HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/23/94.. � , , 4� B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM December 23, 1994 T0: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �� ,�e-� 14-T"' FROM: ALAN TANDY; CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. You may have seen the article on the Police grant for six officers in the newspaper. This came as something of a surprise to us as, due to the politics in Washington, D.C., they bypassed mosi of the cumbersome grant _ process. In any event, it does appear true that we will get a grant to pay for six officers for Community Oriented Policing and, in general, that grant should be good, baring political changes, for a three year period of time. This will be forwarded to you with the appropriate paperwork for formal approval at the next available Council meeting. I have attached a letter from the Department of Justice pertaining to this program. 2. We have been having some indirect discussions with LAFCO regarding the proposed laqd trade between the Kern County Water Agency and Castle & Cooke. We think we are making progress in getting LAFCO to overcome their reluctance, and should have something official in the not-too-distant future. On the subject of annexation, we have run out most of our grandfathered annexations. That is, those which were under the historic tax split by agreement with Kern County. One which has not been run out is Chester #3 which is the area North on Chester Avenue, inciuding the Museum, the ballpark and the commercial/residential area on the east side. We may initiate that one, since it should still have the grandfathered tax split. 3. Enclosed you will find a copy of a ietter I wrote to the County CAO on the subject of the lateral hires for the Fire Department. We are getting mixed signals from them about whether or not we should go through with that. This is for the purpose of getting clarification. You will also find enclosed a letter I sent to the County RMA Director. The Council had directed me to send letters to the County on a couple of occasions months ago. We have yet to receive any form of response whatsoever. This is a reminder that they have not responded. 4. The new computer is here. Our employees are going through training. Changes in the actuai implementation will occur somewhat slowiy. That is a large internal staff issue, but one not commonly visible to the City Council. One place where you will see it is at budget presentation time. a � HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL December 23, 1994 Page -2- There will be some format and continuity changes in the budget as a result of the system changes. 5. We met with the Environmental Health Agency on the old landfill this week. They are coming forward with a Stipulated Order giving us direction on several aspects of that operation. It appears, at this point in time, that the Stipulated Order will be fairly reasonable in terms of things to do in regard to the next few steps of the old landfill's closure. 6. With regard to the baseball stadium, we met with the California Baseball Commissioner this week. He is very sure that, with a new stadium, we will keep a team - one with a major league player development agreement. 7. Enclosed is the November report from our Washington Lobbyist. 0 8. Enclosed is a memo from the Planning Department regarding a Notice of Preparation of an EIR for a proposed 2,621-acre project at Interstate 5 and Laval Road. 9. A response to a Council Referral is enclosed regarding a proposed wall along the Kern City frontage. 10. A copy of a letter is enclosed regarding the San Joaquin Valley COG Director Association's opposition to the San Francisco Bay Area being redesignated to attainment status for ozone. 11. A response to Councilmember Carson's questions on the Incentive Area is enclosed. 12. Enclosed is a copy of a letter, with a Resolution, from the State Water Quality Control Board which limits the City's and the Separation of Grade District's liability for the Coffee Road Overpass Project. 13. We have received unofficial notification from the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department regarding the amounts of our Community Development Block Grant and HOME funding for fiscal year 1995-96. The CDBG will increase from $2.5 million to $2.9 million, and the HOME funds will increase from $891,000 to $974,000. We should received the official confirmation of these amounts after the first of the year. This good news will mean the City will be able to maintain its current level of funding for these programs for next year. 14. Enclosed for your information is the quarteriy report on merit step increases through September or 1994, and the monthly Claims Activity Report for the month of November 1994. ' HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL December 23, 1994 Page -3- 15. Dorothy Price had to be readmitted to the hospital on Thursday. They are adjusting her medication, and the Mayor is hopeful she will be home by Christmas. 16. The staff in the City Manager's Office wishes you a Merry Christmas! AT.alb Enclosures cc: Department Heads City Clerk Trudy Slater , � ��, ��l � r ,, ` �`�; , Mr. Alan Tandy 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfeld, CA 93301 - Dear Mr: Taridy:- " - -- -- _ �. U S. Department of Justice Office of the Associate Attorney, General {ifishington, D.C. 20530 December 19, 1994 Congratulations, your jurisdiction has been authorized to hire 6 officers under the provisions contained in this letter and the COPS AHEAD Application Kit, which has been sent to Chief Steve Brummer.� The COPS Ofiice was gratified by the enthusiastic response to COPS AHEAD from jurisdictions across the country. Because of this extraordinary response, jurisdictions are being authorized to hire a maximum of 2.5 percent of their October 1, 1994 force strength, ar the full number of officers they requested if below 2.5 percent. Officers funded under COPS: Phase I were offset against the COPS AHEAD authorization: Your jurisdiction must now complete the COPS AHEAD application kit and submit it to the COPS Office by March 3, 1995. � , The Department of Justice is committed to the reduction of crime and violence across the United States and in your jurisdiction. I encourage your agency to respond to our authorization by completing the application process to receive your grant award under COPS AHEAD. If you should have any questions, please contact the Response Center at 1-800-421-6770. R. Schmidt ;iate Attorney General - - --._ - _ -----�� :, � a,-�,� ��r>, � � �ni��� ; �,�, _ �V��L ,, . � �� � ; DEC 2 2199�! � � . I_�:_,_ _ . _.� - __ _ __� ����� ��� ��.: � : ._ _ . : .. � 1 ` This authorization does not constitute a final commitment to provide funds for officers hired in response to this letter. Final approval is conditional on the satisfactory and timely completion.ofthe COPS AIIEAD.application materials and the- . gerification of compliance with all program terms and legal requirements. The grant awazd will not be made until the COPS Office receives and approves your application kit and sends written confirmation of the awazd. If your final application is not approved, the Department of Justice shall have no liability for or obligation to reimburse any amount paid by an applicant for salazies or benefits for officers hired following receipt of this letter. s B A�K E R S F I E L D Alan Tandy • City Manager December 20, 1994 Mr. Joe Drew County Administrative Officer County of Kern 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Reference: Transfer of the Rio Bravo Fire Station Dear Mr. Drew: As I know you remember, we negotiated at length on the issue of the lateral hire procedure as a component of the JPA amendment between the City and Kern County. We are ready, willing and able to begin our lateral hire procedure. At the initiation of Kern County, however, you put in a trigger mechanism where you would notify us by February 1 st of the number of firefighters, up to six, that we should offer employment to. It would be helpful to us, because of the time constraints involved in our recruitment and hiring process, if we could get earlier notification than that. Apparently, conversations befinreen your Deputy Chief Dan Clark and our Chief have indicated that there may, in fact, not be any requests by the County for us to open this lateral hire list. Given the length of negotiations which took place on this subject, we wanted to be sure to put into writing the fact that we are prepared, immediately, to open our process for that purpose, and merely await word from you on what the County's desires are. We look forward to hearing from you in a timely manner. Sinc rely, ..�--- an Tandy City Manager cc: Michael Allford Chief Michael Kelly John W. Stinson Gail Waiters City of Bakersfield � City Manager's Office • 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield • California • 93301 in�r� ��� -i-�r� � r_.. in��� -��,. �n�r. �__� � s B A K E R S F I E L D Alan Tandy • City Manager December 20, 1994 Mr. Joel Heinrichs, Director Resource Management Agency Co��,��,� of Keri � 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Joel: Just thought I would drop you a note that, at Council request, I wrote you on September 15th on the status of universal garbage collection. I wrote Mr. Austin, at Council request, on August 15th on the status of Calloway Drive in the County, and Mr. Rojas wrote you on October 31 st about the funding of trunk sewers in CSA 71. Since we have not received responses to any of these, I am supplying you with new copies in case the originals were lost in the mail. We look forward to your response. Sinc� y, % - , an Tandy ( City Manager AT. al b Enclosures P.S. We are bidding the Calloway Bridge. �II it be six lanes (City) to two lanes (County) to six lanes (City)? City of Bakersfield • City Manager's Office • 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield • California • 93301 in��. -...� ..-.r� _ r ii.l..-� ,... . ....... , " - -P - � � B A K E R S F I E L D Alan Tandy • City Manager August 15, 1994 Mr. Ben Austin, Chairman Kern County Board of Supervisors 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Sth Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: CALLOWAY DRIVE, BRIMHALL ROAD TO STATE HIGHWAY 58 Dear Mr. Austin: You may be aware of the progress of the City's Calloway Drive extension project between Stockdale Highway and Bri.mhall Road. Staff is currently completing plans and specifications for the roadway and two bridges and right of way is being acquired. We expect and hope to advertise the project in early Fall, 1994. Our roadway should be open to traffic in late 1995. Completion of the City project will obviously provide another direct route from the Rosedale-Northwest area to the Southwest area of Bakersfield. When it's built, the traffic will come. This is sure to create capacity and other problems for Kern County north of Brimhall Road. I urge you to take steps necessary to initiate an improvement project on the County portion of Calloway Drive. Ver}v�ru�y yours, � ��� / City Manager City of Bakersfield • City Manager's Office • 1 SO1 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield • Cafifornia • 93301 : � � / � s B A K E R S F I E L D Alan Tandy • City Manager September 15, 1994 Mr. Joel Heinrichs, Director Resource Management Agency County of Kern ' ��y 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Joel: In August of 1993, you wrote me to indicate that the County was undertaking a program which would, in the end, result in instatlation of universal collection of garbage within Metropolitan Bakersfield. The City Council has requested that I write and find out from you what has become of that proposai. As you know, illegal dumping continues to be a problem, both in the City and the County. Wherever there is an area hidden from public view, we are repeatedly finding problems of illegal dumping. We also continue to experience this problem throughout the City in individual garbage containers which we then, in turn, pay Kern County to accept at the landfill. Your cooperation in expediting this process and advising us of what the schedule is and when you will be converting to universal coilection would be greatly appreciated. Sincer 'ly, / Tandy �ity Manager AT. al b cc: Joe Drew General Information City of Bakersfield • City Manager's Office • 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield • California • 93301 .. " , _,., •: B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 ( SOSI 326-3724 October 31, 1� RAUL �l. ROJAS, DIRECTOR • CIT1' EtiGINEER Mr. Joel Hienrichs, Director Resource Management Agency County of Kern 2700 "M" Street Bakers�eld, CA. 93301 ,.,M r,-,µ RE: TRUNK SEWER CONSTRUCTION IN CSA-71 CITY"SERVICE AREA Dear Mr. Hienrichs: The recent adoption of the Westem Rosedale Specific Plan now makes planning of trunk sewers in the CSA-71 City Service area feasible. It is my understanding that the Technical Advisory Committee has recently begun that planning process. Section 3.b of the City-County agreement (KC #109-92) provides that the "City shall construct, or cause to be conswcted, those trunk sewers found to be necessary ..:'. Obviously, such construction within the unincorporated area will require close coordiaation and cooperation between our two iurisdictions. Funding is probably the most significant issue involved Without funding, consuuction cannot occur. 'Ihe funding provided in the City County agreement will cover only a small portion of the cosis involved T�e question needing an answer then is, "How will the County provide funding for necessary sewer trunk construction?" We feel sewering of the CSA 71-City Service Area is critical to the orderly development of the area. May we have your response on this issue at your earliest convenience? Ver_y truly yours, � , ., � / �(/" , `—� � .� Bv: RAUL M. ROJAS Public Works Director cc: Alan Tandy L10':79r2 avtLFt r.ini �,�p r- ��'-R = E. DEL SM ITH AN D COM PANY, I NC. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS December 13, 1994 1 130 CONNECTICUT AVENUE. N.W. SUITE 650 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 (202) 822-8300 FAX (202) 822-8315 Memorandum to Alan Tandy, City Manager, City of Bakersfield From: Del Smith, Washington Representative Subject: November Report on Federal Advocacy Activities 1. FY1996 National Highway System and ISTEA II Authorization and Transportation Appropriations- House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee (formerly the Public Works and Transportation Committee) and House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Transportation liaison was continued to seek additional appropriation authority and FY1996 funding to supplement last year's appropriations for the CA 58 Bakersfield project. Meg Allen of E. Del Smith and Company met with Fred Kloepper, Assistant Public Works Director, on November 10 to discuss City transportation needs and long term goals. 2. Waste Water Treatment Plant- The Economic Development Administration (EDA), L.A. District Office has completed its preliminary inspection of the project. Smith is scheduled to meet with the L.A. District Director, Charlie Oaks, in L.A. in December. We are poised to provide liaison with EDA at the Washington level to support any District and Regional grant recommendations. 3. Rail Spur Study- Identification of funds for this project at the Washington level was addressed by Jake Wager of Economic and Community Development in his meeting with Allen on November 10. This office is cunently exploring federal funding sources for the project. 4. Air Park Development- During November liaison was continued with the Office of the Assistant Administrator of Airports, Federal Aviation Administration to support future needs the Bakersfield Air Park. 5. Habitat Conservation Plan- This office will continue liaison with the Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service as the plan is implemented. � � 6. Crime Bill/ Supplemental Police Hiring Grant- Allen met with Chief of Police Brummer on November 10 to discuss supplemental police hiring programs made available under the Omnibus Crime Control Act of 1994. The City applied for funding under the newly created COPS AHEAD program and should have received a grant application for another program, the 1995 police supplemental hiring grants during the month. Liaison will go forward at the Washington level with both California Senators, Congressman Bill Thomas, the White House and Department of Justice to facilitate the public safety funding needs of the Bakersiield Police Department. . 7. Smith staff visit -Allen met with the Assistant City Managers on Novembzr 10 to review �he status of issues this office is advocating for the City in Washington. TO: FROM: SUBJECT: :� :"Yr MEMORANDUM December 16, 1994 ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGEP JACK HARDISTY, PLAN1vING D EIR NOP FOR I-5 & LAVAL ROE We have received a Notice of Preparation by registered mail for the preparation of a program EIR on a 2,621-acre project located at Interstate 5 and Laval Road, near the base of the Grapevine. Requested is: General Commercial Light Industrial Highway Commercial Service Industrial Single Family Res. - 296 acres - 80 acres - 598 acres - 349 acres - 1,197 acres 2,520 acres Certainly a large project whose need is dubious at best considering air qualiry problems and water supply availability. However, the impacts to the City of Bakersfield (Sphere of Influence) and our services are at most minimal/non-significant. Normally, I wouldn't waste my time preaching to the county about this kind of wasteful proposal. They usually don't comment on our mternal projects and we haven't commented on projects like Keene Ranch or San Emidio. The following items will be subject to more detailed analysis in the environmental document: a. b. c. d. e. f. g• h. i. J• k. 1. m. n. o. P• Unstable geologic substructure Soils Change in topography Impacts to physical features Increase in erosion of soils Exposure of people to geologic hazards Air quality Change in direction of water movements Drainage patterns Flood waters Rate of flow of groundwater Change in plant diversity Reduction in agricultural crop Change in diversity of animals Increase noise levels Light and glare 9• r. s. t. u. v. w. w. x. aa. bb. cc. dd. ee. ff. Alteration of planned land use Alter location of population Housing Substantial additional vehicular movement Fire protection Police protection Public facilities Power/natural gas Communication system Water Sewer or septic tanks Solid waste and disposal Exposure of people to health hazards Prehistoric/archaeological , Aesthetic impacts to prehistoric/historic building We will continue to monitor this project and take issue with any statements which misrepresent the development's relationship with Bakersfield unless advised otherwise by you. MG:pjt cc: Marc Gauthier, Principal Planner � • �, � •. � � � - . TO: FROM: DATE: e B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager Raul Rojas, Public Works December 16, 1994 SUBJECT: COST ESTIMATE FOR WALL AND LANDSCAPING ON NEW STINE ROAD - ALONG KERN CITY FRONTAGE Attached is a breakdown of the cost estunate to construct a 6 foot high block wall along the Kern City frontage per Councilmember Randy Rowles' request. RF121494.5-1 Attach. � , DEC I 91994 �. �- ��,, , . .. ;'�`:i'°� ' :. . ° ..�� __-�..��-__ - 1 �� � . � B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: December 15, 1994 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: �ACQUES R. LaROCHELLE, CIVIL ENGINEER IV-DESIGN SUBJ T: COST ESTIMATE FOR WALL AND LANDSCAPING ON NEW STINE ROAD - ALONG KERN CITY FRONTAGE Per your request, we have performed a cost estimate to construct a 6 foot high block wall and associated landscaping along the Kern City frontage of New Stine Road. The cost estimate is broken down as follows: ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT COST QUANTITY COST 6' Block wall LF $40.00 2560 $102,400 Landscaping SF $ 2.50 23000 57 500 Sub-total $159,900 Engineering/Congingencies - 20% 31 980 Total $191,880 Say $192,000 Let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. � � (�• 5�9�e r� � . /z//9/ �r4. l ! � _ s°° °� P��„d% �, lv��.� S�d� San Joaquin valley �ransportation Planning �genc�es � Directors Association � December 15, 1994 Members Coimcil of ��� Mr. David P. Howekamp, Director aa,a�,ac�a,.�� Air and Toxics Division (A-1) United States Environmental Protection Agency - ---,_,_..____ , - f�G^yi0(i-�.��~-- -----�----_--- =--°--_ � Kan Counctil of 75 Hawthorne Street a���. San Francisco, California 94105 RonaldE. Br�ttt Prsridar SUBJECT: PROPOSED REDESIGNATION OF SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA OZONE NONATTAINMENT AREA K1°� �01°�' Dear Mr. Howekamp: Assoc�ation of Govanmmts �''�'°"'Z"'"1A0�` At a meeting held on December 2, 1994, of the San Joaquin Valley COG (Council of Govemments) Directors Association the members discussed the proposed redesignation of the Bay Area from nonattainment status for ozone. The membership opposes the redesignation to M��r attainment status unless the issue of transport from the Bay Area to the San Joaquin Valley is "�iO"'`10° °f addressed. cuvanmenu Juse B. Brown As you are aware, initial results from the ongoing San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Study have been released. The modelling results from the study indicate that transported emissions from the finro s� �o�y�� cow�ey adjacent air basins, the Bay Area and the Sacramento Valley Basins, contribute up to 27 percent com�a ot of the ozone concentration in the northern San Joaquin Valley, up to 10 percent in the Central �OV"11°`°'� Valle and 7 ercent in the South Valle Banon R Meaya Y P Y• The issue of transport is critical to the ability of the San Joaquin Valley to meet emissions standards, remain eligible for federal transportation funds, and continue economic development. - s''-"'a!'!" ^rc' v;�,o�_t�,o�a_���� �oc, the GOG �irectors feel_ that it_ is inappropriate for the Bay Area to be Assocution oi ` � � _ . - -- - -- -- c���� redesignated to attainment status until the transport issue is resolved. 8 Sincerely, T��arc counry Auociation of Govemmenls i - �g w;�o� nald E. Brummett, esident Y`ePre��a"u San Joaquin Valley COG Directors Association REB:DC Madera Counry 'fransportation Comm�ss�on COPy t0: Robert Stone ;� DEC I 91994 ji.;���'��i� uti;�k.:'.�r „�> �._. ,- � San Joaquin Valley COG Directors David Crow, San Joaquin. Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District City Managers County Administrative Officers 1401 19th Street, Suite 200 ■ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-2191 ■ FAX (805) 324 8215 �� � _=� �2/15l99 16:16:37 -> Bahersfield Page 881 DEC-15-'94 THU 1A:13 ID:INTER GOU AFFAIRS .---�+----• � - TEL N0:916 323-3749 �A79 PB1 - i �.�r ��� � � � �v�e _......_..__ ��:: ..�.... ... ___.__ . . ���.��..��:..�..._�.�. _._� ��fice of ti�tcr�overnmental Atf�i�. i�i! Teiith Skr��et, 5:t�r�� ine�ntc►, CA 9ai8I� (91bi :�2;3-5�i46 �7AX �916) 323•:�7�9 r Date: �j� � i�acslmlie PMneNumber:'.,�„^._._,.�,.... --- -.------._.�. . -. � � , w Tn: ��-� tm'�2,t�,�, A�1m�A��.°� �i ��_���•- .� �s„ .� �. ,,, �... � �►t:�.,�..._._..._.._..�.._ ...�... �.-------.--._ Frarn: ,__ Car�_ni_ Whiteside bire oP �.,._�__._�� Number ot !'��es (inclu�ln� t�� cover p�eh ^ �` ..�.�..,---.. -..... �J�'►liC�{jtl��Il7Cli01Lii �1�.�Uf7�,1,.• y � ,�%Ir�t�J+�� . ----,�.. �lt?p�,lr_,� � yAPPX N-QCI:•nA,Y�_,Tde ]ook' fOrNl��^d to wor�ine uith t.�„ �ll,.j�.. 1A��� ,,.��,. �._..._..___. it you de not ttceivr att p�ges of t3�ls l��pimik, pitate eo�lact: Mary Fama.3�3 5�46 r-.�� � -- - � �. , � �,�-.�. ___- ..: . . -. . , � �, DEC I 91994 !; I' ����__� - - -. ���"�` ���kE��`�':r�:::-�y�, J . i;: . _�,� . R I . . , .._ . . ._. . i ` '12/15%94 16:17:28 -> Bakersfield Page 8�2 I . 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Otfls� k , �� thb yeat. trt Janue�'ry, Galt�a.mm�s'� uiwmp�t- ����r ar eb0�w �Q �pro�t in � ,. � 1'1'IAtl�.i�:� YY�113.ri P$1'�`Ai1� pO�Mi �bOV6 � � � ����.� �1ifll�{i• �Hd:i1 i�l� �` ' . . � � � - � tho t�.S. le�al: In t�ctvber ent�'No�mbar. ths : .,- � � Pe�it�# �►r�Vn �tn [�tspo end t)rs+� � , . � psp.�►vrr�epsd anly � psrosr�tape p�tr�s.� � �!�Y � � ' � . . • . � . , � . � .,, , � � , . �' � � •. •� � ��� � .� .. 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' � : O Houeinp a�iv�t �tlnua�s to hold up wall, � � 'tii� '�r�le�h�►�Ic wrill�tiart' �irvl� �I�o ° � � � , , . � , �esplt� a�-'!� p��ant�i�� p�alnt ln�� in . •'��� s�0 Valw�rr� In C�lilb,tnh a�or �,. . #h� tbs�d �riort�a� r�te o'ver ths �t y�►sr. • : 'the►r�ap�i� ruid Ir�cat�d thet � �ur� ; . . . � Ra�al�� +I�Ittiouph down spphtPy trom th� ..� +�� t i l nued �'t�r 1!w'holid�l.�� dbqsr Volutn� �� . . t�oorn l�wfs c� lat� i99� when dq►l�riovvin�:� � 'J 'af nrte�fl �t ��pp�+a�w►t� �utnp�d 8.1� pararnt , • r ;. �� , . cost�l� were at * 2p��,g►r iow; sri ,I� hoidf1'1� �` 1r! ths ;No�i�i .mb�rr�28►bicrrrrba� 7.�srtod. .. .. i •.,.�.� . • • �.w+�. �l!�- if1Y ' � . . � • -r... ...� .�.�.v� Iwf! , , • , ��! �n tMc��ih�r e! 1lD�. �4elsUnfl hom� �+al�+s, . ' • � i1���lt.: .� . � � �ra a+� '! A ps��+# �wr tws� Y+�' f+.+�l. , • . . , ' ; . . + � • . � . ' •� ' . • . • . � . . � 1 � I ., ` , . . . I . ' i' ' • . . . • , , . 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' � • . • ' � ; ' ' f ' • �' � ti •I . a aen�r�t Fund reverwe� Ibr Nan�g�bsr vrare �18 � ml�ton bel�w �s Bu+d�t Act iorec�st �f �;i,�3f �. ` mlGior�. lrb���te, �ra�l�9t�uss et+e �5�0 mil8or� � �bov�e i�t�. .. ., . � � , t7 Thb pereoriet iri�aome� �au`wa� sxac:dy a� lbr��t at �i.'112 m111lan� brinpinp the y�hto»�t� �-� t�v+dir�u� to �24 milllon �bave th� brecas� ���� ��435,million. ilVtthholdin� wAa� �5.�it{lon � � � �e tar�t end othbr receip�s we�+a ��12 ; . milifon.�ba+w th�a�tor�ast This ps�n in �csip�s, � wae o�t by refur�tl� that we� �7 miqian . �aferr��ian ioroca�t, , . . � . � . , . . � . �. .; , , ., � ' , � .� . , � I , i . . � , .. �7 7'hs �les and uss t�uc rovenu� �ir Oa�r� '' . � y�a�to;ds�r,qe�n`� � miil�n �bcrv���e � �. � , . wero �'774 miltiort belaw ths marih'� �bkea�it,ot � iare��t ot�'fi1�,48� niiplon. Th� tsx,contlnuea to �� , , ��1 �7A5 millian. brinalr�p fhs year�a�dat� � us `�' tradc ' �p hr�pi+�iMd 6u to �100 miNbn a#�us ths 1�rocest �ii �.8?8� ; � rr� � �� �� � , , ' ; , � ; � � mlhion. "�hs: shartt�N ibr rie inonth i� � bis . � . � p��. ' � ' .. � . . • � �Q Casi'! iiCW' C��ObB� � � ` • . , . .,� � ' � � r� ' , . .� i' , rec�eip� wsre hf�h, �s wa�' O� ��ceilsr�ue r+�r�rnue►s �ro i�ol,.:mt�lor����43 nated in the Novr�mber Flnernce Bulle�rr. .��.�� mUlion�aboti+� the i�nbr�'� �s� o� �4 . � . ., � ,�,.. .. ,, �� � ' mil8,or�. �1�ar.Ra�cl4to, th�ss �+�inuds�ar� +��Rly ' � . '� Q Yfis bank �► oQrpora�on tafc we� �4� mii�ion, • � ,�` , � �e lbr�st.at �i.i b"l, mt#flQn. . • � , �� . abov� the,fdr�c�t o�t l�80► mftibn� brinpin� the .. � . . � �.' ' �, � . � . � , � ; �•: , . . � � . �, � � �. . . ,� � i• • • ,C ' t . . ' ' ' '� 19�$-$�i COfl�n, 01AC�1� � fp1�CAi �Ol��i 1'WIO R�Y�11!!� � � ' ' • . , , , , �CA � ,., ; � � � .'; � NOV�ER ` •' ���• , ': � k .. . . ,.,.. - � ' . . . 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IqN�11Y�� ' � , � � � .�y��o��o� � , � O Cieneral Fi�nd r�e�enues t�r Nov�i�bsr w�sr�► �i�8 r � R �e,■�ii�ia ,°, ,� 4� . ,� : millian balpw �e 8ud�t Ad loner�t af #3,P.31 ' � . . . , mililan.l�re►r�ta�dat�. �i+�nu� �ro S�SS mqnaq 1r .......,..�.s .................................:..�... .,......: , ,� � � � � ' abOVelQrec�t. .. ,;, . , � i ,.}....�... ..a......;.. ........�.. ,.,. � � � ': , �a • . • .� . .�.. .. �........ �.......• O Tha per8or�a1 inOOms t�c ;Wa� ex�Ctly �R �Oreo98t J ' ' � �tt �1,112 mlllbtl, atin�ill� th� y�e11r-DD�de�te • � . i �� ;. � . 4. �. � 1�ev�nu4s ta �24 million e�bave t�a Ior+eCa��+�i � :,. �6,495 mtUlon. WllhtloiCqrr� wa� �5 m�an ��,� �-� ow M+. b•• �•�,l�+� ��w Ms ra� . �bON� �Of6Qi1�t � t��19� l�O�J� W9,1'� �`'�S� � , . � , m0ltan abaMS�lhs ibrecest. 'Ttds�e1n in r�lp�, ' • � �: . ; �o�` ; , J we� ottaat by r�iur�ds ihat wer+a �97 rnillian ,. � � , ' - .�. � O�►eewa �..r.�.e , . . preater than i�, , : . , . � • • �`"~"""—'� . . i - � • . .i . ,• _ , • . , ' D The ,�1ee nnd t�.e t+�t re�v�nues 1pr Oo�o�er ��� j�eaF�t�.�1n't� �23E milljon st�arro 'the . were �74 mpllao► betaw tha mon�ti ioti�cait al �.. : brecaft �pi! �1p4g1, mpQon, Thla. i�uc,�ontirwe�s to �. �1,7'A8 miilion, bdnpinp ths Y��o-dAte a�mptus ,� � bamc � Moreca4t, tr�tlna lth �pra�ved bu�l- to �100 million abovs tIw �t�scast �f ����• • � R!'aA�4�.' . . ' ' • � ' ' � rnN110r�. 'fh�.8hortf�ll br d'le Rtp�ltlt i� • � � • • ''••�� ' - � ' .. • . to c�h Nowi Oalober reaalpl� wet�s high, �s WAS' [1-' s r+�varxies Y�� iS nated in the Navsmber Flnence �u1ls�n. .�� +, niElp� � the it�6n� �� ot �� , � y � ,•..- �� �• . � � � � rnlltion. �l�w�te; fh�e'�srM,es are ��cscctly . - D Ths b�nk �► corpora�ai tex rr,� �4� mllilon, ��.� � as t�raca�t,�t �1,157,nli�ipn. .• . abow► ths,,i�rewst of i60 rrdlllor�, b(inpittp tlte � ' � �. , � � � , � � � � � , . �� . � '� • �' . , � ' � • � . . � � � 46�4-66 Compaif�an M A����r pe�t � '� � � ' . , • . NaNp�dB�i � � • � . ' � � r � -',} YF�4i4�fi�a� ' . . � a, �� ► . � � , �i. . • • r�! � ' , � � Revelhler squnoe • l4xrotet Aauel ' � �itlNrqe ,Ch�e� • P�q�' ' A�p� ' �� t �npe.. ' . : �. Pet�opefl�oan�e . . '�i1:112 � �i� 1a, ._'�:.�p ' .�,Q� ',.� '�°��liA9i�� �+4 � , a4'lf� ' .�. 0 �Idt � L�OtpOt�tloit �'7� ' i 71 -7�1 • � ' � �1,�l6� . � y � . ' � � 'i25' 46. ; ;,. ' ` .1,�i � ' ..1,�� � �2 ,� . 15�.T% IMp�rlta & 0 •�S'' ' ,,�� ' � .�'�.�' •1B ' •6.oli ' � . . . ' ' . +IS � 8T ' : '-� �'•; i r1A.0%� .. ,21� . 2'11 •1 • -0,59i � . t . , � . ., y� � . . . . � ' . , . . �uua4vY � - ,r 18 . -� _ � 4, �• �, i� �. ��� ..- �. � ` . , , � , 'S' � I , �� .� • ,te , 4, ; . 14 • -10Q.Qli 4,• �' �!Q' .' +' . . . ' , 7• 1 � ; 18.7'1i ;• �C ``'. ' . °�$1 ' /-�1. �� , � , ; ,18� • ?2b� ', . {i0 �,�;'21.8li •!IOB A45 •��,•�9 ' 9.�li • . '�I • ' ' . . • � , � is,�'1 '�15 . , �-1i � �0.6% i��l,i�1.' �1d,1i�t qid � , � � xa176� - ' ,�,. i ''� . • . � • ,. • • . . , 7hls � an �qency oash te �d ���atatnay dl�eril�n+Ae �� �raartt�O,�hr �p�ntrh�t cu� re�ehroa �y.o�ei I�e nor � . . � ; ., .. , yet bean r�rted 1a ihe � E�a�l tor Ol�u revaa� �. rprs�ed Li d�0 or�r ot fi�1 �eu +n!Dt�id�e. '1�ple miy IIG� � du0 ffi IOUndhtQ. '�Ile �Or�Alt � ih?rt1111e�1lp�t A�t fQflOqft., , � : � �. , . . � . . . , F�r mOt� fnbtrl�lon► p1ea� t�r�ct thi G`�II(ornia C►aaar�nt �f �1►u�++a. Room 114�. �t� C�pi�o1� 8a�am�`Ma� . . CA c� �aN (�� $� 3�0048. , , . • � � • , . • . . � , ,, �� , '� .. , ' 1 ' �� ,�, � . ? �— - - _ �- � � � [ • B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department M E M O R A N D U M December 19, 1994 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Response to Councilmember Carson's Incentive Area questions You have asked for additional information about the Incentive Area based upon your conversation with Councilmember Carson: •exact area of the Incentive Area. The Incentive Area covers approximately three square miles in southeast Bakersfield. The area includes both city and unincorporated areas and is uniquely shaped to include commercial and industrial areas, while avoiding residential neighborhoods. Recent state legislation allows the Incentive Area to expanded up to 15% of its original area. These expansions have included, •Lakeview Avenue between East California and Virginia avenues, �the Sierra Bag property at Lakeview Avenue and East Brundage Lane, •Gage Street between Chico and East 21st streets, •several small additions in the vicinity of Mt. Vernon Avenue and Third Street, and •Bolthouse Farms on East Brundage Lane. The amount of total allowable acreage remaining for expansion is approximately 180 acres. The enclosed map shows the exact boundaries. •the difference between incentive areas and enter�rise zones. Both programs were implemented at the same time, but with two different purposes: incentive area legislation was developed for South Central Los Angeles with the goal of job creation; enterprise zones were created for business attraction and area development. To access credits in an incentive area, the business must be "certified" (based on the residential addresses of existing employees) by meeting one of several criteria and then must hire residents from the High Density Unemployment Area. In an enterprise zone, the business can access credits when locating in a zone and hiring even a single worker eligible for one of several job training programs. The size of potential labor pools is much larger in an enterprise zone than an incentive area due primarily to the geographical restriction. The enclosed comparison contrasts the two programs. ��� % � �q�Q � Alan Tandy December 19, 1994 Page 2 This property is privately owned. It has not been the city's policy to market private property. However, we would be happy to meet with the owner and his agent to discuss the benefits of the Incentive Area to potential buyers. •who are members of the CommunitX Advisorv Council? The attached list includes the members of the CAC during 1994. The City Council or the Board of Supervisors appoints each member; county appointees for 1995 have not yet been made. Members serve for one year terms that expire December 31 of each year. There are three officer positions: chair, first vice-chair, and second vice-chair. Members select officers at the first meeting of each year. The bylaws prohibit a member from serving in the same officer position for more than two consecutive one-year terms. State law requires tlie CAC to have at least one representative from each of the following categories: •program area residents •HDUA residents - •program area businesses •local government representatives •private industry council �•small business development corporation •community-based organizations •California Trade and Commerce Agency officials, when necessary. • rules of the CAC. The CAC is governed by their bylaws and the section of state law regarding Incentive Areas. The bylaws have been amended by the CAC as recently as 19xx. The CAC is also subject to the Ralph M. Brown Open Meeting Act. State law requires CACs to meet at least quarterly. Current practice is that the CAC meets on a bimonthly basis. CAC members set meeting dates at the first meeting of each year. •criteria for a�lication. For a business to access tax credits, a business must be certified by the state. To be certified, a business needs to, 1. be located in the Incentive Area 2. meet one of the following criteria: a. the SO% rule: 50% of more of the business' employees live in the High Density Unemployment Area (HDUA) b. the 30% rule: at least 30% of the business' employees must live in the HDUA and the business pays an annual fee to a Qualified Community Service Provider (QCSP). A QCSP is a non-profit organization whose service area prominently includes the HDUA. The fee is $100 per employee � Alan Tandy December 19, 1994 Page 3 the business falls short of qualifying under the 50% rule, per year. . c. the ownership rule: 30% or more of the business' owners are HDUA residents. 3. complete an application (which is enclosed) 4. submit the completed application to Employers Training Resource, who forwards the information to either city or county for mailing to the California Trade and ,Commerce Agency. 5. receive certification from the State of California. •who gets the incentive tax credit? All businesses except those in the finance industry may qualify for the program. However, the program is most beneficial to industrial and manufacturing industries because they are labor intensive and benefit most from the hiring credits. We will be meeting with Councilmember Carson soon for an orientation about the Incentive Area and other activities of this department and will be available to answer any questions she may have or provide additional material. enclosures: Incentive Area map comparison between Waters (incentive area) and Nolan (enterprise zone) programs list of CAC members CAC bylaws Incentive Area Fact Sheet Application for Certification dl/carson.q&a6 . � ...:. _..... .. .:._. r _r"' _...,_-•..-_. s?_-°' °; C: ��n .-- . � ._.,_�� ._ ST _IOiM ..... _ .......-.ST � 4I11 .. _._....'__ �'.Si..:._��_.r".........__L� � '.7M ' 7fNf7 �. •tT-•G s :_.._',.._......._O�-O' �!y..._ �.. T . ���ID 1ELL� TM � i ." -: ' �-.. ! ........—; __....-;_irlu 1�..—;-.-. �; . Y � � ....._.. _"_._.._____. FMER � .... .__ _— . JRN� �� : _:. . -_ WIR ' ST VKTA Ki i yV , ._ST....,� �Y�O� - - _. �,__, � ,;�,,_ � _. . . s. �' 1� _.�; N �� �.� � ;A,, W� SAN VKEIfTE OR_. ANqtGIAVF M� FY�OUR« Ol r . �t 'i�wr.; ', � � � � urn[�{ � �.E iM N; . ��� � `v �. _ g �io:.url .� . ��� �h��fl�' �� � �W� 0liJM� R� KA�AM 't �'.,� .�M ,R' � ; _..... _b._.... _ ._. _._____.__,. ..:__ - �'' 'KI CARWNER �4-.i..._.. : .._ ��� NIO(P.� .._...( . �;u ��� .� .... _' R1'NE0. AVf . � � � � COUNTY OF KERN — CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PROGRAM AREA IENTERPRISE ZONE) EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC INCENTIVE ACT Of 1984 CENTtR...�. __ ............... � PR06R�Y �RE• �� aTr urira .. � �.. � � W + . �. Com�ari � :. ::::�:� :: :::�::: �::::::� :�: :::: : ::::: : : .: : . ::: ;: . :..: : : ::. : : :::: ::::::::::::::::::: .: : . :: :::.:::::.:::; : :; :: :.; ::. :: : . : . : : .: . . : ::::: ;.::::: ;;.: ::: ::: :;:::: : :: . ... . : : :: :.::::.:::.:::�:..:.: :: .....: . . : : : : : . : :::: : : : : :: .: : : : : : : :: : : : : . : : . . : ..: . .:::.:::: :.:.....: : :. ... .,:� :::.::... .: ��;:� . .. . .. ...� .. .... .. ... ... .::::::::...::. . :: ::. �::::. ; R ,.;. . »::::>::»:<:>:::>::;>:::::,::><;� ;:<:::;»>`::;`�:::;°:;. . :.:..........:::.�:::::.:...........::..�::::. ::......... ;;:;:<::;>::>:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;<.;;:;:;::.;;:::;.::.<;;»::»:>::>;::;;>::; :;:;;»::»>;�.»>:;.;;;;:::.;. ; . ��..�.f , :::... .........................:.::::::::.:.............::::::. : :.. ..............: -:::.��'�'�..:: a::...... .....:::::::: :.:::::::::::: ::-:::::. ::»:::>::...:: :.::::::.::: ::.::::.::::.:::::.�:...::::::..: .::::::::::::::::: .:::::::.:..:.::: :.:: . .: :. :. .::::::::::::::::. ;>:;>::>;<<:><:>::>::::::>;::::>::«::<�<::<::;:<:;::<::::»>:::<:>::>;»:::<:::>;::>::: :::>:::�>::»;::::»>::> <:»::»:<::>:::>::>::»>:<:::::>:::.:>;:<>:»:<> <:::>::�<::<:�<:::<:>>.>:<:>:>:::«::>:<::««::;:: :>:<:::<:::>::;>:::;:;::;�: . ;�.. ......... . ::.:::::::: :::::::::: :.::::::.::;.:::.::::: :.::::::, :::::.:::. :.: ::.:�:::::::::<:.;:.:;,. . ;,,:: ::.:::.....:...>�., . ;.;;;:<,:::;:.;:.;::::.::.;::.;: ;:.:;::.;::.>:::.;;; . . ; . :::; ,: :::>::»::>::>;:::»>.: :: :::::::::::: ::::::::::.:.:.:.::::: ::.::::: :.: :::::: .:.::. :::::::::::::::::...:::::: ::: ::::::::::::::::::..:::::. ,:.:::.:::.:..::::.. �� :.s.�.:��:.»:::::.;:::.::.: �� : ..�:.:::.:.�:.�::::. .::::::::::...:......:........ ......................... ,::.::::::<:.::.:::>::.::... v�.::� .........................................:::.:;::.::<:::»::»:.;.::...... c,�.i�. .._.. ::.�::::::::::.::::..... :::::.�:::::::.� ::::::::...:.... ....::. :. �..::::. :::.,.::::::::::::. ;:;: ;,.: .:»::::::::.� ::: ::..::::::::.;::::.:�::::::..... ..::: ;;.:...........:.::... PURPOSE Job creation Business attracdon BENEFITS TO . B USINESSES l. Hiring credit 1. Must be certified: 1. Must be located in a. Business located in Enterprise Zone Incentive Area 2. A new employee must b. 30% of employees are be HDUA residents, or a. JTPA-eligible', or c. 30% of business ownership b: GAIN-enrolled2, or lives in HDUA c. WIN-enrolled3, or d. EPP-enrolled4, or 2. A new employee must be e. TJTC-eligibles HDUA resident 3. A new employee must be unemployed for >3 months 2. Sales/use tax credit 1. Must be certified: 1. Must be locateci in a. Located in Incentive Area Enterprise Zone "� �`°°a °' A1Bi0" b. 30% of employees are _ � � ! HDUA residents, or c. 30% of business ownership lives in HDUA 3. Business expense l. Must be certified: 1. Must be located in deduction a. Located in Incentive Area Enterprise Zone b. 30% of employees are HDUA residents, or c. 30.% of business ownership . lives in HDUA 'Receiving subsidized employment training or services under the terms of the�Federal-Job "-- Training Partnership Act ZRegistered in the Greater Avenues for Independence. ' 3Registered in the Work Incentive Demonstration Program. , �Registered in the Employment Preparation Program. sCertified by the Employment Development Department as eligible for the Federal Targeted Jobs Tax Credit. � _ . � �' �. C,'n�-nr,ari cnn nf Water� & No1an B� (continued) ::: ��::::::�:� ::::::::::::::;::::::. ::::: :::.:::: ::: ::: ::: ::::::::.:::::::: � : : :: : :::::::::::: : :: : ::: ::::::::::: :: ::: :: ::,: : ::: ::::::: ::::::::::::. ::.: :: :: ::::::::: ::::: . :.:::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: :::::::.::: :::. ::.::::: :. ::::.:::::: :..: ::: ::::::::::::: :::::.:: ::: ;. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: . �: : . ::::::::::::::::.::::::::: ::::: :::::� ::.::����� : : :;:: ::: ::: : : ::: : ::::; :::::::: ::::::: ::::::::::::::::;;: :::: ;::. � : �:::::::::::: ::::::: ::: ::..:::::.::: : . _ : .::: :.:::::: :: :.:::: . . :: ::: :: . . ... .. : : :.::::::::: . �� _� � :. : : ::::: _:::::: :. : - . :::: ::: ::::: :: . � : : : ::. ::.::: .:: :: :: : :::: :.:.::::: : .: ::.:::::: ::::: .:.::::.::: ::::::: ::: : :.:.: :.::.::::.::: : : : . : ::: :.: : :. ;;:::: :::::.: ::.::::.::::: :: .:.:::: : ::: :,::: : ...::: : .:: :::::.� :. :: ::: .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�:: ::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.�:.;:: ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::;::::::::;::::::::: ::::::., ::::;::::::::::;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::�::::::::::::: ���:�� :_::::::::::::::::::::: ::.:::..::::.:::.:..::: .... . .::::::::::.:::::::::::::::. � ::: .:..:. ::.� .:::::..: ::::::..::.::..: � �..:::::.::::.:::.. :::.� ...........................::.:: :::.::::::::::.:. ........:::.�:. :.�::.:::::....:... :���::<,�... :::::::.::.::.:.:.::::.:.::.::.. : :;:::.::.:..::_.:::.:�:.:.�::..<.:.:.::.::::..:.:::.. ::::: ::. :::::::.... ::: ::::::: :.::.::.::.:.>:.:::.>:::.::.:.::::.�:::::: :.::.::..:.::<.:.:: :.:: :::: :.:::::::::.:::::.�?�::::::::::::::::::::::::.: �:.::.:.:::: :.: :.:: :..: ::. .:::: .:,:........... 4. Net operating loss 1. Must be certified: 1. Must be located in carryover a. Located in Incentive Area Enterprise Zone b. 30% of employees are HDUA residents, or c. 30% of business ownership lives in HDUA BENEFITS TO EMPLOYEES l. Income tax credit No Yes BENEFITS TO LENDERS 1. Net interest Any business located in Incendve Any business located in deduction Area Enterprise Zone �. � SIZE OF POTENTIAL LABOR POOL FOR HIRING CREDITS +6006 33,500' ' LENGTH OF EI.IGIBILITY Recertified every 3 years, through Through the year 2001 the year 2001 -�..��,: - 6HDUA residents enrolled in Employers' Training Resource programs from July l, 1992 - June 30, 1993 (most recent figures available). 'This figure represents the number of JTPA-eligible persons in metro Bakersfield, estimated at 10% of the popularion of 335,000. Addition of GAIN-enrolled, WIN-enrolled, EPP-enrolled, and TJTC-eligible persons would make increase this figure. Prepared by CUr� oj Bakersfi�id 1994 . ;::::::::..>:.:::.;:. ;:>.;:.:::.,..:. :. .... . 'GVA'l"�� :.::..:. :: .. > ::: :.> <: S ��f..�.� :�(�i��N �� ..:.;::...: .':<:"` >:>>><>:: �>::«<:>::>; <<:::;><:::> :<:::::::::<::::<::<:»:::<:»::>::: ;:<::<::<:::::>:::::»:::>:..>. ::;;.: :>::::>:;::::<.::;:<:::»:...;>::<:;>::: �>::>::»>:::::>;;>::: ; ; � :>::>:::<�:�>:::;::; ........... . . :>:.>: ::::: ::::>::::>:<:»:::: �: :: »::::«:<:::>::::::>;>:::::. >::«»:::<:::>::::>:<:>:::>> ;>;::>;: : :�>::>::<;::�>::::::::::::<::��::::�::::::::::;:<:;«>:•:�:::>;;::>:<:>.�.: , ; t ; ea > <::::°::: >::::::::;::;< <::>>: ... . : ��ti� z�se..� .: ...... ....... .......: :::.. :.:::::: :. ::.:: ..::: . ::::: .::::::.::. : .. �:::::::.::.. . . �.. zve.: �� ... ... . ..... ....... : .:: ::::::.::: :.: .: �.. ..:::::::: .::: .:::::::::. .: :. : ...�::::.:.. �>::.::::. ....: : �:: , :.::: :.:: : : ::. :�.: :::::: : . :.. . ....... . :..:......:. .... �....: ::.::.:::..�.::.: ,. . : : :::. COMMENTS: Program benefits those businesses Program benefits any which are labor-intensive and in business in the zone. the manufacturing or processing There is no certification industries. Small businesses often requirement, r�aking it � do not benefit because, easier for businesses to benefit from the program. 1. they are usually fully-staffed and do not plan on hiring more workers 2. the business must meet the certification criteria requiring at least 30�0 of current employees be HDUA residents. COMMUNITY ADVISORY COUNCIL Southeast Metropolitan Bakersileid Employment and Economic Incentive Area 515 Truxtun Avenue 93301 Members Phone Martin Castro, Community Based Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . (0) 861-2800 2001 28th Street 93301 Tony Ortega, At-Large ... ....... ...................... ............ (0) 664-2284 9001 Stockdale Highway 93311-1099 Karen Shah, At-Large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (R) 631-0139 P.O. Box 4101 1 93384 John Spencer, At-Large . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (R) 323-9397 1019 Bank Street 93304 � At-Large . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 1 Small Business Dev. Corp.. . .. . . . . . . . ( ) Lynn Edwards, Local Gov't Representative ...... . .. . . ...... . .... . . (R) 323-1009 531 9th Street 93304 Patricia J. DeMond, Local Gov't Representative .... .... .... .. .... .(R) 872-3806 � 1104 Radcfiffe Avenue 93305 � David Lyman, Local Gov't. Representative .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0) 326-3765 515 Truxtun Avenue 93301 John F. Wager, Jr., Local Gov't Representative . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . (0) 326-3765 515 Truxtun Avenue,93301 _ � *John D. Oenney, Program Area Business ... .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . (0) 831-0338 ' 5708 Medio Luna 93306 ; *Bob McBride, Program Area Business . . ... . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. (0) 324-5454 � 317 Mt. Vernon 93307 , 'Norm Michaud, Program Area Business . . ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . (0) 324-7377 ', 3120 South Fairfax Road 93307 � *Keith Wolaridge, Small Business Dev. Corp .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0) 837-0291 ! 218 So. H Street, Suite 103 93304 *Alice Mack, Program Area Resident ................ .............. (R) 831-9226 1323 Cottonwood Road 93307 •Christina McClanahan, HDUA Resident . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (R) 831-8439 3220 Lotus Lane 93307 'Bill Mungary, Local Gov't. Representative .................. ...... (0) 861-2041 2700 M Street, Suite 250 93301 'Peter Parra, Private Industry Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0) 861-2495 2001 28th Street 93301 •Terry Lakin, HDUA Resident .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0) 631-2796 31 1 Mt. Vernon 93307 *Dave Price, Locat Gov't Representative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0) 861-3501 � 2700 M Street, Suite 350 93301 *Mary K. Shell, Local Gov't Representative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0) 861-2290 1 115 Truxtun Avenue, 5th Floor 93301 *Paul Sippel, Locat Gov't Representative ...... ... .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . (0) 861-2041 2700 M Street, Suite 250 93301 , Both City Council and Board ol Supervisors make appointments to the Community Advisory CounciL Members appointed by the Cify Council must ' be residents ol the City of Bakersfie/d throughout their terms. All appointees • serve one year terms eflective January 1 0l each year. *Denotes County Appointments. Contact Economic Oevelopment Department for meeting place and dates. -24- � \ _ �r-a. . :t h f,�. BYLaws oF COMMUNTTY ADVISORY COUNCII. ARTICLE I - NAME SECTTON 1.01 - Name of Organization - T'he name of the organizarion shall be COMMUNITY ADVISORY COUNCIL (CAC) pwsuant to the Employment and Economic Incentive Act of 1984, as amended. SECTTON 1.02 - Geographic Area of Responsibility - The Geographical Area shall be that area defined in the Emplovment and Economic Incentive Act AB-514 Final Applicadon dated November 5, 1986, as the Neighborhood Economic Development Area (NED), the Targeted Economic Development Area (TED) and the High Density Unemployment Area (HDUA). ARTICLE II - OFFICES SECTION 2.01 - Principal Offices - The principal offices for the organization for the transaction of business is the County of Kern Administration and Courts Building andlor the City Hall of the City of Bakersfield. ARTICLE III - AIMS AND OBJECTTVES SECTION 3.01 - Aims and Objectives - The aims and objectives of this organizarion .shall be those �� � set forth by the Employment and Economic Incendve Act of 1984, as amended, and the rules and regularions promulgated therefrom. ARTICLE N - MEMBERSHIP SECTION 4.01 - Members - The organization shall have one class of inember. All members shall subscribe to and uphold the primary aims and objectives of the organization. The members of the CAC shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern and/or the City Council of the City of Bakersfield and shall consist of a least one representarive from each of the following groups: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (g) Program area residents. High density unemployment area residents. Businesses located in a program area. Local govemment representadves. Private industry council members. Department officials, when necessary. Small business development corporadon created pursuant to the Small Business Development Corporation.Law, where available. Community-based organizadons. All members will serve at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kem and/or the � City Council of the City of Bakersfield. �, ,,�., SECT'ION 4.02 - Members - Each member shall have such rights, privileges, and duties of ' Y membership in the CAC as set forth below. (A) Qualificarions - Members shall be those persons who are in good standing by reason tha� (1) they have been duly appointed by the local governing body; (2) the person meets at least one of the categories for representarives as set forth by the Employment and Economic Incentive Act of 1984, as amended. (B) Rights and Privileges - Members shall have all rights and privileges of inembership as recognized under the Employment and Economic Incentive Act of 1984, as amended, except as limited by these bylaws. Among the rights accorded to each member are voting rights and rights of inspection of these bylaws and any information lawfully permissible to be released and related to the efficient operation of the CAC. (C) Duties - Duties of inembers are those speciiied in the Employment and Economic Incentive Act of 1984 as amended and all rules and regulations promulgated therefrom. ARTICLE V- MEETINGS OF MEMBERS SECTTON 5.01 - Time and Place of Meetings - Meetings of inembers shall be held at such time and place as shall be designated by the chairperson of the CAC, or succeeding officers, or the agen� Individual members, and other individuals wriring and requesting notice of ineetings, shall be provided such norice by mail or personal delivery 24 hours prior to the meeting. SECTION 5.02 - Quorum Requirements (A) Quorum Required - No meeting expressly called for the purpose of conducting the business and attending to the affairs of the CAC shall be commenced without there fust being a sufficient number of inembers present in person, or by written proxy, whose total number constitute a quorum. (B) Quorum Number - Fifty percent (50%) plus one of the members of the CAC being present in person or by written proxy shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the members. (C) Quorum is Present Until Adjournment - The members present at a duly called or held meeting at which a quorum is present may continue to transact business until adjournment notwithstanding the withdrawal of enough members to leave less than a quorum provided that the members that withdraw leave written proxies in accordance with Seccion 5.03 (B) of these bylaws. SECTION 5.03 - Matters Subject to Vote of Members (A) Voting Privileges - Each member is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members. A vote of a majority of the members present at duly conven'ed meetings shall be the act of the members. (B) Proxies - All members have the right to delegate their vote through a written proxy. Pro�cies may only be given to other CAC members for voting purposes and deternunation of the 2 required quorum. All proxies will be written using the designated proxy form. All proxies must be recorded at roll call of inembers or prior to subsequent voting should proxy be signed during the meeting. ARTICLE VI - OFFICERS AND ELECTIONS SECTION 6.01 - Officers - the following officers shall be selected to serve from the members of the CAC: _ -- • Chairperson • First Vice-Chairperson • Second Vice-Chairperson • Secretary SECTION 6.02 - Election of Officers - Ele�aons will take place at the fust regularly scheduled meeting of each calendar year after the annual County and City appointments to the CAC become effective. The members of the CAC will elect a Chairperson, First Vice-Chairperson, and Second Vice-Chairperson. SECTION 6.03 - Appointment of Secretary - The Community Development Program Departmeat D'uector for the County of Kem and the Economic Development Director for the City of Bakersfield, or their designees, will alternately serve one year terms as secretary. The individual will be appointed at the time of board election. SECTION 6.04 - Duties of Officers (A) Chairperson - The Chairperson shall have the responsibility for the general supervision, , direction, and control of the business and affairs at CAC meetings. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the CAC and shall have such other powers and dudes as may be prescribed from time to time by a vote of the CAC. (B) First Vice-Chairperson - In the absence or disability of the Chairperson, the First Vice- Chairperson shall perform all the duties of the Chairperson and in so acting shall have all the powers of the Chairperson. The First Vice-Chairperson will also be the chairperson for the Legislarive Review Committee. (C) Second Vice-Chairperson - In the absence or disability of the Chairperson and the First Vice-Chairperson, the Second Vice-Chairperson shall perform all the duties of the Chairperson and in so acting shall have all the powers of the Chairperson. The Second Vice-Chairperson shall also be the Chairperson for the Nominating Committee. SECT'ION 6:05 - Successor to the Chair - The First Vice-Chairperson shall preside at CAC meetings when the Chairperson is not available. If the Chairperson and First Vice-Chairperson are unavailable, the Second Vice-Chairperson shall preside. SECTION 6.06 - Terms of Off'icers - Terms of each officer shall be for twelve (12) months. Each officer shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same posidon. 3 4 ARTICLE VII - COMMITTEES SECTION 7.01 - Make-up of Committees - The CAC may from time to time deternune committees to be desirable or necessary to carry-out duties of the CAC. Committees shall be made up of inembers of the CAC. SECTION 7.02 - Appointment of Committees - The Chairperson shall appoint all committee members except as otherwise provided for herein subject to the approval of a majority of the members present at a regularly scheduled meeting of the CAC. SECTION 7.02 - Standing Committees (A) Legislative Review Committee - The Legisladve Review Committee will consist of three (3) members including the First Vice-Chairperson. The committee will be responsible for reviewing all proposed legislation applicable to "enterprise zones" and reporting to the full CAC regarding any suggested acrion to be taken. The committee will meet as necessary. (B) Nominadng Commiuee - The Nominating Committee .will consist of three (3) members including the Second Vice-Chairperson. The Committee will meet as soon as possible after appointments are made to the CAC by the Kern County Board of Supervisors or the City Council of the City of Bakersiield and prepare nominadons for elected offices to be presented at the first regularly scheduled meedng of the calendar year. (C) Executive Committee - The Executive Committee will consist of seven (7) members including the Chairperson, First Vice-Chairperson, Second Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Immediate � Past/Future Secretary, and two additional members appointed by the Chairperson; one Incentive Area/HDUA Resident and one Incentive Area Businessperson. The Committee will meet as necessary to establish CAC meeting agendas and assist the Chairperson in the general supervision, d'uecdon and control of the business and affairs of the CAC. ARTICLE VIII - PROCEDURE SECTION 8.01 - Procedural Rules - All meetings of the CAC shall be convened and conducted in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and Robert's Rules of Order Revised except when otherwise provided for in the bylaws. The Employment and Economic Incentive Act of 1984, as amended, may promulgate and impose rules of conduct and procedure for the conduct of such meetings and deliberations whenever necessary provided such rules of conduct and procedure are not in conflict with the bylaws of the CAC. SECTION 8.02 - Order of Business - In the conduct of the meeting and deliberations of the CAC, except where otherwise provided for herein and in cases where the rules provide for a Special Agenda; the Order of Business shall be as follows: (a) Call to Order (b) Roll Call .(introducdon of inembers and their guests) . (c) Approval of the Minutes of Previous Meeting (d) Report of the City Economic Development Department (e) Report of the County Community Development Program Department 4 ' (� Report of any Standing Committee (g) Reading of Communications (h) Unf'uushed Business ;�; (i) New Business (j) Community Comments (k) Adjournment SECI'ION 8.03 - Posting of the Agenda - At least 72 hours prior to the meering of the CAC, the Secretary must conspicuously post on or near the door of the meeting place an agenda, containing a brief, general description of each.item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. The agenda also shall indicate the time and place of the meeting. ARTICLES IX - ATTENDANCE SECTION 9.01 - Attendance at Meetings - In the event of the absence of a CAC member from three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings of the CAC, the CAC shall evaluate the circumstances and previous attendance records of the member and decide whether not conecrive action is necessary. Upon a majority vote of the members present, the CAC may recommend to the Kern County Board of Supervisors _or the City Council of the City of Bakersfield that a member be replaced. ARTICLE X- AMENDING T'HE BYLAWS SECTTON 10.01 - Amendment Procedure - From time to dme, the CAC may amend these bylaws in order to better perform its duries. Such amendments will require a ten (10) day written nodce and will be made upon approval of 2/3 of the members of the CAC and the agen� � Amended 7-13-89 Amended 6-13-91 Amended 10-10-91 E . i�.` � �,+ . I EIA-1 CALIFORMA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE APPLICAT[ON FOR CERTIFICATION AS A"QUALIFIED BUSINESS" UNDER THE EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC INCENTIVE ACT SECTION 1, BUSINESS INFORMATION NOTE: See reverse side for instructions. This form should be completed only by businesses located in an Employment Incentive Area ("EIA") designated by the California Department of Commerce. Section 1 must be completed by ALL businesses applying to be certified. Section 2 must be completed OM.Y if you wish to be certified based on ownership (see instructions). Section 3 must be completed ONLY if you wish to be certified based on employee residence (see instructions). You may refer to your DE-1 Registration form, filed with the State Employment Development Department for unemployment insurance reporting. Many of the items requested below correspond to items on the DE-1 form. Please print or type. 1. 2. 2b. Business Name: Business Mailing Address : � City: 3a. Location of Business EIA: (street address only) 3b. City: 4. Name of Responsible Officer at this address: _ 4b. Title: � 5. Nature of Business at this address C� 7. 8. Sa. Pri.rnary Product or Service: _ Sb. Secondary Product or Service: Number of Employees at this address: Federal Taxpayer I. D. Number: California Taxpayer I.D. Number: 9. Do You Have More than One Establishment?: State• Zip: State: Zip: Telephone: ( ) Yes No SIC: SIC: 10. I declare that I have examined this form, including its accompanying schedules, and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true and correct. I also understand that failure to complete this form completely and accurately may result in either a delay of certification, or in the revocation of certif'ication and in the loss of income tax credits and deductions for this program allowed under the California Revenue and Taxation Code. Signature of Officer FOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE USE ONLY la. % HDUA OW1V: 2a. QUAL: 3a. QCSP: 3d. QCSP IVAME: 6. EIA: 9. NOTES: lb. % HDUA FTEE: 2b. QUAL CATEGORY: 3b. QCSP IVOTICE SENT: 3e. QCSP FEE: 7. RUN DATE: Title lc. % HDUA HWLTM: 2c. QUAL DATE: 3c. QCSP VERIF: 3f. QCSP DUE: 8. BY: Date INSTRUCTION SHEET For Completing Certification Form EIA-1 ,;i Please foliow these instructions in completing the Certification Form. Included are some suggestions which wiii assist in a correct anE complete certificatio� of your business. BACKGROUND ON THE EMPLOYMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM The Employment Incentive Program provides a �umber of state income tax credits and deductio�s to businesses that are certifieA by the Oepartment of Comr�erce as a"qualified business." The purpose of the program is to provide benefits to caripanies that are owned by residents of, or hi�e employees from, areas of Catifornia experienciny high unemployment. State income tax credits include a credit for hiring new employees and a credit for any sales tax you pay in purchasing machinery for your business. Additional state tax deductions are also alloaed. For more i�formation on these credits anA. deductions call the Department of Comnerce at (916) 324-8211 and ask fo� a copy of the franchise Tax Board Publication' « « Only businesses in certain areas of California are eligible for these benefits. BEFORE COMPIETIN6 THIS FORM YW SHOULO CONFIRM THAT YOUR BUSINESS IS LOCATEU IN AN AREA THAT IS OESI(�WTEO fOR THIS PROGRAhI Cthese areas are called EIAs). A map of the EIA in�your area is attached to this form. If you have obtained this form from a city or oounty representative, you may check with that person to ensure that your business is in an EIA. You may also contact the Department of Comnerce at (916) 324-8211 for this purpose. Once you have confirmed that your business is in a� EIA. there are three ways i� whi¢k'you can be certified as a"qualified business" and be eligible for state tax credits and deductions. The three ways are to show that: () Over 50X of your business' employees live in the area(s) on the "qualifying area" map attacfied to this form, or 2) Over 30� of your business' employees live the area(s) and you will oonfribufe to a tocat oamiunity senrice, oc 3) Over 30',� of your business is owned by an individual or individuals who reside in the area or areas. tnstructions for Section 1, Business Information I. Business Name: If you business is a proprietorship, give the name which your business is uses for the public. If the buslness is a corporation or partnership, give the name exactly as spelled and registered with the Secretary of State. Enter "None" if no business name is used. 2. Business Mailinq Address: Enter the address to which correspondence and forms should be sent. This may be a post office box. 3. Location of Business i� EIA: I� order to be certified, you must have and list a street address in the EIA on this line (no P.O. Boxes). If your business has several locations, (ist only that location which you have confirn�ed is in a designated area (EIA). If you have more than one location in an EIA. list the location wii-h the most employees. If you have listed a post office 6ox as your mailing address, you must list the actual street address of your business here. 4. Name of Responsible Officer: List the name of the officer or owner of the business who will sign the declaration on line 9. 5. Nature of Business at This Address: Enter a brief description of the principal product or service your business provides. Some examples of descriptions: Retail Trade - Groceries and Meat. Retail Trade - Restaurant, Mholesale Trade - Apparel. Servico - Hotel, Service - Barber Shop, Manufacturing - Women's wear, Contracti�g - Heavy Constructio�, Other - Rea) Estate Agent. If you know what your Standard Industrial Code (SIC) is list tfiis as well. Uthen+ise, you may leave the line for SIC blank. If you provide several general types of goods or services. list the second most important general type in 5b. 6. Number of Employees at this Address: List the average nu�er of ertiployees working at the focation in the EIA during tfie Iast txelve montiis. 7. Federal Taxpayer I.O. Nwnber: List the Federal Taxpayer I.D. Number you use o� your Federal Tax Ret�rn. 8. California Taxpayer I.D. Number: List the Taxpayer I.O. Number you use o� your California lncome Tax Return. 9. Multiple Establishments: If the address listed for Item 3 is not the only location at which your business is located, check yas. You sfiould also answer yes if your business is a subsidiary of another corporation. 10. Declaration: This declaration must be signed by an owner or an officer of the c«npany with authority to sign documents such as_contracts and agreeme�ts. The signature of a general partner_i.s required for a limited partnership. r �- , EIA-lb See reverse side for instructions. SECTION 2, OWNERSHIP INFORMATION NOTE: This section should ONLY be completed if you are applying for certification based on ownership (see instructions for information on the ways a business may be certified and what the benefits of certification are). 10. The Business is a(check one): Corporation Partnership Proprietorship Other: 11. If the Business is a Sole Proprietorship please complete the following: a. Owners Name: b. Owner's Residential Address: (must list street address) 12. If the Business is a Corporation, a Subsid.iary of a Corporation, or a Partnership, list any individual owner(s) holding 10% or more of ownership below: Name(s)• Owner's Residential Address (must list street address) a. b. . _ d. e. f. g• h. i. 13. List the amount (percentage) of the business currently owned by each individual named above: a. b: c: d: e: f: g: h: i: 14. The business described above: is a subsidiary of another corporation is not a subsidiary of another corporation INSTRUCT[ON SHEET For Completing Cert�cation Form E[A-lb � . �i �� , --------------- General Instructions Please follow these instructions for completing Section 2(EIA-Ib), Ownership Information, of the Certification Form. PIEASE NOTE THAT SECTION 2 SHOULD BE flllED Oi1T ONLY IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN BE CERTIFIEO ON THE BASIS OF HAVING 30K OR MORE OF THE BUSINESS' OWNERSHIP RESIOING IN TIIE "QUAIIFYING AREA" MAP ATTACHEO TO TNESE FORMS. If you are unsur'e of whether you qualify under this Section you may either call the Oepartment of Cam�erce at (916)324-8211 for additional infornwtion� or complete the form - the Deparfine�t will calculate what pe�centage of your business' ownership resides in tfie qualifying area. [nstructions for Section Z, Ownership Information 10. Form of Business: Identify the form in which the business (ocated in the EIA is legally organized. Subchapter S Corporations should be listed under "Other" as a Subchapter S Corporation. 11. Sole Proprietorships: If you are the sole owner of this business, and the business is not i�corporated, list your name and your primary place of residence. For your place of residence, you must give a street address eve� if you normatly use a post office box for correspondence. 12. Corporations and Partnerships: List the narties and primary place of residence for any a+ner arning more than IOS of the business. For corpo�ations, this includes only individuals (corporate e�tities holding stodc should not be listed). For the p�imary place of residence, you musfi list a street address even if the owner normally uses a post office box. For limited partnerships� list the general partner only if the general partner controls 10'x or more of the shares. 13. Percentaqe of Ownershie: For all individuals listed in item 12 above, you must list the perce�tage of ownership held by each individual. For corporations, list the percentage of shares issued and outstanding that are held. For partnerships, (ist the percentage of ownership held as ide�tified in.the partnership agreement. 14. Subsidiaries: Identify ahether the business at this address is a subsidiary of a corporation. ., ,; .; ;, ., , 7 , EIA-lc Page of SECTION 3, EMPLOYEE INFORMATION NOTE: Compiete ONLY if applying for certification on the basis of your empioyees (see instructions for the ways you may be certified). Employers should any employees who have worked at any time during the twelve mcnths preceding the date this form is completed, even if the individual is no longer employed by the firm. Attach additional sheets as needed. Date form Completed: Soc. Sec. Number Employee Name Residence City Zip Code Date Wks. Emp. Full-time Part-time (Last, First Init.) (#, Street Name) of Hire Lest 12 Employee? Employee (rta/day/vr) Months (ve"s/no) Avrq. hrs/wk [NST'RUCT[ON SHEET For Completing Certification Form EIA-ic General [nstructions ' z_ Please follow these instructions for completing Section 3(EIA-Ic), Employee Infornwtion, of the Certification Form. PLEASE NOTE THAT SECT I ON 3 SHOUI.D BE f I lLEO WT ONLY I F YOU BEL 1 EVE THAT YOU CAN BE CERT I F I EO OW THE BAS 1 S Of HAV i NG AT LEAST 30x OR MORE OF TIiE BUSINESS' EMPlOYEES RESIOIN6 IN THE AREA OUTLINEO ON TI�E "QUALIfYING AREA" MAF' ATTACHED TO THESE FORMS. If you a�e unsure of ahethe� you qualify under this Section you may either cal) the Oepartment of Comnerce at (916)324-8211 for additional i�fornwtion, or complete the form - the Department will calculate what percentage of your business' employees reside in the Qualifying area. You may find it heipfui to use the form DE-3 for the State Employment Developnent Depariment (your quarterly contribution return a�d report of wages for unemployment i�surance) as a source of information for Section 3. By using the DE-3 form you should be able to copy the information for items K, L, and Mi. Instructions for Section 3, Employee Information Data as of: list the date you completed this form. Social Security Numbers: list the sociat security numbers for your employees at this location as they have been listed on your OE-3 filing for the (ast 4 quarters (see general instructions above, DE-3 is the state unemployment insurance form). NOTE: IF YOUR BUSINESS HAS MORE THAN ONE LOCATION� YOU SHOULO ONIY IIST Tf�SE EMPLOYEES MHO kaPoC A MAJORITY OF THEIR TIME AT A LOCATION IN TNE EIA. Employee Names: List ernployee names for your employees as they have been IisteC on your DE-3 filing for the last 4 quarters. You should include names even if the individual is no longer employed by your business as long as the individual was employed at a�y time in the last 12 months. Street Addresses: List each employee's residential street address as reported on the emptoyee's M-2 form for Federal Tax Mithholding. If the employee has listed a post office box or has not listed an address, you should still list that individual, however he or she may not be included in the Oepartment's calculation of whether your business qualifies under Section 3. City and Zip Code: list each employee's city of residence and zip code as reported on the employee's M-2 form for Federal Tax Withholding. If the employee has not listed a eity and or zip code, you should still list that individua(, however he or she may not be included in the Department's calculation of whether your business qualifies under Section 3. Oate of Hire: From your business' person�el records, list the dates of hire for each of the individuais who's mm�e is listed. It is important to (ist dates of hire as accurately as possibie. You may qualify for partial eligibility (for a tax credit for nea hires) dased on those individuals hired over the last 12.months who reside in the qualifying area(s) shoan on the attached map (see inst�uctions for Section 1). Weeks Employed in the last 12 Honths: list the number of weeks each individual has been employed by the business at this location during the last 12 months. The �umber of ►+eeks can be determined by reviewing the four quarterly DE-3 forms you have filed for the last year. Column MI of the DE-3 form lists the nwnber of weeks employed for the last three months. Full-time Employees?: (f the employee consistently works a full 35 or mo�e hours a week you should a�swer yes, even if ttie employee only works full time on a seasonal or intermittent basis. If tho employee's hours vary, or the employee is a regular part time employee, you should answer �o. Part-Time Employees: If you answered no above� you must calculate the average number of hours pe� week the employee has uorked, for any aeeks worked in the last 12 months. I� calculating an average, do not use weeks in which the employee has no hours. ,a o-: w METROPOLITAN BAKERSFIELD INCENTIVE AREA FACT SHEET WHAT IS THE INCENTIVE AREA PROGRAM? It is a program offered by the State of California providing benefits to businesses located in, or locating into, a designated area of southeast metropolitan Bakersfield. WHO CAN BENEFIT? • All businesses, except those in the finance and non-profit sectors. HOW CAN A BUSINESS GET THESE BENEFITS? A business must be certified by the state. HOW DOES A BUSINESS BECOME CERTIFIED? It's simple. A business needs to: 1. Be located in the Incentive Area. 2. Meet one of the following criteria: a. the 50% Rule. 50% or more of the business' employees live in the High Density Unemployment Area (HDUA). The HDUA is explained on page 2. b. the 30% Rule. At least 30% of the business' employees must live in the HDUA and the business pays an annual fee to a Qualified Community Service Provider (QCSP). The QCSP is explained on page 4. c. the Ownership Rule. 30% or more of the business' owners aze residents of the HDUA. 3. Complete an application. 4. Submit the application to Employers' Training Resource. 5. Receive certification by the State of California. 1 HOW LONG IS THE CERTIFICATION IN EFFECT? Certification is good for three years. After that time, the business must be recertiiied. WHAT ARE THE TAX BENEFITS OF THE INCENTIVE AREA PROGRAM? There are two major tax benefits to the qualifying business: * sales/use tax credit for the purchase of manufacturing or processing machinery, and * hiring tax credit. i�ese tax credits directly reduce a business' state tax liability. HOW DOES A BUSINESS GET TI� SALES/USE TAX CREDIT? If a certified business purchases machinery wluch is used for processing within the Incentive Area, the sales/use tax credit can be claimed. Processing is defined as changing the form of a product from its state at the beginning of the process to something different at the end. An example would be a drill press which changes the form of a piece of inetal or wood. HOW IS THE SALES/USE TAX CREDIT CALCULATED? This tax credit is based upon the sales tax paid on the purchase. A corporation can claim 100% of its sales tax on purchases up to $20 million of process equipment. A sole proprietorship or partnership can claim a tax credit on purchases up to $1 million. However, this tax credit is not the biggest one offered by the program. WHAT IS THE BIGGEST TAX CREDIT OFFERED? The hiring tax credit is the most significant benefit of the Incentive Area program. HOW DOES A BUSINESS GET THE HIRING TAX CREDIT? When a certified business hires eligible workers from the HDUA, the hiring tax credit can be claimed. WHATISTHE HDUA? The High Density Unemployment Area, or HDUA, is a designated azea of Bakersfield with a high percentage of unemployed workers. 2 a ,;;`= � HOW IS THE HIRING TAX CREDIT CALCULATED? A certified business can claim a five yeaz tax credit for each eligible employee, whether full- or part-time according to the following schedule: 50% of the eligible salary is claimed in year 1 40% of the eligible salary is claimed in year 2 30% of the eligible salary is claimed in year 3 20% of the eligible salary is claimed in year 4 10% of the eligible salary is claimed in yeaz 5 The state has guidelines for determining if a worker is eligible. Generally, an eligible employee is one who lives within the HDUA and is unemployed at the time of hiring. If the employee is part of a federal or state job training program, they are considered "unemployed" for purposes of the Incentive Area program. WHAT TYPES OF BUSINESSES BENEFIT FROM THE PROGRAM THE MOST? Because of the sales/use tax credit on processing machinery and the hiring tax credits, the program is most beneficial to light industrial and manufacturing industries. However, all businesses except those in the finance industry may qualify for the program. � New businesses moving into the Incentive Area will generally receive the greatest benefit hecause they can hire HDUA residents as new employees. WHAT EXTRA PAPERWORK DOES A BUSINESS NEED TO MAINTAIN? None. No special records need to be kept by a business. IF A BUSINESS TAKES ADVANTAGE OF THE PROGRAM, WILL THEIR ODDS OF AN AUDIT BY THE STATE INCREASE? No. The Franchise Tax Board will not audit merely because hiring and sales tax credits are claimed. 3 � �.� ARE THERE OTHER BENEFITS FOR A BUSINESS IN THE INCENTIVE AREA? Yes. The state also offers the following benefits: business ex_pense deduction Rather than being depreciated, a business may take up to 20 000 as an expense on certain property. loss cany-over A certified business may carry over 100% of operating losses up to 15 yeazs into the future; the state tax law otherwise allows only a 50% carryover. � sales development pro�ram The state will provide up to 2,000 listings of companies which require specific materials, parts, or services to � business in the Incentive Area; these businesses do not need to be certified. lender benefits Lenders who provide loans to certified businesses earn interest which is free of state tax. ARE THE INCENTIVE AREA BENEFITS THE SAME AS AN ENTERPRISE ZONE? Yes. Benefits in Califomia's Incentive Areas and Enterprise Zones are the same. HOW MANY COMMUNITIES HAVE DESIGNATED AREAS? 29 California communities have state-designated Incentive Areas or Enterprise Zones. WHATISA QCSP? A Qualified Community Service Provider, or QCSP, is a non-profit organization whose service area prominently includes the HDUA. If a business carinot meet the 50% Rule for certification, it can still be certified if it meets the 30% Rule and pays a fee to a QCSP. The fee is $100 per employee the business falls short of qualifying under the 50% Rule, per year. 'There aze currently 2 QCSPs in the Incentive Area program: Kern County Economic Opportunity Corporation (KCEOC) and Bakersfield Senior Center. The business is free to choose either agency to receive its QCSP fee. 4 ,�. t, e �� � ,- � ; WHAT IS THE CASA LOMA SPECIFIC PLAN? This is a planning document adopted jointly by the City of Bakersfield and County of Kern in 1986 to guide development in southeast metro Bakersfield. The plan provides a single set of development standards and land use designations for the area to avoid confusion between any conflicting City or County standards. The Casa Loma Specific Plan was developed through a series of public hearings which incorporated input from area residents and businesses. IS THE SPECIFIC PLAN A PART OF THE INCENTIVE AREA PROGRAM? No. The Casa Loma Specific Plan is separate from the Incentive Area program. T'he plan is a planning document to guide development in the area; it does not affect the benefits provided to businesses from the State of California through the Incentive Area program. IS THE AREA COVERED BY THE CASA LOMA SPECIFIC PLAN AND THE INCENTIVE AREA THE SAME? No. While there is some overlapping, the two areas do not have the same boundaries. The Incentive Area Program is a joint effort of the City of Bakersfield and County of Kern. You may direct specific questions regarding the program to, David Lyman, City of Bakersfield (805) 326-3765 Bill Mungary, County of Kern (805) 861-2041 air:ro�. mcenciv.s 5 rev. 7N2 :� . � STATE CF�A6IFORNIA - Environmentai Protection Agency PETE WILSON, Govemor CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD ,�� CENTRAL VALLEY REGION -- � 3443 Routier Road, S�,te A RE����ED � �# Sacramento, CA 95827-3098 ��� PHONE: (916) 255-3000 oC � , � �pQ� FAX: (916) 255-3015 �'� ` �FF�C� CC(y A��RNf_Y'S 15 December 1994 � Ms. Judy K. Skousen City Attorney City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 COFFEE ROAD OVERPASS PROJECT Enclosed is a copy of Resolution No. 94-382, limiting liability of the City of Bakersfield and the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District, for the Coffee Road Overpass Project, as adopted by the Board on 9 December 1994. W lXx-�-,.- �• WILLIAM H. CROOKS Executive Officer Enclosure cc&encl: Mr. James R. Parker, Jr., Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District, Bakersfield - Mr. Robert E. Bimat, Sunland Reiining Corporation, Bakersfield Mr. Phil Wyels, Office of Chief Counsel, State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento � D�C 2 I 1994 ; ".�.�'V ���i� nG��-:G�G .. "� , 'A-,�-. � aG � . W_ i ;. ._���__ __ . __J,:, 1 - � _-�_: �- . ; , � CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD CENTRAL VALLEY REGION RESOLUTION NO. 94-382 LIMTTING LIABILI'IY. OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND THE GREATER BAKERSFIELD SEPA�TION OF GRADE DISTRICT FOR THE COFFEE ROAD OVERPASS PROJECT BAKERSFIELD WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield and the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District are joint sponsors of the Coffee Road Overpass Project; and WHEREAS, the Overpass Project involves the acquisition of a right-of-way through condemnation of a road easement by the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District, and the construction and maintenance of an overpass by the City of Bakersfield over a portion of land currently owned by Sunland Refining and Paciflc Gas and Electric Company; and WHEREAS, Sunland Reflning has extensive soil and ground water contamination on its property, and monitoring by Sunland Refining has con8rmed that ground water contamination e�dsts in the area over which the Overpass Project will be constructed; and WHEREAS, it is likely that soil contamination also exists in the area over which the Overpass Project will be constructed; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfleld and the Greater Bakersfleld Separation of Grade District have asked the Board for assurances that they would not be held responsible for the contaminated soils and water beneath the proposed right-of-way for the Overpass Project; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield and the Greater Bakersfleld Separation of Grade District are aware that any action by the Board, including the designation of responsible parties in a Cleanup and Abatement Order, may be reviewed by the State Water Resources Control Board; and WHEREAS, the Board considered all testimony and evidence at a public hearing held on 9 December 1994 in Sacramento, California: Therefore be it RESOLVED, that, in the event the Board issues a Cleanup and Abatement Order for the cunently existing contamination at the Sunland Refining property, the Board shall not hold the City of Bakersfield or the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District liable for the remediation of the property solely by virtue of those parties' ownership of the road � easement or interest in the Coffee Road Overpass Project, except to the extent that the Coffee Road Overpass Project exacerbates the contamination or impedes or otherwise increases the costs of remediation of the property; and be it further RESOLUTION NO. 94-382 COFFEE ROAD PROJECT KERN COUN'IY � •r . •�-- - r + � � a ' �' RESOLUED, that this limitation of liability of the City of Bakersfleld and the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District for the Coffee Road Overpass Project is subject to the following conditions: After possession of Project right-of-way is obtained, the City of Bakersfleld and the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District permit reasonable access to the Board for the purposes of investigation and remediation of contamination provided that said access does not interfere with Project construction. 2. The City of Bakersfield and the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District submit an environmental assessment of the Overpass Project area for the Board's review. Such assessment shall address surface contamination witlun the Project right-of-way and contamination within any area required to be excavated. 3, The City of Bakersfield and the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District remediate any contamination within the areas excavated during construction of the Overpass Project subject to the Board's review and approval. 4, The City of Bakersfield and the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District shall, to the extent feasible as to not interfere with construction of the project, design and construct the Overpass Project in a manner approved by the Board as a flnal cover for any remaining subsurface contamination. 5. The circumstances involving the soil and ground water contamination at the current site do not differ materially from the circumstances within the Board's current knowledge. I, WILLIAM H. CROOKS, Executive Officer, do hereby certify the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, on 9 December 1994. . WILLIAM H. CROOKS, Executive Officer AMENDED 12/9/94 _: __: i �uun�'i ��i:�°,,,,, \�`�?� �..� _ � � �" _ �� *: `� _,,��+� �iNlllu�,, 4( ��\ ? i ��. `,�`1��� _�' ' ?'lll'j1� _ ' �� �� iiiii/IIIIIII DECEMBER 9, 1994 TO: JOHN STINSON, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER <�� FROM: ANTHONY GONZALES, HUMAN RESOURCES SUPERVISOR C� SUBJECT: REPORT ON MERIT STEP INCREASES QUARTER PERIOD APRIL - JUNE 1994 AND JULY - SEPTEMBER 1994 Per the City Council's request, attached is a listing by department those employees who were eligible and received "merit" step increases for the quarter period of April - June and July - September 1994. APRIL - JUNE 1994. Forry-four (44) employees received "merit" increases from a Total of forry-eight(48) who were eligible. JULY - SEPTEMBER 1994 Twenty-six (26) employees received "merit" increases from a Total of thrity (30) who were eligible. ; r ::� i STEP INCREASE REPORT APRIL-JUNE 1994 27-Sep-94 STEP INCREASE REPORT 1993-1994 Steps 4 and 5 27-Sep-94 . .. ...:....:::::.. . . ....;.: .. . . .:.. . ; ,: ; :>;>;:::>;:;:::::..,:;;>::;:.:. :::::>::;. : :>;::: > . >::>::;::>::>::>::>::>::>::>:;::;:;::;::>::>::>:...>:::>::;:::>::: ::»::> - 3A�1 1k�i��t�CH:l99� <::.::.;:;:;:,::,..;,::>;;;;;;;::.;,;::::;:;;::....:.>:,::.::. JL7LX ���?T 1993,:.: <±d�Tui?��:>199�..: . ,.:.. ,:.. _ ;;; , ;:. , �;APitI�:;7T�:.::::;;::;:....::;:.::;:: .. .........; ...... .. . . :.:>;::>::; ::;:.: :.:;«::::: ;. _ , .... . ; ,::. . � .. .. . > . , . :;..>::>::> : :. ; ::.:.;:v;:.;..... : . . �]a. il���.;:.>:':.;: :�.����ed>: ;:::: �la ible �t���ved �:.. �b��::::::.::<:::R�e��t��d:<�`::: ���?1#1��`�?€��'T:>>:>:;::;:::.:.>:<:.;:; �lxgtble �Leec���ed ::::::.g .:::.::...:::: ... :. .. ...:....::.. :.::.... �::: , _ ::..�...... .......... ..... . ............ .... EXECUTIVE 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 2 FINANCE 3 3 0 0 2 2 3 3 ATTORNEY 1 1 3 2 0 0 3 1 POLICE . 3 3 22 22 8 7 13 13 FIRE ` 6 6 24 24 2 2 2 2 PUBLIC WORKS 15 13 11 7 12 11 14 12 WATER & SANITATION 3 2 3 3 0 0 2 2 COMM SVCS 4 4 3 3 4 3 5 5 DEV SVCS 2 2 2 1 4 4 4 4 ED/CD 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 , ; ;:::>::>:<:>::>::>:; :.:.:.: .. : : ::::::>:;;>.;.;: ..:: ;; :::..:.>:::: <::::.:..: . .:::.>::.::,>;>;..: . :: TOTAL. ;: ;: ;>:::<::>;;>:>::;:. . ::: . , .:;:.:.>::>::::>:::..: ; s. _ _ 6 :: '! �3 ....;:::<:r. :>:>::::::>:r�$: ".;r:>:«:::::>::::::>:::::::�: . 39 «.: «.:.:�5 :..:;:::::::>:::>::>::>:�?$;:::::. ::::::::>::<�2;; .:....:...::.:_:..�.>;>::........;;;;. :::... . .:::.:..::::.:::.:::::: .: ::.:;::::.;::.,:::.:.::..... .., • - _ STEP INCREASE REPORT JULY-SEPTEMBER 1994 07-Dec-94 �c; .l. . ,. STEP INCREASE REPORT 1994-1995 Steps 4 and 5 07-Dec-94 �:. � � : B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM December 7, 1994 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: OFFICE OF RISK MaNAGEMENT(-z--''� � � SUBJECT: CLAIMS ACTIVITY REPORT FO.R THE MONT,H OF NOVEMBER� 1994 , , ,;, , , . The claims activity during the month of November 1994 was a result of actions in the following City Departments/Divisions: DEPARTMENT/DIVISION Fire Streets Sanitation Police Parks Executive , Building NEW CLAIMS FILED 3 2 2 1 1 . ' 0 0 FILES CLOSED 1 2 0 2 0 1 1 COMPLAINTS FILED 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 7 2 , `. � The new claims filed during the month of November 1994 resulted in the following types of damages: CITY THIRD PARTY DAMAGES DEPARTMENT/DIVISION VEHICLE INVOLVED VEHICLE DAMAGE OTHER PROPERTY Fire Streets Sanitation Police Parks 3 0 2 , 0 0 5 3 2 1 0 0 �� 0 0 1 0 1 2 INJURIES 1 1 0 0 0 2 10 ! As a result of the claims activity in November, the year to date (fiscal) totals are as follows: Filed Filed Department/Division Filed in Filed in Year to Date Year to Date # Open # Open 11 /94 11 /93 11 /30/94 11 /30/93 @ 11 /30/94 @ 11 /30/93 Police 1 7 24 26 53 51 i Streets 2 2 17 11 29 22 Sanitation 2 1 6 6 12 10 Engineering 0 1 1 1 9 2 Parks 1 2 8 11 6 7 Fire 3 0 3 1 6 2 ' General Services 0 0 0 0 4 2 Recreation 0 0 1 0 3 2 Convention Center 0 0 0 2 2 2 Building 0 0 0 0 1 1 City Attorney 0 0 0 0 1 1 ' Construction 0 0 0 0 1 1 Water 0 0 1 1 1 1 Ed/Cd 0 0 0 0 1 0 Executive 0 0 2 1 0 2 9 13 63 60 129 107 �' ' NOTE: I The Fire Department was involved in three vehicle accidents in a three week period. Two of the incidents were backing incidents in which the City was the negligent party. The Fire Department should emphasize backing maneuvers in upcoming training I sessions. � Claims Activity Report - October 1994 Page 3 POLICE Norma Robinson, 4816 W. 118th Ptace, #8, Hawthorne, DOL: 5/10/94; Claimant alleges Police Department officers caused her emotional stress when she was being arrested at 1200 McDonald Way. STREETS Samuel Ivan Coronado, 1320 South Chester Avenue, DOL: 8/9/94; Claim is for damages allegedly caused by a defective curb and gutter on a City street at the corner of Gosford Road near White Lane. Glynda Henderson, 2604 Laurel Drive, DOL: 11/8/94; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when the claimant's vehicle hit a pothole in a City street between Maitland and Townsley Drives. PARKS East Hills Mall, 3000 Mall View Road, Suite 1178, DOL: 7/15/94; Claim is for damages allegedty caused when the Parks Division applied a herbicide and killed claimant's trees at the East Hills Mall. SANITATION Girl Scouts-Joshua Tree Council, 1831 Brundage Lane, DOL: 7/8/94; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when a Sanitation Division vehicle hit claimant's building at 1831 Brundage Lane. Bernard F. Othart, 7205 Angela Avenue, DOL: 11/3/94; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when a Sanitation Division vehicle backed into the claimant's vehicle at 1122 19th Street. Claims Activity Report - October 1994 Page 4 FIRE Hermalindo Lozano, 499 Pacheco Road, #177, DOL: 10/9/94; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when a Fire Department vehicle backed into claimanYs stopped vehicle at 499 Pacheco Road. Leslie Comeau, 2301 Westholme Boulevard, #A, DOL: 10/29/94; �Claim is for damages allegedly caused when a Fire Department vehicle backed into the claimant's vehicle on Oak Street. Joshua Keith Sterling and Gloria Sterling, 5221 Cherry Tree Lane, DOL: 10/13/94; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when claimant's vehicle and a Fire Department vehicle collided at Stine Road near Ming Avenue. CLAIMS CLOSED/SETTLED DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER POLICE Steven Anthony Edwards, DOL: 9/30/93; Claimant alleges he was falsely arrested by Police Department officers. Closed - no court filings. Albert Sykes/Sykes Enterprises, DOL: 1/27/94; Claimant alleges damages were caused when a suspect vehicle being pursued by the Police Department struck the claimant's building. Closed - no court filings. EXECUTIVE Stefani L. Jones, DOL: 8/27/93; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when an employee of the City Clerk's office pulled from a red light and struck claimant's vehicle. City settled case for $11,500. - BUILDING Frederick and Sara Smith, DOL: 1/27/94; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when a Building Department vehicle collided with the claimant's vehicle. City settled case for $3,553. � Claims Activity Report - October 1994 Page 5 STREETS William Matthews, II, DOL: 2/16/94; ' Claim is for damages allegedly caused when claimant's vehicle hit an open City sewer manhole. Closed - no court filings. Beverly Ontiveros, DOL: 1/17/94; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when the claimant fell on an alleged defective sidewalk. C�osed - no court filings. Closed - no court filings. �I:l� Marina R. Pimental, DOL: 3/28/94; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when the claimanYs car backed into a fire hydrant covered with weeds. Closed - no court filings. CLAIMS WITH RESULTING COMPLAINT AND/OR SUMMONS FILED DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER STREETS Katherina Bader, DOL: 3/9/94; Claim is for damages allegedly caused by a defective City sidewalk. Paul Andre Etcheverry, DOL: 3/13/94; Claim is for damages allegedly caused when claimant's vehicle hit an open sewer manhole. cc: City Council Judy Skousen, City Attorney City Clerk's Office - Natalie Welty Newsmedia File i.}„ _ �-i..?` �����T � ENWNEEA�NG • PLAIiNING • BunvEnNG • lANDOEVELOPMENT � CONSTAUCnONAWlAli9AEMT / • �,� �� Oecember 14, 1994 Members of t!►e Association Riveriakes Ranch Mester Assxiation Baicersfield. Cafifomia Reference: Riverlakes Ranch Beach C1ub Fac+lity ORE File Plo: 0309485A-FQO Desr Member: � -. , ...— - - ' DEC 2 01994 L_,�.�_-=-_- -. ___ - �, ; R'� 4 � n (; ,r'e.;"�_ p' 'ow'��, ' , ,� V �` 3���.ie���C�t�,�� _, . ` . .. :; Many of yflu signed the Petition dated October 25, t9S4 circulated by myself and our staff. A copy of ttte first page is enclosed to refresh your memory on why the petition was Ci�CUlated end what wss �eques2ed. Most of the promises you heard in s subsequent meeting at Centenniat High School have not come ta fruition and the matter has turned irOm Serious to criticel. To basically sum it up, I will quote a parag�aph fram a ietter George Suzuki wrote on Octobe� 21, 1994 tegarding the -Riverlakes Ranch Beach Gub: "We are currently, and have been, in communication with the Department of Rea! Esiate regarding this matte�. Any and all sction to ensu�e the deveiopment of the Beach Club has, is and witi be taken. In no event will we let the "set- aside" letter for tfle funding of the Beach Club Iapse or terminate." Based upon my discussions with Mr. Nathan Baker of First Interstate Bank he has a�vised me there is no fundir�g �n place for the Beach Club and the "set-aside' letter has basically expired. Further evidence of no secu�ity for the Beach Club is the fact that the Depanment of Real Estate has called all deveiopers and advised them a desist and refrain order against all subdivisions within tfie master project wili be issued. Your attendance at the maeting to be held on the 21st day of December, 1994 st 6:30 o'clock p.m. in the Centennial High School cafeteria will be appreciated. ery truty ours, , �o,.. G!:[/� Dennis W. DeWslt DWO:mIp P.S. Signing a proxy to appoint Michael Woods may not be in your best interest. cc: Nathan Baker, First Interstate Bank Georpe Suzuid �r.a.ve.►aanweMi=��ae..w.r ,s8o 27110 srREET eAX�tsFlKD. ui3� f�►32s�1fi0o • FAX (8051�67� � � t� 4� -� / � ���`� . a+on�puac • �u«MO • euav[Y�►�t • u� oeva.owan • co�F �Cnd+ wuuoe�rr f� • October 28, 1994 8oard of D'aect�a ' Rive�iskes RanCh Master Association 8900 Roesdate Highway Baksrsiield, Califomia 833'12 Attn: Mr. Duane Henr�ing - Secretary Gertdetnen: Encicsed i�srewith is a Petition dated Octabsr 28, 1994 wit1� approximately four lwndred twenty-four t4241 signaturea which �epresants more than 60% af the pr�ser�t six i�ur�ired and eighty-seven t687) voting Mambera of the Association. . As sscrstarlr of t�e Board of Directors, I tn�st you ars awere the Boa�d is in violation of cAr+;�n �• Memhers Meetinas. You t�ave the power ta immediately call a meetinp of e11 tl�e members with only ten days notice. Sae Section 3.03 Notice and P1a e ot M�tinQ in the by-laws. it wouid be in tne bsst interests of aU concerned to have a meetir�g immediately t10 dsys) so thst the Beact� pub Cw�uact cen be let and constr�ction start imme�ately in ordar to complete cOnstn�Cti011 AtiO� to trie preaent axpiret+o� date of the set-saide letter, which presentlY is 180 d�ys after August 1,188� or around Fe�uary 1, t995. Tt�ere is time to compiete the fecility prior to FebrWrY 1, t 99S if we act nav+rl Yocu r�s�nse to ti�is reque�t will be eppreaated by myseif ar� ail the ott�er members of the 8430Ciatlon. CWD:mIp �tjf8, �/ �weti PS. For clarification purposes, when 1 rsier -to "consuuction start" t refer to the co�truction of Lhe e�tire fscility at an estimated cost af 5881,�i00, not the �tk1�S J� end siteworic imorovements, which are estimated ta be �66,500. rs.san...�w�wraa�w.w tpo 2�O itA@ET Y�t�A G►t070� POeIl�sMOO • F�ss �l8�►� -� , � G;r"`. "� � � OATE: Octobe� 20, 1994 T0: Ouene Hen�in9 - Sec►etertr Board of Oirectas of Riverlakes Ranch Mester Assxiation FRpM; Wlembers o1 the Asaociadon WHEREAS: M aCCOrdancs with Set-ASide letter trom Cal{fornia RepubliC Bank to World Title CompenY dstsd Ottober 5. 1983, ws aa Members of Riverlakes Ranch Nomeowners Association, Inc. hereby declsre that aubdiv�de► fRiverlakas Ranchl has defauked by �ot compbtlnQ ths SeeCh (aub teWities by the meturity date of Auyust 1. 1994; end W►�EAEAS: in eccordence with the By-Laws of Riverlakes Ranch Ntestet E►ssociation swerinn '�� 1�1a_e++hera_Meetinaa. Riverleke� Ranah ia i� default oi the 8V-lawa by not ealfmg the firsc rt+eeting oi ths Members no latsr than aix {6) montha after the close ol eacrow on ths 88b ot ths titst Lot in d�e Projett which took plece in September. 1993: end WHEREAS: in saordance wRh tha Msste► Oaclaration of Covenants, Co�ditio�s. and iieatrietions ot Ri�er►akea Ranch ISectton 14: Enforcement ot 8onded Wligat�onsl Wa as Mernbers herebV �equest a spedal meeting to iniciate acifon to entwce ehe obliQacions �md� the Bond lSet-Aside Letterl. At such special meeting a vote ot a majaity of the voting power of the Master Assotiation �es�ng in Members other than Declarant to take action to entorce the oWiqatio�� �der tRe Bond shaN 6e deemed to be the decision oi the Masser Association and the 8osrd ahall thereaiter implement this decision by initiating and putsufng spptopriate setion in the name of the Mester Aasocistio�; and WHEAEAS: In accordance with said Set•Aside Letter, Callfarnia Republlc 8ank states 'our obl{paHons to the Fiwerkakes Ranch Homeovv�ers Association, Inc. shatl not be abrogated or otherwlse aflected bv �+a bankrvptcy ot borrower by any stop notice (except a bond stop noticel, tsx asaessment or bvy, attad�ment, execution or other tegal process against tha bortowe+ nw by the brcach by borrower ol airy obGgation to lender arising out of the ('msncing of the eonsuuetion of imp►oven�e�tts ia thia aubdviaion projeec.' wt�lEFiEA3= h+ seeadsnce w�th the �BpaKmMt of Renl Eateee of the Siaie of Ca4fomla Final Subdtvision Pubfic Report which atatas: 'No escrowa will close in tfila phase unt� completion ot tfie eommon ereas and fadlities on Lot 'A' or, as an nitemative, the Subdivider hss submitted a bond or other secuity acceptable to the Department of Real Estate under the proviaiona o� Seetion 11018.5 of the 8usness and Protesaions Code to essure lien f�� completion of ap crnr�ma+ areas snd tac�liciea. A Se�•ASide Ie�ier in tfie emount of 8839.b00 has been posted in �evo► of the Association to inwra eompledon of the common iadlities tocated on lot '8'.' Sald Set•Aside letter posted to insure compbtion af tt+e Beach Club guarontaea '� ObBgatiOn co diaburee from the eceount for completion of emr common aree improvements aFter 18� dsys ahet the msturity date ct August l, 1994': and WHEREAS: it 1s impereUve thet Construttion tesurne immedietely on the B88ch Ch�b in oMer for eompletion to meet the 180 day deadfine of tunds available. We. the under�iyned. heieby repue9t e speCiel meeti�g to addrass: t} �ontinustion of Bead� C1ub �onauuecion. 2) Conaauetan to be eomp�ete prior to May 1. t 995 ii Set-Aaide �atter Is eztended. 3S ConSttuCibn fo be complete Wior to Feb�uery 1, t995 tt Set-ns+de letter ia noc ezten0ed. 4> Set-Asids E.etter to be extended w action to enforce distxxsement p�or to 180 days after the Auqust t. 1984 maturhy date. Sincerely. Members of the Assodstion �