HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/10/98 BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM April 10, 1998 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER ~ 7-/-z~/r-'~.~-. SUBJECT: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. We will begin automated refuse service in the newly annexed Palm-Olive areas on May Ist. The new customers will be added to our annual billing via the County tax roll on July 1, 1998 but will not be charged for May and June service. The attached flyer is being mailed to each resident this week. 2. We have made an adjustment in our commercial refuse service to small businesses. Some customers who had minimal amounts of refuse were using the household sized cans, instead of the more expensive bin service. We have converted those customers to automated service, with once a week pick up. While some of the customers had twice a week pick up before automated service, the new carts have three times the capacity of the old carts, so once a week service should be sufficient. Customers also have the option of obtaining a second cart, if they need it. 3. As this unusual weather year continues to be of interest, the latest snowpack chart is enclosed. As of April; 1st, we are now at 215% of normal. 4. The March URM assistance report is enclosed. AT:rs cc: Department Heads Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, CitY Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: April 1, 1998 SUBJECT: AUTOMATED REFUSEIGREENWASTE SERVICE IN PALM AND OLIVE AREAS The recently annexed Palm and Olive areas will begin automated, refuse/greenwaSte service on May 1% Containers will be delivered to the residents during the week of April 27% Staff will mail the attached flyer to each resident by April 10th, and will present an informational display of the new cads at the two service fairs in April. Homes currently receiving refuse service from Yarner Bros. Inc. will be billed for their service through the end of April. All homes in the area will be added to our annUal billing via the county tax roll on July 1, 1998. No prorated billing for the months of May and June will be made. KB:smp Attachment What if I c~m physically unable to handle the carls? :~ The Cit' x~ill provide free roll-out service for B A K E R S F I E L D qualified residents. Medical verification is required. >' Please call for more information. utomated Refuse and Whcrl' if my collection day falls on a Greenwaste ~ If your trash or greenwaste service falls on or Recycling after a holiday, service will be delayed one day that week. Service For example: If the holiday falls on a Tuesday, , service will be on Wednesday. Wednesdav's service will be delayed to Thursday and so on. Holidays are:Jan. 1s' July 4'~ Thanksgiving Day Oe~. 2~~ The resourceful way to take  the trasht. obtt For more informat~n or questions about refuse collection and recycling, Can: 326 - 3114 Mon.-Friday, 8am-5pm ~_ ~ ,,, - ~ o City of Bakersfield m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Solid Waste Division Solid Waste Division Public Works Dept. o ~ 5 ~ ~ g 4~ 0~/ruxtun Ave. Cit' of Bakersfield *-, ,,- · ^.". , ~5 ~, ~ ~, ~ Bakersfield CA 93309 Your neighborhood will soon be part of Do I r'~--od special contoiners? ~- Carts placed near vehicles, other carts, or any a new automated refuse and green- other obstruction cannot be picked up. waste recycling system. ~- Please set your cart out bv 6 am on collection > Yes, the Cit)' will provide you with special new /~ carts which are included in the price you already day. Carts should be kept out of view from the It'dh ' street or alley bem'een pick-up days. : Whti~'autom pay. ' ~~~ ~- These carts are much larger and more durable - than your old cans and they should adequately Whclt it I hove milo/il~ms (i.e. couch, hold your trash and yard cuttings, reffkjercrtor, etc..}? > Your old cans may be put to good use as recycling centainers. Recycling drop-offcenters ~ Loek in the classifieds under cleanup and are located throughout the city. Please call for hauling services for more information. more information. /'k/ How many containers will I get, and (Whatiflgetl0sl, st01en~ what lype of refuse can I put in 1hem? · > Automated collection is exactly what it savs. Instead of having a worker lift your refuse into the tmck,-a mechanical arm does it for you. The >- You will receive 2 containers; I greenwaste worker is in the truck cab operating the recycling cart and 1 tan refuse cart. The carts mechanical arm, which is a safer and more will be picked up once a week on separate davs. efficient way to handle your refuse and greenwaste. · Tan Refuse Cart-,- All REGULAR household trash. · Greenwaste Recycling Cart--- Grass, leaves, Why is automcfl~ collection Better brush, and ~mall branches. Greenwaste is than ffadifional mefl~::ts? recycled into compost and mulch for home and ~ Carts are labeled with your address and cart garden use. serial number. Before reporting your cart as missing, please verify that it was not misplaced. >' The curbside containers are maneuverable and ~ ShOUld I dO on collec~on ~ > The City will repair or replace all damaged easy to roll. No more strained backs from containers at no charge, except those damaged "ca ,rrying out the garbage," due to negligence or abuse. > Place your cart on the sidewalk curb, with the >' Automation eliminates manual loading, thus handle facing your house. > Cans are assigned to the propertw' address. If vou reducing job related injuries. - - move. they must be left behind for the new > You need to leave at least 5 fl. of space around resident. ~ It allows us to collect garbage more efficiently. ~he cart BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Raul Rojas, Public Works Director ~~ DATE: March 30, 1998 SUBJECT: COMMERCIAL REFUSE SERVICE FOR SMALL BUSINESSES This to make you aware of a change being made in our automated refuse collection system for small businesses. Historically, small businesses with minimal amounts of refuse could use household-sized (32 gallon) cans in lieu of a more expensive commercial bin. The 32 gallon cans are obsolete now that automated carts are used for homes throughout most of the city. Thus, small businesses have been converted to automated carts, mostly to their liking. However, a point of concern to some small businesses is the number of refuse pickups per week. Of about 1,200 accounts, 200 were inadvertently given twice-per-week cart service instead of once-per-week. Staff is currently correcting these accounts to have one pickup per week. Some have-grown to expect twice-per-week pickup, and may be reluctant to switch. Since the large automated carts have three times the capacity of the old 32 gallon cans, it is only necessary to collect one time per week rather than twice per week as in the old days. This helps keep costs Iow. Another reason to schedule one refuse pickup per week for small businesses with carts is to match the refuse schedule of nearby neighborhoods, again to keep costs Iow. If businesses need more than one cart per week fortheir refuse, they can obtain a second refuse cart. Businesses with even more refuse must upgrade to a commercial bin. Although the smallest bin service costs significantly more than the cart service, the Iow service fee for cart service results from efficient oncerper-week routing; thus twice-per-week cart service is being avoided. KB:smp RECE VE ' 6 1998 S:\WPDATA\REFUSESMBUS.wpd MEMORANDUM April 9, 1998 TO: Gene Bogart, Water Resources Manager FROM: Steve Lafond, Hydrographic Supervisor Mark Lambert, Engineer 1 SUBJECT: April 1, 1998 Kern River Water Supply Forecast The attached April 1, 1998 forecast, just released by the State of California Department of Water Resources for Kern River runoff during the 1998 April through July snow-melt period is 215% of normal, or approximately 950,000 acre-feet. Since the initial runoff forecast for this season was issued on February 1, 1998, precipitation gages in the Kern River watershed have reported record setting rainfall amounts induced by the E1 Nifio weather patterns. Isabella, California received a record 10.60 inches of precipitation during February 1998, 520% of normal for the month and more than 3.5" greater than the previous maximum established in 1983, the year of the so-called "El Nifio of the Century". Bakersfield has received over one foot of rain since the rainy season began, making this the wettest year since precipitation records were first maintained 109 years ago. Beginning March 24, 1998, a series of cold "December-like" storms targeted the southern Sierra, producing unusually heavy snowfall in the Kern County mountains for this time of year. Although April 1st data historically reflects the magnitude of the snowpack at or near the maximum seasonal accumulation, from the attached "Kern River Basin Snowpack Accumulation" chart, it is evident that this season's E1 Nifio storms are continuing to add to the already abundant water supply picture well into the month of April. Based on the most recent State of California snow survey reports, the Kern River could be gearing up for the greatest May runoff since 1983, with inflow to Lake Isabella expected to approach 7,500 cubic feet per second by Memorial Day. It is anticipated that the Kern River through Bakersfield will run "bank-to-bank" for the next six months with peak flow occurring around the Fourth of July. KERN RIVER BASIN SNOWPACK ACCUMULATION EIGHT SENSOR INDEX April 10. 1998 50.0 45.0 1982-1983 L ~ ~ 329% A-J 40.0 35.0 ,--.-, 11997-1998 [ ~ 30.0 --.~ 1994-1995 · ~ 199% A-J ~ 25.0 o 100% of April 1 Average ~ 20.0 ~ Average ~'/ 15.0 10.0 5.0 0,0 I November December January February March April Snowpack Accumulation Season CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT B 120 3. http://cdec.water, ca. gov/cgi-progsAodir/B 120 B120 (04/07/98 1602) Department of Water Resources California Cooperative Snow Surveys APRIL 1, 1998 FORECASTS FORECAST OF UNIMPAIRED RUNOFF (in thousands of acre-feet) April-July Forecast April Percent 80% thru of Probability July Average Range NORTH COAST Trinity River Inflow to Lewiston 1230 192% SACRAMENTO RIVER Total Inflow to Shasta Lake 2680 149% 2300-3360 Sacramento River above Bend Bridge 3600 147% 3080-4520 Feather River Inflow to Oroville 2620 143% 2270-3340 Yuba River at Smartville 1440 140% 1270-1830 American River Inflow to Folsom 1820 144% 1640-2340 SAN JOAQUIN RIVER Cosumnes River at Michigan Bar 190 148% 150-260 Mokelumne River Inflow to Pardee 670 146% 600-810 Stanislaus River Inflow to New Melones 1050 150% 940-1270 Tuolumne River Inflow to Don Pedro 1850 156% 1700-2160 Merced River Inflow to Lake McClure 980 160% 900-1180 San Joaquin River Inflow to Millerton 1940 160% 1770-2240 TULARE LAKE Kings River Inflow to Pine Flat 1910 161% 1740-2180 Kaweah River at Terminus Reservoir 480 174% 430-550 Tule River at Success Reservoir 145 246% 125-170 Kern River Inflow to Isabella 950 215% 880-1080 NORTH LAHONTAN Truckee River,Tahoe to Farad accretions 350 133% Lake Tahoe Rise, in feet 2.0 133% West Carson River at Woodfords 80 148% East Carson River near Gardnerville 270 148% West Walker River near Coleville 215 150% East Walker River near Bridgeport 110 180% Water-Year Forecast and Monthly Distribution Oct Aug Water 80% thru Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul & Year Probability Jan Sep Range Inflow to Shasta 2710 2140 1305.1150 790 450 290 495 9330 8850-10150 Sacramento, Bend 4280 3960 2100 1590 1030 600 380 640 14580 13950-15660 Feather,Oroville 1630 1120 980 980 930 500 210 230 6580 6180-7360 Yuba, Smartville 685 645 520 500 550 310 80 60 3350 3170-3760 American, Folsom 690 730 590 620 690 400 110 50 3880 3680-4420 Cosumnes, Mich. B. 120 217 145 100 65 20 5 3 675 620-760 Mokelumne, Pardee 105 135 150 170 260 200 40 10 1070 990-1220 Stanislaus, N.M 200 250 230 270 410 280 90 30 1760 1640-2000 Tuolumne, D.P. 265 355 355 390 640 590 230 75 2900 2730-3240 Merced, L.McClure 130 255 165 220 360 300 100 40 1570 1480-1780 Sa/~ Joaquin, M.L. 180 210 230 360 670 620 290 130 2690 2500-3020 Kings, Pine Flat. 165 175 185 310 660 670 270 125 2560 2370-2850 Kaweah, L. Kaweah 55 80 80 110 180 140 50 25 720 660-800 Tule, Success R. 40 80 65 60 50 27 8 5 335 300-370 Kern, Isabella L. 110 100 130 190 340 290 130 90 1380 1280-1540 I of 2 4/7/98 4:33 PM BAKERSFIELD Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM March 10, 1998 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Direc ~o~~) SUBJECT: March URM Activity Report The March URM activity report has 115 applications for properties participating in the URM Incentive Program. Currently 27 properties have been granted reimbursement checks representing a total of $117,364.18 in twenty-four retrofit projects and three demolition projects. They include: 801 18th Street, New China Cafe 1330 19th Street, Serrano's Furniture 822 18th Street, Thorp's Motorcycle 1918-1920 Eye Street, Jelly's (Former Water Company Building) 2526-2530 Chester Avenue, Waterbed Warehouse and Mattress Outlet Building 1025 18th Street, Italian Grocery Store 1207 19th Street, The Mint Building 1928 19th Street, Old Paine Mortuary House 2407 Chester Avenue, Granada Furniture Building 430 East 19th Street, commercial property 2101 Chester Avenue, Guarantee Shoes 1017-1023 Baker Street, vacant retail space 2509 Chester Avenue, Patton's Discount Office Furniture Building 1914 Truxtun Avenue, medical office 1919 Chester Avenue, Palla property 1228 19th Street, Griffin Pawnbrokers 900 18th Street, Cay's Health Food Store 1121 21st Street, commercial property (demolition) 1701 18th Street, Turk's Copy :'~ "~F~ ~£',?'~A::" "' 622 East 19th Street, warehouse (demolition) 2025-2029 Chester Avenue, Red Wing Shoes 2000 H Street, Henley's 1812 Q Street, vacant building (demolition) 1517- 1523 19t~ Street, Williams property 2022 Chester Avenue, Palla property 1711 -1717 19th Street, Clifford property 1219-1221 20th Street, Nighbert property In addition, 32 properties have been given authorization to start their projects (ie. Notice to Proceed). Furthermore, 24 applications are awaiting documents prior to issuance of notice to proceed, 9 applications are awaiting expression of intent by property owner, and 23 applications have been determined inactive or ineligible. This memorandum is intended to provide you with a brief update on the status of the URM assistance program. cc: Jack Hardisty, Development Services Director Dennis Fidler, Building Director Jack Leonard, Asst. Building Director Mike Quon, Building Plan Check Engineer Andre Devereaux, Development Associate, ED/CD p:\unn\urmmemo.at