HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/10/99 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM September 10, 1999 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR A.N~Q CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. We have had two meetings with employee groups on the pay survey and related issues. It will take a few more sessions before anything is ready for Personnel Committee. 2. The Caprock / Castle & Cooke issue has formally settled, and we can noW close on the 30 acre southwest park and get that project moving: 3. A memo is enclosed regarding the procedure that will be used for public statements at the joint City/County meeting on Monday, September 13th. The memo also includes information on the procedure for Council and the Board of Supervisors to make general statements, aside from the regular agenda items. 4. Staff is responding to a request from PAL to donate surplus personal computers for a computer learning center. We've identified about 30 that will become available over the next 3 months. In late October or early November, staff will be recommending the City Council adopt a resolution to sell the PCs to PAL for $1.00. 5. An update on the progress of the First Night® Bakersfield project is enclosed. 6. The August Activity Report from Recreation and Parks is enclosed. 7. Progress Report No. 18 on the Wastewater Treatment Plant #2 project is enclosed. 8. The July/August ClP Status Report is enclosed for your information. 9. The dedication of Pleasant Holidays new reservation call center at 7500 District Boulevard was held yesterday. The press release is enclosed. 10. A response to a Council request regarding additional information on the funding for Highway 46 is enclosed. Honorable Mayor and City Council September 10, 1999 Page 2 11. Per the enclosed letter to the editor which recently appeared in the Reno Gazette Journal, sometimes it takes a visitor's point of view to remind us of the many positive aspects Bakersfield has to offer. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM September 9, 1999 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager ~ SUBJECT: Public Statement at Combined City/County Meeting on 9/13/99 There will be a couple of opportunities for the public to speak at the combined city/county meeting. First, anyone may speak during public statements at the beginning of the meeting on any subject they would like. They will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Second, time will be given during each agenda item for the public to speak on that particular item. The Mayor, at his discretion, may limit speakers to fifteen minutes per subject to assure that all items on the agenda can be completed. We will not require the public to fill out speaker cards in order to speak. They will be free to come up to the podium. Once at the podium, the Mayor will ask them to state their name for the record. There will also be opportunities for the Council and Board of Supervisors to make general statements during the meeting aside from the regular agenda items. The Council and the Board may speak through Mayor Price and Chairman McQuiston during their opening and closing remarks, which are on the agenda. Attached is a copy of the seating arrangement and conduct guidelines that will be distributed at the meeting, and a copy of the agenda. . WELCOME TO' THE JOINT MEETING · OF THE' BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL . AND KERN COUNTY BOARD OF-SUPERVISORS " THE BAKERSFIELD CiTY COUNCIL AND THE KERN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WELCOME YOU TO THEIR JOINT MEETING. HOPEFULLY YOU WILL FIND THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION HELPFUL. ADDITIONALLY, IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, OR HAVE QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT EITHER PAMELA Ao McCARTHY, CITY CLERK AT (661) 326-3767, OR DENISE PENNELL, CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AT (661) 868-3585, DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS. LEGEND 1 - Pat DeMond, Councilmember, Second Ward 11- Pete Parra, Supervisor, Fifth Distdct 2 - Steve Perez, Supervisor, Second District 12- Jacquie Sullivan, Councilmember, Sixth Ward 3 - Mike Maggard, Councilmember, Third Ward 13- Ma?k Salvaggio, Councilmember, Seventh Ward 4 - Barbara Patdck, Supervisor, Third Distdct 14- Bart Thiltgen, City Attorney, City of Bakersfield 5 - David Couch, Councilmember, Fourth Ward 15- Alan Tandy, City Manager, City of Bakersfield 6 - Ken Peterson, Supervisor, Fourth District 16- Scott Jones, Administrative Officer, Kern County. 7 - Irma Carson, Vice-Mayor, First Ward 17- Bernard Barmann, County Counsel, Kern County 8 - Bob Price, Mayor, City of Bakersfield 18- Pamela A. McCarthy, City Clerk, City of Bakersfield · 9 -Jon McQuiston, Chairman, First Distdct 19- Denise Pennell, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 10- Randy Rowles, Councilmember, Fifth Ward 20- Staff Table Conduct of the Meeting This joint proceeding will be Chaired by the Mayor of the City of Bakersfield, Bob Price. It will be governed under "Robert's Rules of Order" on all matters pertaining to parliamentary law. Neither Governing Body will take action during this session, other than to receive and place on file any materials provided and/or give direction to Staff. PUBLIC COMMENTS MAY BE MADE BY THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES: Persons may address the Governing Bodies during the Public Statements portion of the meeting, or at the time a specific agenda item is called. Statements are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. The public will have the opportunity to comment on any item on the agenda, however, the Mayor, at his discretion, may limit speakers to fifteen (15) minutes per subject to assure that all items on the agenda can be completed. Additionally, you may provide your written comments to the Clerk, or send written communication addressed to the City Council, 1501' Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301, or Kern County Board of Supervisors, 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. PLEASE NOTE: THE BOARD WILL CALL A DINNER RECESS (APPROXIMATELY 45 MINUTES) BETWEEN 6:00 P.M, AND 6:30 P,M. ...... oOo ....... AND' KERN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS j MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 ~'~.~ ,,,~" City Host '~-~'~' Bakersfield Convention Center Auditorium 1001 lruxtun Avenue. 4:00 p.m. SPECIAL MEETING 1. INVOCATION & FLAG SALUTE 2. ROLL CALL 3. OPENING REMARKS BY MAYOR BOB PRICE 4. OPENING REMARKS BY CHAIRMAN JON McQUISTON 5. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Meadows Field Airport Terminal Expansion - County B. Universal Waste Collection - City C. Governmental Center Parking - Joint D. County Service Area 71 - City E. Concept of Establishing a Metro Bakersfield Sewer. Authority - County F. Regional Freeway/Highway Projects - City G. Annexation Procedures/Public Participation - County H. 2010 Metropolitan General Plan Policies/Urban Sprawl Issues - Joint I. Greater Bakersfield Vision 2020 Status Report 7. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CHAIRMAN JON McQUISTION 8. CLOSING COMMENTS BY MAYOR BOB PRICE 9. ADJOURNMENT BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM September 3, 1999 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~ FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Direct SUBJECT: First Night® Bakersfield Update Planning for First Night® Bakersfield (FNB) is well underway with several milestones to report: The July 20 Press conference, which offered a mini-preview of FNB, kicked off the marketing campaign. Billboards will soon sprout up and a comprehensive radio and television campaign is scheduled to begin in early October. The "Call to Artists" and performers have resulted in over 30 proposals from a wide range of performers: jazz, vocal groups, mime, storytellers, theater, country western, opera, clowns, Celtic music, ballet, and a deaf choir to name a few. Applications are still being accepted. Community outreach is expanding. FNB can be found at the Kern County Fair in the Children's Festival area; we can also be seen at other community events throughout the fall. A series of performances are scheduled once a month for the last three months of this year, beginning October 5. Each performance will involve four,elements of FNB: a performing group, a "street surprise", a visual art display and a "make-and-take" station. All three events will take place during the lunch hour, in the Centennial Plaza and be free to the public.' As each event is scheduled on the same day of the month, we have dubbed this promotion "First Tuesdays." Advertising for First Tuesday will commence in mid- September with the distribution of flyers to all downtown office buildings. S:\First Night\l st Nite AT mem5.wpd Page 2 September 3, 1999 Alan Tandy Sponsorship commitments are beginning to come in. AFSA Data Corporation is committing $5,000 to be an entertainment site sponsor; Bank of Stockdale is giving $2,500 to sponsor the Resolution Project; and the Kern Schools Federal Credit Union is giving $2,500 for an as yet undetermined activity. In-Kind contributions are also coming in. Sanitation Services, Inc. is offering their "port-a-potties"; Lightspeed Net is designing and maintaining First Night Bakersfield website (currently under construction); Saba Agency is providing marketing expertise, design work and staff time; Cynthia Pollard Communications is providing staff to handle new stories and press release writing; KGET-TV and Eye Street Productions are producing the commercials; and Bakersfield Envelope and Printing has been producing materials at a reduced cost. Volunteer recruitment is in full swing to staff the many activities. Volunteer training is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. September 9 and 15 at the Parkway Inn. Button sale prices have been determined: $8 each ($10 after 12/20) and $1 for children ten and under. Negotiations are underway for sales locations. Button sales will begin in mid-November. The application to First Night International has been submitted along with the one-time only $3,000 fee. Within the next three weeks Bakersfield's name will be added to the roster of First Night cities, with the additional support and expertise now available to US. With the expenditure of the application fee, the funds appropriated for FNB will have been significantly reduced. It may become necessary to appropriate additional funds for the project. Additional updates will be forwarded to you as milestones occur with the project. S:\First Night\l st Nite AT mem5.wpd DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: September 8, 1999 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Parks SUBJECT: Monthly Report- August 1999 Attached are the monthly activity reports 'from staff and a report that indicates program participation for programs offered this fall. The participation and attendance figures will be updated as the programs occur. During the month, we accepted the maintenance responsibility for an additional 4.9918 acres of landscaped area. If you require any additional information, please let me know. c: Citizens' Community Services Advisory Committee Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manger John Stinson, Assistant City Manager DATE: September 2, 1999 TO: Stan Ford, Director FROM: Tim Ruiz, Recreation Supervisor RENTALS $241.00 was collected in rent for the month of August - 1999 FITNESS ROOM 312 Participants month of August GAME ROOM 792 Participants month of August. GYM -. 849 Participants month of August TENNIS 20 Participants month of August (Saturday's Only) WOMEN'S EXERCISE Unavailable at this time LUNCH 1,200 Participants month of August PROGRAM Program ended August 5th, 1999 NJTL TENNIS PROGRAM Program ended the first week of August MARTIN LUTHER KING COMMUNITY CENTER The summer camp came to a happy end with our Annual Camp King end of the year trip'. We took the camper's to Clovis Lake on August 5th, 1999. The Center had three bus loads of 160 camper's as well as the summer game centers two bus loads. It was a joint effort by the Recreation Department that was enjoyed by camper's and Recreation staff. A great way to end the summer. The Center was closed August 23rd for two weeks for general repairs. We will be hosting the California State Yo-yo Championships in September.. The Bakersfield California sponsored a community meeting here at the Center to discuss expanded news coverage of the southeast. The Amtrak Youth Basketball Tournament was held on August 7th, with 6 teams over 60 participating and 200 spectators. The Southeast Neighborhood Partnership through project Reach held a youth outreach meeting for kids 11 to 18, approximately 50 youth attended this meeting. The topics of discussion included issues facing youth's today. Flyer attached. Up Coming Events: September 2nd, 1999 Quilting Class September 7th, 1999 Center reopens to public September 11th, 1999 4th Annual California State Yo-Yo Championships September 11th, 1999 Dance Troupe LOWELL COMMUNITY CENTER AUGUST 1999 5-8 year olds 435 9-11 year olds 303 12-15 year olds 24 16+ year olds 2 Total 764 Salsa Class- 60 participants this month. The class will be moving from Aldo's to the Martin Luther King Center in September. Ballroom Dance- 150 participants for the month. The class is going well. MONTHLY REPORT - AUGUST 1999 Linda McVicker 1. On Tuesday, August 10, the Silver Creek Community Center had over 2000 people participating in various recreational activities. The activities included a concert featuring Mento Bum, swim lessons, aquamotion, karate lessons, clogging lessons, basketball, tennis lessons, and a football team practicing in the open field. The picnic tables were full of people as was the playground area. It's wonderful to have one park where so many different activities can all be held at the same time and meet the needs of so many people. 2. Leisure Class Attendance: Class Registered Participants Monthly Attendance Aquamotion 72 234 Calligraphy 6 6 Clogging 69 69 Dance & Gym 44 173 Dog Obedience 9 72 Golf 11 44 Hawaiian Dance 3 12 Jazzercise 14 99 Karate 8 32 Pressed Flower Workshop 17 17 Spanish 4 16 Tennis Lessons - Children 22 174 Tennis Lessons - Adults 10 74 289 1,022 Classes in Bold were held at the Silver Creek Center 3. The Silver Creek Center was rented 3 times during the month of August. It was rented for a family reunion, a birthday party, and a charity event. The total attendance for rentals was 325. 4. The Silver Creek Day Camp had 60 children enrolled for all five sessions. A total of $45,600 was collected in registration fees. The camp was open from June 14 to August 20, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. Activities included trips, swim lessons, special events, sports, arts, dance, music and crafts. 5. The Musicfest '99 series held at the Silver Creek Center ended with two great bands in August. Friends of the Man singing gospel music was featured on August 3 and on August 10 we had Mento Bum playing reggae. The attendance for the gospel music was approximately 500, and approximately 800 in attendance for the reggae concert. This popular concert series was held in conjunction with Castle & Cooke. 6. Total attendance for the Silver Creek Center in August: Leisure Class ......................... 978 Day Camp ............................. 1,300 Rentals. ................................... 325 2,603 JULY 1999 MONTHLY REPORT Submitted by: Sally Ihmels AQUATICS AREA Aquatic Update · Fall aquatic staff determined and scheduled. · Schedules for Spring, Summer and ~:all 2000 have been developed. · Fall swim lesson session began. · Aquatics time line and operations manual was started. · Cumulative Recreation Swim Attendance £or the pools is 41,510. Attendance is broken down by pool and program on the attached tables. 1999 AQUATIC PROGRAM ATTENDANCE TOTALS June 21, 1999 through August 20, 1999 PROGRAMS BEALE JASTRO JEFFERSON MLK PLANZ SAUNDERS SlEMON SILVERCREEK WAYSIDE TOTALS Infant 1 26 2 12 13 28 74 156 Preschool 5 18 11 1 27 38 49 75 224 Journey 1 11 52 39 124 129 169 403 63 990 Journey 2 4 34 17 78 47 148 161 10 499 Journey 3 1 11 13 18 24 48 94 5 214 Adults 5 5 Challenge 26 25 51 Jr. Lifeguarding 14 9 40 63 Totals 22 141 96 1 273 251 468 872 78 2,202 1999 SUMMER RECREATION SWIM June 21, 1999 through August 22, 1999 JUNE JULY AUGUST TOTAL BEALE 817 2,070 933 3,820 JASTRO 921 2,113 872 3,906 JEFFERS' 988 4,200 2,617 7,805 PLANZ 925 2,083 742 3,750 MLK 1,209 1,928 328 3,465 SAUNDEr 65-1 1,106 249 2,006 SlEMON 1,051 1,950 580 3,581 SlLVERCl 1,896 4,220 2,595 8,711 WAYSIDE 700 ,1,295 269 2,264 Totals 9,158 20,965 9,185 39,308 MONTHLY REPORT - August 1999 RECREATION Terri Elison, Recreation Specialist 1. The Summer Game Centers program ended on August 6th. This program was very successful with lots of children attending the various sites throughout the city. * Program ended with a field trip on August 5th to Wild Water Adventure. Two buses . of children enjoyed the day at this water park in Clovis. * Evaluations from parents were very positive with comments such as--"This program has been the best experience for my son...your staff really care." Other comments praised the staff for being a positive role model for their child and for. keeping their children busy and out of trouble this summer. 2. I helped coordinate the Rockin' By the River concerts on August 17t', 24t' and 31st at Yokuts Park. * Attendance was estimated between 400-600 people each concert. '* The crowds enjoyed the beautiful summer evenings and the sounds of Eddie and the Brush Fire, Diminished Capacity, and Last Call. 3. I have been working on the after school playground program--Bakersfield B.E.S.T. * Interviewed and recruited new staff * Held a staff orientation/training on August 28t' * Organized program supplies and delivered to 6 sites * Program started August 30th at the six schools in the Greenfield Union School District--McKee, Planz, Plantation, Kendrick, Palla, and Fairview *Met with new principals at Casa Loma and Evergreen *Continue to work on flyers/registration forms to distribute to schools in the Bakersfield City School District MONTHLY REPORT August 1999 Holly Larson, Recreation Specialist · The first ever Rockin' By The River concert series, held at Yokuts Park the last three Tuesdays in August was a huge success. There were between 400 - 600 people at each of the concerts. Evaluations were very positive with written comments including, "Exciting to see the use of Bakersfield's natural resources: the Kern River and the local talent." And '"A very good way for the city to help promote local bands while giving the citizens of Bakersfield a special event for all ages to enjoy." -o Conclude preparation for the second annual River Front Jazz concert series at Yokuts Park beginning September 7. · Continue meeting bi-weekly with the Halloween Haunted Trail committee. · Coordinate with graphic artists on designs for event posters, Iogos and flyers. · Appear on KGET and KBAK to promote Rockin' By The River. · Continue preparation for the PetFest and Country Market Fair taking place on October 16 and 17. · Cover for Aquatics Supervisor during her vacation. Check in and organize supplies as pools begin closing. Continue meeting weekly with aquatic supervisor and coordinators to evaluate this years program and plan for next year. Alternate on-call responsibilities with other staff. Attend and assist with year ending swim team forum. · Attend monthly CPRS meeting held in Tehachapi. · Prepare and submit proposals for co-sponsorship to Raymond's Trophy and PG&E. Continue sponsorship discussion with Pepsi. · Attend Master Plan training on August 19. · Assist with monthly safety/department meeting on August 26. · Continue coordination of upcoming Fall leisure classes including: · yoga · east coast swing · west coast swing · country two-step · nightclub two-step · jazz, tap, acrobatics and ballet for kids · adult ballet Au0ust Leisure Class Attendance: Class Total Registered Monthly Attendance East Coast Swing 27 57 West Coast Swing 16 37 Monthly Report-- August 1999 Recreation Jeannette Triscuit, Recreation Specialist 1. Secured site for the 4th Annual California State Yo-Yo Championships on September 11th. Event will be held at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Secured judges and Master of Ceremonies. Wrote donation letters to Yo-Yo manufacturers for prizes for participants. Working with Holiday Inn- Select for securing a block of rooms for contestants. Working with Yo-Yo people to do Media interviews and performances on September 10t'. 2. Participated in the "Night out against Crime" event hosted by the Police Department on August 3rd. Brought out recreation staff and held an activities booth with several games, face painting, and distributing Recreation & Parks literature. Gave out over 750 bags to public. 3. Supported Tim with the staff coverage of the Martin Luther King Center and Lowell Center during his vacation. 4. Worked with staff to identify and have repairs completed as well as completing a supply inventory at both Martin Luther King Center and Lowell Center. 5. Participating on the City Employee Newsletter committee. 6. Participating on the Department Newsletter committee. 7. Assisted staff by developing flyers for a variety of different activities and events. DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: September 1, 1999 TO: Stan Ford,,Director of Recreation and Parks FROM: Mike Doyle, Assistant Parks Superintendent SUBJECT: August Monthly Report NEW TURF AT CENTENNIAL PLAZA Originally, the type of turf that was installed at the Plaza was a type of rescue. The intent was to sustain a "green" appearance of the turf throughout the year. However, rescue turf is susceptible to a variety of conditions that are very damaging. The first and foremost is its' susceptibility to fungus. Continuous care has to be given to monitor and abate the damaging affects of fungus, which could occur at any time of the year. Often the fungus appears without warning creating an unsightly damage to the turf. Another susceptibility is "foot traffic". Since the landscaping of the Plaza, during the events, hundreds of people are walking on the turf causing a tremendous amount of damage. As a result, Supervisor II, Ed Lazaroti did some research and decided to install a variety of hybrid bermuda 'in place of the fescue. The hybrid bermuda is more resistant to the above mentioned conditions and is a more attractive turf for visitors to stroll, sit, and enjoy the Plaza. As for the "ever green" look, a perennial rye grass will be planted during the fall months and sustain that green look until the following spring. Hats off to Ed Lazaroti for his continuous commitment for quality landscaping at the Centennial Plaza. NEW GROUNDCOVER ON FAIRFAX Supervisor II, Ed Lazaroti was not satisfied with the condition and type o£ groundcover on Fairfax Road, south of Freeway 178. After doing some research, Ed located a colorful and hardy groundcover called Verbena tapien. This groundcover booms a purple flower throughout the spring and summer months, thrive in the heat and requires minimum irrigation. It is an excellent choice for Fairfax Road and future development. WE JUST KEEP GROWING Recreation and Parks accepted and additional 4.99 acres of landscape improvements in August. The additional acreage came in two areas. The first is on Panama Lane, east of Monitor Street, but the most significant is Linear Park Phase II located on Coffee Road, just south of Hageman Road. This linear park, which is approximately 4.50 acres, features street lights, walk ways, large turf areas and assorted and attractive shrub areas. This addition increased our labor hour requirements to an additional 150 hours a week. FINAL PHASE OF NEW PARK SIGNS The final seven park signs were placed at Central (2 signs), Castle, Grissom, Saunders, Wayside, and Westold. We are proud of our new signs, they represent the pride we take in our parks and the additional steps we are taking in improving the quality of our parks. NEW ACREAGE Stan Ford - ~MonthlY RePort - August From: Greg Cronk To: Stan Ford Date: Tue, Aug 31, 1999 11:43 AM Subject: Monthly Report - August Beach Park Skate Park Reviewed six submittals and conducted interviews with two design/build teams before recommending award to a team comprised of Community Works Design Group and Malibu Pacific Tennis Courts. Contacted representatives of PG&E and Water Department pertaining to concerns for impact of skate park to transmission tower lines or Kern River. Received soils report for area of proposed skate park. Office Trailer Conducted site inspections for two proposed used office trailers. One trailer was located in Bakersfield, the second in Modesto. Due to condition of trailers and cost for providing additional modifications to meet our curent and long term needs, staff recommended rejecting all bids at this time. Playground Equipment Reviewed three submittals each for University and Wilson Park for ADA accessible playground equipment. Provided recommendations for selection of vendor. CC: Allen Abe RECREA,.TION & PARKS MONTH OF: August 1999 - ATTENDANCE REPORT -FALL BROCHURE 1999 ACTUAL REGISTRATIONS ATTENDANCE AQUATICS: Lap Swim 7 150 Jr. Lifeguard 0 63 Recreational Swim 0 9,185 Swim Team 0 0 Swim Lessons 311 2202 Private Lessons 0 0 Semi-Private Lessons 0 0 ACTUAL REGISTRATIONS ATTENDANCE AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS: Lowell N/A CLOSED MLK N/A CLOSED Silver Creek N/A CLOSED City Schools: Casa Loma N/A CLOSED Munsey N/A CLOSED Jefferson N/A CLOSED Sequoia Middle N/A CLOSED Stella Hills N/A CLOSED Washington Middle N/A CLOSED William Penn N/A CLOSED Greenfield: Fairview N/A CLOSED Kendricks N/A CLOSED McKee Pdmary N/A CLOSED Palla N/A CLOSED Planz N/A CLOSED Plantation N/A CLOSED · . ACTUAL REGISTRATIONS ATTENDANCE SPORTS: Adult Tennis Social 6 6 Volleyball League 0 Pending Softball 35 Pending Youth Basketball 0 Pendin~l Cross Country 0 Pendin~l ACTUAL REGISTRATIONS ATTENDANCE MARTIN LUTHER KING CENTER: Aerobics N/A 0 Adult Sunday Basketball N/A 116 Fitness Center N/A 532 Gymnasium N/A 928 Game Room N/A 972 Tennis Lessons N/A 0 ACTUAL REGISTRATIONS ATTENDANCE CONTRACT CLASSES: Aquamotion 112 216 Baton 0 'Pendin~i Breakdance 2 Pending Calligraphy I 6 Cheerleading 3 Pending Cycling 0 Pending Country 2-Step 8 Pending Clogg.ing 51 68 Dance Classes 27 Pending Dog Obedience 3 11 Drums 0 Pending .Golf 20 11 In-Line Skating 1 Pending Jazzercise 6 9 Karate 8 8 Nature Hike 5 Pending Night Club 2-Step 5 Pending Pressed Flowers ' 6 18 Rollerskate 1 Pending Scrapbook 1 3 Spanish 0 Pending 'Self Defense 1 Pending Salsa ', 10 Pending Swing Dance 40 25 Tao Jo 2 Pending Tennis - Adult 22 10 Tennis - Kids 13 31 Yoga 10 13 '~ ..... ACTUAL REGISTRATIONS ATTENDANCE CITY-WIDE EVENTS: Country Market October 16 N/A Pending October 17 N/A Pending 1999 Alpo Canine Frisbee Championship October 16 N/A Pending Fun Carnival for Kids September 28 N/A Pending Halloween Haunted Trail October 28 N/A Pending October 29 N/A Pending Luminaria December 11 N/A Pending NFL Punt, Pass, Kick September 25 N/A Pending Rockin by the River September 7 N/A Pending September 14 N/A Pending September 21 N/A Pending Eakerff ~?ld Wa~teWater ~rmtmmt Plant)Va. 2 - £~ran~ian L CORPORATION SaChs.Electric: Dy[ ,.co,~.~^~ CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SUMMARY NUMBER EIGHTEEN August 1, 1999 to August 31, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS I. Kiewit Pacific Co. performed the following: Site: Continued installing Public Address System. Preparation for paving of Digester Nos. 1 and 2 area. Headworks: started installing sidewalks and screen walls. Completed HVAC duct system. Performing instrumentation checks. Operations Building: Completed piping on Raw Wastewater Pumps. Checking instrumentation systems. Primary Clarifiers: Completed piping on pumps # 1 and # 2 in Primary Sludge Pumping Station. Completed five (5) day test on pump #2. Digester Control Building: Completed piping to overflow boxes of Digester Nos. 3 and 4. Performed operation test on various system pumps. Working on system piping, insulation, and roofing. Digester #1: Started installation of mix flow pumps and piping connections. Removed temporary supports for cover and lowered it to the digester supports. Page 1 SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS · Headworks and Raw Sewage Pump Station work is advanced to where the pumps c,an be tested. AREAS OF CONCERN · The need to have the Headworks, Primary System, and a Digester ~n service so testing can proceed. Headworks Screen Wall CHANGE ORDERS · Change Order 1 - ($92,342.61) · Change Order 2 - ($362,133.82) · Change Order 3 - $25,812.87 · Change Order 4 - $109,382.45 · Change Order 5 - $45,294.03 · Open Change Order Items · Instrument Revisions · Electrical Cost (credit) of deleting Generator for by-pass pumping. · HVAC revision at Headworks · Revision at Secondary Splitter Box Grating · Waste Gas Flare Modification (credit) · Addition of Raw Sewage System Valves · Rehabilitation of Raw Sewage Tunnel and Wet Well Page 2 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION · 160 RFI's have been received/processed as of August 31, 1999. · 6 Days on average turn around. SHOP DRAWINGS 376 Shop Drawings have been received/processed as of August 31, 1999. 11 Days on average turn around. Digester No.'l Mixing Pump PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR September 1999 Site: Complete installation of the Public Address System. Complete A.C. paving and roads. Reinstall irrigation system between equipment building and Digesters #1 and #2. Headworks: Complete screen walls and sidewalk. Place mechanical screens into service. Raw Wastewater Pump Station: Complete equipment test and painting. Place new pumps into service. Grit Chambers: Place the grit removal system into service. Primary Clarifiers: Place clarifier No. 1 and No. 3 into service. Page 3 Primary Sludge Pumping Station: Place pumps #1 and #2 into operation. Digester Control Building: Start-up boilers and heaters. Start heating and seeding Digester g4. Install acoustical insulation in Cogen Room. Digester No. 1: comPlete piping installation, grout pumps, and test digester pumps. Primary Sludge Pump Station Page 4 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SUMMARY DESCRIPTION STATUS Notice to Proceed Dated February 9, 1998 Contract Time, Calendar Days 730 Original Completion Date February 8, 2000 Substantial Completion Date May 7, 1999 Time Extensions Approved 69 Days Revised Completion Date May 2, 2000 Original Contract Amount $29,239,800.00 C'hange Orders Approved (273,987.08) Revised Contract Amount $28,965,812.92 Amount Earned This Period $28,095,744.00 Amount Earned to Date $28,388,456.00 Percent Complete, $ 97.09 Calendar Days Used 538 Percent Complete, Calendar Days 70.88 Heat Exchanger 99-353 Page 5 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Theodore D. Wright, Civil Engineer l~V~'J--'~'~ THROUGH: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: September 8, 1999 SUBJECT: CIP STATUS REPORT - July/August 1999 Attached is the status report for the Capital Improvement Program. The CIP status report is comprised of the following sections: 1. Listing of Completed projects; 2. Status of pre-FY 1999-00 and FY 1999-00 CIP projects; and 3. Construction Inspection Status Report. The tbllowing projects have been completed since the last status report: T9K053 TOC Interconnect, H Street (White Lane to Brundage Lane) E9K004 Sewer Rehabilitation, B Street (Truxtun Avenue to 19th Street) E9K005 Storm Drain Construction, Benton Street (Holden Way to Ming Avenue) T8K035 Street Improvements, Panama Lane at Stine Road E6K017 Sewer Rehabilitation, Manholes (Hageman Road) (k\GROU PI)AT\Memo\CIPklulyAugust99.wpd PRE 1999/2000 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department Pre 1999-00 Capital Improvement Program Schedule -Mon 8/30/99 Ward Proj. No. Description Mar'99 I Apr'99 ! May'99 I Jun'99 ! Jul'99 ! Aug'99 Sap'99 2 PdK006 AMTRAK STATION i Design ~ PlanApproval ~ i Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids ~ Award of I; id Construction ! i i Notice to Proceed $ I 4 T8K059 SIGNAL, NEW - BRIMHALL RD/JEWETTA AVE ~ Design :. :~0 Plan APproval i Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids ~ Award of Bid Construction Notice to Proceed ~ 2 T7K025 BRIDGE CONST., Q STREET GR. SEPARATION i : ~ i : Design Bid Request/Award Award of Bidl ...... i: .... i! : ......... : ..... · Construction ceed 0 ' 5 E8K028 SEWER REHABILITATION, STOCKDALE i i i Design ~, Plan Approval : : i i Bid Request/Award * *~ Award of Bid Construction NotiCe to Proceed 0 2 T9K053 TOC INTERCONNECT (TRUXTUN, N TO BEALE) ~ ~ Design - ~ Plan APproval i i i i [readve_~ising.f°_.r new__bid, s~ . J i Bid Request/Award ! Advertise for Bids:: 0 ': ~ A:ward of B ~d Construction i Notice to Procee( - 1,7 T9K053 Toc INTERCONNECT (H, WHITE TO BRUNDAGE) i i i Design i~ Plan Approval i Bid Request/AWard ds 0 :* Award Of Bid i i Construction Notice to Proceed 0 ! 01 Notice of Complet~ on : 2 P9K009 R~YCLE FAC LITY, SVC PAD : : i :: :: · : - Plan ApproVal :: ............... BidRequest/Award . i. _ .i . : ....... ~over~ise for Bids . *. Award of Bid Construction i Notice to Proceed ~ ~ f Iotice of COmpletion i presept. MPP Page 1 of Design 3 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department Pre 1999-00 Capital Improvement Program Schedule -Mon 8/30/99 2 E9K004 SEWER REHABILITATION, B STREET Design A Plan Approval i Bid Request/Award ise for Bids * ' Award of Bid [ ............................................ :i Noticei ' to~ Proceed[ 0 ~ ' iC°nstructi°n ~ Noti,:e of Completion: ...... : : : ...... ' : VAR. T9K005 SYREET RESURFACING i ! i i Design ~ Plan Approval Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids ~ Award of Bid Construction 'Notice to Proceed O ~ Notice of Completion : 3 T9K012 NORTHEAST BIKE PATH ~ i i ~ i i i ~ ~ Federal environmental document approved by State !i ~' i ..... : ...... early August. Plans and specifications noTM proceeding. I ..... Design Bid Request/Award i i Advertise for Bids ~ ~ Award of Bid == (~r~str~ii~ ii ...... ii ..... 'i ii ...... ii .... i NOtice to prOceed ~ 7 EgK00~ STORM ~RA~. CO.ST. ~E.TO.~M~.G ~ ~ ~ i Design ~ Plan Approval : i i Bid Request/Award ise for Bids . ' Award of Bid i Construction No~ice to Prodeed ~ i i ~ Noi ice of Completion 2 Q9K003 [~es'ignNATURAL GAS FUELING STATION ! ...... iI i: [[ .... i .... ~ PI~ n 1 Project delayed due t~ City requested[ ......... A~p;o design revision by Consultant. Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids ~ ~ Award of Bid Construction i Notic =. to Proceed ~ I I i ~ Notice of Compl 2 E9K009 STORM DRAIN CONST., MYRTLE/BANK i : i i i i Design : ~ Plan APproval i i i i Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids * ~ Award of Bid i : Construction i Notice to Pro ~eed ~ : ~ Notice of Completion 7 TdK002 BRIDGE IMPROV. - WHITE LANE/99 (PSR) i ~ ~ i:i i :~ ~i i. .................. Consultant Procurement ...................... :: ...........ii " i i .... i"I Caltrans commen'~§'f0r'dratt Study ...... I i i .... i : :: I received Consu tent fina z ng report. J i i ..... Study ~i Study ApProval presept. MPP Page 2 of Design 3 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department Pre 1999-00 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Men 8/30/99 Ward Proj. No. I De_~-cription Mar'99 I Apr'99 I May'99 I Jun'G9 ! Jul'99 I Aug'99 Sep'99 ! Oct'99 ! Nov'99 I Dec'99 ! Jan'00 6,7 T8K035 1 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - PANAMA LANE i : i i Design Plan Approval i i i i :: R~',~ ~f]~ward ~ Award Of Bid Construction Notice to Proceed 0 i i A Notice of Completion i 3 T8K065 !SIGNAL, NEW ? COLLEGE/FAIRFAX i i i i i i .................... Desig~ . !Bid RequestJAward Bid i i :: :: i :: i i' i , Construction i i ~ Notice to Proce:d < ' ; ~ Notice of Completion 4 TSK050 1 SIGNAL, NEW- WHITE/BUENA VISTA i :: i Constiuction et pioject delayed : : .... : ...... due to connection of Allen ! Design i Road trunk sewer at White Lane ..... ...... Bid RequestJAward i i i ~ ! ...... i ..... i : i : Construction : Notice to Proceed ~ ~ Notice of completion 4 E6K017 SEWER REHAB.- MANHOLES (HAGEMAN RD) ii i ii :. Design : ~ ~ : Bid RequestJAward Bid Construction roceed ~ :. i : *. NotiCe of Com ~letion i i 4 E7K001 SEWER CONSTRUCTION - MAIN (ALLEN ROAD) ~es'ign i i ~ ..... ~ ~ :: .... Construction ~ ~ ~ ~ Notice of Completion I E6K004 ~ PLANT 2 UPGRADE/EXPANSION i ~ ~ ............ ,e;i~. : ~. ~ ........... Construction ~ ~otic~ o~ Com~lo~ion presept. MPP Page 3 of Design 3 1999/2000 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1999-00 Capital Improvement Program Schedule -Mon 8/30/99 Ward Proj. NoDescription Jul '99 I Aug '99 ]Sep'99I Oct'99 I Nov'99I Dec'99 I Jan '00 I Feb'00I Mar'00 ! Apr'00 I May'00 I Jun'00 ., CW TOK019 RESURFACING; LOCAL STREETS, PHASE ONE : ~ : Design ~ Plan Approval i i Bid' R~quest/A~aid ! i: .............. ~ ~ Awa~ fofBid : i i i Notice to Proceed ~ ' * ~ Noti Construction ~ : : CW TOK020 RESURFACING; LOCAL STREETS, PHASE TWO i i i ! : ! Design ~, Plan Approval Bid Request/Award - : ~ Awm ~ of Bid ....... Consti~J'ction ' i Notice to Proceed ~ 6 T8K046 STREET IMPROVEMENTS; ASHE / HARRIS i ii' I Obtaining easement tor permanent sump. J ............... Design i .~ Plan Approval : Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids, ~ Award of Bid Construction i Notice to Proceed ~ ! ~ Notice of Completion ! 1 E7K005 SEWER REHAB. MAIN - S. CHESTER (Phase 1) i Contractor prequalff~cation currently adverbsing. ' I " :' I Bidding to occur after contractor submittal review.I " Design ~ Plan Apprc vel Bid Request/Award Advertise f, )r Bids ~ Award of Bid i i . ! :: .... ~ iNoticeofCompletio Construction Notice to Proceedi ~ i :~ _ · ' : 1 POK011 CHILLER PLANT AT POLICE STATION : : ~ · Design m ~ Specification Approval i i i i ............... Bid'R~quest/Award Advertise for Bi, ts ~ ~ Award of Bid ' i i i ....... '[ ..... Construction .... ~ .......... i .... [ * .... i .... i i ...... : i Notice to Proceed ~ Notice Of Completion :: 1 TOK005 BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS- UNION/K.I. CANAL * i. ~ ;lan APp~ro i F~ipe supply contract to I ......... [~esig~ : ..... vel . award at CC mtg of 9/8/99. I Bid Request/Award Advertise ~or Bids <~ Award of Bid : Construction : Notice 'to Proceed ~ : ~ Notice of Completion : 4,5 E9K001 SE~ER CONSTRUCTION, MOHAWK - PHASE 1 i Phase 1 (I-K Canal X~ng) plans currently I . . ...... ~ :: ....... [ I being reviewed by Bureau of ReclamationI " Design ~.2 Plan Approval Bid Request/Award :: Advertise forBidS ~ ~ ~ Award of Bid i i i ......... C0~strucii~n i ....--- ' Notice to ProCeed ~ i :i ........ ~ Notice~ .... of Completion* ::i ....... septembr. MPP Page 1 of FY 99-00 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department ,: 1999-00 Capital Improvement Program Schedule -Mon 8/30/99 4 EOK002 STORM DRAIN CONSTR; CALLOWAY / BRIMHALL ~ ~ : ~ ~ Design ~ Plan Approval Bid Request/Award Adverti ;e for Bidsi ~ ~ Award of Bid Construction i Notice to prOceed ~ i Notice of CompletiOn 2 TOK014 STORM IMPROVEMENT; CALIFORNIA AVENUE ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ Design ~ Plan'Approval i i : : Bid Request/Award Adv( rtise for Bids ~ Award of Bid i Construction Not'ce to ProCeed ~ Notice of Completion : 2,5 TOK010 DOWNTOWN DRAINAGE STUDY i ! i i i i : Consultant Selection i ~ Select Consultant i i i i Prepare Study Start Study ~ ' : ~ Study APproval 4 EgK0 0 SEWER TRU.K REPA.R. MT. VER.O. (VVW P 2) i ! i i i i i Design i ~i Plan ApProval : [ i Bid Request/Award !Advertisefor Bids ~ ~ Award of Bid :: Construction i : NotiCe to Proceed ~ ~ Notice of Completion 2 T4K055 STREET IMPROVEMENT; LAKE STREET AREA ~ ~ i i Design ~ Plan ApProval i i Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids ~ ~ Award of Bid,i Construction i : i Notice to Proceed ~ ! I ~ i Notice of Completi 3 KEN624 STORM DRAIN REHAB: FAIRFAX ROAD ~ Design ' ~ ~ ...... Plan APprovall ...... Bid Request/Award : ..... ' ! i [! Advertise for Bids ~ Awar ~ ......... ~ ...... ...... i i ...... :: ............ i ~ ........ Construction i i i i ~Notice to Proceed 2 TOL002 DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE II i Design ~ PlanApProval il :i ii Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids ~ ~ Award of Bid Construction i i i i NOtice to proceed ~ i : ~ Notic~ of Completion septembr,MPP Page 2 of FY 99-00 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1999-00 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Mon 8/30/99 Ward Proj. NoDescription Jul '99 I Aug'99 I Sep'99 ! Oct'99 ! Nov'99 I Dec'99 I Jan'00 ! Feb'00 ! Mar'00 I Apr'00 I May'00 ! Jun'00 1 TOK142 SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION FY 99-00 i : i i i i Design i ........ ! ..... ::' ~ Plan ApProval i i [ i ~ AwardofBid Bid Request/Award i Advertise for Bids~ · i ! ................ :' ............. conStruction i ii i' i [Notice to Proceed ~ ~ Notice of Completion 1 TOK138 STREET IMPROVEMENT; CASA LOMA ~ ! Design ~ Plah Approval Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids ~ ! ~ Award of Bid i Construction i : 'Notice to Proceed ~ ~ Notice of 2 P9K007 DOWNTOWN FLEET FACILITY i i i ~ i :: Consultant Selection ~ Consultan Selected:: i i Design Development sign $ ~ Design Complete' Construction Begin Construction ~ 2,5 T8K081 24TH STREET SIGNAL UPGRADES i ~ :: i ~: Design : ~ i Plan ApprOval : Bid Request/Award i i i Advertise for Bids ~ Award of Bid Construction ...... i Notice to Proceed <~ 3 T9K015 SIGNAL, NEW - COMMANCHE RD/SR 178 : : Design ~ Plan Approval Bid Request/Award : i Advertisefor Bids ~ ~ Award of Bid :: ....... Construction i : i Notice to Proceed ~ I E7K005 SERVER REHAB MAIN - SO. CHESTER (Phase 2) i i i i i : : ~ Plan Approval ..... I Bi'd R~c~'St/Award - i i i i i. i i Advertise for Bids ~ ~0nstruction ' :: i i i i i i Notice to Pr 4 TOK013 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION - OLIVE/CALLOWAY i i i i ~ ' ~ Plan Approval i septembr. MPP Page 3 of FY 99-00 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1999-00 Capital Improvement Program Schedule -Mon 8/30/99 VVar~ Proj. No DescriptionJul'99 !Aug'gg Sep'~g ! Oct'~9 I Nov'9~ !Deo'~ I Jan'00 !Feb'00 ! Mar'00 !^pr'00 I May'00 4 TOK012 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION - HAGEMAN ROAD ~ : ! Aerial Photography completed. Ramp teasibility study on-going.I . ' i I Reviewing Consultant proposal for project environmental studies. 7 T8K002 BRI~)GE WIDENING - WHITE/SR 99 ! i i i Environmental Document : 2 T8K080 WTR SYSTEM UPGRADE - CHESTER AVENUE i i i Design ~ Plan Approval C0~structi0~ :L-'-- ' ''' ~ J! i ii i i Notic® to Proceed 4 TOK007 STREET IMPROVEMENT; BRIMHALL ROAD Bid Request/Award i ii i i ' AdVertise fo; Bids ~ ~ Award ~f Bid Construction i i iNotice to Proceed CW TOK011 STREET RESURFACE - Phase I i i : i i i i : Design ~ Plan ApprOval i .... Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bids ~! i ~ Award of Construction 'i .... ii ' i i :: Notice t° Proceed CW TOK011 STREET RESURFACE - Phase 2 ~ i [ ~ ~ :~ i i Design ~ Plan Approval i Advertise for Bids ~i ~ Award of Bid Request/Award i Construction : i Notice t° Proceed septemDr. MPP Page 4 of FY 99-00 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department , 1999-00 Capital Improvement Program Schedule -Mon 8/30/99 Ward Proj. No Des_cription Jul '99 I Aug'99 I Sep'99 I Oct'99 ]Nov'99 !Dec'99 I Jan '00 !Feb '00 I Mar'00 I Apr'00 I May'00 !Jun'00 ,, 7 TOK009 STORM IMPROVEMENT; WHITE / HUGHES ~ ~ ~ : Design ~ Plan Approval i :.Advertise for Bids ~ ~ Award of Bid Bid Request/Award i . ....................................................... Construction :' ..... ~ ii ...... ii ii ii i: .... NotiCe: ...... to Proceed ....... ~ i: .... ~ 4 TOK006 ST~-EETWIDENING; ROSEDALE HIGHWAY ~ ~ : Design i i ~ Plan ApproVal septembr. MPP Page 5 of FY 99-00 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS SUBDIVISION .... ~ CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS -- SUBDIVISION 09/01/99 P.M. OR DEVELOPER/ % TRACT NS LOCATION CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR COMP. BUENA VISTA GOLF CART CROSSING CASTLE & COOKE LESH 80% BUENA VISTA RD. RECONSTRUCTION CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% HAGEMAN WIDENING - COFFEE-FRUITVALE FRUITVALE PROPERTIES LESH 90% ROSEDALE SCHOOL - JEWETTA & NORIEGA COLOMBO LESH 5% STOCKDALE HWY. RECONSTRUCTION CASTLE & cOOKE LESH 45% VALLEY PLAZA STORM DRAIN COLOMBO CHOATE 100% PM 9329 STOCKDALE HWY, CSUB - OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 100% PM 10054 COFFEE RD, & OLIVE DR. FRUITVALE PROPERTIES LESH 0% PM 10368-1 COFFEE RD, & HAGEMAN FRUITVALE PROPERTIES LESH 60% PM 10406 CALLOWAY DR. N/OF STOCKDALE GLENWOOD GARDENS LESH 90% PM 10426 GOSFORD & MCNAIR CASTLE & COOKE PIERCE 85% TR 5077-1 VISTA MONTANA DR.- N/O KERN CANYON RD. PIERCE 0% TR 5362-1 WlBLE & HOSKING MELVIN G. DAVIS MITCHELL 60% TR 5362-2 WlBLE & HOSKING MELVIN G. DAVIS MITCHELL 0% TR 5369 MONITOR & PACHECO AMERICAN HOME ALLIANCE MITCHELL 30% TR 5426-E STOCKDALE & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5426-F STOCKDALE & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 50% TR 5433-3 AKERS N/OF BERKSHIRE ENNIS DEVELOPMENT MITCHELL 90% TR 5433-4 AKERS N/OF BERKSHIRE ENNIS DEVELOPMENT MITCHELL 99% TR 5441-D NORIEGA RD. - E/O JEWEq-rA AVE. HINESLEY LESH 5% TR 5478-3 COFFEE RD S/O OLIVE DRIVE HINESLEY LESH 90% TR 5552-A & B RENFRO RD. & STOCKDALE HVVY. WEST KERN DEVELOPMENT LESH 30% TR 5596-2 - 5 HAGEMAN & VERDUGO FLOYD HINESLEY LESH 0% TR 5646-~ FAIRFAX RD (~ VALLEYVIEW DR W.D.J. CORPORATION MITCHELL 75% TR 5658-1&2 HAGEMAN W/OF CALLOWAY COLEMAN HOMES LESH 50% TR 5658-3 HAGEMAN W/OF CALLOWAY COLEMAN HOMES LESH 25% TR 5680-D CALLOWAY & MARBY GRANGE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5680-E E/OF CALLOWAY S/OF BRIMHALL CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5680-F E/OF CALLOWAY S/OF BRIMHALL CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95%: TR 5684-1 E/OF JEWETTA (~ SHELLABARGER CARRIAGE HOMES LESH 95% TR 5884-2 !E/OF JEWETTA @ PALM CARRIAGE HOMES LESH 85% TR 5700-1 HARRIS B/WEEN ASHE RD & STINE RD KYLE CARTER MITCHELL 50% TR5700-2 HARRIS B/WEEN ASHE RD & STINE RD · KYLE CARTER . MITCHELL 0% TR 5716-7 MEACHAM & MAIN PLAZA DEWALT LESH 30% TR 5716-8 MEACHAM & MAIN PLAZA DEWALT LESH 30% TR 5719-2 S/O HAGEMAN - E/O PATTON ROBERSON LESH 20% TR 5728-3 JEWETTA & HAGEMAN DEWALT LESH 70% TR 5809-C PANAMA LN. & UNION WATTENBARGER MITCHELL 95% TR 5827-A,B&C BRIMHALL ROAD E/OF JEWETTA CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5836-A CALLOWAY S/O BRIMHALL CASTLE & COOKE LESH 90% G:\GROU PDA'r~QUATTRO\Construction\Subdivision Projs.w'o2 09~01/99 PAGE 2 P.M. OR DEVELOPER/ % TRACT NS LOCATION CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR COMP. TR 5845 -E PANAMA LN. & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 0% TR 5845 -F ;PANAMA LN. & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 80% TR 5846 -B&C HARRIS & ASHE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 50% TR 5846 -D HARRIS & ASHE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 80% TR 5848- E - F ! PACHECO & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 70% TR 5848- G - I I PACHECO & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 0% TR 5853 PANAMA LN. & RINGSDALE CT. MACHADO MITCHELL 20% TR 5859 NW CORNER PANAMA & UNION CARRIAGE HOMES MITCHELL 99% ?R 5869-3 BRIMHALL ROAD W/O CALLOWAY BURLINGTON HOMES LESH 30% TR 5872-2 WHITE LN. & MOUNTAIN VISTA MIKE SOPER MITCHELL 99% TR 5876-A MING & OLD RIVER i CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5876-C MING & OLD RIVER I CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 587~D MING & OLD RIVER :CASTLE & COOKE LESH 90% TR 5876-E MING & OLD RIVER: CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5876-F MING & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 587~G MING & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 90% TR 5907-A&B FARMERS CANAL & SEASONS DRIVE NORMAL DEVELOPMENT MITCHELL 99% TR 592(~1&2 RIVERLAKES DRIVE & OLIVE DRIVE COLEMAN HOMES LESH 50% TR 5920-3 I RIVERLAKES DRIVE & OLIVE DRIVE COLEMAN HOMES LESH 35% TR 5921 OFFSITE SEWER & LIFT STATION KYLE CARTER LESH 40% TR 5921-1 CALLOWAY DR. & NORRIS RD. KYLE CARTER LESH 90% TR 5921-2 CALLOWAY DR. & NORRIS RD KYLE CARTER LESH 0% TR 5923-1 CHASE AVE. - S.E. of KERN CANYON RD. NICKEL FAMILY PIERCE 0% T'R 5927 BERKSHIRE - F_JO SO. 'H" STREET BERKSHIRE COUNTRY ESTATES MITCHELL 20% TR 5932 CALLOWAY & VERDUGO COLEMAN HOMES LESH 80% !TR 5934-~ BUENA VISTA RD. S/O STOCKDALE HWY. COLEMAN HOMES LESH 5% TR 5937 AKERS & HOSKING TURMAN MITCHELL 99% TR 5939 WESTVVOLD & BROOKSlDE BATEY !LESH 70% TR 5950-A AKERS & HOSKING TURMAN MITCHELL 30% G:~GROUPDAl'~::iUATTRO~ConstructJon~Subdivision Projs.wb2 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 09/01/99 START EST. COM % PROJECTS TYPE CONTRACTOR ~. INSPECTOR DATE DATE COMP ALLEN RD-BUENA VISTA TO PALM CONSTRUCT TRUNK SEWER UTAH PACIFIC CONST. I HUDIBERG 12/15/98 09/30/99 65% AMTRAK STATION BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COLOMBO CONST. MILLWEE 09/07/99 06/30/99 0% BANK STREET- CYPRESS TO MYRTLE STORM DRAIN HALOPOFF & SONS MAHAFFEY 09/20/99 0% ,, BEACH PARK AREA STORM DRAIN REHAB INSITUFORM i ALLEN 08/01/99 08/15/99 100% BENTON ST-HOLDEN VVY TO MING AVE STORM DRAIN GRIFFITH COMPANY ,.' MOORE 07/01/99 09/03/99 95% BRIMHALL ~ ALLEN TRAFFIC SIGNAL A-C ELECTRIC MAHAFFEy 11/01/99 0% BRIMHALL ~ JEWETTA TRAFFIC SIGNAL GRIFFITH COMPANY MAHAFFEY 07/12/99 09/15/99 95% BUENA VISTA RD & MING AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNAL A C ELECTRIC MAHAFFEY 03/29/99 05/14/99 100% BUENA VISTA RD & WHITE LANE TRAFFIC SIGNAL A C ELECTRIC MAHAFFEY 11/01/99 0% FAIRFAX @ COLLEGE TRAFFIC SIGNAL GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CHOATE 09/15/99 0% MT. VERNON - GREENWASTE SITE WASH PAD CONCASTCO INC. ALLEN 09/30/99 -0% PANAMA LANE & STINE ROAD STREET WIDENING GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CHOATE 06/24/99 09/03/99 95% "Q" STREET N/OF TRUXTUN AVENUE RAILROAD UNDERPASS GRIFFITH COMPANY MILLWEE 04/01/99 06/30/00 43% SEWER PLANT NO. 2 PLANT= UPGRADE/EXPANSION KIEWIT PACIFIC BLACK/VEATC~ 01/03/98 '11/01/99 97% STOCKDALE HWY @ REAL ROAD SEWER REHAB INSITUFORM ALLEN 07/12/99 09/07/99 80% VARIOUS LOCAL STREETS RESURFACE GRANITE CONSTRUCTION 04/01/00 0%, VARIOUS LOCAL STREETS RESURFACE GRANITE CONSTRUCTION 04/01/00 0% VARIOUS STREETS RESURFACE GRIFFITH COMPANY BOLANOS 07/19/99 09/29/99 20% G:\GROU PDAT~QUATTRO\Construction\CIP Stats.wb2 ~09/09/99 THU 15:49 FAX 805 328 1548 BFLD ECON & COMII DEV *~ CITY MGRS OFFICE ~001 alif r a For more information: Ken Phillips, Pleasant Holidays Jake Wager, Economic Development Director. Phone: 818-991-3390, ext. 6108 City of Bakersfield FAX: 805-495-4972 Phone: 661-326-3765 E-Mail: kenp~leasant.net September 9, 1999 For immediate release PLEASANT HOLIDAYS OPENS $5M CALL CENTER Pleasant Holidays, one of the largest travel companies serving Hawaii, Mexico, Asia, and the South Pacific, has opened and officially dedicated its new, $5 million, 30,000-square-foot, reservations call center at 7500 District Boulevard in Bakersfield. The Pleasant facility currently has nearly 100 reservations agents, with expansion capability for an additional 200 agents over'the next two years. In making the announcement at Pleasant's dedication, which was attended by over 100 .' Bakersfield City officials and business leaders, Ed Hogan, Pleasant's founder and chairman/CEO said, "One year ago, we came to Bakersfield to open a satellite reservation call center. We were assured by MayOr Price andthe city that Pleasant would find the community supportive. Not only did we discover a most accommodating atmosphere, we found a real home and a family of employees that makes us very proud." (more) 1501 Truxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 · (805) 326-3770 · Fax (805) 326-3779 ~ 09/0~/99 THU 15:49 FAX 805 328 1548 BFLD' ECON & COM3I DEV *~* CITY MGRS OFFICE ~002 PLEASANT HOLIDAYS OPENS $5M CALL CENTER September 9, 1999 Pa~e 2 Hogan noted that the travel company has already planned for another 30-percent growth increase with the aid of the Bakersfield call center. "Pleasant's business is breaking records each month, with no let up in sight. With over 13,000 calls daily, we reached our capacity in our Westlake Village headquarters and with our temporary offices in Bakersfield far sooner than expected. KSA Group Architects and Columbo Construction have been wonderful partners, designing and building a permanent facility that will meet our needs in Bakersfield-for years to come. The Career Services Center has provided us with a strong employee base upon which we can continue to grow. And all of us at Pleasant Holidays are grateful to the mayor and city staff for their untiring efforts in helping to ensure our future success here." Bakersfield Mayor Bob Price said, "This facility is another example of our success in diversifying our local economy. By having a variety of employers in Bakersfield, we are able to withstand the ups and downs of different industries. On behalf of the City Council, I welcome Pleasant Holidays and assure them of the city's continued assistance and cooperation long after the ribbons are cut and the doors are opened." Employment applications for Pleasant's new reservations call center may stillbe obtained through the Career Services Center at 5121 Stockdale Highway, Bakersfield. Pleasant Holidays, L.L.C. is a $400-million-a-year travel company owned by The Hogan Family (more) ~.09/09/99 THU 15:50 FAX 805 328 1548 BFLD ECON & COlffi DEV ~ CITY MGRS OFFICE ~003 PLEASANT HOLIDAYS OPENS $5M CALL CENTER Sept~nber 9, 1999 Pa~e 3 Foundation, employing over 700 people. The wholesale travel, operation is comprised of Pleasant Hawaiian Holidays, Pleasant Mexico Holidays, Pleasant Tahitian Holidays, Pleasant South Pacific Holidays, Japan & Orient Tours (Asia),' J&O Air (worldwide air consolidation), J°umeys of Discovery (Europe), Pacific Destination Services (meetings/conventions/incentive), Pleasant Island Holidays (Hawaii resident travel), and Vacation Acceptance Company (vacation financing). Pleasant Travel Service, another of the Hogan companies, employs 1,100 people in the operation of Westlake Travel Service (retail travel agency) and four hotels in Hawaii--Royal Lahaina Resort and Kahana Beach Condominium Hotel on Mani, Royal Kona Resort on Hawaii, and Kauai Coconut Beach Resort. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR.~?'~I '~?~-'-~- DATE: SEPTEMBER 10, 1999 SUBJECT: FUNDING FOR HIGHWAY46 - On September 3, 1999, Ronald E. Brummett, Executive Director of Kern COG, drafted a memo regarding State Route 46 funding. Subsequent to the writing of that memo, several questions have arisen as to its actual meaning. The following will attempt to clarify how this project is and will be funded: State Route 46 will be widened from two lanes to four lanes and a median between Interstate 5 and the San Luis Obispo County Line. This widening will be constructed in three separate segments. The first segment is approximately 7. 2 miles long and is located between the San Luis Obispo County Line and Keck's Road. The two other segments continue eastward from Keck's Road with similar roadway lengths. Currently, all necessary money is in place to perform the environmental studies necessary to construct the improvements. Construction dollars are "programmed" in the very next available programming cycle which is the year 2002. Actual construction money will not be made available until then; however, it will take until then to gain all necessary environmental approvals prior to right- of-way being acquired and subsequent construction occurring. Construction for Phase 1 is slated to begin in 2005/2006. It should be noted that funds which are "programmed" merely indicate the State's intention to fund the project. Actual funding occurs after the California Transportation Commission approves the State Transportation Improvement Program and the State Budget is approved by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. Construction of the last two phases [Route 46 from Keck's Road to Route 33 - Phase 2; and Route 46 from Route 33 to 1-5 - Phase 3], are programmed to be funded in the 2004 cycle with construction commencing in 2008/2009. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Reno Gazette-Journal Wednesday, August 25, 1999 -- 13A.!.~ ! a look Having just returned from a con- vention in Bakersfield, Calif., I feel that our RSCVA and/or the Down- town Redevelopment Agency should take a trip to that city and see -'- how to develop a city. They have taken their Civic Cen- ter Auditorium, anchored it with a large hotel and added attractive con- vention space. They have rejuvenated their mainI st,'i.,~t (Chester Avenue) by planting' trees and shrubs down the'rr~iddle of~ the' downtown area. They light the trees at night and have added many shops for the public to browse in. Their sports promotion efforts are excellent, now being in line for an NCAA basketball playoff next spring; and they support semi-pro baseball and hockey. Sports programs for the young are strongly pushed. An interesting Pio- neer Village features old structures from the area, together with their Kern County Museum, where citi- zens can treasure their roots. Long ago they solved the same problem Reno faces by installing underpasses that virtually eliminate railroad' hangup. Being a city noted for summer heat, it has many trees around to give shade and a pleasant view Frank Sweder, Reno