HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/21/97 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM November 21, 1997 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~7-/_,~.~/ SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. We received three insurance quotes on the proposed sewer revenue bond issue. The Iow quote is from a company which is considered very conservative in the industry and only insures the best bond issues. A summary is attached. The issue is insured with an A-1 rating. 2. The consultant has completed the engineering study of the Bakersfield pedestrian overcrossing on Union Avenue. Per the enclosed memo from Public Works, the approximate cost for rehabilitation is $100,000. Please recall that the structure is privately owned, and CalTrans believes it isn't safe. 3. GST Telecom, the utility company that did the fiber optic work on Truxtun, will not be able to repave the outside lane of Truxtun Avenue until next spring, because PG&E has been delayed in repairing their potholes from the gas line replacement. GST is to commence work next spring, after the inclement weather has passed. 4. The department head retreat report is enclosed. 5. Tentatively, the GSA may bid the Federal Building in March of 1998. 6. A response to a Council referral regarding sidewalks along Laurel Drive is enclosed. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~// FROM: GREGORY J. KLIMKO, FINANCE DIRECTOR ,,~/'~-- DATE: NOVEMBER 14, 1997 / SUBJECT: BOND INSURANCE - SEWER REVENUE BONDS-PROPOSED I am pleased to advise you we have received quotes from three bond insurance companies on our proposed $13+ million sewer revenue bond issue. Doug Houston with George K. Baum & Company Bond Underwriters, advises me the quotes were very aggressive and the Iow quote was submitted by FGIC. FGIC is considered very conservative in the industry, does very little insuring on California bond issues and usually insures the best bond issues. The quotes submitted are detailed below. Financial Guaranty Insurance Company (FGIC) Bond Insurance (0.12%) $20,411 Revenue Fund Surety (1.20%) 22,589 Total $43,000 American Municipal Bond Assurance Company (AMBAC) Bond Insurance (0.14%) $23,813 Reserve Fund Surety (1.80%) 33,882 Total $57,695 Municipal Bond Insurance Association (MBIA) Bond Insurance (0.16%) $27,215 Reserve Fund Surety (1.75%) 32,940 Total $60,155 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: November 18, 1997 SUBJECT: Bakersfield Pedestrian Overcrossing On November 12, 1997, Warren Minner of Warren A. Minner & Associates presented the results of his engineering study on the Bakersfield Pedestrian Overcrossing to myself and Dr. Girish Patel, the property owner. The options presented were to rehabilitate the structure for a cost of approximately $100,000 or to demolish it for a cost of $31,000. Rehabilitation would include sandblasting to remove the existing corrosion and the addition of bracing to the bridge structure and shear walls to the abutments: Dr. Patel indicated that he cannot affbrd the pay for the rehabilitation himself and would be looking to the City and the County for whatever financial aid they might contribute. I have instructed my staff to set up a meeting with Jake Wager of Economic and Community Development to see if the City can aid in the procurement of grant money, but I informed Dr. Patel that the City would be unable to direct any City funds to this project unless specifically directed to do so by the City Council. S:\PROJECTS\BPOC\update2. wpd RMR:mps xc: Reading File Project File Jacques R. La Rochelle Mari~xt P. Shaw MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~~ DATE: November 19, 1997 RE: G.S.T. Repaving of Truxtun Avenue from Mohawk Street to "H" Street G.S.T. has been unable to fulfill their obligation to repave the outside lane of Truxtun Avenue due to delays by P.G.&E. in repairing their potholes, which was required subsequent to the replacement of the gas line in Truxtun Avenue. The project has been delayed until Spring 1998 as a result of the expected inclement weather which has been forecast this winter. The City will continue to retain the bond for this project. G:\engXSHAREDhMEMOS\ 1997~TRUXTUN.GS T BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM NOVEMBER 17, 1997 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MANAGER SUBJECT: REPORT ON DEPARTMENT HEAD RETREAT The Department Heads, Assistant City Managers and I recently conducted our annual retreat to discuss issues facing the City, plan for the upcoming budget process and develop approaches to address problems or concerns that have come up during the previous year. In addition, this year's retreat including a workshop by Dr. Sonia Powers on team building and making internal communications among department heads more effective. The retreat agenda focused on five main subject areas: Management Issues, Annexations, Budget Process, Emergency Preparedness Planning and Team Building. Each subject area had a facilitator to brief the group on the issues, lead the discussion and take notes on the outcomes. Following is a report on these issues and the action plans that were developed to address them. As a result of our work at the retreat we have set up several committees to work on development and implementation of certain recommended action plans for specific items. If you would like any further information on the retreat, please let me know. S:'~DOLORES\dhrreport.wpd Department Head Retreat Report November 17, 1997 Page 2 Retreat Issues and Action Plans I. MANAGEMENT ISSUES A. ISSUE: Management Information Services should continually strive to be more responsive to the changing computer needs of the departments and to identify resources for them to meet the increasing demand for services. ACTION PLAN: 1. A MIS Advisory Committee will be formed which will include representation from all departments. The purpose of the Advisory Committee will be to provide a formalized means for Departments to give input and direction for the planning and implementation of new hardware and software, addressing computer upgrades, identifying and discussing potential computer problems and/or concerns and representing the computer needs of the departments. Implementation Date: 11/97 2. Implementation of City-wide E-Mail shall occur by December 31, 1997. A general use guide and policy shall be distributed to all users for the use of E-Mail which delineates what is and is not appropriate for E-Mail. Employees shall be reminded that there is no right of privacy when using E-Mail on City owned computers and that communications through E-Mail are subject to the same rules for other types of communications under the Public Information Act. Implementation Date: 12/97 3. All Department Heads will have the option to get a computer and be trained in the Use of E-Mail, Internet Access and other basic applications. MIS will accelerate connection to E-Mail for all Department Heads and provide one-on-one training for them. Implementation Date: 11/97 4. To address improvements in communication with their customers, MIS will develop a work order system with receipts to leave with the customer to keep them informed of the status of their problem and when it will be fixed. At least one person in each department will be trained to handle simple problems and software questions which will allow MIS to concentrate on the more difficult computer issues. Finally MIS should move forward with a request to hire additional technical people to handle the growing work load. Implementation Date: 2~98 B. ISSUE: For the last two years a Committee of Employees has been working towards development of a plan to implement an Employee Incentive Award Program. A draft has been produced however, it has S:XDOLOKES\dhrreport. wpd Department Head Retreat Report November 17, 1997 Page 3 several operational and administrative shortcomings. These shortcomings should be addressed so the plan can be implemented. ACTION PLAN: 1. The draft plan requires a budget commitment that is greater than what is reasonable and which also may be difficult to maintain in tight fiscal times. The Incentive Plan where possible should provide for non- monetary incentives such as recognition both internally and throughout the community, increments of time off or inclusion in special events. Implementation Date: 1/98 (to kick-off phasing of plan) 2. The draft plan does not do enough to recognize team-based accomplishments. The Incentive Plan should recognize and encourage effective teamwork among employees both within departments and across departmental lines. Recognizing teams will stimulate cooperation rather than competition over good ideas. This will add value for both the employees and the organization by promoting organizational teamwork, improved operations, better morale and increased employee skill levels. Implementation Date: 1/98 (to kick-off phasing of plan) 3. A component of the draft plan proposes an annual appreciation breakfast where non management employees are served breakfast by management employees as a way of thanking them for their hard work. This concept can be expanded to make the breakfast an added opportunity for non-monetary recognition of employees. This could include the announcement of those that achieved City service milestones, introduction of employees that were recognized during the year for exemplary customer service and/or showcasing winning ideas for cost saving and service improving measures by employee teams. Implementation Date: 1/98 (to kick-off phasing of plan) 4. The draft plan is proposed to be implemented all at once. In order to insure effective implementation of each component of the plan, implementation should be phased over a two year period with different components being announced to employees and phased into operations at intervals throughout the phase-in period. Implementation Date: 1/98 (to kick-off phasing of plan) C. ISSUE: The organization needs to develop a wider variety of options for employee development both to facilitate the upward movement of employees into available management position whenever possible and to expand the knowledge and understanding of interested employees on the operations and functions of the entire City. S:",DOLOP, ES\dhrreport.wpd Department Head Retreat Report November 17, 1997 Page 4 ACTION PLAN: 1. Utilization of cross-functional teams has been very successful over the last two years. Currently, several teams of employees are working on different issues such as the annexation strategy, grant writing assistance, budget streamlining, the employee incentive plan, etc. Cross-functional teams are an effective way to expand the knowledge of employees beyond their job and the task of their department. SEED Training also uses the concept of cross-functional teams by bringing employees from across the organization together for training and group projects. We will continue to use this method to work on special project or address specific issues. Implementation Date: Ongoing 2. Set up familiarization tours of various city operations for new employees and key front-line personnel. Each tour should focus on orienting the employees to a specific task within or level of the organization. The tours should include exposure to the various organizational cultures within the City. Implementation Date: 1/98 3. Develop a voluntary exchange program to allow employees at similar organizational levels to trade department assignments to learn other functions and roles within the organization. The length of the exchange period would vary depending on the job types and department functions. This will give employees the opportunity to broaden their skills and knowledge within their chosen career path. Implementation Date: 1/98 4. A team of Department Heads was formed to develop the specifics of the programs and implement them. Implementation Date: 12/97 II. ANNEXATIONS A. ISSUE: As annexations occur, thereby increasing the population and size of the City, it is critical to maintain service levels in both the new and existing City areas. ACTION PLAN: 1. Anticipate resource needs. A review of all areas contemplated for annexation over the next two years was done and an assessment of the potential resource needs associated with each area. The phasing of the areas and the point at which they would come into the City boundaries was estimated. The impact of the added population and area to the S :XDOLORES\dhrreport.wpd Department Head Retreat Report November 17, 1997 Page 5 services provided was assessed. The needs for increased staff and equipment as a result of these annexations will be addressed during the budget process as areas are added. Implementation Date: Ongoing B. ISSUE: While annexations are occurring the process is very slow. Even though the annexation education campaign is successful, the actual annexation process is often so lengthy that it creates a need to repeat some of the informational efforts. ACTION PLAN: 1. Continue the annexation educational efforts. While the process seems slow, this'is because changing public perception is a very time-consuming and challenging process. Also by implementing the strategy in several areas at once, it does sometimes slow the whole effort because of limited staff resources. Bringing in additional staff to assist with resident meetings and development of information materials will speed up the process. Implementation Date: Ongoing 2. The time line for the actual annexation process is not within the City's control. The timing of the process depends on the timing of LAFCO in processing and approving the annexation application. Methods of decreasing the time lines for the application process should be pursued such as combining areas requesting annexation into one application rather than several and starting the pre-zoning process early are underway. Implementation Date: Ongoing III. BUDGET ISSUES A. ISSUE: The budget process has become somewhat cumbersome and requires to many forms and to much paper going back forth between departments. The process should be streamlined. ACTION PLAN: 1. A committee of budget managers will be working on streamlining the various components of the budget process including the new personnel request process, the internal service request process and the reimbursable expense request process. These requests will be integrated into the current HTE budget system which will reduce paperwork and the need for multiple forms. Implementation Date: 11/97 (to begin committee) 2. The merits of a two year budget cycle rather than the current annual S 5DOLORE S\dhrreport.wpd Department Head Retreat Report November 17, ~997 Page 6 cycle, were reviewed. The advantage of a two year cycle, particularly for departments who's budget don't fluctuate or change dramatically, is a decrease in the staff time needed to prepare the budget. The disadvantage is that the second year of the two year cycle is usually less specific and is based on assumptions for revenue growth and spending which may not come true. It was determined that a two year cycle would not be advantageous for the City at this time but may be reviewed later if other budget streamlining efforts prove to be unsuccessful. Implementation Date: Ongoing 3. Assumptions to be used in the budget process regarding population growth, the use of grants and other special revenues and anticipated increases in General Fund revenues should be determined as early as possible and should be agreed on and used by all departments. Particularly important is getting early consensus on the population increase data since that is often used to determine service levels and needed staffing increases to cover the anticipated increases in demand for service. Implementation Date: 1/98 B. ISSUE: The format for goals and objectives used in the budget document needs to be improved to make it more informative and meaningful for the public. The current format provides too much detail on individual tasks and not enough detail about the overall direction of the proposed budget and the proposed changes. ACTION PLAN: 1. The Department Goals Sections of the Budget should be separate from the internal goals and objectives that are formulated to give the City Manager and City Council a clear concept of what the Departments will be focusing on for the coming year. Currently these two are combined and presented in the Budget Document. The format for the Budget Document will be an overview focusing on prior fiscal year accomplishments, next fiscal year action plan and a summary of the changes proPosed for the budget. In addition, an annual internal goals and objectives process will be initiated to formulate the more detailed operational goals and objectives for the Manager and Council. Implementation Date: 1/98 2. The Department Goals Section should include service level indicators that provide comparison statistics over a three to four year period for key tasks. The format for these performance indicators can be in chart or graph form. Implementation Date: 1/98 S:'xDOLORES\dhrreport.wpd Department Head Retreat Report November 17, 1997 Page 7 IV. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLANNING A. ISSUE: The oncoming El Nino brings with it the potential for significant rainfall and possible flooding and property damage. The City should review its Emergency Preparedness efforts to insure that we are ready for this or any other emergency situation. ACTION PLAN: 1. Fully implement the components of the Standardized Emergency Management System which incorporates an incident command system, multi/inter-agency coordination, a system for mutual aid and the operational area concept. Department Heads were given an overview of the SEMS system and discussed appropriate implementation. Implementation Date: Ongoing 2. Coordinate with other agencies to insure that they have also implemented SEMS to facilitate sharing of resources and information coordination during an emergency. Implementation Date: Ongoing 3. Provide for training of all staff on the introduction to SEMS and provide training in field operations, emergency operations center and executive emergency management to appropriate staff. Implementation Date: Ongoing B. ISSUE: Giving the public adequate information to be prepared in the event of an emergency precipitated by El Nino or some other occurrence without needlessly scaring them, is a critical function. ACTION PLAN: 1. Keep track of the El Nino weather pattern and when it might effect the City. This will help us to keep the public informed and to help us prepare for specific occurrences of rainfall that may lead to flooding. Implementation Date: Ongoing 2. Update and/or prepare information for residents and businesses on how they can prepare for an emergency and what to do if one occurs. Implementation Date: Ongoing V. TEAM BUILDING A. ISSUE: There should be continuing efforts to improve and encourage S ADOLORES\dhrreport.wpd Department Head Retreat Report November 17, 1997 Page 8 effective team work between departments. ACTION PLAN: 1. A team building workshop was held to insure continued good communication and team work among Department Heads and their departments. Additional opportunities to solidify and promote continued effective working relations between departments will be provided at Department Head meetings and through the development of committees of Department Heads to work on specific issues. Implementation Date: Ongoing. S:'xDOLORES\dhrreport. wpd BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager L FROM: RAUL ROJAS, Public Works Director ~~.~.. DATE: November 20, 1997 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0017802/001, SALVAGGIO LAUREL DRIVE SIDEWALKS The correspondence from Monica Ramsey regarding sidewalks along Laurel Drive was responded to November 20, 1997 (see.,~,,,.,.,~ ~'*~.,.~,,./. No c~,..~,,~L,.~ ~.,.. action is currently necessary regarding this referral. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 326-3724 November 20, 1997 RAUL M. ROJAS, DIRECTOR · CITY ENGINEER Monica Ramsey 2613 Laurel Drive Bakersfield, CA 93304 RE: Sidewalks Dear Ms. Ramsey: This is in response to your letter addressed to Councilmember Mark Saivaggio dated June 24, 'i997 requesting the installation of sidewalks in your neighborb~ood. Sidewalks in newly developing areas are instal~ed and paid tbr by the developer as part of the required subdivision tract improvements. When an existing structure has a major adclition or remodel, sidewalks are also required (if not already existing) and are paid for by the business or homeowner/property owner. The City of Bakersfield untbrmnately does not have the funds available to pay .for the installation of new sidewalks along existing City streets. However, the City does have a program whereby if the property owner requests and agrees to pay for the sidewalk; the City will have the side~valk installed at. the current price per square foot the City pays its contractors for sidewalk installation. Due to volume, the City price ma>, be cheaper than you could obtain fxom a contractor. Currently, the cost' per square foot the City pays for sidewalk is $2.45, and the cost per square foot for drive approaches is $2.95. A total cost of $876.38 would result based on the 75' strut frontage of your lot (Lot 76, Tract 1541), the required 4.5' sidewalk width, and the installation of one 22' wide drive approach. This program would also be available to your neighbors should they desire sidewalk installation. "Should you be interested in pursuing this option or should you have additional questions, please contact Ted Wright of this Department at 326-3724. Sincerely, RAUL M. ROJAS Public Works Director aRochelle ngineering Services Manager cc: Honorable Mark Salvaggio, Councilmember Ward 7 Alan Tandy, City Manager Theodore Wright, Civil Engineer IV TDW: I~U REI~T City of Bakersfield .!. *REPRINT* _~ ~-% WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0017802 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 11/07/97 REQUEST DATE: 11/05/97 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES START: ii/05/97 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 11/17/97 GEN. LOC: WARD7 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - SALVAGGIO ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: SIDEWALKS ON LAUREL DRIVE CONTACT MONICA RAMSEY Phone 1 - I 2613 LAUREL DRIVE Phone 2 - BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** SALVAGGIO REFERRED TO STAFF CORRESPONDENCE FROM MONICA RAMSEY REQUESTING CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS ON LAUREL DRIVE*** (CORRESPONDENCE IS BEING SENT BY INTEROFFICE MAIL) Job Order Description: SIDEWALKS ON LAUREL DRIVE atggory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / /