HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/04/97 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM April 4, 1997 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY CO~,C~ FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Per the attached memo from Public Works, our application to the State Department of Transportation for the "Q" Street grade separation project has met all their requirements. We have an excellent chance to receive funding for the project this year. The process is time consuming, but in 2-1/2 to 3 years we could see this under construction. We have an excellent chance to get the nearly $5.0 million because our application was in, complete, and ahead of other cities! It's good for the arena and convention center. 2. Raul Rojas and I had a great meeting in Detroit with the new design/build team. As you will see next Wednesday, the price held at under $29.0 million, and there are improvements to the exterior look and to the service and concourse levels - all within the basic program. 3. As you may have seen in the media, the County once again did in universal collection. They are trying to get us to bill their landfill fee under our name. That way, it looks like we are increasing taxes, and they are decreasing them. Staffhere doesn't think that's a very good plan. 4. Attached is a copy of Minutes to a Board of Supervisors meeting in which they indicate they will "aggressively pursue acquisition" of the Federal Building for the Health Department. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager .! FROM: ~¢~RAUL M. ROJAS, Public Works Director DATE: APRIL 1, 1997 SUBJECT: "Q" STREET GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT The application for the grade separation on "Q" Street at the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway tracks was successfully submitted to the State of California, Department of Transportation as of April 1. It appears from our early analysis that this project has an excellent chance for funding this year. The grade separation on "Q" Street is one of the only projects statewide to have met all requirements and items necessary for the finalization of the application. We will continue to keep you informed of any progress made. Page 8 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting 04/08/97 EMPLOYERS, TRAINING RESOURCE '14) Report on Title III projects, subgrant agreements, and unanticipated revenue - RECEIVE AND FILE REPORT; APPROVE APPROPRIATION OF UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT OF $721,390 TO APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES; APPROVE BUDGET TRANSFER FROM APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES IN THE AMOUNT OF $721,390 TO BUDGET UNIT 8907; APPROVE APPROPRIATION OF UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT OF $366,600 TO APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES; APPROVE BUDGET TRANSFER FROM APPROPRIATION FOR CONTINGENCIES TO BUDGET UNIT 5923 IN THE AMOUNT OF $366,600; APPROVE AGREEMENTS; AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN; APPROVE THE ETR INTERIM DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE DOCUMENTS AS NECESSARY Acquisition of the Federal Building located a~ Truxtun Avenue as Replacement Facility for the Health Department - RECEIVE AND FILE; DIRECT COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE TO AGGRESSIVELy PURSUE THE .... ACOUISITION - ~r?[fiat~on of Unanticipated Reve~of ~lzU-trog--a~.- Au=.cJm_.entmticn of Chii~--lq~lth and Disability Prevention (CHDP) Program, Fiscal Year 1996/97 - APPROVE APPROPRIATION OF UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,000 TO APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES; APPROVE BUDGET TRANSFER IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,000 FROM APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES TO BUDGET UNIT 4110 · 17) Agreement with Ellaraino to be a Guest Speaker at the Healthy Babies Health Fair in the amount of $500 APPROVE; AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN HUMAN SERVICES '18) Request to add ten Employment Counselor I/II positions to the GAIN Program and delete ten Social Service Worker I/II positions as they become vacant APPROVE THE DELETION OF TEN SOCIAL SERVICE WORKER I/II POSITIONS AS THEY BECOME VACANT, BUT NOT LATER THAN OCTOBER 1, 1998; APPROVE THE CONCURRENT ADDITION OF TEN EMPLOYMENT COUNSELOR I/II POSITIONS AS SOCIAL SERVICE WORKER I/II POSITIONS ARE DELETED, BUT NOT LATER THAN OCTOBER 1, 1998; REFER TO PERSONNEL TO AMEND THE DEPARTMENTAL POSITIONS AND SALARY SCHEDULE Telephone 805-861-2371 · FAX 805-325-3979 · TTY Relay 800-735-2929 County Administrative Officer April 8, 1997 Board of Supervisors "0~¥ / ' _RECEIVED - Kern Com~ty'Adn'thdstrative Center -- 'J~P}~ 1~ ~ 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 "' CITY MANAGER'S OFFIC5 ' STATUS REPORT ON ACQUISITION OF TRUXTUN AVENUE FEDERAL BUILDING The County Administrative Office and the Health Department have been in continuous contact with the Federal General Services Administration (GSA) to stay informed regarding the federal government's disposal of the Bakersfield Federal Building located at 800 Truxtun Avenue. The building has been placed on the GSA's surplus property list and they are taking the necessary steps to prepare the building for disposal. Currently, the GSA is searching for alternate locations to house the agencies that are located in the building. The tenants include the Immigration/Naturalization Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bankruptcy Court, Bureau of Land Management, and other agendes. The GSA's target date for the completion of all required relocations is June, 1998. The GSA has indicated that the other steps in the disposal process are being undertaken simultaneously so that the proposed title transfer of the building can occur by the relocation completion target date. The GSA has further indicated that there is a possibility that the title transfer could occur before all of the tenants 'are relocated, providing that there are terms in the title transfer that accommodate' those tenants temporarily. The additional steps that are being accomplished simultaneously with the relocations are the completion of mandatory public notice requirements pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations Section 45 part 12. The first public notice period to determine possible interest in the building by any federal agencies concluded on February 12, 1997, and no federal agencies stated any interest in the Bakersfield building. Currently, HUD is in a required 30 day review process to determine if the property is for suitable for occupancy by a homeless agency. If HUD determines the property to be suitable, then a 60 day notice period for homeless agencies will cormnence. If this notice commences, .. it is anticipated that no homeless agencies will state any interest in acquiring the building. If no homeless agencies state interest, the next public notice period which applies to all other governmental agencies, is anticipated to begin in July or August of 1997, and at that time the County can begin negotiating with the GSA as to the terms of the proposed title transfer. In December 1996, the County Administrative Office formally requested Community Development Block Grant Funding to finance the construction of the proposed project including any applicable Board of Supervisors April 8, 1997 Status Report on Acquisition of Truxtun Avenue Federal Building Page 2 building acquisition costs. It was recommended that Community Development take a multi-year, phased funding approach. Pursuant to applicable federal regulations, it is still probable that the Cotmty could acquire the building at no cost due to its intended use as a public health agency. Therefore, IT IS RECOMMENDED that your Board receive and file this report. - - Sincerely, Scott E. lon~~''/~/ Acting Co{afity Adminisu ative Officer SEJ/jk/memos:97032 cc: Health Department Community Development Program Department Alan Tandy, City Manager, City of Bakersfield RECE~VFD APR 4 ~ ~ CITY MANAGER'S OFF!C" J DEVELOPMENT SERVICES NOTES April 2, 1997 1. An application (still incomplete) has been filed for the Grand Canal, a 565,000 square foot commercial center on 63 acres between South H Street and Highway 99, Arvin-Edison Canal and Berkshire Road. This requires a general plan amendment and zone change from residential to commercial and it is anticipated that an EIR will need to be prepared based on what we've seen so far. Hearings before the Planning Commission will be in September if the applicant completes his submittal this month. 2. The application for the Cardiac Hospital on Sillect Avenue east of the Crystal Palace/Buck Owens Studios is now in the environmental study phase. This is a general plan and zone change. We have been asked by one of the existing hospitals to do an economic impact analysis. We wouldn't normally do that as part of an EIR and we doubt that all the other hospitals and clinics would open their private business records for public review todetermine acceptable profit margins for medical service. What we are evaluating is the effect another emergency room facility might have on the emergency medical services system which is a public service issue. Because of confidentiality rules, about the best we will get is a highly qualified professional opinion. If drafting of the EIR is concluded within the next three weeks we can start the Planning Commission hearings in June and complete them in July. 3. The contract to do an EIR for adoption of a plan line for the South Beltway will be going to the City Council for approval. If all goes well we should be in adoption hearings in December. 4. The EIR to evaluate development proposals by Castle and Cooke and Carosella on Sections 1 and 12 west of Buena Vista Road south of the Kern River is on hold until the applicants resolve a dispute over how much each of them will pay for it. 5. The hearings to review the general plans adopted by the County related to the Sphere of Influence should begin in June. Due to the number of issues and public interest the hearing will probably be continued. Bill Turpin is organizing a mid-May meeting with representatives of Agriculture, Oil, Developers, NOR Sanitation and City Planning to discuss Sphere of Influence issues. 6. Mesa Marin is trying to reach agreement with Caltrans to allow a couple of big races per year without having to do a lot of road construction. Staff has reviewed the required contents of a noise study so that it better measures compliance with performance standards. We have also met with neighboring property owners east of Mesa Marin to discuss land uses which would be more compatible than residential. 7. The District Attorney's Crime Lab and Family Support office is in for site plan review. There needs to be a little more design work to squeeze it onto the property. Thursday night the Planning Commission will be discussing an Agricultural Preservation Ordinance used by the City of Davis and conducting a public hearing to consider relaxation of Home Occupation Permits to allow one client at a time to come onto the premises. 9. We have heard that Kern County will probably lose the $680,000 for completion of the bike path from China Grade Loop along Round Mountain Road to Hart Park because of difficulty in acquiring right-of-way. Kern COG staff believes we can move the money to the city to build the bike path along existing right-of-way (Fairfax, Paladino, Morning Drive). KCOG will be meeting with Public Works Friday to see if we can shift gears fast enough to salvage the money and add significantly to our metro bike path system all the way to the soccer complex. The county has been carrying this project since 1993. 10. A noise consultant is working on a formal evaluation of noise exposure from New Stine Road to residences north of Sundale Avenue. 11. Our request for $1,000,000 of Proposition 204 money for Kern River Parkway work is in Senator Costa's hands. Perhaps he will have some good news when he returns to Kern County on April 14. JH/Id DSN4.2