HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/21/97 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM March 21, 1997 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The Kern River Parkway Foundation submitted a letter and information packet to Senator Costa to request his support and assistance in obtaining funding from monies available through Proposition 204. We are asking for $1.0 million dollars, primarily for land acquisition. He has indicated he will circulate the information in the Legislature next week before they adjourn for Easter break. 2. Enclosed is the February activity report from the County Environmental Health Services Department for the LEA's regulated projects within the City of Bakersfield. 3. Also enclosed is the latest status report from the Development Services Department. 4. The newspaper has been running a series of announcements about the Grand Canal project - theatres announced, etc. Since there has not yet been any Council consideration of a subsidy on tax rebate, I can only assume the project is a go without such a need. 5. Moody's is reevaluating the bond rating of all the big cities in California, and most are getting reduced ratings as a resuk of Proposition 218. I am very pleased to inform you that we were given an AA3 - a very high rating, indeed, which is attributable to your history of prudent financial policies. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst City~f,~.akersfield TRANSMITTAL SLIP Date .....~...':..t~...':..~..../. ..................... ,~o .............. A~.~....~.~.~.~ .............................................................. From ......... G.~~ ~~ ............................ For Your -- [] Signature [] Action~1~ Information [] File Please: -- [] Return [] See Me [] Follow Up [] Prepare Answer Copy to: .................................... ; .................................................................... M e m o: '.~.~..~....(~0 U.'~....../.i.~......~.......~.....~....~,!'..s.............-..-'--~, ........ ~~~....~...~e....~~...[..~.~ ................ ......~d.....~:~.~...~.~..e.......~..,......9..~e..~...~.~~.. .... ...q.~..~....:~.~., ....... ~e....~¢,~...~....~s.. ...... .~..~......u...~....~.~.~.~!..¢..~.....~...~....~.~~. ...... ~.~t...~e~...~~..~....~.~..~ ....... ...... E~.....~.....~.~.~... ....... ~.~.~.!.!.~...~.e:.IL.m ....... ..... ~.~e...~...~.~.....~.r.,...~.~....~'~.~..! ..................... KERN 'RIVER I~ ~ I~ K YV A Y March 13, 1997 Dear Senator Costa, The undersigned represent a broad-based local coalition of public and private supporters of the Kern River Parkway Project. We respectfully request your support and assistance in obtaining critically needed funding from monies available through Proposition 204. What started in 1974 as the vision of two individuals has grown into a unique grassroots coalition of volunteer workers, business concerns, environmentalists, recreation enthusiasts, and various public agencies. The Kern River Parkway project is part of the joint County of Kern-City of Bakersfield General Plan. Since 1988, as part of its Parkway Specific Plan, the City of Bakersfield has been working with all parkway participants in a collaborative effort to complete the initial portion of the parkway. Located along a twelve-mile stretch of the Kern River as it winds its way through the Bakersfield metropolitan area, the Parkway has become a recreational magnet for residents of, and visitors to, Kern County. It includes riparian habitat restoration areas, open space greenbelts, a bike path, an equestrian trail, parking and staging areas, day-use parks, and an environmental studies area. Completion of the entire project, which will run for approximately 25 miles, from the mouth of the Kern River canyon to Interstate 5 on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley, will be a multimillion dollar effort. During the initial term of the Parkway project, more than $2 million for property acquisitions and site improvements was raised through a variety of public grants, private donations, and in-kind services from local participants. We respectfully ask for your assistance in obtaining $1 million (a small fraction of the total amount locally needed) from Proposition 204 River Parkway or other funds, to allow completion of the initial phase of the Kern River Parkway. Our first priority will be to purchase a few remaining parcels of land still in private ownership, on a willing buyer-willing seller basis. Should additional funds become available, other urgently-needed actions include funding for development of additional riparian areas, expansion of bike paths, equestrian and recreation facilities, and funds for required environmental documentation of additional phases of the project. The $1 million would also stimulate the future vision for extension of the project east and west of the urban Bakersfield area. The Environmental Impact Report for the Parkway project was adopted in 1988, so authorization for the expenditure of monies is in place and requires no further environmental review. We would be grateful for any assistance you can give us in attaining our goal. Please call Rich O'Neil, Kern River Parkway Foundation.(805/837-4216), or Gene Bogart, City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department (805/326- 3715), with any follow-up questions or comments. Sincerely, (please see attached signature page) RECEIVED · cc: Ms. Julie McDonald (Resources Agency) Mr. Jackson R. Gualco 1 CITY MANAGER'S OFF~C~ P.O. BOX 624 · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93302-0624 805/399-9672 · '805/393-0763 KC'q'n River Parkway Foundation City of Bakersfield Steven A. Perez .~O Ma~ Gr~f~ei{ Kern County Board of Supervisors Kern County Audubon Society Fay~ Cx(x Texaco, Inc: Kem River Access Co'~unitte-- -' ' ~'- ~' ' e 3ene-A. Lundqui t ..... '/ - ,o Harry d. Starkey Kern County Water Agency' Tree Foundation of Kern Kern Equestrians for Preservation of Trails /'Pacific Gas an~lectnc Company Rich O'Neil Chris Frank Kern River Bike Path Committee Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce Randi McCormick R6nald E. Brummeaj~ California Native Plant Society Kern Council of Govemments Bill Cooper Kern River Parkway Committee 1988 to 1997 ..... the First 10 Years. Introduction: The Kern River Parkway and Final EIR were adopted in November 1988. The project site includes 1,400 acres along the Kern River corridor between Manor Street and Stockdale Highway bridge in the City of Bakersfield. The original 8.0-mile bike path through the Parkway nowextends an additional 2.5 miles east of Manor Street, and 1.5 miles west to the Stockdale Highway Bridge for a total of 12.0 miles of uninterrupted bike path. The Parkway serves four primary purposes: 1) flood control and water conservation; 2) preservation and restoration of native riparian habitats; 3) open space greenbelt and recreation; and 4) active, on-going public participation in a community project. The Kern River Parkway Plan was written with extensive public input. A community concerns report included the results of public workshops, newspaper questionnaires and a series of interviews with community leaders, private property owners, and Bakersfield residents; and a statistically valid public opinion poll. The opinion poll documented very positive and enthusiastic support from respondents. Nearly 90% of the residents polled stated they would use the Parkway as more recreation and access opportunities were developed. Most respondents stated Bakersfield needed a parkway for family-oriented recreation, improved community image and attractiveness, and enjoyment of the natural environment. Implementation of the Parkway has been the key to cooperation between community groups, private industry and govemment. The Kern River Parkway Committee and Foundation have been the primary base of grass roots nonprofit fund-raising, sponsorship and organizing volunteers. Private industry, such as Texaco, Shell Oil, PG&E, Mercy Hospital, and the Chamber of Commerce has contributed to the development and enhancement of the Parkway through corporate donations, in-kind services, and volunteers. The City of Bakersfield has been successful in obtaining various state .and federal grants, and coordinating development of the Parkway. Currently, a majority of the acreage is owned by the City, County or other public agency. However, a few key parcels are owned by private parties and will need to be acquired before the Kern River Parkway and trail system can be fully completed. A milestone "Joint Resolution" was unanimously adopted in December 1996 between the Bakersfield City Council and the Kern County Water Agency that will increase our ability to provide recreation and recharge flows in the Kern River Channel through the Kern River Parkway during the high use summer season. Major Features of the Parkway: · 320 acres of primary river channel. · 275 acres of natural and riparian lands. · 460 acre educational studies area left in a natural habitat. · 25 acres of recharge basins, known as Truxtun Lake. · 12 continuous miles of bike path with 9 rest areas with potential to link to other trails. · 8 Miles of equestrian trail. · Multi-station exercise par course. · 3 professional quality sand volleyball courts. · 15 acres newly constructed Yokuts Park with group picnic areas located along side the Kern River. · 4 public parks, one newly-constructed (with group picnic areas). · 4 improved parking and staging areas. Kern River Parkway Accomplishments: Since 1988, the community, local business and industry and government agencies have cooperatively worked to implement the Kern River Parkway Plan. Some of the accomplishments include: 3,200 trees planted. 320,000 feet of irrigation lines installed. 40 acres landscaped for public use. 50 acres developed for recreation and public access. 100 acres acquired by the City for Parkway. over $300,000 in-kind services from local businesses and community groups. Major Kern River Parkway Awards and Recognition: o· Honorable Mention for Specific Planning Project: California Chapter American Planning Association, 1989. · · Outstanding Planning Award: California Central Section American Planning Association, 1989. · · Resolution of Support for the Kern River Parkway adopted by the California State Department of Parks and Recreation Trails Committee (Resolution #92-04). · · Award of Merit for the Water Recreation and Recharge Program: Kern Council of Governments. 2 Community, Private Business and Government Support: Since inception, more than $2.5 million dollars in Federal, State and private grants have been 'awarded for the Kern River Parkway, as follows: $1,200,000 - KemCOG funds for bike path extension and improvements. $ 319,000 - Park Bond Act 1988 for development of 15 acres Yokuts Park and other improvements along parkway. $ 250,000 - Texaco USA for landscaping, parking lot and other improvements. $ 244,900 Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund for development of 15 acre Yokuts Park. $ 200,000 - Park Bond Act 1984 for landscaping, irrigation and improvements. $ 172,400 - Proposition 70 (1988) for bike path extension and rest areas. $ 150,000 - Environmental Enhancement Mitigation for Highway 99 & 178 interchange landscaping and irrigation. $ 115,000 - TDA funds (Manor Street Parking Lot). $110,000 California Department of Water Resources: Urban Streams Restoration for trees and irrigation co-sponsored by the Kern River Parkway and the City of Bakersfield. $ 49,000 - Park Bond Act 1986 for landscaping, irrigation and improvements. $ 30,000 - Kem River Parkway Foundation for Parkway improvements. $ 12,000 - Mercy. Hospital & Chamber of Commerce Leadership Bakersfield for exercise par course. $ 8,000 - Shell Oil Company for landscaping. $ 7,000 - P.G.&E. for landscaping. · REST AREA LOOKING EAST - . i STREAM C~L~-~.LOOI, C~IN~..~NOR~ '" '~'":~ .j..: · ~YOKUTS PARK" - GROUP PICNIC AREA'.OF. KERN RIVER PARKWAY PROJECT a~. TRUXTUN LAKES, LOOKING EAST '" · PEDESTRIAN TRAILWAY ~ ~R-N.~END OF.pARKW~AY . ~ · · A. 1997-TRAIL RIDE ONTHE KERN RIVER BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager Raul Rojas, Public Works Director~~'/.~.~...~ FROM: DATE: March 17, 1997 SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION Attached for your information is a copy of the Activity Status Report, dated March 10, 1997, from the County Environmental Health Services Department describing the status of the Local Enforcement Agency's (LEA) regulated projects within the City of Bakersfield. LEA5.MEM Attachment RECEIVED ~CITY NIANAGER'S OFF'." EI~¥Ii:IONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S., Director DA VID PRICEIII, RMA DIRECTOR 2700 "M"STREET, SUITE300 ~ Engineering &Survey Services Departmenl BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ~ Environmental Health Services Department Phone: (805)862-8700 Planning Department FAX:(805) 862-8701 Roads Department MAR 1 S 1997 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT March 10, 1997 ~aul Rojas, Public Works Director -CITY-OF'BAKERSHELD- ' ' ............. 1501 Truxmn Avenue Bakersfield CA 93301 SUBJECT: Activity Stares Matrix Dear Mr. Rojas: Enclosed is the February Matrix describing the stares of the Local Enforcement Agency's (LEA) regulated projects within the City of Bakersfield. Should you wish further information or clarification, don't hesitate to call. S~cerely, ~ /-'x ~ SMc:MTG:jg cc: David Price III, Director, Resource Management Agency File PROGRESS OF PROJECTS WITHIN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ,~ Rosedale Burn Dump Closure of burn dump for post ClWMB has approved $525,000 The North of the River Closure closure land use as a in grant funds for remediation ofRecreation District will construct recreational facility, the burn dump. These funds soccer fields after remediation SWIS #: 15-CR-0026 * will be used to over-excavate, has been completed. and relocate portions of the burn LEA WO #: 216 ** ash. The ash will be relocated Remediation is tentatively on site and covered with asphalt scheduled to begin April 7-8, Location: in two (2) proposed parking 1997. Section 31, T29S, R27E areas. The Waste Management South east corner of Department will provide final Brimhall Rd. & Jewetta drainage and grading. Ave. Property Owner: Kern County Greenfield Burn Dump Investigate the existence of a The site is listed as a burn dumpThe LEA will research the history #2 burn dump at this location, on the LEA inventory of solid ' of the site to determine if waste sites. ; compelling evidence exists to SWIS #: 15-CR-0039 warrant further investigation. The site is inspected quarterly LEA WO#: 180 by the LEA. ; The site is currently irrigated and Location: used for crops. Section 33, T30S, R27E North east corner of Recent information indicates the Ashe Road and Taft site may not have been a bum Highway dump. Property Owner: No Change In Status No Change In Status City of Bakersfield Bakersfield Sanitary Immediate Goali Remediation of Remediation of the burn dump is Continue ~I1' Landfill/Burn Dump burn material to reduce/eliminate under the oversight of the burn ash under the ERAP. II ' .Closure. the health risks associated with Department of Toxics, ERAP. burn ash. Kleinfelder, Inc. and the SWlS Cf: 15-AA-0044 Closure of the landfill will not Department of Toxics are Reduction of the landfill/methane proceed until the burn dump reviewing the analytical results of LEA WO Cf: 102 and 319 gas at the facility boundary to issues have been resolved. ,. samples taken from the less than 5% of the Lower backyards. The City will draft a Sections 10, 11, 14, and Explosive Limit (LEL). EHSD staff have reviewed the remediation plan after all the 15, T29S, R28E "Landfill Gas Monitoring Probe sample results have been 4200 Panorama Drive Long Term Goal: Installation For Bakersfield reviewed. Closure of the sanitary landfill Sanitary Landfill" report received Property Owner: and burn dump in compliance January 28, 1997. The work City of Bakersfield and with Title 14, CCR. proposal is based upon the other private individuals meeting of December 4, 1996'. EHSD has provided written ' comments to the City staff on! February 27, 1997. These comments were coordinated with City staff, Kleinfelder, Inc.., and ClWMB Closure Branch staff prior to issuance. City of Bakersfield Concurrence and issuance of a The facility is inspected monthlyThe facility will be inspeCted Greenwaste Facility Standardized Composting to determine compliance with! every month to determine Permit. State Minimum Standards, Title compliance with State Minimum SWIS #: 15-AA-0311 14, CCR. Standards, Title 14, CCR. LEA WO #: 412 Location: Section 9, T30S, R28E 2601 S. Mt. Vernon Ave. No Change In Status No Change In Status Property Owner: City of Bakersfield 3 China Grade Burn Immediate Goal: Remediation of The site has been approved f~)r Burn dump areas 1 & 2 will be Dump/Landfill Closure burn material within landfill a CIWMB Managed Clean Up regraded, followed by the boundaries, to reduce/eliminate using AB 2136 grant funds. T ~e installation of drainage SWIS Cf: 15-AA-0048 the health risks associated with ' estimated cost of remediation is structures and fencing. burn ash. $495,000. CIWMB has $415,C,00 LEA WO #: 108 in funds available for this Remediation will be completed Long Term Goal: project, by March 17, 1997, weather Location: Closure of the sanitary landfill permitting. Sections 1 & 12, T29S, and burn dump in compliance Remediation began February I, R29E with Title 14, CCR. 1997. A significant amount of Landfill Road buried refuse was found in the proposed road realignment Property Owner: pathway; therefore, the road Kern County could not be realigned as planned. The exposed slope along the road was stabilized by removing the ash and placing it under the existing road, the I alignment was not altered. Thle slope was then regraded. Th~ waste located offsite along the south west corner was relocate,,d within the landfill boundary. March 5, 1997 * SWlS = Solid Waste Information System number issued by the California Integrated Waste /lanagement Board (CIWMB). ** LEA WO# = Local Enforcement Agency Work Order number used by EHSD. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES NOTES 3/7/97 1. Interesting projects which have received building permits during the last month include: a) 2120 L Street building - remodel for KGET. b) 3400 Panorama Lane - shopping center building. c) 4480 Coffee Road - Bank of America. d) 4420 Coffee Road - Retail Shell building. e) 9000 Ming Avenue - two buildings in Marketplace. f) Kern Machinery on South Mt. Vernon. g) Barnes and Noble on California in for final plan approval and permit. 2. Staff has reviewed the status of unreinf°rced masonry building retrofits. A memo is attached which gives the status and our recommendation on how to deal with non- compliance. Of the 200 buildings identified as unreinforced masonry, 63 have complied with the ordinance. Of the 137 remaining, 15 are in for plan check and permits to retrofit. 3. We have had several meetings with County Environmental Health Services staff to define our code enforcement problems and formulate solutions for improved responsiveness. County EHS will be responsible for enforcing codes and regulations for businesses that are permitted by EHS with backup by City Code Enforcement. City Code Enforcement will be the lead on others with EHS backing us up as needed. There will be cross training to give better understanding of when backup is necessary. Regardless of source or primary responsibility all complaints will be accepted and either acted on directly or referred to the appropriate agency. The complaining party will be advised of follow up. 4. This is the budget session. In addition to submitting our own budget request I've been involved in several meetings to coalesce support by local and state groups for requests of funds for Kern Parkway work and Kern River Freeway construction. 5. The MTIS Policy Committee will meet Monday to endorse a recommended locally preferred alternative for transportation projects. After that, staff will make contact with people and groups throughout the community. 6. Cathy Butler and Harvey Hall came by to let me know that there has been some strife between street vendors and that some downtown merchants are becoming more concerned about the litter left behind as a result of street vendors. I'll be talking to other departments to see what we can do. 7. A letter from Java Detour is attached for your scrapbook of~ ,,~ Id DSN3.7 . RECEIVED" CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Alan Tandy - City Manager From: Jack Hardisty - Development Services Dire Date: March 10, 1997 Subject: URM Update As you are aware, the 1998 URM compliance deadline is approaching. I've recently met with the Building Director, his staff, the Attorney's staff, and Economic Development Director to discuss URM compliance. Through this discussion, we have reviewed and concluded the following: Prior to 1993, a survey was performed by the City to identify all URM buildings within the city limits. From this survey, 200 buildings were identified as URM structures. Sixty-three property owners have met the requirements of our ordinance by retrofitting, demolition, or conversion to an exempt category (i.e., storage facility). There are currently 137 URM buildings that have not yet undergone retrofit work. Of that 137, 15 property owners have submitted retrofit plans to the Building Department for permit. The Economic/Community Development has budgeted financial assistance for property owners to use for engineering of retrofits. Currently 12 owners have received $47,180 in financial assistance. There are another 60 cases pending in this assistance program. The Building Department has sent several reminders to the URM building owners of the code's requirements. In 1993, the City Council adopted Chapters #15.40 and #15.41 of the Municipal Code requiring property owners to retrofit their URM buildings by December 31, 1998. The City Ordinance retrofit requirements are different from those required in the state adopted Uniform Code for Building Conservation (UCBC). Our ordinance was adopted to reduce the risk of death or injury to the public and was not designed to ensure survival of structures after a major earthquake event. Our current ordinance also requires the Building Director to abate non-conforming URM structures as "dangerous buildings" if they are not reinforced by the deadline. This abatement requirement may have an adverse effect on the business community. Rather than wait until 1998 we suggest that the City Council give consideration to how we will deal with non-compliance as soon as possible. Staff's view is that we worked out the retrofit standards to achieve public safety with minimum investment; the deadline was included at the request of the building owners that most of them have taken a "wait and see" position; boarding up or demolishing over 100 buildings (most of them in downtown) would seem counter productive; those who have followed the ordinance ought not to be made fools by whatever decisions are made. We suggest that: Chapter #15.40 be extended to allow existing retrofit requirements to continue as originally adopted. We feel the existing requirements of our ordinance are sufficient to abate the seismic risk. Modify Chapter #15.41 to eliminate the "dangerous building" abatement requirement and require registration of all URM structures not meeting the retrofit deadline. This would require property owners to identify their properties as "Non-Conforming URM Structures," which may induce a market incentive for compliance in soliciting insurance and in obtaining potential buyers if they choose to sell their properties. We will schedule a workshop with the City Council to update them as to the current status of the URM issue as well as the above option for their consideration. I have also attached a list of URM property owners and their current status. Please contact me if you have any question or comments. cc: Judy Skousen, City Attorney Mike Kelly, Fire Chief Jake Wager, Economic Development Director Dennis Fidler, Building Director Stanley Grady, Planning Director URMUPDATE ADDRESS OWNER STATUS 14TH ST. 2004 GOLDEN EMPIRE GLEANERS NON-CONFORMING 14TH ST. 2030 GOLDEN EMPIRE GLEANERS NON-CONFORMING 18TH ST. 1100 A, WEINER NON-CONFORMING 18TH ST. 1200 BENTLEY NON-CONFORMING 18TH ST. 1212 BENTLEY. NON-CON FORMING 18TH ST. 1300 JAMES GEE NON-CONFORMING 18TH ST. 1414-18 COMM 1ST. BK NON-CONFORMING 18TH ST. 1416 BALFANZ NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND 18TH ST, 1522 GARY WALKER NON-CONFORMING 18TH ST. 1701 DAREHSHORI M F NON-CONFORMING 18TH ST. 821 JONES RICHARD & DENNIS NON-CONFORMING 18TH ST. 900 J. DELANEY NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND 1.8TH ST. 903 P. MEYER NON-CONFORMING 18TH ST. 909 BOYNTON J E &L A NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1101-11 B. ENGEL NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1125 R, PATEL NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1127-31 D. BHAKTA NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1201 YOUNGER M M NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1202 PATEL BHARAT NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1207 M. LIPCO NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND 19TH ST. 1219-31 G. STEIN NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1222-1224 LIM SEUNG CHUN NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1228 M. GRIFFIN NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1300 L. RUBIN NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1407-09 WARE & WINFRED NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1419 MOSS & WARE & WINFRED NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1420 G. CLIFFORD NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1434-38 G. CI_IFFORD NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1520 MARTIN SHOES NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1521 WALJO INC. NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1525-31 BANK BAYNES NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1601 A. CRITES NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1623-33 M. WEBER NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1624 HAYEN BLDG PART NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 1725 BAKER MARCELLA SMITH TR NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 2027 PATEL NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 2430 LECTORIUM NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 631 M. ARTZ NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND 19TH ST. 831 FOPPOLI ROBERT NON-CONFORMING 19TH ST. 901 VAN ALSTYNE JON NON-CONFORMING 20TH ST. 1219-21 NIGHBERT NON-CONEORMING 20TH ST. 1416 G G COMM. ENTER. INC. NON-CONFORMING 20TH ST. 1605 E. CONRON/CRITES NON-CONFORMING 21ST ST. 1211 DAHLGREN NON-CONFORMING 21ST ST. 1621 AMER LEGION #26 NON-CONFORMING B ST. 1701 WILSON CALL NON-CONFORMING B ST, 1821 KEPHART JAMES & ERMA NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 1001-05 H & B PROPERTIES NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 1011 J. SNIDER NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST, 1014-28 S. PHILLIPS NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 1017-23 L. WILSON NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND BAKER ST. 801 NORIEGA NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 805 NORIEGA NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 807 FRAUSTO NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 809 NOREIGA NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 812 THE REMNANT NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 813 YLDONSO GONZALEZ NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 900 U. MISTRY NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 901 JOHN RIVERA NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 905 JOHN RIVERA NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 921 RAMAN DESAI NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 958 J. ROMLEY NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 960-62 J. ROMLEY NON-CONFORMING BAKER ST. 963 BELEN GARCIA NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 1708 BERKSHIRE PROP. INC. NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 1800 EDDIE CARTER NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 1806 COMM 1ST. BK NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE 1809 MARTIN GROSS NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 1813 ALVAREZ MARIANO NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 1817 R. PETRINI NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 1919 D. PALLA NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2001 WESLER LEE NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2010 BUI NAM & MARIA T NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2011 SCOTT PIPKIN NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2018 ARTZ MICHAELS & CHERYL NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2019-21 BECKWITH STEPHANIE NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2022 DONALD PALLA NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2025-29 WALTER WILLIAMS NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2101 R©LNICK NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND CHESTER AVE. 2111 CONTINENTAL INVESTORS NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2210 MOSS EDGAR & CAROL NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2301 GETZ PROP. NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2305 W. CAMPBELL NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2309 W. CAMPBELL NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2324 JONES CECIL T REV TR NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND CHESTER AVE. 2509 L. DIEBEL NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2620 BAV NON-CONFORMING CHESTER AVE. 2800 W. MCFADDEN NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND CHESTER AVE. 2808-12 W. MCFADDEN NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND CHESTER AVE. 2816 W. MCFADDEN NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND D ST. 1720 WERNER EPP NON-CONFORMING D. ST. 1929 CASTEEN RICHARD NON-CONFORMING EYE ST. 1814 G. WALHEED NON-CONFORMING EYE ST. 1918-20 RALPH SMITH TR.#1 NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND EYE ST. 2020 TONY REED NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND EYE ST. 2300 GOTTSCHALK & CO INC NON-CONFORMING E. 18TH ST. 223-25 G. BROWN NON-CONFORMING E. 18TH ST. 301 SANDSTONE NON-CONFORMING E. 19TH ST. 420 BAR PROPERTIES NON-CONFORMING E. 19TH ST. 506 D. FELTON NON-CONFORMING E. 19TH ST. 507-09 E. MEYER NON-CONFORMING E. 19TH ST. 525 J. HOLQUIN NON-CONFORMING E. 19TH ST, 618 M. MAITIA NON-CONFORMING E. 19TH ST. 622 SEQUOIA PAINTS NON-CONFORMING E. 21ST ST. 620 J. NARDUCCI NON-CONFORMING E. 21ST ST. 729 P. LAXAQUE NON-CONFORMING E. BRUNDAGE LN. 1516 BRUNDLANE ASSOC. NON-CONFORMING F ST. 1529 G. CLIFFORD NON-CONFORMING JACKSON ST. 624-26 U. MISTRY NON-CONFORMING K ST. 1919 SARAD JOHN NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND KENTUCKY ST. 616 LEMUCCHI RICHARD & MARILYN NON-CONFORMING KENTUCKY ST. 620-24 A FAWNLEE INC NON-CONFORMING KENTUCKY ST. 623 M. ROMLEY NON-CONFORMING KENTUCKY ST. 630 A FAWNLEE NON-CONFORMING L ST. 1811-15 JAMES GEE NON-CONFORMING M ST. 1717 SHERMAN LEE NON-CONFORMING M ST. 2019 DAN GAYLE NON-CONFORMING Q ST. 1812 KUWAHARA NON-CONFORMING SERVICE ST. 1408 ROH SOO-KIL &'KYUNG-SOOK NON-CONFORMING SONORA 601 AKINS CHARLES J & SHERE NON-CONFORMING SUMNER ST. 210-26 MULL REX & NANCY NON-CONFORMING SUMNER ST. 518 SP RAILROAD NON-CONFORMING SUMNER ST. 531 F. NORIEGA NON-CONFORMING SUMNER ST. 605 JOHN LEWIS NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND SUMNER ST. 613-19 HERRERA MARIA ELENA NON-CONFORMING SUMNER ST. 623 PATEL AXAY & BHSMINI NON-CONFORMING SUMNER ST. 700 SP RAILROAD NON-CONFORMING SUMNER ST. 701-03 H. ARRON NON-CONFORMING SUMNER ST. 705 M. LUJAN NON-CONFORMING SUMNER ST. 709-11 YLDEFONSO GONZALEZ NON-CONFORMING SUMNER ST. 717 R. BANALES NON-CONFORMING SUMNER ST. 721 ROJAS MARIA GUADALUPE NON-CONFORMING SUMNER ST. 727 MARSCH COMM NON-CONFORMING TRUXTUN AVE. 1914 NICHOLS FAMILY TR NON-CONFORMING/PERMIT PEND UNION ,AVE. 2415 HOPPER INC. NON-CONFORMING V ST. 1818 C L CLARK NON-CONFORMING WALL ST. 1514 SELLERS NON-CONFORMING 18TH ST. 1203 SHERMAN LEE CONFORMING - ENGR REPORT 18TH ST. 930 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY CO. CONFORMING - ENGR REPORT 19TH ST. 1711-17 G. CLIFFORD CONFORMING - ENGR REPORT BAKER ST. 950 ZAPIAIN CONFORMING - ENGR REPORT CALIFORNIA AVE. 830 NUZUM CONFORMING - ENGR REPORT CHESTER AVE. 2026-28 STITT RICHARD JACK CONFORMING - ENGR REPORT CHESTER AVE. 2526-30 EDWIN WILSON ' CONFORMING - ENGR REPORT H ST. 2000 HE~LEY BARBARA TR CONFORMING - ENGR REPORT 18TH ST. t018 JOHNSON BODY CONFORMING - STORAGE EXEMP 18TH ST. 830 J. BOYNTON CONFORMING - STORAGE EXEMP 19TH ST. 1910 O. KOONTZ CONFORMING - STORAGE EXEMP E. 19TH ST. 432 BAR PROPERTIES CONFORMING -STORAGE EXEMP K ST. 2209 , DE MARCO VINCENT FAMILY TR CONFORMING - STORAGE EXEMP 19TH ST. 1401 19TH 8, K PARTNERSHIP CONFORMING - STEEL FRAME 19TH ST. 1928 O. KOONTZ CONFORMING - STEEL FRAME H ST. 1921 GEORGE ABLIN CONFORMING - STEEL FRAME 17TH ST. 1414 781 BEECH ST PROPERTY CONFORMING - CONCRETE FRAM 18TH ST. 1030 G GARZA CONFORMING - CONCRETE FRAM 18TH ST. 1219 EARL ~NONG CONFORMING - CONCRETE FRAM 18TH ST. 1310 B. HARPER CONFORMING - CONCRETE FRAM 19TH ST. 1721 M~RANDA PROP CONFORMING -CONCRETE FRAM 25TH ST. 1401 R. SANCHEZ CONFORMING - CONCRETE FRAM CHESTER AVE. 1931 BAN BELIEVERS CHR INC CONFORMING - CONCRETE FRAM CHESTER AVE. 2415 A. CRITES CONFORMING - CONCRETE FRAM E. 19TH ST. 430 BAR PROPERTIES CONFORMING- CONCRETE FRAM E. 21ST ST. 712 C OF B CONFORMING -CONCRETE FRAM K ST. 1700 W. MOSSEIAN CONFORMING - CONCRETE FRAM SUMNER ST. 521 F. NORIEGA CONFORMING - CONCRETE FRAM T ST. 1612 L. AGNETTI CONFORMING -CONCRETE FRAM 18TH ST. 1025 BANDUCCI CONFORMING - LETTER 18TH ,ST. 916 CENTRAL TELECOM CONFORMING - LETTER CHESTER AVE. 2211 K. JA. MESON CONFORMING - LETTER 18TH ST. 1101 LEGGIO LESLIE WILSON CONFORMING- RETROFITTED 18TH ST. 1906 RAMAGE J TR & WALKER V A TR CONFORMING - RETROFITTED 18TH ST. 801 P. DENNIS CONFORMING - RETROFITTED 18TH ST. 822 C. TH©RP CONFORMING- RETROFITTED 19TH ST. 1330 SAM SARULLO CONFORMING - RETROFITTED 19TH ST. 1600 G. HAY CONFORMING - RETROFITTED 19TH ST. 1609-17 OLD 19TH ST PROPERTIES INC CONFORMING - RETROFITTED 19TH ST. 1712 ARIAN JACK & SYLVIA TR CONFORMING- RETROFITTED 19TH ST. 1800 R. MCCARTHY CONFORMING - RETROFITTED 19TH ST. 2012 ARIAN JACK & SYLVIA CONFORMING - RETROFITTED CHESTER AVE. 1000 JOHN PACINA CONFORMING - RETROFITTED CHESTER AVE. 2407 COHN SHELL CONFORMING - RETROFITTED CHESTER AVE. 3401 EARLE GIBBON CONFORMING - RETROFITTED D ST. 1806 C/0 WOMENS CLUB CONFORMING - RETROFITTED H ST. 1908 TEGLER HOTEL INVESTORS CONFORMING - RETROFITTED NILES ST. 720 TRINITY MED. CHURCH CONFORMING - RETROFITTED TRUXTUN AVE. E. 1428 ANGELO PIERUDCCI CONFORMING - RETROFITTED 17TH ST. 1300 CITY CENTER CONFORMING - DEMOLISHED 18TH ST. 1400 BANDUCCI CONFORMING - DEMOLISHED 18TH ST. 1408-12 COMM 1ST. BK CONFORMING - DEMOLISHED 18TH ST. 1631 TBC CONFORMING - DEMOLISHED 19TH ST. 1325 C OF B CONFORMING - DEMOLISHED 19TH ST. 1621 CONFORMING - DEMOLISHED BAKER ST. 808 KEPHART CONFORMING - DEMOLISHED CHESTER AVE. 2825 S. SARVLLO CONFORMING - DEMOLISHED EYE ST. 1515 M. DAVIS CONFORMING - DEMOLISHED E. 19TH ST. 518-20 K HOOPER CONFORMING- DEMOLISHED K ST. 2215 R. KITCHEN CONFORMING - DEMOLISHED L ST. 2014 C ©F B CONFORMING ~ DEMOLISHED L ST. 2022 C OF B CONFORMING - DEMOLISHED MONTEREY ST. 800 BCBI CONFORMING - DEMOLISHED February, Stanley Grady Planning Director 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Compauy Headquarter, Re: Great Counter Service in the Planning Department 6441 Briartre. Way Dear Mr. Grady: My brother and I own a small coffee company c,,.u...,g,,,, headquartered in Sacramento. We are currently considering locating two of our new stores in Bakersfield. We deal with c.,,,o,.,. 95621 different Planning Departments throughout the state almost daily and I am happy to say that the treatment we received in Bakersfield was super. Not only were Louise Palmer and Jim Tel 916.728.5843 Eggert very knowledgeable, they were also extremely friendly and helpful. We are eager to locate our business in Bakersfield. Fax 916.723.8190 Please keep up the good work. · Sincerely, Michael Binninger Java Detour