HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/13/95 BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM January 13, 1995 TO' HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNC FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT-'GENERAL INFORMATION ' 1. We have selected an Assistant to the City Manager. It is Dolores Buddell- Teubner, who is currently, the.Economic Development_Manager for the City of Palmdale.-She has a B.A. and M.P.A. from CSUB. She also has experience in the Public Work Department in Palmdale and the City Managers Office in Wasco. 2. We received the enclosed letter from the County asking us to do the lateral hire list for the Fire Department. 3. A listing of the new Kern County Board of Supervisors Committees is enclosed. Ken Peterson is on the Intergovernmental Relations Committee; Steve Perez is on LAFCO. 4. A response to a Council referral is enclosed regarding a tree previously creating a hazard at 4212 Axminster. 5. A memo is enclosed showing the date of the five additional hockey games we have scheduled for this season. 6. Information on snowpack in our watershed is enclosed. That situation, of course, changes daily. 7. We received the enclosed letter from the Grand Jury regarding a complaint from a citizen. Police Chief Brummer and Public Works Director Rojas will be following up on these matters. We will keep you informed. AT.alb Enclosures cc: Department Heads Trudy Slater Carol Williams JOSEPH E. DREW SCOTt JONES COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER MARY WEDDELL WILLIAM C. DOUGLAS Assistan! County Admin~trat~ve Officer Employee Relations Officer ADMINIST T E OFFICE ";'~ Janua~ 4,1995 Alan Tandy, City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: In response to your letter of December 20, 1994 regarding the initiation of the process to create a lateral hire list, it is the County's desire that the agreed upon process be completed. The County will be timely in notifying you of the number of offers of employment that will be required. Sincerely, Adel C. Klein County Administrative Office /ack cc: Joe Drew, CAe Dan Clark, Fire Department 1115 Truxtun Avenue, 5th Floor BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 FAX 325-3979 Page. 5 Board of Supervisor~ R~ular Mee~ln~ OZ/~O/~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Chairman's Committee Assignments: A. COMMITTEES 1) Air Pollution Control Dist. - Peterson Ashburn Perez 2) Board of Directors of California - Ashburn State Association of Counties 3) Community Advisory Council - Shell Southeast Incentive Area Patrick 4) Criminal Justice Cabinet - Peterson 5) Emergency Medical CaFe Advisory Board - Perez *Alternate - Patrick 6) Endangered Species & Bio-Regional - Ashburn Work Group of the Ban Joaquin Valley Supervisors Association ?) Hazardous Waste Local Advisory - Perez Committee Shell 8) Intergovernmental Relations - Peterson Committee Shell 'Alternates All Other Supervisors 9) KC Economic Development Corp. - Peterson 'Alternate Ashburn 10) K.C. Economic Opportunity Corp. - Patrick 11) KernCOG - Shell Patrick 'Alternates All Other Supervisors 12) Kern County Network for Children - Patrick 13) ](MC Joint Conference Committee - Peterson Patrick 'Alternates All Other Supervisors 14) LAFCO - Peterson Perez 'Alternate Shell 15) Mental Health Services Board - Dan Nelson 16) Minority Bus~ness and Women - Shell Enterprise Advisory Committee Perez 17) Parks & Recreation - Patrick 'Alternate Perez 18) Region 5 Local Emergency Planning - Peterson .Committee(Two Year Term/ Fire Department) 19) Retirement Board - Ashburn 'Alternate Peterson 20) San Joaquin Valleywide Air Pollution Study Agency - Shell 'Alternate Patrick 21) San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution District - Shell 'Alternate - Patrick 22) San Joaquin Valley Railroad Task Force - Peterson 'Alternate Shell 23) So. California Water Committee - Perez 'Alternate Peterson 24) Solid Waste Management Advisory - Shell Committee Patrick SAlternate Ashburn 25) Water Resources Committee - Perez Patrick 26) Wildlife Resources Committee - Perez 'Alternate - Patrick ~l~~~ M E M O R A N D U M January 6, 1995 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: LELAND J. ANDERSEN, COMMUNITY SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT: SAFETY HAZARD AT 4212 AXMINSTER (Council Referral No. 13957-Salvaggio) This issue was referred to staff at the Council meeting of September 28, 1994, by Councilmember Salvaggio. After reviewing the site and confirming the problem of a safety hazard at the above location, contact was made with the property owner 'to resolve this situation. After several months and more inquiries, the tree was eventually removed by the owner. The delay in response to this matter was due to the~tree being on private property requiring cooperation from the property owner. In summary, the tree has been removed and the hazard eliminated. Also, Councilmember Salvaggio has been informed of the above and as such, no further action is required. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at your convenience. LJA/lg cc: Frank Fabbri, Parks Superintendent January 9, 1995 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER I%_/ FROM: LELAND J. ANDERSEN, COMMUNITY SERVICES MANAGER~/~ SUBJECT: BAKERSFIELD OILERS ICE HOCKEY SCHEDULE Just a note to let you know of the new dates that have been confirmed for this year's hockey season. Listed are the dates and times: Wednesday and Thursday, January 18 and 19 7:30 p.m. Friday, February 10 7:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, March 20 and 21 7:30 p.m. Season ticket holders Will have first opportunity to renew their seats for all five games at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday and Thursday, January 11 and 12. Remaining tickets for the January 18 and 19 games will be available to the public on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 9:00 a.m., Friday, January 13th. Tickets for the remaining games will go on sale one week prior to each game. In addition, we are still trying to determine how many seats will be available on the southwest portion of the Arena and the area next to the players' bench. We will keep you advised when we have made that determination. If there is any additional information I can provide, please contact me at your convenience. LJA/lg !t ' ::' · 1 C!TV iV;/'.!',!/,, city of aakersf/eld KERN RIVER BASIN SNOWPACK ACCUMULATION Water Resources EIGHT SENSOR INDEX Janua~/ 9, 1995 25.O- ' 1 ~v ~- 100% of April Avera j::: 1992-1993 Average c: - 126% A-J ' '~ _ . November December January February March April Snowpack Accumulation Season KERN RIVER BASIN SNOW SENSOR FORECAST MODEL Readings of Water Content DATE: ~ 09-Jan ~99,~ are in Inches ..... Previous Year April-July Runoff = ';, 41 % of Average SNOW SENSOR SITE Upper Tyndall Crabtree Chagoopa Wet Tunnel Casa Beach Weighted Creek Meadow Plateau' Pascoe Meadow Guard Vieja Meadow Average Elevation (feet) 11,450 10,700 10,300 9,150 8,950 8,950 8,400 7,650 -- Actual Water Content This Date 8.3 5.6 11.1 15.6 13.7 8.1 10.5 8.4 9.9 Normal Water Content This Date 12.5 9.0 9.9 11.3 13.7 7.1 10.7 5.6 10.1 % of Normal Water Content This Date 66~ 62~ 112~ 138% 100~ 114% 98% 15096 102% April 1 Average Water Content 27.7 19.8 21.8 24.9 30.3 15.6 20.9 11.0 21.6 % of April I Average Water Content 30~ 28% 51% 63% 45% 52~ 50~ 76% 48% 1) 3-Gage Precipitation Index For this Date = 29.58 inches 3-Gage Precipitation Index Normal For this Date -- 23.59 inches 3-Gage Precipitation Index in % of Normal -- 125% Percentage Into Snowpack Accumulation Season = 47% 2) Estimated April,July Runoff into Isabella Reservoir = 431,180 acre-feet -- 94% ~/ 3) Estimated April-July Runoff in % of Average · ' 1) 3-Gage precipitation index -- October I to date cumulative rainfall totals for Glennville, Pascoe & Isabella Dam 2) Assumes median snowpack accumulation subsequent to date of estimate 3) April-July average inflow to Isabella Reservoir = 461,000 acre-feet 1994-1995 '~:o: r,z~ coum'Y BOaU) OF S~RVISOe. S ' ~~-t-ti~7~I~Y COUSCiL~' G~ND JURY ~ co~ s~at~'s u~e~~ B~FIE~ CI~ ~YOR~S O~ICE P~SIDING ~GE OF ~ S~ERIOR CO~T ~OM: ~ 1994 - 95 ~ CO~ G~ gY ~: CO~I~ ~OM A CITIZ~? A~hur B. Parkim ~SOL~ION ~CO~ATION F~n ~ G~ ~Y ~CEI~S ~RODS CO~ICATIONS ~OM A~hur Adams Gelid M. Alderete glTIZENS ~TING TO ~ OR F~CI~ GRIEV~CES. Grace Lee Bailey ~R FOLLOWING A FO~ CO~I~ PROCED~, ~ICH ~eida ~han iNCL~ES ASSI~ING A CODE ~ER, C~GING ~ COSINE ~rothy C~rk ~SPONSIBLE ~ ~I~NING CO~LETE CONFIDENT~I~, ~nna L2 Engel Robea L. ~oyd A. POSSIBLE SOL, ION OR ~SOL~ION C~ BE ~C~. Bridget Heath ~ ATTA~D COPY OF A LE~ER ~OM ~ G~ J~Y ~ Claud ~ Y~ Holdem~ ~r] E. Howard A CITIZ~ IS ~ST SU~ ~ ~LE. ~IR ~ ~S BE~ ~bo~h J. Philli~ DELETED. G~ce F. Pierce SINCE ~L O~ ~ ~0~ P~TIES ~ IN SO~ ~AY CONCE~, Lynn A. Pi~ ~ymond Rowland IT IS HOP~ ~T A SOL, ION ~ILL FI~LY BE ~C~. Joseph F. Silva ~rl O. Smith ~rdon Stfi~er Ronald ~ Wol~ ADMINISTRATION & COURTS BUILDING 1415Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield,CA 93301-59~ Telephone: (805) 861-2150 December 13, 1994- The Government Conuuittee of the 1994/1995 Grand Jury has reviewed 3,our complaint regarding the cleaning of Chester Avenue and the island in the middle, as well as the presences of undesirable visitors at the apartments across S. Chester Avenue. We have inspected the area along South Chester Avenue, beginnh~g south of Wilson on the south side of the raikoad crossing down to ,,,,,here South Chester h~tersects with U~zion Avenue. Following our h~spection the followh~g action was taken: a) The Com~cihuan from Ward 1 was hffonued of the situation. The Councihnm~ did inspect the area and reported that the area did need more than the average sweeping and a~eed to i~fform the depamnent that would be responsible. b) Regardh~g the ¥Ssitors at the apartments across S. Chester, the Bakersfield Police Department was notified and made aware of the situation that exists and were requested to h~crease their patrols h~ that area. There is some difficulties h~ attempth~g to solve this situation, as there are some of the sections h~ question that are in Kern County wlfile others are within the city lhnits. Thus the problem arises regarding who is to-take the responsibility for patrollh~g and / or street maintenance. It would be the recommendation of tlfis Grand Jury that all parties involved (ie, city m~d county departments) get together m~d work out a solution that would make Bakersfield a better"All-American City". One solution would be to sweep the streets in the city in sections eYen if they contained a portion of the county. This would be much better than the spot cleaning that is currently being done. The citizens would See greater results from the property tax dollars they are spending. Page 2 It is going to be essential that thc situation along S. Chester Avenue be continually morJtored and the information gathered passed on to the proper department responsible. Many people v~thin the county and city - are currently aware of the problem which ex/sts however the knowledge must'be followed up with action to correct the problem. Corrective action v, ill benefit all the people and make Bakersfield the "All American City". Sincerely, Arthur B. Parkhas Foreman Deborah J. PMllips .Govenunent Chairman CalResources LLC Eugene J. Voiland 5060 California Avenue President and Chief Executive Officer P.O. Box 11164 Bakersfield, CA 93389-1164 (805) 326-5000 ?aECEIV D January 3, 1995 ...... ~-~ Alan Tandy JAN 6 i9c~5 ', City Manager City of Bakersfield C~TY 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield,_CA 93301 Dear Alan: Effective January 1, 1995, Shell Oil Company formed a new California company called CalResources LLC. I'd like to tell you about this company which we believe will enhance our long-term presence in Kern County and California. An affiliate of Shell, CalResources will be operated as a largely independent business. The core of CalResources will consist of the oil and gas production assets previously owned:or operated by the California Division of Shell Western E&P Inc. headquartered in Bakersfield. Steps to im'plemenl~'-the iormation°f CalRes°urceS have been unde?way fo; several months. No changes in work force levels or operations are anticipated, and the CalResources headquarters will remain in Bakersfield. This independent company is being formed to provide the autonomy and flexibility necessary to be competitive in the California business environment. We believe our increased autonomy will enhance our abi!itT.- .to.. capitalize on opportunities in much the sam~ -way a-s ii-~niill~-~-~:6~npanies. - As the implementation of CalResources proceeds, we will be communicating with our employees and the communities where we have a presence. In the meantime, don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions. In~..!o.°k!ng.forward.to continuing oUr roie 'as a major California prodUCer, we also look forward to continuing our role as an active and productive Citizen of the community. E. J. Voiland EJV:kle MK436401-48 Cox Cable Bakersfield A Subsidiary of 820 22nd Street Cox Communications, Inc, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield ....... ' January 4, 1995 Mr. Alan Tandy City Manager._. · tSO~l--T-r uxtu n_Av.e n u e ................. Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Alan: I am pleased to announce that Cox Cable is a finalist in the 1995 Beacon Awards competition. Sponsored by the Cable Television Public Affairs Association (CTPAA), the BeaCon Awards recognize excellence in public affairs throughout the cable industry. The first project selected· as a finalist, "Cox Instant Cash," was a program designed by a group of employees to reward employees for providing exceptional customer serVice. Employees receive "Cox Cash," which can be redeemed for gift ~6~'tJf,'~ates and prizes. The-:Sec°nd project, "You've Got a Choice," was developed to alert the potential cUStomers that they have a choice in cable companies. The 1995 Beacon Award winners will be announced at CTPAA's annual Forum in March, and we. are eagerly awaiting the results. Regardless of the final outcome, we are excited that our projects attained national recognition. Thank you for your continued support of Cox Cable. I'll keep you posted on this ..... and 'other-newsy-affecting our-business** Sincerely, ¥ice President/ · ' .: General Manager MEMORANDUM December 22, 1994 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: JACK HARDISTY, PLANNING DIRECT/~ SUBJECT: DOWNTOWN REZONING The proposal to rezone all of downtown Bakersfield into two unique zone districts will begin to come before the City Council January 11, 1995, as first reading of an ordinance which establishes the two new zone districts (Phase 1). Next Council will consider a general plan amendment (February 22, 1995) which changes the entire "core" area to Mixed Use Commercial, deletes all the redevelopment land use designations (D1-D5) and rescinds the Redevelopment Element (Phase 2). This later action streamlines the permit process by removing review of commercial projects by CDDA with its processing fees and loss of time. The final phase (3) of this program is the rezoning of all downtown Bakersfield now anticipated to be considered by Council in March 1995. These new zone districts and their geographic boundaries are proposed in accordance with the direction of the Central Business District Advisory Committee. Staff has had considerable public contact but so far no concerted opposition has been identified, after detailed explanations of the entire program support has been nearly universal. MG:pjt m\mat12.22 -' .... JanUary: "' · · ~ "~ '"' NOW IS THE TIME .... ; - Like we,said before, our fight has just begun[ . We have just been informed that Cai Tra'ns will be meeting with our newly eleCted officials, Barbara Patrick and Kevin McDermott, in regard to the city's and county's stance on the proposed Kern River Freeway Alignment. This meeting is to take place on january 11, 1995. Between now and then, please write and/or call these representatives in regard to your opposition to this alignment. Every call or letter is counted. Remember...there must be strength in numl~er~ for us to suceed. Supervisor Barbara Patrick City Councilman Kevin McDermott 1115 Truxtun Ave. 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 861-2248 326-3767 or 588-8838 -/ c~i~o~ ,STOP~T:HE~IN~E~A~ErFRE~E~A¥~FROM~.~AI~4~ 1NG~ ~c~:~ :?' The ~;m m~er Ffe~ay ~ b~'~; th~ fifi~: U~ of memtate 40't~ou~:the Ci~ of" B~ersfield] Tha~ me~ ~a~ more ~ ~20;000 ~eMeles per day ~ be ~g across. ~he ~ver, ~ou~ ~he ~ver,.~Mou~ ~e ~ver p~ay, across ~he Goose L~e Slou~ ~d~ou~e ~d~ 0f'[e~i. den6~ B~sfield: more ~ ~ veMcles eve~ ~o s~onds. A ~eP~ of'~'~k'~.b-e inte~mte ~! ~s ~affic does not" . .~ . . , , . . .' , :.?~ . - -..... Yet ~ek~6m smdi~:~how ~ ~e No~we~ ~ be develop~ at less demi~_th~ Southwe~ B~erffield. ~e ~ is ~ ~e ~ate ~c(S:K58,' ~e I~0)' we~e routed ~o~ ~e Ci~, ~ock wo~d n~er d~elog ~.Ros~e. a~e I~6);~6 M6j~ve~rad~"~a'b~a~ beg~d C!~ to k~p ~e rOute, ~ou~ ~e =d~e of ~ek co~~,' C~ ~i~ ~a~g ~ ~t~ to "r~ ~c - p~~ tmck,~er figs - ~o~d ~e com~.b~e of congemom" ~y does C~ w~t to PUt this,same ff~y fi~ ~ou~ ~e middle of B~ersfield? hter=ate 40 ne~ to b~ comlet~: 'Pr~'~e ve~cl~ co~g ~o (origins) V~ ~om ~e~E~mm me Stock~eH~..or Ro~e H~:, combu~g .~. si~c~y to ~e ~c on ~o~ ro~s. '~ ~ c°hmue't0 ~ow ~ ~s rome ~ most of~e ~e~?~o~g ~fi~ ~ ~e..U.S.:. D~, Ho~o~ Phoe~ ~buquer~:_ L~ Vega, Fresno~ ~e S.K 5~ rome ~ the ~ck rOme to C~oma ~om ~e Sou~em ~d Sou~e~ U.S.-. .......... ?.:,:77 ' ~ere ~e ~t~fives!..,:E~ ofB~ffi~:S.~?58.9~,,be co~t~ to S.K 178 ~_ ..~ . '~affic h~ding to po~ts no~ ~ aong ~ pa~. ~ gaffic wo~d be s~t aong 178 ~d ~ld~Sme,Ave.(up~)~to-S.~ 99:; ~,woOd,~ ~mvel 99 to St~d Ro~ wh~e ~e new I40 e~on wo~d t~e t~m t°~I,5. ~ ~c somh co~d conmue ~ong the ~g S.K 58 to S.~ 99. aoaer ' oad s'.m sa proposa E~-W~ Bel~ay whCh is pl~ ju~ mu~ ofP~ L~e. Up~e ~ pro~s~ ro~ to I~ ~d e~end k we~ to I-5. ~wo~d b~e e~c~p~:~i~ot~p~ S.R. 99 ~ ~ ~e Ro~e ~ock problem wo~d ~. ~ n~es~, ~e offi~ co~d ~ ~ge Ros~e ~d Sto~e ~ways:..: ~_~ co~d e~d.B~ ~ad e~ t0 9~, ~t. '. " ~d we~ to Enos L~e. i Moving the, roUt~ ~would not;-60St:Bakersfield any jobs. The road.construction jobs would still remain became Interstate 40':will still, be ~built. The jobs at truck stops, service stations and restaurants would still be created. The Seventh Standard Rd. Route would provide better, access, to the Kern County Airport and the new Shafter Free Trade Zone possibly encouraging more .distribution/manufacturing to move here. Rather than a freeway, the Kern River channel and the Goose Lake Slough should be used to extend bicycle paths and horseback 'trails to Lake Buena Vista and towards Buttonwillow. The usage of the Kern River and Goose Lake SloUgh for water recharge is is far superior in importance to this freeway-especially when alternative freeway routes exist. We don't need an L.A. River made of concrete through the middle of Bakersfield. In twenty years we can stillbuild all the freeways we want, but we can never create a natural channel Of the Kerr[ Don't let City Politicians and the Caltrans Bureaucrats take our River away! Kern County farmers, businesses and residents have worked long and hard to preserve the River and Slough. lust because certain develOpers and vested interests see this route as good for them doesn',t mean it's best for Bakersfield and Kern County. ImPOrtant Addresses and Phone Numbers to Voice Your Concerns Kevin McDermott 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bksfd, CA. 93301 326-3767 Mark Salvaggio - 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bksfd, CA. 93301 326-3767 Barbara Patrick 'i 115 Truxtun Ave. Bksfd; CA 93301 861-2248 Ken Peterson 1115 Truxtun Ave'. Bksfd, CA 93301 861-3213 Steve Perez 1115 Trim'un Ave. Bksfd, CA 93301 861-2537 Trice'Harvey "100 W.-Columbus St., Bksfd, CA 93301 324-3300 Suite 201- Jim Costa 1830 Truxtun Ave., Bksfd, CA 93301 323-0442 COntact these~Individuals'for More Information_ - or if You Wish to Become Involved Dennis.Bainbridge ...... 589-0404 ....~:~": -~Brad Henderson ~588~2260 - Mike-Perez 588-8142 ' Rich O'Neil 399-9672' '_ .