWY, WESTCHESTER: REHABILITATE SEWERS - REAL TO OAR, EASEMENT~ NIETO 9,_~_4 -- ~ ~ 5 TRUXTUN A~.~,_NUE: WIDEN I]~I'rERSECTION -ff_~w OAK STREET (PHASE 1 R/W) NIETO 95 RELEASED TO PROPERTY MANAG.ER ON GOING. ·-- 7 WHITE LANE: MEDIAN NARROWING INTER. WIDEN - WIBLE TO SOUTH H, NWC WIBLE NIETO 95 AWAITING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT SURVEY ~ ~ __ : ~ BROW~ STREET: BRIDGE REPLACEMENT - ~ gASTSIDE CANAL ~AMMING 95 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED ~ ~ 4 COFFEE ROAD: WIDEN ROADWAY - BI~IMHALL TO ROSEDALE !RAMMING 94 UNDER DESIGN ~ ~ 2 MANOR STREET: BRIDG.E REPLACEMENT -..~C~ CANAL RAMMII~/G 93 AWAITING CALTRANS APPROVAL~.~j~'~. - ~I __ ~'" 4 MODIFY LIFT STATION: SEWER - S~E CORNER GOSFORD & DISTRICT RAMMING 95 BY CONSULTANT (PROCURED) ON GOIN~G __ __ 6 PANAMA LANE: CANALBR1DGES-,ff.,ff~F~CANAL RAMMING 95 UNDER DESIGN B¥ CONSULTANT ~~ ! PLANT 2: ~.TrE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - GREEN WASTE FACILITY RAMMING 95 REDESIGN DUE TO BUDGET REDUCTION __ ~ ~ 6,7 SO.H, AKERS, PANAMA, STINE, WIBLE: CANALBRIDGES-~,~))ARVIN-EDISONCANAL RAMMING 95 UNDER DESIGN BY CONSULTANT ~~ 5 STOCKDALE HIGItVVAY: WIDEN INTERSECTION - ~ C,a~LIFORNIA/NEW STINE RAMMING 95 REPROGRAMMED TO 1995-96 ~ .~.s ~ ..n~.~s,~s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 rEVIS AREA: PARK CONSTRUCTION - AREA 1 RAMMING 95 PS&E DUE 6/30 ~ ; 2 ~15 TRUXTUNAVENUE: ROOF REPLACEMENT SADOWSKY 95 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED 11/29 , 2 ANNEX BUILDING: INSTALL SHOWERS - 2nd FLOOR SADOWSKY 95 UNDER CONSTRUCTION ~ . ~ 1 2 ANNEXBUII~ING: REMODEL BUILDING - 2nd FLOOR SADOWSKY 9~ CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED OCTOBER ~.~.~........s~.____ .............~.~...n.~..~.~.~n.. ~~~,~..nn..n~b~.~__ ~'~ 7 PANAMA #10: SEWER CONSTRUCTION- PHASE I SADOWSKY 95 CONSTRUCTION IN 1995-96 -- ~.. ~.¥~ 5 PARK STOCKDALE AREA: RESURFACE - VARIOUS LOCATIONS SADOWSKY 9~ CONSTRUCTION SUSP~NDED DUE TO WEATH ~:~t !~ ~ PATRIOTS PARK: PUMP INSTALLATION SADOWSI~Y ' 9~ TO BE RE-BI~DGET~D ~,2~,5,6,7 VARIOUS: RESURFACe-VARIOUS SADOWSKY 95 UNDERDESIG.N ~~ : ~ CHESTER AW_~II~: BR1DGI~. SEISMIC RETROFIT - ~.~A.T,&S.F. SHAW 94 BY CONSULTANT (PROC~) ~ 1 ' ' ' "- VARIOUS FRF~WAY RIG.HT OF WAY: LAND ACQUISITION - VARIOUS SHAW 95 ON-G.OI~G : 3 FV~Y 178 S.P. LINE ~'I'uD¥: FRF~V~A¥ STUDY - M~SA MARIN TO ILANc~tI~t/A SHAW 95 COMPLETE ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ma ~ ~ ~ $ G.ULF STRF~T: SEV~F-~ CONSTRUCTION SHAW 94 CONTRACT AWARDED ~ ~ -- -- 3 BRECKKN~RIDG.E P.D.A.: LAND A~QUISrrION ~TARNF~ 94 REPROG.RAMMED ~ ~ m~,mamm~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~mammm~ ~ 5 CALIFORNIAAVF~NUE: STREET W]DF~T1~G - REAL TO OAK ~TARNES 95 BIDDING.~.~:~l ______ ~ CALLO~AY ~R~: CONS~. ROAD~BP~ES ~ STOC~ALE TO B~L ~TA~ ~5 ~ ~ -- --~ ~ C~A ~RADELOOr: EP~G.~R~LACEM~r-~ B~DSL~Y C~.~AL ~AR~ 95 B~ CO~S~TANT (PROC~) .................... ~ '-- 4 COFFF~ ROAD: MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS - STOCKDALE TO B~ ~TARNES 9~ BY CONSULTANT (PROC~) ~l~ 2 ~ONV~'r~ON C~N'r~ mfl'LAC~ ACOUSTIC c~rr.r~G. ~TARNF~ 95 IFrrER~r~W*S COMPLETED ~.~.~ ~ co~y.~rrIO~ c~r~: R~SE~L FLoo~ ~W ~ASI~T 'STA~S 95 ~ ~ : 6 FIRE STATION #13: BU-I~.DING. DES'IG.N AND CONST. STARNES 95 BY CONSGLTANT (PROCURE~) ~ ~ -- -- -- 2 FIP~STATION~2: BUH~DING.UPG.RADE-SI~rlSMICRETROFrr STARNES 95 CONTRACT AWARDED ~l __ 2 ~ STATION #2: CONSTRUCT HOSE TOWER STARNES 95 BIDDING 3116 (BIDS REJECTED) -- ~:~o~,,~,' ~.~ -- ~. 1 GLASS LIHED I'll'E: WTP IMPROVEMFaNTS - PLANT 2 STARNF_~ 95 I~I~.PROG.RAMMED WITH PLANT EXPANSION I 2 k~gN RIVER: CONSTRUCT RIg'~ PATE[ - MANOR TO CiqINA GR AI~E LP STARNES 95 I~Ir. qIGN COMPLETE -AWARD 2/22 7 PANAMA LANE: FWY BRIDGES (DESIGN} - ~ FREEWAY 99 I1NTF_.RCHANGE STARNES 95 BY CONSULTANT (PROCURED) DN GOING 1 REPAIiNT CLARIFIEI~: WTP IMI~ROVEMENTS - PLANT 2 STARNES 95 REPROGRAMMED WITH PLANT EXPANSION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY: RECONSTRUCT ROADWAY- 1400' E/O OLD RIVER TO GOSFORD STARNES 95 BY CONSULTANT (PROCURED) BEGAN WORK---- l---- VARIOUS VARIOUS: ARCI~ BARRIER REMOVAL STARNES 95 BY CONSULTANT (PROCURED) DN-GOING, JUN~ ~, ~995 P:\LOTUS\CIP-95B.WK4 09:19 AM BAKERSFIELD TRAFFIC ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM To: DARNELL HAYNES, ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR From: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER~ Date: June 14, 1995 Subject: 1994-95 CIP DESIGN STATUS Attached are two variations of the 1994-95 CIP schedule. The first shows all projects by order of design schedule within the fiscal year. The second is grouped by project engineer with each engineer's schedule in order of design schedule. As shown the majority of projects are on schedule. Following are projects of special interest: PROJECTS BEHIND SCHEDULE 1. Signal Interconnect - Southwest Arterial, Phase II (Ming Avenue, Coffee Road, White Lane, Stine/New Stine Road & Stockdale Highway). Plans are approximately 45% complete with total completion expected by late June barring any design concept changes resulting from the Traffic Operations Center (TOC) study. This is a Federally funded ISTEA project and is part of the overall TOC system. A change of direction in the design concept for the interconnect system may result from the study therefore we are somewhat reluctant to fully complete this second phase until the TOC study produces some recommendations. Recommendations are part of the work program for the TOC study as the various stages of the study are completed. PROJECTS ON SCHEDULE All other projects are on schedule. PROJECTS BEING DESIGNED BY CONSULTANTS 1. Signal, New - Calloway Drive at Meacham Road and Traffic Count Detector Installation, bids open 06/21/95 with award expected 07/19/95. 2. Signal, New - Coffee Road at Hageman Road, awarded 05/03/95. 3. Signal, New - East Brundage Lane at Oswell Street, bids open 06/21/95 with award expected 07/19/95. 4. Signal, Operations - Traffic Operations Center Design, awarded 06/14/95. SLW:BJD:bd s:\lotus\sched\cip9506.mem REPORT DATE: 06/14/95 1994-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE (TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION) New Signal. Ashe Road at South Half Moon Drive TABLIT 94 AWARDED 7-13-94. %, ~ .... -' " 4 Medians o~n White Lane,Ceman Way to Arvin Edison Canal DEETER - ~ PROJECT COMPLETE, NOC 11/16/94 BY CITY COUNCIL ' ,, _, 6 New S. igna.~l. Panama Lane at Stine Road TABLIT 94 AWARDED 0g-10-94. " 1 & 2 Upgrade Si~gnal - California Avenue at H greet TABLIT 94 AWAR.DED 08-24-94. CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE .1..,2,3,5,6,7 Reflectorize Major Streets Cit3,'wide UNDERWOOD - ~ AWARDED 11-16-94. 2 & 5 Signal Intereoaneet - Tmxtun Avenue, Oak to A Street UNDERWOOD - '-~ AWARDED 1 l-I 6-94. CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE 6 & 7 Upgrade Si.gnal - Planz Road and Wible Road TABLIT 94 AWARDED 12-14-94. CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY 2 & 5 Upgrade Signal - Oak Street and Chester 1 .ane TABLIT 94 AWARDED 12-14-94. CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY 5 Chaunelization, Median Consm~ction - Ming Avenue ~ Fwy 99, South Bound On Ramp UNDERWOOD 95 : RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS INSTALLED BY CITY 11/7/94 ~i'~';Y~'fi'~ ; 4&6 ignal, New ~ Ashe Road at District Bird GILLBURG 95 AWARDED 01-25-95 I 5 Signal, Upgrad~ - Mohawk Street at Trax-mn Avenue TABLIT 95 AWARDED 03-08-95 2 Upgrade Signal- F Street and Trax'tun Avenue GILLBURG 94 AWARDED 03-0s-95 · I 2 Street, Guardrail - Chester Ave. at AT&SF Grade Seperation UNDERWOOD 95 DESIGN COMPLETE, ADDED TO ENGR. DIV. SEISMIC RETROFIT PROJEC1 ALL Cha~elization, Sigmn' g & Marking - Bike Lane Ins~lintion on Streets Ci~ Wide DEETER 95 UNDER DESIGN - BEING REBUDGETED DUE TO HOLD ON FED FTINDS 4 Signal~ay Drive at Meacham Road __ DEET-ER - "~ PS&E APPROVED 5/25/95. BIDS OPEN 6/21/95, AWARD EXPECTED 7/19/95 4 Signal, New - Coffee Road at Hageman Road DEETER '~ AWARDED 05-03-95 . 1 Signal, New- East Bnmdage Lane at Oswell Street DEETER "~ PS&E APPROVED 5/25/95. BIDS OPEN 6/21/95, AWARD EXPECTED 7/19/95 4 Signal~ Stoekdale Highway -- -- TABLIT "~ PS&E 'APPROVED 3/8/95, BIDS OPEN 4/26/95, AWARD SCHEDULED 5/17/95 4 & 5 Signal, Interconnect Conduit (Ming Ave, Coffee Rd, White Ln, Stine/New Stine Rd & Stoekdale Hw3,) UNDERWOOD "~ 6 & 7 Signal, New - Akers Road at Panama Lane TABLIT "~ AWARDED 06-14-95 4S~onal',.. ~ New - Gosford Road at North Laurelglen Bird ' {3.11.I.BURG '~ AWARDED 03-08-95 3 Guardrail - China Grade, Ci~' Limits to Panorama Drive DEETER 94 CITY SHARE OF COUNTY DESIGNED PROJECT.UNDER DESIGN '~"' ALL Signal, Operations - Traffic Operations Center (Phase 2, Design/Report) UNDERWOOD 95 CONSULTANT SELECTION COMPLETE, CONTRACT AWARD 06-14-95 ALL Channelization, Signing & Marking - Speed Control Feattu'es, Various Locations UNDERWOOD 95 ONGOING AS NEEDED FOR OPERATIONAL PURPOSES. ' ALL Chaunelization, Signing & Marking - Various UNDERWOOD 95 ONGOING AS NEEDED FOR OPERATIONAL PURPOSES. ALL Signal~ Upgrade - Traffic Count D~'t~etor lngtallation, Various Locations UNDERWOOD 95 PS&E APPROVED 5/25/95. BIDS OPEN 6/21/95, AW:M~D EXPECTED 7/19/95 ., Scheduled P. S, & E. ~ '- Scheduled Award of Contmct/- June 15, 1995 Plans Approved ~ Contl-act Awarded l The shading shows the planned nmnth. The date is the actual date that the ~.. P.S.&E. was approved or the construction contl'act was awarded. S:\LOTUS\SCHED\95JUN95.WK4 10:04 AM REPORT DATE: 06/14/95 1994-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE (TRAFFIC,ENGINEERING DIVISION) ' 4 Medinn-" on?hire [..~e. Cem~ Way to Arvin F/,i;,;~ Canal r'JF~:I'I~R 94 PROJECT COMPLETE, NOC 11/16/94 BY CITY COUNCIL ~. '[ ' ALL Channelization, Signing & Marking - Bike Lane Installation on Slree. ts City Wide DEETER 95 UNDER DESIGN - BEING REBUDGE'I ED DUE TO HOLD ON FED FUNDg~,. 4 ; Signal, New - Calloway Drive at Meae. lmm Road DEETER 95 PS&E APPROVED 5/25/95. BIDS OPEN 6/21/95, AWARD EXPECTED 7/19/95 -~ ' Si Ne~ -Coffee Road~ Hagemun Road DEETER 95 AWARDED 05-03-95 ~ ' Si New - East h e Lane at Osw¢ll Sleet DEETER 95 PS&E APPROVED 5/25/95. BIDS OPEN 6/21/95, AWARD EXPECTED 7/19/95 ~, '~ ' Gmxrdmil - China Ci , I~mits to Panorama Drive DEETER 94 CITY SHARE OF COUNTY DESIGNED PROJECT. UNDER DESIGN 4 N~w Signal - A~h¢ Road at Sonlh Half Moon Drive TABLIT 94 ~,,- ~WARDED 7-13-94.'~- ~ N~Si§~a-p~,atS~¢~o~a . ~ 94.- ^W~U~DEDOS.10.94. l ~ ~ ~ i ~ 94 AWARDED 08-24-94. CONSTRUCTION COMPLETEl 6 Upgrade Signal - C~tro Lan, and Ming ^v~m~ ~ 94 ^WARDED 12-14-94., CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY 6& 7 ~gnal- Planz Road andWible Rusd ~ 9.4 AWARDED 12-14=94., CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY 2 & 5 Upgrade Signal - Oak Street and Chester Lane ~ 94 AWARDED 12-14-94., CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY -' I ~ - 4th Street at Chester Avenue TABLIT 95 AWARDED 01-25-95. CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY ~ ~ · 5 Signal, Upgrad~ - Mohawk SIreet at Tmxlxm Avenue TABLIT 95 AWARDED 03-0g-95 4 Signal, Ne~ - Jenkins Road at SRx:kdale I-ligh~ay TABLIT 95 PS&E APPROVED 3/8/95, BIDS OPEN 4/26/95, AWARD SCHEDULED 5/17/95 6 & 7 Si Nm - Ak. ers Road at Panama Lane TABLIT 95 AW^RDED 06-14-95 I,~3,5,6,"""--~"~" Refl~Majo~Streets¢it3~de __ UNDERWOO"~~ 9"~"" AWARDED 11-16-94. · 2 & 5 Signal Intereonne~.t - Tru.xl~n Avenue., Oak to A Street UNDERWOOD 94 AWARDED 11-16-94. CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE . 5 U-~nnnelization, Median Construction - Ming Avenue ~ F~ 99, gonth Bound On R.'m? -- UNDERWOOD 95 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS INST~!.I-ED BY CITY 11/7/94 4,5,&6 g!~ona! ~a~-,~:t- .g,,ahwest/u'terial (Stockade I'Iw~; Ming Ave) . UNDERWOOD 94 PS&E APPROVED 02-22-95, BIDS 5/24/95.. AWARD EXPE~;t'ED 6/28/95 2 Street, Gusrdrail - Chester Ave. at AT&gF Grade Seperation UNDERWOOD 95 DF.,gIGN COMPLETE, 'ADDED TO ENGR. DIV. SEISMIC RETROFIT PROJEGI 4 & 5 S~onnL !n~o.,m~t Cnn&fit (Ming Ave, Coffee Rd, White Ln, StinedNew Stine Rd & Stoekdnle Hr6') UNDERWOOD 95 SITE SURVEY COMPLETE, UNDER DESIGN ~ sig~ op~mio~- T~ai= Op~-~ ~ (~ ~, D~g~Von) ~ERWOOD 95 CONSULTX',rr SELF_~rION COMPLETE~ CO--CT ^W-~'~ 0~.14_95 ALL Chnnnelizafion, Si?lng & Marking - Speed Control Features, Various Locations UNDERWOOD 95 ONGOING AS NEEDED FOR OPERATIONAL PURPOSES. ALL Chat~nelization, Si?ino~ & Marking - Various UNDERWOOD 95 ONGOING AS NEEDED FOR OPERATIONAL PURPOSES. ALL Si?al; Upgrade - Traffic Count De!_,~_!~ lngt-'dlatlon, Various Locations UNDERWOOD 95 PS&E APPROVED 5/25/95. BIDS OPEN 6/21/95, AWARD EXPEL;TIeD 7/19/95 ,, -8ehedule~AsrardofContra~ I X, June 15, 1995 Plans Approved ~ P.S.&E. wns approved or the construction eontrnet wns avmrded. '~, S:tLOTUS~SCHED~BY_DES.WK4 10:08 AM ' CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 06/06/95 START EST. COMP % PROJECTS TYPE CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE DATE COMP ASHE RD. @ DISTRICT BLVD. TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP ELECTRIC o% ASHE RD. @ SOUTH HALFMOON DR. TRAFFIC SIGNAL BRADFORD ELECTRIC 0% BIKE PATH - E/O MANOR ST. BIKE PATH EXTENSION GILLIAM & SONS BOLANOS 05/10/95 o7/13/95 lO% ~ CALIFORNIA AVE - STOCKDALE/REAL MEDIANS & RESURFACING GRIFFITH COMPANY ALLEN 09/06/94 05/31/95 9o% CALIFORNIA AVE. - EASTON TO OAK ROADWAY RECONSTRUCT GRANITE CONST. GRINDSTAFF 06/08/95 11/29/95 0% CHESTER AVE. @ 4TH ST. SIGNAL MODIFICATION LOOP ELECTRIC CHOATE 05/08/95 06/26/95 75% CHESTER LANE @ OAK STREET SIGNAL MODIFICATION A-C ELECTRIC :ICK 05/22/95 07/11/95 15% COFFEE ROAD @ HAGEMAN ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL AS ELECTRIC 0% CORPORATION YARD & POLICE DEPT. UNDERGROUND TANKS LUTREL SERVICES McNEILL 05/08/95 07/18/95 35% F ST. @ TRUXTUN AVE. SIGNAL MODIFICATION A-C ELECTRIC 0% FIRE STATION #2 STRUCTURAL REHAB. GENERAL DEV. & CONST. CHOATE 03/20/95 08/09/95 60% GOSFORD RD. @ N, LAURELGLEN BLVD. TRAFFIC SIGNAL- INSTALL A-C ELECTRIC 0% MOHAWK ST, @ TRUXTUN AVE, SIGNAL MODIFICATION McKEE ELECTRIC 0% NORTHEAST BAKERSFIELD SEWER TRUNK LINE SPIESS CONSTRUCTION MILLWEE 10/10/94 06/29/95 69% PANAMA LANE @ STINE ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALL. BRADFORD ELECTRIC 0% PARK STOCKDALE RESURFACING GRANITE CONST. SHAMSHOIAN SUSPEND O% PIERCE-ARROW AREA SEWER - PHASE I HALOPOFF & SONS FICK 04/24/95 06/05/95 9O% PLANZ @ WIBLE & MING @ CASTRO SIGNAL MOD. & STORM DRAIN McKEE ELECTRIC MAHAFFEY 06/07/95 08/09/95 0% STOCKDALE HWY @ JENKINS ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL McKEE ELECTRIC 0% VARIOUS MAJOR STREETS PAVEMENT MARKERS IPS SERVICES McNEILL 05/15/95 05/30/95 100% VARIOUS STREETS CURB & GUTTER GRIFFITH COMPANY McN EILL 10/17/94 05/30/95 67% VARIOUS STREETS - PHASE II RESURFACING SULLY - MILLER MAHAFFEY 10/19/94 05/31/95 90%: WESTCHESTER AREA SEWER REHABILITATION INSITUFORM McNEILL 06/12/95 09/05/95 0% CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS SUBDIVISION O6/O6/95 P.M. OR DEVELOPER/ % TRACT Cf S LOCATION CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR COMP. GREENFIELD JUNIOR HIGH S.C. ANDERSON CHOATE 98% IKERN HlCf3 STINE & McKEE COLOMBO CHOATE 95% AD 94-1 RENFRO RD. SEWER LIFT STATION LESH 30% PM 8337 COFFEE RD. & DOWNING RD. SOUTHWEST CONT. LESH 75% CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS SUBDIVISION 06/06/95 P.M. OR DEVELOPER/ % TRACT #'S LOCATION CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR COMP. TR 4957-3 S/O HARRIS RD. - E/O ASHE RD. JUDKINS PIERCE 35% TR 5084-3 RENFRO - N/O STOCKDALE MURPHY LESH 98% TR 5334 JEWE~-~A - N/O BRIMHALL CARRIAGE HOMES LESH 30% TR 5372-2 VERDUGO & REINA CENTEX REAL ESTATE LESH 90% TR 5464 MING & HAGGIN OAKS CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5544 C&D BRIMHALL ROAD & VERDUGO LANE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 30% -__ TR 5552-A&B RENFRO RD. & STOCKDALE HWY. WEST KERN DEVELOPMENT LESH 30% TR 5565-2&3 HAGEMAN RD.-E/O OLD FARM RD. LESH 35% TR 5640-1 E/S COFFEE RD. - N/O HAGEMAN RD. PROBUILT DEV. & CONST. LESH 65% TR 5644-1&2 I CAMPUS PARK DR. - E/O BUENA VISTA KLASSEN CORP, LESH 95% TR 5646-2 FAIRFAX RD @ VALLEYVIEW DR W.D.J. CORPORATION PIERCE 50% TR 5648-A WIBLE RD. & McKEE RD. FRANCO BUILDERS PIERCE 30% TR 5666-2 CAMPUS PARK & OLD RIVER RD. COMMUNITY CONSTRUCTION LESH 85% TR 5678-C&D GOSFORD & WHITE LN. CASTLE & COOKE LESH 98% TR 5683 McKEE & AKERS PIERCE 10% TR 5688-B HARRIS RD. - E/O ASHE RD. STINE ROAD DEVELOPERS PIERCE 60% TR 5688-C HARRIS RD. - E/O ASHE RD. EPCO VENTURES i PIERCE 98% TR 5688-G&H HARRIS RD. - E/O ASHE RD. KYLE CARTER I PIERCE 60% TR 5716-1 MAIN PLAZA DR. & WINLOCK ST. DE WALT LESH 35% TR 5756-B HARRIS RD. & SPRING CREEK LOOP CASTLE & COOKE PIERCE 65% TR 5767 MOUNTAIN VISTA & CAMPUS PARK BILL W. GILLIAM LESH 90% TR 5768 WIBLE RD. & BERKSHIRE RD. CASITAS DEL QUINTA PIERCE 25% TR 5775 FRUITVALE AVE. & OLIVE DR. COUNTY TRACT LESH 70% B A K E R.S F'I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPART.MENT MEMORANDUM June 19, 1995 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: ~,,,~-, .~(Darnell W. Haynes, ..Assistant to the Public Works Director THROUGH: I'~' ' Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: 1994-95 CIP Status - Through June 16, 1995 Since the last monthly CIP status report, Notice of Completion was accepted for the following projects: 94-202 Farm Pump and Construction of Ashe Water 5/22/95 Irrigation Co. No.33 for Water and Sanitation Department. 95-46 West Valley Contract for construction of 5/22/95. Construction Coffee Road Water Main Extension Phase II for Water and Sanitation 94-204 Kern-Rio Bravo Landscape Improvement Agreement 6/1/95 for Tract 5540 95-34 Castle & Cooke Improvement Agreement for Tract 6/1/95 Homes, Inc. 5544, Phase B (Ward 4) 94-235 Alpha Omega Contract for construction of 6/1/95 Builders of median improvements on Wible Rd between Panama Lane and Harris Road 94-113 The DeWalt Group Landscape Improvement Agreement 6/5/95 Inc. for Tract 5675 Phase III 94-174 Stine Road Improvement Agreement for Tract 6/5/95 5670 Phase Four NOTICE OF COMPLETION DISTRIBUTION: CONTRACT NO. P. WORKS ATTY MAYOR RECORDER FIN PW CONTR FILE MISCELLANEOUS OUT ~ IN OUT ~ IN OUT ~ IN OUT IN (1) (3) (1) DATE NOTICE OF COMPLETION DISTRIBUTION: CONTRACT NO. P. WORKS ATTY MAYOR RECORDER FIN PW CONTR FILE MISCELLANEOUS OUT [ IN OUT [ IN OUT [ IN OUT [ IN (1) (3) (1) DATE ~ ~/. ~5-~ - c~/z :~z~/~,~ ~,/~- :gJr a:\FORMS\NOC-Ind.frm 3/95 AGREEMENT INDEX NO. NAME SUBJECT DATE 94-202 Farm Pump and Construction of Ashe Water Well 9-28-94 Irrigation Co. No. 33 for Water and Sanitation Department 94-203 Kern-Rio Bravo For Maintenance of Subdivision 1~-94 Partners 2 work completed prior to approval of final map for Tract 5540 94-204 Kern-Rio Bravo Landscape Improvement Agreement 1~12-94 Partners 2 for Tract 5540 94-205 Impact Community Assistance to Impact Community 1~12-94 Youth Center, Inc. Youth Center, Inc. 94-206 Kern County MOU regarding drug abuse 1~12-94 Superintendent resistance education (D.A.R.E.) of Schools 94-207 Cornerstone Consultant's Agreement 1~12-94 Engineering, Inc. 94-208 The Atchison, Contract to Purchase Real 1~-94 Topeka and Sante Property Fe Railway Co. 94-209 Warren A. Minner Amendment No. 2 to Agreement 1~12-94 & Associates No. 94-40 94-210 Eastman, Inc. Contract for office supplies 1~12-94 94-211 Kern County Local Agreement to indemnify LAFCO 11-2-94 Agency Formation for Annexation No. 378, Union Commission No. 10, Proceeding No. 1161, located south of California Avenue to Belle Terrace along Union Avenue 94-212 Pircher, Nichols Agreement for Legal Services 11-2-94 & Meeks for Assessment District Non 93-3 (Cai-Oak) 94-213 General Bid to award contract for 11-2-94 Development & contruction of Fire Stati6n Construction No. 2 structural rehabilitation 94-214 Griffith Company Bid to award contract for the 11-2-94 construction of Box Culvert Bridge on Brown Street at Eastside Canal 94-215 Granite Bid to award contract for 11-2-94 Construction resurfacing various streets in Company Park Stockdale 1995 AGREEMENT INDEX NO. NAME SUBJECT DATE 95-45 Lutrel Services, Contract for removal and 2-8-95 Inc. installation of underground storage tanks at the Police Department and the Corporation Yard 95-46 West Valley Contract for contruction of 2-8-95 Construction Coffee Road Water Main Extension Phase II for Water & Sanitation 95-47 Mobiletown Co. Contract to Purchase Real Property 2-8-95 adjacent to Manor Street for bike path purposes (x-ref: Deed Nos. 4139 & 4140) 95-48 Destec Energy, Inc. Trust Agreement 2-8-95 for the City to act as Trustee for the development of additional recreations facilities in northeast Bakersfield ($500,000) 95-49 J.E. Grindstaff, Independent Contractor's Agreement 2-22-95 Jr. Amendment No. l'to Agreement No. PW94-51 (Holiday Inn Hotel - ballroom and meeting rooms) 95-50 W.A. Thompson, Contract to Sell/Purchase Real 2-22-95 Inc. Property - to purchase property located at 1420 "N" Street and exchange a road remnant located between 2101 and 2223 White Lane {X-ref: Deeds 4147 & 4148) 95-51 County of Kern & Agreement - Employment and 2-22-95 KEDC Economic Incentive Area to share the responsibilities and/or costs of the Job Training/Marketing/Management Efforts in the Southeast Metropolitan Bakersfield Incentive Area (County Ag. ~054-95) 95-52 The Atchison, Supplemental Agreement 2-22-95 Topeka & Santa Fe Truxtun Avenue Overpass Railway Company (x-ref: Ag #78-13) 95-53 Sunland Refining Agreement for Road Widening 2-22-95 Company to dedicate right of way a division of for Coffee Road and Brim2~ail World Oil Corp. Road (x-ref: Deed No. 4149) AGREEMENT INDEX NO. NAME SUBJECT DATE 94-202 Farm Pump and Construction of Ashe Water Well 9-28-94 Irrigation Co. No. 33 for Water and Sanitation Department 94-203 Kern-Rio Bravo For Maintenance of Subdivision 1~12-94 Partners 2 work completed prior to approval of final map for Tract 5540 94-204 Kern-Rio Bravo Landscape Improvement Agreement 1~12-94 Partners 2 for Tract 5540 94-205 Impact Community Assistance to Impact Community 1~12-94 Youth Center, Inc. Youth Center, Inc. 94-206 Kern County MOU regarding drug abuse 1~12-94 Superintendent resistance education (D.A.R.E.) of Schools 94-207 Cornerstone Consultant's Agreement 1~12-94 Engineering, Inc. 94-208 The Atchison, Contract to Purchase Real 10-12-94 To_peka and Sante Property Fe Railway Co. 94-209 Warren A. Minner Amendment No. 2 to Agreement 1~12-94 & Associates No. 94-40 94-210 Eastman, Inc. Contract for office supplies 1~12-94 94-211 Kern County Local Agreement to indemnify LAFCO 11-2-94 Agency Formation for Annexation No. 378, Union Commission No. 10, Proceeding No. 1161, located south of California Avenue to Belle Terrace along Union Avenue 94-212 Pircher, Nichols Agreement for Legal Services 11-2-94 & Meeks for Assessment District No. 93-3 (Cai-Oak) 94-213 General Bid to award contract for 11-2-94 Development & contruction of Fire Stati6n Construction No. 2 structural rehabilitation 94-214 Griffith Company Bid to award contract for the 11-2-94 construction of Box Culvert Bridge on Brown Street at Eastside Canal 94-215 Granite Bid to award contract for 11-2-94 Construction resurfacing various streets in Company Park Stockdale 1995 AGREEMENT INDEX NO. NAME SUBJECT DATE 95-34 Castle & Cooke Improvement Agreement 2-8-95 Homes, Inc. for Tract 5544, Phase B (Ward 4) 95-35 Castle & Cooke Landscape Improvement Agreement 2-8-95 Homes, Inc. for Tract 5544, Phase B (Ward 4) 95-36 Castle & Cooke Improvement Agreement 2-8-95 Homes, Inc. for Tract No. 5756, Phase B (Ward 4) 95-37 Castle & Cooke Landscape Improvement Agreement 2-8-95 Homes, Inc. for Tract No. 5756, Phase B (Ward 4) 95-38 Coral Keys Improvement Agreement 2-8-95 Limited for Tract No. 4957, Unit 3 Partnership (Ward 6) 95-39 Cornerstone Amendment No. 1 to Agreement 2-8-95 Engineering No. 94-207 design and expansion of Green Waste Recycling Center (Ward 1) 95-40 Brown & Caldwell Amendment No. 1 to Agreement 2-8-95 No. 93-154 for the Wastewater Treatment Master Plan 95-41 Kern High School Agreement to provide hearing 2-8-95 District officer services for parking citations received at Kern High School District Locations (KHSD Agmt. # 94/95-007) 95-42 State of Calif. Program Supplement No. 015 2-8-95 CAL-TRANS California Avenue median modifications (project #SB95-5109(001)) 95-43 State of Calif. Program Supplement No. 017 2-8-95 CAL-TRANS resurfacing various streets (project #SB95-5109(003) 95-44 Gilliam & Sons, Annual Contract 2-8-95 Inc. for Woodwaste/Greenwaste grinding services AGREEMENT INDEX NO. NAME SUBJECT DATE 94-230 IPS Services, Inc. Contract for the reflectorization 11-16-94 of major streets 94-231 St. Clair Improvement Agreement 11-16~4 Development for Seasons Park 94-232 St. Clair Agreement for median island 11-16~34 Development construction in lieu to paying proportionate cost 94-233 Tri-County Amendment to Agreement No. 93-134 11-16-94 Elevator Co., Inc. for elevator maintenance services 94-234 Jim Alfter Annual Contract 11-16~4 Cement Contractor for curbs, gutters and sidewalks 94-235 Alpha Omega Contract for the construction 11-16~34 Builders of landscape median improvements on Wible Rd between Panama Lane and Harris Road 94-236 S.A. Camp Pump Contract for drilling, casing and 9-28-94 Company testing'Ashe Water Well No. CBK-34 City of Bakersfield 94-237 CalOak Development Amendment No. i to Acquisition 12-14-94 Properties Agreement No. 94-71 (Assessment District No. 93-3) (x-ref: Res. 197-94) 94-238 Wilson & Assoc. Amendment No. I to Agreement 12-14-94 No. 93-214 for additional assessment engineering services (AD 93-3, California/Oak) 94-239 Orrick, Herrington Agreement for legal services 12-14-94 & Sutcliffe (AD 94-3, Silver Creek/Brimhall/ Seven Oaks) (x-ref: Res. 198-94 & 199-94) 94-240 Pitcher, Nichols Agreement for legal services 12-14-94 & Meeks for AD 94-2 & 94-3 94-241 LAFCO Agreement to indemnify LAFCO 12-14-94 for Stine No. 10 Annexation, Annexation No. 383, Proceeding No. 1172 94-242 Castle & Cooke Improvement Agreement 12-14~34 Homes, Inc. for Tract No. 5678, Phase B (x-ref: Ag. 94-243, 94-244) AGREEMENT INDEX NO. NAME SUBJECT DATE 94-104 Granite Construction of Equestrian Trail 6-15-94 Construction Co. along Kern River under the Kern River Bridge at Stae Route 178 (Ward 5) 94-105 Badger Meter, Annual Contract 6-15-94 Inc. 94-106 Kent Meters, Inc. Annual Contract 6-15-94 94-107 P.E. O'Hair & Annual Contract 6-15-94 Company 94-108 Spiess Construction of the Northeast 6-15-94 Construction Co. Bakersfield Truck Sewer AD 93-1 (Ward 3) 94-109 Psychology Employee Assistance Program 6-15-94 Systems, Inc. (EAP) services 94-110 Orrick, Herrington Agreement for Legal Services 6-29-94 & Sutcliffe Assessment District No. 94-1 94-111 Edward J. Wilson Assessment District Engineering 6-29-94 dba: Wilson & Services for AD 94-1 Associates 94-112 The DeWalt Group, Improvement Agreement for Tract 6-29-94 Inc. No. 5675 Phase III 94-113 The DeWalt Group, Landscape Improvement Agreement 6-29-94 Inc. for Tract 5675 Phase III 94-114 The DeWalt Group, Improvement Agreement for 6-29-94 Inc. completion of wall Main Plaza Drive (Tract 5675 Phase III) 94-115 19th and K Amendment to Agreement No. 94-21 6-29-94 Partnership 94-116 Griffith Company Base bid plus alternate bid for 6-29-94 construction of the K Street parking mall between !8th and 19th Street; and the K Street parking lot at 19th Street between K and L Streets (Ward 2) 94-117 Gordon Special Amendment to Agreement No. 88-251 6-29-94 Services, Inc. Agreement for administration of school crossing-guard program 94-118 Tiburon, Inc. Agreement for extended service 6-29-94 AGREEMENT INDEX NO. NAME SUBJECT DATE 94-172 Granite Street materials to repair City 8-24-94 Construction street surfaces 94-173 Stine Road Improvement Agreement for Tract 8-24-94 Developers No. 5670 Phase Three 94-174 Stine Road Improvement Agreement for Tract 8-24-94 Developers No. 5670 Phase Four 94-175 Boyle Engineering Consultant's Agreement 8-24-94 Corporation 94-176 Bear Mountain Improvement Agreement for 8-24-94 Limited Parcel Map No. 10053 Ag. No. 1 94-177 Bear Mountain Improvement Agreement for 8-24-94 Limited Parcel Map No. 10053 Ag. No. 2 94-178 The Twining Independent Contractor's Agreement 8-24-94 Laboratories, Inc. 94-179 County of Kern Agreement to conduct study and 8-24-94 release claims 94-180 County of Kern Joint Powers Agreement 8-24-94 Fire Protection Services 94-181 County of Kern Request for proposal for 8-24-94 Metropolitan Bakersfield Fire Services Provision Study 94-182 RMDevelopment For maintenance of subdivision 9-7-94 Corporation work completed prior to approval of final map for Tract 5762, Unit A 94-183 RMDevelopment Landscape Improvement Agreement 9-7-94 Corporation for Tract 5762, Unit A 94-184 RM Development Improvement Agreement for Drainage 9-7-94 corporation Improvements Tract 5762, Unit A 94-185 Renfro & Consultant's Agreement 9-7-94 Associates, Inc. 94-186 Chicago Title Annual Contract for title services 9-7-94 Company and reports for Building and ED/CD 94-187 County of Kern Memorandum of Understanding 9-7-94 (Fair Housing Program) BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM June 19, 1995 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~ Darneli W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director FROM: THROUGH:~'~-~ - Raui M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: 1994-95 CIP Status -Through June 16, 1995 The following plans and specifications were approved during the last month. 1. New Signal - Calloway Drive at Meacham Road 2. New Signal - East Brundage Lane at Oswell Street 3. Signal Upgrade -Traffic Count Detector Installation, Various Locations 4. Rosedale Highway Landscape Medians -Camino Del Rio to Oak 5. Coffee Road Median Improvements -Stockdale to Brimhall 6. Stockdale Highway Reconstruct Roadway - 1400' E/O Old River to Gosford 7. Stockdale Highway Landscape Medians - Gosford to 1400' E/O E1 Rio 8. Calloway, Hageman, Stockdale - Widen Roadway - Various BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM June 20,1995 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: George Gonzal munity Development Coordinator SUBJECT: Fair Housing NeW~Jletter The Fair Housing staff has developed a quarterly newsletter as part of their efforts to educate the public on Fair Housing issues. Attached is the sUmmer issue for your information and dissemination. If possible, we would like to display the Fair Housing newsletter in the City Manager's waiting area. If you would like more copies of the newsletter, please call this office at ext. 3764. Im:GG14/TANDY1 .MEM JUN 2 0 1995 C"TY I\.,']ANAGrZ. Fi'S C~';?~r'~'' City of Bakersfield, Fair Housing News June, ,99~ F a i r TT Please Add Me To The Mailing [What is Fair Housing? 1-10 U S 1n g List.. [ The folloWing actions are prohibited when based on race, color, sex, N e ~ $ city of Bakersfield, Fair Housing Program ' religion, disability, familial status (children present in the household) or ' Volume no: 1 I national origin: Mail to: , Issueno: 1 June, 1995 ! Bret Helgren i * Refusing to show, rent, or sell housing or housing related services. [ * Refusing to negotiate for housing. City of Bakersfield ' * Charging more to buy or rent or asking for a larger security deposit. Fair Housing Makes a Difference! 515 Tmxtun Avenue , * Stating that the property is no longer for sale or rent when the property Bakersfield, CA 93301 I is actually still for sale or rent. , * Advertising a certain type of person to buy or rent. I ' * Denying services available to others, i ~.~. Name: [ * Insisting that you live in the family area. Address.: ' * Denying access or use of a facility or service that is normally City: [ ' available with occupancy. State: Zip: ] * Inciting owners or renters to move because the neighborhood is , being integrated. ' * Suggesting you move to an area where you don't want to live. ! ............................... J * Allowing unlawful bias to affect the appraisal of property. · Refusing to allow reasonable accommodations for an assistive aide, The law protects your rights assistive animal, parking, or physical modification as demanded by a to have a home; disability. · Denying you credit. Mayor Price with the color guard of Girl Scout Troop 153. Valerie & Timmy Cormack poster & essay award winners. , Mayor Price opens the I Oth Annual Fair Housing A~vards Ceremony City of Bakersfield BULK RATE ~[~)~ Fair Housing ProgramU.S. POSTAGE atthe Emerson Junior High School. The theme for this year is , 515 Tmxtun Avenue PAID "fair housing makes a difference". Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA Permit No. 758 fair liming Awan~ Ceremony- pg.] ItUlhOuiddint~forRf_Mt-pg.z Hot Line: It was a day of honor for the poster and essay contest is to The award luncheon was catered H0mingOil~minati0nr0mplai~-I~.Z 634-9245 winners. One by one, they came stimulate participating children to by Pepe's Pollos, the drinks were in with smiles of achievement, learn about fair housing and' to donated by Pepsi and cookies by CaleSetttesfor$6o,ooo.-pg.] TDD: (805)324-3631 The winners were pinned with cultivate developing attitudes at Frito-Lay. The crowd was also (010fillg B00RSp0111011.-~. ~ corsages and boutonnieres, an early age. entertained by the Ev-Leen Yen Yen Ho, a first prize Vice-Mayor, Pat DeMond, dancers. winner in the essay category, was presented the poster and essay Marlene Flippen, Carol Hatcher happy and proud. She said, "I am awards to all the winners. Key and Curly Carlisle co-chaired this very surprised to win, but I am note speaker, Deputy John year's award banquet. enjoying the recognition." "To Kramer of the Kern County A special thanks to Mayor Bob me, the effectiveness of laws is Sheriffs Department, gave an Price, Vice-Mayor Pat DeMond, when we are reminded of our outstanding speech~ about the Supervisor Ken Peterson, DFEH moral responsibility." "If the fair D.A.R.E. program. Director John Ortiz, Kern County housing laws can instill fairness Community Award Chairperson Community Development We are interested in your into our minds; if they can inspire John Spaulding presented the Director Bill Mungary, and City us to be builders of community community awards to the Kern of Bakersfield Community suggestions, please mail to pride, to be tolerant of diversity, County Apartment Association in Development Coordinator George City of Bakersfield, and avoid isolating ourselves, then the agency category, the Vaughn Gonzales, for their support of the Fair Housing Office. they have made a difference in our Realty in the business category,. 10th annual poster & ' essay 515 Tmxtun Avenue, society." and Barbara Norcross in the contest. Bakersfield, CA 93301 The purpose of the annual individual category. Please turn to pg. 3 for the winners City of Bakersfield, City of Bakersfield, Fair Housing News June, 1995 Fair Housing News June, 1995 ssues uidelines ,eal d ee isemen s. Homeowners Association Denies Disabled Woman Permission To Build Ramp, Then Settles Case For $60,000. Roberta Achtcnberg, Assistant number of inquiries about religious preference. Secretary for Fair Housing and potential violations and recent Advertisements which depict A Matin County woman who expense, association then ordered the ramp Equal Opportunity, recently unreasonable interpretations of explicit exclusions or limitations was denied permission to build a The 1988 Amendment to the to be removed because it published a memo to provide the Act which attempt to extend will continue to be directly filed ramp to her condominium has 1968 Civil Rights Act makes it "d!splaced the landscape." guidance on the acceptance and liability, and prbcessed by H.U.D. settled a private lawsuit for illegal to deny reasonable The case settled after a U.S. investigation of housing For example, the memo states $60,000 in Federal District Court. modifications to existing premises Department of Housing and discrimination .complaints that advertisements containing The disabled woman decided to at the occupant's expense. Urban Development investigation involving real estate descriptions of properties such as sue the homeowners association After the homeowners found cause for filing a advertisements, great view, fourth-floor walk-up, where she rents after being denied association denied the plaintiff's discrimination action and referred Section 804(c) of the Fair' walk-in closets, jogging trails, or City And County the right to make reasonable request, the woman had a the case to the Justice Department. Housing Act prohibits the walk to bus-stop do not violate modifications at her own temporary ramp installed. The making, printing and publishing the Act by discriminating against Fair Housing Offices of advertisements which state a disabled individuals. Further, To Conduct preference, limitation or terms or symbols relating to discrimination on the basis of religious holidays such as Santa Advertising Seminar. City Seeks Coloring Book Sponsors, race, color, religion, sex, Claus, Easter Bunny, or St. Goal of Five Thousand Books To Be Distributed. disability, familial status, or Valentine's Day or images and The City of Bakersfield and national origin. The prohibition phrases such as Merry Christmas Kern County Fair Housing offices applies to publishers, such as and Happy Easter do not will jointly conduct a seminar on The City of Bakersfield Fair winners and other multi-cultural The City Fair Housing Office · Housing Office is seeking local drawings for elementary school expects to distribute over five newspapers and directories, as constitute violations of the Act. advertising and the Fair Housing well as to persons and entities However, advertisements Act. The seminar is tentatively ~. companies and community children to color, thousand coloring books to who place real estate which contain names of entities or scheduled for July at the associations .in the hqusjng Sponsors will have their elementary schools throughout advertisements, a religious reference, such as Bakersfield Convention Center. industry to sponsor the Fair names prominently published on Kern County. The Achtenbergmemo cites the Roselawn Catholic Home, or a For more information call the Housing Coloring Book. the inside cover page of the For further information, please reasons for publishing the religious symbol standing alone, City of Bakersfield Fair Housing The coloring book will coloring book in appreciation for contact Alice San, VISTA memorandum as an increased such as a cross, may indicate a Hotline at (805) 634-9245. featu? past poster contest their sponsorship. Volunteer, (805) 326-3765. Grades ~,7-8 :~ '.~ ,~OSt Hills Middle The Fair Housing and Equal 4,840 complaints received over However, those parties electing 1st Val~rie CoPmaCk/ 1st RochellePate~, 3~d .~¥ :~rysi~lD~visg, Opportunity Office within the the 1994 period. This drop to file suit in federal court have Ben Esher Christian 1;evisJuni~orHigh ~ ~st/Hill~,Middte Grades K:3 2nd GwendolYne Corona/ ; ~ :'Gr~de~ 9d0 U.S. Department of Housing and marks a reduction in received increased by 42 percent. 1st gaymondMartlnez/ L~st Hil[s~Middie l~t :jndr'~w 'S~hile/ Urban Development has reported complaints of over 22 percent. Under the Fair Housing Act, Sing-Lure Srd AuroraArmijo/ Bakersfield High SChool that the number of housing H.U.D. officials reportedly a suit must be filed on behalf of 2nd ~ole Dame/ Individual Entry 2nd Kelly Web~r/ discrimination complaints attribute the decline in received an aggrieved person if either Sierra Christian Speeialgducation Bakersfield High received by the agency has complaints to a trend in filing at party elects to have an 3rd Justin 'Vinson/ 1st Mathew Salyers/ 3rd ~Anthony Wirth/ dropped significantly from the local and state levels as well as a administrative charge heard in Sing-Lure Richmond Elementary Bakersfield High Grades 4-6 2nd Tiffany Angelo/ ,Grades 11-12 ~ear 1993 to the year ending newly instituted intake procedure federal court. 1st £indsay Haney Richmond Elementary 1st Yen;Yen Ho/ 1994. that more efficiently screens out Sing-Lure Essay~ Bakersfield High Over 6,100 complaints were complaints when H.U.D. lacks 2nd LeticiaBocanegra/. Grades7-8 2nd VincentAvalos/ received in 1993 compared to the subject matter jurisdiction. Lost Hills Middle 1st James Tam/ Burroughs High 3rd Timmy Cormack/ Murray Junior High 3rd dessica Crandell/ I Ben Esher Chrisnan 2nd Gwendolyne Corona/ Mliford Haven Academy BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE -' BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 RAUL M. ROJAS, DIRECTOR · CITY ENGINEER NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: June 23, 1995 Raul M. Rojas Public Works Department (805) 326-3724 CALLOWAY DRIVE/BRIMHALL CONSTRUCTION Work on the relocation of Calloway Drive at Brimhall Road is underway by Granite Construction Company. Dallas Marlowe, Granite's project superintendent, has scheduled removal of all pavement on Brimhall Road and Calloway Drive in the project area beginning Monday, June 26th. Between June 26th and July 10th traffic will be routed over dirt detours within the project area. If possible, motorists should seek alternate routes during this period. George W. Nickel, Jr. '--2601 Oswell Street, Suite 201 P. O. Box 60679 Bakersfield, CA 93386-0679 " (805) 872~5050 ' ' ~ Fax: (805) 872-7141 . June 19, 1995 ~ - ' ~ClTY MANAGER'S OFFICE _ Mr. Alan Tandy, Manager City of Bakersfield _ ~,v-- _ /.~ )501Bakersfield,.Truxtun A__venue CA 93301 Dear Alan: I appreciated your note of June 8th and with it a copy of the Bakersfield StadiumFeasibility Study and Business Plan. After study of this information, I was able to contact your Executive Secretary, Andrea, who set forth that she thinks that you will be able to meet with me at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 21st. I look forward to this opportunity to meet with you. For your further information, I am enclosing a copy of my June 16th letter to Jack Patton, Vice President of the Bakersfield Blaze Baseball Club. I feel that I have properly reached the conclusion that the prospective Nickel "E" site can be a substantially better program for the stadium site, as against the site "C". At least, I think, it will be in the business and public interest to have a full discussion and evaluation of the two sites. It will be a pleasure for me to be in a meeting with you on June 21st at 3:00 p.m. George W. Nickel, Jr. GWN/rjr Encs. George W. Nickel, Jr. 2601 Oswell Street, Suite 201 P. O. Box 60679 Bakersfield, CA 93386-0679 (805) 872-5050 Fax: (805) 872-7141 June 16, 1995 Jack Patton, Vice President Bakersfield Blaze Baseball Club P.O. Box 10031 Bakersfield, CA 93389 Dear Jack: It was a pleasure to meet you at the Bakersfield Rotary Club yesterday and to have some initial discussion with you on what might be the best location for a Bakersfield Stadium, that can, in the future, be utilized by your Blaze Baseball Club. Based upon the January study of the Spectrum Group, you are, at least initially, endorsing the Castle &Cooke program for a stadium location along Panama Lane, to the east of Old River Road. According to the Spectrum report, the potential Nickel site along Freeway 178 is not quite as good a potential site as the Castle & Cooke site along Panama Lane. Bakersfield City Manager, Alan Tandy, accommodated me in giving me a copy of the Spectrum report of January. I have carefully studied that report and feel that the Nickel site donation should be given further study. Before reaching this conclusion, I have carefully checked the location of the two (2) sites. I will briefly enumerate my conclusions and determinations that I would like to set forth in comparing the Castle & Cooke site along Panama Lane with the Nickel site along Freeway 178. Incidentally, for his information, comments and questions, I am sending a copy of this letter to Bakersfield City Manager, Alan Tandy. 1. I am enclosing a map, which shows in red the location along Panama Lane, which is the Castle & Cooke program and identified as C in the Spectrum report. Also on the map, you will find shown in blue the Nickel program, which is identified in the Spectrum report as E. In traveling to the C site along Panama Lane, I found that it is 4.5 miles distant from Freeway 99. The traffic problem along Panama Lane in this 4.5 miles would appear to be only properly solved by building a 4 lane freeway and, I believe, it would be extremely expensive here. This compares to the E site, which is right on Freeway #178, which Caltrans is planning to do even more work on, including the new Freeway route leading to Lake Isabella. In addition, site E is only 2 miles north of Freeway 58. Furthermore, it is already accommodated by State Highway 184, which passes right along the south side of site E. I think it can be properly argued that access to and the cost thereof is going to far more satisfactory to site E, than it would be to site C. Jack Patton June 16, 1995 Page 2. 2. I now make reference to the summary in the Spectrum report entitled "Evaluation Matrix". Although the rating of site "C" is generally set forth to be better than site "E", there really doesn't seem to be any proper explanation for that; consequently, I hope that I will have an opportunity to discuss this rating program with you, Bakersfield City Manager Alan Tandy and others that are involved. It certainly will be important to note that site "E" already has an excellent water program through the Olcese Water District and fine sewage program through the City's new district and assessment program, construction of which is scheduled to be completed on or before September 1st. This compares to the fact that neither domestic water or sewage is presently available at site "C'. It would also seem important to note that at site WE", the Mesa Matin Race Track and ball parks are immediately adjacent to the east side of site WE". This, of course, has many advantages that should be discussed. Because I think it would be in the public interest, as well as that of the Bakersfield Blaze Baseball Club, I do hope that I will have the opportunity for a meeting with you, as well as a meeting with Bakersfield City Manager Alan Tandy and others. It appears that timing is important; consequently, I urge that these meetings should take place promptly. Sjj~erely, George W. Nickel, Jr. GWN/rjr Encs. 32 HAGGERTY '~OLF COURSE $HL539 ~°"~ ! .2~ 30 K~R~gRIV.E~8 29 "' RIVER_. ~ '~ ~ ' [ we [ STATE34 r REC. 3~ i 6 t 5 ~ Di ......y 6 5 ~Lll ' 5Mt'. ~  ; . China 29 BAKERSFIELD IRPARK 11 "'· OLD RIVER ~ ? BUENA VISTA "; ;RES GOLF COURSE'~ .31S, S~L J74 T,31S. Bear Mtn, Rd Bear Mountain i' Boulevard 28 BUENA VISTA LAKE BED 3o Intermittent t ~ ~illi~s Rd. : 34 [ 35 '" T,32S. -- Ln, BAKERSFIELD STADIUM SITE EVALUATION MATRIX ~oR ~ACt~ BASEBAL~ STAD~n,~ Ra~ Score~ CO-S) W~ghtea S~or~ ~~ ~ Site ,: EVALtL4TION MATR/X 1 panam~Old River ,2 Nickel 1. Traffic Movement (Ix~al) 4 Downtow~ 2. Traffic Movement (Regional) S . Stockdal~/All~n $. Traffic Impacts on Adjacent Areas 6 StockdaledR~'ffro 4. Parking Availabiltty/Sufficlen~ Sub-Tot, a/ ~ategory Rank B. EnginterlnglEnvtronmenta! (20~ WeighO 1. Engineering Constraints 2. Ut~ity Constraints (Local) 3. Utility Constraints (Reglonal) . 4. Environraental Constraints C.Site C~ara~t~rtstic~ (20~ Weight) 1. Size of Parcel 2. Configuration of Parcel 3. Path of Growth ~ s~u ~ Sub-Total D. plmming Constd~rationa ('20~ Weight) 1. Compat~7~ility to Existing Neighborhood 2. Noise/Lighting Conatraints 3. General plan/Zoning 4. Processing R~uirernentsfFiming Sub-Total Category Rank E. Economic Impact (20% Weight) . 1. Potential fvr Induced Development 2. Potential Raw La~ Cost ~, .~ 3. Proximity to Hotels/Restaurants 4. potentia for Coreomte S~¥ '~'~"~,~,~ ~ A. Stockdale/Allen C. Panama~Old River E. Nickel B. Stockdale/Renfro D. Douratown F. Fairgrounds B A K E R S F I E.L D 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE .__ BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 RAUL M. ROJAS, DIRECTOR · CITY ENGINEER Nancy L. Ewert, Advanced Planning & Rccycling Manager KERN COUNTY WASTE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 2700 "M" Street, Suite 500 Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: CONVERSION FACTORS FOR ESTIMATING GREEN/WOOD WASTE TONNAGE AT THE MT. VERNON FACILrrY Dear Ms. Ewert: After numerous discussions with staff, estimating tonnage at the gate has been done very conservatively since the Facility's opening. As described in the Facility's Permit .application, p. 3, weight estimates focus first on the amount of space available in the vehicles. The materials inside the vehicles vary but gardeners generally bring a large proportion of grass clippings, mixed wet and dry. Also, vehicle size and carrying capacity is often distorted with home-made modifications, such as side-boards that extend the height of the flatbeds in pickup trucks. Staff has measured space very conservatively for this reason. Example: for trucks with fender wells, width is measured from well to well (or 4 feet), leaving space fore and aft of the wells, out of the equation. That amounts to a safety margin, erring on the side of lightness, of 8 cubic feet in fleet-sized trucks. A small truck measures 6 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 19 inches deep. A medium truck measures 8 feet long, 4 feet wide and 21" deep. For trucks with side-boards, 1.18 cubic yards is added to the estimate of the load, for 8-foot long beds. For 6-foot long beds, .88 cubic yards is added for every foot height added by side-boards. Page 1 of 2 Nancy L. EwerL Advanced Plannin~ & Recyclin~o Manager Kern County Waste Management Department June 15, 1995 Subject: Conversion Factors for Estimating Green/Wood Waste Tonnage at the Mt. Vernon Facility Green Waste trucks, of course, are not part of the survey because they always contain City materials. If you have any questions, or require additional information, please call Howard S. 'Morris, Solid Waste Superintendent at 326-3136. Thank you. Very truly yours, RAUL M. ROJAS Public Works Director :hsm cc: Kevin P. Barnes, Solid Waste Director Howard S. Morris, Solid Waste Superintendent Attachment HOWARDI.LTR Page 2 of 2 ~ 06/.~4/~ ~ED 13:0.0 FAX 805 322 .7503 CITY BKFD 'SANITATION DI¥ ~]007 D. QUANTITY OF MATERIALS TO BF, ACCF, PTF, D Feedstock that will be accepted at this faci|ity will consist of wood waste, yard wastc, t green waste, construction/demolition wood, agricultural waste, and some manures. Material acceptance will be based upon the ability to transform the feedstock into I a useful and/or saleable product. 1. Maximum Daily Load Capacity Based upon the heaviest recorded traffic day of 1994, it is estimated that this facility accepted 310 tons in one 9 hour period. This number was reached by estimating weights of thc 560 vehicles that delivered feedstock to the sitc. Thc weights were assigned as follows: ' Small 500 lbs Medium 1,000 lbs Large 2,000 lbs i Commercial trucks 4,000 lbs Green Waste trucks 10,000 lbs i 2. Average Daily Throughput In estimating the avcrage daily throughput, we used thc most recent, survey I records available. They cover a ten week period from December 5, 1994 to February 12, 1995. This shov,~ that a total of 13,778 tons were delivercd to i the facility. This averagcs out to 197 tons per day. This will increase ~ thc CitT's curbside green waste program is fully implemented. We expect an I additional 500 tons per week to be delivered by compactor trucks. This should increase our average daily throughput to 250 tons per day. i 3. Average load capacity next five years i 'Using the average daily throughput figure of 250 tons per day, and multiplying that by 360 days of operation, we expect to receive and process i 90,000 tons of feedstock in 1995. According to the Kern County 1994 .SRRE, it is expected that rccTcling of thc wooflwastc/grccnwaste stream will increase i at a 6% annual rate. ! BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT dUN ,I ~ ~ 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 C~T~ MANAGER'S OFFIC[' RAUL M. ROJAS, DIRECTOR * CITY ENGINEER June 15, 1995 ~ ~ Daphne H. Washington, Director KERN COUNTY WASTE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT -' 2700 "M" Street, Suite 500 Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: DROP-OFF RECYCLING PROGRAM Dear Ms. Washington: On June 6, 1995 the City sent the County a letter addressing continued joint funding for operating the Greenwaste Facility on Mt. Vernon Avenue since the existing contract is due to expire on June 30, 1995. In addition to the processing of greenwaste, that contract also includes joint funding for the City's Drop-off Recycling Program. In our meetings with Nancy. Ewert, we have discussed continuing the joint City/County drop-off program, however, extending both programs under separate agreements. As you are aware the drop-off recycling program consists of six (6) locations throughout the City of Bakersfield where various bins have been located for private citizens (both City and County) to discard recyclable materials: aluminum, tin cans, glass bottles and jars, plastic, newspaper, cardboard and miscellaneous paper for transport to local recycling centers. We have completed our analysis of the drop-off program for FY 94-95 and the net cost is $123,072. This number was calculated by subtracting the revenue received from hauling the recyclable materials from the expenses incurred for personnel and equipment required for operating the program (see attached spreadsheet). According to the City's Planning Division and the Kern Council of Governments 40% of the residents live in the County area. · Based on that factor, a 40% cost share would be appropriate. This equates to a new County contribution of $49,229. Page 1 of 2 · Daphne H. Washington, Director Kern County Waste Management Department June 15, 1995 Subject: Drop-Off Recycling Program It is clear that this program provides benefit to the citizens in both incorporated and unincorporated regions of the Metropolitan area and a joint City/County program is a more cost-effective way to achieve the mandated diversion goals for this area. Please contact this office should you need additional information. Our intent is to continue both joint City/County programs by extending the existing agreement with revised contributions levels prior to the deadline. Thanks for your continued cooperation. Very truly yours, RAU~ Public Works Director MR:stop c: Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director Howard Morris, Solid Waste Superintendent MauriCe Randall, Business Manager Attachment DROREC.LTR Page 2 of 2 ANNUAL COST OF DROP-OFF PROGRAM Heavy Equipment Operator $ 43,397 Wages Plus Benefits Roll-Off Vehicle (Annual Cost) 58,188 Fixed Plus M & O Utility Worker 30,834 Wages Plus Benefits Pick-Up Vehicle (Annual Cost) 4,920 Fixed Plus M & O Bin Maintenance 7,400 Bin Replacement 20,700 Total Expenditures $165,439 Total Revenue 42,367 Net Cost of Program $123,072 City's Share (60%) 73,843 County's Share (40%) 49,229 MR:smp 06/15/95 AS,~'NCOS.DRF CITY A~O~EY Judy~Skousen CHIEF ASSI~A~ CI~ A~O~EY Ro~ M. Sh~ ASSISTA~ CI~ A~O~EYS ~ D. D~el Jo~ D. Closs ~ C. M~o RECE W~t. ". Po.. Jr. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD " o,d ,so, ux'r JUN J~ce Sc~ BAKERSF~, CA 93301 C~I Hem~&z ~ LAW OFF1CE ADMINIsT~TOR ~HO~: 805-32~3721 ~E.~p--. ~^csmm.~: sos-ns-,~s~ CITY MANAGEW$ June 15, 1995 Mr. Keith E. Cambridge Enforcement Branch California Integrated Waste Management Board 880 Cal Center Drive Sacramento, California 95826 Re: Watts Drive Waste Tire Facility No. 15-TI-0125 Dear Mr. Cambridge: This letter is written in response to the document received by our offices on June 7, 1995 entitled "Notice and Order No. 95-15" addressed to Mr. Luther Lane and the City of Bakersfield and, therein, requiring the City of Bakersfield to "remove all waste tires from the premises by July 31, 1995 in accordance with the following waste tire removal schedule and operational plan." Thereafter follows a waste tire removal schedule and operational plan which, apparently, you wish the City of Bakersfield to submit to the Integrated Waste Management Board. The City did not receive the March letter which was apparently sent to Mr. Lane. As the March 15 letter was only directed to Mr. Lane, the City believed he was the only person an enforcement action was directed at. As you may know, the City of Bakersfield's "ownership" of any property along the area of Watts Drive which may have accumulated waste tires is a right-of-way for road purposes dedicated to the City of Bakersfield in 1894 by the Kern County Land Company; however, no roadway has every been developed upon this right-of-way. What the City has appears to be an undeveloped road easement. Generally, an undeveloped road easement is no ownership right at all but only a future interest which may be used by the City. Also, if the City did not accept the dedication, it is not effective and the right-of-way will not be "owned" by the City. Without a complete title search, the ownership of this strip of property is in doubt. Mr. Keith E. Cambridge Enforcement Branch California Integrated Waste Management Board Re: Watts Drive Waste Tire Facility No. 15-TI-0125 June 15, 1995 Page 2 If waste tires do exist upon this thirty foot section, and if .the City has an ownership interest, the tires have been placed there by persons unknown to the City of Bakersfield; however, the evidence would indicate Mr. Luther Lane, the operator of the adjacent waste tire facility, would be guilty of trespass and illegally placing tires upon the property. As you know, the City of Bakersfield cannot move or otherwise dispose of property without a Court Order. Any disposal of personal property under these circumstances may constitute conversion or theft by the City; thus, a Court order allowing us to move the property must be sought by the City. The City of Bakersfield desires to file suit against Mr. Luther Lane to cause him to remove these tires from the property, if the City does own said property. This will require the City of Bakersfield to file an action in the Superior Court in Kern County for trespass and public nuisance against Mr. Lane and prosecute the suit to a judgment to allow the City .to move the tires and to cause Mr. Luther to either pay for this removal or cause the removal himself. Until a judgment is obtained, the City of Bakersfield cannot take independent action and remove or dispose of the tires. The City of Bakersfield requests you withhold taking any action against the City until a judgment can be obtained as set forth above. The State of California is invited to join the City in suing Mr. Lane to cause the removal of said tires. If the State would join the City in this action, it may facilitate Mr. Lane's cleanup of his property. Please note the City is not an operator or otherwise involved with the placement of the tires upon its right-of-way. The City does not wish to apply for an operator's license and desires the removal of the tires from the property in a legal and expeditious manner. Please note that absent a title search, the City of Bakersfield is not certain it has any ownership, interest in the undeveloped right-of-way; therefore, until this particular step is undertaken and completed, the City cannot file suit. Until the actual exercise of the City's right-of-way takes place, (the construction of the road), the City would have no ownership interest of a current nature and Mr. Lane's right to possess or use the property may.be superior to the City's, thereby precluding any action by the City. As a general rule, an undeveloped easement places no current burden on the underlying fee owner. The fee owner can continue to do all things not in conflict with the undeveloped road easement. If our "ownership" ends with the unused Mr. Keith E. Cambridge Enforcement Branch California Integrated Waste Management Board Re: Watts Drive Waste Tire Facility No. 15-TI-0125 June 16, 1995 Page 3 right-of-way a court will not allow us to interfere with Mr. Lane's uses of the property. Thank you for your time. Please let me know what your position is concerning the matters set forth above. Sincerely, ~..__~/× Alan~n~el ~ .......... ~ Assistant Ci~r-Attorney cc: Judy K. Skousen, City Attorney Fred Kloepper, Public Works Alan Tandy, City Manager ADD:bsb Ictte~r\cambridg.ltr ATTORNEY ~ ~, JUDY K. SKOUSEN CITY A'rrORNEY CITY OPINION Opinion No. 95-15 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD .... 1,5QL~Truxtun Avenue RECE~¥~Bakers~eld, CA 93301 City Attorney's Office ~ ..... (805) 326-3721 aune is, JUN LL CITY MANAGER'S ' TO: PLANNINO COMMISSIONERS FROM: LAURA C. MARINO, Assistant City Attorney~)~' ISSUE: EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS RE~ARDIN~. QUASI-JUDICIAL AND LEGISLATIVE MATTERS A question has been raised regarding whether it is appropriate for planning commissioners to meet with project applicants or opponents prior to a public hearing on the matter. This is an issue our office addressed a couple of years ago. As we explained at that time, the answer depends on the nature of the project to be heard. All hearing items before a board or commission can be divided into two groups: quasi-judicial and legislative matters. Quasi-ju4icial procee4ings are those requiring the application of a general law which already exists to a specific interest. A matter is quasi-judicial when the agency is required to hold a public hearing, consider the evidence presented at the hearing and then approve or disapprove the matter, making written findings in support of its determination. Examples of these are conditional use permits, subdivision maps and other matters under the subdivision map act, development agreements and modifications. Legislative matters, on the other hand, involve the formulation of a rule or law to be applied in all future cases. Examples of such matters are most zone changes, general plan amendments, specific plans and ordinances. It is important to note, however, that an action has been held to be quasi-judicial when it requires an agency to apply a general rule to a specific property interest, such as a zone change affecting a single piece of property. The fact that an agency holds hearings and takes evidence in reaching its decision does not alone make the final action quasi-judicial; however, in many instances, such procedures are necessary to ensure procedural due process is afforded to an individual in a particular proceeding. Once it is determined that a proceeding is quasi-judicial or legislative, the level of ex parte communications or agency member involvement that is legally permissible can be determined. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CITY ATTORNEY OPINION NO. 95-15 Issue: Ex Parte Communications regarding Quasi-Judicial and L~gislative Matters June 15, 1995 Page 2 If a project is of a quasi-judicial nature, then involvement in the development approval process, such as directing (or actions tantamount to directing), staff regarding a specific project, including requests to alter or change staff recommendations or comments on CEQA documents, would impermissibly violate a party's due process rights. Additionally, agency member communications with outside groups, such as developers, special interest or citizen groups, community planning groups and other interested citizens regarding a project that will later come before the agency for final appr.oval, may also interfere with the fair hearing of a quasi-judicial project. If an agency member does receive information outside the hearing process on such projects, he or she must disclose all evidence received outside of the hearing considered in reaching a decision on the record. This includes trips to view a site and any communications outside of the hearing regarding the project. Such disclosure permits the public to hear and rebut any evidence relied upon for the decision, and creates a record to support the decision. Due process requires that, for quasi-jUdicial projects, agency members be impartial, non-involved decision makers. Participation in the development approval process or communications outside of the hearing process can disqualify an agency members' vote, result in a reversal of the action or subject the city to liability for violation of a citizen's constitutional rights. If, on the other hand, a project is truly of a legislative nature, fewer due process safeguards are necessary. Decisions may be made based on evidence gathered outside of the hearing process, and agency member discussions of the matters with parties and other interested individuals prior to the decision will. not present a danger of tainting the proceeding. Agency members may even take and state a position on the matter prior to the hearing. It is absolutely necessary in such situations, however, that the matter be determined to be purely legislative in nature to ensure that there will be no violation of a citizen's due process rights. If any question exists as to whether a project is legislative or quasi-judicial, it is always most prudent to treat it as a quasi- judicial matter. LCM/meg cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager Judy K. Skousen, City Attorney Stanley Grady, Planning Director Jack Hardisty, Development Services Director Attorney Opinion File OP~ON95-1/OP~ON/DUEPRO4~.2PC GAME TIME: It's hot for football, but... Los Angeles is close enough--ill miles-- that 6,000 residents commute there daily. In short, Bakersfield is becoming one of Amer- ica's new breed of "edge cities"--satellite communities that have found thriving niches on the outer rims of metro areas. B~U~ING? The success of this city of 213,000 comes in spite of its reputation, developed and spread by those who have traveled tiu*ough here bound for either Los Angeles or San Francisco, as a blazing hellhole that stinks of oil and is re- nowned only for its world-class rednecks. They're right about some of the spe- cifics, dead wrong on the stereotypes. 'SHAKE 'N' BAKE' Bakersfield did report 46 days last year of lO0-degree heat or worse. And the air near the Texaco Inc. refinery out on OR DESERT PARADISE? Rosedale Highway does get a bit ripe at ---- times. Sure, there are plenty of pickups with gun racks. Country legend Buck T Owens is probably our most famous cit- he week I moved to Bakersfield, but my neighbors must get a little izen, and Merle Haggard our most fa- Calif., late last year, the police weary of reading, as they did in June, mous ex-citizen. charged Daniel Czubko with that not only did we have an outbreak It's not just oil, heat, and E1 Caminos stalking and raping his ex-wife. When of bubonic plague--kangaroo rats aren't that shape Bakersfield's reputation. Old apprehended, Czubko was wearing a suspected carriers--we're also headed Shake 'n' Bake, as some of us call the wig, a hot-pink skirt and matching jack- for a bumper year of encephalitis. And place, sits 40 miles east of the San An- et, a white ruffled blouse, and pantyhose wait till they read the stow we're work- dreas Fault. The Californian runs a in which he had stashed a .32-caliber ing on about an HIV-positive lesbian ac- weekly Seismo-Watch to show how revolver, tivist who was once a Playmate of the many noticeable and unnoticeable Asked if she was surprised about her Month. quakes occur. former husband's cross-dressing, the While Bakersfield and surrounding In the winter, there's also the pea- complainant said: "! should have Kern County are soup fog. Highway guessed; his favorite movie was Mrs. something of a jour- pileups abound. And Doubtfire." nalist's paradise, one is some folks gripe about In the newspaper business, that's tempted to ask why valley fever, a local ail- what we call a story. Bakersfield, a anyone else would live merit that can rot your funky, misunderstood place, has a zillion in Bakersfield, let bones if you're unlucky of them. I moved here to become one of alone move here, as -- enough to breathe in the editors of The Bakersfield Califor- did 22,400 souls last -,~ the primeval spores nian, a daily. When I read about year. Companies such tossed up by wind or CZubko, whose case is still pending, I as State Farm Mutual bulldozers working vir- knew I had landed in an unusual place. Automobile Insurance gin land. Jurassic There's something every week. The Co. are opening major Park meets Outbreak. next headline grabber was about an ira- offices here because of In fact, some of the m/grant Taiwanese farmer prosecuted a conservative busi- landscapes around for running over three kangaroo rats ness climate that here are so other- that happened to be members of an eh- has kept wages low. worldly they've been dangered species, while tilling a field. There's plenty of land, used in everything Now, wei~l news is good news for me, housing is cheap, and from Jurassic Park to 14E-4 BUSINESS WEEK/ JUNE 26, 1995 People here do have kind of a thing for vehicular violence, but it's good, wholesome violence the upcoming megabuck Kevin Costner You might not know there's a trade but it's good, wholesome violence. We epic Waterworld. ban on Iranian pistachios, but people in saw a beaut of an accident when I took Frankly, I don't get all the negatives Kern County do, since it's the home of my 8-year-old son, Alex, to a nationally one hears about Bakersfield. Call me the No. 1 pistachio processor in the televised Super Trucks race at the Mesa crazy, but I find it a pretty nice place to world, Paramount Farms. If Clinton Matin track last month. Alex' favorite live--and not just because the news bends to pressure and lifts the ban, live- part was when the in-your-face winner gets a little wacky, lihoods here will be affected. Kern purposely spun his pickup around at the My only fear is that people are be- County also produces the best cotton last minute and came across the fmish ginning to figure out that the stereo- in the world. Japan is the biggest buyer, line backwards. Indy 500 legend Rick types don't apply. Kern County's popu- Chump change for the Japanese, but Mears grew up here. lation of 637,500 is expected to double cotton was worth $312 million to local That figures. We're a fast town--four in 15 years. No wonder. The median growers last year. Oh, and about that raceways plus, on the eastern edge of housing price is $85,000, cheapest in refinery: Kern County produces more the county, Edwards Air Force Base, the state and less where Chuck Yeager than half that of Los broke the sound bar- Angeles. I rent a new rier and, to this day, three-bedroom, air- sometimes takes up a conditioned house with new plane for an unof- pool, spa, and, jacuzzi ficial spin. We don't for $1,200 a month, in- watch the traffic lights cluding pool mainte- change; we watch the nance and gardener. Shuttles land when ~$? I can hear the Florida is rained out. chorus starting now: ~¥ ~:~?. So let's see, It might be a great we've got a good tax deal, but you're still in base and a great busi- Bakersfield. So let's ness climate. We're address this percep- one oLthe safest cit- tion of being in a ies in the country. backwater. Telling peo- We've got Buck ple that we're the Owens' country music country's 88th-largest giant KUZZ-FM. You city somehow doesn't want symphony? We seem to help. Nor got symphony. We does history. The have glamorous visi- Weed Patch camp that tors from Hollywood, John Steinbeck wrote lots of rodeos, terrain about in The Grapes ~l.~ ~.$: It's a fast town--four speedways plus Edwards AF Base ideal for everything of Wrath is just up from hang gliding to the road. Folks still think half the peo- oil than any other county in the country, white-water rafting, perfect springs and ple here are relatives of the Joads. Not In your neighborhood, the arrival of a falls ~qth ~.~ldflowers everywhere, and so. Many Okies moved on as the war movie crew might cause folks to pause gorgeous sunsets. economy of the 1940s opened up factory and gawk. People around here have got- We do have the vagaries of nature to jobs closer to Los Angeles; others be- ten kind of blas~ about such spectacles, deal with. But when it's 105F, it's dry came wealthy on the oil fields. Stein- They "seem to appreciate them being heat. That deal with the bubonic plague beck's settlement is called the Sunset here without going goo-goo," says Janet is well in hand. We get little blips in Mr. Labor Camp now. Its farm workers Wheeler, a location specialist. With Richter's scale, but we haven't had a tend to come from Texas, not Oklahoma, mountains on three sides (the Sierra bad quake since 1952. And what's a lit- and they're likely to be Hispanics driv- Nevadas, the Tehachapis, and the, uh, fie oil in the wind? Ever been to New ing shiny new pickups. Temblors), a couple of deserts, and the Jersey? Hick image aside, I've found that peo- southern tip of the San Joaquin Valley No, what really worries me is a plan ple here are plugged in. "I follow for- to pick from, location scouts have se- for a high-speed rail link to Los An- eign affairs all the time," says Jack Pan- lected Kern County since the days of geles by the end of the century. With dol, "I have to." He's president of John Wayne's early westerns. Remem- L.A. just 40 minutes away, that would Pandol Brothers, wh/ch sold $125 mill/on ber the scene where Susan Sarandon seal our fate as a bedroom community. worth of grapes, oranges, and apples and Geena Davis drive their T-bird off Sounds like paradise lost. last year, including substantial amounts the cliff at the end of Thelma and ~^T~IC~ 05'~£~ to Japan, China, and other countries in- Louise? Kern County. Oster ~.eported for SUS~NZSS WEEK volved in trade disputes with the Clin- Actually, people here do have kind from Br~ssels, where life was more so- ton Administration. of a thing about vehicular violence-- phisticated but less fun. il.