HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/04/94ef� � "�� B A K E R S F I E L D T0: FROh1: MEIVIORANDUIIA HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION COUN I November 4, 1994 1. The pre-app� � �at ;�� u:.�ume;; �s are ;.w ��o; �h� ���r� Art ;-�r � me �2g � s' ati an a � the federal levzl. 1�'e have reason to bei�eve that we can obtain seven �7) additiona� Folice Officers From th�s source. P�zase �ee t�e enclosed documents for details. This one �ontains {ewer strirgs than the grants from last year. It still wouid require that we begin picking up substant�a� af the co�ts i� the t��rd year �� the grant pro�r�am. How2ver, I do not 5elieve ther� is anythi�g that would force us not to downsize at that time if financial conditions dictated that. I have authorized the Cnief of Po���e to �o tt�e first stage application. As we get more �nf�rmat;on, Lve will, of course, go back to Counci� for authorization. 2. Th� Department Head retreat was valuable. We worked on firming up goals f�r inclusion in �he budget and a� amplification of the �ouncil established �oals. '�le decided to iritiate a personnel streamlin�ng project to s�mp�ify some of our very complex, time-consuming and cumbersome processes. We are looking at pay-for-performance and a reward program from employees. There was a good deal af in depth review and d�scussion about organizational needs and how to deal with them. Overall, it was very beneficial. 3. We will be look�ng tor an aaditor �o work on a percentage basis to help us ctieck the valid�ty af property and sales tax as fi12d in Kern County. This might be a way of raising revenues without substantial cost. It has worked succe�sfu�l;� fo� the C�ty in the past. 4. Yoa have probably r2ad in the newspaper, De;an� �aved �n an the tax sp'it. ihey accepted one annexation at the 70�o-3G9'o ievel. We will be pressured on that also. �tie meet�ng o� the CA� iri�h �he City Managers group is scheduled far rext rveelc. 5. An idea of the week. in about two weeks we should have the site r�ecommendati on and cost i ssues fr�m the consul tant on the basebal 1 stad � um. As you know, we cculd add or a fee per ticket but that will not pay for �he full faciiity. Individual members of Council have commented on wanting to s�e an election. Ott�ers m�ght cans��2r ���ng a protest hearing process for ar ass�ssment. Perhaps a hybr�d of tl�at that :.auld be corsidered by doing a comprehensive survey of the voters' receptiveness. A combination of a professional survey and the protest hear�ng would save six months and a ccuple of hundr�d thousand dollars necessary to conduct an election. We are working on a draft JPA for the stadium sports complex. This is to set up the ��ty/County partnership tha� would be used for ttie baseball } !n '� i r HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL November 4, 1994 Fage -2- assessment district. We've been asked to put this on your November 16 agenda. It doesn't obligate you to support the project, but it is a step n�cessary to give a project serious consideration. 6. The hotel is progressing well. The internal sheet rock is in on the second floor. They are going through a three-step process on the skin of the exterior to put the stucco finish on. They are doing fireproofing of the steel on the interior. It is generally going well. 7. There is a memo enclosed on efforts to bring the Mesa Marin subject to a a�nicable reso�ution before the t�earing on their CUP scheduled for the Cecember meeting. yopefully ;t car be brought to resolution to avoid a dispute on that subject. 8. �here is a memo enc�osed on Trudy Unger who may �omplain to you about projects out of the Ecorom�c and Community Development Department. 9. It isn't final, but we have two hot prospects of about one hundred fifty employees each that Jake �lager �s working with. They represent different kinds of industry and would be a mix of hiring locally plus importing employees. They would be very nice additions if we can land them. 10. Thei°e �s a�nemo enclosed regarding Ra�l Rojas doing some reorganizing and some reassigni��g of duties in the Public Works Department. The memo describes those changes. 11. There is a memo enclose� that we sent to the County asking how it is they i�tend to �uild trunk sewers in the CSA-71 Service Area. �e� GENINFO_4 -. w� , , .....� � �„�� .Htif��..�. hE ELG ., r, �"� •� �. !rj•. , �3� •'r;, %��.���. ,. :�!� � ; , TO FROM SUBJECT MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager S. F. Brummer, Chief of COPS AHSAD Grant Program ice October 28, 1994 On October 27th we received a FAX from the Department of Justice describing a new program under the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. The program is entitled COPS AHEAD (,A.ccelera�ed N�ring, Bducation and Deploym�.ent). This program is apparently intended to expedite the approval and implementation process involving the hiring of new police officers for Community Oriented Policing Services. COPS AHEAD provides $225 million for cities over 50,000 population. The following is a list of highlights for this program: 1. Grants are for three years to cover salary and benefits, however can not exceed 75� in one year and may only total $75,000 per officer hired. 2. 3. 4. New officers are to increase the actual sworn force up to a maximum of 3 percent over October, 1994 levels. We must send a letter of intent to the COPS office by November 10, 1994. They intend to confirm applications by November 21, 1994. 5: We will be required to include community policing principles and methods in our training and to complete a fonnal grant application. We will be eligible for a$525,000 grant that would partially fund seven police officer positions. Bakersfields matching funds over the three year period would be $834,533 including $177,613 in the first year (see attached graph). It appears that we will be certain to receive this grant, if the decision is made to provide the matching funds. Hiring could be completed by January 2, 1995 and after the 18 week academy, we would anticipate staffing downtown, Baker Street, Lakeview Avenue and the Valley Plaza with Community Officers assigned to footbeats. This program has some very obvious time constraints which require an immediate decision and action. SEB/JML/vrf �� OCT ? I 1994 r4 . . -• � ' -: � f ` - �' : � �Y z �. � CRIME PREVENTION BILL, THREE YEAR GRANT SALARY HOLIDAY PAY FRINGE BENEFIT SUBTOTAL FEDERAL GRANT* SUBTOTAL LESS G RANT , EQUIPMENT jPflLIGE ' ':PC�L��E ': P4LICF:"' ` �lFFICEF� QFF[�ER � `UF�.1�E�3:` ST�P t ': �`��P 2 : �7EP 3. , , , ` .YEAR � ' ' '��AR � YEAR 3,: $36,674 $38,487 $40,395 $2,690 $2,825 $2,968 $14;297 $14,728 $15,182 $.53,660 $56,040 $58,545 ($40,245) {$34,755) $0 $13,415 $21,285 $58,545 $4,950 VEHICLE (RENT $7,008 $7,008 $7,008 PAYMENTS) TOTAL COST TO $25,373 $28,293 $65,553 CITY BY YEAR TOTAL COST TO $177,613 $198,050 $458,870 CITY BY YEAR FOR 7 OFFICERS " THE FEDERAL GRANT PROVIDES $75,000 PER OFFICER FOR SALARIES. AND FRINGE BENEFITS FOR A T,HREE YEAR PERIOD BUT ONLY 75% OF THE COST OF SALARIES AND BENEFITS MAY CHARGED TO THE GRANT IN ANY ONE YEAR. THE CITY MUST FUND EQUIPM,ENT AND VEHICLE EXPENSES. I ._�.« • �003 S'� ' 9/Y6/9a id:di 8 � . . . , . , . . _ �''_ ' .. ; •. .' . .- .� '• ' �; : . •' ' • • � � • ' ' , ' '• ' I� ( ' . ' . • , '� ,� . '+t. w . �s , � � , , � • � . . , . . . ' . . . . • ,. , . . . � � • ,�g� ����nt oiJvsttee • I I . �tJ.S. Departme�xt of �usti.ce �.. �ac�r S �iee�� CommuniEY Orien�ed PoHcing son►tces � Acceles'�►ted Hiring, Education and Depioytnent �CppS AHEAD) for Poputat�ons of 50,000 and �ver Pn,��un (nfomtat�on apps qHgpD is oas of saveeat �ppcoa�s d°"d°pod � � �� ��a �pda� tLa V'fokot C�e Coat�olaodl.s�► 8nf��/►a oi1994tiotp� �� �ymento�nen�► offioec� d�r�� to oo�► [��' A1�A c� � �°°�' �, c�fs m ��8 � - naar o�cess ��rt�«e��r�a+�e � or rBt��dkq'am Wkb PoPulst�o°s a ��� -� w�'1eO0P3 FAb'C��� a�s. tlan� of a�mo� wr�i �aa1%� �� Fundteg Pr+aviga�s p Law aa�scea�z jB�es ln�eadlu8 ��°P�DO ° i GOPS A��J►D cn�Y s�� 9nd tra"s� aew off►tots now, � m�iOn md sppcoval cta focm�l c� �FP�� �_ p�� w� �1a aoce che adw ofi'caes hav�e .. b�en awora aad a sadst�iaTY �t applio°1�°n i►at ban �� � Sppr�ovod. arants will bs enade [or up to 75 patocn[ ott�e �oW w1atY and b0°� of each nt'aur o�rer t�oe y�ns. up t� a ms�n+un of S7S.000 De� oQioe� w� du tanaindex to be pud b71 � or loql fnnds- ,� Q�pt fltad� � be usod to etlabte e�di agax.Y m 6ie+e aew vffic�cs m inerease ies adnal so+aan •fotao4 fot� ' caeoclmam of 3 P�'"t o'rof�xuai Ocoobcr kvel. � 0 , p Up to t?2S m�llioN in �rants•vill be mado vnder OOPS AHFAD to stacS local and ocli `�p+►� of SO,OOU f��n� e�;encies 1v�1id18� e funds availabk. d�E a�d ovrr_ lf rcquean excoed th� be adjusud to ao- amcutu or sqrring dacqof �+ �Y otsntifOdaee demand. � O oo�s �ac t4e� a►u�t � be nsod co �1e� � d�t eiigi'6le s�cadeo otl�eewtts v�ould have darobod �o 5ioim ot�'ioer baa�& Ia at�AC words. enF ti�i �� OOPS AflEAD pco� � be in eddJtioa ta. a�d aiot io iiea o� opfiaett titst o�►iss w�ouW Mve beep l�ed. tl Ia� hlcia� s�ax vSioeti. ��Y not iadnee Bte ,00peott�drarsoom� ��6�sdt�P�- daree. aod mu�t i�d� ��► 110�� �'� aod methods in �olrteaiaiv►s �a+�t� Ia sddido4 �o t� 000uat pcs�abia �OPg A�1fi11D � fm�s tleould bs �a �o �� �+a►��'�°° ot.� �a �d�t I aaa ethnic miaoribss v+(t�� �e raalt'� o�� o�ioe�. � All agmd� aavtt� a PaPrt�°a �SO.Q00 md o�►e` .`� r.a.� �-c. vat ceoeive.n ia�on to partt� � cors �►�l1D• � r• or+� � �e, an fu�aAed sS�Y �� /�� °� � r latmt �o tLa CC1PS Ofttce, oo ba roosEved ao W�e thm Yn � r Novaaber t0.1994. �'fieCAPS Oiaoe a�ecs�m °°�' . Su.a�e � 4e dtglb3lkl► of sppGcaats �od w+opascd N�8 ta.e� no lesee rlun Navcmba 2�. I�- O� �� posod tA be Nadod u�d�* �t um swtin8 � 1995. �o later �Jtae We a�Y� 0 Ac the tltaa �at Qroposed fuadinB IcYels an oo�- tlrmod, A fona�l �=PP�� wlit �a �mc mqunxins lefvim�on coaam�6 � �B0°ay�a soca�e8�e �u��7r po� pisn �r dta ttse ������ � ap�eovod io be hi�ed, !� p ec�er iaforroadas � aubla theCOPS Oi'�oe io eoa5rm �1'�enoe v.ith g�t cotldtt�ottis. ❑ Aa sward ueda OOPS AH�►D wlll aot �� coostdarsr+� ef em s�+a7►': +VPU�� fe� s� u� at�Y o0�a [)OPS pco�,�°'. M°�►�y ��'ved t�md� it� undet COPS Pha�e i[t eiig"tble � tnoeive additio� ftmd'�ng undcr GO � rt��d 3 i�t a�cDSanal da bod�progr�ns October l.1991 foroe ltvei. � 1� �� E. D�! SMITH 8 C0. 113o CONN. AvE. Hw as.5o WASHIN6ZON. D.C. 20036 �_iq 27 '94 13�59 ID�E DEL SMITH FAX:202-822-8315 E. DEL, SM1TH ANIa COMPANY� INC. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS l)ate; October 28, 1994 T�; City Managers - All City Clients From: �Sharon Toly, Washin�;ton Representative Subject: Police l�iring Tunding -"COPS AHEAD" PAGE 1 1 130 CONNECTICUT AVENUE, N.W. SUITE 850 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 �ZOar eiz•saoo FAX c2021 B22-B3F5 As you knaw, the llepartment of Justice (DQJ) is bcginnin�; to implement provisions of the Grime Sill, includin�; programs rclated to police hirin�. In facl, a new office devoted entirely to lhis purpose has becn esta6lished, The officc for Community Uriented Policing Services (COYS) has just issued the proecdure for those wishing to apply for immediate hiring grant monies. "I'he Pmgram, iermcd COPS AHFAD, will provide money for the hiring, education aitd deployment of police officers. Thc pro�ram will: * � * Allow a department to inc:rease its size by 3% of its swont police force (uses October 1,1994 baseline) Provide up to 7S% of each afficer's salary and benetits over three years up fo $75,000 (remainder to be paid by state and loca! sources) Require a letter oT anient to be filed with the Department of Justice no later than November 10 of this year. A formal application will be necessary at a late�' date. Attached is a DOJ summary of the COPS AI��ILAD program. Letters �f intent. were sent out to a11 i jurisdictions on Tuesday of this week. Howcver, if you do not receive this mailin� by Friday,l would be happy to request one for you. 1..etters can also be e�cquircd throu�;h lhe offices of your two C:ali!'arnia Senators, Remember, a quick turn around time is nccessary for this funding. lf you should havc additional questions, pleasc do not hesitatc to call me at 202-822-$300. � __ _ ._ _ . __ 1�%27 '94 14:0� ID�E DEL SMITH FAX�202-822-8315 PAGE 2 =�- _:•., ioi2�i�a ia:ai '� , , . , �oos . _ . . ,. - . . • �. . : ..,, J . . ': �. �� •. , . . , . , ' , � . , " , , , . �.. . � , , � • . � . , . . . , .. � ' • . , • ; . . . . � � ' �j,g. Dcpartm0nt ot Juailcc • CJ.S. Department of ,�ustice � �c�.C� �il��'�� Community prienr,ed Poticing �e���� Acceierated Hiring, Education and Deploymen't (COPS AHEI�►DI for Populattons of 50,000 and Ouer Progre,rin Inforn�aiion W oo�s �c itu�� must no� be o�a co rsp�a il�nds tiuc eG�bla egencias othb�w�9t would have devoocd tA ches developed future offioe� hirinB. in other word�, auN bi�it� u� the �74PS ANEAD is one of sevcxal apPco� COP9 AI�AD proS� n"'� be (n addldou tio. aad aot in� �, �,p �t of Justlnc u�da' �� Vio1�1t �� Con�ol OuQ I.4w Bato[cemont Act af f 994 to speed the liau vf, offiu�E that othetwise would hsbe beo� hinod. d�oYmeut ei new o�toers eewtied co community polid endes mq!� not reduoe @►e � ou 1be atroets and t'ursl rouees of thu nAtiod OOPS �eo o� � new�o� u�1� � t� p� /�A P� II'tar� 46��� ro�in �1�E � Ifcing prlaciples �d '' new o@ia�s n S duree. and m►�st inelude commvaity po and methods fin thelr trainin� currieul� In sdditio4 �o t�C ' of o�l'loer �aininC anA thp ' nf extant ptt►o�icabfe� COPS A� D orent �w�dS�d � eomn1�m14Y P • 1 usa! to increese the ropreset1 M � �d e�hnic minorrtiea wid�in tho rsnks o1f Swacn offioecs, ��OOf WI� P°P��ation8 0 � �0 a[ld 0'V . p�yp �QPS FAS'C w e� t�c aPPlica- tbons oi ie� e��� o ularions. Q All agenclns eerving a PoD�I�� of 50,000 md ove� e4►�r^c. �o amaller p P wi11 rooeive an invicetlan to participate 9�, COPS AFiBAD. -�r en� putlding Provl»ians ln rnspona�, su►l�►tercatod ag��S+mu�., a letterof �`"7iI� 0'1"' or Intant td t�a COPS OfTiea ov be received no I�tec �_ Yv�uG �� O Lew on�oroes►►e�at aEa�es lnteaEln$ � P�pPeOD in Novomber 1 Q,1994. Y'ha CAPS Ottioe axpeas pQpS A�SAD may selea and train ntw ot6cets now, ticm tl►e alig+bitl;y of appli�� �►d p�+P�� �� co subiniasbn eed �pProval of g fomtal �ranc app1�. levels no l�tar th� Novambcc 21,1994. Ot�ice�s pro- � vvi1� ln onee the aew ofCicets havo po�od to bn Nndod under OqE�S AEiEA.D must be hired �O°- ��� � tion has been na latcr ika�t ffie agcncys Cu6t elass rta�ting bn 1995. � swom aud s a�Cl9fadory grsnL appliCB ��,� ��,ed. prancs wlll be atada for up to 7S p�t ��G totat salaty and be��Its of CaCh o�� U At the tlme U►as proposed fvnding Icvels mra oon- �pr �� y�r, up �o a ntaximum of 575,000 per vt[ioer. flimod, a fom�al gLant appliaarion $l{! bc sent �� in'fortnauon concarning thc $gatcy sd'�Bi� w�th tbe remrinde� �� p�d by state or local iunds. �'���� p� for �e use of the officus that have bee° 0�t (Up� �ay be used to amble anch agency to apProved to be hie'od� budgec plana �d projoctlons. �nd Wre new nffice�a � in�e ics saual s�vo�n force up to a acher; �c��� � m �and;� ons.UpS ��� ��n�irm mncimum of 3 P�"t over acxual Oaober 1. 199A force r�amp S� loveL ' p An awnrd undcc Cd1�S AH6Ap v�i11 nat �ffad the nrs .�il l be rt1adC ut+d�� Consideration o#' en 8�4ncy's appliGatinn tor a grant Yndd' p uP ��S million in Sra o�},er OOPS pro�ram. An agcncy chat re�oeived fund- QQP3 AHF�►D lo sfate. locel and ozhat public law �n- �a unaer Got'S 1'hese y is e�igible co re�ive eddi[ionat foro0lna�T ag���� �`fi►��� §c�'e PapUlatioos of 50,000 n.. and over. lf re4u� excoed lhe funds avaiJ�blc. [be fuitdi�ng unro�ra�cs d s'notAcxCO�d 3 pQ��n� e� 9�l am0un= or staR�ng d ate of grnncs may be adjusteQ to ac- October 1. 994 foroe 1e�ol. comtMOdstG d�anA. oeto�K �s, tss� f. DEL SM11'H 8 CQ. 1130 CONN. AVE. NW N650 WASNINGTON, D.C. 20036 Cr � vv, ��ti 11 �-�1 c�1 � n-c f- a� -yal-�7�0 r , . ' S '�"_._�y�.�- .j! :i:: .:.e:4 • ' ' .. �� - - ;B a� Pro ram , ��� !� �s������.�e� � n Ta � J�m =Star�'t��o . 9 n Announces Pla , p p.. Cl�nto � � � �011E� QUI� p��t (�nton told poaice C11tCf9 i88� WC��C �1� � �` ist�at�on l� plan4 to spee�d �e dep{vym,et� of ne�v o�s tA conusnmi4Y bests around tl�e � gg � df ti1C Il�l�B Ad�dr� � As�oc�at�on of Cti,efs oi Police m in t°►Ibu4ue�R�+ � �' v+�ed a p� bu "jianp sCart•• p� �' S�8 �ew °� °n the streeba and rural ivutes a�craea the couu�trY• ••(70PS FAS'1"o�fers �nauuci- pef�� tlte op� of Pa�P�' j� jn g pIO�[�lA i0 @� � �pp�on process of Aui�du.� �w� po�ula2�on� af 50,000 aied iu�der. A seeoad Pz�o� � W� 1'1[i�ls�/fM � WI�J�J� ��'^___" �. . � LIJ� � Y"^"..."' aotbns FASI' pro�rffin is �� t�ot► wllE t'eRuest bas�c idenlifq- ��1°� ��` g°� �a ��p�ym�nt oE new ing information abaut the b0�000 aad ovec. ' ��d � Qommu�Y �,7'+ tlie number of l�o�i� ' � � podica�g on the � and nu�al of5ce:s c�rret�' on ti�e force � � � t'O11C23 � � � �C � alld C�'le All[l1�1e2 Of [i�W O�CeIS � �►���.crintie la�w con- apF� � a federal $�d- . ��+ �� ��� � taing PT��� �� �h 1�e FA3!' ap�i�c�--a �' forn�ation, and an a�ee� smaJ! � Etiiose widh IIr�i�, � P88� fotm, will abiae b7► ���uire- �� �ebw 6p�000) w� be a�v�dEa6ie by Nawember 1, �' ��� 2 OO�tnntl i be Pr�vi�ed ���� ". 1994. Ni.0 � ss�st ia tbe dis- � — _ � r �� p �� y _� _. N` '' � ' CD A r A a r � t � � � � D X N a N i � N N I � co : �... ' v' v D � m W d i �; �,,;. _---r _�[-',,� _ ti ;� _ _ - %,�...: . -'"� - _ - = ^_ ....•�',-=,,...:,- .-.+;-•�_' _ - - - T6 �ctober 2�, J994 � �� � � � 2 � � Mo��, Ocbober 24,1994: "Green Ligi�t•• lette�s oE h�v�- maicdng cast� vviil be paid for vn bo p�ctiaipmie vn'� be m�u'ted wrtii st�de a� 1oca1 fcmds. Granot f�vrn the ��stice De�ne� � f� �y be�d to �ble • �}lday, November 10� '�. each agei►ey to irire new officers l 994: (,ities m�d towi�s �ter- to incr�e�ase its actual sarorn ested �t �pating � se[d. force aP to a�mm� of 3 a 1etX� of i�rt bo the OOPS p¢ccent w� achnl Odober 1, Offce_ November IO is the 1994 forre ieveL d,ea�ine for tte�e 1elbers. :� � A��g � �T ��eli�, • Monci�►, Navember 21, COPS AHFAD femdg must not 1994: 'ihe CfiPS O&ce e�eds be 119Cd b0 1'i'��� T1II1�4 1f1� W CU[�IZR ttEC �� Of � eligible agencies otherwl.ge pli�zdts and Ftvposed fiaro��g wo�uld t�ave devvted tu fut�ue levels no la�er than Novembei � ��. 24. Officers proposed to be ��-` The time �ctterhiie for cities Itined �o �aber lhan ttte a$e��c9's and towns with popvCat�ions ���g in I995. 50,000 or sbwe inter+e�ed in G'itces and to�wi�s con�deric�g p�ipating � GOPS Ai�•AD ia #teis acceEe�ated p�og�n a� a� as follaws: • • '` vi9edlo_c�der �E wi�ale t3�e I i ` ' • `_ • . �� _ � ,►t�sGlce Deparlment offers no �acaGee.stl�tthase corn�umi- tie.s c�oo�g �o pe�fc�ipate � (�OPS AHEAa �l zeoeive g�ant f�u�, DOJ officials l�ave ex � pressed �ce ti�Z all ci�es and taw�as ti�aC do app�Y �v�11 be fin�ded e�oCepR ta� extrao�+di- 11�� CII�t1[�S' ��IiCil C1DClII�ditC�4 I[11� IIl- � dude: pez�dmg cav�1 rights csses �v;th i+PSpeet en curre�c �iring ' p[BCtiCf3 �' � 9t1b111�Ori Of � an t�actor3' aPPlic�tivn. Under die for�tter, tfie Jus�ce 1 Departrne�rt �uld re,;eet the i city's letber d i�tent. The �aEter � cz�n be avoided by cotrtacdng � the Departine�t of J�sgtic.�e for i� tec2ua a�an�e in �+e� t ���a� � c :I A �"� �� .; N'-*�. � CO A r A O t7 T d r � 3 � S � D X N 0 N i � N N I W co � � v D fi7 m A ,r�;::� "- , �r ��� =. ��, �'.i `-,�'�'Il�rrt U. � : �=�E�a: a:�ent of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services 633 /ndiana Avenue N.W.. 3rd Floor (202) 5/4-2058 Washington. D.C. 20531 FAX (202) 514-9272 Community Oriented Policing - Accelerated Hiring, Education and Development LETTER OF INTENT TO PARTICIPATE Yes, we are interested in participating in COPS AHEAD. We understand that by providing the informa- tion requested below, and returning this form postmarked by November 10; 1994, we will.receive a formal application kit and confirmation of eligibility by November 21, 1994. We also understand that COPS AHEAD hiring grants provide a maximum federal contribution of 75% of the salary and benefits of each offi= cer over three years, up to a cap of $75,000 per officer9 with the federal share decreasing from year to year. Executive Information " Law Enforcement Executive's Name Steve Brummer, Chief of Police Address Bakersfield Police Department — P. 0. Box 59 Ci�y Bakersfield, State �A Zip Code 93302 Telephone Cg05) 326-3821 FAX (805) 861-0451 Government Executive's Name Ala'n Tand�, City Manager Address 1501 Truxtun Avenue � City Bakersfield, State �A Zip Code 93301 Telephone (805) 326-3751 FAX (805) 324-1850 General Information Number of Officers Requested Through COPS AHEAD � Actual Number of.Sworn Officers as of October 1, 1994 244 Entry Level Annual Salary Per Officer $39 , 375 Area of Jurisdiction (square miles) lOZ Entry Level Annual Fringe Benefits Cost Per Officer $14 . 300 Current Population Served (per mosc recent U.S. Census data) 201, 769 I certify that the infocmation provided on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that, prior to any grant award, the applicant must demonstrate compliance with all program requirements of the Violent Crime Control and Law EnforcemenrAct of 1994 and other requiremenyd of federal law. Law Enforcement Executive's Signature � S Government Executive's Signature �/Alan Tandy Return or. FAX this letter of intent to: U.S. Department of Justice COPS AHEAD P. O. Box 14440 Washington, D.C. 20044 Date 11/2/94 Date 11 / 2 / 94 MEMORANDUM October 20, 1994 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: MESA MARIN Councilwoman Smith has been meeting with Dean Gay, Jim Nickels and Marion Collins to resolve the issues of Mesa Marin's failure to meet the conditions of its permit. Marion Collins has deferred compliance with the permit conditions that he thought were less important to the track's success. He has agreed to repair the six-foot fence along the western boundary, finish the landscaping, install the traffic directional signs and adopt track rules reducing vehicle noise from 95 dBA to 90 dBA. He does not want to increase the fence height to eight feet nor place slats in the fences. Gay and Nickels are very concerned that the lights and noise will preclude the development and sale of their property which they see is necessary to pay off the sewer assessment bonds. They are especially afraid that the concerts will be even more of a problem than the races. They would like to see the noise standards adhered to. They will accept a si�-foot chainlink fence without slats but want some trees and perhaps shrubs along their property line. If an earthen berm should be needed to reinforce the effectiveness of the fence, they would allow that on their property. They would like the number of events specified and if there is any intensification of the use there should be improvements to better manage the traffic. A periodic review for compliance and adjustment to maintain compatibility with neighbors has also been proposed. If the only outstanding items of non-compliance are the height of the fence, slats and compliance with noise standards, I would suggest that Mesa Marin apply for an amendment to the conditional use permit to change the fence height and remove the slats and that noise readings be conducted next racing season to determine if the noise conditions are met under the new rule. I understand that Mesa Marin is still interested in expansion of the shop building and resumption of concerts. If these proposals are favorably received by the City Council at the December hearing, the hearing could be continued pending consideration of an amendment to Mesa Marin's conditional use permit. JH:pjt m\mat10.18 �.�� \ TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • �. ��. . �� � B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department M E�M O R A N D U M November 2, 1994 JAKE WAGER, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR HAYWARD COX, ASSISTANT PLANNER TRUDY UNGER REHAB DISPUTE 4113 Ridgemoor As you know, Trudy Unger, a homeowner and David Blackhurst, a contractor, aze involved in a dispute over payment for work performed. Mrs. Unger's rehab was financed with HOME funds through this office. We also handled the work write-up and contractor selection process for her at her request. The first attempt at bidding this job came on October 28, 1993. 'The contractors were all unable to satisfactorily complete their inspections due to her lack of cooperarion, so the bid was cancelled. Tt�e second time around, the work was bid to five different contractors; The bids ranged from A high of $32,300 to a low of $21,260. Mrs. Unger chose the lowest bid to keep the cost as low as possible. A contract was signed with the low bidder, West Coast Construction, and the rehab commenced. The job progressed well and the iirst two of the four draws were paid on schedule. Shortly thereafter Mrs. Unger began to complain that the work was too expensive and she could not afford the contractor. Attempts to explain that the contract was already signed and the loan was in place, were futile. In May of 1994 we were informed that Mrs. Unger had dismissed West Coast Constructors from the job; Mrs. Unger confirmed the report. When West Coast requested payment for work completed, but not yet paid for, she ignored the request. CD tried to intervene, but she would not respond to our calls either. When she did respond it was to say that the work was too expensive, she was under stress so she could not attend to these matters, or she was being treated unfairly by the City and would take her cause to the City Council, which she did on June 27, 1994. Since that time two certified letters have been mailed to Mrs. Unger offering to settle the matter. West Coast Constructors has even lowered its demand for payment from $4,321 to $3,079. None of these letters has received a response, although the receipt indicates she received them. Left with no other choice, West Coast Constructors took the only option left to it, Small Claims Court. : � 1 To our knowledge, West Coast Constructors fully intends to sue for his money, and a court date is pending. We feel that we have exhausted our resources to help Mrs. Unger and any fwrther intervention on the part of the department would be fruitless. Copies of our correspondence to Mrs. Unger are attached. )R � .......e.�. . r.: � ' i_...._...'_'__�....�_.,._.._�._-.'_. ...__.'__'_—,`__ :Yi. � August 3, 1994 �. ( �..- .. �- s _•_--- B A K E R S F I E L D Trudy Unger 4113 Ridgemoor Bakersfield, CA 93306 Dear Ms. Unger: Certified Mail This letter wili provide you with a status of S on'ofSOUr ehabilitat on p oject�ntractors on Ju l y 8� 1 9 9 4, c o n c e r n i n g t h e f i n a l d i s p o Y , As you know, after you approved the final scope of work to rehabilitation your �home at 4113 Ridgemoor, the City assisted in solicited bids from licensed contThese bidsVe contractors submitted lump sum bids for your 17 item work write-up. ranged from $21,260 to $32,300. These bids incli d�nt actortoverhead and pf ofitnd profit in completing the proposed pro�ect• TYp�ca Y, range from 15% to 20%, but the City does not regulate the amount included in the bid. Usually, the market influences the bid amount. West Coast Contractors submitted the lowest bid of $21,260 for your project and a contract was executed on March 4, 1994, with work commencing on March i 2� 1994. In June, staff was notified that you wished to cancel the contract with West Coast Contractors because he was too expensive and you were unable to afford the payment. West Coast agreed to cance� the contract with you as long as he was compensated (including overhead and profit) for the work comp�eted to that point. City staff has met with Mr. Blackhurst to review the billing dated May 19� 1994, #613 1994 for $4321. Additional meetings were held and a revised billing dated July 8, � #618 was submitted for $3079.50. This represents the final billing for West Coast Constructors. The revised billing also reflects a cred�m t fees be $454.50feAcco d ng carpe t fro m C a s a M o o r e -$ 7 8 2 a n d r e d u c t i o n o f p e Y to Mr. B lackhurst, if pa yment is made� f e,eased t thetcontractornhe m'ust show tha 17� 1994. Before the final payment s the mechanic lien has been removed from your property. Upon your endorsement of Mr. Blackhurst's payment� he will be requested to prepare the necessary document to release his lien. Citv of Bakersfield • Economic and Community Development^Department ' ,, . . 0 .. �' ,� . . � �� City of Bakersfield Community Development Department RSHABILITATION PAY2�3NT $r�Rs$M�NT FORI�t , �-� � 3 ��a����.c� Progress Payment � $ Property Address $ �-j ; a � �. Change Order �_ - p�er $ � t�ES� �o�.s� ��K������5 Final Payment Contractor/Vendor F.�ccess Funds Total Payment S . � •� Contractor Tax Payer ID8 � L,�� ...$_ t�i °1 � Dat �_ Lien Release Y� N Conditional-Unconditional FIRST END4RSEMII�IT• '. I CERTIFY THAT, to the best of my knowledge, the Contractor has performed the rehabilitation work ori my property in full accordance with the C than�elorder,aexcesstfunds) payment in the amountl ofa$� r_���� final c g OWNE ,�ECOND ENDORSEMENT• pn �� , I made an inspection of the reha.bilitation work. I found th� work to be satisfactory and i accordance with the contract provisions. I recommend a rogress� inal, hange order, excess funds) payment in the amount of $ REfiABILITATION SPECIALIST THIRD ENDORSEMF.NT• A check of accounting records was made, the undersigned concurs in the recommendation of the payment amount to be made. � PRINCIPAL PLANNER Approved by COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR. HCD.032 - rav 3\94 tl i SHIP TO: JOB NAME: SOLD TO: � MEST COAST CON?RACTORS �.608 BRUNSYICK ST BAKERSFIELO GA 9330T QTY. ORDERED DESCRIPTION � MHIRLPOOL R8-T60PXY8 OYEN B�AC 1 YH�RLp00l DU840� DISHMASHER SERIAL N0. - XD1302�►65 SEttZA1. N0. - FG3T73351 � . _ � ;� • • >_ ,� . .. ����'���PIP�$BSUPKIIY INYOIGE: AS 143524 � o ., �-' � OU�7 OROER NUMBER �NV010E W►TE ' 4600 ASM� ROAD STE 3II6 � AS 1�352� OS/06/9�► , BAKERSFiFLD, GA 933I�'� ���p� �R�� PliaNE: BOS 32T-3851 M/� 0�►/O7/9� REMIT TO: BACKORDER FROM ORDER TAKEN BY ' �600 ASkf ROAD SUITE 306 ' BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 120 TERM3 DEPARTMENT SALESP£RSON SEE BAGK AP ,b ITEM NO. �TY. SHIPPED CD NET PRICE U/M TAX NET EXTENSION K 0798765 � 53�►.52 EA 535.52 �'� ' 1215433 I 296.25 A 296.25 � C � AP IANGE SALFS ARE OUE NET IN 10 DAYS CODE SUB-TOTAL SALES TAX FREIGHT MISC. SEE FiEVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT &���R TERMS AND CON�ITIONS C�CANCEILED 8 3 0� T T 6 0. 2 3 � 00 � 0 C INVDIC:E i3o ;' t � i . —, .,�----,.. � �� TOTAL PAGE 1 OF 1 I �"� .� i j . . ,. ,;� ' , ,,``, _. . �I �• • � ' � . .. -. - . . . . '_ _. � �. _ .' ' __ . ._. __._ . __ _. . . . . , . .. .. ., .,. . . .. . , _ . . . ,., , . ' UNITED STATES POST ERVICE � � , -- • -:..i �• � � � �� . , j . ; lE � . -� � •� Offidal Business � pENA�Ty ppR PRIVATE _ . '. . , , USE TO AVOID PAYMENT , O , '3`` :: ' ' . •• �, OF POSTAGE, $300 I �_,; f . V1 � ?� < ', . . ±'!q : . W � y �� , x, f � � t- . .a��; I . . � . . �. . � . i �: r,, � . ' . . . . .. . � � . . .�� � . � � ' I I .' Print your name, address and ZIP Code here � Ni . IQPME . � COMMUNITY D EYE � ,. . ,. . . . . . . ,.. . ...., ClTY OF �AKERSFIELO ' S15 TRUX�'t!N AVENUE ' � 9AKERSFIELD, CA 93341 � . t. � ' . ' , � , I _ �Ge��� �_ +�` � . . . � . . � � �� ,. ,� . � 0 , ; , • � I � > � � + . . ..-,,�. �3� � .,��, � � _. . _ . _ - - _ - - - -- - - ------- _ -- �---- f •. � SENDER: 1 wish to receive the � �,� • Complete items�d�o� 2 for additional services. � foll a services (for an extra �� � • Complete items 'd 4a & b. ' •� �• Print your name antl address on the reverse of this form so that we can fee): � m retum this card to you. y f ; m• Attach this form to the iront of the mailpiece, or on the back if spece 1. ❑ Add�BSS88�S Addres3 «� ' '� does not permit. �'� m• Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number 2, ❑ Restricted Delivery m 1 t •' • The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was deiivered and the date CO�SUIt ostmaster for fee. � � delivered. - 4a. Articie Number � € ,� � ; 3. Article Addressed to: � "' � ^ O � � 1 ?J � - ;. « � \ 0� � � m U a' �.. '�(' �j� t,J11 � 4b. Service Type OC . � . � � • . �fj C�' ❑ Registered ❑ Insured � , ;� � : ' L.� �-� 1 � � (�C� (�1�0� ,�Certified ❑ COD � . t N � ., .•� � '. • �� (1� �t �n /� • . p Retum Receipt for �� �. Z..1 t �1' ❑ Ex ress Mail ❑ � � � � MerchAndise o �p : .. �.�3�� 7. Date of Delivery � ? o d ��� 5. Sign ure (Addy ssee) 8. A d d re s s e e' s A d d r e s s ( O n l y i f re quested � , and fee is paid) �� � �� F- I ! � 6. Signature (Agent? - . ; � . . . .. ._.: .. :.�- � DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT '' � PS Form 3811, December 1991 t+U.S. GP0:.1883-352-714 -x � , � �� , i , , • B A K E R S F I E L D August 30, 1994 Trudy Unger 4113 Ridgemoor Bakersfield, CA 93306 Dear Mrs. Unger: Certified Letter A certified letter was mailed to you on August 3, 1994, presenting you with a revised offer to close out your contact with West Coast Constructors, and to release the Mechanic's Lien on your property. More than two weeks have passed and we have not heard from you about your decision. This decision should be made promptly and you should notify us without delay, so your contract can be closed out properly and with no further difficulties. The contractor has indicated to us that be would proceed with his lien actions if this is not resolved by September 15, 1994. Please call today or as soon as possible to settle this matter. You may contact me at 326-3764. Sincerely, � Ge e Gonzal Co unity De opment Coordinator xc: West Coast Construction Janice Scanlan, Ciry Attorney Im:HC13/IJNGER.LTR City of Bakersfield • Economic and Community Development Department 515 Truxtun Avenue • BaKersfield • California 93301 (805) 326-3765 • Fax (8051 328-1548 • Tnn (Rf151 �24-��'�1 . :l • . +•. .-'- - . . -' .' - '- - -.._..��__.. _ � _� _ . ,. _._.r..__-__ �• . . .. - '� . '``' � . ..-_. _� ___-- --�_•_-'-- -- _._ ..- -� �._'---"[. ,� F .. � UNITED STATES PO� SERVI 1 E� _ •� � ' t ��r U � t �1C � c. ...,..,�,.. .,,, j(/ D �yl y ;. p �..,i °"+. + I � • . � � � . Official Busineas � W " °".�—'^ ` k .` . "` � �� 1' E P � PENAL7Y FOR PRIVATE , � �y 9� � USE TO AVOID PAYMENT � ( iC�c.PL]SI�AC',E� 5300 � _� � � �, ^�� � �.�; _ � - . ;��-��. � � � . -� ��� ��� �. ... .. r �, :. -y�'. i . ' , �f '�"�- ; . 5 . . .. _ � ; Print your name, address and Z!P Code here ' � - � �' -<,c�S��.� �• � I F. . . .. .. r� ir�"�t��'. . �.� . , ` . . . `, t . f �, � ;� � � COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT ��, " � � � �.,;� �, CITY OF BAKERSFlELD ` . _; s � 515 TRUX7UN AVEl�E . ; .. j� BAKfRSFlELD, CA 93301 ,. : ,.:.. . . . � . � fl� � �, .. . ...; r: S�- �- ,� :� . . , . � � . - . -. . _ . .. . . . . '� � . � , � ,� .. , . ,-,... � 0 � A �. ' ^ y - � � I • • . � , ,.._�_�-.�- .�-__._�----._-._ �•---,___" --_..�..,_w, .. _��._—,:.�, - -----'--� . -._..,.,,,.._. I �, , SENDER: � � � � to receive the 1�• Complete ftems 1 - 2 tor additional servicee. • Complete items 3, a& b. � •���e foilowi��ervices lfor an extra � �\1 ��• Print your name an eddress on the reverse oi this forrt# 'that we can f@e�' � '` j� return this card to you. � � !m• Attach this form,to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space 1. ❑ Addressee's Address `� does not permit. ' � m• Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number 2. ❑ RBStfiCted Delivery � '�t"' • The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date �� o de���ered Consuit ostmaster for fee. � ,. � m 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number � � m -`-��� -U � '�a ccaa3l � � ; � 4b. Service Type � ��� G�,(, ��� ❑ Register�� ❑ Insured - ' i y � � i3 0 _ �.Certified ❑ COD � .� . • '�' ' w '�rl� �" ❑ Express Mafl ❑ Retum Receipt for a. � ��5 . � Merchandise � . . ,,�r: . . . ; o � C� 3 �;� � oete o �y� � � i _ � a " �' : y� ` , � ` Z 5. Signature tAddress e1 8 Addr9ssee's Add1'ess 10n1y if tequested �[ `� ;�. � and fee is,peidl � �� � , � I � � 6. Signature 1Agent► � ' � .. �„as> : �'� � : � ;,, , ' ` , . � ;.°�� PS Form 3811, December 7991 �ru.s.aPa��a�+ : yDOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT : � °< „.. .... ,.. ... . .... ,. .. . ,. ... . .. ...-.. .. . ..� . . .;:.... . ... ... ... ., .-. ,. � 0 ;' � B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: November 1, 1994 SUBJECT: CHANGE IN ASSIGNMENTS Effective Monday, November 7th, the Assistant Public Works Director will be reassigned from his current duties of overseeing the Design, Traffic, and Construction Engineering, to Special Projects and the Wastewater Operations. This change is due to the largest capital undertaking the City will have which is the expansion of the Wastewater Treahnent facilities. It is my feeling that a professional engineer is required to oversee this project because it will significantly affect the City's future Wastewater needs for the nelct 25 to 40 years. Effective Monday, November 7th, Jacques R. LaRochelle, Civil Engineer IV, Stephen L. Walker, Traffic Engineer, and Gerry Claassen, Construction Superintendent, will report directly to the Public Works Director. This is the initial step in the proposed Public Works Department reorganization. Further changes will be reported to you at the appropriate tune. Nov 21� ;-:� , ..., :_.._ � B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (8051 326-3724 October 31, 19� R.AUL \1. ROJAS, DIRECTOR • CITI' ENGINEER Mr. Joel Hienrichs, Director Resource Management Agency County of Kern 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 RE: TRUNK SEWER CONSTRUCTION IN CSA-71 CITY SERVICE AREA Dear Mr. Hienrichs: The recent adoption of the Western Rosedale Specific Plan now makes planning of trunk sewers in the CSA-71 City Service area feasible. It is my understanding that the Technical Advisory Committee has recently begun.that planning process. Section 3.b of the City-County agreement (KC #109-92) provides that the "City shall construct, or cause to be constructed, those trunk sewers found to be necessary ..:'. Obviously, such construction within the unincorporated area will require close coordination and cooperation between our two jurisdictions. Funding is probably the most significant issue involved. Without funding, construction cannot occur. The funding provided in the City County agreement will cover only a small portion of the costs involved. The question needing an answer then is, "How will the County provide funding for necessary sewer trunk construction?" We feel sewering of the CSA 71-City Service Area is critical to the orderly development of the area. May we have your response on this issue at your earliest convenience'? Very truly yours, � , , , �-"�,f By: ��� �_ RAUL M. ROJAS Public Works Director cc: Alan Tandy i �' , m i � �. , + _.._.v_.�,..,u...__. L:io�va � � , tu�tx:Fw��m ; . , �! �` i — I 199d Cox Cable Bakersfield 820 22nd Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Cox Cable Bakersfield A Subsidiary of Cox Communications. Int. ��rnl 3199d _...._._ _...,�._.._ . � ���-- �y�/ � October 12, 1994 VIA CERTIFIED MAiL Ms. Trudy Slater 1501 Truxtun Ave�ue 2nd Floor Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Trudy: - T�� Effective with the October billing statements, the rate for the Basic Cable Service tie� will inc�ease by $0.12 per month through January, 1995, and by $0.04 per month beginning Feb�uary, 1995 due to cable system �egulatory fees assessed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Please give me a call if you have any questions. Thanks. Since�ely, Jill Campbell Vice PresidenU General Manage� JC/cs ���� � "�� Commonwea(th Land Titte Company m 0 801 N. Brand BNd., 12th Floor Glendale, CA 91203 (818)247-8699 • Phon� (818)549-0249 - Fax October 26, 1��4 City of Bakersfield Attn: Duane Hilton 515 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Escrow No.: 22111 �� ����)1� � o ° , _ ` `���C/�/ _y ,\J � �� ,��� ����� � �� � � _��' ` - In connection with the above numbered escrow, we enclose herewith: A check in the amount of $12,500.00 for funds due you as per The Public Agency Services Agreement. Should you have any questions regarding the enclosures, please contact the undersigned. Since�ely, Bonnie Fish Escrow Officer . .. �� __ ,- ��,_� �.� Comn�onwealth � � Land Title Company Agent for Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company 801 N. BRAND BOULEVARD 12TH FLOOR 013331 (818) 552-7201 GLENDALE, CA 91203 FILE NO. DATE NO ], 3 3 31 2 2111 BF 10 / 2 6/ 9 4 � s-ss�� 220 PAY TW�LVE THOUSAND I ' F VE HUNDRED AND 00/100 DOLLARS � 12500.00 I � ESCROW ACCOUNT ro Cit of Bakersfield A Municipal Cor BANKOFAMERICA THE y � p� MORTGAGE WAREHOUSE SERVICES SOUTH tf5619 ORDER P.O. BOX 1889 OF PO A, CA 91769 A T E SIGNATURE � ��'OL3331ii� �:�2200066L�: 05289���LL66Li�' DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Bank 9005 Check 13331 Order No 22111 Closed by BF Property 1841-1849 Golden State Avenue Buyer C.A.R.E. Foundation Seller Resolution Trust ComAanv �.0/26/94 Funds due as per Public Agency Services 12500.0 Agreement. RE: Villa De Oro Apts. Buyer: C.A.R.E r�._.�. _-.._� _...____ _..� COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE COMPANY e � � ,� Dow��town Business £� Property Owners Association October 26, 1994 -•?�EDCDs, .:,._�� c/o jake Wager Economic Development Director > C� i� L�i�� of Bakersfield � i � Truxtun t1� e. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Jake: ��7�1v �� On behalf of the Downtown Business and Property Owners Association, we are extremely grateful for you contribution on behalf of "Up on the Roof, Down on the Street" held October 14th in downtown Bakersfield. Your contribution_helped coriEain our costs. Any "first" undertaking is difficult. Your contribution helped make the event successful and facilitated our work on the myriad of other tasks. As you are no doubt aware, the event was highly successful. Thousands of people visited downtown Bakersfield that night. And the reception, elegant dinner and dessert-dance were all well attended. We believe the excellent outcome will be good for Bakersfield and particularly downtown. After years of decline, the revitalization of downtown Bakersfield is making a strong rebound. Again, our sincere thanks for your generous contribution. No doubt your help will be repaid many times over in terms of good will and public recognition. ��— �� Bart Hill President-CEO, San Joaquin Bank and President, Downtown Business Association BH/KFB:gm Sincerely, . �' lly F B ant , Count Superintendent of Schools and DBA Executive Committee Member I I��z.��/i-7.� •.i��— I� J + N� =—�c..--_ = 3...:.cr�.oc_a�x-+c] � � ' � � � NoV 21994 � � r;s � � ti , �4 �r�>�r .•••r�r = � +'✓'s��.6��lVt a a. �:�'a i�.� Yl�t. � � _.. . .�.- ....��a..a...' __ =�.r�"' ":._:-+._ 2001 H Steet • Bakersfield, CA 93301 •(805) 325-5892 • Fax (805) 325-7319 � � � � � � � �� � N � > O Z 0 � � C � c � > � -- � �U C O U C � N Y L � w O C O �►_ � U � 7 Q. Q � .�_ � Q � �7 �■� � � � CI:fRRENT EVENTS Call Box and ADA On September 30, 1994, a complaint was filed against the Los Angeles County Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies, the California Department of Transportation, and the California Highway Patrol for non compliance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The complaint maintains that many of the 16,000 highway call boxes in California do not comply with ADA requirements. The final ADA regulations were published in September 1994 and become effective December 1994. NAFlA arcd Your Tmnsportation Fuitds It is estimated that $1 billion is needed for transportation related improvements in California to implement the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It is expected that commercial truck traffic across the U. S./Mexico border will double to an estimated 2 million crossings each year. In order to ensure that Mexican commercial vehicles and drivers meet state standards, border states will be required to inspect these vehicles as they enter the United States. The California Transportation Commission, at the Governor's request, has developed a program that would authorize Caltrans tn enter into agreements with private entities to develop, design, construct, finance, and maintain public transportation projects in the California/Mexico international border region. The� implementation of the California/Mexico transportation program may delay fundv of other transportation projects 3 to 4 years. --; _ _ — _- . � :,_ _ _- - - - - --- ,. _ . -� �_ Route 14 Pmject Dedicated A ten-mile section of Route 14 south of Red Rock Canyon was developed as a result of a public/private partnership between the County of Kern, Caltrans, and a private design firm. The section was officially recognized during a dedication on October 20, 1994. Those in attendance included Richazd Moser and William Dempsey of California City, Lew Wood from Caltrans, and various project personnel. The County of Kern provided design services, Caltrans provided project management services and the construction was completed by a private firm. The following information is a summary of the regular Board of Directors meeting for the Kern Council of Governments (Kern COG). The meeting took place October 6, 1994 and began as 7 p. m. KERN COUNCII, OF GOV � S Liability Waiver Review Staff requested a committee be created to develop a process to approve liability waivers which appear on many community event applications. Current palicy requires approval by the board whenever a release of liability is included on an application. � � Kern Councii of Governments Kern Council of Governments 1401 19th Street, Suite 300 • Bakersfield, CA 93301 •(805)861-2191 Member Agencies: City of Arvin • City of Bakersfield • City of Califomia City • Ciry of Delano • City of Mancopa • City of McFarland • City of Ridgecrest • City of Shafter • Ciry of Taft • City of Tehachapi • City of Wasco • County of Kem TRANSPORTATION PLANNING POLICY COMIVIITTEE %rn COG Suppo�ts Westpark Homeowners Association (WHOA) Director Salvaggio and the members of WHOA requested that Kern COG officially oppose the southern option of the Kern River Alignments. Approximately 25 members of the public were present to encourage Kern COG support. In 1986 and 1988, studies were conducted to determine a suitable location for an easdwest arterial, the Crosstown Freeway and the Kern River Freeway. The recommendation from these studies was to connect Route 178 in the vicinity of Highway 99. After hearing public comments during the meeting, the board authorized the chairman to sign a resolution in support of the 1986 and 1988 findings, and in opposition to the Westpark alignment. 1994 Regional Ti�aresportation Plan D�%t Completed The 1994 Regional Transportation Plan/Congestion Management Program (RTP/CMP), which has been in production since March, has been completed and is now available. Copies of the plan were distributed to boardmembers. The 30-day public review period began October 7, 1994; a public hearing will take place November 3; the document is scheduled for adoption December 1. Copies of the plan are available at Kern COG and local libraries for perusal. F�iscal Year 1995-96 Overall Work Progmm (Dr�{ft) in Production The OWP is an annual administrative procedure undertaken to meet state and federal guidelines. Projects requested by local, state, and federal agencies that address regional issues and concerns are included. All member agencies are encouraged to submit appropriate projects for possible inclusion in the 1995-96 OWP. Kern COG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee Kern Transportation Foundation � � Kem Council of Gw�emrr�ents Nrr. Alan Tandy Manager City of Bakersfield 1401 19th Street, Suite 300 • Bakersfield, CA 93301 •(805) 861-2191 3 16 22 � B A K E R S F I E L D October 28, 1994 Diane Boultinghouse, Senior Certif ed Escrow Officer Fideliry National Title Insurance Company 4500 California Avenue, Suite 100 Bakersfield, California 93309 SUBJECT.• V-6 - PARKING LOTS - Convention Center Overflow Parking Closing Instructions to Escrow Holder YOUR REFERENCE: 936909DB Dear Ms. Boultinghouse: Attached is the Grant Deed, which has been accepted by the City. You are hereby authorized to close Escrow No. 936909. when your company is in a position to issue a CLTA Standard Form Title Insurance Policy (1990) with a liability amount of $244, 000. 00 vesting jee simp[e title in the City of Bakersfield, a municipal corporation to Lots 1-8 inclusive, City of Bakersfield Block 348, as shown on the map thereof filed for record on November 25, 1898 in Book 1 Pages 13 and 14 of Maps, in the Office of the Kern County Recorder, listing no exceptions to the title (Schedule B, Part 11 should ,read none). Si�cerely, ��-� �� � -�7onald M Anderson Real Property Agent on�is �ro�&�� Attachment cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager Leland J. Andersen, Community Services Manager Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director Jake Wager, Economic Development Director Alan D. Daniel, Assistant City Attorney ,--��.�•�=-_- C�C�����9��--� - -��� �f' 2 81994 � GlTY 6�dA�l�G�R'� ��V�BG� City of Bakersfield • Property Management Division • 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield • California • 93301 i805) 326-3061 • Fax (805) 324-7483