HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/26/96 -- /" ,-' I -I-~;Þ Æ . I - B A K E R 5 F I E L D MEMORANDUM April 26, 1996 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CIT:¡;CJL FROM: ALAN T ANDY, CITY MANAGER Y SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. We have received notification from the County regarding the jail booking fee to be charged for FY 1996-97. The first letter recommended a 6.37% increase in the fee, taking it from $84.61 to $90 per booking. The second letter showed the fee at $100. It seems the County C.A.O. overruled the Sheriff. The public hearing is scheduled for May 7th. Our report on alternatives is due shortly. 2. Enclosed is a progress report on the Panorama Landfill. Kleinfelder reports that the gas probe readings at 3700 Panorama Drive have fallen below regulatory limits. Their theory is that a "gas bubble" may have been caught under the backyard; we are cautiously optimistic. Metcalf and Eddy is preparing for the last phase of groundwater investigation; their work plan was approved last week. Also, the DTSC has accepted our application for the expedited remediation program; a review is scheduled for May 29th. 3. Since the award of the design contract for the expansion ofWW Plant 3 is imminent, we have requested that the County inform us of their intentions regarding financing and connection for the construction costs associated with the portion of wastewater collection reserved for the County service area 71. Our letter is enclosed. 4. The consulting firm that is working with the company interested in the site at South Mount Vernon for a large warehouse/distribution center has notified us that the site selection has been put on hold for approximately six months. We will continue to process the General Plan Amendment/Zone Change. The Planning Commission will hear this item in mid-June. 5. In your packet is a copy of "One Year in Review". This isa new document that will become an annual publication highlighting significant accomplishments made by each department during the prior fiscal year. -____--_n_- ,..; .1./ ..' " o..'~". Honorable Mayor and City Counèil April 26, 1996 Page 2 6. A listing of the Proposed Capital Improvement Program Budget for 1996-97, by project title, is enclosed for your information. 7. A report on the Metropolitan Bakersfield Major Transportation Investment Strategy is enclosed. The Policy Advisory Committee has endorsed moving folWard with four of the nine conceptual transportation alternatives, with the final goal of choosing one local preferred alternative. 8. The Fire Department Environmental Services Division has estimated their annual cost to inspect the City sanitation trucks and the Green Waste Facility would be approximately $2,000, as compared to the $20,000 we currently pay the County Health Department. This is under the assumption we become our own LEA. 9. There is a status report enclosed trom Public Works regarding the recommended conversion and financing strategy for the trucks and containers for Kern Refuse. It also shows the area that will soon be converted to the new system. We always receive numerous calls during conversion, but after a few weeks "break in" time, it is well received. 10. The Chamber of Commerce has sent correspondence to Senator Costa in support of the bill to unifY the enterprise zone and incentive area program (copy enclosed). 11. John Stinson and Human Resources met with about 60 retirees this week on the insurance revisions. They can now work with us to sort out their options. 12. There is a response to a Council referral enclosed regarding sewer assessments for the Hughes/Pacheco area. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Carol Williams, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst - /~ "",=, SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT < . ~." ~. ê,~RL SPARKS .. . . Sheriff. Coroner COUNTY OF KERN Telephone (805) 391.750 Public Administrator RECEIVED' APR 1 7 1996 Bakersfield Police Dept. . RECEIVED April 22, 1996 1350 Norris Roed 1 APR 22S ! Bakersfield, California 93308-2231 ¡ Mrs. Barbara Patrick Chairwoman CITY MANAGER'S OFr¡¡- - -- ~<--"-_.. . Kern County Bòard of Supervisors 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Members of the Board: Reference: Jail Booking Fee Per Booking Charge FY 1996-97 Fiscal Impact: Approximately $700,000 Background On February 27, 1991 your Board established a new county ordinance which formally established a jail booking fee of $57 per booking for fiscal year 1990-9l. This " per booking" charge applies to r --.. '.- .~" "' Board of Supervisors Reference: Booking Fees April 22, 1996 Paqe 2 The increase in the per booking fee fromFY 1995-96 is attributable to the following factors: l. Cost of living increases for the Sheriff's Department employees involved in the booking process. 2. A decrease in the calendar year 1995 bookings which is divided into the higher cost figure for the charge per booking. A survey conducted by the Administrative Office of other California counties indicates Kern County's booking fee is one of the lowest rates in the state and considerably less than counties of similar size and function. For FY 1994-95 the recommended booking fee was 27.9% lower than the average booking fee of the 17 counties that responded to our survey and 35.8% lower than the average booking fee of similar size counties surveyed. The fee for FY 1995-96 is 4.5% lower than FY 1994-95. Therefore, IT IS RECOMMENDED that your Board set the public hearing concerning the jail booking fee to be charged for Fiscal Year 1996- 97 for May 7, 1996 and direct the Clerk of the Board to post the public notice. Me~ Carl Sparks Sheriff-Coroner D250.cs Attachment Copy to: Chief Brummer cc: All Cities in Kern County Asst. Chief Matlock Asst. Chief Horton All School Districts Captain Jackson Cal State University, Bakersfield Captain Mahan Bakersfield College Sgt. Henry Stallion Springs C.S.D. Sgt. Smith Bear Valley Springs C.S.D. Verne Jung Auditor-Controller County Counsel file . ~ -~ .S . - -.:> ,.;- ~, NOTICE OF PUBLIC BEARING Notice of Public Hearing before the Board of Supervisors, County of Kern, State of California. Notice is hereby given that a- public hearing will be held before the Board of Supervisors on May 7, 1996 in the Kern County Administrative complex, 1115 Truxtun Avenue, 1st Floor, Bakersfield, California to set the jail booking fee. Any interested person may attend said hearing and continuations thereof. Copies of the proposal to adjust the jail booking fee may be examined by any interested person during regular business hours at the Office of the Clerk of the Board of supervisors on the 5th Floor of said administrative complex. " 11 ~.~ .!tf":c~. '. k':(;l"". 'ì () rfi , -- , I ~'} ~~~ ", - CARL SPARKS SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT- '- SM~". Coroner COUNTY OF KERN Telephone (805) 391.7500 Public Administrator RECEIVED - ~ \ APR 2 3 1996 j ~ , ; J 1 Bakersfield police Dept. ~ : , ' '" - -' , i 1350 Norris Road Bakersfield, California 93308-2231 April 22, 1996 Mrs. Barbara Patrick Chairwoman Kern County Board of Supervisors 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Members of the Board: Reference: Request for Public Hearing on May 6, 1996 Background On February 27, 1991 your Board established a new county ordinance which formally established a jail booking fee of $57 per booking for fiscal year 1990-91. This "per booking" charge applies to entities who book prisoners into the Kern County detentions system, except for cities who have entered into separate agreements or make city jail facilities available for detention of county prisoners. The jail booking fee is adjusted annually for each fiscal year as approved by your Boar~. Government Code section 54986 requires a public hearing be held on the matter prior to the Board establishing the per booking charge for the fiscal year. 0 Therefore, IT IS RECOMMENDED that your Board set the public hearing concerning the jail booking fee to be charged for Fiscal Year 1996- . RECEI\lEO--" ! r APR25~~ i ¡ CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE I I PLEASE ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE SHERIFF . ,, " "~=;:a.p.. ,", . Board of Supervisors Reference: Booking Fees April 22, 1996 Paqe 2 97 for May 6, 1996 and direct the Clerk of the Board to post the public notice. ~e~ Carl Sparks Sheriff-Coroner D250.cs Attachment cc: All Cities in Kern County All School Districts Cal State University, Bake:+sfield Bakersfield College Stallion Springs C.S.D. Bear Valley Springs C.S.D. Auditor-Controller County Counsel CC: A/C Horton A/c Matlock Captain Jackson Captain Mahan Sgt. Henry Sgt. Smith Verne Jung Vicki Fagot , -!"-r':~"~-"" . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice of Public Hearing before the Board of Supervisors, County of Kern, State of California. Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before' the Board of Supervisors on May 6, 1996 in the Kern County Administrative complex, 1115 Truxtun Avenue, 1st Floor, Bakersfield, California to set the jail booking fee. ~ny interested person may attend said hearing and continuations thereof. Copies of the proposal to adjust the jail booking fee may be examined by any interested person during regular business hours at the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on the 5th Floor of said administrative complex. " ~ .- BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 23, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ~ RE: LANDFILL PROGRESS UPDATE Weare delighted to report that, for the first time since the Kleinfelder landfill gas project began, all of the gas probe readings in the backyard of 3700 Panorama Drive have fallen below regulatory limits. You may recall that probe readings throughout the bluff decreased dramatically within a few weeks of turning on the new gas system. It appears that the two backyard probes which hovered in the 10-15% range (5% being the acceptable high) for a few months have finally dropped to near zero. This occurred after hooking a small vacuum to these two probes to remove what Kleinfelder theorized was a "gas bubble" caught under the backyard. We are waiting with guarded optimism to see if the "bubble" should return. If so, Kleinfelder can take additional steps under the existing contract. The outlook is good. While Kleinfelder is dealing successfully in gas control, Metcalf & Eddy is preparing for what should be the last phase of groundwater investigation. This is the SWAT testing which began under contract to the County. The work plan was finally approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board last week. Finally, we have good news from the Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) regarding our application for the expedited remediation program at the burn dump. The application was found adequate and is scheduled for formal review on May 29th. Staff will be personally visiting the DTSC beforehand to develop a working familiarity. ØJ cc: KB: smp ~ KBCORMEMlLNDPRG.MEM --1 ì RECE\VED ' \ . I, i\PR 2. A . ~ \ . ~ , \,~!TY MANAGER'S OFF!~E î '-" . " -~ ----- ,,",,\"-"=- "4 ....,&~" Æ . - B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326.3724 RAUL :-'1. ROJAS. DIRECTOR. CITY ENGINEER April 22, 1996 ~. JoelA.JleUnichs (Ç ~ ß» þ;? COWlty Administrative Officer 1115 Truxtun Avenue, 5th Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. HeUnichs: Weare nearing award of the design contract for our expansion of Plant III. It is time that we know and understand what the County of Kern's plans are for fmancing and connection with respect to CSA 71. As you are aware, in October of 1995, the Bakersfield City CoWlcil approved a series of steps relative to wastewater treatment plans. This adopted plan includes the expansion of Plant 2 from 19 mgd to 25 mgd, the expansion of Plant 3 from 12 mgd to 16 mgd, and the construction of Buena Vista--Phase II and the Allen Road trunk sewer lines. Your representatives indicated that they understood that the COWlty of Kern was responsible for all costs associated with CSA 71. The current estimate of those costs for plant capacity and trunk lines is estimated at $33,400,000. In accordance with Sections 10 and 11 of CSA 71 agreement, the City is to receive compensation for all construction costs associated with that portion of wastewater collection reserved for the COWlty service area. We anticipate funding our costs from cash on hand and from a bond issue that is likely to occur about twelve months from now. Do you anticipate a separate bond issue for your share? If so, what is the time frame? How will trunk lines within CSA 71 (not included in that $33.4 million) be fmanced? We believe your point of connection would be the intersection of Allen Road and Brimhall Road, Your responsibility includes all costs to connect to that point. ,,"-_. k ~C:::'\/r-l'"\ U,-,..-:c._i......Ld , ? ,1 1°96 ¡ - ~ Iv ¡ -::¡TY r'.;¡J~NAGER'S OFFV' ,--.- ~---- ,~.,~~i ~. "-'-"~ Mr. Joel A. Heinrichs County Administrative Officer April 22, 1996 Page 2 If the City does not receive payment for the reserved capacity for CSA 71, the City will design infrastructure and Plant 3 without the reserved capacity for CSA 71. If you are contemplating other alternatives, such as a partnership with NOR, we would appreciate being advised, Sincerely, /" '---' C ~:,~~ RAUL M. ROJAS Public Works Director -- CMllL11L4Z2 c: Alan Tandy, City Manager Fred Kloepper, Wastewater Manager Joe Turner, Wastewater Treatment Superintendent Æ . - B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM April 22, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~ FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Directo SUBJECT: UPDATE ON W AREHOUSEIDISTRIBUTION CLIENT On April 16th, I returned a call to the consulting firm working with the large warehouse/distribution client (1.3 Million sq. ft., 400+ employees). The purpose ofthe call was to formally advise the city that the company is putting their site selection decision on hold for approximately six months. Apparently the company's board of directors has requested that all their smaller facilities on the west coast be "operating at 105% capacity" before any additional investment is made on the proposed major distribution facility. The good news is that the city owned site and proposal for the So. Mt. Vernon Avenue property is a very higWy ranked site. The consulting firm was very complimentary of the service, information and professional attention that was provided to them and the client. Of the four state region under consideration Bakersfield impressed them with the best customer service backed up by a proposal that showed how serious we were in trying to land this company. I am confident that in the future as this firm works with other clients seeking new locations they will favorably recall their experience with us. We will continue processing the General Plan Amendment/Zone Change(GP NZC) on the city property in anticipation of the company selecting this site after the six months delay. Ifnot selected by this company it will be properly zoned and ready for other light industrial uses. Notice to surrounding property owners on the GP NZC will be sent out the first week in May, at which time objections by the Kern High School District or others may begin coming in. The Planning. Commission will be hearing this item at their pre-meeting on June 17th at 12:15 and at the public hearing on June 20th at 5:30. I committed to keeping the firm appraised of our progress in securing the requested land designation. We will take advantage of those occasional contacts and secure from them a status~up.date on dùs~.- ~ warehouse/distribution project. I RECE~VED Ii i' cw/jw ~ .4PR 2 2 1996 II CITY MANAGER'S OFF!C -- ~ . -- B A K E R 5 F I E L 0 MEMORANDUM April 26, 1996 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council ~ FROM: Gai. \ aiters, Assistant City Manager l SUBJECT: "ONE YEAR IN REVIEW' Attached is a copy of a new publication called "One Year In Review." This is a document that highlights some of the significant accomplishments completed by City departments during the 1994/95 fiscal year. In the past, department heads were required to provide a report to the City Manager outlining their accomplishments for the year and that document was distributed internally in written form. Few people really knew the diversity of assignments which had been successfully completed by staff and even fewer knew the kind of effort it took to accomplish those assignments. "One Year In Review" now gives us an opportunity to share our successes with you and with the general public. Since this is the inaugural edition, its publication comes several months later than we had planned. You will be receiving a copy of "One Year In Review" for the 1995/96 fiscal year in September 1996. The 1995/96 edition will probably be twice the size of this one and will hopefully be requested by many citizens wanting to know about what's going on in their community and within City Hall. You will note that each department section lists a Council goal/policy and correlates the significant accomplishment specifically to that goal or policy. This is one way in which staff is working to ensure that the manner in which we deliver services to our community is consistent with established Council goals and policies. We hope you find this document worthwhile, and look forward to your comments and suggestions. cc: City Manager Department Heads 0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1994-1995 ONE YEAR IN REVIEW I . , . f ' Prepared by the City Manager's Office 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 I I City of Bakersfield 1994-95 ONE YEAR IN REVIEW The City of B'akersfield provides numerous services to its citizens which in large part go unnotièed. These services range from' the most visible. public safety services such qS Police and Fire to the more subtle -but just as important servic,es of park maintenance and wastewater treatment. Highlighting som,e of these services provide c,tiz~ns with a "snapshot" of, the significant accomplishments the Cíty ,and its employees have provided during the July-to-June fiscal year. ,I " , - , The top of the organizational chart of the City of Bakersfield shows Bakersfi~ld I citizens, who elect seven City Councii members by ward and a Mayor at-large. The City Cou'ncil appoints both a City Manager to administer tDe affairs of the City according to policy formulated by the City Council'and a City Attorney to advise the City Council 'on legal matters. " The City is divided into ten departments including both the C¡ty Manager:s and the Ci!y Attorney's Office$. Theoperating departments include Community S~rvic'es, Development S,ervices, !=conomic/Conimunity Dev'eiopment, Financial Se-rvices, Fire Services, Police Services, Public Works, and Water Resouïces. " J " c " " , 1 'I " 1 j I I I I : r I f I I I MAYOR AND CITY COUNCil Bob Price, Mayor Irma Carson, Council member, Ward 1 Patricia J. DeMond, Council member, Ward 2, Vice Mayor ~ Patricia M. Smith, Council member, Ward 3 l Kevin McDermott, Council member, Ward 4 ~ Randy Rowles, Councilmember, Ward 5 Jacquie Sullivan, Councilmember, Ward 6 Mark C. Salvaggio, Councilmember, Ward 7 r I I ~ I i j . DEPARTMENT HEADS Alan Tandy, City Manager John W. ,Stinson,Assistant City Manager. . . Gail E. Waiters, Assistant City Manàger - - . - . - - Lee Andersen, Community Services Manager. Gene Bogart, 'Water Resources Manáger ~ Steve Brummer, Police Chief Jack Hardisty, Development Services Director- Mi~e Kelly, Fire Chief-. Greg Klimko, Finance Director Raùl. Rojas, Public Works Director - " : Judy S~qusen,City Attorney John F.. Wager,- Economic Develop'ment Director I 1 . 'j ì 1 1 1 j I I ! ì ¡ I . City of~akersfield 1994~95 One Year in Review I ~ l CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE . '. Coordinate and direct all city service activities, including budgeting, personnel and intergovernmental relations. , I t ~ Significant Accomplishmentn 994/95 City Takes on ComDuterCo~version Budget Challenge r . The City accepted a new challenge during the 1994-95 year. It converted its - I ,old, antiquated computer system for the latest in computer technology and prepared r-the annual budget during the sàme time frame. The challenge was met, new 'I computer systems brought on line, and the budget finished in a timely fashion! f I I ~ I f l' I I / I I ~ , City öfBakersfield 1994-95 One Year in Rèview COMMUNITY SERVICES' . Provide the community with aesthetically pleasing parks, park ,facilities, and street landscaping in an efficient and cost , effective manner.' . Provide a clean, safe and attractive Convention Center and a balanced program of leisure and recreation, that', will accommodate diverse community activities. , , , , , Significant Aècomplishments 1994/95 " , ,Kern River ParkW'av Volunteers Keep Projects Flowin'Q Enhancemehts along the Kern'River Parkway continued with' þriv~te citizen groups ànd businesses actively involved in itsdevelopment. The Tree Foundation and Texaco planted over 425, trees along the Kern River, and the Bakersfield City Miscellaneous, Eniplòyees Mutual Ben,efit Association donated labOrfora landscaping project along the river near Truxtunand Mohawk~ The Rotary Club donated both trees and benches for the same site. The Kern River Parkway Foùndation', with funding provided by Texaco, installed an ! irrigation system and planted 96treesat the cornèr of Coffee Ròadand Truxtun Extension. \ I ,- " , ' The City is nearing completión on a fifteen-acre Kern River Parkway Group Picnic , area, located at Empire Drive. Financed by state grants, Federal land and Water Conservation Fund Grants, 'and by the City òf Bakersfield, the park site promises to be a source of pride for the'community., Denny's Inc. has contributed 'funds 'for handicapped " acces,sible playground equipment. " , , Bakersfield Ice Hockey , ' " ~ ,Drawing nearly 30,000 fans during 12 games, the ice hockey season posed a~1 , challenge for the Convention Center. Not since 1965 had the Center seen competitive ice ,I hockey played on its ice rink. ' But to the delight of hockey fans from all over Kern County, . the Center's staff diligently repaired and refurbished 3Q-yeakold equipment, enabling the successful reintroduction of this professional sport to the Center. ,. I , I , 2 I , , ! ¡ I I I I ¡ I City of Bakersfield 1994-95 One Year in Review I I I I Recreation Abounds with Special Activities ! ~ The Recreàtion Division coordinated several special events throughout the year with other public and private entities. Castle-and Cooke Development Corpòration provided funding for the Musicfest '94-'95 Concert series at Silver Creek Park; the Arco Corporation r sponsored Make-A-Circus;. the Chicago Title Company and the City Fire Department I sponsored an Easter egg hunt for youth burn victims; and the Harlem Globetrotters I conducted basketball clinics at the Martin Luther King and Silver Creek facilities. ! i . 3 I I ! I City of Bakersfield 1994-95 One Year in Revïew I ,DEVELOPMENT SERVICÈS 8 Direct the orderly growth of the City's land use through the development, implementation and maintenance of general, and specific community plans and policies. 8 Provide permit services for Bakersfield residents and , businesses to ensure building construction and conservàtiòn conformance with California safety standards Significant AccOmplishments 1994/95 Specific Plan Delineates Deveiopment , The Morning Drive Specific Plan Line is a 11 O-foot right-of~way 'which "delineafes the exact alignment of the major arterial between Highway 178 and. Alfr~d Harrell 'Highway. ' The dedicated plan line shows major interchanges that contribute , advanced planning efforts prior to development of the area. " , , Emergency Stand':Alone System Enhances Permitting Process , , , The Building Division has developed an off-site stand alone emergency network " for permit issuances that can be used during emergencies and major disàsters. The, j stand alone emergency'mobile command un'it has its own generat,or, three lap tOp j computers which can be used with the generator or separatelyorí batteries, and can ,access City permits within the las~ 24 hours and rèsearch and land .traékingdata within the last 30 days. The system assures that up-to-dat,e files will be available to begin recovery efforts. As another new addition, the City's permitting system added , fax permitting capabilities which greatly enhanced the public's accessibility, to the .! permitting process. ' " ' I ~ 'I ~ , " 4 j 'I t I City of Bakersfield 1994-95 One Year in Review I ECONOMæ'COMMUMTYÐEVROPMENT . Improve the economic viability of Bakersfield through the ~ elimination of s~u.ms and blight, provi~ion of h?u~i~g and' f services benefiting low-moderate Income. individuals, i development of jobs in the Southeast Bakersfield Incentive i Area, and activities which enhance Bakersfield's competitive I economic development edge. ¡. Significant Accomplishments 1994/95 New Hotel BrinQs Breath of Fresh Air to Downtown Connected to the Convention Center, the dynamic new Holiday Inn Select opened with a flare in early summer. The .new hotel proudly boasts 259 rooms, an "open-display cooking" restaurant, four meeting rooms, outdoor swimming and a health and fitness club with spa. Several city departments joined forces to help bring to fruition the long-awaited "Convention Center" hotel. Keeoing Business MovinQ As State Farm Insurance completes its move to Bakersfield, City staff continued, to welcome new employees to the new 584,800 square-foot regional headquarters. The Bakersfield office is now one of three regional headquarters and handles all State Farm life and health insurance policies in California. So far, the move has resulted in 800 State Farm employees moving to Bakersfield and 250 local new hirings. Neighborhood Program Looking Good The Looking Good Neighborhood Program added two streets to the Lakeview area and expànded into the Baker Street Area with the addition of 4 blocks, 2 each on' of Pacific and Oregon streets. An active Neighborhood Watch program was . established and the first clean-up/graffiti removal event held. The annual Good Neighbor Festival had the largest turnout yet, with over 7,000 visitors enjoying a wide . variety of food, entertainment, children's activities, health services and social service/community services information at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Park. 5 I i I. City of Bakersfield 1994-95 One Year in Review Graffiti Wipeout Close to 2,300 City addresses were reported to the 32-ERASE graffiti removaJ hotline, and the number of community volunteers who have adopted City areas for graffiti removal has grown to over 180. In May, Teens Against Graffiti II involved . abÒut300 high school students and 75 aduit volunteers in the graffiti removal of j approximately 125 City and county sites. Seven Bakersfield City School junior high ~ schools participàted in Paint-Out Days, and 221 fourth graders participated in the first . annual Anti-Graffiti Poster .and Ess.ay contest which was coordinated by City staff: - \) I 6 ! 1 I i City of Bakersfield 1994-95 One Year in Review I I FINANCIAL SERVICES . Co'ordinate real property acquishions and disposals. Significant Accomplishments 1994/95 Assistance Provided to Those Affected bv City Growth The City's Property Management section provided relocation assistance to tenants displaced by t.he City's Brimhall/Calloway Drive Realignment to help make the ~ transition a little easier for those affected. The efforts of Property Management also resulted in overflow parking at the Convention Center, acquisition of a new park, and I the purchase of additional land for a Bike Path extension. I Fireworks and Business License Tax Ordinances Get Updated , The Treasury Division and the City Attorney's Office recently amended the Business License Tax Ordinance and the Firework Ordinance. Changes in the Business Tax Ordinance now reflect true revenue measures as do the Zoning Ordinance and Building and Fire Codes. The Fireworks Ordinance was changed from a fixed number of 50 permits to a formula of one permit per 4,000 population to better reflect the City's continuing growth pattern. -- i .\\ . f 7 I - ¡ City of BakerSfield 1994~95 - One Year in. Review I FIRE SERVICES I _8 Ensure the smooth' transition of Rio Bra'vo Fire Station from the County of Kern to the City of Bakersfie!d and renegotiate joint powers -agreement for fire service in the -metropolitan Bakersfield area. Significant AccompJishments 1994/95 City Takés Over Rio" Bravo Fire Station #10 After months of préparation and anticipation, on July -1, 1995 the City took over the" Rio" Bravo Fire Station #10 located at 12100 Alfred Harrell Highway. - . , Ceremonies included an open house with City Councilmembers and residents from the area. 'Six new fire personnel were hired to staff the new City station. . . . . . . Seismic Retrofit on Fire Station #2 Paid for by State ~ . After extensive research and preparation, the City received notification thatìt had r~ceived a state grant to retrofit' Fire Station #2, located at. 71 6 East 2-1 st Street, to meet state earthquake safety standards. The retrofit, expected to be' complete during the fall,. will include steel reinforcement in walls and ceilinç¡s. Other' - . ~ enhancements to the building are expeèted to occur, including new electrical wiring and.a handicapped-accessible bathroom. -" " <0. . I I I 1 i 1 i 8 I i I i , City of Bakersfield 1994~95 One Year in Review POLICE SERVICES . Provide safety services and crime prevention programs to the general public, businesses, schools and organizations. " . ~ Significant Accomplishments 1994/95 ~' ;, Crime Prevention Programs Help Citizens Protect ThemselVes A new Personal Safety Program provides a common sense approach to personal safety, by teaching people how to avoid vulnerable situations and become potential . victims. The new program has been presented to 41 community groups since January. The Business Alert Program encompasses effective communication between businesses and the Police Department on graffiti and gang issues"loitering, and many other law enforcement/prevention issues. Over the last year, 33 businesses have benefited from this presentation. Child Assessment Center Designed to Help Reduce Child Abuse Trauma The Bakersfield Police Department's Juvenile/Sex Crime Unit collaborated with several County agencies to develop the Jess Diamond Child Assessment Center. The Center provides a centralized coordinated approach to child abuse ínvestigations. The program is designed to minimize the trauma suffered by a child during the subsequent abuse investigation by providing a child abuse expert to conduct only one interview, as opposed to past practices of multiple interviews. Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPPS) Unit Builds Partnership The Bakersfield Police Department's C.O.P.P.S. and the County Housing Authority continued to build upon its partnership through utilization of a Public Housing Drug Elimination Program Grant. Grant funds place two senior officers in the Oro Vista and Adelante Circle housing communities to solve ongoing community problems. 9 ~ I City o,f Bakersfield 1994-95 One Year in Review 1 ~ PUBLIC WORKS . Ensure adequate maintenance of street surfaces and traffic control systems .' Automate solid waste residential collection and removal for . refus'e route conversion I Significari.tAccomplishments 1994/95 Signals ImíÚove Traffic Flow Eight new traffic signals and three traffic signal modifications were designed . by Traffic Engineering to improve tramc flow and reduce delays. The signals will be linked which will allow them to "talk" to eaçh other, thereby keeping signals coordinated. This phase inclUdes road segments of Ming Avenue ,and Stockdale. Highwç¡y. Crews Maintain City Streets Street c'rew mem,bers patched over 10.,0.0.0. potholes and placed over 18,0.0.0. tons of asphalt materials on city streets, equivalent to 16 miles of streets. Every 17 . working days, streets were swept in residential areas to 'keep them free ,from debris and leaves. During the last leaf collection season, 34,0.0.0 'cubic yards ofl.eaves were .c,ollècted, enough leaves to cover a,n entire ,football field 20. feet deep. . . 'Automated Refuse and Greenw'aste Services Continùe The'Solid Waste Division converted over 10.,0.0.0. homes to Automated Refuse . and Greenwáste service this year, bringing the total to 'over 18,0.0.0.. Whe'n finished, 'the City will havèc?nverted2~,o.?o. homes: 'Tent'ativé plans call fo~. ~akers.field refuse! contractors to begin automating In the spring of 1996. In an additIOnal five phases, I , 22,0.0.0. mo~ hpmes will be automated. When automation is complete, approximately. 53,0.00. homes will haye been automated. . 10. i ---- -- !. City of Bakersfield 1994-95 One Year in Review ~. WATER RESOURCES I . . Ensure adequate water supply to serve agriculturai and I domestic water rieeds för the City of Bakersfield. Significant Accomplishments 1994/95 Truxtun lake Project Recircúlates Water I On May 8, 1995, Kem River water began flowing into Truxtun Lake, signifying cornpletionof theTruxtun Lake Pipeline project. Completion of the project allows for constant recirculation of lake water via outflow to the Carrier Canal. Due to the abundant snow and rainfall throughout, the winter and s 1ring of 1994-95, water supply for continual operation of the lake should be ava¡ able through the spring of 1997. Water Spread in 2800 AcX~- Recharge Facility Delivery of water into the City's 2800 Acre water bank beg;:Jn on January 18, 1995. Water banking operations on the, City property, involving the City, O!cese Water District, Buena Vista Water Storage District and the Kern County Water Agency should result in nearly 175,000' acre-feet of water being stored in the ground as insurance against dry years iri the future. Areas Targeted for Fellcillillmprovement PJ--9iect~ , . The Agricultural Water Division commenced a fencing improvement project on canals and waterways traversing through Bakersfield. Targeted areas for fence repairs, rep!acements and improvements are areas where safety and aesthetics are ;:¡ high priority. Bakersfield: A Very Good Year! 11 , Æ . , -- B A K E R 5 F I E L 0 MEMORANDUM April 26, 1996 TO: HOt--tORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: GAl ~AITE RS, ASS! STANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: 1996-97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET Attached is a comprehensive summary listing of the Proposed Capital Improvement Program Budget in alphabetical order by project title. I thought this might be helpful for an "at a glance" review of all Citywide projects. 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The major topic considered was the initial screening of the nine conceptual transportation alternatives. The PAC was updated on the procedures followed that resulted in ranking of the alternatives by the Interagency Management Committee (!MC). The !MC railings indicate that alternatives #3, 4, 5 and 7 should be selected for further, in-depth study. See the attached "Results" report. The PAC considered information presented by the consultants, including the !MC's railings. The PAC decided to endorse moving forward with alternatives #3,4,5 and 7. In addition, the light rail and beltways will be further studied relative to the advisability of acquiring or protecting rights of ways. The PAC recommended presentations be made before the full governing bodies of the agencies involved. A workshop before the Council would probably be informative. Feedback from the Councilmemebers relative to the rankings and other matters would be helpful. The final goal of the strategy is to narrow the four selected alternatives down tl )ne local prefí..:rred alternative. Attachment '" .- --' .~ '1' I <'.' METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD MAJOR TRANSPORT A TION INVESTMENT STRATEGY RESUL TS OF THE INTERAGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE'S SCREENING OF MTIS CONCEPT TRANSPORT A TION AL TERNA TIVES Task 4.0 Development and Analysis of MTIS Conceptual Alternatives Prepared for Golden Empíre Transit District City of Bakersfield Kern County Kern Council of Governments California Department of Transportation San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District Prepared By , Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. in association with De Leuw Cather & Company, Applied Management And Planning Group, Manuel Padron & Associates, Inc., Griffin Communications, Arthur Bauer & Associates, Ronald F. Ruettgers Civil Engineer, QUAD Consultants, Hawley, Mills, Secor (HMS), and Public Affairs Management '::ii,: . . Revision Date: April 1 1996 No. 0 ~- ~ -~-- - ------~ -- -.' " ' '. . METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD MTIS Results of the IMC's Screening of the 9 MTIS Concept Transportation Alternatives This working paper reports on the results of the IMC's initial ranking of the set of concept transportation alternatives that have been established for the Major Transportation Investment Strategy (MTIS) for Metropolitan Bakersfield, The IMC's screening along with input from the Policy Advisory Committee and others is reducing the 9 concepts down to a set of 4 or 5 of the most realistic options for more detailed analysis. As a next step in the MTlS, a full evaluation (Task 8) of the 4 or 5 most promising transportation options will take place. That detailed evaluation will lead to the final selection of the Locally Preferred Alternative (LP A which represents the package of multimodal transportation components with the most promise for the Bakersfield Metropolitan Area and that has the broadest possible support in the community. The final detailed evaluation (Task 8) of the 4 or 5 most promising alternatives that will be performed later in the MTIS will use a wide variety of measures and will have a great deal of additional technical data (e.g. travel forecasts, detailed costing, environmental information) available. However, for this initial screening, we are focusing on meaningful measures and are ranking the initial 9 transportation options based on how well they achieve these objectives. The attached list of 12 MTlS screening criteria (Exhibit 1) have been selected by the Interagency Management Committee (IMC) for use in narrowing down the options. During March, the lMC ranked the nine MTIS concept alternatives. The results of this ranking have been tabulated and are shown in Exhibit 4. Also attached are the individual ranking sheets for the IMC members. The IMC ranked the options on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 being best) for each criteria listed in Exhibit L Thus, the maximum possible points achievable is 60. The following are the nine MTIS transportation concepts that are being screened: L Existing Plus Currently Programmed (E + P). This option requires "no action" and only includes planned and programmed highway and transit projects that have funding identified. Horizon Years (1996-2001). 2. Continuation of Existing Plus Programmed (E + P) Improvements as Defined in the Constrained RTP. This option is a continuation of Metropolitan Area Transportation System Improvements at current funding rates. Horizon Years (2001-2015) 3. Enhanced TSM Option. Assumes approval of the proposed developer fee program along with continued state and federal funding. Horizon Years (1996-2015). 4. Build Concept 1 : Expanded Roads and Bus Transit. Under this option, funding is enhanced to cover strategic grade separations and widenings as well as a further . þ -. I '/ ' I ' . expansion of bus transit. This option contains a cross-town super arterial connector along 24th Street. Horizon Years 1996-2015, 5. Build Concept 2: SR 178 Cross-Town Freeway and Further Bus Expansion. Because of a major new crosstown freeway (SR 178) within the Metropolitan Area and an aggressive expansion of bus transit service (200 bus fleet), this option requires new aggressive funding. Horizon Years 1996-2015. 6. Build Concept 3: Beltways And Light Rail Transit (LRT). This option maximizes infrastructure investments (both highway & transit) to meet future demand. It includes south and west beltways around the City along with a 15 to 20 mile Light Rail Transit (LRT) Line running east-west through the central portion of the Metropolitan Area. Horizon Years: 1996-2015. 7. Build Concept 4: SR 178 Cross-Town Freeway And Option 3 Bus System. This option matches a crosstown (SR-178) freeway project with the Option 3 Bus Transit System. Horizon Years 1996-2015. 8. Build Concept 5: Beltways and Option 3 Bus System. This option focuses on developing west and south beltways around the City. For transit, this option includes the Option 3 Bus Transit System. Horizon Years: 1996-2015. 9. Build Concept 6: Maximum Transit: LRT with Support Bus System and Option 3 Roadway Program. This option gives highest priority to transit and does not include any major roadway projects beyond those identified in Option 3. For transit, this concept focuses on the Option 6 LRT line along with an extensive support bus system. Horizon Years 1996-2015. As shown in Exhibit 4, four of the nine initial transportation options have been given a decidedly higher ranking by the IMC. The other five options received much lower rankings. The total cumulative points and average ranking of the top four options are as follows: Rank l\-ITIS Transportation Concept Cumulative Average Points Points 1. Option 5: Build Concept 2: SR 178 Cross-Town 256 42.7 Freeway And Further Bus Expansion (200 bus fleet). 2. Option 7: Build Concept 4: SR 178 Cross-Town 251 41.8 Freeway and Option 3 Bus System (120 bus fleet). 3. Option 4: Build Concept 1: Expanded Roads (24th 250 41.7 Street Super Arterial/Grade SeparationslRiver Crossings) And Bus Transit (150 bus fleet). 4. Option 3: Enhanced TSM Option. Proposed 232 38.7 developer fee program and 120 bus transit fleet. .,' . I '( '. ' Exhibit 1 List of Possible Screening Criteria , A. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PERFORMANCE 1. Ensure Future Mobility and Congestion Relief (Measured in point-to-point travel times within the Metropolitan Area) 2. Increased Carrying Capacity (Measured in lane miles added to the roadway system and additional transit seats added) 3. System Connectivity/Multimodal Connections B. COMMUNITY LIVABILITY AND ECONOMIC VITALITY 4. Land Use: Encourage balanced growth and development throughout the Metropolitan Area (Discourage uncontrolled urban sprawl) 5. Revitalization of the central area and orderly development in key transportation corridors 6. Encourage Future Economic Development and Growth in Jobs C. ENVIRONMENTAL AND QUALITY OF LIFE 7. Air Quality Benefits (Measure reductions in vehicle miles traveled and vehicle hours traveled.) 8. Minimize Adverse Impacts on Neighborhoods and the human and natural environment. D. COST AND FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY 9. Total Est~,ated Capital Costs from 1996 to Year 2015 10. Operating and Maintenance Costs (Transit And Roadway) 11. Overall Financial Feasibility E. EFFECTIVEN ESS/EFFICIENCY 12. Comparison of Overall Costs and Benefits ------- - ---~- ------ - ---- ---- . < ~. " . .~ H ã " 0 It) ~ X X X X X X ~ ..., -.: -.: -.: ("') 0 X ~.- >- CI \11 - N ... 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CX)ro:J ~ N a a N co ~ ~ ~ '-II ~ ~ .s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ .- C ~ Q) x (/ N ~ .c .- c::: ~ ro :J . - ~ LÍ'Î en l1.. :2: en ..c c >< CO "U W ~ Q) "U~ ~ ~ co ~ N ~ N a ~ C æ"U (/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 c.ro(f æ N ~ ..xo:J... ~ -.twc:::en.- C. 0 "U Q) u N ~ c ~ ~ ~ a a ~ ~ co ~ ~:2: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ..cen MW.- Q) ê ~ a ~ .- I I I I N 1_".- 1::0. I I I I ~ I Z"'Z 0+ ~ NOW a. ~ I I 10 I ~~~ .;..;Lt ~ I I I ~ I Z~Z (/ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0- 10 .... ~ E 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0>"2 cr: ~ ~ ~ D D D D D D ~ ~ 0 ~ " E E E E E Em e.>.o: ~ '-' 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0>- Q) c: e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1- -'~~ ..~~ ~ - # ~ . ~ B A K E R S F I E L D FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: April 24, 1996 TO: Michael R. Kelly, Fire Chief FROM: Susan Chichester, Business Manager ~ SUBJECT: LEA Inspections The Environmental Services Division estimates its cost to inspect the City sanitation trucks and the Green Waste Facility would be approximately $2,000 annually. (See attached.) The Kern County Environmental Health Department bills the City approximately $20,000 annually for this service. sC/kec MEMO\CHI\LEA.INSP -~~~"~~Mf-~ ~ ~ ~ 't ~ r ~ L.u w ILfi:... ~.~ ~C.~¥ \~~ ! RECEIVED ~~ I I ~~ : IH'.! ¡ ! '" ~~ ! I i L " -. j;! C~TY !,':.:',n".GER'S OFFIC':~' -- . ~". - . -.~._~ IY~ de W~ ~ ~0P8 ~ A W~ " - I. i:. ~#" ,. . - ""'--" -. . ESTIMATED COSTS FOR CITY INSPECTIONS A, Garbage Trucks 32 trucks 0.5 hour per truck $45 hourly rate $720 B. Greenwaste Facility 12 months/yr 1.2 hours per inspection $45 hourly rate $648 C. $632 misc admin cost $2,000 Total per year sc: inspect 24-Apr-96 PAGE 1 ~ '-, " 'õ I 4. - BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 24, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director /~ RE: REFUSE CONTRACTOR CONVERSION TO CART SERVICE AND RELA TED EQUIPMENT CAPITAL WANS This is to provide an update on the conversion and recommend a strategy for the City financing of various trucks and containers for Kern Refuse. Staff has worked out implementation plans with Southside Sanitation for the first phase of conversion. The conversion area is shown on the attached map. It is generally the southern central area, including parts of Wards 1, 6, and 7. Beginning in. mid-May, the. 3700 residences in the conversion area will receive advance notification of the program along with invitation to a public information meeting. The tan and green carts will be delivered with instructional literature during the month of June. The new collection system will then be conducted in an efficient 5 days per week fashion similar to the City-operated routes. The only substantial difference will be that the greenwaste collection days will be Thursday and Friday, instead of Monday and Tuesday in the City-served area. This is in order to balance the material processing workload at the Mt. Vernon Recycling Facility. For making equipment purchase loans to the contractor, staff recommends a Master Loan Agreement be developed between the City and Kern Refuse Inc. In this way, equipment ordered at various times during the phased conversion can be added to a schedule of disbursements and payments. This method will also simplify the issue of multiple equipment orders by the various member collector companies within Kern Refuse Inc. Rather than process multiple and repetitive agreements, the City could utilize a single master agreement. Please note these equipment loans are independent of the interfund loans from the Vehicle Replacement Fund for City-owned automated carts. The new Master Loan Agreement with, the contractor could either be made directly from the Equipment Fund or from that fund to the Solid Waste Fund, which would in turn make the loan to the contractor. Please advise. ~ cc: KB: smp -:-_~.:~' ¿.)KBCORMEM/CONVCRT,MEM ~_i\j -~ '-- Attachment \ \ " 1. A- II \ i \ ' --1 \ I \ , . \ .- \ '\ \....-- AlGEo'S Off\Cë:.. ~"AN",.n -- . Îxf'( "I" ¡;. - '... ~ ~~""\ - - .. ~ "'.. ~.. ~~7 / lX~- ~ ~~¡¡~" :"~- -,' ~'- i ~ ~ ," ~'&. , '-"'-. ] !: '" " . . ~,~ :: ~ ~~~ S " , - I Th""dlfþ ~. . ~ r 01, - «,.. ~l--",,-,~ ..,~, ~ ~ ~~~! I I"~I .> £ - ~f""S.. ~AR"""Eoro.f.. 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PI /' I!"_~'I É ~ , ~ ~ - ~ -~----- ~ -----~--~ -- - -- - ---- ~ ~----- -------~-- ~, ~ _~R-19-1996 13:48 FROM BKFLD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO 3281548 P.02 /h 8' - GREATER BAKERSFIELD CHAMBER OF COMMERCEo A-L- A-N \ éif' April 17. 1996 :Ç:J\ b.~ ()Ù R- (,.f{/f7t¡?'jl ~ Honorable TID1 Costa ~ PtrïfJ~ ~ California State Senate ~ State Capitol Building Sacramento. CA 95814 Dear Senator Costa: On behalf of the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce and the over 1400 member businesses it represents, I would like to express our strong support for SB 2023. With this very important b~ Bakersfield win be able to merge its current program area with a more effective enterprise zone. With this merge our community can continue its efforts to improve it's overall economic clim,te Our current program area is the most important tool we have to aid in the &cilltation of positive economic development. It is really one of the only tools we have to attract and retain businesses in our city's underutilized areas. As you are weD aware, the certification requirements for our businesses participation in such programs are extremely restrictive. Many important businesses are unable to participate. We need. to improve our states economic standing, not hold it down with inetfective and inefficient practices. A new combined enterprise zone program would allow more of our city' s businesses to participate, and would cultivate positive expansion. We feel SB 2023 will not only help improve our needs as a community. but our needs as a state as well We should continue to all e1forts to search for the most effective and efficient solutions to our states economic problems. Senator Costa, I would also like to take this time to thank you for all your hard worle in the creation of this bill. Reprellll!ntjltives like yourse1( who take the time to address our community's problems, ultimJttely make the real dift"erence. If we can be of any assistance on this matter please contact US immediately. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, ~~ ~~, Chris Frank RECE~VED Executive Vice President II - -, ~ [I '~~ 2 2 ¡OOS û II , " ::J!..;¡. L ~ ::rrv MANAGER'S OFFIC~' ,~ ~~-~C The Unified ~ice Of Ba/Å“IVleld Business 1033 Truxlun Avenue. P. O. Box 1947 . Bakersfield. California 93303 . 805/327-4421 ~-""..-'.'~J"'-"\;' J, --, 1 .. ~j{\,,¡c;ll' '~~J C#tiJV ç. i 1.- I \ ; I I , U April 1 S. 1996 Honorable Jim Costa State Capitol. Room 2054 Sacramento. CA 95814 Dear Senator Costa: Subj: S8 2023 COSTA The Califomla Association for local Economic Development (CALED) Is pleased to infonn you of Its support for SB 2023 (COSTA). CALED Is a statewide economic development organization of over 690 members who are it the forefront of wortclng with new and expanding businesses. Our members Include cities. counties, regional economk development corporations. utilitieS such as SOuthern California Edison CO., and statewide o~anlzltions concerned with Improving the state's business cßmata. As such. our members are wel aware of the need for consistency and clarity in the Idrnlnistration of state economic development programs. sa 2023 woulcl"contribute to that conslste:¡ by combIning the best features of two similar programs intO one effective tool. This bill wi I enhance the use of state resourÅ“s In attracting job-creating businesses, thereby meeting the original Intent of both programs when they were origlnaDy enacted. We look forward to working with you In the future. Wayne A. President c:c: California Association of Enterprise Zones . 1010 P Street. 1100 a Sacramento, CaIibNa 95814 a 9161t48-8252 a PAX 916/448-3811 ',!I , -- ¡;: ~ < Æ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: APRIL 25, 1996 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER , , FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR /9-- ,~ SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL # WFOOO8230 HUGHES, PACHECO SEWER PROJECT ASSESSMENTS Work on this project was completed on March 15. Since that time property owners have been allowed to connect their homes to the sewer. The total assessment for each parcel is $3,924.65. For those property owners who elected to have their assessments added to their property tax bills the annual assessment ranges from $346 to $373 per year or approximately $30 per month. The assessment is spread over a 20 year period. LD\.'vÅ’MO\CCREFSALHGS '-_._-.~-~ ,-' R :ç: Ii"" r: ~~ #,.~:;?) L-_,Y.'.~. ':;, ".c-/ l ~: .;;.; '":!TY Mt'\~J.~J?/:rrs O?F!C' _"~--_'_""~--,.._",. n- -- ---- .. i ~'- City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 ~/JOB: WFOO08230 1 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 4/19/96 REQUEST DATE: 4/17/96 W: SCHEDULE DATES START: 4/17/96 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 4/26/96 GEN. LOC: WARD7 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL ~'l'M'l' RE8 DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH RE UESTOR: REFERRAL - SALVAGGIO ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: PACHECO 10 SEWER PROJECT ASSESSMENTS =============================================================================== REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** SALVAGGIO REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HIM WITH A WRITTEN UPDATE ON THIS PROJECT INCLUDING THE NUMBER OF YEARS OF THE ASSESSMÉNTSÁ THE AMOUNT PER MONTH AND THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE SSESSMENT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOB ORDER DESCRIPTION: PACHECO 10 SEWER PROJECT ASSESSMENTS TASK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL ASSIGNED DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- START DATE ----1----1---- COMPLETION DATE ----1----1---- . . , r Æ 8 AL-A-N - ~(:L BAKERSF IE L D Economic and Community Development Department ~~ MEMORANDUM c- April 25, 1996 TO: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director fA' FROM: Myra McArthur, Planning Techniciañ))-' SUBJECT: TAG Day 1996 The Mayor's Youth Council has organized Teens Against Graffiti (TAG) Day 1996. On April 27, 1996, eight local high schools will participate in this activity. A total of about 200 students will utilize at least 130 gallons of paint to eradicate graffiti from several locations. As part of TAG 1996, each participating high school's ASB will adopt an area near their school and will maintain it graffiti clean for years to come. The activity will begin at about 9:30 a.m. and will finish at noon. All the participants will meet at Beach Park for free lunch and music to celebrate the event. The City's Economic & Community Development and Public Works departments are assisting in this event. The cooperation of school officials and the enthusiasm of the students stands as an example of dedication and commitment to better this community. II L~'f'~ \\ , -~~=~~"'-~==-~ erN MANAG:=H'S ~fr-!r m=~~--~--'" ' ~- ~ ~ . I - .,. B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 22, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Darnell W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director ~ THROUGH: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: CIP STATUS REPORT - APRIL 1996 Attached is the new version of the CIP status report. The intent of this version is to better inform the users of the various milestones a capital project goes through, The CIP status report is comprised of the following sections: 1. Status of all 1994-95 and 1995-96 CIP projects (Design Engineering). 2. Status of all 1994-95 and 1995-96 Traffic Signal CIP projects, " 3. Construction Inspection Project Status Report 4. Financial Summary of 1995-96 CIP projects, 5, Financial Summary of 1994-95 CIP Carryover projects, 6, Notice of Completion Report Monthly Report, 7, Plans and Specifications Approved Monthly Report, If you have any questions or suggestions for improving this report, feel free to contact me. cc: G, Waiters T. Slater D. Teubner -- RECEiVED f-"~- , i ) "23.; J f j , . - -~"-~"'-~ - " '?:~:~'S OFF!C' - ' I I ~ Æ . . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: APRIL 22, 1996 TO: DARNELL HAYNES, ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: ~ACQUES R. LaROCHELLE, CML ENGINEER IV-DESIGN SUBJECT: 1995-96 CIP STATUS Attached is the schedule of 1995-96 CIP projects. The recently updated schedule was augmented to clearly show those projects which were added mid-year. These are identified as shaded project titles. We are pleased to present this status report that indicates all projects are on schedule. We are continuing to place emphasis on completing carry-over projects. Following is the status of those projects which have been carried over. STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR PROJECTS (In-House) . 1. White Lane Improvements-Wible Road to South H Street Project currently under construction. 2. HugheslPacheco Sewer Project Project is complete. 3. Coffee Road Widening-Brimhall Road to Rosedale Hwy Project currently under construction. 4. Resurfacing Major Streets-Citywide Project currently under construction. 5. Bridge Replacement-Manor Street at Carrier Canal Project awarded 4-17-96. Construction should begin shortly. 6. Landscaped Medians-Rosedale Highway @ Fwy 99 Interchange Plans are complete, awaiting CalTRANS permit. STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR PROJECTS (Consultant) 1. Tevis Park Development Project currently under construction. 2. Woodwaste/Greenwaste Facility Construction will begin June 1, 1996. . . I , , STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR PROJECTS (Consultant. continued) 3. Coffee Road Grade Separation Plans are complete. This project will advertise May 1, 1996 with bid opening scheduled June 6, 1996. This project will be awarded June 26, 1996 with construction scheduled to begin August 1, 1996. 4. Police Building Addition Project currently under construction. 5. Bridge Replacement-China Grade Loop at Beardsley Canal Project awarded 4-17-96. Construction should begin shortly. 6. Fire Station 13 Construction Project currently under construction. 7. Canal Bridge Widening at Arvin Edison Canal (5 locations) Project awarded 4-17-96. Construction should begin shortly. 8. Canal Culvert Widening-Panama Lane @ Fanner's Canal Project is complete. 9. Median Construction-Various Locations Project awarded. Construction will begin June 17, 1996 to avoid conflicts with Stockdale High School traffic. 10. Diesel Exhaust Removal System-Various Fire Station Locations Project complete. . . I: ~ . I - B A K E R S F I E L D , TRAFFIC ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM To: DARNELL HAYNES, ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR From: Sn:PHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER ~t.- Date: AprIl 15, 1996 - , Subject: 1995-96 CIP MONTHLY STATUS Attached are two variations of the 1995-96 CIP schedule. The first shows all projects by order of design schedule within the fiscal year. The second is grouped by project engineer with each engineer's schedule in order of design schedule. Following are projects of special interest: PRIOR YEAR PROJECTS --- STATUS Construction is still underway, and nearing completion, for the signal on East Brundage Lane at Oswell Street and also for the signal on Calloway Drive at Meacham Road. Construction was completed for the signal on Brimhall Road at Calloway Drive in January. The Traffic Operations Center study is progressing on schedule with the final draft report received for review and comment. CURRENT YEAR PROJECTS PROJECTS BEHIND SCHEDULE 1. Signing and Marking Bike Lanes - Various Streets. Scheduled for approval of PS&E in February. Completion of the higher priority new signal projects took precedence over this project. 98-100% of base mapping is complete, final design is underway. It is expected design will be complete in late April to mid-May with advertisement to follow, subject to State authorization. 2. Phase 2 & 3, Signal Interconnect on Various Streets. The design is approximately 90% complete on Phase 2. Scope and schedule have been revised based upon newly awarded consultant contract for development of "Communications Master Plan". The master plan is scheduled for completion in August 1996. Based upon work to date the phase 2 project is expected to be advertised in September. PROJECTS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE 1. New Signal on Camino Media at Old River Road (Consultant Design). Scheduled for award in April. Contract was awarded March 20. PROJECTS ON SCHEDULE All other projects are on schedule or complete. Traffic CIP Status , 04/96 Page 2 of 2 PROJECTS BEING DESIGNED BY CONSULTANTS 1. Signal, New - Christmas Tree Lane at Mt Vernon Avenue - Awarded January 24. 2. Signal, New - Camino Media at Old River Road - Awarded March 20. 3. Signal, New - Howell Drive at Old River Road - Awarded April 3. 4. Signal, Operations - Traffic Operations Center Design - See previous page. 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P.M. OR DEVELOPERI % TRACT #'S lOCATION CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR COMP, .-- ,... ""'----"'---"'---"""-'-""-" "" .. ,...-- .. .. -..., , TR 5018-0 HAGEMAN AD. & FRUllV ALE DEVILLE HOMES LESH 95% . ... ... ..----- -...,.... .---.-................,.....-- .-... TR 5245-C S~~~,RIMHALL @ MONDAVI,__.- "...',...,.. CASTLE & COOKE LESH 30% .. . ......--- ..- ., -, .-" .0 .., TA 5292 (PAl) MOUNTAIN VISTA @ WHITE OAK CASTLE & COOKE LESH 100% ....... . .. ....".... .., ... .'" ,..,.' ". . .,., ....... .._--,.., ,-_....-.. .._,... TA 5432-2 E/S STINE @ POPPYSEED WILLIAMS DEV. INC, PIERCE 99% ... ..-..----'--' .. -...... ..... '0' , '." ."" .., .. ..... ... TA 5433 AKERS - NIO BERKSHIRE PIERCE 5% -.. .. ,....,..-.. ...n_..' _.. .............-.. ... ....-.. -..,.. ",. .. - ,..-... ...~, ".....- ,_. TR5441-D NORIEGA RD. & JEWETTA AVE. HINESLEY LESH 25% .....-. -...- _.. - ..... , .. '. .... , .. TR 5476-2 HAGEMAN & RIVERLAKES DR. HINESLEY LESH 95% ----- ...----- ......_~ ,... . " _. . TR 5477-4 RIVERLAKES DR. & SOUTHSHORE DR, U.S, HOMES LESH 80% ..._- """'.""'.'--""""'.""'---"'-"""""'-"'-'--"-"- .. .. . ..... '.' .'.'... ., ..' ., " TA 5528-3 5/0 PANAMA - EIO AKERS DELFINO DEV. PIERCE 35% - .," ,... .,.. ,... ... ., .,.... . ... ...-.., '.. .~. ..,.. TA 5544-D BRIMHALL ROAD & VERDUGO LANE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 50% --. - ....- ........ ,.,_.. ..... '-"",, . ,. .'" n', ~. '." TA 5552-A&B RENFRO RD, & STOCKDALE HWY. WEST KERN DEVELOPMENT LESH 30% ,_... .,.--~ .. ... .. ...... ----- ..... ..,. - .. '.-. ...,"" TR 5565-3 HAGEMAN RD,-E/O OLD FARM RD. U.S. HOMES LESH 35% ....-.-,..--.-....... --- .....,.. --..,...... ... ... --..",.--,. . , ' ..... ...,. ",'" '" TA 5597 JEWETTA - N/O BRIMHALL CARRIAGE HOMES LESH 99% .' -.... .----. -- .. ..... ..- .. .. .., -"."."'" ...... ..... ...._.. -...,. ".. TR 5611-2 CALLOWAY DR. @ NORRIS RD, KYLE CARTER LESH 50% ,....... ..... -,.. ..,.. '..' -."...,.,. ..-.- .. ' ,...'" "... ,"". -, ..... TA 5646-2 FAIRFAX AD @ VALLEYVIEW DR W.D.J, CORPORATION PIERCE 50% .... '....- ......,.. .., ...... ,., ..-.... ,_. . - .. ---. -'-'.'_..,......,.....""" -..... "".'.,.. .. TA 5648-A WIBLE AD. & McKEE AD. FRANCO BUILDERS PIERCE 99% ,.-.-----...-.........., -.---...--. ..--..- .-. .....-....,... -,.......-.., . -.......- .. TR 5678-E WHITE IN, & PIN OAKPAAKBLVD, CASTLE & COOKE LESH 100% --' ._- .,_._.._~--...,.., . --. .. -- ... .. ... . ,.,...-,-... TA 5679-1 GOSFORD @ SO, LAURELGLEN KYLE CARTER LESH 60% "--""""'--""'-" -..,.-- ---_. .....,..-,------- --...,-.....--..-.,.... . . - , .... ,..-., ' .. " TA 5679-2&3 GOSFOAD @ SO. LAURElGLEN KYLE CARTER lESH 30% .- .-......... ..,. ......--- .... ..,., . ,---......., .-..., ""',-"-'" TR 5697-2 SIO HARRIS - WIO STINE KYLE CARTER PIERCE 85% -...... ..-..., .... . -'- ..--..,--.... -. ... TA 5716-2 MAIN PlAZA - NIO GRANITE FALLS DEWALT lESH 65% ---.--..-.. -_... --'" - ,.,...." ........ ... 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LESH 5"k ,-- ------..,.,. .., ..,.-....--- .-.-.... .... ... .. .., ,.. .. "'.' -.... PM 9329 STOCKDALE HWV. CSU8 - OLD ~,vr=~ I"".tlC::TI C 1'. 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U U CJ :r: Z Z a: a:: a: a: a:: a: a: a: a: a:: (J) CJ :i: I-a:: ::> (J) Ow a.. ~ID I' ('I) ('I) ('I) ~ ~ ~ 00 V V 00 V V 00 00 v 00 I' U ~ ~ ~ o:i: 0 0 0 ~ <0 <0 <0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <0 <0 . a:::J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ I::) I::) I::) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I::) 0) o..Z 10 v v 10 « « « ~ ~ 10 10 10 10 10 ~ 10 10 « I a.. a.. a.. I- CJ CJ CJ w w w w w w w w w w CJ ~ 0) ; Æ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 22, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Darnell W, Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director (fj{JflI THROUGH: Raul M, Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: 1995-96 CIP STATUS - NOTICE OF COMPLETION Since the last monthly CIF status report on March 20, 1996, One Notice of Completion was accepted for the following project: AGREEMENT CONTRACTOR PROJECT DATE OF ACCEPTANCE 96-58 Williams Development, Tract No, 5432 Unit 2 3-20-96 Iuc, located on East side of Stine Rd, South of Panama Lane, cc: G. Waiters T. Slater D. Teubner I I . , - - -- - -