HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/24/94� -z � _ _ . - � - . • � S ' - -- ;�-1�__ _r . , � � � � B A K E R S F I E L D . MEMORANDUM " June 24, 1�94 T0: HONORABLE MAYOR AND"�iTY CQUNCIL � �ROM: ALA�J TANDY, �ITY MANAGER Si�BJECT: GENERAL IIVFQRNiATION 1. With regard to budget issues, you will find encicsed, or �r your Agenda packet, the following: a. Responses to questions �From Workshop #7. b. Resp;,nse to a questior� raised on San�taticn rate ircrease modification potential. c. In the budget packet, the technical amendments to the adopted budget. This couples with the amendment recommended at the public hearing last Wednesday. d. Responses to questions raised at the public hearing of June 22nd. 2. A copy of a memo is enclosed in which I agreed with the Pol��e Chief to reinstate the Police Department Over Hire Program. This is subject t� monthly monitoring. 3. Del Smith, our Washington lobbyist, was here this week. In fact, he di� have fairly substantive progress to repoNt ir some areas. With regard to Highway money, both Highway I78 and 58 were listed for aiathorization. A copy of a document on that is enclosed. Whi�e only 58 will get money this year, he indicates that it opens up the opportun�ty to a�d maney to :78 in futurz years. He �ndicates to us that both the Habitat Conservation plan and the �artheast sewer permit are naw listed in the Federal Register, which is significant progress to bring both ta conclusion. We are moving forward with the pass�biiity of getting an �DA grant for the L�fastewater Treatment Plant #2. I understand that we will get on the OEQP list through Kerr. County, which would authorize us to trigger the formal application proce�s �'or that money. We alsa asked Mr. Smith to get involved �n our Airpark and the Police �rime money, which we understand from k�im wi11 have fewer restrictior►s next year. He will be submitting a progress report because we are nearing the time w�hen the three-m�nth trial peri�d is expiring. 4. In regard to the effort to get cities to sign the letter protesting the County's tax split policies and the behavior of LAFCO, we have nine cities, of the e'even in the County, currently signed. Wasco would not sign * . �w yQNQRABLE M�YOR 5PlD CrTy r0U1�1C?L :;une 2�, 1994 Page -2- 5e�a�as� they havz a Cou�c � 7:r.em�aer �r;ho � s on LA�CO' s Board. vonzthel ess, that is a�rsry goo� responss and the ��t�er �,�i�l �o �ff to th� S;�uervisers shcril;�. 5. �rle ha��e d�L:^f � bl y�+i ff i cul t agenda or the 29*h .�est wi shes ±� al l of us fo� at l�ast � reasonab�� ending ��ur to that one. 6. At least as a parent and visitor's c�mment, �amelai �ark is carrying out the promises it made. It seems to be a family-arien�ed, eff�cien*ly run a�usement �ark. ?, An update report or, the CDSG progr�ms �rev�ously 5u�geted is erc'osed for ,our 3nf�rmation, 8. A�:emo from the Fire Chief cn negotia�i�ns �vitF� ihe 3IA �n ro�fi�g materials in the northeast is ercicsed. I* appears there yas at least been some incr�mental pregr�ss. 9. TFere 7 S ?�18iN Tl2'stlS� 2tt�r, �iii S Oi?a frOiTi �'s.!1@ �iidZdl"{�OLiS iA3t2i"1 d� S�i1i 1 S? vii of the Fi re De�artment, enc? os�d f�r ;��ur � r�#'orma�i on . I�. Enc�os�d is a memo from the �ire Chief dea��ng with ir;uestigat;r.� tha passibil�ty of ?�rproving the �f�ici?r�y or the wee� abatzmert progra�r. li. There is a comol;meniary 'etter er,closed fr�m Pac�fic D�velapment Partners regardi ng the behavi or of osar Publ i � W�rlcs a^� P� anni r�g Depa�tmer�ts i n welcoming new businzss io Bakersfi�ld. 12. Responses ta Councii Referrals are enciosed regarding 1700 Lemay, and traffic enforcement at Cla?re and 0'�1eil Streets, as w211 as some communications to and from some Legisl�tars. 13. We think we are at resolve with the County on the Fire Fund issue, at least at ti�e staff level. Both of us will be bringing written documents before our �egis�ators in the m�ddle �f July. 14. We ar� in the 30-day tax split negatiation period on Union #10. If we cannot get accord on this one, forget negotiations and go to pure politics or the ceurts. We are exchanging documents now. 15. A memo regarding the California Avenue widening project (Assessment District �3-'�j i5 enclosed for your informat�on. 16. A memo is enclosed regarding the billboard promoting ou� Recycling Cen±er. 17. We have been advised by David M. Griffith & Associates that one City ' hii�3i'i�v�jl �diit�iid�Z iid5 "rii�,iui�diNil. ii, iNd� n� 'Iii t�i8 szqaerc�. Ai.aib rn�i�sure� Lc: C�pa;�t�ent �ea�� City �ierk :.:--;._. T0: FROM: SUBJECT: � B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER POTENTIAL REDUCTION IN PROPOSED SANITATION RATE COUN � INCREASES June 23, 1994 I have been asked by a member of the City Council to review the proposed rate increases in the Sanitation Division to see if they can be reduced. The current proposal is for a$6 per year, or_4.9%, ncrease in single family residential, and for a 2.69'o increase, equivalent to a low cost of living adjustment, for commercial. Let me first indicate that the review of this question is more complex than might be the case in a normal enterprise fund budget, because of some of the special circumstances pertaining to the Sanitation operation. First of all, the two biggest areas that carry future costs for the City are compliance with State mandates; one being the closure of the old landfill, and the second being compliance with the waste diversion mandates. To some degree, we do not know the final costs associated with either of these, and information that will be developed over the next year, to two years, will tell us what those costs will be. We do know that for the landfi", the costs are likely to be very substantial and ongoing. We also know that we are at about 30% diversion and that, to achieve the remaining 20%,'special programs must be done. It may require another level of activity, such as a costly materials recovery facility. In addition to these things, we are converting from predominantly two-man collection systems to automated. That carries a capital cost at the time of implementation for the m term labor cost savings � the City which is where fairly well predict the position, however, due t 55�0 of the City, to be i under which those contr� bargaining position, or answer, despite the fact several years remaining obstacle over the next greenwaste program and cc residents. re expensive equipment and the containers, and a long- nd reduced workers compensation costs. For the 4596+ of our Sani tati on p i ckup i s dane by Ci ty crews, we can :osts and labor savings over time. We are not yet in a � the length of our contracts with haulers in the other a position to clearly articulate terms and conditions �t haulers will convert. We do know that they take a perhaps actually believe, that automation is not the that t'ris is counter to national experience. They have on their contracts and they can present a difficult few years in *erms of both attaining a City wide nverting �o automated with service equity for all of our �,Je are devel opi ng a strateg i c p1 an r?1 ati •�; e to conducti ng negoti ati ons wi th those haulers on this st;bj�c±, :�at �,�� expec� �hat �o be fairly time consuming. We expect opposit�on and, a� '�ast, sirong efforts to induce us to pay some of the conversion costs. U:�ti' �`�at �at of �neg�ti�iions is ir►cluded, we may or may not have large addit;onal caN�±al =os±�, such �s buy�ng two containers each for the areas served by contract haulers. � HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL June 23, 1994 Page -2- POTENTIAL BUDGET REDUCTIONS I have reviewed the Sanitation budget to look for means of reducing expenses. This process has been beneficial, in that we found a means of accelerating our conversion program to automation and, therefore, achieving labor cost savings in a shorter term. Based upon an all out effort to do conversion as expeditiously as possible, we can project a$210,000 labor cost savings for the.upcoming and then future fiscal years. We do not find significant savings potential in operation and maintenance accounts. We are reviewing certain of the capital expenses to determine whether or not there are cheaper alternatives. There is some potential for savings in that area, although the full analysis will take some additional time. In som� cases, it depends upon what markets we will utilize for recycling products. Thus, we may be able to avoid future capital costs for asphalt at the woodwaste/greenwaste site by obtaining new markets. If we cannot obtain the new markets, we need to go ahead with the asphalt so as not to contaminate the product. Eventually, we may be able to eliminate a compost turning machine, which is very expensive, and convert it into contract service. However, there again, we need some bids from private sector vendors which will take some time to obtain. The review of the potential capital savings, therefore, shows some patential reductions, but little certainty. However, it should be noted that, even if we can achieve these savings, the total capital expenses in the future will be high for the landfill closure. We may also need resources for flexibility to induce the contract haulers to convert to the automated system and to the greenwaste program. Thus, while this review may yield some benefits, we are not assured that it will reveal a long term reduction in ongoing capital costs. We note, on a related matter, that the comment was made at the budget hearing that we have $800,000 in carry over revenue this year, and we may be headed for a huge rate increase next year. The answer to that is, "we do not think so." We are nearing the end of our conversion program on the containers and automation, and have some other non recurring capital items, so we do not expect to have the same level of capital improvement needs next year that we have this year. While we can project moderate rate increases in the future, we do not think a dramatic rate increase will be needed baring unforeseen circumstances or new State imposed compliance requirements. ADOITIONAL I^lFORMATION I have attacred a graph prepared by the Sanitation Division showing the refuse rates for nine California communities. ;Je ar.e in a near tie for being the lowest on that list at a rate significantly below such "comparables" as Fresno, Stockton, Uisalia, Clovis, Modesto, etc. I will remind you that it costs us, with our City forces, less than it costs the contract haulers to pick up. Our rates are also below those charged by the haulers in Kern County. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL June 23, 1994 Page -3- SUMMARY If the Council wishes to, the $210,000 labor savings could result in a reduction of the residential rate increase to approximately 2.4%, which equates to about a$3 per year savings per residence. On the commercial level, we could go from the 2.6% to approximately 1.97% for a modest annual savings. On the whole, however, I would have to characterize this, due to the above listed circumstances, as being something which would result in higher future increases than will be necessary otherwise. We will still accelerate the conversion program and realize the labor savings. That would give us $210,000 next year as a buffer against sharp rate increases. It is for these reasons that staff is not recor�nending a reduction of the rate increases. It could cause some of the same kind of fluctuation in annual fees as we had in the parks maintenance districts. We will, however, as an offshoot of this review, continue the processes to accelerate conversion to the automated program and to review capital expenditures for potential economies wherever possible. AT.alb i� TE SUR VEY 9 4-95 F S� F�A R� U REFUSE RAiE $20 $1� $10 $5 $0 GNDALE BKSFLD BKLEY MOD CLOV VIS STOCK FSNO PSDNA CITY � M4NTHLY RATE BAK/FSN4/VIS 2X WK P/U - OTHERS 1X � ..° - ,-R s. � B A K E R S F I E L D T0: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM � June 23, 1994 STEVE BRUMMER, CHIEF OF POLICE , � ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER � i REINSTATEMENT OF POLICE OVER HIRE I have received your memoran�um of June 22, 1994. With the following understandings, you are hereby authorized to reinstate the over hire for five sworn positions: 1. That, in fact, you do the monitoring of comparison of your total wage expenditures to budget on a regular basis, and submit to my office, and the Finance Department, a monthly reoort on that subject. 2. That you understand, should financial times change or unexpected circumstances arise, I am forced to reserve the right to terminate the program again in whole, or ��n part, at any given time. This would not, of course, impact the direct people being hired, but the vacancies which would occur after the time of the decision on the continuance of the over hire program. I appreciate your submittal and your willingness to cooperate. AT.alb Enclosure cc: Honorabie t�ayor and City Council Greg Kl imicc John W. Stinson -. - w� ;�/�� t�,f'��;� i!� n� . �a' �'�; ���,�.��t ,_.- , .y`-�,,. _�, TO FROM MEMORANDUM �; ,; %" % Alan Tandy, City Manager � � Steve Brummer, Chief of Police � � ��e..C�6 �'�i:.,d � � � � ;,,..�22� � � � �LITY 11/IAI�AGER'S OFFIC�s June 22, 1994 SUBJECT Recommendation for Reinstatement of Police Over Hire Prior to budget year 1992-93, the police department utilized an over hire policy to ensure maintenance of a full authorized complement of sworn officers. Five over hire positions were available to accommodate retirements, resignations and other separations. Rarely, did we exceed authorized staffing levels since we realized an annual turn over rate of 10 to 12 officer positions. The over hire however, allowed us to keep actual staffing levels in closer alignment with authorized complement. Currently, our actual sworn complement is 237, with at least two pending separations, while our authorized complement is 244. Since January, 1994, four officers have_separated and I anticipate at least 3 more in the near future. The recruitment, testing, hiring and . training of police officers is a lengthy process and can often take six to eight months to complete. Therefore with no over hire provision, it is unlikely we can maintain full complement. Theoretically, the over hire of five officers would cost approximately $300,000 a year, if we kept five officers over authorized complement for a year. Based on past experience, our annual turn over rate of 3� to 4� is sufficient to allow us to manage staffing in line with our salary accounts. If the over hire provision is reinstated, our Business Manager, Verne 3ung, will monitor our salary accounts every two weeks to insure that our complement does not exceed budget limits. In addition, it is unlikely that we will be able to hire to full complement prior to October, therefore we should experience at least three months of salary savings at the start of this budget year. I am confident �hat through careful monitoring of salary accounts, we will keep staffing levels within authorized limits and within budget. I recommend that we re-institute the five over hire policy for sworn police afficers. SEB/vrf copy to: Verne Jung ,a-%`���21 '94 09�1� ID�E DEL SMITH FAX:202-822-8315 PAGE 2 Memorandum to Michelle Altemus, Special Assistant to the Director, Department of the Interior From: Del Smith, Washington Ttepresentative; City of Bakersfi�ld,6� Galifornia D�te: June 20,1994 SUBJ�CT: A► I'ROBL�M TO CORRECT IN CALIFORNIA THAT GEORGE FRAMTON SAID HB WAS GOING TO KEEP FROM HAPPENING _...W-----------------_-----�---__-----__�..�.�_----.��.�____ I talked to you about this recently and here is the City's memorandum to George Frampton. The wanton bureaucratic, daxnaging delays in this habitat conservation plan approval flies in the face of both the President's Cali�ornia priorities and George Frampton's pronouncemex�ts about noi letting Federal bureaucracy sabotag� local environmental compliance actions. I heard him say that when we were all at Rancho Palos Verdes. I would respectfully recomnnend that either George in�lude Bakersfield on his next trip to California if it will be soon in which case he �can team up with Senator Dianne Feinstein to investigate the Bakersfield problem or direct Fish and Wildlife to stop the delay at the distx�ict ox regional level. There is � enviro�4mental opposition here and no excuse for I�terior's delay. I I will be meeting with City officials at Bakersfield on 'T'hursday and Friday and would appreciate calling you at that time to see if you think something can be done to help this California city. Thank you kindly to your attention to this matter. :� _ :+ F: 1i R��..�.I.L �LL.05� 3U9n CO:� GRESS h�i S�s�ot s � I:�" TH� Fi�Dt'�� C�F REP�SE�'T..�T��� H.L.C. 1Ir. ���. if�r hirnself. �ir. 3i�-�eT.�, ��r. S8'('STEIi� a�ed :�ir. F'��� intrn- du�ed the f�llatirin� bill; �ba�� ++�as r�ferred ta cbe Committ� an �..�. .—� � _ �; - – 1�;- - To axnend tit�e �3, ��►i�ed ��ates �od�e, to desigmate t1�Q :�ational S���iv�ac S;��e�, aud fvr at3ier p�rpQS��. 1 Be af enacfed by �ite Sena�e ���d I�ause �f �'��res�e��ta- ?#a��es m,f tl� �'az�#�d �'�tt�i� af..�lmerica in C'rm�ress �s�s�mb�ed, � SECTI�N f. $HClRT Ti�'I.�: T'A$LE 4F �:DN'�'�N't'$. � (�,} ��O�cT �i��.-���1is �Ct mSr be Cited #t�5 tZle 5 ":���i��al �.i����'a`� ���t��n �esi�asat��n ..�t o�:f 19��°'. +5 �b} T�sY..� �� Cox�:�TS.--� Sec. 1. Short titie; tabie of e�oneents. ,r �. c,----.._..�. a..r:..h.t {}6f2�3 '�4 LC? : Q8 [ D= E DEL SM 1 TH Fp,� :�O�C'-8tc—$�i � PKI�E 2 �� _ ::a ' &1�* � P� t . Ababaa+a # . ►A..s��ens 3. 'ueE#n�a � - .urdama 8 . lllab�rne i , �ua#mans T . Arh�sesa i . AtitOti 0. A1f�ypnt t0. Mk4nsat lt . Avic�aaer t� . Arkanras +a . avk��a�« t a . 1lrksnmme 1� . MMenaes ,a� . c.,ur�r��. ,r . cu�+� 13. CliferMa so . ca�xr�. 20 . �alirorni. ii . Crlifat�i�t ti . C�lifanis �$ . c11ii�0.H�. Pa , G�q�crs;a M as , te,ar��, a� . ce6i�mrn�e► �7. �aiif4tqi� :s . c.��n� so _ Ga�iforni� �o . CeUlornir 91. CaliEptni` ?�' . Cstibornis St . fialtlornia '� . �`�fi��DPfl� �s . ca��orwia � _ Cdil�aertie 3f . Gatider�tl� � _ Cdila�rit �Y . C�IHarnia W . C#UOerMe •t . CalKaoiR 4i . �WfarnM � . �rrternts 44. Calilania 4� . R:sli$rnet —+b--"'C.�F16r�. eT . C�ta3nia 4i� . Cr4tornir !i0. C11l�OrYll` 31 . C�Iifipr�i� !i� . CdilbrRir 06-23—i994 0B��4AM 81rmi►�ghr4m NoMArrn O�M11m �is�jc ►V�rt+Or R6rrr �rfdao $R�dy fa73Y E�Mnuan AL 1RYA� 18 Ea.owAipn �onnectOr lmpr�4twms�tf haifan f�iand �e1�ap Go�sltuCNOn Ma�tpom�y O�i�r Loop OaNvrrY daa AM�r Craasl�q U887 t�pprrdr. f[i�0ie�an t+s i.ake Mwe Valerant MomaiiaiOvrirp�so t1S79 tY$19�►d�e:iln+� 4� Lsuiaimsa $ard4a U67S I�i��ii; t-�i� t0 fsg+al�a°+mi�s tmtr� �ren �o�la �rtelQe Yase 9�an !l���ee! qR�r�naaW P�rJllt� U9a3 SYps�a Upg�1d+� Jwte�bas Comw1+ �YA�a 6tudr ans Dasi4n ( CA ��i11—ii0lntMeh■npa C4aatuolla� d/SS FrMw�p E�pon.kw, PNtabar0 i�+IM� SL Il�proWMrltliOA-49 Mtordwnq� COm*Yailan CA4� E��nsion: l� 4 ta i�13 S�oaka■'S4eMA�.a CIN+s�iMMOhanpi ,a 8auq+ 0.r�cs PaF��arr toap �and Rtaeotrl�wetloe! a �raatd �gaes ix�e�oroanenSlb�eat ca�aa ���rc� c�,s* CA�T C��e �9ne+au�m!{on QA� t3 Rai�ead 4a�d� S�►�ox ihN�t f�rtlwr Rirrr 8rkq• G+�ttiA—f IntKahwt�� �nd ��+pra�vam�Nit� CA946 CenQaWon Nai�efon lfwndelaR Ba�r ten Ao�sa Hahans�pmanl GAY lmpevwn�aqt: C�A� ts i-A Ontirio Airpo�t Eireund A+a�raa CJtTt �fartNng ru+d �i6fQn. �ivwaido C6V�t91 S9iq,hwy Intor��Q� Brod CAde E�r�s �-16 d�6dea►6t� �kb D� �r►siow r w7 B�s�as. 4�rg* A�r fore� �+ra� AMMn—�a�diu Con��Cter CAti201r�r0�►�nNi�eL 1—i t4 Ma�n� t�rkw�ryr ' CJ1t3i—Mf� !'-4 irnpravs�nwrtr CJ►li to �tf19t. 8. CA4 Up4sdi lN�r� IthnbAlC�r* 8�oy C�stA—asm �nt«a�a�a� tr�loen Yr�napertaKon �onidor 1—�Og Widr�i�q; 4-3�p ea i-0 t�F90r�lraet�ao���s►�e�v�r� tt�tatch�a . C��S U�aemd�. Qaes« CA/7■ �roastaru�e Casiden CA17/te �A — �PE Rinqrw�nl u•msda Cartaer ArOOr Visf SYist EMpllnfioll PFeiii4 C�R l�NphwaY Pati�ad�r Blu� S�abN{zatlqn tt9fo � 9onams Cau+�y Conqrstlan I�Ni� 2�2 822 8�15 Jluthwl�on tri 1�iMlons `�flt 19{4lfwliy TfW1 �Ytld �11lhOFiL�llOit in �eldlbn� (III�IM 1:IAA �60* ROAn G1PMi1 Fuhd Treesadt Aaoennl e4 ths rra�su Z.�90 Q.fOa 20.ii�0 4.OQp ti.00q ,.� H.0�4 4.Of,1a i.�i00 �.000 xsoa a.oco � a.�wa a•ioa 5-OOD a.IkDa 4.Op0 $.400 ilOOQ a.000 7.10D =.00!! 3.Oi1D �.000 s.000 ?.4G4 S.liQ R.004 o_�9Q ;-0170 5:000 1Q.iiO4 g.0od 4.f3i�0 x-o40 4.9io s.000 �.000 f �.ApO ' 1.� �.d1i0 �.004 �.ODO lO.ta00 t.�d es.soo +d.000 �.00!0 s.sao #.404 it.s80 4_�00 B.DOQ +1_QC� s.0oo �1.1f0o P.02 � �, `�i�l � � . "�'�, .../ TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Jake Wager, Econamic Development Director Vince A. Zaragoza, Principal Planner Status of Community Development (CD) Projects and Revised Application/Submission Guidelines for Housing & Community Development Programs � y f� June 15, 1994 This memo will serve as an update concerning on-going funded CD projects and revised application/submission guidelines for housing and community development programs. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1. 2. 3 e Union Avenue Median Landscape Proiect (PH. I/II) Installation of approximately 23,068 sq.ft. of landscaping in the median between 20th Street and Brundage Lane. Landscaping is complete. Budget is approximately $75,Ot?0. Bakersfield Homeless Center Improvements �ethany Services has been awarded a grant from the State Federal Emergency Shelter Grant program in the amount of $92,000 for a 500 sq.ft. addition to the family dorm area, energy retrofit improvements and other rehab work on the facility. CD staff will provide technical assistance in its implementation. Dolores Area St. Curb and Gutter Proiect Installarion of approximately 1,830 lineal feet of infill curb and gutter to serve a portion of Census Tract 15. This project will improve the drainage of the neighborhood. Design for the project is complete. Currently under bid advertisement. Anticipate contract to be awarded by July 13. Estimated completion date is end of August, 1994. Construction budget is approximately $68,852. ., 4. Dobruskv Drive Area Curb and Gutter Proiect Installation of approximately 935 lineal feet of infill curb and gutter. This project will alleviate localized drainage problems in the area. Design for the project is complete. Currently under bid adverstisement. Anticipate contract to be awarded by July 13. Estimated completion date is end of August 1994, Construction budget is approximately $34,000. 5. "O" Street Curb and Gutter Proiect Installation of approximately 100 lineal feet of infill curb and gutter between 38th and 40th Streets. This project will improve the drainage along "O" Street. Design is complete. Currently under bid advertisement. Anticipate contract to be awarded by July 13. Esrimated complerion date is end of August, 1994. Construction budget is approximately $2500. 6. Panama #10 Area Curb and Gutter and Sump Reconstruction (Phase I) Expansion of a neighborhood sump and addition of approximately 6,120 lineal feet of curb and gutter (no curb and gutter currently exists in this recently annexed neighborhood). Design for the sump improvements is complete. Currently under bid advertisement. Anticipate contract to be awarded by July 13. Estimated completion date for sump related improvements is end of August, 1994. Construction budget is approximately $30,173. Design and construction of curb and gutter improvements is anticipated to begin in FY 96 subsequent to approval of additional funding %r this project. 7. Panama #10 Sewer Proiect (Phase I) Design only of about 4,200 lineal feet of sewer main and approximately 2,100 lineal feet of sewer laterals for the Panama #10 area. Approximately 81 residences will be served. Design is anticipated to be completed in July 1994. Design budget is approximately $25,500. Construction funds for this project are anticipated to be phased in over the next two years. 8. Ralston Cul-de-Sac Design and construction of a cul-de-sac on Ralston Street at its intersection with Lakeview Avenue (part of the City's Looking Good Neighborhood Program). The activity will benefit approximately 50 residences by creating a more aesthetic and safer street. Design is complete. Currently under bid advertisement. Anticipate contract award by July 13. Estimated completion date is end of August, 1994. Construction budget is approximately $23,173. 2 51 �T 9. Union Avenue Annexation #10 Street Li�htin� Proiect Installation of approximately 30 street lights in Union Avenue #10 Annexarion area (residential streets only). The City is cunently under negotiarion with County for a property taa� split which is a prerequisite to a LAFCO annexation hearing. Project implementation subject to approval of annexation. Street light budget is approximately $30,100. 10. Union Avenue Street Li�htin� Proiect Installation of approximately 14 street light poles in the street median to illuminate the west side of Union Ave. from llth Street to Brundage Lane. Currently under construction. Completion is estimated by end of June, 1994. Street light budget is approximately $33,979. 11. Architectural Barrier Removal Pro�ram - Public Buildin�s Installation of handicap (ADA) improvements in the Bakersfield Convention Center to provide greater mobility to handicapped citizens who use the facility. Procurement is underway with completion by August, 1994. Budget is approximately $36,823. NON-PROFIT PROJECTS Community Development Staff is assisting various non-profit organizations in making certain improvements to their facilities. Those projects are as follows: Clinica Sierra Vista Medical Facilitv. Acquisition assistance to acquire a 60,000 sq. ft. site for the construction of a 10,000 to 15,000 sq. ft. medical facility at 823 Lakeview Avenue. Acquisition was completed in March for $100,000. Additional assistance for real property medical equipment has been budgeted in Fiscal Years 94 and 95. Groundbreaking is tentatively scheduled for 9/18/94. Anticipated completion of the facility is end of 1995. 2. Livin� Connections, Inc. (LCI� Acquisition of the 6 unit board and care property on Cedar Street and its rehabilitation has been completed. Cost was approximately $166,000. Screening of potential tenants is currently underway. Funding for this project is from the HOME program. 3. Bakersfield Senior Center Phase III - Services Buildin� Proiect. Acrivity has been amended from new construction to acquisition of three buildings fc3 , . � • ' - _ " A containing 4,713 square feet of classroom, office and storage space adjacent to the Bakersfield Senior Center. The Bakersfield Senior Center will operate and own the facility. Project Agreement approved by City Council on 12/15/93. Appraisal is complete and property is valued at $100,OQ0. Acquisition to be completed by end of June, 1994. Acquisition budget is approximately $110,000. 4. Kern Countv Alcohol Center Imnrovement Approximately $10,000 assistance for installation of a parking lot with landscaping improvements. The Kern County Alcohol Center will contribute approximately $10,000 towards the project. Project agreement has been executed and a bid package is being prepared. Anticipate construction start-up date by August with completion by September, 1994. 5. Kern Countv Economic Opportunitv Cornoration (KCEOC) KCEOC has been selected as a CHDO (community housing development organization) under the HOME Program guidelines. They will be identifying, acquiring and rehabing 2 single family residents for sale to low income frst time home buyers. Upon completion and sale of the property, the recaptured funds will be utilized to acquire additional properties and repeat the process. NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION AND HOUSING 1. Graffiti Pro�ram The graffiti Hotline is receiving approximately 250 calls per month. About 60% of a11 graffiti removals occur in non-CD target areas. Sta.ff worked with the Mayor's Youth Council in the city's iirst TAG DAY event which occurred on May 14. Staff has also been targeting severely blighted areas for graffiti eradication through one-on-one neighbor contact. The Secret Witness Program for graffiti is in place and the the phone number is 322-1717. Over 100 volunteers have been organized throughout the city and are available for graffiti paint-outs. The part-time graffiti program coordinator (planning technician) position is currently vacant and we are currendy accepting applications for this position. 2. First Time Home Buvers Pro�ram 51 loans for mortgage assistance have been approved since July 1, 1993. 3 Lenders have been added to the participating pool increasing our total to 10 lenders. Because lender participation has doubled within the past six months, there has been a corollary increase in applications and subsequent approvals of city assistance to first-rime homebuyers. C! �: ��. � 3. Lakeview Nei�hborhood Improvement Pro�ram. This program has been renamed the Looking Good Neighborhood (LGN) Program to correspond to the expanded areas in which the program will be focused. In addition to the ongoing efforts in the Lakeview area, the Task Force has branched out to Pacific Street in the Baker Street area. Clean-up days were recently held in both of these LGN azeas with numerous residents and volunteer groups participating. 4. VISTA Volunteer Pro�ram The renewal application has been approved by Action for 11 VISTA "slots" for FY 94-95. Ten VISTA's are anticipated to be in place with various non-profits and public agencies by July, 1994. 5. Mudti-family and Sin�le Rehabilitation Proiects Construction for a 16 unit rehabilitation project on 1500 - 1512 Gorrill Street is complete. Six units at 323 and 327 Lakeview are under construction currently and twelve additional units are to be under construction by next month. The total rehab value is approximately $127,800 with the City contributing about $66,000. Nine units at 328 and 330 Monterey are very close to being approved for about $98,000 and 4 units at 1320 E. California for $50,000. To date approximately 14 single family rehab projects have been completed in various city neighborhoods and six are under construction. Sixteen applications for rehab are currently under review. Tota1 funds obligated to date is $317,510. 6. Home Accessibilitv Pro�ram Approximately 47 home access grants have been approved for persons with home accessibility problems. Approximately 20 additional applications await approval for work to be performed. 7. URM Incentive Pro�ram Currently three applications are being processsed for URM assistance. We are awaiting further information from interested applicants and a future workshop will be scheduled for URM owners who could not attend the previous three workshops. 8. Business Loan Pro�ram Currently about $270,000 for economic development activities has been set aside. A brochure outlining financial assistance to businesses who create jobs for low and moderate income persons has been developed for promoting this program. 5 ,, REVISED FEDERAL GUIDELINES As part of HUD's efforts to reorganize itself to better serve communities across the country, the federal government has consolidated submission requirements for four HLTD formula grant programs: Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). For jurisdictions to be eligible to receive HIJD funds in the future, ciries and counties will need to prepaze a Consolidated Plan which replaces all current planning and application requirements for the four HUD formula grant programs with a single submission. This new submission requirement will require a new emphasis on cirizen participarion and community partnerships to bring about a unified vision for housing and community development actions. HUD's new comprehensive approach to addressing community pmblems will allow local jurisdicrions a better chance to shape the various programs into effective, coordinated neighborhood and community development strategies. It will also create the opportunity for strategic planning and public involvement to take place in a comprehensive context, and to reduce duplication of effort at the local level. Consolidating the submission requirements will involve coordinating all elements of community development such as housing, infrastructure, economic development, public facilities, social services, recreation, and civic design into one documen� The Consolidated Plan guidelines will require assessing the overall needs of the community, examining its resources, identifying its priorities, and developing a coordinated three to five year strategy and an annual action plan (one-yeaz projected use of funds) for achieving its objectives and resolving its priority needs. The draft guidelines for the Consolidated Plan have been released to the public for comment and we anticipate that final regularions will be made available by August, 1994. Staff is currently developing the program design elements for meering the new HiJD planning requirements and will be initiating the consolidaring planning process next month. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this update. xc: Georgc Gonzales, CD Coordinator im:�t troasnRa.wa..is 0 ' Q I I I I! I// N/// i iivi v�i/� � \`````,,1��� � �.._..__.... �t , ��f , t ���`� �' �` : � '�'�„�����"�� � .� �� MEMORANDUM "WE CARE" Alan Tandy, City Manager Michael R. Kelly, Fire Chief�, June 21, 1994 5UBJECT: ROOFING REQUIREMENTS IN THE RIO BRAVO AREA �,_ =.: � ------------------------------------------------------------------- On Monday, June 20th, I held a meeting with BIA representatives to discuss recommendations for roof types for all future development in the Rio Bravo area. The BIA has agreed, in concept, that all new development will be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine the most appropriate roof coverings for all new structures to ensure fire safety. The determination as far as type of acceptable roof coverings will be based on topography/slope, fuel load, building density, and weather. I should receive a letter in confirming this meeting, and I letter as soon as I receive it. MRK:ps s:�Kelly\Roofing.Req the near future from the BTA will forward you a copy of the ��� ---`� ������ � v ,� i� �,�:�_�� �, E, �� �� , �� ���,� 2 I 1994 � � ,, ;� ,. , . l'_— — _ �—s>_.._9 �� �a�-� `�'R�����'� r"r�k-P.� .<r. . o.-a� •�Jr , y,:'. 0 � ��� - :�r _��� � Q MEMORANDUM "WE CARE" June 20, 1994 Q,S�`E l. D p�qcn � o Y lT. p y y j3� w �/If�+_wE CAR� TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RALPH E. HUEY, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORDINATOR SUBJECT: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT, UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PUBLICATION WELCOME TO THE "UNDERGROUND PRESS" The Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division is pleased to present you with the premier issue of our periodic newsletter, the Underqround Press. Our format is one page - plain english, and provides information businesses need to comply with the law...while reducing the costs and burdens of State regulations. ����0n �"� k F% �V 1 ,. � _ —"—'_ �1 I�N 2 � 199Q '� , ��� , �t� ��������� ���9Y �; I � Y.�-.:.. Bakersfietd Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division Vol. 1, No. 1 1715 Chester Avsnue, Suite 300, Bekersfleld, CA 93301 Phone: (805) 328-3979 Spring/Summer t 994 Don't wait 'till '98 LOW COST LOANS AVAILABLE NOW FOR UNDERGROUND TANK REMOVALS The California Trade and Commerce Agency's Office of Small Business is offering low interest, government backed loans to businesses that need to remove or upgrade their ° existing underground storage tanks. Loan funds can only be used to finance tank work yet to be done, and cannot be used to pay for any previous underground tank projects, no matter how recent. By 1898, all tanks and plping of "single wall" constructlon must either be removed, replaced, or upg�aded to meet current code requirements. The number of loan applications being received is quite heavy. Businesses are recommended to begin the loan process as early as possible. Loans will be made on a"first come, first served" basis. Currently, interest rates are about 4.596 as indexed by the State Treasurer's Surplus Fund rate. Collaterai can be secured by real or personal property, including the service station equipment itself, if necessary. The maximum loan term is 20 years if secured by real estate, 10 years if secured by equipment. .. A condition of the loan is that your tanks must be permitted and othenivise�be in compliance with the Local Implementing Agency, within the city limits that would be the Bakersfield Fire Department. If you're not sure about your permtt statua, please glve us a call at 326-3878. The Bakersfield Fire Department will help you in any way we can so that you may qualiiy for these loans. Our policy is one of "compliance through cooperation." Please see the back of thls newsletter for more Informatlon. Just a quick rem�nder: Even if your underground tanks are double walled and have continuous leak detection, don't forget to have the leak detection equipment service checked every year. A b o u t t h e uUnderground" ,Press... This is the first ot a series of periodic newsletters to businesses that will be affected by _ underground tank regulations. Our gaal is to help you stay in compliance... while staying in business! State Clean-U.p Fund STATE MONEY AVAILABLE TO PAY FOR LEAKING UNDERGROUND TANK SITES !f your underground tank leaks and contaminates the soil or groundwater, you're entitled to state funds to help you pay those clean-up costs. Recent changes to the clean-up fund program now makes it easier than ever to access state money. If you had previously applied for the clean-up fund and were denied, you can now apply again. There's an initial $10,000 that you're financially responsible for, but after that is met, you're eiigibie for up to an additional $990,000 in state money for your clean-up. To obtain an application or if you have any questions, please contact Dave Deaner of the Underground Storage Tank Clean-up Fund at t-800-813-FUND. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: The Bottom Line Over the past few weeks, you should have received a Certification of Financial Responsibility form. Please don't neglect to get this form back in to us. If we don't have your Certffication of Financial Responsibility on file, you won't be ab/e to qualify for any state clean-up funds or loan money !! Bakersfietd Fire Department "We Care° liepair Underground Storage Tanks (R UST) Low interest Loan Program Eligibie Borrowers: California small businesses with underground petroleum tanks. Eligible Projects: The upgrade, repair, or removal of underground storage tanks used to store petroleum products. Measures can also include minor cleanup. Sponsors: i The California Trade and Commerce Agency, Office of Small Business is of%ring low interest loans for undergound petroleum storage tank projects. Loan Terms: � Low, fixed rate financing 1� 2 % loan fee � Loan amounts frone a10, D00 to $350, 000 � Up to 20 years to repay 1� Fully amortized t� No pre payment penalty � Up to 100 % financing Process: Contact the Regional Development Corporation nearest you or the Office of Small Business (916/323-9879) to obtain more information. , California Capital Small BusinPss Development Corp. 926 J StreedSuite 1500 Sacramento, Ca. 95814 (916/442-1729) California Coastal Rural Development Corporation S E. Gabilan StreedSuite 218 Salinas, Ca. 93902 (408/424-1099) Santa Barbara Office (805/962-9251) Bay Area Small Business Development Corporation 3932 Harrison Street Oakland, Ca. 94611 (S 10/652-5262) . Hancock Urban Development Corp. 3600 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 926 Los Angels, Ca. 90010 (213/382-4300) Pacific Coast Regional Development Corporation 3255 WilshireJSuite 1501 Los Angeles, Ca. 90010 (Z 13/739-2999) Valley Small Business Development Corporation 955 N Sveec Fresno, Ca. 93721 (209/268-0166) Terms and conditions subject to California Southern Small Business Corp. 600 B St./Suite 2450 San Diego, Ca 92101 (619/232-7771) SAFE-BIDCO 145 Wikiup Drive Santa Rosa, Ca. 95403 (707/57'I-8621) (800•273-8637) � -�.. - . .J ' � � � � I I I I l l l///// � � i iiiii �� ��' a��`a,�f ' �'~.� c �' -�f '''�. � �;���. r � �_ ,\\ ` , ? �```� s'���i.r�rao�n�l �pl� • .� �� M E M O R A N D U M "WE CARE" Alan Tandy, City Manager M. R. Kelly, Fire Chief �'�"�1� June 20, 1994 Weed Abatement ,_ :.: � ------------------------------------------------------------------ City Councilmember Smith has expressed a concern over the weed abatement program, specifically repeat property owners who neglect their property. We have received an opinion from the City Attorney's Office that indicates we may not charge these repeat offenders any fee which is above and beyond our actual incurred costs. I do not think shortening the initial compliance time is reasonable since many of these property owners do not live in Bakersfield and must be notified by registered mail. We are looking at several options to help redefine the overall weed abatement process. One of these options includes a heightened level of involvement by the individual engine companies. Specific training in the weed abatement process will be given to a shift liaison captain in order to coordinate the weed abatement process on an ongoing basis. The training for Suppression captains and the implementation of this program will take place in two to three weeks. Another option is to identify repeat offenders early in the year and notify them of repeat problems with weeds involving property which they are responsible for. Perhaps a reminder several months in advance will provide,the momentum to stimulate early compliance. We are also researching the possibility of involving private companies such as lawn maintenance firms in the clean up process to encourage more timely compliance. This option might also be a slight cost savings to the property owners. I will furnish more info=mation to you regarding this option after we have gathered all necessary information. _ _-._ � � �; � � � ,_ � Z L� �� L �' l� i, - - -�_-__--- — _ . . I' ', 1 � � i� ''--__=_�_ _-_=___ -- ��'''�'�`;� �b����G'��R��';�� ��: , .o: . . �. + � c - � - �.�._. � j � 1 � �� O � 0 0 QI' ��1tR L ?� � ; ^� ::� J �' • � [�1:.� r�i i�.:_.�..... � � . i L.i_L L; h � June 16, 1994 0 PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS The Mayor, Council Members and City Manager C/o City Clerks office 1501 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Gentlemen: � , � � E J � ; ± �I r +� r3 A .�v�� �� x i r 1= ii L� id� �'k �S ', �"� �i.J � I would like to take this ogportunity to thank the City of Bakersfield for their efforts and .interest in welcoming new development to their City. We are Real Estate developers in the Southern California market and handle many projects through out the,.Western United States. We are currentIy developing projects_for Blockbuster Entertainment Corp. within your comiaunity. our project near The East Hi11s Ma11 is right on schedule due to. an understanding and accommodating staff within your Public Works and Planning Departments. Had your staff not understood the complexity and urgency of ineeting our development schedule, the project could have been seriously jeopardized. It is a sincere pleasure to meet with educated 'and understanding staff while developing projects in� a turbulent real estate market. Thank you again. 1%7 S. BEVERLY DRIVE BEVERLY. HILLS", CA; 90212-3002 310.278.9595_ 310.278.6566 FAX ■ ■ ■ ���E9VE� �� �� 2 9 �94 �. �I�ll IViA.�A%ER'� OFF9 �. n � __--- . C ' ' �b e.�-S C ; �,5 1'I%,..a��r �la os� o�,�c:l `�`� e N. ' CC� �;. . av.� O�s�- C",k� r''��f5. -... _ � \`\\`• II�V''/� 1/I J. f✓/ ' � � � - „� :; :�i - ,,,� mwr�., � M\ _ / 4' ��\ ='�.�1-/�i ��,`, TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDU�M Councilmember Mark Sa Jack Hardisty, Planning June 16, 1994 SUBJECT: Update on 1700 Lemay T ������� _� � �� I� �R ia,� �I . 2 � 1�9� i!—_��_.___— - - �o�f������=��..., ^ - June 6, 199�4 - Jack Hi�ll (Building Dep� Supervisor) and Roy Hall (Community Development) met with properly owner Larry Taylor to possibly provide storage and. bring the residence up to minimum standards. June 16, 199�4 - Dennis Fidler contacted Jake Wager about possible aid for this prnperty owner. Jake Wager stated his department would commit $1500.00 for storage and financial aid. The Building Department will issue a correction notice today giving Mr. Taylor until June 22nd. to bring the propecty into compliance or legal action will .be takea Case summary memos attached. cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager Jake Wager, Economic Development Director Jack Highfill, Building Dept Supervisor� LEMAY i G� �' i I� �� I ' � �' �. � . � B A K E R S F I E L D Building Department Dennis C. Fidler • Building Director June 16, 1994 Larry Taylor 1700 Lemay Bakersfield, CA 93304 RE: Violations Municipal Code Sections: 8.27.010 A (Construction left in construction) 17.10.020 (Operating a business ir permitted use) unreasonable state of an R-1 zone not a 17.10.020 reference (A junkyard as defined is not a permitted use) 10.64,020 (Unlawful to maintain junk or abandoned vehicle(s) �n F�rivat.� �rn�Prl=y viSiht� fr.om �7 p��bl i.c �treet) Dear Mr. 'I'aylc�r: As you are aware, we have been working with you in an effort to clean up your residence. You were issued a property maintenance notice on May 3, 1994, a correction notice on May 4, 1994 followed by a letter of corrections on May 25, 1994. We have extended the deadlines of these noi:ices on two different occasions. We have now been directed by the Building Director to give you one last extension to June Z2, 1994. We have contacted the Community Development Department on your behalf. Mr. George Gonzales, Community Development Coordinator, phone # 326-3764, has agreed to provide you with funds to help you relocate and store the materials at your residence. You will need to contact Mr. Gonzales in order to receive these funds. Although the deadline of June 22, 1994 must be met, if Community Development notifies us that you are working with them and,need additional time, we will consider their request. If you do not contact Mr. Gonzales for assistance from.his department and you have not complied with all of the items on said notices, a misdemeanor citation will be issued and subsequent legal action will be taken by the City of Bakersfield. Very tru.l.y yc�i.irs, f _ � �� • ,.� .��� , �. �Jack HighLil� ,/ Building Supervi or City of Bakerfield � Development Services • 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield • California • 93301 r�ii�r� ���i � -�r. _ � . i�ii�r� -��r i�-i�r I''1�i'.1..I'y ,. -" ��i, ji _ ,���� = ;�: -__ ; _ ,, :, :`�_; ��� mnn�� M` = i v �/�\• '= 't,'t: .t�`,;•F TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Jack Leonard, Assistant Building Director Jack Highfili, Building Supervisor June 15, 1994 1700 Lemay Uodate On June 8, 1994 Roy Hall with Community Development met with me and Mr. Larry Taylor concerning helping �Ir. Taylor by providing a storage building and bringing his residence up to minimum standards. Community Development is investigating ;�r. Taylor's needs and the condition of his house prior to making a commitment for the storage and financial aid. It �s my understanding the two commitments are contingent upon each other. � :emay-2.�no 4 ; � ; , :,=_ :=. ��; �, ,, : ,,;.. T0: PROM: DATE: f MEMORANDU�M � Jack Leonard, Assistant Building Department Jack Highfill, Building Supervisor May 12, 1994 SUBJECT: 1700 Lemay I apologize about this case taking so long to be resolved. The owner of the property, Mr. Larry Taylor, was difficult to make contact with and there were allegations from residential and commercial neighbors of him being very volatile. Because we believed this man to be dangerous, we worked through Bakersfield Police Department. They confirmed he had shot and killed a man approximately one month previous to our investigation; the case had been dropped by the Sheriff's Department. On May 2 I was able to make contact with Mr. Taylor and his wife, Janet. A'correction notice was issued to Mr. Taylor to comply with property maintenance orders and to obtain a final inspection of an old permit. At that time I asked '�ir. Taylor to telephone the Building Department and set up another inspection; I wanted�to assign an inspector to the job. As agreed, Mr. Taylor telephoned our department and made arrangements for staff to meet him at his address. Inspector Lovell and I visited the site. Mr. Taylor has began cleaning the front yards and making shelving to store what material was still visible from the public way. It was agreed.we will give him thirty days to finish complying with property maintenance issues. He has very serious health conditions and is not capable of doing the work in a more timely manner. It is my opinion Mr. Taylo= is co- operating reasonably and will continue to do so. I offered the City's help moving materials as you had snggested:.- Please advise me if other action is warranted - Thanks Jack - y 6 [9 �, :-,�: _ . .. - � :_� � � ;�"~; _ . �"� ;- �o��:� 9 �.,: � �� � rn���. 3r� '�.�::�:�n...� �,. . , .s,.� ,r.�:�;��' �ORRECTIC�N N�T10E CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD � ,�� ;^ -: BUILDING DEPARTMENT � - . � Location � � C�� � e , "` � Sub Div. Blk. . Lor You are hereby required to rnake ttle follo�vine corrections at the above location: cor. No G �% -�✓�� 1 �r� �/l, I �' � T"jC� �,��� �'� }�iL� , � ; .: L ' 'lL �6 Y �' i`'" iL,L _�s.< L' f J��L � -f %G �GlL' � `E ' C-G;-��'s '=r� 'lL 7L O.0 Jr/�'t ���•t�lo_ I��.. I ; �%�_,—�s ,� �' � ��.5`�r 7 Compietion Date for Corrections �! �/ g� , � Date`� y � `� ' _/ Inspector � 326-3727 . � B A K E R S F I E L D Dennis C. Fidler • Suilding Director NOTlCE AND ORDER It is unlawful and declared a public nuisanCe for any person owning, leasing, occupying or having charge. or possession of any property in the City to maintain such property in such a manner that any of the foliowing conditions exist thereon, except as allowed in Chapter 17 of this code: � ) ( ) � ) i) � ) ( ) i) � t ) ( ) ii A. Building '�eft• in an unreasonable state of partial construction or partially destroyed.... B. Any doorway, window, or any other opening into a vacant structure not ciosed and maintained secure.... C. Any broken window constituting a hazardous condition and facilitating trespass.... D. Overgrown, dead, decayed, diseased, or hazardous trees, weeds and other vegetation.... E. Any building exterior, wall, fence, sidewalk, etc. which is maintained in such condition of deterioration as to be unsafe or defaced as to detract from the neighborhood's appearance.. r. Any attractive nuisance, including abandoned or neglected equipment, any pool or excavation dangerous to children... G. Construction equipment or machinery parked or stored on the owner's property where it is readily visible.;. H. Lumber (excluding stacked firewood..), junk, trash, debris, or salvage materials visible trom a public right-of-way... I. Abandoned or discarded furniture, REFRIGERATOR, or other hcusehold equipment visible from a public right-of-way... J. Any vehicle, �railer, cr other mobile equipment parked on any unpaved area in any front yard or any side yard.. K. Any fill dirt containing pieces of concrete, asphalt, or rubbish or any fill dirt not wetted and compacted. Any person in violation of Section 8.27.010 (Items A-J above) of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is subject to either an infraction or a misdemeanor citation, depending on the severity of the violation. The above checked item(s) must be in compliance within � days or a citation shall be warranted. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. ,-��r �_ �� , �-� y 6 9 yl� /l r � �)wL �, i (CODE ENFOACEI .�- OFFICER) (fENANT�OWNER'n :;ADDRESS) t���/ / � (DAT�) t� . � �i f ��} � . „{� CI .IE S . _ . -_, �. _� .�;�. -�. . � City of Bakersfield • Development Services • 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfieid • California • 93301 (805) 326-3720 • FaX rRn�� ���_m��, � . � B A K E R S F I E L: D: Dennis C. Fidler � Building Director NOTICE AND� ORDER It is unlawful and declared a public nuisance for any person owning, leasing, occupying or having charge or possession of any property in the City to maintain such property in such a manner that any of the Following conditions exist thereon, except,as allowed in Chapter 17 of this code: � ( ) � ) ( } ( ) ( ) ( ) �� (� i) ( ✓� ( ) A. Building left in an unreasonable state of partial construction or partially destroyed.... B. Any doorway, window, or any other opening into a vacant structure not closed and maintained secure.... C. Any broken window constituting a hazardous condition and facilitating trespass.... D. Overgrown, dead, decayed, diseased, or hazardous trees, weeds and other vegetation.... E. Any building exterior, wall, fence, sidewaik, etc. which is maintained in such condition of deterioration as to be unsafe or defaced as to detract from the neighborhood's appearance.. F. Any attractive nuisance, including abandoned or neglected equipment, any pool or excavation dangerous to children... G. Construction equipment or machinery parked or stored on :the owner's property where it is readily visible... H. Lumber (excluding stacked firewood..), junk, trash, debris, or salvage materials visible from a public right-of-way... I: Abandoned or discarded furniture, REFRIGERATOR, or other household equipment visible from a public right-of-way... J. Any vehicle, trailer, or other mobile equipment parked on any unpaved area in any front yard or any side yard.. K. Any fill dirt containing pieces of concrete, asphalt, or rubbish or any fill dirt not wetted and compacted. Any person in violation of Section 8.27.010 (Items A-J above) of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is subject to either an infraction or a misdemeanor citation, depending on the severity of the violation. The above checked item(s) must be in compliance within �_ days or a citation shall be warranted. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. / ?U O �/Yrr.z�� � = � (ADDRE S) � , . , • � � 1��r�,_ _ __ `-� /� (CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER) _ . �E�,o��, C /0 ' 3 c' C .�r � a.:�,.�...., _. -- (DATE�..... _, . .�.,,,..-�..,��,�..-.;..—�.-.,..... ��'�01� �R�G I�IV,4� ;, � �_ -- . ..� �� �e'�� � ��� Ciry of Bakers�eld • Development Senrices • 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield • California � 93301 (805) 326-3720 • Fax (805) 325-0266 �—� ___ �a F' ( j � �•i � �� . B A K E R S F I E L.D Dennis C. Fidler • Buildin,g Director NOTICE AND ORDER It is unlawful and declared a public nuisance for any person owning, leasing, occupying or having charge or possession of any property in the City to maintain such property in such a manner that any of the following conditions exist thereon, except as allowed in Chapter 17 of this code: , ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) t ) � ) (+''� (� ( ) ( ►� � ) A. Building left in an unreasonable state of partial construction or partially destroyed.... B. Any doorway, window, or any other opening into a vacant structure not closed and maintained secure.... C. Any broken window constituting a hazardous condition and facilitating trespass.... - D. Overgrown, dead, decayed, diseased, or hazardous trees, weeds and other vegetation.... �. E. Any building exterior, wall, fence, sidewelk, etc. which is maintained in such condition of deterioration as to be unsafe or defaced as to detract from the neighborhood's appearance.. F. Any attractive nuisance, including abandoned or neglected equipment, any pool or_ excavation dangerous to children... G. Construction equipment or machinery parked or stored on the owner's property where it is readiiy visible... H. Lumber (excluding stacked firewood..), junk, trash, debris, or salvage materials visible from a public rrght-of-way... I. Abandoned or discarded furniture, RSFRIGERATOR,' or other household equipment visible from a'public right-of-way.... J. Any vehicle, trailer, or other�mobile equipment parked on any unpaved area in any front yard or any side yard.. K. Any.fill dirt containing pieces of concrete, asphalt, or rubbish or any fill dirt not.wetted and compacted. " Any person in violation of Section 8.27.010 (It�s. A-J above) of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is subject to either an infraction or a misdemeanor citation, depending on the_ severity of the violatxon. Th��abone- ch�ck�d-i-t� '�' comgliance within �_ days or a citation shall be war_�a,nted. Thank you in advance for your coo�er�iom in,.tt�is� ma�ter. , � - _ ', , ; ;� ,�% , . /�% � �L. /'i>6[.L� - ��- (CODE ENFORC _ _- i,?,, i,, - i (REqP1ENT'S t�4 �/��� �� : =o (ADDRESS) / ��% , ., _.♦ :7 _: �{ ��:� �� � � � F�� (� I� I� A�. �_:, 9� �.t :_ O-�� �2�(a`�u . , - �S :-- _. Ci�f Bakers�eld • Development Services • Chester Bakersfield • Califomia • 93301 (805) 326-3720 � Fax (805) 325-0266 .�_- ,� 1 �� Wy�-t � `;s -- '',r . , . V .��•1 -I�Ll'`-•���" MEMORANDUM �eptember �5, 1987 �: ��1ark Salvaag:o =13�M: Dennis Fidler, Assistant Building Directcr SUBJECT: Correction notices given in a'�hree block area around LeMay. The followinc inforn�ation shaas addresses =�at received correction r.o�ices and the status: 1804 LeMay - Correction notice given Sept�:nber 22, 1987. '�hey :�ave until October o, 1987 :� cc�ly to �orrection notice. 1704 LeMay -�orrection notice given August 28, 1987. 'They had �ntil September 2, 1987 and cid not co�ly. � �itation was issued Septemt�er 9, 1987. 1701 �eMay - Correct notice aiven January %8, 1985. ��err.iit aas taken out February 14, :.85. 1700 LeMay - �orrection notice given August 28, 1987. They have �omplied to correction notice. 2200 Fremont - Correction notice given August 27, 1987. '�hey :�ave comQlied to correction r.otice. i920 Clark -��orrection notice given August 28, 1987. They have not c�lied and will be given a citation Monday or �`aesday. (Septemi�er 28th or �9ttz, 1987) 1809 Doolitt�e - Correction notice given �uly 31, 1987. They :-�ave c�nl ied to correction r.otice . 1308 Custer - Correction notice given Marcn 19, 1987. They have �cx�lied to correction notice. i, . --•— . _._..._..�.,,�-.,,-�,,.-4._,...,,,.,`a E�� ��C�01� �R�GI� :r� . _ __ _ __��._._. . � ��� � �,. . . � •� • � , ' 1 ` .� �'- ' ..E r��Y i' ' ' � ;r, '��' . , �� . `-.�' ...w , �, ' r � � 1 i�' u � , � •. � y ,�. �.� � � , �. �_4� � - --! � : � l � ` �- �• - � � I � J _ : -� � _ ' ��. `�a- � � =� . . �. I.. s_� C • � { .'�. . � i . /�J I 1'� .� /7 ' �, ,,. . !, .� - `�� r. � .` .� r �� ,' � � ; . � .. -�„�ii• �"� _-_���•r,-� .� � . �: �� -- - � .���. � _. .� , . �. _. �. . _ .. �:�-,��-�.. �� . �: � .. -:� . ' • . " _ ' _ � , ' �_ • � ^ 1 � J .�� . .. . �, �'"�,�� .'� `r 7 ..;F� . � �� �-: i � _ . _ - . _ �' . J � . ��. . ' ���_•�T'_1� t� 'w � � ' . �,r�,, .� -��� .� ,; �T - �� . v ,��,� '1r/i:;;;;,,� '�: Cal 3idwe1l MEMORANDUM August 20, 1987 Ff�UM: Randy Fidler & Ralph Smith SUHJECT: Property at 1700 and 1704 LeMay. On May 19, 1987 a ca�laint was received in our office regarding junk cars at 1700 L,eMay. Ralph Smith went to the site June 29, 1987 and took pictures of the vehicles, wrote dawn license ni,unbers and gave a correction notice to Larry Taylor the awner. About a week later Ralph again went to I700 LeMay and saw the motorhame was gone and also one of the cars. In July, periodic visits to the site showed that fewer cars were there each time, At the present time an unlicensed V.W. a 1957 Chevrolet and a red pickup remain plus a green V.W. wilich is naw running. The owner said the pickup will be running next week. :�lr. Taylor is starting a garage on Chester Avenue, between 24th & 25th Street and has little time at hc�sne. �ie has, hawever, made progress and is coopera- tive and sincere in his efforts to clean up his prvperty. :�alph Smith On August 20, 1987, I`ollawed up on Inspector S�nith cam�laint on 1700 LeMay. I noted that the owner has made a sincere effort to remave tt�e vPhicles �ran the proaerty. He has three vehicles at the present time, but needs to clean up a little more. I also noted the pro�erty at 1704 I�eMay has three vehicles and needs to be cleaned up. Making a survey of the neighbood I noted several houses needing`their yards cleaned up and I sent Inspector Smith back out to take pictures a� follaw up on the pmblen. Randy Fidler z CORRECTION NOT(CE CITY OF BAKERSF(ELD BU(LDtNG DEPARTMENT �o ;{ 04 % �" ` '_ / ; .1–v S ;� `�tice LocaGOn – _ _ Sub Dit•. . cik._,. i,oL-_ 1'ou nre herei��� r�n�;n•ed to in�ke the folio���ine cormct�ons «t the above locatior,: .a. Ne , i /�, C.t H•L' F �.. ' � �r�%--�iu -L � .r, �Ca f2 S =, �° � /�'�' .t, � �,� ..4 � C` s'. Q �� , � � –� r- . ' �, � L; — .� � e_�� �.� � : � %S '_ ,.,, i� �' � R � � � 'J � ,�-� .c � �,� "'� Ci�/'—�iDw �L� ,:JO �SS✓°/� � r�/ CJ � L Zi wl Y t v fJ ty' /•-- 1-i . i� � �� .. �= � Completion Da�e i. r Correction� .� `_/ Z-/� 1 ..�diC- `��� � y--- -- �.iL�..% _`"j � �_._�,�' _ - � ,�o�to� �itv Hall Phone FA 7-lE4I. Ezt. 2" ' `:^"" � � _..._..�.--•�.,��; �`m�—��---+ � �� �� �POO� ��i�!-. . r �AL..: � i� $ � ____._ �� ��� . (CONFIDENTIAL) ' NO. A � � `' � IMIES'T1GA ..s� �3 5 ' LOCATION: 7 � � / RECENED: _/—/ y REGARDING: � �d � �"'-� G � G�/��' � � . � �1� t. ' G G� / � �� �,>,�, y G k-( L�G(./� � - OWNER'S `�AME' ��!/i�� 'C �r.t.u� _ _ A.P.N. — ADORESS � 'RACT PHONE NUMBER LOT ZONE � REPORTING PERSON � � 2" �'�''`J OFFICE ❑TENANT ❑ NEIGHBOR �OTHER gY ;K-( L' �� �c: - � _ ADORESS COMMENTS r =`�'� �`t'`"".'T PHONE NUMBER ��C� � �'� ; a ; / , // DATE —� � L — INSPECTOR: ; ' -�- 'c <� �� ASSIGNED �� i � �,� , �. _ : � ; , _ ��°` � ,�CTiON: � � � �1 � �. a/ i "` • �'-v� �ra`, `' ,� -. � • ! � v � �� n vl�.. ` � � . � . t, [ /. � � � _ _�e Q C�� � � 9 r Gc.�. �- i�.c� �.�,e rc l �I'' i , � � �� � - �'-�-�-- P�r�cio» vw�...a � . /� r ,� : � � s4,s vwi ,', L � a S .:r�1; r �. - ,�- i • ,. ., 0 �. i ' � � �� � �� i7 ��_ / . - ��� ,� / � ..i' t %l�Gx� �- � �L ` 1 J!� o� ��n.vyj - � �i ( OMAVER'S NAl�AE � 9` �a^�•� ; ADORFSS" I PHONE NUTABER ly REPORTING PERSON �L1IJ1dib/D ��i�ST. OTENANT ONElGH80R ❑OTHER -----• AOORESS PHONE NUIriBER --� .�� �� . �� ���� ��C� A.P.N. OZJ� "��Z —'�/-GY�'—� TRItiCr LOT ZONE OFFfCE. gY Gf� L,���."'-,�__— COi�� - ,�.1�i /�or�a �� INSPECTOR: ��`�1-�r.�x� .��.� r=,S51GNED �/�/� ACTION: ��_,�'�1A,fl-e�-x��i f,rtie-rce�y! �--,v � �� %/f.�-l� -; -�y.� -�-�-t.e�, . �'/2.�t �-o'� �' /'�-t�l �' ���-=-�eo< /f.P.L�n�,,, •t�,�, , I i�E d ��- l`� ? �"�-G�i- w�J - %l� cw�` �2� �A -�-- � C�-/�'� , ��. l/� J �_J . I �4 ,i" C,/Ici�C� 5% - � .�� PARAGON PHINTING _ - -�r �.i, vC�`�j✓ �� � � 'J , � n ��./� ��:,�� � �, r7 — \ �-'= l.� �6 , - - � -- `�` ,.� , � � . �///�'�,{/- ✓ �/ � J "' / -^t._.C� �,�1 V�^ L '`-i1 �� .:�c'� :�.'L2�%12�C Gd C�OR. �R��fN��_: ���; _�_-� _� .� � - . r�� .:..� u .' �t: LOCATION ��OC� '�- ��� Compiai.nt � _ _,_ /� ; Re: � - , � . / • Tract Owner's Name �� � � � ' Lot Phone No. ' Zone Complainee Address Phone No. Office Date Action: , . � LOCATION ` ��v � ����`��L �N�� Complaint Re: ca CL 1�l k. eGL� ���^ ���LIJ� � Tn .. . - � -/ -r v � . Date 5��� �r 7 , _ - r ' ,. _ ." 1►TA .. -. . " C 'i { _ �' , Date � � D u , , - � (.'/ SL, �/ -� , � ,,., p��9� T'�ct Owners Name�� ���^ , � - �Cot 4 } — Phone Na � i'� ;�-c-W= _�.�. � t �Zone . `.. .,� Compfainee � ` ii Address '� ���y � _ Phone No. � `J � =� . `'''� � ' �OffiE� �, Da��, : � " �/ �� ��` � � Action: t � m ____ cl� r OF BAKERSFIELD BUaLDING DEPARTMt4 < HOUSING APPLICATION FOR PERMIT APPLICANTTO FILL IN BETWEEN HEAVY LINES useZone FireZone occ Tyoec;ons� ! sui�diny t � � � � �ryl I�f`1 aiariomy Addre�s . � Acno� � �e�� SubCrvis�on oesa.ip- 9�k. tion m 3 0 C.T. Lot No. ", E Larry Taylor �tY 3kf d. AME J m = � Mail Address U � C Clty Q W NAME �cKenney � s � Mail Address� � p T ; � 2 � City _ k � O v State Lic. No„ �, �„ �a�.�o.���g].Ja71 Lic. No. Tel. No. t. re�. No... � ; _1� r'2.7 CONSTFUCTfON LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lenaing agency for the perfo►mance of the work for which this permit is issuea ISec. 3097, Civ.C.). Lender's Name Lender's Add�ess California Environmental Quality Act does not apply, as Project is miniSterial under C+tV of Bakersfield env'rrortmentnl oraeedures. �ICENSED COMTRACTORS DECIAAATtON I heiBby atfiRn 7�at I 2en Iicerqe0 urW9r th9 WOVis�ortiS W Ct�2pte� 9�wmmeneuig wrm Seeaon 70001 or Dmson 3 0 8us�ness anC Profess�on� Cale ^ane my iicense n n ns ��rwl ecc. License �r_ _LQ _:� � - ',� ��! I.�. Numoe� �' .L j Date trecta`�n::E�t1e� � c WNER-B ER DECLARAT�ON 1 hE(Bpy 8fhlRi tli3t ! aT Bt8ln0f lfOT th s t�canse �ar ror me ta+mnno +eason iSec. I 7031.5. Bus�ness ana Professqns Cotle: Any c�ry a caunry wh�rn reoues a permn ro conswci. auer. I� mDrove. Gemo�6n. or repair any svuCture. pnor to its is5uance. aiso reares me aoa�carn �a sucn pem,n �. to hie a signetl statert�ertt mat ne �s ��censed pursuarx ro me orav�soras a me Concrxca s ucense �aw (ChaOter 911c���9 w�� �pn 7000) ot Di�sen 3 ot tne Busr�ess ano Proress�ons Cooe� o� ma� Ihe �s exemOt therertom anG the Das�s fOr the allegeC exemp00n. Arv wanon ot Sectan i 031 5 by 2nv app��ca�l tor a cem+rt suWects me appucant to a cm� oenairy ot ror rore cnan �ne nurorea oouars �ssooi.�: ❑ I. 35 Owner Ot IhB WOPelIY. a my efnD�0Ye9s wttn wagBS as fI19r sae mfWe�SaUO�. ww o0 the worx. dfltl Ihfi SINCtUf9 �5 nOt u1IBn090 W oH@r0tl tOr 521e I$!C. 7064. Busneit anC Prof2isans Co08: T�ne ContreCtw's L�cense Law aoes not apply to an owner of oroPerty ..ro aa�tls or �moroves mereon. ana who tl0es sutn wofle n�mseif W thrOUgh his own emorOyees. provqe0 Dt2c sucn imorOvements are ro� ���9ROB4 Of 0�1Q18tl (O� 5219. If. !tOw0v6f. Ihe bWl6fly Or imWOvlmpC �5 5010 �IIl�n o�E year or COmA�nDn. the OvrnBf-bu�W� wM� RaV9 �he buftlen Ot DfOwn9 tll� �E a0 nOt bwi0 Or imOrOV6 tOr ttie purpoSe of 5ale.�. ❑ I. as ow�er ot me propeny, am excwsnery cormacnng w�m �ceruea contracoors ro conscnrct me pro�ect I Sec. 704a. B�uuiess ana Professans Coae: The Contracra s�ense �aw aoes nrn aupry �o an OwnBI Of pfOp�Yly wrW buiWS W�mpfOVeS th@180�1. dfltl wIW LOnV3C23 for suCl pr0�2CtS wi111 a connactOrlsl I�certseo pursuant ro me Contractoi s ��cerne Law.�. ❑ I am exem0l uroer Set. . B. & P.C. for th�s reason Date Owner WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECL4RAT�ON ' S`:; • g �.� ! nereby aHirm mat I have a certrticare ot consen� to seU,n�re. or a ceruhca�e o� wor�e�.s 1 ComPens�non� or a c�tletl copy thereot i Set. 3800. Laa O� Po��cy No.�i � � (% � �af+1 . S t'ci �i 8 li �i:lti . �' �.lii�i ❑ Cemfiea mw �s nerew �um�snea. � Cendrea cow �s weo w�m me c�ry owiamg insoecnon aeoanme�n � CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM wORKERS' COMPENSATIONINSURANCE � � rh15 S@Ct�0�111EB0 nOl OB COR�MBtB01f thB pBR11rt is td Ol1B f1Uf10fB000f3/S 1$1001 Or ie55. � i ceniy mat in me certamance or me wone ror wn�cn ma oermn a ssuea � snau na emaw anv ce�so� in any manner so as ro Decome Suo�ect lo ihe W orker Campensa0on uws ot Cautoma. Dace �oa�can� NOTICE TO APPLICANT: Il. aher maKmg this Cemhca[e of Exemonon. rou srqua oecorne waect co me Workers Compensaoon prov�s�a�s of the Laba Code, yau must formrnn rnmpry wm� wcn orov�sans o� IhiS pBII1ut Sfldll bB OBBfnetl rBVd�eO. i ceniry mat i nave reaa m�s aop�cauon ana sta�e mat me anove v+eom+aau+ s corren. i agree io comoiv wrth all tity antl Wu�lv aC�flallCes a!W State laws reiaprg to owl0no �tia+. arw ne�eoy aumonze r@pr9g91N0bv83 Of tM3 Gty t0 BnlBr upon the 3DOVB-mpf�eDnetl pCOeflP �d m5pgC9pn purposes. SignaNre d AoWicant or Agern =ate BUlLDING Jse ol Bu�nq � �.oes aea o� e�o9 � ;+.o.rs . ELECTRICAL ��_oaa KW S¢e Serv Wire �p Sae Serv CmO. Phase �.-�. Grc ITEM No. Fes �TEM No. Fee c:ect �ernce � Motor M P � I �� ov ounets I � I =-xtures ; Area S.F i � �ange w neater ! ; � lauw►.ce � I I = I Total Fee ! � �� PLUMBING ' �m w Neater � Z 3a�ns I �,y V�g 3 3ams 1 I G. L+ne �2w¢v � �]k F P � '�iiets i I �001 FdiM � — 1 l � 2atn,5hOwer I �� p�500321 FMq ,avatory � � Seonc tanK S,nk I . I auwne� f � �' � Total Fee � l. 1„ MECHANICAL �.ew urn�s i B00 SF Como. M 6 C s UnCer over 3 ton Vew Unas over ComoreSiar 3!m ' 800 SF � �� 3 unoer �eatmg � 00.000 j ��ey,ya � - 97J 8 under � g �� � �eatsig over I ' 00.000 BTU FboO Vent �omo. r1 a C 3 ton e urWer �� Fan Vent � Poa1 Me�d --._._I_�s��wQ . I / I �- <i,� I� �.� ,i� II-1► i i� Y ree�5 c� �—�—c�! �TEM I Valwtion � Fss � aermn No. ='.dn Ch2G( I 3udtlng P�rtT "c'ect ae.mn � - . �'L7`l i � _ o,.�mo Perr�t � s� �• �� v�^r� 1� _ Uetn Pemnt � // � � Sir.r� Potr� I , -_� � I }.2 � �oorovc0 BULL.aNG DIHEC� �Zi `� 9v --- Date h����C � 1. q � f OF BAKERSFIELO BUILDING DEPARTMt APPLICATION FOR PEAMITS - BUILDING - ELECTRICAL - PLUMBING - MECHANICAL GROUP R-1, R-3 HOUSING Ux Zone Fre Zaro Oca 'ipe Conat P!annmg a�cuo� BiJIlDlNG u� o� a���a,� i � �. . ,�„ rr _ ' `'-y.� �/:•i f.�t Gross Area ot Bltlg. ` � �' �': c•7�!! i ^ ��E�ECrTRICAL L�aO KW S�1e Serv. �r� '.o. SiZB S@N. ConC. r�h3% 'A. G��C. ITEM I No. Fe� I 17EM Na� I Fes c!ect. Serv�ce � � ov ounen YtX}{J(@S ' �ange a Meater 1 9afh z eams 3 BaW �ewBf 1- ?o�iets 9athlShower l.dvatOry. Sink � Mota M P �r i r-r �.+ � � i Area S.F. I I row Fee � P�UMBFNA--� � W. Heater i � W. �ne � ! I G. Une � � � 9k. F P ' i aoo� Fater i i � Dis0o981 Fie�O ; Seonc 7ank �"�.c` I r— � r��� � f � I , � = �. � Total Fee � i . �_ ._ MECHANICAL New Urncs t boo : R UnOer uew urnts over ? 800 SF Heetrg 100.000 9TU�8 untle� HB8b1g Ov81 100.000 BTU CamO. H 8 C 3 !on 6 unaer I over 3 ton I Comoresear 3 ta+ a unae. I Comavaaw wx 3 ton � HOOtl Vent � I Fan Vlnl . Pool Heater .� J fAra1 FEES ITEM Valwtlon Fes Psm+N Nu. P�m Cnecu °u�amq �� /% � �� / , ! �; . .. � . ..� . E:ect. Permn . - ' , . P1vrW. Pgrrtnt . `.,� . Mech. PermK Y � '�� G O�� —•�i �Q aoprovea: BUILDINq dRECTOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BETWEEN HEAVY LINES aaaress t ,s% %�j ° r �Tr f' �--' ���cl �ega� i Subaiv�a/wi /% S� C.T _;.,,, '�•� Descrronort j 3�k. '� _ lct No. �� � � 4AME �-l�-�� � ' i � Neil AtlOreS� � � � �/,'i � . . 3 � ' ��N � Tel. No. � ' - . vaME ' _ `Ayl AOOf21S � < � ! ��:v r�. rio.' VAME K- � JA S-�� r _ ' Nad Atldr2s5 . � : :,ry i ?� / �% '��'� e�. nio Q��� =� �� / - �tate uc 'ro. � CLASS OF WOAK �YCw I p2rtqMgh MOVe 4iteratwn � R�r � qQypp� � M�H inStaM � �.MrM Awrxgs � I I� SPECIAL INFORMATION Califom�a c^•nronmenral pua6ry Act aoes not app�y, as Prqect is min�stenal under City ot Bakerst�eid envvonmental prpcetlure.q. SIGNATURE � cernfy that � nave reac this aopYCation antl state ttmt the auone is correct arw agree to comdy w,� all City Ordinances and Stale Laws reguia0ng Waltirg construetion antl shaM na empby �y De►san in woiadan of the taba Code or CaYfamie relating co Workers Gx�censau0n Ins�xance. CONTRACTOR SIGN 80.0W 1 Certify mat 1 am e lieensed contractor antl Vmt my ficenae ia n fi� farce and @Hect and have rieo wnth the CitY 9uidin9 Direc�or: ❑ A cerfficate of CorLSent to seM-�re issued by C�e Direcfor pf Industrial rel2uortl, pr ❑ A CerL6eat9 of Mlorlcers' Compensedon Y�anC9 by an edmilled ir�rer. or an @7t9Gt COp'y Of dmYC�9 U1BI90f C8fl1� � U1B �lC� Of � FiA19ilOf1S Of U1B RlIBf. . . � � Signed tttis dey of � l' t 9� at • Bak,�rC�ifqfTlix �C ContractorrB� - / AuY�pr¢ed Aqaft 'JA�. �' �—.� OWNEA-BUILDEA SIQN BELOW �I �� I am �Ae owner of the aUO�re properq antl 1 wiY contrset to hev�e aY of the above 'NaK DaAametl by licen�ed Cantra�.'for. .� I am O�e owr�er W the aDOUe pro0erly ad wi Oe�saieh PeAam C�e above worx i arM 1 caply that m the pertpms�ee d t�e wak fa whiCfi thia p�� i3 issue0 I I s+�ll ^a[ ertwbY eM Peraon n anY rt�an�e► ao es �o Decoms subject to tne I Workers' Cannanaee0n Lewa of Caflorrrs. � I have fietl wAt1 Me &�ikli�g O�selor e CertiRC�s of �NOrk�ra' ComGensation ' �n�a�os by an somittao insus. cr an e�ct oopy a 4+Wiceb tne�eot cercfriea , by tne iareCtor of Ir�istrNl Raleeons or ths iNU'�. Signetl ths Cay of 19 , at 8akersf�eW. CalifOnl� ' Owner �i' i Building Addreas ` Subdivision O � Lot No. m J � et NAM ' �� � W ,' � • � )• � Mail Address. � �. � City � p � _ ♦ ,� G � NAME � W z Maii Address �� CItY _ -- APPLICATION fi �r Z�-.c�'= Blk. �i /G a''�/ r� � � ��'—�(--� - -- ----- Tel. No. l el, No. �, NAME � �� �i P � Moil Address City Tel. No. 3 15E ZONE - A; R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, C-1, C-2, M-1, M-2 IRE ZONE - I, II, �II -YPE OF CONSTRUCTION: I, II, II1, IV, V 1 Hr, or H. T., N, Combustible, Incombustible )CCUPANCY � � GROUP: A B C D E F G H I J DIV. 1, 2, 3, 4, S BUILDINC IEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD �R BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE I APPLICANT TO FILL IN BETWEEN HEAVY LINES CLASS OF WORK New Demolisi� Alterofion I2epair Addition Move Use of Building Q_�11(f1 C'P _��'1�' �-!'r , Size of Buildin Hei ht ' No. of Rooms No. of Families No. of Floors Size of Lot ---- - ------ - -- .. ._.. __ .. ---- — ---- .. ....--- _. ..--.__ No, of Dldgs. Use af 81dg, Now �n Lot Now on Lot SPECIfICATIONS FOUNDATION Motcrial EX1 ERIOR PIERS Widih of �iop Width of Bottom ---- - --------- -- _- - ---- - - ------- - - --- Depth in Ground R. W. Plate (SiIU _ _ SIZE SPACING SPAN Girders Jois1 I st FI. Joist--2nd FI. -- - -- ---- - Joist--Ceiling � i - __. .__--- __ ._ �C-�' /iJ_�`'r_. . C�.t C-xtcrior $lucls _ _. _.__ _ _ __. ___ __. _--- � Iiilcrior Stu�ls Roof Ra(ters COVfRING Exterior Wolls Roof Interior Walls Reroofinq FLUES . Fireplace FI. Furnace ' Kitchen Watcr Flroter ----- ---_ _ .. --- - � � Furnace Gas Oil I hereby acknowledge that I have reod this application and state thot the above is correct and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and State Lows regulating building i construction. � Sign Here.- rel��L' � - _ - i - - - �f�N n�o. c�, PIOT PLAIJ AND SPFCIAI. 1NFORMA7�n1d if1VFp1 )F OCCUPANCY Bldg. Permit No. Q YALUATtON $ /�' • . � Certificate of Occuponcy Date Issued /�-�/-� Buildinp fee Plan-Checkin� Fee Total Date - ' -- - - - -- — _ _.._. _---_�—_._ . - - - ... _._ _ .. -- fll_DG. hL. FI_. GAS MEc � f IN/�L __.. _....-- -- - --- -�---- -- -- -- --._. SPECIAL INFORMATION � � � , PLANNING AND ZONING INFORMATI� Total Floor Area Type of Occupancy Number of Stories Total Height Area of Lot front Yard Setback from Property Line $ide Yard Setback from Property Line Rcar Yard ' *`• Ne� Construction Alfer 1 Change of Occupancy from � IApproved: CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR R I vAME • � � r r c% /Gc. !.� � � 1 T1 T1 D L' C C. ��iI%%l �,-s .� "� �L� �_ .�i'u. � � 8 r�,�? !� D l�' e 'HONE • Q � �� — 6 / T O INVESTIGATION CASE SUMMARY - (continued) I'e ✓`�' 7 C f G S �TU ! 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K 1 _ .a� �-' �.:,�s _; ,,�.4,�. . z--- • , . . . . . � ._ .�- _.f. . ._.. _ _ ���:�: ♦ ' 1 -, . �s��.�.as,�e� $ � Z 3— �/ Z-1�—�� " S� zone _ ,:..�. - - ,� fs- r'`', �'/'a..c� lo ►�- $ 3 ` f r 6 9 `�0 1 . � ��(.�"., ?�� � �"��- � ����� ,�'�/� 3 �^"%!`7 - �'"l S % l � U � � ��f Z �',D .� . � � a`'yr %^�y� ' L��� t �� /zo% i�� / . e Gli�c.11Ji D—r�ci/.Y �u i � � .i1�i✓�i , � �e �. �, o../ .t�,,. , , : i�2 �c�f..� C� �.�.r� ' � r _1-, • �1 , � . � �A"� �S 3 —S 'Z — 3 �S'— � 3�zs �g� Z � �. . :=�..._.,..�.��1.. _ :i - _. . - 4 :6 � � CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BUILDING INSPECTION INVESTIGATIVE REPORT CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF ENFORCEMENT Address �744 U Assessor' s Parcel # �' Z �-i� Z- -ri -G'G' -.� Zone L G�- r` '" �/ �cu: � c f- ��3 `� b 7�� � ���OI�. �R��INA� w,`� . � .. i= w.� /� �.i. •� ��Na � ��,E,RSHf'(D � `� .` .�� ', ��- a 1 �i P� ;,��� .'/� f ULICt'', \ `�I��/� ., i TO FROM SUBJECT MEMORANDUM HONORABLE MAYOR PRICE AND STEVE BRUMMER, CHIEF OF POLICE MEMBERS June 23, 1994 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT AT CLAIRE AND O'NEIL STREETS Council Member Salvaggio requested a response from the police department concerning traffic enforcement efforts in the area of Claire and O'Neil Street, and Jonah and Langston Street. Both intersections have been monitored by Traffic personnel, with emphasis on Claire and O'Nei1 Streets due to a higher number of requests at this particular location. Sergeant Tim Taylor, Traffic Enforcement Supervisor, prepared the attached report as an overview of enforcement activities in the area. The department will continue to monitor traffic flow in this area and we will provide the highest level of enforcement activity possible. cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager Councilmember Brunni Councilmember DeMond . Councilmember Edwards Councilmember McDermott Councilmember Rowles Councilmember Salvaggio Councilmember Smith ., i:.w� ,: .., ....; : �tiERSF1��D �� � �, � � ��n� .,��? . .�'t�, �o°u"c� �• �.=. , ,`!�+� �- • .� MEMORANDUM JUNE 22, 1994 S. E. BRUMMER, CHIEF OF POLICE T. D. TAYLOR, SERGEANT, TRAFFIC SECTION TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT AT CLAIRE AND O'NEIL STREETS The Bakersfield Police Department's Traffic Section has maintained its current special enforcement log since 1987. The purpose of this log is to document specific requests from the public, for special enforcement, so that the Traffic Section can respond to those requests in a timely manner. Occasionally, officers are assigned to respond to these requests as a"special assignment" which makes them unavailable for routine calls for service. But, for the most part the log allows the traffic officers to identify problem areas within their assigned districts so that action can be taken to rectify the matter. Since 1992, the Traffic Section has logged seven requests for special enforcement at the intersection of Claire and O'Neil Streets. Speeding and stop sign violations are listed as the problems for enforcement. I have personally assigned officers Gaines, Aldana, Bianco, Nuriddin and Olsen to respond to the complaints, with instructions to appropriately cite for stop sign and speeding violations at or around the intersection of Claire and O'Neil Streets . Upon checking with these officers after their assignments it was reported in every case that traffic was light and very few citations were issued. Records retrieved from Data Processing indicates that there has been one injury accident at the intersection since 1992, and a total of ten citations issued; all of which have different dates of issuance except for two. Of those ten citations, seven were stop sign violations and the remaining three seat belt or other non-moving violations . It would appear that the perceived problem is greater than the problem truly is . It is our intent to accommodate as many special requests as possible, but with twenty-six traffic officers and over four thousand city intersections, it is not always possible nor practical to do so. The complaints from the individual at Claire and O'Neil, have not fallen on deaf ears, we will continue to provide him the same service as we have in the past . As an aside, Lieutenant Blackburn responded to the area on or about June 17, 1994, to personally evaluate the problem. It was approximately 4:00 P.M. , and he described the traffic as extremely light and observed no violations at the intersection, but did stop a speeder on Jonah Avenue. That violator was subsequently issued a citation. Respectfully Submitted, . . . . �'.'`� : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . D . Taylo •, Sergeant Traffic Section TDT/ik t °-c+, � � �' ~ CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL MEETING OF: 06/15/94 REFERRED T0: TRUDY SLATEP. T S'ATER REFERRED T0: POLICE DEPT S BRUMMER ITEM: RECOP,D# 1�517 Traffic issues at intersectiors of Ciaire �treet and 0'Neill Avenue ar� Jonah and Langston Streets. (Salvaggio) .ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: SALVAGGIO REQUESTED FURTHER INFORMATICN FROM STAFF, INCLUDING AMOUNT OF TIME SPENT PATROLING AT ?HE INTERSECTIONS OF CL.4IRE STREET ANDO'NEZLL AVENI;E AND JONAH AND LANGSTONS STREETS. BACk:UP MATERIAL ATTACHED: NO DATE FORWARDED BY CITY CLEP,K: 06/17/94 � B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director ��� //�%^-- v� �C DATE: June 23, 1994 SUBJECT: California Avenue Widening Project Assessment District No. 93-3 (Cal-Oak) Improvements S.R. 99 Project At 11:45, June 22, 1994, my staff received a telephone call from Mr. Randy Perkins, CalTrans Project Engineer for the S.R. 99 Widening Project (Wilson Road to Airport Drive). Mr. Perkins informed us that, due to the current financial crunch the State is experiencing, and because the bond measure for seismic retrofitting did not pass at the last election, the State is using the S.R. 99 project funds to pay for seismic retrofit projects throughout the State. The S.R. 99 project was to have been advertised on June 20; it was not advertised. Mr. Perkins advised us that it may be a year before the State finds sufficient funds to advertise this job. Mr. Perkins recommends that we write a letter protesting this move to Mr. Robert Binger, Director of District 6, as soon as possible. The S.R. 99 project includes the widening of the Bakersfield Yard Overhead at the A.T.& S.F. yard, north of California Avenue. This project is critical to both the City's California Avenue Widening project and the Assessment District No. 93-3 improvements. Without the widening of the Bakersfield Yard Overhead, neither project can proceed. Richard Hargrove, Bond Counsel for Assessment District No. 93-3, has been contacted for his legal opinion regarding this situation. He recommends that, since we have a Cooperative Agreement with CalTrans regarding the widening of the Bakersfield Yard Overhead, we contact our legislators as soon as possible. In the meantime, we may wish to pursue with CalTrans the possibility of the City of Bakersfield funding the widening of the Bakersfield Yard Overhead out of our Gas Tax with the understanding that we would be reimbursed by CalTrans at a later date and to get this agreement and a reimbursement schedule in writing from CalTrans prior to proceeding. The problem with this, of course, is that CalTrans has no control over the reimbursement. Mr. Hargrove knows of a case wherein it took CalTrans fifteen years to reimburse another agency under similar circumstances. Mr. Craig Carver, CalOak Development Properties, L.P., will be contacted and informed of this latest development as soon as possible. AD34:�93_3�THEFT ,-_.. �'� B K� ���c��r � r � � �� �'ALIFO � TO: FROM: i SUBJECT: DATE: MEMOIr'ANDU1Vf Gene Bogart Mary Beth Richmond-Garrison Billboard promoting City of Bakersfield's Recyclpng Center June 23, 1994 June 23, 1994 The billboard north of Highway 58, Z800 feet west af Mount Vernon Avenue, is the site dedicated as a"Locator Board" for The City of Bakersfield's Recycling Center. The Center includes the Green Waste/Wood Waste Recycling Facility operated by� the City and Wood Recovery Systems, as well as the Inerts Recycling Facility operated by Granite Construction in cooperation with the City of Bakersfield. The billboard is lit, (visible day and night), and measures 10 feet by 24 feet. The sign will be professionally painted by The Kunz Outdoor Company and will display materials accepted at the Center, directions to the Center, and will bear the logos of the Public/Private partnerships involved in the program. This billboard will heighten the visibility of the Recycling Center and strengthen the City's position as a leader in local recycling efforts. Accompanying �this memorandum is a draft copy of the billboard's design. Please route comments regarding the billboard to Mary Beth Richmond-Garrison by July 6th, at which time the display will be cleared for production. � ALL-AMERICA CITY f,ri + d �` i� e e.�. ; �,. S t.,t .,. . y,1���:' a:..�� . A `` � � �1 '' GREEN WASTE � ��. , r, CYCLING CENTER WOOD WASTE '\✓' _ ASPHALT and C4NCRETE � ���� y�', � �^ & ,7�Y-: ,� �,,.� t,�r`": ��a '� ' . � �ii��11 Recovery �� �� ��_���%C��� �� ` `t � � � .�����w��� �� � t! ��! � � �.� ���k� ,��,.g.�. ��� � �� � :� � Systems . .� ������.. � . Ri ht 1 1/2 Miles D�aF�r �!. f w� � � B A K E R S F I E L D Alan Tandy • Ciry Manager June 20, 1994 The Honorable John Vasconcellos, Chair Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 6026 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: OPPOSITION TO SB 1601 (BEVERLI� - PROPERTY LIENS: MUNICIPAL UTILITIES Dear Assemblyman Vasconcellos: This letter urges your opposition to proposed SB 1601 (Beverly) which would place any liens on real property for failure to pay any municipal utility rate or charge behind all other recorded liens. Current law allows a city municipality to lien the property of a customer if the customer fails to pay his/her water bill, or allows a lien against a landlord in the case of an apartment building so that essential services to the tenant can continue. SB 1601 could prevent a municipal utility from ever recovering amounts owed as all other prior recorded liens would have to be paid before the municipal utility could recover. In many instances, properties involved in this type of action are apartment buildings whose value is inadequate to cover all prior liens and mortgages. We urge you to oppose SB 1601. Sin � T dy ty Manager AT:j p cc: Honorable Mayor and Bakersfield City Council Local Legislators League of California Cities City of Bakersfield • City Manager's Office • 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield • California • 93301 (Rn5) ��F,-�751 • Fax (Rf1Sl 'i�4-1 RSfI Distribution of June 20, 1994 letter to Assembly Ways and Means Committee OPPOSITION TO SB 1601 - PROPERTY LIENS: MUNICIPAL UTILITIES The Honorable John Vasconcellos, Chair Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 6026 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Paul Horcher, Vice Chair Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 3123 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honoreble Fred Aguiar Assembly Ways end Means Committee The State Assembly 5126 Capitol Building Sacrame�to, CA 95814 The Honorable Doris Allen Assembly Waya end Means Committee The State Assembly 4153 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorabie Deirdre Alpert Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 3173 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Dean Andal Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 4116 Capitol Building Sacramento. CA 95814 The Honorable Valerie Brown Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 2130 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Ho�orable John Burton Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 3152 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Robert Campbell Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 2163 Capitol Building Sacramento. Ca 95814 The Honorable Jim Costa Assembly Ways and Means Committee the State Assembly 2158 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honoraule Bob Epple Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 4126 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Martha M. Escutia Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 2137 Capitol Building Sacramento. CA 95814 The Honorabie Barbara Friedman Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 5150 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Thomas Hennigan Assembly Ways and Meena Committee The State Assembly 3104 Capitol Building Sacramento. CA 95814 The Honorable Ross Johnso� Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 3151 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Barbara Lee Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 2179 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Willard H. Mur�ay, Jr. Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assemby 3091 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Jack O'Connell Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 3160 Capitol Building Sacramento. CA 95814 The Honorable Richard Polanco Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 2188 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Curt Pringle Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 4208 Capitol Building Sac�amento. CA 95814 The Honoreble Charles Quackenbush Assembly Ways and Means Committee Tne State Assembly 2111 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Andrea Seastrand Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 3141 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 The Honorable Paul A. Woodruff Assembly Ways and Means Committee The State Assembly 5164 Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 STATE CAPITOL SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 (916) 445-9600 2503 WEST SHAW AVENUE, N 101 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93711 (209)445-5567 C��xCz�.o�xx�t� �#�x�� �5.e��xt.e �°' CAti�" ` , : KENNETH L. MADDY SENATOR, FOURTEENTH DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FLOOR LEADER Alan Tandy, City Manager City of Bakersfield City Manager's Office 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 , Dear Mr. Tandy: June 15, 1994 COM M ITTEES: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS � GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION (VICE CHAIRMAN) REVENUE & TAXATION JOINT COMMITTEES: ARTS LEGISLATIVE AUDIT NICE CHAIRMAN) SELECT COMMITTEES: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CALIFORNIA'S BUSINE55 CLIMATE CALIFORNIAS' WINE INDUSTRY �� INFANT AND CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT PACIFIC RIM ����9VE� . � JUN � �� � � �*` � � x �ITY MANA,�ER�� �� FFE �4 Thank you for your�recent letter urging my opposition to AB 3505 (V. Brown) relating to local sales�.and.use taxes: revenue allocation, AB 3721 (Tucker) relating to emergency medical services, and AB 3156 (Tucker) relating to emergency ambulance services: implementation and control: county board of supervisors. . AB-3505 is currently in the Assembly Local Government Committee, AB 3721 is currently in the Assembly Health Committee, and you will be pleased to know that AB 3156 failed passage in the Assembly Ways & Means Committee on May 25th by a vote of 3-12. I appreciate having the benefit of your position and wiil certainly refer to your recommendation of opposition when I have the opportunity to vote on these measures. Again, thank you for taking the time to write and express your views. . - .-. . � . . .. ._ . jgh Si z �r N � State ly, � .x . , �. - . . - L . MADDY ' �na or _ . . . . . : . . � ,