HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/11/97 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM July 11, 1997 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. We congratulate Gail Waiters on her new position. She will be with us through the end of July. We will be opening her current position for applicants in the near future. 2. Attached is the DTSC's latest Fact Sheet on the Panorama Burn Dump summarizing , the data from the site investigation and the project schedule for remediation. It is extremely significant to note that it states, "The levels of the CoC (chemicals of concern) do not represent an immediate threat to human health". 3. An update on the Anti-Graffiti Program is enclosed. 4. The Art Museum is going ahead with its option to buy the current site in Central Park. 5. We have initiated the first step of the RFP process on the privatization of the Arena. Between now and July 28th, we will be doing a preliminary process to refine the RFP/RFQ. We then intend to issue it after July 28th. It will be a normal written submittal, followed by an oral interview of finalists process. We are involving the union, management of the Convention Center and Convention and Visitors' Bureau in the process. Again, we won't know whether we will finally recommend a contract to you until much more clarity of terms and finances is in hand. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst Site Investigation Update Introduction This fact sheet summarizes the data from the site inves- tigation (SI) as prepared for the former City of Bakers- field Burn Dump located along the north side of the 3500 to 3900 blocks of Panorama Ddve (see Figure 1). The final SI report was prepared in accordance with the Cali- fornia Expedited Remedial Action Program (ERAP) un- der the oversight of the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). The data from the SI will be used for preparing the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) and the Remedial Action Plan (RAP). Site Investigation Report Summary The SI report indicates that the extent of burn mated'al is generally within the backyards of the residential lots and does not extend beyond the front yard boundaries. Bumed waste material was present in soil in 10 of the 19 residential lots sampled (addresses 3500 through 3908 on the north side of Panorama Drive). The burn material does not extend south of the northern edge of Panorama which will in turn outline the remedial alternative that Ddve or west of the home at 3500Panorama Ddve. The DTSC considers the most appropriate for the pro- chemicals of concern (CoCs) contained in the bum'ma- tection of human health and the environment, while terial are dioxin and lead. The levels of the CoC do being technically and cost effective. A public corn- no r..qL~present an immedipte threat to human health. The merit pedod and community meeting will be con- SI report is contained in the information repository dis- ducted once the Draft RAP is released by DTSC (see cussed on Page 2. the next section for more details). Current Activity at the Landfill Project Schedule The data obtained dudng the SI is being used to prepare It is anticipated that DTSC will begin reviewing the the HRA which will evaluate the health risks associated City of Bakersfield's proposed remedial alternative with the site as they now exist in near-surface soils. The in July 1997. Once DTSC determines that the docu- results of the HRA will be used to prepare the Draft RAP, merit is complete, it will place a notice within the Bakersfield Californian newspaper announcing a 30- Marline_ List day public comment pedod, which is expected to be- gin in September. Dudng this time, the Draft RAP A mailing list containing the addresses of all known and the HRA will be available dudng normal business interested parties has been created and will be utilized hours in the information repositories, which are located when DTSC issues fact sheets, fliers, letters, and other at the Northeast Branch of the Kern County Public wdtten notices and information. If you are not on the Library, 3725 Columbus Avenue, and the Beal Library, mailing list, you may have your name added by con- 701 .Truxtun Avenue. You may contact the librarian tacting Jim Marxen, DTSC, at (916) 324-6544, or by at (805) 871-9017 for more information. A commu- returning the coupon at the end of this fact sheet. nity meeting where oral comments can be given will take place during the 30-day comment period at High- Telephone Conversations land High School at 2900 Royal Scots Way. The meeting and the comment period will be announced DTSC staff welcomes telephone conversations when in a fact sheet sent to the site mailing list. Following any resident has a question or concern about any of closure of the public comment pedod, DTSC will evalu- the activities at this site. Please utilize the telephone ate all appropriate comments and decide if the Draft numbers in this Fact Sheet whenever you need to con- RAP should be approved as proposed, or modified tact DTSC staff. as a result of public comments. It is anticipated that the Final RAP along with the Engineering Design will FOR FURTHER INFORMATION... be approved by DTSC in November. The public will be notified of this decision, and a response to com- For further information about this project, you may visit ments document will be issued. Site remediation is the information repositories at the Northeast Branch of expected to begin immediately thereafter, the Kern County Public Library located at 3725 Coo lumbus Avenue and at the Beal Library located at 701 Truxtun Avenue, or you may contact DTSC staff mem- bers. Public Involvement Process Adam Palmer Under State and Federal law, public acceptance plays Project Manager 10151 Croyden Way, Suite 3 a major role in the remedial process. DTSC has a Public Participation Plan to ensure effective two-way Sacramento, California 95827-2106 communication between the public and DTSC (916) 255-3669 throughout the course of this project Public Partici- pation activities include distribution of fact sheets, Jim Marxen maintenance of public files, and public meetings. Public Participation and EducatiOn 400 P Street P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806 (916) 324-6544 Mailing List Coupon If you did not receive this fact sheet in the mail, you are not currently on the mailing list. To have your name added to the mailing list for the Site, please complete mis coupon and mail it to Jim Marxen, Department of Toxic Substances Control, 400 P Street, P.O. Box 806, Sacramento, California 95812-0806. Please note, mailing lists are public documents. NAME .................................................................................................................................. STREET ADDRESS ............................................. : .......................................................... CITY .............................................................. ZIP CODE .................................................... JUL 8 - 1997 PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR~£1~T BAKERSFIELD .Public Works Department MEMORANDUM July 1, 1997 TO: Brad Underwood~ Superintendent General Services Division FROM: Myra McArthur, Planning Technician~t~.'~. SUBJECT: GRAFFITI UPI)ATE 1997 Anti-Graffiti Poster & Essay Contest After momhs of preparation, the 1997 Anti-Graffiti Comest was a tremendous success. The comest took place from March 31 to April 11, 1997, and was open to all fourth, fifth and sixth grade students in the Bakersfield City School District. The 1997 theme was "Make Your Mark on the World, Not on a Wall." Twenty.eight schools participated with a total of 1,391 entries. On May 22, 1997, an awards ceremony was held at the Indoor Theater of the Bakersfield Community College. An overwhelming 650-700 people were in attendance, this included 226 comest winners and their families. The performance of the Honor Choir and Drama class of the Thomer Magnet School added a special touch to the event. The keynote speaker, Mrs. Joan Brock, delivered an inspirational message about courage and making good choices. John Patrick Endquez, a student at Fruitvale Junior High School, related his experience of speaking in from of the California Assembly Committee in favor of tougher laws against graffiti vandalism. Dr. John Bernard, Bakersfield City School District Superintendent and Mayor Bob Price presented the awards and trophies to the students. The event was very successful and many parents have expressed appreciation for the positive influence the contest had on their children. The success of the comest would not have been possible without the help of volunteers. The contest committee consisting of four community volunteers helped tremendously. Also, r~ognition must be given to all the P.T.A. and Booster Club boards in the Bakersfield City School District for judging the emries at their individual schools. Twelve additional volunteers performed the final judging to select the over all winners. Teachers, school administrators, and parents are to be commended for their support and assistance. Thirty-three local businesses made comributions toward the contest, including Ua/fiF6--~ and Delta Sky West who dot. ted Mrs. Joan Brock s aiffare from and to Tucson, Brock kindly waved her speaking fees, all for the benefit of the youth of our commuhity. Preventive Measures School presentations are a valuable preventive tool in the fight against graffiti. Staff has begun to expand this portion of the program. Due to a request made by Juvenile Hall's Central School, on May 14, 1997 approximately 90 young wards at Juvenile Hall were a receptive audience of an anti-graffiti presentation. On June 17, 1997, Mr. Robert Williams; Camp Owens Institution Supervisor, requested a similar presentation to be given to the wards at his institution on Wednesday, July 9, 1997. Considering that most of the youth who are wards of the Court will return to live in Bakersfield, these presentations are considered beneficial to the future of Bakersfield. School administrators are appreciative of this service. A copy of two letters of appreciation are enclosed. Graffiti Paint Trucks The painters' efficiency, and the modem technology used in the graffiti paint tracks, have impressed the local media and the community. In a couple of occasions, reporters from.Channel 29 and from the Bakersfield Californian have accompanied the painters while they performed their Daily .activities. The printed articles, as well as the T.V. reports about the whole graffiti program, have been very positive. Anti-Graffiti Newsletter West High School's "Workforce 2,000" is a specially funded project created to help "at risk" high school students stay in school. Because some students have been involved in graffiti vandalism in the past, those who wish to be part of"Workforce 2000" must sign an agreement to not do grafi~i. If caught violating this oath, they are expelled from the project, and from school. These students have been asked to write articles and publish an mi-graffiti newsletter. City stafflutve been working with this group of students doing presentations, demonstration of the new graffiti paint trucks, and facilitating interviews with District Attorney's Office, Municipal Court judges, Probation officers, Police officers, and newspaper reporters. The purpose of these activities is to provide the students with enough information to be able to write articles on the subject. It is hoped that this experience will allow them to make better choices in the future. The first edition of the newsletter is scheduled to be reviewed by City staff within a couple of weeks. West High School will provide all materials necessary for the production of the newsletter. The City will cover the mailing cost. Graffiti-Free Zones Staff from the Police Department, City Attorney's Office, the Anti-Cmtffifi Program, and the County's Juvenile Probation Department have been working on establishing a Graffiti-Free Zone program around the local schools. As a pilot project, Noble Elementary School and Washington Junior High School were chosen to be the first Graffiti-Free Zone schools. On April 22 and 25, City and County staff conducted outdoor assemblies at Noble Elementary School and Washington Junior High School respectively, and declared the area surrounding the schools to be Graffiti Free Zones. The Bakersfield City School District covered the expense of Cmtffifi-Free Zone T-shirts for the smdems involved in this project. Graffiti Eradication April Apr~ May May Hot Line Calls Sites Serviced Hot Line Calls Sites Serviced CDBGAreas 101 105 99 101 Other Areas 199 218 192 113 Totals 300 323 291 214 CDBG % 34% 33o/0 34% 47% The number of sites serviced in the momh of May is lower than April because the paimers worked in areas that had extensive amounts of graffiti. This required more time than normal. This work was done in cooperation with the Lakeview and Union Ave. COPPS Officers. About 40 hours were spem by the painters removing graffiti in those areas. Another factor was vacation time taken by two of the palmers. The number of calls received does not reflect the number of sites being serviced because in some instances multiple calls are received for the same vandalized area. xc: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Joe Lozano, Public Works Operations Manager Ed Kuehn, Assistant Superintendent, General Services Division lake Wager, Economic Development Director Sgt. Phillip Clarke, P. D. Special Projects Judy Skousen, City Attorney Carl Hemandez, Deputy City Attorney May 19~ 1997 Myra, - · We would like to express our appreciation to you for taking thc tim~ to' speak to our s~lents, Yo~ prcs~ntalioa prodded ~e sludenls ~ a lot of v~uablc ~'fonna~on.. regarding gra~li. '. und~tand~g of Ibc n~gagvc impact ~ra~fi h~ on sock'S, ~a~ you v~r~ much for sp~a~ing to our student. ' Ccnh'~ School "'" BAKERSFIELD CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT EDUCATION CENTER, 1300 BAKER STREET ROOSEVELT SCHOOL BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305-4399 2324 v,~e s~t (805) 631-5460 ~ke~'~*e4d. C~afomie g3304 IRMA LAYS~""IOT April 29, 1997 Ms. Myra McArthur City of Bakersfield .... 4101 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93309 Dear Ms. McArthur, On behalf of myself, the staff'and students of Roosevelt School, we wish to thank you very much for the great assemblies that you brought to us. Our students were highly receptive t° your presentation on graffitil It is that through instructing our youth, that we will see the results that We expect from them. Sincerely, Irma Layshot Principal IL/ah / BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director/?Z~~/~~ DATE: July 8, 1997 SUBJECT: . GRAFFITI UPDATE Attached, for your info['mation, is the latest update regarding the Graffiti Program. Attachment ~iCITY MANAGER'S OFFICEi