HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/30/98 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM January 30, 1998 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. A local resident recently sent me a letter suggesting that the new arena should be named the "Centennial Gardens". I've surveyed a number of people about their opinion of the name, and the reaction has been very positive. The letter, which explains the logic behind the suggestion, is enclosed, as well as a memo from me about the options we would still have for the naming rights and about ordering signage. 2. A status report from Public Works concerning the Amtrak station, the skybridge, and the signal at Truxtun and N Streets is enclosed for your information. 3. Also enclosed is an update from EDCD on Housing and Community Development projects during the past quarter. 4. The latest CIP Status Report, prepared by Public Works, is enclosed. 5. A chad is enclosed from Water Resources which shows the Kern River Basin snowpack accumulation for this season, to date. 6. A response to a Council request for staff to report on prohibited parking on Panama Lane near Phyllis Street is enclosed. 7. Staff received copies of two letters to Roy Weygand of the Kern County Taxpayers' Association from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers' Association, who sponsored Proposition 218, regarding the County's interpretation of the law. They appear consistent with our legal position that the County can put the issue before the voters, and that the costs associated with landfill operation would be considered pad of "refuse collection service" under Proposition 218 and, therefore, approval of the land use fee could be done by a protest hearing. Staff will be meeting with the Governmental Review Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, as they are planning on taking a position on this issue. Honorable Mayor and City Council January 30, 1998 Page 2 8. Enclosed is correspondence from Cox Communications informing us of a change in their rate structure, as of March Ist. It will result in an increase for Cox customers who subscribe to basic and expanded services. 9. The Palm and Olive annexation went through Lafco with no problem and will come before you in February. 10. The December Activity Report from the County on the status of LEA regulated projects within the City is enclosed. 11. We are continuing to appeal to the Railroad. They still haven't processed our pedestrian skybridge request regarding the N St. crossing for the arena. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM January 29, 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager /~ ~ SUBJECT: Name of Arena I received the attached recommendation from a citizen suggesting the name of "Centennial Gardens" for the new arena. His letter explains the logic behind the suggestion. I have surveyed a number of people about the name, including Ogden and the architect, Mr. Rossetti. The reaction so far has been very positive. I would note the following: · As Mr. Landis suggests, we could still sell the naming rights. The firm name would simply be added in front of Centennial Gardens. · Second, as per a recommendation from Ogden, if we sell the naming rights, we might want to give the firm the option of keeping "Centennial" in the name, or not, to give them some flexibility. "The Centennial Gardens of Bakersfield" is unique and has a very positive, upbeat image about it. In the absence of a naming rights sponsor, by default, we have been gearing signage to "The Bakersfield Arena". That is descriptive, but not unique and not an image builder. We are at a point in time that little or no cost would be involved for the signage. In a couple of months' time, there will be considerable cost, as everything will be printed out with "Bakersfield Arena". If you do like it, the fact that the name would have been suggested by a resident is a nice touch. AT:rs Wednesday, January 21, 1998 Bakersfield, California Alan Tandy City of Bakersfield Manager 1501 TruxXun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy-- I am writing you in regards to naming the new sports aren~ I would like you to consider the name of Centennial Gardens. This name is logical in that the arena will be completed in the city's 1004 year and that the arena will be fronted by the Centennial Plaza. The term Gardens lends sway to a place of class and superb entertainment facilities. When one hears of The Boston Garden or even of Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, one can't but help associate class and fa'st rote facilities with these venues even if it is undeserving California's sports venues are for the most part called arenas ie. The LA Sports Arena, TheArco Arena, The SellandArena, The San Diego Sports Arena, The New Arena, and The San Jose Sports Arena The only notable exceptions would be The Forum and The Pond in Anaheim. Using the term Gardens would be unique and distinctive for present day California sports and entertainment venues. Furthermore, the term Gardens automatically lends an air of pleasance and attractiveness in the same manner that the terms Field and Park do for baseball's Wrigley Field, Jacob's Field, and Oriole Park at Camden Yards. The name of Centennial Gardens would also lead itself open to sponsorship in the same manner that The Forum in Inglewood is now called The Great Western Forum and The Pond in Anaheim is called The Arrowhead Pond. Centennial Gardens could be renamed The Texaco Centennial Gardens or The General Motors Centennial Gardens and the venue would still retain the luster and local significance that the name Centennial Gardens entails. To add to the aura of Centennial Gardens, the entrance and strategically located planters around the outside of the facility should have the new Centennial GoM Rose bush prominently displayed and grown. These rose bushes were developed specifically for Bakersfield's Centennial and would reflect on the quality of the venue that they would surround Both the Centennial GoMRose and Centennial Gardens are and would be umque and original to California and the world. Sir, I hope I have persuaded you into the conviction that Centennial Gardens is the ideal name for Bakersfield's new sports and entertainment venue. I believe this name to be superb to any other possible name. Thank you for your time. Very Sincere~~, Brian Landis 2607 Crest Drive Bakersfield, California 93306q420 i RECF_iVED JAN 2 ? 1998 ,~,,--,,-q~-~ o From: Jack Larochelle To: Alan Tandy Date: Fri, Jan 23, 1998 10:41 AM Subject: Misc. Amtrak and Arena issues Raul asked me to update you on a variety of issues concerning the Amtrak Station, the skybridge and the signal at Truxtun and N Street. TRUXTUN (~ N STREET SIGNAL MODIFICATION Plans for the pole relocation are complete. The order to pumhase the new large pole is down in purchasing. It inticipated to take 10 to 14 weeks for delivery of the new pole. City crews will do all the underground work ahead of time prior to the pole's arrival so it can be completed as soon as possible. SKY BRIDGE AND IMPROVED CROSSING @ N STREET We are still awaiting a final cost estimate from the railroad. This final cost will establish the remaining portion of the necessary "Construction and Maintenance" agreement. As you know, the railroad filed a protest with the PUC over the issue of the sky bridge. Therefore the PUC has not acted yet on the application which was filed October 30, 1997. We are at this time trying to pressure the railroad to assist us in any way possible. In addition, we have contacted the PUC to expedite its review process. We are very aware of the need to get this resolved while the large crane is still on site. We have also given Senator Costa's office a call for assistance who should be able to help with the PUC at a minimum and perhaps with the railroad as well. The issue with the improved crossing is in a similar position. We have yet to hear from the railroad concerning our proposal to pay for the improved crossing if they install it. We will keep you up to date on any new developments. AMTRAK STATION STATUS Progress on the station is going well. Funding for the entire station is broken up into three (3) parts as follows: $2,500,000 +/- This respresents the existing contract that has been assigned to the City. We just received notification that the assignment is fully executed. This will allow us to begin the design process of the station and site work, design and construction of the necessary railroad bridge widening sections from F Street to Q Street including the covering of the Kern Island canal, design and construction of the traffic signal at $ Street and Truxtun Avenue, appraisal work and environmental work. $2,250,000 This represents bond money that has been earmarked for this project that will be used for right of way acquisition, clearing of the site and rough grading of the site. This requires a application that We are in the process of completing. $7,800,000 This represents the remaining funding needed to complete the station and site work. It is my understanding that this will be decided by next Tuesday at the State level. Preliminary indications are that they may fund the entire amount or $3-$4 milllion dollars worth which will only pay for the necessary track work leaving the station and final site work to be funded. CC: Raul Rojas BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: JANUARY 30, 1998 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: AMTRAK STATION UPDATE More good news regarding the AMTRAK Station project. We just received a letter from the State (copy attached) which indicates additional funding for the station is available as follows: PROPOSITION 116 BOND MONEY Prior to receiving the letter from the State, the AMTRAK Station was to receive $2,250,000 in intercity rail bond money (prop. 116). According to the letter, an additional amount of $2,000,000 will be made available for this project. INTERREGIONAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (STIP) The remaining funds necessary for completion of the AMTRAK Station have been requested by the State. Approval of these funds ($5,300,000) is anticipated to occur in June when the Calitbmia Transportation Commission (CTC) meets. At that time, the entire STIP will be approved and if all goes well funding the AMTRAK Station will be included. CURRENT STATUS As you know, we have received authorization to proceed with Phase I, ($2,600,000). We are currently xvorking on an RFP for architectural design, and appraisal services. In addition we. are processing the necessary environmental document. Phase II will utilize the proposition 116 money and be primarily used to purchase right of way and a portion of' the construction. Phase II[ will be used for railroad track work and construction of the station and site work. cc: Jack kaRochelle Arnold Rammino_ ~ ~ r,,-- , ,~- ?~TY MANAGER'S OFF~C'2. STATE OF CALIFORNIA---~USINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY PETE WILSON, Goven'~' DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ RAiL PROGRAM 1120 N STREET, ROOM 3400 P.O. BOX 942874 M.S. 74 SACRAMENTO, CA 94274-0001FAX (916)653-4572 ~ r'~ ~'~ ["'~ [~ ~ ~-~ ~.~ PHONE (916) 654-2944 JAN 2 9 1998 lanuary 23, 1998 ENGINEERING DEPT. Mr. Raul Rojas, Director Department of Public Works City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Rojas: Caltrans Rail Program has received and reviewed the Project Study Report (PSR) for the Bakersfield Amtrak Station Project. Based on the information contained in the PSR, we have evaluated our funding strategies and are pleased to inform you of the following steps that have been taken: 1) An additional $2 million in Proposition 116 funds has been made available for the Bakersfield project. These funds are in addition to the $2.25 million already set aside for the project, for a total of $4.25 million in Proposition 116 funds. To obtain these funds, an application must be submitted to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) by the City, with Caltrans as a co-applicant. 2) The Rail Program has proposed to program the remaining unfunded portion of the Bakersfield project ($5.3 million) under the Interregional Transportation Improvement Program element of the 1998 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STn~). This request is subject to Departmental review and approval and approval by the CTC. The PSR will be used to support this request. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Steve 7.1rarick of my staff at (916) 654-6664. Sincerely, Program Manager c: Senator lim Costa Ron Brummet, Kern COG lack LaRochelle, City of Bakersfield BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM January 22, 1998 TO: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director FROM: Vince A. Zaragoza, Principal Planner ~ SUBJECT: Status of Housing and Community Development Activities · This memo will serve as an update for the past quarter regarding on-going housing and community development projects. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1. Street Barrier Removal/Reconstruction Improvements Funds in the amount of $57,000 ($15,000 in FY 95-96 and $42,000 in FY 96-97) have been budgeted for reconstruction of existing street barriers for improving pedestrian and traffic flow in the downtown area. The street barrier design will complement the streetscape design being developed for the Chester Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project. Bollards have been installed at 19th and L and 19th and H streets. The remaining barriers will be located at 20th & H streets adjacent to the Fox Theater. Public Works is developing plans and specifications for the bid package. Construction is anticipated to start next month with completion by this summer. 2. Terrace Way Storm Drain Extension Project (Des~n Only) About $11,000 in CDBG funds have been set aside for design by the PW Department. Design consists of about 1,880 1.f. of storm drain pipe on Terrace Way from Union Avenue to Berneta Avenue. Construction to be funded with non - CDBG funds. PW has not scheduled a start date for design. Funds have not been identified for construction. 3. Lake Street Area Street Reconstruction Project (Phase III & Phase VI) Approximately $122,000 of FY 95-96 and $113,000 of FY 97-98 funds are available to reconstruct Lake Street from Owens Street to Williams Street. The reconstruction includes 2,275_ lineal feet of Lake Street. Total reconstruction improvements will also include the installation of approximately 6,550 lineal feet of curb and gutter. Design has been completed. Construction is scheduled to begin in April with completion by June, 1998. ' RECEIVED ! JAN 27 1998 -CITY MANAGER'S OFF!C ' 4. Lake Street Area Reconstruction Project (Phase IV} Installation of 1,550 +/- lineal feet of in-fill curb and gutter with 775 +/- lineal feet lineal feet of street reconstruction along Lake Street between Beale Avenue and Owens Street. The budget for this activity is approximately $110,000. Design has been completed. Construction is scheduled to begin in April with completion by June, 1998. 5. Union Ave. #10 Area Water Main and Fire tIydrant Upgrade Improvement Project Design and construction of 7,000_+ 1.f. of water line in the Union #10 Area Annexation. Improvements to be owned and operated by Cai-Water. Project agreement was executed by the Council in December, 1996. The lead responsibilities for this project were transferred from the Water Department to the Public Works Department last year. The plans and specifications are in final review. The construction project is anticipated to start in March and to be completed by June, 1998. The City's budget is approximately $512,170 (FY 95-96 - $298,000; FY 96-97 - $214,170). 6. Martin Luther King Jr. Communi~_ Center Parking Lot Project Approximately $71,551 has been budgeted (of which $26,551 are CDBG funds) to reconstruct, and to enlarge the parking lot at the MLK Center. Outdoor parking lot lighting is to be installed during construction. The project is to go out to bid in late January with construction completion scheduled for April, 1998. 7. Martin Luther King Jr. Communi~_ Center Recreation Improvements (Phase III) Approximately $72,500 has been earmarked for the rehabilitation of the 22,000 square foot center. Outside door replacement was completed in July, 1997, and installation of a new counter top and a 144 square foot glass storefront office was completed in November, 1997. 8. Sidewalk Reconstruction Project (Phase III) Removal and reconstruction of substandard and deteriorated sidewalks in low-income neighborhoods. The construction bids was awarded on December 17, 1997. Construction to start in late January, 1998, and to be completed by early March, 1998. The budget for this activity is approximately $117,120. 9. Chester Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project Approximately $332,000 in FY 96-97 and $336,000 in FY 97-98 CDBG funds have been earmarked for streetscape improvements within the public right-of-way along Chester Avenue between Truxtun Avenue and 23rd Street. An additional $1.5 _+ million in Federal, State and local funds will be used to construct the improvements. Plans and specifications have been completed. Construction is underway (about 75 % complete) with an estimated completion by next month. 2 10. Ne~hborhood Street L~hting Improvement Project (PH !} Upgrading of existing street lights to City standards and the placement of new street lights and poles to existing residential streets (non commercial) in three low income targeted areas. About 12 lights were installed in the Homemaker Area last April. Additionally, 11 lights were placed in the Pacific Street Area in October with another 12 now being installed in the Gorrill Avenue Area. Approximately $74,000 has been budgeted for this activity. 11. Neighborhood Street Lighting Improvement Project (PH II) Upgrading of existing street lights to City standards and the placement of new street light and poles to existing residential streets (non commercial in an area bounded by East California on the north, the Southern Pacific RR tracks on the east and on the south and Lakeview Avenue on the west). The project is being designed. Approximately $52,00 has been budgeted for this activity. 12. Chester Avenue #3 Annexation Street Improvement Project Approximately $100,000 was budgeted for street improvements for this area in FY 1997- 98. Street lights were installed in October, 1997. Remaining funds will be used for designing a water system upgrade and improving fire protection. CD staff is currently working on a project agreement with Cai-Water Company and anticipates final contract by April for review and approval by City Council. Design is expected to begin in May. 13. Casa Loma #6 Annexation Street Improvement Project Approximately $300,000 was budgeted for street improvements for this area in FY 1997-98. Design for a street light upgrade project has been completed with installation scheduled to start by April, 1998. Design for fire hydrant installation and water line upgrade will begin after approval of a project agreement between City and Cai-Water Company. CD staff currently working on agreement and anticipates City Council review and approval in April. Design for storm drains to start in late January with completion by Fall of 1998. Construction funds are expected to become available after July 1. NON-PROFIT/PUBLIC FACILITY PROJECTS Economic and Community Development staff is assisting the following various non-profit organizations to acquire or improve their facilities. 1. Kern Count_ Economic Opportuni~_ Co~_oration (KCEOC) KCEOC is a designated Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) under the HOME Program guidelines. KCEOC is using $33,000 of CHDO allocations to purchase HUD repo properties; they are using the HUD 203K program to rehabilitate the properties. The houses will be sold to low income first time homebuyers. 3 KCEOC identified four properties to purchase at below market value, rehabilitate, and sell to low income first time homebuyers. The City paid $16,236 into escrow as down payment for two of the properties (2619 University Ave and 3904 Edith Lane) on June 23, 1997. The total acquisition cost was $63,158 for 2619 University and $61,260 for 3904 Edith. Approximately 25 % of the 203K loan amount will be used to cover rehabilitation costs. The properties are now under rehabilitation and KCEOC is pre-creening prospective buyers. KCEOC will reimburse the City's down payment assistance when the properties are sold. The two other properties purchased by KCEOC are 3013 Agate and 3100 Occidental. The University Avenue property is sold, and KCEOC reimbursed the $8,156 acquisition loan to the City. 2. Communi~_ Services Organization (CSO) Rehabilitation Project Funds in the amount of $150,000 have been budgeted for rehabilitating the 15,476 sq. ft. CSO facility at 715 Lake Street. Construction was completed in December, 1997. The new facility will provide office space for CSO's counseling and training programs. CSO will be moving from leased space to their own facility in January, 1998. 3. Mercy Charities Housing, California The City provided Mercy with approximately $550,000 to assist with the construction of a 56-unit affordable apartment complex designed for low income residents with large families. The total project costs approximate $4,600,000 and is primarily financed through the California Credit Tax Allocation Committee (CTAC) tax credit program. Grand opening ceremonies were held in November, 1997. 4. Golden Empire Gleaners Rehabilitation Improvement Project Approximately $340,000 in FY 96-97 funds have been earmarked for rehabilitating a 37,033 sq.ft, facility at 3100 Chester Avenue into administrative offices and a food distribution warehouse. The County provided acquisition assistance for the Gleaner's new facility as well as a portion of the rehabilitation costs. An agreement for the rehabilitation portion of the project has been drafted and is under review by the County. Anticipate City Council review of project agreement at the January 28, 1998 Council meeting. 5. Clinica Sierra Vista Communi~_ Services Center Site Acquisition Clinica Sierra Vista (CSV) is proposing to use CDBG funds to acquire property in the 700 ,,block of East California Avenue. CSV will use other funds to then develop an urgent care drop-in facility. Appraisal of the property is underway; acquisition is expected within the next 45 days. 6. Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired Facili~_ Rehabilitation The 1997-98 budget allocated $58,000 for a portion of the costs of rehabilitating the Baker Street facility. The environmental review has been completed. Because the Center was undergoing a change in the director, further action was delayed. Now that a replacement is in on board, the project will move forward. Council can expect an agreement in April, 1998. 4 7. Kern Bridges Youth Home Acquisition The 1997-98 budget allocated $55,000 towards the acquisition of a residential facility for the non-profit foster care agency. The County is providing a similar amount for a total project cost of $110,000. The Council can expect an agreement in late February, 1998 for review and approval with acquisition immediately following. 8. Bakersfield Homeless Center In November City Council approved an agreement with Bethany Services (d.b.a Bakersfield Homeless Center) for operation and services at the facility using $47,125 in Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) funds. These funds will be used to support operation and maintenance costs of the center as well as the expansion of child care services over a twelve-month period. 9. Alliance Against Family Violence In November City Council approved an agreement with the Alliance for operation, essential services and homeless prevention at their shelter site using $24,125 in Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) funds. These funds will be used to support homeless services and facility maintenance over a twelve-month period. NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION AND HOUSING 1. First Time Home Buyers Program This program continues to smoothly process loans for first time home buyers. Up to $3,500 per applicant is provided in the form of a no interest, no monthly payment loan for use toward the down payment and non-recurring closing costs associated with the acquisition. The loan is repayable in full at the time the borrower sells the residence. The average turn around time from the date the file is accepted and the funds released has been consistently take less then 14 days. A database tracking program has been set up, which allows staff to quickly access information pertaining to the FTHB loan such as name of borrower, name of lender, address, loan amount, tract and ward .were assistance was given . FY 97-98 has approximately $325,000 in HOME funds allocated for this program, in addition $265,000 dollars in CDDA set-aside has been earmarked for use in the program. Over 500 households have benefitted from this program to date. To date 51 loans have been made and $132,600 has been expended. This has leveraged about $3,570,000 in non-HOME funds for the past quarter (about $30 million since inception of the program). 2. Looking Good Neighborhood (LGN) Program. The LGN Program for C.T.'s 13, 15, 21 and 22 is for general public service activities such as clean-up days, public health awareness, educational campaigns and an annual neighborhood awareness festival. The Good Neighbor Festival was held on October 18, 1997. This was the second year that coordination of the event was handled by the 5 Bakersfield African-American Cultural Association. Staff will continue to participate as a member of the Good Neighbor Festival committee. The City will remain as a co-sponsor of the event for the 1998 event, not yet scheduled. 3. Multi-family and Single Rehabilitation Projects In an effort to work more productively, we are making procedural changes in the rehabilitation program. The changes are as follows: · The Building Department will handle all code related inspections instead of the Rehab Specialist; · Contractors will be responsible to handle contract signings, disputes with homeowners, and interpreting the code instead of the Rehab Specialist; · Rehab Specialist will prepare scope of work plans instead of detailed work writeups; · Rehab Specialist will take over application and loan processes, which are additional responsibilities. During this past quarter, we completed four single family rehabs; four rehabs are in various stages of construction, and 15 applications are under review for approval. We received 10 rehabilitation applications; six work write-ups have been completed by rehab staff, and 10 work write-ups are currently in progress. The Multi-Family (MF) Rehabilitation program has received five inquires during the past quarter, but no applications have been returned for processing. In light of the Slow response to this program, staff is reviewing potential program changes to make MF rehabilitation funding more accessible and responsive to the needs of housing providers. 4. Home Accessibili~_ Program We received ten requests for assistance through the Home Accessibility Program this quarter. Ten disabled clients were assisted, and staff is working on another seven applications. Public demand for this program continues to be high. 5. Housing Rehabilitation Marketing Staff received approximately 30 inquiries about our various programs and mailed that many applications for assistance to our potential clients. The company producing the marketing video failed to deliver the product. After several deadline extensions, the video firm was unable to meet their commitment to the City so the agreement was terminated. A new procurement process will commence next month. 6. URM Incentive Program As of last month under the incentive program, 23 applicants have been granted reimbursement funds. About 27 commercial owners of unreinforced property have been 6 given consent to proceed with their project. Of those, twenty are retrofit projects with four scheduled demolitions. At this time, we are processing an additional 29 applications for URM assistance. These applications represent properties that have either applied or have completed environmental review and are currently awaiting their initial seismic study from their engineer. 7. Business Assistance Program Marketing efforts continue for the CDBG Jobs Fund. Staff is anticipates taking an agreement before the City Council on January 28 with Dopaco, a national cardboard and print/packaging business, to provide financial assistance up to $200,000 for equipment purchase. About 75 jobs will be created for this company. Staff is also working with Galey's Marine Supply to provide financial assistance for construction of a new facility. The project will create six new jobs, 8. Fair Housing Recently, the Fair Housing Program conducted training in conjunction with the John Marshall School of Law of Chicago at the Bakersfield Convention Center. Participants received two days of intensive training on rental, sales, insurance and lending discrimination. Graduates of the program are will conduct fair housing testing involving open housing discrimination cases. In addition, preparations are being made for the 1998 Fair Housing Arts Contest. Fomerly known as the Fair Housing Poster and Essay Contest, the Arts Contest will include three categories of competition: written works, visual arts and performing arts. An awards banquet will be held at the Sheraton Four Points Hotel on April 16, 1998 and will feature dinner and excerpts from the visual and performing arts competition. Mid-fiscal year statistics compiled from data collected between July 1997 to December 1997 have been summarized and indicate 534 calls received on the fair housing hotline, resulting in 13 cases. Approximately 42% of the inquires and complaints contained allegations of discrimination involving African-American families. Additionally, the bases of housing discrimination complaints and inquires to the Fair Housing Hotline are as follows: · Race ............ 48 % Familial Status: ..... 18 % Disability: ........ 16 % Other Arbitrary* ..... 18 % · Other includes age, marital status, sexual preference and other protected classes under case law. 9. ° California Rural Home Program This program has replaced the MCC program. It will provide financial assistance for first and second mortgages to middle income families county wide. Lenders have been approved for participation in the program and the first loan commitments have been made 7 Interest in the program is growing and it is anticipated that the program will be a success and reach an area of the market that has been neglected. 10. Commercial Facade Grant Program An application has been received from the owner of the Howell House on Baker Street. It is anticipated that $10,000 of the remaining $19,000 will be utilized for this project. The project should get underway in late February, 1998. 11. Enterprise Zone Mabketing/Training The City, County, Employers' Training Resource (ETR) and Kern Economic Development Corporation have approved the 1997 Enterprise Zone Agreement. The agreement sets out the duties and responsibilities of each organization in marketing the Enterprise Zone. A majority of the funds goes towards ETR to provide assistance in business certification, job training, and employee referral services. City and County each contribute one-half of the funding for the $18,000 agreement that extends through June 30, 1998. Marketing and training are on-going. 12. Self Help Enterprise (SHE) Home Acquisition Project SHE, as a designated CHDO, used approximately $238,650 in HOME funds to acquire ten single family residential lots. The purchase was completed in November, 1996. SHE is in the process of selecting low-income qualified first time homebuyers to assist in the construction of their own homes under the Self Help program guidelines. Each applicant is estimated to give approximately 1,200 hours of volunteer labor and will supervised under the direction of SHE managers. The project will be completed by January, 1999. 13. Restoration Communi~_ Project, Inc. (RCPI) RCPI's proposal is to acquire a single-family home and rehabilitate the facility for use in conjunction with RCPI's adjacent property (formerly known as the Friese Maternity Home) for use as a transitional housing project. The facility will house women and their children as they recover from substance abuse and gain the skills to be self-sufficient. Kern County is also contributing to this project. Council has recently approved the use of $100,000 in HOME funds for this project. Acquisition was completed in July, 1997. The County has provided additional funds for portions of the rehabilitation costs. RCPI is in the process of obtaining the gap funding necessary to complete the funding package needed for the rehabilitation of the project. Construction could begin as early as March, 1998 with a 90-120 completion time table. 14. New Construction Assistance The FY 96-97 budget has earmarked about $116,000 for housing development assistance for construction of affordable housing. Currently, staff has identified about eight vacant lots that are being offered in a public tax delinquent sale by the County. On August 21, 1996 the Council approved a request that the County withdraw these sites from the tax sale in order for the City to make an offer to purchase them for future housing development. 8 Two affordable housing developers have agreed to participate. Transfer of the title on five of the properties was completed in September, 1997. Construction of the first unit is underway, with completion expected in February, 1998. 15. Ci~_ 's Sewer Connection Fee Loan Program A zero interest loan program was designed to encourage low income residents of the Panama 10 Annexation area to hook up to the newly constructed sewer. The program offers a five year, no interest loan to low income homeowners to pay the fees associated with sewer hookup. If the homeowner applies, and receives a home improvement loan the sewer hookup fees will become a grant. The current budget is approximately $100,000. A citizen's brochure for this program has been developed and distributed to interested residents. This program was initiated last June in the Panama 10 annexation area and notification letters, brochures and applications were sent to all property owners who had not made application to hook up to the City sewer system (54 properties). Of the 54 property owners contacted, four property owners expressed interest in the loan. To date, none of the interested parties has utilized the loan program, choosing to wait until it was necessary to pump the septic tank before action would be taken. S:\VZ\JAN98QTL.WPD 9 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: 0~0~eodore D. Wright, Civil Engineer IV THROUGH: v Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: January 21, 1998 SUBJECT: CIP STATUS REPORT - JANUARY 1998 Attached is the status report for the Capital Improvement Program. The CIP status report is comprised of the following sections: 1. Notices of Completion filed and Plans and Specifications approved; 2. Status 'of FY 1997-98 and pre-FY 1997-98 carried-over CIP projects; and 3. Construction Inspection Status Report. The following plan has been approved since the last CIP status report: T8K068 Signal, New - Ridgeview High School The following projects have had Notices of Completion filed since the last status report: T7K023 Panama Lane Street Widening (Wible Road to SR 99) E6K013 Sewer Rehabilitation - Main (Westchester) T6K008 Channelization SR 178 - Fairfax Rd. To 1000' West E7K011 Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2 Reservoir P7C016 Martin Luther King Jr. Center Improvements cc: D. Haynes T. Slater D. Teubner J. LaRochelle G:\eng\SHAREDxMEMOS\ 1998\CIP. JAN !CITY MANAGER'S OFF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1997-98 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE 1/15/98 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program SChedule - Thu 1/15/98 Proj. No. Oescri~on ¢lUSt19c~ ! September1997 t Oct0berl997' Novempar1997 I Dec~mber1997 J . Janu ¥1998 Febr~ar71998 ' March1998 t April1998 Ma¥1998 June199~T ,~uly1998 I ,~,,~,,~t1~.98 September13~ ~ t October1998 I Novemt:~er1998 I December1998 I Jartran1993 t February1999 T6K071 ; 5~-~t:t= ¥ IM~.OVEMENT$ - ALTA VISTA AREA ' i ' ! [ Project bid 9/16. Bids received exceeded bu~gc~. · ~ iF'lan Approval Prc~ect will rebid 2/11 t38 with award anticipated 2,~25~8. · [ N~t/ce to P.,'ocee~ ~ I .~;~ No~ffce O! C°mplel~on STREET IMPROVEMENTS - T~!JXTUNIOAK i [Project bid 9/16. Bids received exceeded budget, ................................. [Project will rebid 2/11~J8 with award anticipated ?.f25/98. ' ' TSKI~ I STREET IMPROVEMENTS - ~flTE/MTN. VISTA [ --~ ~. ! : ~ rOec a[ ~1[~ ~;OU~Oll mee[mg or ~eptern~er ~ u ........... ~i~ ~ i ..................] 1997, Construction etaYt pending ~tility pole relocation. I ....... : ....... .... i .......... .... ~ - · i ......... T'SK0~4 I SIGNAL, NEW - HAGEMAN/RIVEI:U..AKES i :~o'~ P~g'e ~ of Design 1 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Thu 1/15198 I October 1997 I November 1997 December 1997 ,199~ I Ma~ch 1998 June 1~98 I 1998 i October 1998 No,~'a"nber 1998 I Oecember 1998 t January 1999 F~r~ai7 1999 .......~' ~ig~ = ' ' ~roject scheduled to be awarded 1128/cJ8. I Construction TSKO68 SIGNAL, NEW' - RIDGEV]EW HIGH SCHOOL i : , ~ PJan Approval Ic':":~--~ '~ '""~ ~.'~'~ti~ ........................ ! " P~H005 ~CE ~MP - STA~ON I ~ ~ E~027 S~R REHAB., ~MP ST~ - ~ON , City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1997.98 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Thu 1115/98 Pr~j, No, Oescri~'.,~n !gust1997 ' [ S~ptember1997 October1997 ~N. ovember1997 Dece~ber1~97 }' January1998 ! February1998 March1998' Apd11998 ! Ma)~1998 June1998 July1998 Au~,ust1998 I10 17t24 31 7114,[21128 5{12 1912612 9 16 231301'Zi14121 2814 1 ~81251ti~ 15J22{~lS 15i22 :Z9 5"{1'2t19 2S}3110 '~7 24 31 7 1421 28t5!12 9126'!2!~16 23130I~i13t2~ 27"14 11i18i25 1{6 152229 6 13 -'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'20i2713 10 17 24 ~'~ 7 14 2~ EsKo3? I STORM DRAIN ~tA~~TRUXTI~ i "'~'SA038 i SEWER REAtAa., PUt~IP STA.- OFFICE PARK OR. = = = '~ ~ -- It has been aetermined that this work will be performed by J · Adve~tlseforBIds ~J~,~:~ AwardofBId ~ ! · .. ~taff will'~ow be comple~ng PSR in-lieu of consu~nt. Work on ~ ............ !'~ ............................................ i ........ : .......... i ............ :[' ......... i .... Project SPecifications for Phase tl delayed until Ptuase I .... ;~:i - ' .' ....... · ...... ] ol project underway. Anticipatm bidding Phase II early 19~. I :: =. . : Not,~cetoP;'oceed ~._ II1' ./,' Nof./ce of Co~p/e~'on ~ City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Thu 1115/98 'Prot No t J~lUSt1997 September1997 Octoberlg97 Novemberlgg7 ~ Oecemberl997 2~~ Janu~rylg98 I February1998 I Marchlgg8 129 April1998 I May1998 t Ju~e1998 ~ July1998 i Au[lust1998 Septemb~'19o~ ~ Octl:~berl998 ~ November1998 Dece~rlber1998 JanuaryS999 i Februalylg99 j TEK001 t Eg~IDGE IMPROVEMENTS -WHITE LANE :: :: ~ 'raK043 i STREET IMPROVEMENTS- HAGEMAN SUMP ' ! : ! ~ [ -- 'i B~d Request/Award i i AdVertiSe ~ Bids /x" : '"~' Award of aid -TSK072 [ STREET RESURFACING ! - r ~ : t i : City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1997.98 Capital Improvemen! Program Schedule - Thu 1/15198 Proj. No, IDesc~oa_ ~ust 1997 September 1997 ~ OctoDer 1997 November 1997 December 1997 Janm ~ 1.998 February 1998 t March 1998 ~ Ap~11998 Ma~/1998 June 1998 ~ Ju~y 1998 August 1998 Septerrd3er 19~8 Octobe~ 199~ Novembe~ 1998 DecemDer 1~98 January 1999 Febfuar~ 1999 11°11712413~17{14121);2815{12119t2612t9J16123t3°171~4121'!2814!~111812511 !81151221~lsjls122{29}'.'$i12119i26j3]lOjlfi24131j7114~21t:~8t5 12 19~2612 9116123 30 6113!2027 4 ]118125 118 1~ 22 29 6 13,20 27~31.i0~17~24,!31i7114i21 TRK055 i S~GNAL, NEW. p~NORAMA/RIVER : ~ ' ' ' ~ ! ' ~ ' · ~ III ~5 Plan Approval ...... 8id Request/Award ..... [~ ............. !: ............ : ..... ~ ............ i ................. Advert/se'forBids i .......... *.(~~i'~~ '~ ........ ~ ............ Award*of Bid i ......... :: : ~ N°~lce to Proceed ("~' ' I * I ~'~?, Notice of Completion T'~KO04 i SIGNAL., NEW. ,~.ALIFORNLA/N ', T * * : ;: : [ Not/ce to Proceed ',~'~}. I I I '1 ' ~> ~Not/m of Comp/et/on ' ' ......... }~ ...... '"T~(035 1 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - PANAMA LANE i i + i i ~ i Not/ce,to Proceed ~ ..... '~" Aka'ce of Completto~ ~ : ~- : : i :' ' ' ~ ..... ,'t ................ : .................. :' -i~-ff~Ts~ MOO. (CUA.~EUZAT~ON}-W~nr~AKERS ~'.,.. Ptan Approval i ! : i ' :: Noa~e to Proceed ~'~' ' ~"~ Nottce o.!Comp/et/on :. TSKOg$ 81Ol~UtL, NEW - COLLC-q3E/FAIRFP0( i · ; ! ; ! ~ -* . f. ~ ! : ~ ~ race ved and be ng revlew~l by staff , : : ' Page ~ of D~Jgn 1 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Thu 1/15/98. Description . ~lUSt1997 I September1997 I October1997 t November1997 ~ December1997 I Janu-y1~98 Februa~/1998 Mamh1998 April1998 Ma¥19g8 June1998 July1998 A~,n,~t1998 ,I Septernb~lg98( Oc~oberlg98 No'camberf~8 Oecember1998 January'Sg9 F~rua~1999 · . I ~ Plan Approval ESKO04 WWT'P~-REPLACEWELL ~ i - i : i '' -'' .......... : .................... : .................. i .............i "!~ .... 1'~K950 ! S GN~.-~EW. WHTTEJBUENA VISTA -- -- ........ ~ ~ ........ ~ ........ ~ ..........~ .......... '~. ~, : ~ ~ I ~ ~ : ~.~. '1:~.: : ............. ~ ........... :~ ............ .:"~,;;'~ ,; ........... ~ ......~ ...... ......... ~.: "· : ~ ......... ' ~ ~:~ ....... ~ ..........~ ................................. :~'s~ Cm~.~. '~: u,~,'~ i ................ ~Z;:::~'g,~.')-" '"~ ....... :~L'"L'Z~ :;",~ ........ :' .. ~ ................. {: ~ .........~ .................... :. ................ t .......... I [ .................... : ............ ( IWaer~Um~m¢~in~"' ~ .........7?T~"T~." . : ..... Co~t~ : i ,, ~ : : .......... t~'~h ................ ~ ~ ~ ~o...,o~ ~.2 - D ~o.~ot~.,.~ ...................... ~ : ........ ........... ~-~ ; .................... : ........................ ,;4 ..... : ......... ~ ~ ..... ~.. ,.:?~:~m ....... .~ .................. ~ ............. ~... ~: . . . ~. :: . ~.....): .~ ~:.......~: .... ~.~. .... . .~.~ . '~'~"~"..'~';' ........ ~' ....... . .... .'~'"~ ................. ..~';'~'L' .......... ~ ." ..... ~ ....... ~ "~ ........ ...~? ........ ~ ......... : .......... :~: , ............ '.....~ ........ : ..... :.,,~.,~,~ ~ ........... ~.. ~ ...... ~.~... ~. '.~ ...... ~'~...~.~ .:~ "~.~ ';. '.~ ......... ~ ...... :~: .............. : ' ....... ...,.,.~;~ ................................................................ ~ ............ : ............. ;~ ....... : ............... ~........; ... ........ ~ ................... ~ .................................. :~ ................... ~ ............. . ............... ~ ................ t ............. ':~; ~ .......... ~ ........ ~ ...... .............. .~:.~;~ .................................................... : ............... ~ ....................... ~ ........... : .................... ~ ................. : ; ............... : ....... ; .......... :: ......... ~..:.......:: ........ ~ ...... I'~';~ .................................... t ............... : ............... ~ .................... :' ~ ................ ~ ............. ~?'~'~ ~'""- .......... ~1 P~ 6 ~ ~gn 1 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1997-98 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Thu 1/t5198 .proj. No. D~scription ~stlgg7 Se{3tenlberl~ ' Octoberlg97 ~, N~1~7 ~1~7 -'J~l~ F~I~ ~hl~ ~i11~8 ~yl~ J~l~ J~l~ A~I~ ~rl~ I ~ ~.~ N~rl~ O~m~?~8 Janu~l~ ~ Febma~l~ l ............. i~'~ ................................... ~"~ ~.~ ~;" ' '~~ ~ '~ ................ --~ ' ......... "~-.~ ~,~-, .... ...... ~ .... SIG~ N~ - ~IM~ ' D~i~n ......... ~ ...... ...... ~ ..... ; .............. ~ .... ; ........ ~ ............ ~ ........................ ~ ................ ~ ........... ~: .... : : ~ ........... ~ ' ' D~n ...... ; ..... ~ ...... ~ ........... : ................. ~ ....... ~ ...................... ~ ...... ~ .................. ~ ........................... ~ ...... ~ : ~ ..... ~ I ~ Con~c~on ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ . ; ~ ' ; ~ ~ ....... ~ .......... ~ : ...... I ............................................................ ~ ........... ~ .......... ~ ............ ~ ......... ~]~ ............. ~ ......... ~ ...................... ~ ........ ~ ............... ~ ~ .... ~ ..... ~ ~ ~ ..... : ~ ..............~ .... ~ ....... ~ ~ :~ ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ IIII ' ~:> P~ A~val ~ ~ ' ~ ~. i :~ :. ~ - [ ......... ~CgA~;.~, ............................. 1 ............... : .............. ~ .................... ~ ................. ; ............... ~ ........ ; ................... ~ .................. ~ ............. ~ ........................ ~ ....... .~ ............ ~ ...........~ .......... L'~ · ~ ..... ; ....... : . ..... ~..: ....................................... ~ ...... , . ~ .......... ~ .............. ~ ........................................... ~ ........... ;.: ............................. :'~ ........................... ; .............. ~ ........ : ............. ~ ~ ........ ~Con~mcU~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~U~ m ~ {~' I ~ I ~ ......... ~:' ~'~ ........ ~ .......................... ~ ................ ........ ~;~; ......... aa~ii0t Page 7 of Design 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1996-97 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE 1/15/98 ,: City of Bakersfield Public Works Department ~ 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Thu 1/15/98 ~us~1997 i September1997 Octoberi~97 November1997 'Desember1997 Janus,1998 Februa~/1998 Ma~ch1998 April199~ May1998 i June1990 ' Jul¥1998 Au~lu~t1998 .Septertber1998 I October1998 I November19cj8 I December1.998 ~ Januar~19c~) I Febru I TSK038 Bri~Je Widening - Panama Ln, at SR 99 ~ ' i ! i ~ Sewer Rehabilitation - Main {Buena Vista ~h ,) :: ~id Request/AWard ' T6"Ko08Channefizafion SR 178- Fairfax Rd. to 1000' W. { ii ETK013I Sewer Rehat~ilitation: Main ONe.chester) ' ! ..... ~ .... : : -- ~-? I .,, ....I · : Construction i i ; Not/ce to Pmceed ' ~' ' : . ' Notice of Comple{ton TTK012 Resu~acm' gStreets[IsrEA& Gas Tax) ; i 1 mu*~egb Pa~je 1 O! Deign 2 , City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Thu 1115/98 gust 1997 September 1997 October 1997 Novembe~ 1997 December 1997 l January 1998 F~bruary 1998 '" TTKO23 ~'t~eet Wide~i~ (Panama Lo. Wlble to SR 99) ~ ! ~ .... ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ le~ Contm~ order~ ~uipment (pumps, etc.), :: . Dean ~ A~e~e~B~ ~ AwardofBId ~ . * Pa~ 2 ~ ~ign 2 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program Schedule - Thu 1115/98 ~ust 199~ September 1997 Octob~ 1997 November 1997 December 1997 Janu; ry 1998 J February 1998 March 1998 t April lg98 May 1998 June 1998 July 1998 ~ August 1998 t September 1998 October 1998 ~ November 1998 December 1998 ~ January 1999 ~ Febru~ [ L=TK006 Sewe~ Rehabilitation- Panama Lane Lift Sra. ! i i i i i ! I t Construction I i i :: ' Notice to PrOceed 4~ : ' *'~, Notice of Completion Bid Request/Award ! ~ .......... ~ - ' i ....... :~ i : : : : : : ~ ! NotlcetoProceed~' r II .~.. _ TTt{O03 Signal, New - Flower St at Owens SI ! ' .'. ETK009 iStorm Drain Rahab. - Lift Station (Beach Park) ; : i !: Comtruction /~/ce to ~ "' No, Ce of ~ompteth~n { City staff and consultant of Contractor equipment submi~ls, ' ........... } .............. ' ........ ! ...... : .......................... } .... "-~'~0~lant 2 Upgrade~xpans~on i i I' i : Construction ! : : Notice to pr°Ceed '( I Ill I ........ I _ I ' ~'~b Pa~ 3 of Design 2 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1996-97 Capital Improvement,Program Schedule - Thu 1/15198 ' ~ust 1997 September 1997 October 1997 I November 1997 December 1997 Ja~uar~ 1998 Februa~ 1998 ! Mamh 1998 April 19~J8 ,,May 1998 I _.. June 1998 Juh/199~ Au~lust 1998 t Septel ~be~ 1998 Octobe~ 1998 November 1998 December 1998 I Janua,,y 1999 Febru IPmj, No. lOesc~pt~on 110117t24131~ 7"J14121128 si== 19 2~]219116123[30171~4[23 2814j1111812511 fa 1s12211 8 15 22i29i5 12l~912613t'10 17124 3117114i21i2~j5112 lg 2~']219('~6123 3016 1~3J20 27i4 11 ~8~251'i{81~s 2212916!13 20 27 3~lOJ17!'24!J3117 I E7K012 iWWTPlant 3 UpgradetExpansion i i ' ! ] ' ~ ; i ! ' : ' : Design ~ ! i ............ ~i ............. = : tl ...... i! ........... ! i ............ i :~ ....... ! ~ ......... ~ i ......! i ....... i : : : ........... : '~ : ....... ~ : ..... i ~' ......... i ....... ! '~,'×,~ ...................................... i ..... ...... i ............. ! ........................ t .............. : .......... ! .......... i ........ i .......... ! ......... : .... ~t ............ i .... ~ ....... : "'" ............. ] L:~ i ..................................... i ............................................. I =' .......... ~ ........ i ............. i ............................ ~ ...... : ..... ~ ~ ............. : .... : . " CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS SUBDIVISION CONSTURCTION INPSECTION PROJECT STATUS -- SUBDIVISION 12/31/97 P.M. OR DEVELOPER/ % TRACT #'S LOCATION CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR COMP. BUENA VISTA RD. RECONSTRUCTION 'CASTLE & COOKE LESH 30% COFFEE RD. LINEAR PARK FRUITVALE PROPERTIES LESH 100% VALLEY PLAZA STORM DRAIN COLOMBO CHOATE 85% PM 9329 STOCKDALE HWY, CSUB - OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 100% PM 10191 AUBURN STREET PIERCE 95% TR 5290 GRAND LAKES & CHAMBER-OFFSITES CASTLE & COOKE LESH 100% TR 5369 MONITOR & PACHECO AMERICAN HOME ALLIANCE MITCHELL 30% TR 5386-D S/O BRIMHALL, E/O CALLOWAY TURMAN LESH 90% TR 5418-4 VERDUGO & NORIEGA KYLE CARTER LESH 15% TR 5418-6 VERDUGO & NORIEGA KYLE CARTER LESH 50% TR 5425 C GRANDLAKES - N/O MING AVE. CASTLE & COOKE LESH 100% TR 5426-A HOWELL & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% TR 5426-B&C S/O STOCKDALE, W/O OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH 80% TR 5426-D STOCKDALE & OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE LESH .40% TR 5427 OLD RIVER & MING AVE. CASTLE & COOKE LESH 10% TR 5436-2&3 RIVERLAKES COLEMAN LESH 40% TR 5489-C BRIMHALL & OLD FARM CASTLE & COOKE LESH 100% TR 5528-5 S/O PANAMA - E/O AKERS DELFINO DEV. MITCHELL 100% TR 5544-D1 BRIMHALL & VERDUGO CASTLE & COOKE LESH 90% TR 5544-D2 BRIMHALL & VERDUGO CASTLE & COOKE LESH 90% TR 5544-D3 BRIMHALL ROAD & VERDUGO LANE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 99% ITR 5552-A&B RENFRO RD. & STOCKDALE HWY. WEST KERN DEVELOPMENT LESH 30% TR 5600-B E/O AKERS, S/O HOSKING J.L. DANDY MITCHELL 100% TR 5646-2 FAIRFAX RD {~ VALLEYVIEW DR W.D.J. CORPORATION MITCHELL 75% TR 5650-B HARRIS & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 100% TR 5650-C HARRIS & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 100% ~TR 5664-1 PANAMA & RELIANCE NORMAL DEVELOPMENT CORP MITCHELL 95% TR 5664-2&3 PANAMA & RELIANCE NORMAL DEVELOPMENT CORP MITCHELL 99% TR 5670 SEASONS SUMP STAINER MITCHELL 100% TR 5673-3&4 HARRIS & RELIANCE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 100% TR 5688 I N/O HARRIS, ASHE - STINE KYLE CARTER MITCHELL 100% TR 5699-1 PANAMA ~ FARMER'S CANAL COLEMAN MITCHELL 100% TR 5699-2 PANAMA ~ FARMER'S CANAL COLEMAN MITCHELL .40% TR 5716-3 MAIN PLAZA/GRANITE FALLS DEWALT LESH 30% TR 5716-6 MEACHEM & MAIN PLAZA DEWALT LESH 25% TR 5728-2 JEWETTA & HAGEMAN DEWALT LESH 90% TR 5809-3 PANAMA LN. & UNION WATTENBARGER MITCHELL 30% TR 5835-A&B HARRIS & SPRING CREEK CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 100% TR 5836-A CALLOWAY S/O BRIMHALL CASTLE & COOKE LESH 85% TR 5838-A&B OLD RIVER & HOWELL CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 99% TR 5838-C OLD RIVER & STOCKDALE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 50% TR 5841-A BROOKSIDE & N. LAURELGLEN TURMAN PIERCE 100% TR 5846-A HARRIS & ASHE CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 40% TR 5848 CAMPUS PARK/OLD RIVER CASTLE & COOKE MITCHELL 20% TR 5861-A AKERS & HOSKING DANDY & ASSOCIATES MITCHELL ' 100% TR 5863-A-G BUENA VISTA & MING AVENUE CASTLE & COOKE LESH 60% TR 5869-1 BRIMHALL & VERDUGO BURLINGTON HOMES LESH 40% TR 5872 WHITE LN. & MOUNTAIN VISTA MIKE SOPER MITCHELL 70% TR 5873-1 PANAMA LN. & MONITOR ST. ALMOND TREE DEVELOPMENT MITCHELL 60% TR 5873-2&3 PANAMA LN. & MONITOR ST. ALMOND TREE DEVELOPMENT MITCHELL 30% CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROJECT STATUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 01/08/98 START EST. COM %" PROJECTS TYPE CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE DATE COMP BANK STREET SEWER LIFT STATION PATSCHECK ELECTRIC 0% BEACH PARK STORM DRAIN LIFT STATION W.M. LYLES ALLEN 01/19/98 0% BUENA VISTA ROAD REPLACE TRUNK SEWER UTAH PACIFIC CONST. BOLANOS 03/31/98 04/02/98 5%~ CHESTER AVENUE HARDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION GRANITE CONSTRUCTION FICK 09/22/97 01/12/98 64% CHESTER AVENUE LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION ELITE CONSTRUCTION FICK 09~22~97 01/27/98 55% COFFEE ROAD (~ OLIVE DRIVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AC ELECTRIC FIRE STN. NOS. 3, 6, 9, 13 REMOVE & REPLACE FUEL TANKS LUTREL SERVICES MOORE 10/06/97 01/02/98 99% FIRE STN. NOS. 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 PAINTING S.K. PAINTING PATTERSON 09/09/97 11/05/97 15% FRUITVALE AVENUE ~ HAGEMAN RD TRAFFIC SIGNAL AC ELECTRIC HAGEMAN ROAD (~ RIVERLAKES DR. TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP ELECTRIC PANAMA LANE (~ SOUTH "H" ST. REPLACE SWR LIFT STATION PACIFIC RESOURCES CHOATE 01/15/98 0% PANAMA LN., HWY 99 TO WIBLE RD. STREET WIDENING GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CHOATE 10/01/97 01/10/98 100% PANAMA ~ HWY 99 BRIDGE WIDENING RASMUSSEN, INC. HUMMEL 02/25/97 01115/98 90% SIEMON PARK RESURFACE TENNIS COURTS GRANITE CONSTRUCTION STATE RTE. 178 (~ FAIRFAX RD. ROAD WIDENING GRANITE CONSTRUCTION MOORE 11/03/97 01/30/98 95% STINE ROAD (~ RIDGEVIEW HIGH SC FLASHING BEACONS SPRING MOUNTAIN INC. TRUXTUN AVE., EMPIRE DR. TO OAK TRAFFIC SIGNAL INTERCONNECT TIDWELL EXCAVATING HACKNEY 12115/97 01/27/98 60% VARIOUS LOCATIONS SWR LIFT STN. IMPROVEMENTS FLO-SYSTEM, INC. 0% VARIOUS STREETS BIKE LANE STRIPING SAFETY STRIPING ALLEN 07/14/97 02/15/98 90% VARIOUS STREETS RESURFACING GRIFFITH COMPANY BOLANOS 08/18/97 05/30/98 32% VARIOUS STREETS REPLACE SIDEWALKS GRIFFITH COMPANY WESTCHEsTER AREA - FINAL PHASE I SEWER REHABILITATION INSITUFORM SOUTHWEST ALLEN 11/10/97 011091981 50% WHITE LANE STREET WIDENING STURGEON & SON 01/15/98 0% KERN RIVER BASIN SNOWPACK ACCUMULATION EIGHT SENSOR INDEX January 29, 1998 35.0 ,, 1994-1995 ~ 199% A-J 30.0 1996-1997 122% A-J 25.0 ~ i 100% of Apdl 1 Average 20.0 Average (~ 15.0 1997-1998 L 41% A-J 5.0 0.0 November December January February March April Snowpack Accumulation Season BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 29, 1998 /,~ / SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO CONCERN REGARDING PARKING ISSUE Attached is our Traffic Engineer's investigation report regarding prohibited parking on Panama Lane near Phyllis Street (Highway 99 crossing project). Please give me a call if you have any questions. BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: January 28, 1998 TO: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: STEPHEN L. WALKER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SUBJECT: COMPLAINT REGARDING PROHIBITED PARKING ON PANAMA LANE NEAR PHYLLIS STREET - HWY 99 CROSSING PROJECT. As requested, I have reviewed the new striping and lane markings recently applied as part of the new Panama Lane at Hwy 99 crossing project. The road segment west of Phyllis Street is in the area of a lane drop where Panama goes from 3 lanes coming over the Hwy 99 bridge down to two through lanes. Because of the design speed of the street and the proximity of the traffic signal at the off ramp, the lane drop area must continue from Phyllis to almost Wible. To accomplish this requires prohibiting parking, whether or not a bike lane exists. To still allow parking on Panama Lane, an arterial street designated as a six lane street, will require moving the lane drop east. Because of the location of the traffic signal at the ramp, the lanes would have to be dropped before the signal. There is not enough distance to drop the lanes completely between the ramp signal and Phyllis Street. Dropping the lane while still on the structure is also not advisable because of the short distance between the two ramp signals. This leaves the only option of eliminating the lane entirely between the Colony Street signal on the east and Wible Road on the west. If the lane is eliminated, the capacity of the road across Hwy 99 and the intersections will be greatly reduced, although not as bad as before the widening project. In summary, the lanes are needed for capacity and good level of service at the ramp intersections to avoid traffic backups on both Panama Lane and Hwy 99 ramps; the lane drop cannot be shortened without eliminating the lane entirely becaUse of the volume and speed of the street; and, the road is a designated arterial in conformance with 2010 General Plan which requires six lanes at build-out of the road. I recommend no changes. cc: Bruce Deeter, CE III, Traffic Engineering Sandy Bergam, CE III, Traffic Engineering PW Memo Files Traffic Engineering File - panama lane parking at phylis street, wpd slw: P:\DATA\WP\I998\panama lane parking at phylis street.wpd HOWARD JARViS ......... yin fnx :md U.8. ~ J'nn~ 29, 19~8 Roy Weygand Kern t".ounW TaxNmaye~ 1415 18th Street, Spi_~ 407 Ba/n~fi~, CA 93301 Dear Roy: P. efnre we write a piet~ on abe landfill issues in Kern County, I wanted 1~ g~ back to you as quickly as ~'b]e on the three question,m y, mu submitted to me: You,' first question was whether or .,,.m. ~ _,~,._.mU eo_~d l~-'t th_-. !,_me of the _m_.a,~_datm'y collection on the ballot for nlm advisory. vol~. 1~ Cod~ ~G03 ~:q~y giv~ each eL+y, county and sch_r~_l district Lhe power__ to hold a~ advi~ry ek~edon i~ o.ule~ to l~t tlm vote. xa 'to voice tl~ opiniunm on subs~.~.ntiv~ or to indic, am to tl~ ~ legislative body apl~oval m' disapproval of the ballot pmpomal. Your second quest{on notud that {' _~qj~t{on 2{8 requires that the fee bm used only for landfill O~2l"a__~l{.e~l, Yl~nl i~i~l{l'~ lhnt them are..,~ome eml~lO.vees of the solid ,wa.~te departlll~t Including public infommt~ ¢mployem, and othm, who we~ not directly in_vol..red in the landfill opeinlion. Your que.~ion v,~.m whcthcr ~ c~ of thr~ e. mploy~,.~.s can {~ r. ubaum.~ ,.mde~ 'costa of sutvi~' of PIOpolitiorl 218. I think we would be of UZ uphtion that these {ndividuai~, Lf their m~ties were ItnUmd m U~ ~ waste depaztmmt, coMd probably be Faid fox umka revenue~ geammlml by tt~ itndfill olx:a'ation. If that were not the ca.~, it would be difficult to demermine which support ~sonnd would be included, and who would riot. For e,a~np~, wen_al_d_ -_ ~ who ~:,. rl~. in nn nffiee, whrt, z wink is ~lely related to the opernfi~n of the landfill. be included in the e.~t of service? The answer is probably yes. T~ thit~ question, ia wheth~ or not the landfill fe~ can be umed to correct 'mandateal" cor~ ~ ~ _~,m dUml~, whir. h am now closed. In my opinion, fee~ cannot be impo~ud now simply lo fund ~ nclion roi' lmast co~. Such revenue wou{d have to come from e{ther fund or other ro,'enu~ aourc~, l ~ tl'.o abovo {$ of ~onm h~..lp, l.~{ m~ know if tlzere_ ~ arty furd~r duvdopments. Director of Lcgal Affaira CiTY MANAGER'S OFF}CE Roy Weygand Kc*re County TaxTm~ As~ocialion 1,115 18th Su'eet, Suite ,107 Baker~d, CA 93301 Dear As a folluw-up nllemlion would, in most sitmliam, of Azl~cie ~m~, S~ 6(c). Director of Lc~ Affairs OFEIC~[i OF L~GA.L ,~t~FAIR~ 921 llth Slicer, Suite 12I/I, Sao,~x'.,~nto, CA 96814 · (~1~) 4144q~.0, F~x: (916J ~44-982.3 22 S. Fa~rv~ew Avenue Goleta. Califorma 9311 (805) §83-7751 (805) 964-6069 ~ax January 30, 1998 Ms. Tmdy Slatcr COMMUNICATIONS Administrative Analyst City of Bakersfield 1501 Tmxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Slater: As a courtesy to our elected officials we are notifying you first of a number of changes for Cox Communications' customers beginning March 1, 1998. Attached is the press release that details these changes. We are hopeful that many of these changes wRl be positive to our community, with three new channels and a more convenient channel line up. We reducing the cost for some of our customers and increasing charges for our basic and expanded services. While most cable companies are raising their rates beyond 10%, Cox is managing this rate adiustment to a 7.4% maximum, with 3.6% for some of our customers and a decrease by 7.4% for other of our customers. While maintaining a relative minor rate adjustment, Cox Communications Bakersfield continues to exceed National Cable Television Association standards for Customer Excellence for the eighth year in a row, and has expanded its store hours to Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 6PM, Friday 8:00 - 7PM and Saturday hours 9:30 - 5PM. We are also continuing our commitments to the community through "Cable in the Classroom" and sponsorships for many community events. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me @ 327-3372 extension 3111. Sincerely, David Edelman Director of Public .~fairs "News 22 Sout~ Fa~rwew Avenue Goleta. Cahfornia 9311 ? COMMUNICAI'ION$ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 30, 1998 Cox Communications Announces New Channels, New Channel Lineup and Rate Adjustment Bakersfield: Cox Communications Bakersfield announces today changes in its current lineup, the addition of three new channels, and an adjustment to its rates and rate structure that will be implemented by March 1, 1998. "The New Channel lineup has been developed specifically to make viewing easier. Since there are many changes, Cox Communications will announce these specifics in newspaper advertisement, new line up cards to be mailed to all customers and television advertisements", said Keith Crossley Director of Operations for Bakersfield. Mr. Crossley goes on to say, "The new channels to be launched include Ammal Planet, the International Channel and the Food Network. Animal Planet features world class wildlife documentaries and real life situations, comedy, children's series and pet care. The International Channel features entertainment and provocative documentaries in 20 different languages from Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The Food Network features world renown chefs, recipes and cooking tips. The addition of these channels add entertainment value to our customers and are based on their requests". · According to Julie McGovern, Vice President and General Manager for Cox Communications Bakersfield, "Our rates will change due to an increase in the costs of providing quality services to the community. We have been challenged by increases in the cost of programming, operational expenses and the general cost of doing business". (more) Page 2 The cost of basic service will increase by $1.80 per month to $12.95, the cost of the expanded service alone will increase by .55¢ to $16.00. For most of our customers who are receiving both Cox Basic and Cox Expanded, a reduction in copyright fees in the amount of .39~ will offset the total adjustment to only $1.96 per month. Cox Communications has also announced greater value and monthly savings for all of our Premium Packages. Discounts of up to $30.00 per month are available when purchasing Cox packages instead of the a la carte rates for Cox Basic, Cox Expanded, or Premiums Channels. For "Cox Total Hits", which includes Basic, Expanded, Encore, HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, and TMC, the cost will decrease by $4.65 per month. Other discount packages are conveniently available. The customer charge for copyright fees paid to our various programmers will d. ecrease by .39~. These savings have been passed on to our customers offsetting increases. Cox Communications serves more than 24,000 customers in the Bakersfield community. Cox Communications continues to offer customers our on time guarantee and a two hour appointment window. Cox has recently been recognized as the Operator of the Year by Cablevision Magazine, the cable industry trade magazine, for the second time. Cox Communications Bakersfield has received the National Cable Television Award for Customer Excellence for the eighth year in a row. For more information about Animal Planet contact www.animal.discovery.com, for the International Channel contact www.i-channel.com, for the Food Network contact www.foodtv.com and for Cox Communications contact www.cox.com. For More Information Contact: David Edelman Director of Pubhc Affairs Cox Communications (805) 327-3372 Extension 3111 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director/~ J DATE: January 28, 1998 SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION Attached is a copy of the December 1997 Activity Report, dated January 22, 1998, from the County Environmental Health Services Department describing the status of the LEA regulated projects. LEA14MEM.wpd Attachment PROGRESS OF PROJECTS WITHIN THE CITY OF BAKE!RSFIELD .Activity For The Month Of December 1997 Bakersfield Sanitary Immediate Goal: Remediation of Remediation of the burn du.mp isContinue remediation of the burn Landfill/Burn Dump burn material to reduce/eliminateunder the oversight of the I ash under the ERAP. Closure. the health risks associated with Department of Toxics, ERA?. burn ash. I The City will modify the original SWIS #: 15-AA-0044 C osure of the landf I wil ncJt Draft Closure Plan to integrate the ~^.~..A':A-- A'''.^ '~--..'':"'--~''.~--~ proceed unbl the burn dump burn dump closure with the landfill LEA WO #: 102 and 319 gaS~t'~'~ '~:': '' ''~, ,~ ,o~.,,,t~, .... "~-' '~, ,.,~,~,,,~,o, y issues have been resolved, closure· less than ~°' of'~'A' ...... ~J /g LI I~; I...UVV~;I Sections 10, 11 14, and ~"-'~A:"~ ' :-:'" ~' ' , ,--^t~,,.,o,w -,,,,,, v--]. The Local Enforcement Age, ncy The LEA will amend its comments 15, T29S, R28E Completed 8/29/97 provided written comments to the regarding the Remediation of 4200 Panorama Drive Department of Toxics regar(ling Panorama Drive according to Long Term Goal: the most recent Health Risk information supplied by Kleinfelder Property Owner: Closure of the sanitary landfill Assessment. and Associates. City of Bakersfield and and burn dump in compliance other private individuals with Title 27, CCR. China Grade Burn ,,,,,,,~,~,,:,,~'-----":-'~ ,..,,.,o,.'"--" ,,~,,,~,.,,,:,,,.,,,~'---^'~-'A':-- ,.,,-': A small amount of acid sludge The California Integrated Waste Dump/Landfill Closure burn --'~':~' '":'~'=- 'A~"':" has begun seeping from the'1 ,,,,:,,~,,o, ~,,,,,,, ,o,,,~,,,, Management Board is responsible I~ ......,I ~.;~ ~..J, ,~ I~1;--;.,.~,~.1.~ ~,,.,u, ,,.,,:,, ,~o, to, ~,.,,~,.~,~,,,,,,,,~,~ south face of the burn dumpl for clean up of the acid sludge and SWIS #: 15-AA-0048 the ~A'*~' -:~' ....... :~'~-' ,,~,~,,, ,,o,,o ooo,.,,.,o,~,~ ~,,,,, area. The burn dump remed'iationis reviewing options for abatement. uu,,, c~o,,. Completed June 4, 1997. was conducted by the Call mia LEA WO #: 108 Integrated Waste Management LEA staff are proceeding with the Long Term Goal: Board. ¢ Notice and Order for closure of the Location: Closure of the sanitary landfill landfill portion of the facility. Sections 1 & 12, T29S, and burn dump in compliance R29E with Title 27, CCR. Landfill Road Property Owner: Kern County January 22, 1998 * SWIS = Solid Waste Information System number issued by the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB). ** LEA WO# - Local Enforcement Agency Work Order number used by EHSD.