HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/18/94B A K E R S F I E L I) MEMAR T0: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOHN W. STINSON, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER THROUGH: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. A Hotel-related information update: March 18, 1994 .� First of all, please disregard the newspaper story that appeared on Friday. It had several inaccuracies. The situation is that Hammons will not sign the agreement with the Trade Council unless all of the members of the Trade Council are signatories. That is, simply, because there is nothing to gain if some of them don't sign. It is the same lawsuit, etc., for one as it is for all. The Operating Engineers Local No. 12, which are not big players in the project, are the "hold outs." If you have any basis for influencing them, or contacting them, you should utilize it. It would be better if it were positively resolved. 2. The new Public Works Director is a certified engineer, not a certified surveyor. A certified surveyor is not required by the job specification. This condition, however, will require us to make an amendment to one ordinance, which I consider to be minor, to allow others, who are registered as surveyors, to sign tract maps. 3. There is a memo enclosed from the Public Works Department regarding the emergency repairs due to the sewer main line failure at the intersection of Brundage Lane and Chester Avenue last Monday afternoon. Staff did a good job of responding to this emergency and making repairs in a timely manner. This type of event reminds us of the necessity to continue the maintenance of our infrastructure, particularly in older areas of the City. 4. Included, for your information, is a list of 1994-95 P.U.C. Nominations for Separation of Grade projects. The #2 rated project involves closing the Sonora Street and Tulare Street crossings of the Santa Fe Railroad, and the project would include elevating the tracks at �aker Street and East Truxtun and Beale Avenue. This project appears almost certain to be funded, if agreements are reached between the City and the Railroad. We may receive some opposition from the Railroad, due to the elevation of the tracks and concern from the adjacent neighbors about excessive noise. The City does have the final say on whether the project proceeds, or not. 5. The City received �ood news regarding the County's application for a Recycling Market Development Zone. The application ranked in a tie for second place among all submitted throughout the State, and was one of two applications recommended by the staff of the Integrated Waste Management HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL March 18, 1994 Page -2- Board for immediate designation, not conditional designation. This designation will help attract recycling type businesses to Kern County, and the Bakersfield area. 6. Responses to Council inquiries and referrals are enclosed regarding a Workers Compensation Seminar by San Joaquin Industrial Medicine, the Kern River Parkway Foundation Tree Planting Proposal, and the Panama Lane at South "H" Street traffic signal. 7. The organization meeting of the City Selection Committee has been called for Monday, March 28, 1994, with the purpose of selecting a Chairperson, Vice Chair and, most importantly, to select two members and an alternate member to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). Current members are Mel McLaughlin and Donald Burkett, with Councilmember Salvaggio serving as the alternate member. This will be an opportunity for providing full time representation which is more supportive of City annexation policies and encouragement of development occurring within City boundaries. 8. I have enclosed a status report from the County �egarding formation of a Metropolitan County Service Area for park and recreation services. It appears that the County Administrative Office has requested that the Board of Supervisors designate the Parks and Recreation Department as the lead department to further implement the proposed CSA for recreation and parks. The report indicates that a master plan for the Metro Sports Complex must be completed, as well as a plan for capital improvements and maintenance of County parks. City staff will continue to meet with their County counterparts in order to determine what options remain to provide enhanced park and recreation services. 9. Attached, for your information, is some material regarding Assembly Bill 3505, which proposes a per capita allocation of sales tax. This particular legislation would have significant impacts on the City of Bakersfield as a regional sales tax generator. 10. As advanced notice, an item will appear on the April 6, 1994, Council Agenda regarding the contract with the City's Health Care Consultant. Included in his contract is the anticipated work program for health care renewals for 1995. The City Council has indicated in the past a desire to market our health plans. In addition, we are requesting that the consultant review the City's current policies regarding retiree medical insurance. This is becoming an increasingly significant expense item for the City, and there is a large potential liability associated with retiree health benefits. Due to the significant amount of work being requested of the consultant, there are considerable costs associated with the proposed work plan. They may be offset, however, through the marketing of the health plans or savings achieved in plan changes or refinements. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL March 18, 1994 Page -3- 11. CDDA Member Bill Morea has informed us that he must resign from the Redevelopment Agency due to his transfer to the Palm Springs area. An official letter of resignation should be received from Mr. Morea on Monday, and it will be placed on the April 6th Council Meeting Agenda. 12. The Prevailing Wage Task Force met. They made Dale Hawley Chair and started setting up a work program. It went �ell for a first session. .alb Enclosures cc: Department Heads City Clerk B A K E R S F I E I, D PUBLIC WORKS i�EPARTNfENT MEMORAIVI�U�i TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: F�ed L. Kloepper, Acting Public Works Director �� . DATE: March 15, 1994 SUBJECT: Emergency repairs to sewer main line located at the intersection of Brundage Lane and Chester Avenue. (Ward 1) Emergency repair work was necessary due to a collapsed 8-inch vitreous clay sewer line located at the intersection of Brundage Lane and Chester Avenue. This incident was reported to the Street Division around 3:00 pm on Monday, March 14, 1994. After an initial investigation, City staff determined the location and nature of repairs required an outside agency with the appropriate e�ertise and equipment. Since this was an emergency situation, Granite Construction was called to make the repairs. Granite Construction has had extensive e�erience repairing sewer lines lacated through the City and are familiar with this specific location. Funds are budgeted each year in t,he Street Division's operating accounts for emergencies of this nature; therefore, no additional appropriation is required. We will process a departmental contract for the work. The cost is expected to be in the $12,000-$14,000 range. D13 CITYMGR5.FLIC ,.. � U B__A K E R S� I E L PUBLIC WORKS I�EPAR'fMENT MEMORANII)iJ1bI TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager �.����o��� � .., � `' � ;;;a's � ,i ' i) �0`I `�_�v� �, 6�QC�C�6�°� �G�� Q���; FROM: Fred L. Kloepper, Acting Public Works Director. ��� _ DATE: March 11, 1994 SUBJECT: Separation of Grade, 1994-95 P.U.C. Nominations The staff of the Califomia Public Utiiities Commission has published the preliminary crossing elimination project rankings for the next two-year cycle. Hearings will be held in San Francisco on March 23, 1994, at which time testimony will be presented that may change the rankings. The hearings will be attended by Bob Barton, the Separation of Grade District's consultant and Ron Ruettgers, District Engineer. The number two rated project involves cflosing of the Sonora Street and Tulare Street crossings of the Santa Fe Railroad. At grade crossings at Baker Street and East Truxtun/Beale Avenue would be provided by elevating the tracks with the streets crossing under. Since the project is rated second in priority, the project is almost certain to be funded if agreements are reached between the City and the Railroad. The proposed project has potential for opposition because of the plan to elevate the tracks. The railroad may not be too keen on the idea and the possibility of excessive noise propagation f�om the trains climbing the "hill" may not be well received by nearby residents. Offsetting the increased general train noise is the fact that warning homs will not be sounding if the project is constructed. We will have the final say on whether the project proceeds or not. The next rated project, P-Q-S Street, is not likely to be funded, cunently at #28 priority. FLK/cah Attachment M:031094 . ; EXHIBIT N0. �� CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION SAFETY DIVISIOI�T RAILROAD SAFETY BR�NCH SPECIAL PROJECTS S�CTION SEPARATION OF RAILROAD/HIGHWAY GId.�,DES PRIORITY S'1'UDY AS REOUIRED BY SECTION 2452.CALIFORNIA STREETS AND HIGHWAYS-CODE FOR FISCAL YEARS 1994-95 & 1995-96 Los Angeles, California March 15, 1994 San Francisco, California Ma.rch 22, 1994 I.93-07-032 Raymond D. Yick, P.E. Senior Transportation Engineer . � . � Appeadix B, Table 1 1994-1995 Grade Separation Priosity Liat Page 1 of 2 I Mile Proj Priority Priorityl - Agency � Crosaing Name �RR� Br•� Po�t �Sfx.� Type � Index � Rank Freano Conaolidation Varioua SP b RTSF Conaol Sakersfield Beale-Truxtun-Baker 2 B 311.5 Elevate 6 U Hayvard Harder Road 1 D 21.6 Q E1 Monte Ramone/Cypreas 1 B 495.1/495 U Los Angeles County Florence Avenue 1 BBH 488.43 O Hayvard Tennyson Road 1 D 23.0 U Freano County Clovis Avenue 1 H 213.3 O Riveraide Arlington Avenue 2 B 12.4 U Coachella Ave. 50 6 Sth Street 1 B 614.2 O Caltrana (San Bernardino) State Route 58 2 780.3 O Stockton Hammer Lane 4 98.5 ll �� Fresno Herndon Avenue 1 B 195.8 O Yorba Linda Imperial Hwy/SR-90 2 B 38.4 O Freano County Cheetnut Avenue 1 B 210.3 O Los Angelea County Nogalea Street 3 22.4 U Richmond Cutting Blvd. 1 A 13.8 O Bakerafield Q Street 1 B 311.5 U Caltrans (Alameda) Misaion Blvd. 4 30.�-b exa U Santa Barbara Co. Hollister Avenue 1 E 365.�-B exs U Freano Sha�r Avenue 1 B 198.5 O Los Angeles County Norwalk Blvd. 1 BBJ 497.28 O Stockton March Lane 4 G 97.1 U Loa Angeles N. Spring Street 2 139.SA exa O SDMTDB Taylor Street 2 264.2 O Caltrans (San Bernardino� State Route 58 2 753.2 O Ontario Archibald Avenue 3 41.2 U SDMTDB 32nd Street 36 3.4 O Bakerafield P-Q-S Street 2 886.7 U San Bernardino County National Trails Hwy 2 � 30.68 exa U Rern County Morning Drive 1 B 317.5 O SDMTDB Severin Drive 36 D 14.7 O Fremont Washinqton Blvd ET AL Conaolidation O Los Anqelea County Imperial Highway 1 BBH 491.60 O E1 Monte Garvey Avenue 1 B 496.2 exs U Caltrana (Alameda) SR 238 4 G 1.4-� exa U Caltrana (Ventura Co.) Los Anqeles Avenue 1 E 423.5 O SDMTDB � Euclid Avenue 36 D 5.7 O Los Angeles County Slaueon Avenue 1 BBH 487.42 U SDMTDB H Street 36 7.9 O San Bue�aventura Johnson Drive 1 BE 403.88 O or U Ontario Archibald Avenue 1 B 523.9 U Caltrana (Santa Barbara) State Route 166 1 E 276.8 O Rern County Olive Drive 1 B 308.9 O Los Angeles County Bandini Blvd. 3 A 3.4 O SDMTDH Univeraity Avenue 36 D 12.5 O SDMTDB 28th Street 36 2.8 O SDMTDB Allison Avenue 36 D 12.@ O SDMTDB La Mesa Blvd. 36 D 12.3 O Los Anqelea County Slauson Avenue 1 BG 487.3 O SDMTDB E Street 36 7.6 O Los Anqelea County Florence Avenue 1 BG 488.3 O. 2222 207 178 176 112 88 83 83 81 78 71 62 59 57 56 55 48 44 44 43 43 42 42 41 40 40 40 39 39 38 38 37 36 36 32 31 30 30 29 29 29 28 28 28 27 27 26 26 25 24 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 95 46 47 48 . 49 50 51 '�;b �� �°' MEMORANDUM ��. �"'� � March 15, 1994 TO: Aian 'I'andy, City �Ianager FROM: Jake VVager, Economic I�evelopment �irector Si1�JEC'�': Recvclin� 1Vlarket Develo�men� �one ���lica� _�_ — ,, _ G°�����_� _ ; I. .;. �, � � �..� �_ ,,� �';C��`U� �'9a�,�����°� ��-�t��C�� ��,. �, Kern County's application for a Recycling I�arket �evelopment Zone (R�I�Z) ranked in a tie for second place among all submitted from throughout the state. 'I'he raiings were made by the staff oi the California lntegrated �Iaste l�anagement �oard on l�arch 3. In addition, it was only one of two applications recommended by their �taff for immediate designation, not conditional designation. This is a significant accomplishment and means the application has successfully passed the first three tests. According to County staff, final designation is virtuaily assured by the full �oard on March 30. This department has represented the City of �akersfield in the development of this county- wide application to help at�ract recycling-type businesses to Kern County. City �ouncil approved a letter of suppart for the application, as did all Il�ern Couniy cities, and the �oard af Supervisors. au�az To: �'rom : • B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDlJM March 15, 1994 John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager � � - --� Scott Manzer, Risk Manager � - _ J�`� �� 1 .�' 1 , ,l - � ��e �\. � ��� C�J � � �.. il _.. -._..___-___._. :: _�_ _ _—____.-_�__�_-�'_,t I ( �j ij _ . , . . , J 1 !' '� ���'-��� ��� ��`�� ��� _-- ��__ �s,_�'� � o��-��,�, Subject: San Joaquin Industrial Medicine Associates, Inc. Seminar �ecently, several City employees and officials received an invitation to attend a seminar ori March 30, 1994 sponsored by San Joaquin Industrial Medicine Associates, Inc. The subject of the seminar will be the definition of first aid injuries under the new Workers' Compensation legislation. The City af Bakersfield is self-insured and self-administered for workers' compensation. As a result, we do not have the additional costs associated with filing of a first injury report with an insurer. Also, we do not have costs associated with experience modification rates, as referred to in the invitation letter. I will be attending the seminar to keep up to date on the industry happenings and to assess if the paper load can be reduced at the City under the new definition of "first aid injuries". It is my opinion, however, that this seminar would not be beneficial for other City employees or officials. piUU� � \ i � �p� :, :.: �.I = \�\��/ � V��� �.i _ Q� �� ` _«� � �I�llllw,� � � �.r o: �,�� �`��\,� '� �,,,,�1'v rp,n�nld � MEMORANDUAA �?�rch 11, 1994 TO: A�AN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: LELAND J. �1NDERSEN, COMMUPiITY SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT: KERN RIVER PARKWAY FOUNDATION JOINT �IENTURE WITH TEXACO TREE PLANTING PROPOSALs Courac�.l �tefezral No. 12997 At the Council meeting of February 23, 1994, this item was referred to the Community Services Department. On March 7th staff inet with the Kern River Fouridation to discuss this issue. Those in attendance were: KERN RIVER FOUNDATION Rich O'Neill Inez DonCarlos CITY STAFF Gene Bogart, Water Resources Don Hoggatt, Public Works Neil Tierney, Parks Division Al1en Abe, Parks Division Rich O'Neill outlined the tree planting proposal by saying his group's goal was ta plant trees on 91EARTH DAY°', April 24, 1994, However, prior to this his group would contract with an irrigation contractor to install all irrigation lines and bore two (2) lines under the bike path for irrigation. They would also dig all tree wells for the planting of the trees on the 24th. The City Parks Division will mark locations for holes under the bike path and will also discuss and descr�be irxigation head design with the contractor. If there are any other questions regarding the irrigation design, Mr. O'Neill will contact the Parks Division. Other items discussed at the meeting was the possibility of replanting some of the slope areas around the Texaco parking area. However, before this occurs the irrigation system must be inspected and functional with the terrain of the area. The Parks Division will make the inspection and then communicate those improvements to Mr. O'Neill. Another topic discussed was the installation of the Kern River Parkway signage. However, no further information was available. I will keep you posted as the project continues. _____ ___ � � '� C�� ��l/ C�,i��_ , �� i- �. ;�;; ':; ! :� ,�:\� i 11����91V���,�K°` �'S'c� �� � 7 `C�° To: lE'rom: Date: Subject: B A K E It S� I E L D PUBLIC WORI�S DEPE1It'TMENT 11REMOR�I�I3LJM ���0�9�� � . I i �,�;�� � : .�';a ; I �� ��,�������°� ���9��5 Alan Tandy - G�ty Manager `�" ° ° '.�° Fred Kloepper - Acting Public Works Director ��C , March 9, 1994 PANAMA LANE @ SOUTH "H" STREET SIGNAL COUNCIL REFERRALS 12388 AND 1292'1 0 Equipment required %r signal installation has arrived and work may now begin. A preconstruction conference was held March 8, 1994. The contractor is expected to begin work either March 14 mr March 21, 1994. The contract includes 50 working days. Theoretical completion date would be about May 27, 1994. M3994 . - FLKwru r SUPERVISORS ROY ASHBURN DiNriel No. 1 BEN AUSTIN Dlstrlct No. 2 PAUIIN� LARWOOD DlstHet No. 3 KENNETH W. PETERSON Distrlet No. 4 MARY K. SHELL DlstHet No. 5 Mayor Bob Price City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mayor Price: BOARD OF SIIPE�ViS�ffiS March 14, 1994 SUE DAVIS cla►k o+ 8oaro ot supKro,on Kem Couety AdmIMSV�Uw Center 1115 Truxtun Av�nw. 5th Floor B�kenfleld. Calllomis 93301 Tel�pho�e (805)861-Z167 l , � • �i.: �s� ..� uu7} � '.J \�� � � . a ;�,,'� �'-'�� (J V An Organization Meeting of the City Selection Committee has been called for Monday, March 28, 1994, at 6:00 p.m., Glerk of the Board's Conference Room, 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Fifth Floor (Administrative Center), Bakersfield, California. The purpose of this meeting is to: a) select a Chairman, pursuant to Government Code Sections 50273, 50274 and 50275, term to expire May, 1998; Current Member: i�el McLaughlin, City of Arvin b) select a Vice-c;hairman, pursuant to Government Code Sections 50273, 50274 and 50275, term to expire May, 1998; Current Member: Mark Salvaggio City of Bakersield c) select two members and Alternate Member to Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), with terms to expire May, 1998; Gurrent Member: Mel 1�cLaughlin Current Member: Donald Burkett Alt. Member: Mark Salvaggio If you are unable to attend this meeting, please send a Council. Member. Confirmation of your attendance to Sylvia Johnson, Assistant Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at 861-2167 would be appreciated. Sincerely, SUE DAVIS, Clerk of the Board By: Sylvia Johnson, Assistant Clerk ,�����--«-� for el McLau lin, C ai man Cit� Selectio Committee .- ; C I'TY SELEC�'g OIV COMMI TTEE Mayor Jess Ortiz City of Arvin P. 0. Box 548 Arvin. CA 93203 854-3134 Mayor Bob Price City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 326-3770 Mayor Richard Moser City of California City 21000 Hacienda Boulevard California City, CA 93505 (619) 373-8661 Mayor Art B. Armendariz City of Delano P. 0. Box 939 Delano. CA 93216 721-3303 Mayor Carl S. Miller City of Maricopa P. 0. Box 548 Maricopa. CA 93252 769-8279 Mayor Ruben Garza Citv of McFarland P . 0 . Bo.c 1488 McFarland, CA 93250 792-3091 Mayor Kevin Corlett City of Ridgecrest 100 West California Avenue Ridgecrest. CA 93555 (619} 371-3700 Mayor Linda Gragg City of Shafter 336 Pacific Avenue Shafter. CA 93263 746-6361 Attention: Wade McKinney ,. Mayor Kenneth Knost City of Taft 209 East Kern Street Taft, CA 93268 763-3144 P9ayor LaVonne Booth City of Tehachapi P. 0. Box 668 Tehachapi , CA 93581 822-2200 Attention: Kav Koski. City Clerk Mayor Paul Neufeld City of Wasco P. 0. Box 159 6Vasco, CA 93280 758-3003 Attention: Mel McLaughlin Chairman (805) 758-6213 Rev. 3/14/94 0 CITY SELECTTION COM�ITTEE 'rhe City Selection Committee will meet on Monday, March 28, 1994, for an Organizatioiial Meeting. Please review r.he attached information regarding the creation of the City Selection Committee. (Government Code Sections 50270 through 50280. �t this Organizational �Ieeting, the Committee will select a Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The term of office of the chairman and vice-chairman shall be not less than one year and not more than fotir years as determined in the rules and reguiations adopted by a City Selection Committee pursuant to Section 50275. 1. :'urrent Chairman: �tel McLaughlin, Councilmember. City of Wasco '=. Current Vice-Chairman: Jess Ortiz, Mayor, City of Arvin (The term of the current Chairman and Vice-Chairman will expire May, 1994.) Also, �lease review ttie attached City Selection Committee Roster, so at the time of the meeting two members could be selected. § 50270 ci�aES ��r� cot��r°ri�s �acie � s.o. 50276. County clerk; 9ecret�ry and secoc°ding officer: duties; public records. 50277. R.eguiar and speciai metings ; nogace. 50278. Notice to membere. 60279. Compensation. 50�9.2. Cit;� legisiative body as selection committee; prncedare. b0279.4. ftegionaf coastal zone eonaervation commission ; appointmeats. ArtiCle 11 was added by Stcits.197,°Z, C. 1232, p. 2574, � 1, ef f. Dec.18,1972. Farmer Article 11. Caty Selee�ion Committee, con.4ist- ing ot §§ 50�70 to 50273, cadded by Stats.1972, c. J�15, p. 736, § Ia was re�ealed by Stats.1971�, c. 710, �. 1583, � 1, ejf. Sept. 6,1971�. Ceoas iteteren�s Bay area air quality menaqement dietrict, city a�lection committee, see Iiea►th and Sateq Code � 40210. Regional eir poitution concrol diecreets, cicq eelecenon commictee, aee ilealtL and Safety Code � 4Q310. § 50��Q. C�eation; pmrpose; ane�nbership In any county in which two or moa°� cities are incorporated there is hereby created a city seleetion cosaamittee the purpose of which shall be to appoint city representative� to boards, commissions, and agencies as required by law. Ttie mernbership of each such city se- lection committee shall consist of the mayor of eaeh city within the county. ( Added by Stats.1972, c.1232, p. 2374, § l, efY. Dec. 13, 1972.) H�latodcal 1�l�te Foemer � 60270, added by Stat�.1972 c, re�a�led by Stats.1874, c. ;10, p. 1583. ; 416. p. 738. � 1, providing for eho np- 1. po�otmenc of locai repcesentatrvee by city Da�ivatloa: Former � G�082. added by eelection committee to re�tionai ageaciee, ��g�,1983, c. 1811. p. 38T1. $ 2. amended ead providing that local agenc� iew wouid liy �eate.lUT2, c. 415, p. i38, 4 2-8• �ovarn over incoueiatent ��rovisione, wae II.ibraij► REiC3�enC!! Countiea �40. G.ai.S. Countiea + 74. tiiuuicipal Corporatione �128. C.T.S. Municipal Corporatione $g 485 to �67. § �OZ70.5. �;1er� c�e��� As used in this article, "clesk" tneans the clerk of a county os the legislative body thereof. Where the office of county clerk is sep- �06 Div. 1 POWERS AND DiJTIES�—GENERAIL § SOZTZ arate fro� the offi�e of clerk of the board of su�rvisors, "clerk" means the clerk of the board of supervisors. (Added by Stats.1973, c. 43, p. 70. § 3, eff. May 16. 1973.) § 50271. Absence of mayor; designat,�d r�pre�ntative When the mayor is unable to attend a meeting of a city selection committee. he shall designate another menaber of th� city's legislative body to attend and vote at the rr�eeting in his plac� �nd as his repre- senta.tive. (Added by Stats.1972, c.1232. p. 2374, § 1, eff. Dec.13, i972.) Hl�tortcal Note Foro�er � 60271, edded by State.197_'. c. See, now. � 50270. �13, p, 738. 3 1, defininR c��y eelecnon commitcee, wee repealed I�y Stete.1974, c. � 10. p. 1583. ¢ 1. Ubrary Iteterence9 Counciee �41. C.J.S. Counciee � i5. �(unicipni Corporatione C�Ri. C.J.S. BQunicinel �orPoratione � 388. § 50272. Qnorum; majority; nec�essity Representatives of a majority of the number of cities within a county entitled to representation on the city selection committee shall constitute a quorum of the committee; pr�vided, however, that a ma- jority vote of the representatives of the number of cities within a county entitled to representatian on the committe� is necessary to ap- point representatives to boards. commissions, or a�encies. Whenever a quorum is not present at a meeting of any city s�lection committee, the meeting shall be postponed or adjourned to a subsequent time and place. as determined by the chairman. ( Added by Stats.1972. c. 1232. p. 2374, § 1, eff. Dec. 13, 1972. Amended by Stats.1973, c. 43, p. 70, � 3.5, eff. May 15, 1973.) ��tatorlcal Note Tl�e 19T3 ameadmenc added the provieo to the firac eeatence: and ilcleted the aec- ond eentence, requirinR a quorum of inem• hero presenc to eonduet committee busi- neu. Former � 60272, added by Stnte.19T2, c. �13, p, 738. ¢ l, defininR re�onei eRency a� an7 pnblic ageacy, auti�ority, diatrict or other loca! agency t�aving a aeparate gov- Coundei @�47. )luaicipsl Corporauone �90. erning troied end having juriadicdon over two oe more cieiee or counties, wae re- �ealed by Scace.lgT-�, c. 71U, p. 1583. ; 1. Darlva4lon: Foemer g 8.'f0832, added by State.18S7, c. 175� p. 3150, ¢ 5. Foemee � 86082.�, added by 3tate.1963. e. 1811, p• 36T1, � a. �lbeary Retereneea 307 C.i.S. Conntiee ¢ �1. C.3.S. fi�iunicip�l Coeponrione � 8fl9. � § 50273 CIT'I�S Ai�TD C��JNTIES Title S f i § 50273. Organizational mneetin�a iemporary chairmaa In order to provide for initial organization of a city selection committee pursuant to this article, an �rganizational meeting of each committee shall be held withiaa 60 days after the effective date of this ; article. The clerk of each county shall act as temporary chairman of ' the city selection committee. � As tempor�ry chairmasi of the city selection committee, the clerk � shall fix a time and place for the org�izational me�ting of the com- ` mittee and shall give notice of such aiate and time to the mayor o! ►, each city incorporated within ihe county. ' Each selection committee shall rraeet on the date and at the time � designated by the clerk. After the organizational aneeting, a selec- tion committee shall meet on such dates and at such times as it may � determine or as are required by law. ( Added by Stats.1972, c. 1232. �. 2374, § 1. eff. Dec. 13, 1972. Amended by Stats.1973, c. 43. p. 70, § 4, efi. %4iay 16, g973.) FHlstortcal t�ote 'Clie 1073 nmendment deleted "couaty" S�e, now, g 50278. preceding "clerk" in three placee. perlvatlon: Former § G50822, ndded b' � Foemer � 50273, added by State.1D72. c. Seaatx.1963, c. 1811, p. 36T3. ¢ 2. �115, p. ?38. � 1, providinq for recordetion Former �&i083.3, added by Stats.l9�T, �' of votes eppoiating represenuuve to re- c. b758, y. 3131. $ 8. ' gionnl agency wne repe�led by Stat�.1974, c. 710, p. 1683. ; 1. %8�tary Rete�aces Conncies P.�51. CJ.S. Counnee ; 80. D2unicipal Corporadone �83. CJ.S. Dduaicipal Corporacione f 389. § 50274. c��; ��e ���; �� At the first organizational meetirag of a city selection committee held pursuant to Section 50273� it shall select from among its mem- bers a permanent chairman and vice chairman. and such other offi- cers as it deems necessary. The term of office of the chairman and vice chairman shall be not less thar� one year nor more than four years as determined in the rules and r�gulations adopted by a city se- lection committee pursuant to Section 50275. At least 60 dsys pria� to the expiration of the term of offic� of the chairman and vice chair- man. or as otherwise provided in the a°ules and regulations adopted by a city selection committee pursuant to Section 502'75, the city seleo- tion committee shall meet��rad $elect � succeasor to the chairman arid io thevioe chairmatb (Added by Stats.1972, c. 1232, p. 2374, § 1, eff. Dec. 13. 19?2. Amended by Stats.1973, c. 43. p. 70, § 6, efi. �day 15, b9?3 ; Stats.1974, c. 1137. p. 2421. § l.) 308 Div. 1 POWERS AND DUTIES—GENERAI� § 5��%G Hlsconcal Not� The 1373 amendment eobetituted "not The 1U74 amandment ineerted "or ae leae tlian oae yeae nor more clian four otl�eta�ee �ieovided in ei�e ruiee end regu- yenr� ae determiued in the ruie� and regu- lations adopted by e cicy eelection commit- lacions adonted b� a city eelection comm�c- tee purauaat to �ee¢eou b0275" tn the laat tee pursusnc to Seecion 5U275" tor "two aeutenee. yearn" ee tlie term of oftice for ri�e ci�eir- man and vice ci�airman. Library Retere�ees Counciee (�:�1. C.J.S. Counciee $ �0. ltunicina� l'or�►orntione @�&4. C.J.S. Municipal Coeporaciona � 388. § 50275. gtnles ana regnlations In order to carry out the provisions and purposes of this article. a city selection cornmittee shall formulate and adopt avles and t�gula- tions to gavern the conduct of their meetings and th� selection of city representatives. Such rules and regulations shall flnclude, but not be limited to. the term of office of the chairman and vice chairman of the city selection committee, such term to �e not l�ss than one year nor more than four years, the time and place of th� committee's reg- ular meetings, a procedure for nominating and selecting city repre- sentatives, and the manner in which voting by the city selection com- mittee shall be conducted. (Added by Stats.1972, c. 1232. p. 2374, § 1, efi. Dec. 13. g972. Amended by Stats.l9?3, c. 43. p. ?1, § 6, eff. May 15, 1973.) Hlstorlcal Note The ]973 amendmenc inserted the prov�- latiag to the eerm� of office of the chair• nion autl�or�zing ruiee and reRuiutione re• man �nd vice ci�eir�sen. Libfary Itlilitelse9 Conn�ies <:�49. C.J.S. Couacies � @T. Jiunicipnl Corporatione �RS. C.J.S. Atunicipal Corporatione g¢ 158, �11 et eeq. § S�Z76. �nnty clerk; secretary �d a�a�u g officer; dnties; public reoords The clerk of each county shall act as the p�rrananent secretary and recording officer of the city selection committ� organized within such county. All meetings of a city selection coanYtaattee si�all be con- ducted in the presence of the clerk of the county in which the com- mittee is organized or his deputy. All votes and action taken by a city selection committee shall be record�d in writi�� by the secr�tary of the committee. TPie written record of any vot� or action talcen by the selection committee shall include the name o� �ach member vot- 309 � § 50276 crr��s ��n c��xTa�s —, � I � � � I � � Tttle 5 ing and how he voted. Written recoa°ds and minutes of a selection committee's secretary are public records. (Added by Stata.1972. c. 1232. p. 237d, § 1, eff. Dec. 13. 1972. Ameaded by Stata.1973. c. 43. p. 71. � 7, eff. May 15. 1973.) �Ylatoncal Rd�se Tlie l073 ameodmenc �ieleted "couaty" p�ecediag "clerk" in two pl�cet. Couaties �89. H.lbeary ttetee�nea C.J.S. Councies f 141. § 50277. Regular and special meetings; notice A city selection committee shall conduct regular meetings at the times specified by it in its avies and a�gulations. and shall also meet upon the call of its chairman. The ctaairman of a selection commit- tee may call a special meeting of the cammittee at any time, and the chairman shall call a special ineeting of the selectian committee upon the written request of 50 p�sc�t of th� members of the city selection committee. When a chairman is requir�d to call a special meeting of a city selection committee pursuant to this section, such a meeting shall be called and held within 60 day� after receipt oP such written - requ�t. Within thi�e weeks prior to the date fixed for a special meeting of the committee, the chairm� of the committee shall notify the committee secr+etary of 4he date, time, and place of the special meeting. (Added by Stats.l972, c. 1232, p. 2376, § 1, efff. Dec. 13, 1972.) %1lbrary Retecances Countiee �52. Riunicipal Corporacione �87. § 5�2��. 2�iotice to members C..T.S. Counciee 8 88. C.d.S. hluu�c�pal Corporatione g 383. At least two weeks prior to the d�te of any meeting of a cityJSe- lection committee. the secretary of th� committee shall give notice of the meeting to each memb�r of the cognmattee. The secretary shall also give reasonable notice t� each m�nber of a selection committee of the time, date, and place to �vhich a� meeting of the committee is continued. (Added by Stats.1972, c.1232, p. 23?6. � 1, eff. Dec.13,1972.) I.l�rary �eteac���s Counciee �62. C.Y.S. Countiee � 88. Mnnicipal Corporacioa� �89. C.,T.S. H2unicipal Corpornrion� ;¢ 395 to 398. • 3b0 Div. 1 POWERS AND DUTIE�--GENEi�A� § 50279.� § 50279. Com�ensation Members of a city selection committee shall serve without com- pensation. (Added by Stata.1972, c. �1232, p. 23T6, § 1, eff. Dec. 13, g9T2.) Llbr�ry Reterences Coande� �69(1). C.�.3. ConnNes � fl09. dfucicipel Corporadoes �182f11. C.:T.9. B�unicipel Corpo�atiaac ; 523 et . ��. § 50279.2. Clty le�isiative boay �s s�eYe�tioa� committee; pro- cednre Notwithstanding any other provisiora af this aa�ticie. in any'coun- ty in which there is only one incorporated city, tt�e legislative body of such city is hereby created and shall serve as the city selection com- mittee in the county for the purpose o! appointin� city representa- tives to boards, commissions and agencies as r�quired �y law. A majority of the members of the legislatiar� body of a city which is created as a city selection committee ptaa�uant to this sec- tion shall constitute a quonun of the committee. In order far the city selection committee to make appointments, or fn any other man- ner conduct business of the committee, a quonura shall be required. The presiding officer of the legislative body of a city which is created as a city selection committee purstaant to �his section, shall setve as chairman of the committee. '%'he clerk of the legislative body shall act as permanent secretary and recording officer of the city selection committee and. as permanent secre�ry and recording officer, shall perform all the duties specified ita Sectiort 50276. • tFormerly § 60280, added by Stats.1972, c. 1232, p. 2376, § 1, eff. Dec. 13, 1972. Renumbered § 50279.2 and amended by Stata.197�, c. 373� p. 1317� § 167.) &Iistoelca! Note T6e 1979 nmeadmmc rennmbered the eeetion �vit6out chaase. B.Ibrity Etlfltem�s Coantie� �40, C..T.S. Countiee Q q�. alunicipal Corpondon� �128. C.�.3. &funicipal Cosiwrndone �g 485 to 4�'d. § 50279.4. �egionai coastal zone �nser�s�on coramissions; appointments Nohvithstanding any other provision of t�i� ��;tfcle, in any coun- � ty in which city representatives are r�qui�d 4a � appointed by a 311 i § 5�279.4 C�°TIIES AND COUNTIES Title b city selection committee to a regioa�l coastal zone conservation com. mission pursuant to Division 18 (co�mencing with Section 27000) ot the Public Resources C�e, the ciiy selection committee created in such county pursuant to this articfl� shall make such appointments. Each such city selection committee �hall hold an organizational meet• ing for such purpo� prior to December 31.1972. ( Formerly § 60281. added by Stata.1972. c. 1232. p. 2376, § 1, eff. Dec. 13. 1972. Renumbered § b0279.4 and �me�ded by Stat8.1979, c. 373, p. 1318� � 168.) 1�81ao:lea9 PVote The 1979 amendmeat rena�bered the eection wichout chanse. Elbtary ��terences Counue� �40. CJ.S. Countie� � 74. Sec. b0280. 60281. b0282. 60283. 60284. 60286. b0286. 50287. 60288. 60289. 60290. iLStl 1Z �iISTORICA3. ��iOP�RTiC CONTRACTS Aistoric zone; creation by oa°danance: application of owner. Contract with owner of qu�lified hiatorical property within hia- toric zone : pr�viaiona. Renewal; nonrenewal; notice; proteat; recordation; effeck ftemoval of property from hiatoric zoae; equivalency to notice to nonrenewal; �ervice of aaotice. Cancellation; grounda. Cancellation; noiice; hearin�. Caacellation ; f ee : p�ymeni� Action to enforce contract: parties. Acquisition of property by ��eainent domain ; cancellation of coa- tract: inapplic�bility to determination of value. Annexation by city of psoperty under contract to county; rights and dutiee of city. Conaultation with �t�te comaaisaion and departmeat. Articie 12 uaas added by St�s.l97�, c.11�1�, p. 3159, � 1. § 5�280. �iistoric �mne; oa by ordinaaoe; appllcation of o�vner Upon the applicatiora of an o�er or the agent of an owner of any qualified historical pro�rty ��cribed in Article 3(commencing with Section 5031) of Cpaapter 1 0� �ivision 5 of the Public Resources Cade, the legislative b�y of a ci��, count�, or city and county tnaY� �� i � LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION C01�►iISSION (LAFCO) The City Selection Committee will meet on blonday, �arch 28, 1994, for an Organizational Metin¢. Please review the attached information regarding (LAFC01 and the �ittached 1J93 Area Wide Directory, tio at the time of the meeting two rnembers and one alternate member could be selecred. '_. Current �lember: �el McLaugnlin, Councilmember. City of Wasco ?. Current �tember: Donaid Burkett, City of Arvin 3. Current �ember (Alt): ?9ark Salvaggio. City of Bakersfield (The term of the current Members will expire May, 1994.) �� �OCAL aGL•'NCY rOR:KATION COMMISSION LEGAL �(3THORITY: Establisheci December 10. 19ta3, oursuant to grovisions of Chanter 1808 enacted by the 1963 California Legisiature and Sections 54780. et seQ. of the Government Cocie. �tEMBERSHIP. Eight members: trwo representing the County and OUALIFICATIONS: appointed by the 3oara ot Supervisors from their membership, plus a third Supervisor who shall be an alternate member ot the Commission: two representing the cities in tt�e county, each of whom shall be a city officer, appointed by the City Selection Committee, plus one alternate memner. 1'here shall be one reoresenting the aeneral �ublic. plus one alternate public member. anpointed by the other four members oT' the Commission. TERM: Four-year staggered term. DUTIES: To review and aoprove or disaporove with or without amendment. wholl.y, partiall.y or con- ditionally proposals for the incorooration of cities. formation of soecial districts, annexa- tion of territory to local agencies, exclusion of territory from a city, ciisincornoration of a city. consolidation of two or more cities, and the development of a new community. :�SEETI:�'G PLACE T?�IE : REMUNF.RATiON Second Floor Hearing Room. 2700 "H" Street. .4ND Bakersfield, on the second and fourth Tuesciay of each month at 7:00 P.M. �25.00 a meeting. CONTACT: Local Agency Formation Commission 1430 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 802 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (8051 8�1-2343 Oath and 730 Reuuired -114- �s , , I LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION KEMBERS WHEIV APPOINTED/BY 6JHOM Ken Peterson 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield. Ca 93301 B/S O1/19/93 Ben Austin 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield. CA 93301 B/S O1/04/83 �tary K. Shell (Alternatel 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield. CA 93301 B/S O1/13/87 Donald Burkett City of Arvin 200 Campus Drive City Sel�ction Com. Wasco. CA 93203 Oi/28/86 Kel McLaughlin (Chmn-City Selection) City of Wasco 746 8th Street City Selection Com. Wasco, CA 9328063 O1/28/86 Kark Salvaggio (Alternate) City of Bakersfield 2213 Woolard Drive Ciiy Sel�ction Com. Bakersfield. CA 93304 O1/10/9fl Jerry Brock Public �t��ber 428 Chester Avenue � LAFCO Comsrs. Bakersfield. CA 93301 04/11/89 Stephen Kennedy (Alternate) Public A���ber P. 0. Box 1376 4 LAFCO Comsrs. Taft, CA 93268 -115- TERM EXPIRES Virtue of OfPice Virtue of Office Virtue of Office 05/00/94 OS/00/94 05/00/94 05/00/94 05/00/95 (Rev. 04/30/ � � , -, ; JOSEPH E. DREW COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER MARY WEDDELL Assistant Counry Admimstrahve Officer KERN COUNT�' ADMINISTRATIVE O�FICE Board of Supervisors Kern County Administrative Center 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 933^�' \.JU� �n \ SCOTT JONES Director o( Budyet & Finance AUEL C. KLEIN Dvector ol PoLcy Analyss & Intergovernmentat Relauons WILLIAM C. DOUGLAS Employee Relahons O(licer March 1, 1994 ����Q��� ,� ��� � � ��� ` C�f�? ��J�9���G�°� O��ICE STATUS REPORT ON PLAN FOR FORMATION OF A METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD COUNTY SERVICE AREA FOR PARK AND RECREATION SERVICES FISCAL IMPACT: NONE On October 26, 1993 the County Administrative Office presented to your Board a plan for the formation of a metropolitan Bakersfield County Service Area (CSA) for park and recreation services. An optimistic timeline for implementation was presented, anticipating placing the concept on the June ballot as an advisory measure. At that time, your Board authorized the County Administrative Office, in coordination with other involved entities, to pursue implementation of the plan. Several meetings have been held with representatives of the City of Bakersfield, North of the River Recreation and Park District, Bear Mountain Park and Recreation District, and involved County staff from the County Administrative Office and the Parks, Waste Management and General Services Departments. Additional meetings have been conducted with the Superintendent of Schools and the Bakersfield Community College District. Geoqraphical Scop� The preliminary geographical scope of the CSA was envisioned to consist of the area within the 2010 General Plan. However, upon review and discussion, it was determined that using the exterior boundaries of the metropolitan area school districts was more appropriate and cost effective inasmuch as recreational and before and after school day care programs are envisioned to be provided at individual school sites and, further, precinct boundaries are already established for school districts, eliminating the cost that would be necessary to create new election areas. .. ...- The original scope of services has not changed. It is still envisioned that the first tier of the assessment (assessed on a per residential unit) would provide for capital improvement and maintenance of the Kern River Parkway and the Metro Sports Complex and funding for the provision of a wide variety of recreational programming at school sites and other public facilities. 1115 Truxtun Avenue, 5th Floor BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 805 861-2371 FAX �805; 325-3979 , , , � , � ; Board of Supervisors Status Report on Plan for Formation of a Metropolitan Bakersfield County Service Area for Park and Recreation Services March 1, 1994 Page 2 A plan for the improvement of the Kern River Parkway, with corresponding cost estimates, have been prepared by the City of Bakersfield, subject to the establishment of firm revenue stream estimates. A cost estimate for the ongoing maintenance of the Parkway has also been prepared. North of the River Recreation and Park District has begun the preliminary work needed to ascertain the number and scope of recreational programs that could be offered, again subject to the establishment of firm revenue stream estimates. Yet to be accomplished is the development of a master plan for the Metro Sports Complex. The Metro Sports Com,�lex prese�ts a great many opportunii�es for the diverse use of the available property, with widely varying associated costs. It is important that the prepared master plan be well-thought out, with all options given grave consideration and all required financing be as concrete as possible. The preparation of this plan will be a complex endeavor requiring considerably more time than originally envisioned. The second tier of the assessment was to finance capital improvement and enhanced maintenance of neighborhood County parks. This tier was to be implemented in conjunction with the assessment that the City of Bakersfield is proposing for the maintenance of City parks. The City has moved forward with placing this measure on the June ballot for voter approval. The development of a plan for capital improvements and enhanced maintenance for County parks, as well as cost estimates in support of the developed plan, have not yet been accomplished. Participants The Superintendent of Schools has met with a number of school district superintendents and has received a very favorable reaction to the conceptual recreational programming on school sites. The North of the River Recreation and Park District Board has endorsed the participation of the District in the provision of recreational programming. The Bear Mountain Park and Recreation District has elected not to participate. The Bakersfield Community College District has conducted initial discussions regarding the inclusion of the College stadium, swimming facilities and ball fields within the financing plan. Summarv The participants of the project have made a great deal of progress in determining the geographical scope and facility scope of the proposed County Service Area as well as determining the type and quantity of the recreational programming that may be possible. The City of Bakersfield City Council continues to be concerned about the formation of a CSA in that although the CSA would be managed through a Joint Powers Agreement, the Board of Supervisors cannot relinquish its statutorily provided ultimate authority and control over the CSA. Discussions have been held concerning the formation of a special district with a separate governing board. The issue of creating another governing body which, in addition to adding another layer of bureaucracy, would also serve to equalize control between the entities delivering � •• 1 ' . r � 1i. Board of Supervisors Status Report on Plan for Formation of a Metropolitan Bakersfield County Service Area for Park and Recreation Services March 1, 1994 Page 3 the services continues to play a role in the formation of this CSA. Additional progress in the implementation of the proposed park plan cannot be made until the master plan for the Metro Sports Complex is completed as well as the development of a plan for the capital improvement and enhanced maintenance of County parks. The development of these plans must be accomplished by those who have the necessary technical expertise, and vision regarding the provision of park services. P.cc�rdingly, IT IS RECOMl�.9El�DE�D 'hat your Board designate the Parks and Recreation Department as the lead department for the development and implementation of a comprehensive plan to deliver park and recreation services to the citizens of the metropolitan Bakersfield area. Sincerely, i��� � Joseph E. Dr County Administrative Officer ACK/ce/mbcsabos cc: City of Bakersfield Henry Agonia, North of the River Recreation and Parks District Bear Mountain Park and Recreation District Kelly Blanton, Superintendent of Schools Rick Wright, Bakersfield Community College District Kay Meek, Bakersfield Community College District Foundation Parks Department Waste Management Department Gen�ral Services County Counsel \11f,11"'���IIIII i///- . \`�1\�;r � �,. , � ,._ ��, „� . _ „�;N1�1Nww� � � ``i , "�v � �o� _� � �� �`° ---,,:,t'..�'-- �,��� 1.;,�,,,,�,���„ a MEM013AIdDUM G°3[�C�C��NIC�D " �1J�i1111 I , � ..c, ,, � ���o� ��������� ���o��f MARCH 16, 1994 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER �� FROM: GREGORY J. KLIMKO, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: AB 3505 PER CAPITA ALLOCATION OF SALES TAX The proposed Assembly Bill could significantly impact the City of Bakersfield in a NEGATIVE manner. I suggest we take some action to actively oppose this bill. Please let me know your thoughts on this matter. krc MGJK.14 cc: ,7ohn Stinson, Assistant City Manager Gail Waiters, Assistant City Manger � ��v� ' i!. ` � �ypURCF� � M �2 F R cC � v���w . Sy�y Tustin (714)258-3000 Date: To: From: MUNICIPAL RESOURCE CONSUi.TANTS A partnership of John T. Austin, Inc. & Allen W. Charkow, Inc. Viadera (209)�32-6039 March 14, 1994 San Ramon San Rafael (510) 838-1115 (415)485-2926 MRC Clients & Other Interested Parties IVlunicipal Resource Consultants (MRC) Subject: AB 3505: Per Capita Allocaiion of Local Sales/Use Tax BACKGROUND 32107 W.Lindero Canyon Road Suite 233 Wesdake Village, CA 91361 (818) 991-5220 Fax: (818) 991-5365 ����i�l�� �iAR 1 � 1994 FINANC� ��P�. Attached you will find a copy of AB 3505, which was put forth February 25, 1994, by Assemblywoman Valerie Brown, who is Chair of the Assembly Select Comnlittee on Restructuring Local Government. The intent of AB 3505 is for every jurisdiction within a county (including the county itsel� to receive the same per capita amount of the 1% loca� sales/use tax revenue. AB 3505 proposes to achieve this objective by allocating half of the countywide gro�vth in the 1% local sales/use tax to those jurisdictions whose per capita is below the countywide average. Specifically, under AB 3505, if there is "positive growth" in the countywide 1% sales/use tax revenue, the amount allocated to each jurisdiction would be determined as follows: 1. Each jurisdiction in the county (including the county itsel� would receive the same base amount of the 1% sales/use tax it received in the corresponding quarter of the prior calendar year. 2. Fifty percent ("Pot A") of the revenue growth would be allocated through a countywide pool to each jurisdiction equally on a per capita basis (the county's per capita allocation would be based on the unincorporated area population.) 3. Fiftv percent ("Pot B") of the revenue growth would also be allocated through a countywide pool, but only to those jurisdictions whose per capita is belo�v the countv�vide per capita after factoring in steps 1 and 2 above. Pot B allocations would be based on the difference between each jurisdictiori s per capita allocation and the countywide per capita allocation multiplied by each jurisdiction's population. If the Pot B revenue was insufficient to bring all jurisdictions up to the countvwide per capita, the Pot B allocation would be prorated. �.. 's c� Under AB 3505, if there is "negative growth" (a decline) in the countywide 1% sales/use tax revenue, the negative amount would be allocated countywide on a per capita basis by deducting each jurisdictiori s share of the negative from the base amount of the 1% sales/use tax it received in the corresponding quarter of the prior vear. In either case (couniywide growth or decline), under AB 3505, a jurisdiction's base amount would no longer be distributed according t� situs. FISC�L & ECONOMIC IMPACT/COMMENTARY Under AB 3505, if there is "positive growth" in the countvwide 1% sales/use tax it would benefit bedroom-based and heavily populated jurisdictions, providing they are below the countytivide per capita and the businesses accounting for the growth are not located in their jurisdictions. Our financial model indicates that, under AB 3505, growth in the countvwide 1% sales/use tax would create a windfall Eor bedroom-based jurisdictions in which only the wealthiest Californians can afford to live (such as �therton, Bradbury, Hillsborough, Los Altos Hills, Portola Valley, Palos Verdes Estates, Rolling Hills Estates, etc.) Under AB 3505, if there is "negative growth" (a decline) in the countywide 1% sales/use tax revenue, those jurisdictions �vhose per capita is below the countv�vide average would receive reduced revenue even if the sales/use tax revenue generated within their individual jurisdictions increased or remained level. In either case (countywide growth or decline), the AB 3505 pool allocations would compound the State Board of Equalization (SBE) pool allocation inequities by further shifting the sales/use tax away front "hos�' jurisdictions (who bear the cost of providing police, fire and infrastructure services to businesses) and distributing it to "non-host" jurisdictions (who do not provide, or share in the cost of providing, these services.) The balancing element which is missing from this proposed legislation is a method or fornlula to also distriUute countvwide the costs incurred bv host cities and counties who provide services to sales/use tax generating businesses in their jurisdictions. While this is seenlingly impractical and highly unlikely to occur, per-capita revenue sharing which does not factor in host jurisdiction service costs is not a fair approach. �Vere AB 3505 currently in effect, the base amount (which impacts the per-capita allocation) would be substantially understated for host cities and counties who provide services to manufacturing businesses, because oE SBE staff's pool allocation policies. Stated another wav, AB 3505 would permanently deprive host ciHes and counties who service manufacturing businesses of the corresponding sales/use tax revenue to which thev are entitled, but have not been receiving, due to SBE staff's pool allocation policies. E ; :-... -- - �, In addition to capping the deprived host jurisdictions by "locking iri' the present pool allocation inequities, AB 3505 would: ❑ Create an incentive for cities and counties to increase population by emphasizing residential development; and ❑ Promote an anti-business climate by eliminating any incentive for local government to retain or attract any type of businesses, jobs, or commercial/industrial development, because the host jurisdictions would not receive the additional revenue required to cover the cost of providing services (particularlv public safety) for the business employees, suppliers and customers. Considering that AB 3505 would make it fiscally undesirable for local governnlent to allow commercial/industrial expansion, it is reasonable to expect that there will be a widespread reduction of sales/use tax, or "negative growth." In this most likely event, how would AB 3505 be of benefit to any jurisdictions? CONCLUSION Bv re�varding bedroonl-based jurisdictions and penalizing business-based jurisdictions, AB 3505 would cause California's ciHes and counties to regard industrial and conlmercial uses as LULUs - Locallv Undesirable Land Uses. AB 3505 vvould thus promote an anti-business bias which would further undernline, if not destroy, California's conlpetiHveness in retaining and attracting businesses, jobs and tax base. Upon learning of the inlpact of SBE staff's sales/use tax pool allocation policies and recently proposed amendments to Regulation 1802, prestigious organizations such as the California Taxpayers' Association (Cal-Tax), California Manufacturers Association (CMA), California Association for Local Economic Development (CAL,ED), California Chamber of Commerce (CCC), Los Angeles Taxpayers' Association (LATAX), and host jurisdictions throughout California (who service manufacturing businesses) put the SBE on noHce, in writing, that thev support situs allocations and oppose pool allocations. California's businesses, and the cities/counties who provide services to them, need the SBE and state legislature to assist them in eliminating misallocations and promoting econoniic development. This is best accomplished by allocating as much local sales/use tax as possible directly to the host jurisdictions who bear the cost of providing services to the businesses. Statewide or countywide pool allocations only exacerbate existing problems bv distributing the sales/use tax revenue to non-host jurisdictions who do not provide, or share in the cost of providing, these services. If vour jurisdiction decides to comnlunicate its position on AB 3505 in writing, �ve ��ould appreciate receiving a copy. If vou have any questions or need additional information on AB 3505, please contact vour NIRC representative or John AusHn at (818) 991-5220. 3 GiiIFO&tiL� I.::t�;SiiiZiE—i59�-�4 .��.�,�:.Zi.� SUjIG�i �SS�1�13LY BI3...I. � ti o. 3�05 Introducsd by :�sszmnly l�iemDer �ialere Brown F� �r�arv ?5. I9�� ?�.: 3c_ �o amend Se�+�cn ?n�30 of. to ame�:ci �e hear�inQ of Cha�z�r �(camm.enc:.n.� �vi� ��c+�or_ jji00) of P� 2 of Di��w on 2 of Tit�e � ci, to ane�^G the headin; of �-r+c?e 1 (cor--�e�cinQ w-izh Se��cn ��'CQ) of CiZ3Dt2i � CS t�'3Ti � Of Di�� r�on ? of Ti�e � oi, �^ d to acic a--�c? e 2! coz�r�encing wit�i Sec��� »72fl) and ��cie 3�;comr�enc:n� w�tZ Se��on jj / JG.} LO C.13Dt�: J dI �a2'� � Oi .i Zv 1Si0I1 � OI 1 ZLZ �� Of, �le Go�-e��ent Coae. anc �o amenc Sec+�on 'r 244 o'r'. a.nd to add Sec�crs 72Q4.0�, 720�.0�, and � 2�-_.06 �o, the Reve�ue anc� Ta.�a�cn Code, reia�:� �o Ioc�I s�ies auci use taYes. L.C:Si�:'iVE CCL1�c�. S DIGS :� 3�05, as in�oduc�3, V. Br::��z-r. L�c� sa?es and use taYes: revenue allocstica. ( I; E.i stin� law authorizQs a ccuuty ooar3 af ��e�v-isors, ii the �oard so asre�s bv c�ntrwc � wit� the Statz Board o£ Equzizatron, to estabLish a loc�i �a�s�ortation fr�d in the couri�% treasury. It provides that �e cotinty saaIl deposit in t�at :.:nd all rzoneys �ansmirtec to t�e county by �he board that are deriveG from �hat portion of couz�tv ta.�ces puxsuant to i�e �r�dlev-Burns L:r.�i.�''orm Loc.:i Sales and L;se Ta.Y Law at a rate in esc�ss of 1�'o . T� �ill would ins�4aC proviGe `+�at ye county s�za.�,l deposit in a lcc� trans�ortatca fund a.L �onee�s ��zsmi�za bv the bo�r� �at are at-�ibu�ble to cot:nty ta.Yes purs�:ant to the Braclev-Burns Unifor� Lccal Sz?es a�� T;se Ta.Y Lativ that revr�sznt the revenues �ene: ated bv a 0.?3 �'o rare. (?` ��stn� Iativ w-i� respec= to loc3l �o�%e�mental ; ,,, a�e�c:�s pro�zces for `Le 3DLOi�.G?^� e^'t �]e'tZVB°II =.w'� 3L*IOII� 94 '30 i I :3B 3��5 — = — those a�e�cies oz �r�venues der�ed �om �.��s inposed pursua.n't to the Brarley-B � 1 T;r�rorm Locai Sa.ies and Lse Ta.Y Law, wher� a�poruonmenr �s necessar� fer ecuitable dis�-:cuiion oi r�venLe� in liQat of the establis�.ert or ne�� retail estacLsh�e^ ` wi'r�ir_ the 3u�-T.sdictonal �ct:-:c.�ies of a o ve� lccal a�e^c�T. T�is b'uI wouic acci�:onally r�quire t4at ir_ t�_� ca..�� of a newly incer�cra_=^ ci�y, the ini�al pe: c�pita �?ec��en oi reve�ue derive� from taxes irnposed pur��:a:.� to the � Brac:Iev-3ur�s L�or� Loca.I Saies and L;se Ta.� La�.v sha�i be e�aual to t�he �er ca�iLa allocaton of thosz r�venues to t�nincoraor�tec ar�a.s oi the cou�ty in w'ruc� �e c;Ly is Iocat�d. Tizis 'oill wou?c, u�c� a cha.n�e oi oro�izatcr_ ��sLar�t to spec��ied prov�:sic�, r��uire that any city anr.� �= �e:�-:ton- receive a�er ca�i�2 a.11eca�on oi r�ve�ue deT�-e� �or� ca.Yes irn�ose� pu:s�z� �o �e Brad?e�--Burzs Lniior-� Lcc�t Saies and Lsz Ta.� L2�Y, w-iL; respec: to ��.at annes�r :e�torv, ecual to the per c��ica allec� �on or re��e^ `z �cr the jursc.ic+�on ��x-� .��.ica the tz��oi-y was ar�e>e�. T'tus bill w oulc autaor.ze anv � countv, cicy aac cou�tv, and ci�{; ine?udi�; a cZa.* �er czry; pur�ua�t to a con��c_ s�:bJec: �e t�.e reuuis�me�:-s oi s�ecir�ed ��a�utes to a��or`e� Le�ve�� or amon� tne�z�vzs �e revenue de:zv ed �orn 3 sales and use tati c�lle��ed:or t: em'�v the state. Itwould aiio authorize a couniy, citv a�C coun�, or ci�; inc?udin� a c�TMzr city, to appor�on t�at revenue betwe�n itself an.d a re�eve?opment age^cy locatec wzi�iu t.�at Iocal jurisdicuon. It wculd further provide that ne impe�i�on o£ a�y local sales or use ta.Y, or substantially �T--�� -T ta.Y, and no �ethod of apporo�ment of revenLes der�ve� �� om those ta.�es betwe�n or ar�onP Ioca1 "juriscictions, sLa1 ce pe.�nirtzd esce�t as autaor:z.e� bv stat��te. (3i Tne �r:s�� Braclev-Bu��*� Uniiorn Loc�.i �aies and L se Ta.Y Law au�:cr..z�s a countL- to impose loc� _aies and use taYes, as provice� , at a rate of 11 {`�o. It fur+�er r�auires that a countv coa�ac: �ti-i� �he Scate Board of Eaualiz.s�on for the armtnTStra�ic� ar_d collec+son ei Iocsl sales an� �sz taYes so im�esed, ane : �ct:i: �s tae l�oarc co tr��it c�ile���� ta.Yes to Ioc�� anci�es �e�ocicsiiv as �r:rr�tiv as �e:�icle. �o Ie�s than �s ico — 3 — _iB 3505 twic� i� esch calen'cya�- auaxter. This :;'Ll woul� adcti�onally recui: � i.n the case of coun�ies e.r�e:-ie�c:n� posi�ve or nega�ve �°owth, as provi�e�, with res�e�= to local sales and use ta; revenues, that t�e total 2S.oun::, of those re��enues coIle���d wi'rhhui a cou�L •, with eez-`� esceptiorw, be allocat� : �o ta�n� jurT�cic�ans, as de=.nec, within a count;� in acccrGance w-ith s�ecifie3 for�t:las. (1) Tjis bill wouici pro�zde yat i� may be cite� as �e Saies Ta.� Scac �uization �d Eaualiza�on �ct of 199�. Votz: �ajority. ��oropratio�: no. Fisc�I cornnit�e�: yes. Stat�-�a :dated local pro�±-am: no. I � J a j 6 ? 8 9 10 l I. L I3 I4 I3 I6 1?' I8 19 �fl 21 �� � 7:t 23 Z'�e �e�ale or `�e S'rate or CaliferzTa do enac: as follows: ��CTIO�+ :. Tr.is act mavi ce cited as �e Saies Ta.� Sc����aticr �:_c Eaua.liza�oa 3ct oi 199�. � SLC. 2. Secuan 2�330 oi `�e Government Code is a.�e_^_ded eo -�ac: - ?�3�0. If `�e board of s��e*��isors so as-=es bv cor�ac+: �vit�! `�e Scate Boar� of Eaualiza�on, t'�e board of s��e.rvisors shall establ.isn a Iocal �ans�orta�on �d in the county � easury and shai? deposit in the �•�d all re�� enues tra�mirted to the coL.ntv bv the State Board of EcL:alization under Sec�oa �?Q4 of the Rever �e and Ta.�a�on Code,. �vhica are e�? :�� re=�r a� � �rtributable to ta.Yes impose� by tk�e county r= s� ��g e�F :� pursuant to Part 1.3 (com�encing wi� Se��on i200) of Di�ision 2 of that coce that repr�se:�t t'�e reve�ues �enerared by a 0.� perc��t rate, Iess an allocs�on of the cost of �e sez�vvic�s of t�e Sta�e Bc� 3 of Equaiization in a�m�nTGterin� the sales and use ta.� ordinanc� related to `he rate ia escess of 1 �erc�nt a�c of the Di.r�ctor of Trars�or}ation a�ad the Controller i� a�'mtnT�ter:�Q the respoasibilities assi�ned to �im or her :n Cha��zr �(commenc=: ��vith Sec�on 9�?00�) of P�-= II of Diy;sion 10 0� t�e P�Dlic litilities Coce. �v inter�st or other income �araed bv inves�ent or r , - ot�er-.vise or :.:�e 1ecsl �ans�or�a�on fund shall ac�rue to a:_c �e a pa.r= of u�ie �-unc. ss i� � J��j I 2 3 a j 6 r i 8 9 10 IZ L IJ Ia 1�7 16 1'� 18 i° ?Q 21 9�7 �J 2? � 26 ?� 28 � 30 31 32 33 34 3� 36 �� SEC. 3. The heac�� of Cnapter �(comrsencin� wzth Se��on �� � C�0) oi P:r 2 of Division � of Tite � of the Gover.�ment Coae is amende3 to read: C���� �. T�.� S��c, �,z,oc�rro�; :�:vD a uT'rOi3IZ�TIO_V SEC. a. Tae hea 'ci.ng of �►--�c?e I(con�encinQ wzth Se��on �3700) of C: ��ter 3 of Par 2 of Divisio� 2 oi Title 3 or `he Gove:�e�.� Ccee is aznended to reae: ?�-ticle 1. ��aor�onsnent ��djus�e�t for Bracley-Burns Revenues Sr.C. �. �c?e ?� commeac•:n� with Se��on ��72fl) is ad�e� to Chante: � ci Par� 2 of Division ? oi Tit'_e 3 of the Gover�ent Code, to read: ��cle 2. Bradle��-3ur•�s Reve�ue �11oca�on Lpon Or_^: izatonai Chan�es jj i 20. In the casz of a ne��Iy incorporatet� ciiy, the uuua.i per capifia allocaaan or reve�ue to tha* cit;r shall be euuai to the per capita allocation of revenue to unincornorated arers of the count�r. �3�?i. L"pon a cYan?e of or�aniza�on pursuaut to Divisioa 3(commeacing with Sec+�on 36000) , any city aaae.�da� ter.ztory shall recsi� e a per capita. allocation or rzve�ue wi� respec� to the a�exed. territor;r eQUal to the per capita allocaton of revenue for the jurisdiction from wbic� the ter.:tor;r was a.nn.esed. �7j ['�2. For purposzs of t�.us artrcle, "a-eveaue" �as the same xne3nin� as that te:m is de�neci in Sec�on 3� � 02. SEC. 6. �cle 3 i comr�enc•:ng with Se��OII jj t JO� 1S adc�e� to Chaater � oi Part 2 oiDitizsion 2 of TiL?e 3 of the G.�ve�ment Code, to read: ss i-o � I 2 3 4 j 6 7 8 9 IO II I2 I3 lg Ij 16 Ii 18 I9 �� ?I Z 23 2? � 26 27 28 29 30 3I 32 33" 34 35 36 37 JS JJ 40 ej_. �B 35�5 �.rc:e 3. Loca.i. Ta.Y Im�osi�on and Reve^�e ���oror.�e�t �.:, � 30. (aj P•srsL.ant to a contract subje�� to the r°.^. 'L'T°�@IltS Of Ce�`OIIS jJ i Oj; jj i �6, aIl� 7� � U l, 3II,V COLZ�L;v, C:LV 3IIQ C�L'L't;T, 3IIQ CZ�;�, LIIC�11dlIl;' 3 C�3T�°� CZt'V, ma�� 3D�OLtrOA ben�e�n or a.�on� them t�e revenue cer'�: e� from a saies and usz c�:, irnpose3 by `�..^ em and coLe�ted or'-�e� bv =�e state. � count�i, city anc county, ar c:�r, i,nclucin�- a c�arer cit;Y, rnay also appor�:an that reve�ue be±-cve�� iTSZ:� and a re�evelopment a�ency loc�t�� wz�in that lcc?I jur�scic�on. ('c) �io impositon or a�y lccs.l saies or use ta�, or sL�stan�ally su--^�i?ar tax, and no me�:oG or a��cr�on�ent of t�e _-zvenues de�ved from t�osz taYes be�z een and a*non� local jur�: dic�ons, s��all be pe_T-^�:iite� esc��t as aui�or'zea by s�atute. Sr.C. 7. Sec�or_ ��_0� of t�'�e Re��enue a.�c la.Yation CCG° IS 3Ii7.@�G°C LO : �3G{: :'�_0�. (z� <�1I saies and �e ta.i�s collect�� bv the CL3�° B02rQ 02 �_LIa.!1Z3�OR FLIISLT2IIL �0 COIILrwC� �'vZ � 3IIV ci�;:, ci'ry ane county; rzdeve?eprne�t a,�ency, or couniy sh� be t=an_�mTt�� b� the boarc to �► t�a'r ci�r, cit;r ar_c count;Y, redeve!opmen� a�enc¢�, cr county percdically as prornptly as feasibie. 'ihe �a.ns�irtaLs rect:ired unde: `�is szc�on sn�?I be made at le•ast �vice in each calenr'_ar al:arter. (�1 i1) �-c�pt as provide� zn para�-apn ("_), all reve�ue co1le�:ed wirlun a couar-✓ pursuaat to t�is part sh� be allocste� ia ac�ordaac� wit1� 5ectioa �204.04 if t�:a'r couaty e�e:ieacsd posi�ve ��-ow�h in reveaues as dere.�ined pursuaIIt to subdiYisior� (c), a�d in ac��rc?a�ce wi "r� Sec�oa ??Oa.05 if t�at c�univ e.r.;ere�ced LePa�ve �-owta in revenues as aece�ined pcz�-s-�aat to subrivision (c). - !?) T.ais se�^cn a�c Sec�oa.s ?204.04 aad i=0s.0� sha11 ncr aDply witjz res�er: to iBCr=�e�ta1 reve�ues to be allccate� r.n accor:a�c� wi'rh a Wriite� a�-e��e�t to a re�eYe?opme�t aQe�cy, or to reveaues to be Ce�osi'red in a�cc::1 �-ans�or-a�on �-z:�d as descrced in Sec�erz 29530 :s isa � .1 /�!� . civV:i ? 2 3 � j 0 r & 9 10 1I I? 13 14 I� I6 1i 18 19 20 21 22 ?3 �? �y 26 2i 28 29 JO 3I 32 JJ 34 JJ J� 3i Jtg J� � � of t^e Gover:�ent Code. Reve�ues collect�d pursuant to `�is part, tharma;raot be allocstz� with re.s_:,e�_* to any i�zcr�ridual cor�nr�� sra11 be allecate� by the board ia the sa�e maaner as ot�er fuacs allocate�' by the boa_rd frorzi 2a ��UI23.IIOC3fz'� StcL'BTn�Z�E.' DGOI. '� r c� For przroses of ;�cai��sioz� (b), a county e.::,ere�csd posiave � ow� i� reveaues wne� the cor�rytivide sales �d use fa� reve�ue colle�:°�+ for the relevarzt euar�er oi t�e c•.�T-��x'r caleadar year e�uals or eYCS�ds �e cocu��r�rvide re��e �ue collecte� :L�'r� respect to �e corz.s�oadi�� cuar�r i� �e prior c�ie�dar year. For curposes of suddivisior (bj, a count�� e.�er.'enced �e?��ve �-owca in rzvenues w�ea tfie cou�*�rwide sales aad �zse ta�re�:e�ue colleccz� ior the relevar_t euarter of t�e c�.:rz�'r cale�car yeaz- is le�s thaa the countywide sa�es a�d use taY revenues co1le��-ed with rzs�e�r to the cor.-� �aor_cias cuar�er i� �:e aror calencar yea.r. Sr.C. 8. Se�ron i?0-.0� :s aCCe� to the Revenue anc Ta,wCon Coce. �o reac: r 204.Oa. (a) For e�c� coizr.�� e.�cperie�c�� pesiave � ow�'1z in revenues, as de'te:mined pur��t to sub�tizs-�on (c) of Sec�on � 2fl^_, the sales anc use tax reve�ues coLecie� w:thi� `�e c�untv and avasable for ailccs�on shall be allccat�d as foIlcws: (1) For `�e �Tst c�ienca..T ve3r ror which �-us �z�+�on is operative, each ta�er_; ju�:...�c.'ic�on shall �ec�ive each calendar quarter an anount eaual to the actual amoun� of saies and use ta�es coilecte� wit� that jur:sdiction dur�� the c�rres�ondin� quarter in the pror calendar ye�.r. For eac� calendar vear the: eafter, each ta�nQ jur�cic�on shall rec�ive eac�. calendar quartzr an a.mount equal te the allocs�on rzc°ived pursua.at to this se��on or Se�uon iZQ�.03 for t?�e correspondinQ auarter in :^ e prior eslendar � ear. (�) L;nless otie^L;�z re�uirz� bv para;-a�h (4j, 30 per:.sat of t'�e re*n t-�Tn, bal�ce shall be dis�--ibuted purssant to subeivision (b). (�i Lnless othe:�z:se reauirec ov para�-:-a�h (?), �0 perc�nt of the rem�iu; baia�c� shall �e uis�.�DUted DL:iSi�2�TIt t0 SLl�.`QlVISiCII �Ci . 49 °pU I 2 3 g j 6 7 8 9 i0 11 I2 IJ I� Ij I6 1� 18 19 20 2I 22 23 �a � 26 2? 28 29 30 3I 32 33 34 Jc7 J6 J! 38 39 40 — i — � 3JflJ ��-; Wher� the amouat ci the remainin; balanc� w-cu� be exc�s�ed by t�ie rzrsoaa.ble ana aecessary casts cf .^'�.isuibu�� tnai amount, �at amount shall be cariea fcrLard for pur�oszs oi dete-��nTng for the c�r-�sponain� caleadar aua°:�r in the follow-�:n� year pcsi�ve or nega�ve o owr� :� reve�ues as deined by su:=.civision (c j of Se�tion 7�_Qa. (.':) The pe-C°*aL3?? oi `�e remainin: balance aesc=ice3 in para�aph l? � oi subdivisiori (ai snall be ai'_ccaLed on a.n ecuivalent per capita basis. For pu_�oses o� �is subditi-ision, "equivale_t pe: capita basis" means t�±=� the allocaie� per capita �.�ount for each jur:sdicton i � �uivalent. �c; For each county subjec� to this sec�on, t.he State Bcard of ECU3Il23IIOR s�a � make the iollowin� c� _°�nina�ons and caicslatc�s: . � �:='� Dete�iae for each t:..:�Q jurlsciic�on ��-ithin the c��.c;�, the tctal ancunt aLcc���� p�rsuant to para� aph (? ; cf subditiL�-�orl (a'� and sti�civision (b j. ,. ?; Divi�' e:he aznou�� calc�.zlateti purs�:ant to p� �m-apn ( I) by the pc�ula�on for �e ta.�en� jt:� -�.sc.iction. � i 3; Divide the total ar�c�t of sales a.ne use ta.Y re�: enues collecte� in �e i�corporat�� and ��:corporate� area of the cct:n.� bv the total pcoula�on er �e ta�� jurisdic�ons in che county. ;1� Subtract for each ta�; jurisdicaon, thz amount ca.�c•.:lated pursuant to para� aph (�?) from the anzount c�c•.ilated. iu paragra�h (3} . t; c) The percenta�e or t�ae remainin� balance cesc:ibed in. para�raph (31 oi subdivision (a) shall be ai?ccate� as follows: i 1 i��s to aay ta:dug jul-*�cic�on that has a positive , . ,... r.—�rence for the cslc�:..�a�on made purs�aut to p� a�*aph �1) oi sucaivision � c;; , the allocation shall be in aY �ount zcuai to the procL:c� of t7e amount cslcuiated p�-R:ant to para�aDh (1) o'r sub�.ivision (c) aud the t��a j12I'ISCIC�OII's populatcn_ � t'; If the araount idea�e� in parsm-ap:c (3) of s`�c:�zsion (ai is insuft=�cie =� to ma.ke t�:e allocstions �e �=o :� JJ�S 1 2 3 � � 6 ? $ 9 1�0 I1 12 LJ .?� i,., 15 1�i. . 18 1� ?q �1 � �: �� �� 25 2'� � 29 30 JI 32 33 � J� „_ Jv 36 ,,.. Jl JFS 39 s0 — � — c_'c�,�at�d �ursuant to para�a�h (I) , t�e allcca�ons shall Le re�LC�� on a prcraL�d basis to all ta.�� jur��ictroas ��:� ao�itive cuie:e^ces ior the calcnla�oa made �urssant to para�ra�n f�) of subc:vision (c j. The proratons shall be mace as s�e��ed i.n subci�zsion (e) . �3) L, a.��er alieca�ons ar� made pt:r�uant to �ara, aph � 1) , funds = zmain fron the amou�"�t i�e�tined r�Tl �a:�sra�h (�� Oi SL1CGiVLIGII (a), thai bala�c� s�ail be alecat�� so '-taat all ta��� jur;sr�ic�ors rec�ive au e�ui�%aie_t peT caniLa ailoc3ttoa. FoP puraoszs oi this cara�-aph, "equivalenz per capita alloca�on" Sji131I II3V2 �ae sa�e me�inQ as "e�uiv aient �e� ca�ita bas�s" in SuCCttiiSiOA (b). _ � (e) For pu�roses oi para�-aph (2) of subc:�z..�on (d), _ rera�or� shall be made pursuant to the ioLlowin; Or"�'L2 w��'i...�'.L*I 23C� CCLITI�:: (�j �Or 2.J. �3.�21g JirricCIC�OL'S �'2L r12VZ �CSIIIV@ �=�zr°�c�s for t'�e calc•,z�a�o� made p�Tr�ant to �ar3�3D� (�'_) Of S1:DC:vZiCII (c), calc�.ilate ��e tetal of �ose �e��a�ons. (=; Di�zde '-�e gopuia�or_ ot e�cn ta�; iur:s�ct�en Lv �@ 3..'r'YOIlIIL C31C`.112L�,^y' DllIS112I1t t0 p8S3�'3DII ( Z� . ��j The aznount aLccat�� �0 Z3Ct2 �3.'flII? jLII'T�C�2C�OI1 s�:al be tae �roduc� oT �e �ount calcuiatec aursuarit to D2I3�3Dt2 (2) a.nd �e a.mo�.�t calc�.ilate� �ursuant to �ara�apn (3) of subci�ir�oa (a! . SEC. 9. Sec�on i Z4�?AS is aaded to �he Rzvenue and Ta.�aton Code, to res�: i 244.0�. ( a) For e3ch couaty e.�eriencin� ne�ative Q ow�� in reve�ues, as determined pursuant to s�:cc:i�zsion (c) of Sec�on i 20?, the sales a�d usz ta..�es colle���� wi� the count� shait be allocaiea te each �a.�^,..n� jur�sdic�on in t'�e same tot3l amount as i.n the prior verr, ?ess the a.mou�t calcuiate� in subclivision (b) . �(b) For pur�oses oi _ubcivision (a) , the S�ate Bcard of �cl:�:za�oa snail do �e �ollo�viag: (I; Deter�ni.ne t�e di�ereac� betwe�r_ the total �OL'I=� 3110C3t°Q �O �i`I° t3.'CZ�]LLT'ISCIIC�OIIS III �I@ COl1IIlti" in `�e co�es�cncin; au�-t�r of �e prior c�Iendar vea� anc �:�e �otal a.�oi:�: coLe�:z� ia �e c°arr�rt cLa..�er. :�s ��;�: I 2 3 4 j 6 i 8� 9 10 11 I2 13 I4 I� 1& I7 18 i9 20 2I � — 9 — �B 3�U5 (2) Divide the amount calc�.ila.te� pursu�t to para�*aph (I) by the totai popuiation oi the �a�dn� jurisc�ic�ons in the county. (3) tifultiply t3z� a=nouut calc�.ilate�i pursLa�t to para�raah (2) by the poputation of eac� ta.�ag jLS'•SaIC�30B lII �@ CO11IItV. SEC. 10. Se�^�on 72Q4.06 is added to the Reve�ue and Tasaton Code, to read: 7204.Q6. For purposes of Sec�ons 7�Oa, i Zpg,pg, aad 7?Oa.05: (a) Popuiaton shall be determined accoraia� ta the most re��nt annual estimate oi the Paptalation Research T�nii in the Depar�eut of F'inancs. lipon the re :uest of aay ciiy, county, or ci�;� and county, the resear�a uni.t sizall re°stimate izs populai�on if the re�uestin^ eaa't;f has e.cr�ere�ced au an.ae.�aaoa subseQUent to the Iast re�eral c�asus. Ress�ates shall be pe:-rormed consistea� with Sec+�on 210 r 2 oi 'rhe S�eas and Highways Coae. (b j"Taxi.n.� jurisdic�on" me� a.ny cit;r, cit;r and courty, or county that has con�acted wiuz the State Boara of Ecualizaaon pursuant to Section 7?02. �❑ � �40 � Sa� ES '�X �`'.�It�CZl MEt''•t"'��..DIC�� ��nzn.ar� a3 3�05 ^��'�25 � rev'se t'� met�^.a: ''..y whi.� :s zllc�t` «__.�.:.*z e�c: c...�B'tt_�. L�x'.n_ A3 3505, t':e jr=�ic�.'.:.. �= Y� ccrs.is� o=: Z) a�� amcc... ���� :.-y a ; :�--�s :=�..�cn iT. ��^.� .pr�r_ct:s ��r; cf anra:a? sZ� ��x :-=v�*�:,e wL�-..�? c�..' :�'��• rP- V� Z� Z� U T AC � �II�3it 3� 1C�.3�: ''� P.3�C'� ^-t - t'^.a t_,^t3? a1Zcc3t `cal � 2) a s��'.are cf t'^.s g�r� �•..e '•� _w ` " zzve.*� fcr a �s:c� �s ���� =.:c: t.ao ec.zal r.�.r`s, Ftt � ar� � B. �� s��'�:�. tn aL ci'-..�� wi�.'�:n a�.�c� ar� t�^� �r c,c�.T-�*.^� �: zT �:al r.� cz�� � Y�.a.s:s . Pcr t'^.� ���zs cf t'zis f�r-*,T �, t''� Z? ? CCc:t�.r^. �...^, t'^� C�:'S:tT 'S bZSr3d G7 L.�"Z,�.'9�.Zxi�t.�� c rT'� �:lZt:.C�i. �L 3 s z�: �._:.�t`'� cn a p� c�i}a :.ass, �r crL.y t� "�e�iol.e" j�,�^:s.: :c�`�s . �; gi�; , ; � � is �..��i..-� iy � jt...T--: �_< ..._�cn's p� �i'-� �es t�x �ve*a� �..,r�.' t� t'�� �ac�wir.e av���. I= a��^-�_s:�_�..:cn's �r �_r.iy3 sal�s � rwe^.� (at`� �=vi.�r, s� �r�.^s y� :.�sa amc�z:t a.r� � A s:^are) s' le�s ��.^� i.� ���*a�1e c�..��� -'D av�� r.� �^'_-.� (t.,-�? sa? � tax ��*s:e �Lee�.=.' :.y all jurs�ic�..�crs w_ ,.i^. �,e c�__� div�_� by t.:�? �:�_�w:ce �uia`cn) , t'�at j��c=�.�crs �s+�c�_: ie �c� �n a1? c�ticrs �� Pe�t B. '� ac-..:z? �cL� amccmt di°=Te.*� ce_-.�*� t'�.:e cz.::..�ce av�*ace ar� t'^.e 7t.�^^�c'`c:'s ��iy.a is t�� ��n_�-r� � 'C..._'��_�.3 c�.IDGL'!!C t'`2L jt�''� �:��..�G'I '� �C'�? � ��'..^� i2CL'�VE. .ai �°= -''`' �.. �: i T f ZJ :S CET.� �' .*'.�+ �`� �OL"t1�;�i "A'°'' ar? �', V 2�CI j L'S°��..�.C�'�iCII �..''°_ �.."C2? � �' :..'. "emnr�i -:E t�=.o �Sr�-r+t 2I:L'.t.+:C °25E�.�� .°� :.iZ �:t B yv^ �:��"� 3� ? L•�cw-av��-z ���ic-�crs L:_. a t'^_e c�...���e �v��.�. 'L'i.s t..--��1 zmc� :�� is tsr c.�z._*-�.°: � t� ac'-...:zi �..,.r ,, �:.� o; � i av�.....__ � �t B. Typi�Zy, t':° ��"'a T �.^.��. r. : dII .Y.tIIiC S � �'' � .°�'' `�""' 'a �:� �:L �+: � i2GI E� �C'r.�.E �t...^--�c..: czz _;T r�=ves a�..-�cr..=cra s::�� c= i� .�e�i....,i cn a�r �ita rzss. '�. :.s j=-� s ceT»-,� ^_� Ly t'�.,e �T�o oi t..�� :� H ava � � a�ie � t,^c:l �L B *�'�' _ For ��..�? _, ass.�e ��t �T`,�T � ���..acr: c� -=� �� (pr_cr y��- z� , c�u,n) r� _'^.e Fcc ?� s.'^.�--_ ci sal� l�x _�wt:, `� foL' �r� c�...�amx a...:�.s i*� C..�.t�r �: - . ctai�y���.� ave.*�c�e = SZOO r� �i� Of 6�t.�' -=' c-.rens in t'�� �.�r, 2�� i:e? cw � ecc��wic?�e av�v�*�c2_ �'ts,_s�:.c=� 1 i�s a��i'-� sa? ��c cf 59C ar� a�? atcn os 1,000. " �'ts•:s��._� 2 i�zs z c� �ita saL� L� cr $�� � a p�u�7.at'_cn of 2,Q00. - � ,er,e�..�.� „aa; � �}. ; g 3.II � B 15 $3r� � 00� e '�":e 1.,-+�" �:�y�.3 �nct..^.t5 tyer'""...._.�a='� t:. .'^.r''_`� ,���^'�:�' cr5 I ar� 2 t� t� t� c:.z��wi�e av��e �-� SIO ar�c 5:.0 ��i� r�ec.._vely. ��e t,^t3t �ait r�� in � 3� a,��iev�e t'�:s gca� wct:? d be SL' e, eoc ci? c.slaz�? as f^..Lews: (J�_s�.-�.=:-._� 1��i=.a ne� x JL..•^�c._c� I�lat'_cn) - . (uti..=-_s: =c��:�: 2��pi� n� x v��~��c-�ci 2�?at:cr.) = t� amct�.- :*� r.e�'� _. � 3 t:. �r y�elc,w av�*-�..ce jt.:�'_c._c�^s t� �c�::._�w=c� av��ce � ($io x =, �co} - (��o x �, cco) Jt�'�'_c_=.. 1 r� _ $i0 , OGO ^�'�..'. 'L�2 '�� 2.I.'�i..a":t �cV''�.�j �...^? � L �L�._c`._�s � =.*�c 2 �^��ve T�,OCO = SL' Q, CCO . Jt�:s::,'_;�..m� _ :. '' _ $1CO,OCO *2 �� 3 S�0� C� `�� flE°� � r u� :�� , CCO :'�'..�.-:ves.y L-� �`L 3.