HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/07/97 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM February 7, 1997 / SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION ?~/ 1. A memo from the City's attorney office is enclosed concerning the Bakersfield Museum of Art. At this time, the Museum has not yet exercised the option to purchase. Their attorney will be working with them to get us a legal description of the contiguous property they will need for expansion. Meanwhile, the current lease agreement remains in effect. 2. An update on Tevis Park is enclosed. As indicated in last week's General Information, the basketball and security lighting have been activated. Progress continues with a chai'nlink fence presently being installed on the south side of the parking lot. We are also bringing in sand for the playground equipment. 3. A status report from Public Works is enclosed regarding the Chester Avenue Streetscape, the expansion of Wastewater Treatment Plants 2 and 3, and the Panama Lane bridge widening project. 4. There was an unveiling ceremony of the anti-graffiti billboards today at the intersection of California and Owens, per the attached memorandum from Public Works. 5. Following a meeting with the consultant on the burn dump project, staff'has formulated a schedule of events which will lead to mitigation work being done in mid-summer. The status report is enclosed. 6. A response to a Council referral is enclosed regarding the possible administrative fees and interest charges related to the assessment tbr curb and gutter at 2202 B Street. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst MEMORANDUM January 28, 1997 TO: BAKERSFIELD MUSEUM OF ART FILE / FROM: GINNY GENNARO, Deputy City Attomey(./~__.~ SUBJECT: Purchase Option from Museum of Art I talked with Steve Dake this morning concerning the January 15, 1997 letter from the Museum President to City Management. I told Steve that it was our impression from reading the letter that the Museum is not ready to exercise its option and that it would like to negotiate the amount of contiguous property that will be included with the option to purchase. Steve indicated that he would confirm with the Museum that it had not exercised its option. Further, he will instruct the Museum to put together some type of legal description as well as a color coded map indicating the "contiguous property" that the Museum will need for its expansion. In the meantime, the Museum is currently governed by the lease agreement in effect and the ball is in their court, so to speak, as to when it will exercise the option to purchase. VG:cj cc: Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst S:~,ONVCTR~MEM(:X_~PURCH-OP. MUS JAN 3.J 1997 _-'---v.~__ ,i" . '~ .~ ,': ... ........ THIS MEMORANDUM IS EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE AND IS PROTECTED BY THE ATTORNEY-CLIENT AND ATTORNEY WORK-PRODUCT PRIVILEGES. DIVISION OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: February 3, 1997 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Recreation and Parks Director SUBJECT: TEVIS PARK UPDATE In the past few weeks, major projects at Tevis Park have been accomplished. P.G. & E. and G.S.I. (general contractor) completed the electrical hookups and the security lighting and basketball court lights are now functioning. A six (6) foot high chainlink fence is presently being installed along the southerly side of the parking lot area to the westerly boundary of the park. It is approximately 400' of fabric fencing guided by posts. This addresses one of the residents concerns of illegal vehicular traffic coming into the parking lot area. One of the significant components to the playground equipment is almost completed. We are in the process of bringing in the sand to go underneath the equipment, weather permitting. When this is complete, 'the playground equipment will be available for use to the residents. SF:pah s:~parks~nemos\tevisprg B A K E R S F I E L.D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM February 4, 1997 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Direc ~ SUBJECT: Status Update on Chester Avenue Streetscape, Wastewater Treatment Plants 2 and 3 Expansions and Panama Lane Bridge Widening Project at State Highway 99 Chester Avenue Streetscape Plans are in for final review, and the project is scheduled to advertise for bids March 12, 1997. Wastewater Treatment Plant 2 Expansion The State has responded to Boyle Engineering with their comments on the plant expansion. We anticipate Boyle Engineering will need about two weeks to respond to the States comments. Upon completion of Boyle's response to the State, the State will need another two weeks to review Boyle's comments. We anticipate approval to advertise the project in mid to late March 1997. Also, on February 5, 1997, the State has this project before the Water Quality Control Board for basic funding consideration. Wastewater Treatment Plant 3 Expansion Carollo Engineers are about 40 - 50% complete with the plans and specifications. Carollo anticipates 90% completion of plans and specifications at the end of February 1997. The construction management contract for this project is placed on the agenda for approval on the Council meeting of February 19th. Panama Lane Bridge Widening Project at State Highway 99 The pre-job conference is scheduled for Monday, February 10th at 2:00 pm. We anticipate construction will start around March 1, 1997. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ~'~ DATE: February 5, 1997 SUBJECT: ANTI-GRAFFITI BILLBOARDS Attached for your 'information is a memorandum regarding the Unveiling Ceremony of the Anti-Graffiti Billboards which is slated for Friday, February 7, 1997, at 10:00 A.M. at the intersection California and Owens. Attachment BAKERSFIELD Pubiic Works Deoartment MEMORANDUM February 4. i 997 TO: Raul R0jas. Public Works Director FROM: A//..~. Jamison. Superintendent. General Services Division SUBJECT: ~.,Unveiling - Anti-Graffiti Billboards The unveiling ceremony of the first anti-~affiti billboard will be on Friday, February_ 7, 1997, at the South East comer of Califorma Ave. and Owens St. The event will take place at I0:00 .m.. and Mayor Price will do the honors. As stated in previous correspondence. Martin Outdoor Advertisin~ has kindly donated the billboard space to promote the City's Zero Tolerance on ~affiti. ~ocal businesses have contributed fmanciallv to cover the production cost of the billboards' desi_m't. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ~~/~ DATE: February 5, 1997 SUBJECT: BURN DUMP PROJECT UPDATE Following our meeting with the Kleinfelder consultant today, we can look forward to the following schedule of events which will lead to mitigation work being done in mid-summer 1997: 2/20/97 Receive report on second round of soil sample analysis 4/10/97 Receive draft remediation plan 5/1/97 Receive comments from DTSC on draft remediation plan 5/15/97 Send final plan to DTSC 5/30/97 Receive final approval from DTSC and begin 30 day public comment period; begin preparing bids for job 6/30/97 End 30 day public comment period and address any comments received; solicit bids 7/2/97 Award contract for mitigation work ~ In reviewing the above schedule with the DTSC today, we discussed possible arrangements with the residents during the mitigation process. If the extent of soil work for mitigation is fairly small, as anticipated, residents should not have to temporarily move out during the process. However, DTSC suggests that we offer residents a short stay away from home at their own option. We will address this issue in detail during DTSC's r~exi~f~dm, ft~ mitigation plan in April. r~ ~z~ ,, ~-- ........... ~ c,_,_ ~ ~'.~ Memo to: Alan Tandy February 5, 1997 Page Two On what may be a positive note, the vacant home at 3504 Panorama Drive is now being rented out by the lender who foreclosed on the former resident. Apparently, the burn dump issue has not inhibited the market completely. KB/mmm cc: Judy Skousen Dave Norman (Kleinfelder) Adam Palmer (DTSC) Jim Marxen (DTSC) Burn Dump File S:\WPDATA\L_UPDAT3.MEM BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy - City Manager RaulM. Rojas-Public Works Director z~.~d~~..~ FROM: DATE: February 3, 1997 SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0012718/001 Assessment for Curb and Gutter - 2202 "B" Street The owner of the property located at 2202 "B" Street is required to construct curb, gutter and a chive approach as a condition of his remodeling project. The owner requested the City to construct the improvements under the annual contract and has contracted with the City to pay the cost of the improvements through his property taxes over the next two years. The City places a lien for the improvement amount on the property and, when the payments are complete, releases the lien. The City has undertaken this type of obligation several times in the past, usually in areas that have been developed in the County without curb and gutter and subsequently annexed into the City. The installation of the curb and gutter benefits both the City and the property owner in that it generally helps solve a storm drainage problem. To date, the City has not charged property owners any administrative or interest charges for work of this sort. Should the City decide to charge an administrative fee and interest for the installation of curb and gutter, an amount equal to 10% of the improvement would be appropriate,' as the work is done as a part of the annual contract and any staging costs, etc. are shared out among many small projects. The Finance Department has determined that 6% over the prime rate would be an appropriate annual interest to charge. This percentage would be determined by the Finance Depariment at the time the lien is placed upon the property. m:hncmos\council.rct~012718.mom City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ ~ ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 'REQ/JOB: WF0012718 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 2~06~97 REQUEST DATE: ly22y97 · SCHEDULE DATES CREW. START: 1~22~97 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 2~03y97 GEN. LOC: WARD4 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: CC 8.F. REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - MCDERMOTT ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: ASSESSMENT FOR CURB/GUTTER REQUEST COMMENTS · **REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** MCDERMOTT REFERRED THE RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT TO CONSTRUCT CURB, GUTTER AND DRIVE APPROACH AT 2202 B STREET TO STAFF TO ADDRESS CONCERNS REGARDING THE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS AND INTEREST CHARGES. JOB ORDER DESCRIPTION: ASSESSMENT FOR CURB/GUTTER Category: PUBLIC WORKS TASK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL ASSIGNED DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS START DATEI.__1 COMPLETION DATE I I GOVERNOR'S OFFICE Janua~ 28,1997 Mr. Alan Tandy Bakersfield City Manager 1501 Tmxtun Avenne Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: Thank you for your correspondence urging my approval of Assembly Bill 2797. After a careful review of all the consequences involved with approving this legislation, I decided to veto this measure. A copy of my veto message is enclosed for your information. Please be assured that I am doing my best to strengthen California's leadership role in education, public safety, health care, job opportunities and many other important state activities and programs. Although approaches to specific issues may vary, I am hopeful that all Californians will join together in addressing these critical challenges. Thank you again for sharing your concerns with me. Sincerely, PETE WILSON Enclosure !Cl.'Pt' iV~ANAGER'S C)FFf,'_'. '. GOVERNOR PETE WILSON * SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 o (916) 445-2841 GOVERNOR PETE WILSON 5EP 2 9 1996 To the Members of the California Assembly: I am returning Assembly Bill No. 2797 without my signature. ..... This bill Would freeze the property tax revenue transfer to the Educational Revenue Augmentation Funds (ERAF) in the 1996-97 level. In addition, this bill would repeal the use of ERAF for Special Education programs beginning in fiscal year 1997-98. This property tax shifts of 1992-93 and 1993-94 were necessary to meet the constitutional obligations of Pr0position 98. Because the ERAF is used to offset General Fund support for K- 14, the redirection of the growth to local agencies would result in significant General Fund costs. While the provisions of this bill would hold Proposition 98 harmless, it would require, over approximately a 5-year period, that almost $1 billion from non-Proposition 98 General Fund programs, such as Corrections, Higher Education and programs which support local governments, be reduced in order to continue to fund Proposition 98. Numerous issues affecting local government finance, including trial court funding and welfare reform will require legislative resolution next year. In addition, two propositions on the November ballot would affect local government finances. Finally, any attempt to stimulate home construction by giving local governments a fiscal incentive to approve development plans should be coupled with a serious review of developer fees and other impediments to such construction. I recognize that local governments, like the state, have had to make significant budget adjustments over the last few years as a result of the recession that plagued California in the early 1990's. Nevertheless, given the complexity of the issues confronting the State and local governments, it is inappropriate to approve a piecemeal approach to local government financing reform. A comprehensive approach should be considered next year as a part of the budget process. Cordially, PETE WILSON STATE CAPITOL · SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 · (916) 445-2841