HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/30/93 BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 30, 1993 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM- ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGEP~ AND JOHN W. STINSON, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. It appears as of this writing to be certain that the Hammons company will pick up the taxable portion of the bonds in their own financing. Unfortunately, also as of this writing, the Hammons firm is no longer comfortable signing the indemnification clause which is a part of the DDA because of the Labor Council threat to sue. The language we approved had them agreeing to accept the liability if litigation showed the prevailing wage would be applicable. We have to have an executed DDA in order to issue our bonds on the tax exempt portion. In order to come to short-term resolution to the problem, we're actively exploring options. We may have some form of action or briefing on this at the January 12 Council meeting. 2. We had a meeting this week with the County on the tax split issue and the annexations that were lost during the dispute on the Fire Fund. There is a memo enclosed to Jack Hardisty which shows the results of that meeting. Basically, we believe we will be able to get all of the delayed annexations, not compounded by other complications, through under the historic tax split. Three annexations, Union No. 10, Kern Canyon No. 1, and Rosedale No. 5 all had hybrid and complicated situations anyway and will require more work, but our goal is to also reactivate them as well. See the memo for the listing of those which we will be processing. They are all developer related and fairly small other than the three noted ones. 3. Senator Feinstein did author a letter to the Department of Housing and Urban Development supporting our grant application for the Hotel. A copy of that is enclosed. 4. There's been a sewer line project on Stine Road that has encountered some unexpected delays and cost overruns due to houses with their laterals coming into a very deep sewer main under the street. We need to install a higher collective line so that if.there is a problem, the home owner would not have to pay $20,000 or $30,000 for repair and disrupt traffic. Because of the timing schedule on Council meetings, we needed to do a field change order and process the document with Council after the fact, otherwise we would have borne both inconvenience to the home owners and considerable cost overruns on the project. A memo is enclosed from Ed Schulz on that topic. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL GENERAL INFORMATION PAGE -2- December 30, 1993 5. Enclosed for your information is a list of railroad crossings for review by the Public Utilities Commission. The list shows the status and condition of the crossings for each Ward. 6 There is an update included on the. Grant status for Fire Station No. 2. We have made it through the first stage of the review process, but we won't know if we will be funded until early spring. 7. We have received a letter from Senator Phil Wyman regarding hearings to be held by Federal agencies in Fresno, Sacramento, and San Francisco and by the State in Sacramento regarding Water Policy. Staff will review these issues to determine any potential impacts on the City. AT/JWS.jp Enclosures cc: Department Heads City Clerk BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM December 27, 1993 TO: JACK HARDISTY, PLANNING DIRECTxO~ ~ // /J/ FROM' ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~f SUBJECT: ANNEXATIONS I met with Adel Klein of the County today. Based upon the understandings reached at that meeting, please take the following actions: 1. It appears to have been agreed to by Kern County that the following annexations were held up as a result of the Fire Fund dispute and can now be processed for annexation under the historic tax split. I do not know procedurally how to tell you to initiate each of them.' There may be differences between our viewpoint and those of LAFCO. Let us, however, make it a point to be as expeditious as possible. These include Hageman No. 1, Hageman No. 2, Calloway No.' 5, Brimhall No. 1, Calloway No. 6, and Stine No. 10. 2. Annexations Union No. 10, Rosedale No. 5, and Kern Canyon No. i all fall within the same time period. However, some or all of these may have special circumstances. Has the level of controversy with respect to Kern Canyon No. i been neutralized? Please update me on the status and any potential controversy associated with this. Similarly with Rosedale No. 5, you have been holding individual meetings with some of the property owners involved; please advise me of the status of that. Have we amended the boundaries? What level of protest remains? Please find out on these three what procedurally would have to be done to reinitiate the annexations. Your cooperation is appreciated. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. AT:jp cc: Adel C. Klein, Senior Deputy, County Administrative Office ./General Int'ormation December 22' 199~ - The Honorable Henry Cisneros Secretary of Housin$ and Urban D~volopmont 45! $~venth Street SW .Washington, D,C, 20410. Dou Mr, I am writin$ in support.of The City of Bakersfleld'$ applioation for $1,$00,000 in Section .108 Loan Cluar$.nteo'Funds to assist tn the completion of the Bakorsflel. d Convention Center Hotel, ':. . . Th.e Oty's loan ..w)ll be ropat'd, both tn principal and interest, oVo. r a ten- year period imm tho C~t~s allocation of ~tur~ Urban County Commumty Development Block Orant funds. Repayment of this loan is s,u_tioipat~ to_~$in durin~ tho FY' 1994 CDBO program y~',; I have bo~m assured that the City determined that the amount of financial uslst'anoe does not unduly enrich tho for- profit business, takins into ~o¢ount the set'Ual need of tho business in makl~ th~ ' eot financially ~iblo 'and tho ~xtent ;of public benefit expected to be 'derived Frei from the economic development project, This loan would 'enable Bakersfield. to complete construction, wMoh stopped in 1988, on the ,down,town ,hotel. Duri~ construction, this project is expected to create over 150 jobs tn various tt~d$ and it will create 200 permanent jobs once it is competed. ] I w6uld appreciate being informed of any decision you make with regard to this .proposal, Please do not hesitate.: to contact me directly or have yottr staff direct correspondence to the attention of'Stacey Frie. dman of my WashL, al~t°n /~erely yours~,f~ / , I :. /t/ , ....e-~', /"United 8rates Senator DP:srf BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Ed W. Schulz, Public Works Director ~. DATE: December 29, 1993 SUBJECT: Contract Change Order No. 2 for rehabilitation of a 27-inch sewer trunk line in Stine Road from Harris Road to Pacheco Road. (Ward 6) Bac~_ ound: The Stine Road Sewer Trunk was designed in the late 1960s and constructed in early 1970. At that time, the .area south of Pacheco Road was not within the City limits. County developments, including individual homes and single parcel industrial sites along Stine Road between Harris Road and Pacheco Road were allowed to connect service laterals to the trunk line since no interceptor system was available. Our current policy does not allow service laterals to connect to trunk lines but rather to connect to smaller interceptor systems prior to entering the trunk line. This change order provides for the construction of a small diameter interceptor sewer to connect the existing service laterals to the existing sewer main per our current policy.. As was stated in the Administrative Report for Contract Change Order No. 1 for the December 1, 1993 Council meeting, 8 to 10 service laterals were detected as a result of an oversight during the design process. A prebid video of the sewer also did not indicate all the sewer lateral locations. These laterals were detected after the rehabilitation project had begun. A design was completed of the small diameter interceptor sewer line and presented to the Contractor for a price quote. The Contractor submitted a quote which was found to be reasonable and would have been consistent with prices obtained if it were. bid with the rehabilitation project. 'Since the City is currently bound by the existing sewer main rehabilitation contract with Griffith Company, allowing this extra work to be performed by the Contractor would be an efficient use of time and resources. The Contract Change Order will be presented to the City Council at the January 12, 1994 meeting. Page 1 of 2 The interceptor sewer line will be connected to the existing sewer main at existing manholes and be placed at a much shallower depth than the existing sewer main. This shallower depthlwill allow any future work by homeowners on the sewer laterals to be accomplished much easier which will reduce disruption of sewer service to the homes. The change order also allows for the rental of trench boxes, traffic control and repaying of the roadway where previous repairs were made. Work on the rehabilitation of the sewer trunk has been suspended until this small diameter interceptor sewer line is installed. Currently, it is costing the City approximately $2,000 each week for rental of a trench shield and traffic control devices until work can resume on the sewer main rehabilitation. Funds are available for this change order through Sewer Enterprise Fund which are currently budgeted. Recommendation: Since the City is currently spending approximately $2,000 each week for rental of equipment due to the existing contract suspension, time is of the essence. As an emergency measure, we are requesting approval to begin this work prior to Council action. If this meets with your approval, I would like to grant permission to begin this extra work immediately. This would reduce rental costs we are currently paying to accelerate the sewer main rehabilitation. " APPROVED: Alan Tandy, City Manager v Date Attachment: Contract Change Order No. 2 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD "~ehtbili~a~ion of 27'Inch Sewer in P~ECT S~ine Road SHE~ 1 ~F i ,SHEET CONTACT NO. 93-92 FgDER&L NO.(S) Bakersfield, CA 93387 ~ ~ m Enqineer ~ ~ Enqineer ~ 12-27-93 EXTRA WORK AT AGREED LUMP SUm PRICE Install 6 inch collector sewer, connect 10 service laterals, construct 5 clean outs, and Construct 2 manholes. This change inclUdes related backfill, repaying, concrete, .traffic control, and all items necessary, to complete the installation of the. ' aforementioned work in accor0ance with the plan prepared for this work. The Contractor agrees to accept a lump'sum payment of $102,591.80 as full compensation, including' all markups for this work. EXTRA WORK AT FORCE ACCOUNT Patch pavement where the pipeline was repaired, provide fill material for-access pit, tenet shields for access pit, provide and maintain traffic control during temporary suspension, and · clean pipeline prior to insertion of the liner. Estimated For~ce Account Cos= - $60,000.00 . ly F~alee~ e~ ~d8 ee~em, ~We time ef ~ ~ ~ ~.. ,~ Add 30 Workin~ Days ', BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Ed W. Schulz, Public Works Director ~ DATE: December :IS, 1993 SUBJECT: City Council Referral Record# 12809 (Condition of Railroad Crossings - All Wards) At the last Council meeting, a councilmember requested a list of railroad crossings for review by the Public Utilities Commission. The following list of railroad crossings reflects the status and the condition at each location within individual wards: Railroad Crossings Ward 1 1. California Avenue - Between Williams Street and Washington Street. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 314.5). Poor Condition. Repairs are needed to pavement and wood planks. Heavy traffic flOW. 2. Potomac Avenue - Between Collins Way and Washington Street. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 314.4) Good Condition. Has been repaired. Light traffic flow. 3. Virginia Avenue - Between Brown Street and Powell Lane. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 314.7) Good Condition. Has been repaired. Light traffic flow. 4. Lakeview Avenue - Between Brundage. Lane and Wilkins Street. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 315.1) Poor Condition. Repairs are needed to pavement and wood planks. Heavy traffic flow. 5. Brundage Lane - Between Lakeview Avenue and Clyde street. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 315.2) Poor Condition. Repairs are needed to pavement and wood planks. Heavy traffic flow. -1- 6. Wilson Road - East of South Chester Avenue. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 317.3) Poor condition. Repairs needed to wood planks. Medium traffic flow. Railroad crossing is in unincorporated area, but adjacent to Ward 1. Wards 1 & 2 1. East Truxtun Avenue - Between Williams Street and Washington Street. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 318.8) Fair condition. Minor repairs needed to wood planks. Medium traffic flow. Wards I & 7 5. South Chester Avenue - Between Sandra Drive and Laurel Drive. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 317.5) Good condition. Medium traffic flow. Railroad crossing is in unincorporated area, but adjacent to Wards 1 & 7. Ward 2 1. "F" Street - Between 14th Street and 16th Street. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-887.6) Fair condition. Minor repairs needed to pavement. Medium traffic flow. 2. "L" Street - Between 14th Street and Truxtun Avenue. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-887.2) Poor Condition. Repairs are needed to pavement and wood planks. Heavy traffic flow. 3. "N" Street - Between 14th Street and Truxtun Avenue. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-887.1) Fair condition. Minor repairs needed to pavement and wood planks. Medium traffic flow. 4. "P" Street - North of 14th Street. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-886.95) Fair condition. Minor repairs needed to wood planks. Light traffic flow. 5. "Q" Street - Between 14th Street and 16th Street. ' (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-886.9) Fair condition. Minor repairs needed to wood planks. Heavy traffic flow. 6. "S" Street - Between 14th Street and 16th Street. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-886.7) Fair condition. Minor repairs needed to pavement. Light traffic flow. 7. Sonora Street - Between Chico Street and East Truxtun Avenue. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-886.4) Good condition. Medium traffic flow.. 8. Tulare Street - Between Dolores Street and East Truxtun Avenue. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-886.2) Good condition. Light traffic flow. 9. Golden State Avenue - North of 24th Street. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#B 312.21 C) Good condition. Pavement has been repaired. Heavy traffic flow. 10. Baker Street - Between Eureka Street and East Truxtun Avenue. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-885.95) Good condition. Medium traffic flow. 11. Beale Avenue at East Truxtun Avenue. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-885.7) Good condition. Medium traffic flow. 12. Beale Avenue at East 19th Street. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-885.75) Fair condition. Repairs needed to a loose track. Medium traffic flow. 13. Gage Street - Between East 21st Street and East Truxtun Avenue. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-885.6 C) Poor condition. Repairs needed to pavement and wood planks. Light traffic flow. 14. Sumner Street at Miller Street. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-885.4) Fair condition. In need of additional repairs to pavement. Medium traffic flow. 15. East Truxtun Avenue - Between Tulare Street and Kern Street. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-886.1) Poor condition. Repairs needed to pavement. Medium traffic flow. 16. Tulare Street - Between East Truxtun Avenue and East 18th Street. Spur track. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-886.2 C) Poor condition. Repairs needed to pavement. Light traffic flow. 17. Baker Street - Between Sumner Street and Jackson Street. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#B 312.9) Fair condition. Minor repairs needed to pavement. Medium traffic flow. -3- 18. 24th Street - Between "R" Street and Golden State Avenue. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#B 312.24 C) Fair condition. Minor repairs needed to wood planks. Light traffic flow. 19. Espee Street - East of "Q" Street. Spur track not in use. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company;-#B 311.89 C) Fair condition. Minor repairs needed to pavement. Light traffic flow. 20. "Q" Street - Between Espee Street and Golden State Avenue. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#B 311.8) Good condition. Medium traffic flow. 21. 30th Street - West of Union Avenue. Spur track not in use. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--# Unidentified) Fair condition. Medium traffic flow. 22. 30th Street - Between Jewett Avenue and the Garces Circle. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 312.25 C) Fair condition. Minor repairs needed to pavement. Light traffic flow. Ward 3 No railroad crossings within this ward. Ward 4 1. Coffee Road - Between Brimhall Road and Rosedale Highway. (Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe--#2-891.7) Poor condition. Repairs needed to wood planks. Heavy traffic flow. 2. Gosford Road - Between District Boulevard and Pacheco Road. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 322.5) Fair condition. Heavy traffic flow. Cit~ Boundary Line of Ward 4 1. Buena Vista Road - North of Pacheco Road. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 324.5) Fair condition. Minor repairs needed to pavement. Medium traffic flow. 2. Pacheco Road - West side of Progress Road. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#2-420.1 C) Poor condition. Repairs needed to pavement. Light traffic flow. -4- Wards 4 & 6 1. Ashe Road - South of District Boulevard. ,: (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 321.5) Good condition. Light traffic flow. Ward 5 No street grade railroad crossings within this ward. Ward 6 1. Stine Road - Between Pacheco Road and District Boulevard. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 320.5) Fair condition. Minor repairs needed to wood planks. Heavy traffic flow. 2. District Boulevard - Between Shepard Street and Grissom Street. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 321.4) Poor condition. Repairs needed to pavement. Medium traffic flow. 3. Grissom Street - North of District Boulevard. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 321.6 C) Poor condition. Repairs needed to pavement. Light traffic flow. Wards 6 & 7 1. Wible Road - Between Pacheco Road and Cattle Drive. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 319.5) Fair condition. Heavy traffic flow. Ward 7 1. Hughes Lane - Between White Lane and Pacheco Road. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 319.9) Fair condition. Minor repairs needed to pavement. Medium traffic flow. 2. White Lane - Between Hughes Lane and South "H" Street. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 319.6) Poor condition. Repairs needed to wood planks. Heavy traffic flow. 3. South "H" Street - Between White Lane and Julian Avenue. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 318.2) Poor condition. Repairs needed to wood planks. Heavy traffic flow. 4. Planz Road - Between Sandra Drive and Laurel Drive. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 317.9) Good condition. Medium traffic flow. -5- 5. South Chester Avenue - Between Sandra Drive and Laurel Drive. (Southern Pacific Transportation Company--#BT 317.5) Good condition. Medium traffic flow. Railroad crossing is in unincorporated area, but adjacent to Wards 1 & 7. REF12809 6 ............ . .............. COUNC T L:~-REFERRAL'::=,' HEET:[NG .OF: 12/15/93 REFERRED TO: %~~.[~R..K~/.:-: E SC,H.,U!~Z ..... TTEH: RECORD# 12809 Railroad crossing condit, ions. ACTTON TAKEN BY COUNCTL: BRUNN]: REQUESTED COUNC:[L TO PROV:[DE A L:[ST OF RA]:LROAD CROSSINGS THAT ARR.:IN POOR COND:[TTON FOR REVTEN BY THE PUC/RR .. BACKUP HATER:[AL ATTACHED: NO DATE FORWARDED-BY CTTY CLERK: 12/20/93 NOTE: STATUS CHANGES ARE'TO BE ENTERED FOR EACH REFERRAL AT LEAST ONCE A HONTH EVEN TF NO. ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN! BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM /~ December 28, 1993 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER /'/ /~ ~-~ FROM:M.A. DUNWOODY, ADMINISTRATIVE~NALYST~I-~~ SUBJECT: STATUS OF GRANT APPLICATION FOR FIRE STATEN Based upon a phone conversation I had today with Gary Sills, from the Office of State Architecture (OSA), the grant application for Fire Station 2 has made it through the first stage of the review process. The OSA will be forwarding a list of recommended projects to the Department of Finance and Fire Station 2 is to be on that list. Sometime after the first of the year we should be receiving a letter from the OSA confirming this information. The Department of Finance will review OSA's list of eligible projects and make a determination as to whether or not to include the list, with any changes they may make, in the annual budget bill or in other legislative proposals. It may be late March or April before we receive any further information. MD/kt cc: Steve Johnson, Fire Chief Marion Shaw, Engineer III ROOM ~.062 ~ ~ STATE CAPITOL SEENA,TOR SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 PHIL WYMAN (916) 445-4641 , ~f~ BAKERSFIELD OFFICE SIXTEENTH SENA'CORIAL DIST ~ (~ ~ ~ V /~'~ 1326 H STREET A_¢¢ BAKERSF~E'D. CA 93301 (805) 395-2927 D, 22, 1993 DEC g 7 !993 MANFORD OFFICE Mr. Ed Schultz 9Ol NORTH IRWIN STREET HANFORD, CA 93230 Public Works Director, City of Bakersfield PIJBLI¢ WORKS DEPARTMENT (209) 584-9687 t$01 Truxtun Avenue FRESNO OFFICE Bakersfield, CA 93301 936 NORTH VAN NESS AVENUE FRESNO, CA 93728 Dear Mr. Schultz: (209) 486-6109 As you know, the federal assault on agricultural use of water has escalated. On December 15th four federal agecies, Club Fed, announced new additional diversions of water from agriculture to protect three, fish indry Weather.and ~wet -, .without regard to new water supplies or to impacts on farmers, consumers, and our economy,· As your state Senator (from south of Bakersfield to north of Fresno), I need your help and advice both to fight back and to work toward long term solutions. Prior to the Delta decisions, I wrote Carol Browner, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and Bruce Babbitt, Secretary of the Interior. Browners response was totally unsatisfactory. Babbitt has said nothing. During the week of February the 21st, the aforementioned Club Fed agencies will be holding joint hearings in Fresno, Sacramento and San Francisco on their December announced Delta water standards. If implemented these standards will cause reductions in dry years of close to one quarter according to optimistic federal calculations and 100 per cent losses to Westside farmers according to other Department of Water Resources estimates. Your participation is absolutely essential. On'a payallel track, the State Water Resources Control Board, the Governor's Water Policy Council and other interested parties are seeking to "negotiate" better terms. We must avoid a "solution"like that recently announced between Secretary Babbitt and the state over the Gnatcatcher -- the environmentalists got a 90 per cent "solution." Long term solutions. During the coming legislative session I will be working again both to develop new water capacities for the future and to regain California control of its own water. Shasta, Auburn, through Delta plumbing need to be reconsidered. Economic and honest science must made an integral part of the Endangered Species Act. Finally, you should know that Governor Wilson has appointed me to serve on a task force to reform Water Resources Control Board permits for water discharges. The danger is that here again water quality issues will become another means of reducing the quantity of water. A hearing on water permit reforms will be held on January 24th from 2:00 p.m. until late into the evening in Sacramento, I urge You to contact me personally at my Bakersfield, Hanford or Sacramento office as we try to move.together through a Critical time for San Joaquin Valley's agriculture and economy. : ! ", .,, ,.., ,:, ( ',., .', . Sincerely;~ i:. ~':~--.. '.. .... '~' ' ~ ' ~ "~;' ': ;" ' ' ' '' 'i' : .'" ' ,' '. '.!t~ ,*. · SenatOr, 16th Dist?ict MEMORANDUM December 27, 1993 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Direct ~r~~__..~ SUBJECT: City Appointments to 1993 Community Advisory Council During 1993 there were (5) meetings of the Community Advisory Council. Each of the City- appointees are listed below, showing their category of representation and the number of meetings they attended either in person or by proxy. Martin Castro, Community Based Org. 5 Pat DeMond, Local Gov't Representative 5 Lynn Edwards, Local Gov't Representative 5 David Lyman, Local Gov't Representative 5 James Sykes, Small Business Dev. Corp. 5 Jake Wager, Local Gov't Representative 5 · Tony Manzano, At-large 4 John Spencer, At-large 3 Tony Ortega, At-large 2* Fred Rodriguez, At-large 0 *appointed by Council on August 11, 1993. He has attended all meetings since his appointment. ~it~ in ~n~ ~d wffi r~ ~a ci~ officials p~cipa~ ~ a "~." Cities p~cipa~g in prego~ wor~hops'have fo~d it much ~t~ ~ve ~e ~] co~ci], or at l~t most of ~e co~cfl, p~cipa~. ~c m~imm nm~ on a ~ (~o co~cil mem~ or mayor ~d m~ag~). '" ...... ·: ~e p~c of ~c Wor~hop ~ m ~ford ci~ offic~ ~e op~ty m ~S ~d im~vc ~ek wor~g ~fionships ~ ~c ci~'s mp lmd~p level w~]c s~ ~t- ~g ~e ~ of honest ~c~nms ~ ~ o~ions, ~cipl~ ~d ~hcies. fo~ of ~e wo~h~ ~1 no~ nor'is it ~d~ m, ~dc a fo~ for dc~fions or d~isions ~l~g m ~ific ~hcies, pl~ ~ ~s in a ci~. A~nd~s advi~ ~ avoid such ~ussions or d~io~ at ~e wo~hop. ~r p~cip~g ~ ~c w~hop, mayors, council mcm~m ~d ci~ ~cm ~r ~d~md wMt ~ey ~d ~e o~er mcm~ of ~ek lmdc~p ~ n~ to m~e a d~ision. You will d~n yo~ ~de~ng of ~e v~o~ in~vid~ roles in yo~ ciF'slmders~p ~ ~d how w eff~fively ~ffi ~ rol~. You ~ yo~ unde~md~g,~d s~ls in ~g a clime m negofi~ ~ment ~out giv~g ~e si~ Of ~e worksh~ w~ ~lec~' for im conduciveness'm ~e su~s of ~e. ~ssiom. ~e l~afi~ offem a q~et ~d ~&s~ac~g ~tfing ~t for concenm~g on ~e work of yo~ le~rs~p t~ buil~ng. ' ' -.. B~au~ of ~e m~ of ~e wo~hop, it~ e~n~ ~at all who re~ter m~e a commiment to a~ere to the be~n~g ~d en~ng t~e~not ~ng h~ nor lining ~ly. ~, a~omm~fions ~ ~i~ ~d ~e wo~hop scheme ~ not conducive m a~n~m by ~u~s or ~m; ~emfom ~ek atmn~ is explicitly ~mmg~. ;. . . PLEASE NOTE: ~e'm~smfion dea~ine for ~e l~u~ pmg~ is: Friday, Novem~r 19, 1993' ~e m~smfion dea~ine for ~e J~e pm~ is: ~day, Ap~i 1, 1994 .... · Re~s~ns accepted after th~te °n a spaCe~vai~b~ basB Headaua~em - 1400 K Street. Sacramento. CA 95814 · ~916~ ~-5790 Registration The workshop requires a minimun~ of ghee officials, the city manager and two elected officials (mayor or council member~), to be registered. Registration priority will be given to larger teams w/th mo~e elec~l officials. Becansg. of the im .i~..~r~. ,?e tha~ ~p~rticipants be in residence at'/he w0//cshgp, no regi.~tratiom will:l~:///:~l~t~ for only the workshop and no~ the lodging and meals. The regiSWatiOn includes lodging for both nights'and all meals ~s well as the w~kshbp costs, materials, books, breaks, etc. This, along with the fact It~t am~ndance ia 1/m/ted in order to'provide for maxhnum involve- ment by all participa~n§, requ/r~ a regiswation fee of $2500 for the minhnum ~eam of .. 3, plus $500 per eacl~ ~ld/~ional official. . Payment Peym~t in full, or a~ least .a. n~n-refi~table deposit of $200 per person, must accorn- pany this regiswation. ~uil l~yme~g must be made by-Friday, November 19~ 1993,/'or the January program and l~i//ay, AI~ril ls 1994, for the Jun~ prog~ma., or your spaces will be forfeited. ~ paymeng ~ League of California Cities, P.O. Box 700~, Lafayette, CA 9454~ $1/}/2/~:~11~o YOu may pay by Visa ar Mastercard. If y~u pay by charge card, you ~y FAX yo~' mghlra~ou with charge card information ~ 283-7833. Cattce!lation if a team must cancel belo~ ~e/e~/ne, any regiswatiou fees paid above the non- .. refundable $200/person &/~osk ~ be refunded. If~an official or team mus~ cancel after the deadline, a ~efi~ncl of $259/person will be made'until December 1, ~993 £or the January program, or un~l Apr/t 15~ 1994 for the June program; .after tt~ date no LoCation and TranspOrtation Please allow sufficien~ ~'~vel ~ae ~ andre at the workshoP siteby 4:0~ p.m..o~ day and to stay until ~e workshop ends ~t 1:00 p.m. on the last day. A mon~ prior the workshop specific ~ave] ~sl~c6ous and air faro discoun~ infonl~atiou ~ be "' to you. If you drive, c. mlmo~§ ~ recommended.' Ontario ~ is closest to Kellogg West, about 30 minutes away. South Lake Tahoe Aittxm is closest to Fagl~ Lea~ Lake, about 30 miles away. Upon conffum~ica of registration, additional travel ~'orm~fion will be provid .ed. . Workshop Leader The leader of these workshops is Dr~ David O. lones, President, Senfien! Sys~ms, Inc., of Soquel, California. Dr. Sones i~s worked with organizations, ~oth public and private, around the counixy and aroand the world, helping them to develop be~e~ · working relationships an~ong theiz leadership. In California, he has worked ' '- with a number of ci~ies in this ea~eavor and has served as the Director of the Coniiau- lng Education for Public Officials pzognun, conducted in c~on with the League. · ': ..... He has led this works~ since iis beginning in 1984 Cities Participating The following cities have participated in ~ workshop since i~ began in 1984: in the Past A~neda, Apple Valley, Arca~ ~akersfielcl, Banning, Barstow, Bell Gardens, Buen~ Park, Campbell, Carrael, Ceres, Claremont, Clayton, Coatinga, Cornpton, Coronado, Cone Madera, Cota~i, Cupertino, Dana Point, Del Mar, Desert Hol Springs, Diamond Bar, Duarte, Dublin, F_2 Cen~o, Encini~s, Fairfield, Foster City, Gait, Gilroy, {}lendaie, Glendora, Grand Terrace, (}rover City, I-Ialavard, Hermosa Beach, Hillsborough, Hollister, Huntington Beach, Indian Wells, lackson, King City, La Mesa, La Veme, Lafayette, Lancaster, Lawndale, Lincoln, Loma Linda, Long Beach, L~rnis, Los Alamitos, Los Altos, ~ Beach, Mendom, Menlo Park, Milpi~as, Monterey, Monterey Park, Mocepark, Morag~, Moreno Valley, Morro Bay, N~pa, Newark, Ojai, Orinda, Pacifica, Palmdaie, ~ De.sen, Palm Springs, Partier, Pasadena, Penis, Petaluma, Pleasanton, Pomona, Por~ Hueneme, Ponerville, Poway, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redlands, Redwoed City, Rialto, Ridgecrest, Rio Vista, San Bernardino, San Gabriel, San Luis Obisp~, San Maico, San Ramon, Santa Barbara, Santa Rosa, Samee, Seaside, Solana Beach, Souu~ Lake Tahoe, Temecula, Thousand Oaks, Tracy, Turlock, Watsonville, West Covlna, Westminster, Windsor, Yucaipa and Yucca Valley. Comments of Previous "It was an extremely valuable e×perience. Not only did I learn how to present my point of view better so my colleagues l~stened to my concerns, but I gained a bet~ under- Participants standing of my own weaknesses and s~xengths." "We thought the workshop gn~d enough to have one of our own for the entire council." "I would highly recommend future sessions." "The workshop gave us a chance to better understand ourselves as a team. We also got to know each other better as individu~l~. As candidates for election we often campaign against one another and the workshop gave us a chance to repair some of the damage." "Highly recommend it. I'm not sure it wo~ld have been as meaningful if our whole team hadn't participated." "The workshop gave us the opportunity to be open in a nice way and at the same time allowed us to deal with what came from it in a polite way." "It would have been perfect it all our council members had attended. I £eel it should be strongly stressed, the importance ot all council members and the city manager being in attendance." "Be prepared for a wonderful experieuce, keep an open mind and be willing to share." "The workshop gave us an intensive uninterrupted time to work through some problem are, as." "Go with the entire council and manager. Do not leave anyone out." "Strongly urge attendance." "Informative, thought-provolking, utilizable ideas, methods." "A beautiful, unique setting. Great informal a~nosphere. ~ £ood." "Council is now more honest in admitling interpersonal problems that exist." "I had high expectations beton: going--~nd the workshop met my expectations." "Understanding each other's leadership styles has helped greatly in selecting more productive ways of dealing with each other. Knowing the probable response under stress has been particularly helpful in producing smoother council meetings and improving staff understanding ot wha~ was _re, a!ht happening." "I only wish I could have cleared the c, alendar of my whole council so that all could attend together." "I became better acquainted with the others from our council and learned why they reacted to some things the way they do. This has helped in working together which was one of my main goals, of the workshop." "Be prepared for an intensive involvement with Others in your group. You will learn more about yourself and the others which will help you in working together for the good of your city. It is important for t~e entire council and city manager to attend." Leadership Tean Workshop Overview Day One · 3:00 - 4:30 pm Arrive and Check-I~ 4:30 - 6:30 pm Opening Session: O~e~o~, WorShip Overview and Agreemen~ ]~ui~d~ng Un~ers~an~g I~a~r~ers ~o Learning and Teamwork 6:30 - 8:00 pm Dinner 8:00 - 10:00 pm SeSSion Two: Leadership an~ ]Im~uence Day Two ~. 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 - 10:15 am Session Three: Undem~g ITm~ence 10:30 am - 12 noon Session Four: Unde~=~n~ ~e~ty 12 noon - 2:00 pm Lunch 2:00 - 4:00 pm Session Five: Using ]In,hence T~ Negotiation 4:15 - 6:00 pm Session Six: Achievfing A~'~ment W~thout G~ving ~ 6:30 - 7:30 pm Dinner 7:30 - 9:00 pm Session Seven: Day Three 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 - 10:15 am Session Eight: Norms ~ ~ea~ I~fing Among Po]ficy I~a~e~s 10:30 am - 12 noon Session Nine: Action 12 noon - 1:00 pm Lunch and Closure · 1:00 pm Adjournment · City Council C {y Manager :' Leadership T®a W®r shop ~ .Ianuarv 20 - 22, ~. Kellogg West Cea~er ~r S~nford S~erra Continuing Edu~ 7a~]en Leaf Lake California S~te P~y~c Sout~ Lake Univemity, Pomona Registratio ~e Ci~ of wish~ ~ ~gis~r el<~ officios ~d ~e city m~ager for ~e L~dership Te~ Wo~shop on: ~ January ~ - 22~ ~ ~ ~une ~e following officios ~ve a~d to auend ~is workshop. (~tease ind~cage ~es as well as names.) Minumum ,Team City ~ager: The ~mum nu~er on a team is t~ee (~o council ~ers or ~yor/Council Members: 2 ~yor and the ~nager). 3 Additional Council Mem~rs: 4 5 6. (S~satut~ns ~y be ~e ~ necessa~.) Payment Info~on ~ DE.SIT: ~ PAY~ ~ ~L: (Note: Pay~nt infMl, or at le~t $2~ x ~ons = $. $25~ plus $5~r ~r~n(s) a non-r~un~ble ~posit must accomp~y this registra~on.) a~ve min~um 3 = $ Ch~k which is enclose: ~ City Ch~k ~ Person~Ch~k ~ VISA ~ ~rc~d M~e ch~k payable to: League ~ C~rn~ C~ (No purc~se ordersple~e) Name on C~d Cr~it C~d ~ Exp~a~on Date Au~ofized Silage We unders~d ~at space for ~s wor~hop is l~it~, ~d ~at o~er ci~es c~not be expect~ ~ cl~ ~e~ c~en~s to atwnd in o~ p~ce on sho~ no~ if we c~cel. ~erefore, we ~ders~d ~at we will forfeit eider o~ non-~fun~ble de. sit of $200/ person ~d o~ rese~ed s~ces ff we do not pay in full or ~cel before ~e dea~e; or we will forfeit o~ full regis~on f~s except for $250~on if we c~cel for J~ ~er ~em~r 1, 1993, or we ~cel for J~e ~er Ap~l 15, 1994. ~r ~ese dea~es, we unders~d no ref~ds will ~ possible ~ause of con~cm~ commi~enm. Signature of Acknowledgement by Mayor or Manager Title: Date: Return this form to League of California C~es9 ?.@. I~ 7005, Lafayette, CA 94549, 510/2§3.21[t13 510/283-7833 FAX