HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/96 ---- ..~" Æ. ~." f' - BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM February 23, 1996 'fa: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNC FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. With the recent rains, our water forecasts are obviously improving. We "may" even have a good year. 2. Attached is a status report on the Coffee Road Overcrossing. While we estimate construction to begin approximately June 15th, that date is tentative due to the complicated right of way negotiations with Sunland Refinery and PG&E. 3. There is a memorandum enclosed in response to a councilmember inquiry regarding complaints about the noise level generated by the CalCrete cement plant. 4. We have been in discussions with Lee Wilson, owner of Pioneer Motor Company, who is interested in a development located between 23rd, 24th, "L", and "M" streets. We are reconnnending assistance in the form of a $50,000 low interest loan. We sent correspondence to Mr. Wilson outlining our terms, and we anticipate presentation of a draft agreement at the March 20th Council meeting. 5. Attached is a report on Bakersfield Sales Tax Fourth Quarter Receipts for Sales During July - September, 1995, as prepared by the auditors we hired, The HDL Companies. 6. The Graffiti Update for January is attached. There were 357 calls during the month. Besides concentrating on connnunity involvement, we also sent a delegation of City employees to Moreno Valley last month to study that city's successful graffiti program. Their report and reconnnendations are attached. 7. THE CIP Status Report for February is enclosed. It has been revised to show more detail of capital projects as they are in their various stages of I. completion. 8. An annexation update report is enclosed showing things that ,iji 11 happen in the next few weeks. . - - - ----- - - --------- / /' .~... ~i l- ' ,"' HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL February 23, 1996 Page -2- 9. At the last Council meeting there was a question about whether the Planning Commission should be involved in the review of Transportation Impact Fees. If we make the referral part of the hearing process, we could request that the Planning Commission review for a period of 30 days, between the first and second readings. This would allow the commission an opportunity to make a recommendation to the Council. The Board of Supervisors would not be hearing this matter until the end of March or early April, so the date would not be significantly altered by the referral. 10. There has been a Council request to hold a workshop for the Fire Services Study. A workshop will be scheduled after Staff has completed its analysis of the study. In addition, the Citizens Advisory Committee will be presenting its findings to the Council once its work is completed. 11. A reminder that I will be on vacation March 5-12th. Gail will fill in for me at the Council meeting March 6th. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Carol Williams, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst I I I ~ ~- >---. ~ [~~ ~~~~;.':'c\ ~ \R~~'-':\ -, ~ . : ~'C"""~>"~'~-~-- - \, L~\9% K E RS F I E L \ B A D ' .-- PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT \~~'" MEMORANDUM February 16, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director ~L- SUBJECT: Coffee Road Overcrossing - Project Status Completed plans, specifications and estimate is due, and expected, on March 22, 1996. The most recent review plans were about 80% complete. An order of possession are in hand for the right of way on Sunland as of April 1, 1996. Sunland has two consultant/contractors working on their pollution problem. Sunland has not completed relocation plans for their facilities that must be moved prior to our project construction. There is a distinct possibility that a court order may be necessary to force their cooperation. P.G.& E. is very difficult property owner with which to deal. They are organized into transmission, distribution, operations and land/property divisions, all of whom are involved in the Coffee Road acquisition. Progress is being made However, it is increasingly likely that the project may have to begin under a "right of entry". The current schedule includes an April 1, 1996 advertisement with construction beginning June 15th. Due to the uncertainties relative to Sunland and P.G. & E., these dates are tentative, at best. ~ - ,,~,-,.., RE" : ':' '""" L -, 1 [;E~- 2 D . ¡ '[ i , II =-.--- M E M 0 RAN D U M\\CiTYMAí~!;.c~' , ~,=~-- February 15, 1996 TO: Jack Hardisty, Development SeMces Director n FROM: Randy Fidler, Chief Code Enforcement Office R SUBJECT: Inquiry from Councilmember Sullivan regarding complaint received from resident at 3500 Slate Court regarding noise level of CalCrete cement plant. Per your request I am investigating the above mentioned complaint. During my research I discovered there have been other complaints about this problem, not only with CalCrete but also with Kern Rock and oilwells down Pacheco Road. As you know, we do not have a noise ordinance. I do know you or one of your staff has been working with the attorney's office on drafting such an ordinance. We should try and get this ordinance on line as soon as possible. On February 15, 1996, I spoke with Alex Canada, the complainant, and found that I had worked with him on this same matter a few years back. At that time, I had gone to the plant and discovered they had installed vibrators on their mixing machines. I spoke with the manager of the plant who stated they would remove the vibrators and use air blowers instead which solved the problem at that time. Mr. Canada informed me his house is in the corner closest to the plant. He stated he has talked with the plant manager regarding the noise late at night and the manager said they would be quitting at 9:00 p.m. I have reviewed the 2010 Plan Noise Element Policies, which address the above mentioned location along with Kern Rock Company as industrial facilities stationary noise sources. Studies were done between 1985 and 1986. I also reviewed goals, policies and implementation (see attached copies). There is some confusion with the policies which I will discuss with Jim Eggert. We are in the process of borrowing a noise m~ter from the Convention Center to make some readings. Also, I am going to look into the possibility of having trees placed alongside the roadways to help with the noise level. I will visit with the plant manager to see if he has any suggestions or solutions to solve this problem. It is my understanding that we may have no leveràge as we do not have a noise ordinance for enforcement. RF:km cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager Dennis Fidler, Building Director Jim Eggert, Principal Planner I Councilmember J acquie Sullivan I m\calcrete ~ -" '" ~ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D February 14, 1996 Lee Wilson Pioneer Motor Company P.O. Box 1377 Taft, California 93268 Dear Mr. Wilson, As we have discussed earlier, with this letter I am describing the assistance that City staff is prepared to recommend to the City Council for your project located between 23rd, 24th, "L", and "M" streets. We will recommend assistance in the form of a $50,000 low interest loan. This loan could be used as a discount on purchase, permit fees, landscaping improvements, off-site improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk), and design costs. Job generation requirements will not be a condition of the loan. Conditions of the loan would be a 12 year amortization rate, with a six (6) percent interest rate and a six (6) year repayment schedule. Loan payments would be due monthly with a ten (10) percent late fee charge. The loan could be secured by a deed of trust subordinate to any required permanent financing for property acquisition and improvements. The City would consider taking up to a second position, but if less than a second, further discussion would be required. The issue of collateral will require discussion and agreement. All on-site and off-site improvements will need to comply with current city development standards. The probable improvements to curb, gutter and sidewalk standards are those presented to you by the Public Works Department in the February 7, 1996 memorandum. Public Works will make the final determination for all required improvements. In addition to this type of assistance, the City's Economic and Community Development Department will assist you in securing all necessary permits and assist you through the rehabilitation process. This type of assistance has proved very beneficial to companies which have taken advantage of our Team Bakersfield offer. With your early concurrance we anticipate that this agreement could be presented to City Council at their March 20, 1996 meeting. Should you agree to these terms and conditions I will provide y wi a draft agre ent. Please call if you have any questions. Yours truly, ------ . - c-~c.~~:" J L~~~ il-"-~~~' John F. Wager, Jr. i L F~_I~~ ¡ Economic Development Director ¡: ; cc: Alan Tandy ; CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE' ~~ -." ", City of Bakersfield. Economic and Community Development Department 515 Truxtun Avenue. BaKersfield. California 93301 (805) 326-3765 . Fax (805) 328-1548. TOO (805) 324-3631 -- ",-, T"EHdL COl\;lPAN I ES This Quarter Sales Tax By Major Business Group Bakersfield's receipts for taxable BusIness ~ Sales QIr S ~ Shown RelIed The Period In WhIdI The Sales 0cc:IIIed sales occurring from July through 3rd94- 1,978,725 September totaled $6,040,829, a 5.9% General Consumer Goods 4t!1 94. 2,595,357 1st 95. 1.761,340 II increase from last year. After cor- 0tJtIeIs.3.419 2nd95. 1,932,598 recting for state adjustments and . 3rd95- 2,017,890 double payments the increase was 3rd 94 . 1.os1,890 6.3%. All business groups were up. Autos And Transportation 4th 94. 1,Q77,411 1st 95. 1,117,437 General consumer goods accounted OtJtIeIs.sÅ“ 2nd95. 1.260.665 for 33.4% of total sales and was up . 3rd95. 1,241,104 2%. Although department stores were 3rd 94 - Å¡iiii Business And Industry 4t!194- down general merchandise, radio! 1st 95- appliance sales and several new busi- CMIeIs. 1,217 2nd95. ness contributed to the increase. . 3rd 95 . 858,230 Autos/transportation increased due 3rd 94 - -. Restaurants And Hotels 4t!194- 576,453 to a 15.3%jump in new vehicle sales 1st 95- ~7 /iI2 and an increase in sales of trailers and CMIeIs . 532 2nd 95 . 582,602 ¡ I supplies. Business/industry increased . 3rd95. S80,292 ! 4.5%. Restaurants were up 3.8% due 3rd 94 - 511'121ii! Fuel And Service Stations 4t!194. 400,600" , to the opening of Hometown Buffet 1st 95- 459,oo:¡ ¡ and several others. Fuel/service sta- CMIeIs. 189 2nd95 - 538,140 ! . 3rd 95 . 540,238 ¡ tions increased 5,7%, lumberlbuild- ! ing materials jumped 8.3% resulting . Cirr81I ~ .. \\\ \\\\\\\ in the increase in building/construc- tion, and food/drugs was up 2.1%. For the same period Kern County Sales Tax Notes increased 5.9% and the HdL state data base was up 5.6%. Board to review pool to "point-of-sale." Revenues allocation of use tax from most use tax transactions are The Board of Equalization has ten- currently allocated to the county tatively set February 20 as the date to where the merchandise was sold and review and possibly set for public then split among all the jurisdictions hearing, requests by the California in that county according to each Manufacturers Association (CMA) jurisdiction's taxable sales. Approxi- to move the allocation of specific use mately 10% of all state and use tax tax transactions from county wide revenues are distributed in this fashion. 3,200 Specific transactions that the Board may consider allocating by "point of 2,800 sale" rather than through pool 2,400 allocation are: . Auctioneers reporting over 2,000 $1 million in annual taxable sales 1.600 would report temporary auction sites 1,200 as "point-of-sale," . Companies that ship their ". City 800 merchandise to customers from out .. State Wide Trends 400 of state warehouses would report their .. ~!>'_'!Y!~!~E~__- " 0 sales offices as "point-of-sale" if their sales offices or order desks are 3/llCIIr 2ndQlr 3/IIOtr located in state. '93 '95 '95 con't on back page To 20 Business Cafe ories 3rd Qtr '95 3rd atr 194 Prior 4 Qtr % Of Total Business Type Count $ Count $ Average City County State -- New Motor Vehicle Dealers 22 877,295 22 761,015 836,944 14.5% 9.7% 10.4% Department Stores 25 658,843 27 671,182 695,682. 10.9% 7.2% 8.2% General Merchandise 13 357,655 10 332,049 329,341 5.9% 4.2% 2.0% Service Stations 82 350,841 81 360,558 347,730 5.8% 8.9% 6.4% Fast Food 294 295,545 283 276,979 286,183" 4.9% 4.8% 4.3% Grocery Stores Liquor 39 247,870 38 248,784 228,143 4.1% 4.2% 4.0% Lumber/Building Materials 32 230,635 34 213,034 230,717 3.8% 3.3% 3.6% Contractors 168 194,735 135 194,687 193,619 3.2% 4.0% 3.2% Petroleum Products/Equipment 99 185,679 107 147,701 155,013" 3.1% 6.9% 1.0% Restaurants Liquor 85 159,356 84 155,418 160,026 2.6% 1.9% 3.1% Specialty Stores 756 153,009 579 131,627 160,556 '.'. 2.5% 1.8% 3.1% Radio/Appliance Stores 31 139,644 35 137,051 151,852 ¡; 2.3% 1.4% 1.6% I Heavy Industrial 105 130,561 66 115,054 144,5791 2.2% 3.8% 1.8% I Light IndustriaVPrinters 190 126,574 165 146,969 132,946:' 2.1% 2.0% 5.1% Home Furnishings 153 114,823 139 96,026 106,558 ... 1.9% 1.2% 1.9% Automotive Supply Stores 109 109,859 105 102,971 100,607 \;' 1.8% 2.4% 1.40/0 DrugStores 38 106,719 37 103,855 115,842; 1.8% 1.6% 1.7% Restaurants Beer And Wine 119 104,697 117 106,695 103,678 ¡ 1.7% 1.9% 2.4% Office Furniture 105 104,675 98 91,519 107,757 ~ 1.7% 1.2% 2.7% Grocery Stores BeerM'ine 100 101,790 103 95,218 92,006 t 1.7% 3.4% 1.2% Christmas not so Do Do 't fr fr t Jurisdictions heavily dependent on changes from December 1994: con om on p~ge.. retail consumer goods for their tax . Co~panleswl~nelth~rsal~s base may find their March receipts to Bay Area +1.4% offices or mventory m CalIfornIa be lower than expected according to Los Angeles -5.7% would allocate .sal~s ~f ~500,OOO or Telecheck Services, Inc. The com- San Diego -2.5% more to the JUrISdictIon of the pany which tracks the volume of au- purchaser.. . thorized checks written by consum- Checks represent 37% of retail . CompanIes ~at self n,npose ers at slightly over 17,000 locations spending and year-to-year compari- use tax fo~ consumptIon oftheIT own reported the following regional sons are for same store sales only. merchandise or for purchase of mer- chandise from out of state vendors with no California permit would be allowed to allocate the tax to the Top 25 Producers jurisdiction where the merchandise is LIsted Alphabetically Jim Burke Ford first placed into use. Albertsons K Mart The Board determined that the Am Pm Mini Marts Longs Drug Stores CMA reque.st to assign ."u~e ~x:' on Bakersfield Dodge Mervyns leased equlp~ent to )Un~dlctlOns Barber Pontiac Montgomery Ward where the equIpment IS bemg used Bill Wright Toyota Motor City Sales & Service was outside the its regulatory author- Chuck Haddad Mitsubishi Nissan B M W ity. If the Board approves draft lan- Costco Wholesale Sears Roebuck guage on Feb~ 20, notice~.would Fleet Card Fuels' Target be sent to allmterested partIes and Gottschalks TerryPetris Sales & Leasing hearings probably held in late March. Home Base Three Way Chevrolet Changes could become effective as Home Depot Vons early as July 1. J C Penney Wal Mart __n___~ I 9>. ~ 'f. ~~t'~:.;.;: Æ ,; ? 8 ' 1/ ~ -- BAKERSF I E L D Economic and Community Development Department MEMO RAND UM February 20, 1996 TO: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director FROM: Myra McArthur, Planning Technician 'M~' SUBJECT: Graffiti Up-Date Hot-Line In January, there were 357 calls reporting graffiti. Out of those calls, 189 (52.94%) were made by residents of the South West area; 62 calls (17.37 %) were from the CDBG area; and the rest were from other parts of town. The graffiti problem in the South West area has decreased about 10% from last month's records. The combined efforts of the Police Department, the City's graffiti paint crew, and Adopt-A-Wall volunteers certainly helped make this difference. The Police Department deterred the problem by targeting the area and making several graffiti vandalism arrests. Program staff has been promoting the Adopt-A-Wall program through the Hot-Line obtaining great success. In January, a total of 21 people joined the program, 6 of them from the CDBG area, 9 from the South West, and 6 from other parts of town. Up to this writing, 4 people have joined the Adopt-A-Wall program during February, all from the South West area. The total number of Adopt-A-Wall volunteers is currently 146. Colllmunity Involvement Besides having citizens involved in the Adopt-A-Wall program, Paint-Days also have been very successful. In January, this office helped coordinate graffiti removal activities with Boy Scout Robert Paul as part of his Eagle A ward project, and with Dimples Famj~y Fun Center, Stockdale High Sèqool Key Club, and the Oak Community Church youth group. Community participation at Pacific & Oregon Streets continues The residents of Pacific St. and Oregon St. are pleased with the slow but noticeable change in their alleys. The second graffiti paint-out and street clean-up activity on the 1300-1500 blocks of Pacific St. was performed on Saturday, January 13, 1996. .- - ~~ - RECF", Ilr=[D ~ ,: . t,",: J :' ê= [ r-- --~~_._.==¡ :--- 'i 'i cCQ 2 2 1996 ' ~,.~-~j _:~~~~:"JJA"~~~~.~<~~~~;J,;;;:~C 1 '~, ~~~} - ,'.--~ I I^ f- ¡ On February 8, 1996, graffiti was removed from the South alleys of the 1200 and 1300 blocks of Oregon St., and weeds and garbage were removed from the South alley of the 1200 block of Oregon St. Resident participation is increasing, and the Neighborhood Watch block captain of that area wants to organize monthly paint-out and clean-up activities. Presentation to Bakersfield College Inter-Club Council On January 25, 1996, Program staff made a presentation to the Bakersfield College Inter-Club Council. The Adopt-A-Wall program was very well received. The Associated Student Body of Bakersfield College will adopt the vacant building at 3515 Mt. Vernon St. (corner of Mt. Vernon & University Ave.) Because this building is vacant, it is a constant target of graffiti vandalism. 2 I ; f , { , ~ rf° Æ ,0 . - B A K E R 5 F I E L 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM February 21, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director )~~ SUBJECT: Moreno Valley's Graffiti Program Attached please find copy of memorandum dated February 10, 1996. While there are some very good ideas regarding this program there are also some budgetary issues that need to be discussed further. Please contact me at your earliest convenience regarding this program, I' .=..=,...",=~-.~ , ,". " " .~ 0 '\ ". = TI ,: ",' :',:":': .":' ::" dJ '¡ ..,-~."'~"' ~~-,'-.. =. ...=~ ! I i FFR 2 2 \995 ' ,¡ J '~"..,~,. ~-~,~' {;ny i\.;/^,~.\:i.::-.(~:; '::;::??f;" . .====" ..-- - - .. m__- - :""-.0' l' e Æ '. . .. 1Æ JE(c1EnV~ IU -- FEB 2 0 1996 BAKERSFIELD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Economic and Community Development Department. MEMORANDUM February 10,1996 TO: Judy Skousen, City Attorney Steve Brummer, Chief of Police Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Jake Wager, Economic Development Director FROM: Carl Hernandez, Deputy City Attorn~ City Attorney's Office {#- Tim Taylor, Sergeant, Police Dept. Joseph Grubbs, Officer, Police Dept. , Ed Kuehn, Assistant Superintendent, Public Works Dept.¿& ~. Myra McArthur, Planning Technician, Econ. & Comm. Development Dep~ SUBJECT: Delegation to study Moreno Valley's Graffiti Program On January 17, 1996, a delegation of City employees visited the city of Moreno Valley to learn about their successful graffiti program. The delegation consisted of Carl Hernandez, from the City Attorney's Office; Sgt. Tim Taylor, from the Police Department; Officer Joseph Grubbs, from the Police Department; Ed Kuehn, from the Public Works Department; and Myra McArthur, from the Economic & Community Development Department. The most relevant elements of Moreno Valley's graffiti program are addressed below. Time-saving response procedure. All Hot-Line messages are sent directly to the paint crew via E-mail or radio. The paint crew consists of three city painters whose combined work schedule produces a 7-day per week graffiti removal program. They use self-contained, easily identifiable graffiti removal paint trucks. At the time of removal, the painters issue a work order indicating the amount of hours worked, the materials used, etc. They also take a picture of the moniker, and attach it to the work order. All work orders are filed according to moniker. When restitution is sought, the offender's charges include all past offenses involving the same moniker. This is substantiated by photographed evidence. Volunteer Program. Citizen volunteers are the eyes and ears of the police. They are trained to follow specific instructions. They are organized in teams and drive insured, personal vehicles with city radios to communicate with the police officer in charge of the volunteer program. They patrol the city at unannounced times and places, and report any suspicious type of activity, such as graffiti vandalism, car theft, etc. - -~ -- ,. - :-:;. , J ~ , Cost Recovery Process. Once a person is charged with graffiti vandalism, the Code Enforcement Dept. sends a letter to the offender, or to the parents of the offender if such person is a minor. The letter seeks restitution for all damages incurred (see attached copy), and gives the individual two weeks to respond. Ifno response is received, the city files a fonn with the small claims court. Most of the time, the tagger, or the parent if such person is a minor, agrees to pay prior to going to court. They sign a settlement agreement which contains a payment schedule. If no restitution is obtained, the city publishes the name of the tagger, or the names of the minor's parents, in the local newspaper. In addition, a lien is placed on any property they might have, and their names are sent to T.R.W. so their credit record will show their failure to pay. Based on the delegation's observation at Moreno Valley, it is recommended the adoption of the following elements into the City of Bakersfield's graffiti program be enacted in order to increase its effectiveness: * A seven-day per week graffiti removal crew. * Hot-Line messages to be sent to paint crew via E-Mail or radio. * File graffiti removal work orders according to moniker. * Designate a police officer to graffiti vandalism. * Establish a Volunteer Patrol program. I * Seek cost recovery through civil court procedures. I i I I I i 2 I I I I I ~ ~ --. Æ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM February 20, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: ~eu W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director THROUGH: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: CIP STATUS REPORT - FEBRUARY 1996 Attached is the new version of the CIP status report. The intent of this version is to better inform the users of the various milestones a capital project goes through. The CIP status report is comprised of the following sections: 1. Status of all 1994-95 and 1995-96 CIP projects (Design Engineering). 2. Status of all 1994-95 and 1995-96 Traffic Signal CIP projects. 3. Construction Inspection and Surveying Project Status Report 4. Financial Summary of 1995-96 CIF projects. 5. Financial Summary of 1994-95 CIF Carryover projects. 6. Notice of Completion Monthly Report 7. Plans and Specifications Approved Monthly Report. If you have any questions or suggestions for improving this report, feel free to contact me. cc: G. Waiters D. Teubner T. Slater -~c~~~~~-z~~,~5;:>~tI . -_...'C~~-.'-~'~'_.~'C. cço ? 2 I(iJJr> "'- LJ.J(j¡ .-- ":";'V ?t:;.\. , 'c-':., ..-=~ ~"._,. \ ~ ~-- Æ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: FEBRUARY16, 1996 TO: ~RNELL HAYNES, ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: JACQUES R. LaROCHELLE, CIVIL ENGINEER IV-DESIGN SUBJECT: 1995-96 CIP STATUS Attached is the schedule of 1995-96 CIP projects. The recently updated schedule was augmented to clearly show those projects which were added mid-year. These are identified as shaded project titles. We are pleased to present this status report that indicates all projects are on schedule. We are continuing to place emphasis on completing carry-over projects. Following is the status of those projects which have been carried over. STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR PROJECTS (In-House) 1. White Lane Improvements-Wible Road to South H Street Project currently under construction. 2. Hughes/Pacheco Sewer Project Project currently under construction. 3. Coffee Road Widening-Brimhall Road to Rosedale Hwy Project currently under construction. 4. Resurfacing Major Streets-Citywide This project was awarded at the September 13, City Council meeting. Construction will begin in March. 5. Bridge Replacement-Manor Street at Carrier Canal Plans currently out to bid. 6. Landscaped Medians-Rosedale Highway @ Fwy 99 Interchange Plans are complete, awaiting CalTRANS permit. STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR PROJECTS (Consultant) 1. Tevis Park Development Project will be awarded February 21. 2. Woodwaste/Greenwaste Facility This was awarded November 8. Construction on hold until greenwaste operations subside. (' -- ,I 3. Coffee Road Grade Separation Plans have been reviewed at the 90% submittal stage. Resolution of Necessity was adopted November 30. Condemnation proceeding is underway for the Sunland portion with possession April 1, 1996. Utilities should begin relocating their facilities within the next two months and be clear by April. 4. Police Building Addition Project currently under construction. 5. Bridge Replacement-China Grade Loop at Beardsley Canal Plans currently out to bid 6. Fire Station 13 Construction Proje'ct currently under construction. 7. Canal Bridge Widening at Arvin Edison Canal (5 locations) Consultant currently working on final revisions. Project should be advertised the first week of March, 1996. I , 8. Canal Culvert Widening-Panama Lane @ Fanner's Canal Project is complete. 9. Median Construction-Various Locations Project awarded. Construction should begin shortly. 10. Diesel Exhaust Removal System-Various Fire Station Locations Project complete. ,~ -------- /h . - B A K E R S F I E L D TRAFFIC ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM To: DARNELL HAYNES, ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR From: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER ¡ðjlJ Date: February 16, 1996 - Subject: 1995-96 CIP STATUS Attached are two variations of the 1995-96 CIP schedule. The first shows all projects by order of design schedule within the fiscal year. The second is grouped by project engineer with each engineer's schedule in order of design schedule. As shown all projects are on or ahead of schedule. Following are projects of special interest: PRIOR YEAR PROJECTS --- STATUS Construction is still underway for the signal on East Brundage Lane at Oswell Street. Construction commenced this week on the signal on Calloway Drive at Meacham Road. Construction has been completed for the signal on Brimhall Road at Calloway Drive The Traffic Operations Center study is progressing on schedule with completion expected in March. CURRENT YEAR PROJECTS PROJECTS BEHIND SCHEDULE 1. New Signal on Monitor Street at Pacheco Road. Scheduled for approval of PS&E in November and award in January. The original design was completed on time, however, the plans were placed on hold until the developer's plans for street improvements were finalized. The project has been advertised and bid with award scheduled for February 21st. 2. Phase 2, Signal Interconnect on Various Streets. The design is approximately 90% complete. All utility information has now been received and incorporated into the plans. Final design is underway utilizing the newly received utility data. Field verification of existing conduit locations is nearly complete. PROJECTS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE 1. New Signal Flashing Stop Beacon on Buena Vista Road at Panama Lane. Scheduled for approval of PS&E in February. The contract was awarded January 23. 2. New Signal on Christmas Tree Lane at Mt. Vernon Avenue (Consultant Design). Scheduled for award in March. Contract was awarded January 24. I L Traffic CIP Status 02/96 Page 2 of 2 3. New Signal on 19th Street at L Street. Scheduled for award in March. Contract was awarded January 24. PROJECTS ON SCHEDULE All other projects are on schedule. PROJECTS BEING DESIGNED BY CONSULTANTS 1. Signal, New - Christmas Tree Lane at Mt Vernon Avenue - See previous page. 2. Signal, New - Camino Media at Old River Road - Plans approved February 1st with bid opening scheduled for February 28. 3. Signal, New - Howell Drive at Old River Road - Final plans received for review and approval. 4. Signal, Operations - Traffic Operations Center Design - See previous page. SLW:BJD:bd s: \lotus \sched \ cip9602.mem , - I \D 0'\ 0'\ - \Ô ....... - ~ ~ ~ - -- ------ - --- -- -- - -- -- - - - .- - -_. - --- -- .- -- - z Q CI) :> õ CJ . « >- z g ~ ~~ § ~ r- a:: r- w en W en >- w>- r- Z 0 m ~m z 0 ....1....1 <C CJ r-~ ~ ~~ ~ z CI:5: 0 00 ::Jen en W ~a:: a:: Oa:: enw w U Ow a. Ia. zen en - zo a. OD.. 00 0 LL WZ <C en<C Oa. a. LL a. ::J r- ::! r- u. a:: a:: ~ Zz 0 00 O::J ::J LL. CICI w a::w ena. a. t:- 0000 ~ u.~ ~ r-<ï! <ï! w wow w ww eX) SZ Z -I 0 - en - t:! 0 0 :J ....1....1:5: Z:5: N 13-- 0 ~<C!:!:! a!:!:! Z a::~en~ W -~ > a.> w a::Wa:: I 8 u.u. W enw a. 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Z Ló v v Ló c:( c:( c:( 10 Ló 10 Ló 10 Ló Ló Ló Ló Ló c:( I ' a.. a..~I-CJCJCJWWWWWWWWWWCJ ~ -~------------ Æ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM February 20, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Darnell W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director ~ THROUGH: Raul M, Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: 1995-96 CIP STATUS - NOTICE OF COMPLETION Since the last monthly CIP status report on January 25, 1996, five Notices of Completion were accepted for the following projects: AGREEMENT CONTRACTOR PROJECT DATE OF ACCEPTANCE 95-276 R.L. Morton Welding, Contract for the construction of box 1-24-96 Inc. culvert extension and canal relocation (Farmers Canal at Panama Lane); and appropriate $27,540 TDF balance to the CIP budget within the TDF fund. 95-220 Dandy and Associates Improvement Agreement for Tract 2-07-96 5683, Unit A. 95-215 Porter- Robertson Consultant's Agreement for on-call 1-30-96 Engineering & engineering and surveying services, Surveying Services 95-174 Taft Electric Co. Contract for signal interconnect on 1-24-96 Ming Ave. from Gosford Rd. to New Stine Rd. and Stockdale Hwy, from Montclair St. to Real Rd, 95-161 Kern Mechanical, Inc. Contract for the installation of 2-07-96 Apparatus Room Exhaust Systems for Fire Station Nos. 4,6,10 & 11. cc: G. Waiters T. Slater D. Teubner I Æ I . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM February 20, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: ~arnelJ W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director THROUGH: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: CIP STATUS REPORT. FEBRUARY 1996 PLANS AND SP.ECIFICATIONS APPROVED Since the last monthly CIP status report on January 25, 1996, there were no project plans and specifications approved. cc: G. Waiters D. Teubner T. Slater - -- ---- -------- ~ -- '. I. 'Æ . I ,; ,- BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM February 22, 1996 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: J)5f D.B, TEUBNER,¡ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: ANNEXATION STRATEGY UPDATE As you know the annexation mission statement went to Council at the February 21, 1996 Meeting and was adopted, That officially took our effort public and we are geared up to handle the increased public interest. The hotline has been hooked up and will officially begin taking calls on Friday, March 1, The hotline post cards are printed and will go out the week of March 4, The newsletter will go to print next week and will also include information on the hotline. The official number is a5-UNITE. Also, the second editions of newsletters for each area are being developed for distribution in late March, Because meetings are fast upon us and in some cases have already occurred, we have finalized the staff training plan and dates for the training. The training materials are attached and will cover the annexation. areas themselves, an overview of the strategy and how to use the tiotline and finally a 1 hour course on customer service which will be given by Professor Dennis Guseman of Cal State Bakersfield, The training dates are March 1 at 2:00 p.m. and March 4 at 2:00 p.m. An attached list shows who has signed up for the training. As you know also, meetings in Old Stockdale are scheduled and we will be holding a pre-meetings staff briefing on March 5 at 10:00, The meetings are scheduled for March 6 at 2:00 p,m" March 13 at 3:00 p.m, and March 15 at 3:00 p.m. A reminder memo with the times, dates and locations will go out to all participants next week, In addition, we have already had 1 meeting with Casa Lorna residents and got very positive feedback on the subject of annexation. At least 2 of the residents offered to host neighborhood meetings, A second Casa Lorna meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 26, Consistent with the strategy we are beginning to contact annexation opponents and meet with them to identify their concerns. I am trying to arrange a lunch meeting with myself, Ruth Gelman and Bebe Burke to discuss Mrs. Gelman's concerns about annexation. Finally, we are attempting to contact all of the Dennen residents that showed up at the Council meeting the other night to set up individual meetings with them to discuss their concerns. Meetings are also in process of being set up for both Dennen and Chester with annexation supporters. We will be holding annexation task force meetings weekly for the next month or so because of the increased activity. If you have any questions, please let me know, I I! I ~ ., t. ANNEXATION/CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING MARCH 1 AND 4 AT 2:00 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. Overview of Annexation Strategy and Mission Statement - Dolores Teubner II. Overview of Case Sheet information on target areas - Martin Ortiz III. Training on how to refer calls to the Annexation Hotline - Dolores Teubner IV, Introduction of Dr, Guseman's presentation on Customer Service - Steve Mattern V. Wrap-up of training - Steve Mattern ---. -- .. 'if QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE IN A GOVERNMENT SETTING IIConsumersll of government services are more likely to have higher expectations and be more critical than consumers of business products for two reasons: 1, Perceived as public servants 2, Don't have other alternatives Providing Quality Customer Service Quality customer service is not smiling or being friendly-although smiling and being friendly are important, it is not what quality customer service is about. No matter how friendly the service is, if it is delivered in an incompetent way, the customer will not be happy, Providing quality customer service requires committing to the principles of great service: 1, Service reliability 2. Service surprise 3. Service recovery Service Reliability Service reliability is the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately, Must know what the customer wants and expects, Must have the capability to provide those wants and expectations. (Sometimes it's necessary to manager customer's expectations), Attitude is the key to providing reliable service, Having a desire to serve, It's a IIWhatever it takesll perspective, Being reliable is an attitude of wanting to be reliable to be reliable, Reliability is being able to do it right first time, every time, 99,9% performance is not good enough* *16,000 pieces of lost mail every hour *500 surgical operations performed unsuccessfully *2 unsafe landings each day at LAX .. ,.. Must eliminate errors, not just react to them, Reliability must be designed into: Tasks: Treatments: Tangibles, Service Surprise Service surprise is making customers say "WOW!" Unusual caring, commitment, and resourcefulness, Service surprise comes out in the details, Service surprise is going above and beyond--providing the extra effort. Customers remember when you go out of your way for them or when you refuse to give up until their problem is solved. "By the Book" is standard operating procedure, so extraordinary effort is surprising. Service Recovery Customers' responses to problem: 1, Customer complains and is satisfied-with the response, 2. Customer complains and is not satisfied with the response, 3, Customer doesn't complain, Need to make it easy for customers to voice their complaints and encourage them to voice any problems or suggestions they may have. Service recovery involves identifying service problems, Be observant Be proactive Be sincere Be willing to listen Service recovery involves resolving problems effectively Personalize the solution React quickly Keep the customer informed Develop a fair solution Improve the system s: \DOlO RES\SERVI CE. a UA I * . CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING FINANCE FIRE DEPARTMENT Accountina Diane Flanagin Esther Duran Gil Rojas Dana Mitchell Sandra Jimenez Karen Crawford Nelson Smith Toni Hannah Cathy Taylor Purchasina Brenda Bidwell Loretta Madera DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Treasurv Plannina Melanie Duis Marc Gauthier Martin Ortiz I EXECUTIVE Dolores Burns Isabel Williams Human Resources Pam Townsend Beverly Brown Buildina Roberta Gafford Wanda Neal Risk Manaaement Kay Garretson Gary Fenstermaker Betty Wilson Linda Alger Kim Miller Laura Danley POLICE Sergeant Bill Henry EC/CD Economic Development COMMUNITY SERVICES Debbie Thomas Convention Center Kelly Christopherson CITY ATTORNEY Parks Division Michelle Mendenhall Regina Boon Patti Hoffman Recreation Charing Rodriguez S:\DOLORES\SERVICE. ffiN MEMORANDUM February 22, 1996 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECtO SUBJECT: TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE HEARING As a follow-up to concerns expressed at last night's City Council meeting about the lack of Planning Commission input, I would suggest that a referral can be done as a part of the hearing process. The notice of City Council public hearing of the fees was distributed on Wednesday for March 6, 1996. The City Council will open the public hearing and have first reading of the ordinance, If the City Council would like a recommendation from the Planning Commission, this matter could be referred to the Commission for review and the City Council could defer second reading and adoption of the ordinance to April 17, If the City Council were to specify the referral period to be a month, the Commission would have ample time to review the relative information and conduct a public review of it on April 4, 1996, By April 17 the Board of Supervisors should be in a position to hear the fee proposal and coordination of the effective date of both ordinances would be better. JH:pjt m\mat2.22 '.' I """ 1"'""'1. -- >n> >l"- > R'Eê7È>~VEb->ì) I , - uu I ' ~T ~. "-t I FEB2Ii11W~ . :~ MAYOR'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSION GR UP 1 ~ ' ¡ > , CITY MANAGER'S OFFIS) i FEBRUARY 13, 1996 MINUTES Present: Mayor Bob Price Deloris Slade Jackie Belluomini Dorothy Daniels Greg Whitney Ray Davis Tony Ortega Jake Wager Chris Frank Ray Dezember Ray Watson Jim Carstensen Cathy Butler Adam Landers Mayor Price introduced Ray Bishop, Director of Kern County Airports, and then asked members to introduce themselves. Ray Watson gave an update on Future Bakersfield. An annual report will be published in the next few weeks. The next meeting of the entire Future Bakersfield group will be held in April or early May, the exact date as yet undetermined. Mayor Price discussed the meeting held with representatives from Santa Fe regarding the intermodal ramp, We requested an additional eighteen months to keep the ramp open, and Santa Fe agreed to nine months, extending the date to October 1, 1996, If we can show substantial progress, they will continue the lift operation, Tom Underhill, Transportation Consultant, and Ron Wareham will be working on marketing. Jerry St~nners will also be playing a major role in this area. Ray Watson gave a report on the status of high speed rail. Out of last year's Future Bakersfield Conference came the suggestion that a high speed rail committee be formed which resulted in the development of a coalition involving every governmental agency between Antelope Valley and Sacramento. A resolution was passed by the coalition supporting the Highway 99 route. Last year at this time the High Speed Rail I Commission was examining three routes with the Highway 99 route being the third I choice. This route was selected by the commission about two weeks ago, Now it is ' important that Antelope Valley receive support in their effort to have the route go through their more populated area as opposed to going over the grapevine. Ray Bishop distributed a packet of information to everyone and gave an interesting presentation on the Kern County Airport, Approximate costs would be 2-4 million dollars to modify the current airport and 1 O~ 12 million to build a new one. As the airport is generally the gateway to a community, Ray said he would like to see Kern County have one which is world class for a community our size. In response to Mayor Price's question as to how we could help him, Ray said eventually he would like to see a committee formed to help guide this effort, particularly in the area of marketing, - . ._--- -- --~---_...._--- i""'" ;:}.~ .. .. . \ r Mayor's Economic Development 2 February 13, 1996 Discussion Group Mayor Price discussed having a meeting with media representatives to discuss focusing on more of the positive aspects of our community. He will check into this further, Jake Wager will discuss the Enterprise Zone at the next meeting. Cathy Butler mentioned the DBA ribbon cutting at 5:00 this evening and the painting day at the Fox on Saturday, Chris Frank asked for an update on the streetscaping project at our next meeting, She also distributed a Chamber of Commerce 1996 Membership Directory to everyone, Jake said he will also report on tree planting in southeast Bakersfield at the next meeting, Our next meeting will be held Tuesday, March 12th, at 12:00 noon in the Grape Room at the Convention Center, - -- - .. -