HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/16/97 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM May 16, 1997 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER /~7"/_~ SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. We saved $4.0 million when we changed contractors on the arena. In light of that and the continuing Council concerns over train operations blocking parking to the building, we are doing staff work on three related items: 1) we are attempting to accelerate the schedule for the Q Street grade separation, 2) we will take another look at a pedestrian overcrossing of the tracks near N to see if a feasible plan can be developed, and 3) we are evaluating the possible use of a part of our 515 Truxtun property, which is the old metal and wood storage buildings near the rear, as possible shod term parking north of the tracks. 2. We received notification from Assemblymember Prenter that we may be eligible to receive funding from the Petroleum Violation Escrow Account Program. California's share of funds will be allocated for energy conservation projects. We have submitted four project proposals to Kern COG which been sent to our state legislators for consideration. A memorandum from Development Services is attached. 3. We have been informed that the mail boxes located outside City Hall, on Eye Street, are included on a list of boxes to be removed, due to vandalism and graffiti. We are not aware of any vandalism or graffiti problems with those specific mail boxes, and the Mayor has written a letter to the Bakersfield Postmaster (which is enclosed) asking him to reconsider that decision. 4. Responses to Council requests are enclosed, as follows: · evaluation of intersection at Meacham Road and Main Plaza Drive, near Endeavor School, for multi-way stop controls; · report on the City's participation, with CalTrans, in placement of a traffic signal at State Route 178 and Beech St. Honorable Mayor and City Council May 16, 1997 Page 2 5. The Kern County Waste Management Department is requesting that all City packer trucks use the Bena landfill, instead of the Arvin Landfill, for waste disposal. We are researching the cost elements and will then respond them. The County's correspondence is enclosed. 6. A memorandum from EDCD is attached regarding the new access gate system that has been installed at the 18th and Eye Street parking structure. It will allow monthly parkers 24-hour access, seven days a week and will go into effect on May 19th. We are also working with the Downtown Bar and Restaurant Owners' Association towards opening the parking structure on Friday and Saturday nights until 2:00 a.m. 7. Enclosed are two interesting articles from the Wednesday, May 14th, edition of The Fresno Bee. According to a front page article, the Fresno City Council may reconsider plans to expand their convention center due to concerns about the developer's financing and the building design. There is also an article from the Local News section about the City Council voting to hire their own "city manager". It would be a new position, in addition to the current city manager who reports to the mayor, but not to them. In January, Fresno switched to a modified strong-mayor form of government, which is causing some conflicts. 8. A memo regarding the Coffee Road grade separation project is enclosed. We expect that traffic will be redirected onto the new structure in three to four weeks, with completion of the project by the first week of July. 9. At the Convention Center you may notice some construction activity. We are putting in some handicapped and short term parking spaces to offset some of the demand when the lot is shut down for construction. We have also demolished the former Trichell property south of the County parking structure. It will be a temporary lot for Convention Center parking, short term, and will eventually be paved as a permanent lot. It is our goal to have the rest of the land purchases for additional arena parking before Council in June. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst MEMORANDUM May 9, 1997 TO: AEAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRE SUBJECT: REQUESTS FOR FUNDS FROM' PETROLEUM VIOLATION ESCROW ACCOUNT (PVEA) / You forwarded a note from Assemblyman Printer concerning the availability of PVEA funds. Shortly before that Public Works staff, and I began working with Kern COG on packaging several projects as candidates for funding. We were advised by our state legislators that projects in the $300,000 to $600,000 range would be favorably received. Jacques LaRochelle quickly pulled some pending projects from our list of things to be done which seemed related to the purpose of this account. They are: 1. Digester Gas Co. - Generation equipment - $600,000 2. LED Red Lights for traffic signals - $250,000 3. Traffic Signal Interconnects - $165,000 4. HVAC System for City Hall - $375,000 The railroad depot and some other very expensive projects were not included because we were advised that release of the PVEA funds was going to be done on a basis of giving everyone something state-wide. The project proposals were sent to Assemblyman Ashburn, Assemblyman Printer, Senator Costa and Senator Maddy. JH:pjt m\mat5-9 -91gW ..- ..... __..v OFFIC?-': BOB PRICE MAYOR May 9,1997 Mr. Art Ornelas Bakersfield Postmaster ° U. S. Post Office 3400 Pegasus Drive Bakersfield, CA 93308 Dear Mr. Ornelas: It has come to my attention that the U. S. Mail boxes located on Eye Street next to City Hall (and across from the Police Department) are on the list to be removed due to vandalism and graffiti. I am concerned about the inconvenience and cost involved by not having those boxes available. The City of.Bakersfield has no mail room staff. The 'City's mail is brought to City Hall from approximately 8 different sites throughout Bakersfield. It is then processed by an individual in the City Clerk's Office, who must take time away (approximately 1 to 1 hours) from regular duties to complete that task. They process, on average, from 400 to 800 pieces of mail per day with approximately 200 pieces or more not qualifying to go pre-sort, which means they are currently placed in the drop boxes outside City Hall. If the boxes are removed, we have two options: 1. City Clerk staff would have to take additional time to deliver City mail to the nearest Post Office (which would also affect our deadlines currently in effect for having mail brought to City Hall); or 2. The City would have to pay an additional fee day to have the regular mail picked up with the pre-sort mail. -.. ,ED CITY M 1501 Truxtun Avenue · Bakersfield, California 93301 . .... Mr. Art Ornelas May 9, 1997 Page 2 I respectfully ask that you reconsider your decision to remove these two boxes. I, personally, am not aware of any vandalism to those specific boxes, especially due to the proximity to the Police Department. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Yours truly, Mayor BP/ndw cc: ,.Alan Tandy, City Manager Gall Waiters, Assistant City Manager Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Larry Taverner, Customer Service Manager, BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ~d DATE: May 12, 1997 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR MULTI-WAY STOPS & FLASHING YELLOW SCHOOL BEACON Attached is the Traffic Engineer's investigation report as requested by Councilmember Kevin McDermott concerning multi-way stop controls at Meacham Road, between Calloway Drive and Main Plaza Drive, and warrants for a flashing yellow beacon at school crossing-- Endeavor School. If you have any questions, please give me a call. .mro Attachment ,..:i'~-Y MANAGF_.R'S OFFfCi~ BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: May 12, 1997 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER~ SUBJECT: REQUEST BY COUNCIL MEMBER MCDERMOTT - MULTI-WAY STOPS FOR MEACHAM AND FLASHING YELLOW SCHOOL BEACON AT ENDEAVOR SCHOOL. WARD 4. As requested, the intersections along Meacham between Calloway Drive and Main Plaza Drive were again evaluated for multi-way stops and warrants for flashing yellow school beacon. Based on my review and study of the intersections, no warrants are met at this time for multi-way stop controls. The traffic volume is substantially less than the State warrant of 500 cars per hour for eight hours, WITH a minimum of 200 cars on the side street., for multi-way stop controls. The location at Meacham and Starside had less than 300 cars per hour and only 41, average, on the side street. The warrant for flashing yellow beacon at school crossings was met. The location is on a route to school, the vehicular volume on Meacham exceeds 200 cars for each of the two hours that children use the crossing, the minimum 40 school pedestrians crossing was met, the crossing is at least 600 feet from a traffic controlled (4-way stop) intersection and the approach speed is 35 mph even though it is a 25 mph zone for schools. Since the location appears to meet these warrants, a school type flashing yellow beacon, to be operational only when children are going to and from school, can be recommended for inclusion in the next available CIP budget of Engineering. I will forward a copy of this memo to Engineering for their use in budgeting for the project as funding is available. Since the school year is nearly ended and multi-way stops would negate the warrants for. the flashing yellow beacon. I propose to re-analyze the stops to see if they have changed and may yet meet warrants. A multi-way stop would be preferable to a high maintenance and costly flashing beacon. cc: Ted Wright, Engineer IV, Design Engineer Traffic Engineering File - meachamstops.wpd s~w: P:~DATA\WI~ 1997~nea~;hamstop~. wpd BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director~3/,.?.~ DATE: May 15, 1997 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC SIGNAL STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF STATE ROUTE 178 AND BEECH STREET Attached is an investigation report from the Traffic Engineer concerning the letter from Caltrans dated April 22, 1997 pertaining to the above-subject matter and its funding. Please contact me should you have any questions regarding the report FUNDING.178 Attachment !CITY MANAGER'S OFFiC? ' BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: May 13, 1997 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO CALTRANS LETTER TO J. THIROUX REGARDING HIGHWAY 178 SIGNAL AT BEECH STREET. COUNCIL WARD 2. CalTrans has responded to requests from the City and Mr. Jacques Thiroux and completed a traffic signal study for the intersection of State Highway 178 (24~ Street) at Beech Street, a local residential street. CalTrans has now verified that the intersection meets one of eleven warrants for a traffic signal. The warrant was based on approach volume traffic. In the letter, CalTrans alludes to partial funding by the City for the future signal. This is consistent with all signal locations shared by different agencies. In this case, the split would be fifty percent State and fifty percent City. The City, in trying to encourage the State to place a signal on State Highway 178, had included the project in the future years of the budget. For example, the 1995-96 CIP included the future signal location with an estimate of $132,000, $66,000 City and $66,000 State for 1998-99. This was not included in later budgets because CalTrans would never commit to the signal. It was dropped with the understanding that if ever approved by CalTrans, it would be again placed in the future years budget based on their lead time estimate. Since CalTrans now proposes to build a signal in three to four years, I recommend that the location be added back in the budget and proposed for the 2000-01 CIP budget year in our latest CIP budget projections. For an estimated budget, I would suggest $140,000 split between the two agencies. Should the City desire the signal to be installed earlier than CalTrans' estimated date, the City can expect to fund the entire cost plus permits and design engineering without CalTrans funding. cc: Jacques LaRochelle, Engineering Services Manager Ted Wright, CE IV, Design Engineer Bruce Deeter, CE III, Traffic Engineering Brad Underwood, CE III, Traffic Engineering PW Memo Files Traffic Engineering File - beech178sig.wpd ~w: P:~DATA\WP~1997Xb~oh178sig. wpd mmmm mmm Imm m, m immmm m m mmm m, m m m m m m PUBLI~ WORKS ~ __ NO NU~ SRC TOTALS ~995 - 96 Resu~acing (G2) South Half M~n Dr. - Ashe Rd. to Scenic Wy. 6 151 GT $~,2~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $58,2~ ~995 - 96 Resudacing (G2) Sou~ Half M~n Dr. - Olympia Dr. to ~he Rd. 4 151 RRR $53,4~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $53,4~ 995 - 96 Resudacing (G2) Stine Rd. - Harris Rd. to Pacheco Rd. 6 151 RRR $97,~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $97,~ 995 - 96 Resudacing (G2) Wiblo Rd. - Panama Ln. to Harris Rd. 6.7 151 RRR $60,1~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,100 995 - 96 Roof Repair- Development Se~ices Building 1 311 ' COF $40,~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,~ 996 - 97 Row o[ Nested"~ Hangers at Bakersfield Municipal Air~ 1 311 UNK $0 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $250,~0. 995 - 96 Sewer Construction - Telemet~ C~ Wide ALL 411 SE $75,~0 $150,~ $150,~ $0 $0 $0 $375,~ 995 - 96 Sewer Rehabiliation Gosford Road Li~ S~Uon Odor Control 4 411 SE $16,~0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,~ 995 - 96 Sewer Rehabiliation Kern Island Canal - 4th St to 8th St 1 411 SE $170,~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $170,000 995 - 96 Sewer Rehabiliation M~i~ Li~ Station - Bally S~tion 2 411 SE $80,~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $80.~ 995 - 96 Sewer Rehabiliation M~i~ Li~ S~tion - Bank St East of Oakdale Dr 5 411 SE $80,~ $0. $0 $0 $0 $0 $80,~0 997 - 98 Sewer Rehabilitation Modi~ Li~ S~tion - Pla~ Rd. at Benlon St. 7 411 SE $0 $0 $80,~0 $0 $0 $0 $80,~ 995 - 96 Sewer Rehabili~tion Red Lion Sewer Replacement 5 411 SE $350,~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $350.~ 997 - 98 Sewer Rehabilitation St~kdale H~/Bank SFReal Rd/Oakdale Dr - Alleys 5 411 SE $0 $0 $30.000 $0 $0 $0 $30.~ 995 - 96 Sewer Rehabili~tion Westchester ~ea Alleys (Final Phase) 2 411 SE $270,~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $270,~ 995 - 96 ~ignal, Interconnect - T~ Aderial Infrastructure Conduit ALL 121 CMAQ $507,~ $433,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $940,5~ 995 - 96 Signal, Interconnect - T~ AHerial In[~astructure Conduit ALL 151 GT $66.~0 $56,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $122,500 995 - 96 Signal, Modification - Instil Emergency Vehicle Preemption Devices VARIOUS 15~ GT $50,~ $50,0~ $60,~0 $60.~ $70,~0 $75,~0 $365,~ 995 - 96 Signal, New - l~h Street at L Street 2 151 GT $94.~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $94,~ 996-97 Signal, New - 22nd Street at Chesler Avenue 2 151 GT $0 $118,~0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $118,~ 998 - 99 Signal. New - 24th Street at Beach Street 2,5 151 CAL $0 $0 $0 $66,~ $0 $0 $66,0~ 998 - 99 Signal, New - 24th Street at Beach Street 2,5 151 GT $0 $0 $0 $66,~ $0 $0 $66,~ 996 - 97 Signal, New - 28th Street at F Street 2 151 GT $0 $I 18,~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $118,0~ 996 - 97 Signal, New - 8th Street at Chester Avenue 1 151 GT $0 $118.0~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $118,~ 996 - 97 Signal, New - A Street at California Avenue 2 151 GT $0 $125,~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $125,~ ~96 - 97 Signal, New- Alired Harrel Highly at Lake Ming Road 3 151 GT $0 $121 996 - 97 Signal, New- Allen Road at Brimhall Road 4 151 GT $0 $93,~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $93,~ ~96 - 97 Signal, New- Allen Road at Brimhall Road 4 331 TDF $0 $65.~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $65,~ )99- 2~0 Signal, New-Allen Road at Johnson Road 4 151 GT $0 $0 , O ~'STATE OF CALIFORNIA -- BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ 1352 WEST OLIVE AVENUE ....... ~~ P.O. BOX 12616 .: FRESNO, CA 93778-2616 · TDD (209) 488-4066 "~ C '~ '~' "~ (209) 488-4123 · . 1 1997 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Mr. Jacques P. Thiroux 06-Ker-178-PM .36 to 1.22 2407 Myrtle Street April 22, 1997 Bakersfield , CA 93301 Dear Mr. Thiroux, This is in response to your. 'letter of April 7, 1997, concerning a request for a traffic signal study at the intersection of State Route 178 and Beech Street in the City of Bakersfield. As mentioned in our correspondence addressed to you and dated June 20, 1996, (attached), a traffic investigation was performed by our Department which included an analysis of the accident history, an on site review of the roadway features, and a census of the approaching vehicles. The study has confirmed that a traffic signal installation is warranted based on approach vehicle volumes. However, Caltrans does not have the ability to fund such an immediate improvement. Our process would allow us to allocate funding in three to four years. The City of Bakersfield has agreed to participate and will include this project in their Capital /' Improvement Program. Other efforts of expediting this project include encouraging proposed developments to fund similar improvements that may affect this location. We will be working with the City to implement the installation of this signal and we will inform you of the timing of this project. Thank you for your concern regarding the safety of this highway. If we can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact David Arias of my staff at (209) 488-4103 or myself at (209) 488-4123. Sincerely, Original signed by Jool A. Aguil~r Joel A. Aguilar, Chief Traffic Investigations Branch District 6 JAA: jaa cc: Pat Demond, Bakersfield City Council Barbara Patrick, Kern County Board of Supervisors " Stephen L Walker, City of Bakersfield ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA -- BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ 1352 WEST OLIVE AVENUE P.O. BOX 12616 FRESNO, CA 93778-2616 TOD (209) 488-4066 (209) 488-41 23 June 20, 1996 06-Ker-179-PM .36 to 1.22 Mr. Jacques P. Thiroux 2407 Myrtle Street Bakersfield , CA 93301 Dear Mr. Thiroux, Thank you for your letter of May 20, 1996, regarding the traffic concerns on 24th Street from "F" to Oak Streets. A traffic investigation will be conducted to determine if improvements to this location are warranted. It is anticipated the study will be completed in approximately three months, and we will inform you of the results. Thank you for your concern regarding the safety of this highway. If we can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact David Arias of my staff at (209) 488-4103 or · myself at -4123. Sincerely, Joel A, Aguilar, Chief Traffic Investigations Branch District 6 JAA: jaa cc: Pat Demond, Bakersfield City Council Barbara Patrick, Kern County Board of Supervisors May-09-97 12:35P KC Waste Mgmt Oept P.01 COUItT D ARTH T Daphne !t. Hash n, Olr 27~ 'H' S~ S~ 5~ (~s) 862-8~ May 9, I997 Mr. Kevin Barnes City of Bakersfield "~'"' ~' i9~7 4101 Tram Ave Bakersfield, California 93301 SUBJECT: Bakersfield Waste being Disposed at Arvin Landfill You have regularly attended the Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee (SWMAC) and you are an active participant in the Ad Hoc Committee. Therelbre, you have been thoroughly briefed on the importance of directing all packer trucks operating in the City of Bakersfield to use the Bena Landfill instead of the Arvin Landfill. You have been aware of the need to do this.for over one year and we have kept you informed on everything related to this issue. The County has made numerous improvements to Bena to accommodate additional traffic and, based on mileage studies, the impact on packer tracks is negligible. Yet, packer trucks operating within the Bakersfield city limits continue to use the Arvin Landfill at great expense to the County. Please direct all packer trucks operating within the Bakersfield city limits to stop disposing waste at the Arvin Landfill and direct them to use the Bena Landfall. Please provide a written response to this request by June 1, 1997. As you know, our ability to provide a full range of services and programs depends upon our ability to control costs. If we cannot gain your cooperation on this issue, we will not be able to control costs at the Arvin Landfill. This in mm will either jeopardize the Deparanent's ability to continue certain programs or it will provide additional pressure to increase fees. Sincerely, DAPHNE H. WASHINGTON, Director By: Roland Burkert Special Projects Manager RBB:nef I:~J.L~I'TI~RS~I. 12~RBf~.NEI: SWi~AC mc~bcts & Kern Re. fu~ Assn. BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM May 14, 1997 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Direct~ SUBJECT: 24 Hour Access Gate at the 18th and Eye Street Parking Structure Allfight Management has installed a new gate system at the 18th and Eye Street Parking Structure. For all monthly parkers who have a monthly parking keycard this will allow 24 hour access seven days a week. The new system goes into effect May 19, 1997. On Wednesday, May 14 Allright Management will demonstrate the proper gate usage for Bakersfield Californian employees. On Thursday, May 15 there will be another demonstration for all other monthly parkers. We are also working with the Downtown Bar and Restaurant Owners Association towards opening the parking structure on Friday and Saturday nights until 2:00 a.m., with actual closure at 2:30 a.m. The association is currently in the process of developing an advertisement poster to be placed in the windows of various establishments. They are developing flyers to be passed out to their customers and are organizing prize drawings for their customers to draw their patron's attention to the extended hours. These efforts are being coordinated through my office in conjunction with Allfight Management. When all of these elements are finalized a press conference will be held at the parking structure. P:~24HOUIL(}AT i CtTY MANAGER'S OFFIC,~ wec~nesaay, May 14, 1997 · ~ne ~-resn© uee _., Council thinks twice about Convention Center expansion · Financing, design issues lead ,~ Long's attempt to get $10.5 million in should be scrapped and started over. future as a convention destination. Con- Tokai Bank of Los Angeles about recent officials to reconsider plan. ~ additional city money because he has "There's a pure breach of contract vention officials have said that confer- news reports that the IRS spent 10 'been unable to get a bank loan. here," Council Member Chris Mathys ence attendance in Fresno has dropped hours at Long's ~,~ome and office April By Anne ~¢11e¥ Ellis { i The council voted 5-i, with Ken Steitz said. by 7.7 percent over the last six years 23, taking away several boxes of docu- The Fresno opposed and Henry Perea abstaining, to Four of the seven council members because of cramped facilities, ments. Developer Bud Long's $28.5 million have Long return next Tuesday with a are new and were not involved in previ- · Questions about the project have sur- Sources have said that the search was Convention Center expansion project is financing plan that does not ask for any gus votes on the project, which has been faced as a May 26 deadline approaches connected to the FBI's Operation Re- in serious jeopardy, hounded by trma~c- additional city money or guarantees, in the works for more than two years, for the city to convey the land to Long zone investigation into local political lng problems and questions about the Some council members have said that Despite the criticism, Long continued and Long to produce a financing plan. corruption. building design, the project should never have been to promise the council that he could City Manager Jeffrey M. Reid said The Fresno City Council expressed awarded to Long's Fresno Convention deliver the project, that Long has already missed other In addition to the financing problems, numerous concerns Tuesday about the Investors without a public bidding pro- Proponents say failure of the exhibit deadlines. Reid said he was told that a consultant hired by Reid told the proposed downtown exhibit hall and cess and suggested that perhaps it hall would be a serious blow to Fresno's part of the problem involves concerns by Please see Exhibit hall, Page A5 Exhibit hall: City Council questions Long proposal Continued from Page A1 Ernst suggested that building The project council Tuesday that the exhibit the exhibit hall on the Conven- did not go out hall design had "fundamental tion Center parking lot would be to bid because problems." better. Lloyd Kennedy, executive it was to be Consultant Walter Ernst of director of the Convention and privately fi- New Orleans, designer of numer- Visitors Bureau, noted that a nanced by gus convention centers, said that 1989 consultant's report said a Long's compa- because the hall was being hall at that site would cost $80 ny, then sold to crammed into an L-shaped space million, which the city could not the city. 'The on a street-bounded lot: at}ord, city has made a · Expansion is impossible. Kennedy, defended the design, Bud Long $2.5 million · It is not adjacent to the ex- saying that the "campus con- payment for the option to buy the building isting Convention Center. cept" worked well in other cities, when it is done. · The exhibition rooms are un- Long began working on the ex- But recently, Fresno Conven- equal in size, one is not directly hibit hall project more than two tion Investors have proposed the connected to the lobby and some years ago at the request of the city make additional option pay- ceilings are too low. Convention and Visitors Bureau. ments totaling $10.5 million by · It lacks loading space. He proposes building the 168,172 Sept. 1. This would reduce the All of the problems, Ernst square-foot hall on a mostly va- private bank loan that Long said, violate basic, widely held cant lot at M and Inyo streets, needs to $12 million and reduce rules for designing convention facilities. The lot, part of the Civic Cen- the project cost by $1 million. Ernst's report confirms many ter Square redevelopment project James Bancroft of Los An- of" the design problems that the that Long is part of, became geles, financial adviser on the 1,000 Friends of Fresno citizen available after the McCormick project, confirmed that no bank .watchdog group has been point- Barstow law firm chose to move would loan on the proposal un- mg to for two years. The old to new offices in northeast Fres- der the existing financing struc- council has largely ignored crit- no instead of building downtown, ture. ics, with most votes on the hall The Fresno Bee Wednesday May ~4, 1997 Council Counc.: Proposal under fire votes for Continued from Psge B, Council President Sal Quintero opposed. Ken Steitz and Mike Briggs were absent. 'manage-r ' °rJim Patterson predicted th.e.council's attempt would fail. soon as it hits my desk, I will veto it,' Patterson said in an interview after the meeting. In that case, five council votes · Separate chief e~ecutive post proposed - a super iamjority -- would be needed to override the veto. in budget would be vetoed by mayor. City Attorney Hilda Cantu By Anne ~dley EIIi8 Montoy cautioned the council The Fresno that under the City Charter, the The Fresno City Council pushed ahead Tuesday council has no authority to hire with plans t~ hire what one member called "our permanent employees except equivalent of the city manager." sistants. The council decided to call the position a "consultant' This could mean that the council would have ira to avoid violating the charter. own chief executive and the mayor would have hi~ Ronquillo &aid he will explore The 4-i vote, which included a ~l,,ry for the putting a Charter amendment position in the 1997-98 budget, ai~mao!8 fallout from. before the vo~ers to make it legal the city's switch in January to a to hire a permanent staff mere- strong-mayor form of government, ber. Under the new system, the city Ronquiilo said he would sup- man-o~er reporta tx) the mayor, not port a salary of about $55,000 for the council. Ali staff members ex- the position, along with an aasis- cept the city attorney and clerk rant and secretary. report ~o the city manager, a situ- Mathys and Bredefeld, who ation that has mused eo .nflict on suggested the "representative" the council, position, said they were not pushing for a second city re,mag- "The eib' manager has all those Jeffrey Reid people at his disposal, and we are er, just someone who could help leR with not having the support the council sif~ through policies staff we need," said Council Member Garry Brede- and the budget. feld. On Monday, Bredefeld had called the job "our equivalent of Council members say they need a "representative of the council" to analyze the budget and review the city manager." legislation and staff reports. Perea said the new form of government create! the need for Council Members Bredefeld, Chris Mathys, Dan the position. Ronquillo and Henry Perea vot~i for the plan, with "There's just an inherent con- Please see Council, Page B2 flier in the way it's set up. We've had a problem that I don't think is going to go away." BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: May 16, 1997 TO: /h,,~/TALAN~ TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM:~ft~/t~UL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WOKKS DIRECTOR stmJ Zl c°m o P}tOJ C Work on the Coffee Road grade separation is progressing well. It is anticipated that all traffic will be redirected omo the new structure in approximately 3 to 4 weeks (traffic will utilize the southbound lanes during this transition period). After traffic is redirected, the north and south tie- in points of the project will be completed. The entire project should be completed the first week of July, 1997.