HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/26/97 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM November 26, 1997 TO: H ONO RABLE MAYOR AND CITY C~J~ SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION ' [ 1. Attached is the analysis done by Moody's Investors Service in rating the proposed $13,600,000 sewer revenue bonds for the Treatment Plan No. 3 expansion. The comments are very favorable about our financial management practices. 2. The appeal relating to the clean up of property at 3418 Anderson Street has been withdrawn, so this matter will not appear on the December 17th Council agenda. 3. A response to a Council referral regarding the status of street repairs on McDonald and American Way is enclosed. 4. At this time, I have no new information regarding the work stoppage at the arena. Hopefully, it will come to a conclusion next week. 5. CalTrans keeps finding new red tape on the Amtrack station project. Staff continues to cut through it and make progress. 6. We will need to supplement the pool of money for the URM program, as applicants are obligating the existing cash. Because it was going slowly, we had moved money out temporarily to use on other projects. Now it's time for a CBDG amendment to restore some of it. Happy Thanksgiving/ AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: GREGORY J. KLIMKO, FINANCE DIRECTOR//~-'~ DATE: NOVEMBER 25, 1997 SUBJECT: MOODY'S RATING- SEWER BONDS 1997 (Al) Attached is the analysis done by Moody's in rating the proposed $13,600,000 sewer revenue bonds for Treatment Plant No. 3 expansion. 11/'24/97 1-7:09 ET REF: NOOD9442.0001 FR:HOODYS T0:8053253760 Page 1 of 3 $TTN:~ Greg Klimko Bakersfield MOODY'S RATES BAKERSFIELD, CA SEWER BONDS A1 Bakersfield (City of)'CA Municipality California Moody's Rating Issue Rating Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1997 A1 Sale Amount $13,635,000.00 Expected Sale Date 12/02/97 Rating Description Sewer Revenue Bonds NEW YORK, November 24, 1997 -- A~ A1 rating has been assigned to the City of Bakersfield's sewer revenue bonds, reflecting the system's strong balance sheet; long-range financial planning, which includes a debt structure designed to acco~odate additional capacity expansion in the future; and high levels of debt service coverage. ON-GOING INVESTMENT FROM REVENUE, AND CASH AVAILABLE TO OFFSET CONSTRUCTION, CREATE VERY STRONG BALANCE SHEET Bakersfield has financed a large share of its wastewater system on a pay-as-you-go basis out of operating revenues and connection fees. The 1996 debt ratio was only 23%. Moody's projects that the system's debt ratio will rise to about. 45% with the current transaction and a concurrent state loan., though this level is still moderate given the state of the physical plant upon project completion. The projects currently being financed will provide additional capacity at both of Bakersfield's current facilities, as well provide various system upgrades. About $13.3 million will be funded out of the current bond issue, with an additional $15.3 million financed by a 20-year, lo~-interest state loan. An additional $14 million is being contributed towards construction from cash accumulated by the system. RAPID PAYOUT TO ACCOMMODATE FUTURE BORROWING The current capital program will, among other things, finance new capacity of about 8 million gallons a day. Based on rates of growth contained in the city's projections, additional treatment capacity would be required beginning in 2008. Accordingly, the current issue is structured to mature in 2007, which would allow the system to support debt service on a new issue to finance further capacity %rithin the current revenue structure. HIGH PROJECTED COVERAGE LEVELS · The principal sources of system revenues in 1997 were user charges (66%), connection fees (17%), and interest earnings on the system's considerable cash reserves (14%). Interest income is projected to decline to 3% of revenues in 1998, in part from the use of cash on hand towards construction. 1112q/~! u:o~ ti ~[~: NOOO9442.O001 PR:HOODY$ T0:8055263760 Page 2 of 3 Coverage of debt service by all revenues is projected to be two times or greater. Debt service coverage from operating revenues net of connection fees is projected to be 1.55 times or greater over the next five years. The city's current forecast indicates that, with a second issue in 2007 to finance further capacity expansion, coverage from operating revenues alone would fall to sum sufficient for several years. Given previous development activity and the city's land use plan, connection fee projections appear reasonable. To the extent development were to slow, the additional financing in 2007 would be deferred as well. The rate covenant under this transaction is weaker than expected coverages. The city covenants to maintain rates to provide 1.15 times coverage of bonds and the state loans. Revenues under this test include connection charges. Despite the weak covenant, Moody's expects actual coverages to be much higher, and has incorporated that expectation into our rating. DESPITE PERIODIC RATE INCREASES, COST OF SERVICE REMAINS BELOW AVERAGE Sewer rates for Bakersfield are $110 a year, as compared to the state-median of $179. Connection fees are $1,500, compared to the state median of $2,000. ECONOMY IS DIVERSIFYING FROM HISTORIC CONCENTRATIONS IN AGRICULTURAL AND PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES Bakersfield is the major city of Kern County, the fourth most productive agricultural county in the state. The agricultural basis is reflected in the major employers, many of which are packing and processing plants, and in the relatively high unemployment rates. The favorable growing conditions, and the availability of federal, state and local surface water and a significant underground acquifer for most of the county, position the region for reasonable stability in this sector. In addition, the city is just south of one of the largest oil production' fields in the continental United States, which is also reflected in its employment base, as many petroleum-related companies are located within the city Because of the relatively low cost of land and housing, the city has experienced significant growth in population and in commercial development over the past decade. Business growth has included the relocation of facilities from coastal urban areas of the state, such a8 the relocation of State Farm Insurance Company's back-office functions. Assessed valuation grew steadily throughout the recession, outpacing population growth by an average of 1.5% a year. The sewer system's customer base is well diversified. Only one customer represents a significant share of user charges, the Nestle Ice Cream Co. at 2.5%. The top ten customers total 5.2% of user charges. MINIMAL PROPOSITION 218 CONSIDERATIONS The city's sewer charges are collected on the property tax bill and may be subject to Proposition 218's requirements for property related fees and charges. The system appears to meet the substantive test that fees reflect the cost of service. While transfers to the general fund, which may be prohibited, will continue through 1999, they are being phased out. If found to be a property-related service, rate increases would be subject to notice and public hearing, and could be stopped by a majority protest. The current rates were adopted before the November approval of the constitutional amendment, and are not scheduled to be increased until FY 2000-1, when the requirements of the ~llZZl/,91 .I.l:O~J I:1 I{EF: NOOD9442.0001 FR:~IOOI}Y$ T0:8053263760 Page 3 of 3 measure should be more clear. In addition, the current billing system, utilizing the assessor's role, would provide for easy administration of any public notice. ANALYSTS: David A. Brodsly, Analyst, Public Finance Group, Moody's Investors Service Kenneth Kurtz, Senior Credit Officer, Public Finance Group, Moody's Investors Service CONTACTS: Journalists: (212) 553-0376 Research Clients: (212) 553-1625 MEMORANDUM November 25, 1997 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER /,,~/~,,,~._ FROM: JACK HARDISTY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIREC,T/61~, v/ SUBJECT: APPEAL BY JESSIE BOWDEN - 3418 ANDERSON STREET The property at 3418 Anderson Street has been cleaned up and the appeal has been withdrawn (see attached). This matter need not appear on the next City Council agenda. JH:pjt cc: Pam McCarthy, City Clerk Attachment - Withdraw of Appeal m\matl 1-25 RECE VE B A K E R S F I E L D November 24, 1997 I,/3YCZ..O~.o~ ,t'~,~.*~/..0~,-~_her_eb_v withdraw my appeal of the City of Bakersfield Building ~irector~s decision of ~,,~-',',',',',',',~,1997, for the property located at 3418 Anderson Street. MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR /~ DATE: NOVEMBER 25, 1997 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0017811/001 COUNCILMEMBER SALVAGGIO, WARD 7 STATUS OF REPAIRSONMcDONALD WAY, WEST OF THE KERN SCHOOLS FEDERAL CREDIT UNIONANDALSO ON AMERICANWAY. On November 20, 1997 the-Street Maintenance crew started patching potholes on McDonald Way, American Way, Parkwood Court and Fjord Street. The street patching project on these streets will be completed by November 26, 1997. These streets are on the Street Division's resurfacing list for the summer of 1998. Some concrete cross-gutters on these streets are in need of repair. The repairs will be performed in the spring (1998), prior to the start of the resurfacing project. o,-- ,, City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ .- '% WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0017811 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 11/24/97 REQUEST DATE: 11/19/97 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES START: ii/21/97 LOCATION: COMPLETION: 12/01/97 GEN. LOC: WARD7 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - SALVAGGIO ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: MCDONALD AND AMERICAN WAYS REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** SALVAGGIO REQUESTED STAFF AN UPDATE ON PREVIOUS REFERRAL REGARDING STREET REMEDIATION ON MCDONALD WAY, WEST OF KERN SCHOOLS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION; AND AMERICAN WAY. Job Order Description: MCDONALD WAY AND FJORD. at~gory: PUBLIC WORKS asK: RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / /