HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/29/95 ~-----~ - i ~. - I BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 29, 1995 TO: HONORABLE M~~R AND CITY COUNCIL 6LD'7 ~ A'Í FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY ~ANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Enclosed is a memo from the Development Services Director stating that the City Council IS hearing for certification of the Marketplace EIR will need to be conducted on January 24 rather than January 10. This is to provide adequate time to complete the EIR and to respond to comments made during the Pub 1 i c Heari ng porti on to prepare for the Ci ty Council meeti ng on January 24. 2. Per enclosed memo from the City Attorney, the Bakersfield Firemenls Labor Organizationls Motion for Summary Judgment in the battalion chiefs' lawsuit to create their own bargaining unit was denied by Judge Baca. It is likely that the case will now go to trial. 3. A new Capital Improvement Plan Status Report through December of 1995 is included for your information. This is a new version of the status report which will give you more information regarding the various milestones that a capital project goes through. 4. The Personnel Committee met last week and discussed the Retiree Medical issue to try and come to a solution and recommendation for the January 10 Council meeting. Councilmembers Salvaggio and DeMond voted to recommend that unless a previous staff proposal which fixed the 42% contributions for each level of coverage was agreed to by all the bargaining units, that the City Council should implement staffs I alternate recommendation to unblend the retiree rates. Councilmember Sullivan did not support the motion and indicated a preference to just proceed with the unblending of the rates. Staff has provided each bargaining unit a specific proposal for their consideration (a copy of one for the police unit is attached, the basic terms are the same for all units). If all units agree to this proposal, the matter will be brought to the Council for further consideration. A more detailed report will be prepared for the January 10 Council meeting with specific elements of each proposal. 5. A memo from the Parks Division is enclosed with materials sent to local gardeners as part of an educational effort pertaining to the use of gas- powered blowers. This is a followup on the recommendations of the Legislative and Litigation Committee and Council action. 6. Therels a memo from the Fire Chief regarding City participation in the Earthquake Preparedness Training Program in conjunction with State Farm Insurance. They have agreed to allow six representatives from the City to attend this one-day training session. -----~-~- ~ n_~___~--- - HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL December 29, 1995 Page -2- 7. Included is a memo from the Public Works Director regarding the Chester Avenue Maintenance District. Staff is looking into the possibility of forming a maintenance district for the Chester Avenue Streets cape Project. They will be looking at different methods of spreading the assessments and whether or not to include it in the consolidated maintenance district. 8. There were several letters received regarding the $500,000 Destec Trust Fund. There appears to be continued interest from residents in the northeast to util i ze thi s money for the Hi gh 1 and Hi gh School Stadium Project. 9. There I s a 1 etter from the Kern County Administrative Office regarding transfer of property tax. After the tax split agreement, it is no longer necessary for the City and County to adopt like resolutions to effect the transfer of tax revenues as long as the annexation falls within the new tax split agreement. However, the County must still provide specific authorization through a resolution by the Board. They will provi de the City with a copy of the resolution. Thi s streaml i ned process shoul d greatly reduce the amount of time required to develop and distribute the property tax information for each annexation. 10. Included are two thank-you letters. One thanking the Bakersfield Fog for donating 100 seats to the National Association of People with Disabilities to attend a Fog game, and another pertaining to the abatement of tumbleweeds in Hurlingham Estates in Rosedale by the Building Department. 11. Attached for your information is a letter in support of the Golden Empire Gleaners project. This is one of many staff has received in support of this project. 12. A memo from the Public Works Director is enclosed regarding State Route 99 Widening Project and the extension of widening south to White Lane. CalTrans indicates that there are not sufficient funds to continue the widening from Wi 1 son to Whi te Lane at this time. However, they are recommending that it possibly be added as a new project to the upcoming 1998 State Transportation Improvement Program. We agree and will place this project on the 1998 STIP. 13. There is also a letter in response to a realtor selling a home on Panorama Drive regarding the landfill gas situation. Staff is responding to the inquiry and proyiding the best information available. 14. There is a copy of a letter responding to Albert Pinheiro regarding the Hosking Trunk Sewer Assessments. Staff has tried to make it clear to him that the City does not have the ability to reduce or change his assessment. 15. Happy New Year! AT/JWS:jp Enclosures cc: Department Heads Trudy Slater Caro 1 Wi 11 i ams n ------ ------ MEMORANDUM December 26, 1995 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRE~ SUBJECT: MARKETPLACE EIR The City Council's hearing for certification of the EIR needs to be conducted on January 24, 1996, rather than January 10, 1996. Thursday night, after the Planning Commission's opening hearing of the EIR, the City Attorney, Planning Director, EIR Consultant and I reviewed what needs to be done to complete the EIR and the time available to prepare for the City Council meetings. Friday, I reviewed our scheduling concerns with Mark Jones of Borton, Petrini and Conron. He and George Martin have agreed with our assessment of the situation. Responses to comments must be available for review at least 10 days prior to certification and the City Council must have sufficient time to consider the proposed EIR (including comments and responses) and the record of proceedings. The comment period ends on December 30, 1995. Comments mailed by that date may continue to be delivered throughout the first week of January. The Planning Commission has continued its hearing of the EIR until January 4, 1996. The second week of January is required to organize the comments, respond to them and prepare the record of proceedings for the City Council. The next available City. Council meeting would be January 24, 1996. JH:pjt m\mat12.26 .-~ 'I RECEIVED ¡~ I' I 1£261995 j . tCITY MANAGER'S OFFIC[ ,-= - . .. 4 c- ---------- --- - --------- - MEMORANDUM DECEMBER 26, 1995 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS /fttIJr FROM: JUDY K. SKOUSEN, CITY ATTORNEY MICHAEL G. ALLFORD, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: BAKERSFIELD FIREMEN'S LABOR ORGANIZATION VB. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CASE RO. 226892 RFT The Bakersfield Firemen Labor Organization's Motion for Summary Judgment in the above entitled matter was denied by Judge Robert T. Baca of the Kern County Superior Court on December 22, 1995. MGA: fet cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager BSBMiscII\BFLO.Mem ,. THIS MEMORANDUM IS EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE AND IS PROTECTED BY THE ATTORNEY-CLIENT AND ATTORNEY WORK-PRODUCT PRIVILEGE u_----- ---------- ~ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM December 20, 1995 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: ~arnell W. Hayne.. Assistant to the PubU. Works Diroetor THROU H: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: CIP Status Report - December 1995 Attached is the new version of the CIP status report. The intent of this version is to better inform the users of the various milestones a capital project goes through. The CIP status report is comprised of the following sections: 1. Status of all 1994-95 and 1995-96 CIP projects (Design Engineering). 2. Status of all 1994-95 and 1995-96 Traffic Signal CIP projects. 3. Construction Inspection Project Status Report 4. Financial Summary of 1995-96 CIP projects. 5. Financial Summary of 1994-95 CIP Carryover projects. 6. Notice of Completion Report Monthly Report. 7. Plans and Specifications Approved Monthly Report. . If you have any questions or suggestions for improving this report, feel free to contact me. . I RECEIVED---~'=1 II~I I . cc: G. Waiters ¡ . 2 I, 1995. : T. Slater lCfTY MANAGER'S On::i'~'-:~ D. Teubner "--< ,.,~ --- ~ ~ . - B A K E RS F I E L 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1995 TO: DARNELL HAYNES, ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: rjACQUES R. LaROCHELLE, CML ENGINEER IV-DESIGN SUBjEC: 1995-96 CIP STATUS Attached is the schedule of 1994-95 CIP projects. As promised, we are showing more information this fiscal year. The following will describe the various milestones we are showing on the schedule: 1. Consultant Contract Approval The date a consultant is hired to perform design. 2. PS&E Approval The date the plans are actually completed. 3. Advertise The date the project will advertise. 4. Award The date Council will award project construction. 5. Pre-Construction Conference The date the Contractor will begin actual work. 6. Notice of Completion The date construction will be complete. It should be noted that during this fiscal year, particular emphasis will be placed on completing prior year projects. As such, a separate section of this memo will be dedicated to the status of prior year projects. PROJECTS BEHIND SCHEDULE 1. Canal Bridge Widening @ 5 locations along the Arvin-Edison Canal. Plans have been resubmitted and are currently be reviewed. We expect all comments to be addressed and returned for final approval and advertising by early December, 1995. PROJECTS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE 1. Coffee Road Widening-Brimhall to 700' North & Rosedale to 700' South. This project was awarded on December 13, and is approximately one (1) month ahead on our master schedule. STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR PROJECTS (In-House) 1. White Lane Improvements-Wible Road to South H Street This project was awarded December 13. - ..- - >- ..--' 2. Hughes/Pacheco Sewer Project Project currently under construction. 3. Coffee Road Widening-Brimhall Road to Rosedale Hwy This project was awarded December 13. 4. Resurfacing Major Streets-Citywide This project was awarded at the September 13, City Council meeting. Construction is on hold until spring, 1996 when weather permits. 5. Bridge Replacement-Manor Street at Carrier Canal Plans are complete. We are currently awaiting funding approval from CalTrans which will not occur until the Federal Budget is adopted. Once this is accomplished, we will obtain approval to advertise by the State. This project will immediately bid thereafter. 6. Landscaped Medians-Rosedale Highway @ Fwy 99 Interchange Preliminary plans complete. This project will be done by City forces and will not begin until CalTrans is complete with their bridge widening project. STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR PROJECTS (Consultant) 1. Tevis Park Development Project is currently out to bid. 2. Woodwaste/Greenwaste Facility This was awarded November 8. 3. Coffee Road Grade Separation Plans are currently under design and should be completed soon. Resolution of Necessity was adopted November 30. Condemnation proceeding should begin in January, 1996 with possession 90 days latter. Construction should begin in May, 1996. 4. Police Building Addition Project currently under construction. 5. Bridge Replacement-China Grade Loop at Beardsley Canal Plans are complete. We are currently awaiting funding approval from CalTrans which will not occur until the Federal Budget is adopted. Once this is accomplished, we will obtain approval to advertise by the State. This project will immediately 'bid thereafter. 6. Fire Station 13 Construction Project awarded December 13. 7. Canal Bridge Widening at An-in Edison Canal (5 locations) Consultant plans have been resubmitted to City for second check. 8. Canal Culvert Widening-Panama Lane @ Fanner's Canal Project currently under construction. 9. Median Construction-Various Locations Project is currently out to bid. 10. Diesel Exhaust Removal System-Various Fire Station Locations Project currently under construction. -----~-------~ -- ~ ~ . - B A K E R S F I E L D TRAFFIC ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM To: DARNELL HAYNES, ASSISTANT TO THE PU~RKS DIRECfOR From: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER Date: December 14, 1995 Subject: 1995-96 CIP STATUS Attached are two variations of the 1995-96 CIP schedule. The first shows all projects by order of design schedule within the fiscal year. The second is grouped by project engineer with each engineer's schedule in order of design schedule. As shown all projects are on or ahead of schedule. Following are projects of special interest: PRIOR YEAR PROJECTS --- CONSTRUCTION STATUS Construction is still underway for the signal on East Brundage Lane at Oswell Street. Construction has been completed with signals energized on Coffee Road at Hageman Road, on F Street at Truxtun Avenue, and on Jenkins Road at Stockdale Highway. The Traffic Operations Center study is progressing on schedule with completion expected in March. CURRENT YEAR PROJECTS PROJECTS BEHIND SCHEDULE 1. New Signal on Monitor Street at Pacheco Road. Scheduled for approval of PS&E in November. The original design was completed on time, however, the plans were placed on hold until the developer's plans for street improvements were finalized. The new design is complete with PS&E approval expected before 12/20. Award will be no later than February 7. PROJECTS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE 1. New Signal Flashing Stop Beacon on Buena Vista Road at Panama Lane. Scheduled for approval of PS&E in February. PS&E approved today for advertisement. 2. New Signal on Hageman Road at Centennial Entrance. Scheduled for approval of PS&E in February. May require re-design pending input from high school officials, response has been received and is under review. Original design ready for final review and approval. Re-design can still be completed ahead of schedule. 3. New Signal on Christmas Tree Lane at Mt. Vernon Avenue (Consultant Design). Scheduled for approval of PS&E in January. PS&E complete and approved this date. Bid opening is scheduled for January 10. Traffic CIP Status 12/95 Page 2 of 2 PROJECTS ON SCHEDULE All other projects are on schedule. PROJECTS BEING DESIGNED BY CONSULTANTS 1. Signal, New - Christmas Tree Lane at Mt Vernon Avenue - See previous page. 2. Signal, New - Camino Media at Old River Road - Preliminary plans returned for preparation of final plans. 3. Signal, New - Howell Drive at Old River Road - Preliminary plans under review, to be returned this week. 4. Signal, Operations - Traffic Operations Center Design - See previous page. 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OR DEVELOPER/ % TRACT #'S LOCATION CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR COMPo TR 5018-D HAGEMAN RD. & FRUITVALE DEVILLE HOMES LESH 70% TR 5292 (PRI) MOUNTAIN VISTA @ WHITE OAK CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% TR 5334 JEWETTA - N/O BRIMHALL CARRIAGE HOMES LESH 99% TR 5372-2 VERDUGO & REINA CENTEX REAL ESTATE LESH 99% TR 5432-2 E/S STINE @ POPPYSEED CHAMBERS FUND PIERCE 55% TR 5476-2 HAGEMAN & RIVERLAKES DR. HINESLEY LESH 30% . TR 5544-D BRIMHALL ROAD & VERDUGO LANE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 50% TR 5552-A&B RENFRO RD. & STOCKDALE HWY. WEST KERN DEVELOPMENT LESH 30% TR 5565-3 HAGEMAN RD.-E/O OLD FARM RD. U.S. HOMES LESH 35% TR 5597 JEWETTA - N/O BRIMHALL CARRIAGE HOMES LESH 55% TR 5646-2 FAIRFAX RD @ VALLEYVIEW DR W.D.J. CORPORATION PIERCE 50% TR 5648-A WIBLE RD. & McKEE RD. FRANCO BUILDERS PIERCE 95% TR 5678-E WHITE LN. &PIN OAK PARK BLVD. CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5683-A McKEE & AKERS DANDY HOMES PIERCE 90% TR 5697 -1 S/O HARRIS - W/O STINE KYLE CARTER PIERCE 100% TR 5719-1 PATTON, S/O HAGEMAN RD. PROBUILT LESH 60% TR 5728-2 JEWETTA & HAGEMAN LESH 10% TR 5768 WIBLE RD. & BERKSHIRE RD. CASITAS DEL QUINTA PIERCE 50% TR 5775 FRUITVALE AVE. & OLIVE DR. COUNTY TRACT LESH 100% TR 5799 HAGEMAN RD.- E/O FRUITVALE DEVILLE HOMES LESH 70% TR 5809-A UNION AVE. @ PANAMA LN. WATTENBARGER PIERCE 40% TR 5810 (PRI) GOSFORD DR. @ LAURELGLEN BLVD. LESH 90% KERN HI#3 STINE & McKEE COLOMBO CHOATE 100% PM 8337 COFFEE RD. & DOWNING RD. SOUTHWEST CONT. LESH 95% PM 10054 COFFEE RD. & OLIVE DR. 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I !£!£a:: ~~~~~~~~~~~ « O>~ ~ ~~ ~ WWWWWWWWWWW m~ z ~~(f) ffiffi(f)(f)(f)(f)(f)(f)(f)(f)(f)(f)W ~ ~ m 0 I-I-wcr:~~(f)(f)(f)(f)(f)(f)(f)(f)(f)(f)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WW~WWWWWWWWWWWWW(f) 0 I " 00 WWI~(f)(f)IIIIIIIIII(f) ~ ...J LO >- - a:: cr: :? <9 <9 <9 <9 <9 <9 <9 <9 <9 <9 « 0> u.." ::) t)~(f)~~t)t)::)~~~~~~~~~a:: ~ I a 0 ««IIIIIIIIIIa:: a U 0 ~~a::~WW--------------------« ~ w « ««OZIIOOOOOOOOOOI 0 0 00 - a::cr:a::cr:a::cr:cr:cr:cr:cr:-- I 0 ----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W Z 0 Z «...J«~OOOOZZZZZZZZZZ~ « C\J ~ WWWWWWWWWWI- cr: ~ OO~IZZcr:cr:cr:cr:cr:cr:a::cr:a::cr:(f) ~ ~ ~ I-cr: ::) Ow æ ~~ ~o ~OO~~~~~OO~~OO~~OOOO~OO~ U o~ ~IDIDIDOOOOOOOOOO ~2 ~LO ~~~«O«O«O~~~~~~~~~~O«ID ~ ~ ~~LO LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO I a.. a..a..I-~<9<9WWWWWWWWWW~ LO 0> Æ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM December 18, 1005 TO: , Alan Tandy, City Manager F~M: ~arnell W. Haynes, Assistant to the puhlic ~ùs Director THROUG: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: 1995-96 CIP Status - Notice of Completions Since the last monthly CIP status report on November 15, 1995, six Notices of Completion were accepted for the following projects: 94-245 Bill W. Gilliam Improvement Agreement 11/21/95 for Tract No.5767 95-167 Taft Electric Contract for traffic 11/21/95 Company signal installation on Panama Lane at Akers Road (Ward 6&7) PW95-80 C & W Fence Co. Guardrail at Manor 11/29/95 Street Bridge @ Kern River 94-147 Brad Bradford Installation of 11/29/95 Electric, Inc. traffic signal on Panama Lane at Stine Road (Ward 6) 95-208 S .A. Camp Pump Contract for drilling, 12/5/95 Company casing and pump testing Ashe Water well No. 35 cc: G.Waiters T.Slater D.Teubner -- __un ~ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM December 19, 1995 TO: ~laD TaD~, Ciq ~ager FROM: amelI W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director THROUG: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: 1995-96 CIP Status - Plans and Specifications Approved Since the last monthly CIP status report on November 15, 1995, the following project plans and specifications have been approved: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DATE: DATE: 1. T6KO55 New Signal - 19th Street at L Street 12/14/95 2. T6k057 New Signal - Christmas Tree Lane at 12/14/95 Mt.Vernon Ave. 3. T6K058 Flashing Stop Beacon on Buena Vista 12/14/95 Road at Panama Lane 4. T3KO39 Manor Street Bridge Replacement at 12/13/95 Carrier Canal 5. E6KO01 Modify Bally Sewer Lift Station 11/24/95 6. E6KO12 Modify Bank Street Lift Station 11/24/95 7. P5COO6 Tevis Ranch Park Site 12/13/95 cc: G. waiters T. Slater D. Teubner ~ ~ SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ð4> 4~)' BETWEEN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND ASSOCIATION OF BAKERSFIELD POLICE OFFICERS REGARDING RETIREE HEALTH BENEFITS This supplemental Memorandum of Understanding amends the basic Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Bakersfield and the Association of Bakersfield Police Officers, herein referred to as the IIUnit,1I as it relates to retiree health coverages, contributions and procedures. A) The City will continue the 1995 level of fixed dollar contributions toward retiree indemnity (Fee-for-Service) rates. (1995 fixed dollar contribution per retiree is to be based upon individual subsidy per type of coverage ($90.85 Single, $179.50 Two-party, $267.67 Family)). This contribution was formerly referred to as the 1142% of Fee-for-Service premium subsidt' and does not include the 90% of the Single HMO rate based on years of service subsidy. This fixed dollar additional subsidy is not available for those persons not yet hired as of March 1, 1996. The City will combine (blend) the rating experience for retirees with active employees for the indemnity (Fee-for-Service) plan. The undersigned Unit specifically acknowledges the Citys' right to modify or eliminate this practice and unblend the rates only if the above proposal is not implemented or terminated due to legal action. ilLegal Actionll includes, but is not limited to, arbitration, mediation, any form of alternative dispute resolution, union grievance procedure, or any form of civil action. B) The City will as soon as practicable restructure both the base indemnity (Fee-for- Service) and HMO rate structures to reflect the appropriate rate relationship for participants in Medicare. The proposed rate structure will further reflect the concept of a two-party rate that is approximately twice the single rate and a family rate that is approximately three times the single rate. C) The City will implement a Medicare Risk option with the City contributing the cost of the Medicare Risk premium and a flat dollar amount up to the Medicare part B monthly premium at the 1996 rate (estimated at approximately $42.50). The combined City contribution (Medicare Risk premium and fixed Medicare contribution) will not exceed the City contribution otherwise provided should the retiree not participate in the Medicare Risk option nor exceed 90% of the lower of the applicable HMO or indemnity (Fee-for-Service) single party rate. The City reserves the right to modify or eliminate this practice in the future in response to changes in medical plans by providers, the changes to the Medicare program by the federal government, or changes to economic or legal conditions, subject to the meet and confer requirements under the law with labor organizations. December 27, 1995 1 . D) The City will investigate and develop a strategy for possible participation in HMO ~s in other states for city retiree participation. Implementation of such strategy ~ ~ s ependent upon reasonable availability and cost to the City. Q This Supplemental Memorandum of Understanding will only be put into effect upon signed agreement by all City Bargaining Units to identical terms and conditions. Except as modified by the Supplemental Memorandum of Understanding, the basic Memorandum between the City and the Unit remains in full force and effect. This supplemental Memorandum of Understanding shall be made a part of the basic agreement which became effective April 1, 1995 between the City and the Unit. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING entered into and signed this - day of .199. UNIT: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD: Chief Negotiator Chief Negotiator Mayor December 27, 1995 2 '~." ~'.'..' " r I ~. . MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: FRANK FABBRI, PARKS SUPERINTENDENTd1J SUBJECT: GAS-POWERED BLOWERS DATE:. DECEMBER 22, 1995 . At the September.13, 1995 City Council meeting, Report #1-95 from the Legislative and Litigation Committee was approved by the Council. This report deals with the use of gas-powered leaf blowers. The Council directed the Parks staff to use an educational program for licensed gardeners and affected businesses to assist in reducing the noise and dust problems associated with the blowers. In mid November 1995, Parks staff mailed over 460 letters to gardeners and businesses outlining the City's concerns. We received approximately 20¡ phone calls requesting additional information. Copies of the material which were mailed is attached. If you need additional information, please call. cc: Lee Andersen, Community Services Manager Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst .' _.~'>~_.= .. RECE~VED I DEC 2 6 1995 I CITY MANAGER'S OFF (: ' , '" . 10 November 1995 [ [ [ Dear Business Owner: The city of Bakersfield has been asked to pass a law prohibiting use of gas powered leaf blowers within residential areas of the city. The reasons cited include air and noise pollution and health issues caused by dust. The Bakersfield City Council feels there are legitimate concerns regarding the use of gas-powered leaf blowers when they are used improperly. Yet, the Council acknowledges that power blowers are time saving and useful tools which offer many advantages to homeowners and landscape gardeners when used properly. On September 13, 1995 the City Council approved a report from its Legislative and Litigation Committee recommending an educational program for gardeners and affected businesses to assist in eliminating noise and dust problems associated with blowers. Please read the attached bulletin and make it readily available to your employees. It contains recommended rules that point out "SMART" ways to use power blowers. If you and your employees follow these rules, it is hoped that complaints will be reduced, your customers and community will continue to be supportive of power leaf blowers, and a law banning power blowers may not be necessary. Thank you for doing your part. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, FRANK FABBRI Parks Superintendent Attachment . " -" ." 10 November 1995 [ [ [ Dear Distributor: The City of Bakersfield has been asked to pass a law prohibiting use of gas powered leaf blowers within residential areas of the city. The reasons cited include air and noise pollution and health issues caused by dust. The Bakersfield City Council feels there are legitimate concerns regarding the use of gas-powered leaf blowers when they are used improperly. Yet, the Council acknowledges that power blowers are time saving and useful tools which offer many advantages to homeowners and landscape gardeners when used properly. On September 13, 1995 the City Council approved a report from its Legislative and Litigation Committee recommending an educational program for gardeners and affected businesses to assist in eliminating noise and dust problems associated with blowers. Please read the attached bulletin and make it readily available to your customers. It contains recommended rules that point out "SMART" ways to use power blowers. If you distribute this information to customers purchasing gas-powered blowers, and if they follow the recommended rules, it is hoped that complaints will be reduced, the community will continue to be supportive of power leaf blowers, and a law banning gas powered blowers may not be necessary. Thank you for doing your part. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, FRANK FABBRI Parks Superintendent Attachment " ," CITY OF br~"" r , AllrAllERlCA cm -,., ~ IB3A1KIEIR\SLFITJEILIQ) CALIFORNIA ~iQ)~IR<,1]I!JJINJßìrV ~¡¡;[R¡~ß(Ç¡¡;~ [D)¡¡;¡¡?J ~[R¡ìJ'~¡¡;lNJìr II) ¡¡» Ó>\IRJ~ [D)ß~ß~O(Q)INI 1990 November 1995 DON'T LOSE YOUR PRIVILEGE Power blowers are useful, versatile, and time saving machines. but improperly used they can also cause noise and dust that annoy your customers, their neighbors, and the general public. Some cities in California and other cities throughout the country have placed bans or restrictions on the use of power blowers. Below are recommended rules that point out IISMARTII ways to use power blowers in an effort to keep your customers and community supportive of blowers. 1. Operate blowers only at reasonable hours - not early in the morning or late at night when people might be disturbed. Recommended hours of operation are between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. 2. Be aware of the surroundings. Use common sense when directing the discharge nozzle towards people and private property. 3. Operate power blowers at the lowest possible throttle speed to do the job. Full throttle is not always necessary. Try running it at half or three-quarter throttle. 4. Watch out for pedestrians, children, pets, open windows, or freshly washed cars; blow debris safely away. 5. Use the blower nozzle extension so the air stream can work close to the ground minimizing complaints. 6. Do not blow debris into the street or onto the property of others. 7. Be polite and promptly clean-up debris. THANK YOU, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Parks Superintendent 4101 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 (805) 326-3701 MEMORANDUM "WE CARE" , DATE: DECEMBER 20, 1995 TO: COUNCILMEMBER PATRICIA DEMOND FROM: MICHAEL R. KELLY, FIRE CHIE~ SUBJECT: EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS I spoke to Mr. David Maciel at state Farm Insurance Company regarding an Earthquake Preparedness Training Program conducted by UCLA Education Extension. (Attached is information regarding this program.) This program is designed to provide a heightened level of awareness of preplanning and recovery from earthquakes for people directly involved with schools. This program is tentatively scheduled for February 16 for presentation in Bakersfield and Mr. Maciel has generously agreed to allow six representatives from the City of Bakersfield to attend this one-day training session.' , I will confer with the City Manager to determine who the six' representatives will be to 'represent the City of Bakersfield.' MRK/kec cc: . Alan Tandy, City Manager MBMO\JÅ“LLy\BguAlÅ’.PRB .~ =, ~-. RECElv¡::r, . " 1M. ",-,' t, r DECZ I~' I ,-~ ~ :CITY MANAGER'S OFF!C. '<.. - ".~. ,. I Æ . - B A K E RS F I E L 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy - City Manager FROM: Raul M. Rojas - Public Works Director ~ /' DATE: December 22, 1995 SUBJECT: Council Referral WFOOO8110, Chester Avenue Maintenance District The Public Works Department is currently working with Economic & Community Development on the formation of a Maintenance District for the Chester Avenue Streetscape Project. We are looking into different methods for spreading the assessments and whether or not to include it in the Consolidated Maintenance District. We will keep you posted on the progress of the district. RECEIVED I Å’C 2.~_1~ ~ITY MANfJ,Gf.--:.'~ LD\MEMO\CCREFMCD.CHS ~ ~~ ~~-- - , ~ Cit:y"óf--'Bäkersfféld "~.- -- --. _._-- - -- --- -- WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WFOO08110 1 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 12/14/95 REQUEST DATE: 12~13/95 CREW: SCHEDULE DATE START: 1.¿/13/95 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 1/10/96 GEN. LOC: WARD 4 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL ::i'!'J.Vl'!' REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL- MCDERMOTT ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: CHESTER AVENUE STREETSCAPE/MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRALTO PUBLIC WORKS*** MCDERMOTT RECOMMENDED A MAINTENANCE DISTRICT BE FORMED PRIOR TO EXPENDING MONEY FOR THE CHESTER AVENUE STREETSCAPEPROJECT. ============================================================================== JOB ORDER DESCRIPTION: CHESTER AVENUE STREETSCAPEIMAINTENANCE DISTRICT TASK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL ASSIGNED DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS =============================================================================== START DATE _1_1- COMPLETION DATE _1_1- ]REC1!1f'VED DEC 1 4 1995 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ., I ., Date 12/16/95 Councilmember City Manager Alan Tandy City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Councilmember City Manager Alan Tandy Your vote on the expenditure of the $500,000 Destec Recreational Trust Fund is very important. The purpose of this fund is to facilitate the development of additional recreational facilities in northeast Bakersfield for the citizens of that area, - . Although there are always numerous ideas for spending money, there is no other project that is more important in the northeast area than the Highland High School Stadium Project. I urge and encourage you to vote that these funds be allocated to the Highland High School Stadium Project. Your vote will help to assure that the citizens of the northeast area truly have an additional recreational facility for use by everyone. The lighted stadium will not only allow for "Home" football games, but will also provide a place where our band and soccer (high school teams and AYSO teams) can practice in the evening, A completed stadium will also provide a place where the school can have a rally for all of the students at one time, The completion of the Highland High School Stadium will be the only lighted facility in this area where major events can be held. Please support the youth of this area. Help us build our stadium and at the same time build community spirit and pride, Sincerely, Dan Fecke :M F ecke ~~ ~ -=I~ ~~..-_. p,-C ,-,. .t.:t:t' \ DEC ~~~ , \ CITY MANAGER'S OFFICI.. '- ( - ( , ( I : '11 "1 - <t \- -.: ~ .. c:J - - d:. I - I t r - ~ - J - - c ~ 0:: <;;. '1 (")- -níi. J ::'.1 ..f ::> "'- r J( r ¿ ~'i V Y \J - ~ s:: '- (j) +- ~' j ; 1 ! ~ ~ Å’ ç ~,~ ......;f aI I " . -- V I rJ..- . Is:",,", 0 '" ' )rl\f'1 \I \Jv~cC ~ 0 (1) ('<) -+- 0- ~ ~ <t ) 0 v OJ Ð ~~. l .5 /- w ~LÍU: ~ V1 ¡ I<J:()~ !o.~cß ~ December 28, 1995 Alan Tandy City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: Your vote on the expenditure of the $500,000 Destec Recreational Trust Fund is important. The purpose of these funds are to facilitate the development of additional recreational facilities in northeast Bakersfield for the citizens of that area.. Although there are always many ideas for spending money, no project is more important to this area than the Highland High School Stadium project. I urge you to vote that the funds be allocated to the lHghland High School Stadium project. Your vote will assure that the citizens of this area truly have an additional recreational facility for use by everyone. The lighted stadium will not only allow for "home" football games, but also provide a place where our band and .50ccer (high school teams and AYSO teams) can practice at night. A completed stadium will also provide a place where the school can have a rally for all the students at one time. As a member of the first graduating class of Highland High School in 1972 I, along with many others, feel that it is time for this wonderful school to be made part of the community. The completion of the Highland High School Stadium wil¡ be the only lighted facility in this area where major events can be held. Please support the youth of this area. Help us build our stadium and at the same time build community spirit and pride. Sinc~~. ~ :ix o¿¿. Vines "~--_._. c.c. REC:< . . .......-., Irma Carson I l DEC ;iI995 . Patricia DeMond Patricia smith Kevin ,McDermott Randy Rowles \ .---l Jacquie Sullivan CITY MANAGER'S OF~~í: Mayor Bob Price '. ~ -- -- -- I' " - ~ : t7 ; ~~ : 1\ ~" ; '0 _,_,.i_, - ' ,;, . . ¡ . . .',' ;'" ì, \ ' , ! ' ¿;; ")' \ \ \ " ~' /: ! 1,' I,,', ! .,;" - " , , . , ¡ ',rí;/¡ -: idi/\\\\ ~i \\\\ \\ = .. - -' - - - - - - - - rl = 0 - (Y) ~r£I(Y) ~~O\= HJïj Iii~~ W-...,U ~ ~ ., >;~E=íS S¡:QÅ ~ ~1ii~1ii E-iOE-iw ~>;rl~, E-iO::'::: Hl.f\~ Orl¡:Q \0 0 '("I (Y', 0\ .~ ~U ~ '" E-i~ r£I 1-. , ì W ~,,¡ í ~ H Ofi< ~ :J a)gj g~ I l.f\ ¡:Q t I- -~,-, , -,,--, " Extension #3721 ;, City Attorney's Office \: ITO - DATE ~" , DEPT. For your information REMARKS return to me For your information For your handling let's discuss Sign and return copies Investigate Approval Please Advise Your File From ---- ", 'ri. I . :: JOEL A. HEINRICHS SCOTT JONES . CbUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Assistant County Administrative Officer WILLIAM C. DOUGLAS Employee Rclalion~ Officer KERN COUNTY RE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE CEIVED - DEC 1 3 1995 CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE December 11, 1995 Ms. Judy Skousen, City Attorney City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun A venue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Skousen: As you know, the City and the County nowl}.i\ve agreements in place that provide for the transfer of property tax revenues-General Fund and Fire Fund-upon annexation. Due to these agreements, it is no longer necessary for the City and County to adopt like resolutions to effect the transfer of these revenues, so long as the annexation falls within the specified criteria. However, by statute, the Auditor-Controller must have specific authorization, in the form of a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors, to transfer a percentage of the County's property tax entitlement to another entity. It is the County's intention to bring the necessary resolution to the Board as quickly as possible following the formulation of the needed information. The City will be provided a copy of the resolution. It is also noted that the County has implemented a process which greatly reduces the amount of time required to develop and distribute the property tax information for each annexation. If you have any questions, please call me. Sincerely. lULL (! . j¿¿L--- Adel C. Klein Director of Policy Analysis cc: Steve Schuett, County Counsel Bill Turpin, LAFCO RECEIVED Martin Ortiz, City Planning Department ACK\i:klein \anxltr.js DEe 2 7 1995 File: City of Bakersfield-Annexations j CITY MANAGER'S OFF!': 1115 Tnntun Avenue, 5th Roor BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-2371, FAX (805) 325-3979 NAPD December 18,1995 Serving the Developmentally Disabled in Kern County Since 1979 Administrative Offices Alan Tandy 4032 Jewett Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 City Manager 805/395-1361 City Hall FAX 805/634-9638 1501 Truxtun Ave. Adult Development Center Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 4032 Jewett Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: 805/324-9854 S.E.E.D. Program I would like to thank you for your involvement in 4032 Jewett Avenue introducing Mr. .Butters and myself. Bakersfield, California 93301 8û5/322-9735 Mr. Butters has graciously donated 100 seats for Transportation Department our clientele. This will enable them to 4032 Jewett Avenue experience something they may otherwise have never Bakersfield, California 93301 been exposed to. 805/322-6542 Activity Center 1 with the help of people like yourself N.A.P.D is 2100 River Boulevard able to allow our clients the opportunity to live Bakersfield, California 93305 a more normal life. 805/327-0188 I FAX 805/327-7908 Again thank you. i Activity Center 2 218 Bernard Street ~w~ Bakersfield, California 93305 805/325-3646 GENESIS Teresa Hannan 602 18th Street Senior Instructor Bakersfield, California 93301 N.A.P.D - ADC 805/325-3003 FAX 805/325-3003 CW ACCESS cc/Mike Butters 234 Bernard Street Bakersfield, California 93305 805/325-3686 FAX 805/325-8229 - Independent Living Specialist-ILS '. 234 Bernard Street RECEïVËD'~' Bakersfield, California 93305. 805/325-3686 FAX 805/325-8229 CHAMPS DEC 2 6 1995 234 Bernard Street ,I Bakersfield, California 93305 j 805/325-3686 ~TY MANAGER'S OFFfCr: . FAX 805/325-8229 ~~ . --- ---- ---- -- ---------- - --- --------- Ii" I . I ¿ " I I Sal Massaro I 4907 Equestrian Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93312-8695 I 805/589-7877 Randy Fidler City Of Bakersfield Building Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 December 22, 1995 I - -R-~a'--~~- ..-- -_..~-~----_. - -c- --.------ ---------- 1-- - an y, - I I 'would like to express my sincere "thanks" and gratitude to you, I Hs. Kim Miller and your department for getting the vacant land cleared of tumbleweeds in Burlingham Estates in Rosedale. Tumbleweeds caused several hundred dollars in damage to our property during the intense storms in January of 1995. I am sure that it cost the City a large amount of money for the monumental clean up effort that followed. By your quick actions and response to this problem, you have saved the City from spending thousands of dollars in man hours and equipment. Once again, thank you for a job well done. Sincerely, -- - - --- -- - - . c: Mayor City Manager Bakersfield Californian, Cheers/Jeers RECEIVED , \ DEC 2 6 I9!Ii ; j CITY MANAGER'S OFFice' ~---. . = I I -------------------------- -------- ------------- - ------ - - ----- --~----- - - .'- ., . .. . "'~I!~I '-'~-' ^ ""'" It, - 'Í'^^^^- " . r '.---- ~( ; , ~ ,~\ 1,/ ' " ~,' , ' 1 " ,~ : ,( I -' I' , ~ ~I' 3: ~ ¡ . , , ',. I '. ,5 ., 'I¡ ¡'. :.:~g, - ' =~r,{J". rrr/"'"V'~ - ¡ ("I.{{, : ,; , ~ t '\\ \ .. 1 ' ~ ~ - '1\\\. ::: ' . ~ ;" ~. :::: ':<"~-<... .... ~. ~ - - ~ :::: :::: :::: , ... ...:: a :::: ! ..j-- \J) IV () i &~~~ ~ - : ~ ~ "'2 ~ \1) ~ ~ W ~(\~ )< ~ :2 \.~) ~ V\ ~ ~el:N ~ 0\ !}) (--?,o:ï ~\J~(D ~ ow<o '0:::)0> <~c{¡ (1»- (I)<~ izO> 1I1~<3 Ifi (I) - :r:wo (,)::)ü1 IICSS~ ëir-.m I øil ~ i " ~ Senior Citizens Sack Program Site No, 6 C/O Sandy DeFraga, Coordinator 6109 Diamond Oaks Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93306 December 20, 1995 Mr. Alan Tandy City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr, Tandy: We wholeheartedly support the endeavors of the Golden Empire Gleaners to help alleviate hunger in Kern County, Specifically, we advocate their Senior Citizens Sack Program designed to assist seniors over 60 years old who are on a lower fixed income. At Senior Sack Site No. 6 (which convenes at Canyon Hills Assembly of God), we are proud to be a part of such a rewarding and Christ- like effort to help others--not only physically; but we are also proud to be a part of an organization whose primary goal is to minister some light, hope and joy to so many in need this day and age. Your expeditious approval of a grant to assist the Golden Empire Gleaners in alterations to the new site they anticipate occupying soon would be greatly appreciated by numerous people in this community. May God bless you abundantly in your prompt attention to this matter, Sincerely, Senior citizens Sack Program Workers and Participants site No. 6 _ML"_~. . RECEIVED I ~-~. I ~Jj C,ITY MANAGER'S OFF!( ."" ~"~ ~ - .--- ------ - --_u ------ / "- SENIOR CITIZENS SACK PROGRAM SITE NO.6 PAGE 2 December 20, 1995 . ~ , . / ~]&r1i-Þ/~ 7t(dA~~ ~¿;'I m(uJð-fcf.#~ ~ ç;¡~ If ~O O~ &-'-"-" ~~" ~ (1f/~ (~ . ~~. 0 ~4! a ~ '{;. ~ ... . ~ 'd71 c }t1. ßYd ~ ~~~ n7" ~ f)/~'" ~¡¿f~7 ------ - SENIOR CITIZENS SACK PROGRAM SITE NO.6 PAGE 3 December 20, 1995 ~ jJé!3' ~ Ii B-v . ~/ ~Br.4!. f:~ ~A-~ ~ ;1- r 1/ e- e-/¿ ~ ¡/ ~ ~I Pb i-, ~" Uø~~ ~511¡ ,.£d(ø1~ / rfÅ¡{3 )~ ~7ffUt<) .ß~ftJ1r e~r(/ ~1/t1h ~(/ D~// ¿þ Z! ~ ~ rJ« 4¿;, If! f]. ¿1Jd. .I7tJ¿.d A~ 5' ~~~/ ¿/ (P 0 /9"?x)/I Liz, c:;, ¡:' .;{ / ph,,--., ~ . --~--~ ~ ~-~ ~_____n__-- SENIOR CITIZENS SACK PROGRAM SITE NO. 6 PAGE 4 December 20, 1995 "- - -, -, ~ I Æ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director Áil-- DATE: December 27, 1995 SUBJECT: S.R. 99 Widening Project Extension of 'Yidening South to White Lane Please find attached a copy of CalTrans' response to our request in November that CalTrans expand their current S.R.99 widening project south to White Lane. Also attached is our response letter to CalTrans. Basically, CalTrans has suggested that the only way to get this additional project done is through the normal STIP process. To summarize CalTrans' response: A. There are contingency funds available for the original widening project, but CalTrans will not divert those funds to another project before the widening is complete. This is to insure that there are enough funds to cover change orders. B. Extending the project limits changes the original scope of the project. This triggers addition~l environmental requirements. C. Extending the project would also require extending the soundwalls. There are not sufficient funds to do both the additional widening and extending the soundwalls. CalTrans recommendation is that the widening of S.R. 99 from Wilson Road to White Lane or possibly to Panama Lane be added as a new project to the upcoming 1998 State Transportation Improvement Program. We concur with this and recommend that appropriate action be taken to place this project on the 1998 STIP. Cl-95:\SR99IEXTEND_MEM RMR:mps xC: Reading-Pile Project Pile Jacques R. La Rochelle Marian P. Shaw RECEiVED ¡ 1 DEe 2 8 1900 : :::/TY ~":\~lt\GER'S eF':' ~.-~ ------ " . -;: Æ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSAELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 RAUL M. ROJAS. DIRECTOR. CITY ENGINEER December 27, 1995 State of California 06-Ker-99.-21.l!27.0 Department of Transportation 06206-301001 District 06 6 Ln to 8 Ln 4545 N. West Avenue. Fresno, CA 93705 ð Attention: Mr. D. Alan McCuen District Division Chief - Planning Division, District 6 Subject: S.R. 99 Widening Project Extension of Widening South to White Lane Dear Mr. McCuen: " Thank you for your response to our November 7, 1995 letter regarding the possible extension of the existing S.R. 99 project. The City of Bakersfield will be pursuing the placement of this project on the 1998 State Transportation Improvement Program. We appreciate your offer of working with the Kern Council of Governments to move fOtwards with this project. and will be contacting you in the near future. Very truly yours, ~~~ Public Works Director cc: Ron Brummett, Executive Director, Kern COG C 1-95:\5 R 99IEX'TEND 3.LET RMR:mps " . , " ì 17' STATE OF CAUFORNIA - BUSINESS. TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON. Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . 1352 WEST OLIVE AVENUE P.O. BOX 12616 FRESNO. CA 93778-2616 TOO (209) 488-4066 (209) 488-4115 -'---;-. -,.- .~': ',""'" . """"-',' ...... ..., .~ .- "".> December 15, 1995 ¡'~ :,:' 1 .~ 1995 -<Sue, ,;;¡hS »...~,:¡1U!T Mr. Raul M. Rojas Public Works Director City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Rojas: Your agency along with the Kern Council of Governments and Kern County has indicated an interest in utilizing contingency funds that might be available from the current construction project on State Route 99 through Bakersfield for an extension of that widening of eight lanes south to Whites Lane. Caltrans also has, an interest in pursuing the extension of the widening south to Whites Lane or possibly to Panama Lane. There are several issues associated with attaching the extension south beyond the current project limits. As you note there are contingency funds included within the project allocation. However, we include contingency funds in a project for a reason. They are included to be able to address unexpected expenses that occur during the course of the construction. We have about one half of those funds remaining and the contract is about half completed. The major unexpected cost we have had was for the lowering of the northbound lanes under the Palm Avenue bridge. Some of the remaining contingency funds are already committed to seismic retrofit modifications to bridges on the project. If we committed all of those remaining funds for the extension to Whites Lane, we would have no funds for current commitments or for other unexpected costs for the remainder of the contract. When additional cost needs arise, and they always seem to, we would have to go back to the California Transportation Commission for supplemental funds. The District cannot allow itself to be put in that position, especially if we have increased the scope of the project. ' As I am sure you are aware there are other implications associated with extending the project limits. The extension of about one mile would normally be considered a IIchange of project scopell which would require Federal Regional and State Transportation Improvement Program Amendment. This triggers the need for a new Air Quality Conformity Determination and reevaluation of the environmental document. Since additional project limits would be added to the project we would have to conduct additional biological and archeological surveys in association with new engineering design. -" u- ~, ¡.' " .; ~ I '.;<.i Mr. Raul M. Rojas I ~ ! 9 December 15,1995 Page 2 . We are also aware of the need for additional soundwalls, particularly along the northbound exit ramp to White Lane. Since no new projects are being added to the Statewide Soundwall Program, the best approach is to include soundwalls with a construction project, such as the lane addition widening being proposed. In fact, when we do the widening project the soundwall would be required as part of that project. The combination of the cost of the widening and the soundwall would amount to more than the contingency funds available to the construction project. With all of this in mind, I suggest the best and possibly only approach is to add a new project to the 1998 State Transportation Improvement Program, or sooner, if funds should become available. I will be glad to work with the Kern Council of Governments towards moving forward with this project. Sincerely, Q,,(~ f};¿¿{ -"\......- D. ALAN McCUEN District Division Chief Planning Division District 6 cc: Kern Council of Governments County of Kern , ~,:P\z-:-:"",-.-",~,:?:~-~,~;;:;;;'~""--~'::-:Z:;;:;"'i"'==::;i:£;;:;i:~-"; ;--' -, ~ :-:::'~-:----;"- "~--:.-;;---.--::~.----o-:::::::;---- ----:;-'-::::-::'-:'-;;:;;--:",,-;;0:=, c..:-;",';;'., ',<,':;;-:=:;"'::---:-:- -, STATE OF CALIFORNIA - BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WilSON. Governor i " DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ø 1352 WEST OLIVE AVENUE P.O. BOX 12616 FRESNO, CA 93778-2616 TOD (209) 488-4066 (209) 488-4115 lfJ) :,.:; (ìj ~ ¡r ":1 ~"'i ' '~~'~-._~-,.,.", December 15, 1995 ,!J.~ ~, DEC 1 8 1995 ;:;USLIC WORKS D~?¡}Jrr¡;!E!f: Mr. Ronald E Brummett Executive Dir,ctor Kern Council of Governments 1401 19th Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ( Dear Mr. Brummett: Your agency along with the City of Bakersfield and Kern County has indicated an . interest in utilizing contingency funds that might be available from the current construction project on State Route 99 through Bakersfield for an extension of that widening of eight lanes south to Whites Lane. Caltrans also has an interest in pursuing the extension of the widening south to Whites Lane or possibly to Panama Lane. There are several issues associated with attaching the extension south beyond the current project limits. As you note there are contingency funds included within the project allocation. However, we include contingency funds in a project for a reason. They are included to be able to address unexpected expenses that occur during the course of the construction. We have about one half of those funds remaining and the contract is about half completed. The major unexpected cost we have had was for the lowering of the northbound lanes under the Palm Avenue bridge. Some of the remaining contingency funds are already committed to seismic retrofit modifications to bridges on the project. If we 1 committed all of those remaining funds for the extension to Whites Lane, we would have no funds for current commitments or for other unexpected costs for the remainder of the contract. When additional cost needs arise, and they always seem to, we would have to go back to the California Transportation Commission for supplemental funds. The District cannot allow itself to be put in that position, especially if we have, increased the scope of the project. As I am sure you are aware there are other implications associated with extending the project limits. The extension of about one mile would normally be considered a "change of project scope" which would require Federal Regional and State Transportation Improvement Program Amendment. This triggers the need for a new Air Quality Conformity Determination and reevaluation of the environmental document. Since additional project limits would be added to the project we would have to conduct additional biological and archeological surveys in association with new engineering design. "fJ ~ , \;~G""" . ,.. I,; Mr. Ronald E. Brummett December 15,1995 Page 2 We are also aware of the need for additional soundwalls, particularly along the northbound exit ramp to White Lane. Since no new projects are being added to the Statewide Soundwall Program, the best approach is to include soundwalls with a construction project, such as the lane addition widening being proposed. In fact, when we do the widening project the soundwall would be required as part of that project. The combination of the cost of the widening and the soundwall would amount to more than the contingency funds available to the construction project. With all of this in mind, I suggest the best and possibly only approach is to add a new project to the 1998 State Transportation Improvement Program, or sooner, if funds should become available. I will be glad to work with the Kern Council of Governments towards moving forward with this project. Sincerely, Original signed by D. Alan l1cCuen D. ALAN McCUEN , District Division Chief Planning Division District 6 cc: City of Bakersfield County, of Kern 1.-- L:~~, :~'""": - ~'":s. mANS,"RTA""" '"0 HeUS'NG AG,"C> PETE WILSON, Governor -?'-"T" DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1352 WEST OLIVE AVENUE P,O. BOX 12616 .. FRESNO, CA 93778-2616 ..... ' TOO (209) 488-4066 ~ ~ ,r:1 ':1':;'1 'IT "J . IkP ~::'-~' :"i" 'c, ,-~ '1 ,: (209) 488-4115 JJ..~ '.1-' DEC 1 g 1995 December 15, 1995 :;\JBUC wo!)~,S Y:;: ,'" ,..' Mr. Craig M. Pope, Director Transportation Management Department County of Kern 2700 "Mil Street, Suite 400 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Pope: Your agency along with the Kern Council of Governments and the City of Bakersfield has indicated an interest in utilizing contingency funds that might be available from the current construction project on State Route 99 through Bakersfield for an extension of that widening of eight lanes south to Whites Lane. Caltrans also has an interest in pursuing the extension of the widening south to Whites Lane or possibly to Panama Lane. There are several issues associated with attaching the extension south beyond the current project limits. As you note there are contingency funds included within the project allOcation. However, we include contingency funds in a project for a reason. They are included to be able to address unexpected expenses that occur during the course of the construction. We have about one half of those funds remaining and the contract is about half completed. The major unexpected cost we have had was for the lowering of the northbound lanes under the Palm Avenue bridge. Some of the remaining contingency funds are already committed to seismic retrofit modifications to bridges on the project. If we committed all of those remaining funds for the extension to Whites Lane, we would have no funds for current commitments or for other unexpected costs for the remainder of the contract. When additional cost needs arise, and they always seem to, we would have to go back to the California Transportation Commission for supplemental funds. The District cannot allow itself to be put in that position, especially if we have increased the scope of the project. As I am sure you are aware there are other implications associated with extending the project limits. The extension of about one mile would normally be considered a "change of project scope" which would require Federal Regional and State Transportation Improvement Program Amendment. This triggers the need for a new Air Quality Conformity Determination and reevaluation of the environmental document. Since additional project limits would be added to the project we would have to conduct additional biological and archeological surveys in association with new engineering design. - ---- l~ -~::~~:r.~::-~:' ~o:e . --_.=-=-=:=';:-~-.---=-:=.;..._-"""""'--".':;'~==-C~',", _....---:-"~.--=.-;:'.,..", -~~-~-=-. -~ -=0."'- "."'=~._; , . V December 15,1995 Page 2 We are also aware of the need for additional soundwalls, particularly along the northbound exit ramp to White Lane. Since no new projects are being added to the Statewide Soundwall Program, the best approach is to include soundwalls with a construction project, such as the lane addition widening being proposed. "In fact, when we do the widening project the soundwall would be required as part of that project. The combination of the cost of the widening and the soundwall would amount to more than the contingency funds available to the construction project. With all of this in mind, I suggest the best and possibly only approach is to add a new project to the 1998 State Transportation Improvement Program, or sooner, if funds should become available. I will be glad to work with the Kern County towards moving forward with I this project. I Sincerely, I Original e1gned bY D. Alan M~CueD D. ALAN McCUEN District Division Chief Planning Division District 6 cc: Kern Council of Governments City of Bakersfield ;. ,-... ~ I ,::,. ~ I ~"" I" . - B A K E R 5 F IE L 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 RAUL M, ROJAS, DIRECTOR. CITY ENGINEER December 22, 1995 Mr. Jim Morgan Stockdale Management and Realty 324 Oak Street, Suite R Bakersfield, CA. 93304 RE: 3708 PANORAMA DRIVE, BAKERSFIELD Dear Mr. Morgan, Per your request, we are pleased to provide information regarding the question of landfill gas near the subject property. As discussed in the two attached letters from the City's environmental consultants, landfill gas does not appear to be a problem for this property. Please contact Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director, at 326-3114 if you require additional assistance. Sincerely, I~~~ y t RAULR AS, Public Works Director attachments KB:slr cc: Judy Skousen, City Attorney J1Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director Daphne Washington, Director, KCWM Alan Tandy, Ci ty Manager .- , r RECEiVED, '\ \ \ ÐEC28æ5~, \ , . I :CITY MANAGER'S OFF-;' ' ! -' - - "-'=---'--------' ".""'c;- .:>~ =-~-'="-~--........"._._-"'=~~----=-==="'=~,....~-=c-"'",-~- --- --~ ~,,=~~ c----. ,,' ". þ' f"- M ~ ~ Metcalf & Eddy An Air & Water Technologies Company November 16, 1995 Mr. Kevin Barnes Solid Waste Management Department City of Bakersfield 4101 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, California 93309 Subject: Summary of Air Quality Monitoring at 3708 Panorama Drive Residence Dear Mr. Barnes: As part of the Bum Dump investigation being conducted by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (M&E), several residences along Panorama Drive were monitored for methane. The residence at 3708 Panorama was monitored on March 3, 1995. Air quality was monitored using an Organic Vapor Analyzer (OVA) which was calibrated to methane. Measurements for methane were conducted within the residences where permission to enter was granted and during the collection of soil samples. No indoor air quality measurements were taken at 3708 Panorama Drive because the residence was not opened to use when we were at the property. Soil vapor measurements for methane were, however, taken during collection of soil samples from the backyard area. Four air quality measurements were taken in the backyard area within two shallow borings drilled to recover soil samples. Air was monitored at the ground surface and at 2.5 feet below grade at the two boring locations which were drilled along the western backyard fenceline. Measurements taken at the hole closest to the residence (approximately 50 feet north of house structure) were zero at the surface and 0.05 percent (total organic vapors, as methane) at a depth of 2.5 feet. In comparison, 0.05 percent is 100 times lower than the State limit for landfill emissions of methane. (which is 5 percent). Readings of zero were also obtained at the surface and at a 2.5 foot depth at the other hole, which was drilled about 10 feet south of the northern property fenceline. We hope this letter meetS your currem needs. If M&E can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, ï@9ïa;;;;/ WadeF.Æ on Project Manager WFNjtw ATtACHMENT cc: James Sayer, Kern County Waste Managem~m Departmem °eevc!ea Face' SBA. elm 5B!l 13E181'.111695EI1. WI' ^ 222 East Carrillo Street. Suite 201. Santa Barbara CA 93101 "'" Mailing Address: PO Box 24110. Santa Barbara. CA 93121 0"'" n".., .."..,.., c^von"'n,,"""""-' ~ , ;. I ",. " .J t' III KLEINFELDER An employee owned compan\' December 11, 1995 File No.: 21-336001-E05 Mr. Kevin Barnes City of Bakersfield Solid Waste Division 4101 Truxton Ave. Bakersfield, California 93309 SUBJECT: Landfill Gas Monitoring Near 3708 Panorama Drive Dear Mr. Barnes: As you requested, Kleinfelder reviewed the landfIll gas data for the monitoring probes located behind the residence of 3708 Panorama Drive. These probes (P-17, P-18) have historically been clear of landfill gas. These probes are monitored periodically as part of the city's standard monitoring program. Although historic measurements are not a guarantee of future conditions, it should be noted that no landfill gas was detected in these probes during period when little or no active collection was being conducted at the landfill. Future off-site migration of landfill gas should be reduced to a insignificant level with the long tenn operation of the current landfill gas collection system. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (209) 486-0750. Respectfully submitted, LDER, INC. . ~~P1' /t/ ld . orman, enior Project Manage DWN :jg 12-95-54 21-336001-EO5 "LEINFELDER 1-1-10 F Street, Fresno. C-\ 93ïO6-1608 C209) -1-86-0ï50 -- -----~--,---- ---- ---~-,_o__._~--_o_---,------,---_o----- -- u 0 - 00______'__'_0'_____' --, 0' - 0 - 0 -- 0 - ' ." 0 '- - . 0 . -. ,. , 0 -~ /h "'-' .' ... /' . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 ,.. <80S) 326-3724 RAuL \1. ROJAS. DIRECTOR. CITY ENGINEER December 22, 1995 Albert Pinheiro 2004 Wesley Ct. I Bakersfield. CA 93309 Subject: Assessment District No. 91-1 (Hosking Trunk Sewer) Assessment No. 86 (APN 373-052-22) .. I Dear Mr. Pinheiro; We have received a copy of your letter to Mayor Price dated December 5, 1995 regarding the Hosking Trunk Sewer assessment on your property. My staff has reviewed your requests. but there is very little we can do at this date. At the time the district was formed the owner of record of this parcel was Kern Financial Corporation. Kern Financial Corporation did not protest the formation of the district; indeed, they requested, and received, an additional sewer line and sewer assessment to serve Tentative Tract 4556. In September of 1992. as far as City staff and the City Council were aware, it was in the best interest of the property owner to proceed with the formation of the district. The City is now obligated to make payments to the holders of the Municipal Bonds sold as a result of the formation of this district. The payments to the bondholders are made from the assessments received annually through the payment of property taxes from within the Hosking Trunk Sewer Assessment District. Because of this financial obligation. the City of Bakersfield has very little leeway with regards to the annual assessments. This department is unable to reduce or change your annual assessment. --_._~".~'- - R E « <> " -. ¡ v.,~, \0' '".,o- r DE~-~ I. '--! 19~TY MANAGER'S ~F!: , ~"'-"'."~:'~:':7'-~';=;--;-"r.~~7-~O~~-"'"-~~"-C .:;==-~-~'" -- "'-'-'---"" -.-,',', ,-------~~,~-=-c"_---" --'-~~'===~~-;;=-"r-~--='~"~"'=-"""~~---- "'"' ~, '!o :/ I am sorry that we are unable to help you in this matter. If you have any further questions concerning this, please contact Marian P. Shaw at 326-3579. Very truly yours, L~ I ULM.R AS Public Works Director cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager Michael Allford, Assistant City Attorney Jacques R. LaRochelle. Engineer IV P:\91-1\PINHEIRO,LET RMR:JRL: mps