HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/02/94 ---- , .r~-'~ -~ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D MEMORANDUM September 2, 1994 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNC¡~~ FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Staff had a meeti ng with HUD thi s week. They are consoli dat i ng grant submissions for several different programs. A memo on th is subj ect is enclosed. 2. Enclosed is a memo outlining the process to form the Development/Permit Streamlining Task Force. Invitation letters to participate on the Task Force were mailed this week to various groups. The first meeting of the Task Force is scheduled for September 22nd or 23rd. 3. You have all been invited to participate in the City's Annual Safety Awards Luncheon and Wellness Faire to be held September 9th. An informational memo is enclosed. 4. Enclosed, for your information, is a memo from John Stinson regarding the City's first step in compliance with Rule 9001 (Commute Based Trip Reduction). 5. A memo containing miscellaneous information related to the Fire Department is enc 1 osed. Included is an update on the educational requi rements for promotions, information on SB 1082 (hazardous materials regulation), Station No.2 and old Truck No.1. 6. A Councilmember requested a transcript of the Public Statement made by Gene Tackett at the August 24, 1994, Council Meeting. It is enclosed. 7. A copy of the letter we received from CalTrans confirming that the Highway 99 project will proceed is enclosed. 8. A response to a Council Referral is enclosed regarding traffic control at Verdugo and Hageman. 9. We have received notification that SB 845 (which would have significantly reduced Enterprise Zone business incentives) was killed in the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee. 10. The Convention Center has a tentative hold on September 16th for "Guys and Dolls.1I A 1 though we have not received a depos i t yet, it looks very promising! -- -- - ------------ _u- -- - ------~ - -- ~ -'--".. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL September 2, 1994 Page -2- . 11. We hope to schedule action on computer hardware and software selection before you within a month. This is for replacement of our "PRIME" which is no longer manufactured. Selection has taken a long time and has been careful 1 y done to assure we are buyi ng hardware and software tested in other cities and satisfactory to our needs. 12. We are attempting to work wi th the property owner on Ca 11 oway #5 to resurrect that annexation. It was recently killed at LAFCO. 13. The eighth floor of the Hotel was poured this week. It is looking much like a construction site now - we plan to tour you at a workshop within the next few months. 14. We hear rumors that McAllister Ranch will not be developing as soon as was projected. Perhaps real economics help out when the County makes unrealistic land use decisions. 15. I wi 11 be out the week of September 12-23, partially at the lCMA Annual Conference in Chi cago, and two vacati on days. John St i nson wi 11 be in charge. 16. An update is enclosed on the time schedule for privatizing landscape districts. AT.alb Enclosures cc: Department Heads City Clerk I -~ - - . -,)1 1ft/ ;~ / v- v V . MEMORANDUM to ~~ 25 AuguSt 1994 -Ç Œ (,~\~ ~~ \t.~ 'TO TO: Jake Wager '-Iõ\>R 'ß / z",\ Economic Development Director f ~. w / ~ t> ) FR: George Gonzales ~ çommunity Development Coordinator~ II RJ,!},::, Status on Consolidated Plan for City of'.)3akersfield i, : . , .', RUD's consolidated planning requirements are underway. After a competitive procurement, we have executed a contract with Cotton/BelandlAssociates (CBA) for technical assistance in preparing the referenced document which is due to HUD by May 15, 1995. The amount of the contract was for $19,950. As pan of CBA' s scope of services, they are required to develop a public involvement strategy for the Consolidated Plan. It is due at the end of next week. We will provide Mr. Tandy a copy of the draft public involvement plan on or about September 2 for his review. We intend to kick-off the strategic planning process for the Consolidated Plan on September 15 (Thursday) at the Convention Center (Grape Room). On this day we intend to have two public meetings (1:30 P.M. and 6:30 P.M.) in order to provide residents the opportunity to attend in the afternoon or evening (the meetings are identical). In addition, at 3:30 P.M. we will have our annual non-profit technical assistance workshop for providers who wish to apply for FY 95-96 CDBG/HOME/ESG assistance. These events are typically held in September. CBA will be assisting staff in marketing the upcoming meetings. We anticipate using PSA's, flyers, direct correspondence, and non-display ads (newspapers). CBA's public involvement plan will contain more detailed infonnation on their recommended citizen participation strategy for the Consolidated Plan. We envision additional neighborhood meetings as well as a Consolidated Plan Citizen Advisory Committee by October. The highlights of CBA's draft public involvement plan will be shared with residents at the September 15 meeting. The HUD regulations require that citizens have the opportunity to comment on the citizen participation strategy before implementing the consolidating planning process. Please let me know if you have any questions concerning this matter. FILE:TANDYCPP.VZ ! I ~ ,~-- --.- t~-. :- 4 ~ . - B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM August 29, 1994 TO: ALAN TANDY, CI~GER FROM: JOHN W. STINSO , A SISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT/PERMIT STREAMLINING TASK FORCE Please find attached a draft copy of the letter inviting participation in the Development/Permit Streamlining Task Force. These invitations will be sent out today to the following groups: American Society of Civil Engineers American Institute of Architects Bakersfield Board of Realtors - Commercial Real Estate Building Industry Association Downtown Business and Property Owners Assoc. Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Kern Economic Development Corporation Sierra Club Southeast Bakersfield Incentive Area Community Advisory Council As the letter indicates I hope to have each group designate a representative by September 12th. I would like to conduct the first meeting September 22nd or 23rd, with weekly meetings thereafter, in order to meet the time line to present recommendations to the City Council in December. I am also soliciting representatives from various departments to assist with this effort. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or concerns reo the letter or proposed time-line. -- ." ~=-' ,,- f /J~ *'V:r Dear Individuals in the development community periodically express frustration about the processes that are used to regulate development. While the City of Bakersfield has taken many steps to streamline and coordinate the permit process, there is always room for improvement. With that in mind, we are looking for input from those involved and impacted by the development process for ways to streamline to make permitting more efficient and responsive for those involved. We are proposing the formation of a task force composed of a broad range of people who have an interest in development to provide ideas and feedback in a constructive manner. The objective of this task force is to identify ways to streamline the permit process, simplify regulations, and reduce costs for the permittee without compromising the purpose of the regulations. Further, it is hoped that those involved in the process will develop a greater understanding of the demands, restrictions, and requirements that all parties experience throughout the development process. The task force will review and discuss a number of areas for streamlining such as, annexations, subdivisions, zone changes, building permits, and site plan review for example. The task force will be making its recommendations to the staff and City Council for implementation. The proposed time-line for this effort is to appoint the membership by mid-September, have the initial meeting September 22nd or 23rd, meet weekly to have recommendations developed by December 1, and to have some resolution of the recommendations by the end of January, 1995. Because of your involvement in the development process we are requesting your participation in this effort. We would like you to select a person who would represent your organization on the committee. Please notify Assistant City Manager, John W. Stinson at 326-3751 if you are interested in being part of the task force, by September 12th. We encourage your involvement and look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Alan Tandy City Manager ~ . - B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM August 29, 1994 To: John W. Stinson, Assistant city Manager From: Scott Manzer~sk Manager Subject: Wellness Faire On September 9, 1994 a Wellness Faire will be held in conjunction with the Annual Safety Awards Luncheon. The following vendors will be participating in the Wellness Faire: W. B. Christiansen, M.D. Inc. Mini Physicals I' Memorial Urgent Care Center Diabetic Screening I California Physical Medicine Fat Content Analysis Back Care Central Cardiology Cholesterol Testing Fritch Eye Care Center Eye Exam Eugene Couture Ph. D. Stress Reduction Hall Ambulance Service Ambulance Demo Truxtun Radiology Medical Group Information on Mammograms California Care Nutrition P.S.I. Employee Assistance Program Please pass this information on to each of the Councilmembers. Each are invited to attend the Faire and the Luncheon on Friday September 9th from 11:00 to 1:00. ------------ --- ~. . ~ "'7 ~ . ~ - B A K E R 5 F I E L D MEMORANDUM August 31, 1994 ~ TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER R ( FROM: JOHN W. STINSO~STANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: WORK SITE REGISTRATION - RULE 9001 Attached for your information are work site registration forms for the City of Bakersfield which were submitted to the San Joaquin Unified Air Pollution Control District pursuant to Rule 9001 (Commute Based Trip Reduction). This is the first step in our compliance with the rule. As you can see the City has two locations which are subject to the rule. They are 1501 Truxtun (City Hall) and 4101 Truxtun (Corporation Yard). Each location includes sites which are within one mile and not separated by transportation barriers. Therefore, the 1501 Truxtun location includes the main City Hall building, the south wing, Police Building, Development Services Building, Fire Station #1, the Convention Center and the Economic and Community Development Offices. The 4101 Truxtun location includes only that site. As you can see from the number of employees (includes both permanent and temporary employees) the rule does not apply to many of our more distant locations. There were also exemptions for certain public safety personnel. As we discussed, Barbara Lewy, Human Resources Analyst has been designated as Employee Transportation Coordinator, and I am designated as the Employer Program Manager. We will providing employees information regarding the requirements of Rule 9001 through the employee newsletter and as part of our upcoming ridesharing promotion. We have requested to conduct our survey in the Fall of 1995 in order to have the benefit of experience from those performing their surveys during the first two periods. Based on the recent meeting I attended on the rule it is apparent that there continue to be modifications and interpretations of how the rule is to be administered and enforced by the District. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this information. "'" -""i'f ; WORK SITE REGISTRATION FORM RULE 9001 (COMMUTE BASED TRIP REDUCTION) 1. Company/Employer Name: City of Bakersfield 2. Work Site Location (No P.O. Box) 4101 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Street City State 9 Digit Zip Code 3. Number of employees reporting or assigned to the work site: 298 If this number if less than 100, the Rule does not apply to this work site. List a contact person in Section 6, rather than an Employer Program Manager. Do not complete Sections 4,5,7 and 8. 4. Number of employees who start work between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. at the work site: 244 If this number is less than 40, this work site is exempt from all Rule requirements. List a contact person in Section 6, rather than an Employer Program Manager. Do not complete Sections 5,7 and 8. 5. Employee Transportation Coordinator: 6. Employer Program Manager: Barbara Lewy John W. Stinson Name Name Human Resources Analyst Assistant City Manager Title Title (805) 326-3015 ( 805) 326-3751 (Area Code) Phone Number (Area Code) Phone Number Mailing Address: (If different from above.) Mailing Address:(1f different from above.) Street Street City State 9 digit zip code City State 9 Digit Zip Code 7. How were employees notified about the Rule? ...LNewsletter _Posted Notices _Memoranda _Other: 8. When would you like to conduct your first _Spring 1995 _Summer 1995 annual survey? ~Fall 1995 9. Certification: (Must be completed by the Employer Program Manager listed in Section 6) I certify i that the information pr 'ded on this form is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signature: ø ~V ~S¡ 7 Date San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District Central Regional Office.1999 Tuolumne St., Suite 200.Fresno CA 93721.(209)497-1075).FAX (209)233-0140 ,. - ~- > '- ", I ¡ WORK SITE REGISTRATION FORM RULE 9001 (CbMMUTE BASED TRIP REDUCTION) 1. Company/Employer Name: City of Bakersfield 2. Work Site Location (No P.O. Box) 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 I J Street City State 9 Digit Zip Code 3, Number of employees reporting or assigned to the work site: 514 If this number if less than 1 00, the Rule does not apply to this work site. List a contact person in Section 6, rather than an Employer Program Manager. Do not complete Sections 4,5,7 and 8. 4. Number of employees who start work between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. at the work site: 441 If this number is less than 40, this work site is exempt from all Rule requirements. List a contact person in Section 6, rather than an Employer Program Manager. Do not complete Sections 5,7 and 8. 5. Employee Transportation Coordinator: 6. Employer Program Manager: Barbara Lewy John W. Stinson Name Name Human Resources Analyst Assistant City Manager Title Title (805) 326-3015 (805) 326-3751 (Area Code) Phone Number (Area Code) Phone Number Mailing Address: (If different from above.) Mailing Address:(lf different from above.) Street Street City State 9 digit zip code City State 9 Digit Zip Code 7.' How were employees notified about the Rule? .1L.Newsletter _Posted Notices _Memoranda _Other: 8. When would you like to conduct your first _Spring 1995 _Summer 1995 annual survey? 2L..Fall 1995 9. Certification: (Must be completed by the Employer Program Manager listed iri Section 6) I certify 1 that the information pr 'ded on this form ;s accurate to the best of my knowledge. I S. I Ignature: i i San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District Central Regional Office.1999 Tuolumne St., Suite 200.Fresno CA 93721.(209)497-1075).FAX (209)233-0140 .:\.. ."" '-"i ~ MEMORANDUM "WE CARE" TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: M. R. Kelly, Fire Chief~ DATE: August 24, 1994 SUBJECT: General Information ------------------------------------------------------------------ At the Civil Service meeting on Monday, August 8th, the Fire Civil Service Commission approved in concept the educational requirements for promotion. I will continue to work on refining the areas of acceptable majors, acceptable class work, and availability of time off to attend classes. We have received additional information regarding 5B1082 which deals with the concept of a Unified Protection Agency to address all facets of hazardous materials regulation. The most recent interpretation of this Senate Bill has changed what we were previously led to believe. Currently, the State charges a surcharge for only certain types of regulated businesses. It appears with implementation of this new program that the State will charge a surcharge to all regulated businesses. The local agencies will still be allowed to charge a fee for the administration of their program, but there will be a State surcharge attached in addition to the local fees. One of the most significant cost saving aspects of SB1082 dealt with the surcharges imposed for above-ground storage tanks. This surcharge can run as much as $30,000 a year. We were led to believe that this surcharge would be adjusted and the local agencies would provide the service at a much lower cost. We have been advised that these above-ground tank State surcharge fees have been excluded from the unified program fees. Currently, these surcharges are committed to a 7.5 million dollar State clean-up fund and must remain in effect until amended by additional legislation. I have discussed this situation with Hazardous Materials Coordinator Ralph Huey, and he has assured me that by assuming responsibility for all phases of hazardous material regulations within the city, even with a new State surcharge to all regulated businesses, there will be an overall fee reduction to local businesses. However, the few facilities with large above- ground storage tanks will still be paying a separate State surcharge .\~~=='>C;:";?;¡:~~~"~r;' .~= "','~" ., : ~";,\l,L::~ \., leU ~,.__.,==~.._-=="~.. : , ,f,UG 2 6 1994 I .- n' -.,. - ---- , . -_. ,. .. --' - ,:-.,.." :\','\.~~;'-":".':" \ I ",;~ '- ,.r, C." '" , ~,,"' Page 2 August 24, 1994 General Information Chief Pacheco and myself met with Warren Minner Architects on Monday, August 22nd at Station No. 2 and reviewed the seismic retrofit plans as they currently exist. A few minor changes ,in the plans will be incorporated before the plans are forwarded to the' office of the State Architect for review. Mr. Minner indicated this process of revising the plans should not take very long. I have attached a copy of a memo from Joe Lozano from the Corporation Yard discussing old Truck 1. It appears as though a reasonable effort has been made to advertise this vehicle as being surplus, and as of this date-there have been no serious inquiries. The gentleman that had contacted Joe Lozano about possibly I purchasing the truck to be used in a movie studio has since called ! Joe and indicted he found one in a little better shape for about $15,000. Engineer Dietz and myself would be glad to meet with the Budget and Finance Committee to discuss this matter. s:\Kelly\General. Inf ,) 'v " ( ~ " ~ .,. .. ':~, ¡.., -'~ " / MEMORANDUM August 25, 1994 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS ^ '1- ;,¡ ... /'\ ", I 1Ef1(tT) FROM: FAM MCCARTHY. ASSISTANT CITY CLERU I i\iL , Uu SUBJECT: TRANSCRIPT OF A PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 1994 At the request of Councilmember Salvaggio, a transcript of the Public Statement by Gene Tackett was prepared and is attached. If you have any questions, please call me. Attachment: 1 PM/naB tranmemo.ps3 <0::--- '-.- -. "'---'T'--'-'----'-~ cc: Alan Tandy.,-Clty-Manage1t' John Stinson, Assistant City Manager Gail Waiters, Assistant City Manager Judy Skousen, Acting City Attorney r=c-=:,:~-6':~'1'::~~)'::') .. ,; :1 - ! Íllh..,~,,=U '\:/ ~Lj : II rr=-~="" Hn'- --:' ;: II I, ! , I' , ,; \ Ii f:,UG 2 6 1994; ~ , C!T~AÑAGER'S Öf~l~ =~=~.._- -= I I I I I --- - -.. -- - . - - -.- -.--- -- '" .'" .~ -k TRANSCRIPT OF A PORTION OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 1994 8. PUBUC STATEMENTS TACKETT: My name is Gene Tackett. I live at 2927 19th street and I'm here tonight representing Hall Ambulance Service. Thank you for this opportunity, Honorable Mayor and the Council. It's my understanding that you had received the letter from Peter Bramdon, President of Golden Empire Ambulance, regarding changes in the boundaries between the two services in Bakersfield. Also, the Board of Supervisors received that same letter. This item will be on the Board of Supervisors' agenda next Tuesday, August the 30th and-- at 10 a.m., and I am filing with your Council tonight a copy of that response. And I wanted to take this opportunity to make a few points. One, back in 1985, before there was a 911 System, Hall Ambulance had about 60% of the ambulance service within Greater Bakersfield; Golden Empire had about 40. with the 911 System, there was a mandate of rotating 50/50, so there was a switch with that government decision to give some of that market from Hall Ambulance to Golden Empire. But because Hall Ambulance always had more equipment and has been the insurance policy for having enough ambulances for service, historically, that average ended up being about 55/45 percent. That's why it's-- that was in the material that Mr. Bramdon sent you. Also, in 1989, when we were reviewing the rates, Peter Bramdon came forward and said we don't need a rate increase if we change the boundaries. There was a lot of action taken in 1989, and I'm also supplying you copies of the minutes from those meetings in the fall of 1989. One of the interesting things in the minutes is that, then Chief Dennis Needham, made the point that, really, the boundaries are not the issue. We really should have a centralized dispatch system. That would be the most appropriate thing, and that's what this Council had pushed. Ironically, Golden Empire and Hall Ambulance did develop a combined dispatch center, but Golden Empire dropped out and there now is a civil suit between Hall Ambulance and Golden Empire over that central dispatch. It no longer exists. Hall Ambulance bought all of the equipment, . so they're doing it, but Golden Empire's doing theirs on their own. There has been a-- obviously, some bad feelings between Golden Empire and Hall Ambulance over the last few months because of that law suit. One of those was Golden Empire filing a criminal complaint against Harvey Hall for stealing calls, which the Bakersfield Police Department reviewed and dropped without any merit. So my contention is, or my point is, is that a lot of this has to do with that civil suit and one of the reasons that Golden Empire is bringing this forward. I want to thank you for your time and I have ten copies for council, the Mayor and your staff. Thank you Clerk. Requested by: Councilmember Salvaggio I Request Date: 8/24/94 Prepared: 8/25/9411:37am I Time Used: 1.25/.25 hours (nss, bz) . TRANSCRIPTS:AUG24.PS ~-!":--- ! Æ . , - B A K E R 5 F I E L 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ~fY DATE: August 29, 1994 SUBJECT: MED IAN LANES TO FREEWAY 99 (Between Ming Avenue and Route 204) Attached for your information is a copy of the official notification from Caltrans informing us the Highway 99 project will now proceed. D1S CITYMGR3.RR Attachment 1~~EC[E~VŒfl,5-~-~c .--! ['IUG 3 I ~ L - -_o-~='¡ ,CiTY MANAGr:r.rS Q~:~':iC~.::; -~ -~ -. ~ - ~'- ;", ~,'~'- /"~ <C~4. ' . '" ' , STATE OF CALIFORNIA -- BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,- ...,...._'~~ j 1352 WEST OLIVE AVENUE ..e; P.O. BOX 12616 FRESNO, CA 93778-2616 c- " c'. , . '" '; ;° ,"-,n' "i,)::;..:'.~l:',¡,l . TOO (209) 488-4066 August 25, 1994 6-Ker-99-22.1j27.0 06345-301011 6F to 8F Mr. Raul M. Rojas, Director Kern County Public Works 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Rojas: This letter is to inform you that the State's project to add median lanes to Freeway 99 between Ming Avenue and Route 204 is scheduled to begin construction this year. At the end of June, the. California Transportation Commission (CTe) froze funding for many State projects due to the diversion of resources to the State's seismic restoration and retrofit program. This project was delayed at that time. The CTC has since made funding available and this project has been approved to proceed to construction. The project is currently scheduled to be advertised on September 19 and bid opening on October 18. Barring any further delays, the construction of this project could begin in early November. If you have any questions, I may be reached at (209)488-4076. . Sincerely, RANDALL D. PERKINS Project Manager cc Marianne Shaw . '~i,-=~> - -, Æ . - B A K E R 5 F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORAN UM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Di ror Y4 DATE: August 30, 1994 SUBJECT: Traffic control at Verdugo and Hageman Council Referral Record #12923 (Councilmember Conni Brunni - Ward 4) Attached for your information is the latest update to the above subject referral. Traffic Engineering will perform another study during the first week of school. Based on the results of the new study a recommendation will be made. ### ~===--"~- ~~-'",~"-'~'"- ,-,.=,""'_7" -: I '= ':O(("'~~\l7f'~F~\ : ~ ,,_-< b -L, ,= j ,,= U I uu- '-= '=> I . :1 " i : REF12Ø23 I-\UG 3 I m4 ': Ii I ~ Attachment CITY !1'ANAGER'~ OfFI~ . --, ------ ---- ------- . -- ,,-- ~~ ~~"-~~c" ~ JlBJlORABDUJI T r a f f i c En gin e e r in g DATE: August 26, 1994 TO: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER~ SUBJECT: UPDATE TO COUNCIL REFERRAL No. 12923, REQUEST FOR 4-WAY STOP AT THE INTERSECTION OF VERDUGO AND HAGEMAN, INT No. 4435 Another traffic control warrant study was performed last week at the intersection as was indicated in my memo of May 16, 1994. At this time the intersection still does not meet 4-way stop warrants or traffic signal warrants. Data seems to indicates a slight reduction in traffic from the last study in May. No accidents at the intersection were found reported on the Police Department database. The volumes warrant was about 50 percent of the minimum volume requirement. A new school, Almondale, is about 3/4 mile north of this intersection and traffic patterns can rapidly change with a new school in an area. It is unknown how many students, if any, may choose to cross the. street at this location. We were advised last spring that most students may be bused to the school from south of Hageman Road. A Rosedale School District official, Mr. Cerri, called today and indicated that part of the area south of Hageman will not be bused. Because of possible traffic pattern changes associated with the new school and the new information on the potential for students to be crossing the street, we are performing another study during the first week of school. Appropriate actions will be taken based on the results of the new study. cc: Bruce Deeter, CE III, Traffic Engineering Brad Underwood, CE III, Traffic Engineering PW Memo Files Traffic Engineering File - Council Referral 12923 saved under d:\wp\12923Ref.Mem -- '" - STATE CAPITOL OIalifnruia ~tate ~£uat£ COMMITTEES: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS SACRAMENTO, CALiFORNIA 95814 GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION (916)445-9600 (VICE CHAIRMAN) REVENUE & TAXATION 2503 WEST SHAW AVENUE, #101 JOINT COMMITTEES: ARTS FRESNO, CALiFORNIA 93711 LEGISLATIVE AUDIT (209) 445-5567 (VICE CHAIRMAN) SELECT COMMITTEES: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CALiFORNIA'S BUSINESS CLiMATE CALiFDRNIAS' WINE INDUSTRY KENNETH L. MADDY INFANT AND CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT PACIFIC RIM SENATOR, FOURTEENTH DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FLOOR LEADER August 29, 1994 -._--- - -------_..- -- . . -~-' -- - u."- _Co ..." ----- -, - ,,- _: ~ " -- -,- , .~ - - - -- . -~ ~ - ------ Mr. Alan Tandy, City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: Thank you for your recent letter regarding SB 845. Your letter was forwarded to my office by Senator Klehs. Considering your opposition to AB 845, you will be pleased to learn the bill was killed in the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee. Again, thank you for your letter and please do not hesitate to contact my office should you need assistance. I have recently opened an office in Bakersfield and my field representative Jan Dana would be glad to assist you. Jan can be reached at 805/324-6188 or 209/445-5567. ------" --.-.- ~-- - -- -. .- - -.- ".. ,--------- .. "- -. .. -~--"-,, .- ~"---' - ,--,,"', ->---'- ",- -.c ~"-------,, ---------_.--- \ jd R IEJG IE: iVff[JJ' ! -1 I AUG 3 ~ '994 CITY MANAGER'S OffICE ~ '! ~, ":, ;;r".. '.. .,¡ \ M E M 0 RAN D U M '~ TO Alan Tan~, ~itY Ma~ager ~~ FROM Lee Andersen, Co~nity Services Manager~ 'SUBJECT PRIVATIZATION OF LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE BI TIME LINE COUNCIL REFERRAL NUMBER 13742 (ROWLES) DATE 1 September 1994 During the 1994-95 'fy budget sessions, Council instructed the Parks Division to research a privatization plan for landscape maintenance in a portion of the consolidated maintenance district. In accordance with the employees and City's Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) , the Parks Division has scheduled a meeting with the Service Employee International Union ( S . E ~ 1. U . ) (Chuck Waide) for the week of September 6th to discuss some of the possible effects privatization might have on their organization and listen to Mr. Waide's concerns and ideas on the same matter. I...... A draft agreement of the landscape maintenance services to be performed Kas been completed. It lists the type of work included, workmanship, turf care, trees, shrubs, ground cover, irrigation system, tr~ffic control and general maintenance and cleanup. Some other items include compensation to the contractor, indemnificatiqn requirements property damage insurance, as well as others. The City will follow normal bidding procedure as per City code~ Some of the larger local landscape contractors who meet the minimum specification will be notified. There is some thought being given to contacting some of the large landscape companies down in southern California who might be somewhat competitive with local contractors. The criteria used in selecting thè contracto~ will be low bid, sufficient manpower, equipment resources, past and present references, demonstrated professionalism, years in business, quality of company, and community reputation. There were a few councilmembers who desired to have the City bid on this package, but in doing so, we begin to start comparing apples to oranges. Some of those differences are; private séctor vendors are out to make a profit, while the City is not in the profit making business. Some vendors have 'employee medical packages, some don't. In the past, private contractors have been reluctant to bid , ,_. '-'~ . -- .u_-.- ---- . -- -- 0-:"" ( '0'" . . l'. .. ' ¡ '" on items such as theft Page 1 of 2 1 September 1994 PRIVATIZATION OF LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE BID TIME LINE replacement, vandalism, major irrigation breaks, irrigation clock repairs, masonry wall repairs, etc. In addition, under the City's current budgeting method we are able to go into carryover/deficit situations which the contractors will be unable to do. When we compare the City's bid to the private vendor, we must try and keep as many of the factors the same if possible. Another example would be the elimination of the City's administrative overhead charges in the bid quote. ' Estimated time line for the privatization program is as follows: Week of September 5th - Meeting with S.E.I.U. Week of September 12th - Review with Community Services Citizens Advisory Committee Week of September 19th - Review with City Manager and request Council input I Week of September 26th - Present to City Council (may refer to Council Committee) Week of October 19th - Committee report to City Council if necessary. Week of November 1st - 20th Advertise for bid Week of December '14th - Award bid Week of January 1, 1995 - Start contract \ .- . FF:AA:pah privldmd.memodisk cc: Raul Rojas, Director of Public Works -- -----------