HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/22/93 BAKERSFIELD .MEMORANDUM October 22, 1993 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The Kern County Economic Development Corporation gave us their unanimous endorsement on the Hotel project this week. We are appreciative of their support. 2. The parking lot at 19th and "L" is fully leased up. This lot is on the property acquired through a land exchange with Community First Bank for the former Herb Walker/Banducci parcel at 18th and "K". 3. An update on the public presentations made, or to be made, on the Hotel is enclosed for your information. 4. A proposal sent to the County of Kern, hoping to resolve the tax split issue by some method of cooperation, rather than giving them huge amounts of our historic monies, has been sent to you under separate cover. It was authored by me and sent to Adel Klein and copied to Joe Drew. 5. A Freeway status report is enclosed. 6. Enclosed you will find a copy of Panache Magazine. Our people in Economic Development did a good job of working with the Magazine publishers in order to turn out some positive material. 7. There are some enclosed letters from members of the Chamber who authored letters to HUD encouraging their approval on our grant application regarding the Hotel. 8. Judy Skousen is, once again, doing an admirable job of filling in as the Acting City Attorney. 9. We have tough and time-consuming agendas the next two Council Meetings! 10. There is a copy of a letter enclosed that covered a Council Referral on the CSA for the Old Stockdale area. AT.alb Enclosures cc: Department Heads City Clerk I~= "~' ' MEMORANDUM October 18, 1993 TO:. AlanTandy,~ityMana~ir 1~ )/ ~ eve opmen irec FROM: Jake Wager, t SUBJECT: Hotel Information Campaign By your direction, we have undertaken a very active effort to meet with as many community groups as possible to provide a briefing on the hotel project and the conceptual agreement announced on September 28, 1993 with John Q. Hammons. As you are aware on September 28, 1993, following the press conference, we met with representatives of the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce. That meeting led to a formal presentation to the Government Review Council on Friday, October 15, 1993. On the evening of September 28, 1993 I took advantage of an opportunity to brief the Airpark Advisory Committee at their regular monthly meeting. On Wednesday, September 29, 1993 I spoke on KERN's radio show hosted by Gene Tackett. That same day we held a meeting with approximately a dozen business people, headed by Dean Gay, which was immediately followed by an in-depth, on the record briefing of the Bakersfield Californian Editorial Group. During the next week I provided a full briefing to Mr. Joe Coley of the Bakersfield News Observer. I am told that an article will be appearing this week. Also during that same week, an invitation was extended to all of the Bakersfield-based United Way agencies to attend a briefing on the hotel with an emphasis on the future potential impact of CDBG assistance for non-profit agencies. That meeting took place on Thursday, October 7, 1993. Our efforts during this past week, started on Monday when I met with the Grand Jury subcommittee looking into this proposed project. Previously both Gregory Klimko and yourself had been interviewed by the Grand Jury. On Wednesday, October 13, 1993 we again met with the Dean Gay group and further visited with them their concerns over this project. Earlier that day I had spoken to the Ready-Mix, Concrete and Aggregate Producers Association at their monthly luncheon. Also during this week a letter was sent to twenty eight social fraternal organization (Kiwanis, Rotary, Optimists, etc.) indicating my availability to speak on the hotel project. As of this date I have received one invitation to speak on the subject at a November meeting. As stated earlier we met with the Chamber Committee on October 15, 1993. As a result of this meeting I am aware of two letters addressed to HUD expressing support for the project. CITT OCT 95 4_..: 52 This week (Tuesday, October 19) I will be traveling to Los Angeles to meet with our HUD representatives to present our case and review their request for additional information. Immediately upon my return I have a meeting with Ken Price who is a field representative for Senator Feinstein. I have also been in phone contact with Tom Bohigin who represents Senator Boxer in an effort to find a mutually acceptable date and time to meet. A letter has been forwarded to Congressman Thomas's office requesting an appointment during his next visit to his district. We have been told that will occur in the next two weeks. We have also been in contact with Congressman Dooley's office and made the same request. On Wednesday, October 20, 1993 I will be taping an interview with Ron Fineman (KERO Channel 23) to be broadcast on Sunday, October 24, 1993. On Thursday, October 21, 1993 a presentation will be made to the KEDC Board. For the week commencing October 25, I have two set speaking engagements and two other possible presentations. The two confirmed presentations are to Rotary Clubs on October 27 and October 28. The two potential meetings would be for the local AIA (architects) chapter and a third Rotary group. I am sure that I will be hearing from other groups at which time I will then update you further. If you have any other suggestions for areas or groups not covered please advise. dlt:jw2 hotldate.up BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager October 20, 1993 Ms. Adel Klein County Administrative Office County of Kern 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Adeh At the end of our recent discussion on the issue of the County's new tax split proposal, you suggested that I send ideas to you on alternatives that I might see as being feasible. The purpose of this letter is to start some discussion on what I hope will be viewed as mutually-beneficial alternatives to the City and County which might serve in lieu of the proposed new policy on tax splits. We are, of course, meeting separately; myself as a representative of the Kern County City Manager's Association, on the County's tax split proposal. The problem with the proposal is that it is inherently a win-lose situation. It takes away something from the cities which they have expected to receive since 1978. It also changes a policy which has been the foundation of thousands of unilateral decisions by each of us relative to other rates, fees, tax structures and expenditure allowances over that timeframe. In addition, we believe that the theory behind the tax split proposal is flawed in that it only measures, or attempts to measure, very broad-based County services and does not, in any regard, take into account costs of providing City services. We feel the proposal is too much like what the State has done - when the State experienced a revenue crisis, it turned to the counties and cities to take revenues they had historically received. From · our perspective, the County proposal seems much the same, turning 'to the cities to take revenues that have been received since 1978. Nevertheless, and more important, the City of Bakersfield does have concern with the County's fiscal problems and ability to provide quality services. Again, more importantly, we are open to ideas and activities which improve cooperation and efficiency and which would, therefore, help us both to deal with the circumstances that the State has created. Below is a listing of some concepts we believe would represent mutual gain, or a win-win situation for both of us. We provide them to you as a starting point for discussion. City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 Ms. Adel Klein October 20, 1993 Page -2- · 1. We are already working with you, North of the River, and Bear Mountain Recreation and Park District on a new Metropolitan Parks and Recreation Plan. This has the potential to be a significant plus to both of us. My understanding is that the Library Assessment Law is on the Governor's desk. If signed, is the County interested in this? If so, perhaps we could assist in some form to help you with it and, therefore, with library funding. 2. It is, simply, not efficient to provide services to the encircled islands, and "near islands." It takes extra time to travel to get to them. Patrol routes cannot be'logically laid out for either of us. While accounting systems do not track the specific costs associated with providing services to those islands, if yOu think about a deputy, responding from where they are based to Union #10 or to the Stockdale Country Club area, or street patch crews responding from their normal route assignments to those areas, that provides good examples that it is, simply, not efficient for them to be islands outside of the City. Let's jointly adopt a campaign to, in a tactful and noncoercive manner, encourage the peoPle in the islands, and "near islands" to annex. Such a plan could guarantee service protection and could guarantee that they would not be forced, against majority will, to annex. A cooperative effort could be designed to induce them to annex and could set up protections so that they were guaranteed, or assured, of having concerns dealt with prior to annexation. This proposal would leave us both with boundaries that were more effiCient to serve. While the specific cost savings would be hard to quantify, if you think about it in terms of specific examples, it is.clear that we would both benefit economically from this taking place. Union #10, for example, has 2,400 calls for the Sheriff last year. In addition, I am convinced that it would be excellent public relations effort with the media and with a vast majority of people throughout Kern County. It would be government responding to a financial crisis to get more efficient. · If there was no '1orced" annexation, while some people within the islands might be upset, it would be a very small number in comparison to those who would take 'the action positively. 3. This item could be in combination with items 1 and 2 above, or could be handled separate from them. It is my understanding that there has been some level of concern in Kern County that the City targets annexations to take revenue producers. I believe there was a case in northwest Bakersfield which worsened that belief. We can jointly undertake a planning effort to identify larger areas which would clearly not simply Ms. Adel Klein October 20, 199,3 Page -3- constitute revenue producers but, instead, would include areas costly to serve. We could mutually plan and agree to bring .in annexations which represented a balance between costs and revenues. Since the County has the ultimate right to deny the annexations, you could always chose to exercise that, should mutual agreements fail, or should the plan not be carried out in good faith by the City. There are other ideas, including variations of these, which could represent a win-win situation for us in the City and County, and which might avoid the potential for putting us in dispute over a revenue.distribution plan, which has been continuous since 1978. We sincerely encourage you to consider these ideas, or to come up with others that -might be of mutual benefit. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Sin rel ,..~....~__. cc: Joe Drew, County Administrative Officer MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager-- FROM: Ed Schulz, Director of Public Works DATE: October 18, 1993 SUBJECT: STATUS OF FREEWAY AND STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD AREA For your information and Council distribution, attached is the October report Drepared by this department regarding the status of the various freeway and State highway projects in the metropolitan area. The previous reports also provide additional background on the various projects. October 15, 1993 STATUS OF FREEWAY AND STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD AREA Public WorkS Department Marian P. Shaw, CE'III This report is intended to bring the members of the City Council up to date on the progress of various freeway and State Highway projects in the metropolitan area since the September status report. In addition, a map is attached which .identifies each of the Metropolitan area projects. Kern River Corridor (Kern River Freeway) The State Route 58 Adoption Study currently underway by CalTrans now includes only three alternative routes (Seventh Standard Road, Rosedale, and the Kern River Freeway) and the interchange with State Route 99 and will result in a preferred alignment by August of 1994. The Environmental Impact Report will be completed in 1995. CalTrans hopes to have the 'specific plan line process completed by the time the right-of-way money becomes available in July of 1996. A Project Development Team meeting will be held within the next ten months. CalTrans hopes to send out a newsletter to their open house mailing list before the next public meeting, which will be held in the spring of 1994. State Route 178 (Crosstown Freeway) There is no change in the status of the Crosstown Freeway from that last reported. The next step for resolving the Crosstown Freeway must be taken locally by the regional transportation planning agency, .the Kern Council of Governments. Kern COG currently puts this project low on the priority list for the RTIP (Regional Transportation Improvement Program) when compared to projects such as the Kern River Freeway right-of way purchases. No state funding for a project of this magnitude is expected without local participation. The selection of a Crosstown Freeway alignment hinges on the adoption of the State Route 58 alignment. Although CalTrans will not be taking any action on the Crosstown Freeway, they will be verifying that all Of the alignments so far proposed (including the Freeway Status Report October 15, 1993 24th Street corridor) will work with the chosen State Route 58 alignment. State Route 99 There are currently four major projects programmed for State Route 99: the Rosedale interchange modification, the Golden State/Airport Drive interchange modification, the widening of S.R. 99 to six lanes between South Union and Panama Lane, and the widening of S.R. 99 to eight lanes between Wilson Road and Golden State/Airport Drive. CalTrans has completed their interchange modifications at Rosedale, landscaping work is all that remains to be done. The landscaping of the medians will be done by City forces after the removal of the asphalt under the median planter areas. This work is not yet scheduled, but should start within three months. The landscape plans for the interchange embankments will be sent for review by CalTrans next week. Construction on the GOlden State/Airport Drive interchange modification started the last week of March. The project will take from 1-1/2 to~ 2 years to complete and is currently on schedule. The northbound and southbound lanes of S.R~ 204 have been detoured onto State Road; this detour will remain in place for 18 to 20 months. Traffic on Airport Drive will be switched to the new alignment (through the middle of the old circle) in mid October. There are no detours planned for S.R. 99. Construction on the widening of S.R. 99 between South Union and Panama Lane started on Sept.'7. There will be only one lane open in each direCtion during the day for two months while the existing shoulder' is widened and strengthened for use as a detour. Thereafter, traffic will be detoured to the existing outside lane and the widened shoulder while 'the new inside lane is being constructed. The existing inside lane. will be used as a construction and staging area. This project will take approximately 1 year to complete and is currently on schedule. The widening of S.R. 99 between Wilson Road and Airport Drive still has a tentative construction start date of July 1994; this project will take approximately 11 months to construct. Union Avenue The only work that remains to be completed at the Union Avenue project is the removal of all asphalt in or under the median planter areas. The contract for this work was awarded at the August 25, 1993 Council meeting. After this work is completed, the remainder of the project will be completed by City forces after Freeway Status Report October 15, 1993 obtaining a permit from CalTrans. The project should be started by November 30, 1993. South Beltwa¥ The Draft Environmental Impact Report has been referred to the consultant for revisions by Kern COG, the lead agency for this document. The COG Board decided to add new routes to the EIR (see the attached map). The addition of these routes will add at least six months to the schedule for the adoption of a specific plan line for the South Beltway. Adoption of the specific plan line is not expected to occur before June,.1994. West. Beltwa¥ There is no change in the status of the West Beltway from that last reported. It is still the County's intention to pursue adoption of a specific plan line for this beltway through the General Plan amendment and zone change process.for the West Rosedale, Pacificana and McAllister Ranch specific plans. Coffee Road Grade Separation Concept plans for the grade separation project will be presented to the City for approval this month by the project consultant, Ron Ruettgers. Right-of-wayacquisition will begin shortly thereafter. Construction is expected'to begin in the fall of 1994.' Several other projects are planned for the Coffee Road corridor this year which should significantly relieve the current congestion problem. The intersections at Coffee and Brimhall and at Coffee' and Rosedale will be improved, adding turn lanes and through lanes'. / MEMORANDUM October' 14, 1993 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director This third edition of Bakersfield Panache is a cooperative effort with the Economic & Community Development Department. The magazine features numerous articles about the benefits of choosing Bakersfield as a business location. Bakersfield Panache produced a substantial overprint for this department to use in our marketing efforts. We have found that the previous two corporate relocation issues have provided us a quality marketing piece for prospective clients; because it is produced by a private organization, it has more objectivity than a piece produced by the city. A new feature of this year's publication is an eight-page section focusing on downtown development opportunities which begins on page 21. We also have a separate printing of this section for downtown marketing purposes. Department staff provided several articles and reviewed all others for accuracy. No city funds were used for the production of this magazine. I hope you enjoy reading this quality publication which portrays Bakersfield and particularly downtown in a positive light. dl/panache, at 3RD ©UARTE2 1993. Volume 10, Number 3 CONTENTS: Air & Mobile Intensive Care 4 Cover Story: Ride along as we fly high over downtown for this issues cover photo. 5 Bakersfield City Manager Alan Tandy talks about "the other California." 7 Back Office: Nationally-known company finds Bakersfield ideal location. 9 Cool Move: US Cold Storage opens new plant in Bakersfield. 10 KEDC Super Star: Going beyond the call of duty! 11 Small Business Gets Help: Unique pro- gram for funding small business. Serving our friends in 12 Learning Economics: What was a trickle Kern County for over 8 years. has become a steady stream of corporate ex- 1 '800'472'7801 pansions and relocations. 1801 Skyway Drive · Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 .16 Municipal Airport: The men and women who are making the city's airport thrive. 18 Good Bugs! Bio National Corporation uses micro-organisms to clean up the environ- DIIR,,(EC-FOIR,.S~ It Takes More Than mont. DI P4~CTOIKS,, DIIR,GC-I-OIKS., Money To Make ~1 Downtown Revitalized! A special look at DIR,~CTOP,3., the new interest in downtown. DIR,ECTOP,3~A Great Home Loan. 30 Steppin' Out: Highlights of what to do, DIIR,,~CTOIKS., where to go and what to see in and around DIP,,CCTO[k_$., It takes service and a company's repu- ration for making the funding of your Bakersfield. DIP, x~CTOP,,S7 home loan a smooth, hassle-free expo- 88 Local Real Estate: How much house your DIK.£CTORST, rience. Directors Mortgage has earned money can buy in Bakersfield. DIK.~CTOR57 such a reputation, and has become the DIR,~CTOIKS2 largest privately owned lender in the DIP,,CCTOKS7 nation. So call Director's Mortgage for DIP4EC-I-OI'R3£ your next home loan. 37 Gourmet Corner: Great tastes created for DI~CTOFx_$7 · $11 Billion in Loan Servicing the discriminating at Anton's. DIP,,,~CTOFx_ST, · Conventional Financing 41 Home: Old homes and old neighborhoods DIR,CCTOKS. ° FHA Direct Endorsement get a new lease on life. DIP, x~CTOPx_S., · VA Automatic Underwriting 46 Weddings: Sharing that special day with one of the area's well known families. Di [Rx( C--l-O I Cover photo by Don Mason Photography Bakersfield Panache Magazine is published quarterly by Les and Donna Corum, all rights reserved. Trademark has been applied for in the U.S. DI~EC-I-O[~S~ Mortgage Bankers Patent Office copyright 1989 by the publishers. Reproduction in whole or DI['~,,,ECTO[>,,~T 5500 Min9 Avenue,Suite 180 part without written permission is prohibited. Subscription rates are DII~(~CTOILS/ Bakersfield, California 93309 $9.95 for 4 issues / $18.95 for 8 issues. Mailing address: 7850 White Lane, #E-278, Bakersfield, California 93309. (805) 663-0820. Fax (805) 663- DI~£CT©gS/ (sos) 834-6224 ...... LENDER 0819.. Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 3 COVER STORY The Right Stuffi By Les Corum, Publisher Our specialty is making you feel right at home!! M The Pilot David J. Molle ; Westar Air and Mobile style that today's xecutives demand, with Intensive Care, and photographer Don Mason the service they review flight plan for magazine shoot. expect. It's the foundation T 'd like to take this opportunity to A i%~qj we've I recognize the efforts of those tal- ffx lJ o built our ented people who made this month's ES reputation on. front cover shot of Downtown Bakersfield possible. Since this issue was in the Colonial Square center to highlight the benefits of doing business New Stine & Ming Ave / Bakersfield in our city, it was only appropriate that we Residence Inn offers suites (805) / 832-4270 show the "heart" of Bakersfield. It was so relaxing and affordable, decided that an aerial shot of the chang- ing downtown skyline would make a vi- they're more home than sual point that our city is on the move. hotel. Plus a list of ameni- Problem! How do we get the picture. Aha! ties that is unmatched eom- We'll take it from an airplane. No. We can't get permission to fly that low in a fort and accommodation. fixed-wing plane over Downtown. Okay, All for the same price of a so we get a helicopter, but where? We standard hotel room. contact P.K. Zanders, Marketing Director of Westar, the local air and mobile inten- sive care unit. The unit covers emergen- cies throughout Kern County, about 8,000 square miles, as well as doing hospital transfers from San Diego, San Francisco and Las Vegas, utilizing both fixed-wing planes and helicopters. 'Wes, we'd love to do it" responds P.K. to our request. The helicopter we would be assigned was a multi-million dollar twin- engine MBB-117, a German design with Japanese transmission and an American engine. Able to fly with one engine, it's four blade rotor arrangement distributes For information and the load more evenly, and spreads any reservations,please call turbulence over a wider area, thus a Q~_HO 1-9800 smoother ride, very important when transporting critically injured patients, orin our case, doing photography. 800-331-3131 Okay, now a photographer. Who's Mention this advertisement when qualified? Someone with experience, be- cause we only get one shot at this. We go makingyour reservations and receive with Don Mason, one of the best known 25% off your first night's room rate. photographers in the area, and someone who has taken hundreds of aeriel shots. 4241 Chester Lane He agrees to do the shot, and a date is set. Bakersfield, California 93309 Continued on page 15 4 Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 THE ARTS TEAM BAKERSFIELD exists in other communities. We contact Continued from page 5 all city departments internally to identify Native Daughter - O permits which would be required and ur promises of a coordinated estimate all applicable fees, all in one Internationally , permitting process, speedy re- stop. Forty-eight hours is our target for spouse to inquiries, and a getting this information to clients. We Acclaimed Artist genuine welcome to our city often bring in it sooner. are not just phrases--they are policies of Does this philosophy really set Bakers- the City Council. The Councilunderscored ' field apart? Reactions from businesses theircommitmenttothiscooperativespirit validate the City Council's belief that it during their recent series of planning does. Rather than solely offering busi- workshops. In these sessions, council nesses free money or free land as other members spoke of the need for a vibrant,, communities do, Bakersfield's competi- diversified economic base, one with op- rive niche is based in the adage "time is portunities to create jobs, increase dis- money." When businesses save time in posable income, and provide numerous the development and construction of their goods and services to support our growth, plant, this means they can devote more Lynn Taber-Borcherdt The council also agreed that the city time for business operations, bringing should examine our permitting and fee their project in on or below budget and on Lynn Taber-Borcherdt, Bakersfield structures with input from business schedule. These cost savings pay back born and bred, received international people; the result of our review proce- dividends over many years. recognition recently for her artistic tel- dupes should not deter investment and One of these dividends is an increased ents. A resident of Tucson, Arizona, job creation by the private sector, pool of "ambassadors." These satisfied Lynn's works were the subject of a one- The council voiced continued support of customers are our stamp of approval of woman show at the Bakersfield Museum TEAM BAKERSFIELD, our pioneering Bakersfield's positive business climate of Art early last spring, concept of all departments working to- supported by local government. Nearly 3,000 artists from 91 countries gether with a business. While other cities You may be surprised by the number of accepted an invitation from the Osaka lure businesses with promises that their calls we receive for information about Triennale Bureau, Osaka, Japan, to eh- taxpayers will subsidize the private sec- Bakersfield. These requests have shot up ter their works in the 1993 International top, Bakersfield offers a unique and scarce 10 percent during fiscal year 1992-93 Triennale Competition of Painting. There commodity, superior customer service, compared with the previous twelve month were 10,003 entries in all. Lynn's "Time Our customer service is nothing revolu- period. This shows continued interest in and Time Again," alkyd on canvas, was tionary. It is something that successful doing business in California, despite the among the 100 selected works which will businesses have long treasured as a way dark picture painted by the media about be on exhibit from November through to keep customers happy: recognizing the Golden State. December in Osaka. customers' needs and working to make Of course, Bakersfield has to do mor~ Prize winners are being selected in them true believers in your product. In than just meet the bottom line for a com- September. In addition to a $10,000 this case, our product is Bakersfield. puny. We also must make sense as a place grand prize, two second place winners Is TEAM BAKERSFIELD successful? to live for the employees who will move will be awarded $5,000 each. Five third- Ask United States Cold Storage (page 9). here. This is another example of our red placew~nnerswillbechosen. Allawarded The company opened their new bulk carpet treatment. Our staff conducts a works will be purchased by the sponsor- storage and distribution facility Septem- number of tours for our new neighbors ing Osaka Foundation of Culture of ber 1, ahead of schedule. Company officials about the benefits oflivingin Bakersfield. Culture for permanent display in a con- attribute this expedited schedule in part We are so proud of our he temporary art center founded by the due to the city speaking with one voice, have even conducted tours for prospec- Osaka Prefectural Government..:. solving problems before they arose, and rive neighbors on Saturdays and Sundays. finding creative solutions. These special touches spotlight our other Ask Bio National (page 17). City staff "satisfied customers," those who choose AI~tS Arolllld Towll worked with this growing company to to live and work here and are excited to promote its new research to our local tell others why. October 16-17: Village Artisans Me- agribusiness sector. This resulted in ex- We've also adopted a successful tool dieval Faire to be held in Central Park, citing possibilities between Bio National from the private sector, the customer re- 19th and "R" Street, 10 am to 5 pm. and some of the world's agricultural gi- spouse card. Each information packet we ants, providing some win-win opportuni- send out contains a stamped, self-ad- Nov. 19-21: Artisan's Guild Christ- ties for everyone, dressed card asking the company their mas Present, Italian Heritage Hall, 4415 Bakersfield's red carpet continues with opinion about the packer's contents and Wilson Road. Friday, 5-8pm, Sat. 9am- our project manager concept. As soon as a how they were treated by city staff. 6pm, Sun. 10am-3pm. firm selects Bakersfield, I appoint one As in other sales efforts, we don't make person from our economic development a sale to every prospect. But we do leave Nov. 20-21: Holiday Arts & Crafts staffto shepherd the project through the each one with the impression that Fair, Frank Stramler Park, 9am-5pm. review processes. What this means is a Bakersfield works with, not against, single point of contact: only one person, businessesandpeople. We hope that when Nov. 27-28: Wood Carving Show, and one phone number, to remember, each client thinks of Bakersfield, they see North of the River Veteran's Ha]], 400 In Bakersfield, businesses avoid red--the red carpet being rolled out just Norris Road. $1 donation.-:- "counter-hopping,'somethingwehearstill for them..;. 6 Bakersfield Panache * 3rd Quarter 1993 DISCOVERY B. ack-office Industry D scovers Bakersfield By: A. K. Anderson A G E N C Y people are enthusiastic about According to Roger B. Tompkins, State Professional Placement ving in Bakersfield! Farm's vice president, California, Stock- Through Expert Analysis That enthusiasm helped con- ton prepared a 20 page report on his visit .Clerical .WordProcessing ince State Farm Insurance to to the Valley. It was Stockton's observa- oSectetad~ .Sa~es build their 29th and largest administra- tions on the quality of life in Bakersfield °Accou~n9 oManagem~ tive center here in Bakersfield. that tipped the scales and led to State oBoo~i~ oMedk~ Work is well underway on the 60 acre Farm deciding to put down permanent oDataEntpy ,Dental site at 900 Old River Road. When com- roots in Bakersfield. ,Technical oAndMore pleted the 1.2 million square foot building Statistics played an early role in decid- will be half-again larger than the other ing where to look for building sites. State "WE WORK FORYOU" California State Farm regional offices. Farmwantedacentral]ocationthatwould The building will become the largest office provide a good quality of life for its em- building in Kern County. ployees. Stephen F. Stockton, State Farm's vice They also needed access to good air 'rhe Old Church president, administrative services, transportation and postal facilities, alarge 1200 Truxtun Avenue Bloomington, IL admits the company's labor pool and good support services for Suite 130 choice of Bakersfield was based on "not their computer and telecommunication entirely scientific" information and ob- equipment. Divisionof servations. Other factors considered included ac- Stocktonactedasascoutfor StateFarm, cessibility Go colleges or universities and the largest .insurer of cars and homes in overall operating expenses, including land California, when he visited the San and construction costs, labor costs, utility Joaquin Valley in 1990 to get"the feel" of costs and taxes. cities up and down the Valley. Bakersfield passed all the preliminary Stockton traveled incognito, stopping statistical studies, but so did other Valley at gas stations andmal]s, talkingto wait- cities. One final factor, Stockton's obser- resses, clerks, station attendants, anyone vation that Bakersfield was a lot like and everyone he could engage in conver- Bloomington, IL, where State Farm has sation. Itwastheenthusiasmofthepeople its national headquarters, may have ~?~. Rlomo~he~opq of Bakersfield for their own city that con- weighed heavily on the decision makers' vinced Stockton to recommend bringing minds. State Farm's fourth California regional Stockton reported that Bakersfield, like office to Bakersfield. Continued on page 11 Certified Shiorsu Therapist 80S/G: 1-0381 Real Estate ,q,/l,'ng H,~ ,~ Our Home ,~ Our Pr,'v,'leg,. 805-324-1123 Pager: 805-633-6722 5300 Office Center Ct, Glenda Anson GRI' Suite. B51, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 7 Immmmm Estate of the Heart You'll know from the first glance that These grand homes are captivating you have discovered one of the most with classically designed floor plans: distinctive and magnificent neigh- · Four, five and six bedroom plans borhoods in Bakersfield. Brimhall oA variety of custom design options Estates -- where a skillfully master- · Library, den and bonus room planned community with beautiful options (select plans) neighborhoods and recreational facil- ~Lots starting at 18,000 square feet ities, combines with homes of tradi- Visit Brimhall Estates today and tional elegance to create a distinctive fall in love. new neighborhood. · ATE5 > Brimhall Road i~:' ~..;~,~ From the low $200,000s ~ ~ ~ 805464-6253 Castle&Cooke ~ ~ ..... ~~. Full Broker Cooperation HOMES, INC. · ~)~sPc~ // Prices and terms are effective for date of publication and ..... bject to change. S .... i .... p ..... tative Open Daily: 11 a.m. to 6 ~ ).m. for complete details. 8 Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 T his month, United States Cold Storage opened their 29th and potentially largest, na- tional cold storage fa- cility in Bakersfield. According to R.G. (Rod) Noll, Vice Presi- dent/General Manager of USCS, Inc. Tulare, who was involved in early planning for USCS's move into Bakersfield, the com- pany has made a big commitment to future growth by selecting the 20 acre site in Stockdale Industrial Park at Dis- trict Boulevard and Ashe Road. "We usually look for 10-14 acre sites to build a plant,"Noll said. "This was such a beautiful piece of property. We've got the main Santa Fe Rail Road line running behind us which is center to go over the hills to Los Angeles. He'll set up meetings of everyone involved. imperative in our business and with the We feel we could do an excellent "pooling" That's really refreshing because you don't highway system, it's just a natural site for job from here." have that in other cities. You might have our business." Pooling, according to Fitzpatrick, "is to go thorough three different depart- Noll continued, "We're really excited when you get one or two or three clients ment heads to organize a meeting." about Bakersfield. We feelthat, longterm, who can't ship truck load lots but who can USCS is not new to the Bakersfield potentially this could be the largest of all ship together to get truck load rates." area. "We have done business in Bakers- our facilities in the United States." Lower truckload rates offer significant field, for forty years, operating an ice plant The two million cubic foot facility will savings to smallbusinesses and help keep at 4701 Stine Road," Noll said. The Stine initially employ 30 to 35 people who will U.S. Cold Storage trucks full and operat- Road plant will continue to operate after be trained to operate communications and ing to capacity, completion of the new cold facility. food handling equipment. More jobs will Fitzpatrick added that Bakersfield it- Part of The Swire Group, a London- be created as the facility expands, self has much to offer USCS, "We think based transportation and distribution The new plant, which will act as a full there's a lot of local business down here. company, United States Cold Storage has service distribution center as well as a It's still a big fruit basket here." 29 cold storage facilities nation wide. The bulk warehouse, will have convertible re- Accordingto OperationalManager Cari Bakersfield facility will be the group's frigerated space capable of maintaining Willis, who oversaw the plant construc- 11th cold storage plant in California. temperatures from 50 degrees Fahren- tion, the September 1st opening was a United States Cold Storage traces its heir to minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit. month ahead of schedule. The entire op- roots in the food industry to 1889 when Pat Fitzpatrick, Senior Regional Vice eration, from conception to completion the National Ice & Cold Storage Com- President for the California Region says took less than 18 months, pany began operating out of a converted USCS's close association with N~stle/ "This project came together very ice plant in Petaluma, California. In 1979, Carnation was an initial reason for con- quickly," said Noll. "It was very encour- the company gained further technical and sidering a cold storage facility in Bakers- aging when we met early on with the City marketing expertise when it became a field, of Bakersfield and found out their phi- member of The Swire Group. The "They're an excellent customer in losophy. We went away from that meet- company's corporate offices arein Cherry Tulare. Long term, it will be good to be ing very impressed with their pro-busi- Hill, New Jersey. closer to their plant for trucking savings ness attitude." The Swire group also has international and convenience. Long term, we see "We were assigned one specific project connections with cold storage facilities in Bakersfield as an excellent distribution manager. I can call him for anything. Continued on page 11 Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 9 Make your next move KEDC Vice President a historic occasion... Receives National KRESS BUILDING Recognition s harman Krauter Oummins, Vice President and Olient Services Manager, Kern Economic Devel- opment Corporation, was re- SharmanKrauterCummins . cently recognized by Site Selection Vice President, KEDC and Industrial Development Magazine as one of ten "Outstand- ing Young Professionals" in the field of economic development and corporate real' estate. According to Site Selection and Industrial Development Magazine, outstanding leadership in- voloes many qualities and Sharman Cummins has them all. Not only professional and productive, but Cummins is also endowed with thespecial abilities to take charge and go.the extra mile. "There was one time when she actually wrote out a personal cheek for a building permit for a pipe manufacturing company geautifu~ o E~eg~nt out of Texas that had forgotten to bringa company check." says Greg Whitney, president of the Kern Economic Development C O ~ e ~p O r~ ~y Corporation. "Not many people would go to that extreme for the The Utmost in Quality & Modern Surroundings client." Such service is typical of Cummins, 34, who handles all the daily operations of the KEDC and more. Last year, Cummins Leasing by: ~CB Professionally ~'#$~--"8'%. had to take over leadership of the group when it was without a Managed By ~..~ ~ president during a deal that Whitney says involved "Some very Steve Nations M.D. Atkinson Co. difficult negonating tactics and polities," and she handled it with (805) 327-2263 (805) 397-5001 ' "an ultra-professional touch." In 'three years she has handled aB economic development projects, recruiting 4,100 direct jobs to Kern County. Annually, she prepares personal responses ~o some ~0 business prospects..:o TRUXTUN TOWER (BANK OF AMERICA Building) 1430 TrUxtun Avenue Clothiers to Call (805) 397-5001 or your broker for leasing information 10 Bakersfield Panache ° 3rd Quarter 1993 DISCOVERY Continued rompage7 COLD Continuedfrompage9 Bloomington, was near a major metro- Australia and airline and property con- businesses that need to join together to politan center (L.A. & Chicago) yet was"A nections to the Near East. get the best trucking rates. place you'd want to bring your family to." Jake Wager, Economic Development While some companies are contemplat- State Farm plans to bring 600-800 pro- Director for the City of Bakersfield is ingleaving California, British born USCS fessional and managerial employees into enthusiastic about USCS's international President Tim Bridgman is confident that Bakersfield in addition to providing 500+ connection and feels it could prove invalu- building in Bakersfield is the right deci- local jobs. State Farm already has over able to the City. sion for USCS. 8,000 employees in California in their Another real boon to Bakersfield comes "Our Bakersfield plant will provide three other regional offices and 115 claim in USCS's ability to attract other "clean" much needed cold storage for our clients service offices. They service over 6.5 mil- business into the area. Food manufactur- in Bakersfield. We hope our plant will lion policies in California. ers and distributors need storage facili- also help Bakersfield attract more busi- As a "back office" industry, State Farm ties and transportation. USCS provides nesses which can benefit from this in- is bringing the kind of jobs that Bakers- both and acts as a "pooler" for smaller creased cold storage," Bridgman said..:. field recognized it had to offer beyond its agricultural and oil industries. Vice President Tompkins defines a'%ack office industry" as "a business that sup- ports peoplewhointerfacewiththecus-Diana Tobias Custom Home tomers in the front office. Our people interface in agents' offices and in the claim service offices. That's were the public Consultant For Seven Oaks knows us. But we have to keep the records · and issue the policies and bank the money and send the supplies." Those support functions take place at "It's very rewarding to assist buyers at the regional offices. State Farm has three the new custom homes division in the Seven other regional offices in California located in Rohnert Park, Costa Mesa and 0akscommunity. I'don'tfeellikeI'mjust Westlake Village. showing homes. I'm introducing people to "The people in this regional office won't the Seven Oaks lifestyle -- a nice, friendly interface with the public directly." Tompkins continues. "They will interface place to live. I show custom home buyers with the public through our claims everything from home sites to new home agencies." designs, and the entire neighborhood includ- That doesn't mean State Farm em- ployees won't become a part of the com- lng the country club and the surrounding munity. Typically, State Farm employees community. It all ties together. "get involved in the schools, churches and "I encourage everyone, to come out and community activities.., to a heavy degree, see what we have to offer.at the custom They take our slogan of being a good neighbor very seriously," Tompkins ad- homes in Seven Oaks. Don't worry, we'll mits with a smile, take car~ of everything. Our full-service State Farm insures about one in every "It's my job topay a~tention consultation team includes interior design- four cars and one in every five homes in to every detail ofyour the USA. An office the size of the new custom home purchase" ers, architects and landscaping experts. regional offices will send about 8 million We make sure everything is just the way pieces of mail a year, with postage costing you imagined it, so you can have the home about $3.1 million, you've always wanted." Regional offices typically hire clerical employees with keyboard skills, prior data experience and prior insurance or finan- cial experience. Technical jobs to be filled ~,o~^~ will include data processing, accounting ,~ ~ I~l- ~ ~ - and the administrative services machin- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cry area. ~I \~ ~ .... ~ ...... All together, Tompkins believes that ~ '~'~(~-i~ the impact of the regional office along g'~ ......... Castle~.~ with the $25 million dollars a year payroll g ............. -- w/Il trigger the creation of 2,000 to 3,000 U0UES. INC. new jobs in Kern County. For more information about "While other companies are pulling up Seven Oaks call (805) 664-6038. stakes in California, we're putting down more roots. We plan to be here to serve the term. people of California long "-:- Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 11 SMALL BUSINESS Loan Fund Helps Small Business Expansion T he Kern Small Business Loan takes care of administrative duties that Fund (KSBLF), a Kern County tax a financial institution economically. non-profit corporation estab- Jake Wager of the Economic Develop- lished to facilitate and admin- ment and Community Department of the ~ster financing and/management support City of Bakersfield was looking for people for small business entrepreneurs, is one interested in supporting such a program example of how the public and private and found that JeffJohnson of the Small sector can join together in helping small Business Development Center was also business, thinking about this idea. "The Fund is An alternative form of financial help important because small businesses are for businesses who do not have access to essential to community growth and traditional sources of financing, this Fund health," said Wager. "The small business is madeup is really the force that's of several driving the economic health participat- of this nation, yet it's been ing ven- notoriously difficult for tures, in- small business owners to cludingsix secure small loans." ~J~*~ ~'~j~g l e nders One ofthe first recipients and eight ofaKSBLFloanwasVenus corporate De Marco. She had wanted M iii g guaran- to create a fresh juice bar ~t~ ~ tops who and caf~ for many u n d e r - years. "The cafe write pos- seemed like a sible loan naturalextension losses. Byparticipatinginthiscooperative of the Day Spa," venture, local lenders have an opportuo said Venus. "We nity to fulfill the requirements of the teach health and Community Reinvestment Act, and in skin care here. the process create an environment where Now, we get an small businesses may prosper, opportunity to Participating lenders, along with the show clients what City of Bakersfield, have jointly contrib- we're talking uted approximately $250,000 for small about. The juice bar and cafe will upgrade business loans. Another eight local com- our Day Spa even further, encouraging panies have agreed to be corporate guar- more people to become educated in health antors, with loans being guaranteed up to and skin care." 20 percent of their principal. With business increasing 50% eachyear Applicants include new start-up busi- within the last twenty-four months, Ve- nesses to expansions of existing ones. nus says that "Bakersfield is a great place (805) Loans are made up to $15,000 for terms of to own a business. I have found that good up to three years. Itishopedthatloansup service, good products, consistency, 323 2 to $25,000 will be available in time. These keeping up with the latest information in ~, monies, typically, are used for start-up your field, and constant marketing are working capital and equipment pup- the main keys to business success." chases. Before she received her loan, however, · .~Z~)'~' The KSBLF has two primary benefits she had to provide a formalized business to small businesses. First, the applicant plan, tax returns, a detailed financial is able to go into a pro-business environ- projection of her business, and had to be . ment that wants to loan the money and turned down for aloanfromabank."Ihad second, free consulting and counselor ser- a business plan for the Day Spa/Salon vices to applicants are available through already, but needed to write one for the the Small Business Development Center expansion of the Cafe," says Venus. "My at the Weill Institute, SCORE and NEDA. accountant helped me put one together as The lenders like it as well, as KSBLF well as the financial projections."-;- 12 Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT "Learning Bakersfield's Economic Lessons" Jake Wager, Direector, Economic Development City of Bakersfield A seaehdaypasses, Bakersfield bution. Those changes have made reshape its image. "More local efforts needs receives new inquires from Bakersfield a hub for industrial, retail, to be exerted on the State of California to firms expressing their inter- office development, and distribution and be more responsive to issues est in locating here. This flat- bulk storage facilities, relating to the business climate, im- tering attention is the focus of If Bakersfield is to remain a vibrant prove governmentalregulation processes, Economic Development Director Jake and energetic community, Wager illus- and enhance competitiveness. Resolution Wager's day-to-day activities, trated, "We must continue efforts to di- of these issues are important if California As a community, Bakersfield's first eco- versity our economy by all means avail- is to reclaim an economic leadership role nomic lesson emerged on the scene about able which means stretching." He defines in the United States." a decade ago, Wager points out. The tra- "stretching" as extending beyond our Wager credits a collective group effort ditional strengths of an oil and agricul- reach. One example of "stretching" was of agencies like Kern Economic Develop- ture based economy had flattened oat. merit Corporation, Greater Bakersfield "This event triggered the community's ChamberofCommerce, localbrokers, and awareness of the need for diversification. What started as other private industry groups for the im- Creating new jobs became necessary to pact in Sacramento thus far. "We must insure our economic survival," stated Wa- a trickle now has work together towards common solutions ger. A study, performed by Vista Strate- become a s .eaclv thatbenefittheentireCalifornia-commu- gies, identified Bakersfield's locational '~ "*J nity." Given the climate in California, advantages and suggested targeted in- stream of corporate cities have been pitted against each other dustries. The report provided a list of to preserve their economic well-being. Now approximately a dozen industries that expansions and they must focus on abroader perspective. given various local conditions made them ,,t~]r~r,~l-~r~. If Bakersfield is to remain a vibrant and ideal candidates for a targeted marketing ~u~u~o energetic community, efforts to diversity program. Wager explained, "We set out to our economy by all means available, both identify those opportunities which offered the development of a micro-loan program private and public, must continue. Public us the best hope." This became the foun- that assists entrepreneurs and business and private partnerships designed to im- dation for a plan to secure food process- start-ups. The program, designed with prove the business climate are defenitly lng, back office, distribution, and light the assistance of Wager, allows access to essential. manufacturing companies. The efforts of small capital loans otherwise not avail- After securing a national presence, the the City of Bakersfield's Economic Devel- able through conventional lending insti- next frontier is the Pacific Rim. Restoring opment Department then focused on those tutions. (see article on page 12). vitality to the seventh largest economy in identified industries whose needs best WhenaskingWageraboutBakersfield's the world may be just over the horizon matched what Bakersfield has to offer, economic future, he points to three areas: especially since exports accounted for What started as a trickle now has be- sell Bakersfield throughout California, nearly 60% of California's real economic come a steady stream of corporate expan- then sell it nationally, and finally sell growth last year. According to Wager, sions and relocations. Bakersfield has Bakersfield internationally. Bakersfield easing employers' tax burdens, creating successfully attracted a mix of compa- has shown great strides in fulfilling the small business investment tax credits, nies. Fast forwarding to today, the city first objective. One measure of success, streamlining permit processing, expand- can boast of its successes bylisting com- according Wager, is that during lng loan-guarantee programs, plus re- panics such as of State Farm Insurance, recessionary times, Bakersfield experi- forming the workers' comp system is criti- U.S. Cold Storage, Nestle', Heinz Bakery, enced continued growth. During that time cai if California is to be competitive in the and Crystal Geyser that parallel the rec- the city was named top 100 in population future and in markets that will develop as ommendations contained in the Vista growth, heralded the arrival of Heinz NAFTA is implemented. Wager recog- Strategies Report. Bakery, secured a 584,000 square foot nizesthatalotofworkneedstobedonefor As a result of implementing the plan, State Farm office complex, welcomed U.S. California to improve its position as a significant changes in the structure of Cold Storage to town, and continued to premier world-trader. Wager states, "We Bakersfield's economy have occurred, harvest corporate relocation leads, must all work harder and smarter in While agriculture and oil are still integral To accomplish the second goal of selling order to retain our edge as an economic components of our economy, a shift is Bakersfield nationally, Wager explains powerhouse and to ensure the continued emerging into manufacturing and distri- that answer lies with helping California growth of California's economy.".:- Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 13 California Pacific School of Law is pleasedto announce its entering class for 1993. Only 40 students were admitted to this years class, but most who were admitted graduated with Bachelors of Arts and advanced degrees (many with honors) from the following four year institutions: Boston University~Cal Lutheran University~Cal State University Bakersfield ~Cal State University Fresno ~Cal State University Pomona ~Central Michigan University~Claremont Graduate School ~Fresno Pacific College ~Massachusetts Institute of Technology ~Pacific Western University ~Stanford University ~Syracuse University ~University of Buffalo ~University of California at lrvine ~University of California at Riverside ~University of California at Santa Barbara ~Purdue University California Pacific School of Law is Kern County's fu'st educational institution with a doctoral program. Graduates of this four year program receive a Doctor of Jurisprudence and are eligible to take the The School is approved by the California State Department accreditation from the California State Bar. California Pacific attention. Classes are taught by local and study materials as Over the past ,. The rate of its graduating fu'st attempt is similar to that of The study of law at one half of the entering first year class Out of 40 students admitted to the school in a will satisfy the require- ments to receive the Doctor of If you are a quality candidate and are willing to apply yourself to at least three hours of study for every, hour in class, contact Dean Suellen M. Anderson at 322-5297 for further information about preparing for and applying to the school for the September 1994 class. STUFF Co ti ed/rom age 4 CALL FOR DETAILS There's one hitch! If'while the V~estar ! 800 366 1806 helicopter is ~n the air, and an emergency · · · call is received, the photographer would have to be left at the scene, to get his own 30 yeats ¢ombi.ed ride home, regardless of the location. As it experience selling homes in turned out, the morning Don was to meet Beverly Davis, GRI Bakersfield! Julie Gaede, CRP the helicopter, Westar received an emer- (805] 832-1873 (805] 832-1873 gency call to Mojave. Don stands by, and Ext. 121 Ext. 127 o unate y elicopter is to pic RELOCA?IO#/LI$?I#G SERI/ICE$ him up just in time to make the anLici- m~ · Relocation Packages pated 12 noon window of opportunity for ~ the best lighting. KARPE · Home Value Analysis Afterreceivingasafetybrie~ngbypiloL ~ea~ors · Professional Marketing Daivd J. Molle', the two reviewed the area 4000 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, Ga 9330g of the city Don wanted to shoot, discussed the angle of the flight pattern to obtain t ep e, erm ne, s ots. oar,s e 'i- Relocating? copter and begins to lift off. "Time is money," says Don, "so we coordinated ~ very carefully, thinkingthe flight through, BROOKHAVENand THE SPRINGS have creJted a unique blend of because every minute I can save, saves the client money. Once the engine starts, classical elegance and prestigious styling, providing our short and long you're on the clock. Not to be unprepared term residents with an atmosphere of grace and beauty. in the event of an emergency, a full emer- gency crew is taken para-medic and nurse. ~11~~ "We lifted off, shot straight across [he runway, and in moments were over our ~arget shot" exclaimed Don. "I have to · compliment Dave, because over the years I've flown in many types of aircraft, with many differen~ pilogs to get photos, and Dave's piloting was excellent. It was so BR(ID N - smooth, ~ha[ taking ~he photo was real easy. If we would have had a full glass of champagne onthefloor, not a drop would THE SP?dNGS have been spilled, despite all the twists and turns we took. The day of the flight air VISIT OUR LEASING · turbulence required that the helicopter ' fly sideways up Truxtun Avenue to put CONSULTANTS Don in the proper position for the shots he TODAY wanted. Dave is no new comer when it came to 8101 Camino Media handling this project. At one time he (805) 664-9009 worked as a pilot for a company that conductedGrandCanyontours.'~fouhave FAX (805) 664-7311 to realize that when a tourist is paying $200 for a seat, you don't want to scrare CORPORATE ~o~o~ ~ ~oo ~o~o~ them," said Dave. '~rou want them to come back and bring their ~ends." Dave SUl'r~s AVAILABLE had also had numerous occasions work- ing with photographers, as well as his experience with the Las Vegas Police Department" As a police pilot he was responsible for putting his unit in the right position for surveillance. "Most fly from the pilots point of view to get to a destination airstrip," says Dave. "In po- lice work and photography the idea is to put the observer or photographer in the proper position to accomplish their job." Dave did his job, the photography was accomplished, and from lift off to touch- down, a mere 18 minutes. "This was one of the smoothest flights I've ever had" said Don. "I wasn't scared one time. Of course, ° when a pilot knows that in emergency situations a tracheotomy might have to be Professionally~,~rn~, performed in the air, you have to be Managed by ~--.~ '~M.D. AtkinsonCo. smooth."*:. Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 15 The Municipal Airport, A Great Place To Do Business bY Nancy Dodd Cares I n 1985the privately-owned Bakers- for sending salesmen out or bringing everybody's for everybody." The restau- field Airpark, located east of Union freight in." rant is decorated with remote controlled Avenue between White Lane and The city offers prime airport develop- model airplanes suspended from the ceil- Watts Drive, was purchased by the ment sites, enterprise zone incentives, ing; the walls are covered with interesting City of Bakersfield and renamed the state tax and hiring credits for aviation photographs of aircraft. Bakersfield MunicipalAirport. More than and non-related aviation businesses to Cal and Bobby Baker are a father/son nine million dollars of federal grants have locate at the field or nearby, team who own and operate C&B Flying been invested to upgrade the airfield. The There are several services and tenants Service. The service offers private, com- improvements include already available at the Bakersfield Mu- mercial, and instrument flight instruc- extended and expanded nicipal Airport. tion and aircraft rental. Bob remarked, runways, taxiways and The Airpark Galley & Grill is an on-site a VOR approach sys- restaurant owned by Karen Nagle. Karen tern. The city's invest- the location at the airport because ment in the air- the camaraderie. "It's kind of like a port was family unit out here, here re co ~~~ about 23 years nized for now. I like flying and its runway improvement I l~ke flying from here." project in1992 when it won the Union 76 fuel is Tranny Award for Airports from the a v a i 1 a b 1 e California Transportation ~~~, C&B. Foundation. K L Aviation is a The airport full maintenance ser- vice repair. Ken and Bill Lewis have over 60 years combined experience in is 190 acres of aircraft repair and have 24 aviation facilities with both hour emergency service. developed and undeveloped prop- Sherry Matteucci erty for industry and commerce, owns S&S Flight Cen- It is a unique pairing of an ter which offers air- airport with a business park. craft rental, ground Bakersfield Municipal Airport offers a school and flight instruction, Chevron fuel unique opportunity for businesses. Its lo- with a mobile fuel truck, and a spacious cation is near the geographical center of lounge with refreshments and pilot sup- Kern County with easy access to major plies. highways which speeds travel to other Valley Propeller is an authorized FAA parts of Bakersfield and outlying areas, repair station for propellers and gover- Close by are the centers for commercial, nors. Owners John and Dawn Hixon have retail, recreational, and business activ- 23 years of experience. They sell and re- pair propellers, handle aircraft parts, and it"Ir'aY- a good airfield for business people offer free pick-up and delivery. who fly smaller aircraft because it is more Also located at the airport is Chapter 71 centrally located without the air traffic a of the Experimental Aircraft Association. larger passenger airport has," Larry "The Bakersfield Bunch" has the largest Jamison, Airport Manager stated. When single collection of Richard VanGrunsven's asked what other types of businesses he RV series kit planes under one roof. would like to see locate at the airport, he Oliver Brennan, President of the chap- commented, "A small aircraft manufac- ter commented that he likes the airport turing company or an overnight courier because "It has easy access, less rules and service or freight delivery company would regulations and less gate restrictions, it's have fairly easy access to the rest of the easy in and out. The city is putting a lot of city and be an excellent addition." He time and effort into the airport and they added, "We also have areas that at'e suit- are very helpful to us." They encourage able for light manufacturing businesses builders of any type of aircraft to join that have a need for a runway, whether Continued on page 16 Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 DOers PROFILE: BIO NATIONAL CORPORATION THE NATURAL SOLUTION by Nancy Dodd Cates s the world becomes more as a disinfectant that kills bacteria and the structure or the normal operation of h concernedovertheproblems retards spoilage. "The Ozone the business." of water and ground purification system technology that we Quijada gave an example of the contamination, the state of manufacture will destroy bacteria that effectiveness of the process in treating California has become more grow in the packing process. We are waste water."We specialize inrecycling stringent in its environmental currently introducing this technology soils and waste water so they can be regulations. A need has developed for to the AG industry." reused and not just hauled away to a environmental cleanup and preventive What is bioremediation? Very simply disposal site. We were contracted to measures that will not cripple stated, itisanaturallyoccurringprocess deal with the oil sheen on top ofa waste businesses or destroy the job market, in which microscopic organisms feed on water pond, but over the years, a lot of BIO NATIONAL CORPORATION is a specific contaminants. The organisms hydrocarbon had built up at the bottom good example of the attitude and are inoculated across a surface or of the sump. The organisms addressed commitment Bakersfield has to its injectedintowellsdrilledintotheplume the sheen right away, so when that food community and surroundings. It is a (underground area of soil con- source was gone, they started attacking companythatusesenvironmentallysafe tamination) along with nutrients such oil at the bottom. After 10 months the approaches to confront the problems of as phosphorous and nitrogen. These sump was dug up and all the dirt waste water and contaminants that organisms are so minute a gram underneath was clean." occur as by-products in agriculture, oil There are many different strands of production and manufacturing, without "We're in a unique position, micro organisms to treat the wide disrupting the economy and industry of We ferment organisms to variety of contaminants. Hydrocarbon the area. is prevalent in Kern County, but Bio Five years ago, BIO NATIONAL biodegrade a certaln National also addresses pesticides and startedinBakersfieldtakingadvantage contaminant and then on the PCB's (Poly Chloro Biphenyls). This of its central location in the agricultural other hand we manufacture gives us the ability to be effective in the and oil industries. They also figured agricultural industry as well. the cost of operation would be less in Ozolle systems that kill "We're in a unique position. We Bakersfield than in many other places, bacteria aS well." ferment organisms to biodegrade a According to Manuel Quijada, certain contaminant and then on the President and Chairman of the Board, contains about six billion. Under other hand we manufacture Ozone "We're one of the foremost leaders in environmentally control]ed cir- systems that kill bacteria as well By the industry. At the time we started cumstances, the organisms will using both systems that complement bioremediation was not the treatment reproduce at an incredible rate each other, we're able to pretreat or of choice. Now the process has come of consuming the contaminant as a food post treat with either technology. We age and is accepted by regulatory source and leaving carbon dioxide as havetheentrepreneuria]spirit'ifthere's agencies. Our clients want to do the by-product. With the contaminate a problem we'll find a solution.'" something about contamination that is eliminated, the organisms die and in Although Quijada does not intend for cost effective. Also, the technology is their place is a cleaner, nutrient the company to become environmental not harmful to the environment, rather enriched soil. 'Wou can grow grass, you extremists, he does believe people need we complement the natural process by can grow vegetables, you can grow just tobeeducated. "Everybodyusedto dump enhancing and accelerating it." The about anything on it." Existing their crankcase oil on the ground 'to kill company has two thrusts, "We organisms indigenous in the the weeds,' we don't do that any more manufacture purification systems, environment will either be stimulated because of the ongoing education Ozone/UV systems for industrial waste to work with the applied organisms or process. We've gone through over 50 water recycling; and we treat petroleum be pushed aside. Because the organisms years with little concern for our planet. industrial waste such as soils and become sluggish under 40 degrees and It's very important that the message contaminated waters with biological die above 180 degrees, they can be easily reach everyone and asks 'What are we treatment." controlled and monitored, doing to our environment?' You can't be Ozone is a natural gas generated by "We remediate contaminated sites, extreme, but you can't ignore it. We an electrical charge. "If you've been in from tank removals to where there have work within the regulatory guidelines, an electrical storm and noticed that been pipeline leaks or if contamination not to stop industry growth or cripple fresh smell, it's Ozone. Contaminated has migrated under a structure and the economy. What good does that do? water is exposed to the ozonated gas, thereis no way to remove the material. You have to work within the thus shattering the atom." Ozonated It makes more economic sense for us to confinement of your natural~ water sprayed over fresh produce serves go in and drill wells without disturbing surroundings."o.*o 18 Bakersfield Panache ® 3rd Quarter 1993 S&S FLIGHT CENTER Fly Away With Me by Nancy Dodd Cates i n January 1992 Sherry Matteucci, S&S is a flight school as well. Joseph S. training soon. owner of S&S Flight Center, moved King, alocal attorney, commented, "People S&S sponsors events for WINGs, an her growing business to the should come to the Bakersfield Municipal FAA Accident Prevention Program for Bakersfield Municipal Airport. As Airport to learn to fly, it's a smaller pilots. If you want to be put on the list for owner of S&S, Sherry is a rarity, operation and geared to smaller planes, the next WINGs barbecue, or would like According to IN FLIGHT magazine, July There are many reasons one might want more information, call 831-6247. 1993, only 10% or less involved in aviation to learn to fly. "I like to accomplish new are women, things," Ed Gruber, a local dentist and S&S started out as a flight school, student at S&S remarked. "My goal was MUNICIPAL AIRPORT became a rental service and grew one to get over the fear of flying by learning Continued from page 16 plane at a time. how to fly," said Cathy Palla. Sherry saw an opportunity to do "S&S has a very professional flight them, they would like to share their something for the City and general school program that is well-balanced. An expertise and already have much of the aviation by helping to develop the airport important part of the courseis the decision- equipment needed for building. and make it an asset to Bakersfield. making process, a person can learn to be D&J Harmon Company, a non-aviation "We wanted to bring services to this a pilot in a multitude of ways, but you related tenant, is an industrial metal fab- field not currently available to pilots," want to learn the right way," Bill Keith, rication company. Owner John Harmon, Sherry commented. She began bybuilding pilot and manager of a local trucking who is also the EAA technical representa- one of the finest facilities available in company commented, tive, has set world records in his highly California with a comfortable lobby, Safety isanimportantconcerntoS&S, modified RV-4 kit plane dubbed the refreshments, pilot supplies, an Aviation One of the reasons Tim Barnes was drawn Harmon Rocket II. Library and barbecues once a month."We to them was because "S&S has a good If you are a business with frequent would love to see organizations utilize selection of planes at a good price, but fliers or a need for air freight delivery or this airport for fly-ins, pancake breakfasts, more importantly, the planes are well- shipping, The Bakersfield Municipal Air- or other events.' maintained. S&S plans to offer helicopter port just might be the location for you..:. The skill of a seasoned heart surgeon. The expertise of a surgical nurse. The knowledge of a lab tech- nologist. An entire staff working together to bring new life every day to damaged hearts. This is the cardiac program at San Joaquin Community Hospital... team- work at its best. Since 1971, our cardiac program has been dedicated to saving the lives of the people of Kern County. We've performed more than 3600 open heart surgeries, 1300 balloon angioplasties and nearly 64,000 heart catheteriza- tions. A total of more than 68,000 heart procedures... greater than all the other local hospitals combined... making San Joaquin Community Hospital Kern County's leader in cardiac care. This is cardiac experience in every way experience can be measured. For a damaged heart, this is life itself. IT TAKES A LOT OF HANDS TO SAVE ONE HEART U ~MUN~Y HOSPI'I'ALJOAOulN Experienced Hands. Caring Hearts. 2615 Eye Street, Bakersfield, CA 395 -3000 ©1990 San Joaquin Community Hospital Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 19 The Bakersfield Californian , Harrell envisioned The is the direct descendant of ~ Californian to reach the Kern County's first ' corners of the county on a newspaper, the Weekly daily basis and to become Courier. i established as a community On November 26, 1926 ,, institution over the years. more than 3,000 Kern The newpaper's ownership County residents assembled remains family-based today for an historic occasion for as Harrell~s great- The Bakersfield Californian grandchildren continue his newspaper. It was on this commitment to service and rainy eve The Californian to report on downtown opened its present offices at Bakersfield, an integral part 17th and Eye Streets, of our county's heritage. downtown. Even before this momentous event, The , · Californian has had its roots firmly planted in the heart of downtown since its purchase by former Kern County Superintendent of Schools, Alfred E. Harrell, in 1897. In keeping with the pace of Kern County's growth, Subscribe by calling 392-5777 ¢falif raiaa "We Read You" 20 Bakersfield Partctehe · ~3rd Quarter 1993 M.D.AINinsonComL::~y, Ir~. By: Nancy Dodd Cates  his started out to be an article how they feel about their community and offices; and specialty retail shops which like many other articles writ- what it has to offer--warts and all. include restaurants and entertainment. ten to promote some thing or Over and over again I heard from the Each group has their own reason for some place. Dig up the facts, property and business owners, those new locating in the downtown area and adds talk to a few people, write a to downtown and those who had been their own particular contribution. few glowing words and put the article to located here for up to 30 years and more, print. But something happened between that they believed in downtown and its A GOVB~BU~ GBU~ recording the interview and penning the advantages. When things went downhill, ~he downtown area is home to most story. I found a city of people who love as it does in the downtown business sec- -~- of the City of Bakersfield offices and their community, tops of most cities, ~as the county seat, it is where most and especially love those who weren't of the Kern County offices are located. Downtown Bakers- committed, left; but The County recently completed a project field. This is more the ones who stayed, to house their administration, plus the than a story about gambled. They are state and federal governments have the comeback of a the stakeholders, as buildings in the downtown area. The business district Ed Moss calls them, county and city alone have more than that was nearly dev- people who are will- 8600 employees, most of them are located astated by the loss lng to invest what in the downtown area. The central loca- of major retail out- they have for the tionofdowntown, makesitconvenientfor lets and a few well- opportunity to build residents to take care of governmental intentioned but ill-conceived plans. This their dreams. The type of people who matterswithinareasonabledistancefrom is the story of a group of people who made America strongare herein Bakers- their homes and businesses. wouldn't let their downtown die. In fact, field, facing the challenge of business in A MBdiCB] Ce~B~ according to Cathy Butler, Executive Vice these unfriendly economic times and President of the Downtown Business As- winning the battle. Now, they are part of ~ith three major hospitals, Mercy sociation (DBA), in less than two years a growing, developing business district ~ Hospital, Greater Bakersfield thedowntownbusinessdistricthasturned which has unique opportunities and ser- ~ Memorial Hospital and San around and gone from 45% to nearly 85% vices and very affordable properties to Joaquin Community Hospital, there are occupancy of business properties. Or as buy, rent or lease, nearly 3500 hospital related jobs in the Ed Moss, local businessman and down- There are five segments to downtown area. Mercy Hospital's commitment to town investor, put it, "We're less than a Bakersfield: the gow downtown is obvi- dozen buildings away from being full." ernment comprised ous. They just com- In the April 1993 issue of California of the several city, pleted a new en- Business, Bakersfield was ranked one of county, state and trance and a$4 mil- the 15 best big cities in which to do busi- federalofficeslocated lion cancer center ness. downtown; the medi- expansion in the In the article, Bakersfield was given a cal, with three major downtown area. little box al~ its own fil~ed with statistics hospitals in the Memorial Hospi- and information that can be found in any downtown area, not tel is in the process Chamber of Commerce or Redevelopment to mention multiples of a major expan- Agency brochure, but. it didn't give the of doctor offices and sion at their current real reasons Bakersfield is one of the best labs; the legal, comprised of the courts, location. They too have satellite facilities places to do business. Why not? Because attorneys, and alaw library; the financial in other parts of the city. San Joaquin it didn't explain the heart and soul of the which includes several major banks, and Community Hospital is a facility that business community. It takes the people various business ~ specializes in the treatment of heart dis- who are involved in the day to day eco- ~ eases and is an important asset to the nomics of the city to explain ~ medical community. R~Vi~I~Z~~O~ So why did they all choose downtown  Bakersfield? According to Rick Riley, Manager of Marketing and Communica- tions at Mercy Hospital, it is the "hub of operations for health care in Bakersfield. The central location serves the needs of Bakersfield and the County. Mercy was founded in 1910 and has grown along with the downtown. The 'location pro- vides convenient access to residents and businesses and many of the physicians are located in offices in the area." Legal Center done an excellent job of promoting the area. As a bank we are destination retail- Truxtun corridor. Location of the Borton, ers to a certain degree because we cater to ~~ e've been a prominent law firm Petrini & Conron building has been a the small to medium size business client in the community for years," boon, and despite funding problems, the and we use messengers where necessary, Bonnie Fitzgerald, Firm Ad- redevelopment agency has made positive so a central location is clearly better for ministrator for Borton, Petrini & Conron, contributions. There's also been an inter- us." commented, "and I think our presence esting increase in the number of law of- Community First Bank's commitment says a lot for stability. The law firm is rices located between the railroad tracks to downtown is expressed through the owned by a group of partners. Borton, and California Avenue and between the current remodeling and expansion of their Petrini, & Conron was started way back courthouseandPStreetwheremanyfirms building. in the 1920's by three principal partners, have remodeled a number of old houses." "This building is the old opera house, it Fred Borton, Harry How does helike was built in the 1800's. In the 20's or 30's Conron, and James working in the it became the California Theater. Many Petrini, all deceased downtown area?"I old-timers will tell you it was the spot although we do have was born within a where they saw their first talking movie. one son, John Petrini. block of here at We acquired it in the 1960's and added We like to be part of Mercy Hospital twofloors. Now what we're doing is fresh- the downtown area, and raised on 17th ening it up, paint, carpet, windows, redo- it's where we started, Street. I feel right ing the outside, some cosmetic things. it's where we came at home." We'll still have a Chester entrance, but it from, it's our roots, will also have an entrance off of 18th Basically, we grew up here. We were at Street," Tait remarked. theoldKernCountyLandCompanyBuild- A Financial Center "I think we have a cooperative spirit ing, then to 30th Street and then to our ~ ommunity First Bank has been in between private enterprise and govern- new facility on Truxtun Avenue. Wehave ~ Kern County since 1952, their fifth ment," Tait continued. "It wasn't man- 16 office locations throughout California, office was located in Bakersfield in dated but allowed to evolve. I think it's a but homebase is here, and this is where the mid 50's and they now have three matter that the property owners are tek- we plan to stay." branches here. Teri Arduain of Commu- ing pride in ownership. If everyone takes "What's nice about this area," she added, nity First Bank commented that the bank pride in their property, it will make a "is that it's centrally located. It services a located their main branch on Chester difference. It's drivenby economics though law firm because the court systems are "because it was already the financial cen- so we need the employees down here." across the street, as is the Kern County ter." Regarding businesses locating down- Law Library. It's very convenient. "You already have the legal element town, Tait commented, '~You clearly have Milt Younger of Chain and Younger down here because very good proximity stated, "I feel downtown is coming back. you are close to the to the biggest popula- Look at the spaces being filled in the last courthouse, and tion center in the two years. There seems to be an increase clearly the financial country. You're in attention to property with noticeable district," John Tait, within 100 miles of new business and an interest by absentee President and CEO Los Angeles, clearly owners to make improvements. There's of Community First in a position to service been a continual increase in occupancy of Bank stated. 'Wou and deliver into that class A space to where there's practically are seeing the market, but youhave none left. With the occupancy rate going downtown reno- the luxury oflivingin up we have the rebirth of the downtown, vated in such a way mid-America and It's natural for law firms to locate close to that there are other that's what I think the courts for the convenience of all parties professionals, CPA's and advertisingfirms central valley is. Yes, we're part of Cali- and I expect that trend will continue." coming in. They get more square footage fornia, but the attitude in the central The municipal and superior courts are for the dollar. I do believe there is an valley is mid-America. It's not an LA located on Truxtun and the principal law economic advantage right now because rush-rush, stuck on the freeway kind of firms of Bakersfield for the most part the buildings are older and the cost basis environment. For those who are in distri- have chosen to locate near there, is lower." bution, you have three major highways Younger credited several factors for the He went on to say, "The one thing that converging, Highway 99, I-5 and 58 and growth of the downtown area. "Build-out differentiates Bakersfield's growthis that you could make a case that 65 serves the of the County Administrative Center it has been pretty symmetrical. East end; and this is a rail center. We was a wonderful contribution to the Bakersfield's downtown is still the center have a very pro-business government at- downtown corridor as well as the munici- of town. So someone who wants to serve titude and I think that our local govern- pal court system and law library. Even the entire community can be at equal dis- ment understands the importance of a with the financial difficulties in these tance from all of their prospective clients strong economy and the creation of jobs. times that the city has had, Ithinkthey've and is better served from the downtown We have a university and a good city Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 23 DOWNTOWN PROPERTY Sq.Ft. Property Address For Lease 1) Old Church Plaza · 1200 Truxtun Ave. 1,500 2) Bank of America · 1430 Truxtun Ave. 4,400 3) Banducci Building ° 1830 Truxtun Ave. 1,575 4) The Haberfelde Building ° 1706 Chester Ave. 65,000 5) Former Great Western Bldg. · 1415 18th St. 10,230 6) Moronet Professional Building · 1522 18th St. 10,346 7) Kress Building ° 1401 19th St. 12,000 8) 1514 19th St. 1,000 9) Former Newberry's Building · 1415 18th St. 20,000 10) The Downtown Trade Center ° 1527 19th St. 2,000 11) Hay Building · 1600-1604 19th St. 4,000 12) Crites Building · 1605-1607 19th St. 6,000 13) Kern County Land Company · 1712 19th St. 7,300 14) 2005 Eye StreetYl614 20th St. 3,261 15) 1830 F St. 600 GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS A) County of Kern Civic Center Justice Bldg. 1215 Truxtun Ave. B) County of Kern Public Defender & Jury Services 1315 Truxtun C) County of Kern Administration & Courts Bldg. 1415 Truxtun Ave. D) City of Bakersfield City Hall 1501 Truxtun Ave. E) Hall of Records 1655 Chester Ave. F) Kern County Superintendent of Schools 1300 17th St. college. For employers this is important, you have to have these · President of the DBA believes downtown is in a state of transi- types of things to draw employees." tion. "There are many signs things are actually turning around, What would he like to see downtown? "I would like to see more based on the number of businesses and services for employees parks, more green belts. It would be nice for someone who is relocating downtown. I see a lot of new businesses popping up, bringing their lunch on a spring or a fall day to have a spot where with the older buildings providing interesting architecture for they could go to sit down. I think everyone needs to do their little these businesses. bit to get to that point." As far as the bank is concerned, we are headquartered in "I think our building is going to be a great asset, with its green .downtown specializing in services for the business community. belt," Arduain added. "Downtown has a friendlier attitude and We are a great believer in helping Bakersfield to become what it atmosphere. We have good services, merchants that are willing can be." He feels you have to look to the local financial community to service their customers with a smile, and we keep that to bring about changes and is pleased with the leadership he sees hometown attitude.' developing in the area. The DBA has taken on issues to prevent Bart Hill, President and CEO of San Joaquin Bank and them from becoming a stumbling block in the future. Entrepreneurs and successwith it we did. Then we did one after another. When we first started everybody thought we were somewhere between Specialty Retail crazy and brain dead. Bakersfield's coming back. People are catching the fever for i n the past one and one-half years, Ed Moss, a local business- downtown. I've maintained for a long time that we are about man, has purchased, refurbished and sold 11 properties in 5,000 gallons of paint away from success in downtown. We can the downtown area. have a really rich and diverse business community down here, "In February 1992, I had an opportunity to buy a large building with all kinds of ideas of what it takes to make a city. We really that had been around forever and needed a lot of work. It was need that because we didn't have it for a long time. kind of like in for a penny in for a pound. We took it literally from At night...we have a tremendous night time activity, all of a pigeons living on the fourth floor to a nice scrubbed and polished sudden there's people everywhere. Initially when I went down to office building. Now it has about a 99% occupancy rate. We've check a building out, I thought I wouldn't want to walk around since sold it to an investor whose enjoying the same kind of down here at night, but once you're here, there's nothing to it. I don't find the aggression on the street, gets their share. · shop downtown are loyal to the busi- We've got some certified characters, there More banks should be clamoring to get nesses. One of the reasons is because they really are some very interesting people downtown. They are competing rightnow get personalized service that they don't here, but that's okay...I found out down- to make 6 or 7% car loans, they're making find in many other areas. Many of the town kind of revitalized me. I feel at 7% home loans, they can get 10% in the merchants in the downtown area have home, maybe a kindred spirit with the commercial market downtown all day created a specialty niche to reach custom- merchants and business people down here. long. If they lost one out of three they're ers with special needs. In the southwest you'll see a gardener even. That's what they need to look at." Tracy Lovelace has owned Babcock's cleaning off a parking lot with a blower, A new property owner in the downtown Book Shop for the last four years and downtown you'll see a area is Baynes worked in the store for the two years merchant sweeping off Bank. "I recently prior. "Because of the nature of our busi- the sidewalk or washing purchased the old ness, I'm not one to just wait for people to it offbefore he opens in Brower Building walkinthedoor. Wehaveauthorsignings, the morning. That's a on 19th. It offered art exhibits, children's story-telling, and good difference to me. I an excellent op- sometimes we have lectures. My store is see people down there portunity invest- event oriented and with that comes a working from early in merit-wise. The need to have a place in the community. I the morning until late properties down- believe we have a responsibility to give at night, but they are town, ! believe, back to the community because as a book- following the American are undervalued, store, we are a place of ideas and a forum dream...and again it's I purchased it for for authors." just a simple thing called affordability, wellbelowwhatIthinkreplacementwould Aboutbeing Lovelacesays,"Itdefinitely You want to invest the least amount of cost. It's a neat building with some in- has pluses and minuses. In this economic dollars you can into a building, because terestingcharacteristics and it'sbeen fully situation, the pluses outweigh the mi- the building isn't going to make any renovated. What caused me to invest in nuses. What some people see as a disad- money, we've got to make money with our downtown real estate was just an overall vantage, I find an advantage. I don't have inventory or skills or whatever." frustration I felt in the way my dollars high rent. I'm a destination shop, if you Moss started investing because, "I just were performing in other avenues. With have what people want, it doesn't matter couldn't imagine why we would throw declining interest rates and other places where you are." away a perfectly good city. As a people we where your money just doesn't do any- Guarantee Shoe Center has been a part will go to Europe and spend umpteen thing, I decided to get a little more aggres- ofthe downtown community for 40 years thousand dollars to trample through old sive with mine and go ahead and take and three generations. Rosco Rolnick, townsandoldbuildingsandlookatallthe some risk. I'm doing something on the President, likes their location. "It's cen- beautiful old architecture and come back side for myself and for my family. Our trally located, there seems to always be and throw ours away. It's a total waste, building right now is parking, our cus- There's no need to do that. We have a about 92% occupied. I tomers know where great economic life left in the buildings have over 30 tenants we are. We're more downtown and I still see the area as a that range from an ac- of a destination flourishing, activity. What I see are count~ng firm down to shop, our customers stakeholders, A stakeholder is a guy or an art shop. come here specifi- gal that has gone downtown and invested I'm bullish about cally looking for a their own money, probably most or all Bakersfield in gen- pair of shoes. We've that they have, and they really don't have eral. I really like the had plenty ofoppor- a choice other than success." community. I like the tunities to move out Is it working? Moss says, "Every per- things that it has to of the downtown son we've sold a property to, seems to be offer, the athletics area, once because flourishing and it'sthatwillingnessto get with the colleges, the opportunities here of a fire which took us time to rebuild there early and stay there late. When you for the arts, there's a wonderful sym- from, but we decided.to remain freestand- take a building, it's kind of like taking a phony, the theatre comes to town often ing downtown, giving our customers a house in a neighborhood. You go out and enough, the melodrama does a nice job, consistent place to go rather than moving start painting the outside and you set a there's Masterworks Chorale, and there's around which is important. scene. Pretty soon, the wife next door has a lot of things you can do. Good churches. Everytime I go to a shopping center, by got her husband out there on a ladder I plan on staying here for awhile, it's not the time I park the car and walk to the painting their eaves and the guy across a short-term investment as far as I'm door, it's a block. Downtown is easy to get the street is painting his garage, so on and concerned. I plan on owning that building to, no matter what time of year. There's so forth. Same thing happened for a number ofyears and having it be my not the basic traffic tie-up, or the same downtown...Everybody wins, and there's personal retirement plan." congestion as in other shopping areas." business going on, sales tax is happening, The Downtown Business Association commerce is taking place, so everybody did a survey and found that people who 26 Bateersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 WORKING TOGETHER ParkingGarageratestoaddresstheneeds definitely create a transportation hub for ~.- of smaller businesses and we increased the whole San Joaquin area. We are doing  resident and CEO of The Bakers- handicapped spaces on the ground floor, the planning now, looking for the right field Californian Mike Fisch dis- We are making new signs now. On the location. cussed the newspaper's involve- eastside we are working with the Kress Currently there is a GET bus system ment in downtown. Building and Community First Bank. with a central terminal in the downtown "The Bakersfield Californian has been There will be over 90 additional parking area." headquartered in Bakersfield since the spaces created in that area and in excess relocation from Havilah in 1869, a period of 20 private parking spaces associated Safe Streets in excess of 100 years, with the CFB re- Chief Steve Brummer of the City Police We expect to continue model. 50 spaces Department remarked about downtown that tradition for a will be leased to the safety. "We have the police department very long time. Kress Building on working with the downtown property Downtown Bakers- a long-term basis owners association to develop programs field needs vitality to to improve their that will increase the level of safety to create an environment ability to secure customers and owners in the area. In the that makes it a desti- additional long- downtown area you have different prob- nation for people to term tenants." lems that are unique to that community, visit, work, shop, and Looking into the such as more foot traffic. People have a play. As community future, the Central heightened awareness of personal safety leaders we all need to District Develop- because they are walking. As far as over- encourage our elected leaders to utilize ment Agency and City of Bakersfield an- all safety, I think the downtown area is as all the tools available to them to make ticipate working with developers in as- safe as any other business area." something happen downtown. A healthy sisting the construc- city center is critical to the region's long- tion of additional off- Final Thought term growth, street parking. Steve Nations, Everyone needs to be willing to make Sr. Associate of compromises to make something worth- Transportation Commercial Prop- while occur. The downtown area should Executive Director erties for CB Com- be approached like any other develop- of Kern Council of mercialRealEstate merit project. You need a shared vision, Governments Ron Group says, "Buy, broad commitment, and a desire' to suc- Brummett stated, "In buy, buy! Prices are ceed." the downtown area in cheap, historic Cathy Butler of the DBA remarked, the short termyoucan lows. What is driv- "Last year we pulled all the property expect to see minor ing this resurgence owners and city officials together to air improvements such as better signal coor- of downtown, is that values and rents are complaints and make comments. A lot of dination. The future, which is probably a low enough that people can take advan- people have been working hard over the 15 to 20 year time frame, is focusing on a tage. Prices are everything. Little entre- last year to make changes for the down- lightrailsystemcoordinatedwithAmtrak preneurs can go down there and make town area. Before it was them and us, and high speed rail which their mistakes and still survive. If I had nowitisallofusworkingtogetherforthe ~~ ~ would, my way l9th Street would be full of res- community." taurants and bars and be a lit, tlc mini Alan Tandy, City Manager of the City U~ ~lg~,. m ~ Bourbon Street. of Bakersfield added, "I do agree with ~W ~e WllZ~ tjg~ g~ most of their goals conceptually, and they have done most of the work. They are willing to put the time and effort into it which is what it takes." A COMMITMENT TO IMPROVEMENT parking: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director for the of Bakersfield commented on downtown parking. "On the Westside of Chester there's parking with over 500 spaces, 200 spaces are available for monthly tenants. Re- cently, we restructured the Eye Street "The Revitalization of Downtown" is a special editorial project of Bakersfield Panache Magazine. Any reproduc- tion in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. · LUXURY An available ETg/Cosselle/CO system,* with a built-in maximum 160-walt amp is an unexpected luxury. · SOUNDS GREAT · STORAGE A 7-speaker audio The center storage armrest* helps you system with five separate store items like audio cassettes or amplifiers* creates rich, · DASHING LOOKS sunglasses. In addition, there is a coin moving sound. 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W here in America can you sociation is entering its 30th season with buildings representative of western life nd a near perfect combi- big names like the San Francisco Sym- from 1880-1930 in addition to indoor ex- ation of business and phony and the Russian State Chorus to hlblts. The Lori Brock Children's Mu- ifestyle amenities that the Bakersfield Convention Center. seum uses a hands on approach to teach would rival a major city? A town that The Dorian Society, a University fine children about history, while other local offers access to virtually every type of arts support group, presents the Encoun- museums feature Kern County's histori- cultural event known to man; sports ac- ters with the Arts series annually, bring- cal past with exhibits ranging from oil tivities that read like ESPN's program ing performances that include an opera equipment and WW II memorabilia to schedule, and a nearly endless list of and a ballet to the Dor~ Theatre at the Indian relics and Civil War skirmishes. recreational opportunities! You've found California State University, Bakersfield. California Living Museum (CALM) it! Bakersfield has developed into a very Kern Shakespeare Festival offers "the houses a combination of botanical gar- active community, offering its residents am Bard" under the stars at Bakersfield Col- dens for native plants and a zoo for Cali- complete long list of activities for the lege Outdoor Theatre every October, while fornia wildlife. entire family, the Jazz Festival brightens the night at Kern County has portions of two na- One of the newest and brightest annual CSUB each May. Bach and Beethoven tional forests and three state parks, eight ~business events is the Bakersfield Busi- Festivals celebrate the great composers regional parks as well as 44 neighborhood ness & Finance Conference promoted by each May and June. parks. Bird and wildlife sanctuaries in- Borton, Petrini & Conron. Last year 7,000 This year the Kern Island ArtsFest, clude the Kern National Wildlife Refuge, national andinternationalattendees were presented jointly by Bakersfield Sym- Tule Elk State Reserve, Desert Tortoise entertained by President Ronald Reagan, phony Orchestra, Bakersfield College and Natural Area, the Exotic Feline Breeding former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and Kern Shakespeare Festival will fill Compound and the Kern River Preserve General Norman Schwartzkopfas well as Bakersfield Outdoor Theatre with enter- which has over 200 bird species. other nationally known speakers and en- tainment every Thursday and Sunday Buena Vista Aquatic Recreation Area, tertainers. Bakersfield is also the home to . night from late August through October. south of town, offers twin lakes, one for the Annual Pacific Coast Oil Show at the Visually, Bakersfield Museum of Art fishing, the other for boating, swimming, Fairgrounds and the Kern County Eco- has a series of exhibits including the Kern water skiing and wind surfing. Lake Ming, nomic Outlook Conference held each County Visual Arts Festival in May and east of town, is the home of national drag January at the Convention Center. June. Four commercial art galleries show boat racing. White water rafting on the But there's more than jus~ business local and national artists works and the Kern River presents breathtaking thrills, happening in Bakersfield. For instance, Todd Madigan Gallery brings in exhibi- but only with expert guidance. Bakersfield Community Theatre is be- tions in conjunction with CSUB and The Racing can be found at local raceways ginning its 67th season, making it the Dorian Society. such as Mesa Marin and Bakersfield longest continually performing theatre TheArtsCouncilofKernworkstobring Raceway. Local racing drivers Rick and group in California and the Bakersfield visual and performing artists as well as Roger Mears got their start here before Symphony Orchestra has just started its creative writers to schools while working becoming international names on racing 62nd season, to increase awareness of the value of arts circuits. Theatrically speaking, the Vaudeville and culture to the public in general. Sports abound with school, college and Express Melodrama and Bakersfield Civic Kern County Museum and Pioneer Vil- professional sports available. Sam Lynn Light Opera entertain thousands yearly, lage, a 14 acre outdoor museum repre- Baseball Park is the home of the Bakers- ~rhe Bakersfield Community Concert As- senting the county's history preserves 60 field Dodgers, LA Dodgers' A farm team; 30 Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 lege is the home of the BC Renegades football team. California State University, Bakersfield's men's basketball team went ~ ~ undefeated last season while winning the · NCAA Division II National Champion- ships. CSUB's men's swimming team captured their 8th championship. Forhorse lovers, the Kern County Clas- · Sales · Service sic, a 5 day hunter-jumper show draws · Installation· Accessories ~ field the bignames in the showjumpingworld. ~Bokers,_._ Cellulor TELEPHONE COMPANY Kern-Tulare Chapter of the California 322-2810 3915 Rosedale Hwy. ^S~LLSOUmCO~9^~¥ Dressage Society has brought interna- tionally known dressage judges to their May show and sponsors educational clinics for local riders. SID HELFMAN For Western riders, there are many breed shows as well as team-penning and Original Graphics, roping clinics. Rodeos are among the 500 Serigraphs, Etchings events held at the Kern County Fair- grounds each year. and Aqua Tints For those who like to be outdoors, through Christmas Bakersfield's mild climate is a sports person's delight. The Kern River Park- way has over nine miles of well main- rained paths suitable for bicycling, jog- ging, skating or walking. 6635 MING AVE There are 11 public and 5 country club golf courses in the vicinity, offering year (805) 834-0703 round play for golfers of all skill levels. Tennis buffs will find numerous courts at local parks as well as 4 private clubs. Racquetball and handball can be played California's #1 Discounter Samsonite® attheYMCAandseveralotherlocalclubs, of First Quality Luggage, Or perhaps you'd prefer to sample the delights of skiing at Shirley Meadows or Business Cases and Travel Mt. Pines this winter or learn to fly a plane or glider at Mojave, or experience Accessories. paragliding or take a balloon ride over Bakersfield or watch the shuttle land at PURCHASE ORDERS WELCOME Edwards Air Force Base. Other annual events include Whiskey Flat Days in Kernville in February, the Arvin Wild- 834 0428 flower Festivalin April, and the Tehachapi Apple Blossom Festival in May. The Wesco Rose Festival shows the 3803 Stockdale Hwy., 3 Blocks West of Hwy. 99 · Hours: M-F 1043, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-5 beauty of Kern's floral bounty in Septem- ber followed by The Kern County Fair which parades the best in local livestock, Southwest Ba~.~dd Homes ~~ E~r~fLeld' produce and exhibits, a fun fair, enter- inEvery Price Range... EXCLUSIVE C©~4~4t~I?Y tainment and more. · Over 12 years Or perhaps antiques strike your fancy, of Personalized, Then you're in luck. Bakersfield is fast Professional service Available FREE at these SW outlets: becoming known as an antique hunter's * Over 600 Homes · Long Drugs · Restaurants Sold in Southwest paradise. Bakersfield *Yogurt Shops · R.E. Offices After a busy day of antique hunting, * Multi-Million and participating merchants visit one of the many restaurants serving Dollar Producer everything from French-Basque to Medi- I * Over $9 Milli°n ($~oCl(dale ~0~/ terranean to Japanese food. Sold in 1992 A relaxed meal will give you the energy to start again tomorrow. Let's see, there's "Covering Bakersfield's Most Exciting the Tehachapi Loop or Red Rock Canyon Mary Christenson WArS0~SSA[rYc0. 5501 STOCKDALE HWY. Neighborhoods!" State Park or Glennville or.....*. (80~) 8534172BAKERSFIELD, CA93309 Advedising Available- 805-327-5899 Bakersfield Panache * 3rd Quarter 1993 31 Stockdal Viii Pha II " e as... se', Great Homes... Great Location · 1750- 2220 sq. ft. · Custom homes welcome Sam Wilkerson P. LO~T BDRM-3 Homes For Life... Sam Wilkerson, builder, op- and elegant block accents. Each erates under the premise that floorplan has truly been de- your new home should be well signed for living...comfortable designed, so perfect for your and convenient, with plenty of lifestyle, that you'll never have interior selections that allow to go home shopping again, you to decorate as simply, el- He is right on target with egant or extravagant as your Stockdale Villas..Phase II. taste desires. PLAN Explore the opportunity to Discover these beautiful 4BEDROOM select from 6 distinctive homes at Stockdale Villas... 2 BATH floorplans, with more than a Phase II. This will be the last dozen exterior elevations, pre- home you ever want to buy. sented in a distinct neighbor- hood blending of traditional and Mediterranean styles. Extraordinary touches catch Sam Wilke corners;' white framed grided the eye of the conscientious rson homebuyer, including bullnose [] B * U * I o L* D - E - R windows on front elevations; (805) 589-1325 * 13704 LAS ENTRADAS an abundance of beautiful oak STOCKDALEHWY. Models Open Daily · Priced from $140, O00's cabinetry; raised panel doors REAL ESTATE Talking About Affordability, Bakersfield Is Rated Tops In The State! T his statement is not true for ous areas Which accommodate diverse For those looking for a new home, most of the desirable urban ways of life, preferences, and price there are numerous builders with ex- or suburban areas of Cali- ranges. The Southwest area of cellent reputations for quality ofcon- forniaandtheU.S. Butwait! Bakersfield can be categorized as struction and abundance of ameni- For those people planning to relocate having older to brand new develop- ties. Coleman Com- to Bakersfield, California, you. will ments, from country club and ten- pany, the area's find what residents here already nis club neighborhoods, to largest local know. You will be surprised at what is wide open builder, first offered in housing values in Bakers- made a name maybe field and Kern County, ~O~S~~O~ for itself inmost popu- even thrilled, many of the compared to the ~ south--s housing market ~~~~(~]~eS you may be used ~), ~(~/(~ ~s~ ]ar neighbor- to. ~ ~]~S hoods. The Talking about (~ firm continue~ to a ffo r d a b i 1 i t y ~ -~t1~(~ ~)]~0~ , put its distinctive mark Bakersfield is rated ,~ ~0 tops in the state! For ~ ~)~ (~'~(~ ~(~ on numerous projects throughout the southwest, example, according to ~ ~0~(~ ~, ~'" as well as the northwest areas of Dataquick Informa- ~ the city. tion Systems, the me- ]~1~~ vistas and ira- Castle and Cooke Homes, Inc. is dian price of a home in ~ age s of the currently the major builder in its own Bakersfield at the end Tehachapi mountains southwest neighborhoods, and has of the 2nd quarter of to the East. New, expansive shop- projects underway in subdivis{ons it 1993, was only $89,000! ping centersand sweeping California has developed in the northwest as But before you begin 1 o o k - State University Bakersfield campus well. Sam Wilkerson, another local ing for your new home, you need to (the third largest campus in area in builder/realtor, is into his second know a little bit about the area. First, the state) add to the ambience of the phase at Stockdale Villas, a quality the map. Bakersfield, located at the new, fresh, sophisticated, upbeat, neighborhoodlocatedjust west of the Southern end of California's San traditional and Spanish/Western university, where one can find a Joaquin Valley, is a city of 195,000 styles, unique blending of traditional and people, and growing,. The city is Mediterranean styled homes situated in such a central location priced from $140,000. as to afford many an exciting day The Northwest area is cur- or weekend trip. Traveling by car, rently the newest developed sec- the uncrowded Central Coast is 2 tion, coupled with existing ranch 1/2 hours to the West. The mecca type homesites. This is a region of Los Angeles is a 2 hour drive to of larger lots-1/3,1/2,1, and even the South. Las Vegas is a 4 1/2 2 + acre lots (this is land), which hour jaunt to the East, and the are available with the homes San Francisco Bay area is about 4 here. This is true country living 1/2 hours North. with wide horizons, gardens, and Now, back home. Within the a slower pace, but with all the city of Bakersfield itself are vari- Continued on page 34 Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 33 REAl, ESTATE Continued from page 33 city conveniences 10 minutes close, field, you have an endless choice of Homes and Pierce Homes are cur- For those who want "land" there's styles and amenities from which to rently building in The Polo GroUnds, Redwood Estates, a community of full choose, with plans from 1400 sq. ft, and pric- half acre estate lots starting from The Polo Grounds, developed by ing from $115,000 to $200,000. $35,000. Buyers can utilize the devel- DeWalt Corporation, was the first The Westchester area of Central opers design/build program, or have major residential development in this Bakersfield is the charming "Grand their own contractor build their dream northwest master-planned commu- Dame" of the city. Wide streets and home. With the large selection of nity, and features local Bakersfield tall, mature shade trees set the stage quality builders available in Bakers- builders. Kyle Carter Homes, Pearson for these charming homes reminis~ cent of the New England coast, the English countryside, and the Frank Lloyd Wright California style, among others. Each home (or estate) is dif- ferent, no two seem remotely alike, and an evening walk is a graceful experience. Built between 1900 to the 1950's, these are the houses with the high ceilings, hardwood floors, arched doorways, built-in china cabinets and formal gardens. Although there are no lots to build on, there are a limited number of these homes for sale. The Northeast section of the city is situated on a little higher elevation, so some fine views are afforded of Continued on page 36 34 Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 SUBSCRIBE Continued from page 34 NOW! both the city lights on one side, and ofthe southern Sierra Nevada mountains to the East. Here are found estab- lished, fashionable Country Club neighborhoods nestled to Your among mature trees, as well as newer custom homes City Magazine... looking out toward the hills of the Kern River Canyon. Bakersfield College is in this area, as well as golf courses, Bakersfield Panache ~shopping centers and Lake Ming for boating. 1 Year $9.95 "Serving the Best of Bakersfield and Kern County" NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: ST: ZIP: PHONE: Make Checks Payable To: Of course, with all of the new development, there's BAKERSFIELD PANACHE MAGAZINE 7850 White Lane, E-278 plenty of re-sale homes on the market, in every style, price Bakersfield, CA 93309 range and neighborhood! Several Relocation Specialists of local realty companies have provided listings of currently available homes in Bakersfield to present a sampling of this market. These listings are indicative ofjust how much value a buyer can expect when choosing a home in Bakers- THE BEST field. LIFE HAS TO OFFER Glenda Anson, Anson Real Estate, offers one of the most affordable Southwest homes currently on the market, with three bedrooms and 2 baths, for just $104,000. She says "here's a home in prime condition, that offers all the amenities you'd ever want." Anson also has a very nice home listed in the northwest for $136,900, featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, den plus club room. It offers a very spacious master bedroom, fireplace with bookcases on both sides and plenty of ceramic tile. Beverly Davis and Julie Gaede, Karpe Realty, say "see- ing is believing" about this starter home located in one of Bakersfield's older areas. All new carpet, new kitchen and bath, and freshly painted inside and out, for just $64,950. 36 Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 For those who need room for a grow- turing a large fenced pool, raisedbrick When these costs are compared to lng family, Davis and Gaede offers a planters and even a brick-lined re- other areas of California, Bakersfield hard to find 4 bedroom, split wing cessed inground trampoline. This offers alot of home for your money. plan in southwest Bakersfield's Lan- spacious 3 bedroom home is priced at So if you're relocating to Bakers- $339,000. field, the only problem you'll have to All realtors interviewed agreed that face, is deciding which area you'll Bakersfield offers excellent housing want to live in, because regardless of investments. One facet contributing your choice, we can assure you that to the low overall cost of housing here you'll find the home of your dreams...at is thelow cost of land and permit fees. a price you can afford..:. comes with a sparkling pool and ga- zebo! Gall Malouf, Prudential America MATH West Real Estate, recommends a very nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with formal dining and living rooms, fam- ily room with fireplace and built-in barbeque, located in the northwest + 10 + 15 = 50%. "New" right employees to fit your c0mpany' s math? No, "hire" math. At staffing needs. You can even receive the Employers' Training Re- wage reimbursement for your new source new Back to Work hires--up to 50 percent through our Center, we'll show you num- On-the-Job Training program. All of bersthatcanaddtoyourbusi- our services and programs are offered ness' formula forsuc- at absolutely no cost cess. 5 0 % and without a lot of red tape. That adds At our Back to Work up to significant say- Center, we focus on ings of time and area of town, for only $144,900. the factors that can money f or you. Maloufalso has listed an older 3 bed- increase your corn- room 1.7~ bath home in 8outh l,au- pany'sefficiencyandproductivity, such Let us sh°w you how "hire" math can relglen, (southwest) for only $98,000. as providing a large pool of skilled, job- give you the right answers to your Mary Christenson, Watson Realty ready individuals with 5, 10, even 15+ company'semploymentquestions. Call Oompany, specializes in estate-sized years of experience in a variety of fields, our Back to Work Center today at properties. An example of the kind of Wealsooffercustomizedrecmiting and 324-WORK or our Main Office at upper-end homes that are now avail- screening services to help you find the 325-HIRE. able in Bakersfield is a luxurious Ital- ian Villa, located in the northwest area of the city, with a 4,220 square foot main house; 1,000 sq. ft. guest cottage, security gates, separate 4 car garage, huge pool with spa, courtyard fountain and stucco walls surround- ing the entire property. All of this on a 2/3 acre lot, for $670,000. Mary also has a classic home listed in W estchester, featuring a charming RESOURCE "Country French" interior, rich hard- wood flooring, a gorgeous yard fca- Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 37 A Lot To Build Your Dreams On. don't have to settle for Redwood Estates the norm. You can truly ~ offers you the choice of have the home of your selecting your own "dreams" constructed on ~ builder; our recom- a country-size lot...a full mended builders; or half-acre allowing fOr selecting from our pool, spacious play areas, Developers design/ even RV parking. All Rosedale Hwy. build plans. located in a private So before you make the walled community, lo- biggest investment of cared just minutes from the congestion, your life, invest the time to downtown and southwest Plus...your home can be "your explore "A Lot To Build Your business centers, yet away home" not one like your Dreams On" at Redwood from the typical subdivision neighbor down the street or Estates. Redwood Estates Realty Sales Office:' 588-6340 / 836-0804 Sales "Model" Office open 11-6pm daily Developer Marketing & New Home Sales · VAUGHN ASSOCIATES 38 Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 We Believe Our Customers Should .Receive VIP Service All The TimeIf You Pay Taxes, You Should Know About ENROLLED AGENTS 000 ~. What does the term Enrolled Agent mean? "Enrolled" simply means EAs are i"~' licensed by the federal government. "A n" ~ ge t means EAs are authorized to ~ appear in place of the taxpayer at the Internal Revenue Service. Only En- rolled Agents, attorneys and CPAs '~ may do so. :~" Enrollment dates back to 1884, Bakeg~Laund~and~helpycu~r when Congress acted to regulate per- besth~y~ourVIPShirtSe~ce. We'll sons who represented citizens intheir Robert D. Gardner, EA pressyourshirlsbyhandtogiveyoutheexeculJvelook everydayoflheweek. Wealsoofferregularlaundry dealings with the Treasury Depart- Kern Chapter, Ca. Society service, drive-thrusenciceorwe'llevenpick-up, ment, after questionable claims had of Enrolled Agents. ForPick-up&Deliver~CallOur been presented for Civil War losses, ships, estates and trusts, as well as VIP HOTLINE: 322-8844 procedure and ethics. Less than one- B~/3f/~~ ~ ~ What exactly do third of individuals taking the ex- Enrolled Agents do? amination have passed, allowing 2606 Brundage Ln. °3228844 (ComerofBmndage&SpmceSt) Unlike attorneys or CPAs, Enrolled them to apply for enrollment and OpenM-F7-6/Sat. 8-12 Agents specialize in taxation, subject themselves to a background Throughout the year, they advise, investigation. represent and prepare tax returns The other way is to have been an ~ GAIL MALOUF for individuals, partnerships, corpo- employee of the Internal Revenue "Rock Solid rations, estates, trusts and any enti- Service for five years, regularly ap- in Real Estate" ties withtax-reportingrequirements, plying aqd interpreting the provi- c~s, G~, c~P In California, for example, the more clans of thb~Internal Revenue Code Broker Associate than 3,000 Members of the Califor- and regulations. Free complimentary video tour of Bakers- nia Society of Enrolled Agents pre- field featuring some of our lovely homes, pare about 1.5 million tax returns Are there other requirements? each year. Enrolled Agents' expertise In addition to the stringent testing I [{~J [,I~l~ [~] i B~,'3 ~I~*! ~11 I,.11 in the constantlychangingfieldoftax and application process, Enrolled (805) 534-~ l O0 law enables them to be effective rep- Agents are required to earn 72 hours (800) 776-3157~ resentative when taxpayers are au- of continuing professional education, ThePrudenflal dited by the IRS. reported every three years, to main- America West Real Estate tain their status. Because of the diffi- Eoo~ o~o~ ~e~e~v o~ o~ o~rot~ How do Enrolled Agents differ culty in becoming enrolled and main- from other tax experts? taining that enrollment, there are EAs are the only practitioners who fewer than 35,000Enro]ledAgents in have demonstrated competence spe- the United States. cifically in matters of taxation. Also, they are the only representatives for How can I find out more about taxpayers who receive that right from what an "Enrolled Agent" the U.S. government. (CPAs and at. can do for me? torneys are licensed by the states.) Contact Bob Gardner, Member An individual may become an En- California Society ofEnrolledAgents, rolled Agent in one of two ways: The Gardner Bookeeping and Tax Ser- primary way is to pass a difficult, vice, 5329 Office Center Court, two-day examination given annually Bakersfield, Ca. 93309. (805) 322- by the IRS. The test covers taxation 8963. of individuals, corporations, partner- 40 Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 By: Janet Wheeler As Bakersfield expands and neighborhoods of beautiful new homes spring up on the outskim of the city, residents are becoming interested in the community's history and the restoration of historic homes. Continued on page 42 Photography by Creative Photography According to Historic Preservation at restoring a home, and though they The pathways were designed to be Committee Chairwoman Shirlyn say "In some respects, that's good, wide enough to walk side by side with Davenport, Bakersfield has several because you don't know what you're a companion, much as they were in older neighborhoods. The Oleander/ getting into," they seem to have a the early 1800's. Then; people were Sunset area, oldWestchester andthe natural flare for the task. After exceptionally proud of their gardens AltaVistaareadatebacktopre-World painting everything, inside and out, and often guided their friends and War II, and are three areas to be they discovered they'd selected a color neighbor on tours of their prized treasured, scheme authentic to early nineteenth plants. Bakersfield has a number of century homes. Allofthe plants in this garden are historicallysignificanthomes, ranging "It is an experience in urban prized specimens. None of the plants ininterestfromtheSearsRoebuckkit archeology," they proclaim, while were introduced after1840, andsome houses to a home featured on the explaining that after failed attempts date back to 1397. All of the roses cover of Sunset Magazine during the to clean the wall-to-wall carpeting, were planted as bareroot plants in 1930s, with features ranging from they pulled it up and discovered January and are thriving in the Depression era glass to magnificent wonderfully preserved hardwood Bakersfield climate. ballrooms. Preservation efforts are floors. Adiscoveryofstampedconcrete Hiseffortstowardauthenticityhave underway throughout the community, flooring was found beneath the madethehomeownersomewhatofan The Oleander/Sunset Association is sunroom carpet and a layer of vinyl old rose expert and over the past few currently researching homes to flooring. Andtheblackenedhardware months he's made some enlightening discover the original owner, designer on the doors turned out to be made of discoveries, such as the fact that the and the type of architecture. Plaques solid brass, antique roses don't seem to respond will eventually be placed on the homes Although they plan to do about half to modern fertilizers. He also finds and a brochure will be designed to the work themselves, they admit that the antique varieties to be more guide people on a walking tour. many of the jobs are just too big for a fragrant and heartier than modern Students from California State dual-career couple and others require hybrids. Polytechnic University, Pomona with accomplished technical skills. Mike Included in the garden are Old assistance from the cityofBakersfield Wheat, a local cabinetmaker, was Blush, a Chinese rose first introduced and the cooperation of merchants from hired to replicate a drip plate beneath in 1752 and live for several hundred the Baker Street Corridor completed theclapboardsidingandtoreconstruct years. The species was found in a a study for restoration of the historic arailingonthebackporch. Therailing photograph of Lee and Grant at the business neighborhood. And there has is a Chinese design that can also be Appomattox Court House and the been considerable interest in forming seen in Jefferson's Monticello home. same plant is still there, today. a historical organization in the Many of the angles required were A number of English roses have Westchester area. unusual by current standards, but been planted in proximity to create a "These homes and neighborhoods Wheat's expertise has made it nearly Shakespearean garden where a bust show a way of life that Bakersfield impossible to distinguish between the of the playwright will eventually be had at one time," says Davenport. original and the replicated, added. For now, guests are treated to It is a way of life that one Bakersfield According to the homeowners, the the apple-like fragrance from the dark couple has set out to preserve. After secret to living in a home under green leaves of R. eglanteria, three years of house-hunting, they restoration is to learn to live with mentioned in Shakespeare's sold their modern, southwest chaos, and you accomplish that by Midsummer's Night Dream~ and to the Bakersfield home and moved into one organizing one room to live in, then beautiful red Rose of Lancaster and of Bakersfield's historic homes. Even restoring one room at a time so you the white Rose of York, separated by thoughthey'vejustcompletedthefirst don't get overwhelmed, the bi-color Treaty Rose. year ofafive-yearrestorationproject, Because the house is structurally Interspersed with the roses are a they've made significant progress, sound and most of their work is variety of herbs, some rarely seen The homeowner, a New England cosmetic, they have applied most of and used today. A boxwood hedge to native, may have been drawn to the their energy during the past year to delineate the structure of the garden house because i~ is of the Federalist- the exterior. They've painted the is still to come. style, with many of the characteristic house, designed and erected a fence to The homeowners have undertaken details: overall symmetry, six-parted establish a perimeter and a sense of an exciting project. Not only are they double hung windows, side lights on privacy, replaced the white-picket creating wonderful home for either side of the front door and fence inffont, and cleared, themselves,buttheyarepreservinga detailed scrollwork on the stair The property had become so part ofBakersfield'shistory. mouldings. All of the rooms are large neglected and overgrown that most of "Historic preservation is not simply by today's standards, with lots of the existing vegetation had to be the restoration of old buildings, but windows that let in light filtered by a removed. The back was a thicket of an aim to link a community's past to neighborhood of full-grown trees, undergrowth and the bushes in the its present. And in that respect, you The house is one ofthe first designs front had grown so high, they couldn't are establishing a sense of of Ernest J. Cutup, who went on to be seen from the street and neighbors permanence for the community and design U.S. embassies abroad, were shocked to discover the house for future generations," Davenport This is the couple's first experience hadn't been abandoned, concludes...'- GOURMET CORNER Continued from page 39 He has been kind enough to share sev- · Shivinder S. Deol, M.D. eral of his favorite recipes for you to try at home, or better yet, to experience yourself Dr. Deal graduated from Armed Forces Medical Col- in the comfortable atmosphere of Anton's lege, India and completed his family practice rest- Airport Bar and Grille.-*** dency at the University of Tennessee. He specializes in family medicine, injection sclerofherapy and facial Bourbon BBQ Baby Back Ribs rejuvenation. Dr. Deal is President, Kern Academy of Take full rack of ribs and baste with BBQ Family Physicians; Fellow, American Academy of sauce (see below). Wrap basted Rack of Ribs in plastic wrap, then wrapin foil and bake at 300 Family Physicians; Diplomate, American Board of degrees for one hour and 20 minutes. Let cool Family Practice; Member, Kern County Med. Soc. for30minutes,thenchar-broilfor~veminutes Chief of Staff at Good Samaritan Hospital. Other hospital affliations: Memorial, on each side and top with deep fried breaded Mercy, San Joaquin, and Charter. onion rings. Bourbon BBQ Sa.ee 4000 Stockdale Hwy. Suite D (805) 325-7452 2 c. ketchup 1/2 c. water 1/4 c. brown sugar Gregory A. Stainer,MD 1/4 c. honey Dr. S~ainer graduated fTom Loyola University, Chicago; 3 dashes Tabasco 1 T. Garlic oil completed medical school and internship at Northwest- 1 T. chicken base ern University, Chicago; ophthalmology residency, Univer- 1 T. Liquid Smoke sity of Wisconsin; Corneal Fellowship at UCSD. American 1 T. Worcestershire Sauce Board of Ophthalmology certified, 1981. Member A.M.A., 1/4 c. white vinegar 1/2 c. Bourbon C.M.A., C.A.O., and C.L.A.O. Fellow of the American Add all ingredients, bring to a boil and let College of Surgeons, Fellow of the Castroviejo Corneal simmer for 20 minutes. Society. Hospital affiliations: Memorial Hospital, Mercy Hospital and San Joaquin Hospital. Specialty interest: Laser Southwest Softshell Blue Crab with excimer surgeB/for nearsightedness. Sweet Roasted Red Pepper Cream Cleansoftshellcrab(delungandcutoffeyes, 215 China Grade Loop 393-2331 & 4649 Planz Road 833-4040 nose and tail). Marinate crab in lime marinade for two hours. Then char-broil crab for three minutes on each side dusting with Cajun sea- soning as you turn. Place crab on Rice Bean · Anthony Tarango, D.D.S. cakes, and sauce sides of plate with Sweet Red Pepper cream. Paint plate with demi Glaze Dr. Anthony Tarango, a native of Bakersfield, and garnish with Corn Tortilla Cactus. graduated from Howard University School of Dentistry, Washingtron, D.C. and has practiced Cilantro Tequila Lime Marinade General Dentistry in Bakersfield for over 25 years. i schallot diced 1 tsp. clove garlic, chopped Prior to that he was o Captain in the U.S.Army 3 tsp. cilantro, chopped DentalCorps. He is a Fellow of the Academy of i c. Gold Tequila GeneralDentistry, emphasising Family General juice of 2 limes Dentistry and Orthodontics. 1 tsp. sugar dash of Tabasco 4698 American Ave., Ste 8 (805) 834-5660 Sweet Roasted Red Pepper Cream 1 fire roasted red bell pepper, diced rough 1 tsp. diced yellow onion 1/4c. whitewine GOODWILL WORKS SO PEOPLE CAN 2 e. whipping cream Providing jobs, training and other services for people in Kern County with 1 T. sugar disabilities or other special needs. Add red pepper mixture into sauce pan and reduce by half. Strain into blender and whip. Spicy Rice Bean Cakes We Need - Please Donate Today. 2 c. cooked rice 3/4 c. black beans (cooked) 2 T. 1/2 in. dried bell peppers (red, grn & yel) 1/2 tsp. Cayenne Pepper 2 whole eggs 1 T. Kosher salt Attended Donation Station: 3808 Stockdale Hwy. 1 T. ground Cumin Local Goodwill Stores: 805 19th St. · 6300 White Ln. · 902 Main Street (Delano) Form cakes into 3 1/2 inch diameter and or call fora homepick-up.. 837-0595 saute in olive oil for one minute on each side. Bakersfield Panache * 3rd Quarter 1993 43 The First thing we do is listen. If you are in business for yourself, you've throughthegoodtimesandhelpingthrough probably found out it's not easy getting the bad. So if you're tired of not being large banks to listen to your needs. At heard, maybe you should talk to a Community First Bank, we've been Community First banker. Because listening to our customers for over 40 before you get any answers, you're years now. Growing with them going to get a whole lot of listening. COMMUNITY FIRST BANK The Bank That Listens® © 1992 COMMUNITY FIRST BANK MEMBER FDIC Bakersfield Panache · 3rd Quarter 1993 45 WEDDINGS ,, ~' ' Gary and Gina Johnsons'  ' ~ ~' Seven Oaks Country Club  Gina Ghiglia and Gary Johnson exchanged vows this summer at an elegant wedding and reception held L ............ ~ at ~he Seven Oaks Country Club. The ceremony was For all sons of home loans, come to us. he~don the club's patio overlooking the golf course, We'll treat you l~e hmily, w~hthe receptionimmedi- ~ a[ely following. At Kern Schools Federal Credit Union, our members The couple honeymooned are special.., they're like p~ of the hmily. So they trust us aboard Gina's parent's to do eve~thing we can to get them the best home loan yacht in Cabo San Lucas, possible. Low rates. Hexible te~s. FHA, VA and Gina and Gary dohnson conventional programs available. Mexico. From mobile homes to vacation homes to first time or custom homes, call the Home Loan Center at Kern Schools Federal Credit Union at 833-7926. (Back Row) Mayrene Edmiaston, Fred Wright, Bill Wright, Jr., (Frt. Row) Deborah Wright, KarenSpence, Aaron Wright Linda Shaw, Gary Johnson, Dorothy Abney, Willis and Krista Byron Tockey, Lynne Wright (mother of the bride) and Freda Tockey Cassie Wright Downs and her twin sister, Gina Johnson Joe and Mary K. Shell, Dale and Joyce Hawley John and Pamela Giumarra, Bill Wright, Sr. 46 Bakersfield Panache ° 3rd Quarter 1993 Local Legends. - ~: COLEMAN IN THE OAI~~ Formal living & dining. ~ Family room w / frpic. Bkfst bar & sunny nook. Comer lot. · Motivated Seller Why is it th,at when someone sells their Coleman home they advertise it as one? It's because there s value in the Coleman name. The fact is, Coleman s quality, design and attention to detail is legendary fight along with the resale value of a Coleman home. So visit one of the newColeman home developments. They're history in the making. Future Legends. O Coleman Classics O Glenwood OStonecreek OTheEstates At at Riverlakes Unique character and exciting An exceptional neighborhoodSeven Oaks The Sands and The Shores. street scapes are created by 21 of exquisite single-story 3 and 4 Perhaps Coleman's proudest Two new neighborhoods in the lake different architectural variations bedroom homes all on lots that display of design and elegance. and recreation oriented of these beautiful 3 - 5 bedroom measure nearly 1/4 acre - This collection of stunning community of Riveflakes. homes. Ovemized lots and a long some more. Add any of 3, 4 and 5 bedroom Both offer flexible, three and four list of standard and optional the Coleman semi-customizing homes feature dens and studies bedroom floorphas with optional features add charm options as wall as the skylighted formal dining moms, 3 car garages or bonus rooms, and livability to this Steel Frame Construction architectural columns, niches on huge 7,200 square foot lots. For inforn~ion call wonderful neighborhood, and you've got a one-of-a-kind, and state-of-the-aa kitchens, The Sands at 805-588-8230 or For information call 805 -831-7385 For information call 805-837-8769 just to mention a few. The Shores at 805-5884~34. Priced from 899,900 Priced from $14 1,9°oO For information call 805-665-0255 'lhe Sands priced from 879,900 . Priced from 8214,000 ;? Coleman Homes Building the Difference Square footage appmximate.'On select lots, see sales agent for details. ~ Prices effective date of oublication. Homes subject to prior sale. BULK RATE ' U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 333 BAKERSFIELD, CA Medkal Noxv anytime, y. ou ca~n have the..!5in~. medical car4 'that your: family': d~'~E~b means that group, Em~d Me~c~ center, ~ / ~ _ simpl6'as a Child'~:,9~cc P~cip~~'  Ph~icia~: (Clockwise from top) Dry. Ve~on C. Sorenson, Emergency Medicine; moriat Hospital ~ :~; >/~ Dr. SamuelJ. Mardy, .C°n~enie~t and :::~:~ ~ ~ f~)~ ~,;~ :~ ~m~e~cy ~e~cme; ..... Dr. James ~( Ell~ott, F~mily Practice: .... ~ ~ ~ ~-; < ~ Dr. Da~d~R. F~eM, P~m~ly Pr~ctice DePendable H~hi~h~ Working co0petgfion :with' MemO~ ~7~ .... sa~e group of'physicians, and you can rial:HosPiral:'E~E~genEy D'ep~6~'~;~::~ : ." ~ '" ~'~r~fafid wh~' yod and your family and the Memorial Urgent, Care MgdiCM ,./EXperience and will~be~receiving the best quali~ of care. Center, .: .'. We-are preferred providers for most repBtation ~f B~r~ f6r M~m~rial HeaEh Ne~ork Insurance. se~ices. ~, ............. · Avenue, Suite 306 dical:'"'~ co~prehefi§'ive, Primary Medical Care M e ;- "" .'~$~a~5)~" B'j?~t~p0i~{ment 86356~45~)~40 P. 02 10/15/93 13:35 '~805 634 1428 K C W A ........... JOHN F. STOVALL ATToRNEy AT LAW P.O. BOX 1093~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA g335B JOHN F. 8TOVALL PHONE: (806l 6:M,-1410 FAX: (006) 864-7401 October 15, 1993 ' Department of Housing and Urban Development 1615 west Olympic Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90015-3801 Attn: Mr. Herb Roberts .Re: Support of Downtown Bakersfield Hotel Project Dea~ Mr. Roberts: I am writing regarding an innovative project in downtown Bakersfield which represents the beet opportunity available for : Your department to significantly improve the lives of low income .. individuals in Bakersfield. As the President of the Kern County Bar Association, the past Vocational Services ~Director of the Bakersfleld Breakfast Rotary Club, 'and member of the Chamber of Commerce Government Review Council, I have a personal investment in volunteer time and effort to improve this community.. I s~gongly .. support the city of Bakersfield in its effort to complete the .f.' convention center hotel and create Jobs in our community. President Clinton has wisely turned the attention of his ~':: administration to retnventing government to make it more effective. Your department should Join the City of Bakersfield in this innovative and sound program to create Jobs for low income people in this community. The City has incorporated some of the best thinking of Gaebler and company in the book "Reinventing Government" which has so inspired the President. The project :, developed by the City maximizes the effectiveness of government by . creating up to 210 direct jobs (mostly for low income persons), and an economic multiplier effect benefitting this community by about $30 million per year. As one with a fair amount of experience in government law~ I applaud the city of Bakersfield and its redevelopment agency on their creative thinking and positive contri~ution to this "l community. By Joining them tn their efforts you will have a '% JOHN F. STOVALL 'Department of Housing and Urban Development Re: Bakersfield Convention Center Hotel October 15, 1993 Page Two lasting impact' by creating'jobs for the citizens of Bakersfield, a .community which is currently experiencing very high Unemployment rates. Again, let me thank you for your interest in our community. Your support of this effort will have a dramatic impact on the well-being 'of the workers and would-be workers of Bakersfield, and truly provide them a "hand-up" to a better life. Ve~rul~ Yours, cc: Honorable Bob Price Mr. Alan Tandy /Mr. Jake Wager October 18, 1993 U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Region IX - Los Angeles Office 1615 West Olympic Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90015-3801 Attention: Herb Roberts Re: · City of'Bakersfield Section 108 Loan Application Gentlemen: Speaking both from my position as a director on the Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce and from a local business perspectiVe I strongly support the City's proposal to complete the Convention Center Hotel. This proposal was thoroughly reviewed by the Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce Governmental Review Council and it will provide resolution of a long standing problem for the City. Sincerely, M. L. Smith, DirectOr Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce 36.MLS 885-393-8599 CASTLE & COOKE DEU. 386 P02 OCT 19'93 10:20 Castle&Cooke HOM~, INC. j~ Salat acha October 19' 1993 I. S. Dept. of H,,using and Urban Development ' ,:egk. u IX Los a agel~ Office '.ttn: Herb Robe 615 it/. Olymph: Blvd.· ss/~ngeles, CA 90015-3801 )ear Mr. Robet~ $, tega .ding the city of Bakersfield's Section 108 Loan Application, let It be knownthat more ~an lg busine~ leaders recently met and reviewed the proposed application to complete nd ~.perate a co avention center hotel in the redevelopment area of downtown Bakersfield. ob [ eneratlon ii a specific need within this area whereaccezsible public transit, or walking. ,rox~ ~ will al ~ow the underserved a chance at a living wage. tddi ionally, the opportunity to enhance Bakersfield's convention and tourism industry will ,row de additional opportunities for future new business. The enhancement of current ervi. ~ needs fol' existing small businesses in thi~ downtown redeveiopme~t ar~a. rleal, e consider ~ application favorably. Sincerely, /fff ' ' ~:c: J ~ke Wager " BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager October 22, 1993 Ms. Daphne Washington, Director Waste Management Department County of Kern 2700 "M". Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Daphne: I have been asked by a member of the City Council to write to you concerning the disposition of the matter of the CSA to serve Old Stockdale with a traffic signal. We hope that, in the future, the City and the County can work more effectively together to deal with the fiscal crisis and related coordinational issues we face. In this instance, what we have is an unnecessary expenditure and an unnecessarily bureaucratic CSA being created in order to install something the City was willing to install without cost to the property owners. We should work together to reduce new bureaucracies and taxes - not to create more. I am aware that.the Supervisors have overruled the City letter of'objection. I hope next time we can do better. Alan Tandy ~ ~iTtYal~anger /~ · cc: Bill Turpin LAFCO Jack Hardisty City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (805) 326-3751 · Fax (805)' 324-1850