HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/09/95.� J� • B A K E R S F I E L D MEM�RANDUM TQ: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION COUNCIL � November 9, 1995 1. If you happen to be traveling in the area of the Convention Center, you may notice that the old feed bin property has finally been torn down. We are still in the eviction process on the recycling center. 2. You will find enclosed a copy of the Public Works Department Capital Improvements Status Report. We are making progress since the strike is now over. 3. We are contracting for a codification review. It will check conflicts in our various codes with State law and the like. A particular area of interest to us is the personnel area where we have run across a variety of conflicts because of the three sets of Civil Service Commission rules, the Administrative Code, Charter, etc. This is a part of our Personnel Streamlining process, but involves a variety of other code sections as well. 4. Next week, on Wednesday and Thursday, I will be out of town at the annual planning retreat for department heads. During our absence, Dolores Teubner will be in charge. The office will be able to contact any of us in the event of an emergency. 5. There is an important memorandum enclosed on the staff committee's work on annexatior� strategies. We would ask you all to review it, and call with comments or suggestions. As it develops, we will need your help in the first stage of the annexation effort. This will, of course, be a lot of work. It will create controversy, but it is a task well worth undertaking even if we only achieve a 50% success rate. Again, it is significant, so please give us your advice as soon as you are able to get to the document. 6. There are responses to Council referrals enclosed including an item regarding having our Convention Center report include Holiday Inn activities; street resurfacing in Ward 2; a report on merit step increases; and, an update on the traffic problem at Centennial High School. 7. If you have City staff bid against the private sector on landscape maintenance districts, the supervisory group involved in that wouid be Fabbri, Andersen and Tandy. I think we will use the first letter of each last name to form the acronym "FAT - your public sector alternative." ._ .,� HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL November 9, 1995 Page -2- AT:rg Enclosures cc: Department Heads Trudy Slater Carol Williams n � B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM November 6, 1995 � TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: (j� ��' Darnell W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director THROUGH: �°��� � Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: CIP Status Reports - October, 1995 Attached is a new version of the CIP status report. The intent of this version is to better inform the users of the various milestones a capital project goes through. The CIP status report is comprised of the following sections: 1. Status of all 1994-95 and 1995-96 CIP projects (Design Engineering). 2. Status of all 1994-95 and 1995-96 Traffic Signal related CIP projects. 3. Construction Inspection Project Status Report. 4. Financial Summary 1995-96 CIP projects. 5. Financial Summary 1994-95 CIP Carryover projects. 6. Monthly Notice of Completion Report. If you have any question or suggestions for improving this report, feel free to contact me. cc: G. Waiters T. Slater D. Teubner ��� 6 19�: � B A K E R S F 1 E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPAItTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: OCTOBER 30, 1995 TO: DARNELL HAYNES, ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: JACQUES R. LaROCHELLE, CIVIL ENGINEER IV-DESIGN SUBJE . 1995-96 CIP STATUS Attached is the schedule of 1994-95 CIP projects. As promised, we are showing more information this fiscal year. The following will describe the various milestones we are showing on the schedule: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Consultant Contract Approval PS&E Approvai Advertise Award Pre-Construction Conference Notice of Completion The date a consultant is hired to perform design. The date the plans are actually completed. The date the project will advertise. The date Council will award project construction. The date the Contractor will begin actual work. The date construction will be complete. It should be noted that during this fiscal year, particular emphasis will be placed on completing prior year projects. As such, a separate section of this memo will be dedicated to the status of prior year projects. PRO.iECTS BEHIND SCHEDULE None. PR0.IECTS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE None. STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR PRO.TECTS (In-House) 1. White Lane Improvements-Wibie Road to South H Street This project is cunently out to bid. 2. Hughes/Pacheco Sewer Project The pre-construction meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 2. Construction activity should begin the ne�ct week. , 3. Coffee Road Widening-Brimhall Road to Rosedale Hwy Plans have been submitted to CalTrans and the Bureau of Reclamation for their approval and permits. The CalTrans permit will be issued this week. Construction is slated to begin in November. 4. Resurfacing Major Streets-Citywide This project was awarded at the September 13, City Council meeting. 5. Bridge Replacement-Manor Street at Carrier Canal Plans are complete. We are currently awaiting funding approval from CalTrans which will not occur until the Federal Budget is adopted. Once this is accomplished, we will obtain approval to advertise by the State. This project will immediately bid thereafter. 6. Landscaped Medians-Rosedale Highway @ F�vy 99 Interchange Preliminary plans complete. This project will be done b_y City forces and will not begin until CalTrans is complete with their bridge widening project. STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR PRO.TECTS (Consultant) Tevis Park Development Plans are being finalized by the consultant. This project will immediately bid thereafter. 2. Woodwaste/Greenwaste Facility This project will be awarded at the November 8 Council meeting. 3. Coffee Road Grade Separation Plans should be complete soon. Right of way to be cleared by the end of January, 1996. Construction should begin in March, 1996. 4. Police Building Addition This project will be awarded at the November 8 Council meeting. 5. Bridge Repiacement-China Grade Loop at Beardsley Canal Plans are complete. We are currently av�raiting funding approval from CalTrans which will not occur until the Federal Budget is adopted. Once this is accomplished, we will obtain approval to advertise by the State. This project will immediately bid thereafter. 6. Fire Station 13 Construction Bids have been received which exceed the budget. Staff is meeting with contractor to determine if changes to plans could be made to realize significant reductions in construction costs. 7. Canal Bridge Widening at Arvin Edison Canal (5 locations) Consultant plans checked which found numerous problems. Consultant has resubmitted plans which are currently being reviewed. 8. Canal Culvert Widening-Panama Lane c� Farmer's Canal This project will be awarded at the November 8 Council meeting. 9. Median Construction-Various Locations Consultant now making revisions based on City's peer review. Once these changes are made, this .gro}ect will advertise immediately, 10. Diesel Exhaust Removal System-Various Fire Station I.acations Project awarded and under construction. � B A K E R S F I E L D TRAFFIC ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM To: DARNELL HAYNES, ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR From: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER `������� Date: October 13, 1995 Subject: 1995-96 CIP STATLTS Attached are two variations of the 1995-96 CIP schedule. The first shows all projects by order of design schedule within the fiscal year. The second is grouped by project engineer with each engineer's schedule in order of design schedule. As shown all projects are on schedule. Also attached are the pages containing our projects from the detail status report. Following are projects of special interest: PRIOR YEAR PROJECTS --- CONSTRUCTION STATUS Pre-construction conferences have been held and construction will begin shortly on new signals at East Brundage Lane at Oswell Street, Coffee Road at Hageman Road and F Street at Truxtun Avenue. Construction is underway for signals on Gosford Road at North Laurelglen Boulevard (near completion), Jenkins Road at Stockdale Highway, Akers Road at Panama Lane, Stine Road at Panama Lane and Ashe Road at South Halfmoon Drive. Construction has been completed in the past 3 months including the signal upgrades on 4th St at Chester Ave, on Mohawk St at Trwctun Ave, on Castro Ln at Ming Ave, on Chester Ln at Oak St, on Planz Rd at Wible Rd, the new signals on Ashe Rd at District Blvd and the flashing beacon on Pin Oak Park Blvd at Tevis Jr High. PRO TECTS ON SCHEDULE All other projects are on schedule. PROTECTS BEING DESIGNED BY CONSULTANTS 1. Signal, New - Christmas Tree Lane at Mt Vernon Avenue 2. Signal, New - Howell Drive at Old River Road 3. Signal, New - Camino Media at Old River Road 4. Signal, Operations - Traffic Operations Center Design Final contracts have been executed this month for the first three projects. Notices to proceed and initial design meetings will be complete by October 17th. The fourth project, the TOC study is underway, phases 1 and 2 are 75% and 25% complete respectively with final report (phase 7) scheduled for completion in March. SLW:BJD:bd s:\lotus\sched\cip9610.mem i �� ., REPORT DATE: 10/16/�J5 1995-96 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE (TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION) ,,.. 1995 1996 ..: , : � ..<:,: , ,,, _.. _._ �. :..: � , . : x, .. � � c� . �;;1, «<<„ "c t .Lii�:cc�<t.<<< «. " .�.� ,.. ,'-:; 5 .. , . ,,.tEC+,r.k4. - .� , . r. -.�;; , ., . .,.,,,, .. �.. .y:�,. , ..,. . ,. c ' � :: ... ... , , � , i . :-, ,�>„ , , -.�;, ., - , , ��:;, _ .� .�w v ....: .... �:;.. 44< ,<,. � - < ,.:.. ,..,<...i�.:+,i<< <c� .n., .. � t .',_, : '.,,,,,, z .. .,,:ae:e , . :,? ,.� -.:i�roi : �,..: �. ,,,,,, ,,, , „ <;:>..,. .:.. y� ,.�A�i�i,,-P �.i , e :.: ,. �. I� ,;,:. k,, ,�, .: ,, �. � �f y x��y�-y ,. y�-} _.:... yy�,: ',� ., :. .:.., ... ..i. �MR.-. . . .- n+ . ... .. . ..�.i .., .�ti �...,, ,,.,..,. ,i , .;,, ., ,,. . ::. . .,'. . r ' n �`nr ��- ... ...... .. .. . ... .... .... }�:a�. � '� nr. 'i •.,. � - ... . . 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J7 .. , . .:.,. ,. ..-... :.,. �,,...: ... .,,....: . : ':.:,. . , ,.,;, ..,:, ..,...,..., �& 7 Signal, New - Monitor Street at Pacheco Road TABLIT 96 DESI[iN 98%COMPLETE --- RESOL�IN G UTILITY CONFLICT : `; „,;;; Signal, Interconnect - TOC Arterial Infrastructure Conduit,Ph. 2- 5 Locations (Coffee, ` ' 4& 5 Stockdale - Truxtun; Mina, Castro - New 5tine; Stine/New Stine, White - Stockdale; tINDERWOOD 95 70% COMPLETE, RECHEDLJL.ED FINAL, DESIGN PENDING TOC STLJDY 4:,..��z t,�;,,,�'�� Stockdale Gosford - Califomia� White Wilson - Wible ���, `` k>- 2 SIgf181, New - 19th Street at L Street TABLIT 96 PRELIM. POWER & EIV�'IRONMENT.AL REC'D. DESIUN 70%COMPLETE ;;,U4k,�:;;.;..;,u;.:,,,� 1 SIgi18l, Upgrade - Brundage Lane at Cottonwood Road TABLIT 96 DESIGN 10% COMPLETE, PRELIM POWER & ENVIRONMENTAL REC'D '`' �' 3 SIgf18l, New - Christmas Tree Lane at Mt Vernon Avenue EETER/CONSUL 96 CONSULT.�NT ,�GREEMENT FINALED 10/11195. NTP IVITH DESIGN + i . 4 SIgf181, New - Hageman Road at Centennial High School Entrance GILLBLtRG 96 PRELIMINARY PO�VER & ENVIRONMENTAL RECD 4 Signal, New - Howell Drive at Old River Road EETER/CONSUL 96 CONSULTAIVT ,aUREEMENT FIN,�L.ED 10/11/95. NTP �VITH DESIUN 4 SIgf181, New - Flashing Stop Beacon on Buena Vista Road at Panama Lane GILLBURG 96 PRELIM. POWER & ENVIRONMENT;II.REC'D. DESIGN 90%COMPLETE • 4 SIgf181, New - Camino Media at Old River Road EETER/CONSLIL 96 CONSLJLTANT AGREEMENT FIN.4LED 10/11{9�. NTP WITH DESIGN ` VARIOUS Channelization, Signing & Marking - Bike Lane Installation on Various Streets EETER/GILLBUR 96 BASEMAPS 40%COMPLETE � : „,, �,� Signal, interconnect - TOC Arterial Infrastructure Conduit, Ph. 3- 5 locations & Misc Branch GILLBURG / i � VARIOUS (Gosford, Kroll - White; "H" Street, Brundage - Truxtun; Mohawk, California - Truxtun; "t�." TABLIT 96 : , Street, Truxtun - W. Columbus; ruxtun, Beale -"N" St � ALL Signal, Operations - Traffic Operations Center, Phase I Construction UNDERWOOD 96 PS&E DATE TENTATIVE PENDING RESULTS OF CONSULT.�NT STLJDY 1& 2 Channelization, Signing & Marking - Speed Control Features, Oleandar Area LJNDERWOOD 96 ONGOINGAS NEEDED FOR OPEI2r1TION,�L. PLTRPOSES VARIOUS Signal, Modification - Install Emergency Vehicle Preemption Devices UNDERWOOD 96 TO BE INST.aI.LED BY CITY FORCES ' VaRioUS Traffic Control Modifications - Various Locations UNDERWOOD 96 ONCiOING AS NEEDED FOR OPER.ITION.aL PURPOSES Scheduled P. S. & E. � Scheduled Awa�d of Contract _ Plans Approved � Conhact Awaz•ded _ The shading shows the pL•u�ned month. The date is the actual date that the P.S.&E. was approved or the conshvction contract was awarded. S:\LOTUS\SCHED\960CT95.WK4 08:58 AM I �' October 16, 199� i I t � REPORT DATE: 10/16/95 1995-96 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE (TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION) , �,,, 1995 1996 �,y� . . ,.: .. .� <>: „> ; �/' ,. . _ :,, ,; , . t , � , t :.. . . .,,: �5., , . :. , , ;� „ ,. ;: , ,. ,;;, , , , . , � , , > ,> , ,;; . , ,:, „ . :,, ,>:. �, s :. :. . �..... ,,,, .,...: , t .. . , , ,�.. ,. , , . ;; ;;, , ;:.; , � . ,. . . .� ,. , ., �,. r,,� .:.. � � z .�. (,, y y� ti. ,., . �, , , >. ., ,... . ,�,,. .. �,� . � y„ 7� ��{ n}� .{ > } `� .. . ...,+, � ,x , ,,.,.. .,.,...,. M �n: , \ r...;. ..:'r . . . ,,.,��Yl .�;r .� � , . ..: ,.,,.:. ' . .. , .�,,, ,,.,.. . .� . �,.,,, .., t 1 ti �....:,: ,...,. ,: ., :.., , .., c:... .,, ,....: -., ., ...... .....ki. „ � �...: ...... .., -:�,.,. .,.., ,,:>,,, ;: ,... , -,.,.,. .. .,,�� .,., ..,. .,..,...t. .,,;..., .., .. .... � ... .� � .... � , n. . � .. .... .... . . . ... , '�'.t.,., . . ,.,..a , .. ,�; ..�\�. ..:: ,. .,,., .;.,;; ,1:.: ::1�,: "� ,�. ...,, ,,. �.. , , . , , ,..,:,,, „ ,. „ : .,,,.,,. ..._.r ......, i.�.,.. . ...1 ... ,' .,.. �., .,n. . :. � �,:, „ -;�-' ' ... :� :., , .�.. . . . . .,.,... . . .. ....,.. ......... ............ .. ... :�:, -,,,,. , , .. , . ,�.. .. .,., .., .... .., ..� .... - e., . ... . . ,. . .. �.i ,,: :;�,� ..... . .. ..... .�.. .,. „ -.... ,� � .. � . �y . �, .. ,�> ,n ,e,-.. . .. , ,,.. „ , , ,. ., ..�1... . ,. V. Rst . #+k;#.v, � � ,. ,>...,. ..- . Y.. ... .. .�:, :. .:::�: �i;: �.o,.. �� ..� � - .� 7,A �}'i21�,. .l . ., ,,. , . . , „ ,.. ,. , „��� .::: ...,:. , ..,. . ..... . '. ....nr e. ........rn ....,.... ...... .. .. ... ...,. .,...,., ., -�.»,. ,�. , , , , .. � .V�� �.. .,��L.r ..�. i!' � . ...... ... .. . .z .�> e � . .. . .:.,,. .... ... ... ... ...,:..�.�*"�d:,,, ..�. ......... . ........ . . ......:. . ,,., .., ,:-:." ��,.,. � �A4,.�,,,.;. ,.iT�.... . � ..... ,`� ..,.,, .. ::: , ,::.... .,. „�� ..,,.,��.a4.. ,..:::,.� .,,,,.,. � ..n.. �.,; .x... .. , ..,:::, . ,: .,.:�. ,,::�,: , , ..... „ .,.,:. . �.z,.,.�a ,. ..: .. . . ...:.:� 3 SIgf181, NgW - ChClStfl'18S Tf22 L2I1@ 8t Mt V2f IlOI1 AV2f1U@ EETER/CONSLJL 96 L'ONSULTANT ACiREEMENT FIN.�L.ED 10/11/95. NTP WITH DESIGN ; �.; ,.;; 4 SIgt121, New - Camino Media at Old River Road EETER/CONSUL 96 CONSULTAIVT ,aGREEMENT FINALED 10/11/9�. NTP WITH DESIUN 4 SIgf18l, New - Howell Drive at Old River Road EETER/CONSUL 96 CONSLILT;�NT AGREEMENT FIN;ILED 10/11/95. NTP �VITH DESIGN VARIOUS Channelization SI Illll & Markin - Bike Lane Installation on Various Streets EETER/GILLBUR 96 BASE M,1PS 40%COMPLETE ��L- 4 SI f181, New - Flashing Sto Beacon on Buena Vista Road at Panama Lane tiILLBURG 96 PRELIM. PO�VER Fi ENVIRONMENTAL RECD. DESICiN 90%COMPLETE 44; 4 SIg�81, New - Hageman Road at Centennial High School Entrance UILLBURU 96 PRELIMINARY POWER & EN�%IRONMENTAL, REC'D ' %l Signal, Interoonnect - TOC Arterial Infrastructure Conduit, Ph. 3- 5 Locations & Misc Branch GILLBURG / : '� 4�- VARIOUS (Gosford, Kroll - White; "H" Street, Brundage - Truxtun; Mohawk, California - Truxtun; '� 96 : � y, TABLIT 5 S reet, Truxtun - W. Columbus; Tru un, Beale -"N" St �, � .t; 1& 7 Signal, New - Monitor Street at Pacheco Road Tj1BLIT 96 DESIUN 98%L'OMPLETE -- RESOLVIN G UTILITY CONFLICT : ;, 2 SIgf181, New - 19th Street at L Street T.�BLIT 96 PRELIM. PO�VER & EN\'IRONMENT�I. REC'D. DESIGN 70%COMPLETE 1 SI nal U rade - Brunda e Lane at Cottonwood Road T,'�BLIT 96 DESIGN 10%COMPLETE PRELIM POWER & ENVIRONMENTAL REC'D Signal, Interconnect - TOC Arteriai Infrastructure Conduit,Ph. 2- 5 Locations (Coffee, ; 4& 5 Stockdale - Truxtun; Min , Castro - New Stine; Stine/New Stine, White - Stockdale; UNDERWOOD 95 70°/a COMPLETE, RECHEDULED FINAL, DESIGN PENDING TOC STUDY ` � Stockdale, Gosford - Califomia; White, Wilson - Wible} } 4� ��`; ALL Signal, Operations - Traffic Operations Center, Phase I Construction LTNDERWOOD 96 PS�E DATE TENTATIVE PENDINCi RESULTS OF CONSULT.�NT STUDY �' 1& 2 Channelization, Signing & Marking - Speed Control Features, Oleandar Area UNDERWOOD 96 ONUOING AS NEEDED FOR OPER,ITION.IL PURPOSES vARlous Signal, Modification - Install Emergency Vehicle Preemption Devices UNDERWOOD 96 TO BE INST,AL.LED BY CITY FORCES vARloUS Traffic Control Modifications - Various Locations tTNDERWOOD 96 ONGOING AS NEEDED FOR OPER,9TIONAL PLJRPOSES October 16, 199� Scheduled P. S. & E. � Scheduled Award of Conti act _ PL•u�s Appiroved � s s:����i; Cont�-act Awu�ded - The shading shows the planned month. The date is the actual date tlut the P.S.&E. was approved or the consh�uckon S:\LOTUS\SCHED\961095D.WK4 08:53 AM N m � a � N „ � � 0 � � Q _ _ CONIST��CT(Ot1i [�VSPECTION ��a.��c-� s-�ATUs CAPITAL [MP�OVEME�VTS 11l09/� E ; START EST_ CQMP � 46 � ; PRO,{ECTS TYPE CORiTHACYOA I�t1S�ECTOR ! OATE � DATE � COMP i CALIFOR�VIA AVE. — EASTON TO OAK -: ROADWAY RECbNSTRUC7 GRANITE CONST. ° GRINDSTAFF � 07/08/95 12/29/95 i 5% ` GAll.OWAY, STOCKflAiE & HAGEMAiV � AOAOWAY WIDENING CRlFFI�H COMPA[�Y � FtCK ! 10y/15/95 � 12J20/95 � 096 CA��OWAY DRNE @ MEACHAM ROAD TRAFFIC SlGNAI A—C ELECTRIC ; � 0% � CALLOWAY DR.— STOCKDALE TO BRIMHAI.L BRI�GE 8 ROADWAY GRANITE COI�ST_ : CALL 05/30/95 ' 20% CHESTER AVE�VUE UNDERPASS BRIDGES SEISMIC REf#iO�iT GRANITE COIVSTREJCTION � • 0% iCOFFEE ROAD @ HAGEMAN ROAD TAA�FIG SIGNA� AS ELECTafC ALLEN 10116/95 .- 12/05J95 ' 20% CONVENTION CEl�1TEFi CORPORATION YARD FAST HRLiNDAGE LANE @ OSWEIL STREET F ST. @ TRUX1i1N AVE. ' FIRE STATION # 4,6,10,11 HUGHES — PACHECO AHEA MANOR STREE7 BRIDGE @ KERN RIVER MING AVENUE & STOCKDALE H�GHWAY MONI�OR STREET 8 FAIR�AX ROAD �voRr�Easr aA��s�+�� ':OI.EANDE#� — SUNSET AiEA ! PANAMA LAlVE @ STINE R0,4D PARK STOCKDALE �IANCHERIA ROAD BEilDGE ; STOCKDALE HWY @ JENI(�NS ROAD � STOGlCDALE HWY.— GOS�ORD TO Ol.� Ri1iE : UNION AVENUE � MOUf�fT VERRfON AVENt�E � VARIOUS STREETS PAFIKING LOT GRIFFiTH CON[P/�VY WOMEN'S SHOWEA FACILITY HAWKiNS COMPANY `TFIAFFIC SiGNAI. GRIFFC'fH COMPANY SIG1�1A� MODIFICATCOl1f J A—C ELECTRlC D(HAIJSTSYSTEM KEfiN fu4ECHANICAL INSTAL� $EWEAS GILLFAM 8� SONS ' REPAIR GUARD fiA1t,S : G& W FENCE COMPANY SIGNAl. It�TERCOPiNECT i TAFT ELECTRIC - L.1FT STATION MOOIF[CAT�ONS � GRIFFITH COMPANY SEWEH TFiUNK LlNE � SPIESS GONSTRUCTION ;-- -- CU�iB & GUTTER � GRIFFiTH COMPANY � THAFFIC SIGNAL.Ii�STALL. � BRADFORD E�EC7RIC RA ' RESURFACING j GRANITE CONST. PAiN7iNG MERZI PAINTENG � iRAFFIC SIGNAL McKEE EIECTafC i ROAD RECANS7AUC7' ; GRiF�lT1-4 COMPANY ; MEDIAN SURFACE COf�FST. �GFiIFFITH COMPANY � RESUFiFACING } GRANITE CONBTRUCTE0111 � . c�on-r� s McNEILL � BOI.ANOS MCNEILL ' eou�vos UV : ALLEN 10/02/95 : : 10J30/95 � j 1011 srss i ; 1 o/3ois5 ; F-------• ; 11/14/95 ' 11/14,f85 12J19/95 12/05/95 01 /04/96 o�l2slss MCNEII� � 10J3Q195 11/20/95 � MAHAFFEY ' t o/25�95 12/14/95 ; BOLANOS � 11/1l95 02/22/9S MiLLWEE j tW1o/94 11/t7/95 , _ ALLEN SHAMSHOIAN I FECK ; FtC K i o� : 40% 1096 � o%i D /o : 5%: 0%i a� 96% 096 � 06j2S/s5 � t 1/� 0/95 � 609b � 09/ l 5/95 � t 2J29/95 ; 696 , ; ( 0%i 10J9/95 ; 91/28/95 ; 50%� Q8/� 4/95 � 01/17/96 i 2596 � { �� ' i i � N O',� — 3— 9 5 F R I 1 1 e 3 0 CONSTRUCTION INS�'�Ct14N PROJECT STATU� SUBDIVISION � y �a2/ss _.,...._..._ _ ._�. .._.....,�_._____........ .. . . .. . ... _. P.M. OR TRACT #'S � .. �._.��„��LOCATION . 7R 5018—D HAGEM,4N RD. 8� FRUINALE TR 5292 (PRI) MOUNT�4fN VISTA @ WW{7E OAK TR 5�34 JEWETiA — N(O BRtMHALL 7R 5372�-2 VERDUGO 8 R�INA TR 5432-2 �IS STINE @ POPPYSEED TR 5476-2 HAGEM�AN & RIV�RI.AKES DR. TR 5544—D BRIMMALL ROAD 8� VERDUGO LANE TR 5552—A&B RENFRO RD. & STOCKDALE HWY. TR 5565-3 HAG�M,qN RD,—E/O OLD FARM R0. TR 559i J�WE'fT'A — N/O BRIMHALL TR 5646-2 FAIRFAX RD Q VALLEYVIEW pR 7Fi 5648—A WI$L� FiO. & McKEE RD. TR 5678-� WHiTE l.N, S� PIN OAK PARK BLVD. I TR 5683-A McKEE 8� AK�RS _ . .. . .,.�....,...__ ..... DEV�LOPERI CONTRAC70R p�VIL1.E HOMES CASTLE & COOKE CARf�IAGE HOMES CENTEX REAL ESTATE CHAMBERS FUND H[NESL�Y I�ISPECTOR LESH LESH _ . .. LESH, .,.�. . ,.... .., L�SH Pl�RCE LESW CASTLE & COOKE LESH WEST K�RN DEVELOPMENT t�SH U.S. HOM�S LESH CARRlAGE HOM�S LESH W.D.J. CORPORAiION � PIERCE FRANCO 6WLD�RS PI�RCE CASTLE 8 COOK� DaNDY HOM�S �"p 5697-1 S/O WA�iRlS - W/O STINE KYLE CART�R TR 5719-1 PATTnN, S/O HAG�MAN R0. PAOBUILT TR 5728-2 J�W�TTA 8� WAG�MAN TI� 5767 MOUNT�41N VISTA 8� CAMPUS PARK BILL W. GII.UAM T� 5768 WI�LE F�D. 8� B��KSHIFi� FiD. CAStTAS DEL QUINTA Tt� 5775 FFiUINALE AV�. 8� OLIVE bFi. COUNTY TRACi' TR 5799 HAGE�I�N RD.— E/O FRUINAIE DEVILL� HOMES 7R 5809—A UNION AVE. @ PANAMA LN. WATTENBAAGER iR 5810 (PRl) GOS�013D DR. Qa I.AUR��.CLEN BLVD. � _ �__._.._...... . ....._.... � �_ w..... . . .. KERN HB#3 STINE � McKEE COLOMBO PM 8337 COFFEE RD. & DOWNING Rp, SOUI'HWE$T �ONT. PM �oa5a COFF'�� RD. & OLIVE DR. ��5H.,_., ._.._... PI�RCE PI�RCE LESH LESH L�SW !'I�RCE �.ESH LESH PI�RCE,,, ^ W, t�ESH CHOATE I�ESH LESH P . 0 3 o�, ' CQMP._. 65% , , 90% 95% 99°10 . „55% 1�% 54% 30% 35% SQ% 50% 85% 80% 80% 99% 55% 10% �oa°�o 45% 99°� 65°� 35% 80% 95% 90% sa��o PRO,ECT I F.Y. 1995-96 BUDGETED PROJECTS NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION T6K001 20th Street Area — Curb and Gutter P6H001 Two Above Ground Fuet Tanks --- Sites to be Determined b need P6J001 A re ate Base on North 2800 Acre Perimeter Levee RR to 2nd Poin T6K002 Baker Street — Curb Cut Im rovement P6K004 Bakersfield Municipal Airport Clear Zone E6J001 Bellevue River Weir Reconstruction T6K003 Bridge Replacement 34th St at Eastside Canal T6K004 Brid e Re lacement Oak St. at Carrier Canal T6K083 E6J003 Bridqe �deninq State Hwy. 58 at Fr'�ant Kern Canal Canal and Storm Drain Fencinq — Various Locations Chan Protection For Station 11 & 12 ation State Rte. 178 — Fairfax Rd. to 1000 Ft. T6K006 Channelization Si nin & Markin — Bike Lane Installation on Various T6C001 — Sidewalks. Curb E6J004 Kern River Transmission Water Main T6K009 Lake Street Area — Curb and Gutter, Part II 95-96 CIPSUMM 03—Nov-95 1 WARD II FUND I FUND DEPT/ NO NUM SRC DIV Various 4 2 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 7 All 7 All 7 4 3 3 ALL ALL 1,2 2 2 2 2 2 2, 6 and 7 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL 2 4 2 111 311 431 111 451 451 431 121 151 151 121 332 431 431 441 151 332 121 151 151 311 311 311 461 311 431 311 151 441 431 411 421 111 441 111 COF AWF CDBG BAF FAA AWF HBRR GT GT HBRR RBB AWF AWF DWF DEV RBB TEA GT GT COF COF COF PLF COF AWF COF GT DWF AWF SE RF CDBG DWF CDBG FIRE WATER PW PW PW WATER PW PW PW PW PW WATER WATER WATER PW PW PW PW PW COMSE COMSE COMSE COMSE DEVSEF WATER PW PW PW PW PW PW COMSE WATER PW FY 95-96 BUDGET $34, 813 $24,000 $38,000 $15,128 $126, 800 $1,141,200 $45, 000 $15,400 $3, 800 $3, 800 $15,400 $40, 000 $92,000 $32,100 $22, 000 $0 $40, 000 $272, 000 $68, 000 $35,000 $40,000 $12,200 $2,295,500 $635,000 $38, 850 $235,000 $2,175, 000 $25,000 $12,500 $12, 500 $25,000 $25,000 $12,300 $175,000 $122, 542 °k OF REMAINING BUDGET BALANCE EXPENDED $34, 813 0.00% $24, 000 0.00% $38, 000 0.00°k $15,128 0.00% $126,800 0.00% $1,141,200 0.00% $45, 000 0. 00% $15,400 0.00°k $3, 800 0.00% $3,800 0.00°k $15,400 0.00% $40, 000 0.00°� $92,000 0.00% $32,100 0.00°k $22, 000 0.00% $0 0.00°k $40,000 0.00% $272,000 0.00% $68, 000 0.00°k $35,000 0.00% $40,000 0.00°k $12,184 0.13% $2, 295, 500 0.00% $150,977 76.22% $38, 850 0.00°� $235,000 0.00% $2,175, 000 0.00% $5,808 76.77°k $12,500 0.00% $12,500 0.00°k $25,000 0.00% $25,000 0.00°k $12,205 0.77% $175,000 0.00°k $122,447 0.08°k PRO.�CT F.Y. 1995-96 BUDGETED PROJECTS NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION P6K005 Land Ac uisition Freewa Fii ht of Wa - Various Locations P6K001 Landfill Control Final Gas S stem P6C003 Lowell Park - Game Slab P6C004 Northeast Medians - Stam ed Concrete �61001 OFFICE E�UIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS FOR POLICE BUILDING �61002 OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS FOR POLICE BUILDING E6K014 Panama #10 - Sewer Pro'ect, Phase III P6C005 Park Development-Northeast-Site Undetermined T6K018 Resurfacin Fairfax Rd. - H . 178 to 300 Ft. South of Paladino Dr. T6K019 R T6K020 R T6K021 Minq Ave. - Old River Rd. to Gosford Rd. C� St. - Truxtun Ave. to Golden State Ave South H St. - Arvin Edison Canal to Panama Ln. Stine Rd. - Pacheco Rd. to White Ln. T6K023 Resurfacin White Ln. - Old River Rd. to Gosford Rd. T6K024 Resurfacin Wilson Rd. - South H St to Chester Ave. • T6K025 Resurfacin G1 24th Street - N St. to Golden State Ave. T6K026 Resurfacin G1 Auburn St. - Redlands Dr. to Oswell St T6K027 Resurfacin G1 Blade Ave. - Pasadena St. to Boise St raKrna Aesurfacina (G11 Boise St. - Redlands Dr. to University Ave. 95-96 CIPSUMM 03-Nov-95 2 WARD ALL 3 1 2&3 ODEL) 7 3 3 6 4 4 5 5 2 5 5 1,2 1,2 3 3 4 2 2 7 6 6 4 4 7 7 2 3 3 3 FUND NUM 332 421 111 151 311 311 111 321 321 321 321 321 431 151 311 142 151 151 121 151 121 151 151 121 151 151 121 151 121 151 121 151 151 151 151 FUND RBB RF CDBG GT SAF SAF CDBG PKF DEV PKF PKF PKF AWF GT SAF TDA GT GT STP GT � STP RRR GT STP GT GT STP GT STP GT STP GT GT GT GT DEPT/ DIV PW COMSE COMSE PD PD PW COMSE COMSE COMSE COMSE COMSE COMSE COMSE PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW FY 95-96 BUDGET $40, 000 $300, 000 $19,818 $155,000 $77, 850 $54, 200 $369,750 $299,000 $500, 000 $so, o00 $100,000 $295,000 $70, 000 $70,000 $120,000 $90, 000 $19, 500 $14,100 $109,700 $36, 300 $284,600 $290, 200 $20, 300 $156,600 $47, 500 $15,000 $116,500 $34,100 $266,000 $11,400 $85, 800 $53,400 $41,700 $17, 500 $33, 000 % OF REMAINING BUDGET BALANCE EXPENDED $40,000 0.00% $300,000 0.00% $19,818 0.00% $155,000 0.00°k $77,850 0.00°k $51,532 4.92°k $369,316 0.12°� $299,000 0.00°�6 $500,000 0.00% $60,000 0.00% $100,000 0.00% $295,000 0.00°k $70, 000 0.00°� $70,000 0.00% $119,780 0.18°k $90, 000 0.00°�6 $19,500 0.00°h $14,100 0.00% $109,700 0.00°k $36,300 0.00°k $284,600 0.00°k $290,200 0.00% $20, 300 0.00°k $156,600 0.00°k $47, 500 0.00% $15,000 0.00°k $116,500 0.00% $34,100 0.00% $266,000 0.00°k $11,400 0.00% $85,800 0.00% $53,400 0.00°k $41, 700 0.00% $17,500 0.00% $33,000 0.00% PRO.�CT T6K029 T6K030 T6K031 T6K032 T6K033 T6K034 T6K035 T6K036 T6K037 T6K038 T6K039 T6K041 T6K043 Resurfacin Resurfacin Resurfacin Resurfacin Resurfacin Resurfacin Resurfacin Resurfacin Resurfaci Resurfaci Resurfaci Resurfaci F.Y. 1995-96 BUDGETED PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION g(G1) Colgate Ln. — Boise St. to Kaibab Ave. g(G1) Harvard Dr — Pasadena St. to Kaibab Ave. g(G1) Kaibab Ave — Pasadena St to Harvard Dr. g(G1) Oak St — Truxtun Ave. to 24th St. g(G1) Oswell St — Auburn St. to Redlands Dr. g(G1) Pasadena St.— Renegade Ave. to Kaibab Ave. g�Gi) Purdue Dr — Pasadena St. to Oswell St. g(G1) Redlands Dr — Wenatchee Ave. to University Ave. g(G1) Renegade Ave. — Wenatchee Ave. to Boise St. g(G1) White Ln — Madison St. to Cottonwood Rd. g(G2) Gosford Rd — Pacheco Rd. to District Blvd. g(G2) Manninca St — Ming Ave. to Outingdale Dr. g(G2� North Half Moon Dr. — Ashe Rd to Scenic Wy. g(G2) Panama Ln — 400' East of Colony St to South H� �g (G2) South Half Moon Dr. — Ashe Rd. to Scenic Wy. � G2 South Half Moon Dr. — OI m ia Dr. to Ashe Rd. �.,�..,� �,w,..,,..,., T6K045 Resurfacin G2 Stine Rd. — Harris Rd. to Pacheco Rd. T6K046 Resurfacin G2 Wible Rd. — Panama Ln. to Harris Rd. P6K006 Roof Re air — Develo ment Senrices Buildin E6K008 Sewer Construction — Telemet Ci Wide � E6K009 Sewer Rehabiliation Gosford Road Lift Station Odor Control E6K010 Sewer Rehabiliation Kern �sland Canal — 4th St to Sth St E6K011 Sewer Rehabiliation Modif Lift Station — Bal I Station E6K012 Sewer Rehabiliation Modif Lift Station — Bank St East of Oakdale Dr E6K015 � Sewer Rehabilitation Red Lion Sewer Re lacement E6K013 Sewe� Rehabititation Westchester Area Alle s Final Phase T6K053 Signal, Interconnect — TOC Arterial Infrastructure Conduit, Ph. 3— 5 T6K054 � �.'�.� Modification — Install Emerge New — 19th Street at L Street New — Camino Media at Old Vehicle Road New — Christmas Tree Lane at Mt Vernon Avenue New — Flashinq Stop Beacon on Buena Vista Road at New — Hacaeman Road at Centennial High School Eni 95-96 CIPSUMM 03—Nov-95 3 W OD � 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 1 4 5 6 7 6 4 6 6,7 1 ALL 4 1 2 5 5 2 ALL ALL VARIOUS 2 4 4 3 4 4 FUND NUM 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 311 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 121 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 FUND I DEPT/ GT GT GT RRR GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT RRR RRR RRR COF SE SE SE SE SE SE SE CMAGl GT GT GT DEV GT GT GT GT PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW FY 95-96 BUDGET $17, 500 $54�600 $38, 800 $125,600 $67, 000 $13,600 $35,900 $59,200 $27, 200 $67, 900 $69, 200 $61,100 $59,200 $57, 300 $58,200 $53,400 $97, 000 $60,100 $40,000 $75, 000 $16,000 $170,000 $80, 000 $80, 000 $350,000 $270,000 $507,000 $66,000 $50,000 $94,000 $82,000 $43,000 $110,000 $11,000 $27, 500 % OF REMAINING BUDGET BALANCE EXPENDED $17,500 0.00% $54,600 0.00% $38,800 0.00% $125,600 0.00°k $67,000 0.00°k $13,600 0.00°k $35,900 0.00°k $59,200 0.00°�6 $27, 200 0.00% $67,900 0.00°� $69,200 0.00°k $61,100 0.00% $5g,200 0.00% $57,300 0.00% $58,200 0.00°h $53,400 0.00°k $97,000 0.00% $60,100 0.00% $39, 985 0.04% $75, 000 0.00% $8, 085 49.47% $170,000 0.00% �80, 000 0.00% $80, 000 0.00% $350,000 0.00% $270,000 0.00°� $507,000 0.00% $66,000 0.00% $306 99.39% $94,000 0.00°k $82,000 0.00% $42, g72 0.07% $109,972 0.03% $11,000 0.00% $27, 500 0.00% PRO.ECT NUMBER T6K061 F.Y. 1995-96 BUDGETED PROJECTS - Howell Drive at Old River T6K062 Si nal, New - Monitor Street at Pacheco Aoad T6K063 Si nal, O erations - Traffic O erations Center, Phase I Construction T6K064 Si nal, U rade - Brunda e Lane at Cottonwood Road G16C003 Silver Creek Park - Automatic Pool Cover and Automatic Pool Vacuum E6J005 Storaqe Reservoir for Interface Pipeline E6K001 Storm Drain Landfair Lift Station U rade E6K002 Storm Drain Truxtun Avenue Lift Station i E6K003 Storm Drains Terrace Way - Union Ave. 95=96 CIPSUMM 03-Nov-95 TOTAL 4 WARD 4 4 1,7 ALL ALL 1 4 4 4 5 5 1 1 ALL ALL ALL 5 6 2 1 2,5 6 5 5 4 and 6 VARIOUS 7 1 6 6 4 4 and 6 1 FUND NUM 151 151 151 121 151 151 311 441 441 411 411 431 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 311 332 332 332 332 441 151 111 411 412 412 412 441 421 FUND IDEPT/ SRC DIV GT GT CMA� GT GT COF DWF CAL SE SE AWF GT GT GT GT RRR RRR GT COF RBB RBB RBB RBB DWF GT CDBG COP SE COP COP DWF RF PW PW PW PW PW COMSE WATER WATER PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW WATER PW PW PW PW PW PW WATER PW 96 OF FY 95-96 REMAINING BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE EXPENDED $87,000 $87,000 0.00% $38,000 $37,972 0.07% $116,000 $116,000 0.00% $221, 300 $221, 300 0. 00°k $28,700 $28,673 0.09% - $121,000 $121,000 Q.00°h $12,500 $12,500 0.00% $1,550,000 $1,550,000 0.00°k $3,000,000 $3,000,000 0.00°� $100,000 $100,000 0.00% $50,000 $48,032 3.94°k $62,000 $62,000 0.00% $62, 000 $62, 000 0. 00% $50,000 $50,000 0.00% $100,000 $100,000 0.00% $50,000 $50,000 0.00% $200,000 $200,000 0.00� $65,000 $65,000 0.00% $50,000 $37,925 24.15% $75,000 $75,000 0.00% $150,000 $147,054 1.96°k $aso,000 $aso,000 o.00% $200,000 $200,000 0.00°k $200,000 $191,723 4.14% $832,500 $727,181 12.65% $65, 000 $57, 652 11.30% $228,000 $228,000 0.00% $33�,000 $330,000 0.00% $i 22,000 �� 22,000 0.00� $7,930,000 $7,930,000 0.00°k $1,000,000 $999,992 0.00% $190,000 $190,000 0.00% $47,000 $47,000 0.00°k $33,066 951 $32,364 532 2•12% PRO.ECT F.Y. 1994-95 CARRYOVER PROJECTS NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION T5K014 21 ST STREET RESURF. - F STREET TO CHESTER T3K002 CHINA GRADE LOOP BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AT BEARDSLE T4K053 F STREET RESURF. - 14TH TO 24TH T5K016 FAIRVIEW ROAD RESURF.- GWENDOLYN TO MONITOR T3K039 MANOR DRIVE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AT CARRIER CANAL T5K054 MING AVENUE RESURF.- WIBLE TO HUGHES T5K017 MONTEREY STREET RESURF.- ALTA VISTA TO BEALE T5K019 P STREET RESURF.- STH TO CALIFORNIA T4K018 P STREET RESURF. - BRUNDAGE TO 4TH T5K020 PACHECO ROAD RESURF.- WIBLE TO HUGHES T5K021 Q STREET RESURF.- CALIFORNIA TO TRUXTUN T4K034 SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - SOUTHWEST ARTERIAL T5K051 TOC ARTERIAL INFRASTRUCTURE CONDUIT - 5 LOCATIOI T5K050 UNIVERSITY AVENUE RESURF.- WENATCHEE TO COLUMB T5K023 WIBLE ROAD RESURF.- 600'N/O BELLE TERRACE TO BRU� T5K022 WIBLE ROAD RESURF.-_PLANZ TO MING TOTAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION FUND 95-96 CIPSUMM 03-Nov-95 1 WARD NO 2 2 2 7 2 5 2 1 1 6 2 4, 5&6 4&5 3 1 6 2 4 4 2 7 2 3 5 4 VARIOUS 7 7 2 4 1 4 2&3 1 1 PROJ FUND NUM 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 FUND SRC STP STP STP STP STP STP STP STP STP STP STP CMAGl CMAG1 STP STP STP GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT GT DEPT/ DIV PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW AMOUNT � $60,305 $350,250 $157, 000 $156, 510 $215,000 $203, 719 $71, 657 $44, 305 $71, 350 $103,458 $73, 305 $178,000 $497, 800 $79, 300 $151,058 $272,410 % OF REMAINING BUDGET BALANCE EXPENDE $60, 305 0.00% $350,250 0.00°k $157,000 0.00% $156,510 0.00% $215,000 0.00% $203, 719 0.00% $71, 657 0. 00% $44,305 0.00°,6 $71, 350 0.00°�6 $103,458 0.00% $73,305 0.00% $178,000 0.00°k $497,800 0.00% $79,300 0.00% $151,058 0.00% $272,410 0.00°k $2,685,427 $2,685,427 0.00% $7,910 $50, 000 $266, 501 $20,000 $20, 320 $25, 000 $9, 000 $25, 000 $59,800 $146,670 $186,000 $26,900 $9,265 $84,330 $113,000 $8, 500 $149,847 $5,910 $10,910 $7,817 1.18% $50,000 0.00°k $254,526 4.49% $20, 000 0.00% $20,298 0.11 °k $25,000 0.00% $9,000 0.00°k $25, 000 0. 00°k $59,800 0.00°k $77, 201 47. 36% $186,000 0.00% $26,577 1.20% $9,265 0.00% $84,330 0.00% $113,000 0.00°k $51,100 0.00% $149,847 0.00% $5,910 0.00% $10,910 0.00°� PRO.�CT NUMBER T5K020 T5K021 T4K037 T4K034 T5K052 T5K055 T5K051 T5K010 T5K050 T5K023 T5K022 T3K036 F.Y. 1994-95 CARRYOVER PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION PACHECO ROAD - WIBLE TO HUGHES � STREET - CALIFORNIA TO TRUXTUN RANCHERIA RD. AT KERN RIVER BRIDGE REPAIRS SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - SOUTHWEST ARTERIAL SPEED CONTROL FEATURES VARIOUS LOCATIONS STREET LIGHT ACCaUISITIONS - PENDING ANNEXATIONS TOC ARTERIAL INFRASTRUCTURE CONDUIT - 5 LOCATIONS TRAFFIC COUNT DETECTOR INSTALLATION, VAR. LOCATIONS UNIVERSITY AVENUE - WENATCHEE TO COLUMBUS WIBLE ROAD - 600'N/O BELLE TERRACE TO BRUNDAGE WIBLE ROAD - PLANZ TO MING WIDEN INTERSECTION - STOCKDALE AT CALIF(PHASE 2 8� 3) WIDEN INTERSECTION - WHITE LANE AT WIBLE ROAD TOTAL GAS TAX FUND P5C007 KERNRIVER PARKWAYEMPLOYEE PROJECT P00001 KERN RIVER BIKEPATH/PARKING P1C004 KERN RIVER PARKWAY TOTAL PARKLAND BOND FUND PROJ ACOUNTS PROJECT % OF WARD FUND FUND DEPT/ CARRYOVER REMAINING BUDGET NO NUM SRC DIV AMOUNT BALANCE EXPENDE 6 151 GT PW $13,365 $13,365 0.00°k 2 151 GT PW $9,910 $9,879 0.31 °k 3 151 GT PW $44,993 $44,840 0.34% 4,5&6 151 GT PW $23,000 $22,955 0.20% VARIOUS 151 GT PW $50,000 $50,000 0.00°k VARIOUS 151 GT PW $20,000 $20,000 0.00% 4&5 151 GT PW $64,500 $64,455 0.07% VARIOUS 151 GT PW $12,920 $12,410 3.95°k 3 151 GT PW $10,300 $10,300 0.00% 1 151 GT PW $19,565 $19,565 0.00°k 6 151 GT PW $35,320 $35,320 0.00°k 5 151 GT PW $48,637 $44,209 9.10% 7 151 GT PW $114,860 $44,209 61.51°k $1,692,233 $1,577,088 6.80% 9�-96 CIPSUMM 03-Nov-95 2 5 162 5021 $11, 678 $9, 024 22.73% 5 � 63 5021 $66, 596 $59, 969 9.95% 5 163 5021 $27, 229 $16, 558 39.19°k $93, 825 $76, 527 18.44% VARIOUS 311 VARIOUS 311 2 311 2 311 5 311 2 311 2 311 2 311 2 311 6 311 2 311 2 311 VARIOUS 311 4051 $81,998 4031 $53,593 5011 $2, 658 5011 $54,207 5021 $121,989 1371 $211,105 2011 $1,302,480 5011 $500,000 2021 $133,620 3031 $524,543 4031 $10,788 5011 $19,816 3031 $32,000 $81,998 $48, 221 $2, 658 $370 $100, 583 $201, 300 $1,298,479 $500,000 $86,618 $522,816 $9,861 $19,816 $147 0.00°� 10.02°k 0.00% 99.32% 17.55% 4.64% 0.31 % 0.00°k 35.18% 0.33% 8.59% 0.00°k 99.54% PROJECT F.Y. 1994-95 CARRYOVER PROJECTS NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION 'ATION #2 RETR I I- DATA STU DY TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND P4C004 CONVENTION CENTER BALLROOM CONSTRUCTION P4C005 CONVENTION CENTER MEETING ROOMS CONSTRUCTION P5C006 TEVIS AREA AREA 1- PARK DEVELOPMENT TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND T3K015 CALLOWAY BRIDGE OVERCROSSING T4K052 COFFEE ROAD OVERCROSSING CONSTRUCTION E1 K001 PLANT #2 EXPANSION PHASE I& II DESIGN E4K002 WOOD RECYCLING FACILITY - ASPHALT PAVING P5K006 CONSTRUCT FUEL FARM AND REMOVE EXISTING TANK P5K004 CONSTRUCT RESTROOM FACILITY • TOTAL GENERAL AVIATION FUND 9�-96 CIPSUMM 03-Nov-95 3 PROJ ACOUNTS PRO,�CT % OF WARD FUND FUND DEPT/ CARRYOVER REMAINING BUDGET NO NUM SRC DIV AMOUNT BALANCE EXPENDED 2 311 3031 $52,956 $86,582 0.00°k N/A 311 3031 $20,000 $20,000 0.00% $3,121,753 $2,979,449 4.56°k 2 312 2 313 4 321 6 331 3 331 7 331 7 331 4 331 1 331 6 331 6 331 5 331 5 331 4 331 4 332 4 333 1 411 1 421 1 451 1 451 5011 5011 5021 4031 4031 4031 4031 4031 4031 4031 4031 4031 4031 4031 $837, 065 $16, 534 $210,199 $88, 500 $55, 000 $151,420 $81,300 $362, 040 $151,500 $151,500 $151,500 $378, 602 $17,000 $85, 340 $1,673,702 $837,065 $16, 534 $210,199 $88, 500 $55,000 $151,420 $81,300 $542, 380 $151,500 $151,500 $151,500 $378,602 $17,000 $0 $1,768,702 4031 $1,705,000 $1,703,091 4031 $7,904,000 $7,805,490 4071 $138,800 $138,800 4081 $156,735 $152,217 4051 $200,000 $200,000 4051 $35,000 $35,000 $235,000 $235,000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00°� 0.00% 0.00°�6 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00°k 0.11°k 1.25°k 0.00°k 2.88% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% PRO,�CT F.Y. 1994-95 CARRYOVER PROJECTS w�� NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION No P5K007 LAND ACC]UISITION - OFF STREET PARKING TOTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUNDS GRAND TOTAL - FY 94-95 CARRYOVERS: TOTAL C.I.P. CITYWIDE 95-96 CIPSUMM 03—Nov-95 4 PROJ FUND NUM 2 461 5 658 5 658 4 661 7 654 3 655 3 655 4 659 4 659 4 659 4 659 4 659 4 . 659 4 659 4 659 4 659 4 659 6 657 FUND I DEPT/ II CARRYO� SRC DIV AMOUNT 6580 $251,195 4071 4071 4031 4071 4071 4071 4031 4031 4031 4031 4031 4031 4031 4031 4031 4031 4071 $44, 750 $492,000 $599, 000 $100, 000 $36, 000 $3,289,000 $2,000 $4, 500 $9, 000 $20,700 $291,000 $9, 000 $6, 900 $5,900 $31,500 $471,000 $300,000 °� OF REMAINING BUDGET BALANCE EXPENDED ($49,70� 119.79% $44, 750 $355, 321 $599,000 $100, 000 $36,000 $3, 289, 000 $2,000 $4, 500 $9, 000 $20, 700 $70, 975 $9,000 $6,900 $5,900 $31, 500 $471,000 $300,000 0.00% 27.78°k 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00°� 0.00°k 0.00°k 0.00°� 0.00°� 75.61 % 0.00% 0.00°k 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $5,412,250 $5,055,546 6.59°k $26145 396 $25 200 453 3.61 °k $59 212,347 $57,564,985 2.78% TO: � B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager October 30, 1995 FROM: Darnell W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director THROUGH: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: 1995-96 CIP Status - Notice of Completion Since the last monthly CIP status report, Notice of Completion was accepted for the following projects: 95-173 95-113 95-45 95-61 94-213 94-162 C& L Coatings, Inc. Contract to repair and recoat 9/28/95 Bakersfield Convention Center Floor and install expansion gasket around ice floor DeWalt Group, Inc. Lutrel Services, Inc. Improvement Agreement Tract 5716, Phase 1 Contract for removal and installation of underground storage tanks at the Police Dept. and the Corp. Yard 9/28/95 10/10/95 Insituform Southwest Contract for rehabilitation of 10/10/95 existing sewer line in the Westchester Areas - Phase 2 and in Stockdale Hwy. General Development & Bid to award contract for 10/10/95 Construction construction of Fire Station No. 2 structural rehabilitation � B.R.C. Corp. Improvement Agreement for 10/18/95 Tract No. 5644 Phase 2 95-131 Castle & Cooke Homes, Improvement Agreement Tract 10/18/95 Inc. 5464, southeast corner of Ming Avenue and Haggin Oaks Blvd. C.I.P. Status through October 15, 1995 Page 2 94-99 Castle & Cooke Homes, Landscape Improvement 10/18/95 Inc. Agreement for Tract No. 5489 Phase B 95-87 Tevis Ranch, LP Improvement Agreement Tract 10/19/95 No. 5666, Phase II 94-243 Castle & Cooke Homes, Landscape Improvement 10/27/95 Inc. Agreement for Tract 5678, Phase B 95-252 A& E Development Improvement Agreement for 10/27/95 maintenance of subdivision work completed prior to approval of Tract 5808 95-129 Castle & Cooke Homes, Improvement Agreement Tract 10/27/95 Inc. 5544, Phase C south of Brimhall Road and west of Verdugo Lane cc: G. Waiters T. Slater D. Teubner � TO: FROM � B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM November 6, 19� / ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER :� j��.B. TEUBNER, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: FINAL DRAFT OF ANNEXATION STRATEGY �OH��DEHTI�I As you are aware, the Annexation Strategy Working Group has been meeting for approximately two months and has developed a detailed plan for approaching annexation of four initial areas which include Dennen #1, Old Stockdale, Chester #3 and Casa Loma. The entire strategy is quite lengthy and so I have provided a brief overview of the plan and key issues impacting annexation of each area. I would like to present this to the Department Heads as soon as possible, to begin putting together the City- Wide Annexation Task Force. If you have any questions, please let me know. OVERVIEW OF STRATEGY The annexation strategy includes several key tasks which the working group felt were critical to the overall success of the plan. These tasks are summarized as follows: Establish and recruit members for a City-Wide Annexation Task Force II. Review property owners lists of areas and identify possible supporters or opponents III. Organize Focus Groups or informal meetings with residents of each target area to gather information and opinions on the City and annexation (See attachment 3 for preliminary research on area specific issues) IV. V. VI. VII. I IX. IX. Implement Staff Training and Education on Annexations Establish and implement a Media Relations Plan Implement Annexation Hotline to improve communications with the public Network and Meet with area residents, both supporters and opponents Develop and implement customized newsletters for each target area Conduct Marketing Campaign Wrap-up to determine success of efforts � ANNEXATION STRATECY November 6, 1995 PAGE 2 ANNEXATION AREA ISSUES While the above steps provide a base method for approaching annexations, there is an understanding among the members of the working group that each area is uniquely different and will require customized approaches to successfully pursue annexation. The working group has developed a profile for each area which includes customization strategies that will provide a starting point for dealing with each area as an individual unit. However, it is anticipated that Steps III and VI of the strategy will provide greater insights as to individual concerns and questions that residents of each area have with regard to the question of annexation. A summary of each area profile follows. Dennen #1 - The sewer issue and unfounded resident concern over the extension of Dennen into the Auto Mall are key issues. Staff has developed approaches for dealing with these issues as well as overcoming street improvement issues expressed by Green Lawn Southwest. Concentration on issues important to seniors such as service discounts, public safety improvements and maintaining the atmosphere of the neighborhood will be emphasized. Old Stockdale - Strong resistance by long time residents is the primary issue in this annexation area. Staff has developed several marketing concepts in an attempt to overcome this resistance. These include appealing to younger residents, emphasizing the area's strong sense of civic pride and community involvement and making changes to City policies which insure the preservation of the area's rural atmosphere and exclusive feel. Chester #3 - This area is comprised of two distinctly different constituencies, the residential neighborhood to the east of Chester Avenue and the commercial area along Chester Avenue. This will require staff to cover a wider variety of issues in this area. In the residential area, staff is suggesting use of themes such as improved law enforcement and community policing and neighborhood pride and improvement. For the commercial area, staff is suggesting an approach which might include waiving the business license fee for the first year and involving businesses in improving the aesthetics of the area. Casa Loma - Staff is suggesting the use of established groups in the community such as churches and schools to distribute information about annexation and the benefits that it could bring to the community. Another approach is to sponsor an annexation information fair, similar in nature to the City's good neighbor festival, to introduce the area to City law enforcement, ED/CD staff and other City amenities. This idea may also be used in the residential area of the Chester #3 annexation area. FIESTA AVE. 0 Q 0 � 23 26 w J m � 0 500 SCALE IN FEET T30S, R27E DENNEN N0.1 ANNEXATION � OLDE STOCKDALE ANNEXATION � � 1� I SiOCKDN F .., .: ...�: � � �' /� • 1, � �.�. CHESTER NQ. 3 ANNEXATIDN , _. , � �- ,�/�i � - . /�/ r �/ �� � i .� l . , ' /"�--- r► «�-��" l-' � �/r �i / � ','• r• �•. :�t : •/ i •� 7- �� � � A �(� \�� � ���. � �� . �� � �� �� � � 0 C O C �� I � -- Yl. ' I� ..ii � ,■ ■i ■ ;■ � ■ � "i.�_ � ■ _ r■ ��_ � ��� ■ ' ■ t�i�:�7 t�i�• 7�. ■ _ ��■ �� � � �� � ► � � r�r►�� � ■ �._ `. \ ■ f��.�n CASA LOMA ANNEXATION , BRUNDAGE LN. I E. BRUNDAGE LN. , I HIGHWAY 58 �_ BELLE TERRACE N 6 _ �� � � � rn �--- W � � > d cirr � cau�vN -- cirr � � � _ LANZ RC x � � 0 �_ J_ E. BELLE TERRACE I 4� I o �' � ��� U U CASA LOMA DR coukrr cm --i z ! a Z �,.� � WATfS DR. � = A/RPORT � oRUNWAY i � i �, E. PLANZ � ROA� cn � ' ' WHITE LANE 1 E WHITE j]I LANE 719510 .� � L _ �' , _ � � , ) RD. couarr �� � E. PACHECO RD. I � � 9 I E. FAIRVIEW DO � � �,N �o�N� 0 ........................ CITY LIMITS ___ AS OF 10/31/95 CASA LOMA � SPECIFIC 16 P�'N .............. � � � � sa� a r�r 21 T30S, R28E ANNEXATION STRATEGY �°���t r ��� ��� a����g� i ��� I. Establish and recruit members for a City-�de annexation task force A. Task Force should include 1 representative of each department as well as all members of initial annexation marketing working group. B. Goals of Task Force 1. Insure participation in annexation marketing effort from each department and make annexation a City-wide priority. 2. Provide resource pool for addressing issues that arise during marketing campaign, i.e. police service, fire service, business licenses, etc. 3. Draft an annexation mission statement and City annexation pledge which will provide the philosophical basis for the annexation effort and provide guidelines to staff as to how they should conduct themselves during the annexation process. 4. Oversee and implement the internal education plan for all staff involved in the annexation process. 5. Update case sheets for target areas (See attachment 1 for updates of revenue analysis for target areas). 6. Oversee the Annexation Marketing Budget (See attachment 2) C. Task Force will be responsible for oversight of development and implementation of City policy changes including but not limited to (See attachment 3 for preliminary staff recommendations on policy issues): 1. Phasing in Business License Tax over three years for newly annexed businesses. 2. General Plan amendments as needed. 3. Ordinance changes as needed. 4. Animal Licensing issues. 5. Easing requirements for remodels/additions D. Task Force Representatives, City Manager or designee to meet with the County and with LAFCO to review the program with them and ask for their cooperation. City Manager should begin at earliest possible date to open dialogue on this issue with County CAO. City Attorney to do same with LAFCO Administrator. E. A representative from the Task Force should be designated as liaison to the City Council and will be responsible for briefing the Councilpersons whose wards will be effected by the target annexations and keeping the entire Council informed of the Task Force's activities. II. Review property owners lists to identify possible supporters and opponents A. Try to identify at least 3 to 5 possible annexation supporters. B. Identify all possible opponents. C. Identify any public safety employees living in the areas or that have relatives in the areas. III. Organize Focus Groups or informal meetings with residents of each target area to gather information and opinions on the City and annexation (See attachment 3 for preliminary research on area specific issues). A. Hire a focus group consultant to develop a format and questions for annexation focus groups. B. Send letter from Mayor to supporters asking for participation in a focus group on annexation of their area into the City (supporters may only require an informal discussing rather than a formal focus group, this will be at staff's discretion). C. Send letter from focus group consultant to opponents asking for their participation in a separate focus group on what they like and dislike about the City and what issues would be most critical if an annexation were to occur. D. Follow-up on the letters with phone calls confirming focus group participation. E. Hold focus groups and have key staff view the proceedings and review the results to determine key issues for promoting annexation, as well as determining key obstacles that must be resolved to address the opposition. This will be the key method for selecting issues and topics for the newsletters. F. Follow-up focus groups with appropriate thank you letters. IV. Implement Staff Training and Education on Annexations A. Identify all staff in the City which might have some interaction with the public on the subject of annexations. B. Review mission statement and pledge with staff in order to set the ground rules of the marketing campaign. C. Outline the marketing strategy and the expected results and familiarize staff with the procedure for handling annexation inquiries. D. Based on issues identified in focus groups, hold staff workshops to brief staff and assign staff to address issues. E. Hold staff briefings before each meeting with the public. V. Establish and implement a Media Relations Plan A. Send out press release prior to Council adoption of annexation mission statement and pledge. Meet with Newspaper Editorial Board to share strategy with them. B. Send out press release introducing the Annexation Hotline. C. Send out press release summarizing each neighborhood meeting that is held. Press releases sent out after meetings only, since we do not want to pre-publicize meetings and attract a crowd. D. Send out press releases on projects and programs which will benefit residents of annexation areas as well as residents in general. E. Send out press release to announce distribution of first newsletter. F. Set goal of having one positive editorial and 3 to 5 positive letters to the editor during each annexation marketing effort. Use resident volunteers, core support group (as initially identified through property lists) and community advocates (Kern Taxpayers Assn., police, fire fighters, etc.) to accomplish this goal. VI. Plan and implement an Annexation Hotline to improve communications with the public A. Set meeting with the County to familiarize them with the annexation hotline concept. Request that Hotline business cards be available at selected County public counters. Residents will be invited to call to ask questions, make comments, requests for info., meeting, or to volunteer time or endorsements, etc. The person answering will be trained to answer simple questions and refer more difficult calls to appropriate staff to be returned by the next business day. B. Set up number and test response system. Hotline will be connected to a desk in Planning. During peak periods the desk will be staffed by a temporary employee that has been trained to answer the hotline. During off periods the hotline desk will be staffed by a small number of hand picked individuals who will alternate answering the hotline with other duties. The hotline will be picked up by either a recorder or answering service during evenings and weekends (See attachment 4 for proposed hotline procedures). C. Develop marketing pieces, i.e. postcard and business card type handout (See attachment 5 for an example). D. Train City staff and elected officials to refer all annexation calls to the number. E. Send out postcards to residents in target area, announcing the 800 number and how to use it effectively. Accompany area mailings with press releases. F. Monitor calls on daily basis to insure timely response and randomly sample callers to ask for their feedback on how they like the 800 number system. VII. Networking and Meetings with area residents A. Staff to meet with key support group and volunteers in area to solidify support base. B. Staff to meet with individuals or businesses which may have a great influence over others in area to address their special needs and issues. C. Schedule small group meetings with residents as requested through the hotline, through volunteers (identified through core supporters and hotline) and through core supporters. 1. Limit meetings to small groups, preferable 10 or less. 2. Hold meetings in homes in the area. 3. Send out question cards to meeting attendees and collect back in advance of ineetings in order to be prepared. 4. Tailor staff contingent to issues which are anticipated to be discussed at meetings. Do not overwhelm residents with large number of staff. D. Start at earliest date possible to schedule one-on-one meetings with opposition to work on resolving issues and negative image of City. Use area supporters, appropriate staff, effective advocates, Mayor and Councilmembers, etc. in meetings as necessary. E. After one-on-one meetings, may graduate to small group meetings of opponents (At staff's discretion). IIX. Develop and implement customized newsletters for annexation target areas A. Timing of first newsletter should coincide with first neighborhood meeting. a B. Development of newsletter design and format should be done in cooperation with a marketing consultant but produced in-house. C. Newsletters should be distributed by area volunteers and at neighborhood meetings. Goal should be to distribute at least 2-3 issues over a 6 to 8 week period. D. Newsletter should provide factual but not overly detailed or technical information to area residents and should be tailored to educational levels of the target audience. E. Newsletters to be customized for each target area and may include but are not limited to: 1. Articles addressing key issues identified in focus groups and through the hotline. 2. Articles on benefits of annexation, highlight positive comments of residents from other recently annexed areas and do before and after photos on recently annexed areas which have benefited from capital projects. 3. Letters and testimonials from area residents who are supportive of the annexation. 4. Reprints of positive stories appearing in the Californian on annexation and its benefits or editorials/letters to the editor which support annexations. 5. Summaries of neighborhood meetings - both the issues and what staff is doing to address those issues. 6. Letters or comments of those opposing the annexation and City responses addressing concerns identified in letters. 7. Testimonials of those with high believability such as Kern Taxpayers Association, Fire Fighters, Police Officers, Sr. Citizens groups, etc. � 8. Simple comparisons of tax obligations in City and County (use recently annexed areas as examples) or projections of the target area. IX. Marketing Campaign Wrap-up A. Develop and distribute survey to residents at conclusion of 10 to 12 week campaign (See attachment 6 for sample survey). 1. Distribute through volunteers or perhaps the newsletter. 2. Review positive and negative responses to determine effectiveness of the campaign and to determine whether to hold a formal meeting. B. Hold formal meeting for residents with, the Planning Commission (based on survey results) to formally discuss moving ahead with a formal application for annexation to LAFCO. C. Move Forward with Pre-zoning and annexation application (based on results of survey and meeting). Current Revenuea Diatributions Property Tattes Courriy Fue Fund Gea Tax 2105 2106 2107 ToRel Gas Tax Mo�or Vehicle In L.ieu 81.25% 18.7596 Total Moior Vehicle In Lieu COBG Frenchiae Texes TranaieM Occuperx.y Taxes Sdes Tax Tc�tel Fie�renues Proposed Revenues Distributions ProPahY Taxee .: CouMy Fire Fund Gea Tax 2105 2106 2107 Totel Gas Tax MaOor Vehicle in Lieu City of Bakersfield Analyais of Annsxntion Revsnues Dsnn�n 1 County City Total 18.795 0 18.795 5,498 0 5,498 1,158 353 0 1,51t 5,003 1,235 8,238 0 1,647 0 8,000 41.6� 11,747 5,498 * 1,156 0 0 1,158 0 1,158 0 353 0 0 0 1,511 0 5,003 0 1,235 0 6.238 0 0 0 1,647 0 0 0 5,000 0 41.8� 7,048 0 .� 2,874 18,795 5.498 2,218 963 1.�89 4,0.92 81.25% 5,003 .......':s'::>$;��;: 11,1� 18.75% 1,235 0 1,255 Total AAabr Vehicle In Lieu 6,298 6.166 12,404 CDBG 0 0 0 Ftenchise Taxea 0 1,847 1,847 Transient Occupency Taxes 0 0 0 Sales Tax 0 8,000 8.000 Totel Ftev�enues 24.B41 25J35 50.576 * Courriy retina fire suppression resporreibiity. *' City Portbn 37.596 — CouMy Portlon 62.596 (per MOU 9/9� Gas Tax: 2105 Courriy dlxation based on 56.16 per cepita for 1994-95 per Stab� Controller 2105 City dlocation based on 55.63 per capifa for 1994-95 per Stnis Contrdler 2106 based on assessed valuation factor of .0000610138 (split between county 8 eily) 2107 City diocallon based on 57.78 per capi0n tor 1994-95 per State Contrdler Motor Vehicle in Lieu: 81.25% couMy ellocation based on $26.61 per capitn fw 1994-95 per S� Contrdler 81.25% city allxation besed on 532.80 per capita for 1994-95 per StaDe Controller 18.75% county allocation based on 56.57 per capita for 1994-95 per Stnte Contrdler Blxk Grant based on 533.49 per capita for low/mod income (split between couMy & cily) Franchise Taxes based on $8.76 per capita (derived from 1992-1993 utilily iranchise revenue divided by population). ATTACHMENT 1 Current Revenuea Diatributiona Properiy Taxes Courrty Fre Fund Gas Tax 2105 2106 � 2107 Total Gas Tax Motor Vehicle In Lieu 81.25% 18.75% Total Mc�or Vehicle in Lieu COBG Franchise Taxes Trensient Occupency Taxes SNea Tax TaW Fievenues Proposed Revenues Diatributions Property Taxes " Courriy Fre Fund Gea Tax 2105 2106 2107 Total Gas Tax Moior Vehicle In Lieu Malysia of Annexation Rev�nuoa Chester 3 County 46,545 13,615 4,022 873 0 4,895 17,376 4,290 21.666 21.900 5,720 0 97.000 151.341 29.091 13,615 * City Totnl 0 46,545 0 19,615 0 4,022 0 873 0 0 0 4,895 0 17.376 0 4,290 0 21.686 0 21.900 0 5,720 O 0 0 97,000 0 151.941 17.454 46,545 0 13,815 ....... . ...... ... 4�022 ........... ;:::::;`$:#�: 7.898 0 979 873 .................................. ................................... 0 :::;::::::�fl9Q�: 8�080 4,022 9.629 19.651 81.25% 17,376 ;::::><:::i'�::'�1�4:: 98�794 18.75% 4,290 0 4,290 Totd Mo1or Vehicle In Lieu 21,666 21.418 /3,084 CDBG � � 0 2t.900 21�800 Franchiae Taxea 0 5,720 5,720 Transient Occupenry Texes 0 0 0 Sales Tax 0 57.000 37.000 T� �� 68.394 113.121 181.515 * Cainty retai� fire suppressan responsibility. ** City Portion 37.5% — CouMy Patan 62.5% (per MOU 9/9� Gas Tax: 2105 County allocation based on E6.16 per cepitn for 1994-95 per Sta� Contrdler 2105 City allocamon based on 55.83 per capife for 1994-95 per Stabe Corrtrdler 2� os t�sed on assessed ��uwor, t�mr ot .0000s � o� 3a �spi�s �tw�n courny a cxy) 2� o� c�y �io��or, b�ed o� s�.�a P� ��� ro� � ssa—ss � s� c«mai� Motor Vehicle In Lieu: 81.25% courriy allxation based on 526.61 per capita for 1994-95 per Staie Contrdler 81.25% city allocaHon based on b32.80 per capita for 1994-95 per Steme CoMrdler 18.75% courriy elixation based on 56.57 per capita for 1994-95 per Stame Co�trdler Block Grant based on 533.49 per capitn for low/mod income (split between county � city) Franchise Taxes based on $8.76 per capita (derived (rom 1992-1993 udlity iranchise rerenue d'nrided by populamo�). _ __ _ � Current Revenuea Diatributions Propeny Taxes Courrty Fre Fund Gaa Tax 2105 2106 2107 To1a1 Ges Truc Motor Vehicle In Lieu 81.25% 18.75% Totel Mobor Vehicle In Lieu CDBG Franchise Taxes Transient Occupency Taxes Seles Tax Total Revenues Proposed Revenues Distributions Properly Taxes ** County Fre Fund Gas Tex 2105 2106 2107 Totel Gas Tax Mobor Vehicle In Lieu City of Bnkersfield Analysia of Annexation Revenuea Old Stockdal• County City Totel 185,116 54.151 7.928 3,225 0 11,153 34,247 8,456 42,703 0 11,274 0 1.000 305.997 115,697 0 0 185,118 0 54,151 0 7,928 0 3,225 0 0 0 11,153 0 94,247 0 8,456 0 42,703 0 0 0 11,274 0 0 0 1,000 0 905.397 69,419 185,116 54,151 54.151 7�928 ;::::::>:s:7e��i6:: 15�174 � 3.225 3,225 ................ 0 ;<::;;:1:O;tf#S:: 10.013 7,928 20.484 28.412 81.25% 34�247 ;;; :::;;4�2�4;;: 76.461 18.75% 8,456 0 8,456 Total Moto► Vehicle In lieu 42,703 42,214 84,917 CDBG 0 0 0 Franchise Texes 0 11,274 11,774 Tranaient Occupancy Taxes 0 0 0 Sales Tax 0 1,000 1,000 Total Revenuas 166.328 198.542 964.870 • County reteina fire suppression responaibilily. ** City Portion 37.5% — County Portion 62.5% (per MOU 9/95) Ges Tax: 2105 County aliocation based on 56.18 pe► cepiGs for 1994-95 per State Corrtroller 2105 City allocebon based on �5.63 per capita for 1994-95 per Stabe Conb�oller 2106 based on assessed valuation factor of .0000610138 (split between courriy $ cily) 2107 City ellocamon based on 57.78 pe► cepita for 1994-9b per Staie Corrtrdler Mobor Vehicle In Lieu: 81.25% courrty dlxation based o� 526.61 per capita for 1994-95 per StaDe Controller 81.25% city elixation based on $32.80 per capita for 1994-95 per Stame Controller 18.75% courriy alixation based on 56.57 per capitn for 1994-95 per Staie Controller Block Grant based on $33.49 per capita for low/mod income (spiR betwee� couMy & city) Franchise Taxes based on $8.76 per cepita (derived from 1992-19�i utility iranchise revenue divided by population). ATTACHMENT 2 x � � :'.�i`� � � 'm���: ANNEXATION MARKETING STRATEGY PROPOSED BUDCET FOCUS GROUP CONSULTANT $ 5,000 FUND FROM CURRENT BUDGET DESIGN CONSULTANT/PRINTED PIECES PRINTING AND POSTAGE (POSTCARDS) SET UP AND OPERATION OF HOTLINE MEETINGS BUDGET TRAINING BUDGET (SUPPLIES) TOTAL $ 2,000 FUND FROM CURRENT BUDGET $1,500 FUND FROM CURRENT BUDGET $ 8,000 REQUIRES APPROPRIATION $1,000 FUND FROM CURRENT BUDGET 200 FUND FROM CURRENT BUDGET $17,900 TOTAL ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION RECOMMENDED: $ 8,000 � � � �. :..� �' �� � 'i� F � � �'"'� ' 1.,. .. L ; . <. �. � � CUSTOMIZATION STRATEGIES FOR ANNEXATION TARGET AREAS As is discussed in the annexation marketing strategy, much of the emphasis for identifying issues for customized promotional materials centered on the area focus groups, small group meetings and surveys. However through research of past annexation attempts, staff has identified a number of policy issues and themes specific to each of the four target areas that we can begin to develop now in preparation for the annexation marketing efforts. These issues may be refined with the additional information that staff will obtain through the methods described above (focus groups, meetings, etc.). It is the position of staff that for those issues which have been an ongoing concern of residents in target areas, we should begin early to formulate solutions and/or responses as soon as possible. Furthermore, we should begin to develop themes and incentives which will improve our ability to sell the annexation as beneficial to the area rather than punitive. These issues and themes are grouped by target area. In addition, staff has made some recommendations regarding specific strategies which may improve our chances in specific areas. Dennen #1 1) In terms of a marketing strategy, this island is divided into finro distinct areas; the first area being the cemetery and small commercial strip along Panama and the second being the mobile home subdivision. Green Lawn Cemetery indicated in the last annexation attempt that they were open to being annexed if the City agreed to do certain street improvements in front of the facility. With the planned improvements to the Panama Lane ramps at Freeway 99, staff believes that it can include certain street improvements in front of Green Lawn as part of the work to the Panama on-ramp. In addition, staff recommends trying for a package deal where we annex their southwest and northeast facilities. The mobile home subdivision will require much greater attention in order to successfully annex this area. This area had very few supporters of annexation in the last attempt and will require a lengthier marketing campaign. While it would be simpler and less complicated to annex the area as a whole, we should keep our options open on splitting the island into two annexation areas. Staff has ongoing concerns that the residential area will stall annexation of the commercial area. 2) Two issues surfaced during the last annexation attempt of Dennen. Both issues came from the residents of the mobile home subdivision. Staff has developed responses to these concerns and recommends that we begin formally developing these responses immediately. A) Several of the residents were concerned that Dennen Street would be extended through to the Auto Mall, which is directly behind the subdivision, and cause increased traffic and noise. Currently Dennen dead ends into a block wall, with the Auto Mall on the other side of the wall. Staff assured them at the time that this would not happen but the residents had no formal promise from the City. Staff proposes to have the City Council agree formally to promise vacation of 5 to 10 feet of the street right-of-way on the Dennen side of the block wall, as soon as annexation is completed. Public Works and Planning have no problems with this action. B) The sewer issue will be the primary issue in the annexation. Staff has outlined alternatives for addressing this issue which include the City subsidizing the costs of sewer installation or exempting the area from sewer hook-up. Although the area is primarily elderly and moderate income residents, the area does not officially qualify for CDBG funds based on information provided by the County. Community Development staff thinks the area might qualify but confirming this would require an income survey of the residents. It is staff's opinion that this type of survey may stir up residents and work against us in the annexation effort. Staff would not recommend such action at this time. It is important that we continue to review this issue and find a solution. Old Stockdale 1) Because of the education and income level of this area, staff looked at possible themes which could be used to appeal to their sense of civic duty and community pride. Staff is recommending use of the theme "Traditions of Service" to enhance the appeal of annexation to this area. This area has a strong sense of tradition in Old Stockdale as well as a long and distinguished tradition of community service. This angle will be our opportunity to introduce topics such as running for office, serving on various City committees and voting. It is further recommended that if any seats are vacant on any of the City's commissions (historic preservation, Community Service Advisory, etc.) at the time of our annexation campaign in this area, that we hold them open until after the annexation and appoint residents of Old Stockdale, if possible. These might serve as perfect examples of how they can get involved if they are annexed to the City. 2) Staff has also discreetly interviewed a few residents and individuals who have recently interacted with the area. It is apparent that the younger residents are more open to the idea of annexation than the older residents. We recommend specifically targeting this younger less vocal group as volunteers and supporters of the annexation effort. 3) Several public works issues have surfaced which need to be addressed as part of the annexation attempt of Old Stockdale. They include: A) A resident of the area has indicated that several residents have recognized the need for additional street lights in the area. The City could offer to begin a program of installing street lights that the residents can choose (within reason). If residents are interested in lighting with an historical or nostalgic theme, we may even consider offering up some of the old street lights that the City wants to get rid of in Downtown. This may be one of the few benefits that we can offer, that the residents want. B) Secondary access into the community for police and fire emergencies is not wanted by Stockdale residents because they want to preserve the exclusive feel and "rural atmosphere". Again, a formal agreement from Council to not require such access might be helpful. C) The residents do not want to have curb and gutter under any circumstances. Staff recommends that we revise City policies and ordinances to the extent necessary, to insure that the area will not be required to have curb and gutter. 4) In recent meetings with Old Stockdale residents, the issue of the water system has resurfaced. There seems to be a major concern that the City will want to take over operation of the water system. The City needs to provide some legislative assurance that this is not the case, perhaps a resolution recognizing the water district and their authority or something of that nature. Chester #3 1) The first issue is dividing the area into two subareas with regard to marketing strategy; Chester Avenue commercial, and the residential area. These two distinctly different constituencies will require different strategies to convince them of the benefits of annexation. Although different strategies will be used on each area, the area should be annexed as a whole. 2) Chester Avenue commercial (including County property) A) This group, particularly Floyd's, was instrumental in killing the last annexation attempt. Of particular concern was the City's business license fee. Staff will be spending much of the marketing efforts in this area on explaining how the calculation of the business license fee works and how minimal it truly is. In addition, staff recommends that we set a policy of waiving the first year business license fee for newly annexed businesses, as kind of a teaser. B) Planning has indicated that we will need to do some spot � zoning in order to insure that the City's zoning will be compatible with the existing County zoning. This was an issue in the last annexation attempt. C) Staff also recommends that the City agree to extend the Chester Avenue streetscape plan, which is being done for downtown, out to this part of Chester Avenue. Improving the aesthetics of the area is a benefit that we can offer businesses along Chester Avenue. The Oildale Chamber of Commerce president has indicated that streetscape improvements may be an issue in this area. D) According to Public Works, there is already a plan to connect Stramler Park into the Kern River Parkway. Doing so would be a tangible demonstration to businesses of the City's commitment to upgrading the area. E) Resolving the stadium site issue will be important, as well. 3) Residential area A) This area puts a high value on improved public safety, so staff recommends that we hit the improved police service message hard in this area. Promising community-oriented policing programs, neighborhood watch and improved school crossing guard service will be a big incentive for this area to annex. B) This area also needs several basic public works improvements such as curb and gutter, street lights and street resurfacing. Planning for a program of these improvements will also be a big incentive in this area. Staff is checking on the CDBG eligibility of the area. C) Staff has determined that a major issue is how to deal with a number of non-conforming uses in the residential area. Several homes have businesses being operated in them. These would be non-conforming uses under current City ordinances. Staff recommends finding a method for grandfathering these businesses in and allowing them to continue to operate after annexation. Staff would like to proceed with working with the City Attorney's office to draft the appropriate ordinance changes to accommodate this. Casa Loma 1) According to recent staff interaction with the residents in this area, it is largely a very close knit community centered around the area school and church. The area is in a state of decay and will only continue to go down without an infusion of resources. The area is quite large and staff is suggesting splitting the area into two annexation targets, focusing first on the area betweerr Casa Loma and East White Lane. 2) Because distribution of information will be more difficult in this target area than others, staff is recommending that Councilmember Carson establish good working relationships with the School Principal and Church leaders and use these two community institutions as distribution points for information about annexation. The newsletter format could still be used as the method for conveying the information. 3) This area would likely be the only target area in which staff would recommend doing larger group meetings. The initial estimate of resident interest regarding annexation, is that interest will be low. Meetings between Councilmember Carson and the community leaders and interested residents, will probably be sufficient to resolve any issues or concerns from the community. These meetings need not be limited in attendance. 4) A program of improvements in the area and focusing on improved public safety will be major selling points to the area. A) This target area is lacking most major infrastructure and therefore a phased program of infrastructure installation and improvement, funded with CDBG, should be planned. Curb and gutter, sewer, street lights and road improvements should all be reviewed for this area. B) In addition, familiarizing residents with the City's many public safety programs will also be a strong selling point. Staff recommends putting on a smaller version of the Good Neighbor Festival at Casa Loma Park to introduce all of our City services including law enforcement, code enforcement, Community Development, Solid Waste, etc. K-9 demonstrations, information about Neighborhood Watch and DARE Program information can be provided. The strategy is to show the City as a partner in improving the area, not Big Brother. 5) The area's problems are complex and appear to be deeply ingrained. It is staff's perception that the leaders of this community will not be satisfied with a few quick fixes. They will want to see a long-term commitment of resources to the area and a true partnership developed between residents and the City. Staff's concern is that the area requires significantly greater resources than the City has or will have available in the foreseeable future. This should be considered carefully, prior to introducing any annexation attempt to the area. � ATTACHMENT 4 HOT LINE RESPONSE FRAMEWORK ASSUMPTION: A) Although there is typically a primary question on annexations it is invariably the case that questions will range far afield of the primary question and it will therefore require that each department's identified contact have at least a minimal background over a wide range of city related services, fees, ordinances, codes and land use knowledge B) Hot line nuinber not setup until after initial contacts/issues identified/data sheet specific to annexation completed. 1) Call to HOT LINE service. 2) Referred to appropriate department/person: • Needs list of subject matter matched to department's responsibilities. • Each person identified needs backup person (vacations etc.). • All calls logged on specialized form for data collection. 3) Answers primary question. • Data sheet for specific annexation. • Answers basic qccestions on issues identified by focccs groups. • All calls logged on specialized form (how detailed?). 4) Data sheet generalized information. • Answers basic annexation questions. S) Question not covered by generalized data sheet. • Takes message on specialized form.. • Refers message to appropriate depa►•tment/person. 6) Data from forms tabulated by planning. • Data assed to alter strategy or con�rm previoccs marketing strategy. • Task Force to critique process. p:rf Date: Name: Phone #: Address: ANNEXATION - PERSONAL CONTACT FORM Time Preference Question/Comments on: Public Works ❑ Street improvements (Curb, gutter, sidewalks) ❑ Street lights ❑ Signal lights ❑ Stop signs ❑ Sewer ❑ Hook-up fees ❑ User fee ❑ Assessment Dist. ❑ other (Specify) Plannin� ❑ Zoning ❑ Land Use ❑ Non-conforming use(s) ❑ Proposed development(s) ❑ Business license � ❑ Property Tax increase ❑ other (Specify) Fire ❑ Response ❑ Hydrants ❑ other (Specify) Police ❑ Response ❑ 911 response ❑ Security alarm fee ❑ other (Specify) _ Water ❑ Service ❑ Rates ❑ other (Specify) Sanitation ❑ Service ❑ Rates ❑ Collection dates ❑ other (Specify) Politics ❑ Running for office ❑ Campaign for office ❑ Representative (Councilperson) ❑ other (Specify) Referred to: ❑ Public Works ❑ Planning ❑ Fire ❑ Police ❑ Water ❑ Sanitation ❑ Politician ❑ Other P:dataform. Name• Phone #: Address: Subject Matter: Directed to: Name Dept. Name: Phone #: Address: Subject Matter: Directed to: Name Dept. Name: Phone #: Address: Subject Matter: Directed to: Name Dept. Name• Phone #: Address: Subject Matter: Directed to: Name Dept. Name: Phone #: Address: Subject Matter: Directed to: Name Dept. Name: Phone #: Address: Subject Matter: Directed to: Name Dept. ANNEXATION - HOT LINE FORM Name: Phone #: Address: Subject Matter: Directed to: Name Dept. Name: Phone #: Address: Subject Matter: Directed to: Name Dept. Name• Phone #: Address: Subject Matter: Directed to: Name Dept. Name: Phone #: Address: Subject Matter: Directed to: Name Dept. Name• Phone #: Address: Subject Matter: Directed to: Name Dept. Name• Phone #: Address: Subject Matter: Directed to: Name Dept. P:dataform. FIND OUT THE FACTS ON ANNEXATION TO ASK QUESTION3, MAKE COMMENT8 OR SIC3N UP TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE CALL THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ANNEXATION HOTLINE 326-I N FO CAIL 24 HOUR3. 7 DAY3 A WEEK EXAMPLE OF MARKETING PIECES FOR ANNEXATION HOTLINE a H H a � � r� z H � m a � H z w � U d' E-� E-� Q'i 'i� W } W �QO �" H� J=F- OWa~p aV�Zw pwLL �- zZ z � � �\ y � � / � �/ � ,, b � � � V � � � Y --'- � -- P � __' � -- S � O � _� � � �-+ d � � � �=+ ' 0 � z F- vr^J � v/ � z� ��� V � � Do you know annexatlon provides you wlth: ■ Enhanced potice protection ■ increased lighting with more streetlights ■ A neightborhood that will grow in a planned and logical manner ■ The ability to have curbs, gutters, and sidewalks � More street maintenance Just fill out this survey and mail. Dear I woutd like to hear irom you. Over the last tew weeks you have been sent several newsletters tocusing on annexation. And as a resuft of your comments and suggestions, we have introduced the city's first phone line to address your questions about annexation. i would like to hear how we are doing. in eHect, I have provided you with a repoR card to grade to our eHorts. It is important that you answer all o( the questions attached. Your responses will enable us to better serve you. Please tear ofi and keep this page oi the survey. Just drop the completed survey in the mail, no ' postage is necessary. ' If you have any questions about how to fill out the survey, feel free to call us. We look forvvard to receiving your responses. Sincerely, Bob Price Mayor i�� A • -� r � �-•---� City of Bakersfield 32-Annex You have been sent several newsleners focusing on annexation. Various topics were discuss such as reduced garbage cotlection, increased police coverage, introduction of regular street sweeping and weekiy leaf collections, increases fire safety, and the possibility ot installing se� and sidewalks. Did you find these newsleriers helpiui in hetping you decide your opinion on annexation? Ye: (circle one) Ot the following list, which topic did you find most helplui? (Select all that apply) Annexation Means Discounts to Seniors Improved Police Prc Report on Neighborhoods Recently Annexed Property Tax Comp. Question and Answer Corner Reduced GaragE Did you use the City's annexation hotline, 32-Annex ? Yes or No (circle one) Ii yes, did you (ind it helptul? Now ihat you know more about the measure (or this area to be annexed to the City oi Bakers it the election was hetd today, would you vote yes in (avor o1 the measure, or no to oppose it' (circle one) Yes, I support annexation No, I oppose ann� It the annexation is successiul and you became part ot the City of Bakersfield, oi the followinc which improvements woutd you like to see in your area? Curbs and guriers Sidewalks Fire Sewers Stre� If you woutd vote against annexation. Please explain why. � If you feel that you did not have enough information on annexation to make a vote in support annexation what additional iniormation would you tind helpful? � u � B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM November 9, 1995 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCI FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO COUNCIL REFE Attached is the staff response to the Council referral regarding street resurfacing in Ward 2. AT:rg Attachments ; -. ,,,,,���� � ����,,. ,-°,=, ,,`',��� . ��� _ ; : �:; � „ ._ ��� _�����'�w��u„�� : ,�. - ; _ , . �.r ,.�, _ �.�; ,_,' ��. ,,o� -,.,.�., _,i,�„� MEIIAORANDUIIA November 3, 1995 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: LELAND J. ANDERSEN, COMMUNITY SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL FROM PAT DeMOND REGARDING MONTHLY SCHEDULE OF EVENTS. At the Council meeting of September 27, 1995, Councilmember DeMond requested a schedule of events for the Holiday Inn be included in the Convention Center's monthly calendar. Staff contacted Hotel management immediately following the request and was advised they would be happy to provide us with a monthly schedule. As preparations began in late October for compiling our schedule, contact was again made with the Hotel asking for their input. We were informed that a schedule was not available at this time, however, beginning in December, they should be able to comply with our request. We will continue to followup with the Hotel in an effort to provide the requested information. As always, should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at your convenience. LJA/lg `� � � � ��; � C� �------ - NOV = 31995 � `_ -:� DATE: TO: FROM: � B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NOVEMBER 9, 1995 ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGE RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WO SUBJECT: STREET RESURFACING IN WARD 2 (COUNCIL REFERRAL 15474) � �O�' � Nov w9 �5 The major resurfacing project awarded September 13, 1995 was scheduled to be completed prior to the rainy season (November 15, 1995). Unfortunately, the strike by the Operating Engineer's Union forced us �o� re-think our schedule. As a result, all work involving this project will be postponed until weather permits which should be in April or May, 1996. cc Jack LaRochelle Gerry Claassen Arnold Ramming r� � , e'_ CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL MEETING OF: 10/25/95 �REFERRED TO: Pl•18LIC WORKS R R4JAS TTEM: RECORD# 15474 Street resurfac� ng i n Iriard 2. (�eMond ) �������� OCT 2 7 1995 FUBLIC WORKS DE?ARTMENT ACTION TAKEN BY �OUNCIL: DEMOND REQIlESTED �TAFF INFORM HER OF ANY STREETS IN HER WARD THAT WILL SE SCRAPED ANC NOT COMPLETED DURING THE COLD SEASON. DEMCND A!SO RFt�UESTE�J THAT THE EDGES 5E SMOOTHED OV�R. BACk;U° MATERI,A� ATTACHE�: NO DATE FORWARDED BY CITY uLERK: 10/27/95 Q `11'''IIIIII�!U�. ,�I�-• j� ._ � '1 �\ � . 'r� \ \;�� 11\ M'1� �, � �'111N i"�'��IIW� \ \�.. � _��'\ \ _��; ., 4� `,�1`1`�� �'��/t�i��•" �I���I11 i//i///�llll • -• MEMORANDUM JOHN W. STINSON, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DATE: 11/7/95 ANTHONY GONZALES, HUMAN RESOURCES SUPERVISOR REPORT ON MERIT STEP INCREASES: JULY-SEPTEMBER 1995 Per the City Council's request, attached is a listing by department of the number of eligible employees who received Step 4 or 5"merit" increases for the quarter July - September 1995. Twenty-four (24) of twenty-six (26) eligible employees received Step 4 or 5 merit increases during the period. ,� � � � � . �� STEP INCREASE REPORT 7ULY-SEPTEMBER 1995 16-Oct-95 S v 'r • �� 1�V _919�5 B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM � TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager �� FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Direc o�� DATE: November 9, 1995 SUBJECT: UPDATE -- CENTENNIAL HIGH TRAFFIC PROBLEM Transmitted hereto is the latest progress report regarding the traffic problem on Centennial High. ti w • B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: November 3, 1995 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER � SUBJECT: PROGRESS REPORT ON CENTENNIAL HIGH TRAFFIC PROBLEM - HAGEMAN ROAD LEFT TURN INTO SCHOOL PARKING LOT. On Thursday, November 2, 1995, Brad Underwood and I met with Principal Bill Hatcher and Assistant Principal Lee Vasquez. We discussed the possibility of changing the median opening on Hageman to align with the easterly driveway of the Centennial High student parking lot. We explained that the move has the potential to improve visibility of oncoming traffic for the drivers making left turns into the parking lot and therefor recognize adequate gaps in eastbound traffic when they occur. Mr. Hatcher and Mr. Vasquez were receptive to improving the traffic situation, but were concerned that this proposal will impact the internal circulation. One concern expressed was the increased conflicts of cars and students crossing the main internal drive aisle to get to the classrooms. Another concern is that the special education buses unload in the area, creating more conflicts. They asked for a short time to analyze their traffic circulation and respond back to us. Mr. Hatcher will have Mr. Vasquez contact me by Wednesday, November 8, with their comments on our proposal. He will also have the other assistant principal, Mr. David Olds, contact me with his comments. Overall, the meeting went very well. The principal is pleased we are continuing to work on this matter and that we are keeping them in on the process. I will update our report when we have received their comments. cc: Bruce Deeter, CE III, Traffic Engineering Brad Underwood, CE III, Traffic Engineering PW Memo Files Traffic Engineering File - Centennial High s I w: \DATA�W P� 1995�C e nt_H g h. M e m � _�� ----- Q��p<aEN*a,.�o`N U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development � + * � Los Angeles Area Office 1615 W. Otympic Boulevard ��"B�wo�E�°`=� Los Angeles, CA 90015-3801 November 1, 1995 Mr. Alan Tandy City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: ,., , � �0l� � i��� -�-- `Thank you very much for-hc�s��-g-t�e Fair -F€ousi:ng- Flar�ni.ng---- workshop that we recently conducted in your City. This is the second time in recent months that you have come to our rescue. The purpose of the workshop was to present the Department's � guidebook on performing Fair Housing Planning and to demonstrate to some small degree the use of available information. Your City's cooperative efforts and the advance preparations so graciously provided were very a.nstrumental to the success and outcome of the workshops. I commend your City and all of your staff, particularly George Gonzalez and Brett Helgren, who worked so marvelously in partnership with us. Your City's willingness to host the workshop enabled us to provide valuabe information to the representatives of the many other local governments who came and participated. •��� We look forward to working with you and your wonderful staff _ fin the years to come in order to help create communities that are ~ indeed free of all impediments to fair housing choice. Again thank you very much. Very truly your, �� �' ��a•�-d,--r , Thomas F. Honore' Director Civil Rights Division � 4- p, •�,. FI CHIEF'S F.Y.I. November 2, 1995 Volume 2, Article 1 CHIEF KELLY Fire Station 2- Fire Station 2 continues to look better and better. A well deserved thank you to John Patterson, Chuck Todd, all Fire Department employees who have helped at Station 2 and all City employees from various departments that have helped work on the renovation project. The new electrical main panel arrived earlier than expected and we will continue to work on this process daily in order to move personnel back into the station as soon as possible. New Pumpers - We will be sending a Fire Department representative along with a representative from the Corporation Yard to the Quality Manufacturing Company factory shortly after Thanksgiving. They will inspect and evaluate the first of the four new pumpers to be delivered. Once the final assembly team receives feedback from this inspection and completes the first pumper, we should receive one pumper appro�nately every two weeks until all four have been delivered. We have been assured that the same final assembly team will complete each of the four pumpers so they should be identical. The staggered two-week delivery time should provide an excellent scheduling opportunity for the installation of radio eyuipment and mounting various equipment on the new pumpers. Traffic Preemption S, sv tem - At the City Council meeting of October 11, we presented a workshop for the Councilmembers on Traffic Preemption Systems. Captain Ron Fraze gave an excellent presentation and the Councilmembers seemed very interested in the e�ansion of this project. 'Ifiat evening, Council approval was given to purchase additional components to expand the Traffic Preemption System. Throughout the remainder of the fiscal year, the system will be expanded along Ming Avenue from Hughes Lane to Ashe Road, at California Avenue and Oak Street, Califomia Avenue and Chester Avenue and Columbus Street and Haley Street. There will also be an upgrade of the traffic signal at East Brundage Lane and Cottonwood Road. We plan to install emitters which trigger the system on the fire apparatus at Station 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9. The expansion of this system is a multi- year project and additional response corridors in all portions of the City will be evaluated. We are also exploring grants and alternative funding sources for accelerating this process. Station 13 - The bids for the permanent fire station at the site of the present Station 13 were opened on Wednesday, October 18. The amount of the low bid is significantly higher than the funding budgeted for this project. We are continuing to explore different options which may be available that would allow us to proceed with this project in the near future. One option not being considered �, � is a drastic change in the design of the station. Fire Services Studv - The draft of the Fire Services Study is due no later than November 17. Once this draft is received, a review process will begin immediately. As soon as additional information is available, I will keep all of you updated. Firefi�hter'sBurn Foundation -"Firefighter Dan's Basket Sit" was, once again, a huge success. Thank you, Dan and everyone who helped with this very worthwhile activity. Miscellaneous - The activity level of actual fires has increased recently. This is a cycle that occurs infrequently and there does not appear to be any one certain reason. Some of these fires have been very large such as the fires on October S and the fire at Fourth Street and Union Avenue. These emergencies, and others, have been handled in a very professional, competent manner. I truly appreciate your efforts. CHIEF PACHECO Kern County Fair Booth - Congratulations to all of you that worked the Public Education Booth at the Kem County Fair. Thousands of children were reached with our fire safety message. A special thank you to Steve Hamblet and Tyler Hartley for co-chairing the event. Fire Safety Presentations - I want to thank all of you that are seldom recognized who assist on a daily basis with fire safety presentations. The Fire Prevention Week Open House program � was co-sponsored by the Kern County Health Department. The public feedback was very positive and those who helped organize this program can feel good about its success. A particular thanks to Ron Fraze for chairing this worthwhile program. Certified Unified Public Ag,ency - The Bakersfield Fire Department will be applying to the State by January l,' 1996, to become the Certified Unified Public Agency (CUPA) for the City of Bakersfield. This is a program to consolidate all fees, permits, inspections, etc. to one source for hazardous material handlers. This will centralize record keeping and make the process easier for our consumers. Promotions - Congratulations to Doug Webb and Bill Ballard on their recent promotions. (Doug was so excited that he went hunting!) New Employee - Our newest employee is Dispatcher Melinda Hunley and began working at ECC on October 2. Melinda comes to us from the Bakersfield City School District and so far she loves her job. CHIEF TOBIAS Captain's Test - The written and simulation portions of the Capta.in's test have been completed with the oral examinations scheduled for the week of November 6. New Patrol - The new Patrol is currently being outfitted at Telecommunications and will go to the Equipment Division for s; ,�� some modification. Discussions are currently taking place regarding where the Patrol will be stationed. Hazardous Materials Team - Our Haz,/Mat Team worked the Shafter train derailment and did an excellent job. Palace Restaurant Fire - Applause to all who worked the Palace Restaurant fire. The effort expended by all was exceptional. Teen Government Dav - Teen Government Day is scheduled for November 8. Please make all the participants feel welcome at the Fire Department. Trainin� - There are a large number of class�s being offered through O.D.F.T.F. Please contact the Training Division to take of advantage of this training. MRK/kec FYI/�DCT.95 3