HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/28/96 BAKERSFIELD ~41 I~ M O I~l il[ I~i D I~ I~ June 28, 1996 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~7-d~/ SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The bill to merge the enterprise and incentive zones is continuing to make good progress in the legislature. 2. We are having a problem with large mobile refuse containers being placed at businesses under the guise of using them for hauling construction and demolition debris, when they are actually using them for normal refuse. We propose to stop this practice by amending the municipal code to state that those type of containers can only be placed when the business has a construction or remodeling permit for the property. 3. Staff has received informed from an LEA inspector that there may be a burn dump located on City property in'the vicinity of Taft Highway and Ash Road. We will conduct tests at the site to determine if that is true or not - more costs imposed by the LEA. 4. The CD report for June is enclosed for your information. 5. Per Council's request, attached is a departmental list of the number of employees who received Step 4 or 5 increases for the first quarter of 1996. 6. Responses to Council referrals are enclosed, as follows: - Request for repair of striping at 800 Montclair - Traffic control request in Spruce St. alley - Investigate traffic site obstruction at B and 24th St. 7. We should have the position of Recreation and Parks Director named within two weeks. 8. Ventura is moving forward with a stadium - it's not certain but increasingly likely. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Carol Williams, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM June 27, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director~ RE: CONTROL OF UNAUTHORIZED REFUSE HAULING This is to identify a problem with unauthorized refuse hauling and to propose a control mechanism as a solution. Various hauling companies, including. City contractors and others, have been placing large rolloff type refuse containers for use by businesses without required permission from the City. While hauling of construction and demolition debris is not controlled by the municipal code, the containers are being placed under the guise of construction and demolition debris hauling in order to handle refuse. This circumvents the intent of the City's strategy of funding mandated solid waste management activities through City refuse enterprise fees. Staff has requested in writing that this practice be stopped, yet it continues. The general excuse from the haulers has been that "the customer calls for a construction box and then puts trash in it". In Order to prevent this (if it is true) from occurring, staff proposes that the municipal code be amended to prohibit placement of rolloff containers unless there is an open construction or remodelling permit for the property. This approach may induce' more permits to be pulled, since the haulers would have an incentive to tell prospective customers that a permit is needed. Of course; the main benefit is that a definitive line would be draWn with respect to the problem at hand. Please advise so that staff may begin preparing the code amendment. KB:smp KBCORMEM.REFHULG.MEM /~ , ~:,CITY N~A~'qAGEP~ $ OFFtC?~ BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~~,-'~ DATE: June 26, 1996 SUBJECT: LEA INSPECTION OF "BURN DUMP" AT TAFY HIGHWAY & ASHE ROAD Staff was made aware of a "burn dump" on City property recently, by an LEA inspector. The Closed Site Inspection Reports (attached), state that the site was used for growing alfalfa in late December 1995 and was covered with dry vegetation in mid May 1996. These reports are the first indication that the LEA believes an old burn dump exists at the northwest corner of Taft Hwy. and Ashe Road. It is also noted that homes are located within 1,000 feet of the site. Currently, the site iscovered with weeds and 400 acres of it is leased to the American Yeast company. American Yeast uses the land to discharge yeast waste, in accordance with water reclamation requirements issued by the Regional Water Quality Control Board· However, this site may never have been used asa burn dump. Joe Turner, Wastewater Superintendent, states that the site was native ground when he worked nearby, in 1.975. The site is south of Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3, shown on the enclosed map. A natural river bed, a remnant of which is still in place, snaked through that parcel, while Mr. Turner was employed with the City. The site was eventually graded and the river bed is no longer visible. Staff recommends that tests be conducted to confirm that this site was never used as a burn dump. HM:hm c: Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director Alan Daniel, Assistant City Attorney Joe Turner, Wastewater Superintendent ~ , ~ -, ~~. ...... TREATMENT "~'-, ... ,,~[,,; . : .... "~ ~LA~T N~. 3 .. . ',, -.--, ' ~ ~' ~,,,~ i.~,'" ~, .... ~ ~~. ~ ,- ........ ~:'".' ........ h-.----x-- .. ' ~' ... ... ~!I ~- " -' ' ~ ~ "' I~''As~E : " '~ · '""" · : '., ..~/'= .?' T31~ ' ........... ~ ....... t .... ~ ................... IL .............................. ; .........~. '- ~ , ~ .............. ~ - .... LVi I I ~,' ~ , ... LEGEND STUDY AREA FORMAT UNCONFINED WELL COMPOSITE WELL UNCONFINED, MONITORING WELL CONFINED WELL ?. UNCLASSIFIED · STA~EOFCAL,r~* i 71996 Closed Site Inspection Repo~ C)WMB-55 (RE~)~ MANAGEMENT ~ARD i~[~Q~ ~,~:}~)~ ~e~M ~'~5~[ ::TJ;}:: ~} l~ ~~ ~ TIME IN INSPECTION TIME / RECEIVED BY (OPERATOR) FACILI~LOCA~ON_~ t ~ , ~/ . ~ INSPECTOR~ /. /~ D INSP~OR S~AmRE~ / // ALSO PRESENT m ~ ~/ F~EOAUFORNIAOODEOFREGU~TIONS COR ~E ABOVE FACIL~ WAS I~SPECTED FOR COMPLIANCE W~APPUCABLE SEC~ON~DI~SION ~ ~ ~E P~LIC RE~CES CODE (PRC) AND ~LE 14 O ( ). THE STANDARDS BELOW ARE CONSIDERED IN COMPLIANCE UNLESS OTHERWISE'MARKED WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: V = VIOLATION A = AREA OF CONCERN NA = NOT APPLICABLE SITES NOT SUBJECT TO 7.8 STANDARDS v 17658 - SITE SECURITY 17704 - LEACHATE CONTROL 17705 - GAS CONTROL 17710 - GRADING OF FILL SURFACES 17711 - LITTER CONTROL 17715 - PONDED LIQUID 17695 - GENERAL MAINTENANCE 17796 (b) - POSTCLOSURE LAND USE OTHER COMMENTS (USE SW~S-O3 ~o~ ~DmONAL SPACE) 7-/~ -~/~ /~ co~/~/~d/ ~./~-,~ ~ · · CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE &~TEO~C^.FOR~,A Closed Site Inspection Report M^.^GEMENTBOA.D. ClWMB~5 (F~V, W94)~ ~'- ' ::: TIMI~ IN INSPECTION TIME FACIL~ N~E ~ / t RECEIVED BY (OPERATOR) g O~ER FACIL~ LOCA~ON ' INSPECTO~ _ ] z ~ // INSPECTg~51GNA~ ~ /J dt v I ~J ABOVE F~I_~ W~ INSP~CT~O FOR COMPM~CE W~H APPLiCabLE SE~ONS OF DIVISION 30 OF ~E PUBLIC RE~URCES COP~ (PRC) AND ~LE 14 OF ~J CALJFORHIA CODE OF REGUB~NS (CCR). SITES NOT SUBJECT TO 7.8 STANDARDS v 17658 - SITE SECURITY 17704 - LEACHATE CONTROL 17705 - GAS CONTROL 17708 - DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL 17710 - GRADING OF FILL SURFACES 17711 - LITTER CONTROL 17715- PONDED LIQUID 17796 (b)- POSTCLOSURE LAND USE OTHER t.~ r186 JOtkd 'SMIS'O? IUOll'lo6 ~:xb{~susjJou;~ ,:~L Q6[GLLU!U~IIOiJ(. J/l¥ MU6U BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM June 24, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Darnell W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director THROUGH: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: CIP STATUS REPORT - JUNE 1996 Attached is the new version of the CIP status report. The intent of this version is to better inform the users of the various milestones a capital project goes through. The CIP status report is comprised of the following sections: 1. Status of all 1994-95 and 1995-96 CIP projects (Design Engineering). 2. Status of all 1994-95 and 1995-96 Traffic Signal CIP projects. ~ 3. Construction Inspection Project Status Report ·. 4. Financial Summary of 1995-96 C[P projects· - ~ 5. Financial Summary of 1994-95 CIP Carryover projects. ~ 6. Notice of Completion Report Monthly Report. 7. Plans and Specifications Approved Monthly Report. If you have any questions or suggestions for improving this report, feel free to contact me. cc: G. Waiters T. Slater D. Teubner BAKERSFIELD. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: JUNE 19, 1996 TO: DARNELL HAYNES, ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: JACQUES R. LaROCI-IELLE, CIVIL ENGINEER IV-DESIGN SUBJECT:' 1995-96 CIP STATUS Attached is the schedule of 1995-96 CIP projects. The recently updated schedule wa,~ augmented to clearly show those projects which were added mid-year. These are identified as shaded project titles. We are pleased to present this status report that indicates all projects are on schedule. We are continuing to place emphasis on completing carry-over projects. Following is the status of those projects which have been carried over. STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR PROJECTS (In-House) 1. White Lane Improvements-Wible Road to South H Street Project currently under construction. 2. Hughes/Pacheco Sewer Project Project is complete. 3. Coffee Road Widening-Brimhail Road to Rosedale Hwy Project is complete. 4. Resurfa¢ing Major Streets-Citywide Project currently under construction. 5. Bridge Replacement-Manor Street at Carrier Canal Project awarded 4-17-96. Construction to begin after September 1, 1996 due to conflict with swallow nesting. 6. Landscaped Medians-Rosedale Highway @ Fwy 99 Interchange Project currently under construction. STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR PROJECTS (Consultant) 1. Tevis Park Development Project currently under construction. 2. Woodwaste/Greenwaste Facility Project currently under construction. STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR PRO,~ECTS (Consultant, continued~ 3. Coffee Road Grade Separation Project awarded June 12, 1996. 4. Police Building Addition Project currently under construction. 5. Bridge Replacement-China Grade Loop at Beardsley Canal Project awarded 4-17-96. Construction to begin after September l, 1996 due to conflict with swallow nesting. 6. Fire Station 13 Construction Project currently under construction. 7. Canal Bridge Widening at Arvin Edison Canal (5 locations) Project currently under construction. 8. Canal Culvert Widening-Panama Lane @ Farmer's Canal Project is complete. 9. Median Construction-Various Locations Project currently under construction. 10. Diesel Exhaust Removal System-Various Fire Station Locations Project complete. BAKERSFIELD TRAFFIC ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM To: DARNELL HAYNES, ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR From: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER ~.~ Date: May 18, 1996 /~'/.~'~' Subject: 1995-96 CIP MONTHLY STATUS Attached are two variations of the 1995-96 CIP schedule. The first shows all projects by order of design schedule within the fiscal year. The second is grouped by project engineer with each engineer's schedule in order of design schedule. Following are projects of special interest: CURRENT YEAR PROJECTS PROJECTS BEHIND SCHEDULE 1. Signing and Marking Bike Lanes - Various Streets. Scheduled for approval of PS&E in February. Completion of the higher priority new signal projects took precedence over this project. Final design is 95% but is Progressing slower than anticipated. There are over 50 lane miles of bike lanes involved in the design and we now have two designers devoted to completing the design. It is expected design will be complete within the next 2 weeks with advertisement to follow, subject to State authorization. 2. Phase 2 & 3, Signal Interconnect on Various Streets. The design is essentially complete on Phase 2 with final construction plans currently under review. Scope and schedule have been revised based upon newly awarded consultant contract for development of "Communications Master Plan". The master plan is scheduled for completion in August 1996. Based upon work to date the phase 2 project is expected to be advertised in July along with one segment of Phase 3. The remainder is being re-programmed in the Federal TIP for FY 1996/97 and 1997/98. PROJECTS ON SCHEDULE All other projects are on schedule or complete. PROJECTS BEING DESIGNED BY CONSULTANTS 1. Signal, New - Christmas Tree Lane at Mt Vernon Avenue - Awarded January 24. 2. Signal, New - Camino Media at Old River Road - Awarded March 20. 3. Signal, New - Howell Drive at Old River Road - Awarded April 3. 4. Signal, Operations - Traffic Operations Center Design - Expected to be complete for advertisement in August SLW:BJD:bd s:~lotus~schedk:ip9606.mem REPORT DATE: 06/18/96 1995-96 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE (TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION) 1995 1996 1 8, 7 Signal, New - Monitor Street at Pacheco Road TABLIT 96 AWARDED 2/21/96 .~_ 2__ Signal, New- 19th Street at L Street TABLIT 96 AWARDED 1/24/96 ~ r ~i~!~!i r~[ ; ~1 Signal, Up_grade - Brundage Lane at Cottonwood Road TABLIT 96 AWARDED 4/17/96 -- __ !~J~i ~- I · ~3 Signal, New- Christmas Tree Lane at Mt Vernon Avenue DEETER/CONSULT 96 AWARDED 1/24/96 _ _4 Signal, New - Camino Media at Old River Road DEETER/CONSULT 96 !AWARDED 3/20/96 -- "~- ~i!~l!/96~!!~i:~ ~'~'~"~:'~-' :: VARIOUS Channelization, Signing & Marking - Bike Lane Installation on Various Streets DEETER/TABLIT 96 PLANS 95% COMPLETE, UNDERGOING PLAN CHECK (40 PLAN SHEETS i??~i?.i~i~ .:---- 4 Signal, New- Flashing Stop Beacon on Buena Vista Road at Panama Lane GILLBURG 96 AWARDED 1/23/96 .... ~ -- -- '----':---- 4 Signal, New - Howell Drive at Old River Road DEETER/CONSULT 96 AWARDED 4/3/96 4 Signal, New- Hageman Road at Centennial High School Entrance GILLBURG 96 AWARDED 5/8/96 ALL Signal, Operations - Traffic Operations Center, Phase I Construction UNDERWOOD 96 PS&E EXPECTED FOR ADVERTISEMENT IN AUGUSTL ..... Signal, Interconnect - TOC Arterial Infrastructure Conduit,Ph. 2 - 5 Locations (Coffee, ~ , 4 & 5 Stockdale - Truxtun; Ming, Castro - New Stine; Stine/New Stine, White - Stockdale; UNDERWOOD 95 FINAL PLANS UNDER PLAN CHECK, ADVERTISEMENT TO FOLLOW ; " Stockdale~ Gosford- California; White, Wilson- Wible) Ph. 3- 1 Location Mohawk, .... California - Truxtun : Signal, Interconnect - TOC Artedal Infrastructure Conduit, Ph. 3 - 4 Locations & Misc Branch j : VARIOUS (~, KrolI - White; "H" Street: Brundage-Truxtun; ~:;~/r~et, Truxtun-W. Columbus; ~ILLBURG/TABLIT 96 BEING REBUDGETED IN FEDERAL FY 96/97 & 97/98I : Truxtun, Beale - "N" St) ~ : I & 2 Channelization, Signing & Marking ~ Speed Control Features, Oleandar Area UNDERWOOD ' 96 ONGOING AS NEEDED FOR OPERATIONAL PURPOSES , VARIOUS Signal, ModifiCation - Install Emergency Vehicle Preemption Devices UNDERWOOD 96 TO BE INSTALLED BY CITY FORCES VARIOUS Traffic Control Modifications - Various Locations UNDERWOOD 96 ONGOING AS NEEDED FOR OPERATIONAL PURPOSES -' June 17, Scheduled P. S. & E. ~ Scheduled Award of Contract 1 Plans Approved ~ Contract Awarded l~ The shading shows the planned month. The date is the actual date that the P.~&F,. was approved or the construction contract was awa~d'ed. S:\LOTUS\SCHED\96JUN96.WK4 08:54 AM ;,, REPORT DATE: 06/18/96 1995-96 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE (TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION) i::ili:::':~i;:::~:?:~:!::: ~,::~:::ii:: i ?i: i:?::::::ili::i~::ii:::::~:;::?:::i:ii~i:~!:::: ::.::: ~,':. ~ ::: ::: ,. :?.::::::~:' :: :':::: i::.::'~i ?:~,: .:~'-]~]~~. :i! :."~.:: ISignal, New- Christmas ~ree Lane at Mt Vernon Avenue ........... ~UL~ 96 IAWARDED 1/24/9~-:~ .... J / / 1_---7-- ~:;I I:~::~:~::1 Bail nal, New- Howell Drive at Old River Road )EETER/OONSUL~ 96 I^W^RDED4~96_~~ ....................... I .......... I---- ...... L ........ _~____ J I ['' ' I~?1 ,am~ nal. New - Camino Media at Old River Road )EETER/CONSUL3] 96 IAWARDED 3/20/96 _____~___ .... ~_ .....~ ............ _~._ L~_~_~ous IChannelization, Signing & Mar~ki_ng - Bike Lane Installation on Various _Streets._ D_EETER/TABLIT J 96 IPLANS 95% COMP~~K (40 PLAN SHEETS~) ] ~L~ ~ ISignal, New- Hageman Road at Centennial HighSchool Entrance ...... G!LLBURG - 196 IAWARDED 5/8/96 ~ ISignal, New - Flashing Stop Beacon--on Buena Vista Road at Panama Lane .... GILLBURG/96 IAWARDED lr23/96_ .... j JSignal. Interconnect - TOC Artedal Infrastructure Conduit. Ph. 3 - 4 Locations & Misc Branch ~_i,,~.~G ,! I IVAR~OUSI(Go~o,d. Kroll - White; "H" Street. Brundage-Truxtun; "Q"Street. Truxtun-W. Columbus; "~.~:~ ' J 96 JBEING REBUDGETED IN FEDERAL FY 96/97 & 97/98 ~----. ITruxtun' 'Beale - "N'' st) ' / I ; ! ! q ----[--- 1~ !Signal, New- Monitor Street at Pacheco Road TABLIT ' I 96I^w^RDED~" / / I I - ~ ISignal, New- 19th Street at L Street TABLIT '1 96 IAWARDED 1/24/96--- ~ !Signal, Upgrade - Brundage Lane at Cottonwood Road TABLIT : J 96 IAWARDED4/17/96--- · ~VA1R~.O2U ISignaI, Operations - Traffic Operations Center, Phase I Construction UNDERWOOD ,96 ,PS&E EXPECTED~'~O~R ADVERTISEMENT IN AUGUST ISignal. Interconnect - TOC Artedal Infrastructure Conduit. Ph. 2 - 5 Locations (Coffee, Stockdale - ! J 4 & 5 ITruxtun; Ming. Castro - New Stine; Stine/New Stine~ White - Stockdale; St~3ckdale. Gosford - UNDERWOOD I 95 JFINAL PLANS UNDER PLAN CHECK, ADVERTISEMENT TO FOLLOW ! ! I I ]C~. lifomia; White, Wilson-Wible) Ph. 3-1 Location Mohawk= California - Truxtun --I J ' S / / 1 & 2 C'hannelization Si n,~ ~-~ ~-D~v-o--~-~-i I :S I:NGOJNG AS NEE~:~ FOR OPERATIONAL PURPOSE I' / ri!~f~cI ''''g-'q g P ,cie Preem tion ~evices ~ERWOOD 96 TO BE INSTALLED BY CITY FORCES June 17,1996 ~cheduled P. S. & K. ~ ~cheduled Award of Contract ~ PI:ms Approved ~ Contract Awarded ~ The shading shows the planned month; The date is the actual d~e that the P.~&F_. was approved or the construction contract was awarded. S:~LOTUS\SCHED\960696D.WK4 08:50 AM CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 06/05/96 START EST. COMP % PROJECTS TYPE CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE DATE COMP 19TH STREET @ "L" STREET TRAFFIC SIGNAL A-C ELECTRIC 0% BAILEY'S SEWER LIFT STATION MODIFICATION TYNING BROTHERS, INC. 0% CALIFORNIA AVE. - EASTON TO OAK ROADWAY RECONSTRUCT GRANITE CONST. GRINDSTAFF 07/08/95 4/30/96 100% CALLOWAY DR.- STOCKDALE TO BRIMHALL BRIDGE & ROADWAY GRANITE CONST. CALL 05/30/95 07/29/96 79% CHESTER AVENUE UNDERPASS BRIDGES SEISMIC RETROFIT GRANITE CONSTRUCTION BOLANOS 04/01/96 06/03/96 100% CHINA GRADE LOOP @ BEARDSLEY CANAL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT BANSHEE CONSTRUCTION HUMMEL 0% COFFEE ROAD & BRIMHALL ROAD WIDENING GRIFFITH COMPANY MILLWEE 02/26/96 06/10/96 90% i EAST BRUNDAGE LANE @ LAKEVIEW AVENUE SIGNAL MODIFICATION A.C. ELECTRIC 0% FIRE STATION #13 NEW STATION HOUSE WALLACE & SMITH PIERCE 02/02/96 12/19/96 65% FIRE STATION #2 ADA BATHROOM GARY LASATER CONST. CHOATE 100% G,~RNSEY-AVE-&-SAN-MARINO DR. CURB & GUTTER PACIFIC RESOURCES HACKNEY 05/01/96 07/03/96 40% GREENWASTE RECYCLE CENTER EXPANSION GILLIAM & SONS PATTESON 06/24/96 08/19/96 0% HAGEMAN ROAD @ CENTENNIAL H.S. i TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP ELECTRIC 0% HOSKING TRUNK SEWER WIBLE ROAD EXTENSION B & R MECHANICAL CRAIG 06/10/96 07/22/96 0% MANOR STREET @ CARRIER CANAL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT GRANITE CONSTRUCTION HUMMEL 0% MONITOR STREET & FAIRFAX ROAD LIFT STATION MODIFICATIONS GRIFFITH COMPANY BOLANOS 11/01/95 05/22/96 72% MT. VERNON AVE. @ CHRISTMAS TREE LN. TRAFFIC SIGNAL A-C ELECTRIC 0% OLD RIVER RD. @ CAMINO MEDIA TRAFFIC SIGNAL DELTA ENGINEERING 0% OLD RIVER @ HOWELL TRAFFIC SIGNAL DELTA ENGINEERING 0% PACHECO RD. @ MONITOR ST. TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP ELECTRIC 0% PANAMA, STINE, AKERS, WIBLE, SO. H ST. ~RIDGE WIDENING GRANITE CONSTRUCTION MOORE 0% PATRIOT'S PARK SUMP IMPROVEMENTS BROWN & FOWLER 0% RANCHERIA ROAD BRIDGE PAINTING MERZI PAINTING CHOATE 0% SUNDALE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PUMP STN. IMPROVEMENTS KERN BACKHOE 0% TEVIS RANCH PARK PARK SITE GILLIAM & SONS, INC. FICK 03/25/96 07/01/96 30% TRUXTUN AVENUE MODIFY PUMP STATION SCADEX CORP. ROBISON 05/20/96 06/17/96 75% VARIOUS STREETS RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK GRANITE CONSTRUCTION 0% VARIOUS STREETS RESURFACING GRANITE CONSTRUCTION MAHAFFEY 04/01/96 06/24/96 80% VARIOUS STREETS RESURFACING GRIFFITH COMPANY 0% VARIOUS STREETS - NORTHEAST RESURFACING GRAHAM CONTRACTORS FICK 05/30/96 06/28/96 35% WESTCHESTER AREA SEWER REHABILITATION INSITUFORM SOUTHWEST 0% WHITE LANE - BUENA VISTA TO MTN. VISTA MEDIAN LANDSCAPING GRIFFITH COMPANY FICK 06/17/96 06/26/96 i 0% WHITE LANE - REAL ROAD TO SO..H,, STORM DRAIN & MEDIANS GRANITE CONSTRUCTION ALLEN 04/01/96 07/16/96 I 75% CONSTRUCTION INSI ECTION PROJECT STATUS SUBDIVISI£ N 06/04/96 P.M. OR DEVELOPER/ % TRACT #'S LOCATION CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR COMP. PM 10054 COFFEE RD. & OLIVE DR. I LESH 100% PM 10173 COFFEE RD. & HAGEMAN RD. LESH 35% PM 9329 STOCKDALE HWY, CSUB - OLD RIVER CASTLE& COOKE LESH 30% TR 5018-D HAGEMAN RD. & FRUITVALE DEVILLE HOMES LESH 95% TR 5245-C S/O BRIMHALL @ MONDAVI CASTLE & COOKE LESH 60%1 TR 5386-C S/O BRIMHALL - E/O CALLOWAY LESH 40% TR 5425 GRANDLAKES - N/O MING AVE. CASTLE & COOKE LESH 25% TR 5432-3 STINE & BERKSHIRE CHAMBERS FUND PIERCE TR 5433 AKERS - N/O BERKSHIRE ENNIS DEVELOPMENT PIERCE 20% TR 5441 -D NORIEGA RD. & JEWEl-FA AVE. HINESLEY LESH 70% TR 5477-4 RIVERLAKES DR. & SOUTHSHORE DR. U.S. HOMES LESH 100% TR 5528-3 S/O PANAMA - E/O AKERS DELFINO DEV. PIERCE 95% TR 5528-4&5 S/O'PANAMA - E/O AKERS DELFINO DEV. PIERCE 5% TR 5544-D BRIMHALL ROAD & VERDUGO LANE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 50% !TR 5552~-A&B RENFRO RD. & STOCKDALE HWY. WEST KERN DEVELOPMENT LESH 30% TR 5565-3 HAGEMAN RD.-E/O OLD FARM RD. U.S. HOMES LESH 35% TR 5597 JEWEl-FA - N/O BRIMHALL CARRIAGE HOMES LESH 100% TR 5611-2 i CALLOWAY DR. @ NORRIS RD. KYLE CARTER LESH 90% TR 5646-2 FAIRFAX RD (~ VALLEYVIEW DR W.D.J. CORPORATION PIERCE 50% TR 5648-A WIBLE RD. & McKEE RD. FRANCO BUILDERS PIERCE 99% TR 5673 HARRIS & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE PIERCE 20% TR 5679-1 GOSFORD @ SO. LAURELGLEN KYLE CARTER PIERCE 100% TR 5679-2&3 GOSFORD @ SO. LAURELGLEN KYLE CARTER PIERCE . 30% TR 5688-D N/O HARRIS - W/O STINE EPCO PIERCE '10% TR 5697-3 S/O HARRIS - W/O STINE KYLE CARTER PIERCE 10% TR 5716-2 MAIN PLAZA - N/O GRANITE FALLS ' DEWALT LESH 90% TR 5716-4 MAIN PLAZA - N/O GRANITE FALLS DEWALT LESH 90% TR 5719-1 PATTON, S/O HAGEMAN RD. PROBUILT LESH 99% TR 5728-2 JEWETTA & HAGEMAN DEWALT LESH 20% TR 5770 BRIMHALL & CALLOWAY DRIVE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% TR 5799 HAGEMAN RD.- E/O FRUITVALE DEVILLE HOMES LESH 95% TR 5809-A UNION AVE. @ PANAMA LN. WATTENBARGER PIERCE 95% Jl CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY 11 FY 95-96 PROJECTS AND FY 94-95 CARRYOVERS PROJ ACOUNTS % OF _ PROJECT F.Y. 1995-96 BUDGETED PROJECTS WARD FUND I FUND I DEPT/ FY 95-96 REMAINING BUDGET NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION NO NUMI SRCI DIV BUDGET BALANCE EXPENDED T6K001 20th Street Area - Curb and Gutter 2 111 CDBG PW $34,813 $34,600 0.62% P6H001 Two Above Ground Fuel Tanks - - - Sites to be Determined by need Various 311 COF FIRE $24,000 $24,000 0.00% P6J001 Aggregate Base on North 2800 Acre Perimeter Levee (RR to 2nd Point) 4 431 AWF WATER $38,000 $5,148 86.45% T6K002 Baker Street - Curb Cut Improvement 2 111 CDBG PW $15,128 $15,058 0.46% P6K004 Bakersfield Municipal Airport Clear Zone 1 451 BAF PW $126,800 $126,800 0.00% 1 451 FAA PW $1,141,''nn $1,141,200 0.00% E6J001 I Bellevue River Weir Reconstruction 4 431 AWF WATER $45,000 $44,931 0.15% T6K004I Bridge Replacement 34th St. at Eastside Canal 2 121 HBRR PW $15,400 $15,400 0.00% 2 151 GT PW $3,800 $3,800 0.00% T6K005 I Bridge Replacement Oak St. at Carrier Canal I 2 151 GT PW $3,800 $3,800 0.00% 2 121 HBRR PW $15,400 $15,400 0.00% T6K083 Bridge Widening State Hwy. 58 at Friant Kern Canal 4 332 RRB PW $40,000 $2,796 93.01% E6J002 Canal and Storm Drain Fencing - Various Locations ,All 431 AWF WATER $92,000 $12,805 86.08% ,All 431 AWF WATER $32,100 $0 100.00% E6J003 Cathodic Protection For Station 11 & 12 4 44i DWF WATER $22,000 $7,150 67.50% T6K008 Channelization State Rte. 178 - Fairfax Rd. to 1000 Ft. West 3 332 RRB PW $40,000 $35,783 10.54% T6K006 Channelization, Signing & Marking - Bike Lane Installation on Various ALL 121 TEA PW $272,000 $272,000 0.00% ALL 151 GT PW $68,000 $68,000 0.00% T6K007 Channelization, Signing & Marking - Speed Control Features, Oleanda 1,2 151 GT PW $35,000 $35,000 0.00%. Q6C001 Convention Center - Acrylic Shielding System For Hockey Rink 2 311 COF COMSE $40,000 $2,791 93.02% Q6C002 Convention Center - Control Cable Tray 2 311 COF COMSE $12,200 $2,213 81.86% P6C002 Convention Center - Energy Efficient Improvements (HVAC) 2 311 COF COMSE $2,295,500 $1,102,023 51.99% P6C001 Convention Center Parking 2 461 PLF COMSE $635,000 $17,363 97.27% P6D001 Development Services Building and Parking Structure Improvements 2 311 COF DEVSEF $38,850 $37,750 2.83% E6J008 Downtown Water Theme 2 431 AWF WATER $235,000 $235,000 0.00% P6K008 Facilities Replacement Reserve 311 COF PW $2,175,000 $799,199 63.26% Q6K001 Geographic Information System ALL 151 GT PW $25,000 $2,947 88.21% ,ALL 441 DWF PW $12,500 $12,500 0.00% ALL 431 AWF PW $12,500 $12,500 0.00% / ALL 411 SE PW $25,000 $14,723 41.11% ALL 421 RF PW $25,000 $25,000 0.00% T6C001 - James Street/Weill Park - Sidewalks, Curb and Gutter 2 111 CDBG COMSE $12,300 $12,197 0.84% E6J004 Kern River Transmission Water Main 4 441 DWF WATER $175,000 - $173 526 0.84% T6K009 Lake Street Area - Curb and Gutter, Part II 2 111 CDBG PW $122,542 $122,429 0.09% 95-96 CIPSUMM 19-Jun-96 1 [I CITY OF. BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY IIFY 95-96 PROJECTS AND FY 94-95 CARRYOVERS PROJ ACOUNTS % OF PROJECT F.Y. 1995-96 BUDGETED PROJECTS WARD FUND I FUND DEPT/ FY95-96 REMAINING BUDGET_~I NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION NO NUMI SRC . DIV BUDGET BALANCE IEXPENDED. P6K005 Land Acquisition Freeway Right of Way - Various Locations ALL 332 RBB PW $40,000 $40,000 0.00% P6K001 Landfill Control Final Gas System 3 421 RF PW $300,000 $300,000 0.00% P6C003 Lowell Park - Game Slab 1 111 CDBG COMSE $19,818 $19,774 0.22% P6C004 Northeast Medians - Stamped Concrete 2 & 3 151 GT COMSE $155,000 ($272) 100.18% Q61001 OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS FOR POLICE BUILDING 311 SAF PD $77,850 $77,850 0.00% Q61002 OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS FOR POLICE BUILDING (REI ~IODEL) 311 SAF PD $54,200 $51,532 4.92% E6K014 Panama #10 - Sewer Project, Phase III 7 111 CDBG PW $369;750 $169,375 54.19% P6C005 ParkDevelopment-Northeast-Site Undetermined 3 321 PKF COMSE $299,000 $296,800 0.74% 3 321 DEV COMSE $500,000 e~nq, nnn n nno/_ P6C007 ParkDevelopment-Seasons Park (Zone 3) 6 321 PKF COMSE $60,000 $25,694 57.18% P6C006 Park Dewlopment-Silver Creek Park (Zone 3) 4 321 PKF COMSE $100,000 $45,060 54.94% P6C008 Park Development-Tevis Ranch Park Site (Zone 1) 4 321 PKF COMSE $295,000 $52,808 82.10% E6C001 Patriots Park - Pump Installation in Basin Area 5 431 AWF COMSE $70,000 $70,000 0.00% 5 151 GT COMSE $70,000 $60,282 13.88% P6K002 Police Station Remodel 2 311 SAF PW $120,000 $119,780 O. 18% T6K015 Reconstruct Kern River Bike Path - Manor Street to 1000 Ft West 5 142 TDA PW $90,000 $90,000 0.00% P6K003 Remodel of West End of Building "C" at Corporation Yard 5 151 GT PW $19,500 $18,802 3.58% T6K017 Resurfacing California Ave. - Union Ave. to Baker St. 1,2 151 GT PW $14,100 $13,534 4.01% , 1,2 121 STP PW $109,700 $109,700 0.00% T6K018 I Reaurfacing Fairfax Rd. - Hwy. 178 to 300 Ft. South of Paladino Dr. I 3 151 GT PW $36,300 $35,891 1.13% 3 121 PW $2 ,600 $2 ,600 0.00% T6K019 Resurfacing MingAve. - OId River Rd. to Gosford Rd. I 4 151 RRR PW $290,200 $289,406 0.27% T6K020 Resurfacing Q St. - Truxtun Ave. to Golden State Ave.~ 2 151 GT PW $20,300 $19,882 2.06% 2121 STP PW $156,600 $156,600 0.00% I T6K021 I Resurfacing South H St. - Arvin Edison Canal to Panama Ln. I 7151 GT PW $47,500 $46,770 1.54% T6K022 I Resurfacing Stine Rd. - Pacheco Rd. to White Ln.~ 6 151 GT PW $15,000 $15,000 0.00% 6 121 STP PW $116,500 $116,500 0.00% T6K023 I Reaurfacing White Ln. - Old River Rd. to Gosford Rd. / I 4 151 GT PW $34,100 $33,691 1.20% 4 121 STP PW $266,000 $266,000 0.00% T6K024 I Reaurfacing Wilson Rd. - South H St. to Cheater Ave. I 7 151 GT PW $11,400 $10,991 3.59% 7 121 STP PW $85,800 $85,800 0.00% T6K025 -Resurfacing (Gl) 24th Street - N St. to Golden State Ave. 2 151 GT PW $53,400 $53,360 0.07% T6K026 Resurfacing (Gl) Auburn St. - Redlands Dr. to Oswell St. 3 151 GT PW $41,700 $41,558 0.34% T6K027 Resurfacing (Gl) Blade Ave. - Pasadena St. to Boise St. 3 151 GT PW $17,500 $17,500 0.00% g5-96 CIPSUMM 19-Jun-96 2 II CiTY OF.BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY II FY 95-96 PROJECTS AND FY 94-95 CARRYOVERS PROJ ACOUNTS % OF PROJECT F.Y. 1995-96 BUDGETED PROJECTS WARD FUNDI FUND I DEPT/ FY95-96 REMAINING BUDGET NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION NO NUM SRC DIV BUDGET BALANCE IEXPENDE[ T6K028 Resurfacing (Gl) Boise St. - Redlands Dr. to University Ave. 3 151 GT PW $33,000 $33,000 0.00% T6K029 Resurfacing (Gl) Colgate Ln. - Boise St. to Kaibab Ave. 3 151 GT PW $17,500 $17,500 0.00% T6K030 Resurfacing (Gl) Harvard Dr. - Pasadena St. to Kaibab Ave. 3 151 GT PW $54,600 $54,600 0.00% T6K031 Resurfacing (Gl) Kaibab Ave. - Pasadena St. to Harvard Dr. 3 151 GT PW $38,800 $38,800 0.00% T6K032 Resurfacing (Gl) Oak St. - Truxtun Ave. to 24th St. 5 151 GT PW $125,600 $124,869 0.58~ T6K033 Resurfacing (Gl) Oswell St. - Auburn St. to Redlands Dr. 3 151 RRR PW $67,000 $67,000 ~ 0.00~ T6K034 Resurfacing (Gl) Pasadena St.- Renegade Ave. to Kaibab Ave. 3 151 GT PW $13,600 $13,600 0.00~ T6K035 Resurfacing (Gl) Purdue Dr. - Pasadena St. to Oswelt St. 3 151 GT PW $35,900 $35,900 0.00~ T6K036 Resurfacing (Gl) Redlands Dr. - Wenatchee Ave. to University Ave. 3 151 GT PW $59,200 $59,200 0.00~ T6K037 Resurfacing (Gl) Renegade Ave. - Wenatchee Ave. to Boise St. 3 151 GT PW $27,200 $27,200 0.00~ T6K038 Resurfacing (Gl) White Ln. - Madison St. to Cottonwood Rd. 1 151 GT PW $67,900 $67,491 0.60~ T6K039 Resurfacing (G2) Gosford Rd. - Pacheco Rd. to District Blvd. 4 151 GT PW $69,200 $69,200 0.00~ T6K040 Resurfacing (G2) Manning St. - Ming Ave. to Outingdale Dr. 5 151 GT PW $61,100 $60,382 1.18~ T6K041 :lesurfacing (G?) North Half Moon Dr. - Ashe Rd to Scenic Wy. 6 151 GT PW $59,200 $58,482 1.21~ T6K042 Resurfacing (G2) Panama Ln. - 400' East of Colony St. to South H St. 7 151 GT PW $57,300 $56,582 1.25~/ T6K043 Resurfacing (G2) South Half Moon Dr. - Ashe Rd. to Scenic Wy. 6 151 GT PW $58,200 $57,482 1.23~ T6K044 ~esurfacing (G2) South Half Moon Dr. - Olympia Dr. to Ashe Rd. 4 151 RRR PW $53,400 $53,400 0.00~ T6K045 Resurfacing (G2) Stine Rd. - Harris Rd. to Pacheco Rd. 6 151 RRR PW $97,000 $96,282 0.74~ T6K046 Resurfacing (G2) Wible Rd. - Panama Ln. to Harris Rd. 6,7 151 RRR PW $60,100 ($34) 100.06~ P6K006 Roof Repair - Development Services Building 1 311 COF PW $40,000 $32,497 18.76~ E6K008 Sewer Construction - Telemetry City Wide ALL 411 SE PW $75,000 $75,000 0.00~ E6K009 Sewer Rehabiliation Gosford Road Lift Station Odor Control 4 411 SE PW $16,000 $208 98.70~ E6K010 Sewer Rehabiliation Kern Island Canal - 4th St to 8th St 1 411 SE PW $170,000 $160,669 5.49~ E6K011 Sewer Rehabiliation Modify Lift Station - Bally Station 2 411 SE PW $80,000 $79,772 0.29~ E6K012 Sc'::er Rehabiliation Modify Lift Station - Bank St East of Oakdale Dr 5 411 SE PW $80,000 $80,000 0.00~, E6K01 5 Sewer Rehabilitation Red Lion Sewer Replacement 5 411 SE PW $350,000 $345,000 1.43~ E6K013 Sewer Rehabilitation Westchester Area Alleys (Final Phase) 2 411 SE PW $270,000 $238,461 11.68~, T6K053 Signal, Interconnect - TOC Arterial Infrastructure Conduit, Ph. 3 - 5 Lo ALL 121 CMAQ PW $507,000 $507,000 0.00; Al I l ~t GT PW $66,000 $66,000 0.00~, T6K054 l Signal, Modification - Install Emergency Vehicle Preemption Devices VARIOUS 151 GT 3W $50,000 $0 100.00% T6K055 [Signal, New - 19th Streetat L Street 2 151 GT 3W $94,000 $81,314 13.50% T6K056 ~Signal, New - Camino Media at Old River Road 4 151 DEV =W $82,000 $82,000 0.00% 4 1.51 GT 3W $43,000 $25,071 41.70% T6K057 I Signal, Nc'.-.' - Christmas Tree Lane at Mt Vernon Avenue I 3 151 GT ~W $110,000 $22,058 79.95% 95-96 CIPSUMM 19-Jun-96 3 [I CITY OF. BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY J[ FY 95-96 PROJECTS AND FY 94-95 CARRYOVERS PROJ ACOUNTS % OF pROJECT F.Y. 1995-96 BUDGETED PROJECTS WARD FUND' FUND 'DEPTi FY95-96 REMAINING BUDGET~ NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION NO NUMI SRCI DIV BUDGET BALANCE EXPENDEE T6K058 Signal, New - Flashing Stop Beacon on Buena Vista Road at Panama L 4 151 GT PW $11,000 $10,264 6.69% T6K060 Signal, New - Hageman Road at Centennial High School Entrance 4 151 GT PW $27,500 $15,953 41.99% T6K061 Signal, New - Howell Drive at Old River Road 4 151 DEV PW $87,000 $87,000 0.00% ....................................................................... 4 151 GT PW $38,000 $15,712 ~o ~ T6K062 I Signal, New - Monitor Street at Pacheco Road 1,7 151 GT - PW $116,000 $7,308 93.70% T6K063 I Signal, Operations - Traffic Operations Center, Phase I Construction ALL 121 CMAQ PW $221,300 $221,300 0.00% ALL 151 GT PW $28,700 $28,673 0.09% T6K064 Signal, Upgrade - Brundage Lane at Cottonwood Road 1 151 GT PW $121,000 $109,443 9.55% Q6C003 Silver Creek Park - Automatic Pool Cover and Automatic Pool Vacuum 4 311 COF COMSE $12,500 $705 94.36% E6J005 Storage Reservoir for Interface Pipeline 4 441 DWF WATER $1,550,000 $1,297,800 16.27% 4 441 CAL WATER $3,000,000 $3,000,000 0.00% E6K001 Storm Drain Landfair Lift Station Uprade 5 411 SE PW $100,000 $76,652 23.35% E6K002 Storm Drain Truxtun Avenue Lift Station Upgrade 5 411 SE PW $50,000 $2,859 94.28% E6K003 Storm Drains Terrace Way - Union Ave. East to Sump 1 431 AWF PW $62,000 $62,000 0.00% 1 151 GT PW $62,000 $53,914 13.04% T6K066 Street Improvements Miscellaneous Construction - Chip/Slurry Seals ALL 151 GT PW $50,000 $47,412 5.18% T6K067 Street Improvements Miscellaneous Construction - Sidewalk Repair ALL 151 GT PW $100,000 ($4,209) 104.21% T6K068 Street Improvements Miscellaneous Construction - Various Locations ALL 151 GT PW $50,000 $10,833 78.33% T6K069 ' Street Improvements on Garnsey Ave. and Garnsey Ln. 5 151 RRR PW $200,000 $109,51 2 45.24% . T6K070 Street Improvements on San Marino St. and Phaffle Dr. 6 151 RRR PW $65,000 $0 100.00% T6K071 Street Imprv. Alta Vista Area - bounded by Niles/Bernard/Union/Alta Vi,. 2 151 GT PW $50,000 $9,855 80.29% T6K072 Street Light Acquisition from PG&E Due To Annexations 1 311 COF PW $75,000 $75,000 0.00% T6K073 Street Widening California Ave - Oak St to A St 2,5 332 RBB PW $150,000 $143,647 4.10% T6K074 Street Widening Panama Ln, Arvin Edison Canal to 1000' East of Ashe t- 6 332 RBB PW $460,000 $437,020 '5.00% T6K075 Street Widening Stockdale Hwy. at California Avenue 5 332 RBB PW $200,000 $199,925 0.04% T6K076 Street Widening Truxtun Ave. at Oak Street 5 332 RBB PW $200,000 $189,573 5.21% E6J006 Three Water Wells 4 and 6 441 DWF WATER $832,500 $649,640 21.97% T6K077 Traffic Control Modifications - Various Locations VARIOUS 151 GT PW $65,000 ($4,413) 106.79% P6K007 Union Ave #10 - Water Main & Fire Hydrant Upgrade 1 111 CDBG PW $228,000 $297,595 -30.52% E6K004 Wastewater Treatment Plant 2 Upgrade/Expansion, 19 MGD to 28.5 MG 1 411 COP PW $330,000 $329,159 0.25% E6K005 Wastewater Treatment Plant 3 Building Expansion 6 412 SE PW $122,000 $111,053 8.97% E6K006 Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion 6 412 COP PW $7,930,000 $7,930,000 0.00% E6K018 Sewer Repairs - Buena Vista Alignment 4 412 COP PW $1,000,000 $1,196,131 -19.61% E6J007 !Water Main Extensions - Various Locations 4 and 6 441 DWF WATER $190,000 $183,202 3.58% 95-96 ClPSUMM 19-Jun-96 4 [~- CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY I[ FY 95-96 PROJECTS AND FY 94-95 CARRYOVERS ' J[~__:NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION NO_~J~ SRC D~___~_~L BUDGET BALANCE LEXPENDEI~ ~ ~ ~ Woodwaste/Greenwaste Facility Improvements ~ 1 421 RF PW $47,000 $6,630 65.69% ~'; TOTAL I $33,066,9541 [ $27,663,4341 16.34%] 95-96 ClPSUMM 19-Jun-96 5 -- PROJ ACOUNTS PROJECT %OF ~ PROJECT F..Y. 1994-95 CARRYOVER PROJECTS WARD FUND I FUND I DEPT/ CARRYOVER REMAINING BUDGET_ NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION NO NUMI SRCI DIV AMOUNT BALANCE EXPENDE~ P2H001 FIRE STATION 2 DESIGN 2 111 CDBG CD $12,296 $12,296 0.00% T5K055 - STREET LIGHT ACQUISITIONS VARIOUS 111 CDBG CD $142,845 $142,845 0.00% T5K014 21ST STREET RESURF. - F STREET TO CHESTER 2 121 STP PW $60,305 $28,825 52.20% T3K002 CHINA GRADE LOOP BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AT BEARDSLEY CANA£ 2 121 STP PW $350,250 $347,410 0.81% T4K053 F STREET RESURF. - 14TH TO 24TH 2 121 STP PW $157,000 $69,759 55.57% T5K016 FAIRVlEW ROAD RESURF.- GWENDOLYN TO MONITOR 7 121 STP PW $156,510 $44,424 71.62% T3K039 MANOR DRIVE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AT CARRIER CANAL 2 121 STP PW $215,000 $206,697 3.86% T4K054 MING AVENUE RESURF.- WIBLE TO HUGHES 6 121 STP PW $203,719 $16 99.99% T5K017 MONTEREY STREET RESURF.- ALTA VISTA TO BEALE 2 121 STP PW $71,657 $28,177 60.68% T5K019 P STREET RESURF.- 8TH TO CALIFORNIA 1 121 STP PW $44,305 $4,778 89.22% T5K018 P STREET RESURF.- BRUNDAGE TO 4TH 1 121 STP PW $71,350 $14,036 8(J. 33% T5K020 PACHECO ROAD RESURF.- WlBLE TO HUGHES 6 121 STP PW $103,458 $34,710 66.45% T5K021 Q STREET RESURF.- CALIFORNIA TO TRUXTUN 2 121 STP PW $73,305 $16,556 77.41% T4K034 SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - SOUTHWEST ARTERIAL 4,5&6 121 CMAQ PW $178,000 $37,020 79.20% T5K051 TOC ARTERIAL INFRASTRUCTURE CONDUIT - 5 LOCATIONS 4&5 121 CMAQ PW $497,800 $497,800 0.00% T5K050 UNIVERSITY AVENUE RESURF.- WENATCHEE TO COLUMBUS 3 121 STP PW $79,300 $2,082 97.37% T5K023 WIBLE ROAD RESURF.- 600'N/O BELLE TERRACE TO BRUNDAGE 1 121 STP PW $151,058 $59,582 60.56% T5K022 WIBLE ROAD RESURF.- PLANZ TO MING 6 121 STP PW $272,410 $14,358 94.73% I TOTAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION FUND I I $2,685,4271 I $1,406,2301 47.63%1 T5K014 21ST STREET F STREET TO CHESTER 2 151 GT PW $7,910 $813 89.72% T2K006 ' COFFEE RD BRIDGE @ KERN RIVER & RD WIDENING 2 151 GT PW $50,000 ($13,219) 126.44% T3K016 COFFEE ROAD WIDENING - BRIMHALL TO ROSEDALE 4 151 GT PW $266,501 $214,299 19.59% T4K053 F STREET RESURF.- 14TH TO 24TH 2 151 GT PW $20,000 ($45) 100.23% T5K016 FAIRVIEW ROAD - GWENDOLYN TO MONITOR 7 151 GT PW $20,320 ($29) 100.14% T5K053 GUARDRAIL CHESTER AVE. AT AT&SF GRADE SEPARATION 2 151 GT :~W $25,000 $25,000 0.00% T4K006 GUARDRAIL - CHINA GRADE, CITY LIMITS TO PANORAMA 3 151 GT :~W $9,000 $9,000 0.00% P5C010 LANDSCAPE MEDIANS-ROSEDALE HWY-OAK TO CAMINO DEL RIC 5 151 GT :~W $25,000 $25,000 0.00% P5C008 LANDSCAPE MEDIANS- STOCKDALE HWY-GOSFORD ROAD 4 151 GT ::)W $59,800 ($29,156) 148.76% T4K048 MEDIAN CONSTRUCTION - VARIOUS LOCATIONS VARIOUS 151 GT :)W $146,670 $136,784 6.74% T5K054 MEDIAN NARROWING - WHITE LANE -WlBLE TO SOUTH "H" 7 151 GT ::)W $186,000 ($8) 100.00% T4K054 MING AVENUE - WlBLE TO HUGHES 7 151 GT ::)W $26,900 $37 99.86% T5K017 MONTEREY STREET - ALTA VISTA TO BEALE 2 151 GT ::)W $9,265 ($51) 100.55% T5K006 NEW SIGNAL - CALLOWAY DRIVE AT MEACHAM ROAD 4 151 GT 3W $84,330 ($2,280) 102.70% T5K001 NEW SIGNAL - EAST BRUNDAGE LANE AT OSWELL STREET 1 151 .GT :~W $113,000 ($25) 100.02% T5K003 NEW SIGNAL - JENKINS ROAD AT STOCKDALE HIGHWAY 4 151 GT :~W_ . $8,500 $6,863 19.26% P5C002 NORTHEAST MEDIANS - STAMPED CONCRETE 2&3 151 GT PW $149,847 ($467) 100.31% 95-96 CIPSUMM 19-Jun-96 1 PROJECT F,Y. 1994-95 CARRYOVER PROJECTS WARD FUND FUND DEPT/ CARRYOVER REMAINING BUDGET NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION NO NUM SRC DIV AMOUNT BALANCE EXPENDED T5K019 P STREET - 8TH TO CALIFORNIA 1 151 GT PW $5,910 ($18) 100.30% TSK018 P STREET - BRUNDAGE TO 4TH 1 151 GT PW $10,910 $40 99.63% T5K020 PACHECO ROAD - WIBLE TO HUGHES 6 151 GT PW $13,365 ($45) 100.34% T5K021 Q STREET - CALIFORNIA TO TRUXTUN 2151 GT PW $9,910 ($2) 100.02% T4K037 RANCHERIA RD. AT KERN RIVER BRIDGE REPAIRS 3151 GT PW $44,993 - $44,784 0.46% T4K034 SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - SOUTHWEST ARTERIAL 4,5&6151 GT PW $166,256 $147,973 11.00% T4K034 SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - SOUTHWEST ARTERIAL 4,5&6151 GT PW $23,000 $22,955 0.20% T5K052 SPEED CONTROL FEATURES, VARIOUS LOCATIONS VARIOUS 151 GT PW $50,000 $38,593 22.81% T5K055 STREET LIGHT ACQUISITIONS - PENDING ANNEXATIONS VARIOUS 151 GT PW $20,000 $20,000 0.00% T5K051 TOC ARTERIAL INFRASTRUCTURE CONDUIT - 5 LOCATIONS 4&5151 GT PW $64,500 $64,448 0.08% T5K010 TRAFFIC COUNT DETECTOR INSTALLATION, VAR. LOCATIONS VARIOUS 151 GT PW $12,920 $5,975 53.75% T5K050 UNIVERSITY AVENUE - WENATCHEE TO COLUMBUS 3151 GT PW $10,300 ($5) 100.05% T5K023 WlBLE ROAD - 600'N/O BELLE TERRACE TO BRUNDAGE 1 151 GT PW $19,565 ($57) 100.29% T5K022 WlBLE ROAD - PLANZ TO MING 6151 GT PW $35,320 $28 99.92% T3K036 WIDEN INTERSECTION - STOCKDALE AT CALIF(PHASE 2 & 3) 5151 GT PW $48,637 $11,535 76.28% T5K028 WIDEN INTERSECTION - WHITE LANE AT WIBLE ROAD 6&7 151 GT PW $114,860 $10,567 90.80% I TOTALGAS TAXFUND I I $1,858,4891 I $739,2871 60.22%1 P5C007 I KERN RIVER PARKWAY EMPLOYEE PROJECT 1 5 162 5021 $11,678 $402 96.56% POC001 I KERN RIVER BIKEPATH/PARKING I 4&54&5 163163 50215021 $66,596 $53,995 97.87%18.92% PLC004 KERN RIVER PARKWAY $27,229 $579 L TOTAL PARKLAND BOND FUND I I $93,8251 I $54,574 ] 41.83% P5K003 ADA REMODELS VARIOUS 311 4051 $81,998 $81,964 100.00% P5K003 ADA REMODELS 11 311 4031 $53,593 $39,790 25.76% P5C011 ARENA EXPANSION GASKET 2 311 5011 $2,658 $2,658 0.00% P5C009 ARENA FLOOR RESEAL 2 311 5011 $54,207 ($32) 100.08% P3C001 BEACH PARK IMPROVEMENTS 5 311 5021 $121,989 $99,042 18.81% Q4G001 CENTRAL COMPUTER REPLACEMENT 2 311 1371 $211,105 $109,115 48.31% P51001 CONSTRUCT ,WING ON POLICE BUILDING 2 311 2011 $1,302,480 $25,389 98.05% P5C004 CONVENTION CENTER HVAC 2 311 5011 $500,000 $216,860 56.63% Q51001 MOBIl F DATA TERMINALS VARIOUS 311 2021 $!33,620 ($11,530) 108.63% P5H001 NEW FIRE STATION - 6915 STINK ROAD 4 311 3031 $524,543 $14,825 97.17% 95-96 CIPSUMM 19-Jun-96 2 -' PROJ ACOUNTS PROJECT % OF PROJECT F.Y. 1994-95 CARRYOVER PROJECTS WARD FUND FUND DEPT/ CARRYOVER REMAINING BUDGET NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION NO NUM SRC DIV AMOUNT BALANCE EXPENDED Q41002 POLICE RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2 311 4031 $32,788 $23,106 29.53% P5C005 REPLACE ARENA ACOUSTIC CEILING 2 311 5011 $19,816 $19,816 0.00% TSK046 SIGNAL MOD- PREEMPT DEVICE VARIOUS 311 3031 $32,000 $1,417 95.57% P2H001 STATION #2 RETROFIT 2 311 3031 $52,956 ($1,634) 103.09% N/A TRI-DATA STUDY VARIOUS 311 3031 $20,000 $20,000 0.00% [ TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND I $3,143,7531 I $640,8061 79.62%1 I P4C004 I CONVENTION CENTER BALLROOM CONSTRUCTION 2 312 5011 $837,065 $165,318 80.25% I P4C005 I CONVENTION CENTER MEETING ROOMS CONSTRUCTION 2 313 5011 $16,534 $16,534 0.00% I I P5CO06 I TEVIS AREA (AREA 1) - PARK DEVELOPMENT 4 321 5021 $210,199 $3,515 98.33% T5K040 AKERS ROAD WIDENING AT ARVIN EDISON CANAL 6 331 4031 $88,500 $88,222 0.31% T3K039 MANOR DRIVE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AT CARRIER CANAL 2 331 4031 $55,000 $53,236 3.21% T5K024 PANAMA LANE WIDENING AT ARVIN EDISON CANAL 6 331 4031 $701,420 $701,169. 0.04% T5K025 PANAMA LANE WIDENING AT FARMER'S CANAL 6 331 4031 $81,300 $0 100.00% T5K013 RECONSTRUCT STOCKDALE HWY - 1400'E/O OLD RIVER 4 331 4031 $586,085 $35,690 93.91% T5K041 SOUTH H STREET BRIDGE CONSTRUCT AT ARVIN EDISON CANAL 7 331 4031 $151,500 $151,283 0.14% T5K042 STINE ROAD WIDENING AT ARVIN EDISON CANAL 6 331 4031 $151,500 $151,293 0.14% T5K039 WIBLE ROAD WIDENING AT ARVIN EDISON CANAL 6&7 331 4031 $151,500 $151,056 0.29% T3K036 WIDEN INTERSECTION - STOCKDALE & CALIFORNIA 5 331 4031 $378,602 $378,602 0.00% T3K036 WIDEN INTERSECTION - STOCKDALE & CALIFORNIA 5 331 4031 $17,000 $6,471 61.94% T5K031 WIDEN STOCKDALE-JENKINS TO ALLEN RD. 4 331 4031 $85,340 $0 100.00% !.', ~ TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND I I $2,447,747J I $1,717,0221 0.00% I T3K015 I CALLOWAY BRIDGE OVERCROSSING I 4 332 4031 $1,705,000 $1,688,726 0.95% I T4K052 I COFFEE ROAD OVERCROSSING CONSTRUCTION I 4 333 4031 $7,904,000 $6,425,733 18.70% I E1 KO01 i PLANT #2 EXPANSION, PHASE I & II DESIGN 1 1 411 4071 $138,800 $138,800 0.00% I E4KO02 i WOOD RECYCLING FACILITY - ASPHALT PAVING ] 1 421 4081 $156,735 ($4) 100.00% I P5K006 i CONSTRUCT FUEL FARM AND REMOVE EXISTING TANK 1 1 451 4051 $200,000 $200,000 0.00% 95-96 ClPSUMM 19-Jun-96 3 PROJECT F,Y. 1994-95 CARRYOVER PROJECTS WARD FUND FUND DEPT/ CARRYOVERII REMAINING BU~)GET. NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION NO NUM SRC DIV AMOUNT BALANCE EXPENDED P5KO04 CONSTRUCT RESTROOM FACILITY 1 451 4051 $35,000 $35,000 0.00% [ TOTAL GENERAL AVIATION FUND t I $235,0001 I $235,0001 0.00% P5KO07 II-AND ACQUISITION - OFF STREET PARKING I VARIOUS 461 6580 $351,195 $11,330 96.77% P4KO03 CAI/OAK STREET IMPROVEMENTS 5 658 4071 $44,750 $44,750 0.00% P4KO03 CAI/OAK STREET IMPROVEMENTS 5 658 4071 $492,000 $303,675 38.28% T5K043 GOSFORD/WHITE STREET IMPROVEMENT 4 661 4031 $599,000 $230,305 61.55% GAD654 HOSKING SEWER 6&7 654 4071 $100,000 $100,000 0.00% GAD655 NORTHEAST SEWER-OTHER PROFESSIONAL 3 655 4071 $36,000 $36,000 0.00% GAD655 NORTHEAST SEWER · 3 655 4071 $3,289,000 $3,189,000 3.04% E5KO0e RENFRO/HUGHES SEWER-OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 7 659 4031 $2,000 $2 000 0.00% E5KO04 RENFRO/HUGHES SEWER-OTHER PROFESSIONAL 7 659 4031 $4,500 $4 500 0.00% E5KO04 RENFRO/HUGHES SEWER-ARCHITECTUAL ENGINEERING 7 659 4031 $9,000 $9000 0.00% E5KO08 RENFRO/HUGHES SEWER-PROF.SVCS./LEGAL 7 659 4031 $20,700 $20700 0.00% E5KO04 RENFRO/HUGHES SEWER-ARCHITECTUAL ENGINEERING 7 659 4031 $291,000 $1 621 99.44% E5KO04 RENFRO/HUGHES SEWER-PRINTING & BINDING 7 659 4031 $9,000 $9000 0.00% E5KO08 RENFRO/HUGHES SEWER-ARCHITECTUAL 7 659 4031 $6,900 $6900 0.00% E5KO08 RENFRO/HUGHES SEWER-PRINTING & BINDING 7 659 4031 $5,900 $5900 0.00% E5KO04 RENFRO/HUGHES SEWER-PROF.S¥CS./LEGAL 7 659 4031 $31,500 $31 500 0.00% E5KOOe RENFRO/HUGHES SEWER 7 659 4031 $471,000 $106,810 77.32% GAD657 STINE/HARRIS STREET IMPROVEMENTS 6 657 4071 .$300,000 $300,000 0.00% I TOTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUNDS I I $5,412,2501 I $4,101,661 I 24.22% I GRAND TOTAL - FY 94-95 C.ARRYOVERS: 1 I $27,207,6971 I $17,344,9341 36.25% ~ TOTAL C.I.P. crrYWlDE '1 1560,274,64811 $45,008,3681 25.33% 95-96 CIPSUMM 19-Jun-96 4 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM June 24, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Darnell W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director ~ THROUGH: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: 1995-96 CIP STATUS - NOTICE OF COMPLETION Since the last monthly CIP status report on May 16, 1996, Five Notices of Completion were accepted for the following projects: AGREEMENT CONTRACTOR PROJECT DATE OF ACCEPTANCE ~6-1 Floyd Hineslev Improvement Agreement 6-3-96 ' for Tract No. 5476, Phase 2 95-176 Ca/ffith Company Contract for the 6-3-96 Construction of Oleander/Sunset Area curb and gutter ¢5-291 Kyle Carter Homes, Inc. Improvement Agreement 6-14-96 for Tract No. 5697, Phase 2 95-227 Griffith Company ConU'act for the 6-14-96 construction of a parking lot addition for the Convention Center 95-193 A.C. Electric Company Contract for traffic signal6-14-96 installation on Calloway Drive at Meacham Road CC: G. Waiters T. Slater D. Teubner B A K E R S F I E'L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM June 24, 1996 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Darnell W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director ~ THROUGH: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director SUBJECT: CIP STATUS REPORT - JUNE 1996 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS APPROVED Since the last monthly CIP status report on May 22, 1996, two project plans and specifications were approved as follows: PROOECT NO, PRQJECT TITLE 1. T6K071 Alta Vista Street Improvements 2. P6K006 Roof Repair - Development Services Building cc: G. Waiters T. Slater D. Teubner MEMORANDUM TO: CARROLL HAYDEN, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER DATE: 6113196 FROM: BARBARA LEVVY, HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST ~'~' SUBJECT: REPORT ON MERIT STEP INCREASES: JANUARY-MARCH 1996 Per the City Council's request, attached is a listing by department of the number of eligible employees who received Step 4 or 5 medt increases for the quarter January-March 1996. Twenty-eight (28) of twenty-nine (29) eligible employees received Step 4 or 5 medt increases dudng the pedod. STEP INCREASE REPORT JANUARY-MARCH 1996 15-May-96 · : ........ ..: ..: :. ...... · .................... ~..'..'~ ~..'..'~i.-'..'?..~;,.'.,'.'~ iiiiiSTEpi3iTO 4:i::::i:'?:i:~i iiii:STEPi4iTO 5?::i::ii::::~!~i EXECUTIVE :::ii::iiiiiiii::::::::i~2i iii:. ::i::::!::::~ii:.~ :.~ 2 I 11 1 1 FINANCE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0 0 1 1 ATTORNEY ii~ i33::::i~::::iii ii:0i !i: ~:ii::i!ii:i :0 0 0 0 0 POLICE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ! i::iiiiii::~ :.' 10 9 9 I 1 PUBLIC WORKS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2 2 7 6 WATER RESOURCES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0 0 0 0 COMMUNITY SVCS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: iiiii!iiiiiiii?:~i 2 2 2 2 DEV SVCS ~1 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0 0 . 1 1 ED/CD i ! ii::iiiiii~3:~::i~0:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0 0 0 0 TOTAL: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::~.:...~.~.~.~..`.:ii!::~.....`~::~i~ii~iIIi!j.ii~i~:iii~ ............... BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANz~ TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager' /f~ ~.q - FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: June 27, 1996 SUBJECT: RESPONSES TO COUNCIL REFERRALS Enclosed please find responses to the following Council referrals: Referral Record # 0008256 Striping at 800 Montclair (Rowles) Traffic Engineering staff investigated the condition of existing striping. Installation of reflective raised pavement markers in the curve area, repainting of the stripe, and. installation of curve advisory signs in advance of the curve £or both approach directions to the curve on Montclair, have been proposed. Work order being processed, estimated completion time about 2 weeks. Informal Referral Update - Traffic Controls Requst in Spruce Street Alley (DeMond) Additional warning signs to be installed. Informal Referral Sight Line Obstruction at B Street and State Highway 178 (24th Street) (DeMond) State Department of Transportation, CalTrans, Local Maintenance Section, Mr. Jim Davidson was contacted and made assurance the problem would be taken care of. May be a few weeks time before a crew can be scheduled. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: June 24, 1996 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN'L WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER,/~~ SUBJECT: UPDATE - INFORMAL COUNCILMEMBER REFERRAL - TRAFFIC CONTROLS REQUEST IN SPRUCE STREET ALLEY, WARD 2 Earlier this year, stop signs and alley speed limit signs were installed in the alley and at various alley intersections. This helped control the traffic at the "blind" intersections of the alley and should reduce conflicts. There still remained a problem at the northeast area where the alley makes a sharp turn. Because of the turn a driveway to an alley access garage is hidden to most drivers heading easterly and turning with the alley to go southerly. Since this is not an intersection, but rather a sharp curve in the alley, a stop sign was not appropriate. In further direct discussions with the resident whose drive is most affected, I determined that some special signs may be of help. The following signs will be installed in the area of the curve. 1. A curve warning sign with speed advisory will be installed for northerly bound alley traffic. 2. A second curve warning sign will be installed for the easterly bound traffic that will turn south. 3. A sign noting "hidden driveway" will be installed in advance of the resident's driveway. A work order has been prepared and the signs will be installed. Referral response completed. cc: Traffic Engineering File - Spruce street alley complaints slw: P:\DATA\WP\I g96\SprcAley. Ref ?- ' ~...~i" BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: June 25, 1996 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM' STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER~ SUBJECT: COUNCILMEMBER DEMOND, WARD 2, DIRECT REFERRAL - SIGHT LINE OBSTRUCTION AT B STREET AND STATE HIGHWAY 178 (24TH STREET) On Monday, June 24, 1996, a request from Councilmember DeMond was forwarded to the Traffic Engineer for investigation and response. REQUEST: Drivers headed northbound on B Street at 24th (State Highway 178) encounter a visual obstruction preventing them from seeing oncoming traffic on 24th due to landscaping or other items in an island area of the roadway. INVESTIGATION: The traffic island to the east of the intersection, where directional traffic on the 24th Street portion of State Highway 178 splits, is overgrown with the landscaping ground cover and shrubbery. The ground cover and shrubbery effectively blocks visibility of oncoming westbound traffic for a driver sitting at the intersection of B Street and attempting to turn north to west onto State Highway 178. Visibility of oncoming eastbound traffic appeared to be acceptable. RESOLUTION/RESPONSE: The State Department of Transportation, CalTrans, was contacted and put on notice of a potential safety problem caused by their landscaping overgrowth in the traffic island. Mr. Jim Davidson of the local maintenance section of CalTrans in Bakersfield was contacted and made assurance that the problem would be taken care of as soon as he could get a crew scheduled for the area. He estimated this may be in a few weeks time. No further action required. Response completed. cc: Traffic Engineering File - State Highway 178 (24th) at B Street slw: P:\DATA\WP\1996\B24th_W2.Ref BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: June24, 1996 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER~~ SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL No. WF0008256 - STRIPING AT 800 MONTCLAIR STREET. COUNCIL REFERRAL: "ROWLES REQUESTED STAFF REPAIR THE STRIPING AT 800 MONTCLAIR" RESPONSE: The Traffic Engineer investigated the condition of the existing striping at the 800 block of Montclair. The striping is in fair shape during daylight hours but is less visible during night hours. The striping was originally installed because of the sharp curve in Montclair. Based on the Traffic Engineer's review and information that nighttime visibility of the curve is a concern, the following improvements are proposed. - Installation of reflective raised pavement markers in the curve area - repainting of the stripe - installation of curve advisory signs in advance of the curve for both approach directions to the curve on Montclair. A work order is being processed to direct City crews to install the above improvements. Estimated completion time is about 2 weeks. Response completed. cc: Traffic Engineering File - wfOO8256, ref slw: p:\DATA\WP\1996\wfO08256.ref City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0008256 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 6~17/96 REQUEST DATE: 6_ 12/96 SCHEDULE DATES CREW: START: 6/12/96 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 6/24/96 FACILITY NODES GEN. LOC: WARD5 FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL ~Tm~'~ REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - ROWLES ORIGIN:~ CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: STRIPING AT 800 MONTCLAIR REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** ROWLES REQUESTED STAFF REPAIR THE STRIPING AT 800 MONTCLAIR. JOB ORDER DESCRIPTION: STRIPING AT 800 MONTCLAIR Category: PUBLIC WORKS TASK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL ASSIGNED DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / /~