HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/13/93 B A. K E_ R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM August 13, 1993 TO' .HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILz~j~ FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT' GENERAL INFORMATION 1. With Mayor Price testifying in support of their staff's position, the County Board of Supervisors, this week, adopted the Resolution setting in motion the establishment of universal garbage collection in the metropolitan area. A study is the first stage, but it looks like it may be seriously underway, at last. 2. You will find enclosed a copy of a letter from LAFCO which formalizes the death of Hageman No. 1 as an annexation. Calloway No. 5 and College No. 5, which is a school site, will be coming up in the near future and, absent resolution of the Fire Fund issue, could face the same end. 3. There is a Council Referral response enclosed on a question about land acquisition costs on th~ South Beltway. 4. The County Board of Supervisors, this week, approved, the Habitat Conservation Plan. 5. Under Civil Service rules, we sti~ll have a list of Assistant City Manager' applicants that is good for a year, if the candidates remain interested. We are currently checking interest levels of those on the list. 6. With the vacant Assistant City Manager position, we also have both Trudy and Joh~ going on 2-week vacations. Please be tolerant of slow responses to inquiries and other paperwork. We will be extremely short-staffed during that time period. 7. The numbers that you will need relative to tracking individual Councilmember expenses are enclosed, for your information. 8. The stories on the County budget are interesting. Apparently, their budgets are up without many cuts, although we continue to get communications, such as we received last week, asking-us to pay a portion of the helicopter. They are also, apparently, building a budget balanced by assumed voter adoption of the referendum on the sales tax. They will have very little time left in the fiscal year to cut their expenses, if the sales tax is turned down. It is not a budgetary practice that I would recommend. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL August 13, 1993 Page -2- 9. There is a memo enclosed from Finance which discusses the late State budgetary changes and their impact on our budget going into next year. The bottom line is that, in staff's opinion, we balanced this year's budget with about$4.0 million in nonrecurring revenue - the amount the State has moderated will allow us to enter into next fiscal year approximately $1.0 million out of balance if we do not spend it in the interim. The bottom line - absent new State "takes", no more cuts would be necessary. Some spending out of the amount will be necessary, however, for transporting prisoners and other costs brought on by County action. 10. I have enclosed a memo to John Stinson and Lee Andersen regarding the Metropolitan Parks Plan. It is my intent to proceed quickly in order to have this item ready for Council action as soon as possible. 11. Friday staff attended a meeting regarding the long-range public transportation system study for light rail. The final report is being finalized and should be presented to the City Council sometime in the near future. In addition, as part of the coordinated effort regarding rail transportation, there was also discussion regarding the high-speed rail terminal study. It appears that CalTrans may be.removing the I-5 alignment from consideration as a high-speed rail corridor. It was indicated that this is being done to reduce the cost of studying various alternatives and recognition that the high-speed rail should pass through Metropolitan Bakersfield. There is some concern that this may also affect the consideration of the coastal high-speed rail alignment over a Central Valley alignment. Staff will continue to monitor this and provide periodic updates. AT.alb Enclosures cc: Department Heads City Clerk LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION 2700 M STREET~ SUITE 302 * BAKERSFIELD~ CA 93301 · (805) 861-2343 August 4, 1993 Mr. John W. Stinson File No.: 1135 City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 'Subject: City of Bakersfield: Annexation No. 374 (Hageman #1) Dear Mr. Stinson: I have not received a property tax exchange agreement from the County of Kern for Annexation No. 374 (Hageman No. 1). Section 99b of the California Revenue and Taxation Code requires that the City and County both agree to the same property-tax exchange within 30 days.' In the absence of such an agreement, the executive officer of LAFCO shall not issue a certificate of filing. Since the time has elapsed and the agreement has not been reached, this annexation proposal has been terminated, and will not be processed further. In your letter of July 16, 1993, you hoped that processing of this annexation would not be delayed. Since processing has stopped I called you to explain. This letter is a formal record for the file.. Sincerely, William A. TurPin Executive Officer '~TITIIA]V[ A. ~LJ17~IN EXECUTIVE OFFICER BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT' MEMORANDMM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER~.! ' FROM: ED SCHULZ, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ~.~. DATE: August 6, 1993 SUBJECT: 07/07/93 - CITY COUNCIL REFER~L RECORD # 12029 South Beltway and land acquisition costs. (Wards 1,4,6,7) At the July 7, 1993 Council meeting, a Councilmember requested land acquisition costs for the South Beltway: The estimated land acquisition costs for the three alternative routes included in the original Environmental Impact Report are as follows: Alt. #1 (Preferred) $ 9,000,000 Alt. #2 (Taft Hwy.) $ 36,600,000 Alt. #3 (DiGiorgio Rd.) $ 7,600,000 These costs have been recently updated and include the 210 foot right-of-way plus interchanges at approximately 1 mile intervals. The beltway is considered to extend froTM Weedpatch Highway/Panama Lane to I-5 (See the attached map - please note that Alternate #3 is 3 miles longer than Alternate #1). For those parcels in the proposed right-of-way known to have a structure on them,'a relocation benefit amount has been estimated. The unit costs used for this estimate are based on average current costs within the general area of the three alternatives for commercial, light and medium residential, irrigated agricultural and permanent crop acreage. 9 .Au8 9.~ ~ ;3 ,I SOUTH BELTWAY PRELIMINARY ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENTS A PANAMA LANE ~m .,- PANAMA LANE -- ~,: ~ BERKSHI 'E Rd. 'J ~ m $ ~ McKEE Rd. PA~AMA ROAD i ~,' o' , ROMERO ~ CURNO~ Rd. / E ' ~ ~ ~w ~ o . . o--- COBB Rd. z ~ z o ~' '~ ..-~" o ~ m z ~EDPATCH LOOP ~ H~ JGHTON ROAD ~ ~ ~i ~ o ~ o ~R~I~ 1 ~' sca[[: ~'=5ooo' CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL MEETING.OF: 07/07/93 REFERRED TO: PUBLIC'WORKS'r 'E SCHULz REFERRED TO: URBAN DEVELOPMENT J HARDISTY ITEM: RECORD# 12029 South Beltway and land acquisition costs. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: COUNCILMEMBER SALVAGGtO REFERRED TO URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE THE ISSUE OF THE SOUTH BEETWAY'AND AS THEY MEET ON THAT TO HAVE STAFF LOOK AT LAND ACQUISITION COSTS. BACKUP MATERIAL ATTACHED: NO DATE FORWARDED BY CITY CLERK: 07/13/93 · JUL i6 1993 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM August 10, 1993 TO: ALAN TAN-DY, CITY MANAGER FROM: CAROL WILLIAMS, CITY CLERK SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL #11942 - BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING OF JUNE 23, 1993 In response to the subject referral regarding Councilmember McDermott's request that certain operating costs be broken down for each Councilmember, the following numbers have been assigned for use in making copies and for postage: Lynn Edwards 131 Pat DeMond 132 Pat Smith 133 Conni Brunni 134 Randy Rowles 135 Kevin McDermott 136 Mark Salvaggio 137 Therefore, instead of using sub-program number 121, each Councilmember should use his/her respective number. If you have any questions, please advise. CW/ndw A:NUMBERS cc: Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst MEMORANDUM · //~ ~/ , AUGUST 12, 1993 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: GREGORY J. KLIMKO, FINANCE DIR SUBJECT: BUDGET STATUS UPDATE The General Fund adopted budget for 1993-94 includes several one time resources which may not be available in the 1994~95 budget process. These resources anticipated the following: Uncommitted Funded 1992-93 Appropriations Resulting from position and Capital Outlay freezing and Interfund Transfer Reductions $3,650,000 Self Insurance Transfer 450,000 PERS Reimbursement - 1959 Survivor Benefit Surplus 353,000 Non-Recurring Resources $4,453,000 Additional Revenues Resulting from State Budgetary Changes: Property Taxes $2,060,000 Homeowner Tax Relief 40,000 Subtotal 2,100,000 Vehicle License Fees: Increased Collections (Recurring) 192,000 Reserves and Savings (One Time) 534,000 Sales Tax Extension (One Time) 590,000 Total Unanticipated Revenues $3,416,000 1994-95 Net Anticipated Shortfall $1,037,000 krc MGJK.79 BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM August 12, 1993 · , MANAGER TO: JOHN W STINSON ASSISTANT CITY LEE ANDERSEN, COMMUNITY SERVICES MANAGER~ FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT· METROPOLITAN PARKS PLAN. y It has become obvious to me that the City Council is interested in pushing this forward with all possible speed. I want you both to work diligently on accelerating the meeting schedules and bringing this proposal back before the appropriate committees in order to have it ready for Council action as soon as possible. Your cooperation on this is appreciated. AT:jp cc: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council -~~ McGraw-Hilt Broadcasting company, Inc. -l-elevisior~ Center, Box 2367 Bakersfield, California 93303 lelephone 805/327-1441 August 5, 1993 Mr. Alan Tandy City Manager .. 1501 Truxtun Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: I'd like your help in a very worthwhile project. For the past year now, KERO-TV has presented a "CITIZEN OF T~{E W~-RK" award. It's a regular feature every Monday on 23News at Six. We started the feature because we believeit's important to recognize the people who make our community a better place to live. Essentially, we use the following criteria in determining the "CITIZEN OF HE WEEK" award: a person or group who enhances the quality of life in our community. * a person or group, who bytheir accomplishments and/or work, serves to promote the community. * a person or group who sets an example for others to follow. * a person involved in some t~pe of heroic act. The way you can help. is by keeping your eye out for people you think are deserving of this award, and bringing them to my attention. I will periodically contact you seeking Suggestions, but please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you for your help in bringing such people to our attention so we can make sure they get the recognition they deserve. Sincerely, KERO-TV23 ._._:._..: 9 A~3 9.~ ~ 16 KERO-TV Bakersfield KMGH-TV Denver Affiliated with CBS Television Network WRTV IncllanaDolis KGTV San Diego . STEVEN G. LAC0 I I I 5 Truxtun Avenue Oirector Bakersfield, California 93301 -4639 RONALO A. JAMES ~Telepl~one (805) 881 -2491 Assistant Oieeotor FAX (805) 833-1 809 COUNTY OF KERN [DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES August 6, 1993 Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst Cable Administrator City of Bakersfield Office of the City Manager 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Slater: Thank you very much for agreeing to participate on the discussion panel for the upcoming public symposium concerning implementation of the Federal Cable Television Consumer Protection Act of 1992. For your information, the following is a complete list of the panelistS: LeBon Abercrombie, Vice President KMPH - TV Ed Faber, Real Property Agent (Cable Administrator) County of Kem, General Services Department Jim Munoz, Director, Human Resources Community and Government Relations : .~ ,~ .:, Time Warner Cable, Bakersfield Division ', lO AUG 95 Morrie Pfizer, General Manager Mountain Cablevision, Inc. Steve Sanders, Deputy County Counsel County of Kern, Office of the County Counsel Trudy Slater, Administrative.Analyst (Cable Administrator) .. City of Bakersfield, Office of the City Manager Ray Watson, Vice President and General Manager KGET - TV Eric Ziegler, City Manager City of Taft The knowledge and experience of the panelistS will assure an interesting and informative meeting. I will act as moderator. During the first half of the symposium, I will ask each panelist to express their perspectives on the Act and how it affects their organization or company and the public or customers they serve. There also will be interaction between the panelists to explore points of view. The second half of the meeting will be devoted to questions and COmments from the audience. Architectural Seevices · 0.0nstruction and Inspection · Emergency Services · Facilities Management Fleet Management e F~roperty Mamagemenc · Purchasing Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst August 6, 1993 Page 2 If you will arrive by 8:30, it will allow informal discussion and coffee prior to the meeting. Thank you again very much for your participation. Sincerely, Ronald James, t(ss~tant Director A. General Services ~ent SGL:RAJ:vb cc: Each Board Member County Administrative Officer County Counsel BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM August 4, 1993 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGE FROM: OFFICE OF RISK MANAGEMENT,.~ I,U ~ SUBJECT: CLAIMS ACTIVITY REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1993 The claims activity during the month of July 1993 was a result of actio.ns in the following City Departments/Divisions: NEW DEPARTMENT/DIVISION CLAIMS FILED FILES CLOSED COMPLAINTS FILED Police 6 6 1 Streets 0 2 1 · Convention Center 1 0 0 Parks 3 1 0 Building 0 I 0 Fire 0 I 0 10 11 2 The new claims filed during the month of July 1993 resulted in the following types of damages: CITY THIRD PARTY DAMAGES DEPARTMENT/DIVISION VEHICLE INVOLVED VEHICLE DAMAGE OTHER PROPERTY INJURIES Police 1' 2 3 1 Convention Center 0 .; 0 0 1 Parks 2'~ 2 0 2 3 4 3 4 Claims Activity Report - July 1993 Page 2 As a result of the July activity, the year to date (fiscal) totals are as follows: Claims Filed Claims Filed # of Claims Department/Division in July Year to Date Open @ 7/31/93 Police 6 6 49 Streets 0 0 '~, 21 Sanitation 0 0 6 ~ Parks 3 3 5 Engineering 0 0 4 Other 0 0 3 Fire 0 0 2 General Services 0 0 2 Convention Center I I 2 Building 0 0 1 Recreation 0 0 1 Water 0 0 1 10 10 97 Claims Activity Report - July 1993 Page 3 POLICE DEPARTMENT Stephen W. Mitsch, 113 Hopkins AVenue, #2, DOL:, 7/13/93; Claimant alleges the manner in which a Police Department employee spoke to him was improper. Mary Jo Faust, 2908 Hallisey Street,' DOL: 6/5/93; . Claim is for damages allegedly caused when a Police DePartment officer was chasing a suspect, and the suspect's vehicle struck the claimant's vehicle at 3411 Lake Street. Donald Gooding, 6712 Columbia Lane, DOL: 7/13/93; Claimant alleges a Police Department officer damaged his fence at 405 E. 21st Street. -" .~ Lizzie B. Sanderson, 700 31'st Street, DOL: 7/12/93; Claimant alleges a Police Department officer broke a window at her home. Karen Ann Shannon, 308 Eye Street, DOL: 6/27/93; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when a Police Department vehicle collided with the claimant's vehicleat 21st and Q Streets. Darwin Leon Young, 1513 El Sereno Drive, DOL: 7/15/93; Claim is for damages allegedly Caused when Police Department officers damaged claimant's windows at 1001 "M" Street. PARKS Delmar Johnson, 2317 Arlana Street, DOL: 7/10/93; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when a tree branch at Beale Park broke and fell onto the claimant. Nora'Tomlin, 317 9th Street, DOL: 7/2/93; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when a Parks Division vehicle backed into claimant's parked vehicle at 3rd Street and Chester Avenue. Budget Rent-a-Car, 125 So. Vineyard Avenue, Ontario, DOL: 6/3/93; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when a Parks Division vehicle rear ended claimant's vehicle and pushed it into a vehicle ahead of the claimant in the 1700 block of 24th Street. CONVENTION CENTER Marjorle A. Thomas, 654 W. "E" Street, #80, Tehachapi, DOL: 6/10/93; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when the claimant fell on the steps in front of the Convention Center. ,Claims Activity Report - July 1993 Page '4 CLAIMS CLOSED/SETTLED DURING THE MONTH OF JULY 'POLICE · Wilford Maros, Jr., DOL: 5/13/92; Claim is for damages allegedly resulting from a search of the claimant by Police Department officers. Closed - no court filings. Danny Villa, DOL: 8/22/92; Claimant alleges he was harassed by a Police Department officer while the officer was giving him a citation. Closed - no court filings. Stonewood Apartments, DOL: 7/15/92; Claimant alleges property damage resulting from Police Department actions during an arrest attempt. Closed - no court filings. Phyllis McQuilliams, DOL: 5/29/92; Claimant alleges harassment, false arrest, and an illegal search of her residence by officers of the Police Department. Closed - no court filings. J,G. Boswell Company, DOL: 9/14/92; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when a Police Department vehicle collided with claimant's vehicle. City settled case for $891. , Christina Bundy, DOL: 3/23/90; Claim is for damages allegedly caused by the false arrest of claimant by .Police Department officers, City settled case for $3,500. STREETS Brian Williams, DOL: 11/16/92; Claim is for damages allegedly caused by a defective manhole. Closed - no court filings. BUILDING Elsie Salvucci-Thomas, DOL: 8/30/92; j. Claimant alleges negligence on the part of the C'.rbj Building Department resulted in the diminished value of his home. Closed - no court filings. FIRE Michael and Janis Beck, DOL: 10/18/91; Claim is for wrongful death allegedly caused by the negligent operation of a Fire Department vehicle. City settled case for $60,000. Claims Activity Report - July 1993 Page 5 . ENGINEERING Gloria Mahr, Rachel Mahr, a minor, and Robert Mahr, DOL: 10/19/91; Claim is for damages allegedly caused.by the dangerous condition and design of a City intersection. City settled case for $10,000. PARKS Nora Tomlin, DOL:. 7/2/93; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when a Parks Division vehicle backed into claimant's parked vehicle. City settled case for $605. ClaIMS WITH RESULIING COMPI_~INT AND/OR SUMMONS FILED DURING THE MONTH OF JULY STREETS- Loretta Meade, DOL: 9/11/92; Claim is for damages allegedly caused by a defective City sidewalk at 1100 Gage Street. POLICE Carolyn and Terry Belden, DOL: 10/25/92; Claimants allege false arrest by Police Department officers. cc: City Council Lawrence Lunardini, City Attorney City Clerk's Office ~ Natalie Welty Newsmedia File MEMO TO: Members, Coalition for Ptoj~ Dcliveo, ~ Coalition/CELSOC Contracting-out Steering Committee / FROM: Dick Karn SUB~: Sud~ Robie Grants TRO! ~ Sacramento Superior Court Judge Ronald Robie today issued a Temporary Restraining'Order (TRO) prohibiting Caltrans from tcrmina- ~ contmcia or stoppint: work on contracts. Thc TRO is effective Until August 27, at which time Judge Robie h~s scheduled' a proliminm~ inj~on heating.' However, Robie indj'- - cared he will extend this hearing date if it a~ tho ~lamre is ncadng final action on thc proposedcontrac~-out legislation. ,.A copy.of Sudge RObie's TRO is included with this Co-FAX. . 3 2700 ~t~ay ~m ~ Tele~e: (9~6) 641-0015 5 7 8 v. * Thu ~ ~ wes .A~ ex 26 a~ear~ a~ ~u~ ~oc pia~iffs. WiXXium ~illan, ~hie~ 27 C~el, Cal~fo~a ~pa~nt of ~ns~tLon ap~ed as -I- 5 ~vid H. ~r, ~rl R~is ~ J~ K'. Flndl~. ~ a~nr~ ~ 7 ap~la~e relief ia issued l~~ely, ~t and trre~la 9 off n6i~, nd ~at p~ia~ =~slti~ w~Id not aff~d · l ~ ~s ~Y ~~ ~a~) ~ ~y (20) d~ ~r~ 20 :Go~~t ~de S 14130, et ~., ~ ~deing ~rk st~ ~ ,21 su~ ~~, ~r wt~oldl~ f~dinq f~ su~ ~a~.on ~e 24 {brai of such contacts. 25[ , . o~ ~ SHOW ~ 37 ~er~e ~s ~ 1. ~e ~r~m of D~nnt 27, a~ soO H ~8~$~, ~crnm~to, call~nia 2Sf24, ~ ~o0 ~.m. on Au~ , . ~,-, ~. '::-i:'~''':~, i~it;'o:'~; ~, -. ,. .- :. ,~ ~ , ~..;,,.~. ~,_ ~. r...,..~ ,:..... .., .~:.,, :...:; -...~. .... ..,;,?;. ,,-.._, ,. 58 Ro StUdy '*" : ' . . . : . . · ~. .- - ' * '" : * Route ': O~lt?~ns Oilier'8.. - C0ntin6e~Engine~ni .... R~fme ~ *" - , ,~ - ::,, '..,: . 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": ' --DAm- StOl2,1993 ' ' ..... ..,-. - - ' " ' ' · · .' . ' -' - , ' ~ ~ _ , "and se~ic~s' ~ av~able uPon~rcquest;~ " '" ' "" ..... '- '" -~" '· '- '"' -: - "'"~ : ' ' - : '"' '; ' .... ' "' ' ' ' - -' ': ~e ~0.0 ~.M~- to 8:00,~M. Ink, duds who nec~_speci~,se~i'ces .~ .-...-... ; .. -. ~- ,,; ::_ -.. , : ~... ... · ~ .- ......:. ' : : ' "'" *' ' r: Hi h'an l%-OO' ' ' SteveSavmc(209)'488~248atleas~.72h0urs - ',..' ',: : ' ,;. ;:,.. ';, ~: ~,".'.) ,' ' r ";", .... , '-' :"-. ':'~;,-. '..':" ','~"'¥"~/'} ' " ' ' " "' '" :~ ' '5.?. i5 i': o? e ....... -- · ..s .:, · .... ..', ."'.~ ':'5 .)' ::' .... "'- . .... ' : ..... - '; " ......... :': :- ~ ; ~ ' ' ":" ":' ' "'' .... '"" '~ .,.": ': -'.~.,_~,.'.,.' : , _.,. ,. ;, ~.~ :,:: ~-.,7., .... -. -... _ ,.:.. :,:__ ...,: '-. _ .... --..~. :_ - ... , . . .... ,. . ' .,. ~ ~'"' . . . ?.. . , -, _ 2'-~ ,~. ;; '~ . ... : . , ,' : 7' : .' ./Req~ir~d.a~t-ofthe: ." ... MANAGEMENT'(TSM) ALTERNATIVE ~is altern~tive,wilFeval~a~e.h,w I:.?'~e;~..:o~tio~s:Wil(~ddr~SS in/~e~rati~g~'/' " ,' :.-'~ No~pROJECTALTERNATIVE~.;~/ :.TRANSPORTATiONSYSTE~S ~ - - MASS TRANSIT,ALTERNATIVE :'. ~. './~ <MULTI-MODALTRANSIT oPTIONS/'~ ; ; I ` ~ ...... ' ~ Active - ~,s.alternat~ve~.,llanaly~e:low co~ , ' effectivelycomm~teFr~iltr~n~it, ~' , ~ ~ . '5 ' ";env~on~e~tal:,~}e~, this".'.'" "" ; ....... .... ' ~ '.transit into' e Route, 58~r~j~Ct.'r-Trdn~it: ~:apital improvemenu ~uch as'r~oi~g~ . ' ' ' ~g light-rail:transit ang'o~'busssy~em~. '[ °f~ ~egraes,:~c~. - d_[. ~ ~ ~l~e~nativ~ ~oUld:f.U!t ~n no/., .:; l~.tUr~'lan}s, femoval'of pa~ 'a~d'.. might, meet the.proje:t p'urpos}, . '7 [" <tha'a~ount ~el ~long;Route 58 ;' 7' . -i . '~ . .~ ~ ,.." .. 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No On~ ~a~u t0 .......... ~ ....... :, , ~ / ,digurb schools5 homes; ad6p~on study and ~e ~ngineefing qfid. . -: ~. ~. aa ~ ........ ' -~ ,' < ' ehviron~ht~'ev~ua~on ~a~;wohld'be.'" - , ~ ~ *'" ' ~ ' - : *' ' ~ "~ ' :" * '- ' . bgsinesYes, sensitive habim~s: ~onduceed; ~Pa~ip~ts were ~nc0urag~8to'~" ? .... . .~: -. .~ ..'; . ~.~ . . . ~,~ .,~ j . .. :~ , ;~Eko.. ~..- ,c,..' ' ' ':" .and*w~ter recharge 'areas, ' ' ' ' ~ ~ ' :~ -"' " ' ' ' ~ ' '"'" "<and'Cal~anshasmadeevery.: the best solhfi6n. - :' ~'-" < : ' ..... L- .'." ., , ' 5'; . '" ~ '~ . . ~ '~ ~ - . ~t0'keep.th~se,~egative ',- " - '.' SULLIVAN' ~ ' ' - ' ~ ' '"'' ' ~"( - ~'::' ,, · ' .... .. ' . ~ ~.minimum: Th~' mdedng was conducted is"an Open . , : _ : ,.-- - :,:~//. ': ~. house, w~ereTpeOld'~dWcdi~formado~ - · ': "- ' ': ':~" ': "'" :' '" ' ' ' '"' ' '" '~: :~ju~m;n}s~r~in . ......... , ' ' ' '- _ ' . ~ HAGEMAN +* * ' **"* ~' ;':'" 'th~ 'Study Ar~aM~p. ,D~t~ils': exhibits; discussed ~e project With C~trans .. '- ' ' ' ":"" ~-" ' ~'~ ~...-+.+~ ~.-~":' t~ese staff, &nd'provided i~pfit 6n ~ project: '(Sec. ~'; ~ ' nuvo, .,- -: 4 ,: - ' . ..... ~' ', ' '-' regarding' ' ' '' ' = ' ' ' "- ' ~OW wi';beavailablefdrreview~'," .'SEaly. Public Issuci~' bel6W fo? a':snmm~.of. '- ~: ~' ,.. .~ ,:, :-' ~ ~ ~. g. ~, } ~ . ,OS~DAk~ HWY. ng ........... ~he:~=tpublic '~e~tl ," ." .: ~e comments ?c~i~ed dt"~c Inf0fm~On~ ;" '"-' -~ , "' . ' ':, ' ,;,' .... ooo~'~oo6oooooo'ooooooo6oo0oooooooooooc oooooooooooooooooo . ~. eee~.~e· -- ~"' ":~: ' ,L' '. ~, '~ ..... ' '' '.'. e6 ...... ~ "~ ':~' :" ' STo~KDAEE~WY. ": , :~' ' ,: · . e~ 5 ':o," ,,5"~: . ' : ' . = ~ . [, '. "· ' . ,s~5 '~y i tl~ r., '., ' ..... · .' · MIN "' · '. ;, wh~:'attendcd ~e November open.~ ,,,.. ?. ~ - :~ - . . . _ ~ ...... ' ~ALSTATE" . . ,, ~,~,. tkd,:o0;a'broad ~ang~ 6f:,~ NM EG-END ' ' ( 1' I ~ '1 ' ~AK~,s~m~LD' :., 5:" "--: i~guei,:incl~g~ <-riOt fi~tdd;in~b?&r:of~; PROJECT ALIG ENT L -~ :,:: ,) -.. - '" .... ".~.,~.". ~EVENTHSTANDARD ':.' , ¥ - . . . :.:... <- ,., - . , . , : - . .... -.'" ::.... ,:~ ...,'~ ..' .- '. -' ..... + ....... + HA~EMAN" . ,.... ~ - ',:".-~..v _',::." : . , ' . ' ' .... '- '" '" :' " - -' ' , " FOCuSWORK~HOP 'UE pRIORi~izATION j,' 'considerafioni: ,' ,5 : "' ':' :RosEbALE HWy"" -" ..... ..... oooooooooo'ooooo '.R, . L -- "Focus "' ;v~ues :-~:,' 7,','-,!~ L' :.':; ",,< ':*.:<< '~' - ''"'"''"''"''' ' , KERNRIVER ' .' ' ~::' ' : ' ' /' ."-' ~ - ,,' ,-. · ~-' -' :'"' '" " -"":': atlves""ern-' --: :"" ' .... '"' -' ' ..... ' '" '- -' '- ....... -' <:'"<' In Screening " "i Fnn~g ~d.tost .: : . :' - _ M~p not to scale" '.' ' ~:-: . . . . [~ ..',.-~ - ' ~ ' '"' :-~', '" '- '' ' ...... : · ~ I . % 'Noise~ ai~ q~, ~d Haz~dous'~aste :.. · ....... :. . ,5' - ~ : : ~ - , :' ;:..7' ~0 ' ' get more inpht from B~ersfield area : · T~c, c~c~afiOn and a~Je~s' ~.:~ . . ::~ ' '- "/residentg' ~alt~dfi~' held'~'f~c~'~r~shbp.,: ,, : ' '. Kecreafioh and op~ Spaee:impffcts;~' :,: ~ ~ ',~ Representatives ,~0m g?oups s~ch il 'mc. Kernj ~ ' ':"" " ' '" :" ' ' "/Coufi~ Farm'Bureau, ~rn Ta~p'ayets ~s6ciafion, ' p~6El~ly ~6,Kern ~ve~ Par~ay, ' :<, . .... ~ , - t Ker~ Coun~ Wate~ 3genc~, Rosedale High~ay :* PI~ ~d aNmfl sp~ciks and~ha~iiat '~ : ' ~' - - · '-. ........ Merchants ~SqClgUon, ~rojckt~clean ~r;anS', ...... Building Indus~ ~iocigfi0n, looked at'~e .~ - ~.$0 · L~d use,~d groW~ inducement ; "~ "" ' ,T ~::/'~' criteria ~h ~9uld' ~e used..tq 'help idknfi~.~' . ~ Wa~r~q~iW ~9d supply,'~fl i~pacN~ ,~(~ ~., ~ . , .~ '~' ~, ~. aligment ~l~r~afi,es 3i~'tbo.many' n~gifiv~'.:' : ~ ,[~ ~ ',' ts. rechh~ ar~as :7 ~ :.', :' :,: "~ .: ": :" ':,, ;,:' ",." :;,--*:;i~pagts,'or,that.~id ~Ot ~e~t~e p~0je~t,need~. '.'- -' ~ .' ": ,:(~,-' ',,/'TN8 results:of ~s' focus group,'including tile ,' . ' . ':,. Mas~sit ". ". ' ' '? ," : ~'" :' ':" ' "' '. < :.:.,: priofiw,igsues,'ar~ }efle~ted ih-~e graph't0 me'. ..... : L ';'. De~isi6nmaMng pr~c~ses~?''' ~ ~' . ?~, '~ - : .... · ', , right.. TNs ]nformanon has conmbutcd to the', '- I ' ' : ' ' ~" ' ' ,~ - -.' : propoged scre~fiing of~ternafives and will,be · ' · ~, ' ,, . . ..-- .,~ . . - ~ ~ , , ~ , , : . . ,..., . - .. "'...'~.' t' J.prqse~ted-at ~e.up.g~ng..pub~ me~ng. + .... '. :~ *' .:, '- '.- ·: . TNs ~nput~ ~o~g ~he,rcs~s ~f~,. ~ ~ ( ,, ' -..~ - , .,,. ............ ,,, , . . , ...... ,. , . -.,-.~.- ,J. - ..... ... , . -..-.. -. .... , ...... . ..... ..~mportance by the worksh~p_,part~c~oants.- .... , ,.- . , .:"-' , , -.' _, ,, . .'. : l~','. 'j , .: .' , -,,..' : ' .. j '~_ . , .. . . .' _.. . . : ,-: . · ,~ .. :. ,, /:..., , ,,.~ .-. , . . , -. "._% ~ .- j,.. . ~ r, ,~ . ,' . : ,' , .