HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/30/97 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM May 30,1997 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY,~/G~JNCIL t/i/ FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER f I~ SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION ~J \ 1. A status report is enclosed from EDCD regarding housing and community development activities for the first quarter of 1997. 2. Also enclosed from EDCD is an update on the Kern Cities Mortgage Credit Certificate Program. EDCD is preparing an application for a new MCC allocation. On June 11, 1997, staff will be seeking City Council authorization to submit the application. As of this date, a total of 137 MCC's have been issued. Of this total, 116 have been for first time home purchases in Bakersfield, with a value of approximately $7 million. At the same time this application is being prepared, EDCD is also investigating an alternative program that would provide down payment assistance to first time homebuyers. 3. In response to a request from the County, we have directed our contractor-operated refuse packers to use the Bena landfill, rather than the Arvin landfill, as of July 1st. The City-operated packers have already been redirected to the Bena site. In our response to the County (enclosed), we also suggested that implementing universal collection in the unincorporated metro area would help preserve additional landfill space at the Arvin landfill. 4. The latest CIP status report from Public Works is enclosed. Honorable Mayor and City Council May 30, 1997 Page 2 5. Responses to Council referrals are enclosed, as follows: · Update on possibility of installing a traffic signal at Cherry Hills and Stockdale Highway; · Time frame and information needed to perform a noise study in Kern City; · Status report on the proposed closure of Elm Street. 6. Gall Waiters has been elected to a Vice President position with the International City Management Association. In that role, she will serve on the national governing body of that organization. It should be a positive for both Gail and the City of Bakersfield. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM May 20, 1997 TO: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director FROM: Vince A. Zaragoza, Principal Planner ~ SUBJECT: Status of Housln~ and Community Development Activities This memo will serve as an update for the past quarter regarding on-going housing and community development projects. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1. Terrace Way Storm Drain Extension Project (Phase II - Design Only) About $11,000 has been set aside for Phase II design. Design consists of about 1,880 l.f. of storm drain pipe on Terrace Way from Union Avenue to Berneta Avenue. Construction to be funded with non - CDBG funds. Design is scheduled to start in July and to be completed in August, 1997. Construction is anticipated to start by September, 1997. 2. Street Barder Removal/Reconstruction Improvements Funds in the amount of $57,000 ($15,000 in FY 95-96 and $42,000 in FY 96-97) are available for reconstruction of existing street barriers for improving pedestrian and traffic flow in the downtown area. The street barrier design will complement the streetscape design being developed for the Chester Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project. Among the first barriers to be addressed will be those at 20th & H streets adjacent to the Fox Theater and include a combination of bailards and landscaping. Public Works is developing plans and specifications for the bid package. Construction is anticipated to start by summer with completion by early fall, 1997. ~I MAY 27 199Y :?,i'?Y ............... 3. Baker Street Curb Cut Project Removal of architectural barriers along Baker Street from E. Truxtun Avenue to Hwy. 178 (P.W. staff combined the project plans and specifications into a consolidated bid package that includes the 20th Street, James Street/Weill Park, and Lake Street improvement projects). Construction was completed on March 5, 1997. The budget for this activity was approximately $11,100. 4. James Street/Weill Park Area Curb and Gutter Project Construction of about 531 lineal feet of sidewalk and about 314 lineal feet of curb and gutter along the north and east sides of Weill Park (P.W. staff combined the project plans and specifications into a consolidated bid package that includes the 20th Street, Baker Street, and Lake Street improvement projects). Construction was completed on March 5, 1997. The budget for this activity was approximately $25,000. 5. 20th Street Area Curb and Gutter Project Installation of approximately 1,210 lineal feet of in-fill curb and gutter for an area bounded by Golden State Avenue, 24th and 23rd Streets on the north; by Union Avenue on the east; by California Avenue on the south; and by M Street on the west (P.W. staff combined the project plans and specifications into a consolidated bid package that includes the James Street/Weill Park, Baker Street, and Lake Street improvement projects). Construction was completed on March 5, 1997. The activity budget was approximately $39,813. 6. lake Street Area Curb and Gutter Project (Phase I & II) Installation of 1,550+ lineal feet of in-fill curb and gutter with street reconstruction along Lake street between Tulare and Beale Streets and between King Street and Beale Avenue in an area generally bounded by Highway 178 and Oregon Street on the north, Gage Street on the east, California Avenue on the south and Union Avenue on the west (P.W. staff combined the project plans and specifications into a consolidated bid package that includes the 20th Street, Baker Street, and James Street/Weill Park improvement projects). Construction was completed on March 3, 1997. The budget for this activity was approximately $233,000. 7. lake Street Area Street Reconstruction Project (Phase III) Approximately $122,000 is available to reconstruct the East Side Canal on Lake Street from Owens Street to Williams Street. The reconstruction includes 2,275 + lineal feet of Lake Street. Total reconstruction improvements will also include the installation of approximately 6,550 lineal feet of curb and gutter. Design is scheduled to begin in mid May with completion by June, 1997. Construction to begin in August with completion by October, 1997. 8. r_~e Street Area Reconstruction Project (phase IV). Installation of 1,550 +/- lineal feet of in-fill curb and gutter with 775 +/- lineal feet lineal feet of street reconstruction along Lake Street between Beale Avenue and Owens Street. The budget for this activity is approximately $110,000. Design is scheduled to begin in mid May and to be completed in June 1997. Construction to begin in August with completion by October, 1997. 9. Pa.n.a_,na glO Curb and Gutter Project (Phase II) Construction of 6,040 +/- lineal feet of in fill curb and gutter and the reconstruction of 116,920 +/- square feet of streets in the Panama gl0 Area. Part 1 of this project was completed in November, 1996. Construction for additional roadwork along Panama Lane between Lowry and Nadeau streets (Part 2) was completed on May 1, 1997. The budget for this activity was approximately $224,000. 10. Union Ave. #10 Area Water Main and Fire Hydrant Upgrade Improvement Project Design and construction of 7,000+ l.f. of water line in the newly annexed Union #10 area. Improvements to be owned and operated by Cai-Water. Project agreement was executed by the Council last December, 1996. The lead City department for this project is Water Resources. They are working with an outside engineering firm to complete the bid package. The project is anticipated to be completed by summer, 1997. The City's budget is approximately $512,170 (FY 95-96 - $298,000; FY 96-97 - $214,170). 11. Martin L~_~her King Jr. Community Center Driveway Installation Installation of a 2,800 + square foot rear entrance driveway to allow direct access to major meeting rooms when delivering equipment to the community center. City Parks desires to have the project switch the access to the front of the building, and combine the activity with the parking lot reconstruction project funded for FY 96-97. The redesign was completed in May, 1997 with installation estimated to begin in June and to be completed in August, 1997. The FY 95-96 and 96-97 CDBG budgets are approximately $8,000, and $25,000, respectively. 12. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center Recreation Improvements (Phase III) Approximately $72,500 has been earmarked for the rehabilitation of the 22,000 square foot center. Outside door replacement is scheduled to be completed in June 1997. Installation of a new counter top and a 144 square foot glass storefront office should be completed in August 1997. 13. Sidewalk Reconstruction Project (Phase II). Removal and reconstruction of substandard and deteriorated sidewalks in low-income neighborhoods. The Construction bids were opened on May 9, 1997. Construction is scheduled to start in June, 1997 and be completed at the end of July, 1997. The budget for this activity is approximately $70,000. 14. Chester Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project Approximately $332,000 in FY 96-97 CDBG funds have been earmarked for streetscape improvements within the public right-of-way along Chester Avenue between Truxtun Avenue and 23rd Street. An additional $1.5 + million in Federal, State and local funds will also be needed to fund the improvements. Plans and specifications have been completed. Construction is estimated to begin by June with completion by September, 1997. 15. Neighborhood Street Lighting Improvement Project Upgrading of existing street lights to City standards and the placement of new street lights and poles to existing residential streets (non commercial)' in three low income targeted areas. Work in the Homemaker Area was completed in April, 1997. Installation in the Pacific Street and the Gorrill Avenue Areas is scheduled to start in June and to be completed in August, 1997. Approximately $74,000 has been budgeted for this activity. 16. Central Park Pool Demolition and Removal Removal of a substandard swimming pool located at Central Park (2020 19th Street). Demolition was completed in April, 1997. Approximately $32,000 was budgeted for this project. NON-PROFIT/PUBLIC FACILITY PROJECTS Economic and Community Development staff is assisting the following various non-profit organizations to acquire or improve their facilities. 1. Kern County Economic Opportunity Corporation (KCEOC) KCEOC has been designated a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) under the HOME Program guidelines. Using CHDO allocations ( FY 94-95 $121,000 and FY 95-96 $80,100) and the HUD 203K program, KCEOC acquires and rehabilitates 4 residences throughout the city. These homes have been sold to Iow income households at an affordable price. Four properties have been purchased and rehabilitated using this method. Staff has recently monitored KCEOC for HOME program compliance. They are currently responding to some of our concerns but have been cleared to proceed with the remaining unused CHDO allocation (approximatey $33,000). 2. Community Services Organization (CSO) Rehabilitation Project Funds in the amount of $150,000 have been budgeted for rehabilitating the 15,476 sq. ft. CSO facility at 715 Lake Street. Project is currently under construction. Completion is expected in early Summer, 1997. 3. BakersfieM Homeless Center (BHC) The City Council appropriated $41,675 in State EHAP funds to expand the Center's kitchen and complete other related work. JTS Construction has been awarded the bid. Project completion is expected by the end of May, 1997. 4. Fox Theater Foundation Improvements Approximately $19,000 was set aside by the City Council for costs associated with compliance with ADA requirements. The funds will be used for modifications to existing restrooms and the construction of a handicap accessible restroom on the ground floor. The agreement was recently executed. The construction bid package is being prepared. Project should be underway by June with completion the following month. 5. Mercy Charities Housing, California The City provided Mercy with approximately $550,000 to assist with the construction of a 56-unit affordable apartment complex designed for low income residents with large families. The total project costs approximate $4,600,000 and is primarily financed through the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC) tax credit program. Construction is underway and anticipated to be completed by Summer of 1997. 6. Anne Sippe Clinic (ASC) PJverside Ranch On March, 1996, the Council awarded $140,000 in multi-family funds to ASC for rehabilitation improvements to the residential care facility on 18200 Kern Canyon Road. The multi-family project is also receiving funding assistance from the County for acquisition and renovation. Construction is underway and is expected to be completed by July, 1997. 7. Golden Empire Gleaners Rehabilitation Improvement Project Approximately $340,000 in FY 96-97 funds have been earmarked for rehabilitating a 37,033 sq. ft. facility at 3100 Chester Avenue into administrative offices and a food distribution warehouse. The County provided acquisition assistance for the Gleaner's new facility as well as a portion of the rehabilitation costs. An agreement for the rehabilitation portion of the project has been drafted and is under review by the County. City Council should see the agreement in June, 1997. NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION AND HOUSING 1. l~rst ~me Home Buyers Program This program continues to assist a significant number of low/moderate income first time home buyers. Up to $3,500 per applicant is provided in the form of a no interest, no monthly payment loan for use toward the downpayment and non-recurring closing costs associated with the acquisition. The loan is repayable in full at the time the borrower sells the residence. Over 370 households have benefited from this program to date. In the past three months, about 30 loans were made. FY 96-97 had approximately $280,000 allocated for this program, and was spent in the first 6 months of the fiscal year. However, another $240,000 was recently added to the program budget. $70,269 has been expended this past quarter which has leveraged approximately $2,100,000 in home purchases. 2. Looking Good Neighborhood (LGN) Program. The LGN Program for C.T. 's 13, 15, and 22 is for general public service activities such as clean-up days, public health awareness, educational campaigns and an annual neighborhood awareness festival. The Good Neighbor Festival is scheduled for October 18, 1997. This will be the second year that coordination of the event will be handled by the Bakersfield African-American Cultural Association. Staff will continue to participate as a member of the Good Neighbor Festival committee. The City will remain as a co- sponsor of the event. 3. Multi-family and Single Rehabilitation Projects During this quarter, we completed five single family rehabs; four rehabs are in various stages of construction, and 20 applications are under review for approval. We received four rehabilitation applications this quarter; 8 work write-ups have been completed by rehab staff, and 15 work write-ups are currently in progress. Additional funds in an amount of $170,000 were approved in an amendment to meet the demand of the single family rehab program. 6 4. Home Accessibility Program We received 17 requests for assistance through the Home Accessibility Program this quarter. Thirteen disabled clients were assisted, and we are working on another 7 applications. The lower output is due to a lack of funds to provide service under this program. Public demand for this program continues to be high. 5. Housing Rehabilitation Marketing We received approximately 26 inquiries about our various programs and mailed that many applications for assistance to our potential clients. Housing staff made 27 personal contacts with homeowners. Staff will participate in the CSO Baker St Street Faire, and the Homebuyers Expo, in April 1997. A marketing video is under production for the single family rehabilitation program. This will allow us to, more effectively, inform clients about our program and what to expect in a rehabilitation. Unforeseen delays kept staff from finishing the video by the expected date. The revised date is June 1, 1997. 6. URM Incentive Program As of last month under the incentive program, 14 applicants have been granted reimbursement funds. About 23 commercial owners of unreinforced property have been given consent to proceed with their project. Of those, twenty are retrofit projects with three scheduled demolitions. At this time, we are processing an additional 34 applications for URM assistance. These applications represent properties that have either applied or have completed environmental review and are currently awaiting their initial seismic study from their engineer. 7. Business Assistance Program Marketing efforts continue for the CDBG Jobs Fund. Facilities for Guy Chaddock & Co., a furniture manufacturer, are now complete and they are in full operation. About 130 positions were to be created with over half allocated to low income persons. The company received $200,000 in financial assistance. The company President recently indicated they now have 170 employees. Staff is currently in negotiations with a national telemarking business to provide financial assistance for equipment purchase. Estimated jobs to be created for this company will range from 400 to 600. Council recently approved an agreement with Kern Tech which is located near Baker Street for an equipment loan of about $170,000 to expand their manufacturing capacity. The new equipment will increase orders and provide additional 7 jobs with over half going to low income residents. 8. Fair Housing The Department of Fair Employment and Housing recently presented the City of Bakersfield with a proclamation signed by Governor Pete Wilson in recognition of the Fair Housing Program' s achievements and efforts. The proclamation was accepted by Mayor Price at the April 23, 1997 City Council meeting. Staff recently completed a Fair Housing biannual report outlining the City's progress regarding its strategic actions to overcome identified impediments to fair housing for the first half of fiscal year 1996-1997. Some of the actions identified in the report included the distribution of over 1000 pieces of fair housing literature at various public events; dissemination of 3800 City of Bakersfield Fair Housing Coloring Books through school presentations and community events; distribution of 1600 promotional items; mailing of over 8000 announcements for the Thirteenth Annual Fak Housing Poster and Essay Contest roles & regulations (one for every teacher in Kern County); preparation of approximately 70 lesson plans by California State University Bakersfield teacher credential candidates; and the completion of about 7 provider workshops and 10 consumer group presentations. Additionally, the Fak Housing Office sent 81 complaint packets out to callers, resulting in 26 cases of alleged housing discrimination. From these 26 cases, 6 successful mediations were achieved and 10 cases referred to the Department of Fak Employment and Housing for further enforcement. In addition, 761 hotline callers received counseling over the Fair Housing Hotline. 9. Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Lenders Group City staff assisted in the formation of a public/private parmership with local lenders to address the need for affordable housing in the City of Bakersfield, A number of lenders are participating in the financing of single family and multi-family housing projects affordable to low income families. To date, more than $790,000 of federal funds have been leveraged with over $19,000,000 of private sector financing to provide mortgages for about 370 low income families within the City. 10. Mortgage Credit Certificates (MCC) Program The City has contracted with Danny Fred and Associates to administer the MCC program for the City as well as for the following cities: California City, Delano, Ridgecrest, Shafter, Taft, Tehachapi, and Wasco. To date, approximately 135 MCC's have been issued which includes 10 certificates for the past quarter. Additionally, the City has been awarded $3.9 million in FY 96 bond allocation to continue the program. 8 11. Commercial Facade Grant Program Applications for three facades on 1100 Union Avenue (Wellsprings Facility) were withdrawn. There remains about $20,000 in this program. 12. Enterprise Zone Marketing/lhdning The City, County, Employers' Training Resource (ETR) and Kern Economic Development Corporation are developing the 1997 Enterprise Zone Agreement. The agreement sets out the duties and responsibilities of each organization in marketing the Enterprise Zone. A majority of the funds goes towards ETR to provide assistance in business certification, job training, and employee referral services. City and County each contribute one-half of the funding for the agreement. Marketing and training are on-going. 13. Self Help Enterprise (SHE) Home Acquisition Project SHE, as a designated CHDO, used approximately $238,650 in HOME funds to acquire ten single family residential lots. The purchase was completed in November, 1996. SHE is in the process of selecting low-income qualified first time homebuyers to assist in the construction of their own homes under the Self Help program guidelines. Each applicant is estimated to give approximately 1,200 hours of volunteer labor and will supervised under the direction of SHE managers. The project will be completed by January, 1998. 14. Restoration Community Project, Inc. (RCPI) RCPI's proposal is to acquire a single-family home and rehabilitate the facility for use in conjunction with RCPI's adjacent property (formerly known as the Friese Maternity Home) for use as a transitional housing project. The facility will house women and their children as they recover from substance abuse and gain the skills to be self-sufficient. Kern County is also contributing to this project. Council has recently approved the use of $100,000 in HOME funds for this project. Acquisition is expected to begin by June, 1997 with the rehabilitation phase taking an additional 90 - 120 days from the date the County funds become available. 15. New Construction Assistance The FY 96-97 budget has earmarked about $116,000 for housing development assistance for construction of affordable housing. Currently, staff has identified about eight vacant lots that are being offered in a public tax delinquent sale by the County. On July 10 the Council approved a request that the County withdraw these sites from the tax sale in order for the City to make an offer to purchase them for future housing development. Three affordable housing developers have agreed to participate. We are waiting for the County to complete the transfer process, expected by the end of May, 1997. 9 16. City's Sewer Connection Fee Loan Pro£ram A zero interest loan program was designed to encourage low income residents of the Panama 10 Annexation area to hook up to the newly constructed sewer. The program offers a five year, no interest loan to low income homeowners to pay the fees associated with sewer hookup. If the homeowner applies, and receives a home improvement loan the sewer hookup fees will become a grant. This is a pilot program that will begin by the end of the month and be extended to other CDBG targeted areas as needed. The current budget is approximately $40,000. A citizen's brochure for this program has been developed and will be desseminated to interested residents. 17. Integrated Disbursement Information System (IDIS) As part of a new grant management system, HUD is requesting that IDIS be operational for cities and counties in the very near future. Using telecommunication software, modems, and integrated information software, grantees will be expected to seek future HUD grants on line and maintain City grant files on a federal database in Washington. IDIS will also affect the City's reimbursement process from HUD's line of credit. The goal of IDIS is to provide past accomplishments, current status, and proposed project information on one centralized database that allows HUD and Congress to access real time data for entitlement communities. HUD envisions that after the IDIS conversion process is complete, grantees will be able to streamline and expedite the submission and reporting process for federal grants. Staff is currently focusing their efforts to meet the IDIS challenge which will require new procedures for managing the HUD grant management process. Anticipated conversion date is next month. A:\RMAYQTLY. 97 10 B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM May 28, 1997 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~ FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Direct SUBJECT: Update on Kern Cities Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) Program As of this date a total of 137 MCC's have been issued to first time homebuyers. Of this total 116 have been issued for purchases being made in Bakersfield. The total worth of those purchases is $7,304,131. At this time our allocation will allow us to issue approximately 40 more certificates. We have been advised by our consultant that an application for an allocation should be submitted to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC) no later than June 15, 1997. His concern is that unless we submit an application for the next CDLAC meeting, our allocation may be distributed to other jurisdictions. CDLAC has released the 97-98 allocations by county. Kem County is sla,,ted to be allocated $1.7 million for the upcoming year. This is a reduction from last year's allocation of $3.9 million. The reduction has been caused by a change in the allocation formula adopted by CDLAC. If there are no other Kern County applicants, it is reasonable to assume that the Kern Cities MCC Program would be awarded the entire $1.7 million. This would convert to approximately 30 MCC's. In discussing the success of the MCC Program with the consultant we pointed out that while MCC's are well received, they pale by comparison with the City's First Time Homebuyer's Program. The consultant has indicated that a similar downpayment assistance program is being offered by the California Rural Home Mortgage Finance Authority. The program they offer, parallels the City's program, in that the downpayment assistance (up to 6% of the first loan amount) is secured by a thirty year second trust deed (at a 5% interest rate). Their program does require repayment while ours is forgiven at the end of the thirty year term (or if title is transferred before the expiration of term the full principal amount is due). The Second Mortgage Program (as it is known) requires no payment for the first ten years but interest does compound. For the last twenty years of the term, the loan is fully amortized. One distinct advantage to the Second Mortgage Program is the higher income limits allowed when compared to HUD's income restrictions. Thus, we would continue to assist the lower income household while also allowing us to assist higher income_~f~art3___ilics and ..... individuals. ,:~ i~';v~ :2~ '~,:. :~; :,,,': MAY 2 9 Staff believes that given the popularity of our First Time Homebuyers Program, the Second Mortgage Program would soon prove itself to be in greater demand than the current MCC Program. We have discussed this program with the other Kern County cities currently participating in the MCC Program (Delano, Shafter, Taft, California City, Wasco, Tehachapi, and Ridgecrest) and they have expressed their interest in converting the Kern County allocation to the Second Mortgage Program. Unfortunately due to the late hour, collectively we cannot put all the pieces in place in time for the CDLAC application deadline. I am therefore proposing to move forward with an MCC Application and ask the City Council on June 11, 1997 to authorize its submission. This will preserve our allocation and give everyone the time necessary to modify the Kern Cities Agreement in favor of the Second Mortgage Program. Please call if you have any questions I will advise you further as we progress. dlk:P:~IWSXlvlCCUPDT.MEM B A K E R S F I E L D. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 RAUL M. ROJAS, DIRECTOR · CItY ENGINEER May 23, 1997 Daphne Washington Kern County Waste Management Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 500 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: REDIRECTION OF PACKER TRUCKS FROM ARVIN LANDFILL TO BENA LANDFILL Dear Ms. Washington: As requested by your department, the City of Bakersfield will redirect contractor-operated refuse packers from Arvin to the Bena Landfill. The change should be made on July 1, 1997. As you know, the City-operated packers have already been redirected this way. The City is making the change at some expense for increased hauling distances. We trust that this will indeed prevent future cost escalations as presented by your staff. For your consideration, we would like to suggest another way in which you can preserve additional landfill space at the Arvin landfill to achieve more of the cost savings mentioned by your staff. This would be to implement universal refuse and greenwaste collection in the unincorporated Metro Area. Doing so would divert significant amounts of self-haul rubbish and greenwaste away from Arvin Landfill to other locations. To assist you in negotiating with universal collection with the local haulers we would like to report that the final price for city-wide automated service has been negotiated. The total rate in addition to the current one of $8.92' will be $9.22 in two years when the project is finished, (exclusive of CPI inflation). Please call me if you would like to discuss this. Sincerely, Solid Waste Director KB:mmm " MAY 7_ 7 1997 c: SWMAC members & Kern Refuse Assn. Alan Tandy, City Manager S:\WPDAT^\KC_^RV Qq. LTR !!G~ .Ty BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Darnell W. Haynes, Assistant to the Public Works Director TI-IROUGH: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: May 27, 1997 SUBJECT: CIP STATUS REPORT - MAY 1997 Attached is the new version of the CIP stares report. The intent of this version is to better inform the users of'the various milestones a capital project goes through. The CIP stares report is comprised of the following sections: 1. Notices of Completion filed and Plans and Specifications approved 2. Stares of all 1996-97 and Pre-FY 96-97 Carryover CIP sorted by design squad 3. Status of Pre-FY 96-97 CIP projects under construction 4. Construction Inspection Status Report 5. Financial Summary of 1996-97 CIP projects by fund 6. Financial Summary of Pre-FY 1996-97CIP Carryover projects by fund If you have any questions or suggestions for improving this report, feel free to contact me. cc: G. Waiters T. Slater D. Teubner g:~nemosk 1997~ip.may BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Darneli Haynes - Assistant to the Public Works Director FROM: Theodore D. Wright - Civil Engineer I~ DATE: May 27, 1997 SUBJECT: 1996-97 CIP STATUS REPORT Attached are the current schedules for Fiscal Year (FY) 1996-97 CIP projects, as well as pre-FY 1996-97 projects that were carded over from prior years and that are currently under construction. The following plans were approved since the last ClP status report: T7K012 Resurfacing Streets Q7K014 Removal of Fuel Tanks - Stations 3, 6 & 9 T7K023 Street Widening (Panama Lane - Wible to SR 99) E6K012 Sewer Rehabilitation - Lift Station (Bank Street) P7C016 MLK Lobby Remodel E7K006 Sewer Rehabilitation - Panama' Lane Lift Station T6K083 Bddge Widening - SE 58 at the Fdant-Kem Canal E7K010 Storm Drain Construction - Main (Ashe Road) E6K008 Sewer Construction - Telemetry City Wide E7K012 Wastewater Treatment Plant 3 Upgrade/Expansion The following projects have had Notices of Completion filed since the last CIP status report: Various Canal Bddges at Arvin-Edison Canal - Vadous Locations T6K074 Panama Lane Widening (Gosford Rd to AE Canal) T7K022 Street Improvements - Panama No. 10 Repainting Firestation No. 1 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 5/22/97 ~ I July 1996 I August 1996 September 1996 I October 1996 I November 1996 December 1996 ] January 1997 I February 1997 I March 1997 I April 1997 I May 1997 June ~ 997 I July 1997 [ August 1997 September 1997 I October 1997 I November 1997 I December Ward Proj. No.Description 301 7 /t4121 1281 4 Ill 118125 ~ 18 1'~512212gl 6 1~31201271 3 140117124 ~ 18 1~51221291 5 112119126I 2 I 9/161231 2 I 9 I16123130] 6 1~31201271 4 Ill 118125 ~ 18 11~512212gl 6 1~31201271 3 [~01171241311 7 114 21 281 5 ]121m]261 2 19 It61231301 7 114 2 E7K008 Sewer Replacement- Main (Union Avenue) i i i i i i i i i i ! Design i i :~ .......... i ................ :i ' ' i ............. ! .............................. i ....... i ........ i ....................... .............. r "~ ~ i ~ Plan Approval .. i i Bid Request/Award Advertise forBidsi ~ ........ . ~i ..... ~ Award ..... of Bidl .............ii~ ............ ; . i ................. ,i ................................... ..! ........ : ..... i; ...................... ....... ii ...... i ............... ~ i ~ iiNotice to Proceed Construction : : ~ ~ ~ Notice of completion : : 7 T7K022 Street Improvements- Panama No. 10 ~ ~ ~ ! Design ': ' :: ~ Plan Appr°vai i i i i i i i ................. 'Bi~"R~t~Awal~d i: .......................... !i ............................. ii ii ........... ii ......................... !~ .................................... Advertise for Bids ! ..................................... ~'~-'~ ...... .:! .... , °~ Award i of Bid i! .................................. i! ...... Construction .. : : Notice to Proceed ~ .............. ................. ~ Notice of Completion 2 T6K071 Street Improvements- Alta Vista Area ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i : Design : .. i:~ Plan Approval iii i Bid Request/Award i i i! Advertise for Bids ~ ~.~? ~ Award of Bid i i i Construction i Notice to Proceed ~':~, *:-~, :;' ..... :'~ ~,~ Notice of Completion 7 T5K038 Bridge Widening - Panama Ln. at SR 99 ~ i ~ : ~ ~ i i i i ~ i ~ i ~ Design ....... ..... . ~. .... : ....... . .... . ......... ~ Plan Approval ; i : Bid Request/Award i i AdvertiSeforBids~ .... ; .... , ;~ AwardofBid i i i i i ~ ~ .. Notice to Proceed ~ ~ · ~ . ~ -, . .: : .. : : : 2,5 T6K073 Street Widening (California Ave., Oak St. to A St.) ii !rovaij .............................................................................................. i ' ! i ~ ' ~ ' ' ! ! ................................ i .................................. ! ..... Design ' ' ~'~ ~P;a,: i i i Bid Request/Award ~ * ; ..... AdvertiSe for Bids ~ : ~ ward of Bid Construction i Notice to Proceed! ....................... ~;~ ...... ,~- ~ ~*~: ....... .................... .... ~ii ............... ...... "'~ Notice:: ................ of Completion il .................................. :. ........ 5 T6K076 Street Widening (Oak St. at Truxtun Ave.) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ i I ~ ~ ~ i .................................................................. Design ' .............. ;!: ' <~ ~: ' ~: ........ ~; ........ ~' - ~; ~: ...... ~ ................................. ~ ' .: .................................. · ~; ";. ........................ ~ Plan Approval ................................................................................. Bid Request/Award :.i ........ i ! ~ .... ~ -: ........ ~ ................................... ! ....................... ~ Advertise for Bidsi ..................... ~ ~ ~~ ~wardofBid ii i i Construcbon i i i :: :: i :: i i NotiFe to Proceed ~ ' ' : ~ Notice of Completion 4 E6K018 Sewer Rehabilitation - Main (Buena Vista Phase I) :: i '. Bi~s received 5-6-97. Developer would not enter into agreement i ....... r~,,~,'~ i .............................. i i ......... witl~ City to pay for street improvement portion of project. Project ........... i .................... ! ....................... i ............ .... ~ .................. ~ .................. J : ............. : ................ : ............... '="' ! .... Plan ApproVal i willJrebid as a sewer only project. Advertising anticipated 2-3 weeks. :. Bid Request/Award : : Advertise forBids ~ ...... ~ Award of Bid[ i i i Construction .................................... r :ii ' :i ' 'ii ................ ::i ii .......... ii :: i :: Notice; oPro~eed ~,~,] i~ ,,.' :,~ i= ,... ",~ ~ ' * :', i .... . -. ~.,~. ". ' ', ...... : ~-: ....... ~ NoticeofCo 2 Repainting Firestation No. 1 Exterior i ~ ~ i ~ i ~ ~ i ~ i ~ ! ~ ~ Design i i '* : : Plan Approval i i i i i ......... ...................................................................... : ; -= '~ " T 'V~ , ; : : : ...... Bid Request/Award ....... i i i i i Advertise forbids ~ " ~ ~ ::' ~ ~ Award. of Bid :i : Construction i :: : : i i Notice to Proceed ~ ............... ~-~=~ Notice ~)f comPletion: MULTI1B Page 1 of Design 1 (DeWayne Starnes) City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 5/22/97 July 1996 I August 1996 I September 1996 I October 1996~ November 1996 December 1996 I January 1997 I February 1997I March 1997 I April 1997 I May 1997 June !997 I July 1997 I August 1997 I September 1997 I October 1997 I November 1997 December War____~dProj. No. Description 30I 7 ]14121 126] 4 I~ 1~612517~ 18 1~51221291 6 ]1312012 13 110117124 1 I 8 l~122129l 5 1~21~91261 2 19 1461231 2l 9 l~61231301 6 l~31201271 4 lll 118125 1 18 115]221291i 6 1~3120127l 3 ]101171241311 7 11412~ 1281 5 112119126l 21 9 ] 16123 30 7 1~4 2 T7K001 Signal, New - 28th Street at F Street i i ; ~ : i ........ ........ . ........................................................ ~: ........... ii ............................... i i ................... i ..................... i ................... i i i i i . l Notice to Procebd to be issued upon arrival of Ii ................................... ii .... ii ......................... i .................. ' ............... Design i ! ~ : ~ ......... : ' ~' ' ' ? : .~ Plan Approval i i i ~Contractor ordeted materials (poles, etc.). /i i i :: B~d Request/Award :: :: i :: :: i . : . :: , ,, i . i i :: :, i i i ! ! i i : i Advertise forBids ~ . ~ ~ ~ Award of Bid i i i i i :: :: Construct on :: i :: ..................... ~ ..................................... i ............... i i ' ' i i i '"! ~ i ..................... ~: ................................ :: :: : i i i i ! i Notice to Proceed ~"2. ~ . :" ~'"; ,,,' ~:, * ;~,;' ~/' .~ , :~ ~ ·Notice of d ompletion i i i 1 E7K005 Sewer Rehabilitation - Main (South Chester/Planz) i i ! : i : : i i : i i i :, i Design i i i i '" :. i ;~Plan Approval ~r Bid Request/Award i i i i i i iAdvertise forbids '~ .... : .... ': ~ Award ~f Bidi i i i ii i~ ..................... ~;'n';tiuction i :~ ............. [ ............. i ........ ~: ........ :: ...................................... ~ .............. ! .............................. Votice to Procee ~ ~;), .... ::,, :::,'., :~,: ',;~ ;:~, ~ : : ,~ ,<.~ Notice of Completion !i ! 2,5 E6K013 Sewer Rehabilitation - Main (Westchester Area) i i i i i i i i i i i i ~ i : Design :i :, i i i I ...... ' : , i , . :~PlanApproVal Construction i i i i i i i ! i i /~Iot/ce to Procee, :'"r~ .... ~:'~: q.~ Notice o~Completion i. ALL T6K066 Resurfacing Streets - Chip/Cape Seals ~ ~ i i ~ ~ ~ i i i ~ ~ i i ~ i Design ii i I '!,' ..... : ....... ~ .... :' ~ Plan Approval i i i i i , i !i B,d Request/Award :i ~ ~ ~ ~ :r Advertisef°rBidS ~ :" '';';' ~ Award°fBid i i , i i i i ii Construction !i ii i :: i i i Notice to Proceed ~ .... ; ' _~ Notice of Completion :: iI:" ::: :: 1,2,3 T7K012 Resurfacing Streets (ISTEA & Gas Tax)! ~ ~ ~ i ~ T7K013 Design ........ Bi~"R;~l'~;;t~A~rd ........................... ', .......... ~ ................................. ~' ~: ........................ i i ': ...... i i i"'"~":'"'"'~: '"":' "~:"! '"~, ............... ] ..... ;: ' '~, ' "J ~ ~!:: i .................................... ~ .................... :. ...... i ~ ................ i i i i i ! i i i i Aaverrlse for ~las ~.~ ~.~ ~wara or ~la i i i ! Construction i i i i · i i ; i i i i ~,otice to Proceed ~ ' ':: ' , - :: ' ' <,~ NOtice of Completion ! 1,5,6 Q7K014 Removal of Fuel Tanks - Stations 3, 6 & 9 i ~ i ~ ~ i i i i i ~ I ~ ~ i ~ ~ Design : ~ :: :r 1' ' '~ ....... ' ' ~ plan Approval :: :: i ~ ............................ ~ ............... : : ................... ; ..................................... ~ ..... ~ .................... ~ ...................... BidRequest/Award i i i i i i i i i AdvertiSeforBids ~ ; . . . ~ AwardofBid i i ii :: i Construction i i i i i i i :. i i Notic to PrOceed ~> :" : q~ Notice of Completioni i i ALL T5K056 Sidewalk Reconstruction Project - Phase II ~ i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ · Desgn ............................................................... =: :: .......... i .......................... :: i ........................ ! ..................................... i ........... ~ ..... =: .... ~ i ............... i ................. :: .................................... ~: .... i ............... ! ............................................. i ........ i i i i I : ....... : .... ; ': .... : .... ~ Plan Approval i ! ! i :: ': i ......... ' .......... Bi~' Req~est/A~d ............................................................ i .......... i ................. i ............................... i ...... i ............. ! ...................................... i ................................... i ............................................................................ ~ ! ................................................... i .............. ~ ............... ~ : ................................ : ............. ~ ......................... ~ ............ :: :: :: :. :: :: : ! Advertise for Bids ~ Award of Bid :: '. ::: Constructionii ii i Notice to Proc, ed ~ ::' ~,~ Notice of Completion i i 7 T7K023 Street Widening (Panama Lane - Wible Rd to SR 99) i i i ~ i i i ~ ~ i ! i i i ! Design ii ? :~ ~ :' '~ ' :r ' : :' i : ~ plan Approval : i i : : : : : : i i i i i i i ~ i i ! :: Bid R;~q~e;t~;aid ' i ' ii ii i ............... ! i i i AdvertiSe for Bids ~ "i. ' ' ~ AWard of Bi, ii ii ! i ! ~ : ' ' ""' '"'( Notice of Completion i Construction i i i i i iI ! i! i. ii NotiCe to Pro, ced i i : : MULTI1B Page 2 of Design 1 (DeWayne Starnes) City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 5/22/97 W~ .July1996 I August1996II September1996 I October1996 I November1996 December1996I January1997 I February1997 I March1997 I April1997 I May1997 June1!19711 ~ July1997 I August1997 I September1997 I October1997 I November1997 I December Proj. No. Description 30I 7 /14121 1281 4 Ill It8]25 1 ]8 IlS1221291 6 1131201271 3 110117124 ~ 18 1~51221291 5 1121191261 2 19 1~61231 2 19 1161231301 6 1131201271 4 Ill 1~8125 1 18 I1~ 221 91 6 Ilsl201271 3 1~0117124]311 7 114121 1281 5 1121~91261 2 I 9 1161231301 7 114 4 T7K002 Signal, New- Brimhall Rd at Harvest Creek Rd i i i ~ i i i i i i ! i ! i Design ~ ~ ~ : i i I ' ...... ' ' ' , ......... : ............... ': ................ "~ ' Plan Approval Bid Request/Award i '. i j Advert~se forBids ~ Award of Bid Construction i i i i i i i i i !~ ! Notice to Procee ~ ~ ~ . ::;:~ '~ : ~ :.~' .~, ~. :: .... .?. ~ .... ~ ~ Notice of Completion i 5 E6K012 Sewer Rehabilitation - Lift Station (Bank St.) i ! i ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i ~ ! ~ ~ i i i Design :i ii ii ii i i t : : : ~ Plan Approval Bid Request/Award :i : i Advertise for Bids ~ ~ Award of Bid i ................... : .................................. i i ........... ~ ........ i ........... i ..................... i ...... i i ...... i ................... ! ! ............................. ! ............ i ........................... ! .............. ~ ......... Construction : : i i : : Notice to Proce~ ~d Notice of Comple n 1 P7C016 MLK Center Improvements ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Lobby remodel bidding 6/12/97. Parking i projec ed to bid late June. . Design i i i I. ' ~- ~ ~.:,,:i.::~ r,~ Plan A~ ~rovai i i :. i i :: Bid Request/Award :i ............................ ~i ............................ ii ii .......................... i? ............................. i! ..................... ii ........ i:i ii ........ ii ................................... Advertise forbids! .................................... ~ ?',~ ~ .~ ~:-~. ~.~. ~:i'~! .................... ..... (~ A yard of Bid[ .................................... ii ...... [[ .......................... i:: .............. i~ .......................... Construction i : :: N¢,t/ce to Proceed ~ ~ ' .~ ?.. :',~ i : ~ ~ .... ~ ~ 'i' .... : ~ ~ Notice of Completion i .. 2,3 P5C002 Median Reconstruction- Northeast i : ! i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i i Design ii ........... ! ................ ::: ....................................... i ................................... :; ....... :; . i ~ i i ..... :~ .............................. i .......... ' i ............................ : i L ~ ' ...... : ..... Plan Approval : Bid Request/Award i : i Advertise for Bids ~2 .:' '~ ~.~ Award of Bid Construction ~[ ~ ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ !i Notic~ to Proceed ~ ! .... ~ ~ Notice of Comp~tion il ii i i ~: 2 PTK002 Roof Repair - Convention Center Dome Design ' i i .... i t ~ Plan Approval i i [Cc~nvention Center Expansion Roof installation. J ' ' ' · ............ : .......... ; - - ; - : : · ; - ; ................. : ................... ! .......... ~ ......................... i ......... i .............................. i : ............ BidR~d;'C~ :, .............................. !i ii ............ : .................. il ......................... i i ii :i Advert/se for Bids ~ i ~ AwarcofBiJ i :i !: ii i~ Construction i i ii ! ! i i i :' ! Notice ;o Proceed ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ NOt/ce of Completion i i i 5 - Q7K015 Corporation Yard Wash Rack Upgrade i i i ' i i i i i i i ii , :i [ :i ii i Des,gn ' i :: ........... :: .......................... i ...................................... i ................................... [ ....................................... i .................. i ' i .......... i .............. ~Design/Build RFP expected from consultant 5-30-97. ] ...... i ............................... ! ............................ i i : i i i ! I' = ..... ' "' " ' ~ ~ Plan Ap, ~rovali ~1 ~ i ' i ' ' ........................... Bi~"ReqUe~/Award ............................ iI ii ......................... !i ............................. il ..... ii ............... ii ........ i i :i i Advertise forbids ~ : i ~ A,],ard'~ of Bid Construction i i i i i i i i i i i Notice to PrOceed ~ i ' ' ." :: ~ Notice of Completion . 7 E7K006 Sewer Rehabilitation - Panama Lane Lift Station ~ i ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ! i Des gn : : : : . L . . : .... ,%: .... .. : : Bid Request/Award !i i i i i i i i Advertise for Bids ~: ~.~.. Award of t~id ; i ** ii ............................................................................................... ~ :: ! .......................... :: ....... :: .......... :: i :: .................... i :: ................ .¥.i ............... -I- i ................ i ...................................... ! ..... i .......................... i ........................ Construction :: :: i i :: :. i i i i ~ . , i i i . : . :: :: :: :: :: i i i i i i Notice to I roceed i~ : : ~ Notice of ComPletion . :: 2 T4K005 Lake Street Area Improvement Project ~ ~ :~ i :~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ i ~ B~d Request/Award :: i :: :: :: ' [ :: i i i AdvertiSe forBids ~'~ : · . ~ AwardofBid :: :: :: Construct,on i i i :: i i i i i i i NOtice to Proceed ~ :" ~.~ Notice of CompletiOn MULTI1B Page 3 of Design 1 (DeWayne Starnes) City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 5/22/97 ~ July 1996 [ August 1996 September 1996 I October 1996 I November 1996 December 1996 I January 1997 I February 1997 I March 1997 I April 1997 I May 1997 June 1997 I July 1997 I August 1997 September 1997 I October 1997 I November 1997 I December War_____d Proj. No. Description 30I 7 /~412~ 1281 4 I~ 148125 ~ I 8 1~51221291 6 1~3120127i 3 I~01~7124 1 I 8 1~51221291 5 1~21~91261 2 19 J~61231 2 I 9 1~6123130I 6 1~31201271 4 I~ 1~8125 ~ 18 1~51221291 6 1~3i201271 3 1~01~712413~ I 7 1~4 24 281 5 1~21~91261 2 19 1~61231301 7 1~4 2 Q7C003 Convention Center Video System t Award of Contract ............................................................................................................................ Design ii ...................................... Notice to Proceed i ...................................... ~ ...... ::: ............................. ..... ~ Notice of i ....... Completion i:: ..... i:: ........................... ii ' ii ............................. i:' ................... ::! ........................ i ............................................................................................ ! ....................................... Construction i Notice to Proceed ~ , ::, ~ Notice Of Completion i i i i i 2 P6K006 Roof Repair- Development Services Bldg. : i : ........................... Bid Request/Award :, Advertise forBids ~,. ~ Award of Bid ii i ii i i :, i, ........................ Construction i i Notice to Proceed ~" ..... .~ · ~ :, ...... ~ ...... ,'~ ..... ~ Notice of Completion :, i i i i 5 E6K001 Storm Drain Rehabilitation - Landfair Retention Basin Bid Request/Award ~!i ................................. ii ............................... Advertise forbidsi .................... ~ i! ~ AwardofBid~ ....................... ii! ................... !:. ......... !i ....................... i! ............................. ii .......... i Construction : : :: : Notice to Proceed Notice of Compi stion i 2 T6L001 Chester Avenue Streetscape ~ ~ ~ ~ i i i Bid Request/Award i ii i i i i i i Advertise for Bids iC , :: ~ A ~/ard of Bid Constructioni ii ' i Nitice to PrOceed ~ ' i , i ~ :. '~ Notice of Completion i 7 T6K083 Bridge Widening - SR 58 at the Friant-Kern Canal i ..................................... i .................................... i ..................................... :: [ .......... [ ............................. i i ................................ [ . Plans complete. Agreement for developer to cohstruct project for TIF credit Design .. i i. i . i .... i i i . /% Plan A--royal ~ approved by Counc March 12 Construct on p~nding completion of license :: :: Construction ' 2 P7K001 Installation of Restrooms- Annex Basement i i i i i i i i i ii il il i ....................................... Bid Request/Award ' ................. ii - ii ii ii ..... ii ................................... ::i ........ AdVertise i ................... for Bids ~ :i .............. , ~ Award i ................................. of Bid ii ............ ~: .............. ! ................ 1 E7K011 Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2 Reservoir i ~ ; i i i ~ Bid Request/Award i i i i i ; i ii i Advertise for Bids ~ _ : .... ,.. ~ ~ward of Bid Construction ..... ............. Notice to Proceed :,,~, '~.':,,~,:;.:"~:; ~ Notice of Completion : : 3 T6K008 Channelization SR 178 - Fairfax Rd. to 1000' West Awaitin~ final approval of I .............. i .................................... i ................. i ..................... i ............... MULTI2C Page 1 of Design 2 (Arnold Ramming) City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule 5/22/97 I~ July 1996 August 1996 September 1996 I October 1996 I November 1996 December 1996 I January 1997 I February 1997I March 1997 I April 1997 [ May 1997 June ~997 I July 1997 I August 1997 I September 1997 I October 1997 I November 1997 I December IWard Proj. No. Description 30] 7 11412t 12 I 4 114 14al25 1 Is 1151221291 6 1131201271 3 110147124 ~ Is 1151221291 5 1~21191261 2 19 1461231 219 1161231301 6 1131201271 4 I1~ IlSl25 ~ Is I, i512212gl 6 1131201271 3 1401171241311 7 144121 12si 5 1421491261 21 ~ T7K021 Street Imp. - Fairfax at SR 178 Project Study Report ! i i ~ i i ~ i ~ i i : i Study Preparation i i i i Notice ,o Proceed i~ ........... :: .......... ........ ; :r i ~ ~:, .:;":' :: ~.'~..~ Study. Approval i:' : :=: i:: ................................... C'0'n"stm'Ction ........................................................... i ............................. 4 T7K004 Signal, New - Hageman Road at Calloway Drive : ! i i i · ...... i . i i i ' Notice to Pi)reed to be issued upon arrival Of ] ....................................................... i .................... Design ~: i i . . i i . i i :: ~' Plan A rov;I i I Contractor ( rdered materials (poles etc.). I := ! Bid Request/Award i i i i i i i AdvertiseforBids ~ ' ' :r' "~ Award°fBid i i . . . Construction : ~ : i Notice to proceed ~- ' '. :'~:-i'' ~,~'~ :'~i'~;-~:': ;: ( Notice Of Completion 2 ]'51<057 Downtown Street Improvements Phase II ([:ox Theatr, Bid Request/AwardAdvertise forbids ~ ~:,~,~' ~ ~--' '~',,~,~ AwardofBid i , Construction : i : i i Notice to Proceed ~ ',i .-~ ~,~i ,~ ,.: <.~ Notice of Completion 5 E6K015 Sewer Rehabilitation - Red Lion Sewer Replacement !i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i , i i i i ' Preliminai Y design ~;°mpleted' C°mpleti°n °f pr°ject t Bid Request/Award i:' ................................... i i:i ........ :i ............................. ::i .................................... iii .................................... i ...... :: ............. Advertise f°ri ..................................... Bids ~;' ' >" Awardi ................... of Bid Construction i ! i i i i i i i i Notice: o Proceed ~ ~:~,, ~ i ' = - ~ Notice of ComPletion All Q7K003 Pavement Management System ii ~; ~i . ~i i ~. i; ii i i ~ ii I~onsultantinterviewsJ'Une5. ] i ii Consultant Procurement :: i ...... i i ~: i i .. ....... ! '~ Aw ,rd of C~ntract · ' i mp ementat on :~ i i i i . i i ii :: == . : . i i . ! !i ..................................... ii ................ 4 E7K001 Sewer Construction - Main (Allen Road) ~ ~ ~ i,.~ ~ ~ :~ ! i i ~ : ~ i i ...... Construction i i ................. i ....................... i ............ :~ ................... :: ........................... i ................... 4 E7K002 Sewer Construction - Main (Buena Vista Phase II) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! i i i ~ i i .............. . ..... ; ' -:~' ~ ~;, ......... ~.~'-~'7'~,, ~.:~,-,~ : ::~ ~,~?, ~ ~,~ Plan Approval ..... Bid Request/Award ................................................... ii ii i: ii :! ii i i! i ! ~ i i AdVertise forBids '":~ AwardofBid Construction i ; ;i i ~ i : i : i :! Notice to Proceed 2 T7K003 Signal, New - Flower St at Owens St ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ i ! ! -- ~ i ~ ~ ............................................................................................................... Design ::i ..................................... :::: .................................... ':i ............................. ::i .......................... ~:~ ..................................... ,.! ................, ! :~ :i ............................. ' ' :! ................. ' ' '~ Plan Appr°vali .................... ,: i ..................... Construction '"Tl ~ ................... ~ ..................... ~ ....................... ~ .......................... ~ ......................... ~' ' :' ~r ~ ~Noti~etoProce,d .~ NoticeofCompletion MULTI2C Page 2 of Design 2 (Arnold Ramming) City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 5122/97 ~ July 1996 I August 1996 I September 1996 t October 1996 I November 1996 December 1996 I January 1997 I February 1997 I March 1997 I April 1997 I May 1997 Junel1997 ~ July 1997 I August 1997 September 1997 I October 1997 I November 1997 I December*' War_____~d Proj. No. Description 301 7 114121 1281 4 Ill 118125 1 I 8 1151221291 6 1131201271 3 110117124 1 18 1151221291 5 1121191261 2 I 91161231 2 19 116t23t301 6 1131201271 4 Ill 118125 1 18 li151221 91 6 1131201271 3 11011712413117 14121 1281 5 1121191261 2 19 11612313oi 7 114 5 E7K010 Storm Drain Construction - Main (Ashe Road) i : i i i i i i ~ i : : ~ ~i i Design i i i i i i ~?.-~?.~ ...... : ~.=--_~ := ...... ~=~ plan Approval i Bid Request/Award ! ! i i i i ! i i Advertise for Bids ~ ~ Award of Bid ii ii ! Construction No,ce to Proceed ~ ; :, ~ iNotice of Comple,on 6 T7K005 Signal, New- Harris Rd at Stine Rd ............................... cor~sti~'C~i~ ..................................................... ! i i !i i ! i i i i NotiCe to Proc ~ed ~- ............. ~-- ............... ~ iNo.ce of Comple"°n Bid Request/Award :: :: i :: i i i i ! i Adver,se fol Bids ~ ~ Award of Bid ii i i: Construction i : ............................................................. i .......................................................... i No"Ce:: ................................ to Proceed ~. i~ .............................. ~ :i .............................. . ~ No"Cel ................................ of Comple.on :i! ................................ ii! .................. 1 P7K004 Exterior Door Replacement - MLK Centeri i i Bid Request/Award i i ii i ii ii ii Adver.se for Bids ~ !. -~ Award of Bid .................................................................................................................................................... i ....................... i .......................... Construction i i i i i i i i i No.ce to Proceed ~ : '~ ~ No.ce of Comple.on i !i !! Var. P7K011 Building Inventory Study Consultant Proourement i i i ! !i I Pr°ject will t; c°mpleted bY temp°rary City staff with °versight bY I i .......................... i .......................... iI ........................... ii ................................... i ............................... i .............................. i ........................... i ........................... i .................................. ! ............................ i I Engineering 3ivision and assistance from General Services Division. · ................................................................................................................. Study Preparation i ~ i ~ :: :: :: ....................................................................................................................................Implementation ! ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ! .......................................................... ! .......................................................................... ' ALL E6K008 Sewer Construction- Telemetry City Wide ii ii ii i i! No bids received for initial May 6 bid date, Project bid Design :: :: :: i :: :: :: :: Plan Approval ~ i i i received. Project to awardi~t June 11 CC meeting. Bid Request/Award i i i i i ii i i Advertise for Bids = ~*~ i ~ Award Of Bid i i i Construction - i No, ce to proceed ~ ~: :: :: ~ Notice of completion _ i i ! i 1 E6K004 WWT Plant 2 Upgrade/Expa,~'ion : : : : i '~"'""i .............................. ! ............................. i ............................ i ............... [Bid advertisement pending I ............. i .................................. ! ................................ i ............................... i ................................. Design .~'~:~~=-~-=.=~-~ .......... ~,-.~'~- ......... =~- ...... ~-~-~-~ ..... ~-:~-=~'..~ Plan Approval i i i [approval of plans by State.j' I zi ii ii iz Bid:Request/Award :: :: i i AdvertiseforBids ~ --~-~ ................ ~ AwardofBid i ii iI Construction i i i i i i No.c, toP eed ¢ :: :: 6 E7K012 WWT Plant 3 Upgrade/Expansion: i .......... ......................................................................................................................... Design ......... ~ ..................... ~ i ........................ ! i ........................... ............................. ! :: ..................................... ............... ~-~ :i :: ...... .............................. i ............................... ~ i ........................ ............................... ~ ~ ............................. ....... ~- .~-~-~=-~ i ............................ i ............................. Pla" i Approval ............................ i ...................................... . .............................................................................................................:i .................................':i .................... Bid Request/Award i :: :: :: i i i i i Advertise for Bids ~':.:.'.:.' ................. i r~ Award of:Bid i i Construction~ ~ i ~ i No.ce to P~oce~ ~ :. : : ~ : MULTI2C Page 3 of Design 2 (Arnold Ramming) City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - 5/22197 IW July 1996 August 1996 September 1996 October 1996 November 1996 December 1996 January 1997 February 1997 March 1997 April 1997 May 1997 June 997 July 1997 August 1997 September 1997 October 1997 November 1997 December I ard Proj. No. Description 30] 7 114121 128l 4 Ill J18J251 1 I 8 1151221 .~91 6 113120i2~1 3 1101171241 1 I 8 1151221:'.91 5 1121191261 a I 9|161231 2 I 9 1161231301 6 J1312012'1 4 Ill Ill,~JasJ 1 18 I ~5122 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 2413117 114121 1::81 5 1121191261 2 9 16123130 7 14 ~ 2 P51001Police Building Expansion!i 'Two additional working days added to project dUeorders. New date 5/28/96. ................. ......... ~'"' i ....... ................. i ................. ................ i' ................. i.' ........ '""i ......... to change completion  Construction i :: ~ ! ' ' i' i ..... ' · i i;' .... i' ' · ~.~ iNoticeof(:ompletion Various Canal Bridges at Arvin-Edison - Various Locations  Construction 'roceed ~.' !: .... :. ' 'i " i:,, =, ~ i' ':- ' "; ..... ; "; "''~ , ; ;~, Notice o! completion . T6K074 Panama Lane Widening (Ashe Rd/AE Canal) I ~i~iii Construction Notice toPrOceed : : :'' ~''. 'NoticeofCompleti°n i :: :: Coffee Road Grade Separation Construction ~ ~' i: MULTI3B Page 1 of Construction CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS SUBDIVISION 05/01/97 P.M. OR .... -,4,. .-- ,. DEVELOPER/ % TRACT #'S LOCATION CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR: COMP. PM COFFEE RD. LINEAR PARK FRUITVALE PROPERTIES LESH 50% 9329 STOCKDALE HWY, CSUB - OLD. RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% TR 5290 GRAND LAKES & CHAMBER-OFFSITES CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5369 MONITOR & PACHECO AMERICAN HOME ALLIANCE CHOATE 30% TR 5372-111 VERDUGO & REINA CENTEX LESH 30% TR 5418-2 CALLOWAY & NORIEGA KYLE CARTER LESH 100% TR 5418-3 VERDUGO & NORIEGA KYLE CARTER LESH 20% TR 5425 C GRANDLAKES - N/O MING AVE. CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5426-A HOWELL & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5427 OLD RIVER & MING AVE. CASTLE & COOKE LESH 10% TR 5436-1 RIVERLAKES & NORHTSHORE COLEMAN LESH 40% TR 5489-C BRIMHALL & OLD FARM CASTLE & COOKE LESH 30% TR 5528-5 'S/O PANAMA - E/O AKERS DELFINO DEV. MITCHELL 60% TR 5544-D BRIMHALL ROAD & VERDUGO LANE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 95% TR 5552-A&B ~ENFRO RD. & STOCKDALE HWY. WEST KERN DEVELOPMENT LESH 30% TR 5600-B E/O AKERS, S/O HOSKING J.L. DANDY MITCHELL 30% ITR 5602-B ' HWY 58 & OSWELL HARDT FAMILY TRUST MITCHELL 10% TR 5646-2 FAIRFAX RD (~ VALLEYVIEW DR W.D.J. CORPORATION MITCHELL 60% TR 5650-A HARRIS & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 75% TR 5673-3&4 HARRIS & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 30% TR 5678-E WHITE LN. & PIN OAK PARK BLVD. CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 100% TR 5680-A&B BRIMHALL & CALLOWAY CASTLE & COOKE LESH 60% TR 5728-2 JEWETTA & HAGEMAN DEWALT LESH 20% TR 5762 WIBLE & BERKSHIRE SKIP HARDY MITCHELL 75% TR 5804-1 MESA MARIN NICHOL/MARTIN PIERCE 80% TR 5809-B UNION AVE. (~ PANAMA LN. WATTENBARGER MITCHELL 60% TR 5836-A CALLOWAY S/O BRIMHALL CASTLE & COOKE LESH 60% TR 5838-A&B OLD RIVER & HOWELL CASTLE & COOKE LESH 50% TR 5841-A BROOKSIDE & N. LAURELGLEN TURMAN MITCHELL 90% TR 5846-A i HARRIS & ASHE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 0% TR 5861 AKERS & HOSKING MITCHELL 0% CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 05/01/97 START EST. COMi % PROJECTS TYPE CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE DATE COMP BRIMHALL RD. (~ HARVEST CREEK RD. INSTALL SIGNAL A-C ELECTRIC CO. 07/15/97 0% CALLOWAY DR. (~ HAGEMAN RD. INSTALL SIGNAL A-C ELECTRIC CO. 07/15/97 0% CITY HALL ANNEX TRAFFIC COMMAND CENTE ADAVCO, INC. 06/01/97 0% CITY HALL ANNEX BASEMENT RESTROOM ADAVCO, INC. CHOATE 05/15/97 0% COFFEE ROAD (~ AT&SF RAILROAD BRIDGE OVERCROSSING GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CALL 09/03/96 07/03/97 80% "F" STREET (~ 26TH STREET SIGNAL A-C ELECTRIC CO. 05/19/97 0% FIRE STATION #1 EXTERIOR PAINTING MAJESTIC PAINTING BOLANOS 05/19/97 0% FIRE STATION #2 PAVE PARKING LOT HALOPOFF & SONS MAHAFFEY 05/05/97 06116197 0% HARRIS RD.~ ASHE - STINE TRAFFIC STRIPING STERNDAHL ENTERPRISE BOLANOS 05/05/97 05/16/97 0% MARTIN LUTHER KING CENTER :)OOR REPLACEMENT MARCUS HACKLER 06/01/97 0% PANAMA#10 STREET RECONSTRUCTION CERN ROCK MAHAFFEY 03/26/97 05~20~97 100% PANAMA @ HWY 99 3RIDGE WIDENING RASMUSSEN, INC. HUMMEL 02/25/97 12/10/97 15% PANAMA, STINE, AKERS, WIBLE, SO. "H" ST. BRIDGE WIDENING GRANITE CONSTRUCTION MOORE 07/08/96 05/16/97 100% STINE RD. @ HARRIS RD. TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP ELECTRIC 0% STORAGE BUILDINGS - 14th & N STS. DEMOLITION VALLEY TREE & CONST. 05/15/97 0% "STRETCH & SEW" BUILDING DEMO GILLIAM & SONS MILLWEE 04/21/97 05/09/97 30% SUNDALE DRAINAGE. IMPROVEMENTS SUMP RECONSTRUCTION ~TURMAN CONSTRUCTION FICK 05/05/97 06/16/97 0% VARIOUS STREETS i BIKE LANE STRIPING SAFETY STRIPING 06/01/97 0% VARIOUS STREETS , SIGNAL INTERCONNECT TIDWELL EXCAVATING 06/01/97 0% VARIOUS STREETS/,~1996-97 CHIP/CAPE SEAL CURTIS POST 05/15/97 0% CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY FY 96-97 PROJECTS AND FY 95-96 CARR~..~VERS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND P6K007 UNION #10 WATER MAIN 111 CDBG FIRE SERVICES $225,000 $225,000 0.00% P7C016 MLK CENTER IMPROVEMENTS 111 CDBG COMM SVCS $25,000 $97,402 -289.61% P7C023 CENTRAL PARK POOL DEMOLITION 111 CDBG COMM SVCS $34,000 $31,332 7.85% T4K055 LAKE STREET AREA IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 111 CDBG PW/ENG $110,000 $277,219 -152.02% T5K056 SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT 111 CDBG PW/ENG $85,000 $85,499 -0.59% T5K057 DOWNTOWN STREET IMPROVEMENTS PHASE II 111 CDBG EDCD $50,000 $50,000 0.00% T6L001 CHESTER AVENUE STREETSCAPE 111 CDBG EDCD $332,000 $331,679 0.10% T7K010 NEIGHBORHOOD STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS 111 CDBG PW/ENG $52,000 $18,418 64.58% T7K022 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - PANAMA # 10 111 CDBG PW/ENG $394,100 $186,452 52.69% TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND: $`1,307,'100 $`1,303,001 0.3'1% ISTEA FUND T6K053 SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - TOC 121 CMAQ PW/TRAFFIC $433,500 $433,500 0.00% T6K063 SIGNAL OPERATIONS - TRAFFIC OPS 121 CMAQ PW/TRAFFIC $199,200 $199,200 0.00% T7K013 RESURFACING STREETS- ISTEA 121 STP PWFFRAFFIC $706,900 $824,740 -16.67% TOTAL ISTEA FUND: $1,339,600 $1,457,440 -8.80% TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND E7K010 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - MAIN - ASHE 141 TDA PW/ENG $71,825 $56,043 21.97% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND: $71,825 $56,043 21.97% GAS TAX FUND P5C002 MEDIAN RECONSTRUCTION - NORTHEAST 151 GT PW/ENG $100,000 $99,949 0.05% Q7B105 PC UPGRADES 151 GT CITY MGR'S OFC $41,700 $14,343 65.60% Q7B107 NEW PCS FOR CITY COMPUTER NETWORK 151 GT CITY MGR'S OFC $33,800 $33,800 0.00% Q7K003 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 151 GT PW/ENG $144,000 $144,000 0.00% TSK038 BRIDGE WIDENING PANAMA LANE 151 DEV PW/ENG $100,000 $70,003 30.00% T6K053 SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - TOC 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $56,500 $56,500 0.00% T6K063 SIGNAL OPERATIONS - TRAFFIC OPS 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $25,800 $25,800 0.00% T6K066 RESURFACI'NG STREETS - CHIP/CAPE/SLURRY 151 GT PW/ENG $104,000 $26,942 74.09% T6K067 SIDEWALK REPAIR - MISCELLANEOUS 151 GT PW/ENG $50,000 $34,288 31.42% T6K068 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 151 GT PW/ENG $50,000 ($3,263) 106.53% T6K071 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - ALTA VISTA 151 RRR PW/ENG $100,000 $95,580 4.42% T6K073 STREET WIDENING (CALIFORNIA AVE.) 151 RRR PW/ENG $96,000 $0 100.00% T6K076 STREET WIDENING (TRUXTUN AVE.) 151 RRR PW/ENG $128,000 $98,977 22.67% T7K001 SIGNAL, NEW - 28TH STREET AT F STREET 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $130,000 $16,559 87.26% PAGE1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY · FY 96-97 PROJECTS AND FY 95-96 CARRYOVERS ~ .... :==..-_ ~.~-- T7K002 SIGNAL, NEW- BRIMHALL ROAD AT H 151 GT PWFFRAFFIC $100,000 $61,584 38.42% T7K003 SIGNAL, NEW - FLOWER STREET AT O 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $135,000 $90,207 33.18% T7KO04 SIGNAL, NEW- CALLOWAY DRIVE 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $145,000 $2,985 97.94% T7KO05 SIGNAL, NEW - HARRIS ROAD AT STINE 151 DEV PWFFRAFFIC $4,000 $4,000 0.00% T7K005 SIGNAL, NEW - HARRIS ROAD AT STINE 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $136,000 $89,845 33.94% T7KO06 SIGNAL, UPGRADE - CONVERT DOWNTOWN 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $55,000 $54,754 0.45% T7K007 TRAFFIC CONTROL MODIFICATIONS - VARIOUS 151 GT PW/TRAFFIC $100,000 $33,636 66.36% T7K012 RESURFACING STREETS - GAS TAX 151 GT PW/ENG $386,800 $321,041 17.00% T7K013 RESURFACING STREETS - ISTEA 151 GT PW/ENG $91,600 $53,471 41.63% T7K023 STREET WIDENING (PANAMA LANE) 151 RRR PW/ENG $276,000 $271,970 1.46% TOTAL GAS TAX FUND: $2,589,200 $1,696,971 34.46% CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND PLC002 KERN RIVER LANDSCAPING 311. COF COMM SVCS $20,000 $13,444 32.78% PLC004 KR PARKWAY GROUP PICNIC AREA 311 COF COMM SVCS $105,000 $57,797 44.96% P6KO06 ROOF REPAIR - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 311 COF PW/ENG $60,000 $275 99.54% P7A834 OFFICE IMPROVEMENT- BUILDING MODIFICATION 311 COF CITY ATTORNEY $8,000 $5,000 37.50% P7B100 MIS REMODEL 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $60,000 $33,561 44.07% P7C016 MLK CENTER IMPROVEMENTS 311 COF COMM SVCS $45,000 $0 100.00% P7C018 CC DISHWASHER 311 COF COMM SVCS $61,000 $61,000 0.00% P7C020 CC LIGHTING 311 COF COMM SVCS $51 000 $51,000 0.00% P7C021 CORP YARD BLDG A REMODEL 311 COF COMM SVCS $12 000 $2,025 83.13% P7C022 MLK BUILDING REMODEL 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $6 500 '$0 100.00% P7H002 REPAVING - FIRE STATIONS 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $147 600 $94,943 35.68% P7H003 DRIVEWAY REPAIR - STATION #3 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $4 000 $4,000 0.00% P7H010 SEWER LATERAL - STATION #10 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $8 360 $8,360 0.00% P7H211 BLOCK WALL FENCE - STATION #11 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $28 000 $28,000 0.00% P71001 BULLET CONTAINMENT SYSTEM 311 COF ADMIN SVCS $37 1300 $15 99.96% P7K001 INSTALLATION OF RESTROOMS -ANNEX 311 COF PW/ENG $69 000 $55,985 18.86% P7K002 ROOF REPAIR - CONVENTION CENTER 311 COF PW/ENG $406 000 $209,345 48.44% P7K004 EXTERIOR DOOR REPLACEMENT - MLK 311 COF GEN SVCS $21,000 ($152) 100.72% P7K011 BUILDING INVENTORY STUDY 311 COF PW/ENG $40,000 $40,000 0.00% Q7B101 CITY WIDE DOCUMENT IMAGING 311 COF EXECUTIVE $74,000 $24,100 67.43% Q7B102 CITY WIDE CD ROM SERVER 311 COF EXECUTIVE $20,000 $1,612 91.94% Q7B103 CITY WIDE SOFTWARE SUITE 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $66,000 $5,306 91.96% Q7B104 UPGRADE ALL 386 COMPUTER SYSTEMS 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $225,000 $1,117 99.50% Q7B106 NEW PRINTERS FOR CITY DEPARTMENT 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $24,300 $16,027 34.05% PAGE2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY FY 96-97 PROJECTS AND FY 95-96 CARRYOVERS ~ ~ * ~ ...... O Q7C002 CC FLOORING SYSTEM 311 COF COMM SVCS $45,000 $16,010 64.42% Q7C003 CC VIDEO SYSTEM 311 COF COMM SVCS $162,000 $49 99.97% Q7C004 CC SEAT RISER REPAIR 311 COF COMM SVCS $28,000 $18,262 34.78% Q7H001 HOSER TOWER - STATION #8 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $20,000 $3,913 80.44% T6K054 SIGNAL, MODIFICATION - INSTALL EMERGENCY 311 COF PW/TRAFFIC $50,000 $15,091 69.82% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND: $t ,977,960 $82t ,333 68.48% ARENA PROJECT FUND P7C012 CONVENTION CENTER ARENA 315 CCA PW/ENG $4,650,055 $1,893,097 59.29% TOTAL ARENA FUND: $4,650,055 $1,893,097 59.29% PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND P6C006 PARK DEV/SILVER CREEK PARK 321 PKF COMM SVCS $100,000 $61,225 38.78% P6C007 PARK DEV/SEASONS PARK 321 PKF COMM SVCS $60,000 $39,696 33.84% P6C009 PARK DEV/AKERS RD NO OF MCKEE 321 PKF COMM SVCS $35,000 $265,000 -657.14% P7C003 PARK IMPROVEMENTS 321 PKF COMM SVCS $100,000 $63,658 36.34% P7C006 PARK DEV/PANAMA-MONITOR 321 PKF COMM SVCS $25,000 $25,000 0.00% P7C008 PARK DEV/AKERS-TAFT HIGHWAY 321 PKF COMM SVCS $20,000 $20,000 0.00% P7C010 RESURFACE BASKETBALL COURTS 321 PKF COMM SVCS $20,000 $1,921 90.40% P7C011 PARK DEV/BERKSHIRE-SOUTH H 321 PKF COMM SVCS $25,000 $25,000 0.00% P7C013 REPLACE PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 321 PKF COMM SVCS $32,000 $1,864 94.18% P7C017 PARKS FENCING IMPROVEMENTS 321 PKF COMM SVCS $21,000 ' $16,222 22.75% TOTAL PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND: $438,000 $519,586 -t8.63% TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND P6K005 LAND ACQUISITION FREEWAY RIGHT OF WAY 331 TDF PW/ENG $40,000 $151,472 -278.68% T5K038 BRIDGE WIDENING PANAMA LANE 331 TDF PW/ENG $2,800,000 $95,977 96.57% T6K073 STREET WIDENING (CALIFORNIA AVE) 331 TDF PW/ENG $71,900 $0 100.00% T6K076 STREET WIDENT (TRUXTUN AVE) 331 TDF PW/ENG $103,700 $103,700 0.00% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND: $3,015,600 $35t,149 -82.11% ROAD BRIDGE BOND FUND T6K008 CHANNELIZATION STATE ROUTE 178 332 RBBF PW/ENG $354,000 $344,269 2.75% T6K083 BRIDGE WIDENING STATE HWY 58 332 RBBF PW/ENG $396,000 $395,800 0.05% T7K021 PROJECT STUDY REPORT - SR 178 332 RBBF PW/ENG $157,500 $48,100 69.46% TOTAL ROAD BRIDGE BOND FUND: $907,500 $788,169 13.t5% PAGE3 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY FY 96-97 PROJECTS AND FY 95-96 CARRYOVERS ............ ._ ............... -- CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT DIST AGENCY FUND T6L001 CHESTER AVENUE STREETSCAPE 391 CDDA EDCD $148,000 $448,000 -202.70% TOTAL CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT DIST AGENCY FUND: $148,000 $448,000 -202.70% CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION FUND: P7K012 CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION 395 CCE PW/ENG $26,309,555 $0 100.00% TOTAL CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION FUND: $26,309,555 $0 100.00% SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND E6K001 STORM DRAIN REHABILITATION - LANDFAIR LIFT S 411 SE PW/ENG $100,000 $1,105 98.90% E6K004 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 2 411 SE PW/ENG $10,445,000 $9,000,590 13.83% E6K004 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 2 411 SE PW/ENG $15,000,000 $15,000,000 0.00% E6K008 SEWER CONSTRUCTION - TELEMETRY 411 SE PW/ENG $150,000 $148,631 0.91% E6K012 SEWER REHABILITATION - LIFT STATION - BANK ST. 411 SE PW/ENG $215,000 $215,000 0.00% E6K013 SEWER REHABILITATION - MAIN (WEST) CHESTER 411 SE PW/ENG $245,000 $238,805 2.53% E7K001 SEWER CONSTRUCTION - MAIN (ALLEN ROAD) 411 SE PW/ENG $210,000 $18,249 91.31% E7K002 SEWER CONSTRUCTION - MAIN (BUENA VISTA) 411 SE PW/ENG $450,000 $269,700 40.07% E7K003 SEWER REHABILITATION - MAIN - HALEY STREET 411 SE PW/ENG $179,020 $179,020 0.00% E7KO04 SEWER REHABILITATION - LIFT STATION - 19TH ST. 411 SE PW/ENG $106,400 ' $0 100.00% E7K005 SEWER REHABILITATION - MAIN (SOUTH) CHESTER 411 SE PW/ENG $910,500 $910,135 0.04% E7K008 SEWER REPLACEMENT - MAIN (UNION AVENUE) 411 SE PW/ENG $211,800 $25,289 88.06% E7K009 STORM DRAIN REHABILITATION - BEACH PARK LIFTS 411 SE PW/ENG $106,400 $94,400 11.28% E7K010 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - ASHE ROAD MAIN 411 SE PW/ENG $158,700 $158,700 0.00% E7K011 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 2 411 SE PW/ENG $96,000 $82,348 14.22% Q7B107 NEW PCS FOR CITY COMPUTER NETWORK 411 SE CITY MGR'S OFC $6,000 $6,000 0.00% TOTAL SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND: $28,589,820 $26,347,972 7.84% SEWER REVENUE BOND FUND E7K012 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 3 412 SRB PW/ENG $570,000 $570,000 0.00% E6K018 SEWER REHABILITATION - MAIN (BUENA VISTA) 412 SE PW/ENG $1,660,000 $1,561,130 5.96% TOTAL SEWER REVENUE BOND FUND: $2,230,000 $2,131,130 4.43% REFUSE FUND PAGE4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD C.I.P. FINANCIAL SUMMARY FY 96-97 PROJECTS AND FY 95-96 CARRYOVERS .,. . - E7K013 LANDFILL - BURN DUMP REMEDIATION 421 RF SOLID WASTE $1,299,914 $1,038,443 20.11% E7K014 LANDFILL DRY WELL REMEDIATION 421 RF SOLID WASTE $20,000 $0 100.00% P7K003 MT VERNON RECYCLING FACILITY 421 RF SOLID WASTE $30,000 $707 97.64% Q7B106 NEW PRINTERS FOR CITY DEPARTMENT 421 RF SOLID WASTE $3,000 $3,000 0.00% Q7B107 NEW PCS FOR CITY COMPUTER NETWORK 421 RF CITY MGR'S OFC $3,400 $3,400 0.00% TOTAL REFUSE FUND: $1,356,314 $1,045,550 22.91% AGRICULTURAL WATER FUND E6J001 WEIR RECONSTRUCTION 431 AWF WATER $610,000 $654,930 -7.37% E6J002 CANAL/STORM DRAIN FENCING 431 AWF WATER $90,000 $30,408 66.21% E7J004 2800 ACRE BASIN CONSTRUCTION 431 AWF WATER $220,000 $17,148 92.21% E7J006 KR EQUESTRIAN TRAIL 431 AWF WATER $37,000 $37,000 0.00% E7J007 KR LAND ACQUISITIONS 431 AWF WATER $125,000 $118,980 4.82% P1C004 KR PARKWAY GROUP PICNIC AREA 431 AWF COMM SVCS $50,000 $41,907 16.19% P6J001 DRAINAGE BASIN IMPROVEMENTS 431 AWF WATER $28,000 $28,000 0.00% E7K010 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - MAIN 431 AWF PW/ENG $57,775 $57,775 0.00% TOTAL AGRICULTURAL WATER FUND: $1,217,775 $986,148 19.02% DOMESTIC WATER FUND E6J007 WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS 441 DWF WATER $190,000 $175,608 7.57% E7J009 WATER WELLS 441 DWF WATER $720,000 $590,768 17.95% E7J010 WATER QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEMS 441 DWF WATER $400,000 $400,000 0.00% E7J011 PUMP PLANT RETROFIT 441 DWF WATER $77,000 $77,000 0.00% E7J012 STORAGE TANK RETROFITS 441 DWF WATER. $113,000 $113,000 0.00% TOTAL DOMESTIC WATER FUND: $1,500,000 $t,356,376 9.57% EQUIPMENT FUND Q7H003 FUEL TANK - STATION #13 511 EF FIRE SERVICES $19,500 $19,500 0.00% Q7K012 UPGRADE CNG FUELING SITE 511 EF PW/EQUIPMENT $100,000 $100,000 0.00% Q7K013 UPGRADE AUTOMATED FUEL MANAGE 511 EF PW/EQUIPMENT $75,000 $75,000 0.00% Q7K014 REMOVAL OF FD FUEL TANKS 511 EF PW/EQUIPMENT $255,000 $254,898 0.04% Q7K015 CORP YARD WASH RACK UPGRADE 511 EF PW/EQUIPMENT $84,000 $84,000 0.00% TOTAL EQUIPMENT FUND: $533,500 $533,398 0.02% GRAND TOTAL - 96197. BUDGETED PROJECTS: $78,181,804 $41,735,363 46.62% PAGE5 FY 95~96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND P5H002 TRIDATA STUDY 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $5,047 $5,047 0.00% P6H001 ABOVE GROUND TANKS 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $47,954 ($357) 100.74% P5K003 KERN RIVER PARKWAY PICNIC AREA-ADA FUNDS 311 COF PUBLIC WORKS $12,043 ($86) 100.71% P3C001 BEACH PARK IMPROVEMENTS 311 COF COMM SVCS $99,042 $99,042 0.00% P6C012 PATRIOTS PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 311 COF COMM SVCS $55,000 $207 99.62% N/A TREE REPLACEMENT-WINDSTORM DAMAGE 311 COF COMM SVCS $14,119 $14,119 0.00% P5C015 COMPUTER SYSTEM-CONVENTION CENTER 311 COF COMM SVCS $15,097 $8,497 43.72% P5C004 CHILLER REPLACEMENT- CONVENTION CNTR 311 COF COMM SVCS $29,202 $5,127 82.44% P6K008 FACILITIES REPLACEMENT RESERVE 311 COF · CITY MGR'S OFC $799,000 $0 100.00% T6K072 STREET LIGHT ACQUISITIONS- ANNEXATIONS 311 COF PUBLIC WORKS $75,000 $0 100.00% P6K006 ROOF REPAIR - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BLDG. 311 COF PUBLIC WORKS $34,545 $276 99.20% P51001 POLICE BUILDING EXPANSION 311 SAF POLICE DEPT $1,169,840 $24,690 97.89% P6K002 POLICE STATION REMODEL 311 SAF POLICE DEPT $188,030 $39,981 78.74% Q61001 POLICE BUILDING EXP. - FURNISHINGS/EQUIP. 311 SAF POLICE DEPT $77,850 $77,352 0.64% Q61002 POLICE BLDG. REMODEL - FURNISHINGS/EQUIP. 311 SAF POLICE DEPT $51,530 $48,463 5.95% N/A COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 311 COF CITY MGR'S OFC $60,600 $~0,600 0.00% N/A STATION 1 IMPROVEMENTS 311 COF FIRE SERVICES $48,110 $48,110 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND: $2,782,009 $431,068 84.51% GENERAL FUND N/A MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. SERVICE DRIVE 011 GF COMM SVCS $7,900 $7,900 0.00% N/A BRIMHALL ROAD SOUTH EIR 011 GF DEV SVCS $14,200 $14,200 0.00% N/A CODE ENFORCEMENT REMODEL 012 DSF DEV SVCS $22,900 '$22,900 0.00% N/A CITY WIDE COMPUTER REPLACEMENT 011 GF CITY MGR'S OFC $144,200 $144,200 0.00% TOTAL GENERAL FUND: $189,200 $189,200 $0 PAGE 1 FY 95~96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS 1 AGRICULTU~L WATER FUND E6J001 BELLVIEW RIVER WEIR CONSTRUCTION 431 AWF WATER $44,930 $654,930 -1357.67% TOTAL AGRICULTURAL WATER FUND: $44,930 $654,930 ($14) DOMESTIC WATER FUND E6J004 KERN RIVER TRANSMISSION WATER MAIN 441 DWF WATER $168,097 $165,420 1.59% E6J005 STORAGE RESERVOIR INTERFACE 441 DWF WATER $4,439,330 $604,218 86.39% E6J006 THREE WATER WELLS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS 441 DWF WATER $640,120 $191,567 70.07% E6J007 WATER MAIN EXTENSION- VARIOUS LOCATIONS 441 DWF WATER $202,834 $175,608 13.42% TOTAL DOMESTIC WATER FUND: $5,450,381 $1,136,813 79.14% PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND P6C008 TEVIS RANCH-PHASE II DEV 321 PRK COMM SVCS $94,476 $24 99.97% P6C005 DESTECT CONSTRIBUTION - SIEMONS AND 321 PRK COMM SVCS $170,000 $142,728 · 16.04% UNIVERSITY PARKS N/A DESTEC CONTRIBUTION - KERN SOCCER PARK 321 PRK COMM SVCS $100,000 $100,000 0.00% N/A DESTEC CONTRIBUTION - HIGHLAND HIGH 321 PRK COMM SVCS $230,000 $230,000 0.00% TOTAL PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND: $594,476 $4~2,752 20.48% PARKLAND BOND ACT FUND P5C001 KERN RIVER PARKWAY-BIKEPATH 163 ST COMM SVCS $36,843 $0 100.00% TOTAL PARKLAND BOND ACT 1988 FUND: $36,843 $0 100.00% ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUNDS E8K001 HOSKING CONSTRUCTION 654 AD PUBLIC WORKS $87,583 $19,951 77.22% P4K003 CAI/OAK CONSTRUCTION 658 AD PUBLIC WORKS $339,500 $291,573 14.12% T5K058 SC/BN/SO/SLCONSTRUCTION 662 AD PUBLIC WORKS $4,696,078 $4,696,078 0.00% T6K074 PANAMA LANE WIDENING 662 AD PUBLIC WORKS $694,838 $2,805 99.60% TOTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUNDS: $5,817,999 $5,010,407 13.88% PAGE 2 FY 95~96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS P6K007 UNION #10 WATER MAIN 111 CDBG FIRE SVCS $297,596 $297,596 0.00% T5K056 SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT 111 CDBG PUBLIC WORKS $75,900 $0 100.00% T5K057 DOWNTOWN STREET IMPV-PHASE 2 111 CDBG ED/CD $15,000 $15,000 0.00% TOTAL CDBG FUND: $388,496 $312,596 19.54% SURFACE TRANSPORTATION FUND T5K051 TOC ARTERIAL INFRASTRUCTURE CONDUIT 121 CMAQ PUBLIC WORKS $32,429 $0 100.00% .... 121 CMAQ PUBLIC WORKS $497,800 $568,745 -14.25% T6K053 SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - TOC 121 CMAQ PUBLIC WORKS $140,000 $140,000 0.00% T6K063 SIGNAL OPERATION - TOC 121 CMAQ PUBLIC WORKS $251,948 $229,670 8.84% T4K053 F ST- 14TH TO 24TH RESURFACING 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $21,676 $8,686 59.93% T5K014 21ST STREET RESURFAClNG 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $6,031 $2,816 53.31% T5K016 FAIRVIEW ROAD RESURFAClNG 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $15,791 $5,413 65.72% T5K017 MONTEREY RESURFACING 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $7,186 $2,697 62.47% T6K006 CHANL., SIGNING, MARKING - BIKE LANE 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS . $272,000 $272,000 0.00% T6K023 WHITE LN - OLD RIVER TO GOSFORD RESURF 121 STP PUBLIC WORKS $205,145 $47,628 76.78% TOTAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION FUND: $1,450,006 $1,277,655 11.89% GAS TAX FUND T5K051 TOC ARTERIAL INFRASTRUCTURE CONDUIT 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $4,201 $0 100.00% - " 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $64,440 $63,388 1.63% T6K053 SIGNAL INTERCONNECT - TOC 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $13,000 $13,000 0.00% T6K055 SIGNAL, NEW - 19TH AT L ST 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $62,593 $719 98.85% T6K056 SIGNAL, NEW- CAMINO MEDIA 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $90,756 $3,402 96.25% T6K057 RIGNAL, NEW- XMAS TREE LANE 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $79,311 $4,370 94.49% T6K061 SIGNAL, NEW- HOWELL/OLD RIVER 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $100,307 $3,501 96.51% T6K062 SIGNAL, NEW- MONITOR/PACHECO 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $98,902 $8,687 91.22% T6K063 SIGNAL OPERATION - TOC 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $32,644 $27,344 16.24% T6K064 SIGNAL UPGRADE - BRUNDAGE LANE 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $80,130 $3,873 95.17% T5K028 WIDENING - WHITE/WIBLE 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $29,449 ($2,007) 106.82% PAGE 3 FY 95~96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS ~l-~i~.~/t~i~illlil;;":i~[.-"i~[li?=l[;?ill=~![~!t!lf//i~i~[i==iitliil[iii=~iii[iii~l/i;[[iiii:~i~i[i!illti[[ii~i~i?=[[ii~i!~!II~[~!iii!i[I[iiiiiiii?=ii!=!i[=!=!i[=!~[ii[i[[~ii[[[[[=~[[==~[[i[[[ii[[i[i[i=![i=~[i[il[~[ii[i~i~=~I~=~[[?=~i[[I[i~:~?=?=[~[iii[i[~[ii==?==!i[iiIi[i~[[[[~i~[~i[I[[i[~i[i[i[i===~iIii.!i[i[i[[[[[i=![i[i=!=~i~=!i~[[?`~[[[iiii~IIiii=~=~i=~I=~II=~I[i[[~[[[iII.=`~i[~ii.!II[i~::~[[[[IIII~J~.~.~[~=``. ..`?.~i[~``~I=~[[~i~i~II[ii`~i~```i=~I~;i~:~;.[[I~II~[iIi~i~iii[[=!~i~[~i~?=iii.~I=~ii~:~?~:.``~`=~``~=;``==~```~`:~=~.~=%~`~`:~[~i~[[i[[[ T6K066 RESURFAClNG STREETS-GHIP/CAPE/SLURRY 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $57 361 $4,398 92.33% T6K006 CHANL., SIGNING, MARKING - BIKE LANE 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $68 000 $67,191 1.19% T6K007 CHANL., SIGNING, MARKING - OLEANDER 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $35 000 '$21,296 39.15% T6K024 RESURF. - WILSON, SOUTH H/CHESTER 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $10 995 $0 100.00% T4K037 BRIDGE MOD.- RANGHERIA AT KERN RIVER 151 GT PUBLIG WORKS $19 682 $6,317 67.90% P5C008 MEDIAN LANDSCAPE STOGKDALE/GOSFORD 151 GT COMM SVCS $51 854 $9,358 81.95% P5C010 MEDIAN LANDSCAPE ROSEDALE/OAK 151 GT COMM SVCS $15 929 $6,656 58.21% P6C010 MEDIAN LANDSCAPE WHITE LANE 151 GT COMM SVCS $20,707 $4,938 76.15% T3K004 WHITE LANE MEDIANS 151 GT COMM SVCS $18,124 $345 98.10% T4K048 MEDIAN CONSTRUCTION - VARIOUS 151 DEV PUBLIC WORKS $200,943 ($6,423) 103.20% E6C001 PATRIOT'S PARK PUMP INSTALLATION 151 GT COMM SVCS $60,148 ($1,493) 102.48% P6K003 REMODEL CORP YARD BUILDING C 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $13,712 ($267) 101.95% T6K068 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - MISC. GONST. 151 GT PUBLIC WORKS $34,868 $3,654 89.52% TOTAL GAS TAX FUND: $1,263,056 $242,247 .80.82"/0' TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FUND T6K073 STREET WIDENING-OAK TO A STREET 331 TDF PUBLIC WORKS $71,900 $0 100.00% T3K036 WIDEN INTERSECTION STOCKDALE AT CALIF. 331 TDF PUBLIC WORKS $562,675 ($~7,838) 106.72% TOTAL TRANSPORTATION DEV. FUND: $634,575 ($37,838) 105.96% CALLOWAY BRIDGE FUND T6K073 STREET WIDENING - OAK TO A STREET 332 RBB PUBLIC WORKS $136,848 $0 100.00% T6K074 PANAMA LN- ARVIN/EDISON CANAL TO ASHE 332 RBB PUBLIC WORKS $472,734 $16,912 96.42% T6K076 STREET WIDENING - TRUXTUN AT OAK 332 RBB PUBLIC WORKS $189,572 $38,872 79.49% T4K011 CALLOWAY DRIVE BRIDGE AT KERN RIVER 332 RBB PUBLIC WORKS $580,679 $100,393 82.71% TOTAL CALLOWAY BRIDGE FUND: $1,379,833 $156,177 88.68% COFFE ROAD OVERCROSSlNG FUND T4K052 COFFEE ROAD OVERCROSSING 333 CRO PUBLIC WORKS $4,519,609 $13,720 99.70% T3K016 COFFEE RD AND BRIMHALL WIDENING 333 CRO PUBLIC WORKS $58,292 $8,494 85.43% PAGE4 FY 95~96 CARRYOVER PROJECTS TOTAL COFFEE ROAD OVERCROSSlNG FUND: $4,577,901 $22,214 99.51% SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND E6K015 SEWER REHAB - RED LION SWR RPLCMNT 411 SE PUBLIC WORKS $345,500 $337,500 2.32% E6K006 WASTEWATERTREATMENT PLANT EXPAN. 412 SE PUBLIC WORKS $788,000 $21,000 97.34% E6K005 WWTP #3 BUILDING EXPANSION 412 SE PUBLIC WORKS $192,402 $859 99.55% E6K002 STORM DRAIN TRUXTUN LIFT 411 SE PUBLIC WORKS $5,022 ($1,451) 128.89% E6K013 SEWER REHAB-WESTCHESTER 411 SE PUBLIC WORKS $198,314 ($3,305) 101.67% E6C001 PATRIOT'S PARK PUMP INSTALL 411 SE PUBLIC WORKS $34,701 $3,477 89.98% E6K012 SEWER REHAB - LIFT AT BANK STREET 411 SE PUBLIC WORKS $10,750 $215,000 -1900.00% E6K001 STORM DRAIN LANDFAIR LIFT 411 SE PUBLIC WORKS $146,600 $1,104 99.25% E6K010 SEWER REHAB-KERN ISLAND 411 SE PUBLIC WORKS $199,229 $1,309 99.34% TOTAL SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND: $1,920,518 $575,493 70.03% AG WATER FUND E6C001 PATRIOT'S PARK PUMP INSTALL 431 AWF WATER $69,992 $54 99.92% TOTAL AG WATER FUND: $69,992 $54 99.92% GENERAL AVIATION FUND P6K004 ACQUISITION OF AIRPORT CLEAR ZONE 451 GAF PUBLIC WORKS $1,268,000 $582,162 54.09% P5K006 FUEL TANK REMOVAL- AIRPORT 451 GAF PUBLIC WORKS $199,784 $177,574 11.12% P5K004 CONSTRUCT AIRPORT RESTROOM FACILITY 451 GAF PUBLIC WORKS $35,000 $28,409 18.83% N/A AIRPORT MARKETING GRANT 451 WALMART EDCD $7,000 $7,000 0.00% GRANT TOTAL GENERAL AVIATION FUND: $1,509,784 $795,145 47.33% GRAND TOTAL- FY 95~96 CARRYOVERS: $28,109,999 $11,238,913 60.02% PAGE 5 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager .// FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director~/~ DATE: May 27, '1997 SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO COUNCIL REFERRALS 1. Ci~ Council Referral Record #I'YF0013352 / 001 Councilmember Randy Rowles requested staff provide him with an update on the traffic signal at Cherry Hills and Stockdale Highway. The traffic signal warrant study was completed last week. The results show that a peak hour volume warrant is met. The intersection has an excellent accident history with no collisions for the preceding 12 months. The intersection is little used with only an average of 59 vehicles per hour during the peak periods. Traffic engineering staff has observed that very few cars made left turns out of Cherry Hills Drive onto Stockdale Highway. For comparison purposes, a multi-way stop warrant study was also performed and determined that the intersection does NOT meet any stop sign warrants. Because of the location, the installation of a signal at Cherry Hills will be detrimental to the coordination of traffic signals on Stockdale Highway, based on current timing needs. Traffic will be delayed entering the intersections of Stockdale Highway/California Avenue, the highest volume intersection in the City, and the intersection of Ashe/$tockdale. Delays at these intersections will lower the Level of Service and cause greater backups of traffic during peak hours and at other times to a lesser extent. The ability to modify signal coordination timing plans to meet future needs will also be limited with a traffic signal in place at Cherry Hills and Stockdale Highway. Because of the coordination degradation concern, the fact that the intersection has an tremendous accident history and the very small number of cars using the intersection, staff does NOT recommend the installation of a traffic signal. If traffic accidents become a problem in the future, as an alternative control, staff will recommend that the median be modified to prohibit left turns out of Cherry Hills onto Stockdale. Until such time, no changes are proposed. Page 1 of 2 Pages !CITY A/tANAGE~'S OFFIC' Alan Tandy, City Manager May 27, 1997 RESPONSE TO COUNCIL REFERRALS 2. CitF Council Referral Record # W-FO013353 / 001 Councilmember Randy Rowles requested staff to provide him with the time frame for performing a traffic noise study in Kern City. Traffic Engineering does not have the equipment or expertise and, therefore, does not perform these highly specialized environmental "noise studies." According to the Planning Department, who does engage environmental consultants, noise studies are performed by professional consultants that specialize in environmental noise studies. Per the Planning Department, the study can take about 1 month from time of the approval of the consultant agreement to the receipt of the report, assuming all traffic volume counts for the needed street frontages are immediately available. Based on past studies performed for Planning Department EIR's, the cost should be under $10,000 depending on the extent of the study area and complexity. There is no budget item in Traffic Engineering for such studies by professional noise consultants. Funds should be budgeted in next year's engineering CIP if such studies are desired. It is recommended a budget of $20,000 to allow multiple studies. If a noise study is desired, the following information must be provided, at a minimum: · The list of streets and frontages, single or both sides, to be analyzed. · The type of report needed, such as a decibel range map, a report with mitigation needs, etc. · lnformation as to whether existing noise only is to be considered or is a projection to a future year required. eCurrent traffic volume counts for all street frontages to be analyzed and future year projections as needed. New traffic volume counts may be required and future year modeling from KernCOG may be needed for future projections. This could take several weeks to obtain. Traffic engineering will provide any traffic counts required if a consultant is utilized for an environmental noise study and will assist in the selection of a consultant. WF0013352 WF0013353 Page 2 of 2 Pages ~ ~ City of Bakersfield · *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0013352 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: ~16/97 -- REQUEST DATE: 07/97 SCHEDULE DATES CREW: START: 5/07/97 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 5/19/97 GEN. LOC: WARD5 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - ROWLES ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: PAVING/TRAFFIC CONCERNS IN KERN CITY REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** ROWLES REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HIM WITH UPDATES OF PREVIOUS REFERRALS REGARDING: 1) STREET PAVING IN KERN CITY; AND. 2) TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT CHERRY HILLS AND STOCKDALE HIGHWAY. Job Order Description: PAVING/TRAFFIC CONCERNS IN KERN CITY at~gory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE ~ ~ ~ City of Bakersfield ~ *REPRINT* WORK REQUEST PAGE 1. REQ/JOB: WF0013353 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: ~16/97 · ~ REQUEST DATE: 07/97 SCHEDULE DATES CREW: STAR~: 5/07/97 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 5/12/97 FACILITY NODES GEN. LOC: WARD5 FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL ~TMT5 REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - ROWLES i WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: TRAFFIC NOISE STUDY IN KERN CITY REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** ROWLES REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HIM WITH THE TIME FRAME FOR PERFORMING A TRAFFIC NOISE STUDY IN KERN CITY, BY 5/12/97. Job Order Description: TRAFFIC NOISE STUDY IN KERN CITY Category: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE __/ /__ BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ~ _~. / v DATE: May 27, 1997 SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO COUNCIL REFERRALS' Ci~ Council Re['erral Record #WF001535;4/001 Councilmember Randy Rowles requested staff provide him with a status update on the closure of Elm Street. After the Planning Commission through a public hearing has decided the Elm Street issue, the matter will then be considered for a public hearing at the Council meeting. Attached is the latest Traffic Engineer's update. WF0013354.001 Attachment BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: May 9, 1997, rev 5-27-97 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR S.L. WALKER, PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC ENGINEER FROM~ SUBJECT: ELM STREET, WARD 5 (WF0013354/001) Per request by Councilmember Rowles, the following is a summary of actions regarding a proposed closure of Elm Street, south side, at 244 Street State Route 178. The street is very low volume at about 250 cars on a typical day. Most vehicles are headed northbound, which implies that the street may be used as an alternate route by commuters to avoid the State intersection of Oak and State Route 178 / 244 Street. The closure action should go through a public hearing process at the Planning Commission to allow all affected homeowners an opportunity to voice opposition or support. Based on the recommendation of the Planning Commission, the action would then be forwarded to the CitY Council. This process is estimated to take about 60 to 90 days, depending on the schedule of the Planning Commission and Agendas. The next step would be a hearing before the City Council with the recommendations from the Planning Commission hearing. The typical noticing' period would be required. If approved by the Council, Traffic Engineering will issue work orders to install temporary barriers of a type acceptable to the Fire Department. Prior to installation, a traffic data collection study will be performed to obtain accurate "before" data. Al[er one year, or other time period as directed by the Council, another study would be performed and a report to the Council written with results of the year long effect of the barrier. At this time, Traffic Engineering awaits direction on this matter. No recommendations are made at this time and no changes proposed. ce: file #WF0013354, Elm Street 'Cityof Bakersfield *REPRINT* --- y WORK REQUEST PAGE 1. REQ/JOB: WF0013354 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 5~21~97 REQUEST DATE: ~5/07/97 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES STAR~: D~07~97 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 5/19/97 GEN. LOC: WARD5 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCI~ ~'i'MTS REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: 'REFERRAL - ROWLES ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: cLOSURE OF ELM STREET REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** ROWLES REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HIM WITH A STATUS UPDATE ON THE CLOSURE OF ELM STREET. Job Order Description: CLOSURE OF ELM STREET Category: PUBLIC WORKS Task: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE /__/ COMPLETION DATE / /