HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/03/96 ,4-~ -, ~ . -- B A K E R 5 F I E L D MEMORANDUM May 3, 1996 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNC7 FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER # SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. There is a report and map enclosed ftom the Fire Department showing the results of several test runs that were made recently to determine the response times and distances using existing and proposed fire station locations. The biggest issues are that the new seniors' project is adequately covered from two existing stations. The school that expressed concerns to you is adequately covered by a County station proposed at Brimhall and Renfro. 2. A general update on the issue of Universal Collection is enclosed, as taken from the minutes of the Metro Solid Waste Committee meeting, which was held on March 29th. 3. The Water Resources Manager reports that the Valley Communities, Inc. 1-5 disposal site is now in compliance, based on the inspection results trom April 26th. 4. Letters are attached from the County and the Department of Toxic Substances Control relating to our request for the Panorama Bum Dump Site Expedited Remedial Action Plan, The "order" from County LEA has been rescinded. Weare being recommended for inclusion in that program. 5. Also enclosed is a copy of the revised agreement between the City and County regarding closure of the landfill. County staff has approved the revisions and has submitted to the Board of Supervisors. It makes us the lead, rather than the County, and will go to Council after approval by the Board. 6. Our understanding is that Castle & Cooke will do a "spec" building to promote economic development in the Stockdale Industrial Park. We encouraged the incentive area, but no luck there as yet. 7. If you have not picked up the information elsewhere, there is a general belief that Kern COG undercut both the City and the County and made it easy for the State to take the $45 million ITom the fteeway at this week's hearing. We are exploring, at Staff level, the potential to move monies within our District from a project in the Mojave area to keep that project on schedule. ----- -----, "'-" ~ Honorable Mayor and City Council May 3, 1996 Page 2 8. Regarding the booking issue, we have asked the County if they would give a three or four year fixed contract with rates adjustable only based on the Consumer Price Index, That would get us out of the annual 18% increases. Enclosed is an alternative study on the costs of doing our own booking facility. Chief Brummer will be adding the operational cost element. That could be an economical alternative, particularly if the County says "no" to the multi-year deal. 9. We met with another "big box" prospect for the southeast this week and are making as strong an offer as we think feasible. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Carol Williams, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst ~- "'::, r ~ . . -- B A K E R S F I E L D FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: May 1, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, city Manager FROM: Miohael R. Kelly, Fire Chief ~ SUBJECT: Fire station Looations We conducted several "test runs" in order to determine response times and distances using existing and'proposed fire station location. The results of our tests indicate: 1. Station 11 located at 7000 Stockdale Hwy. and Station 65 located on Rosedale Hwy. east of calloway Drive can respond to the proposed Fairways project which is south of Brimhall Road and west of Calloway Drive in approximately three (3) minutes. Station 11 has the quickest response time of any existing or proposed fire station. The response time to this project for a new station at Allen Road and San Juan Avenue would also be approximately three (3) minutes. The response time for a new station at Brimhall Road and Renfro Road would be approximately five (5) minutes. 2. The two proposed sites for a County fire station at Stockdale Hwy. & San Juan Avenue and Brimhall Road & Renfro Road can both respond to Del Rio School in under two (2) minutes. The actual response time difference is two (2) seconds. 3. The only development planned within the next five to ten years, on the west side of Buena vista Road from Stockdale Hwy. to south of White Lane, is a gOO-acre parcel. This parcel is not projected for development for at least four to five years. Attached are the results of the "test runs" as well as a map of the area evaluated. MRK/kec Attachment MEHO\XELLY\TEST.RUNS IY~ de W~ ~~ vØ6~ ~ .A W~ " -- -- > ~-. " --:~~~~;s.,. /0 "'.""'" "~' , 7'" . ., "'~\ '~'~¿ MEMORANDUM ~ (~( ~"~, . ~ "WE c.-t R E" \~.~ .. """ .,' ~y TO: ~I.R. Kelly, Fire Chief éJç FRO~I: L. Graham, Battalion Chief DA TE: 18 April 96 SUBJECT: Distance and Time ~Ieasurements ************************************************************************ A: The foHowing statistics were gained by measurement to the Fairways development located North of Kern River Canal, West of Calloway Drive: FROM TIME DISTANCE * Station #11 2:48 2.2 miles Station #65 3:05 1.8 * Allen Rd. & San Juan 2:57 2.25 * Station #9 4:38 3.0 Renfro & Brimhall via Brimhall 4:52 3.6 * Renfro & Brimhall via Stockdale Hwy. 4:53 4.1 Note: * 20 seconds and .2 miJes were added for uncompleted bridge aUowance. - ..,.- -. I .~ I þ~' page .2 , 8. To Hidalgo Drive & Culiacan Avenue: FRO'I Time Iknc Allen Rd. & San Juan 1:55 1.45 Renfro Rd. & Brimhall 1:57 1.3 c. To Buena Vista & White Lane: From Time IäI1Å“ Station #9 4:27 3.1 Park View Drive 3600 Block 2:27 1.6 D. Point to point statistics: FRO "I TO TIiVlE DISTANCE Allen-San Juan Allen-Stockdle :15 .15 Allen-San Juan BN-Stockdale 1:27 1.3 Brimhall- Renfro BN -S tockdale 3:24 2.8 BN-Stockdale BN - White Ln. 1:36 1.6 \ ~----~-~---~- -~-- Æ . - B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager h April 25, 1996 TO: }"ROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director :' I ita ~ RE: UPDA TE ON UNIVERSAL COLLECTION The following is an excerpt from the minutes of the March 29th Metro Solid Waste Committee meeting minutes: Roland Burkert of Kern County Waste Management reported that the County Metropolitan Area Program will mirror the City's program with one greenwaste pick up and one refuse pick up per week. He is currently drafting a report for the Board of Supervisors to be presented on May 10th and is also working on the rate and contract terms with Mr. Bob Bovee of Kern Refuse Disposal, Inc. Kevin Barnes asked Mr. Burkert whether the greenwaste material from the County curbside collection program would go to the Mt. Vernon Recycling Facility, and Mr. Burkert replied that it was under consideration. Pat DeMond asked Roland Burkert about the universal collection plans for the east side of Bakersfield and Mr. Burkert showed how the overall plan would work on a wall map. Mr. Burkert indicated that the plan is to implement universal collection throughout the entire metropolitan area all at once and then phase in automation on a practical basis, considering the various hauling company operations. Mr. Burkert indicated that the billing for universal collection would be recommended to be placed on the property tax bill and that the County Supervisors have been briefed on the issue and he anticipates approval of the concept in May with implementation in July of 1997. Mr. Bob Bovee of Kern Refuse Disposal, Inc. indicated that greenwaste curbside collection routes in the City and County operated by the private haulers would result in greenwaste from both jurisdictions being placed aboard the same truck. He indicated that the City and County would need to apportion the amount of greenwaste for each jurisdiction's recycling efforts according to the amount of greenwaste making up the load as reported by the driver. .- - ---' $ cc: KB: smp REr'~~\lED KBCORMEMIUPUNCLMEM ~ -~ '~~1 I '~9.! -,~ ',::"\'5 OFFIC'~ ,""'"-~" - -- v City í of Båkersfield Date,...4,,:,:çCZ,-::.2f2,.......,..,..........,...- TRANSMITTAL SLIP T~.,.",. ."~u..lJ",,1ÀtJ.P,y'_..,=,(1T:<....,M~~Þ.Þ,f£...,,..................- ¡ From."....,6..,~.....\Ð.MU................................."................,---.-....- I I For Your:- 'J<' n forma tion 0 Signature 0 Action 0 File Please:- 0 Return 0 See Me 0 Follow Up 0 Prepare Answer Copy to: '.............................'................,......,....,..............,..,.....-...-..-..--......- Memo : ...,J.Y-$I..,..ß~.C&.,\v.,f;.D....:lli.\.,~.....l.blf.Q......_._-- ...........B:(." ".Eß2<-.._lõ.D.~~......=..,. .."......-....................,.-.-....-.-.-........ , """'" hm'~'.m~t~.....~!.C!.J!."",tÞ.,."~.,l.~,,.....,...._.._.."-"""'" .........(~,MÐJA, pÅ“..~...,. ,...w..~,.,..ÞlIL\........~§n..,TQ...._............- .-... ....V.~.1 .F.Y.".. y.! ,ç,." h.. ...w, Q~ l1PJ~J~C? ..., R §, P.9ß..1 ~.....__._._, I "'" '.. .f çf . ..O..Ç,1...~2 $". ....1ß.~, ~ .~, ",.t ~.~L~..~~".~ \!..§....... ..... .--.. I ........12~..(QMf,~..,~" ,fp~~~QÞ.v),..JO..........._,.........._. .._.,$)ThTh. ... \Y~M. G.\iI'q IY ~ßÞ,- .Wl\&J~Y_.. I ..,.......YQv:..íÞ.g~...........~"..""..............",.."......................"""".""" , . ¡ . ; . -, Valley Communities. Inc. FAX MEMORANDUM April 29, 1996 TO: Gene Bogart FROM: Jim Trigueiro FAX: (80S) 326-3098 RE: Acknowledeement of Inspection & Compliance The attached report was received via fax from Kevin Long~ I have forwarded a copy a copy via fax to your office to expedite receipt. I note on the cover letter from Mr. Long that the original mail copies will include one tor your files. With the receipt of this information, I would appreciate your assistance in coordinating with the City agencies to expedite the release of funds which were held pending verification of compliance. Should you have any questions, or require assistance, please contact my office immediately. I appreciate your cooperation. .. Attachments: 4/29/96-Report & Compliance , ,~RECEIVED I '-. 'i \ . . APR :r:.8.: I. ' "W:. I '. ~ CITY ~/¡':\NAGER'S OFFIC:: - ~~W~~O - ~~NIKHL VHlLt ItL No.lU9-445-5910 Apr 26.96 17:47 No.OO6 P,Ol . . . ¡ sr,ue OFtAlIFORNIA. Env/(onrnen~~~kIn Agency ~ , -- . . _,h_,., "- _._,.,!'E!~-~'!-~: Govomo! CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION .~~~þ~ 3614 EaSI AshIM MG. . ..to<, . ~~~ \ ~ PHONE: (209) 445-5118. 'fj I"-^X: (209) ...,S-5V10 ~ .~. . 29 AI)cil 1996 Mr. Jim Trigueh'(.', President VatJey Communities, Inc. S31 California A Ven\'e , Bakersfield, CA 93304 . V ATJI.EY COMMUNITIES, INC., INSPECTION nF.I'OrtT TRANSMITTAL Thank you for taking me on a tour of the Vëtllcy Communities. tne" recJamafÎOI1 site on 25 April 1996. The findings of the inspection me included in the ílt,t;lChed report If you have any questions regarding the inspccfjon, please contact me at (209) 445.(,187. h--vv:- y¿; ¿" ð-- KBVIN D. LONG WRC Engincr.r Attachment çc: Mr. Gene Bogart, Manager, Bakersfield Department or Water Res()urce~ Mr., Joe Turner, Was(ewatcr Supeduteudent, City of ßaJ,ersfield i , , >.. .. I þp,;;., " i ~, I I I , I ! LKWWL~ - ~tNI~HL VHLLE TEL No.209-445-5910 Apr 26.96 17:47 No.OO6 P.O2 ~~F~~ ~O' 5~ FACILITIES IN~PECTION REPORT , IWRC" DOt IREV,Utl , .INSP~CTO~1.- PCA System Task No. 12,nt - ...-..-.- I ,-.._u - -- I ~nt¡;~1MQð1 VALl ,"Y_COMJIIIIINITI~~ INC. I --- l:5£Ef1..UFNT nl~p()~AI fil'l"F.. vms NUMBER HAM!: ~ AGENCY on rAArr RES/'Otf5IlE, fOR )1~ÇHÞAt¡f ' fWÆ Of' FACILITY .&3.1.c.aliJ.arnla.AIúaDJ&e-_. ¡ -.'-...-...-, 1,5 &,1J\FT ~Wy NF'DfS N\JM8£R AGENCY STREET' fACIliTY STAfET 91 01 IU .Balutl'ßrmlri ,CA i JJJDj---,- R:"u~r..fl.."" CA (vy) IMM) CTYrE) AGI!NCV em Nlf) 81ATE; fAClll'rY (;111 ANti STATe: I ~C~ICOUU:O INSPECTION DATA JIM TRIGUFJRO..P..maid.enf I ---.. _u,~ LOUIETORRF~. ~lfP1 FnrP1mAn AGENCYCOUrACT P£R!Y:)N Ol4SITE FACILITY CONTACT rEASON ~r. n. ~!Õ YVt.lMtI[J) l805).63'-ßgG7 .. ~ÐOS) :\!l2.~g2S l<~TUAlINSPECT ON DATE AGFNCY rHONE NO, fACILITY rHOliE NO, 8 Inspection egency (State II!! S, Stale I EPA Joint = J) , If Ihis Inspeclion 15 . Compliance In&peclion of an NPOES rllcility, send II c"rv 01 Ihl! repcrt 10 SWRCB's Division or Waler Quality, PICI{ r;tf'n Support Unit, lÑ8PËCiíõN TYPE (Cheël('õnø) --- ¿~--- ,--,.. ,...-, .. A 1 - "A" type Compll~n~ - Comprehensive In,pection In whIch umple8 aro lakeR. (EPA Type 5) B2 - "8" type compliance - A routine nonSllmpllng Inspedlon, (EÞA type C) 02 _X- Noncomptlance follow. up .. Inspeclion mtlCle to verify Cofrl~c"on or a previously Id!!nllried violation. 03 - Enrorcement fonOW.Up - ,"splctlon made to veriry !hat condition, of ¡m IIlIluro..;elllf:111 actIon are being met. 04 ~ Cl)mplalnt - Inspection made In response to :II colnplaint. as -,- Prt-requlremenl- Inspection made 10 gather Info. relalwe 10 preparing, modifying, or (ue:lndillg requirements. 06 ~ MiscellaneouS - AnylMpection type nol rnclllionelf above. If this is fin EPA II'I$J)ecllon not mønlio"ed above. please nole type, --- (e.g. - biomónilorlng. performanet audit, diagnoslic. etc.) (Typo) ,,""- --.,..-.-..--=- - ~- ~ Were VIOLATIONS noled durln9lhJ~ Inspeclion? (YeslNo/P,nljing $il1I11110 ne!uIIs) N Was U111 a Quality Assurance'B.seClII'1~reGllon? (Y/N) - N Were blotlUlty ,.mplss taken? (N c No) If 'rES. I~en S ' Static or F c Flowthrough. - JNSPE~CT'oÑ'sTfMijÅRYIR~~Ql~_~.Qu1 ÕO charaëi¡; limit) I I VIOL.,'. ATIONS OF ~RRS OR NUISANCJ(CONIJITIONS ',VER~ NOT, .QETE~. TED DURING THE INS) ECTION. ': POOR 0 Ri GrNN-. ,( " , , -', - . INSP~CTOR'S DATA: ~ " i/J / INITlAlS_..KDL SIGNATURE_..,. /~l'-'lr._~.::.-.-"Æ:'t.~". DATE 4/26/9& : r i ? : - -~,- -!-...--- "_n, - --.... ~ , Fpllr~\"IrI\l1 U'\I: n.\lvÏ\M$tI tIy. (1) , ------------;. (2),____-,-,----- (3)___~ Reg, WDS CoordÍl1111tor Wos Oat8 Entty Date:_____R~gronøl Board File Number:_~ I LKWWLtl - L~NTRRL VALLE TEL No.209-445-S~10 Apr 26,96 17:47 No.OO6 P.O3 . -, " ~ e t=ACIL~TIES INSPECTION 'I '. ~ . REPORT "WIICS 'OllftrV, 1"'1 , OJ, I 11'10-'1 .. -_.,.........,....:-,-:::-:~:.. I ~ ............,-_.._, - VIOLA TIÇ>N (IF APPLICABLE) -~- . ---~ --n. - ~ i VIOLATION TYPE? (A.G) - (S.. plga. IKOS.O Itlld IK111.1 of Iha Micro Wnsle Di,ellluger Sr,tom USO,. M3nut\l, DATE OFVIO\.AlIOff (Y\'MMDD): ----.~-- pATE O~ VIOLATION DE1ERMINA110N (VYMMDD): DESCRIPTION (200 CHARACTER LIMIT): , '-"""""""'" I """-- ,--,..-. ..._--------,--,_._- i ..--¡. .,- '..----........ --, -'-"""'-- I ... -"'... ".." .....,.. i .-~---,_._- --.. ! --. "-"-----' ""'-"", --_..... -.---..,..,-----..------,. ~ ----- ..--..-.,-"-.-----..----- . .._--~-- -""-"--1'-'--"-"'-""""'" --. I EPA SUGGESTED INSPECTION CHECKLIST .. , I .., ---- (8" S.t~~~8;1;:~- MarRlnal. U= UnSl1llsfilctory. N= Nol Eva'ual.d) I ~ Pennlt Ji-. rh7¥V MeasurDlne"t . 1i- Protrø:,\tment -L Operation. & Maintenance ..8.- Rec.ordlReports .N- Lllboratorl81 ~ Compliance Schedules -H- Sludge DispOS81 , -5-.:.. Facility SIte Review ~ Eff.IRec;tlvlng Wat.,. : _L- Snir-Mollltorlng - OChor . '....-,..-....,....-' .... ...,-,-_u...... --"'-...-, .~._- i Å-Overell Façi/ity Operation Evaluation (5" Vary rollable, 3- SaU.f.ctcny. 1- Unreliable) , I ..,.-'----.,------,- , 0 ,-- -- , ..----.--...,-.....---,--. i """'---""'" . IISTORICAL INFORMATION: ¡ , . I I ,lOST RECENT ORDERS: MOST RECENT INSPECTIONS: MOST RECENT VIOl-ATIONS: ' i }tWEa~. DATEADOeIED nu WJ¡ ¡ IHSl.l1r..E ïIOLATIONS? WH..:rÅ“.E DAIE 94.366 94 12 09 REC 98 02 28 I 81 Y I! 9& 02 28 I 88-17~ 88 09 23 REO 94 12 21 ¡ 91 N. " A 85-139 850531 REC ,; fl 'POOR OR~GrNAL ;,~ .. I ADDITIONAL COMM~:~TS1 SPECIAÇ INSTf~Úë~;;~~,~~~~MS FOR FOLLOWUP ~N FUTURE INSPECTIONS, NOTES, ETC. (Attach additIonal pages, If necessary) I . ,~- i '-.....---..------.- .- On Thur!iday. ;~._~;~,~; 1996, at 10:00 ¡1.m.,!J visited Ihc"~,~~~~;-¡~'~:nul1itje:5. Inc., (VCI) 1-5 wastewater reclrtmation site AS follow-up to an iJ1~pecthrn in Februrtr)' 1996 which found that VCI ,,'¡olated its Wastewater Reclamation Requirements, Ortier No. 88-172 (WH Rs), for allowing treated emuent to discharge into uncultivated areas of'the nun~. I was accompanied by Jim Triguciro, President ofVCJ. and Louie 'forres, VCl's site fbrman and field manager. The weilther was sunny and about 75 degrees F. I observed that vcrs on-site en1uen( storagþ reservoir was drawn down to about half full, and effluent from the City of ßakersfield Wastewater Trþalmcl1t Plant No.3 was be-jng beneficially reused for irrigation. All of the fields being úsed for efnl1cllt redamatiC'JJ had working taHwatcr recovery systems. Nuisance conditions were not detected. I al~o looked at each oflhe on-site groundwater monitoring wells to verify that well bead. protection controls (four steel pipr,s palntcd bright orange) were present. Based , on my observations durin~ the inspection, ~CJ is nll1'ently opcrAting hi c,omplianÅ“ with its WRRs. I' i .\'" , ' - " \-.. ,-.I:>, ,.,.~.,\. ',., ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY :¡ STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S., Director DA VlD PRICE In, RMA DIRECTOR 27Ð0"M"'STREET. SUITE300 EnginHrina . Survey S8rYIc88 D..,.nment BAKERSFIELD. CA 83301 environmental H88WI Serv1c88 Dep8ltment Phone: (805) 862-8700 Pl8MIng OefIanment FAX: (805) 862-8701 R08d8 Department -.- ',- _.. u- , ,...J ' ',< --, ;" 1.:' " iaa~ l\, ",' ,.., ""OJ April 24, 1996 "'.. " .. , ,:: ;'.. .. ~: -: '.. Megan Cambridge, Chief Expedited Remedial Action Program DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL P. O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 SUBJECT: Panorama Burn Dump Site, Bakersfield, California Notice and Order, No. 102-96-01 Dear Ms. Cambridge: Our Depanment has reviewed the request from the Depanment of Toxic Substances Control to hold in abeyance the Notice and Order, No. 102-96-01, issued to the City of Bakersfield on March 1, 1996, requiring submittal of a remediation plan for the Panorama Burn site. The Notice and Order required specific actions by the City of Bakersfield including submittal of a remediation plan. We have no objection to holding in abeyance that portion of the Notice and Order requiring submittal of a remediation plan, specifically requirement (A.): "By May 6, 1996 submit a revised plan to remediate the health risks for the residents, of homes aiong the southern landfill boundary J associated with short term and long term exposure to heavy metals (nickel, cadmium, lead) and dioxin/furans . .. ". This decision is not applicable to the remaining requirements and compliance dates of the Notice and Order. U the Depanment of Toxic Substances Control does not select this site for the Expedited Remediation Action Program, then the Notice and Order will be reissued with a modified compliance date. -.. ~ - -- ~ "....,~ A' r ~ Megan Cambridge, Chief Expedited Remedial Action Program DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL Page Two April 24, 1996 We look forward to resolving the health risks and environmental concerns at this site. If you have any questions, please contact me. SMc:DW:jg cc: RWQCB, Central Valley, Dane Johnson CIWMB, Closure Branch, Charlene Herbst -ei". 6faIJIlfmtmë1, -RãulKo1'filt.' File Resource Management Agency, David Price III , - '.,- ,..-. ".- '" I ~ ....l, I ..iTATE OF CALIFORNIA-CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY . "PETE WILSON. GoIl'ltmOf' DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ,- '. ~ "', ¡gol" @ '" '. ,..;, "0 " , " REGION 1 10151 CROYDON WAY, SUITE 3 ~: '-, '. '-,; ~'::),;\::,:'":'- SACRAMENTO. CA 9.5827-2106 - ~ , . (916) 255-3545 ,/ :¡, ;J" , , f ",'-'Iy L / '. ( , April 24, 1996(-- ~ !'~~~5 ~I -...J Mr. Steve McCalley, Director Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 PANORAMA BURN DUMP SITE - BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. McCalley: On March 26, 1996, the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) received an application from the City of Bakersfield to remediate contamination at the Panorama Burn Dump Site (Site) in Bakersfield, California, under the Expedited Remedial Action Program (ERAP), created by Chapter 6.85 of the Health and Safety Code. In accordance with the requirements of the ERAP, DTSC is preparing a recommendation package to be evaluated by the Site Designation Committee to determine if the site is appropriate for the ERAP. As part of preparing the recommendation package, DTSC has researched past historical activities at this Site. DTSC has learned that Kern County issued a "Notice and Order, No. 102-96-01" to the City of Bakersfield on March 1, 1996, directing the City to develop a remedial action plan for the Site. DTSC requests Kern County hold the "Notice and Order" in abeyance upon the Site being selected for the ERAP. A letter supporting this request is greatly appreciated and will assist with processing of the recommendation package. ft ~~ ,..- ,-' ~ .. Mr. Steve McCalley April 24, 1996 Page 2 If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Adam Palmer at (916) 255-3669. Sincerely, ~~~~ -' Megan Cambridge, Chief Expedited Remedial Action Program cc: Mr. Mike Gnekow Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 AP .Iaw a:\n8oI1r,Jmc I ' -:' -,~ i--T:~c: ..:~ ~ - ~ ~~ =KEß" COU"lY WAnE MA"A6EME"T DEPARTME"T I .;,~ I " .__.~-- "', - I -/----//- ,9 ( I Daphne N. Wa~hington, Director ! ¡ ? IC'C'~ I 2700 "M" Street, Suite 500 ¡ ¡ J "I Bakersfield, CA 9330 I 'j '==-"=_d. ,,~,.,--J ,; (805) 862-8900 ;C1TY MAÎIJ?,'.3:':;i'S OFFIC::: ¡ (800) 552-KERN (option 6) '-d - h~~' Fax: (805) 862-890 I May 7, 1996 Board of Supervisors Kern County Administrative Center 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Members of the Board of Supervisors: RE: City/County Agreement # 534-91 Revision (All S.D.'S) FUNDING: No Change; Mandated City ofBakersfie1d staffhas revised the existing agreement between the City of Bakersfield (owner) and County of Kern (operator) concerning the Baker~field City Landfill. The major revision is to establish the City of Bakersfield as the lead agency in all matters relative to the closure of the landfill County staff (Waste Management Department and County Counsel) have reviewed the revisions and concur with the changes. IT IS, THEREFORE, RECOMMENDED that your Bo~rd approve the revisions to the Agreement, authorize the Chainnan to sign and direct the Waste Management Department to forward the signed agreements to the City Council for signature. Sincerely, -.. ,-- " ~- f '1/?' -'+ ~ r..ÞVtW Daphne H. Washington Director DHW::abr G:\ WORKGRPS\CLERICAL \BO ARD\B286-DHW. ABR Enclosures: Agreements (6) CC: City Manager, Alan Tandy Assistant City Attorney, Alan D, Daniel Public Works Director, Raul Rojas Solid Waste Director, Kevin Barnes ~_ß =-~:;:";- ~ \ q - 0 ' ~'t:'-'=""-- , \ r~~¡ j ~- 1 . \ L'Y" 2 . \ kIT\{ MANAGER'S OffiCE I: .. , ---- ------ , " I ¡>,.' AGREEMENT COUNTY OF KERN - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD tofP¥ DELINEATION OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR CLOSURE AND POSTCLOSURE MAINTENANCE BAKERSFIELD WASTE DISPOSAL SITE City Contract # County Contract # THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on , by and between the COUNTY OF KERN, a political subdivision of the State of California, (the "County") and the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation, (the "City"). RJ;C~~ALS WHEREAS, the Bakersfield solid waste disposal site (the "Site") consists of approximately 132 acres within portions of Section 10, 11, 14 and 15, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, Mount Diablo Basin & Meridian; and, WHEREAS, the Site was originally the location of a burning dump operated by the City from 1943 to 1956; and, WHEREAS, the City ceased burning dump operations in 1956 and commenced using the Site for sanitary landfill operations (disposing solid waste of City residents) which continued until January 1, 1975, at which time the County replaced the City as operator (accepting and disposing solid waste from residents of the City and the unincorporated area); and, - WHEREAS, the County operated a sanitary landfill on the Site from January 1, 1975 through September 15, 1983; and, WHEREAS, sanitary landfill operations on the Site have remained inactive since September 15, 1983; and, WHEREAS., on June 28,1991, the Kern County Environmental Health Department, the designated Local Enforcement Agency, acting on behalf of the California Integrated Waste Management Board, issued a Notice and Order, citing several violations of State standards for solid waste handling and disposal and ordering the City and the County to take corrective actions; and, ,----- - I \ WHEREAS, the City and the County wish to delineate these new responsibilities in a new contract and terminate the existing ~¡ understanding between them concerning the landfill closure. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing-recitals herein, it is mutually agreed, byth~ County and the City as follows: : 1. PRIOR AGREEMENT TERMINATED. Agreements 91-201 (City) and ,-534-91 (County) are hereby terminated. This agreement shall now govern -the. relationship between the City and County concerning the Site. 2. PURPOSE. The City and County are jointly responsible for closure and postclqsure maintenance associated with the Site, except for burn dump and landfill gas control, for which the City is solely responsible. This contract sets forth the respective responsibilities of the City and County for closure and postclosure maintenance activities at the Site. This Agreement is intended to be comp~ehensive . _0 :rg,g~rding th~ =d\ltiesand -functionEt~ each party- is ~to ,under~take with -:-1 respect to the closure and postclosure activities; however, City and County shall cooperate and execute whatever documents and take whatever actions are necessary to carry out the purposes and responsibilities set forth herein. The City shall assume the role of lead agency for closure of the Site and for postclosure maintenance activities and shall have all the power, authority and control of lead agency. County shall assist in the closure and bear its fair share of costs incurred. The specific responsibilities designed to carry out these general purposes are set forth below. 3. - JOINT CITY AND COURTY RESPONSIBILITIBS. With the exception of the activities described in provision 4 below, the City and the County shall be jointly and equally responsible for "funding and accomplishing those activities associate9 with the following: a. Conducting periodic site review (Title 14 California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 17607). b. Solid Waste Assessment Testing, monitoring and reporting (Water Code Section 13273). c. . Closure design and construction and postclosure 'U-.. ,--' . - . --~ -~. _,~IJla).nt~J).g,nç::~t!.=,-----~ =- '--- --~-~-- --'"==='='- ---~~- ~--~- - ---~ ~_. ._~~'- comPl~ance with apPl~Cable environmen~al l~WS inClU~ing, I but not limited to, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq. ) . e. Sharing closure costs as set forth in this Agreement. f. Review and concur with proposed scopes of work for consultant and contractor services. COUNTY Of KERN ~ CITY Of BAKERSfIELD AGREEMENT AGR1(ADD)\waste.agr --April 26, 1996 - Page 2 of 9 Pages - ----- J . 4. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES. The City shall be solely ~. responsible for accomplishing the following activities: a. The control of off-site gas migration, including satisfying all closure and postclosure maintenance requirements regarding'gas monitoring. b. Burn dump remediation and closure measures, including, but not limited to, those actions required by regulatory agencies. Remediation activities may be addressed within the Solid Waste Assessment Test (SWAT) work, closure investigation, planning, design, and construction, environmental investigations and assessments and/or postclosure maintenance. c. City shall be lead agency for purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et. seq.), for closure and for postclosure . maintenance activities at the site. All lead agency activities which were being performed by County under a previous contract shall now be performed by City unless otherwise agreed herein. All contracts with outside consultants currently administered by County shall be assigned by County to City and City shall take County's place in the administration of said contracts and control of said consultants. Said contracts with consultants shall be considered assigned to City with the execution of this contract; however, County shall cause a written assignment of each contract to be made to City with appropriate notice to all parties, and all other legal formalities adhered to, which I --- . < b. Cit~ and Cou~ty shall devote the st~ff time necessary to reVlew work ln progress, attend brlefing meetings and ì;J to otherwise assure project work proceeds to a timely and proper conclusion. ' 7. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION. a. City -shall review and recommend payment requests --. submitted ,by consultants and contractors and be .., responsible for adIDinistering all contracts and agreements for those items and activities for which it is solely responsible. b. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by City and County's respective Project Coordinators, City shall provide contract administration, for contract or professional services relating to Solid Waste Assessment Test -'- _act_iY.:ï..:!;J~s, _E:m_vi.J;Q.~I'IJ~D~al_rev.j,ew açt~vi tj.el?h -and other -~ -' - clòsu:í:è' and postclosüre maintenance activities. All contracts and consultants now under contract with County concerning these activities shall now report to City and the contract shall be assigned by County to City as set forth in this Agreement. c. Contract administration with respect to independent contractors hired to provide services relating to closure andpostclosure maintenance of the Site includes " the following: " .. ',. ( 1) ,Drafting, printing and distributing Request for Proposals to qualified geotechnical and environmental consultants (particularly with respect to SWAT, CEQA, closure design and construction and postclosure maintenance activities). (2) Condùcting pre-proposal meetings for consultants interested in submitting proposals. (3) Responding to inquiries from interested I consul tants regarding the work to be performed i---. =' ~,.. --'-'-=- ~-=:= C--;~--. ~=='pr.tör=t"o~Othe -sÜJ5mïtt:a.'l-of~p:tópO-Å 'ã.~rsT. -~---_.~ = - c~- ' c -I I (4) Reviewing the proposals submitted and recommending I applicants to the City and the County for ! interview and selection. (5) Inspecting, reviewing and evaluating work in progress and invoices and billings and otherwise ensuring contract compliance. COUNTY OF KERN - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AGREEMENT AGR1(ADD)\waste.agr --April 26, 1996 ; - Page 4 of 9 Pages - -- j . d. The party providing contract administration for any item I ;;:\' of work shall keep the other party informed of its progress; promptly advising the other party of any changes or developments impacting on the scheduling of and/or the completion of the item of work. e. The party providing contract administration services for any particular item of,work shall maintain, and cause project consultants' to maintain, full communication with the other party's designated representative at all times. f. City and County shall maintain accurate records pertaining to work undertaken and costs incurred (including administering contracts with conpultants) by their respective staffs. 8. COST SHARIRG FOR JOINT CITY AND COUNTY RESPO~SIBILITIES. a. Except for items 4.a. and 4.b. described above that are the sole responsibility of City (see particularly provision 4 for a description of those items that are the sole responsibility of City), the cost of all other project work shall be shared equally between City and County. b. The "In-House" costs (staff time, laboratory testing, administering, monitoring, inspecting and reviewing the work of consultants, equipment, overhead, etc.) incurred by City and County associated with those items of work that are the shared responsibility of City and County are a part of the cost of the Project and shall be shared equally. This equal sharing of "In-House" costs may require a larger financial contribution by one party should the other party be contributing more staff time or other "In-House" costs than the other party. c. To facilitate the cost sharing for those items of work that are the shared responsibility of City and County, expense and revenue codes shall be agreed upon and established in order to make payments and receive revenue for activities performed and work undertaken pursuant to this Agreement. Both parties shall make similar arrangements with respect to its payment and accounting system. (1) County shall bill City and City shall reimburse County for costs and expenses (including the "In- House" costs described above) incurred by County in performing work that is the shared responsibility of the parties pursuant to this Agreement (Provision 2). COUNTY OF KERN -' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AGREEMENT AGR1 (ADD) \waste.agr --April 26, 1996 I t ~ (2) City shall bill County and County shall reimburse ¡.. City for costs and expenses (including the "In- House" costs described above) incurred by City in performing work that is the shared responsibility of the parties pursuant to this Agreement , . ",( Provision- 3) . '( 3.) Bills shall be submitted, to, the other party no more frequently than quarterly and shall be paid or reconciled within thirty (30) days of receipt. (4) To facilitate their respective budgeting process, the parties shall submit to each other by March 31st of each year an estimate of the total amount to be billed the other party pursuant to this , Agreement during the succeeding fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). :,: --,-- -._ð' ,- . - ""'~."-=--'_. ""'::.~-. _J,-- - -~, -~-, ,,'.':. , ;;-, ' - ' ", 9. CLOSURE CORSTRUCTIOH. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by City's and County's Project Coordinators, City will act as project administrator for closure construction, overseeing the following items' of work: a. Preparation of plans and specifications. b. Providing construction inspection and field survey~ng. - --', - - c. The costs '-incurred by City in' performing. th_~ above items '., . - shall be, shared equally by City and County.,: i-ncluding .'~ ., " . . - procurement costs' and permitting costs." . ..- 10. ACCESS TO THE SITE. City shall be responsible for providing access to the Site. 11. IHDEMIIIFICATIOH. a. Neither party 'shall be liable to the other party for any loss, damage, liability, claim, or cause of action for damage- to or destruction of property or for injury to or death of persons arising solely from any act of omission - . =i=' '-----='V~~=-"-'-<O+~'=-- -~~q! -:th~.. 2~11~-:r;$.Pß:r:_ty~' ~~~9.-ifJ9~~rfÜ _empJ_9y'e~s_-o~~.gep.t~,.!=o-~ "--- - - - . ~ ,- -- -, - , " - b. City and County àgree to indemnify and hold each other harmless from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, losses or ,causes of action which arise by virtue of the acts or omissions of their respective officers, employees and agents. COUNTY OF KERN - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AGREEMENT " AGRI (ADD) \waste.agr --April 26, 1996 - Page 6 of 9 Pages - I '" '. I .~ 12. TERM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall remain in force .- until closure and postclosure maintenance activities to be undertaken at the Site are complete to the satisfaction of City, County, and applicable regulating agencies. 13. HOTICES AHD CORRESPOHDEHCE. All correspondence with respect to this Agreement shall be deemed delivered upon personal service or sent via the u.S. Postal Service, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: TO THE CITY: TO THE COUNTY: City of Bakersfield County of Kern Public Works Department Waste Management Department 4101 Truxtun Avenue 2700 "M" Street, Suite 500 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 I v . 20. BIHDIHG EFFECT. The rights and obligations of this Agreement. shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties to the' I contract and their heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns. I "21. MERGERAHD MODIFICATIOH. All prior agreements" between the parties are incorporated in this Agreement whiéh constitutes the entire contract. Its terms are intended by the parties as a final expression of their agreement with respect to such terms as are included herein and may not be contradicted by evidence of any prior agreement or contemporaneous oral agreement. The parties further intend this Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of its terms and no'extrinsic evidence whatsoever may be introduced in any judicial or arbitration proceeding involving this Agreement. This Agreement may be modified only in a writing approved by the City Council and Board of Supervisors. ' .' , . - - - 22. ACCOURTIRG^RKCORDS. Cìty afiatounty shall maintain accurate accounting records and other written documentation pertaining to all costs incurred in performance of this Agreement. Such records and' documentation ,shall be kept at City or County's principal office during the term of this Agreement, and for a period of three years from the date of the final payment hereunder, and said records shall be made available to City or County representatives upon request at any time during regular business hours. 23. EXHIBITS. In the event of conflict between the terms, conditions or specifications set forth in this Agreement and those in exhibits attached hereto, the terms, conditions, or specificatións set forth in this Agreement shall prevail. All exhibits to which reference is made in this Agreemént are deemed incorporated in this Agreement whether or not actually attached. 24. CORPORATE "AUTHORITY. Each individual executing this Agreement represents and warrants they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on beha¡f of the corporation or organization, if any, named herein and this Agreement is binding upon said corporation or organization in accordance with its terms. 25. EXECUTI08. This Agreement is effective upon execution. It '. j,s th~""RJ:'o£i1d,c~~_ot..~negQj:,ia~ionand~therefore. shall.. ,-not.--be ~construed. = . -_.~ ãgairÚ3t any party. " 26. 80 IRTERBST. No officer or employee of the City shall hold any interest in this contract. (California Government Co~e 1090). COUNTY OF KERN - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AGREEMENT AGR1 (ADD) \waste.agr --April 26, 1996 . - Page 8 of 9 Pages - I I ------ I \¡, ( . I . ! 'j' 27. ACCEPTANCE OF WORK. The acceptance of work or payment for % work by City or County shall not constitute a waiver of any provisions . ~ of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed this day of , 1996. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ("City") COUNTY OF KERN ("County") By: By: BOB PRICE BARBARA PATRICK, Chairperson Mayor Board of Supervisors APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By: By: RAUL ROJAS Public Works Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,JUDY K. SKOUSEN OFFICE OF THE COUNTY COUNSEL City Attorney By: By: ALAN D. DANIEL BERNARD C. BARMANN Assistant City Attorney County Counsel COUNTERSIGNED: By: GREGORY J. -- KLIMKO Finance Director ADD: laa COUNTY OF KERN - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AGREEMENT AGRI (ADD) \waste.agr --April 26, 1996 - Page 9 of 9 Pages - '" I :', BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT TEMPORARY HOLDING FACILITY STUDY 1 MAY 1996 - - - - - - ----- - - --- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- -- - ---- - - - -- - - I '" I N D EX 1. Purpose of the Study 2. Executive Summary 3. Space Requirements and Floor Plans 4. Location and Site Plans 5. Statement of Probable Costs 6. Appendix ~ I 1 1. Purpose of the Study The Bakersfield Police Department is investigating the feasibility of developing a Temporary Holding Facility in close proximity to the downtown Police Station for use in transferring and staging arrestees prior to transportation to the Kern County Sheriff's lerdo facility. The purpose of this study is as follows: . Develop the facility's space requirements based on the booking records provided by the Police Department. . Develop a schematic floor plan of the facility based on the space requirements. . Recommend a location for the facility and develop a site plan. . Prepare a Statement of Probable Construction and Project Costs. --- - < " 2 2. Executive Summary The result of this study is the recommendation to construct a single story Temporary Holding Facility for 38 arrestees at the southwest corner of the intersection of 16th and Eye Streets. The direct construction cost (at today's market cost) for this facility is estimated to be about $600,000 for conventional construction and $633,000 for modular construction. (See Article 5 for total project costs.) Resources for this Study included Booking Records provided by the Bakersfield Police Department and a Letter of Intent by the Bakersfield Police Department to the Board of Corrections. Members of the Study Team included Sergeant Quentin Smith, (Bakersfield Police Department), Greg A. Barker, AlA, (Jay Farbstein & Associates, Inc., Justice Facilities Consultant), and Frank A. Ghezzi, AlA (BFGC Architects Planners Inc.) , ~ 3 3. Space Requirements and Floor Plan CapacitY Reauirements The planning for this study is based upon the following objectives articulated by the Bakersfield Police Department. 8 Minimize patrol resources from being tied up transporting prisoners to the lerdo jail facility by staging prisoners for transport in groups. 8 Provide a safe, secure facility that is efficient to supervise and enables prisoners to be appropriately isolated from other police functions and one another as necessary. 8 Have the flexibility to later serve as an intake area for larger Type I holding facility (enabling prisoners to be held for up to 96 hours exclusive of weekends and holidays.) A temporary holding facility would enable the police department to hold prisoners for up to 24 hours pending release or transfer. In order to accomplish the objectives itemized above, the holding facility must have adequate capacity for the following: 8 To hold prisoners in sufficient quantities to accumulate a van load of prisoners for transport (approximately 15 prisoners). 8 Provide adequate separation between men and women and isolation of violent prisoners. 8 Hold inebriates per Board of Corrections standards pending transfer to the jailor until they can be safely released. Jail capacity is typically assessed based upon the anticipated average daily population (ADP) of inmates. The prisoners move through a temporary holding facility far too quickly for capacity to be driven by the daily population. Instead, two sets of county booking records for arrestees from the City of Bakersfield were examined. Daily booking summaries for September, 1990, to June, 1995 provided information on arrests and detox cases by gender. More detailed booking records for the month of February, 1996, provided the specific booking times for arrests on new offenses and warrants by gender. ; ; 4 The data allowed the planning team to determine the days of the week and times of day (in four hour blocks) that tend to have the highest number of bookings. The busiest days of the week tended to be Friday and Sunday, although the day with the greatest number of bookings was a specific Wednesday. The greatest number of bookings occur between midnight and 4 a.m., followed by 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., as shown in the table below. TOTAL BOOKINGS BY TIME BLOCKS FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1996 Males Females Total Midnight to 4 a.m. 110 22 132 Four a.m. to Eight a.m. 99 18 117 Eight a.m. to Noon 46 5 51 Noon to Four p.m. 61 15 76 Four p.m. to Eight p.m. 71 30 101 Eiqht p.m. to Midniqht 79 19 98 The greatest number of bookings for anyone 4-hour period were 30 and 21. Jail needs assessments typically examine peaking (the differences between average and maximum) to assure that adequate capacity exists for most times that the population is above the average (approximately 95% of the time). We assumed a minimum capacity of 30 would be needed (the maximum arrests observed for a 4-hour period) but we are recommending space for up to 38 arrestees in order to provide flexibility for different classifications of. prisoners. As arrests increase over time, this will usually provide adequate capacity. Proper transportation resources and policies should make this adequate for a long time. Classification Breakdown About 17% of the bookings were women. 23% of male and 18% of female arrestees required detoxification. These ratios were applied to total detention capacity to break down cells by gender and for detox. The facility should provide for the isolation of violent prisoners or those needing protective custody. One isolation cell for females and two for males provides this level of isolation. With good design, the female isolation cell can be used for males when circumstances allowed (and vice versa). These cells can also be used for up to four prisoners when not needed by individuals. . 5 Space Proaram The space program provides a temporary holding facility for 38 prisoners with the flexibility to serve as an intake area for a possible future Type I facility. In order to accomplish the stated goals, the space program includes the following elements: Holding Cells: Three types of cells are provided for men and women respectively: group holding for most prisoners; isolation cells for violent prisoners, protective custody cases, or to separate codefendants; and detox for prisoners requiring additional safety while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Although larger cells are allowable under Board of Corrections standards, group holding cells with a maximum of 8 prisoners will enable the Police Department to isolate groups of prisoners more easily. Vestibule: Provides interlocking doors to prevent escapes as prisoners or materials are being moved in and out of the facility. Intoxilizer: A space to test arrestees for blood alcohol levels before entering the secure perimeter of the facility. Staging Area: Space to assemble groups of prisoners and apply restraints for transport out of the facility. This space may also serve as general circulation space within the facility. Booking Counter: Initially provides a station for one or two officers to supervise the holding area, and would later serve as two booking stations for a Type I facility. Identification: An area with equipment for taking fingerprints and photos. Initially, this area would enable the Police Department to collect this information without relying upon the Sheriff's Department. Later, prisoner identification would be an essential function of a Type I facility. Attorney Conference/Interview Room: primary use would be to enable investigators to interview prisoners within the holding area, with the secondary role of enabling attorney access to prisoners. Booking Supplies: Storage of essential forms, restraints, etc. I Inmate Property Storage: Provides for the secure storage of prisoners' I valuables pending release or transfer to another facility. , 6 The following list itemizes the spaces described above by size and quantity. Efficiency factors translate the total net space into the" gross area" (the total needed for a new, freestanding building~) SPACE LIST Unit No. Subtotal Functional Area Area (s.f.) Units Area (s.f.) Comments Processing Areas Vestibule 60 1 60 Intoxilizer 80 1 80 Staging Area 200 1 200 I Booking Counter 130 1 130 Two booking stations I (one for future) Identification 50 1 50 Fingerprint & photo station Attorney Confl Interview Room 80 1 80 Booking Supplies 80 1 80 Inmate Property Storage 80 1 80 Men's Holding Isolation Cell 40 2 80 1 to 4 occupants Detox Cell 160 1 160 8 Occupants Standard Holding Cell 80 2 160 8 Occupants Women's Holding Isolation Cell 40 1 40 1 to 4 Occupants Detox Cell 60 1 60 3 Occupants Standard Holding Cell 80 1 80 8 Occupants (min. req. 4 occ. @ 40 s.f.) Janitor 35 1 35 Staff T oHet 50 1 50 Shower 80 1 80 Subtotal Net: 1,505 s.f.n. Walls, Circulation 753 s.t. TOTAL GROSS AREA: 2,258 s.t.g. External Space (Required) Vehicular Sallyport 500 1 500 Van size , 7 Spatial Relationships Visibility and circulation are the critical elements in the configuration of this holding facility. Custody staff should have the ability to see the entire area without blind spots or hiding places. Major entrances to the facility should be visible to staff without relying upon aids such as closed circuit television cameras. Major elements should be arranged so that the movement of prisoners into and out of the facility follows an orderly path with minimal back tracking. The same must hold true if the facility becomes an intake area for a larger facility. Also, future elements related to booking must be easily added and support efficient internal circulation. The following diagram illustrates the relationships required between the elements included in the space list. Intake Area Relationships Arresting Offcers Work Space Intoxilizer StaN Post (future booking Stations) Booking Staging Storage ttorney Corrtererce/lnterview ~end Pedestrian Circulation ,~"""'w \f¡&ws ---- ~ 17'-6" i f ., II II jl II II II ~~~~~-::!.J II ,.-... II II "T' II '-" II II II II ----11 I II I ----II I II I "-"'(/) II "T' :J: I II I '-"::u II II II .. 1====...11 II II II "-"'(") "T' r II '-"0 (XI CXI» ~ II f O-i ~ ~ z II ø (JI- ~- CXI(/) m~ N~ O:J: ::u I"'l 3: I"'l C- ::u » ø ~o z ml"'l ø o...¡ 0 I"'l X Z ;:E r> (JI CXI:J: CXI(/)- a 00 o;a~ I"'l f r q 0 ø» '¡:;j :::j f CXI(/)([ CI,! CXlI °;ao 00 ØO 3: r .2:; 0 Z Ø CXI- o~ 0 ~ C N I"'l ::u "-"'»() Z::uo OI"'lZ ~»rii (/) ZIIZ » () -i .. r rNo r CNZ -< o-....J» \J ZNr 0 G)ø(") ::u (/)(/)0 -i »:-'1z r (/) r ...¡ -< ::u \J C (") 0 :::::j ::u 0 0 40'-0" 7'-0" Z '¡ "'0 tt i ," ~ r- Þ I GIn!; Z I ~....I . - 0 8 4. Location and Site Plans 1. In the Basement of Existina Police Buildina The consulting team examined locating the temporary holding facility in the basement of the existing Police Building as well as other locations on the site. The basement structure could accept the required configuration of the facility described above. However, locating the holding facility in the existing basement poses the following disadvantages: 8 It would have to displace either the locker rooms or the assembly rooms. 8 Either potential location would present relatively substantial costs for renovation. The locker rooms are an essential police function, and would have to be replaced at a relatively high cost. Unless the department has existing space available to relocate the locker rooms, it would be less expensive to build a freestanding holding facility than to renovate the basement for holding and to build an addition for locker rooms. The assembly rooms area does not provide the same convenient access to necessary plumbing for the holding area. The costs of bringing in the necessary infrastructure would add to the renovation costs in this area. 8 It would be extremely difficult for a holding area in the existing basement to serve as an intake area for a future Type I holding facility. 8 There is no clear way to provide a vehicular sallyport on grade with secure access to a basement holding area. . Moving prisoners between grade and basement would ideally involve a custody elevator. Moving inmates through stairways in restraints is unsafe, and moving them without restraints reduces security. All things considered, if the department can secure funding for a holding area in new construction, it would be far superior to renovating the basement. . 9 2. New Construction: Parameters: . If possible, the Department would like to locate the facility on their own property and more specifically on the parcel of land bordered by H, 16th, Eye, and 15th Streets. . The Temporary Holding Facility holding facility should be designed and located in such a manner that would make it possible to use it as the booking area for a future 128-bed Type I local Detention Facility. . This study does not include an automobile parking analysis, but the site plan should include a future parking structure to be constructed simultaneously with the Detention Facility. Recommendations: . Locate the Temporary Holding Facility east of the existing Communications Building and near the intersection of 16th and Eye Streets. (See Site Plan Phase 1.) . This location will not require demolition of the existing Communications Building nor the existing Storage Facility and will only slightly reduce the amount of available parking spaces. It will, however, require the purchase and demolition of the Insurance Agency Building facing Eye Street. . In the future, the 128-bed Type I Local Detention Facility could be housed in a five-story high structure located at the intersection of 15th and Eye Streets, and a seven-stories high storage and parking structure for 252 cars could be placed near the intersection of Hand 16th Streets. (See Site Plan Phase 2). At that stage, the communications and the storage buildings would both have to be removed. Note: The total building area of all three buildings (Booking, Detention, and Parking Structure) would be around 160,000 s.f., which is within the allowable area of about 180,000 s. f. permitted for this parcel in this zone (C-B). , 15TH STREET ,'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'l I .. 1 :r: ì (J) -I ) ::u IT1 ) IT1 I -I 1 j . t 16TH STREET ( ~t~ 11 úI N ~ 0 15TH STREET I (f) -i ;0 T] T] -i , 16TH STREET \ ( [{o ~ 11 If. I~ ) ~ N I I ' 10 5. Statement of Probable Costs The following costs are today's market costs (1 May 96) and do not include any inflation. A. CONVENTIONAL CONSTRUCTION Direct Construction Cost: Demolition $ 18,000 Site Work $ GO,OOO Building Construction $ 472,000 Subtotal: $ 550,000 Contingencies @ 10% :t $ 50,000 Total Construction Cost $ GOO,OOO Indirect Costs @ 30% $ 180,000 (Architect's fees, printing, plan check fees, advertising, testing, inspection, construction contingencies) Total Project Cost $ 780,000 This total project cost does not include purchase of the private property on the site or movable furniture and equipment. - 11 B. MODULAR (PREFABRICATED) CONSTRUCTION Direct Construction Cost: Demolition $ 18,000 Site Work $ 60,000 Building Construction $ 497,500 Subtotal: $ 575,500 Contingencies @ 10% :t $ 57 ,500 Total Construction Cost $ 633,000 Indirect Costs @ 25% $ 158,000 - (Planning fees, Printing, plan check fees, advertising, testing, inspection, construction contingencies) Total Project Cost $ 791,000 This total project cost does not include purchase of the private property on the site or movable furniture and equipment. . 12 6. Appendix . GoverninQ Codes: California Code of Regulations, Title 24 Part 2 (Edition 1995) Sections 308 and 4 70A Occupancy: 1-3: Local Detention Facility (Temporary Holding) Type of Construction: V - 1 Hour up to 3,900 s.f. between separation walls. Automatic Fire Sprinkler System: Required. Emergency Power: Required. Roof Covering: Fire Retardant. . Zoning C-B: Central Business Zone Permitted Use Category: Police and other Emergency Service Centers Building Height: No limits. Yards: Not required. I ! Floor Area Ratio: 3.0 BA5234GL.XO2 . BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUPERVISORS SUE DAVIS ROY ASHBURN Dlltrlct No.1 Clerk ot Board ot Supervisors STEVE A. PEREZ Dlltrlct No.2 Kern County Administrative Center BARBARA PATRICK Dlltrlct No.3 1115 Truxtun Avenue. 5th Floor KENNETH w, PETERSON Dlltrlet No.4 Bakersfield. California 93301 MARY K. SHELL Dlltrlct No.5 Telephone (805)861-2167 April 29, 1996 Ms. Mary F. 'Berglund, Chair California Transportation Commission 1120 "N" Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Dear Ms. Berglund: The Kern County Board of Supervisors is extremely concerned about a recent staff recommendation to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) to reallocate $45 million in State Highway Transportation funds which have been earmarked for many years toward the future expansion and improvement of Highway 58 in Kern County. We strongly oppose this recommendation and respectfully request that the Commission maintain full funding for this project. Improvement of Highway 58 has been a top priority for state transportation funding in our region for decades. More recently, State Transportation Improvement Plans in 1990,1992 and 1994 all state the importance of this project in improving inter-regional traffic flow, and the 1996 STIP calls for continued route adoption work. In 1991, Congress authorized expenditure of$5 million in federal funds for Highway 58, which was identified as a major transportation project. The City of Bakersfield and the County of Kern have allocated more than $20 million in future fees to the construction of the Highway 58 extension from Highway 99 to Interstate 5. Why, then, are CTC staff recommending deletion of $45 million in state funds at this critical juncture? The metropolitan Bakersfield area in Kern County has been among the state's fastest growing regions. Completion of Highway 58 is key to addressing the transportation demands which this growth has created. Conversely, further delays in completing Highway 58 will worsen the already serious congestion on our local highways, contribute further to air pollution, and deter future economic development in Kern County. I The Kern CoUnty Board of Supervisors asks members of the Commission not to pull the plug on Highway 58. Please help us to finish this vital transportation project by keeping funding intact. Thank you very much for considering the Board's views. Sincerely, t:::!:a~:::raf Ci Kern County Board of Supervisors BP:AK\hwy58ctc.1èt '.~-'\ cc: Roads Department , Resource Management Agency I ' ~ity of Bakersfield . I. . 'V-i~'~1 Kern CounCil of Governments ; j! Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce '"=, - i ~ , :rfY MANAGER'~ OFFICo¿: . ~" -=----------=---r-" ~. ------ - - ------- -- ---- --------