HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/01/97 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM August1,1997 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~-/- SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. As was released late Friday afternoon, the judge made his ruling regarding the arena lawsuit. The gist of the ruling is that the plaintiffs failed to file their complaint within the 60 day statute of limitation period, which the judge believes to have started on, at least, March 26, 1997. This means that we won the case, however, the judge granted the Demurrers and granted 15 days to amend. The City Attorney indicated that it's highly unlikely that they will be able to amend, since that would mean they would have to prove they filed their case within the 60 day period, which, of course, they did not do. 2. I will be on vacation the week of August 11th - 15th. During my absence, John Stinson will be in charge. He will have my number in the event of an emergency. 3. I anticipate filling the Assistant City Manager position that was opened by Gail Waiters' departure before the end of August. 4. Two memorandums are enclosed regarding the schedule for getting a recreational program building under lease for the Lowell park area. 5. A project update is enclosed on the Clinica Sierra Vista California Avenue Services Facility. 6. A status report on the selection of a site for the Teen Challenge housing project is enclosed. Honorable Mayor and City Council August 1, 1997 Page 2 7. We are continually monitoring the line items of the arena budget. We saved some money on testing and the owners' representative contract. The parking budget will run over in a like amount so, overall, we are fine and haven't yet touched the contingency budget. The FF&E (furniture, fixtures, and equipment) has had some elements started, but will generally be the last piece to come. 8. The State Department of Transportation Rail Program has agreed to a Fund Transfer Agreement for the Amtrak Station once the Project Study Report is completed. Their letter is enclosed. 9. We are looking at becoming one of twenty permit consolidation zones - a State designation to streamline certain processes. We will brief you on it at the upcoming Council meeting. 10. Two memos are enclosed regarding the improved conditions at Tevis Park and the lighting shields that were installed. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM Augustl, 1997 TO: Alan Tandy City Manager FROM: Jake Wager (~~j Economic Development Director'~--~- DATE: August 1, 1997 SUBJECT: Lease Agreement with Bakersfield Senior Center-Lowell Park Recreation Program On July 31, 1997, Don Anderson, Henry Shipes, and George Gonzales met with Essie Blue, acting Director of the Bakersfield Senior Center (B.S.C.), to negotiate a lease agreement for 610 4th Street. The proposed lease agreement will not only include the 2,212 square foot building, but also allow recreation access to the B.S.C. dining hall for fine arts productions during off-hour senior use. The lease would allow the B.S.C. to complete the necessary tenant improvements at the 4th Street property. The lease payment would therefore also include an amount to cover the cost of the improvements. The tenant improvements proposed for the agreement include flooring, heater replacement, cobler servicing and repair, ADA improvements to existing restrooms, and dead bolts. A draft lease agreement will be provided to B.S.C. on August 8, 1997, for inclusion in their Board agenda of August 14, 1997. Both Mr. Anderson and Mr. Gonzales have been invited to be present at their meeting to answer any questions they may have on the proposed agreement. If the Board finds the lease agreement acceptable, this item will be presented to the City Council for action on August 20, 1997. According to Henry Shipes, the tentative start date for the Lowell Park Recreation Program will be October 1, 1997. cc: Don Anderson Henry Shipes dlk:S:~MEMOTEMP.WPD AU6 ~CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM July 30, 1997 TO: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director FROM: Georg~fnzales, Community Development Director II SUBJECT: Lowellk~ark Recreation Program At the August 6, 1997 City Council meeting Council will consider Amendment #6 to the Consolidated Plan. This amendment includes $85,000, designated to the Lowell Park Recreation Program. The environmental review on this project has been completed. A meeting has been scheduled with representatives of the Bakersfield Senior Center, the City's Real Property Agent, Recreation, and Community Development to develop a lease agreement. The current timeline calls for the approval of the lease terms by the Senior Center's Board at it's next regular meeting. Finally, the lease agreement will be presented to the City Council for action on August 20, 1997. dlk:P:\MEMOTEMP.WPD B A K E R S F I E L D '~~ Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM July 30, 1997 TO: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director FROM: George Gonzales,~munity Development Coordinator SUBJECT: Teen Challenge ~tsistanee At the May 16, 1997, City Council meeting an appeal by Greg Owen, agent for Teen Challenge was heard on a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of two single family dwellings on a M-1 zoned property. This request was deferred until August 20, 1997 pending the identification of an alternate site for Teen Challenge's housing project. Economic and Community Development staff identified five, R-2 zoned vacant sites within the Kentucky Street area. These sites have been forwarded to Teen Challenge representatives for their review. On July 29, 1997, a Teen Challenge representative notified staff of the preferred site that met their needs. Before a project agreement can be submitted for Council action, an environmental review must be completed by staff. The environmental review typically takes up to 90 days. Therefore, we request that this time be deferred an additional 90 days, to the November 5, 1997 Council meeting, so that a project agreement and environmental review can be developed. dlk:P:\GEORGE\TEENCHAL.MEM I _ RECEIVED Li JUt_ 3119971 !CITY MANAG,"-R ~ OFFi,? B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM August 1, 1997 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager ~ FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Direct SUBJECT: Project Update'- California Avenue Services Facility/Clinica Sierra Vista As you know, Clinica Sierra Vista (CSV) is proposing to use CDBG funds to acquire property in the 700 block of East California Avenue. Initially CSV proposed to develop the site as an office complex housing a variety of community health programs administered by CSV. Circumstances, however, have dictated a shift in planned use. CSV is now proposing to develop the site as a drop- in/urgent care center with extended hours, open seven days a week. The need for such a facility in the area has become apparent because of a substantial increase in walk-ins at both the Lakeview and California Avenue clinics and the impact such an increase has on services. Staff have met with representatives from CSV to discuss the proposed changes and developed a draft time line to implement the project. The major steps in the process are as follows: The environmental review is underway, but because the project entails acquisition, demolition and new construction, a Phase I environmental review is required. An independent contract will be awarded to the accepted bidder for completion of the review. The bid process and contract award will be completed by August 22. The Phase I review will be completed 30 days later, September 21. On September 22 the required HUD notices will be published with the release of funds from HUD expected by October 27 (as required by Federal statute). · Concurrently with the above actions, staff will prepare the draft agreement with the final scheduled for Council approval November 5. The project agreement can only be acted on upon the completion of the environmental review and release of funds. · In anticipation of the Council action, an appraiser will be chosen and contracted to begin the appraisal process November 6. After receipt of the completed appraisal on December 8, staff will completed the internal review and acceptance during the following two weeks. Because the end of the year holidays may impact the process, staff is anticipating making the offer to purchase January 5, 1998. ECE]VED · Escrow will open as soon as the offer is accepted. Staff will recommend a 30-day escrow, with the mutual consent of all the parties involved, completed by February 20, 199~I~tG _ ~ ~ Please call if you have any questions, jrw:jtx~':~csvxtrm~re:mewe-'-'--- ;:'FY MANAGER'S OF~""- STATE OF CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RAIL PROGRAM 1120 N STREET, ROOM 3400 P.O. BOX 942874 M.S. 74 SACRAMENTO, CA 94274-0001 PHONE (916) 654-2944 FAX (916) 653-4572 July 23, 1997 Mr. Alan Tandy City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: Thank you for your July 10,1997, letter reiterating the City of Bakersfield's commitment to the Amtrak Station Project. It appears the preparation of the Project Study Report (PSR) is progressing well, and we are particUlarly pleased to be told of your ongoing meetings with Burlington Northern Santa Fe. Their input will be vital to the development of the overall scope and costs of the project. Once the PSR is Completed' and approved, Caltrans will be ready to execute a Fund Transfer Agreement (FTA)...with the City covering the remaining existing funds. The PSR will al~o be Used to support the joint Proposition 116 funding application, and should also be used to support any other applications for funding that may need to be submitted by the City. As we have already stated, the execution of an FTA and subsequent additions of approved funds are relatively simple procedural matters. Our inclusion of a draft FTA in my last letter was intended to ensure there would be no delays attributable to the FTA process. We agree a coordinated effort is of great importance in the development of this project. It is our intent to take whatever actions are necessary to minimize delays in the process, and look forward to working with you on this undertaking. Sincerely, WARREN WEBER Rail Program c: Senator Jim Costa Robert Remen, CTC Ron Scolaro, Amtrak .. .,.. Joe Deely, Amtrak 'Alan McCuen, District 6 . . .. : Jacques R; LaRochelle, City of Bakersfield CITY MANAGER'S 0~. :-' DIVISIONS OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: July 28, 1997 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director ~ SUBJECT: Tevis Park During the 180 day maintenance period for Tevis Park, I sent you at least two memos regarding the poor condition of the park. I also attached some photographs that documented what I had observed during my inspections. I am pleased to report that during the approximately 60 days that the park has been maintained by division staff there has been substantial improvement in both the condition and appearance of the park. Attached are both before (at the end of the contractors' 180 day maintenance period, May 23, 1997) and after (taken on July 25, 1997) photos. I believe that the improvement is not only representative of the work our staff performs but also indicative of a level of "care" or "ownership" that our staff' provides that is not typically seen with contract work. If you have any questions or require additional information, please let me know. c: Community Services Citizen Advisory Committee Allen Abe, Assistant Park Superintendent Mike Doyle, Park Supervisor RECEIVED TY MANAGER'S OFFICE BEFORE AFTER DIVISIONS OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: July 25, 1997 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director ~ SUBJECT: Lighting at Tevis Park As I mentioned previously, shielding was ordered for the lights that Mr. Pepi Rogers had complained about. We received the shields for one set of lights but the second set was back ordered. The second set has now been received and installed. Also, the lights have been re-aimed. Allen Abe visited the park on July 21, 1997 and reported that the nuisance light that Mr. Rogers complained about appears to have been reduced to an acceptable level. I have not spoken to Mr. Rogers since the second set of shields were installed, but he was very pleased with the results the first set had on the situation. Hopefully, this will prove satisfactory and no further action will be required. RECEIVED I JUl 81997 CITY MAN;~GF"