HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/09/94, � ._ • B A K E R S F I E L D M�n�,oRa�DU� T0: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION COUNCI �� December 9, 1994 1. You will note, when you get your agenda packets, that it is an unusually heavy workload this session. It is primarily a result of having only one meeting in December. �' 2. You will receive, under separate cover, a memo from Judy Skousen indicating that we can save some time during the Council meetings. She has given you a form which you can use to formally record an abstention on Consent items. That will save time by no longer requiring items to be pulled with a separate roll call vote on each. It still complies with the law and will still result in an announcement that you have abstained on any specific item with which you have a conflict. It should help process the Consent Calendar more quickly. 3. A recurrent theme which arose in the recent Vision Conference was water and tree elements for downtown. I have asked Jake to look into some preliminary consulting work on concepts that might be developed, perhaps on a small scale as a pilot, along that line. 4. There have been recent newspaper stories relative to the possibility of a sports complex in the southwest. We have had some residential calls expressing concern. While that site was purposefully picked so that it would be far removed from any residences, we are, nonetheless, scheduling a neighborhood meeting in the Silvercreek area for January lOth. This will be to inform the neighborhood what the proposal consists of, where the exact location is, etc. I am confident that, if they actually know the proposed location, they will not be concerned - particularly, si.nce it is in us rially zoned. 5. Kevin Barnes, from San Bernardino, will be the new Solid Waste Manager. This position was recently created by the City Council and will be the top position in Sanitation reporting to the Department Head. He will be on the job on January 9th. 6. Two items "fell off" of the agenda. One was the request for proposals to privatize certain landscaping maintenance districts. The Councilmember from an impacted ward was not going to be present and asked for a delay. The second was the Joint Powers Agreement with Kern County relative to the sports complex/baseball stadium. We got a late call from a bond attorney indicating that the JPA needed some amendments. That was after the County adopted it. We did not see any purpose in putiing it on your agenda for HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL December 9, 1994 Page -2- adoption, to be followed by later amendments - so we, simply, postponed it. We did write the County to that effect. 7. We sent a delegation to the State Water Board this week. We are trying to get clearance so we are not liable for clean up of the contamination of the property we build the bridge over. If we get approval, we will be able to proceed with property acquisition and design of the Coffee Road Bridge. We received a report late Friday from the delegation - good news, WE WON! 8. Jack Hardisty informs me that the Habitat Conservation group has authorized purchase of 2,000 acres of "credit area" for habitat. "Credit area" apparently allows the original land uses to continue, simultaneously with the habitat. 9. An update on the Kern County Food Bank's past request for transfer of title of its building is enclosed. 10. Responses to Council Referrals are enclosed regarding the intersection of Planz and Wible Roads, a traffic signal at Akers and Panama, the condition of the curb installation at Gosford and White, the traffic signal at Uillage Lane and Stockdale Highway, the condition of the curve in the road at Jewetta and Brimhall, mediation services for any disputes between the Mobilehome Owners Association of Kern County and the Western Mobilehome Association, and alleged problems with a contractor in the Home Improvement Program. 11. Enclosed is some information on the Board of Trade Business Outlook Conference for 1995. This event will be moved from January to March. 12. There are informational pickets at the Hotel site this date. I am told it is electricians protesting a lack of local hires. The contractor reports, however, that 10 of 13 total are local! Work continues uninterrupted, in any event. AT.alb cc: Department Heads City Clerk s B A K E R S F I E L D Alan Tandy • City Manager December 9, 1994 Supervisor Ben Austin Mr. Joe Drew, County Administrativ� Officer County of Kern 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Supervisor Austin and Mr. Drew: We received a call from the bond attorney who was reviewing the JPA relative to the sports complex. The call was almost simultaneous with the County Board action on that document. The bond attorney suggested several changes in it. It is unfortunate that the changes arrived simultaneous with the County's adoption, however, we wanted to let you know that we would be receiving a revised document and scheduling adoption at our first available meeting in January. As soon as it is in, we will get you the revisions as well. We are sorry for any inconvenience and look forward to continuing to work with you on this project. Sincer ly, an Tandy � City Manager AT. al b City of Bakersfield • City Manager's Office • 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield • California • 93301 ian�i ��� ���i . �.,., �on�� ��n �orn `°� �. _ . _: '- .-. � _ . _ __ . .—�-- p. �_-s— —. '�_�-- � � > �ry . � �•� �i L` ,�� . � �al�-.'. i ' - ` BAKERSFIELD �� � ` ` ;, ��:r; _ � �,, ; ,; ,�=--,_--_:=-- - , Economic and Community Development Department,�������Q��,�:������;�.�!,;;��,�f� M E M O R A N D U M �---____-- _- --'- November 30, 1994 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Dev o ment irector SUBJECT: Kern County Food Bank As you will recall the Kern County Food Bank in its correspondence dated October 3, 1994 asked the County of Kern and the City of Bakersfield to agree to a transfer of title of its building located at 800 14th Street to the Kern County Economic Opportunity Corporation. The consent of the County and the City is necessary since CDBG funds were used for acquisition of this facility. Since the request by the Food Bank was first made, you have received copies of additional correspondence from the various parties involved. Shortly after our receipt.of the request, we (City and County) asked for some additional information. To some extent our request was satisfied by the Food Bank in a letter dated October 19, 1994. In order to clarify some of the additional information an all-hands meeting was held on October 31, 1994. At the conclusion of the meeting the Food Bank representative (Dennis Needham) indicated the Food Bank might withdraw its request for the transfer of title. Since that time I have spoken to Mr. Needham twice in an effort to establish the status of this project. Mr. Needham on one occasion indicated a letter was being drafted that would formally withdraw the original request. In the second conversation Mr. Needham indicated that an agreement had been reached whereby the food distribution services would be provided through a contract with KCEOC. I asked for a copy of the agreement. Yesterday a copy of the agreement was forwarded to me by County Community Development (see attached). As of this date I have received no further informal or formal communication advising the City of the Food Bank's intent to bring this matter to closure. By separate correspondence I have asked the City Attorney to review the attached document for its compliance with the City's agreement with the Food Bank. I will advise you of their review. a�c:; W6 foodbank.mem �_ _ _ 11%28i94 12:57 1 7 : $805 325 2825 CO!i►ft'\ITI' DE�'EL �i-+ BKFLD CDiED � Post-It'" brand tax transmittal memo 7671 � N ol paycs � f'e� bcsn t�•t- n � • Zv Y a�rica ��(L�/9 � AND Y�ISCAL AGRNT AGR�BMSNT � 001 �ON�IDENTIAL Thia Agr�ement, dated as of October 31, 19�4; is betweea KQrn Cownty $conoRaic . Oppostuaity Corporatioa (*RCLpC�) , a�ad T�e Kez� Cour�ty Food Baz�k, Ii1C. ( °KCFB" ) , AACKGROVxb KCBOC is a California nonprofit pub].fc benefit corporation, tax-exe�npt under ir�texasl Revenue Code S�etiori gp� (�) �3� �d Ca��forr�i� Reve�ue aAd Taxatian Code Section �3�8id. KC�oC fa tha Federally•desfgnat�d Commuaity ActioA Aggncy (CAA) serviAg pver 200,�000 low-incom� reaideat� each yesr through various human sexvice progranus. KCSOC, �hich has been in operaCiars since 1965, currently hss 385 employees and contributes �28 mi�,lion annually to the Keru Coun�y ecoaomy, KC80C bes been providing food services to the needy r�sid�nCS of Kerz� County for over 20 years. KCPB xa a Ca2iiornia nonprofit publ�c benefft carporation, tax•exempt un6er Interaal Reve.ztue Code Section 5p�, ��) {3� �d . Califeraia Revenue and Taxatioa CoQe Section 23701�. KCFS a�.tni.sters food distribution programs through federal and other fundisYg $purcee ia the greater Bakersf�.eifl srea. =t hae a writteA Co�unity Aevelopment Activi�y �greement �+ith the Caunty of�: C3 t of 8 ' � :.w • "y and the y akers�ield �rith gec�ard to the ` -"-:`: `-i;� ���1 ' D� � 81tC� ;t � ���� � � 22� :}�'i . �,�'; 'i 's ' --.-_ -. i � " 11/28/94 12:58 $805 325 2825 � ..—° -- — ' services.� � COKKLIITI' DE�'EI. �a� BKFLD CD/ED �002 � Clvcrentiy. KCfiOC arid the Food 8ank hsve �.,n agreemertt, whereby KCSflC serves the outly�ag arese ia Kern County Snd th� Food 8ank ServeB =be greater Bakerst�elc� area� tk,,us avoiding duplication. Due.to incr�aeed coste in utilities, vehicle main�er��nCe� �d ssperstioae, the Food Bank is no longer able to mai�tain a sel�- sustainiag ff.naneial pcsitioa. =a an�8tite�pt to redirect �costs, the Bo�rd of Directors, through fts execut3ve clir�ctor, reduced paid staff to juat t�ao people this past year. Vo�.uatee= wo=kers have replaced the part•time pa3d stBfP whi�h hag grov� to be finaneiaily henefieial �hiie 8Gi11 mafutainiAg eflicieacy ��a noYmai busiaess aperatiena. After car�ful reviea .and consideration, the Food Bank Board of Direczors h�s detexmiaed that Rc�OC is b��t �ble to carttfnue the Food Bank og�eration. K�gp� gas conduct�d a financial analyeis of the �ood Bank�s annual coste ag operation and current defici.t situation and eoncluded that it ia able to assume the geod gank►$ op�ratioa, �hreugh "eco�omies of scale,� KC'�OC ia 8ble Co re8uce admi�o.istrative overhead coste due to its administxative i.nfrastnscLure already in place. • NOW, TFiERE}�pRg, the parties, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenaats and agreements contained bereia, inten8ing to be legaliy bouad, hereby agree ae follo�os; 1• �• Thia Agreement sha11 com�aez�ce oa Nov��er i, 3994 and $ha11 teraainate at the ex�fl of the Community Devel�p�nt �g�neY �5r�emeat, be�we�n �CC�'8 sad tbe third �artiee, aetached bereto as �xhibit "A, • ur�,g$� �t�ded -2_ ; '• ° 11/28i94 12:59 $805 3�25 2825 C0�(HL'\IT1' DE�'EL -�-+i BKFLD CD/ED �003 by mutual agreemeat. 2. a age.+*�nt Serv�ces, KCSOC, acting in the capacity oi isidep�ad�t contractor a�d not �� RCFB� s agent, ahall provide pra�essioz�al eaa.aa�em�nt s�zvicea oa behalf ot �C�'8 as foliows: • ta) I�CBOC �hall pxovide �cr, martage, supervisa, direct, � and, ia ali oGher e�aye, �e respo�tsibie for a12 services �►nd progr� cursently pgovided�by KCgH, — ir:cluding, but aat limit�d to, those matters ax�d progr�ms provided for by � Tbe �ezgenc�, gaod Assfs�ancQ Progr�m, FeAeral Em�rg�cy Management Agency, VaiC�d Way of Kann County, Bro�oa �ag program, and SmergeACy Food Netvork. KCFB, upon tP�e s3gniAg o! t�s Agreemeat, wi21 give and transf�r to KCBOC a31 authority and responsibility for deal i.ng �vith an8 administering any such program, aad shail also take any action to transfer control o! ar,y KCFB asset, iACiuding the coAtrol of any personal or raal property ass�ts, to KCEOC. (bj RCBOC Wiil develop approgriat� policfe� •�nd proce8ures for tbe perfcrmaace o# these Bervices. tc) KCB�C and iCCFB may agree on additional �ervices to be gro�r3.ded by 2tCE0C wf rh new fua�ds received during the term of thia Agreem�at. (d) �CC80C ahall caYry out the m�ag�m�t �ervices de�cgibed hereia in the �atne og lCCFB. . -3- . ° 11/28/94 .� . 13:00 $805 325 2825 C0�1!fl'\ 17'l' DE�'EL iii BKFLD CD/ED � 004 : �e) KeSOC ahaii select, eniploy, and supetvise a Program Director and such other paid empioyees uhich it deteznuia�s are aecessary to rarry out ics managemeat and gfscai agent eervices pursuant to t��s �g�c�emeat. RCSOC �hall eetablish wages, eezms of �nploymeat, and job descripC�ons for all 6uch �mployees.. �CEOC shail be re�poasfble for ail i.nc�me �nnd p�yro21 tax withho�ding and reporting f or such emgloyegs . Yte�B staf � currentiy �nplayed �ha�12 be offexed ths opportunity to contfnue Sa same or sim3lar pa�ic�oaa �+ith KCEOC, upoa su�h t�rms snd c�ditfo�s as may be e�tabiished witl�in the sola discretioa of KCBOC. Ti�e KCFB board of directors sha�.l act only as aa advisory Jaody to the KC80C board of d�rector$ �oncerning KC80C� s perforon�nce of these services. The KCFB board of direcGors sha21 be responsi.bie for ell RCFB a�tfvities aad operatiotts not Within the scope of KC80C' e ms.nageme�nt or fisc�+l agent servi�es, f� any, 3. �sca? Aaen��es, xCEpC shall provide �iscal agent services to RCFB aa follows: (a) RCPB shalY ia�e8fately transfer all o� its funds to a bank accetuit ma3ntained by RCSOC. A11 funds xeceived by KCBOC or by KCFB on behaif o! KCFB during the ternt ot this Agreement shall be deposited in thfs acc�t or ia anotiier separate baak a►ccount �aa3nt�ined by K�BpC � its df s�retion ' -�- � .° „ 11/28/94 13:01 $805'325 2825 CO!(KL�\IT1' DE1'EL �-+� BKFLD CD/ED �ppj .� . , . ,: or ae required by �hs fundf.ng source. •• (b) KCEOC 8ha11 2�ave sole and exclusive auCbority to withdraa funda from the aceou:st te) . Rcgp� r,ba12 . , fotiow the eame i�teraal operaCiag p�cocedures ' reS��ng aumber and identity of check g����� � vouchez or i�voice approval process, its., as it , foilaws for Witi�drawals. fro;n its other accouata, ��l l�de in the �ccaunttsl at the terminatio�a og thiB Agreement e2�11 be retu�ed te RCgg, less aay amawat needed gor acczued but r�ot yet pafd � liabilities, including �► �nta owed to KCEp�, d . A2CO1�dS 8nd Ro�nr* �.,.,r ��=-. • �a) xCBOC sh�].1 keep and �sintaa� accurate, complete, and s�parate records fn accordarice witxt aceepted acccunting staridards a»d procedures, showing iacame and expenditures ia coru�ection with the operatioas , of KCFB, so that aay accounts payable, other obligatfot�s, cash, account$ receivab1e, �,d o�her assets pertaining thereto can be fdentified and their respective amounts deLerauned aC aII tirt►es. tbf KCEOC sha11 prepare manC}uy �c� statementg and sn ur�audited an�nuai statement, Summarizins ��.e results o! operatioas ot KCFB's fisCal year just concluded. te) �CBpC �3�a11 pgepare aad submit on behalf of KCFS . �.11 r�guiaed fu:iding �urce firsaacial osc nazzativQ -5- '^ ' 11/28/94 13:02 $'805 325 282� CON�(t'\IT]' DE�'EC ��i BKFLD CD/ED �006 . L . , . . : reporte, oa Or before their due date, concerning KC80C's performance vf iL� mas�agement and ffscal age.nt servic�s. � � td) RC80C sha11 assiet KCFB ia fi�.iasg all tax returas fc is required by i�w to file. RC80C sh�ll provide � ' all available �nEormatioa vhi�h xould agsist KCFg ia a�eeting the filing require�ats. 5. �suacance and Znd�� � at{en. {a) KCBOC shail maintain a golicy of �ou°�prehensive gezieral liabil3ty iaaurance of at least �1 �nillioa 'in coverage, and sucb oth�r boading and lfability iasur�nce, includiag but not lirnited to waemploymer�t and workers' ca�pensation insurance, reguired by law or usual and cust�nazy witl� rgspect to Lhe conduct of its activiCies, in amourit� Whi�h the KCEOC board of directors has detexmiaed are �ea$onably adequate to protect RCEpC and KCFg, p�l such insurance ShaZl cover KCEO��g managem�nt and ffscal �ge�t services pursuarlt to thie Agreement, ' if such caverage ia available. ib) KCEOC shall include the RCFS board of dire�tors as ' i�sured � partiee under any itCEpc poZi�y og � dire�tors� ar�d of�icera' liability �.nsuraace, f� �ermitt�d by the terms of the policy. • (a) KC�OC �laa21 3adeaa�ify, assum� �he delens� ot (if requested), and hoZd harm2ess RCFS and ita •6- . . � 11i28/94 13:03 . - . . . 6. 3`805 325 2815 C0►1!!l�\IT�' DE\'EL -�i� BKFLD CD/ED �j00i director� and o�ficer� from every claim, 1oss, damage, snjuxy, �xpense {including attonleys' fees), judgment, and liability of every kiAd, nature, arid descriptian arisiag fran RC�OC�s x�egligeut. graudul�nt, or illegal ��t or o�nission fs� tbe perfoz�nance o! itg sezviees under tLis Agzeement, except, as to the p�rty requesting fndea�niffcat3.cn, Co the extend such claim, losa, damage, injuzy. expense, judg�►eat, or ��ability results in w�aole or in part fsam the unauthorized, fraudulent, or f llegal act og omf ssioa` of tbe pany xequesting indect�i.ficatioa, Axbf�ra� tian. In the eve,nt of a dispute between the part�.es coxtcerning this Agreemeat, ItCEOC and ReFB agree to submit the dispute to arbftratfon pursuant to the zules and procedures of tbe American n.-�„�,.n«�,.,, Associatio�a. Ar�y amard ari�ing fran such arbitration shall be f irtal a�d binditig upon the parfi�es and m8y b8 reduced to judgment in a court oi campetent jurisdiction. Ariy euch arbitratioa shall take place in Kex�n County, Califomia. If either party breaches the provi.sions of this pazagraph 6, the other party shall be entitied to recover aay costs ,i.ncurred (fncivdiag, without lia�itatfons, eoste awd att8rney$ fees) i� enforciag or protectfnq ats rights to arbit�ratioa, whet.her or aot suit is fil�d. 0 -7- . . I1/28i94 13:04 .� - . . � 7 . �. • rd`805 '325 2825 CO�IMC�\IT1' DF.�'EL ��� BKFLD CD/ED QJ008 -- - R� r�ese �at ans and �� _�p�, R� repre$ents and warrants to RCBOC that: fa) TherQ is no aGtion, auit, proceeding, or claim o! say ki�ad involving KCFB pending or, its kaoaledge, �breatened beFore aay court, as�itratio�ti p�1, or qovea�n�aent�l or adm.fnistrative body ox agency. (b) It does not have outetanding aity indelbtedness or �th�r liabi�fties or erust obligations. exc�pt as set forth isi attachmeat •8, � (c� It has provided KCBOC xit2s copies of all eontracte� grant agreemeats, or other do�umeatg evide�ocis�g ita obligat3.0as, and� it is in co�i3ance xith all of tha �extas and proviaioas �et forth iu su�h dacumeaca on iee part to be observed or pertormed, 8. �o�rain�,Law. This Agreement sha11 be goveraed by the laws of Calif�rnia. 9. �t�i,re Aaze�ment • Amenc� ent . This Agreement constitutes tha entire agzeement oP the partie�, superseda,Ag aAy prior wrftten or ozal agreaments bet�reeu them on �he s�me $ubject matt�r, and may be cbanged only by a �,rriting � signed by both of them. l0. ��� a a. This AgreeYneat may be exeruted in any aumber of cour�terparts. and eaeh sucb eounterpart shall � be 8eem�d to be an origfnal �nst�ent� p�yt aot all o! - t3�em �oqetlaer sha►],1 cou�titute hut ane Agree�aent. - I1. F�rth�r Actie�. Ou re,qu�st b�r RC�OC. KCFB sh�ll lraa � -8- . I1%28i94 13:05 •. '�'�05 325 2825 C0►1�tt�\ITl'_DE�'EL__��� BKFLD CDiED �009 � time to time execute and deliver a�y documents and 3.nstruments�asid take any actions desirable or aecessary to cax�zy aut the full fntent and purpose of thfs A�Bet�eAt . '12. Assig�g�. �C�gOC g�2 not �saigr� any of ite ' oblfga�.ions or dutieg under tbis Agreemeat Witbout obtafning the prior wrftten cone�aC of KCFB, wh�� eonsen� �hall aot be unr�asonably withheld. �� Ae�reement sha11 be binding upon and iaure to the benefit � of �hs succesaors �d pexmit�ed assigas oi t2�e pa=ties, 13. �s�cir�. A1I notices ar►d other co�unication� given pur�uan� to thig Agre�me»t shali be iri writing aad shall be deifvered in person, by courier deliv�exy, coc by first class n�ail, postage pr�gafd. addressed as Pollows: If to KCEOC, at 3�0 `� , r ti..� zf to xCFB, at �akersfie��_ r � or to such other addresa as the addr�ssAe ma,y have specified in a notice du�y given to the sender. IN WITNE9S WHgRgpg� the part3ea bave �sus�� �hi$ �eernent to be exeeuted and delivered by their praper and duly authori�ed oftice a af t aad yeaz first above tirittea. � J � . BY= .i.. _ .;_ � . - ,_ . . � ,_� _ ' ,,.... /J._;;w . "� . - I ` il � � 4 • B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: December 1, 1994 SUBJECT: COUNCIL INQUIRIES Attached are responses to the following Council inquiries: City Council Referral Record# 14172 - Status report on the intersection of Planz and Wible Roads and traffic signal at Akers Road and Panama Lane. (Salvaggio - Ward 7) City Council Referral Record # 14173 - Condition of the curb installation at southeast corner of Gosford Road and White Lane. (Brunni - Ward 4) Ciry Council Referral Record # 14175 - Synopsis of the timing of and accidents occurring at the traffic signal at Village Lane and Stockdale Highway. (Rowles - Ward 5) Response to Councilmember Kevin McDermott's inquiry regarding the condition of the curve in the road at Jewetta and Brimhall Road. REF14172; REF14175 Attach. � � ,; MEMORANDUM. Traffic Engineering DATE: November 28, 1994 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WQRKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER d��(��� � SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL # 14172, SIGNAL STATUS OF PLANZ/WIBLE AND AKERS/PANAMA LN (SALVAGGIO) Action taken by Council: "Salvaggio requested staff provide him with a status report on the intersection of Planz and �ble Roads and traffic signal at Akers Road and Panama Lane. " Response: The traffic signal modification project at Planz Road and Wible Road has received bids from contractors and set for the December 14, 1994 Council Meeting to award the contract to the low bidder. After contract documents are processed, the Construction Inspection Division of Public Works will set a date to start construction, administer the contract and inspect the construction by the contractor. The traffic signal project for a new installation at the intersection of Akers Road and Panama L,ane is a current year project. Survey information and data have been collected and received this month. Design of the project, engineering estimates and preparation of specifications and bid documents are scheduled for December through February. The intersection is currently under 4-way stop control and operating satisfactorily. No further action required. cc: Bruce Deeter, CE III, Traffic Engineering Brad Underwood, CE III, Traffic Engineering PW Memo File Traffic Engineering file - Council Referral #14172, Planz/Wible & Akers/Ranama signals. .M: P:Wate\W'PU�CCAU172Ref � � -_ _ �' - I� '' CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL �� ; i i MEETING OF: 11/16/94 REFERRED TO: PUBLIC'WORKS R ROJAS '��� �������� NO V 21 1994 P�B��� WORI(S DEPARTMENt ; ITEM: RECORD# 14172 ! Status reports on intersection of Planz and Wible �,� Roads and; traffic signal at Akers Road and ,i - � Panama Lane. (Salvaggio) � ' ; , � , � ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: � SALVAGGIO REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HIM WITH A j STATUS REPORT ON THE INTERSECTION OF PLANZ AND � WIBLE ROADS AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT AKERS ROAD AND i PANAMA LANE. BACKUP MATERIAL ATTACHED: NO DATE FORWARDED BY CITY CLERK: 11/18/94 NOTE: STATUS CHANGES ARE TO BE ENTERED FOR EACH REFERRAL AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH EVEN IF NO ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN! ;. � � MEMORANDUM Traffic Engineering DATE: November 28, 1994 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER ������ SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL # 14173; CURB AT GOSFORD AND WHITE LANE (BRUNNI) Action taken by Council: 'Brunni referred to staff the issue of the curb that was irrstalled at the southeast corner of Gosford Road and White Lane being a hazard at night and in foggy conditions." Response: The curb separating the northbound through lanes from the north to west left turn lanes was installed by the developer of the Fastrip Mini Mart on the southeast corner. Per the plans, the nose of the curb was reflectorized. The location was investigated and found to be missing the reflectors, either through vandalism or damage by a car. The Public Works General Services Division was contacted and new reflectors/markers, along with fresh paint on the curb, were installed on Friday, November 18, 1994. After the repair, I reviewed the site and ve�ified that the work was completed. No further action required. cc: Bruce Deeter, CE III, Traffic Engineering Brad Underwood, CE III, Traffic Engineering PW Memo File � Traffic Engineering file - Council Referral #14173, White/Gosford � �hv: P:Wata\K'P�199qOCR111T3.Rrl : � ; - � . _ . � � , _ � '.... . _ . � . ; , ,, ��° �i �e � � �° � I! ' � CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL � � MEETING OF: 11/16/94 NOV 21 j994 i �� t � PUBLIC WOR!(S DEPARTMENT , � REFERRED T0: PUB�IC WORKS R ROJAS � � i ! '� ITEM: RECORD# 14173 �° Curb installation at sout3�east corner of Gosfcrd � Road and White Lane. (Brunni) ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: BRUNNI REFERRED TO STAFF THE ISSUE OF THE CURB THAT WAS INSTALLED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GOSFORD ROAD AND WHITE LANE BEING A HAZARD AT NIGHT AND IN FOGGY CONDITIONS. BACKUP MATERIAL ATTACHED: NO DATE FORWARDED BY CITY CLERK: 11/18/94 . v� ME�MORANDUM Traffic Engineering DATE: November 23, 1994 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER ������ SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL RECORD NUMBER 14175, TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT VILLAGE LANE AND STOCKDALE HIGHWAY. (ROWLES) ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: "ROWLES REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HIM WITH A SYNOPSIS OF THE TIMING OF AND THE ACCIDENTS OCCURRING AT THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT VILLAGE LANE AND STOCKDALE HIGHWAY. " I have reviewed the accident data for vehicle accidents reported to the Bakersfield Police Department over the last two years. No accidents have been reported occurring within the intersection during the past two years. Two accidents, both "rear end" collisions, occurred in the vicinity of the intersection and were considered intersection related. One, in January 1993, was twenty feet east of the � intersection on a Sunday at 1:30 pm. The other was 21 months later, on October 19, 1994, at 8:20 in the morning. The cause of that accident was driver error due to being "blinded" by the morning sun. Neither of the two accidents in the two year period appeared to be caused by the traffic signal timing or traffic congestion. Six other accidents, again all "rear end" type, were reported during the two year period that were some distance away from the intersection. Most were in excess of 250 feet from Village Lane on Stockdale, occurred west of the intersection and happened during the evening peak hour. These were most likely influenced by traffic congestion and backup from the intersection of Califorriia/New Stine/Stockdale. "Rear end" type accidents are very common around all signalized intersections and are the result of drivers following too close when a signal changes to red. Signal operation does not seem to be a factor in the accidents near Village Lane. Accidents of the type that may have been influenced by the signal and congestion at California/New Stine/Stockdale are expected to be fewer when the Public Works project to widen the intersection is completed. cc: PW Memo File Traffic Engineering file - Council Refenal #14175, Village/Stockdale �hv: P:Wu\W'Y�1994�OCR14175.Ref �� ' . ,. , ` ,, s : ��". CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL MEETING OF: 11/16/94 rt 1 a � REFERRED TO: PUBLIC WORKS R ROJAS �� � � 1[ �% J�° jT'� �11„11 NOV 21 1994 PUBIIC WORI(S DEPARTMENT ITEM: RECORD# 14175 Traffic Signal at Village Lane and Stockdale #3/¢-� Highway. (Rowles) -- ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: ROWLES REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HIM WITH A SYNOPSIS OF THE TIMING OF AND THE ACCIDENTS OCCURING AT THE TRAFFIG SIGNAL ATVILLAGE LANE AND STOCKDALE HIGHWAY. BACKUP MATERIAL ATTACHED: NO DATE FORWARDED BY CITY CLERK: 11/18/94 . �VIEMORANDUM Traffic Engineering DATE: November 29, 1994 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SUBJECT: REFERRAL FROM COUNCILMEMBER McDERMOTT, CURVE IN BRIMHALL ROAD WEST OF JEWETTA. I have investigated Councilmember McDermott's concern regarding the "curve in the road at Jewetta and Brimhall Road, dangerous area where it narrows, particularly dangerous in foggy days. " This portion of road was built in 1991-92 by the developer as part of the development access � to the Castle and Cooke tract at Brimhall and Allen. A review of the accidents reported to the Bakersfield Police Department indicates no accidents have occurred west of the intersection in the curve area, or at the intersection itself, since the road was opened west of Jewetta. The two lane road, designed by the developer to City standards, is curved to align with Brimhall Road to the east. T'he road design, curves and curve transitions are designed for 55 mile per hour design .speeds per data on the City approved plans. The road is marked with a reflective centerline and additional reflective post markers are in place to guide traffic through the transition and curve. No additional markers or treatment appear to be needed at this time. We continue to monitor this road, and all other road segments and intersections within the City, for changes in traffic or operations that may indicate the need for traffic improvements. cc: Bruce Deeter, CE III, Traffic Engineering Brad Underwood, CE III, Traff'ic Engineering PW Memo File Traffic Engineering file - Brimhall west of Jewetta, Councilmember McDermott referral .b: P:Wan\WP�t999�JewaBrm.Wl . . . � j:r' _„ � `, . - . . . - . I; . u 1 ,i >>18LiC WORKS -T4AFFIC =NGINEERI4G ACCIDENT.CATA GcT'+lEEN !-?-94 � i1-2�?-94 � . ; �; ;;T INTERSECTION N0. 446b '�� �AGE 1 �SORiED 8'f DATE� FILE: ACCIDENT 11:49:14 11-21-94 , ! DATE CDR ACCIDENT ACC i ?CCIDENT.. INTERSECTION .......:............... TIME.DAY. TYPEC. INJ. KILL CQS.. DOT TOVC... MPCC.. TOCC..... ROWC..... TYPE I. . - '{. <120564 BRIMNALL ROAD/JEWETTA r�VENUE Ob/11!91 INJURY 1 0 E E AUTO GS-PS REAR EN,D A C ,) ' 1605 TUE N/A E.PICKUP/ LT 1 �R '� =2Q838B SR?MHALL ROAD/JEW�TTA AVENUE OZi24/92 INJURY 2 0 N W AUTO RT �IDESWIPE A C �. � 1654 SAT 54 S PICKUP 6S '� ?243992 BRIMHALL ROAD/JEWETTA AVENUE 11/16/92 INJURY 1 0 E S AUTO LT BROADSID A A .�. !256 MON 4 W PICKUP GS � -==- --- ,� ii 4 0 �I , '_• recards listed, �1 � .__. ., • B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department M E M O R A N D U M December 7, 1994 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Direct r SUBJECT: Request from Kern County Mobilehome Owners Association (Council Tracking #13516) At the June 15, 1994 City Council meeting' a request by the Kern County Mobilehome Owners Association was forwarded by the City Council to staff to consider adoption of a conflict resolution process. The request was to mirror a process already in place with the County of Kern. After discussing this issue with the City Manager's office, a consensus was reached for the City to establish the requested process. On November 30, 1994, I mailed a letter (see attached) to the two organizations involved in this matter notifying them of the City's intent to establish a conflict resolution process (see attached guidelines). cc: Trudy Slater a�r.;w6 kcmoaud.mem -��-- -� ��� ��..._ .� �,�,,=v� � .�,/7f , , � ��, � L�� �� ,, � �� , � -�_-_. �_�_--_-=-, �:. � � 1 i ,, � � ���� �� � �EC T � ; � �� � - - -� �� '�i ;_-. __-., -_ - - � ��•:�v ;�.�.: �.. i•..-�.�.` .> . . .. -.,,, . �� � i . �. _A r'- - .' � • � � 0�as B A K E R S F I E L D November 30, 1994 Joanne Wilhite 8500 Kern Canyon Road, #136 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Dear Ms. Wilhite, A request has been made to the City of Bakersfield to offer mediation type services should a dispute arise between a tenant and a mobile home park located in the City of Bakersfield. The request asked that the City of Bakersfield adopt a process similar to that already in place with the County of Kern. After considering the request, the City Manager has directed me to advise you that the City of Bakersfield is prepared to offer its good offices as a third party neutral participant to act as a mediator/conciliator in an effort to resolve any dispute which the Mobilehome Owners Association of Kern County and the Western Mobilehome Association are not able to resolve on their own. I have taken the liberty of re-typing the County's guidelines and substituting the City's name where appropriate. One difference from the County's practice will be that the point of contact for the two organizations will be the City of Bakersfield's Economic and Community Development Department. The City's efforts will be activated upon the written request of both the Mobilehome Owners Association of Kern County and the Western Mobilehome Association. Inquiries and complaints from individuals will be referred back to one or both of the two organizations previously named. I am confident after speaking to both you and David Evans that a true spirit of cooperation does exist. In this respect I know that should you require assistance from the City of Bakersfield, we will be able to continue to rely on your mutual desire to work hard toward amicable resolutions of all matters. I would greatly appreciate it if you would please advise your organization of the City's stated intent to assist in the event of a mobilehome owner/park owner conflict. Please call if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, •---- John F. Wager, Jr. Economic Development Director cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager a��:;,,� wilhiteJtr City of Bakersfield � Economic and Community Development Department 515 Truxtun Avenue • BaKersfield • California 93301 (805) 326-3765 • Fax (805) 328-1548 • TDD (805) 324-3631 ,� . - November 30, 1994 Mr. David Evans HC2 Box 8057 Frazier Park, CA 93225 Dear Mr. Evans, , � B A K E R S F I E L D A request has been made to the City of Bakersfield to offer mediation type services should a dispute arise between a tenant and a mobile home park located in the City of Bakersfield. The request asked that the City of Bakersfield adopt a process similaz to that already in place with the County of Kern. After considering the request, the City Manager has directed me to advise you that the City of Bakersfield is prepared to offer its good offices as a third party neutral participant to act as a mediator/conciliator in an effort to resolve any dispute which the Mobilehome Owners Association of Kern County and the Western Mobilehome Association are not able to resolve on their own. I have taken the liberty of re-typing the County's guidelines and substituting the City's name where appropriate. One difference from the County's practice will be that the point of contact for the two organizations will be the City of Bakersfield's Economic and Community Development Department. The City's efforts will be activated upon the written request of both the Mobilehome Owners Association of Kern County and the Western Mobilehome Association. Inquiries and complaints from individuals will be referred back to one or both of the two organizations previously named. I am confident after speaking to both you and Joanne Wilhite that a true spirit of cooperation does exist. In this respect I know that should you require assistance from the City of Bakersiield, we will be able to continue to rely on your mutual desire to work hard toward amicable resolutions of all matters. I would greatly appreciate it if you would please advise your organization of the City's stated intent to assist in the event of a mobilehome owner/park owner conflict. Please call if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, .•-- � John F. Wager, Jr. Economic Development Director cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager dlr.jw6 evans.ltr City of Bakersfield • Economic and Community Development Department 515 Truxtun Avenue • BaKersfield • California 93301 (805) 326-3765 • Fax (805) 328-1548 • TDD (805) 324-3631 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MOBILEHOME OWNER/PARK OWNER CONFLICT GUIDELINES When disputes arise between mobilehome owners/tenants and mobilehome park owners, the following guidelines will be undertaken in those situation involving dwellings that are covered by the Mobilehome Residency Law (MRL). No provision shall conflict with that law. 1. When a dispute arises, the complainant (either homeowner/tenant, park owner or his or her designated representatives) will provide written notification of the problem to the other party and request a meeting where the problem can be addressed. If another method of solving problems has been successfully established in a particular mobilehome park, that method should continue to be used as long as that method does not conflict with the MRL. If requested, the Mobilehome Owners Association of Kern County is willing to assist homeowners/tenants in this first step. The parties-at-interest in the meeting will provide written documentation of their position on the issue. If there is resolution at Step I, no further action is required. 2. If the dispute is not resolved, the park owner and/or homeowner/tenant will contact a representative of the Mobilehome Owners Association of Kern County (Phone #805-366- 0165) and a representative of the Western Mobilehome Association (Phone #805-245- 3719) to set up a meeting to discuss the problem and seek resolution. It is suggested that the phone numbers of the Western Mobilehome Association and the Mobilehome Owners Association of Kern County be prominently displayed at every mobilehome park within the City of Bakersfield. The parties-at-interest in this second meeting will also provide written documentation of their position on the issue. If this meeting provides resolution to the problem, no further action is required. If the dispute is not resolved, the President of the Mobilehome Owners Association and the President of the Western Mobilehome Association will contact the City of Bakersfield Department of Economic and Community Development to set up a meeting between the homeowner/tenant, park owner, representative of the Mobilehome Owners Association, representative of the Western Mobilehome Association and a designated City official. The parties-at-interest will forward to the City all the written documentation from previous meetings for review prior to the final meeting. 4. If there is resolution at Step III, no further action is required and an agreement will be signed by both parties. If the dispute remains unresolved at this point, parties-at-interest are free to seek whatever legal and/or administrative remedy that is available to them. The homeowner, the park owner, and the City of Bakersfield understand that none of the steps identified herein are to be considered binding arbitration and that this process has been developed to encourage solution between parties-at-interest. It is not required to be followed before invoking any legal or administrative remedy which may be available. However, the Western Mobilehome Association, the Mobilehome Owners Association of Kern County and the City of Bakersfield support these guidelines and recommend their use in resolving conflicts between park owners and homeowners/tenants. g � - i�%?-_y` ��� ,� � � /' TO: FROM: SUBJECT: � B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department M E M O R A N D U M � Alan Tandy, City Manager Jake Wager, Economic Development Direct Trudy Unger - 4113 Ridgemoor Drive November 29, 1994 As you may recall Ms. Unger is a recipient of a deferred loan ($23,500) from the City of Bakersfield's Home Improvement Program. At the regular City Council meeting of November 16, 1994, Ms. Unger spoke to the City Council under public statements alleging certain problems she had experienced with her general contractor. At my request, a meeting was scheduled for Friday, November 18, 1994 in an attempt to resolve any and all outstanding issues still pending between Ms. Unger and David Blackhurst, the general contractor. Also in attendance at that meeting were two members of my staff and myself. A sense of urgency existed since Mr. Blackhurst had obtained a small claims hearing for Monday, November 28, 1994. At the conclusion of our November 18 meeting a general agreement seemed to have been reached (see attached). The agreement centered on addressing those items that remained to be completed per the contract between the general contractor and Ms. Unger. The purpose of the meeting was not to revisit the bid amount nor to establish the actual cost of any one item contained within the contract. As noted in the attached memorandum, on November 22, 1994 when my staff contacted Ms. Unger to update her on the progress made since November 18, 1994 she balked and indicated she would prefer to have the small claims court settle any outstanding issues. At this point I feel that the City has exerted every possible effort in an attempt to resolve this matter amicably. Even with an adjusted settlement, City staff will need to continue to work with Ms. Unger in regards to any funds remaining in her loan account. Should the court award the general contractor the full amount he has requested, this would leave a$6,264.50 balance. � '-� ---- _ -- _ _ � ;a;=;i� „ �Z � �. "f- i r.� �..� I-� U v�_. L:, � �---=-�==-----_ �� " n�r. _ 1 �994 �! �----__ ----�_--- = � :� �!'�C�l G�r�����1�� :;-: � � . R , �u _ _ �, ,-. v. Our efforts then will attempt to identify ways to expend the loan funds remaining (broken ' Y windows, rusted out rain gutters, etc.). Should we fail to secure Ms. Unger's cooperation I will then direct staff to reduce the loan balance due to the City of Bakersfield by the unexpended balance of her account. Please contact me should you require further information. dlt:jw6 unger.mem �:1 t r � ' - n � . B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department M E M O R A N D U M November 23, 1994 TO: JAKE WAGER, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: HAYWARD COX, ASSISTANT PLANNER � SUBJECT: TRUDY UNGER, 4113 RIDGEMOOR DR. On Friday, 11/23/94, Willie Hollins and I accompanied you to Mrs. Unger's home in an attempt to work out a solution to her dispute with West Coast Constructors (David Blackhurst was also present at that meeting). It was agreed upon by Mrs. Unger and Mr. Blackhurst that he would complete the following items: 1) Paint or panel the living room wall where old panelling was removed; 2) Repair and paint a portion of the living room ceiling; 3) Finish the wood panel under the oven; 4) Adjust the shower door to allow for proper closing, and file sharp edges near the bottom of the door. Willie Hollins obtained estimates of the cost to do the panelling and painting yesterday, 11/22/94. At that point we called Mrs. Unger to set up a time we could get together and have her sign a change order for the work, and a payment endorsement form to release the $3, 079.60 that she has withheld from the contractor pending resolution of her complaints. The cost to panel is estimated to be $450.00; the cost to paint is $150.00. Mrs Unger chose to have the panelling installed; then she began to complain about the cost of the roof and that she wants to receive the warranty papers before she signed an endorsement form. I assured her that be fore any money is remitted to Mr. Blackhurst, he would present us with the warranty. She went back to the cost of the roof and said she would not pay the amount he wants, there should be some adjustment. She also asked for a breakdown of the $3,079.60: it was for profit and overhead, permit fee, and some work that had not yet been billed. She stated that she should not have to pay profit and overhead and this amount was also too much. At that point I told her that we aze only trying to help her, but if she wanted to change the terms that were previously agreed to, there was nothing I could do for her-- she would have to go to court. She stated that she would rather go to court and plead her cause to the judge. We ended the conversation at that point. ,� : � :��� � ? � ,� � The following is a summary of our meeting with Trudy on 11/18/9/4: David Blackhurst will complete these four items at no charge with the exception of painting/panelling the wall. An estimate will be derived by Willie Hollins and approved by David Blackhurst for the painting/panelling. 1) Paint or panel the living room wa11 where old panelling was removed; 2) Repair and paint a portion of the living room ceiling; 3) Finish the wood panel under the oven; 4) Adjust the shower door to allow for proper closing, and file sharp edges near the bottom of the door. An independent Contractor will be employed to take care of the following items: 1) Replace attic access door. 2) Re-wire the front security lights so they will be on separate switches. 3) Install grab bar in shower: City will pay the cost through Home Access Program. 4) Fix windows in rear bedroom. 5) Replace rusted out rain gutters. 6) Check heating and cooling systems installed by contractor to determine whether or not systems are adequate. If it is determined that contract is complied with, homeowner will pay cost to make systems acceptable to her. The Following items were mentioned, but not the responsibility of the contractor: 1) Carpet--deleted. 2) Dishwasher -- problem fixed by dealer. 3) Kitchen floor -- installed by independent contractor. 4) Inoperable electrical outlet -- GFCI outlet, press reset button. 5) Carbonmonoxide detector -- call Fire Marshall to determine if feasible. CC: George Gonzales Vince Zaragoza Willie Hollins File : i�i'!� .. i COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 515 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD� CA 93301 CHANGE ORDER �3 HOMEOWNER: PROPERTY: tRUDY UNGER 4113 RIDGEMOOR CONTRACTOR : WEST COAST CONSTRUCTORS DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 1. PREPARE AND PAINT ONE WALL IN DEN. ALSO REPAIR HOLES IN CEILING, PAINTING OF REPAIRED AREA INCLUDED, REINSTALL ALL COVER PLATES. TOTAL CHANGES A.PPROVED BY: *CHANGE ORDERS MUST BE APPROVED PRIOR TO THE WORK BEING STARTED.' DATE : 11/23/94 TO ORIGINAL AMOUNT: DELETE ADD PREVIOUS CONTRACT AMOUNT :___.___ HOMEOWNER � REHABILITATION SPECIALIST CONTRACTOR PRINCIPAL PLANNER C.D.COORDINATOR HCD.043 REV 6�93 . AMOUNT OF THIS ORDER: TOTAL ADJUSTED CONTRACT: -�_ ADDITIONAL DAYS TO CONTRACT: (If no additional days are required, write 0.) NEW COMPLETION DATE: �. <: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 515 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD� CA 93301 CHANGE ORDER �� HOMEOWNER: TRUDY UNGER PROPERTY: 4113 RIDGEMOOR CONTRACTOR: WEST COAST CONSTRUCTORS DESCRIPTION OF WORK: *CHANGE ORDERS MUST BE APPROVED PRIOR TO THE WORK BEING STA.RTED.' DATE • 11/23/94 1. PROVIDE AND INSTALL PANELING AND TRIM TO ONE SIDE OF WALL IN DEN. ALSO REPAIR HOLES IN CEILING� PAINTING OF REPAIRED AREA INCLUDED, REINSTALL ALL COVER PLATES. TOTAL CHANGES APPROVED BY: TO ORIGINAL AMOUNT: DELETE ADD PREVIOUS CONTRACT AMOUNT:, HOMEOWNER ' AMOUNT OF THIS ORDER: REHABILITATION SPECIALIST TOTAL ADJUSTED CONTRACT: ADDITIONAL DAYS TO CONTRACT: CONTRACTOR PRINCIPAL PLANNER C.D.COORDINATOR HCD.043 REV 6�93 . (If no additional days are required, write 0.) NEW COMPLETION DATE: KERN COUNTY BOARD OF TRADE Economic Development • Tourism • Film Commission Ann Gutcher, Manager/Executive Vice President The Heart of the CaliforniasTM .\ -_, - _ MBMORANDUM TO: Business Outlook Conference Ticket Holders FROM: Ann Gutcher � Manager/Sxe�'tive Vice President SUBJ$CT: 1995 Business Outlook Conference -�-�___,-._-z=�-s. -< -- � - ---� � - ,�=.-=-r-=� �-r--- � ,_�- - _,_ _-_- �-- }--_ .: _ - — =--== DATE: December 6, 1994 � � Thank you for purchasing tickets to the 1995 Kern County Business Outlook Conference. The Outlook Conference executive committee has spent a great deal of time the past year in analyzing the format of the conference, the timing and the expressed interest of our participants. Based on this review, we have developed new plans for 1995. - The conference will be moved from its traditional January date to March 29th at the Bakersfield Convention Center. In the past, we have had difficulty in obtaining the caliber of speakers we want due to the fact that major corporations hold their annual meetings in January, government administrations are changing, and uncertainties with the weather sometimes prevented scheduled speakers from arriving on time. Therefore, we are moving the event to the March date. The executive committee hopes that this is not an inconvenience to you, but should you have a problem with this new date, please contact me at (805) 861-2367. _. ___ _ � _ �__-- -- _--- - .. __. ---_- We expect to announce the°names �oi � eur�sg�a;�a� s- tha - f ir� �- -par- t�f -- January and I believe you will be pleased with the new focus for the Outlook Conference. This conference is held to provide Kern County businesses and residents with an economic outlook for the future. We try to present the information that you believe to be important in your business operations throughout the year. With that in mind, we are focusing our attention on those speakers who can best address your concerns. ; �-.� � ��_ _-=-- _--- M � � DEC � �1 � ;; �_:—._ .._ - �: ��°. �u �i��:;':�4``, .. _ . � ... 2101 Oak St. • P.O. Bin 1312 • Bakersfield, Calif. 93302 • (805) 861-2367 • FAX (805) 861-2017 _:. -,.-� s � �� ; ,�b V ._ :i: . � fl�' :t� --. —__ ��"� ��i �� � � Bakersfieid Memorial Hospital ACCREDITED BY iHE JOINT COMMISSION ON ACCREDI1AilON Of HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1888 / Bakersfield, CA 93303-1888 420 34th Street % Telephone (805) 327-1792 November 30, 1994 Ms. Gayle Waiters . Assistant City Manager 15U1 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 C. larty CaR, Pretident eomd a wreer«.: Gordon K. Fostet Chairman Joel D. Mack, M.D., Vke Chalrman Edward H. Shuler, Secretary-Treasurer ChaAes S. Ashrtwre. M.D. John M. &ock, Jr. C. Larry CaR Stephen T: ClKford' John R. Flndley, M.D. Thomas W. SmHh � � �-+1 }�„ .. v. . , . ! a , � e-�; . --�--�..._,�:�,a„� ; QEC _ 2 � � ' � corY n�������• Q E� � � Dear Ms. Waiters: This letter is in reference to Bakersfield Memorial Hospital's Sexual Assault Response Team (SAR'1� program. As you know, the City approved funding for this program which became operational on May 1, 1994. Enclosed, for your review, is a report of our statistics for the first seven months of. service. The City of Bakersfield's commitment to this greatly needed community service_has been essential to the success of the SART. If you need any further information, please let me know. - Sincerely, �� � Debra L. Johns , RN MSN Family Nurse Practitioner SART Coordinator Bakersfield Memorial Hospital SART.CONnBKCTY.L01 V�A Affiliate of Voluntary Hospitals of America, Inc.� �� - � ' �� :�'� � BARERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SART Program Summary Report Date From: 05-01-94 Date To : i1-30-94 Total # of Cases: Age Data: Female: Males: Minimum: # <= 14 yrs: # > 14 yrs : Maximum: Average: Agency Breakdown BPD RCSO Other Race Breakdowa Black Caucasian Hispaaic Other Outcome Breakdowa NA Plead Trial Convict Trial Acquit 44 43 1 4 7 37 55 25 36 8 0 20% 45% 32°s 2% 0 0% 0 7% 5% 0 0% 0