HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/27/98 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM March 27, 1998 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY CO/,I.~N~/ FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Enclosed is a letter the Kern County Association of Cities has written to the Board of Supervisors requesting continued discussion on mandatory collection as a separate issue, now that the County has decided not to proceed with the gate fee plan. 2. Also enclosed for your information is a color map showing the location of parks and recreation facilities in Bakersfield. 3. A revised schedule for the Union Avenue #10 water system improvement project is enclosed. 4. Owners of multi-family dwellings are voting on whether to pay for County landfill disposal by means of a monthly bill, or through their property taxes. Votes will be tabulated on May 5th. In the attached memo, staff cites the advantages to collecting the County's fees for them, if the vote goes in favor of monthly billing. 5. The Ogden people have gone to work on selling signage at Centennial Garden. They do a very professional presentation and package. I am confident it will go well. 6. Responses to Council referrals are enclosed, as follows: · Update on request to update appearance of City Hall for Centennial celebration; · Update on issue of alignment of Comanche Drive and Alfred Harrell Highway. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst ~,RVIN ~^k'~SFI~LO March 13, 1998 CALIFORNIA CITY Da.ANo Kern County Board of Supervisors ~c~^ Sue Davis, Clerk of the Board 1115 Truxtun Avenue .'vic FARLAND Bakersfield, CA 93301 RIOG[-CREST .3HAFTER FIE: Mandatory Oollection TEHAOHAP! ~sco Dear Clerk Davis: The Kern County Association of Cities (KCAC) is aware that the Board of P~S~0~,T Supervisors has decided not to proceed with the Pay As You Throw (Gate TONYMARTiN~7 Fee) plan, It is our understanding that new information was received MAYOR O¢ OELANO regarding the intent of Proposition 218. VICE PRESIDENT The KCAC is urging the Board of Supervisors to continue with the discussion JOHN ROMROUTS ~YO, O;~CH~,~ of Mandatory Collection in the urbanized areas of Kern County. The KCAC is of the opinion that mandatory collection is a separate issue that should continue and should come to a natural conclusion based on its own validity. The KCAC believes a decision is possible that is mutually beneficial and very positive for the entire county. Please keep me informed as to the direction and progress of the mandatory collection issue. Y, Anthon~ KCAC President cc: KCAC Member Cities AM:pk 4. Bill Park Gr~ns ~ San Esteban Ave. & G~aymas Ave, 16. Grisso~ Park . Grissom St;& White Ln.. ~ 18, International 8qr Sumner & Baker St. 24, M]~in~L. King E. California Ave & King St, 30. Seasons ~rk Harris Rd. & Winter Grove Dr. 40. Wilder less park Wilderness Dr. & ~rris Rd. 42. Windsor Park Ho~ll Dr. & Windsor ~rk Dr. miles i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM March 20, 1998 TO: Raul Rojas Public Works Director FROM: Jake Wager Economic Development Directo SUBJECT: Time Line for Union Ave. #10 Water System Improvement Project We have been informed that the referenced project has been delayed by thirty days. Based on conversation with your staff, a tentative revised schedule for the referenced project has been developed. Date Item 4/1/98 Bid Advertising 4/13/98 Pre Bid Conference 4/22/98 Open Construction Bids 5/6/98 Award Construction Bid 6/8/98 Pre Construction Conference 6/23/98 Notice to Proceed 7/1/98 Start Construction 8/24/98 Complete Project Please let us know by March 27 (Friday) if this schedule does not reflect your estimated time frame for this activity. Any efforts to expedite the project is appreciated. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. xc: Alan Tandy, City Manager George Gonzales, CD Coordinator file:s: \debbie\Union 10a.wpd "MAR 2 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: March 22, 1998 SUBJECT: COUNTY-CITY BILLING OF MULTI-FAMILY UNITS, SHOULD PROPERTY OWNERS VOTE FOR GATE FEES INSTEAD OF PARCEL FEES Kern County Waste Management Department (KCWMD) staff will mail ballots to multi-family property owners by March 20, 1998, at the latest. The ballots will detail differences between paying for trash disposal with gate fees versus parcel fees. Votes will be tabulated the day of the public hearing, which is May Sth, and a majority of the votes received will determine the outcome. Should multi- family unit property owners decide in favor of gate fees, the cities and haulers will be responsible for billing. The haulers are currently billing these fees in county areas. Benefits of collecting the County's fees are as follows: Better control. The County has billing responsibility within the City but the City is responsible for determining service levels. City staff produces monthly database information of service level changes for customers and delivers .it to County staff, who then input the service levels a second time. Customers are often charged incorrectly due to input mistakes, and both the City and the County are held to blame. City billing eliminates this problem, with less effort. Customer service. When customers call the County about their bill, they are told that it is up to the City or hauler to lower their bill by reducing service levels. Customers are lead to believe that a reduction is possible but City staff may not allow it where trash overflow has generated complaints in the past. If the City handles all customer calls, staff will not be contradicted by the County. Potential revenue. County gate fees are based on $2.00 per cubic yard, which assumes containers are always full. However, since containers are sometimes only half to two-thirds full and the rest is air space, the County collects the difference. If the City collects the gate fees, there is a potential to pay the County only for actual tonnage, leaving a portion of the revenue for purposes such as landfill cap funding, etc. Staff recommends that the City should bill residents on behalf of the County if multi-family unit property owners vote to keep gate fees, rather than parcel fees. HM:hm c: Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director 51\w0rk\r_multi.mem MEMORANDUM DATE: March 26, 1998 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: RAUL M. ROJAS, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~ SUBJECT: UPDATE TO CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL No. WF0016885/001, CITY HALL/ CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION COUNCIL REQUEST/REFERRAL: "MA FOR PRI('E RI,iQ! II'iSlED S7;41&' CHECK IN70 7HP; I'03~IBILI1T OF !/I'IM llN( i /HE AI'I~I'~ARANCF~ OF ('7lY HALL t'OR 7HE ('I~;NII~iNNIAL ( 7'iLI'iBI?A lYON." RESPONSE: Weather permitting, work on City Hall will begin on April 6, 1998 with the removal of the metal louvers. This work will be followed with the application of tinting film to the windows where the louvers now exist. The General Services Division is currently working with paint suppliers to develop a specification for painting City Hall. cc: Joc Lozano. Opcralions Managcr Brad Undcrwood. Gcncral Sctxiccs Supcrinlcndcnt (,885#3:rc£.wpd .:'2 D BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALAN TANDY, City Manager FROM: RAUL ROJAS, Public Works Director~.~/~~-~ DATE: March 16, 1998 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL WF0017868/001, SMITH STATE ROUTE 178 AT COMANCHE DRIVE/ALFRED HARRELL HIGHWAY Traffic volumes at this intersection were counted several weeks ago and based on these results, traffic volumes were not quite high enough to meet warrants for a traffic signal. However, the volumes were close to meeting warrants, and staff believes that counts taken later this Spring will result in higher volumes that would meet warrants for a signal. These higher volumes are anticipated due to Springtime recreational trips to Lake Isabella, Hart Park, Lake Ming, the soccer complex, and Mesa Matin. Therefore, staff will be recounting traffic volumes later this Spring when traffic conditions are more indicative of peak volumes. In the meantime, staff will arrange another meeting with Caltrans and Kern County to determine an action plan for this intersection. City of Bakersfield *REPRINT* ~ ~ ~ WORK REQUEST PAGE 1 REQ/JOB: WF0017868 / 001 PROJECT: DATE PRINTED: 3~1 ~98 REQUEST DATE: 3/1~/98 CREW: SCHEDULE DATES ~[ STAR'i': 3~11 98 LOCATION: , ~ COMPLETION: 3/23~98 GEN. LOC: WARD3 FACILITY NODES FROM: FACILITY ID: TO: REF NBR: COUNCIL s'l'x'i's REQ DEPT: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL PRIORITY: HIGH REQUESTOR: REFERRAL - SMITH ORIGIN: CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL USER ID: PLAWRENCE WORK TYPE: REFERRAL DESCRIPTION: COMANCHE DRIVE/ALFRED HARRELL HWY. REQUEST COMMENTS ***REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS*** SMITH REQUESTED STAFF PROVIDE HER WITH AN UPDATE ON THE ISSUE OF THE ALIGNMENT OF COMANCHE DRIVE AND ALFRED HARRELL HWY. Job Order Description: COMANCHE DRIVE/ALFRED HARRELL HWY. Cat~gory: PUBLIC WORKS Task: . RESPONSE TO REFERRAL Assigned Department: PUBLIC WORKS START DATE / / COMPLETION DATE / /