HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/97 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM rch 7, 1997 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNC FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. On the proposed Certificate of Participation issue, we plan to use a surety bond, instead of fully funding the $3.1 million Debt Service Reserve. This will allow us to increase the net proceeds for the proposed certificates to $25 million, and at the same time, downsize the total issue without changing the annual debt service. This creative and cost saving opportunity is available to us because of our good rating. A memorandum from the Finance Director is enclosed. 2. Also enclosed from EDCD is a project update on the California Avenue Services Facility/Clinica Sierra Vista. 3. Congratulations to Gene Bogart and the Water Resources Department. The Water Recreation and Recharge Program for the Kern River Parkway has been selected to receive a Regional Award of Merit from the Kern Council of Governments. This recognizes their development of a water management program designed to maximize and increase flows in the Kern River Parkway during the recreation season. The awards ceremony will be on March 13th. 4. The February 1997 CIP Status Report prepared by Public Works is enclosed. 5. A response to a Council referral is enclosed regarding unsafe conditions at Highway 178 and Comanche Drive. 6. We have been told that negotiations between the garbage haulers and the County on universal garbage collection have broken down. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst MEMORANDUM Alan Tandy, City Manager from: cCffoeng~ nrYt/~nKIcie nn~t eO; EF ixnpT;s .el oDn i subject: trice Reserve) date: March 5, 1997 Certificate of Participation financings typically require a fully funded debt service reserve from certificate proceeds or a surety bond in lieu thereof. MBIA, the bond insurance company, has committed to provide a debt service reserve surety bond for a one time fee from certificate proceeds. I have directed the proposed financing be structured to include the surety bond instead of funding the debt service reserve. This will enable the proposed $42.9 million issue to be downsized and to increase the net proceeds from the certificates from $24 million to $25 million. These two actions will keep the net additional annual debt service to be paid by the General Fund over the life of the certificates within the parameters you have set. GJKlljm p: Imemoslgklimkolgk9 702. wpd B A K E R $ F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM March 4, 1997 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Directo~.,~ SUBJECT: Project Update - California Avenue Services Facility/Clinica Sierra Vista Staffhas developed a time line for the implementation of this project. The major steps in the process are as follows: · At the March 10 Budget and Finance Committee meeting we will be asking to accelerate the amendment process to appropriate the remaining $214,600 needed for the acquisition. · The environmental review is underway, but will require a Phase I review with the expected release from HUD by early July. · Concurrently, staffwill prepare the draft agreement with the final ready for Council approval on July 16, based on the early July release of funds from HUD. · In anticipation of the Council action, an appraiser will be ready to begin the appraisal process on July 17, and should to take 30 days. · Escrow will open as soon as the appraisal is completed. Length of the escrow will depend on the requirements of all three parties involved A meeting with Clincia and Mr. Strong is planned for next week to go over the details of the time line. I will keep you informed as to our progress at each point in the process. jfw:j f~P:\CS VXUPDATE 1 .MEM ~£~ ~ 8 ~997 Kern Council Cl~ OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURcEs of Governments February 27, 1997 Mr. Gene Bogart, Manager Department of Water Resources City of Bakersfield 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield CA 93311 Dear Mr. Bogart: Congratulations! The Water Recreation and Recharge Program for the Kern River Parkway has been selected to receive a Regional Award of Merit in the category of Environmental Resources and Conservation for a group. This award will be presented by the Kern Council of Governments to recognize your development of a water management program designed to maximize and increase flows in the Kern River Parkway during the recreation season. The Annual Regional Awards Ceremony will be held Thursday, March 13, 1997 at the Red Lion Hotel. The cost of the Awards Reception is $12 which includes hot and cold hors d'oeuvres. The agenda for the evening is: 6:30 p.m. No-Host Cocktails 7:00 p.m. Awards Presentation Again, congratulations. We look forward to meeting you at the ceremony. Please call the Kem Council of Governments at 805/861-2191 to confirm attendance by you or your representative. Sincerely,/, / Rffnald. E. _B~e~ Executive DirectOr REB/lc Copies to: Mayor Bob Price Councilman Mark Salvaggio, Chair City of Bakersfield City of Bakersfield Water Board 1501 Truxtun Avenue 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield CA 93311 Kern Council of Governments 1401 19th Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-2191 Facsimile (805) 324-8215 TTY (805) 832-7433 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, city Manager · ~__~[ FROM: Da/nell W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director THROUGH: Paul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: March 3, 1997 SUBJECT: CIP STATUS REPORT - FEBRUARY 1997 Attached is the new version of the CIP status report. The intent of this version is to better inform the users of the various milestones a capital project goes through. The CIP status report is comprised of the following sections: 1. Notices of Completion filed and Plans and Specifications approved 2. Status of all 1996-97 andPre-FY 96-97 Carryover CIP sorted by design squad 3. Status of Pre-FY 96-97 CIP projects under construction 4. Construction Inspection Status Report 5. Financial Summary of 1996-97 CIP projects by fund 6. Financial Summary of Pre-FY 1996-97 CIP Carryover projects by fund If you have any questions or suggestions for improving this report, feel free to contact me. cc: G. Waiters T. Slater D. Teubner BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Darneii Haynes - Assistant to the Public Works Director FROM: Theodore D. Wright - Civil En~neer IV~,.~ DATE: February 28, 1997 SUBJECT: 1996-97 CIP STATUS REPORT Attached are the current schedules for Fiscal Year (FY) 1996-97 ClP projects, as well as pre-FY 1996-97 projects that were carried over from prior years and that are currently under construction. Since the last ClP Status Report, the following projects have had Notices of Completion filed: E6K007 Woodwaste/Greenwaste Facility Improvements E6K005 WWT Plant 3 Building Expansion T3K002 Bridge Replacement - China Grade Loop T4K037 Rancheda Road Bridge (Painting) The following plans were approved since the last ClP status report: Repainting Firestation No. I Exterior T7K001 Signal, New - 28th Street at F Street T6K066 Resurfacing Streets - Chip/Cape Seals PTK001 Installation of Restrooms - Annex Basement T7K022 Panama # 10 Streets - Phase II (Panama Lane) P7H002 Repaving Fire Station No. 2 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 2/27/97 ~ I, JulY1996 ~ August1996 September1996I October19967: I ~ November1996 I December1996 I 'January1997 I February1997 I March1997 ~ April1997 I May1997 June1~)97 ~ July1997 I August1997 September1997I 00tober19972611 November1997 I December War_~d Proj. No.Description 30171~412~12 14[~1~8125 1181~5122129161~312012 13110117124 ~ 18115122129151~21~91261219/1612312191181231 0161~3120127141~1~8125 1181~81221 916113120127131~0117124131 7 ~412112815,1121~91 21914612313017114 2 E7KO08 Sewer Replacement - Main (Union Avenue) ~ i :: ~ i ~ ~ ! i i i ~~ i i Design ' ' "~ -~ ~; '~' i ~'~ Plan Approval i i i i i i i, i: il ii i :~ :i Bid Request/Award Advertise for Bidsi ~ ............. .... i .................................... ~ Award of Bidi ............................ ii .............................. ! ............................ ,.i ..... i ........... .ii ............................................................................................. : construction i ~VOticetoProceed ~ .= .' .,i ~.~ Notice of comPletion i 'i .................... i .... i ................................... i i: ........................ !; .................... ........... ~ T7K022 Street Improvements - Panama No. 10 i i i! i : i i ' Design ........... . '= '~" ~ PlanApprovai i i i i i: i! !! i! ,' ii il ::i ii i: i: Bid Request/Award : :: :: Advertise forBids ~ -": - ~ Awa!'d of Bid i i i ' :i ii i: i~ i NoticetoPro,~ed~ ~ . · i~ NoticeofCompletion i i ' i i i: Construction i i i : i 2 T6K071 Street Improvements- Alta Vista Area i i i i i i '. ii ii i ~ received 1/23/97 for Pl~ese I ex~e-ed budget. Phase I-'& II Design ...... I ~ ..... ::~ Plan Approval ii i :: ................ :: ..................................... i .......... Lwill bid together for award affer approval of FY 97-98 budget, ii Bid Request/Award ; i : i i i Advertise forBids ~ ': n~. '~' ~ AwardofBid i i ii : Construction ~ ..................... ~:: ...... ~ .... [ ......................... :[ ......................... ~i ...................................... i~ ............. ' i~ .............. i~ .............. ' .... N°tice~ ............... to Proceed ~ ............... '~ ............ :~ .................... ,,: .... , ~'~ ............................. Notice of Compietion 7 T5K038 Bridge Widening Panama Ln. at SR 99 i ~ i ! ~ ~ i i i ! i ; :: i ! i Design "~ , '~ ,~: ~ , ...... ! .......... "- Plan Approval .. i! i! il ii ,' i: ....... i i i Bid Request/Award i: i ..... Advertise for Bidsi ......................... C' ": ............................................................................. 19 AwardofBid : i .............................................................................................................. Construction i i Notice to Proceed ~ : 2,5 T6K073 ; Street Widening (California Ave., Oak St. to A St.) i ~ ~ ~ i i Design ~ ~ ..... ~ ........ : .......... "':~'~i ........ :' ........... : ......... * ........ : ...................... ~ ............... :': .... .... .; .... /:'.: .' ' ~ Plan Approval ! i i :: :: Bid Request/Award i i i i i i i i i AdvertiSeforBids ~ :~ ' ,~ ~wardofBid i Construction i i ! ii i! i :i e ~ :. '. ~ e : i i i i Notice to Proc ed ' ~ Notic of Completion 5 T6K076 Street Widening (Oak St. at Truxtun Ave.) i i i i i i i ! i i i i i i i Design i i .............................. :~ ...................................... i ................ ! ....................... ? ............. i ................... ! ............................. i .......................... i .................................. ! ..................... ' ' , : ', . : . : ~ : ~ Plan Approval Bid Request/Award i : i i i Advertise for Bids ~ ='-, ', ~ Award of Bid i il i __ Construction ~: ......................................................................... i: ~i ............... ::: : .ii ................................ i.i ii ................................ :ii ................... Notice to Proceed ?, ............................. ~ .... ~!! ....................... , ~ ..... ' ! ...... J ~ ./~ Notice ........ ! ........................ of Completion 4 E6K018 Sewer Rehabilitation - Main (Buena Vista Phase I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bid Request/Award il i ii i~ ii ii Advertise ;Bids ~ i q~ AWard of Bid ': ; i i i ii Construction ii i i i i :i i i !i Notice to Proceed ~;>~.~ ; i ' i . i' :, , ' ~, ; <,~ Notice of Completion  Repainting Firestation No. 1 Exterior i i i i i i complete bid forms. Second Iow bidder to be ....................... i ..................... i ................... i ......................... i ........... Design i! ! I,, ........ ~ .............. ~ i ? ............ i'~' ....... ~ Plan Approval i! i awarded contract at 3/12/96 CC meeting, i ii ii :: i Bid Request/Award i i. ii ii i Advertise forBids ~ . ; ' ' ..1~ A, ,ard of Bid i i ii I il ii i! i Construction ..... i i i Notice to Proceed ~2 ' . ~ Notice of completion i . . . :' C:'~WINPROJ\MULTII.MPP Page 1 of Design 1 (DeWayne Starnes) ~ City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 2/27/97 ~ July1996 ~ August1996 I September1996 I October1996 [ November1996 I December1996 { January1997 I February1997 I March1997 { April1997 ~ May1997 I Junel~97 ~ July1997 I August1997 September1997 I October19972611NO~ember1997 IDecember War_.___~d Proj. No. Description 3017|1412112 1411~llSl25 1|81~5122129161~3120|2713 10 47 24 118115122129151f21191261219|161231219116i231301611312012 141~118125 ~ |8|15122t 9161~3120|271311011712413117114,J2~128151~2119l 219116|2313o|7|14 2 T7K001 Signal, New- 28th Street at F Street ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Design ~ , ~ ~ - - ~ ~ ~ Plan ApprOval Bid Reques~A~rd ~ ~ ~ ,, ~' Adve~ise forBids ~ · ' , ~ A~dofBid ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ Construction ;:: : ~: ~ Nol ~e ~0 Proceed ~'~" ~ ~"". .............. ~'"'.~ ....... ,'~..,, ,~, ~ ~ticeofcompletio~ ..................... 1 E7K005 Sewer Rehabilitation - Main (South Chester/Planz) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bid Reques~A~rd ~ ~ ~e~iseforBic~ ~* : :-'~: .... ~ .......... ~:'~ AwardofBid ~ ~ ~ Construction ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NO.ce ,o Proceed ~ ~ ~ ~ ':~ 'T ;~ o,ce ~ E6K013 sewer Rehabilitation- Main ~estchester Area) ~ ~ :: ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ ~ Design ~ ~ ...................... ', [ ................................. ~ ...................................... ~ [ ............................. ~ ......... ~,, ~ ................. . .... ~ ............................... ~ ............ .: ~ :~ ............................... ~ Plan ApproVal ~ :~ '~ ..... ~ ...................... Bid RequesEA~rd ~ ~ A~e~se ~Bids ~:: :, ",' ~ Award of Bid . ~ Construction ~ ..... ~ ' '~ ........................................................ ~ ..................... ~ ............. ] ~ , ALL T6K066 Resu~acing Streets- Chip/Cape Seals ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :: ~ ~ ' ~ aids received ~26/97 exceed budget. Project to immediately ~ : ...... ~ :: I rabid with reduced scope. New bids to open 3/26/97 ~ ........................ Desig~ ,' ' : ~ Plan Approval ~: ........ ~ ~ ~ . ~ Bid Reques~A~rd ' ' ~ ~ ~ A~e'isef°rBidS C ' :' '~ Award°fBid ~ ~ ' ~ ................................................................................................................................................................. Construction :' ..... ~ ........................................................... ~NoticetoProc~d~ :: ............. ~:: ..................................... ~ ........ ' ' ' ~ ~NoticeofCdmpleti°n~ ..................... ':"" ~ .......................... ~ .................... ~ ..................... ~:~ ........................ ~ ................... ~:: ................ 1,2,3 T7K012 Resu,acingStreets(ISTEA& Gas Tax) { ~ ...................................... ~ ..................................... ~ ....................................... ~ ..................................... ~ ............................ ~ ~ ~ '. ...... ~. .............. plan Approval ~ ~ ~ ~ Bid Reques~A~rd : . Construction ': ~ ~ N° tic d ~ ~ ,~' ~ :~ 1,5,6 Q7K014 Removal of Fuel Tanks- Stations 3, 6 & 9 :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ Plans compJete. Fire Depa~ment has requested change to Station 6 (from ' ........................................... ~ ...................................... ~ ..................................... ~ .................................... :: ................................ :: ..................... :. ..... :: ............................. ~ ....................... ~} above ground tank to underground tank). Bid adveffising pending decision. ] ....................................................................................................... Design ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ' I ' , -~ '. ' ~' ..': - .- -: ~ 'lan Approval ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  Plans/specifications complete. Bid adve~ising ALL T5K056 Side~lk Reconstruction Project - Phase II ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ":: ....................... :: ....... I pending identification of sp~ific repair locations. BidReques~A~rd : : ~ ~se ~o~ Bid~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~wa~d o~id ~ ~ ~ Construction ~ ..................................... ~ ...... N°ti~e~ ............................... to Proceed ~ ~ ........ ' ' ........ ~ ~ ' ~ ...................... No~e of Co~p~e~/o~ ............................. ~ ......................... ~ .................. ~ ....................... ~:~ .......... ~ ~ : --: i :-- ~ , : : : : _ 7 T7K023 Street Widening (Panama Lane - Wible Rd to SR 99) ;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .......... ~. ~ .............................. ~ ..................... ~ .................. Design ~ ~ : ::l ~ ~ ,~ P,a, Approval ~ ~ ~ C:~WINPROJ~MULTI1.MPP Page 2 of Design 1 (DeWayne Starn~) City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 2/27/97 ~ July 1996 I August1996II September 1996 I October 1996 ~ November 1996 December 1996 { January 1997 2611 February 1997 March 1997 ~ April 1997 [ May1997 I June1997 L July1997I~ I August1997 September 1997I October 1997 I November 1997 Decemb'~r War___~d Proj. NO. Description 3017|1412~1281411~J48125 4 181~512212916143120i2 131~0147124 1 18115122129151~21ml 2 9 16 23 2191461231 01814312012714t~I~8125 4 ['81~15122t 91611312012713140117124131171~4 2i 28151121191261219[~6123 30 7144 4 T7K002 Signal, New - Brimhall Rd at Harvest Creek Rd i i i i i i : i i ! ~ Bid Request/Award i ~ i i ~ ~ Award ofBidi i i i i : i Advertise fo~ Bids ~ ' ~ ~: ~ ~ · ' Construction i i i i i i i i i i NotiCe to Proceed ~ : : , ~ ' . ~.~ NOtice of Completion -~- E6K012 Sewer Rehabilitation- Lift Station (Bank St.) i !i :: " i ii i i :: ~, i i i i i i :: :: Bid Request/Award i : i : i i i Advertise forBids ~ '.-~?.~:. ~F;.~ ,'~ ~!~.~-~ Award of Bid i [ i i !i Construction i : i i i Notice to Proceed ~'~ ' r ': ~ ~ iNotice of Completion :. 1 P7C016 MLKCenter Improvements i i ~ i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ Bid Request/Award i i i i Advertise forBids ~.~ ': ~ ~ ~.~ AWard of Bid i i ii ii i : : i i ! Notice to Proceed ~,)~ ~:'' ', .... ~ ~ ~ -. ~' ~ <,~ iNotice of Completion :: 2,3 P5C002 Median Reconstruction- Northeast ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ....................... Plans/specifications complete. Bid advertising pending ' . verification of median selected to be reconstructed. Design ~ { ." ,'" ........ ' ' ~ Pla Approval ~ ~ · ~ ~ ~ ~ ', Bid Request/Award '. ' ' :' ...... i .... i i AdvertiseforBids ~ ' . ~ AwardofBidr ' ~~ ~ ~4 Construction :i ! i i i ii i i i Notice to Proceed ~.~ : ~.~ Notice of Completion ii ! i: 2 P7K002 Roof Repair- Convention Center Dome ! :' ' !! i i ii i i i !i !i :i } i i i i Design ........... ~! ........... ! .................................... !i ............................... i ....... ~i ......... i~ ................ i ............... i I ........ ~ Plan Approval Bid Request/Award i : ,. ids ~ i ~ : , i i ! i i : i i AdvertiseforB :,~ ' ~'~.~: ~ :~ ( AwardofBid i i i i Construction ~ : i : i : ! i i Notice to Proceed ~/~2 ~:~?~<;~;' Notice of Completion :: 5 Q7K015 Corporation Yard Wash Rack Upgrade ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i : Plan Approval:: Bid Request/Award Construction : : i ................................. ! ...................................... :: ......... i ................... i ........................ i ........................ i .............. i ............. i ...................... :: ............ i i !: !i Nptice to Proceed ~;) ....... ! .... - ,; ~,,,~ .... ~:. ~:~ Notice of Completion 7 E7K006 Sewer Rehabilitation - Panama Lane Lift Station i i ~ i ~ ~ Pla":ApProvai ................................................ i ......... ii .................................. Construction i i NOtice to Proceed ~';~ ' '., '~---.' :", :~r I,' !' ! .... ' '-.'. ' <,~ Notice of CompletiOn 2 T4KO05 Lake Street Area Improvement Project ! ! i i i i i i i i i i :: i i :: I96-97 phase of project to bid with 97-98 phase of project· Project to / : .................. i .................................... ! .................................... i ............................. i .............. i ........................... ! ....... :~ I i ............................. i .......................... :: ............... i ....................... taward after approval of FY 97-98 budget. · .................. :: :: ............... .C:\WlNPROJWIULTI1.MPP Page 3 of Design 1 (DeWayne Starnes) City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 2/27197 ~ [ July 1996 [ August1996I I September 1996 I October 1996' N°~ember'1996 I December 1996 JI "January 1997 t February1997 I March 1997I April 1997 [ May 1997I I June1997 ] July 1997 [ August1997 I September 1997 [ October 1997 26,1 November 1997 I December War___~.d Proj. No. TaskName 3017/1412112sl4111118125 1181~5122129161~312012713110117124 11BI15i221 91'51121191261219/1612312191161231301611312012714111118125 ~JsI15122129161131201271311011712~,13~lTI1412112s151121191 21911612313017114 2 Q7C003 Convention Center Video System i i ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ i ~ Consultant Procurement i ~ ~- - ,: ..... ,,-~ Awardof'Contract [ i i / Design i Notice to Proceed C ' "~ ' :- ...... ~ Notice Of Completion i i ii Construction i Notice to Proceed ~ ~ . ~ Notice Of Completion i i ii : i , 2 P6K006 Roof Repair - Development Services Bldg. ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ i i ~ ~ Design : '.. '. . : '~ Plan ApproVal i i i i i ........ i i i : Bid Request/Award ::i ....... Advertisef°rBids :: ~ .......... Award°fBid :: ............................. ii .................... ii ................................. i:: ................ Ji ........................................ i ii ............... ii ................ i ................ ::!i ............................. !i .................................................................. i Construction i: i Notice to Proceed ~-~-- ~ ..... i ..... ~ -~.*' --~ ..... ~ Notice of Completion i [ i 5 E6K001 Storm Drain Rehabilitation- Landfair Retention Basin i i ii ii i i i i i ii i BidRequest/Award ! i AdvertiseforBids ~ ' . :. ~ AwardofBi~[ i i i i i i 1 i i Construction ii .......... ii ..... ii .................................. ?! ...................... i? ................. i! ........................ !i ........................ Noticei to Proceed ~ ~ ,,, ,, , . ii ''r~ © Notice cfi Completion i:; :ii 2 T6L001 Chester Avenue Streetscape ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i Design i ..... -~ .......... ~-~ ............... -& ....... - ...... ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ............ ~* ........ ~i-~ ..... ~-~ ........ : (.~ Plan APproval i ii i i i i Bid Request/Award i .... ................................... ii ....... i .............. i ................................... ~i ..... ii .............................. i:: ...................... Adverti,,;eforBids ~ ................ ~;> ~ =~ ! .................. "~ AwardofBid ~ ........................... !'"": i ................. i! ............................ ~i ................. i: ........................ i: ............................ i: ........................... ~" Constructioniiil ........................................................................iii .......iiii' i i: ................. Noticei ................. to Proceed ~2 i"): , .... ................. :ii ................ ill ............................................. . <,~ Not/ce ofii ................... Completion ::i ........................ 7 T6K083 Bridge Widening - SR 58 at the Friant-Kern Canal :: :~ :: :: ~ i i :: :: Design i ..................................... :: ..................................... :: ............ i .................. ! .................. ': :: z~ ~ Plan Approval :r :: ~' ~ ~:: Bid Request/Award ' ~ ~dvertise for Die ; ~ ...... , ........... i ,.,, ,~.~ Award orB~d i : :i ii :i Construction ii i: Notice to PrOceed ~;~ '~?~ :::' ~ i ~' ......... :'~'~ ~':: '; i '~;:,.-~ <,~i: Notice 2 P7K001 Installation of Restrooms - Annex Basement i i i [ :: [ i ~ [ i [ Design '~l ............. . ' ,, i ........... ~ ..................... i ............................. i .......... , ,::i ......................, , ~ Plan Approvali B d Request/Award · i i AdVertiseforBids ~':. '' :~ AwardofBid i ii 'I ii i Construcbon :: :: i :: :: Notice to Proceed ~2 : ' ' ~ ~ Notice of Completion 1- E7K011 Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2 Reservoir i ii i :i :' i :: i [ Scop~ of project ncr~ased I~y ~/Vater Department~ 1 -: ..................................... i ............. i ........... i ................................... i ......... i ................................. i ............... i ........................ i ....................... tPr°jec! t° award after appr°v-al °f FY 97-98 budge-t Design i - .......... ~:-'~: .... ~-~- ~ ............ ~: ......... ~ i ..... ~- .......... ~-~*' ...... : ............ 'r~:,. ~ Plan APpr°val i ii i !i ii Bid Request/Award i i Advertise for Bids ~'~ .... ~,~" , ~ Award of Bid ! :: i :: Construction i ..........ii ....................................................................... ii .......................... i! ......................... i! ............................ !i ":i .................. Notice: ....................... to Proceed ~: ,, ..................... , ,., ' !: ..... .................... :~ Notice of Compiet/on 3 T6K008 Channelization SR 178 - Fairfax Rd. to 1000' West ~ i ~ i i Design i ,' · :. ~ ' :_ ' ~ "' · · ~' ' :, ' ' ,;i:! :;:~' "~ Plan APProval i :! ii i il i i Bid Request/Award i i i i i I~~~ ] Advert/4;e forbids ~;~':'~'~"-'! - ....... %~ AwardofBid i i: ii i c0nsirucii;n i .............................. i ....................................................... i:: ..................... il ................... Notice to Proceedl ..................... ~ ~ i',: ~:~' ........ ....... , ~:~' i ..... - .... : ................ ::: .................. ,~ Notice o~i ........................... Completion ::i ........................ ir .................... C:\WINPROJ\MULTI2. MPP Page 1 of Design 2 (Arnold Ramming) City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 2127197 I July 1996 I August 1996 September 1996 October 1996 I November 1996 December 1996 I January 1997 26 I' February 1997 I March 1997 I April 1997 I May ;I 997 : June 1997 I July 1997 I August 1997 I September 1997 I October 1997 [ November 1997 I December Ward Proj. No. TaskName 3017|!412~12814l~a1,~8125 1|8|15122|29|6|~3|20|27|3|~0|~7|24 ~ |8|15|22|29|5|~2|~91 2|9|~6|23|219|~6|23|30|6|~3|20|27|4|~|~6|25 3 T7K021 Street Imp. - Fairfax at SR 178 Project Study Report i i i ' i i i :~ i i =. i i: : c0~uitant"Pi;~r;ment Construction : i i i ~ , i } 4 T7K004 Signal, New- Hageman Road at Calloway Drive ii i i i ii ii i i i IF nap aris and spec f cat ons to be- i ii i ....... i ..... i i ............................... i ................................ iI .................................. ii' ' /received from consultant 3/3/97. : : i i Notice to PrOceed ~ ' . ~ ~ Notice of Completion 2 T5K057 Downtown Street Improvements Phase II (Fox Theatre) !! i ii ii i i i Project dela:yed pen~ling approvali i i i i : i~esi'"~ i ..... i i i ......... i i ...... i 'l of maintenance/construction agreement. '1 Bid Request/Award i ! i iAdvertise forBids ~ '. ~ AwardofBid i i ii ii I i i Construction i i i i i ! NoticetoPro,eod ~ ' ; ~ N°tice°fc°mpleti°n i i i i . 5 E6K015 Sewer Rehabilitation - Red Lion Sewer Replacement ~ : i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ I ~ i Design .i : ~ ............ ~ ...... : ~ '. ~ ...... ~ ................. .~ ....... z?.~ .......... ~ <, Plan App val Bid Request/Award i i i i i i i i Advertise for Bids ~2------~ ~,~ Award of Bid i Construction :: i :: :: i i i i i i i Notice to Procee~ ~ : .... ~ ~ Notice of Completion All Q7K003 Pavement Management System ; i i i i i ii '. i i i i i * i i Implementation i i i ! i i i i i Notice ~o PrOceed ~;> : '~- ..... ! .......... ' :" ' Construction .. 4 E7K001 Sewer Construction - Main (Allen Road) i : Bid Request/Award : i ~ i i i i Advertise for B~ds ,~2. ...... :_ .... ~ Award Of Bid Construction i ! i i i 4 E7K002 Sewer Construction - Main (Buena Vista Phase II) ~ ~ ~ : ~ i ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ Design Bid Request/Award ~ ~ ~ ! i i Advertise for Bids ~ :: ~ = ~ Award Of Bid Construction 2 T7K003 Signal, New - Flower St at Owens St ~ ~ i ~ Bid Request/Award : i ~ i Advertise for Bids ~ ............... !'~' _~ Award of Bid '~ [ Construction i i i i i i i i i No e to Proceed ! . ~ tice of Completio C:\WlNPROJ~MULTI2.MPP Page 2 of Design 2 (Arnold Ramming) City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 2/27/97 130 July 1996 I August 1996 September 19962 ~ October 1996 I November 1996 December 1996 I January 19972611February 1997 I March 1997 I April 1997 I May 1997~June 1997 I July 1997 I August 1997 September 1997 I October 1997 I November 1997 I December _Ward Proj. No. TaskName 17/1412112814111118125 1181151221 91611312012713110117124 116115122129151121191 219/161231219116t231301611312012714111118]2s 11 · 8 1151~1291 6 1131201271 3 11011712413~ I 7 14 21 28I 5 112119126l 2J 9 1161231301 7 114 5 E7K010 Storm Drain Construction - Main (Ashe Road) ~ i i i i i ~ .. i i Desgn i ........... :: .............. i ............................ i .................................... i ........................ i ....................... :: .................................... i ................................ i ................................ :: ............................... :: i ................. :: :: ............ ~. ................ i i i :: i :: := I ~ -, ,,. . - .~. ~ '~ Plan Approval ~: :: :: :: :: :: Bid Request/Award i i i i i i i AlVertisef°rBids ~ i :: <'~ Award°fBidl I i i i i [ 'r Construcbon ii !i i. !i il ii ii ii !i ii Notice to Proceed ~ . . :. ~. ~ Notice of Completion 6 T7K005 Signal, New- Harris Rd at Stine Rd :: :: i i i i i =. i i i i i i Bid Request/Award Constructionii ii i ; i NotiCe to{Proceed ~2: i ';.'.: : ' ,~ Notice of Completi°n 5 E7K009 Storm Drain Rehabilitation - Lift Station (Beach Park) i ~ i i ! ~ i ~ i ~ i ; i ~ ~ Design : i"i ............................. I . , . i: ......... . . ~:~ .............................. ' , ~,~ Plan i, Approvali .................. =i ................ i: ......... :i ................................. i:i ........... ii ...................... !!ii ............ : Bid Request/Award ! ....................... ': ................................... i! ....... ! ................. i .................................... ii ...................................... !i .................................. :: ...................................... i ..................................... .i ...................................... . ~:. "i ..... ........... i ...... i ................................. :: .................... i .................. ! ......................... Construction i : i i i i i Notice to PrOceed ~ ~ :'~ :~ '~ Notice of C°mpletion 1 P7K004 Exterior Door Replacement - MLK Center ~ ~ ~ ~ ! :: i :: i i i I, , , , ~ lan Approval i i ! i i ! ', :: :: Bid Request/Award ii i ii i i i i Advertis~ ' . : ' . : , i i ! , for Bids ~2 ~ ~ Award of B,d i ' :: i :: Constructioni :: ": Notice to Proceed ~2 .... ' i~ : ~ ~ Notice of Completion ~ :: Var. P7K011 Building Inventory Study i :: i i i i i i i i ! { i i i Consultant Pr0cureme~t ii ii i i i i i i i i ~ Award of C~ntract i ~ i i i Study Preparation ' :: :: =: i ........ i .......................................................................................................................................... ! .................................................................. :: .......... ~ ......................... i ....... i :: i i i i i i i i Notice to Proceed ~ '' ,'~: '.~;~ :~:; ~'--.~ ~ ~ JNotice of Completion i i ALL E6K008 Sewer Construction- Telemetry City Wide :i :~ ' i ' i! i i ii ii ? ii ii i :: ii ii Des gn ii :: ...................... ! ................................. :: ............ i .................................. i ...................................... i ................................. ~: .......... ::: ................ i ~' ' ~ i ..... ~ .............................. :: ..... i ....................... i ............................ ~: i ...................................... ;i :: *: :: :: :: i :: I -:!: ~ ,~'"'~ ~.~ Plan ~pprovm :: f *: :: i ::: i i i i i i i i Advertise for Bids ~ i : - , ~ Award of Bid i i i consfi:Uc~ion i i i i i i i i i i Notice to Proceed ~, ?,~;~ ....... !~ ':','~: ~ ' ~:~ ~",i ..... ~ Notice of Completion 1 E6K004 WWT Plant 2 Upgrade/Expansion i i B~ advertisement ~)ending i ~ approval of plans by State. Design ' ' ~ Plan Approval : ii i: ii i! ii B d Request/Award ii ii i i i AdvertiseforBids ~ :" ! ~'.~ AwardofBid i i :: i i i i Construct on i , :: :: ~ i ~ i . .. ', _ . ~. ~ ~ , , ~ , ! i i 6 E7K012 WWT Plant 3 Upgrade/Expansion · :~ ii i i i i i i i i i I Nine[y percent plan submiffal received for review: t ii B~d Request/Award i i i i i i i' i ;' i Advertiself°rBids ~'~' ~' ..... i i~r~''~ '' ?,~ Award ofBid ! i C:~,WINPROJ\MULTI2.MPP Page 3 of Design 2 (Arnold Ramming) City of Bakersfield Public Works Department Pre 1996-97 Capital Improvement Projects Under Construction - 2/21/97 Ward ~ Task Name 4 P5C006 Park Development - Tevis Ranch Park Site (Zone 1 ) . 16 , , , 14 Construction :, ' '~ NotiCe of Completion i i i ................. ! .................... ! ................. i i'"J 2 P51001 Police Building Expansion i ~ i :: Notice Of Completion i i i! i ............ i ....................... ii .......... 6,7- Variou~ Canal Bridges at Arvin-Edison, Various Locations Construction led : i i i i .............. ~. ...................... i .............. Notice of Completion i 1 E6K007 Woodwaste/Greenwaste Facility Improvements Construction ~roceed i i ' :. Notice of Completion :. i :i i i i :: i i :: ............ f ......................... i ........... i ................. 6 E6K005 WWT Plant 3 Building Expansion :: i ! i Construction i t ice to Proceed : . ~ : i . i Notice of completion i i i ! i ~ : ............... ; .................... i ..................... -i ......................... i ........................... i .............. 4 T6K075 Stockdale Highway Intersection Widening :: ~ i~: i i i Construction Notice to Proceed : : i Notice of completion i :: i i ................... :: .......... i ................. i .................... ': ....................... ~ ..................... ~ ....................... i ..................... ! ............. 7,1 Sewer Replacement-Main (Ming Avenue) i i i i i i i i i i i : Notice to Proceed i i : Notice of comPletion i i i ii i 6 T6K074 Panama Lane Widening (Ashe Rd/AE Canal) Construction Notice to Proceed ": ~ ' : ' ! Notice of Completion . .... i...~ .................... i ............................... i ....................... i .................... i ...................................................... 5 E6C001 Patriots Park- Pump Station i Construction ................. i ...................... i ................... ! ....................... i ........................ i ....................... i .................. ! ..................... ; ................... Notice to PrOceed ' : ' i :, Notice of Completion ! i i .... i .................... i ....................... i ..... ~ ............. ! ..................... ! ........................ i .......................................... ! .................... i .......... 2 P5K009 ADA Imp. at Council Chambers- Ph. 1 (Restrooms) i i Construction Notice to Proceed Notice Of Completion Var, Various Resurfacing - STP/Gas Tax i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NotiCe to Proceed i i i Notice of Completion i i ........................................ 3 T3K002 Bridge Replacement - China Grade Loop ! Construction Notice to Proceed : , '. ,. i , : i ~ : -- -- ~ Notice of Completion 1 E6K010 K.I. Canal - Sewer Reconstruction ~::~ ~ Construction ..................... i ..................... ! ..................... ! ........................ i ..................... ! ................... ~ ..................... NoticetoPro eed Notice Completion i i i ! " ...... i ................... i ................ 1 E6K003 Storm Drains - Terrace Way i i i ~ Construction :: Notice to Proceed i Notice of CompletiOn ~, ' 4 T4K052 Coffee Road Grade Separation i ~ i : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~2 ~~T3K039 Bridge Replacement - Manor St at Carrier Canal r ~ .................. ~ ........... ~ .......... '" .............. ~ Notice of Completion :: __ __ Construction i Notice to Proceed i i i i ~~ ...................... Notice Of! ......................... Completion :~! ............................ !i ........................ ' i:' .......................... C:.XWINPROJ\MULTI3.MPP Page 1 of Construction City of Bakersfield Public Works Department Pre 1996-97 Capital Improvement Projects Under Construction - 2/21197 I July I Au~]ust September I October I NovemberII December I January I February I March I April I May ~June I July [ August I September I October I November I30 Deceml: Ward Proj. No. TaskName 30I 7 114121 1281 4 Ill 118125 1 Is 115122129[ 6 1131201271 3 ti0r17124 1 18 11512212gl 5 [121191261 2 I 9 1161231 2 19 1161231301 6 1'131201271 4 I~ 118125 1 I S;1151221291 6 1131201271 3 1101~71241311 7 114121 1281 5 1121'191261 2 19 116123 17'114 2 ADA Imp. at City Hall (Ramps) " i !i .................................... } .............. i ......................... i .............. i ................... :, ........................ i .................... i .............. i ............. Construction i Notice to Proceed Notice of Completion i i 3 T4K037 Rancheria Road Bridge ~ ! ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ i Construction i N°tice to Proceed ~ " ' ~ Notice of comPletion l i ii 5 E6K001 Storm Drain Rehabilitation - Landfair Lift Station Construction i :i Notice to Proceed ~ Notice Of Completion i i i i i 2 T6C001 Weill Park Curb and Gutter ~ i ! Construction : Notice to Proceed i i :, Notice of completion 2 T6K001 20th Street Area Curb and Gutter i i i! i i : ii . 2 T6K002 Baker Street Handicap Ramps ~ ~ ,. ~ ~ Construction ~ Notice to Proceed ' ' i - - ~, . · ' Notice of comPletion i Projects are being constructed under one contract and were both delayed due to weather. Completion i , ! i i : : : 2 T6K009 Lake Street Reconstruction ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ' '. i ~ ,. ,. ! projected for mid-March. Construction Notice to Proceed ~ ~ ~ i i ' ' :~ Notice of Completion i ! i : 6 P5K006 Airpark Fuel Tank Removal ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ i Construction ~ Notice to Proceed ~ Notice of Completion 2 E6K011 Baily Lift Station ~ i i i i ~ ~ ! ~ i " ~ NotiCe of Completion i Construction i i Notice to Proceed C \W NPROJ\MULTI3.MPP Page 2 of Construction CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS SUBDIVISION 03/03/97 ~.M. OR DEVELOPER/ % TRACT #'S. LOCATION CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR COMP. COFFEE RD. LINEAR PARK , FRUITVALE PROPERTIES LESH 0%1 PM 9329 STOCKDALE HWY, CSUB - OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% TR 5290 GRAND LAKES & CHAMBER-OFFSITES CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5369 MONITOR & PACHECO AMERICAN HOME ALLIANCE CHOATE 30% TR 5418-2 CALLOWAY & NORIEGA KYLE CARTER LESH 95% TR 5425 C GRANDLAKES - N/O MING AVE. CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5425A,B,D GRANDLAKES - N/O MING AVE. CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5426-A HOWELL & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5427 OLD RIVER & MING AVE. CASTLE & COOKE LESH 10% TR 5432-3 STINE & BERKSHIRE CHAMBERS FUND ~IERCE 100% TR 5436-1 RIVERLAKES & NORTHSHORE COLEMAN LESH 10% TR 5489-C BRIMHALL & OLD FARM CASTLE & COOKE LESH 15% TR 5528-5 S/O PANAMA - E/O AKERS DELFINO DEV. i MITCHELL 50% TR 5544-D BRIMHALL ROAD & VERDUGO LANE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 90% TR 5552-A&B RENFRO RD. & STOCKDALE HWY. WEST KERN DEVELOPMENT LESH 30% TR 5565-3 -IAGEMAN RD.-E/O OLD FARM RD. U.S. HOMES LESH 100% TR 5600-B E/O AKERS, S/O HOSKING J.L. DANDY MITCHELL 10% I TR 5640-2 COFFEE N/O HAGEMAN F~ROBUILT LESH 95% TR 5646-2 FAIRFAX RD (~ VALLEYVIEW DR W.D.J. CORPORATION MITCHELL 50% TR 5650-A HARRIS & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 20% TR 5673-3&4 HARRIS & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 0% TR 5678-E WHITE LN. & PIN OAK PARK BLVD. CASTLE & COOKE LESH 50% TR 5679-3 GOSFORD (~ SO. LAURELGLEN KYLE CARTER PIERCE 95% TR 5680-A&B BRIMHALL & CALLOWAY CASTLE & COOKE LESH 20% TR 5697-4 S/O HARRIS W/O WlNTERGROVE KYLE CARTER PIERCE 100% TR 5728-2 JEWETTA & HAGEMAN DEWALT LESH 20% TR 5762 WlBLE & BERKSHIRE SKIP HARDY MITCHELL 50% TR 5804-1 MESA MARIN NICHOL/MARTIN , MITCHELL 50% TR 5809-A UNION AVE. (~ PANAMA LN. ~WATTENBARGER PIERCE 100% TR 5809-B UNION AVE. (~ PANAMA LN. WATTENBARGER MITCHELL 20%! TR 5836-A CALLOWAY S/O BRIMHALL CASTLE & COOKE LESH 20% TR 5838-A&B OLD RIVER & HOWELL CASTLE & COOKE LESH 25% TR 5841-A BROOKSIDE & N. LAURELGLEN TURMAN LESH 40% CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 03/03/97 START EST. COM % PROJECTS TYPE CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR~ DATE DATE COMP "F" STREET (~ 28TH STREET SIGNAL A-C ELECTRIC CO. 0% "STRETCH & SEW" BUILDING DEMO GILLIAM & SONS MILLWEE 03/24/97 05/02/97 0% CENTRAL BAKERSFIELD CURB & GUTTER GRANITE CONSTRUCTION BOLANOS 10/07/96 03/05/97 95% COFFEE ROAD (~ AT&SF RAILROAD BRIDGE OVERCROSSING GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CALL 09/03/96 07/03/97 61% MANOR STREET (~ CARRIER CANAL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT GRANITE CONSTRUCTION HUMMEL 09/03/96 03/13/97 85% PANAMA #10 STREET RECONSTRUCTION KERN ROCK MAHAFFEY 03/17/97 05/09/97 0% PANAMA (~ HWY 99 .BRIDGE WIDENING RASMUSSEN, INC. HUMMEL 02/25/97 12/10/97 0% PANAMA LANE - GOSFORD TO STINE WIDENING ROADWAY GRIFFITH COMPANY ALLEN 08/19/96 03/18/97 65% PANAMA, STINE, AKERS, WIBLE, SO. "H" ST. BRIDGE WIDENING GRANITE CONSTRUCTION MOORE 07/08/96 05/16/97 75% SUNDALE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS SUMP RECONSTRUCTION TURMAN CONSTRUCTION FICK 03/15/97 0% CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY FY 96-97 PROJECTS AND FY 95-96 CARRYOVERS .... COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND P6KO07 UNION #10 WATER MAIN 111 CDBG FIRE SERVICES $225,000 $225,000 0.00% P7C016 MLK CENTER IMPROVEMENTS 111 CDBG COMM SVCS $25,000 $25,000 0.00% P7C023 CENTRAL PARK POOL DEMOLITION 111 CDBG COMM SVCS $34,000 $34,000 0.00% T4K055 LAKE STREET AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 111 CDBG PW/ENG $110,000 $281,332 -155.76% T5K056 SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT 111 CDBG PW/ENG $85,000 $85,792 -0.93% T5K057 DOWNTOWN STREET IMPROVEMENTS PHASE II 111 CDBG EDCD $50,000 $50,000 0.00% T6LO01 CHESTER AVENUE STREETSCAPE 111 CDBG EDCD $332,000 $332,000 0.00% TTK010 NEIGHBORHOOD STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS 111 CDBG PW/ENG $52,000 $52,000 0.00% T7K022 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - PANAMA # 10 111 CDBG PW/ENG $394,100 $258,280 34.46% TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND: $1,307,100 $t,343,404 -2.78% ISTEA FUND T6K053 SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - TOC 121 CMAQ PWFFRAFFIC $433,500 $433,500 0.00% T6K063 SIGNAL OPERATIONS - TRAFFIC OPS 121 CMAQ PW/TRAFFIC $199,200 $199,200 0.00% T7K013 RESURFAClNG STREETS - ISTEA 121 STP PW/TRAFFIC $706,900 $706,900 0.00% TOTAL ISTEA FUND: $~1,339,600 $1,339,600 0.00% · TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND E7K010 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - MAIN - ASHE 141 TDA PW/ENG $71,825 $56,043 21.97% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND: $71,825 $56,043 21.97% GAS TAX FUND P5C002 MEDIAN RECONSTRUCTION - NORTHEAST 151 GT PW/ENG $100,000 $100,000 0.00% Q7B105 PC UPGRADES 151 GT CITY MGR'S OFC $41,700 $38,449 7.80% Q7B107 NEW PCS FOR CITY COMPUTER NETWORK 151 GT CITY MGR'S OFC $33,800 $33,800 0.00% Q7K003 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 151 GT PW/ENG $144,000 $144,000 0.00% T5K038 BRIDGE WIDENING PANAMA LANE 151 DEV PW/ENG $100,000 $98,568 1.43% T6K053 SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - TOC 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $56,500 $56,500 0.00% T6K063 SIGNAL OPERATIONS - TRAFFIC OPS 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $25 800 $25,800 0.00% T6K066 RESURFAClNG STREETS - CHIP/CAPE/SLURRY 151 GT PW/ENG $104 000 $103,816 0.18% T6K067 SIDEWALK REPAIR - MISCELLANEOUS 151 GT PW/ENG $5Q000 $50,000 0.00% T6K068 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 151 GT PW/ENG $50,000 $0 100.00% T6K071 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - ALTA VISTA 151 RRR PW/ENG $100 000 $95,805 4.20% T6K073 STREET WIDENING (CALIFORNIA AVE.) 151 RRR PW/ENG $96 000 $88,252 8.07% T6K076 STREET WIDENING (TRUXTUN AVE.) 151 RRR PW/ENG $128 000 $110,777 13.46% T7K001 SIGNAL, NEW - 28TH STREET AT F STREET 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $130 000 $91,426 29.67% CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY FY 96-97 PROJECTS AND FY 95-96 CARRYOVERS T7K002 SIGNAL, NEW - BRIMHALL ROAD AT H 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $100 000 $61,858 38.14% T7K003 SIGNAL, NEW - FLOWER STREET AT O 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $135 000 $96,858 28.25% T7K004 SIGNAL, NEW - CALLOWAY DRIVE 1'51 GT PW/TRAFFIC $145 000 $103,366 28.71% TTK005 SIGNAL, NEW - HARRIS ROAD AT STINE 151 DEV PW/TRAFFIC $4 000 $4,000 0.00% T7K005 SIGNAL, NEW - HARRIS ROAD AT STINE 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $136 000 $101,858 25.10% T7K006 SIGNAL, UPGRADE - CONVERT DOWNTOWN 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $55 000 $6 99.99% T7K007 TRAFFIC CONTROL MODIFICATIONS - VARIOUS 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $100 000 $57,379 42.62% T7K012 RESURFACING STREETS - GAS TAX 151 GT PW/ENG $386 800 $397,709 -2.82% T7K013 RESURFACING STREETS - ISTEA 151 GT PW/ENG $91 600 $53,495 41.60% T7K023 STREET WIDENING (PANAMA LANE) 151 RRR PW/ENG $276 000 $272,500 1.27% TOTAL GAS TAX FUND: $2,589,200 $2,186,222 J 5.66% CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND PLC002 KERN RIVER LANDSCAPING 311 COF COMM SVCS $20,000 $18,938 5.31% P1C004 KR PARKWAY GROUP PICNIC AREA 311 COF COMM SVCS $105,000 $75,021 28.55% P6K006 ROOF REPAIR - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 311 COF PW/ENG $60,000 $3,372 94.38% P6K008 FACILITIES REPLACEMENT RESERVE 311 COF PUBLIC WORKS $497,000 $4,651,000 -835.81% P7A834 OFFICE IMPROVEMENT- BUILDING MODIFICATION 311 COF CITY ATTORNEY $8,000 $5,000 37.50% P7B100 MIS REMODEL 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $60,000 $51,231 14.62% P7C016 MLK CENTER IMPROVEMENTS 311 COF COMM SVCS $45,000 $45,000 0.00% P7C018 CC DISHWASHER 311 COF COMM SVCS $61,000 $61,000 0.00% P7C020 CC LIGHTING 311 COF COMM SVCS $51,000 $51,000 0.00% P7C021 CORP YARD BLDG A REMODEL 311 COF COMM SVCS $12,000 $12,000 0.00% P7C022 MLK BUILDING REMODEL 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $6,500 $6,500 0.00% P7H002 REPAVING - FIRE STATIONS 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $147,600 $147,600 0.00% P7H003 DRIVEWAY REPAIR - STATION #3 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $4,000 $4,000 0.00% P7H010 SEWER LATERAL - STATION #10 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $8,360 $8,360 0.00% P7H211 BLOCK WALL FENCE - STATION #11 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $28,000 $28,000 0.00% P71001 BULLET CONTAINMENT SYSTEM 311 COF ADMIN SVCS $37,000 $15 99.96% P7K001 INSTALLATION OF RESTROOMS - ANNEX 311 COF PW/ENG $69,000 $45,889 33.49% P7K002 ROOF REPAIR - CONVENTION CENTER 311 COF PW/ENG $406,000 $209,345 48.44% P7K004 EXTERIOR DOOR REPLACEMENT- MLK 311 COF GEN SVCS $21,000 $20,848 0.72% P7K011 BUILDING INVENTORY STUDY 311 COF PW/ENG $40,000 $40,000 0.00% Q7B101 CITY WIDE DOCUMENT IMAGING 311 COF EXECUTIVE $74,000 $24,100 67.43% Q7B102 CITY WIDE CD ROM SERVER 311 COF EXECUTIVE $20,000 $713 96.44% Q7B103 CITY WIDE SOFTWARE SUITE 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $66,000 $51,683 21.69% Q7B104 UPGRADE ALL 386 COMPUTER SYSTEMS 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $225,000 $72,126 67.94% ~,,, . PAGE2 CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY FY 96-97 PROJECTS AND FY 95-96 CARRYOVERS Q7B106 NEW PRINTERS FOR CITY DEPARTMENT 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $24,300 $20,881 14.07% Q7B107 NEW PCS FOR CITY COMPUTER NETWORK 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $74,200 $69,594 6.21% Q7C002 CC FLOORING SYSTEM 311 COF COMM SVCS $45,000 $16,010 64.42% Q7C003 CC VIDEO SYSTEM 311 COF COMM SVCS $162,000 $49 99.97% Q7C004 CC SEAT RISER REPAIR 311 COF COMM SVCS $28,000 $18,262 34.78% Q7H001 HOSER TOWER - STATION ft8 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $20,000 $3,913 80.44% T6K054 SIGNAL, MODIFICATION - INSTALL EMERGENCY 311 COF PW/TRAFFIC $50,000 $15,156 69.69% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND: $2,474,960 $5,776,606 -133.40% PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND P6C006 PARK DEV/SILVER CREEK PARK 321 PKF COMM SVCS $100,000 $100,000 0.00% P6C007 PARK DEV/SEASONS PARK 321 PKF COMM SVCS $60,000 $60,000 0.00% P6C009 PARK DEV/AKERS RD NO OF MCKEE 321 PKF COMM SVCS $35,000 $35 000 0.00% P7C003 PARK IMPROVEMENTS 321 PKF COMM SVCS $100,000 $87,981 12.02% P7C006 PARK DEV/PANAMA-MONITOR 321 PKF COMM SVCS $25,000 $25.000 0.00% P7C008 PARK DEV/AKERS-TAFT HIGHWAY 321 PKF COMM SVCS $20,000 $20 000 0.00% P7C010 RESURFACE BASKETBALL COURTS 321 PKF COMM SVCS $20,000 $1.921 90.40% P7C011 PARK DEV/BERKSHIRE-SOUTH H 321 PKF COMM SVCS $25,000 $25 000 0.00% P7C013 REPLACE PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 321 PKF COMM SVCS $32,000 $1.986 93.79% P7C017 PARKS FENCING IMPROVEMENTS 321 PKF COMM SVCS $21,000 $20 858 0.68% TOTAL PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND: $438,000 $377,746 13.76% TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND P6K005 LAND ACQUISITION FREEWAY RIGHT OF WAY 331 TDF PW/ENG $40,000 $151,776 -279.44% T5K038 BRIDGE WIDENING PANAMA LANE 331 TDF PW/ENG $2,800,000 $2,783,697 0.58% T6K073 STREET WIDENING (CALIFORNIA AVE) 331 TDF PW/ENG $71,900 $71,900 0.00% T6K076 STREET WIDENT (TRUXTUN AVE) 331 TDF PW/ENG $103,700 $103,700 0.00% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND: $3,015,600 $3,111,073 -278.86% ROAD BRIDGE BOND FUND T6K008 CHANNELIZATION STATE ROUTE 178 332 RBBF PW/ENG $354,000 $345,441 2.42% T6K083 BRIDGE WIDENING STATE HWY 58 332 RBBF PW/ENG $396,000 $395,800 0.05% T7K021 PROJECT STUDY REPORT - SR 178 332 RBBF PW/ENG $157,500 $157,500 0.00% TOTAL ROAD BRIDGE BOND FUND: $907,500 $898,741 0.97% ~. ,PA6~E3 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY FY 96-97 PROJECTS AND FY 95-96 CARRYOVERS CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT DIST AGENCY FUND T6L001 CHESTER AVENUE STREETSCAPE 391 CDDA EDCD $148,000 $298,000 -101.35% TOTAL CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT DIST AGENCY FUND: $148,000 $298,000 -t01.35% SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND E6K001 STORM DRAIN REHABILITATION - LANDFAIR LIFT S 411 SE PW/ENG $100,000 $0 100.00% E6K004 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 2 411 SE PW/ENG $10,445,000 $9,000,590 13.83% E6K004 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 2 411 SE PW/ENG $15,000,000 $15,000,000 0.00% E6K008 SEWER CONSTRUCTION - TELEMETRY 411 SE PW/ENG $150,000 $148,804 0.80% E6K012 SEWER REHABILITATION - LIFT STATION - BANK ST. 411 SE PW/ENG $215,000 $215,000 0.00% E6K013 SEWER REHABILITATION - MAIN (WEST) CHESTER 411 SE PW/ENG $245,000 $242,110 1.18% E6K018 SEWER REHABILITATION - MAIN (BUENA VISTA) 411 SE PW/ENG $1,660,000 $1,569,297 5.46% E7K001 SEWER CONSTRUCTION - MAIN (ALLEN ROAD) 411 SE PW/ENG $210,000 $187,874 10.54% E7K002 SEWER CONSTRUCTION - MAIN (BUENA VISTA) 411 SE PW/ENG $450,000 $269,700 40.07% ETK003 SEWER REHABILITATION - MAIN - HALEY STREET 411 SE PW/ENG $179,020 $179,020 0.00% E7K004 SEWER REHABILITATION - LIFT STATION - 19TH ST. 411 SE PW/ENG $106,400 $0 100.00% E7K005 SEWER REHABILITATION- MAIN (SOUTH) CHESTER 411 SE PW/ENG $910,500 $910,500 0.00% ETK008 SEWER REPLACEMENT - MAIN (UNION AVENUE) 411 SE PW/ENG $211,800 $37,289 82.39% E7K009 STORM DRAIN REHABILITATION - BEACH PARK LIFTS 411 SE PW/ENG $106,400 $106,400 0.00% E7K010 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - ASHE ROAD MAIN 411 SE PW/ENG $158,700 $158,700 0.00% E7K011 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 2 411 SE PW/ENG $96,000 $82,600 13.96% Q7B107 NEW PCS FOR CITY COMPUTER NETWORK 411 SE CITY MGR°S OFC $6,000 $6,000 0.00% TOTAL SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND: $30,249,820 $28,1t3,884 7.06% SEWER REVENUE BOND FUND E7K012 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 3 412 SRB PW/ENG $570,000 $570,000 0.00% TOTAL SEWER REVENUE BOND FUND: $570,000 $570,000 0.00% REFUSE FUND E7K013 LANDFILL - BURN DUMP REMEDIATION 421 RF SOLID WASTE $1,299,914 $1,261,458 2.96% E7K014 LANDFILL DRY WELL REMEDIATION 421 RF SOLID WASTE $20,000 $0 100.00% P7K003 MT VERNON RECYCLING FACILITY 421 RF SOLID WASTE $30,000 $10,433 65.22% Q7B106 NEW PRINTERS FOR CITY DEPARTMENT 421 RF SOLID WASTE $3,000 $3,000 0.00% Q7B107 NEW PCS FOR CITY COMPUTER NETWORK 421 RF CITY MGR'S OFC $3,400 $3,400 0.00% TOTAL REFUSE FUND: $1,356,314 $1,278,291 5.75% ,, * PAGE4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY FY 96-97 PROJECTS AND FY 95-96 CARRYOVERS ...... AGRICULTURAL WATER FUND E6J001 WEIR RECONSTRUCTION 431 AWF WATER $610,000 $654,930 -7.37% E6J002 CANAL/STORM DRAIN FENCING 431 AWF WATER $90,000 $39984 55.57% E7J004 2800 ACRE BASIN CONSTRUCTION 431 AWF WATER $220,000 $202 000 8.18% E7J006 KR EQUESTRIAN TRAIL 431 AWF WATER $37,000 $37 000 0.00% E7J007 KR LAND ACQUISITIONS 431 AWF WATER $125,O00 $125 000 0.00% P1C004 KR PARKWAY GROUP PICNIC AREA 431 AWF COMM SVCS $50,000 $41 907 16.19% P6J001 DRAINAGE BASIN IMPROVEMENTS 431 AWF WATER $28,000 $28 000 0.00% E7K010 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - MAIN 431 AWF PVV/ENG $57,775 $57 775 0.00% TOTAL AGRICULTURAL WATER FUND: $1,217,775 $1,186,596 2.56% DOMESTIC WATER FUND E6J007 WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS 441 DWF WATER $190,000 $355,653 -87.19% E7J009 WATER WELLS 441 DWF WATER $720,000 $701,525 2.57% E7J010 WATER QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEMS 441 DWF WATER $400,000 $400,000 0.00% E7J011 PUMP PLANT RETROFIT 441 DWF WATER $77,000 $77,000 0.00% E7J012 STORAGE TANK RETROFITS 441 DWF WATER . $113,000 $113,000 0.00% TOTAL DOMESTIC WATER FUND: $1,500,000 $1,647,178 -9.81% EQUIPMENT FUND Q7H003 FUEL TANK - STATION #13 511 EF FIRE SERVICES $19,500 $19,500 0.00% Q7K012 UPGRADE CNG FUELING SITE 511 EF PW/EQUIPMENT $100,000 $100,000 0.00% Q7K013 UPGRADE AUTOMATED FUEL MANAGE 511 EF PW/EQUIPMENT $75,000 $75,000 0.00% Q7K014 REMOVAL OF FD FUEL TANKS 511 EF PW/EQUIPMENT $255,000 $255,000 0.00% Q7K015 CORP YARD WASH RACK UPGRADE 511 EF PW/EQUlPMENT $84,000 $84,000 0.00% TOTAL EQUIPMENT FUND: $533,500 $533,500 0.00% GRAND TOTAL- 96~97 BUDGETED PROJECTS: $47,719,194 $48,716,884 -2.09% ,~ ', PA,GE5 FY 95/96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND P5H002 TRIDATA STUDY 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $5,047 $5,047 0.00% P6H001 ABOVE GROUND TANKS 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $47,954 ($357) 100.74% P5K003 KERN RIVER PARKWAY PICNIC AREA-ADA FUNDS 311 COF PUBLIC WORKS $12 043 $8,388 30.35% P3C001 BEACH PARK IMPROVEMENTS 311 COF COMM SVCS $99 042 $99,042 0.00% P6C012 PATRIOTS PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 311 COF COMM SVCS $55 000 $207 99.62% N/A TREE REPLACEMENT-WINDSTORM DAMAGE 311 COF COMM SVCS $14 119 $14,119 0.00% P5C015 COMPUTER SYSTEM-CONVENTION CENTER 311 COF COMM SVCS $15 097 $8,497 43.72% P5C004 CHILLER REPLACEMENT- CONVENTION CNTR 311 COF COMM SVCS $29 202 $5,127 82.44% P6K008 FACILITIES REPLACEMENT RESERVE 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $799 000 $4,651,000 -482.10% T6K072 STREET LIGHT ACQUISITIONS - ANNEXATIONS 311 COF PUBLIC WORKS $75 000 $0 100.00% P6K006 ROOF REPAIR - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BLDG. 311 COF PUBLIC WORKS $34 545 $3,372 90.24% P51001 POLICE BUILDING EXPANSION 311 SAF POLICE DEPT $1,169,840 $36,301 96.90% P6K002 POLICE STATION REMODEL 311 SAF POLICE DEPT $188,030 $39,981 78.74% Q61001 POLICE BUILDING EXP. - FURNISHINGS/EQUIP. 311 SAF POLICE DEPT $77,850 $77,850 0.00% Q61002 POLICE BLDG. REMODEL - FURNISHINGS/EQUIP. 311 SAF POLICE DEPT $51,530 $48,463 5.95% N/A COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $60,600 $60,600 0.00% N/A STATION 1 IMPROVEMENTS 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $48,110 $48,110 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND: $2,782,009 $5,105,747 -83.53% GENERAL FUND N/A MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. SERVICE DRIVE 011 GF COMM SVCS $7,900 $7,900 0.00% N/A B~IMHALL ROAD SOUTH EIR 011 GF DEV SVCS $14,200 $14,200 0.00% N/A CODE ENFORCEMENT REMODEL 012 DSF DEV SVCS $22,900 $22,900 0.00% N/A CITY WIDE COMPUTER REPLACEMENT 011 GF CITY MGR'S OFC $144,200 $144,200 0.00% TOTAL GENERAL FUND: $189,200 $189,200 $0 PAGE 1 FY 95/96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS ..... ............................................. · .................. ~.~,,.~.~.,..~.~.:.,..:~.,. ............................................................................ ,,,-,-~?-.,-,-~,?~,,,,~.,,..~,,~,~,,-~.,~,~,,~,,~,,--~,,' i~:,~,~.~.,,~,,,,~,,,~,,.,~,~ ~ ~ .... ~, ,,,~, .... ~,~,~., ~ ~ ....,~,, , I, ~,,~i ,',,,,,-~,-,,,, ................. ¥,,,,..<.~,,¥:.~.::,,.,..,.~,,.,..,,:.,,~,,,.,. .................. ,, .......... ,,.~ ....... :< .,..,. :::.,..:.,.:.?..,.,.,,.-,,,,. .... ~, ~.,,,~-~, ~,~ ....... ~t .......... · ~ , 2.....;. ~.;~.~..`.`.~:~``;~`.`~``::::``~:.~!:~%.``:`:``````:~:~`..?::`..::~``~¥`>~:!:!:~:~:~:~:~:~:~::::::~:~::::::~:!~:!:::!~t!::~:~>~::~:~>>~:!~:~ ............ .:--.-.. .' ........ ~ ............... ! .... 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AGRICULTURAL WATER FUND E6J001 BELLVIEW RIVER WEIR CONSTRUCTION 431 AWF WATER $44.930 $654,930 -1357.67% TOTAL AGRICULTURAL WATER FUND: $44,930 $6S4,930 ($14) DOMESTIC WATER FUND E6J004 KERN RIVER TRANSMISSION WATER MAIN 441 DWF WATER $168,097 $167,451 0.38% E6J005 STORAGE RESERVOIR INTERFACE 441 DWF WATER $4,439,330 $604,218 86.39% E6J006 THREE WATER WELLS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS 441 DWF WATER $640,120 $331,117 48.27% E6J007 WATER MAIN EXTENSION- VARIOUS LOCATIONS 441 DWF WATER $202,834 $355,653 -75.34% TOTAL DOMESTIC WATER FUND: $5,450,381 $1,458,439 73.24% PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND P6C008 TEVIS RANCH-PHASE II DEV 321 PRK COMM SVCS $94,476 $24 99.97% P6C005 DESTECT CONSTRIBUTION - SIEMONS AND 321 PRK COMM SVCS $170,000 $147,893 13.00% UNIVERSITY PARKS N/A DESTEC CONTRIBUTION - KERN SOCCER PARK 321 PRK COMM SVCS $100,000 $100,000 0.00% N/A DESTEC CONTRIBUTION - HIGHLAND HIGH 321 PRK COMM SVCS $230,000 $230,000 0.00% TOTAL PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND: $594,476 $477,917 19.61% PARKLAND BOND ACT FUND P5C001 KERN RIVER PARKWAY-BIKEPATH 163 ST COMM SVCS $36,843 $0 100.00% TOTAL PARKLAND BOND ACT 1988 FUND: $36,843 $0 100.00% ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUNDS E8K001 HOSKING CONSTRUCTION 654 AD PUBLIC WORKS $87,583 $19,951 77.22% P4K003 CAL/OAK CONSTRUCTION 658 AD PUBLIC WORKS $339,500 $291,573 14.12% T5K058 SC/BN/SO/SL CONSTRUCTION 662 AD PUBLIC WORKS $4,696,078 $4,696,078 0.00% T6K074 PANAMA LANE WIDENING 662 AD PUBLIC WORKS $694,838 $2,805 99.60% TOTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUNDS: $5,817,999 $5,010,407 13.88% PAGE 2 .) FY 95/96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS ...................... ".,'".-'.~:-,-.~--.,',',%-','.'.,',,'~-'-' ...................... ,'~ ........... ~.. · , ,',~,,~,',~,'-- I~l,-,-, ,'~,., .<~-., I~,<. < .'-- , ...... · .... -" "...,. ..... ,-', .... , ,-,.,~=.,,~,~ P6K007 UNION #10 WATER MAIN 111 CDBG FIRE SVCS $297.596 $522,596 -75.61% T5K056 SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT 111 CDBG PUBLIC WORKS $75.900 $792 98.96% T5K057 DOWNTOWN STREET IMPV-PHASE 2 111 CDBG ED/CD $15.000 $15.000 0.00% TOTAL CDBG FUND: $388,496 $538.388 -38.58% SURFACE TRANSPORTATION FUND T5K051 TOC ARTERIAL INFRASTRUCTURE CONDUIT 121 CMAQ PUBLIC WORKS $32,429 $0 100.00% .... 121 CMAQ PUBLIC WORKS $497 800 $497,800 0.00% T6K053 SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - Toc 121 CMAQ PUBLIC WORKS $140 000 $140,000 0.00% T6K063 SIGNAL OPERATION - TOG 121 CMAQ PUBLIC WORKS $251 948 $221,300 12.16% T4K053 F ST- 14TH TO 24TH RESURFACING 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $21 676 $8,686 59.93% T5K014 21ST STREET RESURFACING 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $6 031 $2,816 53.31% T5K016 FAIRVIEW ROAD RESURFACING 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $15791 $5,413 65.72% T5K017 MONTEREY RESURFACING 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $7.186 $2,697 62.47% T6K006 CHANL., SIGNING, MARKING - BIKE LANE 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $272,000 $272,000 0.00% T6K023 WHITE LN - OLD RIVER TO GOSFORD RESURF 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $205 145 $47,628 76.78% TOTAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION FUND: $1,450,006 $1,198,340 17.36% GAS TAX FUND T5K051 TOC ARTERIAL INFRASTRUCTURE CONDUIT 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $4201 $0 100.00% " " 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $64 440 $64,389 0.08% T6K053 SIGNAL INTERCONNECT- TOC 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $13 000 $13,000 0.00% T6K055 SIGNAL, NEW - 19TH AT L ST 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $62 593 $719 98.85% T6K056 SIGNAL, NEW - CAMINO MEDIA 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $90 756 $3,402 96.25% T6K057 RIGNAL, NEW -XMAS TREE LANE 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $79 311 $3,970 94.99% T6K061 SIGNAL,'NEW- HOWELL/OLD RIVER 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $100 307 $3,889 96.12% T6K062 SIGNAL, NEW - MONITOPJPACHECO 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $98 902 $8,687 91.22% T6K063 SIGNAL OPERATION- TOC 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $32,644 $28,673 12.16% T6K064 SIGNAL UPGRADE- BRUNDAGE LANE 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $80,130 $3,283 95.90% T5K028 WIDENING - WHITE/WIBLE 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $29,449 ($2,007) 106.82% · PAGE 3 FY 95/96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS T6K066 RESURFACING STREETS-CHIP/CAPE/SLURRY 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $57,361 $108,488 -89.13% T6K006 CHANL., SIGNING, MARKING - BIKE LANE 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $68,000 $67,922 0.11% T6K007 CHANL., SIGNING, MARKING - OLEANDER 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $35,000 $34,646 1.01% T6K024 RESURF. - WILSON, SOUTH H/CHESTER 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $10 995 $0 100.00% T4K037 BRIDGE MOD. - RANCHERIA AT KERN RIVER 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $19 682 $5,000 74.60% p5C008 MEDIAN LANDSCAPE STOCKDALE/GOSFORD 151 GT COMM SVCS $51 854 $9,358 81.95% P5C010 MEDIAN LANDSCAPE ROSEDALE/OAK 151 GT COMM SVCS $15 929 $6,656 58.21% P6C010 MEDIAN LANDSCAPE WHITE LANE 151 GT COMM SVCS $20 707 $7,956 61.58% T3K004 WHITE LANE MEDIANS 151 GT COMM SVCS $18 124 ($34) 100.19% T4K048 MEDIAN CONSTRUCTION - VARIOUS 151 DEV PUBLIC WORKS $200 943 ($10,291) 105.12% E6C001 PATRIOT'S PARK PUMP INSTALLATION 151 GT COMM SVCS $60 148 ($1,567) 102.61% P6KO03 REMODEL CORP YARD BUILDING C 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $i3,712 ($267) 101.95% T6K068 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - MISC. CONST. 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $34,868 $7,515 78.45% TOTAL GAS TAX FUND: $1,263,056 $363,387 71.23% TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND T6K073 STREET WIDENING-OAK TO A STREET 331 TDF PUBLIC WORKS $71,900 $71,900 0.00% T3K036 WIDEN INTERSECTION STOCKDALE AT CALIF. 331 TDF PUBLIC WORKS $562,675 ($37,838) 106.72% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEV. FUND: $634,575 $34,062 94.63% CALLOWAY BRIDGE FUND T6K073 STREET WIDENING - OAK TO A STREET 332 RBB PUBLIC WORKS $136,848 $134,848 1.46% T6K074 PANAMA LN- ARVIN/EDISON CANAL TO ASHE 332 RBB PUBLIC WORKS $472,734 $93,310 80.26% T6K076 STREET WIDENING - TRUXTUN AT OAK 332 RBB PUBLIC WORKS $189,572 $189,572 0.00% T4K011 CALLOWAY DRIVE BRIDGE AT KERN RIVER 332 .. RBB PUBLIC WORKS $580,679 $100,393 82.71% TOTAL CALLOWAY BRIDGE FUND: $1,379,833 $518,123 62.45% COFFE ROAD OVERCROSSING FUND T4K052 COFFEE ROAD OVERCROSSlNG 333 CRO PUBLIC WORKS $4,519,609 $166,454 96.32% T3KO16 COFFEE RD AND BRIMHALL WIDENING 333 CRO PUBLIC WORKS $58,292 $8,494 85.43% PAGE 4 FY 95/96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS I~. :. ;. :.>>;. :. :. :. :. :. :~ :. :. :.:.:.. ;->;-;.; >:.:. ;. :. ;.:. :.:.:. :. :.;... :. ~.~·~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.`·..~..~.~,~.~.~.`.~..~.~....~...~. ~..........·......~...........~...........-......~-...-.-.-.....· ·................~.·..-.-...-.-.........-.......·.. ,-., ........................-...-; · ....,....· ,........, ~..-. :. >, >...... :..+>-+.. ;+;+ :... :+:....... :. :+'-'-:.'-'4-'..'. - :.-.' ~ :.'<.> :-'.· :.·:.'- :::<. ::,.. :.:: :; :' :; ~ ;:;;~ :+." ;: :-;::. ;-:: ;; :; :- :-,.. :. :<<<; :;?~ ~ ;; :; ,-. ;:· · ;: ~: :; :< ;';:i :'· :: ~' :' :: > :'" :: >:' > :! :; :' :::i '-.;'~ ::::;: ;; :; ' ;: ::" ;: ~. ~·":; ;; ~ :: ~ ;: ~ ::";: '~ ,-. :; '~ '~ :; -' ~ :: :: ~ '~ ~ :: :; '~ ::;:;; ;: :: ;: i: :: i: i:.;; :; ~ ~: :; :: :; ::.:: ~ ~ :"' ::" i: i: ? :' :':: :'" :' ::~ ~ ~; ~; i: ~:~ ~: ~.i: !: .,. ~:~ · .~',~,"~.~."-~,'~{~,"~," ~ .~' ~'' .~' '.' ~ "~".~'~-",~.~-~-",~,"~, "-'" ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~.. ~:' ',"'"" ;-",";~ ' ..: ~ E "' . - : ,',' ,O..".J ~-~l TOTAL COFFEE ROAD OVERCROSSING FUND: $4,577,901 $174,948 96.18% SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND E6K015 SEWER REHAB - RED LION SWR RPLCMNT 411 SE PUBLIC WORKS $345,500 $337,500 2.32% E6K006 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPAN. 412 SE PUBLIC WORKS $788,000 $21,000 97.34% E6K005 WWTP #3 BUILDING'EXPANSION 412 SE PUBLIC WORKS $192,402 $125 99.94% E6K002 STORM DRAIN TRUXTUN LIFT 411 SE PUBLIC WORKS $5,022 ($1,451) 128.89% E6K013 SEWER REHAB-WESTCHESTER 411 SE PUBLIC WORKS $196,314 ($3,305) 101.67% E6C001 PATRIOT'S PARK PUMP INSTALL 411 SE PUBLIC WORKS $34,701 $0 100.00% E6K012 SEWER REHAB - LIFT AT BANK STREET 411 SE PUBLIC WORKS $10,750 $215,046 -1900.43% E6K001 STORM DRAIN LANDFAIR LIFT 411 SE PUBLIC WORKS $146,600 $1,104 99.25% E6K010 SEWER REHAB-KERN ISLAND 411 SE PUBLIC WORKS $199,229 $4,488 97.75% TOTAL SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND: $1,920,518 $574,507 70.09% AG WATER FUND E6C001 PATRIOT'S PARK PUMP INSTALL 431 AWF WATER $69,992 $0 100.00% TOTAL AG WATER FUND: $69,992 $0 100.00% GENERAL AVIATION FUND P6K004 ACQUISITION OF AIRPORT CLEAR ZONE 451 GAF PUBLIC WORKS $1,268,000 $582,182 54.09% P5K006 FUEL TANK REMOVAL- AIRPORT 451 GAF PUBLIC WORKS $199,784 $180,680 9.56% P5K004 CONSTRUCT AIRPORT RESTROOM FACILITY 451 GAF PUBLIC WORKS $35,000 $29,632 15.34% N/A AIRPORT MARKETING GRANT 451 WALMART EDCD $7,000 $7,000 0.00% GRANT TOTAL GENERAL AVIATION FUND: $1,509,784 $799,494 47.05% GRAND TOTAL - FY 95~96 CARRYOVERS: $28,109,999 $17,097,889 39.18% PAGE 5 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ~ DATE: February 27, 1997 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0013064/001, SMITH STATE ROUTE 1 78 AT COMMANCHEE/ALFRED HARRELL HIGHWAY Staff. has researched with various agencies the above-referenced imersection and has found the following: 1. Caltrans does have programmed a safety lighting project at the intersection of State Route 178 and Commanchee Drive. This project is scheduled for completion by the end of this coming summer. 2. Staff has discussed with Kern COG staff development and funding of a safety project at this location. COG staff indicated that a turn lane project could be eligible for funding through the State Highway Operations Protection (SHOPP). Staffhas requested COG staff to further investigate this program and pursue project funding if eligible. Additional information will be provided when available. 3. Staff is arranging a meeting as soon as possible with the appropriate officials to discuss this intersection and mitigation of safety issues. *REPRINT* ~ ~ City of Bakersfield WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0013064 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 3/07~97 REQUEST DATE: 2/19 97 SCHEDULE DATES CREW: START: 2/19/97 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 3/03/97 FACILITY NODES GEN. LOC: WARD3 FROM: TO: FACILITY ID: REF NBR: COUNCIL REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - SMITH WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: HIGHWAY 178 ........... REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** SMITH REQUESTED STAFF MEET WITH CALTRANS. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, STATE LEGISLATORS. ETC. TO GET SOME TYPE OF RESULT REGARDING THE DANGEROUS CONDITION (NARROW, NO SHOULDER, ETC.) ~OF HIGHWAY 178. JOB ORDER DESCRIPTION: HIGHWAY 178 Category: PUBLIC WORKS TASK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL ASSIGNED DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / /__ COMPLETION DATE __/__/__