HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/09/99 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM July 9, 1999 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Ogden announced today that another major act will be appearing at Centennial Garden - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Sunday, August 22nd. 2. We are actively working on the $2.1 million dollar "special council goal" effort on the street resurfacing bid list. It will, for your information, include some $91,000 in work in the Palm and Olive annexation areas. 3. On April 19th, we sent the County a counter offer on CSA-71 which was distributed to you at that time. While we have not yet received a response from them, we do have a staff level meeting next week. Hopefully, there will be progress. 4. A memo from EDCD is enclosed with information on the timeline for adoption of the 1999 Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Implementation Plan. 5. A progress report on the plans being made by the First Night® Bakersfield Steering Committee is enclosed. 6. Economic and Community Development has offered single-family rehabilitation loans to eligible families since 1979. During that time Council has approved increases to the maximum loan limits for both the 4% loan and the 0% deferred loans. The last increase was in 1989 to $27,000 for both types of loans. At the July 21st Council meeting, we will request that the limits be increased to $35,000 and authorize Economic Development staff to execute loan agreements up to the approved single- family rehabilitation loan limits. A memo is enclosed. 7. A copy of correspondence sent to KernCOG requesting their reconsideration of our request for funding of the State Route 178/ Fairfax Road interchange project is enclosed. 8. 'The June activity report from Recreation and Parks is enclosed. Honorable Mayor and City Council July 9, 1999 Page 2 9. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: · Provide information on eligibility of Pacheco #10 area for CDBG assistance; · Re-stripe area of Hughes Lane that is the entrance drive into the Holiday Inn and mobile home estates; · Status report on study related to request for stop light at 8th and T Streets; · Status of updating speed limits on various sections of White Lane; · Contact citizen regarding concerns and ideas for improving City bike lanes; · Provide administrative report re refuse fees to citizen; · Police action re vandalism to residences in northwest Bakersfield; · Provide background information on Legislation and Litigation Committee Reports; · Invite representative from California Trucking Association to next Water Board meeting; · Provide clarification on the status of state funding for the Kern River Freeway; · Action re installation of 4-way stop at Ming and Scarlet Oak; · Bike Path Hazard - work in progress and letter will be sent to citizen who inquired; · City Council/Board of Supervisors meeting agenda items - Alan Christensen to coordinate; · Refer Kern Transportation Foundation opinion polls to Urban Development Committee - John Stinson to coordinate; · Street sweeping routes - staff is preparing a memo to be forwarded at a later date; · Notification/policy changes re City standard for trench patches - messages exchanged; · Appointment set re discussion of monthly investment report and CAFR; · Check validity of a portion of the minutes from the March 31st meeting of the Board of Realtors Local Government Relations.Committee. cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM July 8, 1999 TO: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director FROM: Donna Barnes, Development Associate~f~ SUBJECT: Timeline for the 1999 Downtown Bakel~tY61d Redevelopment Project Area Implementation Plan The following timeline shows target dates for staffto revise, and for the Central District Development Agency (CDDA) to adopt, the November 1999 Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment Project Area Implementation Plan. California Community Redevelopment Law (CRL) requires that each agency adopt a five year implementation plan that describes the agency's goals and expenditures, and provides documentation for the link between the elimination of blight and the redevelopment agency's proposed actions. The first implementation plan was adopted by the CDDA in November 1994. CRL states that after adoption of the first plan, the parts of the plan that address the low- and moderate-income housing fund, expending the housing funds, and replacement dwelling units for those destroyed must be adopted every five years. The five year implementation plan update may be done in conjunction with the City's 2010 General Plan Housing Element update or may be updated by each redevelopment agency every five years. July 6 Begin work on amending the existing implementation plan. The implementation plan must contain the specific goals and objectives of the CDDA for the Downtown Redevelopment Project; the specific projects and expenditures proposed to be'made during the five-year period of the plan; an explanation of how the goals and objectives, projects and expenditures will eliminate blight; and how the housing related requirements of CRL Sections 33334.2, 33334.4, 33334.6, and 33413 (replacement housing, if applicable) will be implemented. All of these sections, other than replacement housing which was not applicable, were addressed in the 1994 plan. In addition, the implementation plan must contain, for each of the five years, an annual housing program with sufficient detail to measure performance, including a descrivtion of the number of housing units destroyed and/or remoYed~om;the;i~-:~ ~.C low- and moderateqncome housing market as part of a redev~ subject to a written agreement w~th the agency and the number, rehabilitated, price restricted and/or otherwise assisted by the agency. The agency shall, within four years of the removal of the dwelling units, cause to be developed an equal number of replacement dwelling units. Further, the implementation plan must describe the Agency's plans for the use of the annual deposits in the low- and moderate-income housing fund including: making the funds available annually; transfer of the funds to a housing authority or other public entity; or accrual of the funds for specific projects. Adoption of the implementation plan does not constitute an approval of any specific program, project, or expenditure and will not change the need to obtain any required approval of a specific program, project, or expenditure from the agency of the community. Section 33413 which applies to replacement housing requirements will most likely not apply because there are no known projects within the project area that will result in the destruction or removal of dwelling units that will have to be replaced pursuant to subdivision (a) of Code Section 33413 of the CRL. CRL states that the Agency may amend the plan after conducting a public hearing on the proposed amendment. August 16 First draft of the amended Implementation Plan. Begin public participation exercise. Sept. 16 Final draft of the amended Implementation Plan. October 6 Notice of public hearing will be published pursuant to Section 6063 of the Government Code. As required, it will be posted in at least four permanent places within the project area for a period of three weeks. October 28 Publication and posting are completed. This must be done not less than 10 days prior to the date set for the hearing. November 8 CDDA holds public hearing to adopt the implementation plan. I intend to amend the existing implementation plan by updating all sections as required by law including proposed agency expenditures, housing unit data, information regarding the low-and moderate-housing fund, identify specific projects, goals, and objectives, and address the housing requirements of CRL. The end result will be a hybrid plan of what was adopted in 1994 and the recently adopted implementation plan prepared by GRC Redevelopment Consultants for the Old Town Kern-Pioneer and the Southeast Bakersfield redevelopment project areas and public comment. Please respond by indicating if this is the direction you would like me to pursue or if you have other suggestions. P:\Implementation Plan 99\time line.wpd BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM July 8, 1999 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~ FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Directo SUBJECT: First Night® Bakersfield Update The First Night® BakersfieM Steering Committee has made a great deal of progress over the past few months. The committee is now 15 strong, each with a sub-committee of various sizes working on specific elements of the celebration (e.g. budget, buttons, volunteers, marketing, venues, performing artists, etc.). The Steering Committee is a strong reflection of the community's support for this effort with representatives from both the public and private sector, as well as individual citizens on board (see attached list). There still remain four vacancies, however. The logistical elements of the undertaking are under way as well with the formation of a City Logistics Task Force comprised of representatives from each department. Community outreach regarding the event began in May with the Cinco de Mayo parade at which volunteers handed out flyers and helped children make "shakers" comprised of dried beans in empty water bottles (supplied by Water Resources Department). There has been a First Night~ presence at each street faire since then, as well as the Chamber of Commerce mini-trade show and the Fourth of July Fireworks at Memorial Stadium. As community volunteers come on board, future public events will include a First Night~ element. On May 18 the Mayor hosted a breakfast of a dozen private business and community leaders. The purpose of the breakfast was to quickly inform a number of people about the celebration and ask their support as the project is developed. Staff and committee members are following up with individual meetings as appropriate. The Preforming and Visual Artists committees are currently seeking applications from all categories of performance and visual artists. When received, each applicant will be reviewed by a panel based on specific criteria using a tape, CD, video or full audition. Visual artists are SSJF\First Night\ 1 st Nite AT mem4.wpd :' ,. Page 2 July 8, 1999 Alan Tandy required to submit appropriate material as well. Every effort is being made to ensure that this first First Night. represents the best of our community. One of the primary focuses for the committee at this time is raising funds to underwrite the celebration. To that end a sponsorship brochure has been produced along' with a sponsorship package detailing the various levels of marketing opportunities. Presentations have been made to a number of businesses with initial positive responses. While the preliminary response has been very positive, no one, as of yet, has agreed to a specific level of sponsorship, however. Based on those responses, staff is optimistic about securing sufficient funds for the event. In addition, now that we are in the new fiscal year, staff is preparing the application for inclusion in the First Night. International organization to be submitted by the end of July along with the one-time-only $3,000 fee. Staff is also outlining a presentation to the City Council for its July 21 workshop during which a 5 minute video will be shown. Additional updates will be forwarded to you as milestones occur with the project. S:\JF\First Night\lst Nite AT mem4.wpd B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM July 8, 1999 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director ~~ SUBJECT: Single-Family Rehabilitation Program - Request for Increase BACKGROUND Each year the City's Economic Community Development Department provides Deferred and Below Market Interest Rate Home Improvement loans for the rehabilitation of single-family dwellings for' low-income persons. Research and survey results justifying the need for this high priority program are outlined in the City of Bakersfield's Consolidated Plan 2000. Currently, an average of 15 homes a year are rehabilitated under this program, utilizing approximately $400,000 a year in federal HOME grant funds. Current loan limits of $27,000 each, for both deferred and amortized, for this program are inadequate. The Economic and Community Development Staff is requesting that this limit be increased to $35,000 for each type of loan. Based on guidelines outlined in the Community Development's Housing Procedure Manual, there are two loan repayment options for the assistance being offered: a 4% amortized loan with low monthly payments over fifteen years; or a 0% deferred loan with no payments for fifteen years or when title is transferred. Applicants whose household income is sufficient to afford a monthly loan payment will receive the 4% loan. A 0% deferred loan is available when the amount of rehabilitation work required exceeds an applicants ability to afford the cost. A combination of the two loans is offered when the homeowner's income will not support the payment of the total amortized loan amount. At no time does the City over-encumber the homeowner's property. As outlined in the Housing Procedure Manual, the maximum loan to value allowable is 90% for those homeowners in targeted (low/mod income census tracts) areas and 80% elsewhere. On January 5, 1983 (amortized loans) and March 29, 1989 (deferred loans) the City Council authorized the Community Development staff to increase loan limits on each program to $27,000. Since that time, staff has been interpreting the rehabilitation guidelines to read that each project may utilize a combination of amortized and deferred loans, as long as each loan does not exceed the $27,000 loan limit set by City Council. As outlined above, this maximum funded amount is always dependent on the 80% - 90% equity guidelines detailed in the Housing Procedures Manual. REQUEST The Economic and Community Development staff has recently been reviewing it's rehabilitation guidelines and wishes to clarify the maximum loan limits allowable for each rehabilitation project. Consistent with current procedures, staff is requesting that we have the authority to offer each homeowner a combination of amortized and deferred loans, as long as each loan does not exceed the previously described loan to value ratio. At the same time, we are requesting that the loan limit for each type of loan (amortized and deferred) be raised to $35,000. Based on a modest 2% inflationary increase per year, the last City Council authorized increase in 1989 to $27,000 would equate to approximately $33,000. Projecting the same 2% increase over the next five years would put the new loan limit at $35,000. This percentage increase is consistent with labor and material cost increases in the building industry as reflected in bids received. Clarification and approval of amortized and deferred loan limits will allow us to continue to provide decent and suitable living environments for low income homeowners. It will also allow us to proceed with three current projects that are pending approval of this request. With your concurrence, we wish to place this request on the July 21 City Council agenda for consideration. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE :' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 326-3724 July 7, 1999 ~UL ~ RO~AS, D~.CmR.Cra' Kern Council of Governments 1401 19th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Ron Brummett, Executive Director RE: STATE ROUTE 178 & FAIRFAX ROAD INTERCHANGE Dear Mr. Brurnmett: On May 22, 1997, CalTrans approved a Project Study Report (PSR) for the above referenced interchange construction. This PSR was funded entirely by city funds. The project now stands ready to move forward to the PA/ED phase. It should be noted that the PSR which was completed is a full and complete PSR rather than the "Environmental. Only" PSR's that are currently being performed. It has': been brought to our attention that the 7'h Standard Road· Project sponsored· by the City of Shafter may have significant savings available that could be used towards the Fairfax Road project PA/ED. Since the City's project is already poised to move for~vard and funds appear to be available for the PA/ED phase, please consider this letter as a formal request for your board to reconsider funding this project. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you in the veD' near future. Very truly Yours, cc: Councilmember Maggard Alan Tandy Jack LaRochelle ~ i DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: July 8, 1999 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks FROM: SUBJECT: Monthly Report for June 1999 Attached are the staff reports for departmental activity in June. If you require additional information or detail, please let me know. Of special note in June was: Aquatics: As I informed you previously, the lifeguards performed very well in there first operational audit. They earned a composite score of 97.5%. I believe that this audit was the result of a well planned and organized training and orientation program. Additionally, some minor enhancements made to the competitive program have resulted in some dramatic improvements in that program. Sally Ihmels, Holly Larson and their staff have done an excellent job in making our entire aquatics program one that we can all be proud of. Summer Camps: Camp King and the Silver Creek day camps are filled to capacity. We are exploring options to accommodate the existing waiting lists. The following quote, provided in Linda McVicker's report, is hopefully reflective of the program and our commitment to quality and service. "My daughter loves your program more than any other here in Bakersfield." Regatta: As mentioned in a previous memo, this was a very successful event and we will be co-sponsoring next years event with the Water Resources Department. Beach Park Soccer Field: New sod has been installed and the field is open for use. Windsor Park: The city's newest park was dedicated on June 6. The department would like to thank Councilmember Couch for his assistance with the dedication. Additional Acreage: Also attached is a quarterly report indicating additional acreage that the department will now be maintaining. c: Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager John Stinson, Assistant City Manager MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE - Dean Jones YOUTH SPORTS TEE-BALL The first games were held on June 16 at Seasons Park (Wednesday Night Program). There is a total of 6 teams, with 72 participants in this League. The first game for the Saturday League began on June 19th at Yokuts Park. This also has a total of 6 teams, with 75 participants. SPECIAL EVENTS FAMILY FUN DA YS This event was offered on June 26th at Patriots Park. Because there was limited advertising, attendance was not good. However, those who did show up enjoyed the event. Estimated attendance - 25. TEEN CENTER EXCURSIONS The first trip of this program was on June 16th. We went to the beach in Santa Monica. There were 17 teenagers from the Teen Center who accompanied us, and they really enjoyed the trip. The next trip will be to Wild Water Adventures in Clovis in July. ADULT SPORTS SOFTBALL The Summer season began on June 14 with a total number of 38 teams - (14 Co-Recreational and 24 Mens Teams). One added feature to the program this year is the use of Patriots Park for the League play. Many teams have commented positively about the use and location of the fields. Some Concerns that have been voiced are: The outfield light poles at Patriots Park need to be covered with some kind of padding, and the fence needs to be replaced. There were complaints on two occasions that the lights did not come on when required. A special thanks should go out to Stan Thompson, our temporary field preparation person, for an excellent job on preparing the diamonds. Start is the head grounds-keeper at North High School. One of the biggest compliments we have received is the great condition of our fields. It has really added to the quality of the program. BASKETBALL Two organizational meetings were held with potential coaches at Silver Creek Park in June, for the upcoming Basketball League. DATE: July 1, 1999 TO: Stand Ford, Director FROM: Tim Ruiz, Recreation Supervisor RENTALS $190 was collected in rent for the month of June - 1999 FITNESS ROOM 305 Participants month of June GAME ROOM 733 Participants month of June GYM 566 Participants month of June TENNIS 12 Participants month of June (Saturday only) WOMEN' S EXERCISE Unavailable at this time LUNCH PROGRAM 2,646 Participants month of June NJTL TENNIS PROGRAM 222 Participants month of June MARTIN LUTHER KING COMMUNITY CENTER The rentals for the month consisted of Bakersfield Elk's Lodge #525 and a Job Fair sponsored by Southeast Neighborhood Partnership. The Facility was closed for two weeks of the month for repair of the building prior to opening for the summer program. Camp King started participation for the month of June was 1300.The camp has a 100 participants a day with a waiting list of 40 children. Listed below are activities the kidsenjoyed for the month of June. June 18th Swimming All June 22nd South High Volunteers Library/Reading/Crafts June 23rd Tooth Fairy (Dedicated Dental) June 25th Bowling All June 29th South High Volunteers · % Reading Story time June 30th Bud James - Snake/Reptile LOWELL CENTER JUNE PARTICIPATION AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM 546 THE SALSA CLASS 50 BALL ROOM DANCE 255 CARRIE SMITH IS COORDINATING A SENIOR EXERCISE CLASS TO TAKE PLACE AT THE SENIOR CENTER STARTING THE WEEK OF THE 12TM OF JULY. MONTHLY REPORT - JUNE 1999 Linda McVicker 1. David Stricker completed the first half of his internship with the Recreation and Parks Department. He has helped organize and supervise leisure classes, train staff in CPR, First Aid and Title 22, publicize activities through PSA' s, interview applicants for day camp positions, help work at and organize special events including the All Nations Celebrations, the Bakersfield Regatta and the Summer Band Concerts at Beale Park. 2. Leisure Class Attendance: Class Total Participants Monthly Attendance Aquamotion 32 75 Ballet & Gymnastics 15 59 Calligraphy Workshop 6 6 Cycling 3 3 Clogging 16 32 Drum Lessons 9 36 Dance & Gym 31 122 Dog Obedience 29 111 Golf 15 60 Hawaiian Dance 3 3 Jazzercise 20 125 Jazz & Gymnastics 18 70 Karate 5 20 Rollerskating 3 3 Scrapbook Workshop 4 4 Tennis Lessons - Children 12 83 Tennis Lessons - Adults 10 79 231 891 3. The Silver Creek Center was rented 3 times during the month of June. It was rented for a birthday party and a wedding reception and a company picnic. The total attendance for rentals was 780. 4. The Silver Creek Day Camp is full for sessions one, two and three. A total of $29,710 has been collected in registration fees. We asked the parents to fill out a survey with their children. One parent commented that, "My daughter loves your program, more than any other here in Bakersfield". 5. The summer band concert series began June 13 at Beale Park. Attendance at the concerts has been around 500. At the 4th of July concert the Mayor will present Wesley Moore with a plaque thanking him for his fifty years of service to the community. 6. The High School Sports League began in June 15th. Boys basketball is being played at Bakersfield High School and the Girls Basketball is being played at East High School. The League will end on July 12th. The Passing League began June 16th at Bakersfield High School and will end July 14th. 7. The concerts at Silver Creek will be held on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm. The first concert will be held on July 6th. The name of the band is Lucky Strikes and they play swing music. 8. Total attendance for the Silver Creek Center in June: Leisure Class ......................... 891 Day Camp ............................. 771 Rentals .................................. 780 2,442 MAY 1999 MONTHLY REPORT Submitted by: Sally Ihmels AQUATICS AREA Aquatic Staff Update · The position of Lifeguard, Swim Instructor and Cashier are being advertised. We intend to hire 5-10 new people to replace staff that has left. · June evaluations for temporary staff are completed · Internal audit process has been started · Siemon pool staff earned "pool of the session" honors Summer Program · Overall Recreation Swim Attendance is 9,168. Attendance is broken down by pool on the attached pages. · Recreation swim income for all the pools is approximately $2,870.73 (this does not include daycamps) · Pool closing update is attached. SPECIAL EVENT AREA · Continue to seek sponsorships MONTHLY REPORT - JUNE 1999 RECREATION Terri Elison, Recreation Specialist 1. June 4th was the last day of program for this year's Bakersfield B.E.S.T. After School Playground Program. We held a big party at each of the school sites with lots of food and punch. Staff then spent the next two days doing an inventory on all supplies and equipment. On June 8th we picked up all the equipment at each site and organized them at the Central Park storage room. We also held a special thank you party (at our last staff meeting) acknowledging the great job the staff did this year. Many' went the extra mile in providing quality programs and activities at their sites. We will be doing assessment interviews for all staff interested in working next year's program the first part of July. We really appreciate the support we received this year from the principals, janitors and others at each site. It made our program a big success. We collected evaluations from parents, staff, and principals and will be implementing many of the recommendations. We are now in the process of working on the contracts for next year's program with each school district. 2. Dean and I have also been busy coordinating the summer game centers and teen center. We held a staff orientation on June 5th in conjunction with all department summer programs. It was excellent and we received so many positive comments from the staff on the training they received. The updated department's policy and procedure manual that Linda McVicker, Dean, and I were working on were completed and distributed so that every department program has the same general policies and guidelines. The Summer Game Centers and Teen Center opened on June 14th with Stella Hills being switched to Jastro Park at the last minute due to some maintenance conflicts at that school site. The game centers are going strong with increased numbers each day. The Teen Center is still small but we increased our promotion efforts and distributed flyers, PSA's, and had a wonderful article in the Bakersfield Californian. On June 29th, we had a beach trip for our teens to Santa Monica Beach. We took two vans and everyone had a great time. The contract classes of Tae-Jo and Swing continue to draw teens in for some fun. We hold weekly tournaments at each of the summer game center sites with the first tournament on June 24th--Connect-Four at Washington Middle School. Prizes were awarded to the winners. We are also working on a giant talent show to be held on July 30th at Jastro Park. Each game center will have individuals perform and will be responsible to provide a couple of game booths. In addition, we are coordinating the two excursions planned, one in July and one in August, to the Wild Water Adventure for the game centers and teen center. Also on July 9th, we have a Hawaiian Luau for the teens at Jefferson Pool from 6 to 9 p.m. The following are the attendance figures for each program site: Washington Middle School Total Attendance for June: 691 Daily Average Attendance: 69 Wayside Park Total Attendance for June: 1582 Daily Average Attendance: 159 Jastro Park Total Attendance for June: 272 Daily Average Attendance: 28 Greenfield Jr. High Total Attendance for June: 1170 Daily Average Attendance: 117 Teen Center at BHS Total Attendance for June: 78 Daily Average Attendance: 8 Daily Average Attendance: MONTHLY REPORT' June 1999 Recreation Specialist, Holly Larson · Assisted with Pool Manager training on June 5 and with all staff inservice training June 14-18. · Met with Melodrama regarding sets for Halloween on June 1 and June 9. · Assisted with the coordination of the Beale Band Concerts which began on June 13. · Coordinated event posters and Iogos for the Pacific Yoyo Championship and Rockin' By The River with local graphic artists. · Met with LJ from Family Magazine on the upcoming Luminaria event: · Presented to the Citizen's Advisory Committee on June 8 about upcoming events. · Met with Time Warner Cable on June 9 regarding possible co-sponsorship of Springtime 2000. · Assisted with the coordination of the Regatta event on June 19. · Met with Pepsi on June 24 regarding possible co-sponsorship of the Halloween Haunted Trail event. · Conducted approximately 25 interviews for various aquatic positions which have become vacant recently. · Coordinated Swing Dance and Yoga classes in June: Registered for West Coast Swing 34 Registered for East Coast Swing 21 Registered for Yoga session 1 29 Registered for Yoga session 2 14 Monthly attendance West Coast 108 Monthly attendance East Coast 76 Monthly attendance Yoga '112 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: March 18, 1999 TO: Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks FROM: Mike Doyle, Assistant Parks Superintendent SUBJECT: June Monthly Report NEW SOCCER FIELD AT BEACH PARK As a result of continuous soccer and rugby playing throughout the year, the soccer fields at Beach Park became so bare of turf that the majority of the field either mud or dirt, depending. Required irrigation during the summer and rainfall in the winter months compounded the problem as it resulted in standing water, creating a situation which was not conducive to play. After some consideration, the conclusion was to re-grade the field, haul in over 400 tons of topsoil, amended the topsoil with 80 yards of mulch, and placed new sod over the entire field. The work began in the beginning of May and concluded within two weeks. The field will remain close until June 14th, to allow for the new turf to take hold. Supervisors Terry McCormick and Neil Tierney are to be commended for their visionary and coordinative efforts on this project. NEW PARK IN TOWN On June 6, 1999 the City of Bakersfield dedicated it newest park. Windsor Park is located in the southwest area of our city on Howell and Windsor Park Drive. Windsor Park was developed by Castle and Cooke California Inc., per requirements set forth in Bakersfield Municipal Code and 2010 General Plan. Construction of the park began in the spring of 1998, and the city accepted maintenance responsibilities on May 7, 1999. This 6 acre park has amenities that include restrooms, lighted serving shelter, lighted basketball court, lighted sports field, playground areas, picnic nooks, and is irrigation with a computer central control system. It's a beautiful park just right for family recreation activities. Special thanks to Councilmember David Couch and the local citizens for making the dedication such a success. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT AT KROLL PARK Removal of an old wooden playground structure began in May. The majority of the old structure was wooden, which is not to our current standards. With monies appropriated from. last years' CIP, plans were initiated to remove the old structure with a new ADA and safe structure. The replacement occurred in June. Bring the kids out and have some fun at Kroll Park, or any city park. We're glad to have you. INCREASE RESPONSIBILITIES Recreation and parks has acquired maintenance responsibility of 1.2145 additional acres of streetscapes and. 1325 acres of medians during the month of June. Much more additional acreage anticipated throughout the year. QUARTERLY REPORT ON NEW ACREAGE PERIOD COVERED: 04101/99 - 06/30199 30-Jun~99 FILE NAME: P:\DATA~C-QTRLY 5869 I BAY COLONY DRIVE (SUMP) 0.0112 06-07-99 M.D. 1-09 5869 CALLOWAY DRIVE (W.SlDE) 0.5328 05-28-99 M.D. 1-09 SOUTH OF BRIMHALL ROAD 5664 I WILDERNESS DR. (N. SIDE OF 0.2131 05-10-99 M.D. 3-04 WALL - W. OF RELIANCE DR.) N/A WINDSOR PARK 6.4153 05-07-99 M.D. 2-11 A CONVENTION CENTER PARKING 0.2555 06-16-99 GEN. FUND LOT - BLOCKS 370 & 371 N/A STOCKDALE HWY & OLD RIVER 0.0172 06-17-99 M.D. 2-07 58721 WHITE LANE- S. SIDE WALL- 0.5415 06-21-99 M.D. 2-10 WEST OF SADDLE DRIVE 5479 OLIVE DRIVE - S. SIDE WALL- 0.2165 0.1325 06-21-99 M.D. 1-01 WEST OF COFFEE ROAD 5664 III PANAMA LN. (N. SIDE OF WALL- 0.1729 06-28-99 M.D. 3-04 WEST OF RELIANCE) BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM July 8, 1999 TO: Jake Wager, Economic Development FROM: George Gonzales,6~munity Development Coordinator / SUBJECT: Eligibility of the Pal:heco #10 Area for CDBG Assistance In order to qualify an area for CDBG assistance, 51% of the residents of the area must be at or below the 80% median income for Bakersfield. In reviewing the 1990 U.S. Census data for the Pacheco #10 area only 38.4% of the residents are low-income. In order to qualify this area for CDBG assistance, a door-to-door income survey will need to be conducted to determine eligibility. The Pacheco #10 area contains about 140 households and approximately 500 individuals. To qualify the area, 72 households of the total 140 would have to be low-income. This information was forwarded to Mr. Salvaggio by phone July 1, 1999. At that time staff was requested to review the eligibility of the area bounded by Fairview Road, Hughes Street, Mandeline Avenue, and Gwendolyn Street. The area (southern part of Hughes #2) contains 66 homes, approximately 225 individuals. The 1990 census information (Block CT 31.01 B.G.G.) showed the area with 22.91% low-income residents. Staff will undertake a income survey to be completed July 23, 1999 to determine eligibility. cc: Vince Zaragoza, Principal Planner 07/09/99 FRI 10:24 FAX 805 328 1548 BFLD ECON & CO}tM DEV ~ CITY MGRS OFFICE ~002 ~WFJMJNR City of Bakersfield 7/09/99 ~ Job Order Comments Inquiry 10:17:21 Request number . . . : ' WF0018158 Job order number . : 1 Short description :' USE OF CDB~ FUNDS Comments Memo has been fowarded to the City Manager. Staff to conduct a income survey of the area on 7/23/99. A memo will be forwarded with the results. No further action at this time. Income survey to be completed by staff 7/23/99. Memo with results will be forwarded at that time. Reviewing 1990 census information this area does not qualify. No further action at this time. F3=Exit F12=Cancel BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~_ DATE: July 8, 1999 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0018159/00'1, WARD 7, ENTRANCE TO SMOKE TREE MOBILE HOMES. '~SAL VAGGIO REFERRED THE ISSUE OF A CONFLICT WITH THE SOUTHERN ENTRANCE ON HUGHES LANE TO 'HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS AND SMOKE TREE ESTATES AND REQUESTED THE ENTRANCE BE RE-STRIPED FOR EASIER ACCESS." The Traffic Engineer has reviewed the location and the left turns into both the Holiday Inn and the mobile homes. The solution appears to be a re-striping of the center turn lane on Hughes Lane to define dedicated turn lanes to each facility. This should eliminate the conflicts of left turn traffic into the drives of the Holiday Inn and the mobile home estates. The Traffic Engineering staff are making arrangements to have the existing striping removed by the annual contractor and new left turn lanes painted by City crews. This is anticipated to be completed by the end of August. cc: Traffic Engineering File - WF0018159.HughesLane. SmokeTreeMobileHomes.ref.wpd slw: P:\DATA\WP\1999\VVF0018159. HughesLane. SmokeTreeMobileHomes.ref. wpd Page 1 of 1 City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018159 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 7~01~99 REQUEST DATE: 6/30/99 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 14:32:10 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~TAK'r:, 6~30~99 COMPLETION: 7/12/99 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: SALVAGGIO ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: RBARNHAR WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: ENTRANCE TO SMOKE TREE MOBILE HOMES REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC*** SA!.~GGIO REFERRED THE ISSUE OF A CONFLICT WITH THE SOUTHERN ENTRANCE ON HUGHES LN TO HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS AND SMOKE TREE MOBILE HOME ESTATES AND REQUESTED THE ENTRANCE BE RE-STRIPED FOR EASIER ACCESS. Job Order Description: ENTRANCE TO SMOKE TREE MOBILE HOMES at~gory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: July 8, '1999 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0018169/001, WARD 1, STOP SIGN 8*" AND T STREETS. 'CARSON REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE A STATUS REPORT REGARDING THE STOP SIGN A T 8TM AND T STREET." The Traffic Engineer has reviewed the intersection of 8th and T Streets and the traffic studies for the intersection. There is no change in the status of the intersection and it does not meet any stop sign warrants. Since the traffic volumes may be affected by the summer months and lack of school influenced traffic from nearby schools, the Traffic Engineer will schedule another stop sign warrant study to take place a few weeks after school has restarted for the fall. A report will be. issued when the study is completed. cc: Traffic Engineering File - WF0018169.8th&T.Stop.ref.wpd slw: P:\DATA\WP\1999\WF0018169.8th&T.Stop. ref. wpd Page 1 of 1 City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 RE~J~: WF0018169 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: ?~01~99 ~, · REQUEST DATE: 6/30/99 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 14:30:51 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~'rAK'r: 6~30~99 COMPLETION: 7/12/99 GEN. LOC: WARD1 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: CARSON ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ~b: RBARNHAR WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: STOP SIGN 8TH & T REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** CARSON REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE A STATUS REPORT REGARDING THE STOP SIGN AT 8TH AND "T" ST. Job Order Description: STOP SIGN 8TH & T Cat~gory: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS. START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: July 8, 1999 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0018162/001, WARD 6, ROAD WORK ON WHITE EANE. 'SULLIVAN REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS THE ISSUE OF ROAD WORK ON WHITE LANE" The Traffic Engineering Staff are working on updating the speed limits on various sections of City streets this summer. White Lane, between Wible Road and Stine Road, is to be surveyed for speed zone compliance with the requirements of the California Vehicle Code. There have been road work and improvements constructed on White Lane in the past year, such as medians, that affect the driving speed of the street. If there are changes or reductions in the speeds, a new speed limit resolution will be brought to the City Council for approval. The Traffic Engineer anticipates the speed survey studies will be finished by the end of September. cc: Traffic Engineering File - WF0018162.WhiteLaneSpeed.ref.wpd slw: P:\DATA\WP\1999\WF0018162.WhiteLaneSpeed. ref. wpd Page 1 of ! City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018162 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 7~01~99 REQUEST DATE: 6/30/99 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 14:31:35 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: STAKT: 6~30~99 COMPLETION: 7/12/99 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: SULLIVAN ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: RBARNHAR WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: ROAD WORK ON WHITE LANE REQUEST COMMENTS ***qFFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** SUb,~IVAN REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS THE ISSUE OF ROAD WORK ON WHITE LANE. Job Order Description: ROAD WORK ON WHITE LANE at~gory: PUBLIC WORKS as~: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE __/ /__ COMPLETION DATE BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CiTY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~__..~_~ DATE: July 8, 1999 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0018168/001, WARD 4, BIKE LANES. 'COUCH REFERRED THE ISSUE OF BIKE LANES FROM JOHN LOTZE. " I The Traffic Engineer reviewed the correspondence from Mr. John Lotze regarding bike lanes in the City. Mr. Lotze was contacted and a meeting is being arranged with Mr. Lotze and Traffic Engineering staff to go over his concerns and ideas for improving our City bike lanes. All bike lanes in the City conform to the guidelines and requirements of the State of California Vehicle Code, The California Highway Design Manual chapter on bike lane facilities and the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHI'O). cc: Traffic Engineering File slw: P:\DATA\WP\1999\WF0018168. BikeLanes.ref. wpd ~,- ~m~:=¢------- , F ECE VED Page 1 of 1 ': ' ":, City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018168 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 7~01~99 REQUEST DATE: 6/30/99 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 14:30:58 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: ~TAK'I': 6~30~99 COMPLETION: 7/12/99 GEN. LOC: CITY WIDE FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: RBARNHAR WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: BIKE LANES CONTACT JOHN LOTZE Phone 1 661 - 5885112 ( ) 5107 SHAMkN CT. Phone 2 - ( ) Bakersfield, CA 93312 RSiQU~T COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** COUCH REFERRED THE ISSUE OF BIKE LANES FROM JOHN LOTZE. CORRESPONDENCE FROM MR. LOTZE AVAILABLE IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. Job Order Description: BIKE LANES Category: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE · MEMORANDUM July 9, 1999 TO: Councilmember Couch FROM: John W. Stins~,~ssistant City Manager Through: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: Referrals dated 7/1199 The following are staff responses to the referrals made by you on 7/1/99. #1 Provide Administrative Report re. RefUse Fees to Mr. Fressell. The City Clerk has sent the material from the June 30th Council meeting you requested to Mr. Fressell. #2 Concern re. vandalism (such as houses beinq toilet papered, etc.) on Tiber River Lane and other areas in northwest Bakersfield. I understand you have contacted Chief Matlock directly regarding this matter. He has indicated that police department personnel will contact Mr. Rosenblatt and will be making contacts at the high school and other organizations in the area to make them aware of the vandalism problem per your request. #3 Concern re. Legislation and Litigation Committee Report. A memo from Trudy Slater, staff for the committee is attached which provides background information regarding the concerns you expressed regarding the inconsistency of the reports. #4 Invite Robin Cody to Water Board Meeting. Per your request, Gene Bogart will invite Robin Cody (California Trucking Association) to attend the next Water Board meeting scheduled for August 18th to discuss her concerns regarding the Kern River Freeway which she expressed at the June 30th City Council meeting. #5 Clarification re. Status of State Funding for Kern River Freeway. Regarding the status of the Kern River Freeway funding, since the funds in question are state funds, they are subject to their control and the possibility exists, although we do not anticipate it, that they could freeze, change or limit any or all of the funding for the project in the future. A memo from Public Works is included which explains this in more detail. S:~JOHN~Council Refcrals\Couch~Referrals 7-1-99 Tandy Response~wpd #6 Traffic Signal Referral. Public Works has prepared a response memo regarding the request by Mr. Doug Smith to install a four-way stop sign as a temporary solution until a signal can be installed at Ming Avenue and Scarlet Oak. Based on an analysis of the intersection and increasing traffic volumes in the area, staff is recommending that a four-way stop be installed before the start of school in September. S:~JOl-IN~Council Rcferals\CouchhReferrals 7-1-99 Tandy Response.wpd BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM July 7, 1999 TO: COUNCILMEMBER DAVID COUCH, WARD 4 FROM: TRUDY SLATER, ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST III ~ ~ SUBJECT: BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON LEGISLATIVE AND LITIGATION COMMITTEE REPORT 2-99, PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT PROCEDURES As discussed with you and John Stinson on Thursday, July 1, the following is provided for your information. It may help to clear up any confusion relating to Council as well as Committee processes. It is in chronological order for ease in following. The Legislative and Litigation Committee met on May 20, 1999. Two resulting committee reports came out of that meeting, #2-99 regarding the Planning Commission and #1-99 regarding basic provisions for Y2K. Both reports were due in the City Clerk's Office by Friday, June 4, to go on the agenda for the Council meeting of June 16. Both reports had to be accompanied by administrative reports which explained (encapsulated) what was contained within them. On June 3, you were faxed a copy of both administrative and committee reports for your approval; my fax to you and a responding phone message are attached. (The committee agenda summary report was not completed in draft form until after the administrative and committee reports were added to the agenda.) The committee reports (with their attendant administrative reports) were subsequently placed on the Council agenda for June 16. It is my understanding at that meeting, as a response to Council direction, the City Attorney's Office took steps to place an ordinance changing the appointment procedures for the Planning Commission on the Council meeting of June 30. The Legislative and Litigation Committee met again on June 17. At that meeting, the Committee approved the agenda summary report (i.e., minutes) for the Legislative and Litigation Committee meeting of May 20. Committee members are not asked to sign committee agenda summary reports. IThe night of the June 30, prior to the Council meeting, you were asked to sign the Legislative and Litigation Committee reports from the Council meeting of June 16. At the Council meeting that night the issue of Planning Commission appointment procedures was referred to the Urban Councilmember David Couch, Ward 4 Page 2 Background Information on Legislative and Litigation Report #2-99 Development Committee. Also, at the June 30 Council meeting you expressed a concern that Legislative and Litigation Committee Report #2-99 (approved by Council on June 16, 1999) was in error. It is my understanding that, because of this, you did not feel comfortable signing the committee report which you were earlier given to sign. In our phone conversation on July 1 you indicated you had read an agenda summary report which called for Council action on the issue and this is what you felt was more accurate. Conceivably, this could have been an approved copy of the minutes of the Legislative and Litigation Committee meeting of May 20 which are distributed to all Council members. It is appropriate, and desirable, for Council members to express their strong support or opposition to issues before the Council. Such comments can be made in both Committee and Council meetings. Comments can also be made at the Council meetings when the issue is being discussed and prior to Council action being taken, thus avoiding any necessity to readdress or modify, through formal processes, actions taken by committees or the Council as a whole. If it is desired to change the Committee report which was submitted to Council and acted upon, then formal action would need to be taken by the entire Council. For your information, a partial very rough transcript (transcript is hardly the word, as I typed it!) of what was recorded at the Committee meeting is attached. You will recall I indicated there were problems with the recorder at the meeting and not all of the meeting was machine recorded. I have highlighted areas (pages 7 and 8) which may be helpful to you. As staff to the Legislative and Litigation Committee, it is one of my responsibilities and goals to ensure that committee reports and agenda summary reports reflect the true intent of the committee. Any suggestions to enhance this process are more than welcome. To this effect, with your concurrence, I will be forwarding to you, as committee chair, future Legislative & Litigation agenda summary reports for approval prior to distribution. I will continue to forward committee reports and their related administrative reports to you prior to placement on the Council's agenda. Please feel free to call if I can respond to any unanswered questions or clear up any remaining areas of confusion. (P:\L&L\M9907031) CC: Alan Tandy, City Manager John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager Bart Thiltgen, City Attorney, w/o attachment Attachments: Fax and phone message Very rough partial transcript BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3751 FAX TRANSMISSION PAGES: 7, including cover sheet DATE: June 3, 1999 TO: Councilmember David Couch Ward 4 Phone: (661) 327-9141 Fax: (661) 327-9417 FROM: Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst III ~~ Phone: (805) 326-3751 Fax: (805) 324-1850 SUBJECT: Information for Council Meeting of jUne 16, 1999 David, Alan Tandy suggested I run these by you before we put them on the agenda for the meeting of the 16th. The administrative reports are essentially a recap of the Committee reports. Please let me know your thoughts. The departmental deadline for submitting agenda items is tomorrow at noon. Thanks for your help. I look forward to hearing from you. (P:\L&L\F9906031) Attachments: Administrative Report for L&L Committee Report 1-99 (Y2K) L&L Committee Report 1-99 (Y2K) Administrative Report for L&L Committee Report 2-99 (Plan Com) L&L Committee Report 2-99 (Plan Corn) ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT I MEETING DATE: June 16, 1999 I AGENDA SECTION: Reports I ITEM: TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: June 2, 1999 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Legislative and Litigation Committee Report No. 1-99 regarding Basic Safety Provisions for Y2K RECOMMENDATION: ~. ,,,~,~ ..~ ~. The Legislative and Litigation Committee recommends acceptance of report and implementation of recommendations. BACKGROUND: At the Legislative and Litigation Committee meeting of May 20, 1999, the Committee met with Mr. Knute Berry of the Bakersfield Y2K Community Task Force regarding his request for a zoning variance to allow the raising of small animals in the City. After discussion, the Committee concurred that a change in the zoning structure to allow raising of small animals in the City would be disruptive to the greater Bakersfield urban community. However, the Committee felt it was an excellent time to increase the dissemination of information on emergency preparedness to the community at large. An opportunity presents itself in providing written information at the emergency preparedness drill in June. A further avenue for dissemination of Y2K information is available through the City's website. The Legislative and Litigation Committee, therefore, respectfully requests that the City Council accept this report and direct staff to include dissemination of written information at the emergency preparedness drill in June and disseminate to the community Y2K information through the City's website. June 3, 1999, 3:35PM P:\L&L~ADM99-06-16-1 .wpd CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LEGISLATIVE AND LITIGATION COMMITTEE REPORT NO. 1-99 JUNE 16, 1999 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: BASIC SAFETY PROVISIONS FOR Y2K O~~I~ At the Legislative and Litigation Committee meeting of May 20, 1999, the Committee met with Mr. Knute Berry of the Bakersfield Y2K Community Task Force regarding his request for a zoning variance to allow the raising of small animals in the City. After discussion, the Committee concurred that a change in the zoning structure to allow raising of small animals in the City would be disruptive to the greater Bakersfield urban community. However, the Committee felt it was an excellent time to increase the dissemination of information on emergency preparedness to the community at large. An opportunity presents itself in providing written information at the emergency preparedness drill in June. A further avenue for dissemination of Y2K information is available through the City's website. The Legislative and Litigation Committee, therefore, respectfully requests that the City Council accept this report and direct staff to include dissemination of written CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PAGE 2 LEGISLATIVEREPORT NO. 1AND-99 LITIGATION COMMITTEE ~ .,~,.~% JUNE 16, 1999 information at the emergency preparedness drill' in June ands disseminate to the community Y2K information through the City's website. Respectfully submitted, Councilmember David Couch, Chair Councilmember Patricia J. DeMond Councilmember Jacquie Sullivan (P:\L&L'~LRPT1-99) ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT I MEETING DATE: June 16, 1999 I AGENDA SECTION: Reports I I ITEM: TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD' DATE: June 2, 1999 _~ ..~/!~' ~ CITY ATTORNEY . CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Legislative and Litigation Committee Report No. 2-99 regarding Planning Commission Appointment Procedures RECOMMENDATION: The Legislative and Litigation Committee recommends acceptance of report. BACKGROUND: At the Legislative and Litigation Committee meeting of May 20, 1999, the Committee reviewed information provided by staff on a survey of the processes cities similar to Bakersfield use to appoint their planning commissioners and alternate planning commissioners. They found a wide divergence .of processes used by the cities surveyed. After discussion, the Committee felt two options would be viable for the City. The first option is to slightly modify the existing system to announce individual councilmember votes immediately and require all councilmembers to vote for three. The second option is to allow councilmembers to nominate one planning commissioner each, not restricted to his/her ward, to be approved by the Council as a whole. The order of nomination would be implemented with a lottery. In both options, the elimination of the alternate planning commissioner position was recommended, which would require an ordinance change. The Legislative and Litigation Committee is presenting its options to the Council for further discussion. June 3, 1999, 3:19PM P:\L&L~ADM99-O6-16-2.wpd CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LEGISLATIVE AND LITIGATION COMMITTEE REPORT NO. 2-99 JUNE 16, 1999 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUN..~IL SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT PROCEDUR~ At the Legislative and. Litigation Committee meeting of May 20, 1999, the Committee reviewed information provided by staff on a survey of the processes cities similar to Bakersfield use to appoint their planning commissioners and alternate planning commissioners. They found a wide divergence of processes used by the cities surveyed. After discussion, the Committee felt two options would be viable for the City. The first option is to slightly modify the existing system to announce individual councilmember votes immediately and require all councilmembers to vote for three. The second option is to allow councilmembers to nominate one planning commissioner each, not restricted to his/her ward, to be approved by-the Council as a whole. The order of nomination would be implemented with a lottery. In both options, the elimination of the alternate planning commissioner position was recommended, which will require an ordinance change. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PAGE 2 LEGISLATIVE AND LITIGATION COMMITTEE JUNE 16, 1999 REPORT NO. 2-99 The Legislative and Litigation Committee, therefore, recommends the Council accept this report and review the options for further discussion.  ~~ Respectfully submitted, Councilmember David Couch, Chair Councilmember Patricia J. DeMond Councilmember Jacquie Sullivan (P:\L&L\LRPT2-99) :~,,. ~.;:, P. O1 :~ ':g- SEND REPORT :~ Z~ JUN-03-99 THU 16:15 ~( :~ ~ DATE START RECEIVER TX TIHE PAGES TYPE NOTE H~ :~ ~ O1 JUN-03 15:35 15013714498 2'00" 3 SEND OK ~- ~ 02 18:03 3279417 28" 0 SEND COM. E-1 z ~ 03 16:05 3279417 4'39" 7 SEND OK z ~ TOTAL 7' 05" 10 ~ ~ GRhND TOTAL TI~E: 56H 44~ 245 PAGES: 21463 ~ From: Amber Lawrence To: Trudy Slater Date: 6/4/99 9:36AM Subject: Admin David Couch called regarding the admin reports you asked him to look at. He says they look fine, but has one question. In regard to the procedure change where no alternate would be chosen, Mr. McGuinnes would be allowed to serve out his term, wouldn't he. Extremely Rough Draft Page 1 L&L Meeting of 5-20-99 Partial, rough transcription (not verbatim, with jumps) of L&L of 5-20-99: DC: Why don't we use this time as an earthquake, readiness, disaster trill using the Fire Department and Police Department to see that everyone has four o: days of food and water and grow a vegetable garden. We've had a lot of calls re. .. Is this a realistic compromise? Berry: No sir, it's not. Having a few days food and a few rs water and a small garden is not. In having the chicken, the egg. We are looking at a of more than a few days. JS: changing the structure of the zoning affects ab everyone... Y2K problems won't be for extended period of time ..... PD: I would like to make a motion that in our Fire and safety and disaster drill and utilize and pop'it up a little higher :ing to the community that this is a good time to have some stock in the house, whatever, and to punch it up a little bit and be prepared and in essence take this into consideration at beginning of the year and use it as a way of a forum to get out to the community and I'd also what you have said but get out in a statement to the community how much synopsis has been done all the way down to generators for the gas which means that the po cars will be able to roll and that sort of thing. Its not .... DC: With that statement could thank the Bakersfield Y2K taskforce for bringing the issue to light... Berry: One more DC: Yes, sir. Berry: Not /be one meeting but a few meetings open to the public and have all the different city )artments there, not only M.I.S... everything where concerned citizens can come and hear pre and do a question and answer period. DC: We discuss that with staff and see what would be an appropriate, I don't know that they are ali to be able to tell you what would be a good day for them but I don't think that's the idea I've ever heard. PD: Use the avenue of a booth at the Kern County Fair, perhaps put there. And you would have the stuff written out so that they would be able to refer to it. Berry: Need something earlier than that. Extremely Rough Draft Page 2 L&L Meeting of 5-20-99 PD: We are going to be doing one in June. Our first mai~ng to be in June again. And so then perhaps after that at the time of the Fair would~ a good follow up time in the fall to remind people and we could do a booth at th..e. Fa~d also maybe a little publication on that. JS: Ms. DeMond. Letter? To be sent to~)t6m? Trudy: David had mentioned a letT/ffarlier. DC: I was thinking more/~solution. Something that ... · PM~ili~hl Stnk°~r~°~h~t it ilweai~~aii~e ~211ii~'~i'it was a very long process...yes or no vote. ,/ ./ JS: ....... the benefit of an alternate is to become familiar with what has been going on and the procedure and everything that is involved .... But to me there are strong benefits to the way its being handled now. And as far as the issue of the votes not being public, of course, just right after the meeting they are public and I think also that its less potentially embarrassing to people that have had the courage to apply which I think that is great, anybody that is interested in serving and donating their time, I would encourage anyone and everyone, but perhaps no one the way we are handling it now. Some don't. We've had some very strong candidates and some obviously quite as experienced or not quite as strong, and so they have not gotten the support. So I just think it's great how we are handling it and also for the reason of its not being embarrassing to the people that are applying and as soon as the meeting is over the votes are public. DC: My comments would be this. Some of the public don't like the system we have right now. Because I think, whether its real or not, they perceive that there is an intense lobbying effort that goes on by applicants, and you may then have a block of votes which is the way you can make the argument well, that's the way any votes, that's the way anything is passed. But you can end up with four councilmembers dominating who gets every commission appointment. I kind of like the idea of one appointment per Councilmember. How would we do that, if, you wait until the new ones, would we draw straws, and say, you know, ward four pulls a number out of a hat and I get the third one that comes up, if that's what comes up .... AT: Yes, they are on overlapping terms so their terms expire at different times. I guess they have more overlap than Council. They are in four different blocks or time frames. DC: So each year, two come off, or what? PD: Every year there is something. Extremely Rough Draft Page 3 L&L Meeting of 5-20-99 AT: 2, 2, 2, 1, or something. Every year. In the fourth year there is only one ..... I guess you would draw lots and in order to match those time frames everybody would get the luck of the draw and I'm one or I'm seven depending upon the luck of the draw. I don't know how else you could do it. I'll just throw something else out cause this isn't a matter that is of concern to staff directly but would a nominating process which rotated councilmembers equally on a committee to nominate? You know, like ....... You don't like that. PD: I personally... It could be you come down to the same thing. I think we either we stay with the method we have .... or because going back to the one prior to that was really, I mean talk about embarrassment. Because if you were there and your name came up and nobody voted for you it really would be demoralizing. Ok? JS: Right. PD: So I don't suggest going back to that. And there have been times when we have had 15 applicants. JH: The difficulty is Council felt uncomfortable not so much about not voting for them. They actually voted against them. And the other part of it is you would have 10-12 people standing out there having made a presentation. You're voting against each one of them. As those you were coming to the runner up status. But the problem is the first one who gets four votes wins. The first four votes win so they never get to the one most of the Council members would have voted for unanimously. That's what changed the system. They were moving up, kind of getting towards narrowing the field and pretty soon they got to the last few and someone made a nomination. It passed 4-3. The City Attorney declared the winner and that was it. Nobody else got voted on. There were no votes on the last 3-4 people. PD: So, I'd say that for a voting system the one we have is public and whatever. I would just prefer, because I do perceive that blocks can do certain things with certain appointments, and maybe some areas of our community are not being represented... JS: In what way? PD: Oh, I don't know. We have a lot of development types on the commission now. I think we always have. But recently we lost Tavorn and we lost Bob Ortiz. They were broad based business types. They are gone and were replaced by two more development types, and I include realtors in a very broad base. And so we lost that other broader area of the community. And so that is what I am looking at. There is need to have a bunch of different expertise on there and you use that as a criteria but I do look at it. I would like to do one on one. And we wouldn't have to wait four years to make the change or even two, every year you would have ..... at the end of four years they would all be changed out on the new basis. I Extremely Rough Draft Page 4 L&L Meeting of 5-20-99 DC: Did you mention that you thought, maybe I misunderstood you, being new I might not know all the .... PD: I didn't... DC: Cause I don't mind if you say that the first person that gets the nomination might be the most senior member of the Council. PD: No, I don't mean that. I wasn't sure how you were going to pick them but when Alan happened to mention as they come up draw a deal with whoever gets it, that means that actually .... they generally come up in April, don't they, no matter when __ would get the first or second or third one, you would have some time under your belt. Anybody would. So that would take care of that situation. PD: I don't know how anybody else feels. I like one on one. I'd take responsibility for the person I nominate and ask to be supported by the Council. JS: OK, question. Would there be seven commissioners and when there was an absent commissioner it could be three and three? We don't have a Mayor. DC: It just doesn't pass. Hardisty: Can happen with an alternate too AT: Issues can come to Council with a 3-3 non-recommendation, for a tie breaker. DC: Having an alternate doesn't stop this. JH: The only time that stops it is when there is only one disqualification or one absence. Then you have seven people. But you can have two. The reason an alternate is in there is because some not too bright person came to town for one of the big companies and decided we need to have really good working relationships with the Planning Commission and individually entered into contracts with three or four of them at least over time so that every time it got to a point to when they came forward four people stood up and walked out and we lost our quorum. That's how it happened. About well over ten years ago, quite a while back. DC: Jacquie, do you have an aversion to what is being proposed? Extremely Rough Draft Page 5 L&L Meeting of 5-20-99 JS: It's just new and different and I feel very comfortable... Like I said, I was surprised when it came up that some people weren't real happy with it. I thought it worked just fine. DC: What might help the public out, if when we made our vote, well,.I think the perception is that it can be kind of rigged because you can vote for one or you can vote for three, and if you vote for three you are not doing yourself, you're not getting your person, you're not doing the best for your number one vote if you vote for three votes. JS: Tree, and yet perhaps .... PD.' You can vote for one, two and three now to get it. JS: Yes, that's very true. It does work that way. So really .... DC: So either we ought to require, to state your way I think we ought to require that everybody vote for three. JS: Right. DC: Or three. JS: Right, I agree. And I'm not even sure at this point what would be best. DC: Probably voting for one cause you can still jockey it around by voting for the one you wanted and the two that you thought had the least chance. JS: Well, that definitely does make a difference. I realized the last couple of votes. PD: If you do it the way we do it, which is better than what it was before, it was a good suggestion at the time, then I just suggest you leave it the way it is because no matter how you use the voting system it's going to, the desires of the majority are going to float to the top because it is a majority rule situation and we pass some issues 4-3. So there's no since in changing it if we are going to stay with it. JS: You know, talk about lobbying, it just seem to me, like, if we each one had'the opportunity to appoint a commissioner we would really get lobbied. DC: But you would only get lobbied every four years. JS: And I'm worrying also just how it would work with the commission we have right now if it tums out to be an excellent commission which hopefully it will then who would, how would we decide, how would it turn out, who would they end up belonging to? That's another question. I Extremely Rough Draft Page 6 L&L Meeting of 5-20-99 DC: Draw straws, or appoint them to a councilmember somehow. I don't what the legal way to · do that is. JS: That's another question I can't visualize how it would work. But also I think if it did stay like it is there would have to be a real need to vote for one or vote for three because if you just vote for one give one of them three votes and none of the no one else either two or one that gives kind of an unfair advantage as far as the way the votes end up being. I almost think that it' s better to be required to vote for three because maybe that brings a broader base in, I don't know maybe it's just better to voting for one .... PD: I would say that if you go back to voting for one, it's like the old thing of saying aye or nay and the first one you get to __ vote for one that's it; you may not even get to the end of your applicants. AT: Just for clarification, would you still do a public interview process? I guess my question boils down to, are you talking about rotating who nominates? Or are you talking about a completely different process that no longer has the open public interviews? PD: If you go one on one, you don't interview publicly. I don't need an interview publicly. I'm responsible, I'll take the heat. So if people come to me, they come to me the same way they do now when they make the application. There are some that call me up because we do have that comment on the front of the application, it's our suggestion you contact your Council people. Because when I came on people were expecting me to be put in the position and I didn't even know them. I wouldn't have known them if I'd tripped over them. So I finally made the stance, I will not vote or consider anybody who doesn't at least call and let me know who you are. And I take the time to, if they can come in, I'll even take the time at the office and they can drop by and we'll go through 15 or a half hour, generally spending more time that that because you get involved in conversation. Trudy: Each of the cities that I talked to did require that each applicant fill out an application form and return either to the City Clerk's Office or the Mayor's and then through to the Council. PD: Everyone on the Council should get a copy. JS. Another concern, not knowing the other system, say for instance that we had, a Council member had an excellent commissioner and that Council member either retired or was defeated, what would happen to that commissioner? AT: I would suggest because the Planning Commission under the law is supposed to be an independent advisory body, while what Councilmember DeMond is perfectly legitimate, I would Extremely Rough Draft Page 7 L&L Meeting of 5-20-99 suggest you don't try to tie a council person to a commissioner because they are no longer then an independent body. You can use the process she wants to utilize but I think if somebody's term doesn't overlap they continue in office until their term limit expires. If you remove that, you remove the independence of the body and really the intent behind having a Planning Commission is then JS: Then that helps. PD: And then they would serve their four years, whether I appointed them in my second year of office, or third year or whatever. It's just like when I came on the council and you came on the council, we had planning commissioners that you didn't have any so over and they will continue even under the old system until their time comes due. That will not change. DC: We don't have any problems in terms of what we are talking about here. We can just make recommendation to Council to do this, and JS: Trudy, what did you say the other statistics, you were saying the other cities didn't have ... Trudy: Ok, four cities have screening committees, so it goes to a subcommittee first, then it goes to Council. And then there was .... DC: I don't, like that because then you, then does the screening committee have, say they are going to send these three on to council? Trudy: Right, and that's what the Council picks. DC: So I could exclude four of your favorite people ifI wanted to? Or I and two others on the subcommittee could to that. Trudy: Yes. JS: Who are the members of the screening committee? Trudy: Members of the Council and in some cases the Mayor. JS: I wonder if, just to get a feel from the other council members~ if we shouldn't have a discussion with the other council members, how can we get the experience of the other council members? Extremely Rough Draft Page 8 L&L Meeting of 5-20-99 DC: If I understand this rightly, correctly, rightly, we'll have that discussion but we need to come to them with either one or two or a couple of different recommendations and then if we come up with something completely different at the Council meeting then it's brought out there, but we need to give them a couple of ideas. We also need to think about requirements. Got to be a resident of the City obviously. I see one here that says you have to be a registered voter. Do we want to make that a requirement? PD: Is there any requirement now? AT: The charter requires they be residents. Bob Sherfy: As long as you are in compliance with the charter you can make any change you want. PD: Would that be in compliance with the charter? To make them be a registered voter? I don't think we have that on any of our other commissions or bodies. o.o DC: I think the intent herel at least I would like to see, is that we are getting citizens. PD: Yep. JS: Right. DC: And I know, obviously Mrs. DeMond has the feeling and I do, too, a lot of times the reason we get a lot of people in the development business or the real estate business is because they are interested in planning so that may be why we get more of those people on there but we should try to not exclude those but also encourage others and I think by simply nominating, or however, I guess your're nominating and the full Council ratifies.., or approve so if you want to put a realtor on there then you can and if I want to put a stock broker on there I can but ... JS: You see to me that is another benefit, I mean I can see both ways and I don't have a real strong, love one hate the other, but to me that gives merit to the present system because I think it helps the council as a whole to end up with more diversity if we realize that its a little lopsided then we would be thinking we do need to get this these other applicants who are also excellent and that would even things out a little bit more. DC: On the other hand, you may have to compromise because you may have the person you really want can't win and a person you really don't want may win if you go along and so you may end up there may be a compromise between you and someone else and two other councilmembers to come up with an acceptable candidate. Extremely Rough Draft Page 9 L&L Meeting of 5-20-99 JS: I think that if it stays the way it is, it would important to require the council members to have the three names, three, two and one points. Either have only one or have three. Because when some are doing one way and some are not it definitely changes the total number. DC: So that could be one recommendation, can we agree on that: stay the same and you got to vote for three or got to vote for two whatever the ballot gives you. PD: Leave it at three because that's what the ballot is set up for now. The initial is three isn't it? AT: Yes. DC: And isn't there another time when you have to vote for two possibly... PD: Then the top two out of that vote comes back to you and you vote for one out of the top two. And that's already in place. The only change you would be recommending would be that you would have to vote three, you cannot just vote for one or two on the first time around. AT: Another one up to you. And that is while the City Attorney says your process is legal there has been much question in the media about the legality of the process. I think part of the referral back came from people who have been concerned over the question of the legality. Now since your city attorney has said it's legal you don't have to change it, but just because that has been a recent issue I think the way that you unequivocably remove any question about legality is rather than putting it on a ballot you announce your vote, or the clerk announces your vote. Ward 1 votes for John Doe, Elmer Smith, and whoever. PD: The city clerk would have to announce those when she gives the compilation. AT: I don't think anybody could even stretch to question the legality of it. Bob Sherfy: I think you are right there. AT: If it were publicly read and you didn't have to wait and then go up and ask for the separate paper. PD: It's never been indicated by staff that it was illegal because it is a public record. AT: The questions of legality are from others and they come about over the one to five or ten minutes at which time it is on a piece of paper but not announced. PD: That's another thing you could add to the recommendation in the status quo is that the announcement be made by the city clerk during the initial compilation of how each councilmember voted. Extremely Rough Draft Page 10 L&L Meeting of 5-20-99 DC: After each vote. PD: Yes, if you get down to John, if you have .... The first time around, for one slot, ifI voted for John Doe, Harry Doe, and Susie Doe, she will say "Ward 2, Pat DeMond votes No. 1, John Doe, #2 so and so and so on. And then it probably would be best if after she does her compilation because to have her go back and compute afterwards, I mean if she does the whole thing and just say these are the two top vote getters and just read this is how people voted. Rather than just say how people voted and then after you do all that then she has to go and do compilation. But six of one, half a dozen of another. I thinking currently(?) now more than I 'am on the other end. DC: But then after we vote for one person when we have two people to vote for she should also read out we voted there... PD: Oh, she can, sure. You have to remember when she does that, then do we get away from confirming their vote? Because now when she comes up with John Doe has the majority of the votes or however it is said, then don't we confirm it, Bob? Bob: Yes. PD: And altogether, I don't remember anybody voting against anybody who has been selected by four of the members. The vote has always been unanimous. JS: Right. Because we go by majority. PD: We go by majority. So in order to make the people who have gotten that vote in that manner, we are gracious and we just like when the Mayor brings somebody on from the CDDA, he makes the deal, I think everybody just votes unanimously. Because .... JS: It is truly the majority of wish, majority vote of the council. And even though you might be disappointed that one you voted as a number three didn't survive the last vote, we know that was the majority and to me that gives you more security, a better feeling and even to the applicants knowing that they were selected or they were not selected by the majority of the councilmembers... DC: We all agree that that is a privilege to the current system. PD: Read out the votes? Sure. Extremely Rough Draft Page 11 L&L Meeting of 5-20-99 JS: Legally. And then well see I would that would basically be the same system but to remove any fraction of what was not legal, then it would be right there. And just as a minor little point which really might just almost be up to the clerk it could, I think it is better to, ok, ward 1, duh, ward 2 and then the three with the highest which ends up with the three having the highest number of votes then like that. Or it could be the other way. It really doesn't make ..... DC: You lost me. PD: You lost me. Cause you only go with the two highest out of the three. JS: Oh, it's the two highest? PD: Yes. JS: I'm just saying that it could be either way but it just seems like it would be a better flow to say ward 1 voted for, would we still be voting for the top three? PD: If you're going to ?, you have to name all... JS: Alright, ward 1 voted for Jones, John and Johnson. Number 2 which calculates John and Johnson being... DC: The top two, and we're not going to vote on that (?) JS: That seems like that would be a smooth flow. DC: I agree. Got that, Trudy? TS: I believe so. DC: While that's an improvement, it's still not my favorite. So shall we also recommend a ... JS: What is your favorite? 'DC: I didn't even think about it until today 'til Trudy gave it to me I didn't know how other cities did it, but I kind of like the idea of each of us having an appointment or a nomination that has to be confirmed by a vote of the full Council which would probably be a unanimous vote in most cases I would assume, the way it is now. Some of them say you have to live in the ward; you'd have to appoint someone from ward 6; Pat doesn't necessarily go along with that and I don't .... JS: I don't think so. PD: I like it at large. Extremely Rough Draft Page 12 L&L Meeting of 5-20-99 DC: Ok, at large. JS: Something like that would be more appropriate at large. DC. I liked that at first because ! thought you would have someone from that ward just like a councilmember working on the planning in that ward but at large ... JS: At large is better ... PD: At large would allow you to go to your ward. That would be up to you to go to your ward or not... There may be someone out there really who lives across town. DC: I think this may, I don't know how you are going to end up assigning when we are going to vote or nominate for who. AT: I think you do it by lottery, really. I don't know how else you would do it. DC: So you would have that lottery and we would then know who's going to come up so I would know that I'm assigned right now to Steven Boyle, for example. AT: I'd avoid that. You draw nomination #3. And you draw #7 out of the lottery. DC: I know assuming nobody quits the commission it's going to come down to one of two people. That to me would get me more in touch with those two commissioners probably because if they want to do it again I'm going to have more contact with them which is probably a pretty good thing. Agree or not agree? DC: Ok, is that our other recommendation? PD: That we go one on one? JS: Assigned by lottery? DC: Lottery in public just to make sure... AT: I would think so. JS: And after we came up DC: While we're all spinning... Extremely Rough Draft Page 13 L&L Meeting of 5-20-99 JS: Why is that? __ time would be a lottery or after we selected the first one, then it would go in order after that? PD: Just one time. AT: And then ward 1 has position #3, or whatever forever after.. PD: And if you go out of office ....... (Tape stopped here) (P:\L&L\rough5-20-99) B A K E R S F I E L D 7~-5'- PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 9, 1999 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: PAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~~'~ SUBJECT: POTENTIAL FOR STATE TO FREEZE FREEWAY FUNDS COUNCIL REFERRAL NO. WF0018173 As you are aware, concerns were raised by various'water agencies as to potential adverse effects the proposed freeway may have on their facilities. As a result, Assemblyman Dean Florez proposed language in the state's budget to freeze funding for the project until water issues could be resolved. Just recently, city staff learned that in signing the state's budget, Governor Davis removed the proposed budget language. Shortly after the proposed language was introduced by Assemblyman Florez, KernCOG directed its staff to form a committee and work out issues raised by the various water agencies. The committee was divided into three separate sub-committees dealing with the Kern Waterbank, Cross Valley Canal and Rosedale-Rio Bravo water issues. So far, discussions within each individual committee has been fruitful and much progress has been made. At this time, staff feels an agreement acceptable to all parties involved will be finalized by the end of the calendar year for all issues raised. However, if the State once again chooses to freeze the project, only the $30 million of interregional money would be affected. In addition, they could also direct Caltrans to stop all work on the project which in effect would freeze the balance of the project. The $145 million of regional money could not be touched and would remain with the project as approved by KernCOG or redistributed to other projects. We know of no other potential for the State to, once again, propose a freeze on the funds. G:\G ROUPDATWlemo\1999\referral wf0018173.ref.wpd City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~'~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 RE~/Jos~ WF0018173 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 7 o6Z9 REQUEST DATE: 6/30/99 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 15:28:37 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: s'rA~T: 6~30~99 COMPLETION: 7/12/99 GEN. LOC: FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: RBARNHAR WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: FUNDING FOR KR FREEWAY REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** COUCH REQUESTED CLARIFICATION REGARDING THE STATUS OF STATE FUNDING FOR THE KERN RIVER FREEWAY. HE IS CONCERNED THAT GIVEN THE UNFREEZING OF THE FUNDING THAT DISCUSSIONS TO RESOLVE CONCERNS COULD BREAK DOWN. WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE POTENTIAL FOR THE STATE TO FREEZE FUNDS AGAIN SHOULD TALKS BREAK DOWN. Job Order Description: FUNDING FOR KR FREEWAY Cat~gory: PUBLIC WORKS Tasm: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE ~ / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR,./~'~..~..-~ DATE: July 8, '1999 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF00181741001, WARD 4, FOUR-WAY STOP AT MING AND SCARLET OAK. 'COUCH REFERRED TO LETTER AND PETITION RECEIVED FROM MR. DOUG SMITH REGARDING THE POSSIBILITY OF INSTALLING A 4-WAY STOP AT MING AND SCARLET OAK AS A TEMPORARY SOLUTION UNTIL A SIGNAL IS WARRANTED. STAFF TO RESPOND TO COUCH AND SEND A COPY OF RESPONSE TO MR. SMITH. RESPONSE TO INCLUDE REASONS WHY WE WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO ACCOMMODATE THIS REQUEST AND PROCEED WITH INSTALL A 4-WAY STOP AT THAT LOCATION." The Traffic Engineer has reviewed the petition from Mr. Doug Smith and the operation of the intersection of Ming and Scarlet Oak. The intersection meets warrants now for a traffic signal control and is ranked high on the Traffic Engineer's signal warrant list. It is currently sixth out of thirty-four intersections meeting warrants for a traffic signal. One of the warrants for a four-way stop installation is the urgent need for a traffic signal that cannot be installed quickly. It may be more than a year before a signal will be funded. In addition, the intersection has a heavy volume of traffic on Ming of about 24,000 cars per day. The side street traffic volume is just short of fully meeting the volume warrant for a four-way stop per a traffic study of the intersection. Since the volume continues to increase due to area developments and the adjacent University, the Traffic Engineer is recommending that a four way stop be installed before the start of school in September. A work order will be prepared, by the Traffic Engineer, for approval by the Public Works Director and installation of four-way stop control. A letter will be sent to Mr. Smith. cc: Traffic Engineering slw: P:\DATA\WP\1999\VVF0018174.Ming@ScarletOaks.ref. wpd Page 1 of 1 City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ ~' WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0018174 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 7~06~99 REQUEST DATE: 6/30/99 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 15:26:44 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: S'l'~'r: 6~30~9 COMPLETION: 7/12/9~ GEN. LOC: WARD4 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: COUCH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: RBARNHAR WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: 4-WAY STOP - MING AND SCARLET OAK REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC ENG.*** COUCH REFERRED TO LETTER AND PETITION RECEIVED FROM MR. DOUG SMITH REGARDING THE POSSIBILITY OF INSTALLING A 4-WAY STOP AT MING AVE. AND SCARLET OAK AS A TEMPORARY SOLUTION UNTIL A SIGNDJ~ IS WARRANTED. STAFF TO RESPOND TO COUCH AND SEND A COPY OF RESPONSE TO MR. SMITH. RESPONSE TO INCLUDE REASONS WHY WE WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO ACCOMMODATE THIS REQUEST AND PROCEED WITH INSTALLING A 4-WAY STOP AT THAT LOCATION. (PETITION WAS DELIVERED TO MR. WALKER IN PUBLIC WORKS, CLERK DOES NOT HAVE A COPY) Job Order Description: 4-WAY STOP - MING AND SCARLET OAK Category: PUBLIC WORKS TasK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD CiTY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM July 9, 1999 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COU/?NC~ /1~ FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ., / SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRALS FROM DAVID COUCH Per the requests from Councilmember Couch, dated July 6, 99 (copy attached), the following comments are in response: 1. Bike Path Hazard Crews were dispatched to handle on the date the request was received in my office. Work is expected to be completed shortly and a letter will be sent to Mr. Houck. 2. Combined City Council / Board of Supervisors meeting - add CSA 71 to the list of discussion items Done by referral to Alan Christensen, who is coordinating the agenda with County staff. 3. Refer the issue of Kern Transportation Foundation opinion polls to the Urban Development Committee. Done by referral to John Stinson, the staff liaison. 4. Councilmember Sulivan's referral regarding street sweeping - any suggestions from staff on what can be done. The problem is that cars are sometimes parked on street sweeping routes, leaving spots that are not cleaned. This is an issue that we have dealt with for a long time. It can be impacted by posting and ticketing. That is unpopular and expensive. It can be reduced with additional staffing to go ahead of the sweeper, with notices, flyers, etc, which is also very expensive. A memo from Raul Rojas is being prepared and will follow at a later date. Honorable Mayor and City Council July 9, 1999 Page 2 5. Notification and policy changes regarding the City standard for trench patches. Calls were placed on July 8th and 9th. Messages are being exchanged. 6. Gregory Klimko to contact Councilmember Couch regarding the monthly investment report and the CAFR. Assigned to Mr. Klimko on 7~7~99 and an appointment has been set. AT:rs Attachment BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM June 30, 1999 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager /4~ SUBJECT: Combined City Council/Board of Supervisors Meeting on Sept. 13, 1999 The Board of Supervisor'S appear to be agreeable to the September 13th date for a combined City Council/Board of Supervisor's meeting, tentatively scheduled for 4 pm Members of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee (IGRC) suggested that the meeting be broadcast live on KGOV. A broadcasted meeting would be most easily accomplished in the Board of Supervisor's chambers, so we are tentatively planning on having the meeting there. Based upon input from the IGRC, staff is preparing an agenda with two major sections: 1) A report on cooperative City/County projects in FY 98-99. .2) A look ahead at issues for FY 99-00, including Airport Expansion, Universal Trash Collection, Downtown Parking, Kern River Freeway, and Annexations. If there are other topics of interest that the Council would like included please let me know. cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager P:\Gcn. Info\combined city-county mtg.wp BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JULY 2, 1999 SUBJECT: STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE Council Referral WF0018163 1 00'1 ICouncilmember Sullivan referred to staff the issue of using the newspaper to advertise street sweeping schedules to inform the public when the street sweepers will be in certain areas of the city. We agree with Councilmember Sullivan that parked vehicles hinder the ability of street sweepers to adequately clean our streets. In order to assist in our ability to properly clean streets, notifying the public to temporarily move their vehicles ,would be beneficial. A suggestion to advertise street sweeper schedules in the local newspaper may be helpful in notifying the public, however, it may not achieve the goal due to the following concerns: 1. Not all residents subscribe to the local newspaper. 2. Schedule can not be guaranteed due to the limited number of street sweepers and street sweeper operators currently available. 3. The time lag between when schedules are published could create inaccuracies in the time the street is actually swept. In other words, the public may be notified that a street is to be swept on a Monday and they move their vehicles accordingly. However, due to an unforseen equipment breakdown, the street may not be swept until Tuesday causing additional public relations problems. Currently, residential streets are swept, approximately, every 22 to 23 working days or once a month. While, some form of notification would be beneficial, staff feels publishing schedules in the local newspaper would not achieve the goal we desire. City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ ~$/~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 / REQ[JOB: WF0018163 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 7~01~99 REQUEST DATE: 6/30/99 CREW: TIME PRINTED: 14:31:18 SCHEDULE DATES LOCATION: $'l'~t~'l': 6~30~99 COMPLETION: 7/12/99 GEN. LOC: CITY WIDE FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: SULLIVAN ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: RBARNHAR WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE RS,QUA~' COMMENTS ***.~EFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** SULLIVAN REFERRED TO STAFF THE ISSUE OF USING THE NEWSPAPER TO ADVERTISE STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULES TO INFORM THE PUBLIC WHEN THE STREET SWEEPERS WILL BE IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY. Job Order Description: STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE at~gory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (661) 326-3724 RAUL M. ROJAS, DIRECI~R ~ CITY ENGINEER June 22, 1999 Brown & Fowler General Engineering Contractors 4211 Arias Court Bakersfield CA 93308 Attn: Mr. David L~ Brown Dear Mr. Brown: Thank you for your June 15, 1999, letter regarding the street cut along 21~t Street. The City standard for trench patches was changed as a result of problems we encountered in the field with trench patches by utility companies. It was our intent to develop a new standard to address these problems and in fact, the resulting new standard was suggested by the utility companies. A letter from this office went out to all engineering firms to inform them of this new standard which was effective, January 1 l, 1999. Although this particular trench patch standard has been enforced equally to all contractors, unfortunately, you were not informed by your engineer about this new standard. I do regret this incident as we try very hard to work with the engineering, development and construction communities. In an effort to be more responsive to your needs, I will have my Construction Superintendent, Mr. DeWayne Statues, call you to set up a meeting, if you desire, to discuss how we can help to improve communications within the consmaction community. Very truly yours, RAUL M. ROJAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS LIC.#47556! J~ 1 7 7~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Sunc 15, 1999 City of Bakersfield 1501 Tmxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 ATTN: Paul Rojas Public Works Director On a recent project on 21st Street requiring aa open street cut, we were requl~nxl by the City.Inspector to resaw and remove additional asphalt and replace with greater quantifies of ~me in width and depth than has pl'~/iotlsly been required by the City Standards for similar projects as late as November 1998. We were informed by the City Inspector that was a new standard in affect as of Saauary 1999. We have recently discovered that this new standard has not been approved as of yet by thc City Council or the City Engineer, and is only a "policy" at the City Engineers office. We are writing this letter in PrOtest for what would seem to be aa arbitrary enforcement policy which came without prior notice and would request that the City immediately r~view and clarify its position on these specific situation and other "quasi" new standards which will not only add to thc cost of all private construction, but more directly will si~t, nificaatly increase the cost to the City_ on each and every_ project it _torts out to bid Furthermore, we are considering filing a claim with the City for the additional expense we incurred on this'specific project, unless the City can justiTy its new "policy' as legal and enforceable. DLB/j'b CC: Alan Taady, City Manager Irma Carson, Patricia De.,Mond, Patricia Smith, Kev'in McDermott, Randy Rowles, lacquie Sullivan and Mark Salvaggio City Councilmen 4211 Atlas Ct. Bakersfield, CA 93308 · 805/324-4142 B A K E R S F I E L D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM July 8, 1999 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCI~L FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER /~/ SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRALS Councilmember Couch has asked for responses on the following: Check validity of each paragraph, regarding Item 3, of Board of Realtors Local Government Relations meeting minutes of March 31, 1999. Copy attached. 3. ISSUE: KERN RIVER FREEWAY FUNDING: Assemblyman Dean Florez, whose legislative district does not include the Phase I alignment of the Kern River Freeway, has used his position as Transportation Committee Chair to effectively stop the construction of the freeway by freezing the approved funding. Florez did not consult local elected officials before taking this action, including state legislators Roy Ashburn and Chuck Poochigian, who represent the area where Phase I of the freeway is to be built. Staff Comment: The statement is generally accurate, except that the "freeze" was never finalized, so it would be more accurate to say it was threatened and widely reported by the media as being in effect. Further, staff has no direct knowledge of whether Chuck Poochigian was consulted before the action. Metropolitan Bakersfield and Kern County are currently in violation of a state CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) mandate to mitigate traffic congestion in west Bakersfield. Without compliance with this mandate, the state has threatened to stop the issuance of any new building permits in Kern County, until adequate traffic mitigation measures are in place. Staff Comment: This statement is not accurate, as stated. There is not an existing CEQA violation and no threat to stop building permits has taken place. The comments may be based upon what could happen under certain circumstances and assumptions, but "present" tone is inaccurate. Honorable Mayor and City Council July 8, 1999 Page 2 It has taken 19 years to move construction of the Kem River Freeway to this point. To begin again with a new alignment means a minimum delay of 15 to 20 additional years, besides the fact that no other ali~inment brings Bakersfield into compliance with the CEQA mandate. Staff Comment: A new alignment time frame would more likely be 7-8 years. Time to obtain funding is unknown. CEQA is a process. Compliance on another route could be, theoretically, achieved. Recommendation to Directors on Unanimous Vote: That the Association make an official support position on the Kern River Freeway, with the ultimate goal that is connect Interstate 5 and Highway 99. Also, that the Association's president sign a business coalition letter requesting the completion of Phase I of the freeway and joining in any associated advocacy activities to advance that end. Staff Comment: None. This is recommended action, not a statement of fact. Final Comment: City staff is responding to the minutes, as written. We do not know if they are the basis of the Committee's consideration, or merely a less than complete summary of more complex material. AT:rs Attachment L":. Adems S01158 SUBJECT Kern River Freeway Statement of Support April 5, 1999 We strongly believe the Kern River Freeway must move forward as quickly as possible. The Kern ~ver Freeway has been under discussion and incorporated in our general plans since the 1940's. The Kern River Freeway is identified in the Metropolitan 2010 General Plan that has 'been adopted by both the City of Bakersfield and the County of Kerm Formal steps toward its construction have been taken over the past nineteen years including: reviewing numerous staffreports; holding public hearings; identif~ng mitigation options for potential environmental impacts; making political decisions and voting on options; securing the support of Kern COG, the City of Bakersfield, and the County of Kern; and now, most importantly, securing the funding. This freeway is vitally important to our community. No other plan relieves traffic congestion in this area as this fi'eeway would, and the economic benefit to our community is in the millions of dollars. All of the organizations and individuals below have united to show our strong support for this fi'eeway. We encourage you to do whatever possible to begin construction on Phase I of the Kern River Freeway as soon as possible. Thank you for your.attention to this most important matter. Sincerely, Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce BI'of Kern Co~ V ciation Kern ~})ul~/y B{filders' EXc~-ange //~B''uil~"goT~'"d~C'°--un~l°-fKeraMo~o t; unUeS, A~L--CIO Inyo and Kern County Board of Trade ~('~o~al U/i~.~perating Engineers, Labor LoCai[ 12 / Kern, Inyo and Mono Counties