HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/94_ _ `. ``� _ - ._`� B A K E Id S F� E L D T0: FROM: SUBJECT: IIA E�111 O R t� NI March 4, 1994 �� HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNC ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER GENERAL INFORMATION 1. With respect to the Trade Council and the Hotel, the counter-proposal from the Hammons group is enclosed for your information. The Trade Council is to make its decision on it Tuesday. With respect to other matters on the Hotel, by Monday or Tuesday of next week, we hope to be in the process of setting up a date for the groundbreaking activities. We will coordinate those with you. We anticipate some kind of celebration and large scale function, to be foliowed by a dinner for Hammons, Council, CDDA and other principals. We are open to any suggestions about the content of such a celebration and acknowledgement. The Hammons people may want to start concrete work before all plans are approved - they are anxious to get started. If they do, it would be at their risk, before deed transfer, and with union labor, since the bids would not be in yet. 2. The report on the Uilla de Oro project, which was approved by Council some months ago and has gone i nto a 1 ong del ay peri od, i s encl osed for your information. 3. I spent the latter part of the week involved in Public Works Director interviews with finalists. I anticipate having some kind of decision shortly after I return from vacation, March 17th. It is possible it could be a little quicker, but at this point, I would project the 17th. 4. A brochure is enclosed showing how we are advertising our job creation program in the Incentive Area. This is given out to development prospects and the like. If you need more copies, please let Jake Wager know. 5. A copy of a letter to the Prevailing Wage Task Force is enclosed. Trudy Slater is currently in the process of setting up the first meeting with the membership. 6. The landfill flare acquisition has been delayed. A memo is enclosed describing why that has accurred. 7. A status report on the URM Incentive Program is enclosed for your information. � � ` �r HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL March 4, 1994 Page -2- 8. We met with the County on the Fire Fund this week. They wrote an "emotional" letter based on misunderstandings about our written submissions. The meeting, itself, went reasonably well when we clarified issues - another session will be scheduled. AT.alb Enclosures cc: Department Heads City Clerk • JOHN Q HAMMONS IND.-� 2-28-94 ; 10•58 � ��;N i SY': Jo�.v Q. �MOrrs �NnusT�Es . 300 JONN p, HAMMONS PARKWAY - SUIT� 900 SPFII'dGF1�W, MISSOURI 6;i806 �tnt***�r,t***** *�*****#ir * FAR TItANSMITTAL * **,�**�*�**�******�*�* 805 324 1850;# 1/ 3 T�L. (4�T) 86�-�s3D0 FAX (d�7) 86a-g9pq DA'TE : Z J Z � TZME : // s �' '�' � �AGES : �� (iaclades covet sheet; 20 : � 1 �t/ "T'�`!rl/1�Y RE : ���'Y/+� � L,! �CJf' � i -� G � ! S S U�' , Fxa�.: ./'� r S"'�N �d�'�` NOTES: If you do not zeceive all the pages, vr have difficralty reading any o£ theta, pleas� phon� ��9-7'! at 41i/864-43Q0 as soon �s possi.ble. Thank ydu. � '` SENT`BY� � 2-28-94 : 10�59 ; JOHN Q iiAMMONS [ND.� : � ' u �I 805 324 1850:# 2/ 3 'I'��S AGbtEEMENi' entered in�o thi�s _,� d�y �rf , 1994 by and becwecn 70HN Q. Ht�ON'S, EIIS WIiB, JvANi�'A I�AMMONS (heraiQa�'cer "USVELOPER")� THE LOCAYr (TNIOIdS SIrNATQRY T�ERETO AND AFFILIA'TED WITH THE BUII..DING AND CUNSTRUCTION 'I`R�I)IES CUUNCIIL OF KF..IiPi. WYO AND M�Nta COLJNZiES (hereinafter °BUII.bIL�C', TRAriES UNLONS"). and THE BU�LDING TRADfiS COUNCTL OF KERN, IN�O AND MONO COUN'TIES (t'ie�ir►af�er "BUI[.�ING TRAI�ES COUN�IL"�: WHERFAS, DEVELQPER desir�es to cr�ct a hatcd (hereinaftcx ''Pivject") f,a, the City of BaIcersfie[d, California. 'WHEREAS, s4ie paxties haeto des� that said Psajc� descritbed hzrein is Completed without labar di3putie; WF�REAS� the pa�ties heceto cksirc c�at the Pro��c is built at a reasonable cost wich skiuod craftspeopi�. WHEREFQRE, the unctRasigned pmrdes do he�r�by ��ree as follaws: 1, DEVPT.OPER sha]1 provide to the BUILI3IIti(Cu 'I'RA�ES CUUI�CC.IL and BU'II..DING 'I'RADES UMONS reievant irifurmation wich ��spect m U�e amount b�ud�eted for consmicdoa af said Prdjecc. 2. This Agreemsnt is limitcd to the projeCt desc�°abed in the Dispositian and Development Agr�eme�nc between DPVfiLOPEdt, the City �ff D�kerafidd, Cal;forr�ia,, and the Cenprdl Disuiet D�vtlopanent Agency dated 3. DEVELOPER shali itsitially entercain bids far con��cdan work from only utriom signatory r.�ntraetors. U�i�a: signatory contractors are t3e�aied as those contrae;w�s who are signa.to�y to an r�r�meat with tlte BLTII..DI�a1G} TItADE� �7NIONS. ^ ' S�.NT � BY � � 2-28-94 � 10�59 � JOtW Q HAMMONS IND.-� 805 324 1850:# 3/ 3 4. Bidding for the Pmjecc shall be opened on _ . 1994. If the botal am�unt of tb� lowest bids frocn conuactnrs which �qre t�esponsible and bcndab�e is less chan . DEVELOPHR si�all awaz�d the a�oric co tt�vse oona�ctors. S. Tf tha uuai amwnt of t�he bids Erom Co�atY'dctflrs whic� aze respot�sib1e �[rd bonda6le u more than , those convactors shall l��ve three (3) busine9s d2�ys ta re-submit bids wcalling is less cha� _, , If the amaunt is less than npon ro-sub�on of thd bids, D&VELOPER shall award �e wozY eo thasa cont�lcoorrs, b. lf the amount of Mds is �ore t7�an ,�, DFiVSI,,OPE� shall be unrestricted and enteztain bids firom any contractar, incl�ading� but not limited to, those contractflrs and laborers �ot nffiIiated with BUII.I7IN(3 'I'RADES COUNCII, and/or i3UII..DIIVG TRADES UNION5. 7. �►e BUIl,bINC TRADES GOUNCII� and BUILD�,`G TRAI)F.� U1vIONS sg�+ee th9t they shall not engage in any snike, picket, p�best, ped�on, challenge, demonstration, dissen�, mAracarium„ c�bjoedan. wo�k sle�w-dawn, ar other �e�ion in apposiaon at oc wid►in a one milc radius of the Project site during the full p�d �' 9ts consaucrion. end for two (2) Years subs�u�nc tv wmpletion af its C�z►struction. 8• 'The BiTQ�UING 1RADFS COUN�II, and BUIL.D�TQ'Y'RqUE5 UNiON9 ag,ze chac rhey shall not paraicipa�e, fi�ncx, qar otherwise piasue lidgaeion against DEVELOPER, his General Contra�tOT, McDevitt, Street and $ovi�, ot th� �;ity► of Be.l�ert¢fiela, California in whic6 sny c1Aim is made that the pr�vailing wage (Californi� Labor Code � 17?.(� is applicable to ar governs the projecc. 9. Any disputt as io Yhe me�niag. aPPlieation or inte�sation of thYs Ag�ernent eh�ll be resolved pursuant to the American Arbivarian ll�ules for I�ix�r Arbebration. 2 . � , ',: • B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department M E M O R A N D U M TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Februazy 22, 1994 SUBJECT: Acquisition of Resolution Trust Corporation property for resale to C.A.R.E. Foundation. As you may recall, the CARE Foundation, a legai non-profit Califarnia Corporation specializing in the development ownership and management of affordable housing projects, has requested the City to act as an intermediary in the acquisition of real property under the Resolution Trust Corporation's (RTC) Affordable Housing l�isposition Program. Under the Federal Insurance Reform Recovery Act, Congress mandated RTC to manage and dispose of the assets of failed savings institutions. As part of the mandate RTC was charged with the responsibility of marketing multi-family, one bedroom units, with market appraised values of less than $33,816, ep r unit, to: 1) public agencies; (2) non-proiits; and, (3) open market. These units are to be maintained as "affordable housing" as defined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Sales to public agencies are a priority and involves negotiation rather than competitive bidding. This explains CARE's interest in obtaining the City to act as an intermediary in the purchase of the Villa de Oro apartment complex for seniors. The property, located at 1841- 1849 Golden State Avenue, in Bakersfield, consists of forty one-beciroom units. T'his complex is approximately twenty years old and well maintained, with a history of 100% occupancy. In May of last year, the City Council authorized the real property agent to negotiate and make an offer for the purchase of the Villa de Oro complex with immediate resale to the CARE Foundation, through a simultaneous close of escrow. Subsequently, an offer to purchase was submitted to RTC. At about the same time the offer was made, RTC temporarily suspended the processing of all affers to perform an in-house ' r' review of their environmental guidelines: r'�pproximateiy six months after submission of the ``� City's offer we were notified the iZTC environmental guidelines had been revised and the City's offer had been rejected. The basis of the rejection was that the dollar amount of the offer, authorized by CARE, was less whan RTC's minimum. After numerous discussions with both the CARE group and RTC, I scheduled a meeting which was attended by all concerned parties. Several critical issues were resolved as a result of the roundtable discussion. Among them was an agreement by the RTC and CARE on the sale price ($250,000) and RTC's original requirement that all environmental issues be resolved by the City prior to any property transfer from City to CARE was dro�ped. The CARE Foundation, upon receipt of title, will be required to abate or remediate asbestos containing material at an estimated cost of $18,000. These costs will be borne by CARE. A second offer is being prepared and will be submitted to RTC within two weeks. Assuming the offer is acceptable, a due diligence period of sixty to seventy five days will follow. If upon expiration of this period the City and CARE are still prepared to complete the purchase, the RT� will forward loan document for completion. Within ninety days, we will be requesting Council authorization to execute the loan documents. The acquisition and immediate resale of this property will be a win-win venture. CARE will purchase real property for 25% of ma.rket value and the City will receive a finders fee of $40,000 and, at the same time, create approximately $700,000 of "match credit." The match credit will a11ow the City to meet the $.25 non federal contribution requirement for every $1.00 of federal monies allocated to the City through HUD's HOME program. Based on cunent allocations, the match credit from this transaction will satisfy the non federal match requirednents for three years. Please contact me if you have any questions. ditjw3 carer[c.mem �. � B A K E R S F I E L D Alan Tandy • City Manager March 4, 1994 Mr. Michael S. Abril 1420 Emery Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Mr. Abril: At the February 23, 1994 Bakersfie{d City Council meeting, you were selected as one o# eight Bakersfield residents who will serve on the Council's Ad Hoc Prevailing Wage Research Task Force. The Council's choices were very difficult to make because of the high caliber of the applicant pool. Congratu{ations on your selection! Task Force members who were appointed to serve on the �'ask Force in alphabetical ord�r are: Michael Abril, James A. Chi{ko, James D. Hawley, DanieO J. Kane, John Lencioni, Robert E. McCarthy, John R. Tarjan, Leroy C. Weygand. In order to complete its assignment in a time{y rnanner, th� task force needs to start work as soon as possible. To facilitate the process, Council has indBcated that staff support to the task force will be at the same level provided to Council committees. As with Council meetings, the Task Farce's meetings wil! fall under the California Browr� Aet and wiA be open to the public. The City Council is anticipating a Task Force report by its June 1, meeting. Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst !t in my office, will be providing sta�ng support to the Task Force. She will be contacting you in the near future to se� up the time and place for the first meeting so that the Task Force's work can begin. Once again, congratulations on your selection to the Ad Hoc Prevailing Wage Research Task Force. The City looks forward to receiving the insights, expertise and experience Task Force members will bring to prevailing wage issues. Please fee@ free to call should you have any questions. Sincerely, Tandy, � City Manager AT:jp cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Bakersfield � City Manager's Office • 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield • California • 93301 (805) 326-3751 • Fax (8051 324-1850 �istribution: Individual letters to Ad Hoc Prevailing Wage Committee 3-4-94 YVIr. Michael S. Abril 1420 Emery Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 Mr. James A. Chilko 5608 Muirfield Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 Mr. James D. Hawley 2708 EI Berrendo Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 Mr. Daniel J. Kane 5312 Appletree Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 Mr. John Lencioni 2030 Oscar Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 Mr. Robert E. McCarthy 353 Garnsey Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 Mr. John R. Tarjan 6312 Bronson Lane Bakersfield, CA 93309 Mr. Leroy C. Weygand 12110 Backdrop Court Bakersfield, CA 93306 �pupnuuf� i �p���1�'� , _ �\�� �0 � � u�i ��Uluuiw ; : `� ' �Y �� ,t� ��f��������°°�1 TOo � �• � ��;i3e�����1±"�C�[' (��'�° ��°�!#'� c�t �°�_.�,?�;�,1�.�°��,°� �� S�ii�.'A'�.'3.C)t� �������Y� �°ebr�ary �� e �.���. ALAN lAiV17Y CI`l'Y r'iA�TAGER �'RONi o GENE BOGa��2�' � tn1A�ER & S�NI'I' I�l' NiA�AG�R i / �Y' o IvII�E �TDES ' � C��St�I�i�7�A'�'YOAT SUP�iZTI�`.�'�1�i1�Ek�'Y' � S�T�JEC�': 12eco�mendation °�o not x��a�°c�a�s� l���f��l �lare b�ad�r�'�ed �n 1993-94; a��.aehed l�tte� ��°��a goTa Cor�oration �rovide� for add�.�ional i�fa�a�a����o The Saraita�a.on Diva.�ion is r��oa�a������a� �o� to purch�s� �he oespeci�'iedR' land�'�11 dest.x'uc��.on �G��r��� rz°���a��l� ��veg'�a.sed b� ��e �urchasiraa De�artment �o� co�n�etit��� Io��o '�I�� a�r�it s�ecifie��go�s were develotaec� .�n coo�exata.on w:�t�a �fl�� � o� a Consul�an� an� ��i�a�e entities . It has become ap�a��n� ���� ���� uni� ¢�i.11 �ot mee� oa�r current needs, no� �kne px�a�ect��. ra���s ������° fi��l c��e�° i� a��1.�e� to �he facility. In xeco.rtsiderinq thzs g�ro�ec� P �he S��aii���gon D�vis�on fur�h�r recorcimencis that a new destxu�ts�n �1���c� �a��: �e ��rchase� ��ior �o installation of f�nal cover or� t�e A��o�g�.I�7�o �h� x°eason is �ha� i� �s our bela.ef tha�t �gas recov��°� 1����.� ���.�1 ga�c�°ease o�oten�.�a�l� requirinct a furi�her modificat�oa� �� ��� �1e�rice �e m�� �ish �� purchase. The �ro�ected time i�.xa� ��� ����ic�tioaa of �ina�� co�e� is £a.scai 1995-9C F�ith anticip��c� ��zT���n�s� o� a c��s�rtac�goa� device in 1996°97. �n �Yae event questi.ons aras� A �1���� co�s�ac�, tfl�e Sa�agtat�.o� Superintendent. CC: l�arler�e Wisham Purchasinc� Offgce� Gail �Taiters �ssistant Cit� �ar�ager Tx-udy Slater Admi�isirative Analyst EQUIP�FLARE.94 �� � INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION February 18, 1994 Project No. 253214 Mike Sides City of Bakerstield Department of Sanitation 4i01 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, Ca 93309 Dear Mike Sides: � E C � � � � � Y�.�?�"!994 CITY Ur' BAKERSFIELD SAIVITATtON DIViSIOM IT Corporation (IT) is recommending that the equipment specified in the Landfiii Gas Treatment System invitation to bid (bid) let by the City of Bakerstield (City) not be procured as specified. The thermal oxidizer (tlare) specitied in the bid may not have adequate inlet flow capacity to control the landtiil gas at the landtill. The total tlow of the specitied flare is 500 standard cubic feet per minute (SCFM) OR 1,700,000 BTUs/Hr. This flow must also include the pilot fuel, dilution air, and combustion air. Currently, the tlare at the landfill has a tlow of 750 SCFM of landfill gas at 6 to 12 percent methane. 'Fhe standard BTU rating for methane is 1,000 BTUs per standard cubic foot (SCF). Therefore, 750 SCFM x b percent methane yields 45 SCFM of inethane. To compare the existing tlare to the specitied unit, convert the 45 SCFM of inethane to BTUs/hr: multiply the 45 SCFM of inethane by 60 minutes to obtain 2,700 SCFM/hr of inethane. To obtain BTUs/hr, multiply the SCFM/hr by the 1,000 BTUs/SCF. This calculation results in 2,700,000 BTUs/hr, which is one million BTU's /Hr more than the bid unit can handle. Therefore, even if the specitied tlare could handle the landfill gas tlow it can not handie the BTU's from the landtill gas under current conditions. I have been informed by several of the thermal oxidizer manufactures, including Paragon, that a larger unit could handle the current parameters, but would cost more. Mike, the operational restrictions of the specitied bid tlare just came to light. I do not know if I misunderstoc�d the o�erational parameters of the units or something else. In closing, I hope this letter clearly addresses the reasons not to purchase the bid flare. If not, please cal) me and I will explain the short-fall. Sincerely, IT CO POR TION f�� �'��- � ���� John R. O'Connell Project Manager JRO/eab Regional Otiice 5754 Pacific Center Boulevard, Suite 203 • San Diego, California 92121 • 619-554-0510 Sp/02-94/WP:?5/3214L1 IT Corporat�on is a wholly owned subsidiary ot Intemahonal Technology Corporation r� � ��'�� , . � _..� IVIEMORANDUIVi February 22, 1994 ' �� - � � � � t 1 �'� MEMO TO: JAKE WAGER, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ��� MEMO FROM: DAVID LYMAN,�'PRINCIPAL PLANNER � ., SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT ON URM INCENTIVE PROGRAM On October 29, 1993, 165 certified letters were mailed to owners of unreinforced masonry properties. On November 18, 1993, a letter was sent to all property owners, who forwarded an applicarion, announcing scheduled seismic seminars. Three seminars were held during November 30-- December 4, 1993. Some 62 property owners and/or their assigned representative attended the seminars representing 51 properties, As of today, 67 approved applications have been received. Of the 67 applications, 50 have completed the mandatory seminar and the remaining 17 applications represent the number of properties that cannot proceed without attending a seismic seminar. Property owners who did not attend the seminars have contacted the office inquiring about future scheduled seminars to participate in the program. At this time no work plans have been submitted. An informal telephone poll was conducted of those property owners who attended the seminars. Ten property owners were contacted and seven were available to respond to the poll. Six indicated that they have contacted an engineer regarding their URM propemes. Three had secured an engineer and were awaiting the �nal repart. The remaining three had not secured an engineer but haci�contacted one for information and indicated that they were planning to proceed with their projects. However, all six property owners indicated that they were planning to retro�� One property has been sold and is going through escrow. cc: George Gonzales a:AD estatus.urm ����Q��� � � _-:� ;; � , ,,. �1 ���L �!i` i. , C✓ ..�.� � J I, � C9�17 6��6'�/���6�°� �(�G�B�� i �' � " .. B-A K E R S F I E L i� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTM�NT I501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 ED W. SCHULZ. DIRECTOR m CITY ENGINEER February 24, 1994 ALEX E. LUTKUS, Chief Rail Engineering Sa%ty Branch Safety Division Public Utllities Commtssion 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102-3298 RE: On�site inspection �t several railroad ca�os�in�s Dear Mr. Lutkus: - - �--:, G°3C�C�C���DD � �43 � � I��'� , (�0�1'l �G������G3°� �(��OCE � Our correspondence to yo� dated February 22, 1994 regarding an on-site inspection conducted at several local railroad crossings was intended to include both the Southern Paci�ic Transportation Company and The Atchison, '�"opeka and Santa Fe Railway Company. Once again, thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, �Q ED W. SCHULZ Public Works Director , . _,. . _ � B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I501 TRUXTUti AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 ��051 3.6-37'_3 ED W. SCHI'LZ. DIRECTOR • CITY F�GI\EER February 22, 1994 ALEX E. LUTKUS, Chief IE�ail Engineering Safety Branch Safety Division 1P�blic Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102-3298 Dear Mr. Lutkus: Approximately a month ago an on-site inspection was conducted at several local street crossings with the Southern Pacific Transportation Company railroads. The inspection team included members of your staff, railroad representatives, a City Council member and City staff. The primary purpose of the inspection was to demonstrate to yoar office the need for �etter maintenance of these crossings. We really appreciate the manner in which the inspection vbras conducted and your prompt written response to the City Manager regarding your findings and a recommendation for repair of various locations. We wish to advise you that repair has oegun at many o� the crossings with the assistance of City maintenance personnel where appropriate. Witlfl your continued assistance in this matter we hope to bring the crossing repair issue to a close as rapidly as possible. Again, thanks for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, � • ED W. SCHULZ Public Works Director cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager , . * �,��L .� � o0 0 � �� �� .�� � 3��ACHIEV���/ c��� o� �o� �� �o� 94�5 �i. SE�i�i� A4�li� A!l�4�U� SOUi�i �L R�O�i�, CALI��RWIA 9��33 (���) 579-6540 0 (2�3) 6�6-0�60 � �9�t(�9�) 579-290i f�!! A p OM� D D. y � �d�f 4�d�1R9��1��'� ���OC� February 23, 1994 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: League of California Cities Members of the South El Monte City Council "Zero Tolerance Policy" Enclosed, please find a copy of Resolution No. 94-11 adopted by the members of the City Council of South El Monte, at their regular meeting of February 10, 1994, in support of urging the District Attorney's Office and the courts to adopt a" Zero Tolerance Policy" for persons found guilty of illegal gun possession. Sincerely, -% � �-�--� � � - ,� � Kathy L. Gonzales City Clerk Enclosure Mayor Raul Pardo � Vice-Mayor Vera Valdiviez o Councilman Art Olmos � Counciiman Jim Kelly � Councilman Albert (AI) Perez r RESOLUTION NO. 94-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH EL MONTE, CALIFORNIA, URGING THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND THE COURTS TO ADOPT A "ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY" FOR PERSONS FOUND GUILTY OF ILLEGAL GUN POSSESSION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH EL MONTE, CALIFORNIA, HEREBY, FINDS, DETERMINES AND RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, existing law provides that a person found to be illegally possessing a firearm may be punished by a citation as a misdemeanor; while a second offense is considered a felony violation; and WHEREAS, first offense illegal possession of firearm charges are handled in municipal courts without a minimum mandatory sentence being established by state law; and WHEREAS, municipal court judges must weigh each case individually on its facts and consider the seriousness of the crime and its affect on the community; and WHEREAS, the granting of probation to persons convicted of carrying loaded and concealed firearms on their person or in the driver/passenger area of their vehicle is not consistent with the public's outrage over violence in the streets, neighborhoods and schools of the community; and WHEREAS, under existing law, judges may sentence first-time offenders of the aforementioned offenses to either house arrest for 120 days; 750 hours of community service; or six months in county jail; and WHEREAS, the imposition of such penalties will serve as a deterrent to the continued illegal possession of firearms. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of South El Monte, California, supports the "Zero Tolerance Policy" related to the specified illegal possession of firearms and urges the District Attorney's Office and all municipal court justices to adopt the same policy. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of February, 1994. � � ��� �. � �-z �z-,� ATTEST: V �/) � //• �/� .._..X-� � �� / l r �1� ! , C. r r,- � ?L�. � ity Clerk �%� Resolution No. 94-11 Page Two STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS: CITY OF SOUTH EL MONTE ) I, Kathy L. Gonzales, City Clerk of the City of South El Monte, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No. 94-21, was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of South El Monte, California, at their regular meeting of February 10, 1994, and that said Reaolution was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Olmos, Perez, NoES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Kelly Valdiviez, (Mayor) Pardo I � � _�;\- ' �r ,J , � % 1,', r � ,a'` .:�G, l,/ i'�� ' % ! ,���`�--, .'' �/. ' f City Clerk / j :