HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/30/93 BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM April 30, 1993 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNC FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. We had a technical committee advisory meeting with the County Solid Waste this week. They will be bidding the long-~rm greenwaste/woodwaste program. We are welcome to participate in a/ bidding process against private sector interests. We .offered to do/it for cost only. They, apparently, prefer to take a bid route. It ~ncreases' our potential for profit but,' unfortunately, potentially puts ~s in competition with the private sector. 2. Also on the solid waste issue, the Mayor appeared before the County Supervisors this week, making an appeal to not adopt gate fees without universal collection. They went ahead and adopted the ordinances for the gate fees'anyway. Ken Peterson was successful in getting them to undertake a 90-day study to look at universal collectioni We will be thinking about other ways of trying to influence them or to get involved in the process. I would not, however, be overly optimistic at this point. 3. A copy of a letter to LAFCO, raising questions and concerns about their fee increases, in enclosed. We are pursuing several sources of information about how other county LAFCOs handle issues in comparison to ours, and how our LAFCO has handled other cities in the County, to develop a basis of comparison to how we are being treated by LAFCO. 4. I hate to build expectations, and I know that the Hotel has had an ever- slipping date, as far as bringing it to fruition, but I believe we are in a critical stage with the out-of-town developer. We are discussing a letter of intent and hope~to have that exchanged within the next week or two. There are many issues connected with the content of that letter which are not clarified and reduced to writing yet. If you would like more information,-please give me a call. 5. The Renfro #3 Annexation is coming up for action on April 12th. That will bring about a triggering of the issue of the Fire Fund, which will have to be addressed prior to that annexation being completed. The legal work is nearly done. 6. The Intergovernmental Relations Committee met this week. We had discussion of the gate fee issues, where we have only a promise of the 90-day study. The County, suddenly, "found" money that is available for the business attraction program in the Incentive Zone. Although their Redevelopment Director will put personal obstacles in the way of bringing about a HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL April 30, 1993 Page -2- positive program, we will continue to work on that. It is a positive step that they "found" money. Finally, regarding the Groundwater Ordinance, they see many complications because of the different perspectives between the City and County, but will continue to study the issue. 7. For your information, upon Paul Dow's retirement (Tuesday, May 4th), Gene Bogart will be Acting Water and Sanitation Manager. 8. There is a status report on CDBG projects enclosed. 9. In order to begin processing, in .a timely manner (to be effective 'July 1, 1993), an increase in the transient occupancy tax which I have assumed in my proposed budget, we must provide notice to the public at least 45 days prior to the hearing at which the Ordinance for this increase is to be adopted. This notice must appear no later than May 7, 1993, which is before our next Council Meeting. This information is to let you know we are proceeding with the notice requirements in order to meet State law, and that we understand the ultimate resolution of this matter will be determined by the City Council during the budget meetings and upon final adoption of the Ordinance increasing the tax. We have had ongoing meetings with the Hotel Owners' Association and the Convention and Visitors Bureau regarding a possible increase and have received a neutral response as of this date. AT.alb Enclosures cc: Department Heads City Clerk BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager April 27, 1993 LAFCO 2700 "M" Street, #302 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Commissioners: City of Bakersfield staff has reviewed the fee schedule proposed for your adoption. On the one hand we are grateful the fees have been stable for so long but the increases for annexation would be something of a shock to our budget.. Some city council members have expressed concern over more than doubling some fees. Assuming that you will find some level of increased fees to be necessary, we ask that during this time of cutbacks for all of us please be sensitive to the need to hold down costs in other areas. Please minimize requirements for time consuming expensive studies or reports. Expedite reviews whenever possible. It appears that fees for negative declarations and EIRs contain a component for payment of the Fish and Game tax on them (i.e. $1,275 negative declaration and $825 EIR). If this is the case, the schedule should clarify that they are only due if required by the State since they may have already been paid on another phase of the project. You may also waive them as specified in State law and legislation is now pending that would do away with them. If they are not reflective of the State tax, then we object to them as unreasonable, unjustified and illegal. It is suggested that the cost of a negative declaration be considered included in the basic application cost since it is really a conclusion reached at the end of an initial study of the application and it would seem difficult to separate the initial review work so definitively and categorically. The same knowledge derived from reviewing the application should be useful in reaching a conclusion on whether it should be approved or denied. 23 APR 95 ~ 55 '_./Alan Tandy City Manager , AT:pit . cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members l\llafco City' of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 ~alifornia BOB PRICE MAYOR April 27, 1993 Dear Property. Owner: On April 23, 1993, the area known as Stine No. 9 Almexation was officially annexed to the City of Bakersfield. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the City and offer some information about Bakersfield. The elected city representative for the Stine No. 9 Annexation area is CoUncihnan McDermott. If you reside within this newly annexed area, your first opportunity to vote on city issues will be November 1993. Enclosed is a telephone list of various city services with contact names. This list is being provided for your cOnvenience, of course, additional phone numbers are in your local telephone book under Bakersfield, City of. Please feel free to call on us if you require additional information or have any questions relative to your new status. Once again, welcome to the City. of Bakersfield. We are here to serve you. Sincerely, Bob Fr/ce Mayor MO:pjt Attachment cc: t. itv Counc~imem0ers Planning COmmission Chairman Darren Powers l",,ls9 1501 Truxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (805) 326-3770 MEMORANDUM April 28, 1993 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager / 'Jake Wager, Economic Development Director y / / · ' ~r~inato~' FROM: George Gonzales, Community Development Coord' at)~/fJ" // SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON MEMORANDUM DATED APRIL 6, 1993 This memo is in response to Councilmember Brunni requesting the funds budgeted for the various projects reported in memorandum dated April 6, 1993, concerning the Status of CDBG Projects. ~ Item # 2. Bakersfield Senior center Dining Building Roof Repair: Expended $6,140, Budgeted $15,000. (Status: ~Completed) .,~ 3. Jefferson park Restroom Construction Project: Expended $72,248, Budgeted $107,000. (Status: Completed) 4. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center Addition: Bid award $61,864, Budgeted $62,127. (Status: Construction in Progress) 5. Priscilla Lane Sewer Project: Expended $7,529, Budgeted $22,556. Of this amount budgeted $5,533 was transferred to Jewett Avenue Project. (Status: ComPleted) 10. Bakersfield Homeless Center Improvements: Bid award $19,505, Budgeted $20,572. (Status: Construction in Progress) The project savings from these various activities are scheduled for reallocation as part of Amendment #1 to the 1992-93 CDBG application to be presented at the May. 12, 1993, City Council Meeting. Im:GG8 BRUNNI.MEM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager Jake Wager, Economic Development'Director 'FROM: George Gonzales, Community Development Coor SUBJECT: STATUS OF CDBG PROJECTS This will serve as an update on the status of the following approved CDBG projects. Community Development· Program is providing funding assistance to the following: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1. Bakersfield Senior Center Phase III - Services Buildin,q Project. Construction of · a 1,200 s .~fl~c~ces building at the Bakersfield Senior Center site - · ~!ional use permit was approved by the BZA. Bid opening · scheduled for May 1993. Estimated completion date is July 1993. ~-'~ Bakersfield Senior Center Dininq Buildinq Roof Repair. Notice of completion to · be filed April 14, .19931 $6,,140 expended. ]u(-~d ~q,~ ~.t ~ ? Jefferson Park Res"t'r0om Construction Project. Construction of a 1,000 sq. ft. restroom. Notice of completion filed on September 30, 1992, $72,248 (~ Martin Luther Jr. Center Addition. Construction of a 800 ft.. Kin.q Community sq. addition. Bid awarded to Findley Construction on March 3, 1993 -$6.1,864. Estimated completion date is May 1993. ~ ~~(. ? ~ '/./'Z~ I ~O ~ Priscilla Lane Sewer Proiect. Installation of approximately 400'linear feet of sewer line to serve 8 Iow income residents. Notice of Completion approved'by._ ,...,_, City Council on December 9, 1992, $7,529 expended. /~'~r .~,~~,. '~- 6. Castro Lane Curb & Gutter Project. Installation of approximately 400 linear feet of'infill curb and gutter to alleviate localized drainage problems. The project'will serve 7 Iow and moderate income residents. Plans and specification approved by City Council on March 24, 1993. Public Works Department has received. some concerns from the adjacent property owners; however, no resolution has been finaled in the design of the-project.' Public Works will be meeting with these property owners before the project is awarded. Anticipated award date is scheduled for the May 12, 1993, City Council meeting, $13,200 budgeted. Page 3 Taridy Memo 04/06/93 2. Friendship House Community Center Sport Complex. Construction of a 400 sq. ft. restroom and installation of security fencing, outdoor lighting and landscaping improvements, for their facilities located at 2424 Cottonwood Road, The scheduled completion date is April 1993 - $215,000. · 3. Arthritis Therapy Pool and Facility Construction Pr°iect. Construction of a 7,000 sq. ft.. facility with a 968 sq. ft. indoor heated therapy pool. Total cost of the facility is $1,237,924, the City's share is $200,000. Notice of Completion has been approved, v/ 4. Alliance Aqainst 'Family Violence Counselinq Center ACquisition. Acquisition assistance was provided to purchase a 2,180 sq. ft. building to house a counseling center located at 2211 17th Street. The City's share of the total $155,860 project was $70,000. Acquisition is completed. 5. Kern County Food Bank Acquisition Proiect. Acquisition of an existing 24,500 sq. ft. warehouse building located at 800 14th Street. The City's share of the total $546,200 project was $224.000. Acquisition was completed on January 10, 1993. v,/' 6. Ebony Counselin.q Center Acquisition Project. Acquisition assistance was provided to purchase a 4,000 sq. ft. building to house a counseling center located at 1301 California Avenue. The City's share of. the.total $200,000 project was $100.000. Acquisition has been completed.~//  ) Clinica Sierra Vista Medical Facility. Acquisition assistance to acquire a 60,000 sq. ft. site for the construction of a 10,000 to 15,000 sq. ft. medical facility at 623 Lakeview Avenue. Appraisals have been completed and offers made to property owners. Acquisition is scheduled to be completed August 1993 - $100,000. Additional request for assistance is pending. ADMINISTRATION · ~ ~ Proqram. staff has been working with General ServiceS in the CD implementation of the Graffiti Removal Program on private pr°perty. To date, 600 calls have been recorded. Four hundred fifty instances of graffiti 'were removed with 625 gallons of Paint. C:~/~/~::~ .~ ' 2. First 'Time Home Buyers. Thirty-nine loans for mortgage assistance have been approved. Additional mortgage lenders are being included in this program.. AL,b-- A~F..~C A. CtTY BAKERSFIELD 1990 April 27, 1993 Honorable Pete Wilson Governor State of Caiifomia State Capitol, First Floor Sacramento, California 95814 Dear Governor Wilson,' I am excited about locating the new Mercedes-Benz plant in Kern County. Leaders from throughout our county are working together to bring this project to Kern County and California. As you know, our county is large--over 8,000 square miles. To have our numerous communities, and the county itself, unified to attract Mercedes-Benz affirms our commitment and' vision to make this .project a success. Rather than competing against each other, we stand ready to approach this project on a regional basis. ~ While Bakersfield would be my first choice to locate such a plant, our city will work just as hard to locate this plant in any other community in Kern County.. ~ I am proud to be part of a county which shows such leadership to work together, promote unity, and bring .new jobs to California. TEAM. BAKERSFIELD is ready to serve. City Manager. dl/mbenz, l~' 'City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield. · California ·. 93301 (805) 326-3751, · Fax (805) 325-9162 DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND SANITATION ~"' .:~( . _ PAUL DOW, Manager GENE BOGART. Director of Water Resources FLORN CORE. Assistant D~rector of Water Resources MIKE SLOES, Sanitation Superintendent April 19, 1993 Governor Pete Wilson Office of the Governor State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: SWRCB Draft Decision 1630 Dear Governor Wilson: This letter is written on behalf of the Bakersfield City Council to thank you for your personal involvement in the D-1630 decision process. Representing the largest urban community located in the southern San Joaquin Valley of Kern County, the City of Bakersfield and its citizen's realize the difficult task of finding the correct balance between the urban, agricultural and environmental interests in the Bay-Delta proceedings. Your timely action to ask the SWRCB to Stop work on the interim standards and re-focus efforts on long-range solutions was very much appreciated by our community. Sincerely, Mayor KE~IN McDERMOTT ¥~ce Mayor/Councilmember 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 · (805) 326'3715 WARDS Cou~ilmember PATRIC Councilmember PATRICIA M. SMITH Councilmember CONNI BRUNNI .... ~ Councilmember 'DANIELJ. ~ ' Councilmember MARK SALVAGGIO ,t Councilmember GB:sr' bcc: Mayor & City Council Members Alan Tandy, City manager Larry Lunardini, City Attorney cc: Mr. Walter Pettit Paul Dow Secretary Doug Wheeler Gene Bogart Secretary James Strock Florn Core Senator Don Rogers ' Tom Clark, KCWA / John Stovall, KCWA A~emblyman TH~ Ha~ey Scott Slater, Hatch & Parent ~'~ A~emb~man Jhn Costa Tom Stetson, Stetson Engineers, Inc. 2