HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/10/97 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OF. FICE MEMORANDUM October 10, 1997 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. A list of potential events to be held at the new arena, based on our conversations with various entertainment groups and event promoters, is enclosed for your information. 2. A status report on the progress of the Panorama Burn Dump project is enclosed, along with the latest bulletin that was sent to area residents. 3. The latest activity reports from Development Services and Recreation and Parks are also enclosed. 4. Staff has received correspondence from a Los Angeles production company complimenting Fire, Police, Public Works, and EDCD for their assistance in coordinating a recent movie shot in Bakersfield. According to the attached letters from Breakstreet Productions, our team concept is "outstanding". 5. I have directed staff to request the amount of $683,062 balance of surplus funds from Blue Cross. This, combined with the $1 million already received by the City, will return all surplus funds to the City. We have notified the bargaining units that this is occurring, and that we will meet with them before any distribution of the funds. 6. The Police Department and Public Works arranged two successful neighborhood cleanups in Casa Loma over the past two weekends. A report from Public Works is enclosed. 7. It is unofficial, but we have reason to believe we will get a one time payment of $1.7 million dollars from the Elk Hills oil sale. We don't know when. Honorable Mayor and City Council October 10, 1997 Page 2 8. At 515 Truxtun, about half of the old corporation yard has been demolished. The other half'will go when we move storage to the Baker Building around the first of the year. That lot will provide about 300 parking spaces north of the tracks, until such time as it becomes Amtrak station parking. 9. I am pleased to say the Farm Bureau got the bond they needed, and the move of the "old" Chamber building is on track. 10. I'll be taking some vacation on Thursday and Friday, the 16th and 17th. John Stinson will be in charge. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst September 3, 1997 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: Greg Cronk, Convention Center Manager Subject: Council Referral Regarding Potential Arena Events Please advise should you wish to amend the following council referral response. In response to council member Salvaggio's request, the following describes potential events to be hosted within the new arena. · Anticipate a 32 to 34 home series ice hockey season with expectations of pre and post season play. · In August, staffmet with a representative of Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and Disney on Ice to discuss potential scheduling. Awaiting verification of routing and contract infmmation. · In September, re-contacted a representative from Champions on Ice regarding possible late winter or summer single day event. Expect to select date within 60- 90 days as their routing and our available dates are determined. Skaters are former Olympic and or World Cup ice skating participants. · We are tentatively holding a November 1998 date for a major country western male singer. As a courtesy to promoter, we prefer to withhold name until timber along with event details. · We are tentatively holding a February 1999 weekend for a multi-day rodeo, possibly culminating with a concert. · Several promoters have requested we keep them apprized of construction progress. In turn, they will monitor available concert and theatrical tour routing for possible fim~re bookings. · Watchtower convention organizers have expressed an interest in transferring their event from existing space to ~he new arena in order to bring more delegates to Bakersfield. OCT- ?-9? TUE 17 :0~ P. 82 · Marketing persons from Sesame Street Live l~i~,e inquired regarding future bookings. Awaiting status as to routing, · CVB, especially through its Sports Marketing Council, is following leads from various events including possibility of Olympic pre-qualifying event for power lifting, BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: September 30, 1997 SUBJECT: BURN DUMP PROJECT UPDATE The Remedial Action Plan (RAP)-and Health Risk Assessment (HRA) have been completed by Kleinfelder and submitted to Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) for approval. DTSC has given an early verbal approval. The next step is California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) preparation, which the DTSC will finish by November. This will allow the RAP to be circulated for public review and comment in early November. Finalization of the plan is still anticipated by the end of December, so that mitigation work can be done in January/February. A current Panorama Bluffs Update bulletin (attached) has been sent to area residents and interested parties. ~-~:smp c: Judy Skousen, City Attorney Don Anderson, Real Property Agent Bill Brown, Daley and Heft Landfill-Burn Dump File S:\WPDATA\L UPD997.MEM Bakersh'eld City Landfill Closure Project This fact sheet is an update on the City backyards and one of the ~ont yards, 'Project Schedule of Bakersfield's project at the former bum leaving all homes intact and habitable. The Remedial Action Plan will be dump. The project is located along the After current review by DTSC, the plan under review by DTSC from now until north side of the 3500 to 3900 blocks of will be available for public review and early November and then released for Panorama Drive (see Figure 1). The main comment, public review and comment; A public purpose of the project is to ensure that the 3) GeotechnicalStudy meeting (for questions and comments) will former burn dump poses no significant The City has done field work for a be held within 2 weeks of the release. health risk for residents, geotechnical study to determine the After public comments are addressed,' it is stability of soils in the burn dump area. In . 'anticipated that the RAP will be finalized Work Aceomplished addition to studying the makeup of fill at the end of December 1997. Work in three main parts of the project areas and their interfaces with natural bluff has been completed as follows: formations, this part of the project included Further Information installing slope meters in the hillside to For further information about this 1) Site Investigation and Health Risk measure long term stability, project, you may visit the information Assessment repositories at the Northeast Branch of the A Site Investigation and Health Risk Property Status Kern County Public Library located at Assessment (I-IRA) have been completed to The City owns and maintains 14 of the 3725 Columbus Avenue and at the Beale determine the extent of the burn dump and 19 homes involved in the project. These Library located at 701 Truxtun Avenue, or to evaluate health risks on the site. The were purchased at the request of the former you may contact Kevin Barnes at (805) work was performed under guidance from owners out of the concern for property 326-3.114, or the following DTSC staff the California Department of Toxic values. One other home sale is pending, members: Substances Control (DTSC). No The City is maintaining these homes and immediate threat to human health has been expects to sell them when the bum dump Adam Palmer found. The site investigation report is project is completed. Project Manager available for review at the Northeast The remaining houses are privately 10151 CroydenWay, Suite3 Branch and Beale Libraries. The I-IRA is owned, and are occupied by tenants or Sacramento, California 95827-2106 currently being reviewed by DTSC, and owners. The City is not offering homes for (916) 255-3669 will also soon be available at these rent, because this would complicate both libraries, performance of the project work, and the Jim Marxen, sale of the homes when the project is Public Participation and Education 2) DraflRemedialAction Plan completed. In the meantime; however, it is 400 P Street, P.O. Box 806 A ch'aR Remedial Action Plan (RAP), not necessary for any residents to move Sacramento, California95812-0806 based upon the results of the site out. (916)324-6544 investigation and HRA has been prepared. The RAP is currently being reviewed by DTSC. The plan proposes to replace limited areas of soil in a few of the 19 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES NOTES OCTOBER 6, 1997 1. Valley Plaza has submitted an application to amend the general plan and zoning for a new movie theater. Hearing by the Planning Commission should be on December 18, 1997. 2. The Buena Vista/Kern River Ranch EIR should be available for review by November 3, 1997. General plan hearing by the Planning Commission is scheduled for December 18, 1997. 3. Craig Carver has filed an application to change the Open Space general plan and zoning along the Cross Valley Canal west of its intersection with Stockdale Highway to Single Family Residential. The hearing will be in December. 4. The EIR for the Grand Canal is out for public review. That will close on November 7, 1997. The general plan/zoning will be heard by the Planning Commission in December. 5. The general plan hearing for amendments to go with the Sphere of Influence is also scheduled for Planning Commission hearing on December 18, 1997. 6. The South Beltway EIR is on hold pending reconsideration of the preferred route by Public Works. 7. Friday is the deadline for filing a lawsuit on the Heart Hospital. 8. Home Depot has expressed an interest in building another store in Bakersfield at the northeast quadrant of Highway 99 and Panama Lane. A general plan amendment would be required. 9. We are retaining a biologist to help with the environmental review of the Allen Road sewer trunkline crossing of the Kern River. There is an effort to do the river work before winter storms roll in. 10. We are working on environmental documents to cover seismic retrofitting of seven bridges. 11. We are going to try a consultant on some prezoning. If this works out, we may want to setup an arrangement like Public Works has with engineering firms to take on spikes in work load and projects that are easily scheduled. ;[TY M,~NAGF-R'S O~:F[CF-i~ 12. A meeting of city and county staff was conducted October 1, 1997 to brainstorm solutions to the illegal dumping. I will have a separate report on this soon. The next step is to invite the tire retailers and haulers in to discuss our concerns and ask for their thoughts on how to crack down on the outlaws. 13. This week we will be reviewing four bids to manage the kiosk sign program. It looks like a pannel will cost developers between $30 and $40 per month, as we anticipated. 14. I have met with representatives of Coleman Co. and strongly recommend that they use some design talent and do better than lining up fourplexes in a row like shoeboxes at the southwest corner of Hageman and Coffee Roads. 15. Glenn Ellen (a skilled nursing/retirement center) had its groundbreaking for the $43 million facility last week. 16. HPS Plumbing has applied for permits to remodel the former K Mart building on 34th Street and relocate there from the county. 17. An Arco AM/PM will soon replace the old AAA building at 2301 "F" Street. 18. The Planning Commission had a lengthy workshop on Site Plan Review last Thursday. City Attorney Skousen attended and noted suggestions for a new ordinance. 19. An additional 100 letters have been sent to Rosedale property owners about annexation. Several positive responses have been returned including Texaco. JH:pjt p:dsnl0-7 DIVISIONS OF RECREATION AND PARKS DATE: October 6, 1997 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Stan Ford, Director of Recreation and Par~ SUBJECT: MONTHLY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1997 Summary for the September 1997 activities in both Recreation and Parks are itemized below: RE CREATION Aquatics Lap swimming from 6:00 am - 8:00 am, Monday through Saturday at Silver Creek has been very successful. Martin L. King, Jr. Community Center The total number of participants for the month was 1768 which included such activities as: dance classes, exercise, game room etc. After-School Playground Program The six (6) school sites and their average daily attendance was: · Stella Hills 90 · McKinley 40 ° Casa Loma 23 · Frank West 37 · William Penn 73 · Franklin 30 Note: Franklin School is the only site that limits the number of participants to 30. There is a waiting list. i ! 0CT-81997 New Programs Impending · Adult flag football · After-school tutoring for 6-12 year olds · Youth sports camp · Ashley Whippet Canine Frisbee Contest on October 18th at Silver Creek Park · Synchronized swimming class at Silver Creek pool beginning in November PARKS Laurelglen Boulevard tree wells Continued to repair damaged sidewalk and tree well areas due to inappropriately designated trees for the area. There will be 38 bradford pear trees planted in these areas. Yokuts Park Turf Shoreline The shoreline area has been seeded and is germinating well due to the warm temperatures. S~4 TISFIED CUSTOMER Attached is a letter from Panama-Buena Vista Summer Day Camp Program thanking our staff for their efforts this past summer. s:\parks\memos\mr-sept PAN~MA.BUENA VISTA DAY CARE PROGRAM Doris Duquette, Ed.D. 5901 Schirra Court Director Bakersfield, CA 93313 Vicki Lindsey (805) 397-2205, Ext. 130 Secretary FAX (805) 831-7704 September 16, 1997 Linda McVickers Swimming Coordinator Bakersfield Parks and Recreation 7011 Harris Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Dear Ms. McVickers: On behalf of the students and staff in the Panama - Buena Vista Summer Day Camp Program, we all thank you so much for working with us so we could go swimming this past summer at Saunders Park. We had a great time! Sanders Park was a great place to go as it was never too crowded. The supervision was excellent! We had no accidents due to negligence. (Our one incident was due to a condition that the student had that we were not told about prior to the time of the emergency.) The nonswimmers enjoyed the time in the park so everyone was happy! We hope to be able to work with you again next summer. Thank you again and have a great year! Sincerely, Doris Duquefie, Direofbr PBVUSD Day Care Programs "The Break Up" Breakstreet Productions, Inc. 1710 North La Brea Los Angeles, CA 90046 213-845-0660 tel October 2, 1997 Andre Devereaux Economic Development Associate 1515 Truxton Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear' Andre, There are times that you write a letter because someone asks you to, then there are times because you want to, this is a case of the latter. I don't know where to start, but the first place should be, Thanks. In the all years I have been a Location Manager, I have never worked with a Film Commissioner whose dedication, professionalism, and love for the job translated into a better look for the movie. It is because of your hard work that we decided to move the locations in Los Angeles to Bakersfield. The team concept you introduced be to is one of the most outstanding ideals I have ever come across. To be able to sit in a room in one meeting and plan with the Fire Department, Police Department, Public Works, and City Services the entire shooting schedule for a movie is a philosophy you should sell to other cities. Thanks for making calls for me at two in the morning, for getting me into locked buildings, coordinating the Fire Department, the hundreds of small details and the thousands of large ones. Thanks for assigning us to of the best police officers we have ever worked with - Paul and Fernando. Most of all, thanks for giving back to me the JOY and fun of _fjlm making. I look forward to coming back to Bakersfield and shoOting in the town that spoiled me. Conrad L. Ricketts Location Manager cc: Jake Wager Alan Tandy "The Break Up" Breakstreet Productions, Inc. 1710 North La Brea Los Angeles, CA 90046 213-845-0660 tel October 2, 1997 Lt. Zachary Bakersfield Police Dept. P.O. Box 59 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Dear Lt. Zachary, We have just wrapped THE BREAK UP starring Bridget Fonda, Kiefer Sutherland and Steven Weber. I want to take the time to say thank you for your hospitality and cooperation while we filmed in Bakersfield. There are two officers that I want to congratulate you on. Paul Mudryk and Fernando Quintanilla. Give these boys a raise! In the first team meeting I had I was a little concerned that two officers would be able to handle the logistics created by this production. But, on the first day of shooting in Bakersfield it became obvious that these two officers were the best special events police men that I have had the opportunity to work with. What would, literally, in Los Angeles take four to five people to do, Paul and Fernando did and made it look easy. In all the years that I have been a Location Manager, these two officers have impressed me like no others. I look forward to bringing other projects to Bakersfield and to having the opportunity to work wi_th you and your staff once more ........ Thanks again. ~etts Location Manager , cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager Andre Devereaux I ~::~ E O E I~'~ ~ ~r~ OCT - 6 1997 BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy · City Manager October 9, 1997 Nina Billinger Blue Cross of California 499 W. Shaw Avenue, Suite 108 Fresno, CA 93704 Dear Ms. Billinger: Pursuant to the Funding Provisions document between the City of Bakersfield and BC Life and Health Insurance Company, Section V: Premium Deposit Fund, the City of Bakersfield is requesting the withdrawal of $683,062.00 from the Premium Deposit Fund, and payable to the City of Bakersfield. The City understands that BC Life shall remit these funds within 31 days following your receipt of this written notification. Please send the check payable to the City of Bakersfield to: City of Bakersfield Bill Descary, Treasurer P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, CA 93303 If you have any questions regarding this transaction please contact John Stinson, Assistant City Manager at (805) 326-3751. Thank you for your assistance. Since,rely, City Manager AT:rs City of Bakersfield · City Manager's Office · 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield · California · 93301 (805) 326-3751 · Fax (805) 324-1850 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM October 9, 1997 To: Alan Tandy City Manager From: Raul Rojas Public Works Director Subject: CASA LOMA NEIGHBORHOOD CLEANUPS This is to report that two successful neighborhood cleanups have recently been conducted as a joint effort between the Police Department and Public Works. Residents were invited to bring trash, tires, etc. to two collection points on the last two Saturdays. About 23 tons of bulky refuse and 1,400 tires were disposed of, and 24 tons of metal, wood, or greenwaste were recycled. Officers Scott Miller and James Moore organized the events and got the word out in their area, which turned out to be a productive outreach. /KB/mmm c: Steve Brummer, Police Chief S:\WPDATA\CASACLUP.MEM I 0CT I 0 1997 CITY MANAG[F~'$ O,