HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/09/97 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM May 9, 1997 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COU/NCIL FROM' ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER///]'-/ //// SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION ~' ~ \ 1. A memorandum is enclosed regarding the Truxtun Avenue widening project. The south side of the street will be widened to allow for three lanes of eastbound traffic between H and L Streets. The trees in front of the Police Department will be replaced, and the existing street lights in front of the Police Department and City Hall will be replaced with the same kind of ornamental street lights being used in the Chester Avenue Streetscape project. 2. An interior view from the glass concession area, near the Plaza, looking back into the new arena bowl is enclosed. 3. A report from the Chief of Police regarding the feasibility of controlling access to the Police lobby during non-business hours is enclosed. 4. At the last Council meeting, a question was raised about proper notice on Hearing Item 9c., the GPNZone Change request for Pershing and California Avenue. There is a memorandum enclosed from the City Clerk regarding procedures that were followed for that Notice of Public Hearing. 5. Responses to Council referrals are enclosed, as follows: · Request for staff to conduct a survey of streets in Kern City for repaving and maintenance; · Follow up to request for staff to provide accounting of expenses for Stockdale Highway median landscaping; · Request for staff to investigate the possible use of a local firm to collect parking fines; · Request for staff to look into placing a traffic signal at the intersection of Cherry Hills and Stockdale Highway; · Update from the Traffic Engineer on the closure of Elm Street at 24th St./Rte. 178. Honorable Mayor and City Council May 9, 1997 Page 2 6. If you haven't done it yet, go to the Marketplace and new theatre/fountain area there on a weekend evening. It's become a very nice community gathering place. AT: rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager FROM: RAUL ROJAS, Public Works Director,//~~ ~ DATE: May 5, 1997 SUBJECT: TRUXTUN A VENUE WIDENING Truxtun Avenue between H Street and L Street is included in the FY 96-97 resurfacing project that will be bidding later this month. As a part of this project, the south side of this section of Truxtun Avenue will be widened by. nine feet. This will ultimately allow tbr the striping of three lanes of eastbound traffic between H Street and L Street, an improvement indicated to be necessary in the traffic study for the arena. With this widening, no parking stalls will be permanently eliminated along any of the street. Between H Street and EYe Street in front of the Police Building, the existing Crape Myrtle trees will be removed and replaced with a like number of 24" box Italian Alders, the tree identified as the theme tree tbr Truxtun Avenue in the "Central City Master Street Tree Plan." The existing tree well grates will be reused. The Parks Division has concurred with the proposed landscaping changes. Currently, the sidewalk is 17 feet wide at its narrowest point, which after street widening will result in a sidewalk width of 8 feet at these points. Our Department has been in contact with the Police Department regarding these proposed modifications. Between Eye Street and Chester Avenue, the widening will also result in 9 feet of the existing 17 feet wide sidewalk being removed, leaving an 8 feet wide sidewalk along the front of City Hall. No change to any landscaping is currently anticipated in this block. Along both the Police Department and City Hall frontages, the existing mid-block street lights are proposed to be eliminated and replaced with a total of four (two per each block) of the ornamental street lights being used in the Chester Avenue Streetscape project. Staff has also been in contact with the County regarding the section of Truxtun Avenue between Chester Avenue and L Street fronting their buildings. With the street widening, the existing sidewalk in this section will become narrower. The existing disabled parking along Truxtun Avenue will be moved nine feet south of its current location. The County has requested several existing Crape Myrtle trees in front of their building be removed with the project and replaced with sidewalks. Staff also approached the County proposing their purchase and our installation of Chester Avenue type street lights along their frontage, but they declined to participate. The design of the Chester Avenue Streetscape project has taken the Truxtun Avenue widening into consideration, and the project specifications for both the Chester Avenue Streetscape and the Resurfacing projects have been coordinated with regard to construction scheduling and sequencing. Parking along Truxtun Avenue may be temvorarilv_ _ disrupted· , during curb and gutter installation,. ..... _....x~;~;4v.,.but th~ existing two eastbound lanes are reauired, to remain, open at all times during the day. From. tne.start:ot'~mum... ~ '~ ~ 'i :~.: demolition, the contractor is required to replace curb, gutter and pavement (except for the hnal, pavement resurfacing) along Truxtun Avenue within 20 working days. The resurfacing of Truxtun Avenue is required to be pertbrmed at night. In addition to Council meeting dates, the same events calendar limitihg ni'~l~(w~r~ provided with the Chester Avenue Streetscape project is being included in this project. ~?f~i ~ BAKERSFIELD POLICE ~ ~-~,~7~,~ ~ ~ MEMORANDUM JMay 7, ~ ~7 To: Alan Iandy, firom: S. [. Brummor, Chief of ~olice Subject: Controlled Access to the ~olice Depa~ment The Police Department is currently researching the feasibility of controlling access to the police lobby during non-business hours. In our efforts to promote the effective utilization of our personnel, we are conducting various test programs that might result in more efficient deployment strategies. The attached report prepared by Captain Neil Mahan provides the background information for our research. Prior to full implementation of any program as outlined, we will make every effort to insure that our level of public service is not diminished. Through pilot programs, as outlined by Captain Mahan, I believe we can determine whether or not full implementation is warranted. I will keep you apprised of the progress of our study and any final recommendations resulting from the pilot project. SEB/vrf Attachments: 1. "Controlled Access to the Police Lobby", Memorandum by Captain Mahan, dated 5/6/97 2. Police Agencies Lobby Hours and Staffing Survey, dated 8/20/96 MAY "8 FJgf, CiTY MANAGER'S OFFIC' BAKERSFIELD POLICE MEMORANDUM May 7, 1997 To: S. E Bmmmer, Chief of Police From: B.N. Mahan, Captain, Operations Division Subject: Controlled Access to Police Lobby For more than a year the Operations Division has been exploring the possibilities of controlling access to the police lobby during non-business hours. Non-business hours have been defined as Monday through Friday, 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. and weekends. The advantages of controlled access are: ENHANCED BUILDING/EMPLOYEE SECURITY During non-business hours the police facility is staffed by a complaint desk officer and a watch commander. Both positions must continually monitor the status of persons inside the lobby who may or may not have legitimate business at the police department. Controlling access reduces the threat of unauthorized persons entering sensitive areas of the facility. Those sensitive areas include the communications center and the records section which are currently comprised of non-sworn (primarily female) employees. RE-DEPLOYMENT OF THE COMPLAINT DESK OFFICER TO FIELD DUTIES The complaint desk officer currently staffed on a 24 hour basis answers phones, checks out equipment to other officers, monitors the lobby and performs other clerical duties. Controlling the lobby access during non-business hours would allow for the re-deployment of the desk officer to field duties. Telephone calls would be transferred to the communications center, the watch commander and other officers in the building would allow citizen access to the lobby as necessary, and clerical duties would be accomplished by on duty clerks. A one week survey was conducted in August of 1996 to determine the volume of citizens entering the police lobby during non-business hours and whether or not their concerns warranted contact with a police officer. There were a total of 28 lobby contacts during the one week survey. The average was 4 per night with the single highest night being 7. Only one contact required police action, a suspect surrendering himself on an assault case. The remainder of the contacts were report inquiries that must be accomplished during business hours and a host of insignificant contacts including; needing directions to a Basque restaurant; using the rest room; and several regular "5150's" reporting a variety of imaginary events. The lobby contact survey seems to indicate the volume of citizens using the lobby after business hours is minimal, and that most of the contacts are requested to respond back to the agency during hours is minimal, and that most of the contacts are requested to respond back to the agency during business hours when records personnel are available. A survey of other police agencies lobby hours and staffing was also conducted by our training section. Five of the nine agencies surveyed limited lobby hours and five of nine agencies staffed their lobbies with non-sworn personnel. (Survey attached) ENHANCED CONTINUITY OF DISTRICT ASSIGNMENTS One of the tenets of community oriented policing involves the continuity of officers assigned to districts or beats. One of our Divisional objectives is maintaining officers' assignments to .a particular district for at least one year. The complaint desk officer position has been problematic in this regard due to the number of different officers rotated from districts assignments to the desk and then back to a "different" district. Staffing the complaint desk during business hours with non-sWorn personnel and re-deploying the swom officers during non-business hours would virtually eliminate the district switching that has been a problem for years. REDUCED LIABILITY THROUGH RE-ASSIGNMENT OF LIGHT DUTY OFFICERS Occasionally officers who are suffering injuries or illnesses are assigned to the complaint desk position. These officers who have light duty restrictions are in a position that could require police action, leading to more serious injuries and increased liability for the department. Controlling lobby access, and eliminating the need for a police officer to staffthe desk during non-business hours, would necessitate re-assigning light duty officers to temporary light duty assignments not likely to require police action. The weekend pilot test of controlling lobby access May 2, through May 4, seemed to have no negative effects for citizens responding to the police department. Those believing they had an emergency situation or a need to enter the police department used the emergency 9 1 1 phone at the lobby doors. An example was one citizen who had traveled from Fresno to retrieve an impounded vehicle. She called on the 9 1 1 phone, was directed to the watch commander, who, allowed access and directed records personnel to release the vehicle. It is my recommendation that the department continue to test controlling access to the lobby during the weekend hours for 1 month. At the end of the month I will prepare an evaluation and final recommendation. Respectfully, Captain Neil Mahan Police Agencies ' ' ,obOy Hours and Staffing Survey ,Completed on 8-20-96 Acces~[ Pccess Counter Counter Desk Desk .I, Desk 24 Limited 24 Limited Sworn Non-sworn Sworn and Hour ~ Hours Hours Hours Only Only Non-sworn Anaheim Police Dept Beverly Hills Police Dept Buena Park Police Dept . ~, ~, Downey Police Dept ~ ~ ~, Garden Grove Police Dept Huntington Beach Police Dept Long Beach Police Dept ~, ~ ~' Oxnard Police Dept . Visalia Police Dept Additional information Anaheim Police Dept: The Anaheim Police Dept. Has two separate report counters, one for crime reports and one for traffic reports and vehicle impounds. The crime report counter is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The traffic report / vehicle impound counter is open from 0730 hours to 1730 hours, Monday through Friday. Both counters are staffed only with. civilian records clerks, cadets or police service technicians. Ifa sworn officer is needed in the lobby, one is dispatched from the field or from the squad room for arrests, reports with suspect information etc. Beverly Hills Police Dept: The Beverly Hills Police Dept. Lobby is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The report/vehicle impound counter is also open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The lobby desk is always staffed with a sworn officer. The reports counter is s{affed with civilian records clerks and cadets. Buena Park Police Dept.: The Buena Park Police Dept. Lobby / report/vehicle impound counter is open fi-om 0800 hours to 2100 hours, seven days a week. From 2100 hours to 0800 hours, the lobby is closed with outside access allowed by the use of a speaker phone and an automatic door lock system. The lobby desk and report counter is staffed w;~ti~ eight full time community service officers (PST'S) only. No sworn officers work at these locations, except for light duty assignments due to injury or illness crc. If a sworn officer is needed, one is dispatched from the fi:Id or squad room t° make arrests or handle priority one typ,; calls or reports with suspect information. Downey Police Dept: The Downey Police Dept. Lobby is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The reports/records/vehicle impound counter is open from 0730 hours to 1930 hours, Monday through Friday only. The lobby desk is staffed with a sworn officer~ sergeant or lieutenant only, no police officers or senior officers. The report/records/vehicle impound counter is staffed with civilian records clerks and cadets. If an officer is needed in the lobby, one is dispatched frqm the field or the squad room for arrests, reports etc. Garden Grove Police Dept: The Garden Grove Police Dept. Lobby is open from 0800 hours to 1800 hours, Monday through Saturday, closed completely on Sundays. The lobby desk is staffed with both sworn officers and cadets. The records/reports/vehicle impounds counter is staffed with civilian records clerks and cadets. Huntington Beach Police Dept: The Huntington Beach Police Dept. Lobby desk is open from 0700 hours to 0100, seven days a week. The records/reports/vehicle impound counter is open from 0800 hours to 1700 hours, Monday through Friday only. The lobby desk is staffed with a sworn officer. The records/reports/vehicle impound counter is staffed with civilian records clerks. Access to the lobby desk from 0100 hours to 0700 hours is handled by the use of an outside speaker phone only. If an officer is needed in the lobby for reports, arrests or priority type calls, one is dispatched from the field. Long Beach Police Dept: The Long Beach' Police Dept. Lobby desk is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The records/reports/vehicle impound counter is also open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The lobby desk is staffed with non-sworn security officers (similar to PST's) to handle reports. The records/reports/vehicle impound counter is staffed with civilian records clerks. If an officer is needed in the lobby for arrests, priority type calls or reports with suspect information, one is dispatched from the field. Oxnard Po/ice Dept: The Oxnard Police Dept. Lobby desk and records/reports/vehicle impound counter is open from 0800 hours to 2400 hours, seven days a week. From 2400 hours to 0800 hours, both counters are completely closed. The lobby desk and the records/reports/vehicle impound counters are staffed with police service technicians and civilian records clerks only, no sworn officers. If an'officer is needed in the lobby for arrests, reports or priority type calls, one is dispatched fi'om the field. Visalia Police Dept: The Visalia Police D. ePt. Lobby desk is open from 0800 hours to 1700 hours, seven days a week. The records/reports/vehicle impound counter is secured with security glass and is open from 0800 hours to 1700 hours, Monday through Friday only..The lobby desk is staffed by a full time non-sworn duty officer to handle no suspect information type reports. The records/reports/vehicle impound.window is staffed with civilian records clerks only. After business hours, the lobby is closed and locked with no access allowed from the public. Citizens can contact the duty officer by using a speaker phone / security camera system. If an officer is needed to handle a suspect information only report, make an arrest or handle a priority type call, one is dispatched from the field. No suspect information type reports are not taken at the lobby after hours. Citizens are advised to come back to the lobby during business hours to make such reports, as field officers are usually not dispatched to handle these types of Iow priority calls. SKF BAKERSFIELD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM May 9, 1997 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Pamela A. McCarthy, City Cle~ SUBJECT: Question Regarding Proper Notice of Hearing At the May 7, 1997 Council meeting Councilmember Carson raised the question of proper notice on Hearing Item 9c. Ms. Carson indicated that a resident of the area, Mr. Lynn Edwards, did not receive notice Of the hearing. The Notice of the Public Hearing was mailed to all residents within the three hundred foot radius (from the outside boundarT) on April 9, 1997. I reviewed the list of residents, and Mr. Edwards was not mailed a notice because he resided outside the noticed area. Notice was however, published in the Bakersfield Californian on April 16, 1997. I hope this satisfactorily answers the question. If you need additional information, please let me know. :pmc cc: Gall Waiters, Assistant City Manager R S:~¢IEMOS\TAND¥~NOTICEQST.~vpd I'i;' MAY -9 . C( .'Pt' iVtANAGER'S OFFICE BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager · FROM: RAUL ROJAS, Public Works Direct DATE: May 7, 1997 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0013343/001, ROWLES REPA VING STREETS IN KERN CITY Cherry Hills Drive and Oak Fair Way have recently been resurfaced by the Streets Division. All other streets within the Kern City area, with the exception of Sundale Avenue, are being proposed as part of the 97-98 Cape Seal project anticipated to be completed this summer. CITY iVlANAGER'S OFFIC!,~ City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0013343 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 5/02/97 REQUEST DATE: 4/23/97 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES START: 4/23/97 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 5/05/97 GEN. LOC: WARD5 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL ~'fMT~ REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - ROWLES ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: REPAVING STREETS IN KERN CITY REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** ROWLES REQUESTED STAFF CONDUCT A SURVEY OF THE STREETS IN KERN CITY FOR POSSIBLE RE-PAVING AND SCHEDULE MAINTENANCE OF AREAS IN NEED OF REPAIR. Job Order Description: REPAVING STREETS IN KERN CITY Category: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL ASsigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / MEMORANDUM MAY 8, 1997 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: GREGORY J. KLIMKO, FINANCE DIRECTO R///Z~//~' SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL - STOCKDALE HIGHWAY MEDIAN LANDSCAPING DONATIONS (WF0008179) In February 1996, the City established a separate trust account within our General Trust Fund for Stockdale Highway median landscaping at the request of Councilman McDermott. The City received a total of $7,977 in donations during February and March 1996. Since that time the City has allocated interest of $390 bringing the balance at April 30, 1997 to $8,367. This balance will continued to be increased by interest earnings and conversely will be decreased by charges through our year-end parks and median island cost of maintenance allocation. GJK/tmrn GJK229 ~ ~ City'of Bakersfield *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0008179 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 5~09~9 REQUEST DATE: 2,21/99 SCHEDULE DATES CREW: START: 2~21~96 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 7/26/96 GEN. LOC: WARD4 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: PUBLIC ~'±'m'±' REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - MCDERMOTT ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: STOCKDALE HIGHWAY MEDIAN LANDSCAPING DONATIONS REQUEST COMMENTS ***DUAL REFERRAL TO COMMUNITY SVCS & FINANCE DEPTS WITH COMMUNITY SVC AS LEAD DEPARTMENT*** MCDERMOTT REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE THE ACCOUNTING OF EXPENSES; AND SUGGESTED STAFF MEET WITH THE NEIGHBORS FOR THEIR INPUT ON THE LANDSCAPING TO BE DONE. Job Order Description: STOCKDALE HIGHWAY MEDIAN LANDSCAPING DONATIONS Cat~gory: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPT Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPT INSTRUCTIONS 03/27/~6...Community Services memoradum is completed.. Waiting for Greg Klimko's input. ActionDending. 0~-0~-95...Memo was forwarded %o Alan TaDdy on 5/31/96. A meeting was held 3/18/96 with r~presentatives o~ the Stockdale median project & the issue was re-visited_by the City Council.. Plans have been completed, inst~lla%ion of the irrigation ~ystem has begun &_p±ant material has ordered._ This project is on ±mne & should be completed within 45 days. NO FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED. PROJECT COMPLETED. START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / / MEMORANDUM MAY 8, 1997 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: GREGORY J. KLIMKO, FINANCE DIRECTOR////~~7~'~ SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL - COLLECTION OF PARKING FINES Attached is a report from Bill Descary, City Treasurer, regarding a City Council Referral (WF0008171) requested by Councilwoman Carson. GJK/tmm GJK227 RECE VEU MAY MEMORANDUM MAY 8, 1997 TO: GREGORY J. KLIMKO, FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: WILLIAM C. DESCARY, CITY TREASURER ~J'~ SUBJECT: COLLECTION OF PARKING FINES As background information, prior to 1984 parking citations were collected by the Municipal Court for about $1.00 per citation. In 1984 the city was notified that the citation collection fee would about triple. The City had three options. 1) Pay the court the increased fee. 2) Bring the collection process in-house with an investment in computer equipment and added staff. 3) Contract with a firm specializing in the collection of parking citations which was rather unique at the time. In August, 1984, the City opted to contract the work out to Judicial Data Systems Corporation (JDS) in Costa Mesa, CA. The collection fee was $1.35 per citation, and the fee is still $1.35 primarily because of the City's long history with JDS. Most other customers pay $1.48 per citation except Santa Ana which pays $1.10 because they were the original test city for JDS. They are able to keep fees Iow because they have continued to invest in state-of-the-art technology and have become very efficient. They now service 150 government agencies and process over one-half million citations annually. Generally, the procedure for collecting parking citations is as follows. Copies of parking citations issued by the Bakersfield Police Department are sent to JDS weekly to be entered into Judiciars computer system which is an on-line link to DMV. The system, originally designed by JDS programmers sixteen years ago, tracks 8ach citation until it is cleared. When citations are not paid timely registered owners are identified through the DMV link which facilitates sending delinquent notices. Ultimately, the amount of the citation plus late fees are added to the registration renewal amount and a hold is placed on the registration until all fees are paid. In these cases, the citation fees and penalties are remitted directly to the City by DMV monthly. Remittances for citations paid timely are deposited in a designated City of Bakersfield account through a Costa Mesa branch of Bank of America. Periodically, reports of paid citations and deposit amounts are sent to the City. Monthly citation status reports are sent along with an habitual offender report. As you requested, the Treasury Division surveyed selected cities relative to procedures for collecting parking citations. The survey sample included seven cities with populations greater than Bakersfield in ascending order and five cities with populations less than Bakersfield in descending order as the attached population ranking indicates. The results of the survey are summarized in the attached schedule. There is no local firm that offers a parking citation collection service. In fact the JDS client list includes Bakersfield College, Cai State University Bakersfield, Kern County Sheriff and the cities of Arvin, Porterville, Ridgecrest, Shafter, Tehachapi, Tulare and Wasco. In February 1995 Sargeant Dave Haskins of the Bakersfield Police Department randomly surveyed twelve cities to learn about parking citation collection procedures. He surveyed different cities than those just surveyed but obtained similar results. If the process is not in-house it is contracted out to a private firm or another city. Normally the contractor is not in the city where the citation is issued. Sargeant Haskins concluded our fee of $1.35 per citation was competitive. Both the Police and Finance Departments are satisfied with the level of service provided by JDS. Attachments cc: Verne Jung, Business Manager Police Department WCD26 City of Bakersfield, *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE REQ/JOB: WF0008171 / 001 PROJECT: REQUEST DATE PRINTED: DATE: ~08Z907/9~ SCHEDULE DATii0 7 CREW: START: LOCATION: COMPLETION: 21/9 FACILITY NODES GEN. LOC: WARD1 FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL ~'±'mT REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - CARSON WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: COLLECTION OF PARKING FINES REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL - FINANCE*** CARSON REQUESTED STAFF LOOK INTO THE POSSIBILITY OF USING A LOCAL FIRM TO COLLECT PARKING FINES. Job Order Description: COLLECTION OF PARKING FINES Catggory:. FINANCE Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: FINANCIAL SERVICES START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: May 9, 1997 SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO COUNCIL REFERRAL RECORD No. WF00133421001 (Ward 5) Councilmember Randy Rowles asked Public Works staff investigate the feasibility of. placing a traffic signal at the intersection of Cherry Hills and Stockdale in this year's budget. Attached is our Traffic Engineer's response as requested. TRAFFIC.509 Attachment c.. E VED BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: May 8, 1997 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER ~ SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL No. WF0013342, TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT CHERRY HILLS AND STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, WARD 5 REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS: "ROWLES REQUESTED STAFF LOOK INTO THE FEASIBILITY OF PLACING A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THE INTERSECTION OF CHERRY HILLS AND STOCKDALE IN THIS YEAR'S BUDGET."; and per the minutes of the Council meeting: "ROWLES REQUESTED PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC DIVISION SPEAK TO KERN CITY CIVIC ASSOCIATION REGARDING THE FEASIBILITY OF A TRAFFIC LIGHT AT CHERRY HILLS AND STOCKDALE." TRAFFIC ENGINEERING RESPONSE: Regarding contact with the Kern City Civic Association: The Kern City Civic Association was contacted on May 5, 1997 and informed that a traffic study would be performed, as requested, for the intersection of Cherry Hills and Stockdale Highway. Mr. Gordon Foster, President of the Association, will be informed by letter of the results of the study and recommendations. I gave them my phone number and requested that they call me if members had any questions in the interim. Regarding the feasibility of including a new signal project for Cherry Hills and Stockdale Highway: The analysis is not yet complete, so no recommendation to Engineering to propose inclusion of a signal in their Capital Improvement Project list for next year is available from Traffic Engineering. At this time, over 30 intersections meet one or more warrants and are unfunded. About one-third of the locations are considered very high volume and/or high accident locations requiring traffic control for safety reasons. In addition to the standard traffic signal warrant study, the location will also have to be analyzed for traffic signal coordination. Stockdale Highway is a principal arterial with traffic signal interconnection and traffic flow coordination. The Cherry Hills location was not considered for a traffic signal in setting up coordination parameters for Stockdale Highway. The traffic signal warrant study will be completed in about ten days and a recommendation to Engineering will be made by Traffic Engineering at that time. Jacques LaRoehelle, Engineering Se~4ces Manager Ted Wright, Design Engineer, Engineering Bmee Deeter, CE III, Traffic Engineering Brad Underwood, CE III, Traffic Engineering PW Memo Files Traffic Engineering File - wf001334'2.ref, wpd alw: P:~DATA\WP\1997~wf0013342.r~f. wlxl _~~~ .7- *REPRINT* City of Bakersfield ~ WORK REQUEST ~''~ PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0013342 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 4/29/97 REQUEST DATE: 4/23/97 SCHEDULE DATES CREW: START: 4/23/97 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 5/05/97 FACILITY NODES GEN. LOC: WARD5 FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - ROWLES ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT CHERRY HILLS & STOCKDALE HWY. REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** ROWLES REQUESTED STAFF LOOK INTO THE FEASIBILITY OF PLACING A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THE INTERSECTION OF OF CHERRY HILLS AND STOCKDALE HWY IN THIS YEAR'S BUDGET. Job Order Description: TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT CHERRY HILLS & STOCKDALE HWY. atpgory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE /__/~ BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director~/~./~/~~ DATE: May 9, 1997 SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO COUNCIL INQUIRY Attached is an update, prepared by our Traffic Engineer, regarding closure of Elm Street. Please call if additional information is needed. ELMSTRT.509 Attachment BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: May 9, 1997 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM; S.L. WALKER, PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC ENGINEER SUBJECT: ELM STREET, WARD 5 Per request by Councilmember Rowles, the following is a summary of comments regarding a closure of Elm Street, south side, at 244 Street State Route 178. The street is very low volume at about 250 cars on a typical day. Most vehicles are headed northbound, which implies that the street may be used as an alternate route by commuters to avoid the State intersection of Oak and State Route 178 / 244 Street. The closure action should go through a public hearing process at the Planning Commission to allow all affected homeowners an opportunity to voice opposition or support. Based on the recommendation of the Planning Commission, the action would then be forwarded to the CitY Council. This process is estimated to take about 60 to 90 days, depending on the schedule of the Planning Commission and Agendas. Assuming no objections to the proposed closure, the action would be placed on the Consent Calender for Council action to approve the closure'with temporary barriers for a one year period (typical). If there is substantial opposition, the item should be considered for a hearing at the Council meeting instead of a Consent Calender item. If approved by the Council, Traffic Engineering will issue work orders to install temporary barriers of a type acceptable to the Fire Department. Prior to installation, a traffic data collection StUdy will be performed to obtain accurate "before" data. At, er one year, or other time period as directed by the Council, another study would be performed and a report to the Council written with results of the year long effect of the barrier. At this time, Traffic Engineering awaits direction on this matter. No recommendations are made at this time.