HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/03/94 BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM June 3, 1994 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY CO~ ~ FROM' ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The Hammons people did accept the offer as discussed by Council at the last Executive Session. Everything appears to be on track and moving forward. 2. There is a brochure enclosed on an educational session we are sponsoring relative to cutting red tape in getting permits issued. 3. There are a variety of Council Referrals enclosed including one on a temporary closure of Coffee Road north of Brimhall, one regarding two bills pending before the legislature, status report on a CUP for Valley Wireless, one on Panorama Drive and Chester Avenue pavement conditions and, finally, one on Sacramento - Community Efforts. 4. Enclosed is a memo from the Planning Department on our current population estimates, as well as future projections. This shows Bakersfield in 13th place in terms of the largest California cities with a growth rate that exceeds most of the other large communities. 5. The Co-Gen people did make first contact with us about the $'½ million park donation. We will set up processes to discuss the road access to that park with the developer. It would also require amaintenance district. We will coordinate these discussions with Councilmember Smith. 6. Staff is somewhat unsure what to do with speed bumps - there seems to be a diversity of opinion on the Council. We thought it was in Committee, but now was referenced to come back to the full Council at the last meeting. 7. The meeting with the residents on the burn dump health assessment has been set for June 7th. 8. The Fire Union did ratify the contract offer! 9. Council has expressed ongoing concerns with levels of Police staffing. Statistics for the year show that we could reinstate the overhire program without exceeding the budget, due to turnover. You may recall that, during last year's fiscal crisis, we eliminated those five positions. It is an unusual practice to allow overhiring, but as long as it could be monitored so the budget is still OK, it may be the easiest way of addressing a concern. I am leaning toward restoring it - please call if you have concerns or wish more information. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL June 3, 1994 Page -2- 10. We may be able to get a free professional survey done of our island areas to help us know how best to appeal to the residents about annexations, what their fears are, etc. I will keep you informed if it develops. AT.al b Enclosures cc: Department Heads City C1 erk BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEN.T~ · MEMORAND/ ~ TO: Alan Tandy, C~ty Manager If/ FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works D~rector DATE: May 31, 1994 SUBJECT: COFFEE ROAD - TEMPORARY CLOSURE NORTH OF BRIMHALL ROAD Staff has been working out the details of the proposed temporary closing of Coffee Road by the AT&SF Railway Company to permit reconstruction of the crossing area. The railroad company is going to remove the timber planking, raise the south track, install new concrete planking, and construct pavement tie-ins. The new planking will be prefabricated with new heavy rails. This will avoid closing the crossing in the future when the secondary track is upgraded for AMTRAK service. The road closure will be initiated at 10 p.m. on Friday, ~[une 24th. The road will be reopened on Monday, June 27th at 6 a.m. Traffic will be detoured to the west to Calloway Drive during the closure. Traffic Engineering has provided a detour signing plan for use by Santa Fe. D14 MANAGR16,FLK cc: Steve Walker, Traffic Engineer RECEWED COTY MANAGER'S OFF~CE BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM .~ ~/_June 1, 1994 TO' ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: TRUDY SLATER, ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST II ~~ SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL #13254 Council referral #13254 asks for a status report on two bills, AB 3156 and SB 1615. AB 3156 (Tucker) deals with emergency medical services under county control. The CSAC-sponsored bill, which was lobbied heavily for by counties as well as by private sector emergency medical providers, failed in the Assembly Ways and Means Committee on a 3-12 vote after being passed on by the Assembly Health Committee after an initial failing vote. The California Ambulance Association {sponsor of the bill) has indicated it does not intend to pursue the issue the remainder of this legislative session. SB 1615 (Wyman) provides that specified graffiti damage is classified as a separate misdemeanor. It doubles existing fines and community service for the -first and second graffiti offense and triples the community service for the third offense--thus changing the punishment for a crime. In addition, the bill increases punishment for graffiti on streets or highways, making it a misdemeanor for any person to graffiti signs, signals or other traffic control devices of a street or freeway in an obstructing manner. The bill increases the punishments for graffiti and creates a misdemeanor for specified graffiti with an intent to create a greater deterrent for these crimes. The bill is supported by the California District Attorney's Association, Neighbors Against Graffiti (NAG), and Anti-Graffiti Units of the Fresno Police Department. The bill was passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 19, 1994 and the Senate Floor on May 19, 1994. The bill was forwarded to the Assembly Committee on Public Safety. No further action has been taken on the bill. (m0601943) MEMORANDU May 26, 1994 [t,~ ¥ MANAGEFI'$ OFF~CE! TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: Stares Repo~ regarding Condifidnal Use Pemit ~5039, Broadcasting Tower and ~sociated Equipment for Valley Wireless Cable, l~ated at 8101 ~he Road. On May 16, 1994, a memorandum was sent to you in response to COUncilwoman Brunni's request regarding the above-mentioned conditional use permit. In that memorandum our department identified three conditions that were deficient. The following items were to be in compliance by May 23, 1994: 1. Install "no trespass" signs on site. 2. Apply dust binder to access road (Mc Cutchen Road). 3. Remove storage materials from parking area to make useable. Department staff coordinated work efforts with Mr. Don Burns, III, Chief Operations Manager for Valley Wireless. Valley Wireless is under different ownership than the group who received approval of the conditional use permit and the new management was not aware of the conditions. Mr. Burns was very cooperative and completed the requested concerns by the deadline. My staff has investigated the site and confirmed that the deficiencies have been corrected. All conditions of approval are now in compliance with the conditional use permit. JE:km m/cup5039.1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director~~~..~ DATE: May 26, 1994 SUBJECT: PANORAMA DRIVE PAVEMENT CONDITION CHESTER AVENUE PAVEMENT CONDITION (Councihnember Patricia J. DeMond - Ward 2) Councilmember Pat DeMond contacted staff about the first of May relative to the condition of the two above-referenced streets. Mark Leal checked the areas for condition. His reports are attached. We note that both locations are included in the resurfacing project that will be underway this summer. Attachment CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS COMPLAINT MEMORANDUM/SERVICE REPORT TO: FRED KLOEPPER, ACTING PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE 5-4-94 FROM: MARK LEAL, STREET SUPERINTENDENT TIME SOURCE OF CALL: Councilmember DeMond 872-3806 NAME PHONE NO. ADDRESS NATURE OF CALL: Chester Avenue under the Southern Pacific Railroad is in need of repairs. · PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING AND RETURN TO DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS INVESTIGATED BY: Mark Leal DATE 5-4-'94 TIME CONDITION FOUND: There are numerous repairs on sunken areas under the structure. The ride quality is poor. ACTION TAKEN/REMARKS: Chester Avenue from the Garces Circle to 34th Street has been carried over from the 1993-94 Capital Improvement Budqet. It is scheduled, however, to go to Council May 18th for advertising. Construc- tion should beqin by September 1, 1994. WORK COMPLETED: DATE October 1994 TIME SIGNATURE: -' X, White- Division Yellow - Director of Public Works Green - Pending D4 :M~COMP16 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS COMPI~INT MEMORANDUM/SERVICE REPORT TO: FRED KLOEPPER, ACTING PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE 5-4-94 FROM: MARK LEAL, STREET SUPERINTENDENT TIME SOURCE OF CALL: Councilmember DeMond 872-3806 NAME PHONE NO. ADDRESS NATURE OF CALL: Numerous cracks on the west portion of Panorama Drive (Monte Vista to River Boulevard). PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING AND RETURN TO DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS INVESTIGATED BY: Mark Leal DATE 5-4-'94 TIME CONDITION FOUND: As described above. ACTION TAKEN/REMARKS: This portion of Panorama Drive has been carried over since the 1992-93 Capital ImDrovement Budqet. However, it is scheduled to qo to Council May 18th for advertisinq. Construction should beqin by September 1, 1994. WORK COMPLETED: DATE October 1994 T~ME '~ .~ White Division Yellow - Director of Public Works Green - Pending D4 :M-COMP16 ~ . ~ 8 A K E R 5 F I E L 0 MEMORANDUM June 1,1994 TO: COO~6MBER E~AA~ FROM: GAl'. WAITERS, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CITY OF SACRAMENTO - COfeI1lINITY EFFORTS I am in the process of responding to your request for more information and a review of how the City of Sacramento has consolidated and enhanced the delivery of certain public services. Sacramento is sending me a packet of information that will go into more detail about the various steps in forming a Neighborhood Services Department. Once I have this information, I would like to discuss further with you what direction you were interested in the City pursuing. My interpretation of the Western City article is that Sacramento has included its total organization into this concept and that was as far-reaching as getting the community involved in the restructuring of the City organization. Attached is a copy of the article from Western City for you to refamiliarize yourself with their accompl ishments. Pl ease 1 et me know i f you have any additional information or questions you would like me to respond to in the interim. /~. ',. cc: City Manager Attachment [ n_~ "" Jr- -~:.. M E M 0 RAN D U Mr ~~==-=O~ RECEliVED - May 26, 1994 f -- \Y 27199aJ . I 17 I CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE.I; TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager .~I, FROM: Jack Hardisty, Planning Dire. tor SUBJECT: 1994 Population Estimates The State Department of Finance recently released our 1994 population estimate. The official population estimate as of January 1, 1994 is 201,769 (we would round this to 201,800). Attached is the city and metropolitan figures with updated projections to the year 2010. In addition, I have included a table listing all of the California cities with populations over 100,000 and their ranking by population. Bakersfield remains the 13th largest city in the state but showed the 4th fastest growth rate (3.1 %) over this last year of those cities shown. JE:km m/pop _. -.__.-~-~.~---~----- ------ - --- ---~--- --- --~------~---_u- "- ¡-- . BAKERSFIELD POPULATION AND AREA Q:iôi:::i:ìììihd>ij~~ - ~:i :øiJ¥iöif:/JQñi,Q:~:::::{: 1890 2,626 ~ 3,425 6.98 1980 105,611 227,968 74.~ ( 1900 4,836 6,3201 6.98 1981 109,010 235,006 75.94 1910 12,727 17,311! 6.98 1982 113,190 240,000 76.65 1920 18,638 25,700 I 6.98 1983 118,631 251,340 76.65 1930 26,015 42,400 I 6.99 1984 129,686 261 ,282 77.70 1940 29,252 71,000! 6.99 1985 138,518 269,611 77.85 1950 34,784 121 ,900 i 6.99 1986 148,227 279,863 79.66 1951 45,497 125,7391 7.80 1987 153,399 285,854 84.85 1952 46,725 129,345 I 8.82 1988 157,423 293,011 85.93 I 1953 47,953 132,963! 12.96 '1989 161,7501 319,688 89.56 1954 49,181 136,696 ¡ 13.98 1990 174,820 329;966 93.29 1955 50,409 140,800 I 14.12 1991 180,512\ 340,446 95.72 1956 51,637 144,1241 14.33 1992 188,251 350,913 100.15 1957 52,865 147,9201 14.95 1993 195,771 360,328 106.78 1958 . 54, 093 151,702 15.54 1994 201,769 370,000 107.37 1959 55,608 155,5271 15.76 * (est) 1960 56,848 157,850 : 15.89 1961 59,169 161,7781 16.21 H***** CITYSTAFF 'ROÆC110NS *********** 1962 60,351 164,1691 17:20 1963 61,480 166,5991 17.21 1995 209,373 385,364 1964 62,461 169,0371 18.61 1996 216,587 397,263 1965 63,417 171 ,452! 18.66 1997 223,800 409,163 1966 64,416 173,907! 18.71 1998 231,014 421,063 1967 67,727 176,368 ! 20.47 1999 238,227 432,963 1968 68,500 178,840 I 21.15 2000 245,441 444,863 1969 69,296 181,288 21.98 2001 252,654 456,762 1970 69,515 185,124 25.86 2002 259,86l! 468,662 1971 71,815 188,803 26~ 15 2003 267,082 480.562 1972 74,700 191,823 28.22 2004 274,295 492,462 1973 76,100 193,800 29.04 2005 281,509 504,362 1974 76,200 196,168 31.96. 2006 288, 722 516,261 1975 76,400 1 92,420 32.18 ..2007 295,936 528,161 1976 77,700 204,839 32.18 2008 303,149 540,061 1977 82,000 197,400 34.48 : 2009 310,363 551,961 1978 87,300 216,772 56.47 2010 317,578 563,860 1979 91,800 222,703 74.18 Note: Dec1e populations - Federal Census (April 1st) Prepared by: Bakersfield Planning Dept: Other year populations - CA Dept. of Finance Estimate (Jan 1st) ~ate: May 25. 1994 Proj~tions based on linear regression model; fi~es change annually. Jge Meuppolitan population estimates are for the 2 10 area. I t I I ) " ;' -, '. ~~ .s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~¡e~¡e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :::::::;¡ "~c:iNd' 'NNN~~~c:ic:i~";c:i~N"':N~~c:i"';"';N~";~~~~~N"':";c:i~":~c:ic:i~~ ~,',:,~," *~~~~*****~*~*******~**~~~~~~~*~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~~ "¡;.j' "ø: '" ð> F- ¡¡, b '" .. ." 10 .. b '" I') .. .. 10 '" .. ~ '" Ñ II) ~ '" ... Ñ .. ... ." Q 10 F- II) 0 - ~ - I) Ñ .. ~ F- ~ .. 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" i I GRASSROOTS LEGISlATIVE FORUM ' " Radisson Hotel Ballroom 300 South Court Street June 17, 1994 4:30 p.m. N (1-5) wtE I (Hwy 9~ : Jirections: S ., From Hi~hway 99: Take Hwy 198 east Court S~. Take the Central Visalia exit .~ Continue east on Noble Street to the third stoplight \Tisalia Turn left on Court Street Acequis Turn right on Acequia Avenue (second stoplight) {1 The Radisson is on the south side (adjacent to the Convention Center) Ú1 \\'y 19 ID + Noblc Ave. Bak sfield Los AngeJes '- s:: ;>, < ) ~ J! ~ ,~ c-.. I: .;;. -s:: '- '... t.Ó ~ è rñ ':::<n c '"::: -<-< I.J ~ - c:: §C!) ..... Q;>' I::> ",S::"'I.J ':::S ¡;;; !3... ~ Ol) - ;>, '... ~ to ~ c-.. to - 0 .9 -, I: --00""" .... .... c-.., .... ~ '" c C!) C!) '... ~ I:: '... ~ s:: I.J ~ ~ E: I: u< ) ~'" < ):s~F 1.Jc::.~ '...~ ~ ~ ~ C\S .U c..c ;>cw3 s:: s::""~¡;;;- s:: 00 -s:: '" èO """"'8 c< )c....... ,~",~c::.s::: ..... I:: - § 'us. ~ Q";:"'~ ~~~~~~ . 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