HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/95 BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM April 7, 1995 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUN./~I~ FROM' ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Commentary on the Vision Committee vote on the Sports Complex location: The League President, the team owner and the independent study we had from Spectrum Group all recommended that business was best in the southwest and that it was the right location for this project. The Vision group supported Sam Lynn, despite the fact that the County has not even granted formal authority to use the land, despite the fact that it is not annexed and the City cannot really participate until, and unless, it is. Their cost estimates are also totally inaccurate for Sam Lynn. The funding plan we had developed had user fees paying for nearly 50% of the costs. With the League, team and Spectrum all believing Sam Lynn was not as good for business, the "payoff potential" from user fees is also damaged. My view of the overall issue is that this has driven such a deep wedge into the support group on a controversial issue, that the project is probably dead and, along with that, baseball will be dead for Bakersfield sometime after this season. I hate failures, but see no way out of this as being a failure for the community, at least at this particular point in time. Castle & Cooke will not donate the land for the regional park absent the stadium so a $3.0 million donation is probably lost. The League President had also received a positive first sign from the Major Leagues to go toward Double A here. Thus, the locational fight may have turned Double A ball into "no ball." The proponents of Sam Lynn did not check with the League, team owner, us or the County. Their "bull in the china shop" approach has caused much harm. 2. North of the River Sanitation District may be interested in picking up sewer service in parts of CSA 71, which is the area extremely costly for us to serve in the Rosedale area. We will explore the feasibility of that. 3. Please remember that I will be leaving for England on Wednesday, April 12th. I will be out of the office through the 28th. During my absence, John Stinson will be in charge from April 12th through the Council Meeting on the 19th. Gall Waiters will be in charge from the 20th through the 28th. Gall, John, Andrea and Vice Mayor DeMond will also have the numbers where I can be contacted in England, in the event that is necessary. HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1995 .Page -2- 4. Relative to the street and park assessment issue, we are recommending the tiering of the parks assessments to reduce the impact on those districts. We are also recommending permanently absorbing the overhead charges. The overhead charges, more than anything else, annoy the public when they receive their notices on the maintenance districts. 5. At the Beautiful Bakersfield Awards Ceremony held on April 6th, the City's Good Neighbor Festival received recognition in the All America City - Civic Category. Tracie King, our VISTA volunteer in Economic/Community Development, has coordinated the Festival for the past two years. With her term coming to a conclusion in June, we congratulate her on this accomplishment, and wish her much success in the future. 6. Responses to Council referrals and inquiries are enclosed regarding traffic issues on Harris Road, Panama and Stine intersection, Hughes and Ming, Village Lane and Stockdale Highway, "H" Street, and Chester at Truxtun. 7. A status report from Development Services is enclosed, along with status reports from Public Works on the South Beltway and the State Highway 58 Alignment Study. 8. A memo from Economic Development is enclosed on the Landscaping Planning Process for Southeast Bakersfield. 9. We have requested that the Olcese Water District Board authorize its staff to enter into discussions with City staff relative to long-range planning in the Northeast. That letter is enclosed. 10. A monthly report (actually for January and February} from our Washington lobbyist is enclosed. 11. As I mentioned last week, we had a failed recruitment effort on the Management Information Systems (Data Processing} Manager position. To get it filled through a head hunter, we will have to initiate a pay level change and change the reporting structure of the division over to the City Manager's Office. The existing pay and reporting structure were not current with industry expectations. AT.alb Enclosures cc: Department Heads Trudy Slater Carol Williams K E R S F I E.,L D PUBLIC wORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director / DATE: April 3, 1995 SUBJECT: RESPONSES TO COUNCIL REFERRALS Enclosed please find responses to the following Council referrals: Referral Record# 14768 Traffic issues on Harris Road area, and Panama at Stine intersection. (Chow) Referral Record# 14769 Traffic signal at Hughes Lane and Ming Avenue. (Salvaggio) Referral Record# 14773 Timing of traffic signal at Village Lane and Stockdale Highway. (Rowles) Referral Record# 14774 Timing of lights at "H" Street Downtown. (DeMond) Referral Record# 14775 Timing of traffic signal at Chester and Truxtun Avenue. (DeMond) REF32295.AP3 Attachs. :"7~ ~ ~ BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: March 30, 1995 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER,/~ SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL FROM COUNCIL MEETING OF 3-22-95, HARRIS ROAD AREA, PANAMA/STINE INTERSECTION, WARD 6 ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: "CHOW REQUESTED STAFF INVESTIGATE SPEEDING ON HARRIS ROAD BETWEEN ASHE AND CARACUS AND INQUIRED IF A CROSSWALK COULD BE PLACED AT THE PARK SITE IN THAT AREA AND A STOP SIGN BE PLACED AT PANAMA AND STINE." TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: SPEEDING - A traffic speed survey was performed on Harris Road in the area of Ashe and Caracas Avenue. Speeds are 45 miles per hour between Ashe and Gosford and 55 miles per hour between Ashe and Stine. This information is being forwarded to the Police Department for enforcement and review. CROSSWALK - A crosswalk is not recommended at Caracas and Harris (park site). The intersection of Caracas Avenue and Harris Road is only 440 feet east of the fully traffic controlled 4-way stop intersection of Harris and Ashe. The California Traffic Manual indicates that pedestrian crossings are not appropriate if they are within 600 feet of a controlled intersection, such as Harris and Ashe. In addition, drivers heading westbound would not be expecting a pedestrian crossing so close to a controlled intersection, pedestrian crossing signs cannot be placed that close to a controlled intersection because they conflict with the required "stop ahead" signs and markings. We will continue to monitor the intersection and if pedestrians are using the intersection unsafely, we propose to installed "no pedestrian crossing" signs, i STOP SIGNS - The intersection of Panama Lane and Stine is an existing, fully stop sign controlled intersection. No additional stop signs are required. The intersection is to be signalized and construction is expected to start as early as - next month, per the Construction Inspection section. cc: Traffic Engineering File - Council Referral #14768, Harris Road and Panama/Stine slw:\DATA\WP\1995\CC#14768.Ref ,' _,: '- ' , CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL MEETING..OF:` 03/22/95 g 3 995 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARIMENI REFERRED TO: PUBLIC woRK's R ROJAS REFERRED TO- POLICE DEPT S BRUHHER ITEN' ,-R~0'RD~ 14768 ~ Traffic i'Ssues. {Chow) ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL' CHOW REQUESTED STAFF INVESTIGATE SPEEDING ON HARRIS ROAD BETWEEN ASHE AND CARACUS AND INQUIRED IF A CROSSWALK COULD 2E PLACED AT THE PARK SITE IN THAT AREA AND A STOP SIGN BE PLACED AT PANAHA AND STINE. ~AOKUP MATERIAL ATTACHED' r'40 RECEIVED DATE FORWARDED BY CITY CLERK' 03/24./95 ~ 2 Zi ~995 IRAFFICENGINEERING BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: March 30, 1995 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM' STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER~ SUBJECT: MING/HUGHES SIGNAL OPERATION, COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. 14769, WARD 7. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: "SALVAGGIO REQUESTED STAFF MAKE SURE THERE IS NO LONGER A PROBLEM WITH THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT HUGHES LANE AND MING AVENUE AND CONTACT CAROLYN CALVILLO AT 831-3930 FOR HER INPUT." TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Traffic Engineering staff had been working to resolve problems at the intersection based on other citizen calls. Contact was made with Ms Calvillo and additional information regarding the signal was obtained. Based on Ms Calvillo's new information, the problem was identified and resolved by our Traffic Operation Technician. We later recontacted Ms Calvillo and she confirmed that all the problems she had noticed were eliminated. No additional work/response required. cc: Traffic Engineering File - Council Referral No. 14769, Ming/Hughes signal slw:\DATA\WP\1995\C0#14769.Ref . REFERRED'.TO: PUBL. I.C:~ WORKS R' ROJAS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT · ITEM': RE~RDt~' '14'~69 T~a~fi,c s~gnal--at Hughes Lane and Ming Avenue; :(Salvagg~o) - - .~ .., _ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL' ' ""'":""SALVAGGTO'REQUESTED. STAFF HAKE SURE THERE IS NO' ';; .... '" LONGER A PROBLEH WITH THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT : HUGHES LANE AND HING AVENUE AND CONTACT CAROLYN '. CALVI:LLO AT 831-3930 FOR HER TNPUT. BACKUP. "ATERIAL AT. TACNED: NO DATE FORWARDED BY CITY CLERK: 03/24/95 · IRAFFiC ENGINEERING .NOTE: STATUS CHANGES ARE TO BE ENTERED FOR EACH REFERRAL AT LEAST ONCE A HONTH EVEN IF NO ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN! BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: March 30, 1995 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR · FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: VILLAGE LANE AND STOCKDALE HWY SIGNAL OPERATION, COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. 14773, WARD 5 ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: "ROWLES REQUESTED PUBLIC WORKS CHECK THE TIMING OF THE LEFT TURN SIGNAL LIGHT AT VILLAGE LANE AND STOCKDALE HIGHWAY." TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: Traffic Engineering staff have investigated this complaint, and a previous complaint of a few months ago, regarding left turn timing at the intersection. So far we have not been able to identify a recurring problem. The time clocks may have been "out of synch" with the other adjacent signals due to power outages in the area from recent storms. The timing parameters programmed into the signal computer are as designed and the traffic operation appears to be as designed. Some minor changes in the hours of operation of the signal coordination with adjacent signals have been made which may alleviate the P,~dbl em. '[ ';',-,',~ . We will continue to review the operation of the signal for improvements. We welcome additional information on the perceived timing problem, if available. cc: Traffic Engineering File - City Council Referral No. 14773. Village/Stockdale signal slw:\DATA\WP\1995\CC#14773.Ref · . J' . ." ' ' ' : '. ' '..", · - ' ' '~ ,' .. ' . ~ -.ll_-Jl_:. ' ~.-.. :' :. : , -.': - ....... .., ,. . ........... . .~ .... ~.~!:...-- -- :,,-:-:.'... 'MEET,ING.-OF :-.- 03 .5:.>: : ~ ~ 3' '" " 'ITEM: RECORD~ 14773 · Traffic signal ak Village Lane and Stockdale ~ H'ighway. (Rowles) ACTZON TAKEN BY .COUNCIL: ROWLES REQUESTED PUBLIC WORKS CHECK THE TIMING OF THE.--LEFT TURN SIGNAL LIGHT AT VILLAGE LANE AND .- STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, · BACKUP MATERIAL ATTACHED:' NO -- , DATE FORWARDED BY CITY' CLERK- 03/24/95 1RAFFIC ENGINEERING NOTE: STATUS CHANGES ARE TO BE ENTERED FOR EACH REFERRAL AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH EVEN IF NO ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN! - BAKE I~ S F I ELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: March 30, 1995 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER~ SUBJECT: H STREET TRAFFIC SIGNAL TIMING DOWNTOWN, CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. 14774, WARD 2. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: "DEMOND REQUESTED PUBLIC WORKS CHECK THE TIMING OF LIGHTS AT H STREET DOWNTOWN FOR A TRAFFIC FLOW PROBLEM." TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: The time clocks in the traffic signal controllers on H Street, and on F Street, were found to be out of synchronization with adjacent traffic signals. This caused traffic flow problems for both the H Street and F Street corridors downtown. Cause of the time clock error was determined to be the recent storm power outages and voltage fluctuations. The Traffic Operations Technician from Traffic Engineering reset the time clocks and synchronization. Time clocks are also checked on a regular basis by the traffic signal maintenance crews of General Services. The Traffic Engineering multi-year program of installing traffic signal interconnection conduit and cable throughout the City, with connections to the Traffic Engineering office, will reduce or eliminate time clock drift. The H Street corridor is part of the program for future installation/connection. cc: Traffic Engineering File - Council Referral No. 14774, H Street signals dwtn. slw:\DATA\WP\1995\CC#14774.Ref · PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REFERRED TO: PUBL-]'C'WORKS R ROJAS ITEM: ~'-R-EcORD#-...1 4 7 7 4 ' ~ Trat:~c s~na'l' a~ H Street. (DeMond) ACTION TAKEN .BY COUNCIL: ~'~' DEMOND REQUESTED PUBLIC WORKS CHEK THE TIMING OF LIGHTS'AT H STREET DOWNTOWN FOR A TRAFFIC FLOW · PROBLEM. BACkup MATERIAL ATTACHED' NO 'RECEIVED · ~AR 2 4 1995 DATE-FORWARDED BY CITY CLERK- 03/24/95 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING· NOTE' STATUS CHANGES ARE TO BE ENTERED FOR EACH REFERRAL AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH EVEN T_F NO ACTT_OH NAS BEEN TAKEN! BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: March 31, 1995 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER,~~ SUBJECT: TRAFFIC SIGNAL OPERATION AT CHESTER/TRUXTUN, CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. 14775, WARD 2. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: "DEMOND REQUESTED THE TIMING OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT CHESTER AND TRUXTUN BE CHECKED FOR TRAFFIC FLOW AT EVENING RUSH." TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S RESPONSE: The Traffic Engineer has been reviewing the traffic operation of this location, previous to receiving the referral, due to observed increases in traffic congestion and backup, especially on Chester Avenue. The traffic volumes and traffic patterns have changed over the past year with the addition of new businesses and the opening of the Superintendent of Schools office on 17th Street. The traffic signal appears to be operating as designed and programmed. The signal is balanced for greatest traffic flow efficiency and minor changes have been made in the past 6 months to adjust to changes in traffic volumes. It appears the intersection is simply overcapacity for about 10 to 15 minutes during the evening peak of traffic flow. No immediate changes are proposed at this time to the signal timing. Our Traffic Operations Tech will be checking the signal timing in more detail over the next few weeks for possible minor changes that will not upset the balance of traffic flow at this critical intersection. We had already identified the need to update the coordination of the 20+ signals in the downtown grid coordination program and added it to our workload. This signal timing revision is very labor intensive and requires manual counting of vehicles at all the downtown intersections during the peak hours. We will be gathering this data over several months and may need to augment our staff with temporary help to get the information. The previous retiming downtown took about 10 months for data collection, computer modeling, analysis and programming to be completed. The past retiming was funded by a state grant program which is no longer available. cc: Traffic Engineering File - Chester/Truxtun signal operation, Council Referral No. 14775 sIw:\DATA\VVP\1995\CC#14775.Ref · ' NEETTNG OF: 03/22Z95 ~AR 2 3 1995 ' '"" ""i~';~'!'"~::"" .... ' "' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REFERRED TO: PUBLIC;,,WORKS "R ROJAS '. ITEH: RECORDer..14775 .Traffic signal al; Chester and Truxl;un Avenues, '(:DeHond) ACTION .T-AKEN BY COUNCIL: DEMOND REQUESTED THE TIMING OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT CHESTER AND TRUXTUN BE CHECKED FOR TRAFFIC FLOW AT EVENING RUSH HOUR, BACKUP HATERIAL ATTACHED' NO RECEIVED 2 4 DATE FORWARDED BY CITY CLERK' ~_3./24/95 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING NOTE: STATUS CHANGES ARE TO BE ENTERED FOR EACH REFERRAE AT LEAST ONCE A NONTH EVEN IF NO ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN! DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STATUS REPORT March 31, 1995 1. We were well represented at the International Conference of Building Officials (Cal Chapter) this month. Our disaster response trailer was found to be very impressive. We were advised to set a rental rate for it so if it is used in another community it would be eligible for FEMA reimbursement. Several of our staff received certification as disaster inspectors/appraisers. We learned that in 1997 California communities would be subject to the Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule for setting of insurance premiums. The rating is based on training, codes and certifications. 2. The last of the Code Enforcement team was hired - Permit Technician. In searching ways to stretch our money we found that demolition is generally not subject to Davis/Bacon prevailing pay rate. There is a separate memo to you on that. 3. There are a couple of significant new apartment projects about to start. One with 110 units has been permitted on the north side of Auburn, west of Morning Drive. The other is a complex of 101 units at the southwest corner of Hageman Road and Fruitvale Avenue. 4. Destec was pressure testing the cogen steam lines this week which caused an unusual noise. You, the Mayor, and Councilwoman Smith were all contacted by Shirley James who was concerned that the sound might be coming from permanent on-line equipment. I explained to her it was only a temporary test noise. Destec is nearing completion but has quite a bit of finish up work to do. 5. Based on this morning's news it appears there is one more safety benefit to moving Coffee Road to the west of Sunland Refining. The Planning Commission approved the new alignment at its last meeting. It should be to the City Council for adoption in May. The anticipated completion date for construction is 1997. 6. Gail met with the BIA on March 3, 1995, and thought she had agreement on the new fee schedule so it was set it for hearing on April 5, 1995. We just heard there was still some discontent and Stan had a cordial meeting w~th BIA representatives Friday. They are generally disgruntled at having to pay the costs to do the work. When asked what their position would be at the hearing they replied that they didn't know. 7. Tom Fallgatter has filed a notice of intent to sue over our approval of Castle and Cooke's new senior village west of Calloway, north of the river. Ironically, there has been such a positive response to the project that Castle and Cooke has applied to expand it westerly and upgrade the golf course. And, an application to amend the general plan east of Calloway for an elder care facility has been filed. i! APR 3 ~995 -2- 8. The deadline for June general plan amendments closed on Friday, March 24 and staff is preparing a separate memo describing the applications. 9. The Chamber of Commerce's Local Government Committee requested a planner to discuss the 2010 General Plan. Jim Movius who helped with the plan attended. It turned out to be a discussion of our treatment of Mesa Matin. Trudy was there. 10. Joel Heinrichs sent a report to the newspaper about what a good job the Development Services Department of the county had to improve service. Chris Bagdikian asked me to do something similar representing the City's Development Services Department. I will be working off the Permit Streamlining 'Task Force Report and improvements which predate it. 11. I met this week with Ron Brummet to discuss coordination of GIS work. Other agencies are finally seeing the advantages of GIS and of helping each other. Ron is working towards a County-wide GIS and Bakersfield is already established as the cornerstone. He has asked me to meet with other agency representatives to work on a draft MOU which would divide up the work and responsibilities. It could save us in maintenance costs if we could rely on others to add all new subdivisions, building permits, and census data. 12. Fred Kloepper and I met with representatives of Kern County and Caltrans on how to wrap up the Highway 58 route adoption. Most of what needs to be done from hereon is up to Caltrans staff. In the face of required cutbacks they will argue the need to salvage all the work that has been done. Within the next six months they could (if approved) wrap up reports on water quality, air quality, energy and visual impact. The reports could go to the Federal Highway Admin in January or February 1996 and route adoption hearings could be scheduled by California Transportation Commission in May. They could use some help from us on monitoring development and ownership, visual impact studies and conceptual design of interchange at the Stockdale, Renfro, west beltway, Kern River freeway convergence. Fred is coordinating. 13. aul dI.wie umll projectf r~ ~ti~p er on how to niove fo~ p:mar.95 B A K E R.S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raui Rojas, Public Works Director~~~ DATE: April 3, 1995 SUBJECT: STATUS OF SOUTH BELTWAY & STATE HIGHWAY 58 ALIGNMENT STUDY For your information and Council distribution, attached are status reports regarding the South Beltway and State Highway 58 Caltrans Alignment Study. SH58STUS.A03 Attach. B A K E R.S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM March 31, 1995 TO: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director FROM: Fred L. Kloepper, Assistant Public Works Director~/~---- SUBJECT: South Beltway Status We have completed the display map for the various options as were reviewed at our Superintendents' meeting on March 30, 1995. I met with Ted James of Kern County Planning that same day and went over the various options that had been evaluated. He left with the display map in his possession to utilize in discussions with his staff. He intends to get back to me by next Friday, April 7th with comments and recommendations. Upon receipt, and incorporation, of the county comments I propose the process go forward in the following manner, or variation thereof: 1. Schedule the matter for an Urban/Development meeting to review the alignments and staff recommendations. 2. Meet with county staff and involved supervisors for review of proposal. 3. Present the proposal to the IGR (optional). 4. Consult with Caltrans for their informal approval, recommendations. 5. Using preferred alternative, after consultation, prepare legal descriptions for specific plan line, including interchange areas. (2-3 months) 6. Schedule and notice a hearing before the Planning Commission with Kern County staff participation for EIR approval and specific plan line consideration. 7. Schedule the specific plan line for adoption by the City Council. CC: Jack Hardisty _E _VA_ _LkJ A_T!q N p_F. A.L.T_ER__N _AT!YE ~ ( SOUTH BEL TWA Y ALIGNMENTS ) · J~. Brundage Ln Alignment "A#" = = 1-2-3-4-X-Z- 12 '.. Alignment "AA1" = = 1 -2-3-4- X-Y-5-Z- 12 Alignment"AA2" == I-2-3-4-X-Y-5-13-14 Alignment "AA3" = = ! - 2 - 3 - 4 - X- Y - 5 - ! 3- 15 _M_.!.n_.~ Ave. Alignment "BBI" = = 1-2-3-5-7-Z- 12 Alignment "BB2" = = 1-2-3-7-5- 13-14 Alignment "BB3" = = 1 - 2 - 3 - 7 - 5- 13 - ! 5 Alignment "CC" = = 1-2-9- 10-11 Planz Rd. Alignment"CC1" == 1-2-9-10-7-5-Z-12 .................................................. ......................... Allgnm.nt "0C2" = = 1 - 2- 9-, 0- 7- 5- 13- '4 / Alignment"CC3" = = ! -2-9- 10-7-5- 13- 15 Ltl. ~' ~/~." Hosking ' ~/ ' 5~" 8 .H...~,~ ..... ~. ? :. --~e ·C-,C,, // ii - 1~, ........... :- . . i~:~'' ~: ~5 e c o 'o o B- A K E R.S F I E-L D · PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM March 21, 1995 TO: F'fles - Somh Beitway FROM: Fred L. Kloepper, Assistant Public Works Director SUBJECT: Analysis of Alternatives The attached matrix contains information that may be used to evaluate the various alternatives. The three basic alternatives are McCutcheon Road (AA), Taft Highway (BB), and DiGiorgio Road (CC). Evaluation of the various facwrs follows for each route ("AA", etc.. includes all variations.) "AA" and "BB" are clearly superior to "CC". "AA" is generally better than "BB" at reducing SR 99 congestion. Cost "AA' is clearly cheaper than "BB". "AA" and "CC" are about equivalent. Environmental Impacts Except for farmland impacts "CC"is superior to "AA" and "BB". "AA" affects fewer residences than "BB". "AA" affects far fewer commercial operations than "BB". Alternative Analysis The "Section D"-analysis does not differentiate much dramatic diff~ between 'AA', "BB', and 'CC". Recommendation Si_~_, "AA" provides good service characteristics at 30-50 % less cost than "BB" and_ "CC"is not as efficient as "AA" at about the same cost, "AA" is the set of alternative~-- that. should be prepared and pr~ented as the ~ altmntive. SOUTH BELTWAY Ratings Alternative Groups Factors Weighting "AA" "BB" "CC Service Levels 10 10 9 2 Cost 10 9 0 10 Environmental 10 9 0 10 Alt. Analysis Totals: 33 14 27 ;i'..~ .~,~. " EVALUATION OFAL1EI;i~ATIVE$ ' ~ ' ' ' ..,~,~, ?' ~i, ~.~:'~!~:~ ..... ':" "" ' *''~ - " ? ($OUTHBELTWAYALIGNMEN7'~) ,~*i::~'"' ','~ ~.:,i~"-~: ~.',~"~" ,~,]~Da~M. "]flg fac,~ a 2 .]~'(~) '. ' ~g 50/49 52/~g 54/48 54/46 50/49 '4g/2B 50/4i 4~ ~ ~2/2~ ~ '~ ' :~."'J2:~A~gev/c ra~oon'~l link~ip ~dor :: - 0:29 0.29 0.26 0.30 0.30 0.~ 0.22 0.28 0.26 0.23 0.15 0.i87 :J:O.18 >:~/!mp~mem In co~on dow~ · ' 0 - 0 0 0 ~ 0' 0 :, ~ ~",.,~:7. Im~mem in ~s~on 6n 8. R: 99 . 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Rojas, Public Works I)irector FROM: Fred L. Kloepper~ Assistant Public Works I)irecto~t~-~ SUBJECT: SI-I 58 Caltrans Alignment Study Status I attended a meeting at the County Public Services Building March 30, 1995 attended by Caltrans and Kern County Transportation staff. Jack Hardisty was also there on behalf of the City. Caltrans staff is not overly pleased with the performance of Parsons - Delew and do not wish their work continued, even using potential City and County funds. The consultant is about to be removed from the project due to edicts from the courts relative to contracting out and reduction-in-force of Caltrans staff. Alan McCuen and Mary Fredericks proposed that Caltrans is prepared to complete the route adoption process using their own staff with some assistance from City and County staff. That assistance will include furnishing new aerial photographs (which will soon be underway), helping with developing notification lists, perhaps completing the visual impact report, and completing our GIS effort along the freeway alignment. McCuen expects the Water Quality, Energy, Air Quality, and Visual Impact reports to be completed in 3-5 months. They are hopeful of submitting the draft EIS/EIR to the FHWA in January or February, 1996. If this occurs, as planned, then the CTC hearing could take place in May or June, 1996. BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEM_ORANDUM March 31, 1995 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Developmentq~recto~ ...<3x,~-x-~ SUBJECT: Landscaping Planing Process for Southeast Bak~?sfield. A plan is beginning to take shape that would integrate various components into the development of a Southeast Bakersfield Landscaping Improvement Plan. This memorandum will attempt to lay out the various components involved and how they will be integrated with one another. The first component involved is the offer made by Texaco to plan and nurture (for one year) 10,000 seedlings'. At the conclusion of the one year period, various organizations which had applied to receive a specified number of the seedlings, would then plant them on public land. The Community Advisory Council (CAC) for the Southeast Bakersfield Incentive Area has submitted an application for 2,000 trees. In order to help determine the optimum locations at which to plant these trees a recommendation was made to the CAC to secure the services of a "design team" composed of upper level urban design students from California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo. In looking into this possibility, it has been established that Kern Cog may be able to provide some grant funds to offset some of the incidental cost (transportation, lodgings, and supplies) incurred by the design team. Kern Cog has also indicated that additional grant funds may be available to construct any necessary infrastructure associated with the tree plantings (i.e., irrigation, planter areas, etc.). In discussing Cal Poly's interest in such a project it was indicated that, while very much interested, the design team could not commence work until the Fall Semester 1995. All of these suggestions and preliminary expressions of interest were initiated by Supervisor Shell. At the exact time that this initial idea was being formulated, an offer was made by the Local Government Commission on behalf of the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District to Put on a workshop (at no cost to the community). In discussing the preliminary concept with the commission's staff, the discussion on the workshop (which would be led by a professional 1 1995 ~"~ 'urban designer) centered on the idea of hosting an evening event which would help establish some ~, project parameters which could be further refined by the Cal Poly design team. The commission ~ staff indicated that the only date available for Bakersfield was Monday, June 12, 1995. The last component that could be weaved into this concept is the submittal of a CDBG funding application to the City of Bakersfield and the County of Kern for the installation of those improvements deemed necessary and not fundable through other grant sources. The end result of this process could be the further greening of Metro Bakersfield, and an improved appearance of the Incentive Area. I believe the planning should focus on three areas of the Incentive Area: 1) The primary entry to Metro Bakersfield (Highway 58); 2) Major arterial roads (Union Avenue, Brundage Lane, California Avenue); and 3) Collectors (Lakeview Avenue, Cottonwood Road). The end result of beautifying this area would be in keeping with some of the stated interests of the Future Bakersfield Conference. Outlined below is a possible timeline of the planning process as currently envisioned: [] Planting of seedlings at Texaco Refinery - April 1, 1995 [] Community Design Workshop - June 12, 1995 [] Cal Poly design team project start - September 1995 [] Completion of Cai Poly design team project - November 1995 [] Submission of Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program (EEMP) Grant - November 1995 [] Submission of City/County CDBG Application - January 1996 [] Seedlings available from Texaco - April 1996 [] Submittal to HUD of CDBG Application - May 1996 [] Approval of EEMP Grant - July 1996 [] Commencement of Southeast Bakersfield Landscaping Enhancement Project - July 1996 This concept is still in the formulative stage. Please share any ideas you may have. I will periodically advise you of progress being made. dlt:jw7 treegrnt.mem 2 ' C IT'Y OF ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER , DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES OENE BOGART. M~na~er '~ FLORN CORE, W,ter Re~ourc~ Director PATRICK E. HAUPTMAN, Superintendent b~'EVE LAFOND, Forecasting ~nd Record~ MAURICE RANDALL, Buaine~ M~n~ger KERN RIVER DISPATCHER 326-3716 April 3, 1995 Mr. John F. Gregory, President Olcese Water District P. O. Box 651 Bakersfield, CA 93302 RE: Long Range Planning Dear Mr. Gregory: With the completion of the Northeast Sewer Trunkline Project occurring this year, the opportunity for accelerated growth and development in the Northeast area of the City will soon become a reality. The City and Olcese currently share many operations involving Kern River water, the City's "2800 Acres" and a mutual interest in the potential construction of the Northeast Water Supply Project. Since these matters center on a dependable, stable and economic water service to the citizens of the City, we are suggesting that the City of Bakersfield and Olcese Water District explore long range planning issues to support development and provide for an orderly, sustained growth in the northeast well beyond the year 2012. We request that the Olcese Board authorize its staff to enter into discussions with the City staff to establish a plan for the future operations and augmentation of high quality, low cost water supplies for the benefit of City residents located in the Northeast/Olcese area. We look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Sincerely, Water Resources Manager ,~,_% .: .. ~'~ - . cc: Mayor/City Water Board/City Councilmembers ',' .~-- Alan Tandy, City Manager Judy Skousen, City Attorney L ......... Tom Stetson, Stetson Engineers 1000 BUENA VISTA ROAD · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93311 · (805) 326-3715 E. DEL SMITH AND COMPANY, INC. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS 1 130 CONNECTICUT AVENUE, N.W. SUITE 650 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 (202) 822-8300 FAX (202) 822-8315 March 27, 1995 MemorandUm. to-.Man Tandy, City. M~nager~ -City of Bakersfield From: .Del Smith, Washington Representative Subject: January and February Report on Federal Advocacy 1. 1995 National Highway System Authorization- This office has continued liaison with the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for inclusion of CA178 in legislation to designate the National Highway System (NHS). The 1994 House passed NHS bill, which included $4.5 million of spending authority for CA178, did not become law because the Senate did not pass its version of the legislation. Therefore, this office is also working with the Senate authorizing Committee, the ~ Environment and Public Works Committee, on behalf of the City to see that a NHS bill is completed this year. 2. FY 1996 Tr_ansportation Appropriations- Del Smith met personally with the Chairman Frank Wolf of the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Transportation to discuss CA178 and FY 1996 Transportation Appropriations on January 23, 1995. This office has been working with Assistant Public Works Director, Fred Kloepper, to develop economic justification for inclusion of CA178 in NHS legislation and FY 96 Appropriations. City of Bakersfield Page Two 3. Waste Water Treatment Plant- Per Del Smith's December meeting in Los Angeles with Charlie Oaks, Economic Development Administration (EDA) Los Angeles District Director, this office will work with EDA at the Washington level in support of District and Regional grant recommendations for this project. 4. Crime Bill/Supplemental Police Hiring Grants- This office ~orked-with the Depafanenffof Justice Assistgnce and the House Judiciary Committee to ensure that existing grants not be impacted by the Republican re-write and rescission of many of the programs established under the of the Crime Control Act of 1994. The City's COPS AHEAD grant was not affected by the legislation passed by the House of Representatives on February 14, 1995.